LegEth pp.250-300
LegEth pp.250-300
LegEth pp.250-300
Falame vs Atty. Baguio should have observed the requirements laid down by
PP. 246-300 FACTS: the rules xxx [:] the written consent of all concerned
1) A lawyer represents a client involving a certain after a full disclosure of the facts.
CANON 15 property in a civil case. The judge ruled in favor of their
cause. Quiambao vs Bamba
Rule 15.03 2) In a subsequent civil case involving the same FACTS:
No representation of conflicting interests except by property, the lawyer acted as counsel for the adverse 1) Counsel represents a client in an ejectment case.
written consent of all concerned given a full party of his former client 2) During the pendency of the ejectment case, the
disclosure of the facts counsel took on the adverse partys cause for a different
RULING: case, a replevin case.
Conflicting Interests - The rule concerning conflict of interest prohibits
- inconsistency in the interests of two or more opposing a lawyer from representing a client if that representation RULING:
parties will be directly adverse to any of his present of former - We [the Court] do not sustain respondents theory that
- TEST: Whether or not in behalf of one client, it is the client. since the ejectment case and the replevin case are
lawyers duty to fight for an issue or claim, but is it his - xxx a lawyer may only be allowed xxx [to do so] unrelated cases fraught with different issues, parties,
duty to oppose it for the other client if the former client consents to it after consultation. and subject matters, the prohibition [on conflict of
- ANOTHER TEST: Whether the acceptance of a new - The clients confidence once reposed interest] is inapplicable.
relation would: should not be divested by mere expiration of - His representation of opposing clients in both cases,
a. prevent the full discharge of the lawyers duty of professional employment. though unrelated, obviously constitutes conflict of
undivided fidelity and loyalty; or - The rule is grounded on the fiduciary obligation interest or at least, invites the suspicion of double-
b. invite suspicion of unfaithfulness or double of loyalty. dealing.
dealing in the performance of that duty
- Probability, not certainty of conflict, is an important Gonzales vs Cabucana Jr. Hilado vs David
criterion in determining conflict of interest FACTS: FACTS:
- Par. 2, Art. 209, Revised Penal Code 1) Respondents law firm, his brother as counsel, 1) Atty. Francisco was consulted by a party for certain
xxx represented Gonzales in a former civil case. case. Upon review, he gave his written opinion stating
2) Respondent argues that he acted in good faith and that such case will not prosper based on the facts.
The same penalty shall be imposed upon an attorney- with honest intention, the case being that the adverse 2) Atty. Francisco was hired by the opposing party.
at-law xxx who, having undertaken the defense of a party of Gonzales in the subsequent civil case cannot
client or having received confidential information from find a lawyer willing to engage in their cause. RULING:
said client in a case, shall undertake the defense of the - If a person, in respect to his business affairs or
opposing party in the same case, without the consent of RULING: troubles of any kind, consults with his attorney:
his first client. - his [Respondents] claim that he could not turn a) in his professional capacity
down the spouses as no other lawyer is willing to take b) with the view to obtaining professional
Honrilla vs Salunat their case cannot prosper as it is settled xxx they advice xxx and
RULING: [lawyers] cannot be made to labor under conflict of c) the attorney voluntarily permits xxx in such
- A lawyer engaged as counsel for a corporation cannot interest between a present client and a prospective consultation,
represent members of the same corporations board of one. the professional employment must be regarded as
directors in a derivative suit brought against them. - Granting also that there really was no other established.
estate and, at the same time, allowing his law firm to that basis alone, it does not necessarily follow that
Nakpil vs Valdez represent the estate xxx. The act is a breach of respondent used any confidential information from his
FACTS: professional ethics xxx as it placed respondents and his previous employment xxx in resolving the criminal
1) Atty. Valdez is both a lawyer and a CPA, and law firms loyalty under a cloud of doubt. complaint.
practices both professions in his law firm and - Even granting that respondents misconduct - xxx to charge respondent for representing
accounting firm. refers to his accountancy practices, it would not prevent conflicting interests, evidence must be presented to
2) In a case involving the estate of the late Jose Nakpil: this Court from disciplining him as a member of the Bar. prove that respondent used against Taggat, his former
a) he appeared as counsel for the estate, The rule is settled that a lawyer may be suspended client, any confidential information acquired through his
b) and at the same time, his accounting firm prepared or disbarred for ANY misconduct, even if it pertains previous employment.
the list of assets and liabilities of the estate, and to his private activities xxx. - A lawyers immutable duty to a former client
computed the claims of two creditors of the estate. does not cover transactions that occurred beyond
Lim-Santiago vs Sagucio the lawyers employment with the client.
