PLI 5.1 Language Reference

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Enterprise PL/I for z/OS

PL/I for AIX

Rational Developer for System z PL/I for Windows IBM

Language Reference
Version 5 Release 1

Enterprise PL/I for z/OS
PL/I for AIX
Rational Developer for System z PL/I for Windows IBM

Language Reference
Version 5 Release 1

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First Edition (June 2016)

This edition applies to Enterprise PL/I for z/OS, Version 5 Release 1 (5655-PL5), IBM PL/I for AIX, Version 3
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Tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xiii Computational data types and attributes . . . . 22
Coded arithmetic data and attributes . . . . . 22
Figures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xv String data and attributes. . . . . . . . . 30
Program-control data types and attributes . . . . 46
Label data and LABEL attribute . . . . . . 47
About this book . . . . . . . . . . xvii Format data and FORMAT attribute . . . . . 48
Notation conventions used in this book . . . . xvii VARIABLE attribute . . . . . . . . . . 49
Semantics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xix
Industry standards used . . . . . . . . . . xx
Chapter 3. Expressions and references 51
Summary of changes . . . . . . . . . . . xx
Order of evaluation. . . . . . . . . . . . 53
Enhancements in this release . . . . . . . xx
Targets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
Enhancements from V4R5 . . . . . . . . xxii
Variables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
Enhancements from V4R4 . . . . . . . . xxiii
Pseudovariables . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
Enhancements from V4R3 . . . . . . . . xxiii
Intermediate results . . . . . . . . . . 54
Enhancements from V4R2 . . . . . . . . xxiv
Operational expressions . . . . . . . . . . 55
Enhancements from V4R1 . . . . . . . . xxiv
Handle operations . . . . . . . . . . . 55
Enhancements from V3R9 . . . . . . . . xxiv
Pointer operations . . . . . . . . . . . 56
Enhancements from V3R8 . . . . . . . . xxv
Arithmetic operations . . . . . . . . . . 57
Enhancements from V3R7 . . . . . . . . xxvi
Bit operations. . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
Enhancements from V3R6 . . . . . . . . xxvi
Comparison operations . . . . . . . . . 67
Enhancements from V3R5. . . . . . . . xxvii
Concatenation operations . . . . . . . . . 69
Enhancements from V3R4. . . . . . . . xxvii
Combinations of operations . . . . . . . . 70
Enhancements from V3R3. . . . . . . . xxvii
Priority of operators . . . . . . . . . . 70
Enhancements from V3R2. . . . . . . . xxvii
Array expressions . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
Enhancements from V3R1 . . . . . . . xxviii
Prefix operators and arrays . . . . . . . . 72
How to send your comments . . . . . . . . xxix
Infix operators and arrays . . . . . . . . 73
Accessibility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xxx
Structure expressions . . . . . . . . . . . 74
Restricted expressions . . . . . . . . . . . 74
Chapter 1. Program elements . . . . . 1
Single-byte character set . . . . . . . . . . 1
Chapter 4. Data conversion . . . . . . 77
Decimal digits . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Built-in functions for computational data conversion 78
Binary digits . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Converting string lengths. . . . . . . . . . 79
Hexadecimal digits . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Converting arithmetic precision. . . . . . . . 79
Special characters . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Converting mode . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
Composite symbols . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Converting other data attributes . . . . . . . 80
Case sensitivity . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Source-to-target rules . . . . . . . . . . . 81
Statement elements for SBCS . . . . . . . . 5
Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
Statements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Example: DECIMAL FIXED converted to
Simple statements . . . . . . . . . . . 10
BINARY FIXED with fractions . . . . . . . 89
Compound statements. . . . . . . . . . 10
Example: Arithmetic converted to bit string . . 89
Groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Example: Arithmetic converted to character. . . 90
Double-byte character set . . . . . . . . . . 11
Example: A conversion error. . . . . . . . 90
DBCS identifiers . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Statement elements for DBCS . . . . . . . 12
DBCS continuation rules . . . . . . . . . 13 Chapter 5. Program organization . . . 91
Programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
Chapter 2. Data elements . . . . . . . 15 Program structure . . . . . . . . . . . 91
Program activation . . . . . . . . . . . 92
Data items. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Program termination . . . . . . . . . . 93
Variables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Blocks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
Constants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Block activation . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
Using quotation marks . . . . . . . . . 16
Block termination . . . . . . . . . . . 94
Punctuating constants . . . . . . . . . . 16
Packages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
Data types and attributes . . . . . . . . . . 17
Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
Data attributes . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
PROCEDURE and ENTRY statements . . . . 98
Nondata attributes . . . . . . . . . . . 18
ENTRY statement . . . . . . . . . . . 99

Copyright IBM Corp. 1999, 2016 iii

Parameter attribute . . . . . . . . . . 100 Implicit declaration . . . . . . . . . . . 161
Procedure activation . . . . . . . . . . 104 Scope of declarations . . . . . . . . . . . 162
Procedure termination . . . . . . . . . 105 INTERNAL and EXTERNAL attributes . . . . 165
Recursive procedures . . . . . . . . . . 106 RESERVED attribute . . . . . . . . . . . 170
Dynamic loading of an external procedure . . 107 FORCE attribute . . . . . . . . . . . . 171
Subroutines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110 SUPPRESS attribute . . . . . . . . . . . 171
Example 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111 Data alignment . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172
Example 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111 ALIGNED and UNALIGNED attributes . . . 173
Built-in subroutines . . . . . . . . . . . 112 Defaults for attributes . . . . . . . . . . 178
Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112 Language-specified defaults . . . . . . . 178
Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113 DEFAULT statement . . . . . . . . . . 179
Built-in functions . . . . . . . . . . . 114 Restoring language-specified defaults . . . . 184
Passing arguments to procedures . . . . . . . 114 Arrays. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 184
Using BYVALUE and BYADDR . . . . . . 115 DIMENSION attribute . . . . . . . . . 184
Using INONLY, INOUT and OUTONLY . . . 115 DIMACROSS attribute . . . . . . . . . 185
Dummy arguments . . . . . . . . . . 116 Examples of arrays . . . . . . . . . . 186
Passing arguments to the MAIN procedure . . 117 Subscripts . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186
Begin-blocks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118 Cross sections of arrays . . . . . . . . . 188
BEGIN statement . . . . . . . . . . . 118 Structures and unions . . . . . . . . . . 188
Begin-block activation . . . . . . . . . 118 Structures . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188
Begin-block termination . . . . . . . . . 118 Unions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189
Entry data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119 Structure and union qualification . . . . . . 191
Entry constants . . . . . . . . . . . . 119 Assignments to UNIONs . . . . . . . . 192
Entry variables . . . . . . . . . . . . 120 LIKE attribute . . . . . . . . . . . . 193
ENTRY attribute . . . . . . . . . . . 121 INDFOR attribute . . . . . . . . . . . 195
OPTIONAL attribute . . . . . . . . . . 124 NOINIT attribute . . . . . . . . . . . 196
LIST attribute . . . . . . . . . . . . 125 NULLINIT attribute . . . . . . . . . . 196
LIMITED attribute. . . . . . . . . . . 129 XML-related attributes . . . . . . . . . 196
Generic entries . . . . . . . . . . . . 130 JSON-related attributes . . . . . . . . . 197
GENERIC attribute . . . . . . . . . . 130 Aggregate combinations and mapping . . . . . 198
Entry invocation or entry value . . . . . . . 133 Combinations of arrays, structures, and unions 198
CALL statement . . . . . . . . . . . . 133 Cross sections of arrays of structures or unions 199
RETURN statement . . . . . . . . . . . 134 Structure and union operations . . . . . . 199
Return from a subroutine . . . . . . . . 134 Structure and union mapping . . . . . . . 199
Return from a function . . . . . . . . . 134
OPTIONS option and attribute . . . . . . . 135 Chapter 8. Statements and directives 211
RETURNS option and attribute . . . . . . . 144 ALLOCATE statement . . . . . . . . . . 211
ASSERT statement . . . . . . . . . . . . 211
Chapter 6. Type definitions . . . . . 145 Assignment and compound assignment statements 213
User-defined types (aliases). . . . . . . . . 145 Assignment statements . . . . . . . . . 213
DEFINE ALIAS statement . . . . . . . . 145 Assignment statements that use the BY
Defining ordinals . . . . . . . . . . . . 146 DIMACROSS option . . . . . . . . . . 214
DEFINE ORDINAL statement . . . . . . . 146 Compound assignment statements . . . . . 214
Defining typed structures and unions . . . . . 148 Target variables . . . . . . . . . . . 215
HANDLE attribute . . . . . . . . . . 149 How assignments are performed . . . . . . 216
Declaring typed variables . . . . . . . . . 150 Multiple assignments . . . . . . . . . . 218
TYPE attribute . . . . . . . . . . . . 150 Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219
ORDINAL attribute . . . . . . . . . . 152 ATTACH statement . . . . . . . . . . . 220
Typed structure qualification . . . . . . . . 152 BEGIN statement . . . . . . . . . . . . 220
Using the period operator (.) . . . . . . . 152 CALL statement . . . . . . . . . . . . 221
Combinations of arrays and typed structures or CANCEL THREAD statement . . . . . . . . 221
unions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153 CLOSE statement . . . . . . . . . . . . 221
Using handles . . . . . . . . . . . . 154 DECLARE statement . . . . . . . . . . . 221
Using ordinals . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154 DEFINE ALIAS statement . . . . . . . . . 221
Type functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157 DEFINE ORDINAL statement . . . . . . . . 221
DEFINE STRUCTURE statement . . . . . . . 221
Chapter 7. Data declarations . . . . . 159 DEFAULT statement . . . . . . . . . . . 222
Explicit declaration . . . . . . . . . . . 159 DELAY statement . . . . . . . . . . . . 222
DECLARE statement . . . . . . . . . . 160 DELETE statement . . . . . . . . . . . 222
Factoring attributes . . . . . . . . . . 161 DETACH statement . . . . . . . . . . . 222
DISPLAY statement . . . . . . . . . . . 223

iv Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference

DO statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223 Automatic storage and attribute . . . . . . . 255
Type 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223 Controlled storage and attribute . . . . . . . 256
Types 2 and 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . 224 ALLOCATE statement for controlled variables 257
Type 4. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 231 FREE statement for controlled variables . . . 259
Examples of basic repetitions . . . . . . . 231 Multiple generations of controlled variables . . 259
Example of DO with WHILE, UNTIL . . . . 232 Asterisk notation . . . . . . . . . . . 260
Example of DO with UPTHRU and Adjustable extents . . . . . . . . . . . 260
DOWNTHRU . . . . . . . . . . . . 234 Built-in functions for controlled variables . . . 260
Example of REPEAT . . . . . . . . . . 235 Based storage and attribute. . . . . . . . . 261
END statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . 236 Extent specifications in BASED declarations . . 261
ENTRY statement . . . . . . . . . . . . 236 BASED VARYING string . . . . . . . . 262
EXIT statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . 236 Storage allocation for BASED variable . . . . 262
FETCH statement . . . . . . . . . . . . 237 Locator variables . . . . . . . . . . . 263
FLUSH statement . . . . . . . . . . . . 237 DEFINED and UNION attributes . . . . . . 263
FORMAT statement . . . . . . . . . . . 237 INITIAL attribute . . . . . . . . . . . 263
FREE statement . . . . . . . . . . . . 237 Locator data . . . . . . . . . . . . . 264
GET statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . 237 POINTER variable and attribute . . . . . . 266
GO TO statement . . . . . . . . . . . . 237 Built-in functions for based variables . . . . 267
IF statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 238 ALLOCATE statement for based variables . . . 267
Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 239 FREE statement for based variables . . . . . 268
Short-circuit evaluation . . . . . . . . . 240 REFER option (self-defining data) . . . . . 269
%INCLUDE directive. . . . . . . . . . . 241 Area data and attribute . . . . . . . . . . 271
ITERATE statement . . . . . . . . . . . 241 Offset data and attribute . . . . . . . . 273
LEAVE statement . . . . . . . . . . . . 242 LOCATES attribute . . . . . . . . . . 274
%LINE directive . . . . . . . . . . . . 243 Built-in functions for area variables . . . . . 276
LOCATE statement . . . . . . . . . . . 243 Area assignment . . . . . . . . . . . 276
%NOPRINT directive. . . . . . . . . . . 243 Input/output of areas . . . . . . . . . 277
%NOTE directive . . . . . . . . . . . . 244 List processing . . . . . . . . . . . . . 277
null statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . 244 ASSIGNABLE and NONASSIGNABLE attributes 279
ON statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . 245 NORMAL and ABNORMAL attributes . . . . . 279
OPEN statement . . . . . . . . . . . . 245 BIGENDIAN and LITTLEENDIAN attributes. . . 280
OTHERWISE statement . . . . . . . . . . 245 HEXADEC and IEEE attributes . . . . . . . 281
PACKAGE statement . . . . . . . . . . . 245 CONNECTED and NONCONNECTED attributes 282
%PAGE directive . . . . . . . . . . . . 245 DEFINED and POSITION attributes . . . . . . 283
%POP directive. . . . . . . . . . . . . 245 Unconnected storage . . . . . . . . . . 285
%PRINT directive . . . . . . . . . . . . 246 Simple defining . . . . . . . . . . . 285
PROCEDURE statement . . . . . . . . . . 246 iSUB Defining . . . . . . . . . . . . 286
%PROCESS directive . . . . . . . . . . . 246 String Overlay Defining . . . . . . . . . 287
*PROCESS directive . . . . . . . . . . . 246 POSITION attribute . . . . . . . . . . 288
%PUSH directive . . . . . . . . . . . . 247 INITIAL attribute . . . . . . . . . . . . 288
PUT statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . 247 Initializing array variables . . . . . . . . 292
READ statement . . . . . . . . . . . . 248 Initializing unions . . . . . . . . . . . 293
REINIT statement . . . . . . . . . . . . 248 Initializing static variables . . . . . . . . 293
RELEASE statement . . . . . . . . . . . 248 Initializing automatic variables . . . . . . 294
RESIGNAL statement. . . . . . . . . . . 248 Initializing based and controlled variables . . . 294
RETURN statement . . . . . . . . . . . 248 Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 294
REVERT statement . . . . . . . . . . . 248
REWRITE statement . . . . . . . . . . . 249 Chapter 10. Input and output. . . . . 297
SELECT statement. . . . . . . . . . . . 249 Data sets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 298
SIGNAL statement . . . . . . . . . . . 251 Consecutive . . . . . . . . . . . . . 298
%SKIP directive . . . . . . . . . . . . 251 Indexed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 298
STOP statement . . . . . . . . . . . . 251 Relative . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 299
WAIT statement . . . . . . . . . . . . 251 Regional . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 299
WHEN statement . . . . . . . . . . . . 251 Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 299
WRITE statement . . . . . . . . . . . . 252 FILE attribute . . . . . . . . . . . . 299
%XINCLUDE statement . . . . . . . . . . 252 RECORD and STREAM attributes . . . . . 302
XPROCEDURE statement . . . . . . . . . 252 INPUT, OUTPUT, and UPDATE attributes. . . 303
SEQUENTIAL and DIRECT attributes . . . . 303
Chapter 9. Storage control . . . . . . 253 BUFFERED and UNBUFFERED attributes . . . 304
Storage classes, allocation, and deallocation . . . 253 ENVIRONMENT attribute . . . . . . . . 304
Static storage and attribute . . . . . . . . . 254 KEYED attribute . . . . . . . . . . . 305

Contents v
PRINT attribute . . . . . . . . . . . 305 PRINT attribute . . . . . . . . . . . . 341
Opening and closing files . . . . . . . . . 305 DBCS data in stream I/O . . . . . . . . . 342
OPEN statement . . . . . . . . . . . 305
Implicit opening . . . . . . . . . . . 307 Chapter 13. Edit-directed format items 343
CLOSE statement . . . . . . . . . . . 309 A-format item . . . . . . . . . . . . . 343
FLUSH statement . . . . . . . . . . . 310 B-format item . . . . . . . . . . . . . 344
SYSPRINT and SYSIN . . . . . . . . . . 310 C-format item . . . . . . . . . . . . . 344
COLUMN format item . . . . . . . . . . 345
Chapter 11. Record-oriented data E-format item . . . . . . . . . . . . . 346
transmission. . . . . . . . . . . . 311 F-format item . . . . . . . . . . . . . 348
Data transmitted . . . . . . . . . . . . 311 G-format item . . . . . . . . . . . . . 350
Unaligned bit strings . . . . . . . . . . 311 L-format item . . . . . . . . . . . . . 350
Varying length strings . . . . . . . . . 311 LINE format item . . . . . . . . . . . . 351
Area variables . . . . . . . . . . . . 312 P-format item . . . . . . . . . . . . . 351
Data transmission statements . . . . . . . . 312 PAGE format item . . . . . . . . . . . . 352
READ statement . . . . . . . . . . . 312 R-format item . . . . . . . . . . . . . 352
WRITE statement . . . . . . . . . . . 313 SKIP format item . . . . . . . . . . . . 353
REWRITE statement . . . . . . . . . . 313 V-format item . . . . . . . . . . . . . 353
LOCATE statement . . . . . . . . . . 314 X-format item . . . . . . . . . . . . . 354
DELETE statement . . . . . . . . . . 314
Options of data transmission statements . . . . 314 Chapter 14. Picture specification
FILE option . . . . . . . . . . . . . 314 characters. . . . . . . . . . . . . 355
FROM option . . . . . . . . . . . . 315 Picture repetition factor . . . . . . . . . . 355
IGNORE option . . . . . . . . . . . 315 Picture characters for character data . . . . . . 356
INTO option . . . . . . . . . . . . 315 Picture characters for numeric character data . . . 357
KEY option . . . . . . . . . . . . . 316 Digits and decimal points . . . . . . . . 358
KEYFROM option . . . . . . . . . . . 316 Zero suppression . . . . . . . . . . . 359
KEYTO option . . . . . . . . . . . . 317 Insertion characters . . . . . . . . . . 360
SET option . . . . . . . . . . . . . 317 Defining currency symbols . . . . . . . . 362
Processing modes . . . . . . . . . . . . 318 Using signs and currency symbols . . . . . 364
Move mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . 318 Credit, debit, overpunched, and zero
Locate mode . . . . . . . . . . . . 318 replacement characters . . . . . . . . . 366
Exponent characters . . . . . . . . . . 368
Chapter 12. Stream-oriented data Scaling factor . . . . . . . . . . . . 369
transmission. . . . . . . . . . . . 321
Data transmission statements . . . . . . . . 321 Chapter 15. Condition handling. . . . 371
GET statement . . . . . . . . . . . . 322 Condition prefixes . . . . . . . . . . . . 371
PUT statement . . . . . . . . . . . . 322 Scope of the condition prefix . . . . . . . 373
Options of data transmission statements . . . . 323 Raising conditions with OPTIMIZATION . . . 373
COPY option . . . . . . . . . . . . 323 On-units . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 373
Data specification options . . . . . . . . 324 ON statement . . . . . . . . . . . . 374
FILE option . . . . . . . . . . . . . 325 Null ON-unit . . . . . . . . . . . . 375
LINE option . . . . . . . . . . . . . 326 Scope of the ON-unit . . . . . . . . . . 375
PAGE option . . . . . . . . . . . . 326 Dynamically descendent ON-units . . . . . 375
SKIP option . . . . . . . . . . . . . 326 ON-units for file variables . . . . . . . . 376
STRING option . . . . . . . . . . . . 327 REVERT statement . . . . . . . . . . . 377
Transmission of data-list items. . . . . . . . 328 SIGNAL statement . . . . . . . . . . . 377
Data-directed data specification . . . . . . . 329 RESIGNAL statement. . . . . . . . . . . 378
Restrictions on data-directed data . . . . . 329 Multiple conditions . . . . . . . . . . . 378
Syntax of data-directed data . . . . . . . 330 CONDITION attribute . . . . . . . . . . 378
GET data-directed . . . . . . . . . . . 331
PUT data-directed . . . . . . . . . . . 332 Chapter 16. Conditions . . . . . . . 381
Edit-directed data specification . . . . . . . 333 ANYCONDITION condition . . . . . . . . 381
GET edit-directed . . . . . . . . . . . 335 AREA condition . . . . . . . . . . . . 382
PUT edit-directed . . . . . . . . . . . 336 ATTENTION condition . . . . . . . . . . 383
FORMAT statement . . . . . . . . . . 337 CONDITION condition . . . . . . . . . . 384
List-directed data specification . . . . . . . 338 CONVERSION condition . . . . . . . . . 385
Syntax of list-directed data . . . . . . . . 338 ENDFILE condition . . . . . . . . . . . 386
GET list-directed . . . . . . . . . . . 339 ENDPAGE condition . . . . . . . . . . . 387
PUT list-directed . . . . . . . . . . . 340 ERROR condition . . . . . . . . . . . . 388

vi Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference

FINISH condition . . . . . . . . . . . . 389 Subroutines . . . . . . . . . . . . . 427
FIXEDOVERFLOW condition . . . . . . . . 389 Descriptions of individual built-in functions,
INVALIDOP condition . . . . . . . . . . 390 pseudovariables, and subroutines. . . . . . . 429
KEY condition . . . . . . . . . . . . . 391 ABS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 430
NAME condition . . . . . . . . . . . . 392 ACOS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 431
OVERFLOW condition . . . . . . . . . . 392 ADD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 432
RECORD condition . . . . . . . . . . . 393 ADDR. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 433
SIZE condition . . . . . . . . . . . . . 394 ADDRDATA . . . . . . . . . . . . 434
STORAGE condition . . . . . . . . . . . 395 ALL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 435
STRINGRANGE condition . . . . . . . . . 395 ALLCOMPARE. . . . . . . . . . . . 436
STRINGSIZE condition . . . . . . . . . . 396 ALLOC31 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 437
SUBSCRIPTRANGE condition . . . . . . . . 397 ALLOCATE . . . . . . . . . . . . . 438
TRANSMIT condition . . . . . . . . . . 397 ALLOCATION . . . . . . . . . . . . 439
UNDEFINEDFILE condition . . . . . . . . 398 ALLOCSIZE . . . . . . . . . . . . . 440
UNDERFLOW condition . . . . . . . . . 399 ANY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 441
ZERODIVIDE condition . . . . . . . . . . 400 ASIN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 442
ATAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 443
Chapter 17. Multithreading facility . . 403 ATAND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 444
Creating a thread . . . . . . . . . . . . 403 ATANH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 445
ATTACH statement . . . . . . . . . . . 404 AUTOMATIC . . . . . . . . . . . . 446
Terminating a thread . . . . . . . . . . . 405 AVAILABLEAREA . . . . . . . . . . 447
Canceling a thread . . . . . . . . . . . 406 BASE64DECODE8 . . . . . . . . . . . 448
Waiting for a thread to complete . . . . . . . 406 BASE64DECODE16 . . . . . . . . . . 449
Detaching a thread . . . . . . . . . . . 406 BASE64ENCODE8. . . . . . . . . . . 450
Condition handling . . . . . . . . . . . 407 BASE64ENCODE16 . . . . . . . . . . 451
Task data and attribute . . . . . . . . . . 407 BETWEEN . . . . . . . . . . . . . 452
THREADID built-in function . . . . . . . . 407 BETWEENEXCLUSIVE . . . . . . . . . 453
Sharing data between threads . . . . . . . . 408 BETWEENLEFTEXCLUSIVE . . . . . . . 454
Sharing files between threads . . . . . . . . 408 BETWEENRIGHTEXCLUSIVE. . . . . . . 455
BINARY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 456
BINARYVALUE . . . . . . . . . . . 457
Chapter 18. Built-in functions,
BIT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 458
pseudovariables, and subroutines . . 409 BITLOCATION . . . . . . . . . . . . 459
Declaring and invoking built-in functions, BOOL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 460
pseudovariables, and built-in subroutines . . . . 409 BYTE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 461
BUILTIN attribute . . . . . . . . . . . 409 CDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 462
Invoking built-in functions and pseudovariables 410 CEIL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 463
Invoking built-in subroutines . . . . . . . 410 CENTERLEFT . . . . . . . . . . . . 464
Specifying arguments for built-in functions, CENTRELEFT . . . . . . . . . . . . 465
pseudovariables, and built-in subroutines . . . . 410 CENTERRIGHT . . . . . . . . . . . 466
Aggregate arguments. . . . . . . . . . 410 CENTRERIGHT . . . . . . . . . . . 467
Null and optional arguments . . . . . . . 411 CHARACTER . . . . . . . . . . . . 468
Accuracy of mathematical functions . . . . . . 411 CHARGRAPHIC . . . . . . . . . . . 469
Categories of built-in functions . . . . . . . 411 CHARVAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . 471
Arithmetic built-in functions . . . . . . . 412 CHECKSTG . . . . . . . . . . . . . 472
Array-handling built-in functions. . . . . . 412 CHECKSUM . . . . . . . . . . . . 473
Buffer-management built-in functions . . . . 413 COLLATE . . . . . . . . . . . . . 474
Condition-handling built-in functions . . . . 415 COMPARE . . . . . . . . . . . . . 475
Date/time built-in functions . . . . . . . 415 COMPLEX . . . . . . . . . . . . . 476
Floating-point inquiry built-in functions . . . 418 CONJG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 477
Floating-point manipulation built-in functions 419 COPY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 478
Input/output built-in functions . . . . . . 419 COS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 479
Integer manipulation built-in functions . . . . 420 COSD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 480
JSON built-in functions . . . . . . . . . 420 COSH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 481
Mathematical built-in functions . . . . . . 421 COUNT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 482
Miscellaneous built-in functions . . . . . . 422 CS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 483
Ordinal-handling built-in functions . . . . . 423 CURRENTSIZE. . . . . . . . . . . . 485
Precision-handling built-in functions . . . . 423 CURRENTSTORAGE . . . . . . . . . . 486
Pseudovariables . . . . . . . . . . . 423 DATAFIELD. . . . . . . . . . . . . 487
Storage control built-in functions . . . . . . 424 DATE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 488
String-handling built-in functions. . . . . . 425 DATETIME . . . . . . . . . . . . . 489

Contents vii
DAYS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 490 ISNORMAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . 553
DAYSTODATE . . . . . . . . . . . . 491 ISRL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 554
DAYSTOSECS . . . . . . . . . . . . 492 ISZERO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 555
DECIMAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . 493 IUNSIGNED . . . . . . . . . . . . 556
DIMENSION . . . . . . . . . . . . 494 JSONGETARRAYEND . . . . . . . . . 557
DIVIDE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 495 JSONGETARRAYSTART . . . . . . . . . 558
EDIT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 496 JSONGETCOLON . . . . . . . . . . . 559
EMPTY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 497 JSONGETCOMMA . . . . . . . . . . 560
ENDFILE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 498 JSONGETMEMBER . . . . . . . . . . 561
ENTRYADDR . . . . . . . . . . . . 499 JSONGETOBJECTEND . . . . . . . . . 563
ENTRYADDR pseudovariable . . . . . . . 500 JSONGETOBJECTSTART . . . . . . . . 564
EPSILON . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 501 JSONGETVALUE . . . . . . . . . . . 565
ERF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 502 JSONPUTARRAYEND . . . . . . . . . 567
ERFC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 503 JSONPUTARRAYSTART . . . . . . . . . 568
EXP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 504 JSONPUTCOLON . . . . . . . . . . . 569
EXPONENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . 505 JSONPUTCOMMA . . . . . . . . . . 570
FILEDDINT . . . . . . . . . . . . . 506 JSONPUTMEMBER . . . . . . . . . . 571
FILEDDTEST . . . . . . . . . . . . 507 JSONPUTOBJECTEND . . . . . . . . . 573
FILEDDWORD . . . . . . . . . . . . 508 JSONPUTOBJECTSTART . . . . . . . . 574
FILEID . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 509 JSONPUTVALUE . . . . . . . . . . . 575
FILEOPEN . . . . . . . . . . . . . 510 JSONVALID . . . . . . . . . . . . . 576
FILEREAD . . . . . . . . . . . . . 511 JULIANTOSMF. . . . . . . . . . . . 577
FILESEEK . . . . . . . . . . . . . 512 LBOUND. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 578
FILETELL . . . . . . . . . . . . . 513 LBOUNDACROSS. . . . . . . . . . . 579
FILEWRITE . . . . . . . . . . . . . 514 LEFT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 580
FIXED . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 515 LENGTH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 581
FIXEDBIN . . . . . . . . . . . . . 516 LINENO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 582
FIXEDDEC . . . . . . . . . . . . . 517 LOCATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . 583
FLOAT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 518 LOCNEWSPACE . . . . . . . . . . . 584
FLOATBIN . . . . . . . . . . . . . 519 LOCNEWVALUE . . . . . . . . . . . 585
FLOATDEC . . . . . . . . . . . . . 520 LOCSTG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 586
FLOOR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 521 LOCVAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 587
GAMMA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 522 LOG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 588
GETENV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 523 LOGGAMMA . . . . . . . . . . . . 589
GRAPHIC . . . . . . . . . . . . . 524 LOG2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 590
HANDLE . . . . . . . . . . . . . 526 LOG10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 591
HBOUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . 527 LOW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 592
HBOUNDACROSS . . . . . . . . . . 528 LOWERCASE . . . . . . . . . . . . 593
HEX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 529 LOWER2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 594
HEXDECODE . . . . . . . . . . . . 531 MAINNAME . . . . . . . . . . . . 595
HEXDECODE8 . . . . . . . . . . . . 532 MAX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 596
HEXIMAGE . . . . . . . . . . . . . 533 MAXEXP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 597
HIGH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 534 MAXLENGTH . . . . . . . . . . . . 598
HUGE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 535 MEMCONVERT . . . . . . . . . . . 599
IAND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 536 MEMCU12 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 600
ICLZ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 537 MEMCU14 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 601
IEOR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 538 MEMCU21 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 602
IMAG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 539 MEMCU24 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 603
IMAG pseudovariable . . . . . . . . . 540 MEMCU41 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 604
INDEX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 541 MEMCU42 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 605
INDEXR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 542 MEMINDEX. . . . . . . . . . . . . 606
INDICATORS . . . . . . . . . . . . 543 MEMSEARCH . . . . . . . . . . . . 607
INLIST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 544 MEMSEARCHR . . . . . . . . . . . 608
INOT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 545 MEMVERIFY . . . . . . . . . . . . 609
IOR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 546 MEMVERIFYR . . . . . . . . . . . . 610
ISFINITE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 547 MIN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 611
ISIGNED . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 548 MINEXP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 612
ISINF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 549 MOD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 613
ISLL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 550 MPSTR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 615
ISMAIN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 551 MULTIPLY . . . . . . . . . . . . . 616
ISNAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 552 NULL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 617

viii Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference

NULLENTRY . . . . . . . . . . . . 618 PLITRAN11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 679
OFFSET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 619 PLITRAN12 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 680
OFFSETADD . . . . . . . . . . . . 620 PLITRAN21 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 681
OFFSETDIFF . . . . . . . . . . . . 621 PLITRAN22 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 682
OFFSETSUBTRACT . . . . . . . . . . 622 POINTER . . . . . . . . . . . . . 683
OFFSETVALUE. . . . . . . . . . . . 623 POINTERADD . . . . . . . . . . . . 684
OMITTED . . . . . . . . . . . . . 624 POINTERDIFF . . . . . . . . . . . . 685
ONAREA . . . . . . . . . . . . . 625 POINTERSUBTRACT. . . . . . . . . . 686
ONCHAR . . . . . . . . . . . . . 626 POINTERVALUE . . . . . . . . . . . 687
ONCHAR pseudovariable . . . . . . . . 627 POLY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 688
ONCODE . . . . . . . . . . . . . 628 POPCNT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 689
ONCONDCOND . . . . . . . . . . . 629 PRECISION . . . . . . . . . . . . . 690
ONCONDID . . . . . . . . . . . . 630 PRED . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 691
ONCOUNT . . . . . . . . . . . . . 631 PRESENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . 692
ONFILE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 632 PROCEDURENAME . . . . . . . . . . 693
ONGSOURCE . . . . . . . . . . . . 633 PROD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 694
ONGSOURCE pseudovariable . . . . . . . 634 PUTENV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 695
ONKEY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 635 RADIX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 696
ONLINE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 636 RAISE2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 697
ONLOC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 637 RANDOM . . . . . . . . . . . . . 698
ONOFFSET . . . . . . . . . . . . . 638 RANK. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 699
ONSOURCE. . . . . . . . . . . . . 639 REAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 700
ONSOURCE pseudovariable . . . . . . . 640 REAL pseudovariable . . . . . . . . . 701
ONSUBCODE . . . . . . . . . . . . 641 REG12. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 702
ONSUBCODE2 . . . . . . . . . . . . 642 REM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 703
ONWCHAR . . . . . . . . . . . . . 643 REPATTERN . . . . . . . . . . . . 704
ONWCHAR pseudovariable . . . . . . . 644 REPEAT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 705
ONWSOURCE . . . . . . . . . . . . 645 REPLACEBY2 . . . . . . . . . . . . 706
ONWSOURCE pseudovariable . . . . . . 646 REVERSE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 707
ORDINALNAME . . . . . . . . . . . 647 RIGHT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 708
ORDINALPRED . . . . . . . . . . . 648 ROUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 709
ORDINALSUCC . . . . . . . . . . . 649 ROUNDDEC . . . . . . . . . . . . 711
PACKAGENAME . . . . . . . . . . . 650 SAMEKEY . . . . . . . . . . . . . 712
PAGENO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 651 SCALE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 713
PICSPEC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 652 SEARCH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 714
PLACES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 653 SEARCHR . . . . . . . . . . . . . 716
PLIASCII . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 654 SECS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 717
PLIATTN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 655 SECSTODATE . . . . . . . . . . . . 718
PLICANC . . . . . . . . . . . . . 656 SECSTODAYS . . . . . . . . . . . . 719
PLICKPT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 657 SIGN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 720
PLIDELETE . . . . . . . . . . . . . 658 SIGNED . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 721
PLIDUMP . . . . . . . . . . . . . 659 SIN. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 722
PLIEBCDIC . . . . . . . . . . . . . 660 SIND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 723
PLIFILL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 661 SINH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 724
PLIFREE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 662 SIZE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 725
PLIMOVE . . . . . . . . . . . . . 663 SMFTOJULIAN. . . . . . . . . . . . 727
PLIOVER. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 664 SOURCEFILE . . . . . . . . . . . . 728
PLIREST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 665 SOURCELINE . . . . . . . . . . . . 729
PLIRETC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 666 SQRT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 730
PLIRETV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 667 SQRTF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 731
PLISAXA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 668 STACKADDR . . . . . . . . . . . . 732
PLISAXB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 669 STORAGE . . . . . . . . . . . . . 733
PLISAXC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 670 STRING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 734
PLISAXD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 671 STRING pseudovariable . . . . . . . . . 736
PLISRTA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 672 SUBSTR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 737
PLISRTB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 673 SUBSTR pseudovariable . . . . . . . . . 738
PLISRTC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 674 SUBTRACT . . . . . . . . . . . . . 739
PLISRTD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 675 SUCC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 740
PLISTCK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 676 SUM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 741
PLISTCKE . . . . . . . . . . . . . 677 SYSNULL . . . . . . . . . . . . . 742
PLISTCKF . . . . . . . . . . . . . 678 SYSTEM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 743

Contents ix
TALLY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 744 RESPEC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 806
TAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 745 SIZE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 807
TAND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 746 VALUE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 808
TANH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 747
THREADID . . . . . . . . . . . . . 748 Chapter 20. Preprocessor facilities 809
TIME . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 749 Preprocessor options . . . . . . . . . . . 810
TIMESTAMP . . . . . . . . . . . . 750 Preprocessor scan . . . . . . . . . . . . 811
TINY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 751 Execution of preprocessor statements . . . . 811
TRANSLATE . . . . . . . . . . . . 752 Execution of listing control statements . . . . 811
TRIM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 753 Execution of input text . . . . . . . . . 811
TRUNC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 754 Preprocessor variables and data elements . . . . 813
TYPE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 755 Preprocessor references and expressions . . . . 813
TYPE pseudovariable. . . . . . . . . . 756 Scope of preprocessor names . . . . . . . . 814
ULENGTH . . . . . . . . . . . . . 757 Preprocessor procedures . . . . . . . . . . 814
ULENGTH8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 758 Arguments and parameters for preprocessor
ULENGTH16 . . . . . . . . . . . . 759 procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . 815
UNALLOCATED . . . . . . . . . . . 760 %PROCEDURE statement . . . . . . . . 816
UNSIGNED . . . . . . . . . . . . . 761 Preprocessor RETURN statement . . . . . . 817
UNSPEC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 762 Preprocessor ANSWER statement. . . . . . 818
UNSPEC pseudovariable . . . . . . . . 764 Preprocessor CALL statement . . . . . . . 820
UPOS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 765 Preprocessor built-in functions . . . . . . . 820
UPPERCASE . . . . . . . . . . . . 766 COLLATE . . . . . . . . . . . . . 822
USUBSTR . . . . . . . . . . . . . 767 COMMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . 823
USUPPLEMENTARY . . . . . . . . . . 768 COMPILEDATE . . . . . . . . . . . 824
UTCDATETIME . . . . . . . . . . . 769 COMPILETIME . . . . . . . . . . . 825
UTCSECS . . . . . . . . . . . . . 770 COPY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 826
UTF8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 771 COUNTER . . . . . . . . . . . . . 827
UTF8STG. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 772 DIMENSION . . . . . . . . . . . . 828
UTF8TOCHAR . . . . . . . . . . . . 773 HBOUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . 829
UTF8TOWCHAR . . . . . . . . . . . 774 INDEX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 830
UUID . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 775 LBOUND. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 831
UVALID . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 776 LENGTH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 832
UWIDTH. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 778 LOWERCASE . . . . . . . . . . . . 833
VALID . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 779 MACCOL . . . . . . . . . . . . . 834
VALIDDATE . . . . . . . . . . . . 780 MACLMAR . . . . . . . . . . . . . 835
VARGLIST . . . . . . . . . . . . . 781 MACNAME . . . . . . . . . . . . . 836
VARGSIZE . . . . . . . . . . . . . 782 MACRMAR . . . . . . . . . . . . . 837
VERIFY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 783 MAX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 838
VERIFYR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 784 MIN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 839
WCHARVAL . . . . . . . . . . . . 785 PARMSET . . . . . . . . . . . . . 840
WEEKDAY . . . . . . . . . . . . . 786 QUOTE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 841
WHIGH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 787 REPEAT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 842
WHITESPACECOLLAPSE . . . . . . . . 788 SUBSTR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 843
WHITESPACEREPLACE . . . . . . . . 789 SYSDIMSIZE . . . . . . . . . . . . 844
WIDECHAR. . . . . . . . . . . . . 790 SYSOFFSETSIZE . . . . . . . . . . . 845
WLOW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 791 SYSPARM . . . . . . . . . . . . . 846
XMLCHAR . . . . . . . . . . . . . 792 SYSPOINTERSIZE . . . . . . . . . . . 847
XMLCLEAN . . . . . . . . . . . . 794 SYSTEM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 848
Y4DATE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 795 SYSVERSION . . . . . . . . . . . . 849
Y4JULIAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . 796 TRANSLATE . . . . . . . . . . . . 850
Y4YEAR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 797 TRIM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 851
UPPERCASE . . . . . . . . . . . . 852
Chapter 19. Type functions . . . . . 799 VERIFY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 853
Invoking type functions . . . . . . . . . . 799 Preprocessor statements . . . . . . . . . . 853
Specifying arguments for type functions . . . . 799 %ACTIVATE statement . . . . . . . . . 853
Brief descriptions of type functions . . . . . . 799 %assignment statement . . . . . . . . . 854
BIND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 801 %DEACTIVATE statement . . . . . . . . 854
CAST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 802 %DECLARE statement . . . . . . . . . 855
FIRST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 803 %DO statement. . . . . . . . . . . . 857
LAST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 804 %END statement . . . . . . . . . . . 858
NEW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 805 %GO TO statement . . . . . . . . . . 858

x Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference

%IF statement . . . . . . . . . . . . 859 Bibliography . . . . . . . . . . . . 877
%INCLUDE statement . . . . . . . . . 860 PL/I publications . . . . . . . . . . . . 877
%INSCAN statement . . . . . . . . . . 861 Related publications . . . . . . . . . . . 877
%ITERATE statement. . . . . . . . . . 861
%LEAVE Statement . . . . . . . . . . 861 Glossary . . . . . . . . . . . . . 879
%NOTE statement. . . . . . . . . . . 862
%null statement . . . . . . . . . . . 863
%REPLACE statement . . . . . . . . . 863 Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 897
%SELECT statement . . . . . . . . . . 863
%XINCLUDE statement . . . . . . . . . 864
%XINSCAN statement . . . . . . . . . 864
Preprocessor examples . . . . . . . . . . 864

Appendix. Limits . . . . . . . . . . 869

Notices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 875
Trademarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 876

Contents xi
xii Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference
1. Alphabetic equivalents . . . . . . . . . 1 41. Compound assignment operators . . . . . 215
2. Decimal digit equivalents . . . . . . . . 3 42. Alternative file attributes. . . . . . . . 300
3. Special character equivalents . . . . . . . 3 43. Attributes by data transmission type 300
4. Composite symbol description . . . . . . 4 44. Attributes of PL/I file declarations . . . . 301
5. Delimiters . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 45. Attributes implied by implicit open . . . . 307
6. Operators . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 46. Merged and implied attributes . . . . . . 308
7. Classification of attributes by constant types 19 47. Options and format items for PRINT files 341
8. Classification of attributes by variable types 21 48. Character picture specification examples 356
9. Abbreviations for coded arithmetic data 49. Examples of digit and decimal point
attributes . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 characters . . . . . . . . . . . . . 359
10. FIXED BINARY SIGNED data storage 50. Examples of zero suppression characters 360
requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 51. Examples of insertion characters . . . . . 362
11. FIXED BINARY UNSIGNED data storage 52. Examples of signs and currency characters 365
requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 53. Interpretation of the T, I, and R picture
12. Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 characters . . . . . . . . . . . . . 366
13. Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 54. Examples of credit, debit, overpunched, and
14. Abbreviations for string data attributes 31 zero replacement characters . . . . . . . 368
15. Examples of character constants. . . . . . 34 55. Examples of exponent characters . . . . . 368
16. Examples of X constants . . . . . . . . 36 56. Examples of scaling factor characters 369
17. Examples of bit constants . . . . . . . . 36 57. Classes and status of conditions . . . . . 372
18. Examples of B4 constants . . . . . . . . 37 58. Built-in functions and pseudovariables that
19. Examples of B3 constants . . . . . . . . 37 accept structure or union arguments . . . . 411
20. Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 59. Arithmetic built-in functions . . . . . . 412
21. Examples of mixed character constants 39 60. Array-handling built-in functions . . . . . 412
22. Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 61. Buffer-management built-in functions 413
23. Arithmetic operator . . . . . . . . . . 57 62. Condition-handling built-in functions 415
24. Results of arithmetic operations for one or 63. Date/time built-in functions . . . . . . 416
more FLOAT operands . . . . . . . . . 61 64. Date/time patterns. . . . . . . . . . 417
25. Results of arithmetic operations between two 65. Floating-point inquiry built-in functions 418
unscaled FIXED operands under RULES(ANS) . 61 66. Floating-point manipulation built-in functions 419
26. Results of arithmetic operations between two 67. Input/output built-in functions . . . . . 419
scaled FIXED operands under RULES(ANS) . 62 68. Integer manipulation built-in functions 420
27. Results of arithmetic operations between two 69. JSON built-in functions . . . . . . . . 420
FIXED operands under RULES(IBM) . . . . 63 70. Mathematical built-in functions . . . . . 421
28. Comparison of FIXED division and constant 71. Miscellaneous built-in functions . . . . . 422
expressions . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 72. Ordinal-handling built-in functions . . . . 423
29. Special cases for exponentiation . . . . . . 65 73. Precision-handling built-in functions . . . . 423
30. Logical operators for bit operations . . . . 65 74. Built-in pseudovariables . . . . . . . . 424
31. Bit operations . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 75. Storage control built-in functions . . . . . 424
32. Bit operation examples . . . . . . . . . 66 76. String-handling built-in functions . . . . . 426
33. Priority of operations and guide to conversions 71 77. Built-in subroutines . . . . . . . . . 427
34. CEIL (n*3.32) and CEIL (n/3.32) values 80 78. Example of encoding a source buffer into
35. Ordinal-handling built-in functions . . . . 154 base 64 as UTF-8 . . . . . . . . . . 450
36. Type functions . . . . . . . . . . . 157 79. Example of encoding a source buffer into
37. Alignment on integral boundaries of base 64 as UTF-16 . . . . . . . . . . 451
halfwords, words, and doublewords . . . . 172 80. Length of bit string returned by UNSPEC 762
38. Alignment requirements . . . . . . . . 173 81. Type functions . . . . . . . . . . . 799
39. Default arithmetic precisions . . . . . . 179 82. Language element limits . . . . . . . . 869
40. Attributes in attribute-expression in DEFAULT 183 83. Macro facility limits . . . . . . . . . 872

Copyright IBM Corp. 1999, 2016 xiii

xiv Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference
1. Named constants. . . . . . . . . . . 46 11. Mapping of minor structure G . . . . . . 205
2. A PL/I application structure . . . . . . . 92 12. Mapping of minor structure E . . . . . . 205
3. Package statement . . . . . . . . . . 97 13. Mapping of minor structure N . . . . . . 206
4. Array argument with parameters . . . . . 103 14. Mapping of minor structure S . . . . . . 206
5. Valid and invalid call statements . . . . . 125 15. Mapping of minor structure C . . . . . . 207
6. Sample program illustrating LIST attribute 127 16. Mapping of minor structure M. . . . . . 207
7. Scopes of data declarations . . . . . . . 164 17. Mapping of major structure A . . . . . . 208
8. Scopes of entry and label declarations 165 18. Offsets in final mapping of structure A 209
9. Example of scopes of various declarations 168 19. Example of one-directional chain . . . . . 278
10. Mapping of example structure . . . . . . 204

Copyright IBM Corp. 1999, 2016 xv

xvi Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference
About this book
This book is a reference for the programmer using the IBM PL/I compiler in these
IBM products:
v Enterprise PL/I for z/OS, V5R1
v PL/I for AIX, V3R1
v Rational Developer for System z PL/I for Windows, Version 9.1

It is not a tutorial, but is designed for the reader who already has a knowledge of
the PL/I language and who requires reference information needed to write a
program for an IBM PL/I compiler. It contains guidance information and
general-use programming interfaces.

Because this book is a reference manual, it is not intended to be read from front to
back, and terms can be used before they are defined. Terms are highlighted where
they are defined in the book, and definitions are found in the glossary.

Text set apart by the workstation opening and closing icons designates features
which are supported only on PL/I workstation products (AIX and Windows).

Notation conventions used in this book

The following sections describe how information is presented in this book.
Examples and user-supplied information are presented in mixed-case characters.
The following rules apply to the syntax diagrams used in this book:
Arrow symbols
Read the syntax diagrams from left to right, from top to bottom, following
the path of the line.
Indicates the beginning of a statement.
Indicates that the statement syntax is continued on the next line.
Indicates that a statement is continued from the previous line.
Indicates the end of a statement.
Diagrams of syntactical units other than complete statements start with the
symbol and end with the symbol.
v Keywords, their allowable synonyms, and reserved parameters, appear
in uppercase for the MVS platform, and lowercase for UNIX platform.
These items must be entered exactly as shown.
v Variables appear in lowercase italics (for example, column-name). They
represent user-defined parameters or suboptions.
v When entering commands, separate parameters and keywords by at
least one blank if there is no intervening punctuation.
v Enter punctuation marks (slashes, commas, periods, parentheses,
quotation marks, equal signs) and numbers exactly as given.

Copyright IBM Corp. 1999, 2016 xvii

About this book

v Footnotes are shown by a number in parentheses, for example, (1).

v A symbol indicates one blank position.
Required items
Required items appear on the horizontal line (the main path).


Optional Items
Optional items appear below the main path.


If an optional item appears above the main path, that item has no effect on
the execution of the statement and is used only for readability.


Multiple required or optional items

If you can choose from two or more items, they appear vertically in a
stack. If you must choose one of the items, one item of the stack appears on
the main path.

REQUIRED_ITEM required_choice1

If choosing one of the items is optional, the entire stack appears below the
main path.


Repeatable items
An arrow returning to the left above the main line indicates that an item
can be repeated.

REQUIRED_ITEM repeatable_item

If the repeat arrow contains a comma, you must separate repeated items
with a comma.

REQUIRED_ITEM repeatable_item

A repeat arrow above a stack indicates that you can specify more than one
of the choices in the stack.

xviii Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference

About this book

Default keywords
IBM-supplied default keywords appear above the main path, and the
remaining choices are shown below the main path. In the parameter list
following the syntax diagram, the default choices are underlined.


Sometimes a diagram must be split into fragments. The fragments are
represented by a letter or fragment name, set off like this: | A |. The
fragment follows the end of the main diagram. The following example
shows the use of a fragment.

STATEMENT item 1 item 2 A


item 3 KEYWORD
item 4 item 5

item 6

Sometimes a set of several parameters is represented by a
substitution-block such as <A>. For example, in the imaginary /VERB
command you could enter /VERB LINE 1, /VERB EITHER LINE 1, or /VERB

/VERB LINE line#


where <A> is:


Parameter endings
Parameters with number values end with the symbol '#', parameters that
are names end with 'name', and parameters that can be generic end with


SYSID sysid#

The MSNAME keyword in the example supports a name value and the
SYSID keyword supports a number value.

To describe the PL/I language, the following conventions are used:

About this book xix

About this book

v The descriptions are informal. For example, we usually write x must be a

variable instead of the more precise x must be the name of a variable.
Similarly, we can sometimes write x is transmitted instead of the value of x is
transmitted. When the syntax indicates reference, we can later write the
variable instead of the referenced variable.
v When we say that two different source constructs are equivalent, we mean that
they produce the same result, and not necessarily that the implementation is the
v Unless specifically stated in the text following the syntax specification, the
unqualified term expression or reference refers to a scalar expression. For an
expression other than a scalar expression, the type of expression is noted. For
example, the term array expression indicates that neither a scalar expression
nor a structure expression is valid.
v When a result or behavior is undefined, it is something you must not do. Use
of an undefined feature is likely to produce different results on different
implementations or releases of a PL/I product. The application program is
considered to be in error.
v Default is used to describe an alternative value, attribute, or option that is
assumed by the system when no explicit choice is specified.
v Implicit is used to describe the action taken in the absence of an explicit
specification by the program.
v The lowercase letter b, when not in a word, indicates a blank character.

Industry standards used

The PL/I compiler is designed according to the specifications of the following
industry standards as understood and interpreted by IBM as of December 1987:
v American National Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII), X3.4 -
v American National Standard Representation of Pocket Select Characters in
Information Interchange, level 1, X3.77 - 1980 (proposed to ISO, March 1, 1979)
v The draft proposed American National Standard Representation of Vertical
Carriage Positioning Characters in Information Interchange, level 1, dpANS
X3.78 (also proposed to ISO, March 1, 1979)
v Selected features of the American National Standard PL/I General Purpose
Subset (ANSI X3.74-1987).

Summary of changes

Enhancements in this release

This release provides the following functional enhancements that are described in
this and the other IBM PL/I books.

Enhancements in usability
v The compiler now supports 64-bit applications under the LP(64) option. This
means that under this option, POINTER and HANLDE can be eight bytes in
size, structures and arrays can be larger than 2G in size, and many built-in
functions (such as PLIMOVE) can take 8-byte integer arguments and return
8-byte integer results.
v The INITIAL attribute is now allowed on macro declare statements.

xx Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference

About this book

v The JSONNAME attribute provides the ability to specify the name that is used
or expected for a variable in jsonPut or jsonGet functions. In particular, with this
attribute you can specify a name that does not conform to PL/I name rules.
v The JSONOMIT attribute indicates that fields of certain data items must be
omitted from output that is generated by JSON functions. In particular, if a
variable has the JSONOMIT attribute, the jsonPut functions will omit this
variable from the generated text if the variable is equal to a null string .
v The SUPPRESS attribute now accepts NOPADDING as a subattribute, which can
be applied on a variable. If specified on a level-1 structure name,
SUPPRESS(NOPADDING) causes the RULES(NOPADDING) compiler option to
be ignored for that structure.
v The compiler now issues a W-level message rather than an I-level message if
attributes other than FIXED BIN(p,0) are used with REFER objects.
v Some assignments to UNIONs and, more generally, to structures that contain
UNIONs are now supported.
v The XMLCONTENT attribute specifies that when a variable is included in the
text that is generated by the XMLCHAR built-in function, it is presented as
tagless text.

New or changed built-in functions, pseudovariables, and

v The new ALLOC31 built-in function allocates storage of the specified size in
below-the-bar heap.
BETWEENRIGHTEXCLUSIVE built-in functions make it easier to write code that
tests whether a variable is in between two specified values. These built-in
functions also make it easier for the compiler to generate better code for such
v The new CHECKSUM built-in function can be used to get the checksum value
for a buffer of data.
v The new HEXDECODE and HEXDECODE8 built-in functions make it easy to
translate character data that contains a hexadecimal representation of data into
data with the corresponding value.
v The new ICLZ built-in function provides a quick way to count the number of
leading zeros in an integer value.
v The new MAINNAME built-in function returns the name of the MAIN function
on the current calling chain.
v The new ONSUBCODE2 built-in function gives your program more information
about VSAM failures.
v The new PLIATTN built-in subroutine gives you explicit control over where the
compiler sets attention breakpoints.
v The new TIMESTAMP built-in function can be used to obtain the current date
and time in the z system format of YYYY-MM-DD-HH.MI.SS.999999. This format is
now one of the valid date-time patterns that are supported in the various
date-time built-in functions.
v The new UTCDATETIME and UTCSECS built-in functions can be used to obtain
the UTC date and time as a string and as a number of Lilian seconds.
v The new UTF8STG built-in function makes it easier to write code that parses
UTF-8 text.
v The new UUID built-in function can be used to obtain a universally unique

About this book xxi

About this book

Performance improvements
v Some fixed decimal divides with large precision are now done using the
Decimal Floating-Point (DFP) facility. This might cause some ZERODIVIDE
exceptions to be reported as INVALIDOP.

SQL enhancements
v The INDFOR attribute makes it easy to declare a structure of indicator variables
to match another PL/I structure.

