Business Plan
Business Plan
Business Plan
iChallengeU 2017
Table of Contents
Page Numbers
Driving Question 2
Project Based Learning 2
Research Summary 2-3
Main Proposals
1. Revising The Onboarding System 3
Training System 4-10
Orientation 11
2. TAC Consider Including Incentives 12
for Temporaries
3. Promote Building a Positive Environment and Relationships 12
Cost Analysis 13
References 14
About Us 15
Driving Question:
How can we get new hires (temporaries) to excel at TAC Manufacturing?
Research Summary -
We sent out a company wide survey asking for feedback pertaining to their
experience. We were able to talk with some key personnel, attended a Flexible Staffing
orientation, participated in hands on training in both training centers, given a tour of the
facility, provided with turnover reports from TAC, and contacted other manufacturing
companies in the area to learn how they handle their temporary service employees.
TAC Manufacturing Survey-
We composed and sent out a survey to associates and temporary associates in
order to get their feedback on their experience. The feedback we found the most
promising was What are some things we could do better and if so, what solution(s)
would you offer? On the first graph shown, we see the answers provided to us by the
associates. The two largest issues we noticed from our associates were communication
and the training they are given. On the next graph shown, we see the results provided
to us by the temporary associates. We found Training and Communication once again
but also the wait time to be hired in and personal incentive or recognition.
TAC Manufacturing Elements of Safety
To the regard of whether or not a student is able to excel on a written examination
due to personal reasons or learning disabilities the student must be able to achieve a 70%
or higher to be considered passing on a written unit examination and must be able to
perform the given demonstration properly to the instructor. The instructor may help the
class prepare for this examination in any way possible or that time allows prior to the
exam. Any students caught cheating or submitting work that is not their own will be
dismissed from the class.
experiences. (1.3.1) The trainees will understand the 570 system and how to properly call for
help in an emergency. (1.3.2)
Unit #1 Test
The trainees will be given a small safety test to ensure that the above listed items were
recognized are they are able to incorporate all of the learned safety concerns needed to work
work process. Practices of the Kanban will also be demonstrated and practiced in the Dojo and a
presentation will be shown on all of the key points on a Kanban and their meaning. (2.1.3)
Unit #2 Test
The trainees will test on understanding all of the elements of manufacturing and how they are
implemented here at TAC Manufacturing. They will have a small written test and be able to pass
a demonstrative test as well.
3.1 - 5S to Success
The trainees will understand the 5S system and how we incorporate this system here at TAC
manufacturing to ensure an effective workplace. A presentation will be shown and the instructor
will explain to the trainees how well TAC Manufacturing implements this system. (3.1.1)
3.2 - Kaizen
The trainees will understand the meaning of Kaizen and how to effectively avoid it in their
standardized work learned in Unit #2. (3.2.1) The trainees will understand all of the aspects of
muda, mura, and muri and how we can control muda for a more efficient workplace. A
presentation will be given for both aspects of Kaizen. (3.2.2)
3.3 - Finalization
The trainees will understand the final inspection of a product that they will be working on in the
shop with processes such as the Poke Yoke system. A presentation and demonstration will be
given on a defective part taken from the shop.(3.3.1) They will use the demonstrations set up in
the Dojo as well and the final inspection presentation to understand the different checks and
processes in identifying the different types of defects. There will be applications of all the
information learned so far to identify mistakes inside the Dojo. (3.3.2)
Unit #3 Test
The trainees will be given a test on all of the information they have learned from the elements of
production above and they will be mostly tested on their ability to identify a defective product
before it reaches a customer.
Solution #2 Suggest TAC Consider Introducing Incentives for Temporaries-
We suggest that TAC begins to offer incentives for temporaries that meet perfect
attendance and perfect quotas as a way to recognize and show appreciation for them.
Incentives can include putting their name in a raffle, after 90 days making them eligible
to win something such as a free oil change, Flexible Staffing hat or hoodie, or a free
lunch in the cafeteria. This raffle process can be repeated every six months. These
recognitions can be included in the cafeteria announcements as well.
TAC provides discounts to their associates that include automotive supplier
discounts, a discounted cell phone plan, discounted tickets to shows, theme parks,
Sam's Club etc. We want TAC to extend those discounts to their temporaries as this will
also make them much more appreciative of TAC and build their eagerness to start a
long term career at TAC.
Solution #3: Have TAC promote building a positive environment and relationships
among TAC Associates
We suggest that TAC Associates rotate leading their daily stretches in order to
build relationships between co-workers. This improvement would not cost the company
any money.
We also created a seasonal newsletter that highlights resources and events in
the Jackson area.. There is strong evidence to support the effectiveness of health
promotion in the workplace.
Riddles and trivia are stimulating for the mind and also promote community. The
riddles, trivia and newsletter could be posted in the showcases and announcements in
the cafeteria. The newsletter could additionally be posted in some stalls in the
As there are no windows, it would be beneficial to humanize the break areas in
the shop with artificial plants. According to 2007 article in Hort Science magazine,
indoor plants attract attention without effort and evoke positive emotions that can renew
the capacity to concentrate and interrupt the stress process.
The surveys showed that communication was a large problem for the associates
and the temporaries. A new initiative, the 3E Program, that is currently being launched
is designed to promote communication among departments. We recommend that it be
included in the training program for all associates. The 3E Program, when used in
conjunction with the new leadership, Top Gun Program will revolutionize the culture at
TAC Manufacturing.
Cost Analysis -
30 wall sign holders $152.40
48 artificial plants + 63.96
Total cost: $216.36
For the new classroom environment we have designed TAC will be investing
$146.25 per individual to train our new temporaries. This will not only provide a stronger
and more knowledgeable workforce but also the new hires will have a much better
chance of succeeding.
References -