Dificultati Implementare

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Annals of the Constantin Brncui University of Trgu Jiu, Economy Series, Issue 2/2012




Quality of products and production affects the welfare, efficiency and competitiveness of the business entity. Total
Quality Management System (TQMS) represent the organizational structure of enterprise, application of methods,
tools and processes used for the implantation, maintenance and improvement of activities and their outcomes as
well as the organization takes all the necessary actions for its environmental performance and safety.The aim of the
implementing TQMS in company is to create a good relation of employees to quality and safety as a fundamental
category of the market economy and make them produce this quality and on the other and to provide good
relationbetween SMEs and governmental authorities. QMS determine the prior characteristics of products, through
which the company meets the identified needs of the market. The paper presents a case study of the implementation
of aTQMS in small winery and bakery industry from Cyprus. The TQMS include the implementation of ISO
9001:2008, ISO 14001:2004 and ISO 22000:2005.

Cuvinte cheie: ISO 9001, ISO 22000:2005,ISO 14001:2004, quality management, winery, Bakery, Cyprus.

Clasificare JEL : M40, M41

1. Introduction
Small Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and Very Small Medium Enterprises (VSMEs) are the economic backbone of
the most economies in Europe. Those VSMEs have Mono-service or product, they feel economic pressure, they sell
to the local market, they are Family traditions and they are informal organizations, they have very low
management, they have employees from different nationalities, they have little access to adult training and to the
new requirements of the market and they do not federate and they produce high amount of waste.

1.1 Wines and Pitta Bread in Cyprus

It is probably true that there has been a commercial wine industry in Cyprus longer than anywhere else in the world.
Whilst this may give rise to romantic promotional gambits like "Four thousand years of Tradition", it is no guarantee
of good wine today. Thankfully, though, there is plenty of good wine to drink in Cyprus at the present time, but this
is due to the skill of modern wine-makers and their equipment rather than inherited traditions. The wild vine from
which our modern grape varieties descended (a very long time ago) undoubtedly grew in Cyprus and the bitter small
fruits were probably collected and dried by man. The cultivation of vines for dessert fruit and wine is relatively
recent. In fact it seems that the grape was first brought near man's home and cultivated in the Black Sea area around
8000 years ago. From there it spread slowly south-eastwards to Mesopotamia, Syria and Egypt, from whence it
travelled across the Mediterranean to Greece, on to Italy, and so on. There is much evidence to suggest that the
country which had the greatest wine industry for the longest period was Syria, from around 3000 BC or before, until

ACADEMICA BRNCUI PUBLISHER, ISSN 1844 7007, Rating CNCSIS Type B+, code 652
Indexed in these international databases: IDEAS, Genamics JournalSeek Database, EconPapers, EBSCO and Cabell's

Annals of the Constantin Brncui University of Trgu Jiu, Economy Series, Issue 2/2012
about 1000 AD, when Islam held sway and banned the production of alcohol. It is known that in that early period,
5000 years ago Syrian farmers came to Cyprus and brought their wine-producing grapes with them. The Cypriot
wine industry ranks 37th in the world in terms of total production quantity (37,500 tonnes) (FAO, 2005) and much
higher on a per capita basis. Although, chronologically, Cyprus belongs to the old world of wine producing
countries, the industry has gone through changes that place it more on par with the new world (Baker 2006). The
wine industry is a significant contributor to the Cypriot economy through cultivation, production, employment,
export and tourism. According to the yearly report of Cyprus Wine Products Council (CWPC, 2009) the most
common variety that are cultivated in the Island is Mayro representing the 46.8% of the total cultivation area in
hactaria which was 5133, followed by the variety of Xynisteri (20.7% and 2269 ha), Carigna Noir (5% and 552 ha),
Soultanina (4.8% and 531 ha), Cabernet Franc (3.1% and 342 ha), Cabernet Sauvignon (2.9% and 315 ha) and
Shiraz (2.4% and 261 ha) consist the main croups in Cyprus. According the same report 29 % of the varieties is
foreigner while 71 % are Local varieties, (CWPC, 2009).

The Vine and Wine Industry of Cyprus has a history of over 3000 years. The importance of this sector throughout
the centuries was not due to its contribution to the Gross Domestic Product of the country but to its wider economic,
social, cultural and environmental effects. The present paper deals with the characterization of wastewater generated
from Cyprus wineries. The quantity and the quality of the wastewater depends on the processes followed for the
production of wine as well as on the volume of the tanks that are used. In Cyprus are established 34 wineries
producing approximately up to 20 million Kg wine, (CWPC, 2009).