Enhancements from V4R5

This release provides the following functional enhancements that are described in
this and the other IBM PL/I books.
v The new REINIT statement allows variables to be reset with their INITIAL
v The new BETWEEN built-in function makes it easier to write code that tests
whether a variable is in between two specified values. The function also makes
it easier for the compiler to generate better code for such tests.
v The new INLIST built-in function makes it easier to write code that tests
whether a variable has a value in a specified list of values. The function also
makes it easier for the compiler to generate better code for such tests.
v The new NULLENTRY built-in function makes it easier to assign a null value to
an entry variable and to test whether the value of an entry variable is null.
Under the options such as INITAUTO and INITBASED, entry variables will be
v The new PLISTCK, PLISTCKE, and PLISTCKF built-in subroutines generate the
corresponding store clock hardware instruction. You can time sections of code
more easily and get clock values more precise than that provided by the
date-time built-in functions.
v A series of new built-in functions provide support for parsing, generating, and
validating JSON.
v The new SMFTOJULIAN and JULIANTOSMF built-in functions provide the
ability to convert between the SMF and Julian date formats.
v The new NULLINIT attribute specifies that any element of a variable that does
not have an INITIAL attribute will be given a default initial value.
v The LOCATES attribute is extended to allow the located type to be any
computational type, such as an ORDINAL type, or a STRUCT type.
v The new VARYING4 attribute can be used in declarations of BIT, CHARACTER
and WIDECHAR variables to specify that the variable has a 4-byte length prefix.
v The new FORCE(NOLAXQUAL) attribute and the new FORCE suboption of the
RULES(NOLAXQUAL) option enable users to enforce the NOLAXQUAL rules
in a structure-by-structure manner.
v Apostrophes are now accepted as insertion characters in picture strings in the
same way that the comma, point, and slash have been.
v The new macro preprocessor built-in functions SYSDIMSIZE, SYSOFFSETSIZE,
and SYSPOINTERSIZE enable users to write code that will be correct under
various compiler options that change the number of bytes used for various data
v The new macro XPROCEDURE statement is identical to the macro PROCEDURE
statement except that the preprocessor ignores, rather than flags, any subsequent
occurrence of an XPROCEDURE statement if the leftmost name on the statement
is the name of an already defined preprocessor procedure.

xxii Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference

About this book

Enhancements from V4R4

This release provides the following functional enhancements that are described in
this and the other IBM PL/I books.
v The new LOCATES attribute enables significant storage reduction when the
compiler is creating and passing sparse arrays of strings.
v The new WIDEPIC attribute specifies the properties of a WIDECHAR data item
by associating a picture character with each position of the data item.
v The ALLOCATE built-in function has the AREA reference as a new optional
BASE64DECODE16 built-in functions support the encoding and decoding of
base 64.
v The new INDEXR built-in function has the same functionality as the INDEX
built-in function, but the search is done from right to left.
v The new LOCSTG built-in function returns the number of bytes needed to hold
all the allocated storage that is needed to hold all the values that can be held
indirectly by using LOCATES.
v The new LOCVAL built-in function returns the value at the offset that is
specified in an area with the type specified in the LOCATES description.
built-in functions ease the processing of XML.
v The LOCNEWSPACE built-in subroutine allocates space for the variable type
that is described by the LOCATES attribute.
v The LOCNEWVALUE built-in subroutine allocates spaces for a specified value
with its type described by the LOCATES attribute and assigns that specified
value into the associated address of the space.
v The new CANCEL THREAD statement cancels the specified thread.
v The DEFAULT statement supports a logical expression with RANGE and
attribute keywords.
v The new preprocessor CALL statement supports the calling of a MACRO
procedure from MACRO procedures.

Enhancements from V4R3

This release provides the following functional enhancements that are described in
this and the other IBM PL/I books.
v The new ASSERT statement improves the verification of the correctness of a
program. It asserts whether a condition is true or false or a statement should not
be executed.
v The support of the following handle operations is enhanced to allow the
Comparing handles with the same associated structure type.
Adding to and subtracting from handles with sensitivity to the associated
structure type.
Computing the difference of two handles with sensitivity to the associated
structure type.
v The maximum length of WIDECHAR strings is increased to 32767.
v Some use of LIKE with LIKE is now supported.
v You can use the SUPPRESS attribute on PROCEDURE statements.

About this book xxiii

About this book

v The support of OPTIONAL parameters allows users to pass an omitted

OPTIONAL parameter as an argument to an entry if the corresponding
parameter in the declaration for that entry is also OPTIONAL.
v INOUT and OUTONLY now imply BYADDR.
v The new ALLCOMPARE built-in function supports the comparison of two
v The USUPPLEMENTARY built-in function now replaces USURROGATE.
v The new built-in functions UTF8, UTF8TOCHAR, and UTF8TOWCHAR can
convert between CHAR and UTF-8 with sensitivity to the CODEPAGE option.
They also simplify conversions between UTF-8 and UTF-16. The UTF8 function
also allows the user to create UTF-8 literals and to initialize static variables with
UTF-8 data.

Enhancements from V4R2

This release provides the following functional enhancements that are described in
this and the other IBM PL/I books.
v XML generation, by using the XMLCHAR built-in function, now supports XML
attributes and the omission of null values.
v The compiler now explicitly supports some use of adjustable BASED without
v The compiler now supports comparisons of POINTER to null strings ('' and ''b).
v The compiler has raised the maximum number of distinct include files that are
allowed in a single compilation from 2047 to 4095.
v The new BY DIMACROSS form of assignments makes it easier to write code to
handle the results of SQL multi-row fetch.
v The compiler and the preprocessors (rather than just the SQL preprocessor when
parsing EXEC SQL code) now all support <> as a not-equals symbol.
v The new INDICATORS built-in function makes it easy to declare an array to be
used as an SQL indicator variable with a structure.
v The new POPCNT built-in function returns a FIXED BIN value holding in each
byte the number of bits equal to 1 in the corresponding byte of x.

Enhancements from V4R1

This release provides the following functional enhancements that are described in
this and the other IBM PL/I books.
v The new PLISAXD built-in subroutine provides the ability to parse XML
documents with validation against a schema.
v The new ONAREA built-in function allows you to have easy access to another
piece of information formerly available only in the runtime error message or
memory dump, namely the name of the AREA reference for which an AREA
condition is raised.
v The new VALUE type function supports the initialization of or assignment to a
variable that has the corresponding structure type.
v The INITIAL attribute is allowed on the elementary names of the DEFINE
STRUCTURE statement.

Enhancements from V3R9

This release provides the following functional enhancements that are described in
this and the other IBM PL/I books.

xxiv Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference

About this book

v The new MEMCU12, MEMCU21, MEMCU14, MEMCU24, MEMCU41, and

MEMCU42 built-in functions provide the ability to convert between UTF-8,
UTF-16, and UTF-32, and on z/OS, they do this with inline code that exploits
the corresponding hardware instruction.
v The new PLITRAN11, PLITRAN12, PLITRAN21, and PLITRAN22 built-in
functions provide the ability to translate one-byte and/or two-byte buffers, and
on z/OS, they do this with inline code that exploits the corresponding hardware
v The new USURROGATE built-in function provides the ability to test if a CHAR
or WCHAR string contains any UTF surrogate pairs.
v The new ROUNDDEC built-in function provides the ability to specify that a
DFP number should be rounded at the nth decimal digit (rather than at the nth
digit as provided by the ROUND built-in function).
v The new INONLY, INOUT, and OUTONLY attributes will make it easier to make
code more self-documenting and to allow the compiler to produce more accurate
diagnostics (for example, the compiler now cannot flag dummy arguments if
they are declared as INONLY and not flag uninitialized arguments if they are
declared as OUTONLY).
v The new %DO SKIP; statement makes it easy to exclude blocks of code from the
compilation and to "comment out" comments.
v Six more datetime patterns support zero suppression on input and output.

Enhancements from V3R8

This release provides the following functional enhancements that are described in
this and the other IBM PL/I books.
v The new PLISAXC built-in function will allow the user to exploit the z/OS XML
System Services parser as if it were a SAX parser. Thanks to the underlying
support in this parser, PLISAXC will provide support for name spaces as well as
documents that are larger than 2G.
and UWIDTH built-in functions will allow the user to query and process strings
containing UTF-8 and UTF-16 data.
v The new FIXEDBIN, FIXEDDEC, FLOATBIN, and FLOATDEC built-in functions
will allow the user to specify all the result attributes (other than the mode) in a
numeric conversion and thus allow the user to write not only more easily
understood code but code that will also perform better (particularly for some
DFP conversions).
v The new ONLINE built-in function will allow the user to have easy access to
another piece of information formerly available only in the runtime error
message or dump, namely the line number in the user code at which a condition
was raised.
v The new REG12 built-in function will return the address of the CAA and will
make it easier for users to write code that uses some Language Environment
v The REPATTERN built-in function will support 3 additional DB2 date-time
v The new DIMACROSS attribute will make it easier to exploit DB2 multi-row
v The new SUPPRESS attribute will make it easier to selectively suppress the
compiler warning messages for uninitialized and unreferenced variables.
v Trailing OPTIONAL arguments may now be omitted also on calls to internal

About this book xxv

About this book

v The new HEX suboption of the USAGE compiler option will allow the user to
specify how much data is displayed when applying the HEX built-in function to

Enhancements from V3R7

This release provides the following functional enhancements that are described in
this and the other IBM PL/I books.
v IEEE Decimal Floating-Point (DFP) is supported.
This includes support for the following new built-in functions:
Also, as part of the DFP support, the following old built-in functions have been
v The new MEMCONVERT built-in function will allow the user to convert
arbitrary lengths of data between arbitrary code pages.
v The new ONOFFSET built-in function will allow the user to have easy access to
another piece of information formerly available only in the runtime error
message or dump, namely the offset in the user procedure at which a condition
was raised.
v The new STACKADDR built-in function will return the address of the current
dynamic save area (register 13 on z/OS) and will make it easier for users to
write their own diagnostic code.
v The new QUOTE option will allow the user to specify alternate code points for
the quote (") symbol since this symbol is not code-page invariant.
v The new XML compiler option can be used to specify that the tags in the output
of the XMLCHAR built-in function be either in all upper case or in the case in
which they were declared.

Enhancements from V3R6

This release provides the following new language features. Additional
platform-specific enhancements are described in the appropriate Programming

xxvi Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference

About this book

v The PICSPEC built-in function is now supported so that CHARACTER data may
be quickly cast to PICTURE.
v The THREADID built-in function may now be used under z/OS. It has also
been changed so that it returns a pointer to the thread identifier and so that it
always requires a parameter.

Enhancements from V3R5

This release provides the following new language features. Additional
platform-specific enhancements are described in the appropriate Programming
v The LOCATION built-in function can now specify the first element using REFER
in a structure without the structure having been allocated.
v The DB2 date patterns 'YYYY-MM-DD', 'MM/DD/YYYY' and 'DD.MM.YYYY'
can now be used in the datetime-handling built-in functions.

Enhancements from V3R4

This release provides the following new language features. Additional
platform-specific enhancements are described in the appropriate Programming
v The semantics for the DEFAULT statement now match those of the old host
v Support for RETURN statements inside BEGIN blocks within PROCEDURES
containing ENTRY statements
v The REPLACEBY2 built-in function
v The NOINIT attribute
v The following built-in functions in the MACRO preprocessor

Enhancements from V3R3

This release also provides all of the functional enhancements offered in Enterprise
PL/I V3R3, including the following language features.
v The following built-in functions
v The V format item in GET EDIT

Enhancements from V3R2

This release also provides all of the functional enhancements that are offered in
Enterprise PL/I V3R2, including the following language features.
v Support for the NOMAP, NOMAPIN, and NOMAP attributes for PROCs and

About this book xxvii

About this book

v Support, in the same manner as provided by the old host compiler, for PROCs
with ENTRY statements that have differing RETURNS attributes.
v OPTIONS(RETCODE) is assumed for PROCs and ENTRYs with
v The SIZE condition is no longer promoted to ERROR if unhandled.
v The new USAGE compiler option gives you full control over the IBM or ANS
behavior of the ROUND and UNSPEC built-in function without the other effects
of the RULES(IBM|ANS) option.
v POINTERs are now allowed in PUT LIST and PUT EDIT statements: the 8-byte
hex value will be output.
v If specified on a STATIC variable, the ABNORMAL attribute will cause that
variable to be retained even if unused.

Enhancements from V3R1

This release provides the following functional enhancements that are described in
this and the other IBM PL/I books.

This release also provides all of the functional enhancements that are offered in
Enterprise PL/I V3R1, including the following:
v Support for Multithreading on z/OS
v Support for IEEE floating-point on z/OS
v Support for the ANSWER statement in the macro prepreprocessor
v SAX-style XML parsing via the PLISAXA and PLISAXB built-in subroutines
v Additional built-in functions:

This release also provides all of the functional enhancements that are offered in
VisualAge PL/I V2R2, including the following:
v Initial UTF-16 support via the WIDECHAR attribute
There is currently no support yet for
WIDECHAR characters in source files
W string constants
use of WIDECHAR expressions in stream I/O
implicit conversion to/from WIDECHAR in record I/O
implicit endianness flags in record I/O
If you create a WIDECHAR file, you should write the endianness flag
('fe_ff'wx) as the first two bytes of the file.
v DESCRIPTORS and VALUE options that are supported in DEFAULT statements
v PUT DATA enhancements
POINTER, OFFSET, and other non-computational variables supported
Type-3 DO specifications allowed
Subscripts allowed
v DEFINE statement enhancements
Unspecified structure definitions
CAST and RESPEC type functions
v Additional built-in functions:

xxviii Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference

About this book

v Preprocessor enhancements
Support for arrays in preprocessor procedures
WHILE, UNTIL and LOOP keywords supported in %DO statements
%ITERATE statement supported
%LEAVE statement supported
%REPLACE statement supported
%SELECT statement supported
Additional built-in functions:

How to send your comments

Your feedback is important in helping us to provide accurate, high-quality
information. If you have comments about this document or any other PL/I
documentation, contact us in one of these ways:
v Use the Online Readers' Comment Form at

or send an email to

About this book xxix

How to send your comments

Be sure to include the name of the document, the publication number of the
document, the version of PL/I, and, if applicable, the specific location (for
example, page number) of the text that you are commenting on.
v Fill out the Readers' Comment Form at the back of this document, and return it
by mail or give it to an IBM representative. If the form has been removed,
address your comments to:

International Business Machines Corporation

Reader Comments
555 Bailey Avenue
San Jose, CA 95141-1003
v Fax your comments to this U.S. number: (800)426-7773.

When you send information to IBM, you grant IBM a nonexclusive right to use or
distribute the information in any way it believes appropriate without incurring any
obligation to you.

Accessibility features assist users who have a disability, such as restricted mobility
or limited vision, to use information technology content successfully. The
accessibility features in z/OS provide accessibility for Enterprise PL/I for z/OS.

Accessibility features

z/OS includes the following major accessibility features:

v Interfaces that are commonly used by screen readers and screen-magnifier
v Keyboard-only navigation
v Ability to customize display attributes such as color, contrast, and font size

z/OS uses the latest W3C Standard, WAI-ARIA 1.0 (

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The Enterprise PL/I for z/OS online product documentation in IBM Knowledge
Center is enabled for accessibility. The accessibility features of IBM Knowledge
Center are described at

Keyboard navigation
Users can access z/OS user interfaces by using TSO/E or ISPF.

Users can also access z/OS services by using IBM Rational Developer for System
z .

xxx Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


For information about accessing these interfaces, see the following publications:
v z/OS TSO/E Primer (
v z/OS TSO/E User's Guide (
v z/OS ISPF User's Guide Volume I (
v IBM Rational Developer for System z Knowledge Center (

These guides describe how to use TSO/E and ISPF, including the use of keyboard
shortcuts or function keys (PF keys). Each guide includes the default settings for
the PF keys and explains how to modify their functions.

Interface information

The Enterprise PL/I for z/OS online product documentation is available in IBM
Knowledge Center, which is viewable from a standard web browser.

PDF files have limited accessibility support. With PDF documentation, you can use
optional font enlargement, high-contrast display settings, and can navigate by
keyboard alone.

To enable your screen reader to accurately read syntax diagrams, source code
examples, and text that contains the period or comma PICTURE symbols, you
must set the screen reader to speak all punctuation.

Assistive technology products work with the user interfaces that are found in
z/OS. For specific guidance information, see the documentation for the assistive
technology product that you use to access z/OS interfaces.

Related accessibility information

In addition to standard IBM help desk and support websites, IBM has established
a TTY telephone service for use by deaf or hard of hearing customers to access
sales and support services:

TTY service
800-IBM-3383 (800-426-3383)
(within North America)

IBM and accessibility

For more information about the commitment that IBM has to accessibility, see IBM
Accessibility (

About this book xxxi

xxxii Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference
Chapter 1. Program elements
This chapter describes the basic elements that are used to write a PL/I program.
The elements include character sets, programmer-defined identifiers, keywords,
delimiters, and statements.

PL/I supports a single-byte character set (SBCS) and a double-byte character set

The implementation limits for PL/I language elements are listed in Limits, on
page 869.

Single-byte character set

A character set is an ordered set of unique representations called characters; for
example, the set of symbols in Morse code, or the letters of the Cyrillic alphabet
are character sets. PL/I supports all PC character sets.

Character set 0640 is called the invariant character set because a character from this
set has the same code point in all code pages. A code point is a one-byte code
representing one of 256 potential characters; a code page is an assignment of graphic
characters and control function meanings to all of the code points.

PL/I supports all code pages that conform to character set 0640; however, PL/I
assumes code page 0850 for all code points, except for those characters that are
specified by the programmer using the CURRENCY, NAMES, OR, or NOT
compiler options. For more information about these options, refer to the
Programming Guide.

Code page 0850 contains the English alphabet, ten decimal digits, special
characters, and other national language and control characters. Constants and
comments can contain any SBCS character value. PL/I elements (for example,
statements, keywords and delimiters) are limited to the characters described in the
following sections.

Alphabetic and extralingual characters

The default alphabet for PL/I is the English alphabet plus the extralingual

Alphabetic characters

There are 26 base alphabetic characters that comprise the English alphabet. They
are shown in Table 1 with the equivalent ASCII and EBCDIC values in hexadecimal
Table 1. Alphabetic equivalents
Uppercase Hex Lowercase Hex Uppercase Hex Lowercase Hex
Character Value Value Value Value
A C1 81 41 61
B C2 82 42 62

Copyright IBM Corp. 1999, 2016 1

Alphabetic and extralingual characters

Table 1. Alphabetic equivalents (continued)

Uppercase Hex Lowercase Hex Uppercase Hex Lowercase Hex
Character Value Value Value Value
C C3 83 43 63
D C4 84 44 64
E C5 85 45 65
F C6 86 46 66
G C7 87 47 67
H C8 88 48 68
I C9 89 49 69
J D1 91 4A 6A
K D2 92 4B 6B
L D3 93 4C 6C
M D4 94 4D 6D
N D5 95 4E 6E
O D6 96 4F 6F
P D7 97 50 70
Q D8 98 51 71
R D9 99 52 72
S E2 A2 53 73
T E3 A3 54 74
U E4 A4 55 75
V E5 A5 56 76
W E6 A6 57 77
X E7 A7 58 78
Y E8 A8 59 79
Z E9 A9 5A 7A

Extralingual characters

The default extralingual characters are the number sign (#), the at sign (@), and the
currency sign ($). The hexadecimal values for these characters vary across code
pages. You can use the NAMES compiler option to define your own extralingual
characters. For more information about defining extralingual characters, refer to the
Programming Guide.

Alphanumeric characters
An alphanumeric character is either an alphabetic or extralingual character, or a

Decimal digits
PL/I recognizes the ten decimal digits, 0 through 9. They are also known simply as
digits and are used to write decimal constants and other representations and

2 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference

Decimal digits

The following table shows the digits and their hexadecimal values.
Table 2. Decimal digit equivalents
Character EBCDIC Hex Value ASCII Hex Value
0 F0 30
1 F1 31
2 F2 32
3 F3 33
4 F4 34
5 F5 35
6 F6 36
7 F7 37
8 F8 38
9 F9 39

Binary digits
PL/I recognizes the two binary digits, 0 and 1. They are also known as bits and
are used to write binary and bit constants.

Hexadecimal digits
PL/I recognizes the 16 hexadecimal digits, 0 through 9 and A through F. A through
F represent the decimal values 10 through 15, respectively. They are also known as
hex digits or just hex and are used to write constants in hexadecimal notation.

Special characters
This topic shows the special characters, their PL/I meanings, and their ASCII and
EBCDIC values in hexadecimal notation.
Table 3. Special character equivalents
Default EBCDIC Default ASCII
Character Meaning Hex value Hex value
b Blank 40 20
= Equal sign or assignment symbol 7E 3D
+ Plus sign 4E 2B
- Minus sign 60 2D
* Asterisk or multiply symbol 5C 2A
/ Slash or divide symbol 61 2F
( Left parenthesis 4D 28
) Right parenthesis 5D 29
, Comma 6B 2C
. Point or period 4B 2E
' Single quotation mark 7D 27
" Double quotation mark1 7F 22
% Percent 6C 25
; Semicolon 5E 3B

Chapter 1. Program elements 3

Special characters

Table 3. Special character equivalents (continued)

Default EBCDIC Default ASCII
Character Meaning Hex value Hex value
: Colon 7A 3A
Not symbol, exclusive-or symbol 5F 5E
& And symbol 50 26
| Or symbol 4F 7C
> Greater than symbol 6E 3E
< Less than symbol 4C 3C
_ Break character (underscore) 6D 5F
1. The or (|), not (), and quote (") symbols have variant code points. You can use the
compiler options OR, NOT, and QUOTE to define alternate symbols to represent these
operators. For more information about these options, refer to the Programming Guide.

Composite symbols
You can combine special characters to create composite symbols.

The following table describes these symbols and their meanings. Composite
symbols cannot contain blanks.
Table 4. Composite symbol description
Composite symbol Meaning
{ Concatenation
** Exponentiation
< Not less than
> Not greater than
= or <> Not equal to; Evaluate, exclusive-or and assign
<= Less than or equal to
>= Greater than or equal to
/* Start of a comment
*/ End of a comment
> Locator (pointers and offsets)
=> Locator (handles)
+= Evaluate expression, add and assign
-= Evaluate expression, subtract and assign
*= Evaluate expression, multiply and assign
/= Evaluate expression, divide and assign
|= Evaluate expression, or and assign
&= Evaluate expression, and, and assign
{= Evaluate expression, concatenate and assign
**= Evaluate expression, exponentiate and assign
(: Start of type function parameter list
:) End of type function parameter list

4 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference

Composite symbols

Table 4. Composite symbol description (continued)

Composite symbol Meaning
1. You can use <> as an alternative to =.

Case sensitivity
You can use a combination of lowercase and uppercase characters in a PL/I

When used in keywords or identifiers, the lowercase characters are treated as the
corresponding uppercase characters. This is true even if you entered a lowercase
character as a DBCS character.

When used in a comment or in a character, mixed, or a graphic string constant,

lowercase characters remain lowercase.

Statement elements for SBCS

This section describes the elements that make up a PL/I program that uses the
single-byte character set (SBCS).

A PL/I statement consists of identifiers, delimiters, operators, and constants.

Constants are described in Chapter 2, Data elements, on page 15.

An identifier is a series of characters that are not contained in a comment or a

Except for P, PIC, and PICTURE, identifiers must be preceded and followed by a
delimiter. (P, PIC, and PICTURE identifiers can be followed by a character string.)
The first character of an identifier must be an alphabetic or extralingual character.
If the identifier names an INTERNAL symbol, it can also use the break (_)
character as its first character. Other characters, if any, can be alphabetic,
extralingual, digit, or the break (_) character. External user names must not start
with IBM, PLI, CEE, _IBM, _PLI, and _CEE.

Identifiers can be PL/I keywords or programmer-defined names. Because PL/I can

determine from the context if an identifier is a keyword, you can use any identifier
as a programmer-defined name. There are no reserved words in PL/I. However,
using some keywords, for example, IF or THEN, as variable names might make a
program needlessly hard to understand.

PL/I keywords:

A keyword is an identifier that has a specific meaning in PL/I.

Keywords can specify such things as the action to be taken or the attributes of
data. For example, READ, DECIMAL, and ENDFILE are keywords. Some
keywords can be abbreviated. The keywords and their abbreviations are shown in
uppercase letters.

Chapter 1. Program elements 5


Programmer-defined names:

In a PL/I program, names are given to variables and program-control data. There
are also built-in names, condition names, and generic names.

Any identifier can be used as a name. A name can have only one meaning in a
program block; the same name cannot be used for both a file and a floating-point
variable in the same block.

To improve readability, the break character (_) can be used in a name, such as

These are some examples of names:

A Rate_of_pay

Record Loop_3

For additional requirements for programmer-defined external names, see

INTERNAL and EXTERNAL attributes on page 165.

An asterisk (*) can be used as an identifier name in situations where a name is

required but you do not otherwise refer to that identifier. For more information,
see the example in ENTRY attribute.

Delimiters and operators

Delimiters and operators are used to separate identifiers and constants.

Table 5 shows delimiters.

Table 5. Delimiters
Name Delimiter Use
Comma , Separates elements of a list; precedes the BY NAME option
Period . Connects elements of a qualified name; decimal or binary
Semicolon ; Terminates a statement
Equal sign = Indicates assignment or, in a conditional expression, equality
Colon : Connects prefixes to statements; connects lower-bound to
upper-bound in a dimension attribute; used in RANGE
specification of DEFAULT statement
Blank b Separates elements
Parentheses ( ) Enclose lists, expressions, iteration factors, and repetition
factors; enclose information associated with various
Locator > Denotes locator qualification (pointers and offsets)
=> Denotes locator qualification (handles)
Percent % Indicates %statements and %directives
Note: Omitting certain symbols can cause errors that are difficult to trace. Common errors
are unbalanced quotation marks, unmatched parentheses, unmatched comment delimiters,
and missing semicolons.

Table 6 on page 7 shows operators.

6 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference

Delimiters and operators

Table 6. Operators
Operator type Character(s) Description
Arithmetic + Addition or prefix plus
- Subtraction or prefix minus
* Multiplication
/ Division
** Exponentiation
Comparison = Equal to
= or <> Not equal to
< Less than
< Not less than
> Greater than
> Not greater than
<= Less than or equal to
>= Greater than or equal to
Logical Not, Exclusive-or
& And
| Or
String { Concatenation

The characters used for delimiters can be used in other contexts. For example, the
period is a delimiter when used in name qualification (for example,
Weather.Temperature), but is a decimal point in an arithmetic constant (for
example, 3.14).


You can surround each operator or delimiter with blanks (b).

One or more blanks must separate identifiers and constants that are not separated
by some other delimiter. The only exception to this rule is that the identifiers P,
PIC and PICTURE can be followed by a character string without any intervening
blanks. Any number of blanks can appear wherever one blank is allowed.

Blanks cannot occur within identifiers, composite symbols, or constants (except in

character, mixed, widechar and graphic string constants). See the following

ab+bc is equivalent to Ab + Bc
Table(10) is equivalent to TABLEb(b10bbb)
First,Second is equivalent to first,bsecond
AtoB is not equivalent to AbtobB

Other cases that require or allow blanks are noted where those language features
are discussed.

Chapter 1. Program elements 7

Delimiters and operators


Comments are allowed wherever blanks are allowed as delimiters. A comment is

treated as a blank and used as a delimiter. Comments are ignored and do not affect
the logic of a program. Use the following syntax for comments.

/* */

/* Specifies the beginning of a comment.

Specifies any sequences of characters except the */ composite symbol, which
would terminate the comment.
*/ Specifies the end of the comment.

A comment can be entered on one or more lines, as in the following example:

A = /* This comment is on one line */ 21;

/* This comment spans

two lines */

In the following example, what appears to be a comment is actually a character

string constant because it is enclosed in quotation marks.
A = /* This is a constant, not a comment */ ;

Comments cannot be nested. However, the %DO SKIP: statement can be used as a
way of "commenting out" code that contains comments.

You use identifiers, delimiters, operators, and constants to construct PL/I

Although your source program consists of a series of records or lines, PL/I views
the program as a continuous stream of characters. There are few restrictions in the
format of PL/I statements, and programs can be written without considering
special coding rules or checking to see that each statement begins in a specific
column. A statement can begin in the next position after the previous statement, or
it can be separated by any number of blanks.

Some statements begin with a % symbol. These statements are either %directives
that direct preprocessor and compiler operations (controlling listings, including
program source text from a library, and so on) or are PL/I macro facility
%statements. A %directive must be on a line by itself.

To improve program readability and maintainability and to avoid unexpected

results caused by loss of trailing blanks in source lines, follow these guidelines:
v Do not split a language element across lines. If a string constant must be written
on multiple lines, use the concatenation operator ({).
v Do not write more than one statement on a line.
v Do not split %directives across lines.

8 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


The PL/I statements, macro facility %statements, and the %directives are
alphabetically listed in Chapter 8, Statements and directives, on page 211.
Syntax for a PL/I statement

condition-prefix label-prefix statement

Syntax for a %directive


Syntax for a %statement:

label-prefix statement

Syntax for a macro statement

label-prefix statement

Every statement must be contained within some enclosing group or block. Macro
statements must be contained within some enclosing macro group or procedure.
A condition prefix specifies the enabling or disabling of a PL/I condition (see
Chapter 15, Condition handling, on page 371).
A label prefix is one or more statement labels. It identifies a statement so that it
can be referred to at some other point in the program. Statement labels are
either label constants (see Label data and LABEL attribute on page 47), entry
constants (see Entry data on page 119), or format constants (see Format data
and FORMAT attribute on page 48).
Any statement, except DECLARE, DEFAULT, WHEN, OTHERWISE, and ON
statements, can have a label prefix. Use the following syntax for a label prefix.

Chapter 1. Program elements 9


identifier :

The syntax for individual statements throughout this book generally does not
show the condition prefix or the label prefix.
A simple or a compound statement.

Simple statements
The types of simple statements are keyword, assignment, and null.
Keyword statement
A keyword statement is a statement that begins with a keyword. This
keyword indicates the function of the statement.
In the following example, READ and DECLARE are keywords.
read file(In) into(Input); /* keyword statement */
%declare Text char; /* keyword %statement */
Assignment statement
An assignment statement contains one or more identifiers on the left side of
the assignment symbol (=) and an expression on the right. It does not
begin with a keyword. See the following examples:
A = B + C; /* assignment statement */
%Size = 15; /* % assignment statement */
Null statement
A null statement consists of only a semicolon and is a nonoperational
statement. See the following examples:
; /* null statement */
Label:; /* labeled null statement */
% ; /* % null statement */

Compound statements
Compound statements are all keyword statements. Each begins with a keyword
that indicates the purpose of the statement. A compound statement contains one or
more simple or compound statements.

There are four compound statements: IF, ON, WHEN, and OTHERWISE. A
compound statement is terminated by the semicolon that also terminates the final
statement of the compound statement.

Examples of compound statement

on conversion
onchar() = 0;

if Text = stmt then

when(if) call If_stmt;
when(do) call Do_stmt;
when() /* do nothing */ ;
call Other_stmt;

10 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference

Compound statements

call Print;

%if Type = AREA %then

%Size = Size + 16;

Statements can be contained within larger program units called groups.

A group is either a do-group or a select-group. A do-group is a sequence of

statements delimited by a DO statement and a corresponding END statement. A
select-group is a sequence of WHEN statements and an optional OTHERWISE
statement delimited by a SELECT statement and a corresponding END statement.
The delimiting statements are considered to be part of the group.

When a group is used in a compound statement, control either flows into the
group or bypasses it, effectively treating the group as if it were a single statement.

The flow of control within a group is discussed for do-groups under DO

statement on page 223 and for select-groups under SELECT statement on page

Every group must be contained within some enclosing group or block. Groups can
contain none, one, or more statements, groups, or blocks.

Double-byte character set

Each character in the double-byte character set (DBCS) is stored in 2 bytes. When
the GRAPHIC compiler option is in effect, some source language elements can be
written by using DBCS and SBCS characters.

In particular, you can use DBCS characters in the source program in following
v inside comments
v as part of statement labels and identifiers
v in G or M literals

However, INCLUDE file names and the TITLE option of FETCH statements must
be in SBCS.

On the z/OS platform, each string of DBCS characters must be immediately

enclosed in shift codes, but shift codes are neither required nor accepted on the
other platforms that are supported by the compiler. In the examples that follow,
these shift codes will be included, but they must be omitted on all platforms other
than z/OS.

DBCS identifiers
DBCS identifiers can be composed of single-byte characters in DBCS form,
double-byte characters, or a combination of both.

Single-byte identifiers in DBCS form

DBCS identifiers that contain only single-byte characters must conform to the
normal PL/I naming conventions, including the first-character rule.

Chapter 1. Program elements 11

DBCS identifiers

A DBCS identifier containing single-byte characters expressed as DBCS equivalents

is a synonym of the same identifier in SBCS.

1. This book uses the symbol . (bold period) to represent the first byte of a
double-byte character that can also be represented as SBCS.
2. This book uses kk to represent a double-byte character.
3. This book uses < to represent a shift-out character ('0E'X).
4. This book uses > to represent a shift-in character ('0F'X).

<.I.B.M> = 3; /* is the same as IBM=3; */

DBCS identifiers containing double-byte characters

The number of bytes used in a DBCS name cannot exceed the maximum length of
a name, which is specified in the compiler LIMITS option.

SBCS characters expressed in DBCS form within a DBCS identifier are considered
to be SBCS. See the following example:
<.Akk>B /* are all A<kk>B (SBCS-DBCS-SBCS) */

Using double-byte character identifiers

A DBCS identifier can be used wherever an SBCS identifier is allowed.

When DBCS identifiers are used for EXTERNAL names and %INCLUDE file
names, you must ensure that the identifiers are acceptable to the operating system,
or are made acceptable by using the EXTERNAL attribute with an
environment-name or by using the TITLE option of the OPEN statement.
Related information:
EXTERNAL attribute
The INTERNAL and EXTERNAL attributes define the scope of a name.
OPEN statement on page 305
The OPEN statement associates a file with a data set. It merges attributes specified
on the OPEN statement with those specified on the DECLARE statement. It also
completes the specification of attributes for the file, if a complete set of attributes
has not been declared for the file being opened.

Statement elements for DBCS

This section provides supplemental information about writing PL/I language
elements using DBCS.

Definitions of the language elements in this section and general usage rules appear
in corresponding sections in Statement elements for SBCS on page 5.

The following list shows the language elements that can be coded in DBCS. It
includes an explanation of the rules and examples of usage.
Use SBCS, DBCS, or both.
dcl Eof /* in SBCS, is the same as */
dcl <.E.o.f> /* this in DBCS. */

dcl <kkkk>X /* these are all the same, where */

12 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference

DBCS statement elements

dcl <kkkk.X> /* kk is a valid */

dcl <kkkk>x /* DBCS character */
dcl <kkkk.x> /* */
Use SBCS, DBCS, or both.
/* comment */ /* all SBCS */
/* <.T.y.p.ekk> */ /* DBCS text */

Comment delimiters must be specified in SBCS.

Mixed Character String Constants
Use SBCS, DBCS, or both and are enclosed in SBCS or DBCS quotes.
If the string is enclosed in SBCS quotes, it is not necessary to end the string
with an M suffix.
Any DBCS data inside the quotes is not converted to SBCS; it and any shift
codes are stored as is in the internal representation of the string.
Graphic Constants
Use DBCS only and are enclosed in SBCS or DBCS quotes.
<.a.b.c>G /* 6 byte graphic constant */
<.I.B.M..S>G /* 10 byte graphic constant .I.B.M..S */

G literals can start and end with DBCS quotes, and in that case, the G itself
can also be specified in DBCS. So, the following are all equivalent.

DBCS continuation rules

If a string literal or an identifier has a DBCS character that is separated from the
right margin by a single SBCS blank, the blank is ignored and the statement
element is continued at the left margin of the next record.

Chapter 1. Program elements 13

DBCS continuation rules

14 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference

Chapter 2. Data elements
This chapter introduces the kinds of data that you can use in PL/I programs and
the attributes that you use to describe data.

The chapter covers the following information:

v A review of data items
v A review of variables and constants
v The types of data that are available and the attributes that define them
Related information:
Chapter 7, Data declarations, on page 159
When a PL/I program is executed, it can manipulate many different data items of
particular data types. Each data item, except an unnamed arithmetic or string
constant, is referred to in the program by a name. Each data name is given
attributes and a meaning by a declaration (explicit or implicit). This chapter
discusses explicit and implicit declarations, scalar, array, structure, and union
declarations, scope of names, data alignment, and default attributes.

Data items
A data item is either the value of a variable or a constant. (These terms are not
exactly the same as in general mathematical usage. They are discussed further in
the next section.)

Data items can be single items, called scalars, or they can be a collection of items,
called data aggregates.

Data aggregates are groups of data items that can be referred to either collectively
or individually. The kinds of data aggregates are arrays, structures, and unions. You
can use any type of computational or program-control data to form a data
Related information:
Arrays on page 184
An array is an n-dimensional collection of elements that have identical attributes.
Structures on page 188
A structure is a collection of member elements that can be structures, unions,
elementary variables, and arrays.
Unions on page 189
A union is a collection of member elements that overlay each other, occupying the
same storage. The members can be structures, unions, elementary variables, and
arrays. They need not have identical attributes.
Combinations of arrays, structures, and unions on page 198
Specifying the dimension attribute on a structure or union results in an array of
structures or an array of unions, respectively. The elements of such an array are
structures or unions having identical names, levels, and members.

A variable has a value or values that might change during execution of a program.

Copyright IBM Corp. 1999, 2016 15


A variable is introduced by a declaration, which declares the name and certain

attributes of the variable. However, a variable that has the NONASSIGNABLE
attribute is assumed not to change during execution.

A variable reference is one of the following:

v A declared variable name
v A reference derived from a declared name through one or more of the following:
Pointer qualification
Structure qualification
Related information:
Chapter 3, Expressions and references, on page 51
This chapter discusses the various types of expressions and references.
ASSIGNABLE and NONASSIGNABLE attributes on page 279
The ASSIGNABLE and NONASSIGNABLE attributes specify whether the
associated variable can be the target of an assignment.

A constant has a value that cannot change. Constants for computational data are
referred to by stating the value of the constant or by naming the constant in a
DECLARE statement.

For more information about declaring named constants, see Named constants on
page 45.

Constants for program-control data are referred to by name.

Using quotation marks

String constants, hexadecimal constants, and the picture-specification are enclosed
in either single or double quotation marks.

The following rules apply to quotation marks within a string:

v If the included quotation marks are the same type as those used to enclose the
string, you must enter two quotation marks (that is, '' or "") for each occurrence
to be included.
v If the included quotation marks are the type not used to enclose the string, enter
only one quotation mark for each instance to be included. The single occurrence
is treated as data.

Shakespeares "Hamlet" is identical to
"Shakespeares ""Hamlet"""

PICTURE "99V9" is identical to


Note: The syntax diagrams in this book show single quotation marks. Double
quotation marks can be substituted unless otherwise noted.

Punctuating constants
To improve readability, arithmetic, bit, and hexadecimal constants can use the
break character ( _ ).

1100_1010B is the same as 11001010B

16 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference

Punctuating constants

1100_1010B is the same as 11001010B

C_AB4 is the same as cab4
C_AXN is the same as caXN
16_777_216 is the same as 16777216

Data types and attributes

Data used in a PL/I program can be classified as either computational data or
program-control data.
Computational data
Represents values that are used in computations to produce a desired
result. Arithmetic and string data constitute computational data.
Arithmetic data is either coded arithmetic data or numeric picture data.
Coded arithmetic data items are rational numbers. They have the data
attributes of base (BINARY or DECIMAL), scale (FLOAT or FIXED), precision
(significant digits and decimal-point placement), and mode (REAL or
Numeric character data on page 40 is numeric data that is held in
character form.
A string is a sequence of contiguous characters, bits, widechars, or graphics
that are treated as a single data item.
Program-control data
Represents values that are used to control execution of your program. It
consists of the following data types: area, entry, label, file, format, pointer,
and offset.

Area = (Radius**2) * 3.1416;

Area and Radius are coded arithmetic variables of computational data. The
numbers 2 and 3.1416 are coded arithmetic constants of computational data.

If the number 3.1416 is used in more than one place in the program, or if it
requires specific data or precision attributes, you must declare it as a named
constant. Thus, the above statement can be coded as follows:
dcl Pi FIXED DECIMAL (5,4) VALUE(3.1416);
area = (radius**2) * Pi;

Constants for program-control data have a value that is determined by the

compiler. In the following example, the name loop represents a label constant of
program-control data. The value of loop is the address of the statement A=2*B;.
loop: A=2*B;


To work with a data item, PL/I needs to know the type of data and how to
process it. Attributes provide this information. The kinds of attributes are data
attributes and nondata attributes.

Chapter 2. Data elements 17

Data attributes

Data attributes
Data attributes describe computational data, program-control data, and program



Nondata attributes
Nondata attributes describe nondata elements (for example, built-in functions) or
provide additional description for elements that have other data attributes.



For example, the keyword CHARACTER is a data attribute for the string type of
computational data. The keyword FILE is a data attribute for the file type of
program-control data. The INTERNAL scope attribute specifies that the data item
is known only within its declaring block.

For the details on using keywords and expressions to specify the attributes, see
Chapter 7, Data declarations, on page 159. Briefly, you specify attributes in one
of the following ways:
v Explicitly, using a DECLARE statement
v Contextually, letting PL/I determine them
v By using programmer-defined or language-specified defaults

Table 7 on page 19 and Table 8 on page 21 help you correlate PL/I's variety of
attributes with its variety of computational and program-control data types. The
tables show that the constants and the named constants can only have the
indicated data and scope attributes (Table 7 on page 19). Variables can specify
additional attributes (Table 8 on page 21).

Consider the following example:

Area = (Radius**2)*3.1416;

18 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference

Nondata attributes

The constant 3.1416 is given the following attributes:

It is given, because the constant is not explicitly a binary constant.
It is given, because the constant is a fixed-point number.
v PRECISION(5,4) (5 significant digits with 4 to the right of the decimal point)
It is given, because the constant does not have an imaginary part.

(See the Coded arithmetic row, and Data Attributes and Scope Attributes
columns of Table 7.)

The constant 1.0 (a decimal fixed-point constant) is different from the constants 1
(another decimal fixed-point constant), '1'B (a bit constant), '1' (a character
constant), 1B (binary fixed-point constant), or 1E0 (a decimal floating-point

In the following example, the variable Pi has the programmer-defined data

attributes of FIXED and DECIMAL with a PRECISION of five digits, four to the
right of the decimal point:
declare Pi fixed decimal(5,4) initial(3.1416);

Because this DECLARE statement contains no other attributes for Pi, PL/I applies
the defaults for the remaining attributes:
v REAL from the Data Attributes column
v ALIGNED from the Alignment Attributes column
v INTERNAL from the Scope Attributes column
v AUTOMATIC from the Storage Attributes column
v SIGNED from the Data Attributes column

(See the coded arithmetic row of Table 8 on page 21.)

Table 7. Classification of attributes by constant types
Constant type Data attributesNotes 1 and 2 Scope attributesNotes 1 and 2
Coded arithmetic REAL | imaginary internal




Named coded arithmetic REAL | COMPLEX internal






Chapter 2. Data elements 19

Nondata attributes

Table 7. Classification of attributes by constant types (continued)

Constant type Data attributesNotes 1 and 2 Scope attributesNotes 1 and 2
String BIT | CHARACTER | internal


Named string BIT | CHARACTER | internal




Named locator POINTER | OFFSET | HANDLE internal


Named picture PICTURE | WIDEPIC internal


Note 3






FormatNote 5 FORMAT internal
LabelNote 5 LABEL internal
1. Attributes in this table that appear in uppercase can be explicitly declared. Attributes that are in lowercase are
implicitly given to the data type.
2. Defaults for data attributes are underlined. Because the data attributes for literals are contextual, defaults are not
applicable. Named constants and file constants have selectable attributes, so defaults are shown.
3. File Attributes are described in Chapter 10, Input and output, on page 297.
4. BUFFERED is the default for SEQUENTIAL files. UNBUFFERED is the default for DIRECT files.
5. Format and label constants, and INTERNAL entry constants cannot be declared in a DECLARE statement.

20 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference

Nondata attributes

Table 8. Classification of attributes by variable types

Variable type Data attributes Alignment Scope attributes Storage attributes


mandatory for
BASED is the
DEFINED default for
the default

File FILE variable:







Arrays: DIMENSION can be added to the declaration of any variable. See Arrays on page 184 for more
Structures and unions:
v For a major structure or union: scope, storage (except INITIAL), alignment, STRUCTURE or UNION, and the LIKE
attributes can be specified.
v For a member that is a structure or a union: alignment, STRUCTURE or UNION, and the LIKE attributes can be
v Members always have the INTERNAL scope attribute.
See Structures on page 188 and Unions on page 189 for more information.

Chapter 2. Data elements 21

Nondata attributes

Table 8. Classification of attributes by variable types (continued)

Variable type Data attributes Alignment Scope attributes Storage attributes
1. Undeclared names, or names declared without a data type, default to coded arithmetic variables. Default
attributes are described in Defaults for attributes on page 178. Defaults shown are IBM defaults. ANS defaults
are FIXED and BINARY rather than FLOAT and DECIMAL.
2. POSITION can be used only with string overlay defining.

Computational data types and attributes

This section describes the data types classified as computational data and the
attributes associated with them.

Coded arithmetic data and attributes

This topic provides the syntax for coded arithmetic data and lists coded arithmetic
data attributes and their abbreviations.

See Data types and attributes on page 17 for general information about coded
arithmetic data.

22 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference

Coded arithmetic data and attributes

Syntax for coded arithmetic data

float sequence REAL precision specification

fixed sequence COMPLEX precision specification

float sequence:

FLOAT precision specification

DECIMAL precision specification

BINARY precision specification

fixed sequence:

FIXED precision specification

DECIMAL precision specification

BINARY precision specification


precision specification:

float precision
PRECISION fixed precision

float precision:


fixed precision:

(number-of-digits )

Table 9. Abbreviations for coded arithmetic data attributes

Attribute Abbreviation

Chapter 2. Data elements 23


BINARY and DECIMAL attributes

The base of a coded arithmetic data item is either decimal or binary. DECIMAL is
the default.

FIXED and FLOAT attributes

The scale of a coded arithmetic data item is either fixed-point or floating-point.

A fixed-point data item is a rational number in which the position of the decimal
or binary point is specified, either by its appearance in a constant or by a scaling
factor declared for a variable.

Floating-point data items are rational numbers in the form of a fractional part and
an exponent part.

PRECISION attribute
The precision of a coded arithmetic data item includes the number of digits and the
scaling factor. (The scaling factor is used only for fixed-point items).
number of digits
An integer that specifies how many digits the value can have. For
fixed-point items, the integer is the number of significant digits. For
floating-point items, the integer is the number of significant digits to be
maintained excluding the decimal point (independent of its position).
scaling factor
An optionally-signed integer that specifies the assumed position of the
decimal or binary point, relative to the rightmost digit of the number. If no
scaling factor is specified, the default is 0.

The precision attribute specification is often represented as (p,q), where p represents

the number of digits and q represents the scaling factor.

A negative scaling factor (-q) specifies an integer, with the point assumed to be
located q places to the right of the rightmost actual digit. A positive scaling factor
(q) that is larger than the number of digits specifies a fraction, with the point
assumed to be located q places to the left of the rightmost actual digit. In either
case, intervening zeros are assumed, but they are not stored; only the specified
number of digits is actually stored.

If PRECISION is omitted, the precision attribute must follow, with no intervening

attribute specifications, the scale (FIXED or FLOAT), base (DECIMAL or BINARY),
or mode (REAL or COMPLEX) attributes at the same factoring level.

If included, PRECISION can appear anywhere in the declaration.

Integer value means a fixed-point value with a scaling factor of zero.

REAL and COMPLEX attributes

The mode of an arithmetic data item (coded arithmetic or numeric character) is
either real or complex.

A real data item is a number that expresses a real value.

A complex data item consists of two partsa real part and an imaginary part. For
a variable representing complex data items, the base, scale, and precision of the
two parts are identical.

24 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


The default for arithmetic variables is REAL.

An imaginary constant is written as a real constant of any type immediately

followed by the letter I. Here are some examples:

Each of these has a real part of zero. A complex value with a nonzero real part is
represented by an expression with the following syntax:

real_constant + imaginary_constant
+ -

For example, 38+27I.

Given two complex numbers, y and z:

y = complex(A,B);
z = complex(C,D);

x=y/z is calculated as follows:

real(x) = (A*C + B*D)/(C**2 + D**2);
imag(x) = (B*C - A*D)/(C**2 + D**2);

x=y*z is calculated as follows:

real(x) = A*C - B*D;
imag(x) = B*C + A*D;

Computational conditions can be raised during these calculations.

SIGNED and UNSIGNED attributes

The SIGNED and UNSIGNED attributes can be used only with FIXED BINARY
variables and ORDINAL variables.

SIGNED indicates that the variable can assume negative values. UNSIGNED
indicates that the variable can assume only nonnegative values.

UNSIGNED has the following effects on the semantics of fixed-point operations:

v The result of IAND, IEOR, INOT and IOR is UNSIGNED if all the operands are
v The result of ISLL and ISRL is UNSIGNED if the first operand is UNSIGNED.
v The result of REAL or IMAG is UNSIGNED if its operand is UNSIGNED.

If you are using the RULES(ANS) compiler option, UNSIGNED has the following
effect on the semantics of fixed- point operations:
v The result of an add, multiply, or divide operation is UNSIGNED if both
operands are UNSIGNED.
v The result of MAX or MIN is UNSIGNED if all operands are UNSIGNED.
v The result of REM or MOD is UNSIGNED if all operands are UNSIGNED.

Chapter 2. Data elements 25

SIGNED and UNSIGNED attributes

The SIGNED and UNSIGNED attributes affect storage requirements, as shown in

Table 10 and Table 11.
Table 10. FIXED BINARY SIGNED data storage requirements
This precision: Occupies this amount of storage (bytes):
precision <= 7 1
7 < precision <= 15 2
15 < precision <= 31 4
31 < precision <= 63 8

Table 11. FIXED BINARY UNSIGNED data storage requirements

This precision: Occupies this amount of storage (bytes):
precision <= 8 1
8 < precision <= 16 2
16 < precision <= 32 4
32 < precision <= 64 8

Binary fixed-point data

The data attributes for declaring binary fixed-point variables are BINARY and

In the following example, Factor is declared as a variable that can represent binary
fixed-point data of 20 data bits, two of which are to the right of the binary point.
declare Factor binary fixed (20,2);

See SIGNED and UNSIGNED attributes on page 25 for information about how
much storage signed and unsigned fixed-binary data occupy.

The declared number of data bits is in the low-order positions, but the extra
high-order bits participate in any operation performed upon the data item. Any
arithmetic overflow into such extra high-order bit positions can be detected only if
the SIZE condition is enabled.

Binary fixed-point constant

A binary fixed-point constant consists of one or more bits with an optional binary
point, followed immediately by the letter B.

Binary fixed-point constants have a precision (p,q), where p is the total number of
data bits in the constant, and q is the number of bits to the right of the binary

Constant Precision
1011_0B (5,0)
1111_1B (5,0)
101B (3,0)
1011.111B (7,3)

XN (hex) binary fixed-point constant

The XN constant describes a SIGNED REAL FIXED BINARY constant in
hexadecimal notation.

26 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference

XN (hex) binary constant

If the constant has 8 or fewer digits, it has a precision of 31; otherwise, it has a
precision of 63.

' hex-digit 'XN

Consider the following examples:

100XN /* same as 00000100XN with value 256 */
8000XN /* same as 00008000XN with value 32,768 */
FFFFXN /* same as 0000FFFFXN with value 65,535 */
"ffff_ffff"XN /* is the value -1 */

The hexadecimal value for the XN constant is the value specified padded on the
left with hex zeros if necessary.

XU (hex) binary fixed-point constant

The XU constant describes an UNSIGNED REAL FIXED BINARY constant in
hexadecimal notation.

If the constant has 8 or fewer digits, it has a precision of 32; otherwise, it has a
precision of 64.

' hex-digit 'XU

Consider the following examples:

100XU /* same as 00000100XU with value 256 */
8000XU /* same as 00008000XU with value 32,768 */
FFFFXU /* same as 0000FFFFXU with value 65,535 */
"ffff_ffff"XU /* is the value 2**32-1 */

The hexadecimal value for the XU constant is the value specified padded on the
left with hex zeros if necessary.

Decimal fixed-point data

The data attributes for declaring decimal fixed-point variables are DECIMAL and

For example, the following DECLARE statement specifies that A represents decimal
fixed-point data of 5 digits, 4 of which are to the right of the decimal point.
declare A fixed decimal (5,4);

These two examples both specify that B represents integers of 7 digits:

declare B fixed (7,0) decimal;
declare B fixed decimal(7);

Chapter 2. Data elements 27

Decimal fixed-point data

The following example specifies that C has a scaling factor of -2. This means that C
holds 7 digits in the range -9999999*100 - 9999999*100, in increments of 100.
declare C fixed (7,-2) decimal;

The following example specifies that D represents fixed-point data of 3 digits, 2 of

which are fractional.
declare D decimal fixed real(3,2);

Decimal fixed-point data is stored two digits per byte, with a sign indication in the
rightmost 4 bits of the rightmost byte. Consequently, a decimal fixed-point data
item is always stored as an odd number of digits, even though the declaration of
the variable can specify the number of digits, p, as an even number.

When the declaration specifies an even number of digits, the extra digit place is in
the high-order position, and it participates in any operation performed upon the
data item, such as in a comparison operation. If the extra high-order digit place is
nonzero, the use of the data in arithmetic operation or assignment may produce an
exception. Any arithmetic overflow or assignment into an extra high-order digit
place can be detected only if the SIZE condition is enabled.

Decimal fixed-point constant

A decimal fixed-point constant consists of one or more decimal digits with an
optional decimal point.

Decimal fixed-point constants have a precision (p,q), where p is the total number of
digits in the constant and q is the number of digits specified to the right of the
decimal point.

Constant Precision
3.1416 (5,4)
455.3 (4,1)
732 (3,0)
1_200_300 (7,0)
003 (3,0)
5280 (4,0)
.0012 (4,4)

Binary floating-point data

The data attributes for declaring binary floating-point variables are BINARY and

For example, in the following DECLARE statement, S represents binary

floating-point data with a precision of 16 binary digits.
declare S binary float (16);

The exponent cannot exceed five decimal digits. If the declared precision is less
than or equal to (21), short floating-point form is used. If the declared precision is
greater than (21) and less than or equal to (53), long floating-point form is used. If
the declared precision is greater than (53), extended floating-point form is used.

Binary floating-point constant

A binary floating-point constant is a mantissa followed by an exponent and the
letter B.

