Ejercicios de Confiabilidad
Ejercicios de Confiabilidad
Ejercicios de Confiabilidad
or Pages: U3
Paper ID [EC512]
(Please fill this Paper ID in OMR Sheet)
(ECE - 511/512)
Instruction to Candidates:
1) Attempt any Five questions.
2) All questions carry equal marks.
Ql) Define the terms reliability, availability, quality and failure. What is meant
by failure of systems and discuss various modes of failures.
Q2) (a) The PDF for the time to failure in years of the drive train on a Regional
Transit Authority bus is given by f( t) = 0.2-0.02t O~~ 10 yr
(i) Show that the hazard rate function is increasing, indicating
continuous wear out over time.
(ii) Find the MTTF.
(iii) Find the median time to failure.
(iv) Find the mode of the failure distribution.
(b) Discuss Weibull distribution in detail.
Q3) (a) A gearbox has two independent failure modes: a constant failure rate
of 0.0003 and a linearly increasing (wearout) failure rate given by
A(t) = t / (5xl 05).Find the reliability of the gearbox forI 00 hr of operation.
(b) Define availability, average availability, inherent availability, achieved
availability and operational availability.
Q4) (a) The time to. failure of fluorescent lights in a large office building is
exponentially distributed with a failure rate of 0.03J25/hr. How many
spare tubes must the building custodian maintain to have at least a
0.95 probability of replacing all failures on a given day? Assume
continuous 24-hour use of the lights.
(b) What is meant by reliability of a system? Derive reliability of a series,
parallel and a combined .system. ~
Q5) (a) Discuss low level, high level and r out of n redundancy. Find out
system reliability in all cases, with help of a suitable example.
(b) An automobile braking system consists of a fluid braking subsystem
and a.mechanical braking subsystem (parking break). Both subsystem
must fail in order for the system to fail. The fluid braking subsystem
will fail if the master cylinder fails(M) (which includes the hydraulic
lines) or all four wheel braking units fail. A wheel braking unit will fail
if either the wheel cylinder fails (WCI, WCz WC3, and WC4,)or the
brake pad assembly fails (events BPI, BPz, BP3,BP4). The mechanical
braking system will fail if the cable systems fails (event C) or both rear
brake pad assemblies fail (events BP3, !3P4).What is the relIability
relation, if the reliability block diagram of the system is as:,
Q8) Discuss
(a) Techniques in value engineering
(b) Non destructive tests
. (c) Quality and reliability