ISSUE: FACTS: - The intent of the law is to impose upon the
Whether or not Atty. Valdez represented conflicting 1) Atty. Sagucio was the former Personnel Manager and lawyer the duty to protect the clients interests only on
interests in said case. retained counsel of Taggat Industries Inc. until he was matters that he previously handled for the former
appointed as Assistant Provincial Prosecutor of client and not for matters that arose after the lawyer-
RULING: Tuguegarao in 1992. client relationship has terminated.
Yes. 2) Taggat Industries Inc., Lim-Santiagos corporation,
- In the estate proceedings, the duty of ceased operation in 1997 after it was sequestered by Rule 15.04
respondents law firm was to contest the claims of the the PCGG. A lawyer may, with the written consent of all
two creditors, but whose claims were prepared by the 3) 21 employees of the corporation filed a criminal concerned, act as mediator, conciliator or arbitrator in
respondents accounting firm. complaint against Lim-Santiago for withholding their settling disputes.
- The test to determine whether there is a conflict salaries without valid cause from April 1, 1996 to July
of interest in the representation is probability, not 15, 1997. PP. 82, Report of the IBP
certainty. 4) Atty. Sagucio, as prosecutor, filed 651 Informations x x x A lawyer who acts as mediator, conciliator or
- The proscription against representation of against complainant arbitrator in settling a dispute, cannot represent any of
conflicting interests: the parties to it.
a) find application where the conflicting interests ISSUE:
arise in respect to the same general matter, and Whether or not the respondent is guilty of representing Rule 15.05
b) is applicable however slight such adverse conflicting interests. When advising a client:
interests may be. a) give a candid and honest opinion on the merits and
RULING: probable results of the clients case
ISSUE: No. b) neither overstating not understating the prospects
Whether or not the misdemeanor pertains only to - The issue in the criinal complaint pertains to of the case
respondents accounting practices. non-payment of wages that occurred from April 1 1996
to July 15 1997. Clearly, respondent was no longer - a careful investigation and examination of the facts
RULING: connected with Taggat during that period xxx. must first be had before any legal opinion be ventured
No. - The only established participation respondent by the lawyer to the client
- In the case at bar xxx he is charged for allowing had with respect to the criminal complaint is that he was - clients are ordinarily unfamiliar with the intricacies of
his accounting firm to represent two creditors of the the one who conducted the preliminary investigation. On law and are therefore entitled to a candid and honest
opinion of a lawyer as to the merit or lack thereof of their - he must keep paramount in the protection of the legal
case - such a display of influence, whether factual or profession even when he is engaged in any other
imaginary: legitimate profession.
Overestimation of Prospects of the Case a) undermines the judicial and legal systems - P. 84, Report of the IBP Committee
- a lawyer who exaggerates the prospect of winning a b) degrades our court or tribunals The lawyer should inform the client when he is acting
case: as a dangerous impression is created that cases are as a lawyer and when he is not, because certain ethical
a) will be placed under heavy pressure to employ won not on the merits but on the magnetic pull of considerations governing the client-lawyer
any means possible to win the case at all cost and will influential connections relationship may be operative in one case and not
be blind to ethical rules in the other.
b) if he loses, a cloud of suspicion will hang over Rule 15.07
his head that he betrayed his client Impress upon clients compliance with the laws and CANON 16
principles of fairness. A lawyer shall hold in trust all moneys and properties
Underestimation of Prospects of the Case of his client that may come into his possession.
- a lawyer who understates the prospect of winning a - impress that everybody, including lawyers must
case places the client in grave anxiety and this may respect the law and observe the principle of fairness in Rule 16.01
affect the latters trust to the formers ability to handle their dealings Account for all money or property collected or received
the case - Art. 19, New Civil Code for or from the client
Every person in the exercise of their rights or the
Rollon vs Naraval fulfillment of their duties, act with justice, give everyone - a lawyer must not comingle his clients money with
RULING: his due and observe honesty and good faith. other money in his possession not only to prevent
- If they [lawyers] find that their clients cause is confusion but as well, to avoid the appearance of
defenseless, then it is their bounded duty to advise Millare vs Montero impropriety
the latter to acquiesce and submit, rather than to RULING:
traverse the incontrovertible. - xxx a lawyer is required: In re: Abad
a) to represent his client within the bounds of - In the absence of authority from his client,
Mercado vs Security Bank Corporation the law xxx he is not allowed to disburse the money collected for his
RULING: b) employ only fair and honest means to attain client in favor of persons who may be entitled thereto
- A lawyer who guarantees the successful the lawful objectives of his client, and considering that he owes fidelity to the client and
outcome of a litigation will exert heavy pressure and c) warns him not to allow his client to dictate not the creditor.
employ any means to win the case at all costs. xxx when the procedure in handling the case
the case is lost, he will blame the courts, placing them Rule 16.02
under a cloud of suspicion. Keep the funds of each client separate and apart from
- xxx in this case, Atty. Villanuevas statements Rule 15.08 his own and those others kept by him
led Mercado, not only to suspect but also believe, If engaged in another profession, a lawyer shall make
that the entire Court, together with Chief justice Davide clear whether he is acting as a lawyer or in another Rule 16.03
and the ponente could be pressured or influenced. capacity a) Shall deliver the funds and property of his client when
due or upon demand.
