Two-Letter Words: Am An As at
Two-Letter Words: Am An As at
Two-Letter Words: Am An As at
If you often play word games, then youll know how helpful two-letter words
can be. Every English-speaker knows quite a few am, an, as, at, and so on
but did you know that there over a hundred two-letter words?
Take a look at our list of two-letter words, which includes bo (a kind of fig
tree), od (a supposed natural force), and yu (an ancient Chinese wine
container), as well as many more well-known words.
aa rough cindery lava
ab an abdominal muscle
ad an advertisement
ag S. African a general exclamation
ah an exclamation
ai the three-toed sloth
am the present tense of be
an a form of the indefinite article
as used to convey relative extent or degree
at expressing location or time
aw an exclamation
ax variant spelling of axe
ay variant spelling of aye
ba the soul, in Egyptian mythology
be to exist
bi bisexual
bo a kind of fig tree
by beside
da a person's father
do to perform an action
dy a type of sediment
ee dialect form of oh
eh an exclamation
El an elevated railway
em a measuring unit in printing
en a measuring unit in printing
er expressing doubt or hesitation
ex a former spouse or partner
fa a musical note
Ga a people in Ghana
gi judo jacket
go to move or travel
ha an exclamation
he a male person or animal
hi a greeting
ho an exclamation
id a part of the mind
if introducing a conditional clause
in within
io a North American moth
is the present tense of be
it a thing
ja S. African yes
jo Scottish, archaic a sweetheart
Ju a kind of Chinese pottery
ka the spirit, in Egyptian mythology
ki a plant of the lily family
la a musical note
li a Chinese unit of distance
lo archaic used to draw attention to something
ma a person's mother
me the objective case of the first-person pronoun I
mi a musical note
mo a moment
mu a Greek letter
my belonging to me
n originally called
no not any
nu a Greek letter
ob a type of gene
od a supposed natural force
of belonging to
og Australian, archaic a shilling
oh an exclamation
oi used to attract attention
OK used to express assent, agreement, etc.
om a sacred mantra
on supported by or covering
op an operation
or used to link alternatives
os a bone
ou a Hawaiian bird
ow expressing pain
ox a cow or bull
oy = oi
Oz Australia(n)
pa father
pi a Greek letter
po a chamber pot
qi the life force, in Chinese philosophy
ra a moraine, in Norway or Sweden
re a musical note
ri a Japanese unit of length
se a Chinese musical instrument
si = te
so therefore
ta thank you
te a musical note
ti = te
to expressing direction in relation to a location
uh expressing hesitation
um expressing hesitation
up towards a higher position
us the objective case of we
Wa a people on the borders of China and Burma
we oneself and other people
Wu a dialect of Chinese
xi a Greek letter
xu a Vietnamese unit of money
ye archaic the plural form of thou
Yi a people in parts of China
yo used as a greeting
yu an ancient Chinese wine container