28 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference

Binary floating-point constant

The mantissa is a binary fixed-point constant. The exponent is the letter E, S, D, or

Q followed by an optionally-signed decimal integer (meaning 2 to the power of
this integer). Constants using E have a precision (p) where p is the number of
binary digits of the mantissa. Constants using S, D, and Q always have maximum
single, double, and extended precisions, respectively.
Table 12. Examples
Constant Precision
101101E5B (6)
101.101E2B (6)
11101E-28B (5)
11.01E+42B (4)
1S0b (21)
1D0b (53)
1Q0b (64) (Windows)
1Q0b (106) (AIX)
1Q0b (109) (z/OS)

Decimal floating-point data

The data attributes for declaring decimal floating-point variables are DECIMAL
and FLOAT.

Consider this example:

declare Light_years decimal float(5);

The value for Light_years represents decimal floating-point data of 5 decimal


For IEEE decimal floating-point data, the follow applies:

v If the declared precision is less than or equal to 7, short floating-point form is
v If the declared precision is greater than 7 and less than or equal to 16, long
floating-point form is used.
v If the declared precision is greater than 16, extended floating-point form is used.

For all other decimal floating-point data, the following applies:

v If the declared precision is less than or equal to 6, short floating-point form is
v If the declared precision is greater than 6 and less than or equal to 16, long
floating-point form is used.
v If the declared precision is greater than 16, extended floating-point form is used.

Decimal floating-point constant

A decimal floating-point constant is a mantissa followed by an exponent.

The mantissa is a decimal fixed-point constant. The exponent is the letter E, S, D,

or Q followed by an optionally-signed decimal integer of four or less digits
(meaning 10 to the power of this integer). Constants using E have a precision (p)
where p is the number of digits of the mantissa. Constants using S, D, and Q
always represent single, double, and extended precision respectively.
Table 13. Examples
Constant Precision
15E-23 (2)

Chapter 2. Data elements 29

Decimal floating-point constant

Table 13. Examples (continued)

Constant Precision
15E23 (2)
4E-3 (1)
1.96E+07 (3)
438E0 (3)
3_141_593E-6 (7)
.003_141_593E3 (9)
1s0 (6)
1d0 (16)
1q0 (18) (Windows)
1q0 (32) (AIX)
1q0 (33) (z/OS)

The last five examples represent the same value (although with different

For IEEE Decimal Floating Point (DFP), decimal floating-point literals, when
converted to "right-units-view", that is, when the exponent has been adjusted, if
needed, so that no nonzero digits follow the decimal point (for example, as would
be done when viewing 3.1415E0 as 31415E-4), must have an exponent within the
range of the normal numbers for the precision given by the literal. These bounds
are given by the value of MINEXP-1 and MAXEXP-PLACES. In particular, the
following must hold:
v For short float, -95 <= exponent <= 90
v For long float, -383 <= exponent <= 369
v For extended float, -6143 <= exponent <= 6111

So, for IEEE Decimal Floating Point (DFP), the largest positive short decimal
floating-point literal is 9999999E90 (or .9999999E97), and the smallest positive
nonzero short decimal floating-point literal is 1E-95.

Rather than trying to specify the largest positive floating point value as a literal,
you should use the HUGE built-in function for this purpose. Similarly, to specify
the smallest nonzero positive value, you should use the TINY built-in function.

String data and attributes

This section describes string data types and attributes.

See Data types and attributes on page 17 for general information about strings.


This topic describes BIT, CHARACTER, GRAPHIC and WIDECHAR attributes,
shows the syntax for the attributes, and lists their abbreviations.

The BIT attribute specifies a bit variable.

The CHARACTER attribute specifies a character variable. Character strings can

also be declared using the PICTURE attribute.

The WIDECHAR attribute specifies a widechar variable which will hold UTF-16

The GRAPHIC attribute specifies a graphic variable.

30 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


Syntax for the BIT, CHARACTER, GRAPHIC and WIDECHAR attributes

BIT (length )


Table 14. Abbreviations for string data attributes

Attribute Abbreviation

Specifies the length of a NONVARYING string or the maximum length of a
VARYING, VARYING4, or VARYINGZ string. The length is in bits, characters,
widechars or graphics (DBCS characters), as appropriate.
You can specify the length as an expression or as an asterisk. If the length is
not specified, the default is 1. For named constants, length is determined from
the length of the value expression.
For a parameter, an expression is valid only if it is CONTROLLED. An asterisk
specification for a parameter indicates that the length is taken from the
argument that is passed.
If the length specification is an expression, it is evaluated and converted to a
FIXED BINARY(31,0) value, which must be nonnegative, when storage is
allocated for the variable.
For STATIC data, length must be a restricted expression.
For information about specifying the length of the BASED data, see Extent
specifications in BASED declarations on page 261.
See REFER option (self-defining data) on page 269 for the description of the
REFER option.


The following statement declares User as a variable that can represent character
data with a length of 15:
declare User character (15);

The following example shows the declaration of a bit variable:

declare Symptoms bit (64);

Chapter 2. Data elements 31



The VARYING, VARYING4, and VARYINGZ attributes specify that a variable can
have a length varying from 0 to the declared maximum length. NONVARYING
specifies that a variable always has a length equal to the declared length.

The storage allocated for VARYING strings is 2 bytes longer than the declared
length. The leftmost 2 bytes hold the string's current length.

The storage allocated for VARYING4 strings is 4 bytes longer than the declared
length. The leftmost 4 bytes hold the string's current length.

The storage allocated for a VARYINGZ character string is 1 byte longer than the
declared length. The current length of the string is equal to the number of bytes
before the first 00x in the storage allocated to it.

The storage allocated for a VARYINGZ GRAPHIC string is 2 bytes longer than the
declared length. The current length of the string is equal to half the number of
bytes before the first 0000gx in the storage allocated to it.

The storage allocated for a VARYINGZ WIDECHAR string is 2 bytes longer than
the declared length. The current length of the string is equal to half the number of
bytes before the first 0000wx in the storage allocated to it.

The VARYINGZ attribute is not allowed with BIT strings.

In the following DECLARE statements, both User and Zuser represent

varying-length character data with a maximum length of 15. However, unlike User,
Zuser is null-terminated. The storage allocated is 17 bytes for User and 16 bytes for
declare User character (15) varying;
declare Zuser character (15) varyingz;

The length for User and Zuser at any time is the length of the data item assigned
to it at that time. You can determine the declared and the current length by using
the MAXLENGTH and LENGTH built-in functions, respectively.

The null terminator held in a VARYINGZ string is not used in comparisons or

assignments, other than to determine the length of the string. Consequently,
although the strings in the following declarations have the same internal hex
representation, they do not compare as being equal:
declare A char(4) nonvarying init( (abc { 00x) );
declare B char(3) varyingz init( abc );

To the contrary, Z and C in this example do compare as equal:

dcl Z char(3) nonvarying init(abc);
dcl C char(3) varyingz init(abc);

The VARYING, VARYING4, and VARYINGZ strings can be passed and received as
parameters with * length. They can be passed without a descriptor if they have the

PICTURE and WIDEPIC attributes

The PICTURE attribute specifies the properties of a character data item by
associating a picture character with each position of the data item. The WIDEPIC
attribute specifies the properties of a WIDECHAR data item by associating a
picture character with each position of the data item.

32 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference

PICTURE and WIDEPIC attributes

A picture character specifies a category of characters that can occupy that position.


PICTURE ' picture-specification '


Abbreviation PIC
Describes either a character data item or a numeric character data item. The
picture specification must be followed by a picture specification. See Picture
characters for character data on page 356 or Picture characters for numeric
character data on page 357 for the valid characters.

The following rules apply to picture-specification in PICTURE:

v A numeric picture specification specifies arithmetic attributes of numeric
character data in much the same way that they are specified by the appearance
of a constant.
v Numeric character data has an arithmetic value but is stored in character form.
Numeric character data is converted to coded arithmetic before arithmetic
operations are performed.
v The base of a numeric character data item is decimal. Its scale is either
fixed-point or floating-point (the K or E picture character denotes a
floating-point scale). The precision of a numeric character data item is the
number of significant digits (excluding the exponent in the case of
floating-point). Significant digits are specified by the picture characters for digit
positions and conditional digit positions. The scaling factor of a numeric
character data item is derived from the V or the F picture character or the
combination of V and F.
v Only decimal data can be represented by picture characters. Complex data can
be declared by specifying the COMPLEX attribute along with a single picture
specification that describes either a fixed-point or a floating-point data item.

You can use WIDEPIC in the same way as you use PICTURE except that the
following additional rules apply to WIDEPIC:
v The picture specification must specify an arithmetic picture, so the specification
must not contain the A or X symbol.
v The picture specification must not contain any currency symbols or overpunch

WIDEPIC'9V.99' holds the value 3.14 as WIDECHAR, not as CHAR.

Related information:
Numeric character data on page 40
A numeric character data item is the value of a variable that has been declared
with the PICTURE attribute with a numeric picture specification. The data item is
the character representation of a decimal fixed-point or floating-point value.

Chapter 2. Data elements 33

Character data

Character data
Data with the CHARACTER attribute can contain any of the 256 characters
supported by the character set. Data with the PICTURE attribute must have
characters that match the picture-specification characters.

Each character occupies 1 byte of storage.

Character constant
A character constant is a contiguous sequence of characters enclosed in single or
double quotation marks.

Quotation marks included in the constant follow the rules listed in Using
quotation marks on page 16. The length of a character constant is the number of
characters between the enclosing quotation marks counting any doubled quotation
marks as a single character.

A null character constant is written as two quotation marks with no intervening



' '

Table 15. Examples of character constants

Constant Length
Shakespeares "Hamlet" 22
"Shakespeares ""Hamlet""" 22
"Page 5" 6
/* This is a comment */ 27
(2)Walla 12

In the last example, the number in parentheses is a string repetition factor, which
indicates repetition of the characters that follow. This example is equivalent to the
constant "Walla Walla ". The string repetition factor must be a constant and
enclosed in parentheses.

A (ASCII) character constant

An A (ASCII) character constant is a character constant that ends with an A. The
data in an A character constant is converted to ASCII.

34 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference

A character constant


' 'A

All characters in an A character constant must be code page invariant and
occupy only one byte if converted to UTF-8.


'123'A represents the hex value '313233'X .

This representation is independent of the setting of the DEFAULT(ASCII |

EBCDIC) option.

E (EBCDIC) character constant

An E (EBCDIC) character constant is a character constant that ends with an E. The
data in an E character constant is converted to EBCDIC.


' 'E

All characters in an E character constant must be code page invariant and
occupy only one byte if converted to UTF-8.


'123'E represents the hex value 'F1F2F3'X

This representation is independent of the setting of the DEFAULT(ASCII |

EBCDIC) option.

X (hex) character constant

The X character constant is a contiguous sequence of an even number of hex digits
enclosed in single or double quotation marks and followed immediately by the
letter X. Each pair of hex digits represents one character.

The length of an X constant is half the number of hex digits specified.

A null X constant is written as two quotation marks followed by the X suffix.

Chapter 2. Data elements 35

X (hex)


' 'X
hex-digit hex-digit

Table 16. Examples of X constants

Constant Length
"0d0A"x 2
X 0

Note: The use of X constants can limit the portability of a program.

Bit data
Data with the BIT attribute allows manipulation of storage in terms of bits. Each
byte of storage is composed of 8 bits.

Bit constant
A bit constant is a contiguous sequence of binary digits enclosed in single or
double quotation marks and followed immediately by the letter B.


' 'B

A null bit constant is written as two quotation marks, followed by B.

Table 17. Examples of bit constants
Constant Length
1B 1
"1100_1010_11"B 10
(64)0B 64
B 0
0B 1

The number in parentheses in the third example is a string repetition factor which
specifies that the following series of bits is repeated the specified number of times.
The example shown would result in a string of 64 zero bits.

(See Source-to-target rules on page 81 for a discussion on the conversion of

bit-to-character data and character-to-bit data.)

36 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference

B4 (hex)

B4 (hex) bit constant

The B4 bit constant is a contiguous sequence of hex digits enclosed in single or
double quotation marks and followed immediately by B4. Each hex digit represents
four bits. BX is a synonym for B4.


' ' B4
hex-digit BX

Table 18. Examples of B4 constants

CAB4 is the same as "1100_1010"B
80B4 is the same as 1000_0000B
1B4 is the same as 0001B
(2)FB4 is the same as 1111_1111B
(2)FB4 is the same as FFBX
B4 is the same as ""B

B3 (octal) bit constant

The B3 bit constant is a contiguous sequence of octal digits enclosed in single or
double quotation marks and followed immediately by B3. Each octal digit
represents three bits.
Table 19. Examples of B3 constants
22B3 is the same as "010_010"B
40B3 is the same as 100_000B
1B3 is the same as 001B
(2)7B3 is the same as 111_111B
B3 is the same as ""B

Graphic data
GRAPHIC data can contain any DBCS character. Each DBCS character occupies 2
bytes of storage.

Graphic constant
A graphic constant is a contiguous sequence of DBCS characters enclosed in single
or double quotation marks. Graphic constants take up 2 bytes of storage for each
DBCS character in the constant.

G literals can start and end with DBCS quotes; in this case, the G itself can also be
specified in DBCS.

Chapter 2. Data elements 37

Graphic constant


'< >'G

The GRAPHIC compiler option must be in effect for graphic constants to be

accepted. If the GRAPHIC ENVIRONMENT option is not specified for STREAM
I/O files that include graphic constants, the CONVERSION condition is raised.

GX (hex) graphic constant

The GX graphic constant is a contiguous sequence of hex digits, in multiples of 4,
enclosed in single or double quotation marks and followed immediately by GX.
Each group of 4 hex digits represents one DBCS character.


' 'GX
hex-digit hex-digit hex-digit hex-digit

Table 20. Examples

81a1GX represents one DBCS character
""gX is the same as g

Note: The use of GX can limit the portability of a program.

Mixed character data

Mixed character data can contain SBCS and DBCS characters. Mixed data is
represented by the CHARACTER data type, and follows the processing rules for

The CHARGRAPHIC option of the OPTIONS attribute and the MPSTR built-in
function can be used to assist in mixed data handling. For more information about
CHARGRAPHIC, see OPTIONS option and attribute on page 135; for
information about MPSTR, see MPSTR on page 615.

M (Mixed) character constant

An M constant is a contiguous sequence of DBCS and/or SBCS characters enclosed
in quotation marks (single or double), followed immediately by the letter M.

Quotations marks included in the constant follow the rules listed in Using
quotation marks on page 16. The length of an M constant is the number of SBCS
characters between the enclosing quotation marks counting any doubled quotation
marks as a single character, plus twice the number of DBCS characters in the

38 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference

M (Mixed)

A null M constant is written as two quotation marks followed by M.


' 'M

Table 21. Examples of mixed character constants

Constant Length
'IBM<kk>'M 7 bytes on z/OS, 5 bytes on other platforms
'<.I.B.M>'M 8 bytes on z/OS, 6 bytes on other platforms
''M 0

The GRAPHIC compiler option must be in effect for mixed constants to be

accepted. If the GRAPHIC ENVIRONMENT option is not specified for STREAM
I/O files having mixed constants, the CONVERSION condition is raised.

On z/OS, these additional rules apply to mixed constants:

v Shift-out/shift-in pairs must match; you may not nest pairs.
v The DBCS portion must not contain '0E'x or '0F'x in either byte
v The character portion must not contain the values '0E'x or '0F'x, unless
specifically intended as shift codes.

Note: Because shift-codes are used only on z/OS, the use of mixed data and M
constants can limit program portability.

Widechar data
WIDECHAR data can contain any UTF-16 character. Each widechar occupies 2
bytes of storage.

There is currently no support yet for the following:

v WIDECHAR characters in source files
v W string constants
v Use of WIDECHAR expressions in stream I/O
v Implicit conversion to/from WIDECHAR in record I/O
v Implicit endianness flags in record I/O
If you create a WIDECHAR file, you should write the endianness flag ('fe_ff'wx)
as the first two bytes of the file.

WX (hex) widechar constant

The WX widechar constant is a contiguous sequence of hex digits, in multiples of
4, enclosed in single or double quotation marks and followed immediately by WX.
Each group of 4 hex digits represents one UTF-16 character.

Chapter 2. Data elements 39

WX (hex) widechar


' 'WX
hex-digit hex-digit hex-digit hex-digit

Table 22. Examples

0031wx represents one UTF-16 character
""wX is the same as w

v WX constants should be specified in bigendian format (even if the program will
run in littleendian format). So, for example, the widechar value for the character
'1' should always be specified as '0031'wx (and not as '3100'wx).
v The use of WX can limit the portability of a program.

Numeric character data

A numeric character data item is the value of a variable that has been declared
with the PICTURE attribute with a numeric picture specification. The data item is
the character representation of a decimal fixed-point or floating-point value.

Numeric picture specification describes a character string that can be assigned only
data that can be converted to an arithmetic value.

Consider the following example:

declare Price picture 999V99;

This declare specifies that any value assigned to Price is maintained as a character
string of five decimal digits, with an assumed decimal point preceding the
rightmost two digits. Data assigned to Price is aligned on the assumed point in
the same way that point alignment is maintained for fixed-point decimal data.

Numeric character data has arithmetic attributes, but it is not stored in coded
arithmetic form. Numeric character data is stored as a character string. Before it
can be used in arithmetic computations, it must be converted either to decimal
fixed-point or to decimal floating-point format. Such conversions are done
automatically, but they require extra processing time.

Although numeric character data is in character form, like character strings, and
although it is aligned on the decimal point like coded arithmetic data, it is
processed differently from the way either coded arithmetic items or character
strings are processed. Editing characters can be specified for insertion into a
numeric character data item, and such characters are actually stored within the
data item. Consequently, when the item is printed or treated as a character string,
the editing characters are included in the assignment operation. However, if a
numeric character item is assigned to another numeric character or arithmetic
variable, the editing characters are not included in the assignment operationonly
the actual digits, signs, and the location of the assumed decimal point are assigned.
Consider the following example:

40 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference

Numeric character data

declare Price picture $99V.99,

Cost character (6),
Amount fixed decimal (6,2);
Price = 12.28;
Cost = $12.28;

In the picture specification for PRICE, the currency symbol ($) and the decimal
point (.) are editing characters. They are stored as characters in the data item.
However, they are not a part of its arithmetic value. After both assignment
statements are executed, the actual internal character representation of Price and
Cost can be considered identical. If they were printed, they would print exactly the
same; but they do not always function in the same way. Consider the following
Amount = Price;
Cost = Price;
Amount = Cost;
Price = Cost;

After the first two assignment statements are executed, the value of Amount is
0012.28 and the value of Cost is '$12.28'. In the assignment of Price to Amount, the
currency symbol and the decimal point are editing characters, and they are not
part of the assignment. The numeric value of Price is converted to internal coded
arithmetic form. In the assignment of Price to Cost, however, the assignment is to
a character string, and the editing characters of a numeric picture specification
always participate in such an assignment. No conversion is necessary because
Price is stored in character form.

The third and fourth assignment statements would raise the CONVERSION
condition. The value of Cost cannot be assigned to Amount because the currency
symbol in the string makes it invalid as an arithmetic constant. The value of Cost
cannot be assigned to Price for the same reason. Only values that are of arithmetic
type, or that can be converted to arithmetic type, can be assigned to a variable
declared with a numeric picture specification.

Although the decimal point can be an editing character or an actual character in a

character string, it does not raise the CONVERSION condition in converting to
arithmetic form, because its appearance is valid in an arithmetic constant. The
same is true for a valid plus or minus sign, because converting to arithmetic form
provides for a sign preceding an arithmetic constant.

Other editing characters, including zero suppression characters, drifting characters,

and insertion characters, can be used in numeric picture specifications.
Related information:
Chapter 14, Picture specification characters, on page 355
A picture specification consists of a sequence of picture characters enclosed in
single or double quotation marks. This character describes the contents of each
position of the character or numeric character data item, and the contents of the

Date attribute
Implicit date comparisons and conversions are made by the compiler if the two
operands have the DATE attribute. The DATE attribute specifies that a variable (or
argument or returned value) holds a date with a specified pattern.

Chapter 2. Data elements 41

Date attribute



One of the supported date patterns. If you do not specify a pattern, YYMMDD
is the default.

The DATE attribute is valid only with variables having one of the following sets of
v PIC'(n)9' REAL

The length or precision of n must match the length of pattern.

When you specify the RESPECT compile-time option (see the Programming Guide
for details), the following occurs:
v The compiler knows to honor the DATE attribute.
v The DATE built-in function returns a value that has the attribute

This allows DATE() to be assigned to a variable with the attribute

DATE('YYMMDD') without an error message being generated. If DATE() is
assigned to a variable not having the DATE attribute, however, an error message is

Implicit DATE comparisons:

The DATE attribute causes implicit commoning when two variables declared with
the DATE attribute are compared. Comparisons where only one variable has the
DATE attribute are flagged, and the other comparand is generally treated as if it
had the same DATE attribute, although some exceptions apply which are discussed

Implicit commoning means that the compiler generates code to convert the dates to
a common, comparable representation. This process converts 2-digit years using
the window you specify in the WINDOW compile-time option.

In the following code fragment, if the DATE attribute is honored, the comparison
in the second display statement is 'windowed'. This means that if the window
started at 1900, the comparison would return false. However, if the window started
at 1950, the comparison would return true.
dcl a pic(6)9 date;
dcl b pic(6)9 def(a);
dcl c pic(6)9 date;
dcl d pic(6)9 def(c);

b = 670101;
d = 010101;

display( b || < || d || ? );
display( a < c );

42 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference

Date attribute

Date comparisons can occur in the following places:

v IF and SELECT statements
v WHILE or UNTIL clauses
v Implicit comparisons caused by a TO clause

Comparing dates with like patterns:

Under some conditions, the compiler does not generate any special code to
compare dates with identical patterns.

These conditions are listed below:

v The comparison operator of =, = or <> is used.
v The pattern is equal to YYYY, YYYYMM, YYYYDDD, or YYYYMMDD.

Comparing dates with differing patterns:

For comparisons involving dates with unlike patterns, the compiler generates code
to convert the dates to a common comparable representation.

When the conversion has taken place, the compiler compares the two values.

Comparisons involving the DATE attribute and a literal:

If you are making comparisons in which one comparand has the DATE attribute
and the other is a literal, the compiler issues a W-level message.

Further compiler action depends on the value of the literal as follows:

v If the literal appears to be a valid date, it is treated as if it had the same date
pattern and window as the comparand with the DATE attribute.
v If the literal does not appear to be a valid date, the DATE attribute is ignored on
the other comparand.
dcl start_date char(6) date;
if start_date >= then /* no windowing */
if start_date >= 851003 then /* windowed */

Comparisons involving the DATE attribute and a non-literal:

In comparisons where one comparand has the DATE attribute and the other is not
a date and not a literal, the compiler issues an E-level message. The non-date value
is treated as if it had the same date pattern as the other comparand and as if it had
the same window.
dcl start_date char(6) date;
dcl non_date char (6);

if start_date >= non_date then /* windowed */


Implicit DATE assignments:

The DATE attribute can also cause implicit conversions to occur in assignments of
two variables declared with date patterns.
v If the source and target have the same DATE and data attributes, then the
assignment proceeds as if neither had the DATE attribute.

Chapter 2. Data elements 43

Date attribute

v If the source and target have differing DATE attributes, then the compiler
generates code to convert the source date before making the assignment.
v In assignments where the source has the DATE attribute but the target does not,
the compiler issues an E-level message and ignores the DATE attribute.
v In assignments where the target has the DATE attribute but the source does not
(and the source IS NOT a literal), the compiler issues an E-level message and
ignores the DATE attribute.
v In assignments where the target has the DATE attribute but the source does not
(and the source IS a literal), the compiler issues a W-level message and ignores
the DATE attribute.
dcl start_date char(6) date;
start_date = ;
v If the source holds a four-digit year and the target holds a two-digit year, the
source can hold a year that is not in the target window. In this case, the ERROR
condition is raised.
dcl x char(6) date;
dcl y char(8) date(YYYYMMDD);

y = 20600101;

x = y; /* raises error if window is <= 1960 */

v The DATE attribute is ignored in:
The debugger
Assignments performed in record I/O statements
Assignments and conversions performed in stream I/O statements (such as

Even if you do not choose a windowing solution, you might have some code that
needs to manipulate both two- and four-digit years. You can use multiple date
patterns to help you in these situations:
dcl old_date char(6) date(YYMMDD);
dcl new_date char(8) date(YYYYMMDD);

new_date = old_date;

Date diagnostics:

In PL/I, effective assignments occur when an expression is passed as an argument

to an entry that has described that argument, or when an expression is used in a
RETURN statement.

The following uses of date variables are flagged:

v Assignments (explicit or effective) including these:
A date to a non-date
A non-date to a date
v Any arithmetic operation applied to a date
v Use of a date in a BY clause (because this implies an arithmetic operation)
v Use of a date in any mathematical built-in function
v Use of a date in any arithmetic built-in function except BINARY, DECIMAL,
v Use of a date in the built-in functions SUM, PROD, or POLY.

In all of the cases listed previously, code is produced but no windowing occurs. In
effect, the DATE attribute is ignored.

44 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference

Named constants

Named constants
Named constants can be declared for scalars or structures.

As a scalar identifier, a named constant is declared with the VALUE attribute along
with other data attributes. All references to the name are logically treated as a
reference to the appropriate constant but with the complete set of attributes,
whether explicitly declared or defaulted.

A structure can define a namespace of named constants, when the VALUE attribute
is specified on the leaf elements, and the references to the members of all structure
elements are unambiguous. You can specify the elements of a structure with the
VALUE attribute, provided that the structure meets all of the following conditions:
v All leaf elements of the structure have the VALUE attribute.
v The structure contains no arrays or unions.
v The structure has no storage attributes such as AUTOMATIC.

Note: The effect of the use of a named constant might not be exactly the same as
the use of an unnamed constant. The attributes for a named constant are taken
from the declaration which includes explicit and default attributes. The attributes
for an unnamed constant are deduced from the shape, form, and size of the
constant. For string data, if the length is not specified, or is specified with an
asterisk, the length is determined from the length of the restricted expression.

Named constants can be more precise to use in an application program, and they
can offer more predictable results. For example, if the named constant Unit is
defined as FIXED BINARY VALUE(1), it has the attributes FIXED BINARY(15)
VALUE(1). If you simply use the digit 1, its attributes are FIXED DECIMAL(1,0).
See Figure 1 on page 46 for other differences that can occur.

In addition, named constants allow you to parameterize your application, which

makes it easier to debug and maintain.

Named constants can be declared for arithmetic data, string data, and for pointers
and offsets. A named constant must be declared before it is used.
Related information:
String data and attributes on page 30
This section describes string data types and attributes.
Coded arithmetic data and attributes on page 22
This topic provides the syntax for coded arithmetic data and lists coded arithmetic
data attributes and their abbreviations.

VALUE attribute:

This topic describes the VALUE attribute and shows its syntax.


restricted expression
The expression must evaluate to a scalar value.
Related information:

Chapter 2. Data elements 45

Named constants

Restricted expressions on page 74

Where PL/I requires a (possibly signed) constant, a restricted expression can be

Examples of named constants:

Named constants can be used wherever a constant is required. They can also be
used in restricted expressions that appear later in the program allowing evaluation
of a dependent constant.

Figure 1 shows named constants and the differences in attributes and precisions
that can occur between named and unnamed constants.

Dcl A4 value(148) fixed bin,

C4 value(261) fixed bin,
Whole value(800) fixed bin;
Dcl Notes (4) static,
init(a4, (Whole/4), /* 148, 200 */
c4, (Whole*2)); /* 261, 1600 */

/* note that "Head" gets length equal to length of VALUE */

Dcl Head char VALUE(Feel the Power of PL/I); /* char(22) */

Dcl Headsize fixed bin value(length(Head)); /* 22 */
Dcl 1 Head1 static,
2 * char(Headsize) initial(Head), /* char(22) */
2 * char(20) init(),
2 * char(5) init(Page ),
2 Page_number pic zz9,
2 * char(0);
Dcl TwoHeads char(2*Headsize); /* char(44) */
Dcl Page0 picture zz9 value(0);
Dcl MyNullPtr ptr value(ptrvalue(ffff_ffffxn));

/* Differences in attributes/results of
named and unnamed constants */

Dcl Pi float bin value (3.1416); /* is FLOAT BINARY(21) but ... */

3.1416 /* is FIXED DECIMAL(5,4) */

Dcl Unit fixed bin value(1); /* is FIXED BINARY(15) but ... */

1 /* is FIXED DECIMAL(1,0) */
1.0 /* is FIXED DECIMAL(2,1) */
1B /* is FIXED BINARY(1) */
0000_0000_0000_001B /* is FIXED BINARY(15) */

Dcl Title char(20) value(SCIDS); /* is CHAR(20) but ... */

Dcl Title2 char value(SCIDS);/* is CHAR(5) */
SCIDS /* is CHAR(5) */

Figure 1. Named constants

Program-control data types and attributes

This section describes program-control data and associated attributes. Use
program-control data to indicate values that control the execution of your program.

46 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference

Label data and attribute

Label data and LABEL attribute

A label is a label constant or the value of a label variable.



( label-constant )

If a list of label constants is given, the variable must always have as its value a
member of that list, and the label constants in the list must be known in the block
containing the label declaration. The parenthesized list of label constants can be
used in a LABEL attribute specification for a label array.

A label constant is a name written as the label prefix of a statement (other than
PROCEDURE, ENTRY, PACKAGE, or FORMAT) so that during execution,
program-control can be transferred to that statement through a reference to it.
(Statements on page 8 discusses the syntax of the label prefix.)

For example, in the following line of code, Abcde is a label constant.

Abcde: Miles = Speed*Hours;

The labelled statement can be executed either by normal sequential execution of

instructions or by using the GO TO statement to transfer control to it from some
other point in the program.

A label variable can have another label variable or a label constant assigned to it.
When such an assignment is made, the environment of the source label is assigned
to the target. If you declare a static array of labels to have initial values, the array
is treated as nonassignable.

A label variable used in a GO TO statement must have as its value a label constant
that is used in a block that is active at the time the GO TO is executed. Consider
the following example:
declare Lbl_x label;
Lbl_a: statement;
Lbl_b: statement;
Lbl_x = Lbl_a;
go to Lbl_x;

Lbl_a and Lbl_b are label constants, and Lbl_x is a label variable. By assigning
Lbl_a to Lbl_x, the statement GO TO Lbl_x transfers control to the Lbl_a statement.
Elsewhere, the program can contain a statement assigning Lbl_b to Lbl_x. Then,

Chapter 2. Data elements 47

Label data and attribute

any reference to Lbl_x would be the same as a reference to Lbl_b. This value of
Lbl_x is retained until another value is assigned to it.

If a label variable has an invalid value, detection of such an error is not

guaranteed. In the following example, transfer is made to a particular element of
the array Z based on the value of I.
go to Z(I);
Z(1): if X = Y then return;
Z(2): A = A + B + C * D;
Z(3): A = A + 10;

If Z(2) is omitted, GO TO Z(I) when I=2 raises the ERROR condition. GO TO Z(I)
when I < LBOUND(Z) or I > HBOUND(Z) causes unpredictable results if the
SUBSCRIPTRANGE condition is disabled.

Format data and FORMAT attribute

A format data item is a format constant or a format variable. A format constant is a
name written as the label prefix of a FORMAT statement. The FORMAT attribute
specifies that the name being declared is a format variable.


A name declared with the FORMAT attribute can have another format variable or
a format constant assigned to it. When such an assignment is made, the
environment of the source label is assigned to the target.

To maintain compatibility between other PL/I compilers, format variables can be

declared as label variables.

Consider the following example:

Prntexe: format
( column(20),A(15), column(40),A(15), column(60),A(15) );
Prntstf: format
( column(20),A(10), column(35),A(10), column(50),A(10) );

Prntexe and Prntstf are the format constants.

A second example indicates that 4 and 5 have the same effect as 2, and 6
and 7 have the same effect as 3.
1 dcl Print format;
2 put edit (X,Y,Z) (R(Prntexe) );
3 put edit (X,Y,Z) (R(Prntstf) );

48 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference

Format data and FORMAT attribute

4 Print = Prntexe;
5 put edit (X,Y,Z) (R(Print) );
6 Print = Prntstf;
7 put edit (X,Y,Z) (R(Print) );

VARIABLE attribute
The VARIABLE attribute establishes the name as a variable and should be
specified only along with one of the attributes: ENTRY, FILE or LABEL. It will be
ignored in all other declares.


The VARIABLE attribute is implied if the name is a member of a structure or

union, or if any of the following attributes are specified:
Storage class attribute
Alignment attribute

In the following declaration, Account1 and Account2 are file variables and File1
and File2 are file constants.
declare Account1 file variable,
Account2 file automatic,
File1 file,
File2 file;

File1 and File2 can subsequently be assigned to Account1 or to Account2.

Chapter 2. Data elements 49

50 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference
Chapter 3. Expressions and references
This chapter discusses the various types of expressions and references.

An expression is a representation of a value. An expression can be one of the

v A single constant, variable, or function reference
v Any combination of constants, variables, or function references, including
operators and parentheses used in the combination

An expression that contains operators is an operational expression.

The constants and variables of an operational expression are called operands. See
Operational expressions on page 55 for more information.

The following diagram shows the syntax for expressions and references.

infix-operator unary-expression






locator-qualifier basic-reference
( subscript-list )

( argument-list )

Copyright IBM Corp. 1999, 2016 51

Expressions and references


reference ->


(5) (6)
qualified-reference identifier






basic-reference .
( subscript-list )

1 Operators are shown in Table 6 on page 7.
2 Locator-qualifier is described under Locator qualification on page 265 and
Typed structure qualification on page 152.
3 Subscripts are described under Arrays on page 184.
4 Arguments are described in Passing arguments to procedures on page 114.
5 Qualified-reference is described under Structure and union qualification on
page 191.
6 Identifiers are described under Identifiers on page 5.

Any expression can be classified as an element expression (also called a scalar

expression), an array expression, or a structure expression. Element variables and
array variables can appear in the same expression.
An element expression
Represents a single value. This definition includes an elementary name
within a structure or a union or a subscripted name that specifies a single
element of an array.

52 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference

Expressions and references

An array expression
Represents an array of values. This definition includes a member of a
structure or union that has the dimension attribute.
A structure expression
Represents a structured set of values.

Consider the following example:

dcl A(10,10) bin fixed(31),
B(10,10) bin fixed(31),
1 Rate,
2 Primary dec fixed(4,2),
2 Secondary dec fixed(4,2),
1 Cost(2),
2 Primary dec fixed(4,2),
2 Secondary dec fixed(4,2),
C bin fixed(15),
D bin fixed(15);
dcl Pi bin float value(3.1416);

These are element expressions:

C * D
A(3,2) + B(4,8)
Rate.Primary - Cost.Primary(1)
A(4,4) * C
Rate.Secondary / 4
A(4,6) * Cost.Secondary(2)

These are array expressions:

A + B
A * C - D
B / 10B

The syntax of many PL/I statements allows expressions, provided the result of the
expression conforms with the syntax rules. Unless specifically stated in the text
following the syntax specification, the unqualified term expression or reference refers
to a scalar expression. For expressions other than a scalar expression, the type of
expression is noted. For example, the term array expression indicates that a scalar
expression is not valid.

Here is an example of a structure expression:

Rate = Rate*2

Order of evaluation
PL/I statements often contain more than one expression or reference. Except as
described for specific instances (for example, the assignment statement), evaluation
can be in any order, or (conceptually) at the same time.

Consider the following example:

dcl (X,Y,Z) entry returns(float), (F,G,H) float;
F = X( Y(G,H), Z(G,H) );

Chapter 3. Expressions and references 53

Order of evaluation

The functions Y and Z can change the value of the arguments passed to them.
Hence, the value returned by X might be different depending on which function is
invoked first. You should not presume that the first parameter is evaluated first. In
some situations, it is more optimal to evaluate the last first.

Assuming that the INC function increments the value of the argument passed to it
and returns the updated value, the example that follows could put out B(1,2) or
B(2,1) depending on which subscript is evaluated first. You should not presume
which subscript is evaluated first.
dcl B(2,2);
I = 0;
put list ( B( INC(I), INC(I) ) );

The results of an expression evaluation or of a conversion are assigned to a target.
Targets can be variables, pseudovariables, or intermediate results.

Variables can be the target of expression evaluations or conversions.

In the case of an assignment, such as the statement A = B;, the target is the
variable on the left of the assignment symbol (in this case A). Assignment to
variables can also occur in stream I/O, DO, DISPLAY, and record I/O statements.

A pseudovariable represents a target field.

Consider the following example:

declare A character(10),
B character(30);
substr(A,6,5) = substr(B,20,5);

In this assignment statement, the SUBSTR built-in function extracts a substring of

length 5 from the string B, beginning with the twentieth character. The SUBSTR
pseudovariable indicates the location, within string A, that is the target. Thus, the
last 5 characters of A are replaced by characters 20 through 24 of B. The first 5
characters of A remain unchanged.

For information about pseudovariables, see Chapter 18, Built-in functions,

pseudovariables, and subroutines, on page 409.

Intermediate results
When an expression is evaluated, the target attributes usually are partly derived
from the source, partly from the operation being performed, and partly from the
attributes of a second operand. Some defaults can be used, and some
implementation restrictions (for example, maximum precision) and conventions
exist. An intermediate result can undergo conversion if a further operation is
performed. After an expression is evaluated, the result can be further converted for
assignment to a variable or pseudovariable. These conversions follow the same
rules as the conversion of programmer-defined data.

Consider the following example:

54 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference

Intermediate results

declare A character(8),
B fixed decimal(3,2),
C fixed binary(10);
A = B + C;

During the evaluation of the expression B + C and during the assignment of that
result, there are four different results:
1. The intermediate result to which the converted binary equivalent of B is
2. The intermediate result to which the binary result of the addition is assigned
3. The intermediate result to which the converted decimal fixed-point equivalent
of the binary result is assigned
4. A, the final destination of the result, to which the converted character
equivalent of the decimal fixed-point representation of the value is assigned

The attributes of the first result are determined from the attributes of the source B,
from the operator, and from the attributes of the other operand. If one operand of
an arithmetic infix operator is binary, the other is converted to binary before

The attributes of the second result are determined from the attributes of the source
(C and the converted representation of B).

The attributes of the third result are determined in part from the source (the
second result) and in part from the attributes of the eventual target A. The only
attribute determined from the eventual target is DECIMAL (a binary arithmetic
representation must be converted to decimal representation before it can be
converted to a character value).

The attributes of A are known from the DECLARE statement.

Operational expressions
An operational expression consists of one or more single operations. A single
operation is either a prefix operation (an operator preceding a single operand) or an
infix operation (an operator between two operands). The two operands of any infix
operation normally should be the same data type when the operation is performed.

The operands of an operation in a PL/I expression are converted, if necessary, to

the same data type before the operation is performed. For detailed rules for
conversion, see Chapter 4, Data conversion, on page 77.

There are few restrictions on the use of different data types in an expression.
However, these mixtures imply conversions. If conversions take place at run time,
the program takes longer to run. Also, conversion can result in loss of precision.
When using expressions that mix data types, you must understand the relevant
conversion rules.

The classes of operations include handle, pointer, arithmetic, bit, comparison, and

Handle operations
These handle operations can be used in PL/I programs.
v Compare two handles that have the same associated structure type.

Chapter 3. Expressions and references 55

Operational expressions

v Add an expression to or subtract an expression from a handle with sensitivity to

the associated structure type.
For example, if x is a handle for structure type t and n is an integer value, x+n
and xn are handles for t.
x+n increments the associated pointer value of x by n times the size of the
structure t.
xn decrements the associated pointer value of x by n times the size of the
structure t.
You can also use the += and = compound assignments to increment and
decrement handles.
v Compute the difference of two handles with sensitivity to the associated
structure type.
For example, if x and y are handles for structure type t, the result of x-y is the
number of instances of t between x and y. The value x-y equals the result of
Computing the difference of two handles to different structure types is not

Pointer operations
These pointer operations can be used in PL/I programs.
v Add an expression to or subtract an expression from a pointer expression.
The expression type must be computational. If necessary, the nonpointer
operand is converted to size_t . See the following example:
Ptr1 = Ptr1 - 16;
Ptr2 = Ptr1 + (I*J);
You can also use the built-in function POINTERADD to perform these
operations. You must use POINTERADD if the result is used as a locator
reference. For example, (Ptr1 + 16) -> Based_ptr is invalid;
pointeradd(Ptr1,16) -> Based_ptr is valid.
v Subtract two pointers to obtain the logical difference. The result is a size_t value.
Diff = Ptr2 - Ptr1;
v Compare pointer expressions using infix operators.
if Ptr2 > Ptr1 then
Diff = Ptr2 - Ptr1;
v Compare pointer expressions to null strings (' ' or ' 'b).
The NULLSTRPTR suboption of the DEFAULT compiler option determines how
the compiler handles assignments of null strings to pointers and comparisons of
null strings to pointers. In both cases, the option determines if the null string is
treated as if it were a reference to the NULL built-in function or to the
SYSNULL built-in function.
For example, if the NULLSTRPTR(SYSNULL) suboption is in effect, the
assignment in the following code assigns SYSNULL() to header, and the
comparison produces a true value if header equals to SYSNULL().
dcl header pointer;

header = ;


if header = then...

1. If the LP(32) compiler option is in effect, size_t is FIXED BIN(31); if the LP(64) compiler option is in effect, size_t is FIXED BIN(63).

56 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference

Operational expressions

v Use pointer expressions in arithmetic contexts using the BINARYVALUE built-in

Diff = Bin31 + binaryvalue(Ptr1);
v Use computational expressions in pointer contexts using the POINTERVALUE
built-in function.
dcl 1 Cvtprt pointer based(pointervalue(16));
dcl 1 Cvt based(Cvtptr),
2 Cvt ...;
If necessary, the expressions are converted to size_t .

A PL/I block can use pointer arithmetic to access any element within a structure or
an array variable. However, the block must be passed the containing structure or
array variable, or have the referenced aggregate within its name scope.

Arithmetic operations
An arithmetic operation is specified by combining operands with one arithmetic
operator. Arithmetic operations can also be specified by the ADD, SUBTRACT,
DIVIDE, and MULTIPLY built-in functions.

You can use the following operators in arithmetic operations:

Table 23. Arithmetic operator
Operator Operator name
+ Addition
- Subtraction
* Multiplication
/ Division
** Exponentiation

The plus sign and the minus sign can appear as prefix operators or as infix
operators. All other arithmetic operators can appear only as infix operators.

Prefix operators can precede and be associated with any of the operands of an infix
operation. For example, in the expression A*-B, the minus sign indicates that the
value of A is multiplied by -1 times the value of B.

More than one prefix operator can precede and be associated with a single
variable. More than one positive prefix operator has no cumulative effect, but two
negative prefix operators have the same effect as a single positive prefix operator.

Data conversion in arithmetic operations

The two operands of an arithmetic operation can differ in type, base, mode,
precision, and scale. When they differ, conversion takes place.

For coded arithmetic operands, you can also determine conversions by using
Table 24 on page 60. Each operand is converted to the type, base, and mode of the
result. It is not necessarily converted to the result's precision and scale.

Note: Scaled FIXED BINARY operands are converted to scaled FIXED DECIMAL
before any operations on them are performed.

Chapter 3. Expressions and references 57

Data conversion in arithmetic operations


Character operands are converted to FIXED DECIMAL(N,0). Bit operands are

converted to FIXED BINARY(M,0). Numeric character operands are converted to
DECIMAL with scale and precision determined by the picture-specification.

See Limits, on page 869 for the maximums.

Graphic and widechar variables and strings are allowed in all computational
contexts. If conversion is necessary, the rules followed are the same as for

The result of an arithmetic operation is always in coded arithmetic form. Type

conversion is the only conversion that can take place in an arithmetic prefix


If the bases of the two operands differ, the decimal operand is converted to its
binary equivalent.


If the modes of the two operands differ, the real operand is converted to complex
mode by acquiring an imaginary part of zero with the same base, scale, and
precision as the real part. But there is an exception.

In the case of exponentiation when the second operand (the exponent of the
operation) is fixed-point real with a scaling factor of zero, conversion is not


If only precisions and/or scaling factors vary, type conversion is not necessary.


If the scales of the two operands differ, the fixed-point operand is converted to
floating-point scale. But there is an exception.

In the case of exponentiation when the first operand is of floating-point scale and
the second operand (the exponent of the operation) is fixed-point with a scaling
factor of zero, that is, an integer or a variable that has been declared with precision
(p,0), conversion is not necessary, but the result is floating-point.

If both operands of an exponentiation operation are fixed-point, conversions can

occur in one of the following ways:
v Both operands are converted to floating-point if the exponent has a precision
other than (p,0).
v The first operand is converted to floating-point unless the exponent is an
unsigned integer.
v The first operand is converted to floating-point if precisions indicate that the
result of the fixed-point exponentiation would exceed the maximum number of
digits allowed.

58 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference

Results of arithmetic operations

Results of arithmetic operations

After any necessary conversion of the operands in an expression has been carried
out, the arithmetic operation is performed and a result is obtained. This result can
be the value of the expression, or it can be an intermediate result upon which
further operations are to be performed, or a condition can be raised.

Table 24 on page 60 and Table 25 on page 61 show the attributes and precisions
that result from various arithmetic operations.

Table 29 on page 65 shows the attributes of the result for the special cases of
exponentiation noted in the right-hand columns of Table 24 on page 60 and
Table 25 on page 61.

On the z/OS platform, the choice of which set of instructions is used for a float
calculation is determined by two compiler options:
v Under FLOAT(DFP)
All computations that would yield a FLOAT DEC result are done using the
IEEE decimal floating-point instructions.
All computations that would yield a FLOAT BIN result are done using the
floating-point instructions for the format specified by the HEXADEC and
IEEE suboptions of the DEFAULT compiler option.
All computations that would yield a FLOAT result are done using the
floating-point instructions for the format specified by the HEXADEC and
IEEE suboptions of the DEFAULT compiler option.

So, under the FLOAT(NODFP) and DEFAULT(HEXADEC) options, all

computations are done using the hexadecimal floating-point instructions, and
variables declared IEEE will be converted to HEXADEC. But, under the
FLOAT(NODFP) and DEFAULT(IEEE) options, all computations are done using the
IEEE binary floating-point instructions, and variables declared HEXADEC will be
converted to IEEE as necessary.

On all other platforms, float calculations are done using the IEEE binary
floating-point instructions native to that platform.

Under the compiler option RULES(ANS), if one operand is scaled FIXED

DECIMAL and the other is FIXED BINARY, the FIXED BINARY value is converted
to FIXED DECIMAL. Table 26 on page 62 shows the attributes and precisions that
result for this case under compiler option RULES(ANS). For more information
about the RULES compiler option, see the Programming Guide.

Chapter 3. Expressions and references 59

Results of arithmetic operations

Table 24. Results of arithmetic operations for one or more FLOAT operands

Attributes of
the Result
for Addition, Addition Attributes
Subtraction, or of the
1st Operand 2nd Operand Multiplication, Subtraction Multiplication Division Result for
(p1,q1) (p2,q2) or Division Precision Precision Precision Exponentiation

(p1) (p2)

DECIMAL DECIMAL DECIMAL (unless special case
(p1) (p2,q2) (p) C applies)
p = MAX(p1,p2)

(p1,q1) (p2)
p = MAX(p1,p2)
(p1) (p2)

BINARY BINARY BINARY (unless special case
(p1) (p2,q2) (p) C applies)
p = MAX(p1,p2)

(p1,q1) (p2)

(p1,q1) (p2)
p = MAX( (unless special case
CEIL(p1*3.32),p2) A or C applies)
(p1) (p2,q2) (p)
p = MAX(
(p1) (p2)

(p1,q1) (p2)
(unless special case
B or C applies)
(p1) (p2,q2) (p)
p = MAX(
(p1) (p2)

60 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference

Results of arithmetic operations

1. Special cases of exponentiation are described in Table 29 on page 65.
2. For a table of CEIL(N*3.32) values, see Table 34 on page 80.

Table 25. Results of arithmetic operations between two unscaled FIXED operands under RULES(ANS)

Attributes of
the Result for
Addition, Addition Attributes
Subtraction, or of the
1st Operand 2nd Operand Multiplication, Subtraction Multiplication Division Result for
(p1,q1) (p2,q2) or Division Precision Precision Precision Exponentiation


p = N (unless special case
q = N-p1 A applies)
(p1,0) (p2,0) (p,q) q = 0 q = 0
p = MAX(p1,p2)

p = 1 FLOAT BINARY (p)

+MAX(p1-q1, p = M (unless special case
p2-q2) +q q = 0 B applies)
(p1,0) (p2,0) (p,0) q = 0
q = 0 p = MAX(p1,p2)


FIXED FIXED FIXED p = 1 p = 1 (unless special case
p = M
DECIMAL BINARY BINARY +MAX(r,p2) +r+p2 A applies)
q = 0
(p1,0) (p2,0) (p,0) q = 0 q = 0 p = MAX(CEIL
(p1*3.32 ),p2)


FIXED FIXED FIXED p = 1 p = 1 (unless special case
p = M
BINARY DECIMAL BINARY +MAX(p1,t) +p1+t B applies)
q = 0
(p1,0) (p2,0) (p,0) q = 0 q = 0 p = MAX(CEIL
(p1*3.32 ),p2)

M is the maximum precision for FIXED BINARY. t = 1 + CEIL(p2*3.32)

N is the maximum precision for FIXED DECIMAL. u = CEIL(ABS(q2*3.32)) * SIGN(q2)
r = 1 + CEIL(p1*3.32) v = CEIL(p2/3.32)
s = CEIL(ABS(q1*3.32)) * SIGN(q1) w = CEIL(p1/3.32)


The scaling factor must be in the range -128 through +127.

1. Special cases of exponentiation are described in Table 29 on page 65.
2. For a table of CEIL(N*3.32) values, see Table 34 on page 80.
3. Under RULES(ANS) a divide with unscaled FIXED operands can produce a scaled result only if both operands are FIXED

Chapter 3. Expressions and references 61

Results of arithmetic operations

Table 26. Results of arithmetic operations between two scaled FIXED operands under RULES(ANS)

Attributes of
the Result for
Addition, Addition Attributes
Subtraction, or of the
1st Operand 2nd Operand Multiplication, Subtraction Multiplication Division Result for
(p1,q1) (p2,q2) or Division Precision Precision Precision Exponentiation

p = 1 +
+p1+p2 (unless special case
q = A applies)
(p1,q1) (p2,q2) (p,q) q = N-p1+q1-q2
q1+q2 p = MAX(p1,p2)


p = 1
FIXED FIXED FIXED p = 1 (unless special case
+MAX(p1- p = N
q1,v) +q q = N-q1
(p1,q1) (p2,0) (p,q) q = q1 p = MAX(CEIL
q = q1
(p1*3.32 ),p2)


p = 1
FIXED FIXED FIXED p = 1 (unless special case
+MAX(p2- p = N
q2,w) +q q = N-q2
(p1,0) (p2,q2) (p,q) q = q1 p = MAX(CEIL
q = q2
(p1*3.32 ),p2)

M is the maximum precision for FIXED BINARY. t = 1 + CEIL(p2*3.32)

N is the maximum precision for FIXED DECIMAL. u = CEIL(ABS(q2*3.32)) * SIGN(q2)
r = 1 + CEIL(p1*3.32) v = CEIL(p2/3.32)
s = CEIL(ABS(q1*3.32)) * SIGN(q1) w = CEIL(p1/3.32)


The scaling factor must be in the range -128 through +127.

1. Special cases of exponentiation are described in Table 29 on page 65.
2. For a table of CEIL(N*3.32) values, see Table 34 on page 80.
3. Under RULES(ANS), scaled FIXED BINARY is not allowed.

Table 27. Results of arithmetic operations between two FIXED operands under RULES(IBM)

Attributes of
the Result for
Addition, Addition Attributes
Subtraction, or of the
1st Operand 2nd Operand Multiplication, Subtraction Multiplication Division Result for
(p1,q1) (p2,q2) or Division Precision Precision Precision Exponentiation

p = 1
+p1+p2 (unless special case
q = A applies)
(p1,q1) (p2,q2) (p,q) q = N-p1+q1-q2
q1+q2 p = MAX(p1,p2)

62 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference

Results of arithmetic operations

Table 27. Results of arithmetic operations between two FIXED operands under RULES(IBM) (continued)

Attributes of
the Result for
Addition, Addition Attributes
Subtraction, or of the
1st Operand 2nd Operand Multiplication, Subtraction Multiplication Division Result for
(p1,q1) (p2,q2) or Division Precision Precision Precision Exponentiation

p = 1
FIXED FIXED FIXED +MAX(p1-q1, p = 1 p = M
(unless special case
BINARY BINARY BINARY p2-q2) +q +p1+p2 q = M-p1
B applies)
(p1,q1) (p2,q2) (p,q) q = q = q1+q2 +q1-q2
p = MAX(p1,p2)

p = 1 FLOAT BINARY (p)

FIXED FIXED FIXED +MAX(r-s, p = 1+r p = M (unless special case
DECIMAL BINARY BINARY p2-q2)+q +p2 q = M-r A applies)
(p1,q1) (p2,q2) (p,q) q = q = s+q2 +s-q2 p =MAX(
MAX(s,q2) CEIL((p1*3.32 ),p2)

p = 1 FLOAT BINARY (p)

FIXED FIXED FIXED +MAX(p1- p = 1 p = M (unless special case
BINARY DECIMAL BINARY q1,t-u) +q +p1+t q = M-p1 B applies)
(p1,q1) (p2,q2) (p,q) q = q = q1+u +q1-u p = MAX(p1,
MAX(s,q1,u) CEIL(p2*3.32))

M is the maximum precision for FIXED BINARY. t = 1 + CEIL(p2*3.32)

N is the maximum precision for FIXED DECIMAL. u = CEIL(ABS(q2*3.32)) * SIGN(q2)
r = 1 + CEIL(p1*3.32) v = CEIL(p2/3.32)
s = CEIL(ABS(q1*3.32)) * SIGN(q1) w = CEIL(p1/3.32)


The scaling factor must be in the range -128 through +127.

1. Special cases of exponentiation are described in Table 29 on page 65.
2. For a table of CEIL(N*3.32) values, see Table 34 on page 80.
3. The bounds of the precision p for FIXED BINARY are determined by the FIXEDBIN suboption and for FIXED DECIMAL by the
FIXEDDEC suboption of the LIMITS compiler option. The LIMITS option has no effect on the bounds of the scaling factor q.

Consider the following expression:

A * B + C

The operation A * B is performed first, to give an intermediate result. Then the

value of the expression is obtained by performing the operation (intermediate
result) + C.

PL/I gives the intermediate result attributes the same way it gives attributes to any
variable. The attributes of the result are derived from the attributes of the two
operands (or the single operand in the case of a prefix operation) and the operator
involved. The way the attributes of the result are derived is further explained
under Targets on page 54.