Wheat has been cultivated by man since before recorded history. It is conjectured by anthropologists that hungry
hunter/gatherers first stockpiled the grain as a storable food source. When it got wet, it sprouted, and people found
that if the grain was planted it yielded yet more seeds. Although bread is very old, pita bread has a very long history
too. Pita is a round pocket bread widely consumed in many Middle Eastern, Mediterranean, and Balkan cuisines. It
is prevalent from the Balkans through Turkey, the Levant and the Arabian Peninsula. The "pocket" in pita bread is
created by steam, which puffs up the dough. As the bread cools and flattens, a pocket is left in the middle. Pita bread
is very common to Cyprus kitchen. In Cyprus there exist only 3 big industry producing pita bread and lots of small
bakeries that produce few amounts. Its estimated that the daily production of pita bread in Cyprus is up to 500000

1.2 Short overview of Total Quality Management Systems - ISO 9001, ISO 14001.

Concerns for product quality and process control is nothing new. Historians have traced the concept as far back as
3000 B.C. in Babylonia. Among the references to quality from the code of Hammurabi, ruler of Babylonia, is the
following excerpt: The mason who builds a house which falls down and kills the inmate shall be put to death.
This law reflects a concern for quality in antiquity. Process control s concept that may have begun with pyramids of
Egypt, when a system for quarrying and dressing stone was designed. One has only to examine the pyramids at
Cheops to appreciate this remarkable achievement. Later Greek architecture would surpass Egyptian architecture in
the area of military applications. Centuries later, the shipbuilding operations in Venice introduced rudimentary
production control and standardization. Following the Industrial Revolution and the resulting factory system, quality
and process control began to take on some of the characteristics that we know today. Specialization of labor in the
factory demanded it. Interchangeability of parts was introduced by Eli Whitney when he manufactured 15000
muskets for the federal government. This event was representative of the emerging era of mass production, when
inspection by a skilled craftsman at a workbench was replaced by the specialized function of inspection conducted
by individual not directly involved in the production process. Specialized labor and quality assurance took a giant
step forward in 1911 with the publication of Fredrick W.Taylors book Principles of Scientific Management. The
pioneering work had a profound effect on management thought and practice. Taylors philosophy was one of the
extreme functional specialization and he suggested eight functional bosses for the shop floor, one of whom as
assigned the task of inspection: The inspector is responsible for the quality of the work, and both the workmen and
speed bosses [who see that the proper cutting tools are used, that the work is properly driven, and that cuts are
started in the right part of the pieces] must see that the work is finished to suit him. This man can, of course, do his
work best if he is a master of the art of finishing work both well and quickly.

In recent years, the quality of manufacturing products has become one of the most important factors that influence
national and international business and economic patterns. Numerous quality standards have been developed and
adopted over the years, with the ISO family of standards representing an international consensus on good
management practices with the aim of ensuring that an organization can deliver products or services that meet the
customers quality requirements. ISO 9000 standards originated in 1987 with a bulletin from the International
Organization for Standardization (ISO) (Ferguson, 1996). Its purpose was to provide a series of international

ACADEMICA BRNCUI PUBLISHER, ISSN 1844 7007, Rating CNCSIS Type B+, code 652
Indexed in these international databases: IDEAS, Genamics JournalSeek Database, EconPapers, EBSCO and Cabell's

Annals of the Constantin Brncui University of Trgu Jiu, Economy Series, Issue 2/2012
standards dealing with quality systems that could be used for external quality purposes. Another important
consideration was the desire to provide information to organizations about how to design their own quality systems
based on individual company marketplace needs. The standards in the ISO9000 series intend to be generic standards
for quality management and quality assurance. The standards are to be applied to any type of organizations;
independent to the size of the organizations or the kind of products manufactured or services provided, in private
and public organizations, including government services. The original ISO 9000series consisted of 5 standards: ISO
9000, 9001, 9002, 9003 and 9004, plus ISO 8402 (which was published in1986 and it focused on terminology).The
ISO 9000 series was the fastest growing standards in history and was very popular from the start (Bergman,1994).
By 2004 more than 136 countries had adopted the series as national standards, and more than 650000 facilities had
been certified by third-party organizations to ISO9001:2000. Since 1987, were the ISO 9000 family was issued, it is
unlikely that any other standards had more impact on international trade, on the relationship between suppliers and
their customers and on the management of quality. AllISO standards are evaluated on 3-year schedule to
determinate whether they remain suitable for their application or if they need to be revised or withdrawn. At the
annual meeting of ISOs Technical Committee 176 in 1990 it was agreed that the series of ISO 9000:1987 should be
revised and that the revision should be done in two phases (Tsiakals, 2002). This approach was adopted because a
great numerous of organizations were familiar with the 1987 standards and would likely be resistant to major
structural changes. The results of these processes were a small revision of the ISO 9000 family in 1994 and a greater
and more important revision with major changes to structure and content of the standards in the year 2000. After
the2000 revision ISO 9000 family consisted of the following three standards: ISO 9000:2000, ISO 9001:2000 and
ISO9004:2000. ISO 9000:2000 is the general standard that serves as an overall guide to the other standards. Its
purpose is to provide definitions of terms and a basic explanation of the ISO 9000 standards. Nowadays there is
another revision to ISO 9001:2008 with very small changes from ISO 9001:2000. ISO 9001:2000 and ISO
9001:2008 is written for all types of organization, including service organizations. Different industries may have
their own terminology, but the standard is written using universal, generic terms. Whether an organization is
fabricating, assembling, manufacturing, arranging, consulting, or providing services, it will benefit from the
implementation of the QMS requirements contained in this standard.

