L5R - The Atlas of Rokugan
L5R - The Atlas of Rokugan
L5R - The Atlas of Rokugan
76 V
Togashi Yokuni . ................................ 72
Takaikabe Mura . .............................. 76 Toi Koku . ........................................... 66 Vale of the Monkey . ....................... 200
Takuetsu Province . .......................... 53 Tokigogachu . ................................... 110 Valley of Spirits . .............................. 29
Tamori Family . ................................ 72 Toku Torid-e . .................................. 200 Valley of Two Generals . ............... 134
Tani Hitokage. ................................... 29 Tonfajutsen . ....................................... 97 Village of Broken Dreams. .......... 241
Teardrop Island . ............................ 273 Tonfajutsen Province. ..................... 96 Village of the Reinstated Hero . . . 87
Teeth of the Serpent . ..................... 209 Topaz Champion . ............................ 54 Vyakarana . ..................................... 220
Tempest Island . .............................. 109 Toratamas Silver Heaven . .......... 93
Temple of Brilliant Rebirth . ........ 137 Toritaka Family . .............................. 28 W
Temple of Childs Innocence . . . . 177 Tortoise Clan . ................................ 203
Temple of Courageous Reflection . 94 Wakiaiai Province . .......................... 39
Toshi Aitate . ................................... 157
Temple of Kaze-no-Kami . ........... 114 Wall Above the Ocean Mountains 15,
Toshibu Province . ............................ 67
Temple of the Eight Guardians . . 141 31, 38, 240
Toshi no aida ni Kawa . ............... 179
Temple of the First Wasp . ............. 118 Wall Above the Ocean Village . . . . 38
Toshi no Gotei . ................................. 104
Temple of the Kanosei Furudera 172 Wall of Bones . ................................ 208
Toshi no Inazuma . ........................ 109
Temple of the Lost Moto . ............. 171 War Dog Master Dojo . ............... 177
Toshi no Meiyo Gisei . ..................... 88
Temple of the Ninth Kami . ........ 208 Watarimono . ................................... 179
Toshi Ranbo . ................................... 279
Temples of the Six Great Kami . 252 Watchtower of the East . ................. 25
Chuushin District . ..................... 285
Tetsu Kama Mura . .......................... 67 Watchtower of the River of the Unex-
Dueling Tako . ............................ 295
The Anou Lands . .......................... 235 pected Hero. ................................ 178
Ichidou District . ....................... 286
The Barracks of the Damned . . . . 28 Watchtower of the West . ................. 25
ittle Merchants District . ........ 295
The Black Finger . .......................... 209 Waterfall of Shinsei . ..................... 222
Kita no Yosa . ............................ 287
The Crows Tongue . ..................... 223 Water Music Village . ...................... 44
Kurai District . ........................... 288
The Emerald Coin . ........................ 251 West Mountain Village . ................. 15
Senzai District . ......................... 290
The Faded Chrysanthemum Inn. 287 White Shore Lake . ............... 169, 179
Senzai Noh Theatre . .............. 290
The Fanged Temple . ...................... 211 White Temple . .................................. 22
Shijou District . ......................... 293
The Fantastic Gardens of the Crane . . Shrine of the Three Dynasties 287
47 Shutsuensha District . ............... 291
300 The Festering Pit of Fu Leng. . . 210 The High Temple of Toshi Ranbo . Yakeishi Province. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
The Forgotten City . ....................... 239 287 Yamabushi Renshuuba . ............... 114
The Fortress of the Forgotten . . . . 14 Tower of the Kelet . ........................ 174
Sword and Fan