The ADD, SUBTRACT, MULTIPLY, and DIVIDE built-in functions allow you to
override the implementation precision rules for addition, subtraction,
multiplication, and division operations.

Chapter 3. Expressions and references 63

Results of arithmetic operations

FIXED division:

FIXED division can result in overflows or truncation.

Consider the following expression:


The result of evaluating this expression is undefined and the FIXEDOVERFLOW

condition is raised because FIXED division results in a value of maximum
implementation defined precision.

Now consider the following expression:


The result is 25.3333333333333 (when the maximum precision is 15) because

constants have the precision with which they are written.

The results of the two evaluations are reached as shown in Table 28.
Table 28. Comparison of FIXED division and constant expressions

Item Precision Result

1 (1,0) 1
3 (1,0) 3
1/3 (15,14) 0.33333333333333
25 (2,0) 25
25+1/3 (15,14) undefined
(truncation on left;
when the maximum
precision is 15)

01 (2,0) 01
3 (1,0) 3
01/3 (15,13) 00.3333333333333
25 (2,0) 25
25+01/3 (15,13) 25.3333333333333

The PRECISION built-in function can also be used. See the following example:

Note: Named constants are recommended for situations that require exact

64 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference

Results of arithmetic operations

Using exponentiation
This topic describes how exponentiation is handled in PL/I.
Table 29. Special cases for exponentiation
Case First operand Second operand Attributes of result
A FIXED DECIMAL Integer with value n FIXED DECIMAL (p,q)
(provided p <= N)


p = (p1 + 1)*n-1

q = q1*n
B FIXED BINARY Integer with value n FIXED BINARY (p,q)
(provided p <= M)


p = (p1 + 1)*n-1

q = q1*n
C FLOAT (p1) FIXED (p2,0) FLOAT (p1) with base of first
Special cases of x**y in real/complex modes:
Real mode:
Complex mode:
If x=0 and y>0,
result is 0. If x=0, and real part of y>0 and imaginary part of y=0, result is 0.
If x=0 and y<=0,
ERROR condition is raised. If x=0 and real part of y<=0 or imaginary part of y
=0, ERROR condition is raised.
If x<0 and y not FIXED (p,0),
ERROR condition is raised. If x=0 and real and imaginary parts of y=0, result is

Considerations in using exponentiation in simple calculations

If you use exponentiation, simple calculations might become incorrect; for example,
10**-3 results in 0.0009 erroneously, instead of 0.0010. In such cases, round off the
result; or, do not use exponentiation but use division or multiplication.

Bit operations
A bit operation is specified by combining operands with a logical operator.

The following table lists logical operators that can be used for bit operations and
shows whether each operator can be used as a prefix or infix operator.
Table 30. Logical operators for bit operations
Operator Operator
symbol name As prefix operator As a infix operator
not/exclusive-or Yes Yes
& and No Yes

Chapter 3. Expressions and references 65

Bit operations

Table 30. Logical operators for bit operations (continued)

Operator Operator
symbol name As prefix operator As a infix operator
| or No Yes

The operators have the same function as in the Boolean algebra.

Operands of a bit operation are converted, if necessary, to bit strings before the
operation is performed. If the operands of an infix operation do not have the same
length, the shorter is padded on the right with '0'B.

The result of a bit operation is a bit string equal in length to the length of the

Bit operations are performed on a bit-by-bit basis. Table 31 illustrates the result for
each bit position for each of the operators.
Table 31. Bit operations
1 1 0 0 1 1 0
1 0 0 1 0 1 1
0 1 1 0 0 1 1
0 0 1 1 0 0 0

Table 32 shows some examples of bit operations.

Table 32. Bit operation examples
For these operands and values This operation Yields this result
A = '010111'B A '101000'B
B = '111111'B
C '001'B
C = '110'B
D = 5 C & B '110000'B
A | B '111111'B
A B ''101000''B
A C '100111'B
C | B '111111'B
A | (C) '011111'B
((C)|(B)) '110111'B
SUBSTR(A,1,1)|(D=5) '1'B

BOOL built-in function

In addition to the not, exclusive-or, and, and or operations that you specify by using
the operators , &, and |, you can also use the BOOL built-in function to perform
Boolean operations.
Related information:
BOOL built-in function

66 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference

Comparison operations

Comparison operations
A comparison operation is specified by combining operands with one infix

You can use the following infix operators in comparison operations:

v <
v <
v <=
v =
v = or <>
v >=
v >
v >

The result of a comparison operation is always a bit string of length 1. The value is
'1'B if the relationship is true, or '0'B if the relationship is false.

Comparisons are defined as follows:

Is the comparison of signed arithmetic values in coded arithmetic form. If
operands differ in base, scale, precision, or mode, they are converted in a
manner analogous to arithmetic operation conversions. Numeric character
data is converted to coded arithmetic before comparison. Only the
operators =, =, and <> are valid for comparison of operands that are
complex numbers.
Is a left-to-right, character-by-character comparison of characters according
to the binary value of the bytes.
Bit Is a left-to-right, bit-by-bit comparison of binary digits.
Is a left-to-right, symbol-by-symbol comparison of DBCS characters. The
comparison is based on the binary values of the DBCS characters.
Is a left-to-right, widechar-by-widechar comparison of characters according
to the binary value of the byte-pairs.
Ordinal data
Is a comparison of ordinals of the same type using relational operators.
Pointer and offset data
Is a comparison of pointer and offset values containing any relational
operators. However, the only conversion that can take place is offset to
Program-control data
Is a comparison of the internal coded forms of the operands. Only the
comparison operators =, =, and <> are allowed; area variables cannot be
compared. No type conversion can take place; all type differences between
operands for program-control data comparisons are in error.
Comparisons are equal for the following operands:
Entry In a comparison operation, it is not an error to specify an entry

Chapter 3. Expressions and references 67

Comparison operations

variable whose value is an entry point of an inactive block. Entry

names on the same PROCEDURE or ENTRY statement do not
compare equal.
Format labels on the same FORMAT statement compare equal.
File If the operands represent file values, all of whose parts are equal.
Label Labels on the same statement compare equal. In a comparison
operation, it is not an error to specify a label variable whose value
is a label constant used in a block that is no longer active.
The label on a compound statement does not compare equal with
that on any label contained in the body of the compound

If the operands of a computational data comparison have data types that are
appropriate to different types of comparison, the operand of the lower precedence
is converted to conform to the comparison type of the other. The precedence of
comparison types is (1) algebraic (highest), (2) widechar, (3) graphic, (4) character,
(5) bit. For example, if a bit string is compared with a fixed decimal value, the bit
string is converted to fixed binary for algebraic comparison with the decimal value.
The decimal value is also converted to fixed binary.

In the comparison of strings of unequal lengths, the shorter string is padded on the
right. This padding consists of the following:
v Blanks in a character comparison
v '0'B in a bit comparison
v A graphic (DBCS) blank in a graphic comparison
v A widechar blank ('0020'wx) in a widechar comparison

The following example shows a comparison operation in an IF statement:

if A = B
then action-if-true;
else action-if-false;

The evaluation of the expression A = B yields either 1B for true, or 0B for false.

Consider the following assignment statement:

X = A <= B;

The value 1B is assigned to X if A is less than B; otherwise, the value 0B is


Consider the following assignment statement:

X = A = B;

The first equal symbol is the assignment symbol; the second equal symbol is the
comparison operator. The value 1B is assigned to X if A is equal to B; otherwise,
the value 0B is assigned.

Here is an example of comparisons in an arithmetic expression:

(X<0)*A + (0<=X & X<=100)*B + (100<X)*C

The value of the expression is A, B, or C and is determined by the value of X.

68 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference

Concatenation operations

Concatenation operations
Concatenation signifies that the operands are to be joined in such a way that the
last character, bit, graphic, or widechar of the operand to the left immediately
precedes the first character, bit, graphic, or widechar of the operand to the right,
with nothing intervening.

A concatenation operation is specified by combining operands with the

concatenation infix operator:

The concatenation operator can cause conversion to a string type because

concatenation can be performed only upon stringseither character, bit, graphic,
or widechar. The results differ according to the setting of the RULES compiler

Results under RULES(IBM)

When you specify RULES(IBM), the concatenation operator behaves as follows:
v If either operand is widechar, the result is widechar.
v If either operand is graphic, the result is graphic.
v If either operand is bit or binary, the result is bit.
v Otherwise, the result is character.

See the following example:

dcl B bin(4) initial(4),
C bit(1) initial(1b);
put skip list (B { C);

/* Produces 01001 not bbb41 */

Results under RULES(ANS)

When you specify RULES(ANS), the concatenation operator behaves as follows:

v If either operand is widechar, the result is widechar.
v If either operand is graphic, the result is graphic.
v If both operands are bit, the result is bit.
v Otherwise the result is character.

Consider this example:

dcl B bin(4) initial(4),
C bit(1) initial(1b);
put skip list (B { C);

/* Produces bbb41, not 01001 */

The result of a concatenation operation is a string whose length is equal to the sum
of the lengths of the two operands, and whose type (that is, character, bit, graphic,
or widechar) is the same as that of the two operands.

If an operand requires conversion for concatenation, the result depends upon the
length of the string to which the operand is converted.

Chapter 3. Expressions and references 69

Concatenation operations

For these operands and values This operation Yields this result
A = '010111'B A { B '010111_101'B
B = '101'B
A { A { B '010111_010111_101'B
C = 'xy,Z'
D = 'aa/BB' C { D 'xy,Zaa/BB'
D { C 'aa/BBxy,Z'
B { D '101aa/BB'

In the last example, the bit string '101'B is converted to the character string '101'
before the concatenation is performed. The result is a character string.

Combinations of operations
Different types of operations can be combined within the same operational
expression. Any combination can be used.

Consider the following example:

declare Result bit(3),
A fixed decimal(1),
B fixed binary (3),
C character(2), D bit(4);
Result = A + B < C & D;

Each operation within the expression is evaluated according to the rules for that
kind of operation, with necessary data conversions taking place before the
operation is performed, as follows:
v The decimal value of A is converted to binary base.
v The binary addition is performed, adding A and B.
v The binary result is compared with the converted binary value of C.
v The bit result of the comparison is extended to the length of the bit variable D,
and the & operation is performed.
v The result of the & operation, a bit string of length 4, is assigned to Result
without conversion, but with truncation on the right.

The expression in this example is evaluated operation-by-operation, from left to

right. The order of evaluation, however, depends upon the priority of the operators
appearing in the expression.
Related information:
Priority of operators
In the evaluation of expressions, operators have different priorities.

Priority of operators
In the evaluation of expressions, operators have different priorities.

Table 33 on page 71 shows the priority of the operators in the evaluation of


70 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference

Priority of operators

Table 33. Priority of operations and guide to conversions

Priority Operator Type of operation Remarks
1 ** Arithmetic The result is in coded arithmetic form.
prefix +, - Arithmetic No conversion is required if the operand is in
coded arithmetic form.
The operand is converted to FIXED DECIMAL if
it is a CHARACTER string or numeric character
(PICTURE) representation of a fixed-point decimal
The operand is converted to FLOAT DECIMAL if
it is a numeric character (PICTURE)
representation of a floating-point decimal number.
The operand is converted to FIXED BINARY if it
is a BIT string.
prefix Bit string All non-BIT data is converted to BIT.
2 *, / Arithmetic The result is in coded arithmetic form.
3 infix +, - Arithmetic The result is in coded arithmetic form.
4 { Concatenation See Results under RULES(ANS) on page 69 and
Results under RULES(IBM) on page 69.
5 <, <, <=, =, = or <>, Comparison The result is always either '1'B or '0'B.
>=, >, >
6 & Bit string All non-BIT data is converted to BIT.
7 Bit string All non-BIT data is converted to BIT.
infix Bit string All non-BIT data is converted to BIT.

1. The operators are listed in order of priority, group 1 having the highest priority and group 7 the lowest. All
operators in the same priority group have the same priority. For example, the exponentiation operator ** has the
same priority as the prefix + and prefix - operators and the not operator .
2. For priority group 1, if two or more operators appear in an expression, the order of priority is right to left within
the expression; that is, the rightmost exponentiation or prefix operator has the highest priority, the next rightmost
the next highest, and so on. For all other priority groups, if two or more operators in the same priority group
appear in an expression, their order or priority is their order left to right within the expression.

The order of evaluation of the expression A + B < C & D is the same as if the
elements of the expression were parenthesized as (((A + B) < C) & D).

The order of evaluation (and, consequently, the result) of an expression can be

changed through the use of parentheses. Expressions enclosed in parentheses are
evaluated first, to a single value, before they are considered in relation to
surrounding operators.

The above expression, for example, might be changed as follows:

(A + B) < (C & D)

The value of A converts to fixed-point binary, and the addition is performed,

yielding a fixed-point binary result (result_1). The value of C converts to a bit
string (if valid for such conversion) and the and operation is performed. At this
point, the expression is reduced to Result_1 < Result_2.

Chapter 3. Expressions and references 71

Priority of operators

Result_2 is converted to binary, and the algebraic comparison is performed,

yielding a bit string of length 1 for the entire expression.

The priority of operators is defined only within operands (or sub-operands).

Consider the following example:
A + (B < C) & (D { E ** F)

In this case, PL/I specifies only that the exponentiation occurs before the
concatenation. It does not specify the order of the evaluation of (D{E ** F) in
relation to the evaluation of the other operand (A + (B < C)).

Any operational expression (except a prefix expression) must eventually be

reduced to a single infix operation. The operands and operator of that operation
determine the attributes of the result of the entire expression. In the following
example, the & operator is the operator of the final infix operation.
A + B < C & D

The result of the evaluation is a bit string of length 4.

In the next example, because of the use of parentheses, the operator of the final
infix operation is the comparison operator:
(A + B) < (C & D)

The evaluation yields a bit string of length 1.

Array expressions
Array expressions can include operators (both prefix and infix), element variables,
and constants. The rules for combining operations and for data conversion of
operands are the same as for element operations.

Array expressions are allowed as the following:

v The source in an assignment or in multiple assignments
v The argument to the ALL, ANY, POLY, PROD or SUM built-in functions
v An argument to a user procedure and function, as long as the associated
parameter is not a string of unknown length
v An item in the data-lists of PUT LIST and PUT EDIT statements

Evaluation of an array expression yields an array result. All operations performed

on arrays are performed element-by-element, in row-major order. Therefore, all
arrays referred to in an array expression must have the same number of
dimensions, and each dimension must be of identical bounds.

Prefix operators and arrays

The operation of a prefix operator on an array produces an array of identical
bounds. Each element of this array is the result of the operation performed on each
element of the original array.

If A is the array 5 3 -9
1 2 7
6 3 -4

72 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference

Prefix operators and arrays

then -A is the array -5 -3 9

-1 -2 -7
-6 -3 4

Infix operators and arrays

Infix operations that include an array variable as one operand can have an element
or another array as the other operand.

Array-and-element operations
The result of an expression with an element, an array, and an infix operator is an
array with bounds identical to the original array.

Each element of the resulting array is the result of the operation between each
corresponding element of the original array and the single element. See the
following example:
If A is the array 5 10 8
12 11 3

then A*3 is the array 15 30 24

36 33 9

and 9 > A is the array of 1 0 1

bit strings of length 1 0 0 1

The element of an array-element operation can be an element of the same array.

Consider the following assignment statement:
A = A * A(1,2);

Again, using the above values for A, the newly assigned value of A will be as
50 100 800
1200 1100 300

That is, the value of A(1,2) is fetched again.

Array-and-array operations
If the two operands of an infix operator are arrays, the arrays must have the same
number of dimensions, and corresponding dimensions must have identical lower
bounds and identical upper bounds.

The result is an array with bounds identical to those of the original arrays; the
operation is performed upon the corresponding elements of the two original

If A is the array 2 4 3
6 1 7
4 8 2
and if B is the array 1 5 7
8 3 4
6 3 1
then A+B is the array 3 9 10
14 4 11
10 11 3
and A*B is the array 2 20 21
48 3 28
24 24 2

Chapter 3. Expressions and references 73

Infix operators and arrays

and A>B is the array of 1 0 0

bit strings of length 1 0 0 1
0 1 1

Structure expressions
Structure expressions, unlike structure references, are allowed only in assignments
and as arguments to procedures or functions, as long as the associated parameter
has constant extents, namely, constant string lengths, area sizes, and array bounds.

All structure variables appearing in a structure expression must have identical

v The structures must have the same minor structuring and the same number of
contained elements and arrays.
v The positioning of the elements and arrays within the structure (and within the
minor structures, if any) must be the same.
v Arrays in corresponding positions must have identical bounds.

Restricted expressions
Where PL/I requires a (possibly signed) constant, a restricted expression can be

A restricted expression is an expression whose value is calculated at compile time

and used as a constant. For example, you can use expressions to define constants
required for the following:
v Extents in static, parameter, and based declarations
v Extents in entry descriptions
v Values and iteration factors to be used in static initialization

A restricted expression is identical to a normal expression but requires that each

operand be one of the following:
v A constant or a named constant
A named constant must be declared before it is used.
v A built-in function that is applied to a restricted expression or restricted
expressions, where the built-in function is from the following categories:
Arithmetic (except RANDOM)
Floating-point inquiry
Floating-point manipulation
Integer manipulation
Array-handling functions: DIMACROSS, DIMENSION, HBOUND,
Storage-control functions: BINARYVALUE, LENGTH, NULL, OFFSETVALUE,
Miscellaneous functions: BYTE, CHARVAL, COLLATE, INDICATORS,
v Type functions: BIND, CAST, FIRST, LAST, RESPEC, SIZE, and VALUE

74 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference

Restricted expressions

dcl Max_names fixed bin value (1000),
Name_size fixed bin value (30),
Addr_size fixed bin value (20),
Addr_lines fixed bin value (4);
dcl 1 Name_addr(Max_names),
2 Name char(Name_size),
2 * union,
3 Address char(Addr_lines*Addr_size), /* address */
3 addr(Addr_lines) char(Addr_size),
2 * char(0);
dcl One_Name_addr char(size(Name_addr(1))); /* 1 name/addr*/
dcl Two_Name_addr char(length(One_Name_addr)
*2); /* 2 name/addrs */
dcl Name_or_addr char(max(Name_size,Addr_size)) based;

dcl Ar(10) pointer;

dcl Ex entry( dim(lbound(Ar):hbound(Ar)) pointer);
dcl Identical_to_Ar( lbound(Ar):hbound(Ar) ) pointer;

If you change the value of any of the named constants in the example, all of the
dependent declarations are automatically reevaluated.

Chapter 3. Expressions and references 75

76 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference
Chapter 4. Data conversion
This chapter discusses data conversions for computational data. PL/I converts data
when a data item with a set of attributes is assigned to another data item with a
different set of attributes.

Conversion of the value of a computational data item can change its internal
representation, precision or mode (for arithmetic values), or length (for string
values). The following tables summarize the circumstances that can cause
conversion to other attributes.

Case Target attributes

Assignment Attributes of variable on left of assignment
Operand in an expression Determined by rules for evaluation of
Stream input (GET statement) Attributes of receiving field
Stream output (PUT statement) As determined by format list if stream is
edit-directed, otherwise character-string
Argument to PROCEDURE or ENTRY Attributes of corresponding parameter
Argument to built-in function or Depends on the function or pseudovariable
INITIAL attribute Other attributes of variable being initialized
RETURN statement expression Attributes specified in PROCEDURE
DO statement, BY, TO, or REPEAT option Attributes of control variable

The following statements can cause conversion to a CHARACTER value.

Statement Option

The following statements can cause conversion to a BINARY value.

Statement Option/Attribute/Reference
DECLARE, ALLOCATE, DEFAULT length, size, dimension, bound, repetition
DELAY milliseconds
FORMAT (and format items in GET and iteration factor w, d, s, p
Most statements subscript

All attributes for source and target data items (except string length) must be
specified at compile time. Conversion can raise one of the following conditions:
Conditions, on page 381.)

Copyright IBM Corp. 1999, 2016 77

Data conversion

Constants can be converted at compile time as well as at run time. In all cases, the
conversions are as described in this topic collection.

In the discussions of conversions, note the meaning of M and N:

v M is the maximum precision for FIXED BINARY. This is the value M2 from the
compiler option LIMITS(FIXEDBIN(M1,M2)).
v N is the maximum precision for FIXED DECIMAL. This is the value N2 from the
compiler option LIMITS(FIXEDDEC(N1,N2)).

More than one conversion might be required for a particular operation. The
implementation does not necessarily go through more than one. To understand the
conversion rules, it is convenient to consider them separately. Consider the
following example:
dcl A fixed dec(3,2) init(1.23);
dcl B fixed bin(15,5);
B = A;

In this example, the decimal representation of 1.23 is first converted to a binary

(11,7) value, as 1.0011101B. Then precision conversion is performed, resulting in a
binary (15,5) value of 1.00111B.
Related information:
Locator conversion on page 264
Except in a few cases, locator data cannot be converted to other data types.

Built-in functions for computational data conversion

Conversions can take place during expression evaluation, I/O GET and PUT
operations, and assignment operations, and between arguments and parameters.

Conversions can also be initiated with the following built-in functions:



Each function returns a value with the attribute specified by the function name,
performing any required conversions.

With the exception of the conversions performed by the COMPLEX, GRAPHIC,

and IMAG built-in functions, assignment to a PL/I variable having the required
attributes can achieve the conversions performed by these built-in functions.
However, you might find it easier and clearer to use a built-in function than to
create a variable solely to carry out a conversion.
Related information:
Chapter 18, Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines, on page 409
A large number of common tasks are available in the form of built-in functions,
subroutines, and pseudovariables. When you use them, you can write less code
more quickly with greater reliability. This chapter describes the built-in functions,
subroutines, and pseudovariables that you can use in your PL/I program.

78 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference

Converting string lengths

Converting string lengths

The source string is assigned to the target string from left to right. If the source
string is longer than the target, excess characters, bits, graphics or widechars on
the right are ignored, and the STRINGSIZE condition is raised. For fixed-length
targets, if the target is longer than the source, the target is padded on the right. If
STRINGSIZE is disabled, and the length of the source and/or the target is
determined at run time, and the target is too short to contain the source,
unpredictable results can occur.

Note: If you use SUBSTR with variables as the parameters, and the variables
specify a string not contained in the target, unpredictable results can occur if the
STRINGRANGE condition is not enabled.

Character strings are padded with blanks, bit strings with '0'B, graphic strings with
DBCS blanks, and widechar strings with widechar blanks.
declare Subject char(10);
Subject = Transformations;

'Transformations' has 15 characters, therefore, when PL/I assigns the string to

Subject, it truncates five characters from the right end of the string. This is
equivalent to executing the following statement:
Subject = Transforma;

The first two of the following statements assign equivalent values to Subject and
the last two assign equivalent values to Code:
Subject = Physics;
Subject = Physics ;
declare Code bit(10);
Code = 110011B;
Code = 1100110000B;

The following statements do not assign equivalent values to Subject:

Subject = 110011B;
Subject = 1100110000B;

When the first statement is executed, the bit constant on the right is first converted
to a character string and is then extended on the right with blank characters rather
than zero characters. This statement is equivalent to the following statement:
Subject = 110011bbbb;

The second statement requires only a conversion from bit to character type and is
equivalent to the following statement:
Subject = 1100110000;

A string value is not extended with blank characters or zero bits when it is
assigned to a string variable that has the VARYING or VARYING4 attribute.
Instead, the length of the target string variable is set to the length of the assigned
string. However, truncation will occur if the length of the assigned string exceeds
the maximum length declared for the varying-length string variable.

Converting arithmetic precision

When an arithmetic value has the same data attributes (except for precision) as the
target, precision conversion is required.

Chapter 4. Data conversion 79

Converting arithmetic precision

For fixed-point data items, decimal or binary point alignment is maintained during
precision conversion. Therefore, padding or truncation can occur on the left or
right. If nonzero bits or digits on the left are lost, the SIZE condition is raised.

For floating-point data items, truncation on the right, or padding on the right with
zeros, can occur.

Converting mode
If a complex value is converted to a real value, the imaginary part is ignored. If a
real value is converted to a complex value, the imaginary part is zero.

Converting other data attributes

Changes in value can occur in converting between decimal representations and
binary representations.

Source-to-target rules are given, following this section, for converting data items
with the following data attributes:
v Coded arithmetic:
v Arithmetic character PICTURE

In converting between binary and decimal, the factor 3.32 is used as follows:
v n decimal digits convert to CEIL (n*3.32) binary digits.
v n binary digits convert to CEIL (n/3.32) decimal digits.

Table 34 lists CEIL values to calculate these conversions.

Table 34. CEIL (n*3.32) and CEIL (n/3.32) values
n (n*3.32) n (n/3.32)
1 4 1-3 1
2 7 4-6 2
3 10 7-9 3
4 14 10-13 4
5 17 14-16 5
6 20 17-19 6
7 24 20-23 7
8 27 24-26 8
9 30 27-29 9
10 34 30-33 10
11 37 34-36 11
12 40 37-39 12
13 44 40-43 13
14 47 44-46 14

80 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference

Converting other data attributes

Table 34. CEIL (n*3.32) and CEIL (n/3.32) values (continued)

n (n*3.32) n (n/3.32)
15 50 47-49 15
16 531 50-53 16
17 57 54-56 17
18 60 57-59 18
19 64 60-63 19
20 67 64-66 20
21 70 67-69 21
22 74 70-73 22
23 77 74-76 23
24 80 77-79 24
25 83 80-83 25
26 87 84-86 26
27 90 87-89 27
28 93 90-92 28
29 97 93-96 29
30 100 97-99 30
31 103 100-102 31
32 107 103-106 32
33 110 107-109 33
110-112 34
113-116 35
Note 1: While ceil(16*3.32) = 54, the value 53 is used. If it were not, a float decimal(16),
when converted to binary, would have to be converted from long floating-point to extended
floating-point (because float binary(54) is represented as extended floating-point).

For fixed-point integer values, conversion does not change the value. For
fixed-point fractional values, the factor 3.32 provides only enough digits or bits so
that the converted value differs from the original value by less than 1 digit or bit
in the rightmost place.

For example, the decimal constant .1, with attributes FIXED DECIMAL (1,1),
converts to the binary value .0001B, converting 1/10 to 1/16. The decimal constant
.10, with attributes FIXED DECIMAL (2,2), converts to the binary value .0001100B,
converting 10/100 to 12/128.

Source-to-target rules
These source-to-target rules are given for converting data items with the following
data attributes.
v Coded arithmetic
v Arithmetic character PICTURE

Chapter 4. Data conversion 81

Source-to-target rules

Target: Coded arithmetic

These are all coded arithmetic data. Rules for conversion between them
are given under each data type taken as a target.
Arithmetic character PICTURE
Data first converts to decimal with scale and precision determined by
the corresponding PICTURE specification. The decimal value then
converts to the base, scale, mode, and precision of the target. See the
specific target types of coded arithmetic data using FIXED DECIMAL
or FLOAT DECIMAL as the source.
The source string must represent a valid arithmetic constant or
complex expression; otherwise, the CONVERSION condition is raised.
The constant can be preceded by a sign and can be surrounded by
blanks. The constant cannot contain blanks between the sign and the
constant, or between the end of the real part and the sign preceding
the imaginary part of a complex expression.
The constant has base, scale, mode, and precision attributes. It converts
to the attributes of the target when they are independent of the source
attributes, as in the case of assignment. See the specific target types of
coded arithmetic data using the attributes of the constant as the source.
If an intermediate result is necessary, as in evaluation of an operational
expression, the attributes of the intermediate result are the same as if a
decimal fixed-point value of precision (N,0) had appeared in place of
the string. (This allows the compiler to generate code to handle all
cases, regardless of the attributes of the contained constant.)
Consequently, any fractional portion of the constant might be lost. See
the specific target types of coded arithmetic data using FIXED
DECIMAL as the source.
It is possible that during the initial conversion of the character data
item to an intermediate fixed decimal number, the value might exceed
the default size of the intermediate result. If this occurs, the SIZE
condition is raised if it is enabled.
If a character string representing a complex number is assigned to a
real target, the complex part of the string is not checked for valid
arithmetic characters and CONVERSION cannot be raised, since only
the real part of the string is assigned to the target.
If the source is a null string or a string of one or more blanks, the
target will be assigned the value zero. The CONVERSION condition
will not be raised.
If the conversion occurs during evaluation of an operational
expression, the source bit string is converted to an unsigned value that
is FIXED BINARY(M,0). See the specific target types of coded
arithmetic data using FIXED BINARY as the source.
If the source string is longer than the allowable precision, bits on the
left are ignored. If nonzero bits are lost, the SIZE condition is raised.
A null string gives the value zero.

82 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference

Source-to-target rules

Graphic variables and strings are converted to CHARACTER, and then
follow the rules for character source described
Widechar variables and strings are converted to CHARACTER, and
then follow the rules for character source described in CHARACTER.

Target: FIXED BINARY (p2,q2)

The precision of the result is p2 = min(M,1+CEIL(p1*3.32)) and
The precision conversion is as described under Converting arithmetic
precision on page 79 with p1 as declared or indicated and q1 as
indicated by the binary point position and modified by the value of the
The precision conversion is the same as for FIXED DECIMAL to FIXED
BINARY with p1 as declared or indicated and q1 as indicated by the
decimal point position and modified by the value of the exponent.
Arithmetic character PICTURE
See Target: Coded Arithmetic.
See Target: Coded Arithmetic.
See Target: Coded Arithmetic.
See Target: Coded Arithmetic.
See Target: Coded Arithmetic.

Target: FIXED DECIMAL (p2,q2)

The precision of the result is p2=1+CEIL(p1/3.32) and
The precision conversion is the same as for FIXED BINARY to FIXED
DECIMAL with p1 as declared or indicated and q1 as indicated by the
binary point position and modified by the value of the exponent.
The precision conversion is as described under Converting arithmetic
precision on page 79 with p1 as declared or indicated and q1 as
indicated by the decimal point position and modified by the value of
the exponent.
Arithmetic character PICTURE
See Target: Coded Arithmetic.

Chapter 4. Data conversion 83

Source-to-target rules

See Target: Coded Arithmetic.
See Target: Coded Arithmetic.
See Target: Coded Arithmetic.
See Target: Coded Arithmetic.

Target: FLOAT BINARY (p2)

The precision of the result is p2=p1. The exponent indicates any
fractional part of the value.
The precision of the result is p2=CEIL(p1*3.32). The exponent indicates
any fractional part of the value.
The precision of the result is p2=CEIL(p1*3.32).
Arithmetic character PICTURE
See Target: Coded Arithmetic.
See Target: Coded Arithmetic.
See Target: Coded Arithmetic.
See Target: Coded Arithmetic.
See Target: Coded Arithmetic.

Target: FLOAT DECIMAL (p2)

The precision of the result is p2=CEIL(p1/3.32). The exponent indicates
any fractional part of the value.
The precision of the result is p2=p1. The exponent indicates any
fractional part of the value.
The precision of the result is p2=CEIL(p1/3.32).
Arithmetic character PICTURE
See Target: Coded Arithmetic.
See Target: Coded Arithmetic.
See Target: Coded Arithmetic.

84 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference

Source-to-target rules

See Target: Coded Arithmetic.
See Target: Coded Arithmetic.

Target: Arithmetic character PICTURE

The arithmetic character PICTURE data item is the character representation of a

decimal fixed-point or floating-point value. The following descriptions for source
to arithmetic character PICTURE target show those target attributes that allow
assignment without loss of leftmost or rightmost digits.
The target must imply:
fixed decimal (1+x+q-y,q) or
float decimal (x)

where x>=CEIL(p1/3.32), y=CEIL(q1/3.32), and q>=y.

The target must imply:
fixed decimal (x+q-q1,q) or
float decimal (x)

where x>=p1 and q>=q1.

The target must imply:
fixed decimal (p,q) or
float decimal (p)

where p>=CEIL(p1/3.32) and the values of p and q take account of the

range of values that can be held by the exponent of the source.
The target must imply:
fixed decimal (p,q) or
float decimal (p)

where p>= p1 and the values of p and q take account of the range of
values that can be held by the exponent of the source.
Arithmetic character PICTURE
The implied attributes of the source will be either FIXED DECIMAL or
FLOAT DECIMAL. See the respective entries for this target.
See Target: Coded Arithmetic.
The target must imply:
fixed decimal (1+x+q,q) or
float decimal (x)

where x>=ceil(n/3.32) and q>=0.

See Target: Coded Arithmetic.

Chapter 4. Data conversion 85

Source-to-target rules

See Target: Coded Arithmetic.

The coded arithmetic value is converted to a decimal constant
(preceded by a minus sign if it is negative) as described below. The
constant is inserted into an intermediate character string whose length
is derived from the attributes of the source. The intermediate string is
assigned to the target according to the rules for string assignment.
The rules for coded-arithmetic-to-character-string conversion are also
used for list-directed and data-directed output, and for evaluating keys
(even for REGIONAL files).
The binary precision (p1,q1) is first converted to the equivalent decimal
precision (p,q), where p=1+CEIL(p1/3.32) and q=CEIL(ABS(q1/
3.32))*SIGN(q1). Thereafter, the rules are the same as for FIXED
If p1>=q1>=0 then:
v The constant is right adjusted in a field of width p1+3. (The 3 is
necessary to allow for the possibility of a minus sign, a decimal or
binary point, and a leading zero before the point.)
v Leading zeros are replaced by blanks, except for a single zero that
immediately precedes the decimal point of a fractional number. A
single zero also remains when the value of the source is zero.
v A minus sign precedes the first digit of a negative number. A
positive value is unsigned.
v If q1=0, no decimal point appears; if q1>0, a decimal point appears
and the constant has q fractional digits.
If p1<q1 or q1<0, a scaling factor appends to the right of the constant;
the constant is an optionally-signed integer. The scaling factor appears
even if the value of the item is zero and has the following syntax:

where {+|-}nn has the value of -q1.

The length of the intermediate string is p1+k+3, where k is the number
of digits necessary to hold the value of q1 (not including the sign or
the letter F).
If the arithmetic value is complex, the intermediate string consists of
the imaginary part concatenated to the real part. The left-hand, or real,
part is generated as a real source. The right-hand, or imaginary, part is
always signed, and it has the letter I appended. The generated string is
a complex expression with no blanks between its elements. The length
of the intermediate string is:
2*p1+7 for p1>=q1>=0
2*(p1+k)+7 for p1<q1 or q1<0

86 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference

Source-to-target rules

The following examples show the intermediate strings that are

generated from several real and complex fixed-point decimal values:
Precision Value String

(5,0) 2947 bbbb2947

(4,1) -121.7 b-121.7
(4,-3) -3279000 -3279F+3
(2,1) 1.2+0.3I bbb1.2+0.3I
The floating-point binary precision (p1) first converts to the equivalent
floating-point decimal precision (p), where p=CEIL(p1/3.32).
Thereafter, the rules are the same as for FLOAT DECIMAL to
A decimal floating-point source converts as if it were transmitted by an
E-format item of the form E(w,d,s) where:
w, the length of the intermediate string, is p1+8.

d, the number of fractional digits, is p1-1.

s, the number of significant digits, is p1.

If the arithmetic value is complex, the intermediate string consists of

the imaginary part concatenated to the real part. The left-hand, or real,
part is generated as a real source. The right-hand, or imaginary, part is
always signed, and it has the letter I appended. The generated string is
a complex expression with no blanks between its elements. The length
of the intermediate string is 2*p+17.
The following examples show the intermediate strings that are
generated from several real and complex floating-point decimal values:
Precision Value String

(5) 1735*10**5 b1.7350E+0008

(5) -.001663 -1.6630E-0003
(3) 1 b1.00E+0000
(5) 17.3+1.5I b1.7300E+0001+1.5000E+0000I
Arithmetic character PICTURE
A real arithmetic character field is interpreted as a character string and
assigned to the target string according to the rules for converting string
lengths. If the arithmetic character field is complex, the real and
imaginary parts are concatenated before assignment to the target
string. Insertion characters are included in the target string.
Bit 0 becomes the character 0 and bit 1 becomes the character 1. A null
bit string becomes a null character string. The generated character
string is assigned to the target string according to the rules for
converting string lengths.
DBCS to SBCS conversion is possible only if there is a corresponding
SBCS character. Otherwise, the CONVERSION condition is raised.
Conversion from widechar to character is performed only if all the
widechars have a value less than '0080'wx. Otherwise, the
CONVERSION condition is raised.

Chapter 4. Data conversion 87

Source-to-target rules

Target: BIT
If necessary, the arithmetic value converts to binary and both the sign
and any fractional part are ignored. (If the arithmetic value is complex,
the imaginary part is also ignored.) The resulting binary value is
treated as a bit string. It is assigned to the target according to the rules
for string assignments.
The length of the intermediate bit string is given by:

If (p1-q1) is negative or zero, the result is a null bit string.

The following examples show the intermediate strings that are
generated from several fixed-point binary values:
Precision Value String

(1) 1 1B
(3) -3 011B
(4,2) 1.25 01B
The length of the intermediate bit string is given by:

If (p1-q1) is negative or zero, the result is a null bit string.

The following examples show the intermediate strings that are
generated from several fixed-point decimal values:
Precision Value String

(1) 1 0001B
(2,1) 1.1 0001B
The length of the intermediate bit string is given by:
The length of the intermediate bit string is given by:
Arithmetic character PICTURE
Data is first interpreted as decimal with scale and precision determined
by the corresponding PICTURE specification. The item then converts
according to the rules given for FIXED DECIMAL or FLOAT
Character 0 becomes bit 0 and character 1 becomes bit 1. Any character
other than 0 or 1 raises the CONVERSION condition. A null string
becomes a null bit string. The generated bit string, which has the same
length as the source character string, is assigned to the target according
to the rules for string assignment.
Graphic 0 becomes bit 0 and graphic 1 becomes bit 1. Any graphic

88 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference

Source-to-target rules

other than 0 or 1 raises the CONVERSION condition. A null string

becomes a null bit string. The generated bit string, which has the same
length as the source graphic string, is then assigned to the target
according to the rules for string assignment.
Widechar 0 ('0030'wx) becomes bit 0 and widechar 1 ( '0031'wx)
becomes bit 1. Any widechar other than 0 or 1 raises the
CONVERSION condition. A null string becomes a null bit string. The
generated bit string, which has the same length as the source widechar
string, is then assigned to the target according to the rules for string


Nongraphic source is first converted to character according to the rules in Target:

Character. The resultant character string is then converted to a DBCS string.


Source other than widechar is first converted to character according to the rules in
Target: Character. The resultant character string is then converted to a widechar

This section provides additional data conversion examples.

Example: DECIMAL FIXED converted to BINARY FIXED with

dcl I fixed bin(31,5) init(1);
I = I+.1;

The value of I is now 1.0625. This is because .1 is converted to FIXED BINARY

(5,4), so that the nearest binary approximation is 0.0001B (no rounding occurs). The
decimal equivalent of this is .0625. The result achieved by specifying .1000 in place
of .1 would be different.

Example: Arithmetic converted to bit string

dcl A bit(1),
D bit(5);
A=1; /* A has value 0B */
D=1; /* D has value 00010B */
D=1B; /* D has value 10000B */
if A=1 then go to Y;
else go to X;

The branch is to X, because the assignment to A resulted in the following sequence

of actions:
1. The decimal constant, 1, has the attributes FIXED DECIMAL (1,0) and is
assigned to temporary storage with the attributes FIXED BINARY(4,0) and the
value 0001B.
2. This value now converts to a bit string of length (4), so that it becomes '0001'B.

Chapter 4. Data conversion 89


3. The bit string is assigned to A. Since A has a declared length of 1, and the
value to be assigned has acquired a length of 4, truncation occurs at the right,
and A has a final value of '0'B.

For the comparison operation in the IF statement, '0'B and 1 convert to FIXED
BINARY and compare arithmetically. They are unequal, giving a result of false for
the relationship A=1.

In the first assignment to D, a sequence of actions similar to that described for A

takes place, except that the value is extended at the right with a zero, because D
has a declared length that is 1 greater than that of the assigned value.

Example: Arithmetic converted to character

In the following example, the three blanks are necessary to allow for the possibility
of a minus sign, a decimal or binary point, and provision for a single leading zero
before the point:
dcl A char(4),
B char(7);
A=0; /*A has value 0bbb*/
A=0; /*A has value bbb0*/
B=1234567; /*B has value bbb1234*/

Example: A conversion error

dcl Ctlno char(8) init(0);
do I=1 to 100;

For this example, FIXED DECIMAL precision 15 was used for the implementation
maximum. The example raises the CONVERSION condition because of the
following sequence of actions:
1. The initial value of CTLNO, that is, '0bbbbbbb' converts to FIXED
2. The decimal constant, 1, with attributes FIXED DECIMAL(1,0), is added; in
accordance with the rules for addition, the precision of the result is (16,0).
3. This value now converts to a character string of length 18 in preparation for the
assignment back to CTLNO.
4. Because CTLNO has a length of 8, the assignment causes truncation at the
right; thus, CTLNO has a final value that consists entirely of blanks. This value
cannot be successfully converted to arithmetic type for the second iteration of
the loop.

90 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference

Chapter 5. Program organization
This chapter discusses how statements can be organized into different kinds of
blocks to form a PL/I program, how control flows among blocks, and how
different blocks can make use of the same data.

Proper division of a program into blocks simplifies the writing and testing of the
program, particularly when many programmers are writing it. Proper division can
also result in more efficient use of storage, because automatic storage is allocated
on entry to the block in which it is declared and released when the block is

PL/I is a block-structured language, consisting of packages, procedures,
begin-blocks, statements, expressions, and built-in functions. A PL/I application
consists of one or more separately loadable entities, known as a load module. Each
load module can consist of one or more separately compiled entities, known as a
compilation unit (CU). Unless otherwise stated, a program refers to a PL/I
application or a compilation unit.

Program structure
Programs refer to PL/I applications or compilation units, which are separately
compiled entities that compose load modules. A PL/I application consists of one or
more load modules.

A compilation unit is a PL/I PACKAGE or an external PROCEDURE. Each

package can contain zero or more procedures, some or all of which can be
exported. A PL/I external or internal procedure contains zero or more blocks. A
PL/I block is either a PROCEDURE or a BEGIN block, which contains zero or
more statements and/or zero or more blocks.

A PL/I block allows you to produce highly-modular applications, because blocks

can contain declarations that define variable names and storage class. Thus, you
can restrict the scope of a variable to a single block or a group of blocks, or can
make it known throughout the compilation unit or a load module.

By giving you freedom to determine the degree to which a block is self-contained,

PL/I makes it possible to produce blocks that many compilation units and
applications can share, leading to code reuse.

Figure 2 on page 92 shows an application structure.

Copyright IBM Corp. 1999, 2016 91

Program structure

Figure 2. A PL/I application structure

Related information:
Packages on page 94
A package is a block that can contain only declarations, default statements, and
procedure blocks. The package forms a name scope that is shared by all
declarations and procedures contained in the package, unless the names are
declared again.
Procedures on page 97
A procedure is a sequence of statements delimited by a PROCEDURE statement
and a corresponding END statement. A procedure can be a main procedure, a
subroutine, or a function.
Begin-blocks on page 118
A begin-block is a sequence of statements delimited by a BEGIN statement and a
corresponding END statement.

Program activation
A PL/I program becomes active when a calling program invokes the main

This calling program usually is the operating system, although it could be another
program. The main procedure is the external procedure for which the statement
has the OPTIONS(MAIN) specification.

Example: Main procedure invoking external procedures

In this example, Contrl is the main procedure and it invokes other external
procedures in the program. The main procedure remains active for the duration of
the program.
Contrl: procedure options(main);
call A;
call B;
call C;
end Contrl;

92 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference

Program termination

Program termination
A program is terminated when the main procedure is terminated. Whether
termination is normal or abnormal, control returns to the calling program.

In Example: Main procedure invoking external procedures on page 92, when

control transfers from the C procedure back to the Contrl procedure, Contrl
Related information:
Procedure termination on page 105
A procedure is terminated when, by some means other than a procedure reference,
control passes back to the invoking program, block, or to some other active block.

A block is a delimited sequence of statements, processed as a unit, that specifies the
scope of names and the allocation of storage for names declared within it. A block
can be a package, a procedure, or a begin-block.
v A block establishes the scope of names declared within it.
v A block limits the allocation of automatic variables.
v A block determines the scope of DEFAULT statements (as described in Defaults
for attributes on page 178).

The kinds of blocks are package, procedure, and begin.

These blocks can contain declarations that are treated as local definitions of names.
This is done to establish the scope of the names and to limit the allocation of
automatic variables. These declarations are not known outside their own block,
and the names cannot be referred to in the containing block. For more information,
see Scope of declarations on page 162.

Storage is allocated to automatic variables upon entry to the block where the
storage is declared, and is freed upon exit from the block. For more information,
see Scope of declarations on page 162.

Block activation
Each block plays the same role in the allocation and freeing of storage and in
delimiting the scope of names. Packages are neither activated nor terminated.

For information about how activation occurs, see Procedures on page 97 and
Begin-blocks on page 118.

During block activation, the following operations are performed:

v Expressions that appear in declare statements are evaluated for extents and
initial values (including iteration factors).
v Storage is allocated for automatic variables. Their initial values are set if
v Storage is allocated for dummy arguments and compiler-created temporaries
that might be created in this block.

Initial values and extents for automatic variables must not depend on the values or
extents of other automatic variables declared in the same block. For example, the
following initialization can produce incorrect results for J and K:
dcl I init(10),J init(K),K init(I);

Chapter 5. Program organization 93

Block activation

Similarly, the following code causes b to have an undefined value (and most likely,
not the value 10) after this structure is initialized:
1 a,
2 b fixed bin init(c),
2 c fixed bin init(10);

Declarations of data items must not be mutually interdependent. For example, the
following declarations are invalid:
dcl A(B(1)), B(A(1));

dcl D(E(1)), E(F(1)), F(D(1));

Errors can occur during block activation, and the ERROR condition (or other
conditions) can be raised. If so, the environment of the block might be incomplete.
In particular, some automatic variables might not have been allocated. Statements
referencing automatic variables executed after the ERROR condition has been
raised might reference unallocated storage. The results of referring to unallocated
storage are undefined.

Block termination
There are a number of ways a block can be terminated. Packages are neither
activated nor terminated.

For information about how termination occurs, see Procedures on page 97 and
Begin-blocks on page 118.

During block termination, the following operations are performed:

v The ON-unit environment is reestablished as it existed before the block was
v Storage for all automatic variables allocated in the block is released.

A package is a block that can contain only declarations, default statements, and
procedure blocks. The package forms a name scope that is shared by all
declarations and procedures contained in the package, unless the names are
declared again.

Some or all of the level-1 procedures can be exported and made known outside of
the package as external procedures. A package can be used for implementing
multiple entry point applications.

A package that contains a MAIN procedure must not contain any FETCHABLE
procedures. A package that contains a MAIN procedure must not be linked into a
DLL. It should form part of a base executable that can, if desired, invoke routines
in a DLL. Such a package can, of course, also define external routines that can be
called from other routines statically linked with it, and the package can also define
EXTERNAL STATIC data that can be referenced from other routines statically
linked with it.

If a package that does not contain a MAIN routine is linked into a DLL, the only
EXTERNAL STATIC variables that will be exported from that package out of the
DLL are those variables that have the RESERVED attribute.

94 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


If the source contains a PACKAGE statement, there must be at most only one set of
*PROCESS statements and those must be the first statements in the source. If the
source contains no PACKAGE statement, the compiler effectively inserts one after
the first set of *PROCESS statements and the source might contain multiple
external procedures separated by groups of *PROCESS statements.

condition-prefix : package-name : PACKAGE

EXPORTS ( procedure )

, OPTIONS(options)

RESERVES ( variable name )


declare-statement END ;
default-statement package-name



Condition prefixes specified on a PACKAGE statement apply to all procedures
contained in the package unless overridden on the PROCEDURE statement.
For more information, see Condition prefixes on page 371.
The name of the package. All PACKAGE names must be unique within a
linked module.
Specifies that all (EXPORTS(*)) or the named procedures are to be exported
and thus made externally known outside of the package. If no EXPORTS
option is specified, EXPORTS(*) is assumed.
procedure name
Is the name of a level-1 procedure within the package.

Chapter 5. Program organization 95


EXTERNAL (environment name)

Is a scope attribute discussed in Scope of declarations on page 162.
Specifies that this package reserves the storage for all (RESERVES(*)), or only
for the named variables that have the RESERVED attribute. See RESERVED
attribute on page 170.
variable name
Is the name of a level-1 external static variable.
OPTIONS option
For OPTIONS options applicable to a package statement. See OPTIONS
option and attribute on page 135.
declare statement
All variables declared within a package but outside any contained level-1
procedure must have the storage class of static, based, or controlled. Automatic
variables are not allowed. Default storage class is STATIC. See Chapter 7, Data
declarations, on page 159.
default statement
See Defaults for attributes on page 178.
procedure statement
See PROCEDURE and ENTRY statements on page 98.

Example of package statement

96 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference



Package_Demo: Package exports (Factorial);

/* Common Data */

dcl N fixed bin(15);

dcl Message char(*) value(The factorial of );

/* Main Program */

Factorial: proc options (main);

dcl Result fixed bin(31);
put skip list(Please enter a number whose factorial ||
must be computed );
get list(N);
Result = Compute_factorial(n);
put list(Message || trim(N) || is || trim(Result));
end Factorial;

/* Subroutine */

Compute_factorial: proc (Input) recursive returns (fixed bin(31));

dcl Input fixed bin(15);
if Input <= 1 then
return( Input*Compute_factorial(Input-1) );
end Compute_factorial;

end Package_Demo;

Figure 3. Package statement

A procedure is a sequence of statements delimited by a PROCEDURE statement
and a corresponding END statement. A procedure can be a main procedure, a
subroutine, or a function.

An application must have exactly one external procedure that has

OPTIONS(MAIN). In the following example, the name of the procedure is Name
and represents the entry point of the procedure.
end Name;

The ENTRY statement can define a secondary entry point to a procedure. Consider
the following example:
Name: procedure;
B: entry;
end Name;

B defines a secondary entry point to the Name procedure. The ENTRY statement is
described in ENTRY attribute on page 121.

Chapter 5. Program organization 97


A procedure must have a name. A procedure block nested within another

procedure or begin-block is called an internal procedure. A procedure block not
nested within another procedure or begin-block is called an external procedure.
Level-1 exported procedures from a package also become external procedures.
External procedures can be invoked by other procedures in other compilation
units. Procedures can invoke other procedures.

A procedure can be recursive, which means that it can be reactivated from within
itself or from within another active procedure while it is already active. You can
pass arguments when invoking a procedure.
Related information:
Scope of declarations on page 162
The part of the program to which a name applies is called the scope of the
declaration of that name. In most cases, the scope of the declaration of a name is
determined entirely by the position where the name is declared within the
Subroutines on page 110
A subroutine is an internal or external procedure that is invoked by a CALL
Functions on page 112
A function is a procedure that has zero or more arguments and is invoked by a
function reference in an expression.
Passing arguments to procedures on page 114
When a function or a subroutine is invoked, parameters are associated, from left to
right, with the passed arguments.

PROCEDURE and ENTRY statements

A procedure (subroutine or function) can have one or more entry points.

The primary entry point to a procedure is established by the leftmost label of the
procedure statement. Secondary entry points to a procedure are established by
additional labels on the PROCEDURE statement and by the ENTRY statement.
Each entry point has an entry name. See INTERNAL and EXTERNAL attributes
on page 165 for a discussion of the rules for the creation of an external name.

A PROCEDURE statement identifies the procedure as a main procedure, a

subroutine, or a function. Parameters expected by the procedure and other
characteristics are also specified on the PROCEDURE statement.

98 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


entry-label: PROCEDURE

( )

returns-option OPTIONS(options) RECURSIVE

; statement
scope-attribute group


Abbreviations: PROC for PROCEDURE

The entry point to the procedure. External entries are explicitly declared in the
invoking procedure. If multiple entry labels are specified, the leftmost name is
the primary entry point and is the name returned by the PROCNAME and
ONLOC built-in functions. For more information, see Entry data on page
See Parameter attribute on page 100 and Passing arguments to procedures
on page 114.
Applies only to function procedures. See Functions on page 112 and
RETURNS option and attribute on page 144.
OPTIONS option
See OPTIONS option and attribute on page 135.
See Recursive procedures on page 106.
See Scope of declarations on page 162.

ENTRY statement
The ENTRY statement specifies a secondary entry point of a procedure. The
ENTRY statement must be internal to the procedure for which it defines a
secondary entry point. It cannot be within a do-group that specifies repetitive
execution, or internal to a ON-unit.

Chapter 5. Program organization 99


entry-label: ENTRY

( parameter )


RETURNS( attribute )

The secondary entry point to the procedure.
See Parameter attribute and Passing arguments to procedures on page 114.
RETURNS option
See RETURNS option and attribute on page 144.
OPTIONS option
See OPTIONS option and attribute on page 135.

All parameters on an ENTRY statement must be BYADDR, and for a procedure

containing ENTRY statements, all non-pointer parameters to that procedure must

If a procedure that contains ENTRY statements has the RETURNS option, or if any
of its contained ENTRY statements have the RETURNS option, the following
conditions apply:
v The BYADDR attribute must be specified (or implied by the compile-time option
DEFAULT(RETURNS(BYADDR)) in all of the RETURNS options for that
procedure and its ENTRY statements.
v All routines that call one of these entry points must also either declare the entry
with RETURNS(BYADDR) or be compiled with the
DEFAULT(RETURNS(BYADDR)) compiler option.

When a procedure contains ENTRY statements and some, but not all of its entry
points have the RETURNS attribute, the ERROR condition is detected under the
following circumstances:
v If the code executes a RETURN statement with an expression when the
procedure was entered at an entry point which did not have the RETURNS
v If the code executes a RETURN statement without an expression when the
procedure was entered at an entry point that has the RETURNS attribute.

Parameter attribute
A parameter is contextually declared with the parameter attribute by its
specification in a PROCEDURE or ENTRY statement.

The parameter should be explicitly declared with appropriate attributes. The

PARAMETER attribute can also be specified in the declaration. If attributes are not

100 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference

Parameter attribute

supplied in a DECLARE statement, default attributes are applied. The parameter

name must not be subscripted or qualified.


Table 8 on page 21, and the following discussion, describe the attributes that can be
declared for a parameter.

A parameter always has the INTERNAL attribute.

If the parameter is a structure or union, it must specify the level-1 name.

A parameter cannot have any storage class attributes except CONTROLLED. A

controlled parameter must have a controlled argument, and can also have the
INITIAL attribute.

Parameters used in record-oriented input/output, or as the base variable for

DEFINED items, must be in connected storage. The CONNECTED attribute must
be specified both in the declaration in the procedure and in the descriptor list of
the procedure entry declaration.