Two of the most important objectives in the revision of the ISO 9000 series of standards have been (i) to develop a
simplified set of standards that will be equally applicable to small as well as medium and large organizations, and
(ii) for the amount and detail of documentation required to be more relevant to the desired results of the
organizations process activities.ISO 9001:2008, Quality management systems Requirementshas achieved these
objectives, and the purpose of this additional guidance is to explain the intent of the new standard with specific
regard to documentation. ISO 9001:2008 allows an organization flexibility in the way it chooses to document its
quality management system (QMS). This enables each individual organization to develop the minimum amount of
documentation needed in order to demonstrate the effective planning, operation and control of its processes and the
implementation and continual improvement of the effectiveness of its QMS. It is stressed that ISO 9001 requires
(and always has required) a Documented quality management system, and not a system of documents.

The 2008 version of ISO 9001 is written to be more user-friendly to small businesses and service organizations and
yet to remain useful to large manufacturing organizations. The standards generic controls and terminology allow it
to be used by all organizations; it is not specific to any one particular organization. In all cases where ISO
9001:2008 was adopted by an organization, the QMS must be customized to fit organization needs. ISO 9004:2000
provides further guidance for continuous improvement of internal quality management systems.The results of
several studies showed that the most important reasons for using the ISO 9000 family of quality standards are:
customer or marketing demands, needs forimprovement in process or systems, desire for global deployment and
lack of focus inside the organization. The adoption of a QMS according to the requirements of ISO9001:2008,
should be a strategic decision of an organization. The design and implementation of an organizations quality
management system is influenced by varying needs, particular objectives, the products provided, the process
employed and the size of the organization.

One definition of an environmental management system (EMS) is given by the British Standards Institute: the
organizational structure, responsibilities, practices, procedures, processes and resources for determining and
implementing environmental policy. An EMS therefore generally follows the adoption of an environmental policy.
The environmental policy formally outlines a companys commitments to environmental management and
commonly includes commitments to reduce waste, pollution, energy and resource use, sets objectives and targets
and reviews the companys environmental performance. Once the policy and EMS are in place a company will
consider the publication of an environmental report to document the companys progress against its policy and
performance targets set within the EMS. Companies may adopt a certified EMS, such as ISO 14001 or Eco-
management and audit scheme (EMAS), or they may develop their own in-house systems. ISO 14001 was written

ACADEMICA BRNCUI PUBLISHER, ISSN 1844 7007, Rating CNCSIS Type B+, code 652
Indexed in these international databases: IDEAS, Genamics JournalSeek Database, EconPapers, EBSCO and Cabell's

Annals of the Constantin Brncui University of Trgu Jiu, Economy Series, Issue 2/2012
as a consensus standard with nearly 50 countries participating. It can be applied to an entire organization or parts
there in and/or its activities, products and services. The aim is to promote continual improvement. Companies
achieve certification following inspection by an approved accreditation body, (Zorpas, 2010). Improving the
environmental performance of SMEs is important, irrespective of their total as yet unknown impact, because they
are a vital part of the enterprise society that collectively can contribute to sustainable development. One mean of
bringing about improved environmental performance is through the adoption of EMSs. The two formal EMSs in the
market place are EMAS and ISO 14001. Common to both initiatives is the need for an organization to implement a
number of management system stages to formalize the organizations policies, procedures and practices that control
environmental aspects.

1.3 Management systems for the food and drink industry

In the last decade, consumers have become very critical about food quality and food safety due to several incidents
of contaminated food (Spiegel et al., 2003). In order to build and maintain the trust of consumers in food quality and
food safety, quality assurance and food hygiene is of major importance in the food sector. Quality, food safety and
environmental management systems in the food and drink industry, a combination of which, as well as with the
support of the top management of the organizations offers an integrated system in the food and drink industries that
includes quality, productivity and safety of the products.ISO 22000:2005 is a HACCP-type standard based on and
fits very well with ISO 9001:2008 especially developed to assure food safety. Total quality management (TQM)and
ISO 9000 focus more on management aspects and also aim to improve total quality. Furthermore, food manufactures
are obliged by legislation to apply HACCP, while the other systems are applied voluntarily in the food industry. The
assurance of safe production and the supply of safe food products appear to be the main aims of the food and drink
industry. These aims can be attained by adopting as sytematic and organizational structure, controlling activities,
processes, procedures and resources according to the standards which constitute the basis for the quality and hygiene
systems, including HACCP, ISO 9000 and 14000series (Early, 1995). The implementation of a QMS, according to
ISO 9000 series in the field of food products, is related to ensuring quality procedures for the food companies and
reinforcing legislative requirements. Many food processing and packaging companies can start on the journey
towards world class quality by building a solid structure using together GMP, HACCP and the ISO9000 family.
From this point of view, the organization can add the principles of TQMwhich include modern leadership and
human resource principles,c ustomer focus, strategic planning, fact-based decision making process, and modern
process control techniques. With this foundation the organization can incorporate a high quality strategy into their
business that allows enhancing their competitiveness by continuing toimprove the value towards their customers and
by systematically improving all of the companys operational performances. These principles can effectively
transform the company into a customer-driven organization which can compete in the global marketplace.

ISO 9001:2008 focuses on customers needs and expectations. One of the most important customer expectations isto
have safe food products. ISO 9001:2008 allows an organization to integrate its quality management system with the
implementation of a food safety system. The most common, in the food and drink industries, is the simultaneous
operation of a QMS and a food safety system such as HACCP. The application of HACCP within an ISO 9001QMS
can result in a food management system that is more effective than the application of either ISO 9001 or HACCP
alone, leading to enhanced customer satisfaction and improving organizational effectiveness (Sparling et al., 2001).
The effective integration of these two systems will improve the performance of the organization and decrease the
amount of paper work for the effective operation of the systems. Efstratiadis and Arvanitoyannis (2000) mentioned
thatHACCP as a part of a quality system not only manages to provide safety to the products, but also assure a better
and more effective implementation of the whole quality system. The new standard ISO 22000:2005 offers an
alternative to food enterprises that they do not implement ISO 9001 and they want to have an effective food safety
management system.

Quality and safety are important for the winery and bakery industries. The quality assurance of the whole process is
significant for the consumer acceptability, while the assurance of the safety is obligatory for protection of public
health. Quality is required in order for the product to meet the customers specifications and may be assured by the
application of quality management systems like ISO 9001. As far as food safety is concerned, food legislation of
European Union., recognizing the significance of the safety for human health, has established the application of
Council Directive 93/43/EEC & Regulation (EC) No 852/2004 in which the basic hygiene and HACCP
requirements are defined (directive 93/43 it is no longer in force, because it has been repealed by the Regulation EC

In Cyprus food industries have started to apply safety programs the past few years in a preliminary way in order to
comply with the current food safety directives or regulations (93/43/EEC, 852/2004/EC, 178/2002/EC).

ACADEMICA BRNCUI PUBLISHER, ISSN 1844 7007, Rating CNCSIS Type B+, code 652
Indexed in these international databases: IDEAS, Genamics JournalSeek Database, EconPapers, EBSCO and Cabell's

Annals of the Constantin Brncui University of Trgu Jiu, Economy Series, Issue 2/2012
Implementation of HACCP system is a fundamental approach to ensure the safety of food supply, providing a
systematic procedure for the identification, evaluation and control of hazards in each operation (Conter et al., 2007).
Small business may lack the in house knowledge and resources to the correct implement of HACCP. Before
implanting a HACCP system, a food business should already have in place various practices that may be collectively
termed prerequisite programs (PRPs) (e.g. raw materials specifications, staff training, hygienically designed
facilities and good hygiene practice (GHP), (Panisello and Quantick, 2001; Taylor, 2001; Zorpas and Tzia, 2010).
Its estimated that, in Cyprus, 100 new companies/firms/enterprises per year implement from one to four several
management systems per year. The most common systems that enterprises in Cyprus being certified are the ISO
9001:2008, ISO 22000:2005, ISO 14001:2004 and OHSAS 18001.
The paper presents a case study of the implementation of a TQMS (ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 22000) in small
winery and bakery industry from Cyprus. Both enterprises hold a certification of those 3 systems the last 4 years.