Rule 15.06 - keep any business, in which he is engaged in b) He shall have a lien over the funds and may apply so
A lawyer shall not state or imply that he is able to concurrently with the practice of law, entirely separate much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy his
influence any public official, tribunal or legislative body. and apart from the latter.
lawful fees, disbursements, giving notice promptly Requisites for validity of Retaining lien - An attorney owes loyalty to his client not only
thereafter to his client. 1) Attorney-client relationship in the case in which he has represented him but also
c) He shall also have a lien to the same extent on all 2) Lawful possession by lawyer of clients funds, after the relation of the attorney and the client has
judgments and executions he has secured for his client. documents and papers in his professional capacity terminated.
3) Unsatisfied claim for attorneys fees or disbursements
Presumption of Misappropriation CANON 18
- arises upon a lawyers failure to deliver upon demand Requisites for validity of Charging lien Serve the client with competence and diligence
1) Attorney-client relationship
Sec. 37, Rule 138, Revised Rules of Court 2) Attorney has rendered services Diligence
An attorney shall have a lien upon the: 3) Money judgment favorable to the client - attention and care required of a person in a given
a) funds 4) Attorney has a claim for attorneys fees situation and is the opposite of negligence
b) documents and papers of his client - the legal profession demands of a lawyer that degree
which have lawfully come into his possession and may Rule 16.04 of vigilance and attention expected of a good father of a
retain the same until his lawful fees and disbursements Shall not borrow money from his client, unless the family
have been paid, and may apply such funds to the clients interests are fully protected by the nature of
satisfaction thereof xxx. the case or by independent advice Presumption of Diligence
Shall lend money to a client except, when, in the - in the absence of any contrary evidence, a lawyer is
Matute vs Matute interest of justice, he has to advance necessary presumed to be prompt and diligent in the performance
RULING: expenses in a legal matter he is handling for a client of his duties
- xxx an attorney may not be compelled to
surrender the documents in his possession without prior Unless the clients interests are fully protected by How a Laywer Attains and Maintains Competence
proof that his fees have been duly satisfied. But if it be the nature of the case or by independent advice 1) keeping abreast with current legal literature
entirely indispensable for the court to gain possession - e.g. a lawyer may borrow money from a client bank 2) participating in legal education programs
of the documents that have come to the attorney and since the latters interests are protected by the banks 3) concentrating in particular areas of the law
are held by him in the course of his employment as rules and regulations which have to be complied with. 4) availing himself of these means
counsel, it can require surrender thereof by
requiring the client to first file proper and adequate Except, when, in the interest of justice, he has to Rule 18.01
security for the lawyers compensation. advance necessary expenses in a legal matter he is Shall not undertake a legal service which he knows
handling for a client or should know that he is not qualified to render.
Retaining lien - the advances made must be subject to reimbursement, He may render such service if, with the consent of his
- a right merely to retain the funds, documents and otherwise the lawyers employment may become client, he obtains as a collaborating counsel a
papers of his client which have lawfully come into his champertous. lawyer who is competent on the matter.
possession and may retain the same until his lawful fees
and disbursements have been paid. CANON 17 - the handling lawyer cannot just take another lawyer to
A lawyer owes fidelity to the cause of his client and he collaborate with without the consent of the client, and
Charging lien shall be mindful of the trust and confidence reposed in the new lawyer cannot just enter his appearance as
- an equitable right to have the fees and lawful him. collaborating counsel without the conformity of the first
disbursements due a lawyer for his services, secured to counsel
him out of a money judgment. Lorenzana Food Corporation vs Daria
Rule 18.02 to represent them while counsel was in the hospital
Shall not handle any legal matter without adequate 6) Failure to appear simply because the client did not
preparation go to counsels office on the date of the trial as was
agreed upon
Adequate Preparation 7) Failure to pay the appellate docket fee after receiving
- includes among other virtues, the amount for the purpose
a) sufficient knowledge if the law and jurisprudence
b) ability in trial technique
c) high-proficiency in the formulation of pleadings
Rule 18.03
Shall not neglect a legal matter entrusted to him and his
negligence in connection therewith shall render him