Simple Parameter Bounds, Lengths, and Sizes

Bounds, lengths, and sizes of simple parameters must be specified either by
asterisks or by restricted expressions.

When the actual length, bounds, or size can be different for different invocations,
each can be specified in a DECLARE statement by an asterisk. When an asterisk is
used, the length, bounds, or size are taken from the current generation of the
associated argument.

An asterisk is not allowed as the length specification of a string that is an element

of an aggregate, if the associated argument creates a dummy. The string length
must be specified as an integer.

Controlled Parameter Bounds, Lengths, and Sizes

The bounds, length, or size of a controlled parameter can be specified in a
DECLARE statement either by asterisks or by element expressions.

Asterisk notation:

When asterisks are used, length, bounds, or size of the controlled parameter are
taken from the current generation of the associated argument. Any subsequent
allocation of the controlled parameter uses these same bounds, length, or size,
unless they are overridden by a different length, bounds, or size specification in
the ALLOCATE statement.

If no current generation of the argument exists, the asterisks determine only the
dimensionality of the parameter, and an ALLOCATE statement in the invoked
procedure must specify bounds, length, or size for the controlled parameter before
other references to the parameter can be made.

Chapter 5. Program organization 101

Controlled parameter bounds, lengths, and sizes

Expression notation:

Each time the parameter is allocated, the expressions are evaluated to give current
bounds, lengths, or sizes for the new allocation. However, such expressions in a
DECLARE statement can be overridden by a bounds, length, or size specification
in the ALLOCATE statement itself.

Example of array argument with parameters:

In this example, an array is declared with parameters.

In Figure 4 on page 103, when Sub1 is invoked, A and B, which have been allocated,
are passed.

102 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference

Controlled parameter bounds, lengths, and sizes

%process or(|) num margins(1,72);

Package:package exports(*);

Main: procedure options(main);

declare (A(NA), B(NB), C(NC), D(ND) ) controlled;
declare (NA init(20), NB init(30), NC init(100),
ND init(100) ) fixed bin(31);
declare Sub1 entry((*) controlled, (*) controlled);
declare Sub2 entry ((*) ctl, (*) ctl, fixed bin);

allocate A,B; /* A(20), B(30) */

display (Gen1: DIM(A)= { dim(A) { , { "DIM(B)=" { dim(B));
call Sub1(A,B);

display (Gen2: Allocn(A)= { allocn(a) { , {

Allocn(B)= { allocn(B) );
display (Gen2: DIM(A)= { dim(A) { , { "DIM(B)=" { dim(B));
free A,B;
display (Gen1: Allocn(A)= { allocn(A) { , {
Allocn(B)= { allocn(B) );
display (Gen1: DIM(A)= { dim(A) { , { "DIM(B)=" { dim(B));
free A,B;
display (Gen0: Allocn(A)= { allocn(A) { , {
Allocn(B)= { allocn(B) );
call Sub2 (C,D,10);

display (Gen1: Allocn(C)= { allocn(C) { , {

Allocn(D)= { allocn(D) );
display (Gen1: DIM(C)= { dim(C) { , { "DIM(D)=" { dim(D));
free C,D;
display (Gen0: Allocn(C)= { allocn(c) { , {
Allocn(D)= { allocn(D) );
end Main;

Sub1: procedure (U,V);

dcl (U(UB), V(*)) controlled,
UB fixed bin(31);
display (Gen1: Allocn(U)= { allocn(U) { , {
Allocn(V)= { allocn(V) );
display (Gen1: DIM(U)= { dim(U) { , { "DIM(V)=" { dim(V));
allocate U,V; /* U(200), V(30) */
display (Gen2: Allocn(U)= { allocn(U) { , {
Allocn(V)= { allocn(V) );
display (Gen2: DIM(U)= { dim(U) { , { "DIM(V)=" { dim(V));
end Sub1;

Sub2: procedure (X,Y,N);

dcl (X(N),Y(N)) controlled,
N fixed bin;
display (Gen0: Allocn(X)= { allocn(X) { , {
Allocn(Y)= { allocn(Y) );
allocate X,Y; /* X(10), Y(10) */
display (Gen1: Allocn(X)= { allocn(X) { , {
Allocn(Y)= { allocn(Y) );
display (Gen1: DIM(X)= { dim(X) { , { "DIM(Y)=" { dim(Y));
end Sub2;

end Package;

Figure 4. Array argument with parameters

The ALLOCATE statement in Sub1 allocates a second generation of A and B. B has

the same bounds for both generations while A has different bounds for the second

On returning to Main, the first FREE statement frees the second generation of A and
B (allocated in Sub1). The second FREE statement frees the first generation of A and
B (allocated in Main).

Chapter 5. Program organization 103

Controlled parameter bounds, lengths, and sizes

In Sub2, X and Y are declared with bounds that depend on the value of N. When X
and Y are allocated, their values determine the bounds of the allocated arrays.

On returning to Main from Sub2, the FREE statement frees the only generation of C
and D (allocated in Sub2).

Procedure activation
Sequential program flow passes around a procedure, from the statement before the
PROCEDURE statement to the statement after the END statement for that
procedure. The only way that a procedure can be activated is by a procedure

For information about how to activate the main procedure, see Program
activation on page 92.

The execution of the invoking procedure is suspended until the invoked procedure
returns control to it.

A procedure reference is the appearance of an entry expression in one of the

following contexts:
v Using a CALL statement to invoke a subroutine, as described in CALL
statement on page 133
v Invoking a function, as described in Functions on page 112

The information in this section is relevant to each of these contexts. However, the
examples in this chapter use CALL statements.

When a procedure reference occurs, the procedure containing the specified entry
point is said to be invoked. The point at which the procedure reference appears is
called the point of invocation and the block in which the reference is made is called
the invoking block. An invoking block remains active even though control is
transferred from it to the procedure it invokes.

When a procedure is invoked at its primary entry point, arguments and

parameters are associated and execution begins with the first statement in the
invoked procedure. When a procedure is invoked at a secondary entry point with
the ENTRY statement, execution begins with the first statement following the
ENTRY statement. The environment established on entry to a block at the primary
entry point is identical to the environment established when the same block is
invoked at a secondary entry point.

Communication between two procedures is by means of arguments passed from an

invoking procedure to the invoked procedure, by a value returned from an
invoked procedure, and by names known within both procedures. Therefore, a
procedure can operate upon different data when it is invoked from different
points. Consider the following example:
Readin: procedure;
Errt: entry;
end Readin;

The procedure can be activated by any of these entry references:

104 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference

Procedure activation

call Readin;
call Errt;

The statement call Readin invokes Readin at its primary entry point and execution
begins with statement-1; the statement call Errt invokes the Readin procedure at
the secondary entry point Errt and execution begins with statement-3. The entry
constant (Readin) can also be assigned to an entry variable that is used in a
procedure reference, as in the following example:
declare Readin entry,
Ent1 entry variable;
Ent1 = Readin;
call Ent1;
call Readin;

The two CALL statements have the same effect.

Procedure termination
A procedure is terminated when, by some means other than a procedure reference,
control passes back to the invoking program, block, or to some other active block.

Procedures terminate normally under the following circumstances:

v Control reaches a RETURN statement within the procedure. The execution of a
RETURN statement returns control to the point of invocation in the invoking
procedure. If the point of invocation is a CALL statement, execution in the
invoking procedure resumes with the statement following the CALL. If the point
of invocation is a function reference, execution of the statement containing the
reference is resumed.
v Control reaches the END statement of the procedure. Effectively, this is
equivalent to the execution of a RETURN statement.

Procedures terminate abnormally under the following circumstances:

v Control reaches a GO TO statement that transfers control out of the procedure.
The GO TO statement can specify a label in a containing block, or it can specify
a parameter that has been associated with a label argument passed to the
procedure. A STOP statement is executed in the current thread of a
single-threaded program or in any thread of a multithreaded program.
v An EXIT statement is executed.
v The ERROR condition is raised and there is no established ON-unit for ERROR
or FINISH. Also, if one or both of the conditions has an established ON-unit,
ON-unit exit is by normal return rather than by a GO TO statement.
v The procedure calls or invokes another procedure that terminates abnormally.

Transferring control out of a procedure using a GO TO statement can sometimes

result in the termination of several procedures and/or begin-blocks. Specifically, if
the transfer point specified by the GO TO statement is contained in a block that
did not directly activate the block being terminated, all intervening blocks in the
activation sequence are terminated. Consider following example:
A: procedure options(main);
B: begin;
call C;
end B;

Chapter 5. Program organization 105

Procedure termination

C: procedure;
D: begin;
go to Lab;
end D;
end C;
Lab: statement-6
end A;

A activates B, which activates C, which activates D. In D, the statement go to Lab

transfers control to statement-6 in A. Since this statement is not contained in D, C,
or B, all three blocks are terminated; A remains active. Thus, the transfer of control
out of D results in the termination of intervening blocks B and C as well as the
termination of block D.

Recursive procedures
An active procedure that is invoked from within itself or from within another
active procedure is a recursive procedure. Such an invocation is called recursion.

A procedure that is invoked recursively must have the RECURSIVE attribute

specified in the PROCEDURE statement.


The environment (that is, values of automatic variables and the like) of every
invocation of a recursive procedure is preserved in a manner analogous to the
stacking of allocations of a controlled variable (see Controlled storage and
attribute on page 256). Think of an environment as being pushed down at a
recursive invocation, and popped up at the termination of that invocation. A label
constant in the current block is always a reference to the current invocation of the
block that contains the label.

If a label constant is assigned to a label variable in a particular invocation, and the

label variable is not declared within the recursive procedure, a GO TO statement
naming that variable in another invocation restores the environment that existed
when the assignment was performed, terminating the current and any intervening
procedures and begin-blocks.

The environment of a procedure that was invoked from within a recursive

procedure by means of an entry variable is the one that was current when the
entry constant was assigned to the variable. Consider the following example:
call A; /* First invocation of A */

A: proc recursive;

106 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference

Recursive procedures

declare Ev entry variable static;

if I=1 then
call A; /* 2nd invocation of A */
else call Ev; /* Invokes B with environment */
/* of first invocation of A */
B: proc;
go to Out;
end B;
Out: end A;

The GO TO statement in the procedure B transfers control to the END A statement in

the first invocation of A, and terminates B and both invocations of A.

Effect of recursion on automatic variables

The values of variables allocated in one activation of a recursive procedure must be

protected from change by other activations. This is arranged by stacking the
variables. A stack operates on a last-in, first-out basis. The most recent generation
of an automatic variable is the only one that can be referenced. Static variables are
not affected by recursion. Thus, they are useful for communication across recursive
invocations. This also applies to automatic variables that are declared in a
procedure that contains a recursive procedure and to controlled and based

Consider the following example:

A: proc;
dcl X;
B: proc recursive;
dcl Z,Y static;
call B;
end B;
end A;

A single generation of the variable X exists throughout invocations of procedure B.

The variable Z has a different generation for each invocation of procedure B. The
variable Y can be referred to only in procedure B and is not reallocated at each
invocation. (The concept of stacking variables is also of importance in the
discussion of controlled variables in Controlled storage and attribute on page

Dynamic loading of an external procedure

A module can be dynamically fetched (loaded) or released (deleted) by a PL/I
program using FETCH and RELEASE statements.

A procedure invoked by a procedure reference usually is resident in main storage

throughout the execution of the program. However, a procedure can be loaded into
main storage for only as long as it is required. The invoked procedure can be
dynamically loaded into, and dynamically deleted from, main storage during
execution of the calling procedure.

Chapter 5. Program organization 107

Dynamic loading of an external procedure

Dynamic loading and deletion of procedures is particularly useful when a called

procedure is not necessarily invoked every time the calling procedure is executed,
and when conservation of main storage is more important than a short execution

The appearance of an entry constant in a FETCH statement indicates that the

referenced procedure needs to be loaded into main storage before it can be
executed, unless a copy already exists in main storage. Provided that the name is
referenced in a FETCH statement, a procedure can also be loaded from the disk as
v By execution of a CALL statement or the CALL option of an INITIAL attribute
v By execution of a function reference

It is not necessary that control pass through a FETCH or RELEASE statement,

either before or after execution of the CALL or function reference.

Whichever statement loaded the procedure, execution of the CALL statement or

option or the function reference invokes the procedure in the normal way.

It is not an error if the procedure has already been loaded into main storage. The
fetched procedure can remain in main storage until execution of the whole
program is completed. Alternatively, the storage it occupies can be freed for other
purposes at any time by means of the RELEASE statement.

Rules and features

FETCH and RELEASE have these rules and features.
v Only external procedures can be fetched.
v EXTERNAL files and CONDITION conditions are shared across the entire
application (main and fetched modules). Other external variables are shared only
within a single module.
v Storage for STATIC variables in the fetched procedure is allocated when the load
module containing the procedure is loaded into memory. Each time a load
module is loaded into memory, the STATIC variables are given the initial values
indicated by their declarations.
v The FETCH and RELEASE statements must specify entry constants. An entry
constant for a fetched procedure can be assigned to an entry variable provided
the procedure has been fetched.

FETCH statement
The FETCH statement checks main storage for the named procedures.

Procedures not already in main storage are loaded from the disk.

FETCH entry-constant
SET ( ptr-ref ) TITLE ( char-expr )

108 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


Specifies the name by which the procedure to be fetched is known to the
operating system. Details of the linking considerations for fetchable procedures
are given in the Programming Guide.
The entry-constant must be the same as the one used in the corresponding
CALL statement, CALL option, or function reference.
Specifies a pointer reference (ptr-ref) that will be set to the address of the entry
point of the loaded module. This option can be used to load tables
(non-executable load modules). It can also be used for entries that are fetched
and whose addresses need to be passed to non-PL/I procedures.
If the load module is later released by the RELEASE statement, and the load
module is accessed (through the pointer), unpredictable results can occur.
For TITLE, char-expr is any character expression or an expression that can be
converted to a character expression. If TITLE is specified, the load module
name specified is searched for and loaded. If it is not specified, the load
module name used is the environment name specified in the EXTERNAL
attribute for the variable (if present) or the entry constant name itself.
See the following example:
dcl A entry;
dcl B entry ext(C);
dcl T char(20) varying;
T = Y;

fetch A title(X); /* X is loaded */

fetch A; /* A is loaded */
fetch B title(Y); /* Y is loaded */
fetch B; /* C is loaded */
fetch B title(T); /* Y is loaded */
For more detailed information about title strings, refer to the Programming

RELEASE statement
The RELEASE statement frees the main storage occupied by procedures identified
by its specified entry constants.

RELEASE entry-constant ;

entry constant
Must be the same as the one used in the corresponding CALL statement,
CALL option, function reference, and FETCH statements. RELEASE * releases
all previously fetched PL/I modules. It must not be executed from within a
fetched module.

Chapter 5. Program organization 109


If the module has never been fetched in the same external procedure before or
has already been released, the entry constant is the null pointer. No release is
performed, no message is issued and execution continues with the statement
that follows the RELEASE statement.

Consider the following example, in which ProgA and ProgB are entry names of
procedures resident on disk:
Prog: procedure;

1 fetch ProgA;
2 call ProgA;
3 release ProgA;

4 call ProgB;
go to Fin;

fetch ProgB;
Fin: end Prog;
1 ProgA is loaded into main storage by the first FETCH statement.
2 ProgA executes when the first CALL statement is reached.
3 Storage for ProgA is released when the RELEASE statement is executed.
4 ProgB is loaded and executed when the second CALL statement is reached,
even though the FETCH statement referring to this procedure is never

The same results would be achieved if the statement FETCH ProgA were omitted.
The appearance of ProgA in a RELEASE statement causes the statement CALL
ProgA to load the procedure, as well as invoke it.

The fetched procedure is compiled and linked separately from the calling
procedure. You must ensure that the entry constant specified in FETCH, RELEASE,
and CALL statements; CALL options; and in function references is the name
known on the disk. This is discussed in the Programming Guide.

Note: Before a module is released, the module must release all system resources it
has acquired. This includes but is not limited to the following actions:
v Release any modules it has fetched.
v Close any files it has opened.
v Free any controlled storage it has allocated.

A subroutine is an internal or external procedure that is invoked by a CALL

For the syntax of a subroutine, see Procedures on page 97.

The arguments of the CALL statement are associated with the parameters of the
invoked procedure. The subroutine is activated, and execution begins. The
arguments (zero or more) can be input only, output only, or both.

A subroutine is normally terminated by the RETURN or the END statement.

Control is then returned to the invoking block. A subroutine can be abnormally
terminated as described in Procedure termination on page 105.

110 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


A subroutine procedure must meet the following conditions:

v Not have the RETURNS option on the procedure statement
v Not be declared as an entry with the RETURNS attribute if it is an external
v Be invoked using the CALL statement, not a function reference
v Not return a result value using the RETURN statement

The following examples illustrate the invocation of subroutines that are external to
and internal to the invoking block.

Example 1
This example illustrates the invocation of subroutines that are external to the
invoking block.
Prmain: procedure;
declare Name character (20),
Item bit(5),
4 Outsub entry;
1 call Outsub (Name, Item);
end Prmain;

2 Outsub: procedure (A,B);

declare A character (20),
B bit(5);
3 put list (A,B);
end Outsub;
1 The CALL statement in Prmain invokes the procedure Outsub in 2 with
the arguments Name and Item.
2 Outsub associates Name and Item passed from Prmain with its parameters, A
and B. When Outsub is executed, each reference to A is treated as a
reference to Name. Each reference to B is treated as a reference to Item.
3 The put list (A,B) statement transmits the values of Name and Item to the
default output file, SYSPRINT.
4 In the declaration of Outsub as an entry constant, no parameter descriptor
has to be given with the ENTRY attribute, because the attributes of the
arguments and parameters match. Also see ENTRY attribute on page

Example 2
This example illustrates the invocation of subroutines that are internal to the
invoking block.
A: procedure;
declare Rate float (10),
Time float(5),
Distance float(15),
Master file;
1 call Readcm (Rate, Time, Distance, Master);
3 Readcm:
2 procedure (W,X,Y,Z);
declare W float (10),
X float(5),
Y float(15), Z file;
get File (Z) list (W,X,Y);
Y = W * X;
if Y > 0 then

Chapter 5. Program organization 111


put list(ERROR READCM);

end Readcm;

end A;
1 The arguments Rate, Time, Distance, and Master are passed to the
procedure Readcm in 3 and associated with the parameters W, X, Y, and Z.
2 A reference to W is the same as a reference to Rate, X the same as Time, Y
the same as Distance, and Z the same as Master.
3 Note that Readcm is not explicitly declared in A. It is implicitly declared
with the ENTRY attribute by its specification on the PROCEDURE

Built-in subroutines
You can use built-in subroutines, which provide ready-made programming tasks.
Their built-in names can be explicitly declared with the BUILTIN attribute.

For more information about the BUILTIN attribute or for the description of any
built-in function, see Chapter 18, Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and
subroutines, on page 409.

A function is a procedure that has zero or more arguments and is invoked by a
function reference in an expression.

The function reference transfers control to a function procedure; the function

procedure returns control and a value, which replaces the function reference in the
evaluation of the expression. Aggregates cannot be returned; ENTRY variables
cannot be returned unless they have the LIMITED attribute. The evaluation of the
expression then continues.

A function procedure must meet the following conditions:

v Have the RETURNS option on the procedure statement.
v Be declared as an entry with the RETURNS attribute, if it is an external
v Be invoked using a function reference. The CALL statement can be used to
invoke it only if the returned value has the OPTIONAL attribute. In this case,
the returned value is discarded upon return. Using END instead of RETURN can
cause unpredictable results.
v Have matching attributes in the RETURNS option and in the RETURNS
v Use the RETURN statement to return control and the result value.

Whenever a function is invoked, the arguments in the invoking expression are

associated with the parameters of the entry point. Control is then passed to that
entry point. The function is activated and execution begins.

The RETURN statement terminates a function and returns the value specified in its
expression to the invoking expression.

A function can be abnormally terminated as described in Procedure termination

on page 105. If this method is used, evaluation of the expression that invoked the
function is not completed, and control goes to the designated statement.

112 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


In some instances, a function can be defined so that it does not require an

argument list. In such cases, the appearance of an external function name within
an expression is recognized as a function reference only if the function name has
been explicitly declared as an entry name. See Entry invocation or entry value
on page 133 for additional information.
Related information:
RETURN statement on page 134
The RETURN statement terminates execution of the subroutine or function
procedure that contains the RETURN statement and returns control to the invoking
procedure. Control is returned to the point immediately following the invocation

These examples illustrate the invocation of functions that are internal to and
external to the invoking block.

Example 1
In the following example, the assignment statement contains a reference to the
Sprod function:
Mainp: procedure;
get list (A, B, C, Y);
1 X = Y**3+Sprod(A,B,C);

2 Sprod: procedure (U,V,W)

returns (bin float(21));
dcl (U,V,W) bin float(53);
if U > V + W then
3 return (0);
3 return (U*V*W);
end Sprod;
1 When Sprod is invoked, the arguments A, B, and C are associated with the
parameters U, V, and W in 2, respectively.
2 Sprod is a function because RETURNS appears in the procedure statement.
It is internal, and therefore needs no explicit entry declaration. If Sprod
were external, Mainp would contain an entry declaration with RETURNS
3 Sprod returns either zero or the value represented by U*V*W, along with
control to the expression in Mainp. The returned value is taken as the value
of the function reference, and evaluation of the expression continues.

Example 2
Mainp: procedure;
dcl Tprod entry (bin float(53),
bin float(53),
bin float(53),
label) external
returns (bin float(21));
get list (A,B,C,Y);
1 X = Y**3+Tprod(A,B,C,Lab1);
Lab1: call Errt;
end Mainp;
1 Tprod: procedure (U,V,W,Z)
returns (bin float(21));
dcl (U,V,W) bin float(53);
declare Z label;

Chapter 5. Program organization 113


2 if U > V + W then
go to Z;
3 else
return (U*V*W);
end Tprod;
1 When Tprod is invoked, Lab1 is associated with parameter Z.
2 If U is greater than V + W, control returns to Mainp at the statement labeled
Lab1. Evaluation of the assignment in 1 is discontinued.
3 If U is not greater than V + W, U*V*W is calculated and returned to Mainp in
the normal fashion. Evaluation of the assignment in 1 continues.

Notice that Tprod is an external procedure. It has an explicit entry declaration in

Mainp, which contains RETURNS.

Built-in functions
Besides allowing programmer-written function procedures, PL/I provides a set of
built-in functions.

Built-in functions include commonly used arithmetic functions, as well as functions

for manipulating strings and arrays, using storage, and others. You invoke built-in
functions the same way that you invoke programmer-defined functions. However,
many built-in functions can return an array of values, whereas a
programmer-defined function can return only an element value. The built-in names
for built-in functions can be explicitly declared with the BUILTIN attribute.
Related information:
Chapter 18, Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines, on page 409
A large number of common tasks are available in the form of built-in functions,
subroutines, and pseudovariables. When you use them, you can write less code
more quickly with greater reliability. This chapter describes the built-in functions,
subroutines, and pseudovariables that you can use in your PL/I program.

Passing arguments to procedures

When a function or a subroutine is invoked, parameters are associated, from left to
right, with the passed arguments.

In general, the following rules apply:

v Computational data arguments can be passed to parameters of any
computational data type.
v Program-control data arguments must be passed to parameters of the same type,
with these exceptions.
Pointer and offset can be passed to each other.
LIMITED ENTRY can be passed to ENTRY, but ENTRY cannot be passed to
An array of label constants cannot be used as an argument.

Arguments that require aggregate temporaries derived from structures are not
allowed, unless the structure argument is declared with constant extents.

114 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference

Passing arguments to procedures

Expressions in the argument list are evaluated in the invoking block before the
subroutine or function is invoked. A parameter has no storage associated with it. It
is merely a means of allowing the invoked procedure to access storage allocated in
the invoking procedure.


Unless an argument is passed by value (BYVALUE), a reference to an argument,
not its value, is generally passed to a subroutine or function. This is known as
passing arguments by reference, or BYADDR.

A reference to a parameter in a procedure is a reference to the corresponding

argument. Any change to the value of a parameter is actually a change to the value
of the corresponding argument. However, this is not always possible or desirable.
Constants, for example, should not be altered by an invoked procedure. For
arguments that should not change, a dummy argument containing the value of the
original argument is passed. Any reference to the parameter then is a reference to
the dummy argument and not to the original argument.

When you specify BYADDR, the compiler puts the address of the corresponding
argument in the parameter list. When you specify BYVALUE, puts the value of the
argument in the parameter list.

When you specify BYVALUE, a dummy argument is not created; however, as is

also true for dummy arguments, any change to the corresponding parameter in the
called routine will not be visible in the calling routine.

BYVALUE can be specified only for scalar arguments and parameters that have
lengths and sizes known at compile time.

A BYVALUE argument should be one that could reasonably be passed in a register.

Hence its type should be one in the following list:
v CHAR(1)
v WCHAR(1)
v ALIGNED BIT(n) with n less than or equal to 8


Unless an argument is declared with the attribute INONLY or OUTONLY, the
argument is INOUT and is presumed to have a value before it is passed and to be
changed (possibly) by the called code.

When you declare an argument as INONLY, then the argument is presumed to

have a value before it is passed but not to be changed by the called code. Hence a
dummy argument would never need to be created for such an argument.

Chapter 5. Program organization 115


When you declare an argument as OUTONLY, then the argument is presumed not
to have a value before it is passed but to be set by the called code.

The BYVALUE attribute implies the INONLY attribute. Hence the attributes
OUTONLY and BYVALUE conflict and may not both be specified for the same
argument. However, the ASSIGNABLE attribute is allowed with the BYVALUE

The attributes INONLY and OPTIONAL also conflict and may not both be
specified for the same argument.

The explicit use of these attributes makes your code more self-documenting.
Furthermore, it allows the compiler to produce better code and to be more accurate
in reporting possibly uninitialized variables.

Dummy arguments
A dummy argument is a piece of temporary storage that is created automatically to
hold the value of an argument.

A dummy argument is created when the argument is any of the following:

v A constant (unless the parameter has the INONLY attribute).
v An expression with operators, parentheses, or function references.
v A variable whose data attributes, alignment attributes, or connected attribute are
different from the attributes declared for the parameter.
This does not apply to noncontrolled parameters when only bounds, lengths, or
size differ and these are declared with asterisks, nor when an expression other
than a constant is used to define the extents of a controlled parameter. In the
latter case, argument and parameter extents are assumed to match.
In the case of an argument and parameter with the PICTURE attribute, a
dummy argument is created unless the picture specifications match exactly, after
any repetition factors are applied. The only exception is that an argument or
parameter with a + sign in a scaling factor matches a parameter or argument
without the + sign.
v A string or area with an adjustable length or size that is associated with a
noncontrolled parameter whose length or size is a constant. Note that under the
RULES(LAXCTL) compiler option, the extents of a CONTROLLED string or
AREA are always changeable, but under the RULES(NOLAXCTL) compiler
option, the extents of a CONTROLLED string or AREA are changeable unless
declared as constants.

Deriving dummy argument attributes

PL/I derives the attributes of dummy arguments as follows:
v From the attributes declared for the associated parameter in an internal
v From the attributes specified in the parameter descriptor for the associated
parameter in the declaration of the external entry
If there was not a descriptor for this parameter, the attributes of the constant or
expression are used.
v From the extents (when specified by an asterisk in a declaration) of the
argument for the bounds of an array, the length of a string, or the size of an area

116 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference

Dummy arguments

Rules for dummy arguments

The following rules apply to dummy arguments:
v If a parameter is an element (that is, a variable that is neither a structure nor an
array), the argument must be an element expression.
v When a VARYING, VARYING4, or VARYINGZ string element is passed to a
NONVARYING parameter, whose length is undefined (that is, specified by an
asterisk), a dummy argument with the current length of the original is created.
v Entry variables passed as arguments are assumed to be aligned; therefore, no
dummy argument is created when only the alignments of argument and
parameter differ. See Generic entries on page 130 for a description of generic
name arguments for entry parameters.
v If the parameter is of the program-control data type (except locator), the
argument must be a reference of the same data type.
v If a parameter is a locator (pointer or offset), the argument must be a locator. If
the types differ, a dummy argument is created. The parameter descriptor of an
offset parameter must not specify an associated area.
v A noncontrolled parameter can be associated with an argument of any storage
class. However, if more than one generation of the argument exists, the
parameter is associated only with that generation existing at the time of
v If the parameter is controlled, you must explicitly state this in the parameter
descriptor for the ENTRY declaration. In addition, a controlled parameter must
always have a corresponding controlled argument that is not subscripted, that is
not an element of a structure, and that does not cause a dummy to be created.
If more than one generation of the argument exists at the time of invocation, the
parameter corresponds to the entire stack of generations in existence.
Consequently, at the time of invocation, a controlled parameter represents the
current generation of the corresponding argument. A controlled parameter can
be allocated and freed in the invoked procedure, allowing the manipulation of
the allocation stack of the associated argument.
If the extents of the controlled parameter are specified as asterisks or
nonrestricted expressions, the original declaration must have extents declared as
nonrestricted expressions.

Passing arguments to the MAIN procedure

The PROCEDURE statement for the main procedure can have a parameter list.
Such parameters require no special considerations in PL/I. However, you must be
aware of any requirements of the invoking program (for example, when not to use
such a parameter as the target of an assignment).

When the invoking program is the operating system and the invoked program was
compiled with the SYSTEM(MVS) compiler option, the following rules apply:
v A single argument is passed to the MAIN procedure, and that parameter must
be declared as CHARACTER VARYING.
v The current length of this parameter is set equal to the argument length at run
time. So, in the following example, storage is allocated only for the current
length of the argument:
Tom: proc (Param) options (main);
dcl Param char(100) varying;
v The contents of this parameter depend on a second option that may be specified
along with OPTIONS(MAIN):

Chapter 5. Program organization 117

Passing arguments to the MAIN procedure

If you specify OPTIONS(MAIN NOEXECOPS), the string passed by the

operating system to PL/I is passed as is to your program. NOEXECOPS is
If you specify only OPTIONS(MAIN), the string passed by the operating
system to PL/I is stripped of all characters up to and including the first '/'.
This means that if the string contains no '/', your program receives a null

A begin-block is a sequence of statements delimited by a BEGIN statement and a
corresponding END statement.

B: begin;
end B;

BEGIN statement
The BEGIN statement and a corresponding END statement delimit a begin-block.

OPTIONS ( options )

OPTIONS option
For begin-block options, see OPTIONS option and attribute on page 135.

Begin-block activation
Begin-blocks are activated through sequential flow or as a unit in an IF, ON,
WHEN, or OTHERWISE statement.

You can transfer control to a labeled BEGIN statement by using the GO TO


Begin-block termination
A begin-block is terminated when control passes to another active block by some
means other than a procedure reference.

These means are described in the following list:

v The END statement for the begin-block is executed. Control continues with the
statement physically following the END, except when the block is an ON-unit.
v A GO TO statement within the begin-block (or within any block internal to it) is
executed, transferring control to the point outside the block.
v A STOP or an EXIT statement is executed.
v Control reaches a RETURN statement that transfers control out of the
begin-block and out of its containing procedure.

118 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference

Begin-block termination

A GO TO statement can also terminate other blocks if the transfer point is

contained in a block that did not directly activate the block being terminated. In
this case, all intervening blocks in the activation sequence are terminated. For an
example of this, see the example in Procedure termination on page 105.

Entry data
The entry data can be an entry constant or the value of an entry variable.

An entry constant is a name prefixed to a PROCEDURE or ENTRY statement, or a

name declared with the ENTRY attribute and not the VARIABLE attribute. It can
be assigned to an entry variable. In the following example, P, E1, and E2 are entry
constants; Ev is an entry variable.
P: procedure;
declare Ev entry variable,
(E1,E2) entry;

Ev = E1;
call Ev;
Ev = E2;
call Ev;

The first CALL statement invokes the entry point E1. The second CALL invokes the
entry point E2.

The following example declares F(5), a subscripted entry variable.

The five entries A, B, C, D, and E are each invoked with the parameters X, Y, and Z.
declare (A,B,C,D,E) entry,
declare F(5) entry variable initial (A,B,C,D,E);
do I = 1 to 5;
call F(I) (X,Y,Z);

When an entry constant that is an entry point of an internal procedure is assigned

to an entry variable, the assigned value remains valid only as long as the block
that the entry constant was internal to remains active (and, for recursive
procedures, remains current).

Entry constants
The appearance of a label prefix to a PROCEDURE or ENTRY statement explicitly
declares an entry constant.

A parameter-descriptor list is obtained from the parameter declarations, if any, and

by defaults.

External entry constants must be explicitly declared:

v This declaration defines an entry point to an external procedure.
v This declaration optionally specifies a parameter-descriptor list (the number of
parameters and their attributes), if any, for the entry point.
v This declaration specifies the attributes of the value that is returned by the
procedure if the entry is a function.

Chapter 5. Program organization 119

Entry constants

(parameter-descriptor-list) RETURNS attribute

OPTIONS(characteristic-list) EXTERNAL

The attributes can appear in any order.

ENTRY attribute
For complete ENTRY attribute syntax, see ENTRY attribute on page 121.
OPTIONS attribute
For complete OPTIONS attribute syntax, see OPTIONS option and attribute
on page 135.
RETURNS attribute
For complete RETURNS attribute syntax, see RETURNS option and attribute
on page 144.
EXTERNAL attribute
If you do not specify an environment-name, the name is the same as the
declaration. For a complete description of the EXTERNAL attribute, see
INTERNAL and EXTERNAL attributes on page 165.

Entry variables
An entry variable can contain both internal and external entry values. It can be
part of an aggregate.

For information about structuring and array dimension attributes, see Arrays on
page 184 and Structures on page 188.

(parameter-descriptor-list) OPTIONS(characteristic-list)



The options can appear in any order.

ENTRY attribute
See ENTRY attribute on page 121.
OPTIONS attribute
See OPTIONS option and attribute on page 135.

120 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference

Entry variables

VARIABLE attribute
The VARIABLE attribute establishes the name as an entry variable. This
variable can contain entry constants and variables. See VARIABLE attribute
on page 49 for syntax information.
LIMITED attribute
See LIMITED attribute on page 129.
RETURNS attribute
See RETURNS option and attribute on page 144.
EXTERNAL attribute
See Scope of declarations on page 162.

Under 64-bit, all ENTRY variables, whether they have the LIMITED attribute or
not, are 8 bytes in size and are by default doubleword-aligned.

ENTRY attribute
The ENTRY attribute specifies that the name being declared is either an external
entry constant or an entry variable. It also describes the attributes of the
parameters of the entry point.

Chapter 5. Program organization 121



( parameter-descr )








1 , level
attribute OPTIONAL attribute

The ENTRY attribute, without a parameter descriptor list, is implied by the
RETURNS attribute.
parameter-descr (parameter-descriptor)
A parameter descriptor list can be given to describe the attributes of the
parameters of the associated external entry constant or entry variable. It is
used for argument and parameter attribute matching and the creation of
dummy arguments.
If no parameter descriptor list is given, the default is for the argument
attributes to match the parameter attributes. Thus, the parameter descriptor list
must be supplied if argument attributes do not match the parameter attributes.
Each parameter descriptor corresponds to one parameter of the entry point
invoked and, if given, specifies the attributes of that parameter.
The parameter descriptors must appear in the same order as the parameters
they describe. If a descriptor is absent, the default is for the argument to match
the parameter.

122 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


If a descriptor for a parameter is not required, the absence of the descriptor

must be indicated by an asterisk. See the following example:

entry(character(10),*,*,fixed dec) Indicates four arguments.

entry(*) Indicates one argument.
entry( ) Specifies that the entry name must never
have any arguments.
entry Specifies that it can have any number of
entry(float binary,*) Indicates two arguments.

The allowed attributes are any of the data attributes listed under Data
attributes on page 18. The attributes can appear in any order in a parameter
descriptor. For an array parameter-descriptor, the dimension attribute must be
the first one specified.
* An asterisk specifies that, for that parameter, any data type is allowed. Only
the following attributes are valid attributes following the asterisk:
No conversions are done.
See OPTIONAL attribute on page 124.
structure-union-descr (structure-union-descriptor)
For a structure-union descriptor, the descriptor level-numbers need not be the
same as those of the parameter, but the structuring must be identical. The
attributes for a particular level can appear in any order.

Defaults are not applied if an asterisk is specified. For example, in the following
declaration, defaults are applied only for the second parameter.
dcl X entry(* optional, aligned); /* defaults applied for 2nd parm */

Extents (lengths, sizes, and bounds) in parameter descriptors must be specified as

constants or as asterisks. Controlled parameters must have asterisks.

RETURNS attribute implies the ENTRY attribute. See the following example:

Chapter 5. Program organization 123


Example parameter descriptors Declarations for example descriptors

Test: procedure (A,B,C,D,E,F); declare Test entry
(decimal fixed (5),
binary float (21),
declare A fixed decimal (5), *,
B float binary (21), 1,
C pointer, 2,
1 D, 2,
2 P, 3 decimal fixed,
2 Q, *,
3 R fixed decimal, (4) char(10));
1 E,
2 X,
2 Y,
3 Z,
F(4) character (10);
end Test;

In the preceding example, the parameter C and the structure parameter E do not
have descriptors.

OPTIONAL attribute
You can specify OPTIONAL as part of the parameter-descriptor list or as an
attribute in the parameter declaration.


OPTIONAL arguments can be omitted in calls and function references by

specifying an asterisk for the argument. An omitted item can be anywhere in the
argument list, including at the end. However, the omitted item is counted as an
argument. With its inclusion in an entry, the number of arguments must not exceed
the maximum number allowed for the entry.

Using OPTIONAL and BYVALUE for the same item is not valid, unless the item is

The receiving procedure can use the OMITTED or PRESENT built-in function to
determine whether an OPTIONAL parameter/argument was omitted in the
invocation of the entry.

You can pass an omitted OPTIONAL parameter as an argument to an entry if the

corresponding parameter in the declaration for that entry is also OPTIONAL.

If the final parameters in an ENTRY declaration are declared as OPTIONAL, the

ENTRY can be invoked with those parameters completely omitted: it is not even
necessary to specify the appropriate number of asterisks. For example, if an
ENTRY is declared as having five parameters, of which the last two have the
OPTIONAL attribute, it can be invoked with three, four, or five arguments.

You can omit such trailing OPTIONAL parameters both when the ENTRY invoked
is explicitly declared and when the ENTRY invoked is a nested subprocedure. Note

124 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


also that unless the ENTRY has the OPTIONS(ASSEMBLER) attribute, the
generated code will supply null pointers for the omitted parameters.

Figure 5 shows both valid and invalid CALL statements for the procedure Vrtn.

Caller: proc;
dcl Vrtn entry (
fixed bin,
ptr optional,
* optional);

/* The following calls are valid: */

call Vrtn(10, *, 15.5, abcd);

call Vrtn(10, *, 15.5, *);
call Vrtn(10, addr(x), 15.5, *);
call Vrtn(10, *, 15.5);
call Vrtn(10, addr(x), 15.5);

/* The following calls are invalid: */

call Vrtn(*, addr(x));

call Vrtn(10,addr(x));
call Vrtn(10);
call Vrtn;
end Caller;

Vrtn: proc (Fb, P, Fl, C1);

dcl Fb fixed bin,
P ptr optional,
Fl float,
C1 char(8) optional;

if omitted(C1) then display (C1);

if omitted(P) then P=P+10;

Figure 5. Valid and invalid call statements

Vrtn determines whether OPTIONAL parameters are omitted and takes the
appropriate action.
Related information:
OMITTED on page 624

LIST attribute
You can specify LIST on the last parameter in a parameter-descriptor list or as an
attribute on the last parameter to a procedure.


When the LIST attribute is specified in an entry declaration, it indicates that zero
or more additional arguments can be passed to that entry. For example, the

Chapter 5. Program organization 125


following declare specifies that vararg must be invoked with one character
varyingz parameter and can be invoked with any number of other parameters.
dcl vararg external
entry( list byaddr char(*) varz nonasgn )
options( nodescriptor byvalue );

When the LIST attribute is specified in the declaration of the last parameter in a
procedure, it indicates that zero or more additional arguments might have been
passed to that procedure.

When the LIST attribute is specified, no descriptors are allowed, and

OPTIONS(NODESCRIPTOR) must be specified on its PROCEDURE statement and
on its corresponding ENTRY declaration.

The address of the first of these additional parameters can be obtained by the
VARGLIST built-in function. This address can be used to obtain the addresses of
any additional parameters as follows:
v If the additional parameters to this procedure were passed by value (BYVALUE),
successively incrementing this initial address by the value returned by the
VARGSIZE built-in function will return the addresses of any additional
v If the additional parameters to this procedure were passed by reverence
(BYADDR), successively incrementing this initial address by the size of a pointer
will return the addresses of any additional parameters.

The following sample program, which implements a simple version of printf,
illustrates how to use the LIST attribute. The routine varg1 illustrates how to walk
a variable argument list with BYVALUE parameters, and varg2 illustrates how to
walk such a list with BYADDR parameters.

126 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


*process rules(ans) dft(ans) gn;

vararg: proc options(main);

dcl i1 fixed bin(31) init(1729);

dcl i2 fixed bin(31) init(6);
dcl d1 float bin(53) init(17.29);

dcl varg1 ext entry( char(*) varz byaddr list )

options(byvalue nodescriptor );
dcl varg2 ext entry( char(*) varz byaddr list )
options(byaddr nodescriptor );

call varg1( test byvalue );

call varg1( test1 parm1=%i, i1 );
call varg1( test2 parm1=%i parm2=%i, i1, i2 );
call varg1( test3 parm1=%d, d1 );

call varg2( test byaddr );

call varg2( test1 parm1=%i, i1 );
call varg2( test2 parm1=%i parm2=%i, i1, i2 );
call varg2( test3 parm1=%d, d1 );

*process ;
proc( text )
options( nodescriptor byvalue );

dcl text list byaddr nonasgn varz char(*);

dcl jx fixed bin;

dcl iz fixed bin;
dcl ltext fixed bin;
dcl ptext pointer;
dcl p pointer;
dcl i fixed bin(31) based;
dcl d float bin(53) based;
dcl q float bin(64) based;
dcl chars char(32767) based;
dcl ch char(1) based;

Figure 6. Sample program illustrating LIST attribute

Chapter 5. Program organization 127


ptext = addr(text);
ltext = length(text);
iz = index( substr(ptext->chars,1,ltext), % );
p = varglist();
do while( iz > 0 );
if iz = 1 then;
put edit( substr(ptext->chars,1,iz-1) )(a);
ptext += iz;
ltext -= iz;
select( ptext->ch );
when( i )
put edit( trim(p->i) )(a);
p += vargsize( p->i );
when( d )
put edit( trim(p->d) )(a);
p += vargsize( p->d );
ptext += 1;
ltext -= 1;
if ltext <= 0 then leave;
iz = index( substr(ptext->chars,1,ltext), % );
if ltext = 0 then;
put edit( substr(ptext->chars,1,ltext) )(a);
put skip;

Sample program illustrating LIST attribute

128 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


*process ;
proc( text )
options( nodescriptor byaddr );

dcl text list byaddr nonasgn varz char(*);

dcl jx fixed bin;

dcl iz fixed bin;
dcl ltext fixed bin;
dcl ptext pointer;
dcl p pointer;
dcl p2 pointer based;
dcl i fixed bin(31) based;
dcl d float bin(53) based;
dcl q float bin(64) based;
dcl chars char(32767) based;
dcl ch char(1) based;

ptext = addr(text);
ltext = length(text);
iz = index( substr(ptext->chars,1,ltext), % );
p = varglist();
do while( iz > 0 );
if iz = 1 then;
put edit( substr(ptext->chars,1,iz-1) )(a);
ptext += iz;
ltext -= iz;
select( ptext->ch );
when( i )
put edit( trim(p->p2->i) )(a);
p += size( p );
when( d )
put edit( trim(p->p2->d) )(a);
p += size( p );
ptext += 1;
ltext -= 1;
if ltext <= 0 then leave;
iz = index( substr(ptext->chars,1,ltext), % );
if ltext = 0 then;
put edit( substr(ptext->chars,1,ltext) )(a);
put skip;

Sample program illustrating LIST attribute

LIMITED attribute
The LIMITED attribute indicates that the entry variable has only non-nested entry
constants as values. A entry variable that is not LIMITED can have any entry
constants as values.

Chapter 5. Program organization 129




A LIMITED static entry variable can be initialized with the value of a non-nested
entry constant, thus allowing generation of more efficient code. It also uses less
storage than a non-LIMITED entry variable.
Example: proc options(reorder reentrant);
dcl (Read, Write) entry;
dcl FuncRtn(2) entry limited
static init (Read, Write);

dcl (Prt1) entry;

dcl PrtRtn(2) entry variable limited
static init (Prt1, /* legal */
Prt2); /* illegal */
. proc;
end Prt2;
end Example;

Generic entries
A generic entry declaration specifies a generic name for a set of entry references
and their descriptors.

During compilation, invocation of the generic name is replaced by one of the

entries in the set.

GENERIC attribute
The generic name must be explicitly declared with the GENERIC attribute.

130 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference

GENERIC attribute

generic-name GENERIC ( references

, entry-ref OTHERWISE

) ;



entry-ref WHEN ( )




1 If specified, this keyword is ignored.

Abbreviation: OTHER for OTHERWISE

For the general declaration syntax, see DECLARE statement on page 160.
Must not be subscripted or defined. The same entry reference can appear more
than once within a single GENERIC declaration with different lists of
Corresponds to a single argument. It specifies an attribute that the
corresponding argument must have so that the associated entry reference can
be selected for replacement.
Structures or unions cannot be specified.
Where a descriptor is not required, its absence must be indicated by an
The descriptor that represents the absence of all arguments in the invoking
statement is expressed by omitting the generic descriptor in the WHEN clause
of the entry. It has the form:
generic (... entry1 when( ) ...)
Listed in Data types and attributes on page 17.

Chapter 5. Program organization 131

GENERIC attribute


See ALIGNED and UNALIGNED attributes on page 173.
See ASSIGNABLE and NONASSIGNABLE attributes on page 279.
See CONNECTED and NONCONNECTED attributes on page 282.
See HEXADEC and IEEE attributes on page 281.
See BIGENDIAN and LITTLEENDIAN attributes on page 280.
See OPTIONAL attribute on page 124.

When an invocation of a generic name is encountered, the number of arguments

specified in the invocation and their attributes are compared with descriptor list of
each entry in the set. The first entry reference for which the descriptor list matches
the arguments both in number and attributes replaces the generic name.

In the following example, an entry reference that has exactly two descriptors with
the attributes DECIMAL or FLOAT, and BINARY or FIXED is searched for.
declare Calc generic (
Fxdcal when (fixed,fixed),
Flocal when (float,float),
Mixed when (float,fixed),
Error otherwise);
Dcl X decimal float (6),
Y binary fixed (15,0);

Z = X+Calc(X,Y);

If an entry with the exact number of descriptors with the exact attributes is not
found, the entry with the OTHERWISE clause is selected if present. In the previous
example, Mixed is selected as the replacement.

In a similar manner, an entry can be selected based on the dimensionality of the

dcl D generic (D1 when ((*))),
D2 when((*,*))),
call D(A); /* D1 selected because A has one dimension */
call D(B); /* D2 selected because B has two dimensions */

If all of the descriptors are omitted or consist of an asterisk, the first entry
reference with the correct number of descriptors is selected.

An entry expression used as an argument in a reference to a generic value matches

only a descriptor of type ENTRY. If there is no such description, the program is in

132 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference

Entry invocation or entry value

Entry invocation or entry value

There are times when it might not be apparent whether an entry value itself will
be used or the value returned by the entry invocation will be used. This topic
helps you understand which happens when.

The following table explains the conditions under which an entry reference is
invoked or not invoked.

If the entry reference . . . It is . . .

Is a built-in function Invoked
Has an argument list, even if null Invoked
Is referenced in a CALL statement Invoked
Has no argument list and is not referenced in Not Invoked
a CALL statement

Example 1
In this example, A is invoked, B(C) passes C as an entry value, and D( C() )
invokes C.
dcl ( A, B, C returns (fixed bin), D) entry;

call A; /* A is invoked */
call B(C); /* C is passed as an entry value */
call D( C() ); /* C is invoked */

Example 2

In this example, the first assignment is not valid because it represents an attempt
to assign an entry constant to an integer. The second assignment is valid.
dcl A fixed bin,
B entry returns ( fixed bin );

A = B;
A = B();

CALL statement
The CALL statement invokes a subroutine.

CALL entry-reference ( ) ;
generic-name ,

Specifies that the name of the subroutine to be invoked is declared with the
ENTRY attribute. See Entry data on page 119.
Specifies that the name of the subroutine to be invoked is declared with the
GENERIC attribute. See Generic entries on page 130.

Chapter 5. Program organization 133


built-in name
Specifies the name of the subroutine to be invoked is declared with the
BUILTIN attribute. See BUILTIN attribute on page 409.
Is an element, an element expression, or an aggregate to be passed to the
invoked subroutine. See Passing arguments to procedures on page 114.

References and expressions in the CALL statement are evaluated in the block in
which the call is executed. This includes execution of any ON-units entered as the
result of the evaluations.

RETURN statement
The RETURN statement terminates execution of the subroutine or function
procedure that contains the RETURN statement and returns control to the invoking
procedure. Control is returned to the point immediately following the invocation

The RETURN statement with an expression should not be used within a procedure

A RETURN statement without an expression is not valid in a procedure with the

RETURNS option. Conversely, a RETURN statement with an expression is not
valid in a procedure without the RETURNS option.

A procedure with the RETURNS option must contains at least one RETURN
statement (with an expression, of course).

Return from a subroutine

To return from a subroutine, the RETURN statement syntax is as follows:


If the RETURN statement terminates the main procedure, the FINISH condition is
raised before program termination.

Return from a function

To return from a function, the RETURN statement syntax is as follows:

RETURN (expression) ;

The value returned to the function reference is the value of the expression
specified, converted to conform to the attributes specified in the RETURNS option
of the ENTRY or PROCEDURE statement at which the function was entered.
Consider the following example:

134 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference

Return from a function

F: procedure returns(fixed bin(15));

G: entry returns(fixed dec(7,2));
dcl D fixed bin(31);
return (D);

If this function was entered at F, D is converted to the attributes specified in the

RETURNS option for the procedure F (FIXED BIN(15)). But, if this function was
entered at G, D is converted to the attributes specified in the RETURNS option for
the entry G (FIXED DEC(7,2)).

You cannot specify an expression for the RETURN statement in a begin-block.

OPTIONS option and attribute

You can specify the OPTIONS option on PACKAGE, PROCEDURE, ENTRY, and
BEGIN statements. You can specify the OPTIONS attribute on ENTRY declarations.
OPTIONS specifies processing characteristics that apply to the block and the
invocation of a procedure.

BEGIN statement





Chapter 5. Program organization 135

OPTIONS option and attribute

ENTRY declaration



LINKAGE ( linkage )



136 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference

OPTIONS option and attribute

ENTRY statement






PACKAGE statement





Chapter 5. Program organization 137

OPTIONS option and attribute

PROCEDURE statement





LINKAGE ( linkage )





The options are separated by blanks or commas. They can appear in any order.
Abbreviation: ASM
The ASSEMBLER option has the same effect as NODESCRIPTOR.
If a procedure has the ASSEMBLER option, then upon exit from that
procedure, the PLIRETV() value will be used as the return value for the
A PROCEDURE or ENTRY statement that specifies OPTIONS(ASSEMBLER)
will have LINKAGE(SYSTEM) unless a different linkage is explicitly specified.
For more information, refer to the Programming Guide.

138 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference

OPTIONS option and attribute

These specify how arguments and parameters are passed and received.
BYADDR is the default.
BYVALUE can be specified only for scalar arguments and parameters that have
known lengths and sizes.
The BYVALUE and BYADDR attributes can also be specified in the description
list of an entry declaration and in the attribute list of a parameter declaration.
Specifying BYVALUE or BYADDR in an entry or a parameter declaration
overrides the option specified in an OPTIONS statement.
The following examples show BYVALUE and BYADDR in both entry
declarations and in the OPTIONS statement. The examples assume that the
compiler option DEFAULT(BYADDR) is in effect.

Example 1:
MAINPR: proc options(main);

dcl D entry (fixed bin byaddr,

char(4) byvalue) /* byvalue not needed */
dcl E2 entry; /* default(byaddr) in effect */
dcl Length fixed bin,
P pointer,
Name char(4);

call D(Length, P, Name); /* Length is passed byaddr */

/* P is passed by value */
/* Name is passed by value */

call E2(P); /* P is passed by address */

D: proc(I, Q, C)
dcl I fixed bin byaddr,
Q ptr,
C char(4) byvalue;

E2: proc(Q);
dcl Q ptr;

Example 2:
dcl F entry (fixed bin byaddr, /* byaddr not needed */
char(4) byvalue)
dcl E3 entry;
dcl E4 entry (fixed bin byvalue);

call F(Length, P, Name); /* Length is passed byaddr */

/* P is passed byaddr */
/* Name is passed by value */

call E3(Name); /* Name is passed byaddr */

call E4(Length); /* Length is passed by value */

Chapter 5. Program organization 139

OPTIONS option and attribute

F: proc(I,P,C) options(byaddr);
dcl I fixed bin byaddr; /* byaddr not needed */
dcl P ptr byaddr; /* byaddr not needed */
dcl C char(4) byvalue; /* byvalue needed */

E3: proc(L);
dcl L char(4);

E4: proc(N);
dcl N fixed bin byvalue;
Abbreviations: CHARG, NOCHARG
The default for an external procedure is NOCHARG. Internal procedures and
begin-blocks inherit their defaults from the containing procedure.
When CHARG is in effect, the following semantic changes occur:
v All character string assignments are considered to be mixed character
v STRINGSIZE condition causes the MPSTR built-in function to be used.
STRINGSIZE must be enabled for character assignment that can cause
truncation and intelligent DBCS truncation is required. See the following
Name: procedure options(chargraphic);
dcl A char(5);
dcl B char(8);

/* the following statement... */

(stringsize): A=B;

/* logically transformed into... */

When NOCHARG is in effect, no semantic changes occur.
This option has the same effects as NODESCRIPTOR, but additionally
OPTIONS(COBOL) has the following effects:
v Implies LINKAGE(SYSTEM) unless a different linkage is specified on the
entry declaration or procedure statement.
v Permits the use of the NOMAP, NOMAPIN, and NOMAPOUT options.
v Implies, if specified on a procedure statement, that upon exit from that
procedure, the PLIRETV() value will be used as the return value for the
COBOL and MAIN must not be specified together.
These indicate whether the procedure specified in the entry declaration or
procedure statement will be passed a descriptor list when it is invoked.
If DESCRIPTOR appears, the compiler passes descriptors, if necessary.
If NODESCRIPTOR appears, the compiler does not pass descriptors.

140 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference

OPTIONS option and attribute

If neither appears, DESCRIPTOR is assumed only when one of the invoked

procedure's parameters is a string, array, area, structure, or union.
It is an error for NODESCRIPTOR to appear on a procedure statement or an
entry declaration in which any of the parameters or elements uses the asterisk
( * ) to indicate the extents, length, or size, or any parameter is
However, NODESCRIPTOR is allowed if the parameters with unspecified
extents are INONLY VARYING, VARYING4, or VARYINGZ strings.
This option indicates that the procedure or entry is intended to be external or
internal to a DLL and, consequently, that its name should or should not be
included in any definition side file generated by the compiler.
The DLLEXTERNAL and DLLINTERNAL attributes are valid only on
EXTERNAL procedures or ENTRYs. The DLLINTERNAL attribute conflicts
with the FETCHABLE attribute.
This option indicates the procedure is dynamically fetched if necessary before
invoking it.
The FETCHABLE attribute is not valid on INTERNAL procedures.
FETCHABLE procedures should not be linked into a load module that contains
a MAIN procedure.
This option causes no descriptors to be passed except for character variables.
FORTRAN and MAIN must not be specified together.
This option indicates that this procedure can be called from a non-PL/I
routine. FROMALIEN can be specified on any procedure; however, this would
incur unnecessary overhead.
INLINE and NOINLINE are optimization options that can be specified for
begin-blocks and non-nested level-one procedures in a package.
INLINE indicates that whenever the begin-block or procedure is invoked in the
package that defines it, the code for the begin-block or procedure should be
executed inline at the point of its invocation. Even if INLINE is specified, the
compiler can choose not to inline the begin-block or procedure.
NOINLINE indicates that the begin-block or procedure is never to be executed
OPTIONS(INLINE) makes it easier to write well-structured, readable code. For
instance, a program could be written as a series of calls to a set of procedures,
and OPTIONS(INLINE) could be used to eliminate the overhead of actually
calling these procedures one by one.
If a procedure or begin-block is executed inline, the values returned by built-in
functions like ONLOC return the name of the procedure into which it is
inlined. Similarly, traceback information does not include the called procedure.
Some procedures and begin-blocks are never inlined. These include, but are not
limited to those in the following list:

Chapter 5. Program organization 141

OPTIONS option and attribute

v Procedures and begin-blocks in packages in which condition enablement

v Procedures and begin-blocks containing ON or REVERT statements
v Procedures and begin-blocks containing data-directed input/output
v Procedures and begin-blocks containing assignments or comparisons of
ENTRY, FORMAT, or LABEL constants
If a non-nested procedure with the INLINE option is not external and not
referenced, no code will be generated for it. If neither INLINE nor NOINLINE
is specified for a procedure, the option is set by the DEFAULT compiler option.
For more information about using INLINE and NOINLINE, refer to the
Programming Guide.
This option specifies the calling convention used. The option can be specified
on PROCEDURE statements and ENTRY declarations.
This option specifies the CDECL linkage convention used by 32-bit C
This option is the default, and is the fastest linkage convention. It is not
standard linkage for most compilers.
STDCALL (Windows Only)
This option specifies the STDCALL linkage, which is the standard linkage
convention used by all Windows APIs.
This option is the calling convention that should be used for calls to the
operating system. Although this option is slower than OPTLINK, it is
standard for all MVS and AIX applications.

For more information about calling conventions, refer to the Programming

This option indicates that this external procedure is the initial procedure of a
PL/I program. MAIN is valid, and required, only on one external procedure
per program. The operating system control program invokes it as the first step
in the execution of that program.
A PL/I program that contains more than one procedure with OPTIONS(MAIN)
can produce unpredictable results.
Neither COBOL nor FORTRAN is valid when MAIN is specified.
The NOEXECOPS option is valid only with the MAIN option. It specifies that
the runtime options will not be specified on the command or statement that
invokes the program. Only parameters for the main procedure will be
These options prevent the automatic manipulation of data aggregates at the
interface between either COBOL or FORTRAN and PL/I.

142 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference

OPTIONS option and attribute

Each option argument-list can specify the parameters to which the option
applies. Parameters can appear in any order and are separated by commas or
blanks. If there is no argument-list for an option, the default list is all the
parameters of the entry name.
NOMAP, NOMAPIN, and NOMAPOUT can all appear in the same OPTIONS
specification. This specification should not include the same parameter in more
than one specified or default argument list.
These options are accepted but ignored unless the COBOL option applies.
ORDER and REORDER are optimization options that are specified for a
procedure or begin-block.
ORDER indicates that only the most recently assigned values of variables
modified in the block are available for ON-units that are entered because of
computational conditions raised during statement execution and expressions in
the block.
The REORDER option allows the compiler to generate optimized code to
produce the result specified by the source program when error-free execution
takes place.
For more information about using the ORDER and REORDER options, refer to
the Programming Guide.
If neither option is specified for the external procedure, the default is set by the
DEFAULT compiler option. Internal blocks inherit ORDER or REORDER from
the containing block.
Abbreviations: RED, IRRED
REDUCIBLE indicates that a procedure or entry need not be invoked multiple
times if the argument(s) stays unchanged, and that the invocation of the
procedure has no side effects.
For example, a user-written function that computes a result based on
unchanging data should be declared REDUCIBLE. A function that computes a
result based on changing data, such as a random number or time of day,
should be declared IRREDUCIBLE.
This option is ignored. On the Intel and AIX platforms, all PL/I programs are
reentrant. On the z/OS platform, all programs compiled with the RENT
compiler option are reentrant, and other programs are reentrant if they do not
alter any static variables (which might require use of the NOWRITABLE
compiler option).
This option specifies that if the ENTRY point also has the ASM or COBOL
option, the ENTRY will return a value that will be saved, after the ENTRY is
invoked, as the PL/I return code. Essentially, after such an ENTRY is invoked,
its return value will be passed to the PLIRETC subroutine.
WINMAIN (Windows only)

This option automatically implies LINKAGE(STDCALL) and EXT('WinMain').

The associated routine should contain four parameters:
1. An instance handle
2. A previous handle

Chapter 5. Program organization 143

OPTIONS option and attribute

3. A pointer to the command line

4. An integer to be passed to ShowWindow
These are the same four parameters expected by the C WinMain and the calls
made from this routine are the same as those expected from a C routine.

RETURNS option and attribute

If a procedure is a function procedure, you must specify the RETURNS option on
the procedure statement. Further, in the invoking procedure or package, you must
declare such a procedure as an entry with the RETURNS attribute.

The RETURNS option and the RETURNS attribute are used to specify the
attributes of the value that is being returned. The attributes in the RETURNS
option must match the attributes in the RETURNS attribute.

Procedures that are subroutines (and are therefore invoked by the CALL statement)
must not have the RETURNS option on the procedure statement and their entry
declaration must not have the RETURNS attribute.

RETURNS ( attribute )

If more than one attribute is specified, they must be separated by blanks (except
attributes such as precision that are enclosed in parentheses).

The attributes are specified in the same way as they are in a declare statement.
Defaults are applied in the normal way.

The attributes that can be specified are any of the data attributes and alignment
attributes for scalar variables (as shown in Table 8 on page 21). ENTRY variables
must have the LIMITED attribute. In addition, you can specify the TYPE attribute
to name user-defined types, ordinals, and typed structures and unions.

String lengths and area sizes must be specified by constants. The returned value
has the specified length or size.

BYADDR and BYVALUE can also be specified in the list of attributes for
RETURNS. The BYADDR attribute must be in effect if a procedure contains any
ENTRY statements and the procedure or any of its secondary entry points returns
no value or an aggregate value.

On z/OS, BYADDR is the default for RETURNS. If a C function is called,

BYVALUE must be specified in the list of attributes for RETURNS.
Related information:
Using BYVALUE and BYADDR on page 115
Unless an argument is passed by value (BYVALUE), a reference to an argument,
not its value, is generally passed to a subroutine or function. This is known as
passing arguments by reference, or BYADDR.

144 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference

Chapter 6. Type definitions
In a programming language, a type is a description of a set of values and a set of
allowed operations on those values. PL/I has many built-in data types. Each type
can specify a number of elementary attributes. PL/I allows you to define your own
types by using the built-in data types. This chapter discusses user-defined types
(aliases, ordinals, structures, and unions), declarations of variables with these
types, handles, and type functions.

For information about these built-in data types, see Chapter 2, Data elements, on
page 15.

All types that are created by DEFINE statements follow the same scoping rules
that apply to names in DECLARE statements. For example, an ORDINAL defined
in a procedure is known in all child procedures of that procedure, but not in any
of its sister or parent procedures. Therefore, if a procedure returns a type, that type
must be defined in a parent procedure or at the package level.

A DEFINE statement for a type must precede any use of that type.

User-defined types (aliases)

An alias is a type name that can be used wherever an explicit data type is allowed.
Using the DEFINE ALIAS statement, you can define an alias for a collection of
data attributes.

In this way, you can assign meaningful names to data types and improve the
understandability of a program. By defining an alias, you can also provide a
shorter notation for a set of data attributes, which can decrease typographical

DEFINE ALIAS statement

The DEFINE ALIAS statement specifies a name that can be used as a synonym for
the set of data type attributes you give to the alias.

DEFINE ALIAS alias-name attribute ;

Specifies the name that can be used wherever the explicit data type defined by
the specified attributes is allowed.
The attributes that can be specified are any of the attributes for variables that
can be returned by a function (for example, those attributes valid in the
RETURNS option and attribute). These valid attributes are listed in Table 8 on
page 21. Therefore, you cannot specify an alias for an array or a structured
attribute list. However, you can specify an alias for a type that is defined in a

Copyright IBM Corp. 1999, 2016 145



ALIAS statement. Also, as in the RETURNS option and attribute, any string
lengths or area sizes must be restricted expressions.
Missing data attributes are supplied with PL/I defaults.


In this example, whenever Name is used in a DECLARE statement, it has the

attributes char(31) varying.
define alias Name char(31) varying;
define alias Salary fixed dec(7); /* real by default */
define alias Zip char(5) /* nonvarying by default */
Related information:
The DEFINE ORDINAL statement specifies a named type representing a set of
named ordered values.
Defining typed structures and unions on page 148
The DEFINE STRUCTURE statement specifies a named structure or union type.

Defining ordinals
An ordinal is a named set of ordered values. Using the DEFINE ORDINAL
statement, you can define an ordinal and assign meaningful names to be used to
refer to that set.

For example, you can define an ordinal called color. The color ordinal could
include the members red, yellow, blue, and so on. The members of the color set
can then be referred to by these names instead of by their associated fixed binary
value, making code much more self-documenting. Furthermore, a variable declared
with the ordinal type can be assigned and compared only with an ordinal of the
same type, or with a member of that ordinal type. This automatic checking
provides for better program reliability.


The DEFINE ORDINAL statement specifies a named type representing a set of
named ordered values.

DEFINE ORDINAL ordinal-type-name ( ordinal-value-list )




146 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


Specifies the name of the set of ordinal values. This name can be used only in
DECLARE statements with the ORDINAL attribute. Use of this name
elsewhere results in it being treated as any other nonordinal name.
Specifies the name of a member within the set.
Specifies the value of a particular member within the set. If the VALUE
attribute is omitted for the first member, a value of zero is used. If the VALUE
attribute is omitted for any other member, the next greater integer value is
The value in the given (or assumed) VALUE attribute must be an integer, can
be signed, and must be strictly increasing. The value in the given (or assumed)
VALUE attributed can also be specified as an XN constant.
Abbreviation: PREC
Specifies the precision of a particular ordinal value. If omitted, the precision is
determined by the range of ordinal values.
The maximum precision is the same as that for data items declared FIXED
Indicates whether ordinal values can assume negative values. If omitted, they
are determined by the range of ordinal values. For example, if any value is
negative, the SIGNED attribute is applied.


In the following example, Red has the value 0, Orange has the value 1, and so on.
But Low has the value 2 and Medium has the value 3.
define ordinal Color ( Red, /* is 0, since VALUE is omitted */
Violet );

define ordinal Intensity ( Low value(2),

High value(5));
Related information:
SIGNED and UNSIGNED attributes on page 25
The SIGNED and UNSIGNED attributes can be used only with FIXED BINARY
variables and ORDINAL variables.

Chapter 6. Type definitions 147

Structure types

Defining typed structures and unions

The DEFINE STRUCTURE statement specifies a named structure or union type.

DEFINE STRUCTURE 1 structure-type-name ,


level minor-structure-name ;

Abbreviation: STRUCT
Specifies the name given to this structure type. This name cannot have
dimensions, although substructures can.
See UNION attribute on page 190.
Specifies the name given to a deeper level.
Specifies attributes for the minor-structure name. Only the following attributes
are allowed:
v The data attributes
v The INITIAL nondata attribute
v The VALUE nondata attribute
For more information about the VALUE attribute, see Named constants on
page 45.

Any string lengths, area sizes, or array dimensions specified in a DEFINE STRUCT
statement must be restricted expressions.

INITIAL expressions in DEFINE STRUCT statements must be restricted expressions

that do not depend on any address value. Therefore, ENTRY, FILE, and LABEL
constants must not be used in these INITIAL expressions.

Missing data attributes are supplied with PL/I defaults. If a variable is declared as
a typed structure, none of the following attributes are propagated to the members
of the typed structure. These attributes are propagated if the variable is declared as
an untyped structure.

148 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference

Structure types


v Defined structures must occupy a number of bytes that is a multiple of the
structures alignment.
v In a defined structure, the number of bytes before the element with the most
stringent alignment must be a multiple of that element's alignment.

For example, if a structure contains an aligned fixed bin(31) field as its most
stringently aligned item, the following applies:
v The structure must occupy a multiple of 4 bytes.
v There must be a multiple of 4 bytes before the first aligned fixed bin(31) field.

The DEFINE STRUCTURE statement defines a strong type. In other words,

variables declared with that type can only be assigned to variables (or parameters)
having the same type. Typed structures can not be used in data-directed
input/output statements.

A DEFINE STRUCTURE statement that merely names the structure to be defined

without specifying any of its members defines an "unspecified structure".
v An unspecified structure cannot be dereferenced, but it can be used to declare a
HANDLE which, of course, cannot be dereferenced either.
v An unspecified structure can also be the subject of a later DEFINE STRUCTURE
statement that does specify its members.

Unspecified structure definitions are useful when a structure definition contains a

handle to a second structure that also contains a handle to the first structure. For
instance, in the following example, the parent structure contains a handle to the
child structure, but the child structure also contains a handle to the parent
define structure 1 child;

define structure
1 parent,
2 first_child handle child,
2 parent_data fixed bin(31);

define structure
1 child,
2 parent handle parent,
2 next_child handle child,
2 child_data fixed bin(31);
Related information:
Structures on page 188
A structure is a collection of member elements that can be structures, unions,
elementary variables, and arrays.
INITIAL attribute on page 288
The INITIAL attribute specifies an initial value or values assigned to a variable at
the time storage is allocated for it.

HANDLE attribute
You can use the HANDLE attribute to declare a variable as a pointer to a structure
type. Such a variable is called a handle.

Chapter 6. Type definitions 149

HANDLE attribute

HANDLE structure_type_name
( 32 ) (structure-type-name)

32 A HANDLE(32) is four bytes in size and by default fullword-aligned.

64 A HANDLE(64) is eight bytes in size and by default doubleword-aligned.
Specifies the typed structure this handle points to.

If the LP(32) compiler option is in effect, the default is HANDLE(32); if the LP(64)
compiler option is in effect, the default is HANDLE(64). HANDLE(64) is valid only
under LP(64).

Assigning a HANDLE(32) to a HANDLE(64) is always valid; the reverse is valid

only if the first four bytes of the HANDLE(64) are zero.

Like defined structures, handles are strongly typed: they can only be assigned to or
compared with handles for the same structure type. No arithmetic operations are
permitted on handles.

You cannot use the ADDR built-in function to assign the address of a typed
structure to a handle because the ADDR built-in function returns a pointer, and
pointers cannot be assigned to handles. However, the HANDLE built-in function
takes a typed structure as its argument and returns a handle to that type. Consider
the following example:

The following example is based on the tm structure type defined in Example 2

on page 151. In the following code, a handle that locates the tm type is declared,
and the address of Daterec is assigned to that handle.
dcl P_Daterec handle tm;
dcl Daterec type tm;

P_Daterec = handle(Daterec);

You can convert a handle to a pointer by using the POINTERVALUE built-in

Related information:
POINTERVALUE built-in function
HANDLE built-in function

Declaring typed variables

Using the TYPE attribute, you can declare a variable with the type specified in a

TYPE attribute
This topic shows the syntax for the TYPE attribute.

150 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference

Declaring typed variables

TYPE defined-type-name

Specifies the name of a previously defined alias, defined structure, or ordinal

Example 1

Consider the following code:

define alias Name char(31) varying;
/* Name has attributes char(31) varying */
dcl Employee_Name type Name;
/* Employee_Name type char(31) varying */
define alias Rate fixed dec(3,2);
/* Rate has attributes fixed dec real */
define structure
1 Payroll,
2 Name,
3 Last type Name,
3 First type Name,
2 Hours,
3 Regular fixed dec(5,2),
3 Overtime fixed dec(5,2),
2 Rate,
3 Regular type Rate,
3 Overtime type Rate;

dcl Non_Exempt type Payroll; /* Has Payroll structure type */

dcl Exempt type Payroll; /* Has Payroll structure type */

The TYPE attribute can be used in a DEFINE ALIAS statement to specify an alias
for a type defined in a previous DEFINE ALIAS statement. See the following
define alias Word fixed bin(31);
define alias Short type word;

Example 2

The following example defines several named types, a structure type (tm), and
declares the C function that gets a handle to this typed structure:
define alias int fixed bin(31);
define alias time_t fixed bin(31);
define structure
1 tm
,2 tm_sec type int /* seconds after the minute (0-61) */
,2 tm_min type int /* minutes after the hour (0-59) */
,2 tm_hour type int /* hours since midnight (0-23) */
,2 tm_mday type int /* day of the month (1-31) */
,2 tm_mon type int /* months since January (0-11) */
,2 tm_year type int /* years since 1900 */
,2 tm_wday type int /* days since Sunday (0-6) */
,2 tm_yday type int /* days since January 1 (0-365) */
,2 tm_isdst type int /* Daylight Saving Time flag */

dcl localtime ext(localtime)

entry( nonasgn byaddr type time_t )
returns( byvalue handle tm );

Chapter 6. Type definitions 151

Declaring typed variables

dcl time ext(time)

entry( byvalue pointer )
returns( byvalue type time_t );

ORDINAL attribute
You can use the TYPE or ORDINAL attribute to declare variables with an ordinal

See TYPE attribute on page 150 for the syntax for the TYPE attribute.

ORDINAL ordinal-type-name

Specifies the name of a previously defined set of ordinal values.

The ORDINAL attribute conflicts with other data attributes such as FIXED or
SIGNED, but it is allowed with attributes such as BASED or DIMENSION.

dcl Wall_color ordinal Color;

Typed structure qualification

You reference a member of a typed structure using the . operator or a handle with
the => operator. Unlike names in a typical untyped structure, the names in a typed
structure form their own name space and cannot be referenced by themselves.

For example, given the following declares and definitions, B is a valid reference,
but Y is not.
dcl 1 A,
2 B fixed bin,
2 C fixed bin;

define structure
1 X,
2 Y fixed bin,
2 Z fixed bin;
dcl S type X;

Type names are also in a separate name space from declared names. Therefore, you
can use the name of a type as a variable name as well.
define alias Hps pointer;
declare Hps type Hps;

Using the period operator (.)

This topic shows the syntax for referring to a typed structure member by using the
period operator (.).

152 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference

Typed structure qualification

typed-structure-name . typed-structure-member

Name of the declared typed structure
Name of the referenced major or minor structure member of the structure type

For example, given the structure type tm and function localtime defined in the
examples in TYPE attribute on page 150, the following code obtains the system
date and displays the time:
dcl Daterec type tm;

dcl ltime type time_t;

dcl ptime handle tm;

ltime = time( null() );

ptime = localtime( ltime );

Daterec = ptime => tm;

display ( edit(Daterec.Hours,99) { : {
edit(Daterec.Minutes,99) { : {

Combinations of arrays and typed structures or unions

You can specify the dimension attribute on typed structures or unions. The
resulting arrays contain structures or unions that have identical names, levels, and

For details, see Combinations of arrays, structures, and unions on page 198.

Example 1

Consider the following example:

dcl 1 a(3),
2 b(4) fixed bin,
2 c(5) fixed bin;

Given this untyped structure, a(1).b(2), a.b(1,2), and a(1,2).b have the same

Example 2
However, given the following typed structure, only x(1).b(2) is valid.
define structure
1 t,
2 b(4) fixed bin,
2 c(5) fixed bin;

dcl x(3) type t;

In addition, the assignment statement x.b = 0 is invalid, but x(1).b = 0; is valid.

Chapter 6. Type definitions 153

Typed structure qualification

Example 3

This example is based on the structure type t defined in Example 2 on page 153.

Assume that function f is declared as follows:

dcl f entry returns( type t );

display( f().b(2) ) is valid.

Using handles
Handles access members of a typed structure with the => operator.

In the following example, given the tm type defined in Example 2 on page 151,
the time is displayed by using a handle to that type:
dcl P_Daterec handle tm;
P_Daterec = handle(Daterec);

display ( edit(P_Daterec=>tm_hours,99) { : {
edit(P_Daterec=>tm_min,99) { : {
edit(P_Daterec=>tm_sec,99) );

Handles can locate any member in a typed structure, including the level-1 name
(the type name itself). A reference by a handle to its type name constitutes a
reference to the typed structure which is pointed to by that handle. This allows
reference to this aggregate data by its handle. For example, given that H1 and H2
point to two allocated structures, you can swap two structures as follows:
define structure 1 T, 2 U, 2 V, 2 W;
dcl (H1, H2) handle T;
dcl Temp type T;

Temp = H1=>T;
H1=>T = H2=>T;
H2=>T = Temp;

Using ordinals
When using ordinals, keep in mind these usage rules.
v Ordinals are strongly-typed; that is, an ordinal can only be compared with or
assigned to another ordinal of the same type. The ordinal must have been
explicitly declared in a DECLARE statement.
v The ordinal-type-name in a DEFINE ORDINAL statement cannot be used in
comparisons or assignments.
v Ordinals can be passed/received as arguments/parameters like any other data
v Ordinals are invalid as arguments for all built-in functions requiring arguments
with computational types. However, in support of ordinals, built-in functions
have been defined and BINARYVALUE has been extended. These built-in
functions are listed in Table 35. For descriptions of these functions, see
Chapter 18, Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines, on page 409.
Each of the built-in functions listed takes exactly one argument, which must be a
reference having type ORDINAL.
Table 35. Ordinal-handling built-in functions
Function Description
BINARYVALUE Converts an ordinal to a binary value

154 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference

Using Ordinals

Table 35. Ordinal-handling built-in functions (continued)

Function Description
ORDINALPRED Returns the next lower value for an ordinal
ORDINALSUCC Returns the next higher value for an ordinal
ORDINALNAME Returns a character string giving an ordinals name

Example 1: DO loops listing values from an ordinal definition

In the following sample code, the first DO loop lists, in ascending order, the
members of the Color set; the second DO loop lists them in descending order. The
example uses the ordinal definition from Example on page 147.
dcl Next_color ordinal Color;

do Next_color = first (:Color:)

repeat ordinalsucc( Next_color )
until (Next_color = last (:Color:));

display( ordinalname( Next_color ) );


do Next_color = last (:Color:)

repeat ordinalpred( Next_color)
until (Next_color = first(:Color:);

display( ordinalname( Next_color));


The sample output for the first loop is as follows:


Example 2: Using ordinals with arrays

An ordinal cannot be used as an index into an array and cannot define an extent
for a variable, including the lower or upper bound of an array. However, an
ordinal can be converted to binary by the BINARYVALUE built-in function. The
value that is returned by this function can then be used to index into an array or
define an extent.

For example, the following package defines an array usage_count to hold the
number of times each color is used, a procedure Record_usage to update this array,
and a procedure Show_usage to display the values in this array.
Usage: package exports(*);

define ordinal Color ( Red,

Violet );

dcl Usage_count( binvalue( first(:Color:))

Chapter 6. Type definitions 155

Using Ordinals

: binvalue( last(:Color:)) )
static fixed bin(31) init( (*) 0 );
/* first(:Color:) = Red */
/* last(:Color:) = Violet */

Record_usage: proc (Wall_color );

dcl Wall_color type Color parm byvalue;

Usage_count( binvalue(Wall_color) )
= 1 + Usage_count( binvalue(Wall_color) );
end Record_usage;

Show_usage: proc;
dcl Next_color type Color;

do Next_color = Red upthru Violet;

put skip list( ordinalname( Next_color) );
put list( Usage_count( binvalue(Next_color) ));
end Show_usage;

end Usage;

Example 3: Using ordinals to create functions

Ordinals can be used to create functions that are easy to maintain and enhance and
are as efficient as table look-ups.

In the following example, the function Is_mellow returns a bit indicating whether a
color is or is not mellow. If more colors are defined, the mellow ones can be
added to the list of colors in the select-group. In a select-group, unlike a hand-built
table, the colors do not have to be in the same order as in the DEFINE statement,
or in any particular order at all.

However, because all of the statements inside the select-group consist of RETURN
statements that return constant values, the compiler will convert the entire
select-group into a simple table look-up.
Is_mellow: proc( Test_color ) returns( bit(1) aligned );

dcl Test_color type Color parm byvalue;

select (Test_color);
when( Yellow, Indigo)
return( 1b );
return( 0b );


This feature can also be used to define your own version of the ORDINALNAME
built-in function. Your own version can return the name you want to be displayed
for each ordinal value. For example, the following function Color_name returns the
color name associated with each name with the first letter capitalized:
Color_name: proc( Test_color ) returns( char(8) varying );

dcl Test_color type Color parm byvalue;

select (Test_color);
when ( Blue ) return( Blue);
when ( Green ) return( Green);
when ( Orange ) return( Orange);

156 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference

Using Ordinals

when ( Red ) return( Red);

when ( Yellow ) return( Yellow);
otherwise return (");


Type functions
Because type names are in a separate name space from declared names, they
cannot be used where variable references are required, in particular as arguments
to built-in functions. However, type names can be used as arguments to type
functions. (In ANSI terminology, these type functions are known as enquiry

These type functions are listed in Table 36.

Table 36. Type functions
Function Description
BIND Converts a pointer to a handle for a type.
CAST Converts an expression to a specified type using C conversion rules.
FIRST Returns the first value in an ordinal set.
LAST Returns the last value in an ordinal set.
NEW Acquires storage for a structure type and returns a handle to the
acquired storage.
RESPEC Changes the attributes of an expression to a specified type without
changing the bit pattern of the expression.
SIZE Returns the amount of storage needed to represent a type.
VALUE Initializes or assigns to a variable that has the corresponding structure

Related information:
Chapter 19, Type functions, on page 799
Using type functions, you can manipulate defined types. This chapter describes the
type functions.

Chapter 6. Type definitions 157

Type functions

158 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference

Chapter 7. Data declarations
When a PL/I program is executed, it can manipulate many different data items of
particular data types. Each data item, except an unnamed arithmetic or string
constant, is referred to in the program by a name. Each data name is given
attributes and a meaning by a declaration (explicit or implicit). This chapter
discusses explicit and implicit declarations, scalar, array, structure, and union
declarations, scope of names, data alignment, and default attributes.

Most attributes of data items are known at the time the program is compiled. For
nonstatic items, attribute values (the bounds of the dimensions of arrays, the
lengths of strings, area sizes, initial values) and some file attributes can be
determined during execution of the program. See Block activation on page 93 for
more information.

Data items, types, and attributes are introduced in Chapter 2, Data elements, on
page 15.

Explicit declaration
An explicit declaration is the appearance of an identifier (a name) in a DECLARE
statement, as a label prefix, or in a parameter list.

A name is explicitly declared if it appears as follows:

v In a DECLARE statement
The DECLARE statement explicitly declares attributes of names.
v As an entry constant
Labels of PROCEDURE and ENTRY statements constitute declarations of the
entry constants within the containing procedure.
v As a label constant
A label constant explicitly declares a label.
v As a format constant
A label on a FORMAT statement constitutes an explicit declaration of the label.

1. Naming an internal entry constant, a label constant, or a format constant in a
DECLARE statement is invalid.
2. The bounds, if any, for a label or format constant are determined by the
smallest and largest values that are specified in any use of it as a label in the
source code.

The scope of an explicit declaration of a name is the block containing the

declaration. This includes all contained blocks, except those blocks (and any blocks
contained within them) to which another explicit declaration of the same name is
internal. In the following diagram, the lines indicate the scope of the declaration of
the names.

B and B indicate the two distinct uses of the name B; C and C indicate the two
uses of the name C.
Related information:

Copyright IBM Corp. 1999, 2016 159

Explicit declaration

Scope of declarations on page 162

The part of the program to which a name applies is called the scope of the
declaration of that name. In most cases, the scope of the declaration of a name is
determined entirely by the position where the name is declared within the

DECLARE statement
The DECLARE statement specifies some or all of the attributes of a name. If the
attributes are not explicitly declared and cannot be determined by context, default
attributes are applied.

DECLARE statements can be an important part of the documentation of a

program. Consequently, you can make liberal use of declarations, even when
default attributes suffice or when an implicit declaration is possible. Because there
are no restrictions on the number of DECLARE statements, you can use different
DECLARE statements for different groups of names. Any number of names can be
declared in one DECLARE statement.

DECLARE name ;
level * attributes



Abbreviation: DCL

For more information about declaring arrays, structures, and unions, see Arrays
on page 184, Structures on page 188, and Unions on page 189.
* Cannot be used as the name of an INTERNAL or an EXTERNAL scalar or as
the name of a level-1 EXTERNAL structure or union unless the EXTERNAL
attribute specifies an environment name (see INTERNAL and EXTERNAL
attributes on page 165).
The attributes can appear in any order.
All attributes given explicitly for the name must be declared together in a
DECLARE statement, except that:
Names having the FILE attribute can also be given attributes in an OPEN
statement (or have attributes implied by an implicit opening).

160 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


The parameter attribute is contextually applied by the appearance of the

name in a parameter list. A DECLARE statement internal to the block can
specify additional attributes.
Attributes of external names, in separate blocks and compilations, must be
For more information about attributes and the members of the given groups,
see Data types and attributes on page 17.
A nonzero integer. If a level-number is not specified, level 1 is the default for
element and array variables. Level 1 must be specified for major structure and
union names.
Each level-1 name must be unique within a block. For more information about
level-1 names, refer to Structures on page 188.

Condition prefixes and labels cannot be specified on a DECLARE statement.

Related information:
OPEN statement on page 305
The OPEN statement associates a file with a data set. It merges attributes specified
on the OPEN statement with those specified on the DECLARE statement. It also
completes the specification of attributes for the file, if a complete set of attributes
has not been declared for the file being opened.

Factoring attributes
Attributes common to several names can be factored to eliminate repeated
specification of the same attributes. To achieve factoring, enclose the names in
parentheses followed by the set of attributes that apply to all of the names.

Factoring can be nested. The dimension attribute can be factored. Factoring can
also be used on elementary names within structures and unions. A factored
level-number must precede the parenthesized list.

Names within the parenthesized list are separated by commas. No factored

attribute can be overridden for any of the names, but any name within the list can
be given other attributes as long as there is no conflict with the factored attributes.


The following examples show factoring. The last declaration shows nested
declare (A,B,C,D) binary fixed (31);

declare (E decimal(6,5), F character(10)) static;

declare 1 A, 2(B,C,D) (3,2) binary fixed (15);

declare ((A,B) fixed(10),C float(5)) external;

Implicit declaration
If a name appears in a program and is not explicitly declared, it is implicitly
declared. The scope of an implicit declaration is determined as if the name were
declared in a DECLARE statement immediately following the PROCEDURE
statement of the external procedure in which the name is used.

Chapter 7. Data declarations 161

Implicit declaration

With the exception of files, entries, and built-in functions, implicit declaration has
the same effect as if the name were declared in the outermost procedure. For files
and built-in functions, implicit declaration has the same effect as if the names were
declared in the logical package outside any procedures.

Note: Using implicit declarations for anything other than built-in functions and the
files SYSIN and SYSPRINT is in violation of the 1987 ANSI standard and should be

Some attributes for a name declared implicitly can be determined from the context
in which the name appears. These cases, called contextual declarations, are listed as
v A name of a built-in function.
v A name that appears in a CALL statement or the CALL option of INITIAL, or
that is followed by an argument list, is given the ENTRY and EXTERNAL
v A name that appears in the parameter list of a PROCEDURE or ENTRY
statement is given the PARAMETER attribute.
v A name that appears in a FILE or COPY option, or a name that appears in an
ON, SIGNAL, or REVERT statement for a condition that requires a file name, is
given the FILE attribute.
v A name that appears in an ON CONDITION, SIGNAL CONDITION, or
REVERT CONDITION statement is given the CONDITION attribute.
v A name that appears in the BASED attribute, in a SET option, or on the
left-hand side of a locator qualification symbol is given the POINTER attribute.
v A name that appears in an IN option, or in the OFFSET attribute, is given the
AREA attribute.

Implicit declarations that are not contextual declarations acquire all attributes by
default, as described in Defaults for attributes on page 178. Because a contextual
declaration cannot exist within the scope of an explicit declaration, it is impossible
for the context of a name to add to the attributes established for that name in an
explicit declaration.

Examples of contextual declaration

In the following statements, PREQ is given the FILE attribute, and S is given the
AREA attribute.
read file (PREQ) into (Q);

allocate X in (S);

Scope of declarations
The part of the program to which a name applies is called the scope of the
declaration of that name. In most cases, the scope of the declaration of a name is
determined entirely by the position where the name is declared within the

Implicit declarations are treated as if the name were declared in a DECLARE

statement immediately following the PROCEDURE statement of the external

162 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference

Scope of declarations

It is not necessary for a name to have the same meaning throughout a program. A
name explicitly declared within a block has a meaning only within that block.
Outside the block, the name is unknown unless the same name has also been
declared in the outer block. Each declaration of the name establishes a scope and
in this case, the name in the outer block refers to a different data item. This enables
you to specify local definitions and, hence, to write procedures or begin-blocks
without knowing all the names used in other parts of the program.

In the following example, the output for A is actually C.A, which is 2. The output
for B is 1, as declared in procedure X.
X: proc options(main);
dcl (A,B) char(1) init(1);
call Y;

Y: proc;
dcl 1 C,
3 A char(1) init(2);
put data(A,B);
end Y;
end X;

Thus, for nested procedures, PL/I uses the variable declared within the current
block before using any variables that are declared in containing blocks.

In order to understand the scope of the declaration of a name, you must

understand the terms contained in and internal to.

All of the text of a block, from the PACKAGE, PROCEDURE, or BEGIN statement
through the corresponding END statement (including condition prefixes of BEGIN,
PACKAGE, and PROCEDURE statements), is said to be contained in that block.
However, the labels of the BEGIN or PROCEDURE statement heading the block, as
well as the labels of any ENTRY statements that apply to the block, are not
contained in that block. Nested blocks are contained in the block in which they

Text that is contained in a block, but not contained in any other block nested
within it, is said to be internal to that block. Entry names of a procedure (and
labels of a BEGIN statement) are not contained in that block. Consequently, they
are internal to the containing block. Entry names of an external procedure are
treated as if they were external to the external procedure.

Figure 7 on page 164 illustrates the scopes of data declarations.

Chapter 7. Data declarations 163

Scope of declarations

Figure 7. Scopes of data declarations

The brackets to the left indicate the block structure; the brackets to the right show
the scope of each declaration of a name. The scopes of the two declarations of Q
and R are shown as Q and Q and R and R.

Note that X and Y are visible to all of the procedures contained in the package.
1 P is declared in the block A and known throughout A because it is not
2 Q is declared in block A, and redeclared in block B. The scope of the first
declaration of Q is all of A except B; the scope of the second declaration of Q
is block B only.
3 R is declared in block C, but a reference to R is also made in block B. The
reference to R in block B results in an implicit declaration of R in A, the
external procedure. Therefore, two separate names (R and R in Figure 7)
with different scopes exist. The scope of the explicitly declared R is block C;
the scope of the implicitly declared R in block B is all of A except block C.
4 I is referred to in block C. This results in an implicit declaration in the
external procedure A. As a result, this declaration applies to all of A,
including the contained procedures B, C, and D.
5 S is explicitly declared in procedure D and is known only within D.

Figure 8 on page 165 illustrates the scopes of entry constant and statement label

164 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference

Scope of declarations

Figure 8. Scopes of entry and label declarations

Figure 8 shows two external procedures, A and E.

1 The scope of the declaration of the name A is only all of the block A, and
not E.
2 E is explicitly declared in A as an external entry constant. The explicit
declaration of E applies throughout block A. It is not linked to the explicit
declaration of E that applies throughout block E. The scope of the
declaration of the name E is all of block A and all of block E.
3 The label L1 appears with statements internal to A and to C. Two separate
declarations are therefore established; the first applies to all of block A
except block C, the second applies to block C only. Therefore, when the GO
TO statement in block B executes, control transfers to L1 in block A, and
block B terminates.
4 D and B are explicitly declared in block A and can be referred to anywhere
within A; but because they are INTERNAL, they cannot be referred to in
block E.
5 C is explicitly declared in B and can be referred to from within B, but not
from outside B.
6 L2 is declared in B and can be referred to in block B, including C, which is
contained in B, but not from outside B.

INTERNAL and EXTERNAL attributes

The INTERNAL and EXTERNAL attributes define the scope of a name.

( environment-name )

Chapter 7. Data declarations 165


Abbreviations: INT for INTERNAL, EXT for EXTERNAL

Specifies the name by which the procedure or variable is known outside of the
compilation unit.
When so specified, the name being declared effectively becomes internal and is
not known outside of the compilation unit. The environment name is known
The environment name must be a character string constant, and is used as is
without any translation to uppercase.
See the following example:
dcl X entry external (koala);
Environment names should not start with a break character (_). Names starting
with this character are reserved for the library.
On platforms where the linker decorates environment names, if an
environment name is specified with the external attribute, it will still be
decorated if it differs only in case from the variable name. Consider the
following declaration:
dcl abc ext(kLm), xyz ext(xYz );

The name for xyz is decorated. For more information about the decoration of
environment names, see the Understanding linkage considerations topic in
the Calling conventions chapter in the PL/I for Windows Programming Guide.

INTERNAL is the default for entry names of internal procedures and for all other
variables except for entry constants, file constants and programmer defined
conditions. INTERNAL specifies that the name can be known only in the declaring
block. Any other explicit declaration of that name refers to a new object with a
different scope that does not overlap.

Note: INTERNAL can be specified on level-1 procedures in a package. If the

package is declared with EXPORTS(*), an INTERNAL procedure is not visible
outside the package.

EXTERNAL is the default for file constants, entry constants (other than internal
procedures) and programmer-defined conditions. A name with the EXTERNAL
attribute can be declared more than once, either in different external procedures or
within blocks contained in external procedures. All declarations of the same name
with the EXTERNAL attribute refer to the same data. The scope of each declaration
of the name (with the EXTERNAL attribute) includes the scopes of all the
declarations of that name (with EXTERNAL) within the application.

When a major structure or union name is declared EXTERNAL in more than one
block, the attributes of the members must be the same in each case, although the
corresponding member names need not be identical.

Consider the following example:

ProcA: procedure;
declare 1 A external,
2 B,
2 C;
end ProcA;

166 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


ProcB: procedure;
declare 1 A external,
2 B,
2 D;
end ProcB;

If A.B is changed in ProcA, it is also changed for ProcB, and vice versa; if A.C is
changed in ProcA, A.D is changed for ProcB, and vice versa.

Members of structures and unions always have the INTERNAL attribute.

Because external declarations for the same name all refer to the same data, they
must all result in the same set of attributes. When EXTERNAL names are declared
in different external procedures, the user has the responsibility to ensure that the
attributes are matching. Figure 9 on page 168 illustrates a variety of declarations
and their scopes.

Chapter 7. Data declarations 167


Scope_Example: package exports(*);

1 A: procedure;
2 declare S character (20);
7 dcl Set entry(fixed decimal(1)),
7 Out entry(label);
call Set (3);
9 E: get list (S,M,N);
8 B: begin;
4,5 declare X(M,N), Y(M);
get list (X,Y);
call C(X,Y);
9,5 C: procedure (P,Q);
12,2 S binary fixed external;
S = 0;
6 do I = 1 to M;
if sum (P(I,*)) = Q(I) then
8 go to B;
S = S+1;
if S = 3 then
9 call Out (E);
Call D(I);
8 B: end;
end C;
9 D: procedure (N);
put list (Error in row ,
2,3 N, Table Name , S);
end D;
end B;
go to E;
end A;
9 Out: procedure (R);
R Label,
11 (K static internal,
11,7 L static external) init (0),
12 S binary fixed external,
Z fixed decimal(1);
K = K+1; S=0;
if K<L then
10 else go to R;
Set: procedure (Z);
declare Z fixed dec(1);
7 L=Z;
declare L external init(0);
end Scope_Example;

Figure 9. Example of scopes of various declarations

1 A is an external procedure name. Its scope is all of block A, plus any other
blocks where A is declared as external.
2 S is explicitly declared in block A and block C. The character variable
declaration applies to all of block A except block C. The fixed binary
declaration applies only within block C. Notice that although D is called
from within block C, the reference to S in the PUT statement in D is to the
character variable S, and not to the S declared in block C.

168 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


3 N appears as a parameter in block D, but is also used outside the block. Its
appearance as a parameter establishes an explicit declaration of N within D.
The references outside D cause an implicit declaration of N in block A. These
two declarations of the name N refer to different objects, although in this
case, the objects have the same data attributes, which are, by default,
precision is (31,0).
4 X and Y are known throughout B and can be referred to in block C or D
within B, but not in that part of A outside B.
5 P and Q are parameters, and therefore if there were no other declaration of
these names within the block, their appearance in the parameter list would
be sufficient to constitute a contextual declaration. However, a separate,
explicit declaration statement is required in order to specify that P and Q
are arrays. Although the arguments X and Y are declared as arrays and are
known in block C, it is still necessary to declare P and Q in a DECLARE
statement to establish that they, too, are arrays. (The asterisk notation
indicates that the bounds of the parameters are the same as the bounds of
the arguments.)
6 I and M are not explicitly declared in the external procedure A. Therefore,
they are implicitly declared and are known throughout A, even though I
appears only within block C.
7 The Out and Set external procedures in the example have an external
declaration of L that is common to both. They also must be declared
explicitly with the ENTRY attribute in procedure A. Because ENTRY
implies EXTERNAL, the two entry constants Set and Out are known
throughout the two external procedures.
8 The label B appears twice in the programfirst in A, as the label of a
begin-block, which is an explicit declaration, and then redeclared as a label
within block C by its appearance as a prefix to an END statement. The go
to B statement within block C, therefore, refers to the label of the END
statement within block C. Outside block C, any reference to B is to the label
of the begin-block.
9 Blocks C and D can be called from any point within B but not from that part
of A outside B, nor from another external procedure. Similarly, because
label E is known throughout the external procedure A, a transfer to E can
be made from any point within A. The label B within block C, however, can
be referred to only from within C. Transfers out of a block by a GO TO
statement can be made; but such transfers into a nested block generally
cannot. An exception is shown in the external procedure Out, where the
label E from block C is passed as an argument to the label parameter R.
Note that, with no files specified in the GET and PUT statements, SYSIN
and SYSPRINT are implicitly declared.
10 The statement else go to R; transfers control to the label E, even though E
is declared within A, and not known within Out.
11 The variables K (INTERNAL) and L (EXTERNAL) are declared as STATIC
within the Out procedure block; their values are preserved between calls to
12 In order to identify the S in the procedure Out as the same S in the
procedure C, both are declared with the attribute EXTERNAL.

Chapter 7. Data declarations 169


RESERVED attribute
The RESERVED attribute implies STATIC EXTERNAL.

Moreover, if a variable has the RESERVED attribute, the application must comply
with the following conditions:
v All declarations of the variable must specify RESERVED.
v The variable name must appear in the RESERVES option of exactly one package.

If a variable has the RESERVED attribute, any INITIAL values are ignored except
in the package reserving it.


If a compilation unit has a variable with the RESERVED attribute and is not the
reserving package for that variable, that compilation unit must either be part of the
load module that contains the reserving package or import the variable from
another load module that contains the reserving package. In the latter case, the
following conditions apply:
v The declaration for the variable must specify the RESERVED(IMPORTED)
v The variable must be exported from a DLL.
v The sidefile that is associated with the DLL must be included during the linking
of the importing module.


In the following example, the package owns_x reserves and initializes the storage
for the variable x. It must be linked into the same load module as the package
owns_y. This load module must import the variable z from the load module into
which package owns_z is linked.

dcl x char(256) reserved init( ... );

dcl y char(256) reserved init( ... );
dcl z char(256) reserved(imported) init( ... );



dcl x char(256) reserved init( ... );

dcl y char(256) reserved init( ... );
dcl z char(256) reserved(imported) init( ... );



170 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


dcl z char(256) reserved(imported) init( ... );


FORCE attribute
You can use the FORCE attribute to instruct the compiler to issue various

The following syntax diagram applies to the FORCE attribute:


Specifying FORCE(NOLAXQUAL) on a variable causes the compiler to flag
any reference to the variable that is not properly qualified.

If the FORCE attribute is specified on a structure or union, it also applies to all the
elements of that structure (or union).

SUPPRESS attribute
You can use the SUPPRESS attribute to instruct the compiler not to issue various

When you use the SUPPRESS attribute on a variable, the compiler does not issue a
message when the variable is uninitialized, unreferenced, or both. The following
syntax diagram applies to the SUPPRESS attribute on a variable:


The following syntax diagram applies to the SUPPRESS attribute on procedure



Specifying SUPPRESS(UNINIT) as an attribute in the declaration of a variable
causes the compiler not to flag any use of the variable where it might be
Specifying SUPPRESS(UNREF) as an attribute in the declaration of a variable

Chapter 7. Data declarations 171

SUPPRESS attribute

causes the compiler not to flag the variable as unused when the compilation
unit contains no references to that variable.
Specifying SUPPRESS(UNREF) on the PROCEDURE statement causes the
compiler not to flag the procedure as unused when the compilation unit
contains no references to that procedure.
Specifying SUPPRESS(NOPADDING) on a level-1 structure name causes the
RULES(NOPADDING) compiler option to be ignored for that structure.
SUPPRESS(NOPADDING) has no effect if it is specified on a member within a
Specifying SUPPRESS(LAXNESTED) on a procedure causes the compiler not to
flag the procedure if executable statements follow it.

If the SUPPRESS attribute is specified on a structure or union, it also applies to all

the elements of that structure (or union).

Data alignment
The computer holds information in multiples of units of 8 bits. Each 8-bit unit of
information is called a byte. The computer accesses bytes singly or as halfwords,
words, or doublewords. Byte locations in storage are consecutively numbered
starting with 0; each number is the address of the corresponding byte.

A halfword is 2 consecutive bytes. A fullword is 4 consecutive bytes. A doubleword is

8 consecutive bytes. Halfwords, words, and doublewords are addressed by the
address of their leftmost byte.

Your programs can execute faster if halfwords, words, and doublewords are
located in main storage on an integral boundary for that unit of information. That
is, the unit of information's address is a multiple of the number of bytes in the
unit, as can be seen in Table 37.
Table 37. Alignment on integral boundaries of halfwords, words, and doublewords
5000 5001 5002 5003 5004 5005 5006 5007
byte byte byte byte byte byte byte byte
halfword halfword halfword halfword
fullword fullword

PL/I allows data alignment on integral boundaries. However, unused bytes

between successive data elements can increase storage use. For example, when the
data items are members of aggregates used to create a data set, the unused bytes
increase the amount of auxiliary storage required. The ALIGNED and
UNALIGNED attributes allow you to choose whether or not to align data on the
appropriate integral boundary.

172 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference

ALIGNED and UNALIGNED attributes

ALIGNED and UNALIGNED attributes

ALIGNED specifies that the data element is aligned on the storage boundary
corresponding to its data type requirement. UNALIGNED specifies that each data
element is mapped on the next byte boundary, except for fixed-length bit strings,
which are mapped on the next bit.


Defaults are applied at element level. UNALIGNED is the default for bit data,
character data, graphic data, widechar data and numeric character data. ALIGNED
is the default for all other types of data.

Table 38 lists the requirements for the ALIGNED attribute.

v Alignment and storage requirements for program control data can vary across
supported systems.
v Complex data requires twice as much storage as its real counterpart, but the
alignment requirements are the same.
Table 38. Alignment requirements

Storage requirements Alignment requirements

Variable type Stored internally as: (Bytes) ALIGNED data UNALIGNED data
ALIGNED: One byte
for each group of 8
bits (or part thereof) Byte (Data can begin Bit (Data can begin
BIT (n) UNALIGNED: As on any byte, 0 on any bit in any
UNALIGNED: n bits through 7) byte, 0 through 7)
many bits as are
required, regardless of
byte boundaries

Chapter 7. Data declarations 173

ALIGNED and UNALIGNED attributes

Table 38. Alignment requirements (continued)

Storage requirements Alignment requirements

Variable type Stored internally as: (Bytes) ALIGNED data UNALIGNED data
One byte per
One byte per
CHARACTER character plus one
(n)VARYINGZ byte for the
GRAPHIC (n) Two bytes per graphic 2n
Two bytes per graphic
plus two bytes for the 2n+2
Two bytes per
Two bytes per
WIDECHAR widechar plus two
(n)VARYINGZ bytes for the
One byte for each
Byte (Data can begin Byte (Data can begin
PICTURE character Number of PICTURE
on any byte, 0 on any byte, 0
PICTURE (except V, K, and the characters other than V,
through 7) through 7)
F scaling factor K, and F specification
Packed decimal
DECIMAL FIXED format (1/2 byte per
(p,q) digit, plus 1/2 byte
for sign)

1 <= p <= 7
1 <= p <= 8
One byte 1

1 <= p <= 7
1 <= p <= 8

174 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference

ALIGNED and UNALIGNED attributes

Table 38. Alignment requirements (continued)

Storage requirements Alignment requirements

Variable type Stored internally as: (Bytes) ALIGNED data UNALIGNED data
Two-byte prefix plus
1 byte for each group ALIGNED: 2+CEIL(n/8)
of 8 bits (or part
thereof) of the UNALIGNED: 2
declared maximum bytes+n bits
Two-byte prefix plus
CHARACTER(n) 1 byte per character
VARYING of the declared
maximum length
Two-byte prefix plus
GRAPHIC(n) 2 bytes per graphic of
VARYING the declared
maximum length
Halfword (Data can Byte (Data can begin
Two-byte prefix plus begin on byte 0, 2, 4, on any byte, 0
WIDECHAR(n) 2 bytes per widechar or 6) through 7)
VARYING of the declared
maximum length

8 <= p <= 15
9 <= p <= 16
Halfword 2

8 <= p <= 15
9 <= p <= 16

16 <= p <= 31
17 <= p <= 32

SIGNED Byte (Data can begin

Fullword (Data can
16 <= p <= 31 4 on any byte, 0
begin on byte 0 or 4)
UNSIGNED through 7)
17 <= p <= 32
Short floating-point
1<=p<=6 if not DFP
1<=p<=7 if DFP

Chapter 7. Data declarations 175

ALIGNED and UNALIGNED attributes

Table 38. Alignment requirements (continued)

Storage requirements Alignment requirements

Variable type Stored internally as: (Bytes) ALIGNED data UNALIGNED data
Four-byte prefix plus
1 byte for each group
of 8 bits (or part
thereof) of the
bytes+n bits
declared maximum
Four-byte prefix plus
CHARACTER(n) 1 byte per character
VARYING4 of the declared
maximum length
Four-byte prefix plus
GRAPHIC(n) 2 bytes per graphic of
VARYING4 the declared
maximum length
Four-byte prefix plus Byte (Data can begin
Fullword (Data can
WIDECHAR(n) 2 bytes per widechar on any byte, 0
2n+4 begin on byte 0 or 4)
VARYING4 of the declared through 7)
maximum length
OFFSET under

FILE under LP(32)

under LP(32)

176 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference

ALIGNED and UNALIGNED attributes

Table 38. Alignment requirements (continued)

Storage requirements Alignment requirements

Variable type Stored internally as: (Bytes) ALIGNED data UNALIGNED data
AREA under
OFFSETSIZE(4) AREA data cannot
AREA under be unaligned

under LP(64)
OFFSET under

FILE under LP(64)

SIGNED 8 Doubleword (Data

32 <= p <= 63 can begin on byte 0)
UNSIGNED Byte (Data can begin
33 <= p <= 64 on any byte, 0
through 7)
22 <= p <= 53
DECIMAL FLOAT(p) Long floating-point
7<=p<=16 if not DFP
8<=p<=16 if DFP

54 <= p Extended

ALIGNED or UNALIGNED can be specified for element, array, structure, or union

variables. The application of either attribute to a structure or union is equivalent to
applying the attribute to all contained elements that are not explicitly declared

The following example illustrates the effect of ALIGNED and UNALIGNED

declarations for a structure and its elements:
declare 1 S,
2 X bit(2), /* unaligned by default */
2 A aligned, /* aligned explicitly */
3 B, /* aligned from A */
3 C unaligned, /* unaligned explicitly */
4 D, /* unaligned from C */
4 E aligned, /* aligned explicitly */
4 F, /* unaligned from C */
3 G, /* aligned from A */
2 H; /* aligned by default */
Related information:

Chapter 7. Data declarations 177

ALIGNED and UNALIGNED attributes

Structures on page 188

A structure is a collection of member elements that can be structures, unions,
elementary variables, and arrays.
Unions on page 189
A union is a collection of member elements that overlay each other, occupying the
same storage. The members can be structures, unions, elementary variables, and
arrays. They need not have identical attributes.

Defaults for attributes

Every name in a PL/I program requires a complete set of attributes. Arguments
that are passed to a procedure must have attributes matching the procedure's
parameters. Values that are returned by functions must have the expected
attributes. However, the attributes that you specify need rarely include the
complete set of attributes. You can use defaults for attributes.

You can use language-specified defaults or the defaults that you define using the
DEFAULT statement for the following attributes:
v Attributes of explicitly declared names
v Attributes of implicitly (including contextually) declared names
v Attributes to be included in parameter descriptors
v Attributes of values returned from function procedures

You can use the DEFAULT statement to specify attribute defaults either to modify
the language-specified defaults or to develop a completely new set of defaults.

Attributes applied by default cannot override attributes applied to a name by

explicit or contextual declarations.

Language-specified defaults
When a variable has not been declared with any data attributes, it is given
arithmetic attributes by default.

If mode, scale, and base are not specified by a DECLARE or DEFAULT statement,
the DEFAULT compiler option determines the variable attributes as follows:
v If DEFAULT(IBM) is in effect, variables with names beginning with the letters I
through N are given the attributes REAL FIXED BINARY(15,0); all other
variables are given the attributes REAL FLOAT DECIMAL(6).
v If DEFAULT(ANS) is in effect, all variables are given the attributes REAL FIXED

If a scaling factor is specified in the precision attribute, the attribute FIXED is

applied before any other attributes. Therefore, a declaration with the attributes
BINARY(p,q) is always equivalent to a declaration with the attributes FIXED

If a precision is not specified in an arithmetic declaration, the DEFAULT compiler

option determines the precision as indicated in Table 39 on page 179. The
language-specified defaults for scope, storage and alignment attributes are shown
in Table 8 on page 21 and Table 7 on page 19.

If no description list is given in an ENTRY declaration, the attributes for the

argument must match those specified for the corresponding parameter in the
invoked procedure. For example, consider the following declaration:

178 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference

Language-specified defaults

dcl X entry;
call X( 1 );

The argument has the attributes REAL FIXED DECIMAL(1,0). This would be an
error if the procedure x declared its parameter with other attributes, as shown in
the following example:
X: proc( Y );
dcl Y fixed bin(15);

This potential problem can be easily avoided if the entry declaration specifies the
attributes for all of its parameters.
Table 39. Default arithmetic precisions
DECIMAL FIXED (5,0) (10,0)
BINARY FIXED (15,0) (31,0)
BINARY FLOAT (21) (21)

DEFAULT statement
The DEFAULT statement specifies data-attribute defaults (when attribute sets are
not complete). Any attributes not applied by the DEFAULT statement for any
partially-complete explicit or contextual declarations, and for implicit declarations,
are supplied by language-specified defaults.

You can use a logical expression with the RANGE attribute and other attribute
keywords in the DEFAULT statement. These attributes are listed in Table 40 on
page 183.

The DEFAULT statement overrides all other attribute specifications, except that a
name declared with the ENTRY or FILE attribute, but none of the attributes that
would imply the VARIABLE attribute, will be given the implicit CONSTANT
attribute by PL/I before any DEFAULT statements are applied. Consequently, in
the following example, PL/I gives Xtrn the CONSTANT attribute and not the
STATIC attribute.
Sample: proc;

default range(*) static;

dcl Xtrn entry;


Structure and union elements are given default attributes according to the name of
the element, not the qualified element name. The DEFAULT statement cannot be
used to create a structure or a union.

Chapter 7. Data declarations 179


expression attribute-specification


RANGE ( identifiers )
( attribute-expression ) ;



Abbreviation: DFT
Specifies that the defaults apply to names that begin with the same letters as in
the identifier specified. For example, RANGE (ABC) applies to these names:

But it does not apply to these names:


Hence a one-letter identifier in the range-specification applies to all names that

start with that letter. The RANGE identifier can be specified in DBCS.
RANGE(identifier : identifier)
Specifies that the defaults apply to names with initial letters that either match
the two identifiers specified or fall between the two in alphabetic sequence.
The letters can be in DBCS, but in determining if a RANGE specification
applies to a name, all comparisons are based solely on the hexadecimal values
of the letters involved. The letters given in the specification must be in
increasing alphabetic order. See the following example:
Specifies all names in the scope of the DEFAULT statement. Consider the
following example:
DFT RANGE (*) PIC 99999;

This statement specifies default attributes REAL PICTURE '99999' for all

180 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


Specifies that the attributes are included in any parameter descriptors in a
parameter descriptor list of an explicit entry declaration, if the following
conditions are true:
v The inclusion of any such attributes is not prohibited by the presence of
alternative attributes of the same class.
v At least one attribute is already present. (The DESCRIPTORS default
attributes are not applied to null descriptors).
Consider the following example:

The attribute BINARY is added to each parameter descriptor in the list,

producing the equivalent list:
Specifies a list of attributes from which selected attributes are applied to names
in the specified range. Attributes in the list can appear in any order and must
be separated by blanks.
Only those attributes that are necessary to complete the declaration of a data
item are taken from the list of attributes.
If FILE is used, it implies the attributes VARIABLE and INTERNAL.
The dimension attribute is allowed, but only as the first item in an attribute
specification. The bounds can be specified as an arithmetic constant or an
expression and can include the REFER option. See the following example:
Although the DEFAULT statement can specify the dimension attribute for
names that have not been declared explicitly, a subscripted name is
contextually declared with the attribute BUILTIN. Therefore, the dimension
attribute can be applied by default only to explicitly declared names.
The INITIAL attribute can be specified.
Attributes that conflict, when applied to a data item, do not necessarily conflict
when they appear in an attribute specification. Consider the following
This means that any name that begins with the letter S and is declared
explicitly with the BIT, CHARACTER, or GRAPHIC attribute receives the
VARYING attribute; all others (that are not declared explicitly or contextually
as other than arithmetic data) receive the BINARY attribute.
Can appear anywhere within an attribute-specification except before a
dimension attribute.
VALUE establishes any default rules for an area size, string length, and
numeric precision.
In a DEFAULT statement, the VALUE option is the only place where an area
size, string length or numeric precision may be specified.
These size, length and precision specifications in a VALUE clause are applied
after the system default attributes, but before the system defaults for size,

Chapter 7. Data declarations 181


length and precision. So, for example, given DCL I; and DEFAULT RANGE(*)
VALUE( FIXED BIN(31) );, the variable I will receive the system default
attributes of FIXED BIN, but the precision 31 from the VALUE option (rather
than the system default of 15).
The size of AREA data, or length of BIT, CHARACTER, or GRAPHIC data can
be an expression or an integer, and can include the REFER option or can be
specified as an asterisk.
Consider the following example:
These statements are equivalent to the following declaration:
A AREA(2000);

The base and scale attributes in value-specification must be present to identify

a precision specification with a particular attribute. The base and scale
attributes can be factored (see Factoring attributes on page 161).
The only attributes that the VALUE option can influence are area size, string
length, and precision. Other attributes in the option, such as CHARACTER and
FIXED BINARY in the above examples, merely indicate which attributes the
value is to be associated with. Consider the following example:
I = 1;
If it is not declared explicitly, I is given the language-specified default
attributes FIXED BINARY(15,0). It is not influenced by the default statement,
because this statement specifies only that the default precision for FIXED
DECIMAL names is to be (8,3).
For example, the following statement specifies precision for identifiers already
known to be FIXED BINARY:

However, the following statement specifies both the FIXED BINARY attribute
as a default and the precision:
Is an expression that uses the and, or, and not operators with operands that are
attributes. If the expression is true, the specified attributes are applied. For
example, if a precision is not specified, DEFAULT(FIXED & BIN) PREC(31) sets
the precision of all FIXED BIN variables as 31.
All the attributes are individual keywords, except the RANGE attribute. The
RANGE attribute must be specified with *, identifier, or identifier : identifier, as
in a simple DEFAULT statement.
You can use the attributes that are listed in the following table in
attribute-expression in DEFAULT.

182 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


Table 40. Attributes in attribute-expression in DEFAULT

Note: You can use MEMBER as an attribute here, but it cannot be used as an attribute in
PL/I DECLARE statements.

There can be more than one DEFAULT statement within a block. The scope of a
DEFAULT statement is the block in which it occurs, and all blocks within that
block which neither include another DEFAULT statement with the same range, nor
are contained in a block having a DEFAULT statement with the same range.

A DEFAULT statement in an internal block affects only explicitly declared names.

This is because the scope of an implicit declaration is determined as if the names
were declared in a DECLARE statement immediately following the PROCEDURE
statement of the external procedure in which the name appears.

It is possible for a containing block to have a DEFAULT statement with a range

that is partly covered by the range of a DEFAULT statement in a contained block.
In such a case, the range of the DEFAULT statement in the containing block is
reduced by the range of the DEFAULT statement in the contained block. Consider
the following example:

Chapter 7. Data declarations 183


The scope of DEFAULT statement L1 is procedure P and the contained block Q.

The range of DEFAULT statement L1 is all names in procedure P beginning with
the characters XY, together with all names in begin-block Q beginning with the
characters XY, except for those beginning with the characters XYZ.

Labels can be prefixed to DEFAULT statements. A branch to such a label is treated

as a branch to a null statement. Condition prefixes cannot be attached to a
DEFAULT statement.

Restoring language-specified defaults

The statement dft range(*) system; overrides, for all names, any
programmer-defined default rules established in a containing block. You can use
this statement to restore language-specified defaults for contained blocks.

An array is an n-dimensional collection of elements that have identical attributes.

Only the array itself is given a name. An individual item of an array is referred to
by giving its position within the array. You indicate that a name is an array variable
by providing the dimension attribute.

Unless specified with REFER, every dimension of every array must have at least
one element. When the bounds of an array are specified with REFER, the array can
be defined to have zero elements if the following conditions are true:
v The array is never accessed or assigned.
v The array has only one dimension (excluding any inherited dimensions).
v The lower bound of that dimension must be 1.
v All of the elements in the containing structure must be either UNALIGNED or

So, for example, given the following code, it is valid to allocate the array a when
n1 is zero if ab3, abc1, and abc2 are neither accessed nor assigned.
dcl n1 fixed bin(31);
dcl p pointer;
1 a based(p),
2 ab1 fixed bin(31),
2 ab2 fixed bin(31),
2 ab3( n1 refer(ab2) ),
3 abc1 char(40) var,
3 abc2 char(40) var,
2 ab4 char(40) var;

DIMENSION attribute
The DIMENSION attribute specifies the number of dimensions of an array and
upper and lower bounds of each.

Bounds that are nonrestricted expressions are evaluated and converted to FIXED
BINARY (with a precision corresponding to the CMPAT compiler option) when
storage is allocated for the array.

The extent of a dimension is the number of integers between, and including, the
lower and upper bounds for a dimension.

184 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference

DIMENSION attribute

( bound )


lower-bound : *





Abbreviation: DIM

If the DIMENSION keyword is omitted, the dimension must immediately follow

the name (or the parenthesized list of names) in the declaration.

The number of bounds specifications indicates the number of dimensions in the

array, unless the declared variable is in an array of structures or unions. In this
case it inherits dimensions from the containing structure or union.

The bounds specification indicates the bounds as follows:

v If only the upper bound is given, the lower bound defaults to 1.
v The lower bound must be less than or equal to the upper bound.
v An asterisk (*) specifies that the lower and/or the upper bound is taken from
the argument associated with the parameter.

DIMACROSS attribute
The DIMACROSS attribute specifies a DIMENSION attribute on a structure, but
one which will be removed from the structure and propagated to its members.

The DIMACROSS attribute has the same syntax as the DIMENSION attribute
except that the DIMACROSS keyword is, of course, not optional.

The DIMACROSS attribute is valid only on structures, and it is invalid if any of

the immediate children already have the dimension attribute.

Unlike a variable declared with the DIMENSION attribute, a variable declared

with the DIMACROSS attribute is not an array. The children of the variable are

Chapter 7. Data declarations 185

DIMACROSS attribute

arrays. However, the variable might be used as an array in a BY DIMACROSS

assignment or as an argument to the LBOUNDACROSS or HBOUNDACROSS
built-in functions.

As an example, the following declarations are equivalent:

Declaration 1 Declaration 2
Dcl Dcl
1 a(10) dimacross, 1 a,
2 b, 2 b(10),
2 c, 2 c(10),
3 d, 3 d,
3 e; 3 e;

Examples of arrays
These examples help you understand declarations of arrays and array dimensions.

Consider the following declaration:

declare List fixed decimal(3) dimension(8);

List is declared as a one-dimensional array of eight elements, each one a

fixed-point decimal element of three digits. The one dimension of List has bounds
of 1 and 8, and its extent is 8.

Consider the following example:

declare Table (4,2) fixed dec (3);

Table is declared as a two-dimensional array of eight fixed-point decimal elements.

The two dimensions of Table have bounds of 1 and 4 and 1 and 2, and the extents
are 4 and 2.

Consider these examples:

declare List_A dimension(4:11);
declare List_B (-4:3);

In the first example, the bounds are 4 and 11; in the second they are -4 and 3. The
extents are the same for each, 8 integers from the lower bound through the upper

In the manipulation of array data (discussed in Array expressions on page 72)

involving more than one array, the boundsnot merely the extentsmust be
identical. Although List, List_A, and List_B all have the same extent, the bounds
are not identical.

A subscript is an element expression that specifies a position within a dimension of
an array. If the subscript is an asterisk, it specifies all of the elements of the

The bounds of an array determine the way elements of the array can be referred
to. For example, when the following data items:
20 5 10 30 630 150 310 70

186 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


are assigned to the array List, as declared above, the different elements are
referred to as follows:

Reference Element
LIST (1) 20
LIST (2) 5
LIST (3) 10
LIST (4) 30
LIST (5) 630
LIST (6) 150
LIST (7) 310
LIST (8) 70

Each of the parenthesized numbers following LIST is a subscript. A parenthesized

subscript following an array name reference identifies a particular data item within
the array. A reference to a subscripted name, such as LIST(4), refers to a single
element and is an element variable. The entire array can be referred to by the
unsubscripted name of the arrayfor example, LIST.

The same data can be assigned to List_A and List_B declared previously. In this
case it is referenced as follows:

Reference Element Reference

LIST_A (4) 20 LIST_B (-4)
LIST_A (5) 5 LIST_B (-3)
LIST_A (6) 10 LIST_B (-2)
LIST_A (7) 30 LIST_B (-1)
LIST_A (8) 630 LIST_B (0)
LIST_A (9) 150 LIST_B (1)
LIST_A (10) 310 LIST_B (2)
LIST_A (11) 70 LIST_B (3)

Assume that the same data is assigned to TABLE, which is declared as a

two-dimensional array. TABLE can be illustrated as a matrix of four rows and two

TABLE(m,n) (m,1) (m,2)

(1,n) 20 5
(2,n) 10 30
(3,n) 630 150
(4,n) 310 70

An element of TABLE is referred to by a subscripted name with two parenthesized

subscripts, separated by a comma. For example, TABLE (2,1) would specify the
first item in the second row, the data item 10.

The use of a matrix to illustrate TABLE is purely conceptual. It has no relationship

to the way the items are actually organized in storage. Data items are assigned to
an array in row major order. This means that the subscript that represents columns
varies most rapidly. For example, assignment to TABLE would be to TABLE(1,1),
TABLE(1,2), TABLE(2,1), TABLE(2,2), and so forth.

A subscripted reference to an array must contain as many subscripts as there are

dimensions in the array.

Chapter 7. Data declarations 187


Any expression that yields a valid arithmetic value can be used for a subscript. If
necessary, the value is converted to FIXED BINARY (with a precision
corresponding to the CMPAT compiler option). Thus, TABLE(I,J*K) can be used to
refer to the different elements of TABLE by varying the values of I, J, and K.

Cross sections of arrays

Cross sections of arrays can be referred to by using an asterisk for a subscript.

The asterisk specifies that the entire extent is used. For example, TABLE(*,1) refers
to all of the elements in the first column of TABLE. It specifies the cross section
consisting of TABLE(1,1), TABLE(2,1), TABLE(3,1), and TABLE(4,1). The subscripted
name TABLE(2,*) refers to all of the data items in the second row of TABLE.
TABLE(*,*) refers to the entire array, as does TABLE.

A subscripted name containing asterisk subscripts represents not a single data

element, but an array with as many dimensions as there are asterisks.
Consequently, such a name is not an element expression, but an array expression.

A reference to a cross section of an array can refer to two or more elements that
are not adjacent in storage. The storage represented by such a cross section is
known as nonconnected storage. The rule is as follows: if a nonasterisk bound
appears to the right of the leftmost asterisk bound, the array cross section is in
nonconnected storage. Thus, A(4,*,*) is in connected storage; A(*,2,*) is not.
Related information:
CONNECTED and NONCONNECTED attributes on page 282
The CONNECTED attribute specifies that a parameter is a reference to connected
storage only. The NONCONNECTED attribute allows a parameter to occupy
noncontiguous as well as contiguous storage.

Structures and unions

This section discusses structures and unions.

A structure is a collection of member elements that can be structures, unions,
elementary variables, and arrays.

The structure variable is a name that can be used to refer to the entire aggregate of
data. Unlike an array, however, each member of a structure also has a name, and
the attributes of each member can differ. An asterisk can be used as the name of a
structure or a member when it will not be referred to. For example, reserved or
filler items can be named with an asterisk.

A structure has different levels. The name at level-1 is called a major structure.
Names at deeper levels can be minor structures or unions. Names at the deepest
level are called elementary names, which can represent an elementary variable or an
array variable.

A structure is described in a DECLARE statement through the use of

level-numbers preceding the associated names. Level-numbers must be integers.

A major structure name is declared with the level-number 1. Minor structures,

unions, and elementary names are declared with level-numbers greater than 1. A

188 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


delimiter must separate the level-number and its associated name. For example,
the items of a payroll record could be declared as follows:
declare 1 Payroll, /* major structure name */
2 Name, /* minor structure name */
3 Last char(20), /* elementary name */
3 First char(15),
2 Hours,
3 Regular fixed dec(5,2),
3 Overtime fixed dec(5,2),
2 Rate,
3 Regular fixed dec(3,2),
3 Overtime fixed dec(3,2);

In the example, Payroll is the major structure and all other names are members of
this structure. Name, Hours, and Rate are minor structures, and all other members
are elementary variables. You can refer to the entire structure by the name Payroll,
or to portions of the structure by the minor structure names. You can refer to a
member by referring to the member name.

Indentation is only for readability. The statement could be written in a continuous

string as follows:
Declare 1 Payroll, 2 Name, 3 Last char(20), . . .

The level-numbers you choose for successively deeper levels need not be
consecutive. A minor structure at level n contains all the names with level-numbers
greater than n that lie between that minor structure name and the next name with
a level-number less than or equal to n.

For example, the following declaration results in exactly the same structure as the
declaration in the previous example.
Declare 1 Payroll,
4 Name,
5 Last char(20),
5 First char(15),
3 Hours,
6 Regular fixed dec(5,2),
5 Overtime fixed dec(5,2),
2 Rate,
9 Regular fixed dec(3,2),
9 Overtime fixed dec(3,2);

The description of a major structure is usually terminated by a semicolon

terminating the DECLARE statement. It can also be terminated by comma,
followed by the declaration of another item.
Related information:
A union is a collection of member elements that overlay each other, occupying the
same storage. The members can be structures, unions, elementary variables, and
arrays. They need not have identical attributes.
Assignments to UNIONs on page 192
Assignments to UNIONs or to structures that contain UNIONS are possible.

A union is a collection of member elements that overlay each other, occupying the
same storage. The members can be structures, unions, elementary variables, and
arrays. They need not have identical attributes.

Chapter 7. Data declarations 189


The entire union is given a name that can be used to refer to the entire aggregate
of data. Like a structure, each element of a union also has a name. An asterisk can
be used as the name of a union or a member, when it will not be referred to. For
example, reserved or filler items can be named asterisk.

Like a structure, a union can be at any level including level 1. All elements of a
union at the next deeper level are members of the union and occupy the same
storage. The storage occupied by the union is equal to the storage required by the
largest member. Normally, only one member is used at any time and the
programmer determines which member is used.

A union, like a structure, is declared through the use of level-numbers preceding

the associated names.

Unions can be used to declare variant records that would typically contain a
common part, a selector part, and variant parts. For example, records in a client
file can be declared as follows:
Declare 1 Client,
2 Number pic 999999,
2 Type bit(1),
2 * bit(7),
2 Name union,
3 Individual,
5 Last_Name char(20),
5 First_Name union,
7 First char(15),
7 Initial char(1),
3 Company char(35),
2 * char(0);

In this example, Client is a major structure. The structure Individual, and the
element Company are members of the union Name. One of these members is active
depending on Type. The structure Individual contains the union First_name and
the element Last_name. First_name union has First and Initial as its members,
both of which are active. The example also shows the use of asterisk as a name.
The description of a union is terminated by the semicolon that terminates a
DECLARE statement or by a comma, followed by the declaration of another item.

UNION attribute

The UNION attribute allows you to specify that a variable is a union and that its
members are those that follow it and are at the next logically higher level. CELL is
accepted as a synonym for UNION.


Related information:
Assignments to UNIONs on page 192
Assignments to UNIONs or to structures that contain UNIONS are possible.

190 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference

Structure and union qualification

Structure and union qualification

A member of a structure or a union can be referred to by its name alone if it is
unique. If another member has the same name, whether at the same or different
level, ambiguity occurs. Where ambiguity occurs, a qualified reference is required
to uniquely identify the correct member.

A qualified reference is a member name that is qualified with one or more names of
parent members connected by periods. (See the qualified reference syntax in
Chapter 3, Expressions and references, on page 51.) Blanks can appear
surrounding the period.

A reference to an element of structure is viewed as unambiguous if any of the

following conditions applies:
v The reference is fully qualified, that is, the reference to the element includes the
names of all of its parents.
v The reference is not a partially or fully qualified reference to any other variable
in the block where the element is declared.

The qualification must follow the order of levels. That is, the name at the highest
level must appear first, with the name at the deepest level appearing last.

While the level-1 structure or union name must be unique within the block scope,
member names need not be unique as long as they do not appear at same logical
level within their most immediate parent. A qualified name must be used only so
far as necessary to make a reference of the same structure unique within the block
in which it appears. In the following example, the value of x.y (19) is displayed,
not the value (17).
dcl Y fixed init(17);

1 X,
2 Y fixed init(19);
display( Y );

A reference is always taken to apply to the declared name in the innermost block
containing the reference.

The following examples illustrate both ambiguous and unambiguous references. In

the following example, A.C refers to C in the inner block; D.E refers to E in the
outer block.
declare 1 A, 2 C, 2 D, 3 E;
declare 1 A, 2 B, 3 C, 3 E;
A.C = D.E;

In the following example, D has been declared twice. A reference to A.D refers to
the second D, because A.D is a complete qualification of only the second D. The first
D is referred to as A.C.D.
declare 1 A,
2 B,
2 C,
3 D,
2 D;

Chapter 7. Data declarations 191

Structure and union qualification

In the following example, a reference to A.C is ambiguous because neither C can be

completely qualified by this reference.
declare 1 A,
2 B,
3 C,
2 D,
3 C;

In the following example, a reference to A refers to the first A, A.A to the second A,
and A.A.A to the third A.
declare 1 A,
2 A,
3 A;

In the following example, a reference to X refers to the first DECLARE statement. A

reference to Y.Z is ambiguous. Y.Y.Z refers to the second Z, and Y.X.Z refers to the
first Z.
declare X;
declare 1 Y,
2 X,
3 Z,
3 A,
2 Y,
3 Z,
3 A;

For more information about name qualification, see Scope of declarations on

page 162.

Assignments to UNIONs
Assignments to UNIONs or to structures that contain UNIONS are possible.

A structure that contains UNIONs can be assigned to another structure that

contains UNIONs if the following conditions are met:
v The source and target structures have extents known at compile time.
v The source and target structures are not DEFINED on other variables.
v The structures would be assignable if the UNION attribute were removed from
them (for example, they must have the same structuring and contained
v For each UNION in the target, the corresponding element in the source must be
a UNION with the same attributes.
v All the immediate children of each UNION in the source and target must
occupy a whole number of bytes, unless the child is itself a UNION in which
case this must be recursively true of all of the subelements of that child.

Structures that contain UNIONs are not supported in the following assignments:
v Multiple assignments
v Compound assignments
v BY NAME assignments
v BY DIMACROSS assignments

In the generated code for the assignments of the UNIONs, the assignment is
performed by a simple byte copy of the whole UNION.

192 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference

Assignments to UNIONs

LIKE attribute
The LIKE attribute specifies that the name that is declared has an organization that
is logically the same as the referenced structure or union, the object of the LIKE

The object variable's member names and their attributes, including the dimension
attribute, are effectively copied and become members of the name being declared.
If necessary, the level-numbers of the copied members are automatically adjusted.
The object variable name and its attributes, including the dimension attribute, are

LIKE object-variable

Can be a major structure, a minor structure, or a union. It must be known in
the block containing the LIKE attribute specification. It can be qualified but
must not be subscripted. The object or its members can also have the LIKE
attribute if they were declared previously.
The objects in all LIKE attributes are associated with declared names before
any LIKE attributes are expanded.

New members cannot be added to the created structure or union. Any

level-number that immediately follows the object variable in the LIKE attribute
must be equal to or less than the level-number of the name with the LIKE

The following declarations yield the same structure for X.

1 A(10) aligned static,
2 B bit(4),
2 C bit(4),
1 X like A;

1 X,
2 B bit(4),
2 C bit(4);

Notice that the dimension (DIM(10)), ALIGNED, and STATIC attributes are not
copied as part of the LIKE expansion.

The LIKE attribute is expanded before the defaults are applied and before the
ALIGNED and UNALIGNED attributes are applied to the contained elements of
the LIKE object variable. However, the LIKE attribute is expanded only after all
LIKE attributes have been resolved.


Consider the following declarations:

declare 1 A,
2 C,
3 E(3) union,

Chapter 7. Data declarations 193

Assignments to UNIONs

5 E1,
5 E2,
3 F;
declare 1 B(10) union,
2 C, 3 G, 3 H,
2 D;
declare 1 C like B;
declare 1 D(2),
5 BB like A.C;

Declarations C and D have the results shown in the following example:

1 C, /* DIM and UNION not copied. */
2 C, 3 G, 3 H,
2 D;

dcl 1 D(2),
5 BB,
6 E(3) union, /* DIM(3) and UNION copied. */
7 E1, /* Note adjusted level-numbers. */
7 E2,
6 F;

The following declarations are valid, but only because B is declared before C and E
is declared before F:
dcl 1 a, 2 a1 fixed bin;
dcl 1 b, 2 b1 like a;
dcl 1 c, 2 c1 like b;

dcl 1 d, 2 d1 fixed bin;

dcl 1 e like d;

The following example is valid, but only because the LIKE references are expanded
after they are all resolved, otherwise the reference aa3_array would be ambiguous:
dcl 1 aa(30)
,5 aa1 char( 5)
,5 aa2 fixed bin(31)
,5 aa3_array(30)
,7 aa3_1 fixed dec(15,2)
,7 aa3_2 fixed dec(15,2)
,7 aa3_3 fixed dec(11,4)
,7 aa3_4 fixed dec(7,3)

dcl bb like aa;

dcl cc like aa3_array;

The following example is invalid because C.E has the LIKE attribute and because B
is declared after A. If the order of the declarations for A and B is reversed, the code
is valid.
declare 1 A like C,
1 B,
2 C,
3 D,
3 E like X,
2 F,
1 X,
2 Y,
2 Z;

194 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference

Assignments to UNIONs

The following example is invalid because G.C cannot be resolved. G.C is not
resolved because the expansion of the LIKE for G occurs after the attempt to
resolve the LIKE attribute for A:
declare 1 B,
2 C,
3 D,
3 E,
2 F,
1 G like B;
1 A like G.C,

INDFOR attribute
The INDFOR attribute specifies that the name that is declared has an organization
that is logically the same as the referenced structure or union, the object of the
INDFOR attribute. The INDFOR attribute is similar to the LIKE attribute.

The member names and their attributes, excluding the dimension attribute, of the
object variable are effectively converted to FIXED BIN(15) and become members of
the name that is declared. This differs from the LIKE attribute, which copies the

INDFOR object-variable

Can be a major structure, a minor structure, or a union. It must be known in
the block that has the INDFOR attribute. It can be qualified but must not be
subscripted. The object or its members can also have the INDFOR attribute if
they were declared previously.
The objects in all INDFOR attributes are associated with declared names before
any INDFOR attributes are expanded.

The INDFOR attribute is expanded before the defaults are applied and before the
ALIGNED and UNALIGNED attributes are applied to the contained elements of
the INDFOR object variable. However, the INDFOR attribute is expanded only
after all INDFOR attributes have been resolved.


This example illustrates the difference between the INDFOR attribute and the LIKE

This example is based on the following declaration:

dcl 1 a, 2 b char(8), 2 c fixed dec(5,0);

Note how the following declarations are expanded.

Given declaration statement Expanded to

dcl 1 alike like a; dcl 1 alike, 2 b char(8), 2 c fixed
dcl 1 aindfor indfor a; dcl 1 a, 2 b fixed bin(15), 2 c fixed

Chapter 7. Data declarations 195

Assignments to UNIONs

Related information:
LIKE attribute on page 193
The LIKE attribute specifies that the name that is declared has an organization that
is logically the same as the referenced structure or union, the object of the LIKE

NOINIT attribute
The NOINIT attribute specifies that any INITIAL attributes are to be ignored.

While the NOINIT attribute might be most useful on level-1 structures, it can be
specified on any substructure as well.

The NOINIT attribute is particularly useful with the LIKE attribute because when a
new variable is declared LIKE an old variable but with the NOINIT attribute, the
new variable will inherit all the substructuring from the old variable, but none of
its INITIAL values.

NULLINIT attribute
The NULLINIT attribute specifies that any variable that does not have an INITIAL
attribute is given an INITIAL attribute according to its data attributes.
v INIT( (*) 0 ) if it is FIXED or FLOAT
v INIT( (*) SYSNULL() ) if it is POINTER or OFFSET
v INIT( (*) NULLENTRY() ) if it is ENTRY

Variables with attributes other than those in the previous list are unchanged by the
NULLINIT attribute.

The NULLINIT attribute can be specified only on level-1 names, and it conflicts
with the NOINIT and INITIAL attributes.

XML-related attributes
XML-related attributes specify the use of XML attributes and control output that is
generated by the XMLCHAR built-in function.

XMLCONTENT attribute
The XMLCONTENT attribute specifies that when a variable is included in the text
that is generated by the XMLCHAR built-in function, it is presented as tagless text.
Related information:
XMLCHAR on page 792
The XMLCHAR built-in function dumps data from a structure as XML into a
buffer. It returns a size_t 1 value that indicates the number of bytes written to the
buffer. If the buffer is too small, the structure data is truncated and the number of
bytes needed for the buffer to contain the structure is returned.

XMLATTR attribute
The XMLATTR attribute indicates that the field is presented as an attribute of its
containing structure in the XML output that is generated by XMLCHAR.

Note: The compiler ignores XMLATTR unless a structure that contains fields using
XMLATTR is passed to XMLCHAR.

XMLATTR is invalid with any of the following elements:

196 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference

Assignments to UNIONs

v Arrays
v Structures or unions
v Unnamed structure elements
v A structure element that is used previously with the same parent but without
the XMLATTR attribute

XMLOMIT attribute
The XMLOMIT attribute indicates that fields of certain data items must be omitted
from the XML output that is generated by XMLCHAR if the field is a string equal
to the null string (' ') or a number equal to 0.

Note: The compiler ignores XMLOMIT unless a structure that contains fields using
XMLOMIT is passed to XMLCHAR.

XMLOMIT is invalid with any of the following elements:

v Structures or unions
v Unnamed structure elements
v Elements that use nonnative float (hex or dfp on Windows)

Example of using XMLATTR and XMLOMIT

This example shows a declaration of a structure with the XMLATTR and
XMLOMIT attributes and also the output you get by using XMLCHAR with that
1 order
2 orderNr char(20) init(1729),
2 customer,
3 id xmlattr fixed bin(31) init(2917),
3 name xmlattr char(32) init(jakob),
3 firstname xmlattr char(24) init(michael),
3 partno fixed bin(31) init(1367),
3 special xmlomit char(35) init();

<customer id=2917 name=jakob firstname=michael>

JSON-related attributes
JSON-related attributes specify the use of variable attributes in JSON functions and
control output that is generated by JSON functions.

JSONNAME attribute
The JSONNAME attribute specifies the name that is used or expected for a
variable in jsonPut or jsonGet functions. In particular, using the JSONNAME
attribute, you can specify a name that does not conform to PL/I name rules.

For example, if you want to specify a name with a hyphen, you can use the
following attribute for the variable:

Chapter 7. Data declarations 197

Assignments to UNIONs

JSONOMIT attribute
The JSONOMIT attribute indicates that fields of certain data items must be omitted
from output that is generated by JSON functions if the field is a string equal to the
null string (' ') or a number equal to 0.

JSONOMIT is invalid with any of the following elements:

v Structures or unions
v Unnamed structure elements
v Elements that use nonnative float (hex or dfp on Windows)

Aggregate combinations and mapping

An aggregate is a data item that is a collection of other data items. This section
discusses arrays of structures, arrays of unions, references to structures or unions,
and structure-union mapping.

Combinations of arrays, structures, and unions

Specifying the dimension attribute on a structure or union results in an array of
structures or an array of unions, respectively. The elements of such an array are
structures or unions having identical names, levels, and members.

For example, if a structure is used to hold meteorological data for each month of
the year for the twentieth and the twenty-first centuries, it might be declared as
Declare 1 Year(1901:2100),
3 Month(12),
5 Temperature,
7 High decimal fixed(4,1),
7 Low decimal fixed(4,1),
5 Wind_velocity,
7 High decimal fixed(3),
7 Low decimal fixed(3),
5 Precipitation,
7 Total decimal fixed(3,1),
7 Average decimal fixed(3,1),
3 * char(0);

You can refer to the weather data for July 1991 by specifying Year(1991,7). You
can refer to portions of this data by Temperature(1991,7) and
Wind_Velocity(1991,7). Precipitation.Total(1991,7) and Total(1991,7) both
refer to the total precipitation during July 1991.

Temperature.High(1991,3), which refers to the high temperature in March 1991, is

a subscripted qualified reference.

The need for subscripted qualified references becomes apparent when an array of
structures or unions contains members that are arrays. In the following example,
both A and B are structures:
declare 1 A (2,2),
(2 B (2),
3 C,
3 D,
2 E) fixed bin;

To refer to a data item, it might be necessary to use as many as three names and
three subscripts. See the following example:

198 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference

Combinations of arrays, structures, and unions

A(1,1).B refers to B, an array of structures.

A(1,1) refers to a structure.
A(1,1).B(1) refers to a structure.
A(1,1).B(2).C refers to an element.

As long as the order of subscripts remains unchanged, subscripts in such

references can be moved to names at a lower or higher level. In the preceding
example, A.B.C(1,1,2) and A(1,1,2).B.C have the same meaning as A(1,1).B(2).C
for the above array of structures. Unless all of the subscripts are moved to the
lowest level, the reference is said to have interleaved subscripts, so A.B(1,1,2).C has
interleaved subscripts.

Any item declared within an array of structures or unions inherits dimensions

declared in the parent. In the preceding declaration for the array of structures A,
the array B is a three-dimensional structure, because it inherits the two dimensions
declared for A. If B is unique and requires no qualification, any reference to a
particular B requires three subscripts, two to identify the specific A and one to
identify the specific B within that A.

Cross sections of arrays of structures or unions

A reference to a cross section of an array of structures or unions is not allowed.
That is, the asterisk notation cannot be used in a reference unless all of the
subscripts are asterisks.

Structure and union operations

Structures can be referenced in most contexts where any elementary variable can
be referenced. However, there are limits on references to unions or structures that
contain unions.

For example, you can have structure references in assignments, I/O statements,
and so on.

But references to unions or structures that contain unions are limited to the
following contexts:
v Parameters and arguments
v Storage control and those built-in functions and subroutines that allow

Structure and union mapping

Individual members of a union are mapped the same way as members of the

Each of the members, if not a union, is mapped as if it were a member of a

structure. This means that the first storage locations for each of the members of a
union do not overlay each other if each of the members requires different
alignment and therefore different padding before the beginning of the member.

Consider the following union:

1 A union,
2 B,
3 C char(1),
3 D fixed bin(31),

Chapter 7. Data declarations 199

Structure and union mapping

2 E,
3 F char(2),
3 G fixed bin(31),
2 H char(8);

Three bytes of padding are added between A and B. Two bytes are added between
A and E. No padding bytes are between A and H. It means that C starts with the
fourth byte of H and that F starts with the third byte of H.

You must not use the ADDR, BITLOCATION, or LOCATION built-in functions
against any UNION like the one in the previous example. You should use these
functions only when the first storage locations of the members of a union are the

To ensure that the first storage location of each of the members of a union is the
same, make sure that the first member of each has the same alignment requirement
and it is the same as the highest alignment of any of its members (or members of
its member).

The remainder of the discussion applies to members of a structure or union, which

can be minor structures or elementary variables.

For any major or minor structure, the length, alignment requirement, and position
relative to an 8-byte boundary depend on the lengths, alignment requirements, and
relative positions of its members. The process of determining these requirements
for each level and for the complete structure is known as structure mapping.

You can use structure mapping for determining the record length required for a
structure when record-oriented input/output is used, and determining the amount
of padding or rearrangement required for correct alignment of a structure for
locate-mode input/output.

The structure mapping process minimizes the amount of unused storage (padding)
between members of the structure. It completes the entire process before the
structure is allocated, according (in effect) to the rules discussed in the following

Structure mapping is not a physical process. Terms such as shifted and offset are
used purely for ease of discussion, and do not imply actual movement in storage.
When the structure is allocated, the relative locations are already known as a result
of the mapping process.

The mapping for a complete structure reduces to successively combining pairs of

items (elements, or minor structures whose individual mappings have already been
determined). Once a pair has been combined, it becomes a unit to be paired with
another unit, and so on until the complete structure is mapped. The rules for the
process are categorized as follows:
v Rules for determining the order of pairing
v Rules for mapping one pair.

These rules are described below, and an example shows an application of the rules
in detail. It is necessary to understand the difference between the logical level and
the level-number of structure elements. The logical levels are immediately apparent
if the structure declaration is written with consistent level-numbers or suitable
indentation (as in the detailed example given after the rules). In any case, you can
determine the logical level of each item in the structure by applying the following
rule to each item in turn, starting at the beginning of the structure declaration:
200 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference
Structure and union mapping

Note: The logical level of a given item is always one unit deeper than that of its
immediate containing structure.

In the following example, the lower line shows the logical level for each item in
the declaration.
dcl 1 A, 4 B, 5 C, 5 D, 3 E, 8 F, 7 G;

1 2 3 3 2 3 3

Rules for order of pairing

The steps in determining the order of pairing are as follows:
1. Find the minor structure at the deepest logical level (which we will call logical
level n).
2. If more than one minor structure has the logical level n, take the first one that
appears in the declaration.
3. Pair the first two elements appearing in this minor structure, thus forming a
unit. Use the rules for mapping one pair. (See Rules for mapping one pair.)
4. Pair this unit with the next element (if any) declared in the minor structure,
thus forming a larger unit.
5. Repeat step 4 until all the elements in the minor structure have been combined
into one unit. This completes the mapping for this minor structure. its
alignment requirement and length, including any padding, are now determined
and will not change (unless you change the structure declaration). Its offset
from a doubleword boundary is also now determined. This offset is significant
during mapping of any containing structure, and it can change as a result of
such mapping.
6. Repeat steps 3 through 5 for the next minor structure (if any) appearing at
logical level n in the declaration.
7. Repeat step 6 until all minor structures at logical level n have been mapped.
Each of these minor structures can now be thought of as an element for
structure mapping purposes.
8. Repeat the pairing process for minor structures at the next higher logical level;
that is, make n equal to (n-1) and repeat steps 2 through 7.
9. Repeat step 8 until n = 1; then repeat steps 3 through 5 for the major structure.

Rules for mapping one pair

For purposes of this explanation, think of storage as contiguous doublewords, each
having 8 bytes, numbered 0 through 7, which indicate the offset from a
doubleword boundary. Think of the bytes as numbered continuously from 0
onward, starting at any byte, so that lengths and offsets from the start of the
structure can be calculated.
1. Begin the first element of the pair on a doubleword boundary; or, if the
element is a minor structure that has already been mapped, offset it from the
doubleword boundary by the amount indicated.
2. Begin the second element of the pair at the first valid position following the
end of the first element. This position depends on the alignment requirement of
the second element. (If the second element is a minor structure, its alignment
requirement will have already been determined.)
3. Shift the first element towards the second element as far as the alignment
requirement of the first allows. The amount of shift determines the offset of this
pair from a doubleword boundary.

Chapter 7. Data declarations 201

Rules for mapping one pair

After this process has been completed, any padding between the two elements has
been minimized and does not change throughout the rest of the operation. The
pair is now a unit of fixed length and alignment requirement; its length is the sum
of the two lengths plus padding, and its alignment requirement is the higher of the
two alignment requirements (if they differ).

Effect of UNALIGNED attribute

The example in Example of structure mapping shows the rules applied to a
structure declared ALIGNED. Mapping of aligned structures is more complex
because of the number of alignment requirements. The effect of the UNALIGNED
attribute is to reduce to one byte the alignment requirements for halfwords,
fullwords, and doublewords, and to reduce to one bit the alignment requirement
for bit strings. The same structure mapping rules apply, but the reduced alignment
requirements are used. The only unused storage will be bit padding within a byte
when the structure contains bit strings.

AREA data cannot be unaligned.

If a structure has the UNALIGNED attribute and it contains an element that cannot
be unaligned, UNALIGNED is ignored for that element. The element is aligned
and an error message is produced. For example, in a program with the following
declaration, C is given the attribute ALIGNED because the inherited attribute
UNALIGNED conflicts with AREA.
declare 1 A unaligned,
2 B,
2 C area(100);

Example of structure mapping

The following example shows the application of the structure mapping rules for a
structure with the specified declaration.
declare 1 A aligned,
2 B fixed bin(31),
2 C,
3 D float decimal(14),
3 E,
4 F entry,
4 G,
5 H character(2),
5 I float decimal(13),
4 J fixed binary(31,0),
3 K character(2),
3 L fixed binary(20,0),
2 M,
3 N,
4 P fixed binary(15),
4 Q character(5),
4 R float decimal(2),
3 S,
4 T float decimal(15),
4 U bit(3),
4 V char(1),
3 W fixed bin(31),
2 X picture $9V99;

The minor structure at the deepest logical level is G, so this is mapped first. Then E
is mapped, followed by N, S, C, and M, in that order.

For each minor structure, a table in Figure 10 on page 204 shows the steps in the
process, and a diagram in Figure 11 on page 205 shows a visual interpretation of
the process. Finally, the major structure A is mapped as shown in Figure 17 on page
202 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference
Structure mapping example

207. At the end of the example, the structure map for A is set out in the form of a
table (Figure 18 on page 209) showing the offset of each member from the start of

Chapter 7. Data declarations 203

Structure mapping example

Figure 10. Mapping of example structure

204 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference

Structure mapping example

Figure 11. Mapping of minor structure G

Figure 12. Mapping of minor structure E

Chapter 7. Data declarations 205

Structure mapping example

Figure 13. Mapping of minor structure N

Figure 14. Mapping of minor structure S

206 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference

Structure mapping example

Figure 15. Mapping of minor structure C

Figure 16. Mapping of minor structure M

Chapter 7. Data declarations 207

Structure mapping example

Figure 17. Mapping of major structure A

208 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference

Figure 18. Offsets in final mapping of structure A

Chapter 7. Data declarations 209

210 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference
Chapter 8. Statements and directives
This chapter lists all of the PL/I statements and %directives.

%Statements and macro statements are described in Chapter 20, Preprocessor

facilities, on page 809.

ALLOCATE statement
The ALLOCATE statement allocates storage for variables.

For details about the ALLOCATE statement, see ALLOCATE statement for
controlled variables on page 257 and ALLOCATE statement for based variables
on page 267 in Chapter 9, Storage control, on page 253.

ASSERT statement
The ASSERT statement asserts whether a condition is true or false or whether a
statement should not be executed.

ASSERT TRUE ( test-expression )

FALSE ( test-expression )

TEXT ( display-expression )

Asserts that test-expression is true when one or more bits in test-expression have
the value 1B.
Asserts that test-expression is false when all the bits in test-expression have the
value 0B.
Passes the display-expression to the assertion routine if the assert fails.
Asserts that the statement cannot be reached, because it is bypassed by a
proceeding statement, such as a GOTO, RETURN, or SIGNAL statement.
A scalar CHARACTER expression.
A computational scalar expression that is to be, if necessary, converted to BIT.

If the assertion fails, the compiled code calls routine IBMPASU for ASSERT
UNREACHABLE and IBMPAST for all the other ASSERT statements. These

Copyright IBM Corp. 1999, 2016 211

Statements and directives

routines must use the OPTLINK linkage, and the compiled code calls these
routines with the following BYVALUE parameters:
v A POINTER holding the address of a buffer that contains the PACKAGENAME
value as a varying character string
v A POINTER holding the address of a buffer that contains the PROCNAME value
as a varying character string
v A FIXED BIN(31) holding the SOURCELINE value
v A POINTER holding the ADDRDATA of the TEXT value. If the TEXT clause is
omitted, the value passed is SYSNULL.
v A FIXED BIN(31) holding the LENGTH of the TEXT value. If the TEXT clause is
omitted, the value passed is 0.


The following example shows the usage of the ASSERT statement. You must code
the routines that are used in this example.
asserts: package;

main: proc options(main);

dcl n fixed bin;

n = 1;
assert true( n> 0 );
assert true( n= 2 ) text(n not equal to 2);
assert unreachable;


proc( packagename_ptr, procname_ptr, assert_sourceline,
text_addr, text_length )
ext( _IBMPASU)
options( byvalue linkage(optlink) );

dcl packagename_ptr pointer;

dcl procname_ptr pointer;
dcl assert_sourceline fixed bin(31);
dcl text_addr pointer;
dcl text_length fixed bin(31);

dcl assert_packagename char(100) var based(packagename_ptr);

dcl assert_procname char(100) var based(procname_ptr);
dcl assert_text char(text_length) based(text_addr);

put skip edit( unreachable code hit on line ,

in ,
:, assert_procname )
( a );
if text_length = 0 then;
put skip list( assert_text );

proc( packagename_ptr, procname_ptr, assert_sourceline,
text_addr, text_length )
ext( _IBMPAST)
options( byvalue linkage(optlink) );

212 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference

Statements and directives

dcl packagename_ptr pointer;

dcl procname_ptr pointer;
dcl assert_sourceline fixed bin(31);
dcl text_addr pointer;
dcl text_length fixed bin(31);

dcl assert_packagename char(100) var based(packagename_ptr);

dcl assert_procname char(100) var based(procname_ptr);
dcl assert_text char(text_length) based(text_addr);

put skip edit( conditional assertion failed on line ,

in ,
:, assert_procname )
( a );
if text_length = 0 then;
put skip list( assert_text );

Assignment and compound assignment statements

The assignment statement evaluates an expression and assigns its value to one or
more target variables. These statements are used for internal data movement, as
well as for specifying computations.

The GET and PUT statements with the STRING option can also be used for
internal data movement. Additionally, the PUT statement can specify computations
to be done. See Chapter 12, Stream-oriented data transmission, on page 321.

Because the attributes of the target variable or pseudovariable can differ from the
attributes of the source (a variable, a constant, or the result of an expression), the
assignment statement might require conversions.
Related information:
Chapter 4, Data conversion, on page 77
This chapter discusses data conversions for computational data. PL/I converts data
when a data item with a set of attributes is assigned to another data item with a
different set of attributes.

Assignment statements
This topic describes the syntax and parameters for assignment statements.


reference = expression ;

Specifies the target to be given the assignment.

Chapter 8. Statements and directives 213


Specifies an expression that is evaluated and possibly converted.
For structure assignments, the BY NAME option specifies that the assignment
follows the steps outlined under Structure assignments using the BY NAME
option on page 218.

Assignment statements that use the BY DIMACROSS option

This topic describes the syntax and parameters for assignment statements that use
the BY DIMACROSS option.


reference = exp1 ,BY DIMACROSS (exp2) ;

Specifies the target to be given the assignment.
Specifies an expression that is evaluated and possibly converted.
For structure assignments, the BY DIMACROSS option specifies that the
assignment follows the steps outlined under Structure assignments using the
BY DIMACROSS option on page 218.
Specifies an expression that is used as the index appended to the associated
DIMACROSS structure elements.

Compound assignment statements

This topic describes the syntax and parameters for compound assignment


reference compound assignment operator expression ;

Specifies the target to be given the assignment
compound assignment operator
Specifies the operator that is applied to the reference and the evaluated

214 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


expression before the assignment is made. Table 41 lists the compound

assignment operators allowed in compound assignments.
Specifies an expression that is evaluated and possibly converted.

For information about area assignment, see Area data and attribute on page 271.
Table 41. Compound assignment operators
Compound Meaning
assignment operator
+= Evaluate expression, add and assign
-= Evaluate expression, subtract and assign
*= Evaluate expression, multiply and assign
/= Evaluate expression, divide and assign
|= Evaluate expression, or and assign
&= Evaluate expression, and and assign
{= Evaluate expression, concatenate and assign
**= Evaluate expression, exponentiate and assign
= or <> Evaluate expression, exclusive-or and assign

The operator is applied to the target and source first, and then what results is
assigned to the target.

See the following example:

X += 1 is the same as X = X+(1)

X *= Y+Z is the same as X = X*(Y+Z)

But the following statements are not equivalent:

X *= Y+Z is not equivalent to X = X*Y+Z

In a compound assignment, any subscripts or locator expressions specified in the

target variable are evaluated only once.

If f is a function and X is an array, the following statements are not equivalent:

X(f()) += 1 is not equivalent to X(f()) = X(f())+1

The function f is called only once.

Related information:
Example of moving internal data on page 219
This assignment statement example can be used for internal data movement. The
value of the expression on the right of the assignment symbol is assigned to the
variable on the left.

Target variables
The target variables can be element, array, structure variables; or pseudovariables.

Chapter 8. Statements and directives 215

Target variables

Array targets
For array assignments, each target variable must be an array of scalars or

The source must be a scalar or an expression with the same number of dimensions
and the same bounds for all dimensions as for the target.

Union targets
Union assignments are not allowed.

Structure targets
In BY NAME structure assignments, each target variable must be a structure, and
the right-hand side must be a structure reference. In structure assignments not
using BY NAME or BY DIMACROSS, each target variable must be a structure, and
the right-hand side must be a scalar or a structure expression with the same
structuring as the target structure.
v The structures must have the same minor structuring and the same number of
contained elements and arrays.
v The positioning of the elements and arrays within the structure (and within the
minor structures, if any) must be the same.
v Arrays in corresponding positions must have identical bounds.

In BY DIMACROSS structure assignments, the target variable must be a structure.

The DIMACROSS index expression is applied to all structures that are declared
with the DIMACROSS attribute and used in the assignment either as the target or
as part of the source. The following restrictions apply to these assignments:
v Only one target reference is valid.
v The structuring and bounds of all structures in the source must match those in
the target.

In structure assignments not using the BY NAME and BY DIMACROSS options,

the source might be the null bit string ( ''b ) even if the target structure contains
non-computational data. In this case, the assignment is performed as if all of the
following conditions are true:
1. All of the target was filled with '00'x.
2. All the numeric target fields were set to 0.
3. All the nonvarying character, widechar and graphic fields were filled with

How assignments are performed

This section describes how element and aggregate assignments are performed.

Element assignments
Element assignments are performed as follows:
1. These are evaluated first:
v Subscripts
v POSITION attribute expressions
v Locator qualifications of the target variables
v The second and third arguments of SUBSTR pseudovariable references
2. Then, the expression on the right-hand side is evaluated.

216 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference

How assignments are performed

3. For each target variable (in left to right order), the expression is converted to
the characteristics of the target variable according to the rules for data
conversion. The converted value is then assigned to the target variable.

Aggregate assignments
Aggregate assignments (array and structure assignments) are expanded into a
series of element assignments as follows:
1. The label prefix of the original statement is applied to a null statement
preceding the other generated statements.
2. Array and structure assignments, when there are more than one, are done
3. Any assignment statement can be generated by a previous array or structure
assignment. The first target variable in an aggregate assignment is known as
the master variable. (It can also be the first argument of a pseudovariable). If
the master variable is an array, an array expansion is performed; otherwise, a
structure expansion is performed.
4. If an aggregate assignment meets either of the following conditions, it can be
done as a whole instead of being expanded into a series of element
v The arrays are not interleaved.
v The structures are contiguous and have the same format.

Array assignments:

In array assignments, all array operands must have the same number of
dimensions and identical bounds. The array assignment is expanded into a loop as
do J1 = lbound(Master-variable,1) to
do J2 = lbound(Master-variable,2) to
do Jn = lbound(Master-variable,N) to

generated assignment statement


In this expansion, n is the number of dimensions of the master variable that are to
participate in the assignment. In the generated assignment statement, all array
operands are fully subscripted, using (from left to right) the dummy variables j1 to
jn. If an array operand appears with no subscripts, it has only the subscripts j1 to
jn. If a cross-section notation is used, the asterisks are replaced by j1 to jn. If the
original assignment statement has a condition prefix, the generated assignment
statement is given this condition prefix.

If the generated assignment statement is a structure assignment, it is expanded as

described in Structure assignments without the BY NAME option.

Structure assignments without the BY NAME option:

In structure assignments where the BY NAME option is not specified, the

following conditions apply:

Chapter 8. Statements and directives 217

How assignments are performed

v None of the operands can be arrays, although they can be structures that contain
v All of the structure operands must have the same number, k, of immediately
contained items.

These structure assignments are performed as follows:

v The assignment statement is replaced by k generated assignment statements.
v The ith generated assignment statement is derived from the original assignment
statement by replacing each structure operand by its ith contained item; such
generated assignment statements can require further expansion.
v All generated assignment statements are given the condition prefix of the
original statement.

Structure assignments using the BY NAME option:

In structure assignments where the BY NAME option is given, the structure

assignment is expanded according to the steps below, which can generate further
array and structure assignments. None of the operands can be arrays.
1. The first item immediately contained in the master variable is considered.
2. If each structure operand and target variable has an immediately contained
item with the same name, an assignment statement is generated as follows:
a. The statement is derived by replacing each structure operand and target
variable with its immediately contained item that has this name. If any
structure contains no such name, no statement is generated.
b. If the generated assignment is a structure or array-of-structures assignment,
BY NAME is appended.
c. All generated assignment statements are given the condition prefix of the
original assignment statement.
d. A target structure must not contain unions.
3. Step 2 is repeated for each of the items immediately contained in the master
variable. The assignments are generated in the order of the items contained in
the master variable.

Structure assignments using the BY DIMACROSS option:

In structure assignments where the BY DIMACROSS option is given, the structure

assignment is expanded using the DIMACROSS expression as the index into the
associated array elements. None of the operands can be arrays.