2. Materials and methods

The following case study covers a small-sized traditional winery in a Cyprus base on Agios Ambrosios Village in
Limassol district (elevation of 600 m approximately) and a Bakery Industry produce only pita bread. The winery
(I.P Gaia Oinotechniki Ltd) founded in 1950, occupies 10 permanent personnel while the annual production of the
organization does not exceed120000 bottles of wine. The Bakery (Artozym) founded in 1970 as bakery in order to
produce only bread and then from 1990 has stopped the production of bread and start the production of Pita Breads
(like Cyprus, Greece, Arabian, Tortilla)

Top management of the both industries seeking to improve the interior operation of the organization, to infiltrate in
new markets and increase the market share, decided that the implementation of a total quality management system
according to the requirements of ISO9001:2008, ISO 14001:2004 and ISO 22000:2005 will yield the desirable
results. None of the members of the organizations top management had previous experience in plan and design of a
quality, environmental and food safety system and hadlimited knowledge about the requirements of the above
standards. The first action of top management (from each company) was to purchase the three main documents
which consists the ISO 9000 series (ISO 9000/ 9001/9004), to purchase ISO 15161:2001 which provides the
necessary guidelines on the application of ISO 9001:2008 to food and drink industry and to obtain as much more
information about ISO 9000 family. Also the purchase of ISO 14001:2004 and ISO 22000:2005 was in priority.
After a short period of time top management realized that it was very difficult to design an appropriate TQM system
with the resources that were allocated to the organization, and for that reason they hired an external quality
consultant who had the know-hows required for the design and application of the TQMS. The consultants engineers
hold accreditation in all the fields mention above and belong to the personnel staff of the Institute if Environmental
Technology and Sustainable Development based in Cyprus.

3. Results
The winery that is being examined, due to its small size, has some particular characteristics which are: Direct
management from the owner of the winery, direct contact between the personnel and the top management, simple
and effective system for internal communication (small notes, mobile phones), short number of permanent personnel
(5), great number of seasonal personnel (up to 50 during the grape-harvest), great number of suppliers in grapes as
well as their own cultivation, direct contact with the organizations customers and a very short planning. On the
other hand Bakery has similar characteristic with the winery plus: presented with 30 permanent employees and the
management is still running from the three owners which one is the production manager, the other is the sale
manager and the other on is the account manager.

The development and the implementation of the TQMS was the result of a well-planned programme of procedures
with its final goal the effective operation of the quality system and its complete incorporation in the daily operation
of the organization. The procedure that took place and has been implement in order to comply with the requirements
of ISO 9001:2008, ISO 14001:2004and ISO 22000:2005 presented in Table 1 (from the time that the top
management decided to apply a TQMS according to the standards requirements up to the certification audit that took
place from an external accredited Certification Body. Both companies had chosen the Cyprus National Certification

ACADEMICA BRNCUI PUBLISHER, ISSN 1844 7007, Rating CNCSIS Type B+, code 652
Indexed in these international databases: IDEAS, Genamics JournalSeek Database, EconPapers, EBSCO and Cabell's

Annals of the Constantin Brncui University of Trgu Jiu, Economy Series, Issue 2/2012
Table 1. Winery and Bakery procedure in order to comply with the requirements of ISO 9001, 14001 and ISO
Code Title of Written Procedures that cover the ISO 9001:2008 ISO 22000:2005 ISO 14001:2004
requirements of ISO 9001, 14001, 22000 requirements requirements requirements
P-00 Manual All paragraphs All paragraphs
P-01 Documents ID 2, 2
P-02 Documents Control 4.2.3 4.2.2 4.4.5, 4.5.4
P-03 Files Controls 4.2.4 4.2.3 4.5.4
P-04 Management Reviews 5.6-5.6.3 5.8-5.8.3 4.6
P-05 Training and human resources 6.2, 6.2.2 6.2, 6.2.2 4.4.2
P-06 HACCP and Quality Control Team 7.2.3 5.6.1, 7.6.1
P-07 GMP: Good Manufacturing Practises 5.2, 8.3, 8.5.3 5.7, 7.6.5, 7.2
P-08 New Products design procedure 5.4, 7, 7.1, 7.2, 7, 7.3
7.2.1, 7.2.2, 7.3
P-09 HACCP system 7.3.2-7.3.6, 8.2.3, 7.3, 7.3.3, 7.3.5, 7.5,
8.3, 7.6.5, 8.4, 8.5.2 7.6, 7.6.4, 7.6.5, 7.8,
7.10.2 8.2, 8.3, 8.4.2,
P-010 Suppliers Control 7.4, 7.4.1, 7.4.2 7.3.3
P-011 Sales 7.4, 7.4.1, 7.4.2 7.3.3
P-012 Pest Control 7.5.1 7.2
P-013 Personnel Hygiene 7.5.1 7.2, 7.6.1
P-014 Collection and Management of Wastes 6.4, 7, 7.2.1 6.4, 7, 7.2, 7.3.4,
P-015 Usages of energy and water 6, 6.1, 6.2 6, 6.1, 6.2
P-016 Product tracking and recalls 7.5.3, 7.5.4 7.9
P-017 Use, storage, package, delivery of the 7.5.3, 7.5.4, 7.5.5 7.2, 7.9
P-018 Non Conformity products and services 8.3 7.10 4.5.2
P-019 Correctives and prevention actions 8.3, 8.4, 8.5.2 7.6.5, 7.10, 7.10.2, 4.5
P-020 Internal Audits 8.2.2 8.4.1 4.5.5
P-021 Maintenance Programs and Calibration of 7.6 8.3 4.5.1
the equipments
P-022 Quality, Food and Environmental Control - 4, 8.2.1 4 4.2
P-023 Package Materials 7.5.3, 7.4.3 7.9
P-024 Continual Improvements 8, 8.2.3, 8.5, 8.5.1 7.6.4, 8, 8.5.1
P-025 Emergency Situation Manual Health and 8.5.3 5.7 4.4.7
P-026 Internal and External Communication 5.5.3, 7.2.3 5.6.1, 5.6.2
EMP-00 Environmental Manual All paragraphs
EMP-01 Management of Waste 4.4.6
EMP-02 Environmental Planning 4.3, 4.3.4
EMP-03 Legal requirements 4.3.2
EMP-04 Internal & External Communication 4.4.3
EMP-05 Environmental Audits 4.5.5
EMP-06 Environmental and Risk Assessment 4.4.7
EMP-07 Observation of Environmental Targets and 4.4.7
EMP-08 Environmental Programs and Methodology 4.3, 4.3.1, 4.3.4,
for the identification of environmental
issues and objectives,
Environmental Impact Assessment

Top management plays the key role in ensuring that the TQMS works as planned and applied. By its definition, it is
confirmed that the TQMS is a management responsibility. It is conceived and driven by top management. The main
top managements responsibilities for an efficient TQMS are as follows: (i) shall be the recognized leader of the
TQMS; (ii) must create an environment in which the TQMS can be effective; (iii) must assure compliance with a
documented TQMS; (iv) must supply the resources, training and support for employees implementing the TQMS;
(v) must continually review the compliance performance of the organization and (vi) must recognize the successful
efforts of the workforce.

ACADEMICA BRNCUI PUBLISHER, ISSN 1844 7007, Rating CNCSIS Type B+, code 652
Indexed in these international databases: IDEAS, Genamics JournalSeek Database, EconPapers, EBSCO and Cabell's

Annals of the Constantin Brncui University of Trgu Jiu, Economy Series, Issue 2/2012

The TQMS system of the winery and Bakery is also supporter from job description, work instructions, guidances,
safety manuals as well as both hold a risk assessment analysis for their activities in order to comply with health and
safety regulation in Cyprus and in order to have certification from the ministry of Labour that are a distribution
industries. Those supporter documents cover several checks like: (i) typical checks in the raw materials; (ii) several
what if scenarios like what we do in case that the temperature in out of range or what we do in case that the
electricity is cutting off.; (iii) safety roles in case of fire; (iv) jobs descriptions(v) organogram, (vi) environmental
public awareness information as for several tourist can visit the winery, (vii) guidances for the employees in order
to minimize the waste at source and to minimize the negative impact of the companies to the environment, (viii)
translate material in several other languages as both companies has employee from several EU countries like
Bulgarian, Romania, Slovenia, (ix) quality, environmental and food safety policy which are public able etc.

3.1 Problems and obstacles during the implementation period

A number of organizations have reported substantial problems during the planning and the implementation of a
TQMS according to ISO 9001, 14001, 22000. The most critical problems concern (i) the documentation process, the
lack of ISO 9001/14001/22000 knowledge and experience, (ii) the lack of time and resources, (iii) the commitment
of top management and personnel(iv) the creation of system ownership, (v) typical structural of the companies, (vi)
employees from different nationalities (vii) theyre family traditions and they are informal organization, (viii) they
have little access to adult training and to the new requirements of the market. These obstacles, undoubtedly, are
more obvious in small companies with the issues of productive time, financial and human resources being the most
critical. It is recognizable that small companies are not inposition to qualify a satisfactory number of employees
during and after the implementation of TQMS, nor they can finance the cost of preparation, development and
registration (Aldowaisan & Youssef, 2006).The requirement of the QMS for the SMEs is sometimes very complex.
It is not the substantial or effective qualities of those standards which are too high, it is more the internal and
external barriers to access which are more demanding; cost, bureaucracy, resources, measurement analysis and
improvements, knowledge, know-how, etc (Zorpas et al, 2008, Zorpas 2010).

