Geometrical Meaning Moore Penrose
Geometrical Meaning Moore Penrose
Geometrical Meaning Moore Penrose
pseudo inverse
Massimo Zanetti
A rectangular real valued linear system Ax = y of size m n is com-
pletely defined by a linear map A : Rn Rm . Given y Rm , by solving
the system one attempts to find x Rn such that y = Ax . If A is
full column rank, its solution x can be computed via the Moore-Penrose
pseudo inverse A+ as x = A+ y. However, in general it is Ax 6= y. In
this note we provide a geometrical interpretation of the Moore-Penrose
pseudo inverse A+ and we show that Ax is the orthogonal projection of
y onto the subspace of Rm spanned by the columns of A.
A real valued matrix A of size m n can be seen as a linear map A : Rn
Rm that maps x 7 Ax, where Ax is the usual matrix-vector product. Two
important spaces related to the linear map A are:
ker(A) Rn the kernel of A is the vector subspace of Rn of all the points
that are mapped to 0 Rm :
ker(A) = {x Rn : Ax = 0}.
S(A) = {Ax : x Rn }.
Notice that, if k = min{n, m}, then matrix A has full rank and we have
dim(ker(A)) = 0, so ker(A) = {0}. In order to describe the geometrical meaning
of the Moore-Penrose pseudo inverse, we need to first introduce the notion of
orthogonal complement.
Definition (Orthogonal complement). Let E, V be two linear spaces with E
V subspace. We define E the orthogonal complement of E in V to be
It can be easily proved that E V is linear subspace. Moreover, if E V is
closed subspace, then E and its orthogonal complement are in direct sum and
generate V :
V = E E, E E = 0.
As important consequence of this, we have that every y V can be uniquely
decomposed into the sum of two orthogonal components:
y =q+z q E, z E .
To emphasize the fact that q, z are unique, they depend on y and E and they lie
on orthogonal spaces, we better write PE (y) := q and PE (Y ) := z. Thus
AT y = AT (q + z) = AT q + AT z = AT q + 0 = AT q.
where AT z = 0 holds because z S(A) = ker(AT ). Since q S(A) there
exists x Rn such that Ax = q, thus
AT y = AT Ax. (2)
and such x is unique. Notice that Ax = q = PS(A) (y), so the solution of the
linear system y = Ax provided by (3) is in general the orthogonal projec-
tion of y onto the space spanned by A. The matrix A+ := (AT A) AT is
called the Moore-Penrose pseudo inverse of A. It is called as such because
in the particular case A is invertible (i.e., m = n = k), then A+ = A1 ,
in fact
1 1
A+ = (AT A) AT = A1 (AT ) AT = A1 .
The geometrical meaning of A+ is illustrated in the figure below. Given
y Rm , then x = A+ y Rn is the unique point such that Ax = q is the
orthogonal projection of y onto S(A).
Numerical example
We develop here a simple test case that shows the geometrical meaning of the
Moore-Penrose inverse. We consider the linear map A : R2 R3 and the point
y given by
1 0 1
A = 0 1 , y = 1 .
0 0 1
Matrix A maps R2 into the 2-dimensional subspace of R3 given by:
S(A) = {(x1 , x2 , x3 ) R3 : x3 = 0}
and y does not belong to such space. The orthogonal projection of y onto S(A)
is precisely q = [1, 1, 0] , which is obtained by multiplying A with x = [1, 1] .
So, expect the result of A+ y to be exactly x. There it is: