Carbothane 134 HG PDS
Carbothane 134 HG PDS
Carbothane 134 HG PDS
Spray Application This is a high solids coating and may require Cleanup & Safety
(General) adjustments in spray techniques. Wet film thickness
is easily and quickly achieved. Spray equipment is Cleanup Use Thinner 2 or Acetone. In case of spillage, dispose
available from manufacturers such as Binks, DeVilbiss of in accordance with local applicable regulations.
and Graco. Safety Read and follow all caution statements on this product
Conventional Pressure pot equipped with dual regulators, 3/8 data sheet and on the MSDS for this product and use
Spray I.D. minimum material hose, .070 I.D. fluid tip and personal protective equipment as directed.
appropriate air cap. Ventilation When used in enclosed areas, thorough air circulation
Airless Spray *Pump Ratio: 30:1 (min.) must be used during and after application until the
GPM Output: 3.0 (min.) coating is cured. The ventilation system should be
Material Hose: 3/8 I.D. (min.) capable of preventing the solvent vapor concentration
Tip Size: .015-.017 from reaching the lower explosion limit for the solvents
Output PSI: 2100-2400 used. User should test and monitor exposure levels
Filter Size: 60 mesh to insure all personnel are below guidelines. If not
*Teflon packings are recommended and available from able to monitor levels, use MSHA / NIOSH approved
the pump manufacturer. respirator.
Brush & Roller Multiple coats may be required to obtain desired
(General) appearance, recommended dry film thickness and Packaging, Handling & Storage
adequate hiding. Avoid excessive re-brushing or
Shelf Life Part A: Min. 36 months at 75F (24C)
rerolling. For best results, tie-in within 10 minutes at
Part B: Min. 24 months at 75F (24C)
75F (24C).
*Shelf Life: when kept at recommended storage conditions and in
Brush Recommended for touch-up only. Use a medium, original unopened containers.
natural bristle brush.
Shipping Weight 1 Gallon Kit - 13 lbs (5kg)
Roller Use a short-nap mohair roller cover with phenolic core. (Approximate) 5 Gallon Kit - 57 lbs (26 kg)
Storage 40 -110F (4-43C)
Application Conditions Temperature & 0-80% Relative Humidity
Condition Material Surface Ambient Humidity Humidity
Minimum 50 F (10 C) 35 F (2 C) 35 F (2 C) 0% Flash Point Carbothane 134 HG Part A: 50F (10C)
Maximum 100 F (38 C) 120 F (49 C) 95 F (35 C) 80% (Setaflash) Urethane Converter 811 Part B: 127F (53C)
Industry standards are for substrate temperatures to be above 5F (3C) the dew point. Storage Store Indoors.
Caution: This product is moisture sensitive in the liquid stage and until fully cured. Protect from
This product is solvent based and not affected by excursions below
high humidity, dew and moisture contact until fully cured. Application and/or curing in humidities
these published storage temperatures, down to 10F, for a duration of no
above maximum, or exposure to moisture from rain or dew may result in a loss of gloss and/or
more than 14 days. Always inspect the product prior to use to make sure
microbubbling of the product.
it is smooth and homogeneous when properly mixed.