After the initial assessment of the winerys and bakerys structure it was obvious that the organizations structure was
far from any of the three standards requirements. The results of the assessment showed main nonconformities in
critical issues such as: (i) control of documents and records, (ii)internal audits, (iii) training programs (iv) adoption
of import legislations like the environmental impact assessment and risk assessment analysis, (v) product analysis
and health certificates, (vi) maintenance and calibration of equipment, (vii) specific measurements targets,
objectives and informal policies, etc. As mentioned previously, none of the winery and bakery top management had
previous experience in the implementation process of any of the previous standard. Nevertheless due to lack of
financial recourses, top management decided that it would be better to design the TQMS with its own human
recourses. After a short period of time it was clear that this was a very time-consuming process with questionable
results, and for these reasons it was essential the collaboration with an external quality consultant to ensure the right
documentation and the initial operation of the TQMS. Lack of experience and knowledge, regarding all personnel,
was another important obstacle for the organization to overcome. This problem was overcome by conducting both
internal and exterior training programmes.

Internal training was conducted by the winerys quality manager and the consultant in the form of 2h seminars (2
per week and for 12 weeks) and for the Bekery was 3 seminar per week and for 20 weeks (4 h per seminar). All the
employees trained in (i) the basic requirements of ISO 9001:2008 (ii) the basic requirements of ISO 14001:2004 and
how they will prepare their environmental programs (issues and objectives) (iii) the basic requirements of ISO
22000:2005vocabulary; (iv) the role of the documents and records of TQMS and how they develop and write their
procedures in a very short and easy way (no more than 1-2 pages per procedure plus the forms; (v) individual
responsibilities and the benefits that will be derived from the implementation of the quality system; (vi) food
hygiene, food safety and the pre-requisition programs; (vii) cleaning programs and the safety use of machinerys;
(viii) understanding the actual day-to-day process of upgrading and improving processes and procedures; (ix) about
health and safety in the working environment ; (x) customer satisfactory questioners, etc. Another important action
that helped the organization was the visits that were realized by the consultant to winery and bakery and other food
industries which already had a certified TQMS according to the requirements of ISO 9001:2008, ISO 14001:2004
and ISO 22000:2005.

Very important was also the productive time and recourses as well as another problem that faces the organization,
even now, is the training of the seasonal personnel especially for the winery. As it is familiar,wine making is a very
complicated procedure. During the grape harvest and collection season (September, October)the amount of work

ACADEMICA BRNCUI PUBLISHER, ISSN 1844 7007, Rating CNCSIS Type B+, code 652
Indexed in these international databases: IDEAS, Genamics JournalSeek Database, EconPapers, EBSCO and Cabell's

Annals of the Constantin Brncui University of Trgu Jiu, Economy Series, Issue 2/2012
increases greatly and so the recruiting of extra workers is essential. This problem is overcome with the conduct of a
short-period seminar and the proper work instructions. As it is well known, Total Quality Management Systems
implementation requires a substantial amount of time, resources and effort. Productive time was, and still is, a very
critical issue for the organization. The planning and establishment process, including the certification audit, took
about 14 months for the winery and 11 month for the bakery.

Financial and human resources, and also infrastructures were issues that produced many problems to the
organization to deal with. The organization, due to its small size, could not afford to isolate employees or
departments to the exclusive responsibility of quality activities. Therefore the responsibilities for the operation and
the maintenance of the TQMS and other quality responsibilities were included among other responsibilities of the
personnel. Lack of direct financial resources by the organizations for the wage of quality consultant and third-party
certification was another considerable issue. The solution for this issue came from the consultant firm as they decide
to support the winery for at least 3 years with the same amount of many (social accountability programs from

Another difficulty was that of achievement workforce commitment to TQMS implementation as the effective
systems implementation requires the commitment and cooperation of all the employees. In order to achieve this
commitment, the owner of the winery ensured that all employees were informed of how the TQMS would benefit
them. Top management (in winery), informed the personnel of how the TQMS would help the organization in
critical areas such as the reduction of defective products, the improvement of internal communication, the increase
of customers satisfaction, the increase of share market and the opportunities for infiltration in new markets as some
of the wines that are produced are ecological.

3.2 Cost of the ISO 9001:2008, ISO 14001:2004, ISO 22000:2005planning, establishment and certification

There were several factors that appeared to be the primary concerns regarding the cost of the winerys QMS
planning, establishment, certification and running. The most significant elements that constituted the total cost are
the costs of the outside consultant (design, establishment and maintenance the QMS system as well as for the
seminars), the training fees, the registration fees and the costs in employee time. Secondary elements that endorsed
the total budget were, among others, the investments in equipment, the collaboration with exterior laboratories for
conducting essential chemical analyses, calibration test, and health certificates for the employees and some
functional modifications.

The cost of the consulting service for the winery (including 14 months of design the quality system, the HACCP
study, the environmental impact assessment study, the risk assessment analysis, the environmental programs, the
yearly running, the writing of the procedures including the interviews from the employees, the design and
implementation of working guidances as well as several other forms that had been used for documentation, and the
training seminars and also the internal audits), was estimated at 20000. Registration/Certification fees were
estimated at 5000 for 3 years (including yearly audit and the initial audit). Calibrations were estimated at 500 per
year, product analysis around 800 per year, health certificates for the employees at 50/employee, environmental
analysis like noise, CO2 emissions etc were up to 800 . For the bakery and for the same consultant services for a
period of 11 month the cost was estimated up to 26000 , the certification fees was the same, put the product
analysis cost were up to 2500 per year and the calibration fee were up to 2000 . Thus because the top
management decide to calibrate as much equipment they could and implement a very strictly analysis program for
their products (including chemical and microbiology analysis in monthly base). Health certificate were up to 50
per employee also.

During the 14 months period (for the winery) that wasrequired for the TQMS planning and establishment,
winerysquality manager occupied exclusively to that purpose. Forthat reason qualitys manager annual salaries
(20000), were included to TQMS design and application cost. Thecompliance to ISO 9001:2008, ISO 14001:2004
and ISO 22000:2005 requirements obliged theorganization to invest in new equipment and to make somefunctional
modifications. The organization realized the followingactions: (i) replacement of the 4 vinifications with total cost
up to 75000; (ii) replacement of the bottling machine with total cost up to 12000; (iii) change the whole cellar
condition for better wine with a total cost up to 2000 (implementation of moisture and temperature stabilizations);
(iv) Improvement of the buildings with a cost up to 10000 lighting system; (v) collaboration of external laboratory
etc. On the other hand for the bakery during the 11 months period the quality manager annual salary was up to
24000 while the 3 owners of the bakery decide on 2007 to build a new factory in order to comply with all the EU

ACADEMICA BRNCUI PUBLISHER, ISSN 1844 7007, Rating CNCSIS Type B+, code 652
Indexed in these international databases: IDEAS, Genamics JournalSeek Database, EconPapers, EBSCO and Cabell's

Annals of the Constantin Brncui University of Trgu Jiu, Economy Series, Issue 2/2012
standards as well as with the TQMS standards which cost to them up to 2.2 million (almost 4000m2 including
production area, package area, storages area, refrigerators plus the administration office).

4. Conclusions
TQMS would help the organization in critical areas such as the reduction of defective products, the improvement of
internal communication, the increase of customers satisfaction,the increase of share market, the opportunities for
infiltration in new markets and global deployment. Moreover, Implementation of the TQMS gives additional
benefits to winery such as decrease of the cost of quality and mistakes;higher quality of the wine, waste reduced,
late delivery reduced, productivity improved, returns down and advertising potential. The understanding of these
benefits will be the motivation force for the winery to continue its journey towards quality improvement.

Micro enterprises (Zorpas et al, 2008) present several unique characteristics. Among these characteristics are the
following (i) that they have Mono-service and or product, (ii) they feel economic pressure, (iii) they sell to the local
market, (iv) they're Family traditions and they are informal organization, (v) they have Very low management,
sometimes they have employees from different nationalities (new phenomenon), (vi) they have little access to adult
training and to the new requirements of the market, (vii) they do not federate and (viii) they produce high amount of
waste (liquid, solid, air). Also, according to The new SME definition User guide and model declaration (EU,
2005), SMEs are often confronted with market imperfections. SMEs frequently have difficulties in obtaining capital
or credit, particularly in the early start-up phase. Their restricted resources may also reduce access to new
technologies or innovation. Therefore, support for SMEs is one of the European Commissions priorities for
economic growth, job creation, economic and social cohesion, (EU, 2005).Traditional Quality and Environmental
Management or Health and Safety tools do not fit in the reality of the VSMEs or micro-business with less than 10
employees. Nor do they fit well in many SMEs. Family companies are everywhere in Europe. Most of them want to
apply the most common and known standard which is the Quality Management System of ISO 9001:2008. The
requirement of the QMS for the VSMEs is sometimes very complex. It is not the substantial or effective qualities of
those standards which are too high, it is more the internal and external barriers to access which are more demanding;
cost, bureaucracy, resources, measurement analysis and improvements, knowledge, know-how, etc (Zorpas et al,

The Customers Satisfactory Questioner (CSQ) analysis presents significant results as the evaluation of companies
from its clients. For the winery they (i) give 90% excellent in wines quality as the company win the 1st and 3rd award
in national competition during 2009 and 2010; (ii) give 95% excellent in their environmental performance as the win
the 2nd award from the Ministry of Environment in Cyprus; (iii) give 90% excellent in their services.

Through ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 22000 the top management of both companies set clear targets; which was
very critical for the general view of the company. At the end the implementation of the TQMS help the top manager
in several ways.

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Indexed in these international databases: IDEAS, Genamics JournalSeek Database, EconPapers, EBSCO and Cabell's

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