Multiple assignments
Assignments can be made to multiple variables in a single assignment statement

Consider the following example:

A,X = B + C;

The value of B + C is assigned to both A and X. In general, it has the same effect as
the following statements:
Temporary = B + C;
A = Temporary;
X = Temporary;

The source in the assignment statement must be a scalar or an array of scalars, and
if the source is an array, all the targets must also be arrays. If the source is a

218 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference

Multiple assignments

constant, it is assigned to each of the targets from left to right. If the source is not a
constant, it is assigned to a temporary variable, which is then assigned to each of
the targets from left to right.

The target can be any reference allowed in a simple assignment.

BY DIMACROSS is not allowed in multiple assignments.

Although not recommended, the compound assignment operator can be used in

multiple assignments. However, the results might not always be what might be
naively expected; for example, the following statements will generally not produce
the same results:
c, c += c;
c, c = c + c;

This section provides examples of assignment statements that are used for internal
data movement, assignments of expression values, and assignments of structures.

Example of moving internal data

This assignment statement example can be used for internal data movement. The
value of the expression on the right of the assignment symbol is assigned to the
variable on the left.

Example of assigning expression values

This example is an expression whose value is to be assigned to the variable on the
left of the assignment symbol.

Example of assigning a structure using BY NAME

This example illustrates a structure assignment using the BY NAME option.
declare declare declare
1 One, 1 Two, 1 Three,
2 Part1, 2 Part1, 2 Part1,
3 Red, 3 Blue, 3 Red,
3 Orange, 3 Green, 3 Blue,
2 Part2, 3 Red, 3 Brown,
3 Yellow, 2 Part2, 2 Part2,
3 Blue, 3 Brown, 3 Yellow,
3 Green; 3 Yellow; 3 Green;

One = Two, by name;

1 One.Part1 = Three.Part1, by name;

1 The first assignment statement is the same as the following statements:

One.Part1.Red = Two.Part1.Red;
One.Part2.Yellow = Two.Part2.Yellow;
2 The second assignment statement is the same as the following statement:
One.Part1.Red = Three.Part1.Red;

Example of assigning a structure using BY DIMACROSS

These examples illustrate the structure assignment using the BY DIMACROSS

Chapter 8. Statements and directives 219

Multiple assignments

Example 1

This code sums up all the row elements:

1 x,
2 a fixed bin(31),
2 b fixed bin(31),
2 c fixed bin(31),
2 d fixed bin(31);

dcl 1 xa(17) dimacross like x;

dcl jx fixed bin;

x = 0;

do jx = lboundacross( xa ) to hboundacross( xa );

x = x + xa, by dimacross( jx );


The assignment inside the loop is equivalent to the following statements:

x.a = x.a + xa.a(jx);
x.b = x.b + xa.b(jx);
x.c = x.c + xa.c(jx);
x.d = x.d + xa.d(jx);

Example 2

This code exchanges the entries in the first and seventeenth columns of xa:
1 x,
2 a fixed bin(31),
2 b fixed bin(31),
2 c fixed bin(31),
2 d fixed bin(31);

dcl 1 xa(17) dimacross like x;

dcl y like x;

x = xa, by dimacross( 1 );
y = xa, by dimacross( 17 );
xa = y, by dimacross( 1 );
xa = x, by dimacross( 17 );

ATTACH statement
The ATTACH statement attaches or creates a thread.

For details about the ATTACH statement, see ATTACH statement on page 404 in
the section Chapter 17, Multithreading facility, on page 403.

BEGIN statement
The BEGIN statement and a corresponding END statement delimit a begin-block.

For details about the BEGIN statement, see BEGIN statement on page 118 in
Chapter 5, Program organization, on page 91.

220 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference

Multiple assignments

CALL statement
The CALL statement invokes a subroutine.

For details about the CALL statement, see CALL statement on page 133.


You can cancel a thread by using the CANCEL THREAD statement.

For details about the CANCEL THREAD statement, see Canceling a thread on
page 406.

CLOSE statement
The CLOSE statement dissociates an opened file from its data set.

For details about the CLOSE statement, see CLOSE statement on page 309 in
Chapter 10, Input and output, on page 297.

DECLARE statement
The DECLARE statement specifies some or all of the attributes of a name.

For details about the DECLARE statement, see DECLARE statement on page

DEFINE ALIAS statement

The DEFINE ALIAS statement specifies a name that can be used as a synonym for
the set of data type attributes you give to the alias.

For details about the DEFINE ALIAS statement, see DEFINE ALIAS statement
on page 145 in Chapter 6, Type definitions, on page 145.


The DEFINE ORDINAL statement specifies a named type representing a set of
named ordered values.

For details about the DEFINE ORDINAL statement, see DEFINE ORDINAL
statement on page 146 in Chapter 6, Type definitions, on page 145.


The DEFINE STRUCTURE statement specifies a named structure or union type.

For details about the DEFINE STRUCTURE statement, see Defining typed
structures and unions on page 148 in Chapter 6, Type definitions, on page 145.

Chapter 8. Statements and directives 221

Multiple assignments

DEFAULT statement
The DEFAULT statement specifies data-attribute defaults (when attribute sets are
not complete).

For details about the DEFAULT statement, see DEFAULT statement on page 179.

DELAY statement
The DELAY statement suspends the execution of the next statement in the
application program for the specified period of time.

DELAY (expression) ;

Specifies an expression that is evaluated and converted to FIXED
BINARY(31,0). Execution is suspended for the number of milliseconds
The maximum wait time is 23 hours and 59 minutes.

See the following examples:

v delay (20); suspends execution for 20 milliseconds.
v delay (10**3); suspends execution for one second.
v delay (10*10**3); suspends execution for ten seconds.

When a program is running under CICS, the DELAY statement is implemented by

using the EXEC CICS DELAY command. Currently the time interval for the EXEC
CICS DELAY command has a minimum of one second. The milliseconds number
specified in the PL/I DELAY statement is rounded down to the nearest second
except when the value is less than 1 second, in which case it is set to 1.

See the following examples:

v delay(30); suspends execution for 1 second under CICS.
v delay(2100); suspends execution for 2 seconds under CICS.

DELETE statement
The DELETE statement deletes a record from an UPDATE file.

For details about the DELETE statement, see DELETE statement on page 314 in
Chapter 11, Record-oriented data transmission, on page 311.

DETACH statement
The DETACH statement frees the system resources associated with a thread that
was attached with the THREAD option.

For details about the DETACH statement, see Detaching a thread on page 406 in
Chapter 17, Multithreading facility, on page 403.

222 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


DISPLAY statement
The DISPLAY statement displays a message on the user's screen and optionally
requests the user to enter a response to the message.

DISPLAY (expression) ;
REPLY (char-ref)

Is converted, where necessary, to a character string. This character string is
displayed. It can contain mixed character data. If the expression has the
GRAPHIC attribute, it is not converted.
REPLY (char-ref)
Specifies a character reference that receives the user-entered response. The
response can contain CHARACTER, GRAPHIC, or mixed data.

The REPLY option suspends program execution until the user enters a response.

If GRAPHIC data is entered in the REPLY, it is received as character data that

contains mixed data. Such character data can be converted to GRAPHIC data by


The statement display (Communication link established.); displays this


Communication link established.

DO statement
The DO statement and its corresponding END statement, delimit a group of
statements collectively called a do-group.

Note: Condition prefixes are invalid on DO statements.

Type 1
The type 1 do-group specifies that the statements in the group are executed. It
does not provide for the repetitive execution of the statements within the group.

Type 1

DO ;

An abbreviation for expression n.

Chapter 8. Statements and directives 223


Types 2 and 3
Types 2 and 3 provide for the repetitive execution of the statements within the

Type 2

DO WHILE ( exp4 ) ;
UNTIL ( exp5 )
UNTIL ( exp5 )
WHILE ( exp4 )

Type 3

DO reference = specification

TO exp2 WHILE ( exp4 )
BY exp3 UNTIL ( exp5 )
BY exp3 UNTIL ( exp5 )
TO exp2 WHILE ( exp4 )

An abbreviation for expression n.
WHILE (exp4)
Specifies that before each repetition of the do-group, exp4 is evaluated and, if
necessary, converted to a bit string. If any bit in the resulting string is 1, the
do-group is executed. If all bits are 0, or if the string is null, execution of the
Type 2 do-group is terminated. For Type 3, only the execution associated with
the specification containing the WHILE option is terminated. Execution for the
next specification, if one exists, then begins.
UNTIL (exp5)
Specifies that after each repetition of do-group, exp5 is evaluated, and, if
necessary, converted to a bit string. If all the bits in the resulting string are 0,
or if the string is null, the next iteration of the do-group is executed. If any bit
is 1, execution of the Type 2 do-group is terminated. For Type 3, only the
execution associated with the specification containing the UNTIL option is
terminated. Execution for the next specification, if one exists, then begins.
The only pseudovariables that can be used as references are SUBSTR, REAL,
IMAG and UNSPEC. All data types are allowed.
The generation g of a reference is established once at the beginning of the
do-group, immediately before the initial value expression exp1 is evaluated. If

224 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


the reference generation is changed to h in the do-group, the do-group

continues to execute with the reference derived from the generation g.
However, any reference to the reference inside the do-group is a reference to
generation h. It is an error to free generation g in the do-group.
If a reference is made to a reference after the last iteration is completed, the
value of the variable is the value that was out of range of the limit set in the
specification. The preceding is true if the following conditions apply to the
limit set in the application:
v The BY value is positive and the reference is greater than the TO value.
v The BY value is negative and the reference is less than the TO value.
If reference is a program-control data variable but is not a locator, the BY and
TO options cannot be used in specification.
If reference is a program-control variable but is not a locator or an ordinal, the
UPTHRU and DOWNTHRU options cannot be used in specification.
Specifies the initial value of the reference.
If TO, BY, and REPEAT are all omitted from a specification, there is a single
execution of the do-group, with the reference having the value of exp1. If
WHILE(exp4) is included, the single execution does not take place unless exp4
is true.
TO exp2
exp2 is evaluated at entry to the specification and saved. This saved value
specifies the terminating value of the reference. Execution of the statements in
a do-group terminates for a specification as soon as the value of the reference,
when tested at the beginning of the do-group, is out of range. Execution of the
next specification, if one exists, then begins.
If TO exp2 is omitted from a specification, and if BY exp3 is specified, repetitive
execution continues until it is terminated by the WHILE or UNTIL option, or
until another statement transfers control out of the do-group.
BY exp3
exp3 is evaluated at entry to the specification and saved. This saved value
specifies the increment to be added to the reference after each execution of the
If BY exp3 is omitted from a specification, and if TO exp2 is specified, exp3
defaults to 1.
If BY 0 is specified, the execution of the do-group continues indefinitely unless
it is halted by a WHILE or UNTIL option, or until control is transferred to a
point outside the do-group.
exp2 is evaluated at entry to the specification and saved. This saved value
specifies the terminating value of the reference. Execution of the statements in
a do-group terminates for a specification as soon as the value of the reference,
when tested at the end of the do-group, is out of range. Execution of the next
specification, if one exists, then begins.
If UPTHRU is specified, the reference is compared to exp2 after the statements
in the loop are executed, but before the reference is updated with the next
value it can assume. The loop is executed at least once.
UPTHRU is used primarily during the processing of ordinals using loops;
however, it can also be used for a reference that is an arithmetic or locator

Chapter 8. Statements and directives 225


control variable. If the reference is not an ordinal, the reference is assumed to

increment by +1 after each execution of the do-group.
exp2 is evaluated at entry to the specification and saved. This saved value
specifies the terminating value of the reference. Execution of the statements in
a do-group terminates for a specification as soon as the value of the reference,
when tested at the end of the do-group, is out of range. Execution of the next
specification, if one exists, then begins.
If DOWNTHRU is specified, the reference is compared to exp2 after the
statements in the loop are executed, but before the reference is updated with
the next value it could assume. The loop is executed at least once.
DOWNTHRU is used primarily during the processing of ordinals using loops;
however, it can also be used for a reference which is an arithmetic or locator
control variable. If the reference is not an ordinal, the reference is assumed to
increment by 1 after each execution of the do-group.
exp6 is evaluated and assigned to the reference after each execution of the
do-group. Repetitive execution continues until it is terminated by the WHILE
or UNTIL option, or until another statement transfers control out of the

In Type 3 do-groups, you should not rely on the order in which exp1, exp2, and
exp3 are evaluated. Consequently, it is best if none of these expressions invoke
functions that set values used in the other expressions.

Control can transfer into a do-group from outside the do-group only if the
do-group is delimited by the DO statement in Type 1. Consequently, Type 2 and 3
do-groups cannot contain ENTRY statements. Control can also return to a
do-group from a procedure or ON-unit invoked from within that do-group.

The following sections give more information about using Type 2 and Type 3 DO
groups. Examples of DO groups begin in Examples of basic repetitions on page

Using type 2 WHILE and UNTIL

If a Type 2 DO specification includes both the WHILE and UNTIL option, the DO
statement provides for repetitive execution as defined by the following:
Label: do while (Exp4)
until (Exp5)
Next: statement /* Statement following the do-group */

The above is equivalent to the following expansion:

Label: if (Exp4) then;
go to Next;

226 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


Label2: if (Exp5) then;

go to Label;
Next: statement /* Statement following the do-group */

If the WHILE option is omitted, the IF statement at label Label is replaced by a

null statement. Note that if the WHILE option is omitted, statements 1 through n
are executed at least once.

If the UNTIL option is omitted, the IF statement at label Label2 in the expansion is
replaced by the statement GO TO Label.

Using type 3 with one specification

The following sequence of events summarizes the effect of executing a do-group
with one specification:
1. If the reference is specified and BY, TO, UPTHRU, or DOWNTHRU options are
also specified, exp1, exp2, and exp3 will be evaluated prior to the assignment of
exp1 to the reference. Then the initial value is assigned to reference, for
do Reference = Exp1 to Exp2 by Exp3;
For a variable that is not a pseudovariable, the action of the do-group
definition in the preceding example is equivalent to the following expansion:

The variable V is a compiler-created based variable with the same attributes as

the reference. E1, E2, and E3 are compiler-created variables.
2. If the TO option is present, test the value of the control variable against the
previously-evaluated expression (E2) in the TO option.
3. If the WHILE option is specified, evaluate the expression in the WHILE option.
If it is false, leave the do-group.
4. Execute the statements in the do-group.
5. If the UNTIL option is specified, evaluate the expression in the UNTIL option.
If it is true, leave the do-group.
6. If the UPTHRU option is specified, test the value of the control variable against
the previously evaluated expression in the UPTHRU expression.
7. If the DOWNTHRU option is specified, test the value of the control variable
against the previously evaluated expression in the DOWNTHRU expression.
8. If there is a reference:
a. If the TO or BY option is specified, add the previously-evaluated exp3 (E3)
to the reference.
b. If the REPEAT option is specified, evaluate the exp6 and assign it to the
c. If the TO, BY, and REPEAT options are all absent, leave the do-group.
d. If the UPTHRU option is specified and the reference is an ordinal, assign
the reference the successor of its current value. Otherwise, add 1 to the
e. If the DOWNTHRU option is specified and the reference is an ordinal,
assign it the predecessor of its current value. Otherwise, subtract 1 from the

Chapter 8. Statements and directives 227


f. If the TO, BY, UPTHRU, DOWNTHRU, and REPEAT options are all absent,
leave the do-group.
9. Go to 2 on page 227.

Using type 3 with two or more specifications

If the DO statement contains more than one specification, the second expansion is
analogous to the first expansion in every respect. However, the statements in the
do-group are not actually duplicated in the program. A succeeding specification is
executed only after the preceding specification has been terminated.

When execution of the last specification terminates, control passes to the statement
following the do-group.

Using type 3 with TO, BY, REPEAT

The TO and BY options let you vary the reference in fixed positive or negative
increments. In contrast, the REPEAT option, which is an alternative to the TO and
BY options, lets you vary the control variable nonlinearly. The REPEAT option can
also be used for nonarithmetic control variables (such as pointer).

If the Type 3 DO specification includes the TO and BY options, the action of the
do-group is defined by the following:
Label: do Variable=
to Exp2
by Exp3
while (Exp4)
Label1: end;
Next: statement

The action of the previous do-group definition is equivalent to the following

expansion. In this expansion, V is a compiler-created variable with the same
attributes as Variable; and E1, E2, and E3 are compiler-created variables:
Label: E1=Exp1;
Label2: if (E3>=0)&(V>E2)|(E3<0)&(V<E2) then
go to Next;
if (Exp4) then;
go to Next;
Label1: if (Exp5) then
go to Next;
Label3: V=V+E3;
go to Label2;
Next: statement

If the specification includes the REPEAT option, the action of the do-group is
defined by the following:

228 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


Label: do Variable=
repeat Exp6
while (Exp4)
Label1: end;
Next: statement

The action of the previous do-group definition is equivalent to the following

Label: E1=Exp1;
Label2: ;
if (Exp4) then;
go to Next;
Label1: if (Exp5) then
go to Next;
Label3: V=Exp6;
go to Label2;
Next: statement

Additional rules for the sample expansions are as follows:

1. The previous expansion shows only the result of one specification. If the DO
statement contains more than one specification, the statement labeled NEXT is
the first statement in the expansion for the next specification. The second
expansion is analogous to the first expansion in every respect. Statements 1
through m, however, are not actually duplicated in the program.
2. If the WHILE clause is omitted, the IF statement immediately preceding
statement-1 in each of the expansions is also omitted.
3. If the UNTIL clause is omitted, the IF statement immediately following
statement-m in each of the expansions is also omitted.

Using type 3 with UPTHRU

If the Type 3 DO specification includes the UPTHRU option, the action of the
do-group is defined by the following:
Label: do Variable = Exp1 upthru Exp2 while (Exp4) until (Exp5);
Label1: end;
Next: statement

The action of the previous do-group is equivalent to the following expansion. In

this expansion, V is a compiler-generated variable with the same attributes as
Variable; and E1 and E2 are compiler-generated variables:
Label: E1 = Exp1;
E2 = Exp2;
V = E1;

Chapter 8. Statements and directives 229


Label2: if (Exp4) then;

go to next;

Label1: if (Exp5) then

go to Next;
if V E2 then
go to Next;
V = V + 1;
go to Label2;
Next: statement

If the reference is an ordinal, the statement V = V + 1 is replaced by V =


Using type 3 with DOWNTHRU

If the Type 3 DO specification includes the DOWNTHRU option, the action of the
do-group is defined by the following:
Label: do Variable = Exp1 downthru Exp2 while (Exp4) until (Exp5);
Label1: end;
Next: statement

The action of the previous do-group is equivalent to the following expansion. In

this expansion, V is a compiler-generated variable with the same attributes as
Variable; and E1 and E2 are compiler-generated variables:
Label: E1 = Exp1;
E2 = Exp2;
V = E1;
Label2: if (Exp4) then;
go to Next;

Label1: if (Exp5) then

go to Next;
if V E2 then
go to Next;
V = V - 1;
go to Label2;
Next: statement

If the reference is an ordinal, the statement V = V - 1 is replaced by V =


230 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


Type 4
Type 4 specifies loops. A loop specifies a sequence of instructions that is executed
Specifies infinite iteration. FOREVER is a synonym of LOOP.

dcl Payroll file;
dcl 1 Payrec,
2 Type char,
2 Subtype char,
2 * char(100);

do loop;

read file(Payroll) into(Payrec);

If Payrec.type = E
then leave; /* like goto After_ReadFile */

If Payrec.type = 1 then
/* process first part of record */

If Payrec.subtype = S
then iterate Readfile; /* like goto End_ReadFile */

/* process remainder of record */



The only way to exit this loop is by a LEAVE or GO TO statement, or by the

termination of a procedure or the program.

Examples of basic repetitions

These examples show use of do-groups to achieve repetitive executions.

In the following example, the do-group is executed ten times, while the value of
the reference I progresses from 1 through 10.
do I = 1 to 10;

The effect of this DO and END statement is equivalent to the following:

I = 1;
A: if I > 10 then go to B;
I = I +1;
go to A;
B: next statement

Chapter 8. Statements and directives 231


The following DO statement executes the do-group three timesonce for each
assignment of Tom, Dick, and Harry to Name.
do Name = Tom, Dick, Harry;

The following statement specifies that the do-group executes thirteen timesten
times with the value of I equal to 1 through 10, and three times with the value of
I equal to 13 through 15:
do I = 1 to 10, 13 to 15;

Repetition using the reference as a subscript

The reference of a DO statement can be used as a subscript in statements within
the do-group, so that each execution deals with successive elements of a table or

In the following example, the first ten elements of A are set to 1 through 10 in
do I = 1 to 10;
A(I) = I;

Repetition with TO and BY

These examples show use of the TO and BY options in do-groups.

Example 1

The following example specifies that the do-group is executed five times, with the
value of I equal to 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10:
do I = 2 to 10 by 2;

Example 2

If negative increments of the reference are required, the BY option must be used.
For example, the following statement is executed with I equal to 10, 8, 6, 4, 2, 0,
and -2:
do I = 10 to -2 by -2;

Example 3

In the following example, the do-group is executed with I equal to 1, 3, 5:

do I=1 to I+3 by I;

It is equivalent to the following statement:

do I=1 to 5 by 2;

Example of DO with WHILE, UNTIL

The WHILE and UNTIL options make successive executions of the do-group
dependent upon a specified condition.

232 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


Consider the following example:

do while (A=B);

This example is equivalent to the following statement:

S: if A=B then;
else goto R;
goto S;
R: next statement

Consider the following example:

do until (A=B);

This example is equivalent to the following statement:

if (A=B) then goto R;
goto S;
R: next statement

In the absence of other options, a do-group headed by a DO UNTIL statement is

executed at least once, but a do-group headed by a DO WHILE statement might
not be executed at all. That is, the statements DO WHILE (A=B) and DO UNTIL (A=B)
are not equivalent.

In the following example, if A=B, when the DO statement is first encountered, the
do-group is not executed at all.
do while(A=B) until(X=10);

However, if A=B, the do-group is executed. If X=10 after an execution of the

do-group, no further executions are performed. Otherwise, a further execution is
performed provided that A is still equal to B.

In the following example, the do-group is executed at least once, with I equal to 1:
do I=1 to 10 until(Y=1);

If Y=1 after an execution of the do-group, no further executions are performed.

Otherwise, the default increment (BY 1) is added to I, and the new value of I is
compared with 10. If I is greater than 10, no further executions are performed.
Otherwise, a new execution commences.

The following statement specifies that the do-group executes ten times while C(I)
is less than zero, and then (provided that A is equal to B) once more:
do I = 1 to 10 while (C(I)<0),
11 while (A = B);

Chapter 8. Statements and directives 233


Example of DO with UPTHRU and DOWNTHRU

The UPTHRU and DOWNTHRU options make successive executions of the
do-group dependent upon the terminating value.

In the following example, the do-group executes 5 times and at the end of the loop
i has the value 5:
do i = 1 upthru 5;

When the UPTHRU option is used, the reference is compared to the terminating
value before being updated; this can be very useful when there is no value after
the terminating value. For instance, the FIXEDOVERFLOW condition would not be
raised by the following loop:
do i = 2147483641 upthru 2147483647;

Similarly, the following loop avoids the problem of decrementing an unsigned

value equal to zero:
dcl U unsigned fixed bin;
do U = 17 downthru 0;

UPTHRU and DOWNTHRU are particularly useful with ordinals. Consider the
following example:
define ordinal Color ( Red value (1),
dcl C ordinal Color;

do C = Red upthru Violet;


do C = Violet downthru Red;


In the first loop, c assumes each successive color in ascending order from red to
violet. In the second loop, c assumes each successive color in descending order
from violet to red.

234 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


Example of REPEAT
This example shows the use of the REPEAT option in do-groups.

In the following example, the do-group is executed with I equal to 1, 2, 4, 8, 16,

and so on:
do I = 1 repeat 2*I;

The preceding example is equivalent to the following statement:

goto A;

In the following example, the first execution of the do-group is performed with
do I=1 repeat 2*I until(I=256);

After this and each subsequent execution of the do-group, the UNTIL expression is
tested. If I=256, no further executions are performed. Otherwise, the REPEAT
expression is evaluated and assigned to I, and a new execution starts.

The following example shows a DO statement used to locate a specific item in a

chained list:
do P=Phead repeat P -> Fwd

The value Phead is assigned to P for the first execution of the do-group. Before each
subsequent execution, the value P -> Fwd is assigned to P. The value of P is tested
before the first and each subsequent execution of the do-group. If it is null, no
further executions are performed.

The following statement specifies that the do-group is to be executed nine times,
with the value of I equal to 1 through 9; then successively with the value of I
equal to 10, 20, 40, and so on. Execution ceases when the do-group has been
executed with a value of I greater than 10000.
do I = 1 to 9, 10 repeat 2*I
until (I>10000);

Chapter 8. Statements and directives 235


END statement
The END statement ends one or more blocks or groups. Every block or group must
have an END statement.


Cannot be subscripted. If a statement-label follows END, the END statement
closes the unclosed group or block headed by the nearest preceding DO,
SELECT, PACKAGE, BEGIN, or PROCEDURE statement having that
statement-label. Every block with a DO, SELECT, PACKAGE, BEGIN or
PROCEDURE statement must have a corresponding END statement.
If a statement-label does not follow END, the END statement closes the one
group or block headed by the nearest preceding DO, SELECT, PACKAGE,
BEGIN, or PROCEDURE statement for which there is no other corresponding
END statement.

Execution of a block terminates when control reaches the END statement for the
block. However, it is not the only means of terminating a block's execution, even
though each block must have an END statement. (See Procedures on page 97
and Begin-blocks on page 118 for more details.)

If control reaches an END statement for a procedure, it is treated as a RETURN


Normal termination of a program occurs when control reaches the END statement
of the main procedure.

ENTRY statement
The ENTRY statement specifies a secondary entry point of a procedure.

For details about the ENTRY statement, see ENTRY attribute on page 121.

EXIT statement
The EXIT statement stops the current thread.


236 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


FETCH statement
The FETCH statement checks main storage for the named procedures.

For details about the FETCH statement, see FETCH statement on page 108.

FLUSH statement
The FLUSH statement flushes the buffers associated with an open output file or
with all open output files.

For details about the FLUSH statement, see FLUSH statement on page 310 in
Chapter 10, Input and output, on page 297.

FORMAT statement
The FORMAT statement specifies a format list that can be used by edit-directed
data transmission statements to control the format of the data being transmitted.

For details about the FORMAT statement, see FORMAT statement on page 337 in
Chapter 12, Stream-oriented data transmission, on page 321.

FREE statement
The FREE statement frees the storage allocated for based and controlled variables.

For details about the FREE statement, see FREE statement for controlled
variables on page 259 and FREE statement for based variables on page 268 in
Chapter 9, Storage control, on page 253.

GET statement
The GET statement is a STREAM input data transmission statement that can assign
data values from either a data set or a string to one or more variables.

For details about the GET statement, see GET statement on page 322 in
Chapter 12, Stream-oriented data transmission, on page 321.

GO TO statement
The GO TO statement transfers control to the statement identified by the specified
label reference. The GO TO statement is an unconditional branch.

GO TO label ;

Abbreviation: GOTO
Specifies a label constant, a label variable, or a function reference that returns a

Chapter 8. Statements and directives 237


label value. Because a label variable can have different values at each execution
of the GO TO statement, control might not always transfer to the same

If a GO TO statement transfers control from within a block to a point not

contained within that block, the block is terminated. If the transfer point is
contained in a block that did not directly activate the block being terminated, all
intervening blocks in the activation sequence are also terminated (see Procedure
termination on page 105).

When a GO TO statement specifies a label constant contained in a block that has

more than one activation, control is transferred to the activation current when the
GO TO is executed (see Recursive procedures on page 106).

A GO TO statement cannot transfer control in the following ways:

v To an inactive block. Detection of such an error is not guaranteed.
v From outside a do-group to a statement inside a Type 2 or Type 3 do-group,
unless the GO TO terminates a procedure or ON-unit invoked from within the
v To a FORMAT statement.

If the destination of the GO TO is specified by a label variable, it can then be used

as a switch by assigning label constants to the label variable. If the label variable is
subscripted, the switch can be controlled by varying the subscript. By using label
variables or function references, quite complex switching can be effected. It is
usually true, however, that simple control statements are the most efficient. GOTO
operations from one block to another block hinder many optimizations in the
target block, unless the target label is the last statement in its block.

IF statement
The IF statement evaluates an expression and controls the flow of execution
according to the result of that evaluation. The IF statement thus provides a
conditional branch.

Note: Condition prefixes are invalid on ELSE statements.

IF expression THEN unit1

ELSE unit2

The expression must have the attributes BIT(1) NONVARYING unless
RULES(LAXIF) is used.
When expressions involve the use of the & or | operators, they are evaluated
as described in Combinations of operations on page 70.
Either a valid single statement, a group, or a begin-block. All single statements
are considered valid and executable except DECLARE, DEFAULT, END,
ENTRY FORMAT, PROCEDURE, or a %statement. If a nonexecutable statement

238 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


is used, the result can be unpredictable. Each unit can contain statements that
specify a transfer of control (for example, GO TO). Hence, the normal sequence
of the IF statement can be overridden.
Each unit can be labeled and can have condition prefixes.

IF is a compound statement. The semicolon terminating the last unit also

terminates the IF statement.

If any bit in the string expression has the value '1'B, unit1 is executed and unit2, if
present, is ignored. If all bits are '0'B, or the string is null, unit1 is ignored and
unit2, if present, is executed.

IF statements can be nested. That is, either unit can itself be an IF statement, or
both can be. Because each ELSE is always associated with the innermost
unmatched IF in the same block or do-group, an ELSE with a null statement might
be required to specify a desired sequence of control. Consider the following
if A = B then
if A = C then

If B and C are constants, this example is equivalent to the following statement and
would be better coded as follows:
select( A );
when ( B )
when ( C )

In the following example, if the comparison is true (if A is equal to B), the value of
D is assigned to C, and the ELSE unit is not executed.
if A = B then
C = D;
C = E;

If the comparison is false (A is not equal to B), the THEN unit is not executed, and
the value of E is assigned to C.

Chapter 8. Statements and directives 239


Either the THEN unit or the ELSE unit can contain a statement that transfers
control, either conditionally or unconditionally. If the THEN unit ends with a GO
TO statement, there is no need to specify an ELSE unit. Consider the following
if all(Array1 = Array2) then
go to LABEL_1;

If the expression is true, the GO TO statement of the THEN unit transfers control
to LABEL_1. If the expression is not true, the THEN unit is not executed and control
passes to the next statement.

Short-circuit evaluation
The test of the IF expression is short-circuited under the following circumstances:
v If the IF expression consists of a logical OR of 2 expressions and the first of
these expressions is true, the second expression will not be evaluated and the
code will execute the THEN clause.
v If the IF expression consists of a logical AND of 2 expressions and the first of
these expressions is false, the second expression will not be evaluated and the
code will execute the ELSE clause.

However, the code short-circuits only the following expressions:

v A comparison expression
v A BIT(1) literal
v A NONVARYING BIT(1) variable
v An ENTRY reference that returns NONVARYING BIT(1)
v A SUBSTR built-in function reference with 3 arguments the last of which is a
REAL FIXED literal equal to 1
v An ALL or ANY built-in function reference with an an argument that is either a
comparison operator applied to 2 arrays or simply a variable that is an array of
v A reference to one of the following other built-in functions:

Naturally, an expression formed (possibly recursively) from the above and the
NOT prefix operator and the AND or OR infix operators will also be

240 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference



This example is based on the following declarations.

dcl A bit(1);
dcl B bit(1);
dcl C bit(2);
dcl D bit(2);
dcl P pointer;
dcl BX based fixed bin(31);

Given these declarations, the following IF statements would all be short-circuited:

if A | B then
if P = sysnull() | P->BX = 0 then
if C = b & D = b then
if A | (substr(C,1,1) & substr(D,2,1)) then

But the following IF statements would not be short-circuited:

if C | D then
if C & D then

%INCLUDE directive
The %INCLUDE directive is used to incorporate external text into the source

%INCLUDE member ;
ddname (member)

The included member can specify an absolute file name. Enclose the absolute file
name in single or double quotes. For example, the following statement is valid:

%include "\ibmpli\include\"


%include "/ibmpli/include/"

ITERATE statement
The ITERATE statement transfers control to the END statement that delimits its
containing iterative do-group. The current iteration completes and the next
iteration, if needed, is started.

The ITERATE statement can be specified inside a non-iterative do-group as long as

that do-group is contained by an iterative do-group.

Chapter 8. Statements and directives 241

ITERATE statement


Must be the label of a containing do-group. If label-constant is omitted, control
transfers to the END statement of the most recent iterative do-group containing
the ITERATE statement.

For an example, see Type 4 on page 231.

LEAVE statement
When contained in or specifying a simple do-group, the LEAVE statement
terminates the group. When contained in or specifying an iterative do-group, the
LEAVE statement terminates all iterations of the group, including the current

The flow of control goes to the same point it would normally go to if the do-group
had terminated by reaching its END statement. This point is not necessarily the
statement following the END statement of the do-group (see Example).


Must be a label of a containing do-group. The do-group that is left is the
do-group that has the specified label. If label-constant is omitted, the do-group
that is left is the group that contains the LEAVE statement.

The LEAVE statement and the referenced or implied DO statement must not be in
different blocks.


In the following example, the statement leave A; transfers control to C.

If Time_to_process_X then

A: do I = lbound(X,1) to hbound(X,1);
do J = lbound(X,2) to hbound(X,2);
If X(I,J)=0 then
leave A; /* control goes to C, not B */

242 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference



B: do;

C: statement after group A;

For more examples, see Type 4 on page 231.

%LINE directive
The %LINE directive specifies that the next line should be treated in messages and
in information generated for debugging as if it came from the specified line and

%LINE ( line-number , file-specification ) ;

The characters '%LINE' must be in columns 1 through 5 of the input line for the
directive to be recognized (and conversely, any line starting with these five
characters is treated as a %LINE directive). The line-number must be an integral
value of seven digits or less and the file-specification must not be enclosed in
quotation marks. Any characters specified after the semicolon are ignored.

The %LINE directive is invalid unless the LINEDIR compiler option is in effect.

LOCATE statement
The LOCATE statement allocates storage within an output buffer for a based
variable and sets a pointer to the location of the next record. The LOCATE
statement can be used only with an OUTPUT SEQUENTIAL BUFFERED file for
locate mode processing.

For details about the LOCATE statement, see LOCATE statement on page 314 in
Chapter 11, Record-oriented data transmission, on page 311.

%NOPRINT directive
The %NOPRINT directive causes printing of the source listings to be suspended
until a %PRINT directive is encountered or until a %POP directive that restores the
previous %PRINT directive is encountered.


Chapter 8. Statements and directives 243


For an example of the %NOPRINT directive, see %PUSH directive on page 247.

%NOTE directive
The %NOTE directive generates a diagnostic message of specified text and severity.

%NOTE ( message ) ;

A character expression whose value is the required diagnostic message.
A fixed expression whose value indicates the severity of the message, as

Code Severity
0 I
4 W
8 E
12 S
16 U

If code is omitted, the default is 0.

If code has a value other than those in the preceding list, a diagnostic message
is produced; the resulting system action is undefined.

Generated messages are filed together with other messages. Whether or not a
particular message is subsequently printed depends upon its severity level and the
setting of the compiler FLAG option (as described in the Programming Guide).

Generated messages of severity U cause immediate termination of preprocessing

and compilation. Generated messages of severity S, E, or W might cause
termination of compilation, depending upon the setting of various compiler

null statement
The null statement causes no operation to be performed and does not modify
sequential statement execution. It is often used to denote null action for THEN and
ELSE clauses and for WHEN and OTHERWISE statements.

244 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


ON statement
The ON statement establishes the action to be executed for any subsequent raising
of an enabled condition in the scope of the established condition.

For details about the ON statement, see ON statement on page 374 in

Chapter 15, Condition handling, on page 371.

OPEN statement
The OPEN statement associates a file with a data set.

For details about the OPEN statement, see OPEN statement on page 305 in
Chapter 10, Input and output, on page 297.

OTHERWISE statement
In a select-group, the OTHERWISE statement specifies the unit to be executed
when every test of the preceding WHEN statements fails.

For details about the OTHERWISE statement, see SELECT statement on page

PACKAGE statement
The PACKAGE statement defines a package. A package forms a name scope that is
shared by all declarations and procedures contained in the package, unless the
names are declared again.

For details about the PACKAGE statement, see Packages on page 94 in

Chapter 5, Program organization, on page 91.

%PAGE directive
The %PAGE directive allows you to start a new page in the compiler source


%POP directive
The %POP directive allows you to restore the status of the %PRINT and
%NOPRINT directives saved by the most recent %PUSH directive.

The most common use of the %PUSH and %POP directives is in included files and

Chapter 8. Statements and directives 245


%POP ;

For an example, see %PUSH directive on page 247.

%PRINT directive
The %PRINT directive causes printing of the source listings to be resumed.


%PRINT is in effect, provided that the relevant compiler options are specified. For
an example of the %PRINT directive, see %PUSH directive on page 247.

PROCEDURE statement
A PROCEDURE statement identifies the procedure as a main procedure, a
subroutine, or a function. Parameters expected by the procedure and other
characteristics are also specified on the PROCEDURE statement.

For details about the PROCEDURE statement, see PROCEDURE and ENTRY
statements on page 98 in Chapter 5, Program organization, on page 91.

%PROCESS directive
The %PROCESS directive is used to override compiler options.


The % or * must be the first data byte of a source record. Any number of
%PROCESS and *PROCESS directives can be specified, but they must all appear
before the first language element appears. Refer to the Programming Guide for
more information.

*PROCESS directive
The *PROCESS directive is a synonym for the %PROCESS directive.
Related information:
%PROCESS directive
The %PROCESS directive is used to override compiler options.

246 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


%PUSH directive
The %PUSH directive allows you to save the current status of the %PRINT and
%NOPRINT directives in a push down stack on a last-in, first-out basis. You can
restore this saved status later, also on a last-in, first-out basis, by using the %POP

A common use of %PUSH and %POP directives is in included files and macros.


In the following example, statements 1, 2, 3, S3, S4, and 4 are printed in the
listings. All others are not printed.

Source Program
statement 1;
statement 2;
%include First; /* statement 3 */

%push; /* F1 */
%noprint; /* F2 */
dcl A entry (ptr, fixed bin); /* F3 */
statement F4;
%include Second; /* stmt F5 */

%push; /* S1 */
%print; /* S2 */
dcl B entry (ptr,fixed bin)
options(byvalue); /* S3 */
statement S4;

statement F6;

statement 4;

The original setting is restored following the %POP directive in Second.

PUT statement
The PUT statement is a STREAM output data transmission statement that can
transmit values to a stream output file or assign values to a character variable.

For details about the PUT statement, see PUT statement on page 322 in
Chapter 12, Stream-oriented data transmission, on page 321.

Chapter 8. Statements and directives 247


READ statement
The READ statement either transmits a record from the data set to the program
variable or sets a pointer to the record in storage.

For details about the READ statement, see READ statement on page 312 in
Chapter 11, Record-oriented data transmission, on page 311.

REINIT statement
The REINIT statement allows variables to be reset with their INITIAL values.

REINIT reference ;

The reference must be unsubscripted (although if BASED, it can be
locator-qualified), and the reference must be AUTOMATIC, CONTROLLED,

RELEASE statement
The RELEASE statement frees the main storage occupied by procedures identified
by its specified entry constants.

For details about the RELEASE statement, see RELEASE statement on page 109
in Dynamic loading of an external procedure on page 107.

RESIGNAL statement
The RESIGNAL statement terminates the current ON-unit and allows another
ON-unit for the same condition to get control.

For details about the RESIGNAL statement, see RESIGNAL statement on page
378 in Chapter 15, Condition handling, on page 371.

RETURN statement
The RETURN statement terminates execution of the subroutine or function
procedure that contains the RETURN statement and returns control to the invoking

For details, see RETURN statement on page 134.

REVERT statement
The REVERT statement cancels the ON-unit for the condition that was executed in
a given block.

For details about the REVERT statement, see REVERT statement on page 377 in
Chapter 15, Condition handling, on page 371.

248 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


REWRITE statement
The REWRITE statement replaces a record in an UPDATE file.

For details about the REWRITE statement, see REWRITE statement on page 313
in Chapter 11, Record-oriented data transmission, on page 311.

SELECT statement
A select-group provides a multiple path conditional branch. A select-group
contains a SELECT statement, optionally one or more WHEN statements,
optionally an OTHERWISE statement, and an END statement.

Note: Condition prefixes are invalid on OTHERWISE statements.

(exp1) ,

WHEN( exp2 )unit;


Abbreviation: OTHER for OTHERWISE

SELECT (exp1)
The SELECT statement and its corresponding END statement, delimit a group
of statements collectively called a select-group. The expression in the SELECT
statement is evaluated and its value is saved.
WHEN (exp2, exp2, ...) unit
Specifies one or more expressions that are evaluated and compared with the
saved value from the SELECT statement.
If an expression is found that is equal to the saved value, the evaluation of
expressions in WHEN statements is terminated, and the unit of the associated
WHEN statement is executed. If no such expression is found, the unit of the
OTHERWISE statement is executed.
The WHEN statement must not have a label.
Specifies the unit to be executed when every test of the preceding WHEN
statements fails.
If the OTHERWISE statement is omitted and if the execution of the
select-group does not result in the selection of a unit, the ERROR condition is
The OTHERWISE statement must not have a label or condition prefix.
Each unit is either a valid single statement, a group, or a begin-block.

Chapter 8. Statements and directives 249



statements are not valid. Each unit can contain statements that specify a
transfer of control (for example, GO TO). Hence, the normal sequence of the
SELECT statement can be overridden.

If exp1 is omitted, each exp2 is evaluated and converted, if necessary, to a bit string.
If any bit in the resulting string is '1'B, the unit of the associated WHEN statement
is executed. If all bits are 0 or the string is null, the unit of the OTHERWISE
statement is executed.

After execution of a unit of a WHEN or OTHERWISE statement, control passes to

the statement following the select-group, unless the normal flow of control is
altered within the unit.

If exp1 is specified, each exp2 must be such that the following comparison
expression has a scalar bit value:
(exp1) = (exp2)

Both exp1 and exp2 must be scalar expressions. Hence, while arrays, structures, and
unions can be used in either exp1 or exp2, the evaluated expression must be a
scalar value.


In the following example, E, E1, and so on, are expressions. When control reaches
the SELECT statement, the expression E is evaluated and its value is saved. The
expressions in the WHEN statements are then evaluated in turn (in the order in
which they appear), and each value is compared with the value of E.

If a value is found that is equal to the value of E, the action following the
corresponding THEN statement is performed; no further WHEN statement
expressions are evaluated.

If none of the expressions in the WHEN statements is equal to the expression in

the SELECT statement, the action specified after the OTHERWISE statement is
select (E);
when (E1,E2,E3) action-1;
when (E4,E5) action-2;
otherwise action-n;
Nl: next statement;

In the following example, exp1 is omitted:

when (A>B) call Bigger;
when (A=B) call Same;
otherwise call Smaller;

If a select-group contains no WHEN statements, the action in the OTHERWISE

statement is executed unconditionally. If the OTHERWISE statement is omitted,
and if the execution of the select-group does not result in the selection of a WHEN
statement, the ERROR condition is raised.

250 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


SIGNAL statement
The SIGNAL statement is used in program testing to verify the action of an
ON-unit and to determine whether the correct action is associated with the

For details about the SIGNAL statement, see SIGNAL statement on page 377 in
Chapter 15, Condition handling, on page 371.

%SKIP directive
The %SKIP directive causes the specified number of lines to be left blank in the
compiler source listings.


n Specifies the number of lines to be skipped. It must be an integer in the range

1 - 999. If n is omitted, the default is 1. If n is greater than the number of lines
remaining on the page, the equivalent of a %PAGE directive is executed in
place of the %SKIP directive.

STOP statement
The STOP statement stops the current application.


WAIT statement
The WAIT statement specifies that a process is suspended until the specified thread

For details about the WAIT statement, see Waiting for a thread to complete on
page 406 in Chapter 17, Multithreading facility, on page 403.

WHEN statement
The WHEN statement specifies one or more expressions that are evaluated and
compared with the saved value from the SELECT statement.

For details about the WHEN statement, see SELECT statement on page 249.

Chapter 8. Statements and directives 251


WRITE statement
The WRITE statement transmits a record from the program and adds it to the data

For details about the WRITE statement, see WRITE statement on page 313 in
Chapter 11, Record-oriented data transmission, on page 311.

%XINCLUDE statement
The %XINCLUDE directive is used to incorporate external text into the source
program if it has not previously been included.

%XINCLUDE member ;
ddname( member )

XPROCEDURE statement
The macro XPROCEDURE statement is identical to the macro PROCEDURE
statement except that the preprocessor will ignore rather than flag any subsequent
occurrence of an XPROCEDURE statement if the leftmost name on the statement is
the name of an already defined preprocessor procedure.

Abbreviation: XPROC

For information about the PROCEDURE statement, see PROCEDURE and ENTRY
statements on page 98 in Chapter 5, Program organization, on page 91.

252 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference

Chapter 9. Storage control
All variables require storage. The attributes specified for a variable describe the
amount of storage required and how it is interpreted.

In the following example, a reference to X is a reference to a piece of storage that

contains a value to be interpreted as fixed-point binary.
dcl X fixed binary(31,0) automatic;

Because X is automatic, the storage for it is allocated when its declaring block is
activated, and the storage remains allocated until the block is deactivated.

Storage classes, allocation, and deallocation

Storage allocation is the process of associating an area of storage with a variable so
that the data item(s) represented by the variable can be recorded internally. When
storage is associated with a variable, the variable is allocated. The storage class
determines the degree of storage control and the manner in which storage is
allocated and freed.

Allocation for a given variable can take place statically (before the execution of the
program) or dynamically (during execution). A variable that is allocated statically
remains allocated for the duration of the application program. A variable that is
allocated dynamically relinquishes its storage either upon the termination of the
block containing that variable, or at an explicit request from the application.

The storage class assigned to a variable determines the degree of storage control
applied to the variable's storage and the manner in which the variable's storage is
allocated and freed. You assign the storage class by using its corresponding
attribute in an explicit, implicit, or contextual declaration. There are four storage
Specifies that storage is allocated upon each entry to the block that
contains the storage declaration. The storage is released when the block is
If the block is a procedure that is invoked recursively, the previously
allocated storage is pushed down upon entry; the latest allocation of
storage is popped up in a recursive procedure when each generation
terminates. For information about push-down and pop-up stacking, see
Recursive procedures on page 106.
Specifies that storage is allocated when the program is loaded. The storage
is not freed until program execution is completed. The storage for a
fetched procedure is not freed until the procedure is released.
Specifies that you use the ALLOCATE and FREE statements to control the
allocation and freeing of storage. Multiple allocations of the same
controlled variable in the same program, without intervening freeing,
stacks generations of the variable. You can access earlier generations only
by freeing the later ones.

Copyright IBM Corp. 1999, 2016 253

Storage classes, allocation, and deallocation

Like CONTROLLED, specifies that you control storage allocation and
freeing. One difference is that multiple allocations are not stacked but are
available at any time. Each allocation can be identified by the value of a
pointer variable. Another difference is that based variables can be
associated with an area of storage and identified by the value of an offset
Based variables outside of areas can be allocated by the ALLOCATE
built-in function and freed by the PLIFREE built-in subroutine. They can
also be allocated by the AUTOMATIC built-in function; such allocated
variables are freed automatically when the block in which they are
allocated terminates.

Storage class attributes can be declared explicitly for element, array, and major
structure and union variables. For array and major structure and union variables,
the storage class declared for the variable applies to all of the elements in the array
or structure or union.

Storage class attributes cannot be specified for the following:

v CONDITION conditions
v Defined data items
v Entry constants
v File constants
v Format constants
v Identifiers defined in the DEFINE statement
v Label constants
v Members of structures and unions
v Named constants

Allocation of storage for variables is managed by PL/I. You do not specify where
in storage the allocation is to be made. You can, however, specify that a variable be
allocated in an existing AREA.
Related information:
Area data and attribute on page 271
Area variables describe areas of storage that are reserved for the allocation of
based variables. This reserved storage can be allocated to, and freed from, based
variables by the ALLOCATE and FREE statements.

Static storage and attribute

Variables that are declared with the STATIC attribute are allocated before a
program starts running. They remain allocated until the program terminates. The
program has no control over the allocation of static variables during execution.


STATIC is the default for external variables, but internal variables can also be
static. It is also the default for variables declared in a package, outside of any
procedure. Static variables follow the normal scope rules for the validity of
references to them. In the following example, the variable X is allocated for the life
of the program, but it can be referenced only within procedure B or any block
contained in B. The variable Y gets the STATIC attribute and is also allocated for
the life of the program.

254 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference

Static storage and attribute

Package: Package exports (*);

dcl Y char(10);

A: proc options(main);
B: proc;
declare X static internal;
end B;
end A;

C: proc;
Y = hello;
end C;

end Package;

If static variables are initialized by the INITIAL attribute, the initial values must be
restricted expressions. Extent specifications must also be restricted expressions.

If a variable has more than 100 INITIAL items, the compiler and the user code
usually perform better when the variable is declared with the STATIC attribute.

Automatic storage and attribute

Automatic variables are allocated on entry to the block in which they are declared.
They can be reallocated many times during the execution of a program. You
control their allocation by your design of the block structure.


Abbreviation: AUTO

AUTOMATIC is the default. Automatic variables are always internal.

In the following example, each time procedure B is invoked, the variables X and Y
are allocated storage. When B terminates, the storage is released, and the values
that X and Y contain are lost.
A: proc;
call B;
B: proc;
declare X,Y auto;
end B;
call B;

The storage that is freed is available for allocation to other variables. Thus,
whenever a block (procedure or begin) is active, storage is allocated for all
variables declared automatic within that block. Whenever a block is inactive, no

Chapter 9. Storage control 255

Automatic storage and attribute

storage is allocated for the automatic variables in that block. Only one allocation of
a particular automatic variable can exist, except for those procedures that are called
recursively or by more than one program.

Extents for automatic variables can be specified as expressions. This means that
you can allocate a specific amount of storage when you need it. In the following
example, the character string STR has a length defined by the value of the variable
N when procedure B is invoked.
A: proc;
declare N fixed bin;
B: proc;
declare STR char(N);

If the declare statements are located in the same block, PL/I requires that the
variable N be initialized either to a restricted expression or to an initialized static
variable. In the following example, the length allocated is correct for Str1, but not
for Str2. PL/I does not resolve this type of declaration dependency.
dcl N fixed bin (15) init(10),
M fixed bin (15) init(N),
Str1 char(N),
Str2 char(M);

Controlled storage and attribute

Variables declared as CONTROLLED are allocated only when you specify them in
an ALLOCATE statement. A controlled variable remains allocated until a FREE
statement that names the variable is encountered or until the end of the program.

Controlled variables are partially independent of the program block structure, but
not completely. The scope of a controlled variable can be internal or external.
When it is declared as internal, the scope of the variable is the block in which the
variable is declared and any contained blocks. Any reference to a controlled
variable that is not allocated is in error.

You cannot pass variables that are not declared as CONTROLLED to a procedure
that declares them as CONTROLLED. However, you can pass a variable that is
declared as CONTROLLED to a procedure that does not declare it as


Abbreviation: CTL

In the following example, the variable X can be validly referred to within

procedure B and that part of procedure A that follows execution of the CALL
A: proc;
dcl X controlled;
call B;

256 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference

Controlled storage and attribute

B: proc;
allocate X;
end B;
end A;

Generally, controlled variables are useful when a program requires large data
aggregates with adjustable extents. Statements in the following example allocate
the exact storage required depending on the input data and free the storage when
it is no longer required.
dcl A(M,N) ctl;
get list(M,N);
allocate A;
get list(A);
free A;

This method is more efficient than the alternative of setting up a begin-block,

because block activation and termination are not required.

ALLOCATE statement for controlled variables

The ALLOCATE statement allocates storage for controlled variables, independent
of procedure block boundaries. Controlled parameters can also be allocated.

The bounds of controlled arrays, the lengths of controlled strings, and the size of
controlled areas, as well as their initial values, can be specified in the ALLOCATE

ALLOCATE controlled-variable attribute ;




INITIAL( item )
INITIAL CALL entry-reference

( argument )

Abbreviation: ALLOC

Chapter 9. Storage control 257

ALLOCATE for controlled variables

Indicates a level number. If no level number is specified, the
controlled-variable named must be a level-1 variable.
Specifies a controlled variable or an element of a controlled major structure. A
structure element, other than the major structure, can appear only if the
relative structuring of the entire major structure containing the element appears
as it is in the DECLARE statement for that structure. In this case, dimension
attributes must be specified for all names that are declared with the dimension

Both controlled and based variables can be allocated in the same statement. For the
syntax of the ALLOCATE statement for based variables, see ALLOCATE
statement for based variables on page 267.

Bounds for arrays, lengths of strings, and sizes of areas (extents) are evaluated at
the execution of an ALLOCATE statement:
v Either the ALLOCATE statement or a DECLARE or DEFAULT statement must
specify any necessary dimension, size, or length attributes (extents) for a
variable. Any expression taken from a DECLARE statement is evaluated at the
point of allocation by using the conditions enabled at the ALLOCATE statement.
However, names in the expression refer to those variables whose scope includes
the DECLARE or DEFAULT statement.
v If a bound, length, or size is explicitly specified in an ALLOCATE statement, it
overrides that given in the DECLARE statement for that variable.
v If a bound, length, or size is specified by an asterisk in an ALLOCATE
statement, that extent is taken from the current generation. If no generation of
the variable exists, the extent is undefined and the program is in error.
v If, in either an ALLOCATE or a DECLARE statement, bounds, lengths, or sizes
are specified by expressions that contain references to the variable being
allocated, the expressions are evaluated by using the value of the most recent
generation of the variable. Consider the following example:
declare X(N) fixed bin ctl;
N = 20;
allocate X;
allocate X(X(1));
In the first allocation of X, the upper bound is specified by the declare statement
and N = 20;. In the second allocation, the upper bound is specified by the value
of the first element of the first generation of X.

The dimension attribute must specify the same number of dimensions as declared.
The dimension attribute can appear with any of the other attributes and must be
the first attribute specified. See the following example:
declare X(M) char(N) controlled;
M = 20;
N = 5;
allocate X(25) char(6);

The BIT, CHARACTER, GRAPHIC, WIDECHAR and AREA attributes can appear
only for variables having the same attributes, respectively.

Initial values are assigned to a variable upon allocation, if the variable has an
INITIAL attribute in either the DECLARE or ALLOCATE statement. Expressions or
the CALL option in the INITIAL attribute are evaluated at the point of allocation,
by using the conditions enabled at the ALLOCATE statement. However, the names

258 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference

ALLOCATE for controlled variables

are interpreted in the environment of the declaration. If an INITIAL attribute

appears in both DECLARE and ALLOCATE statements, the INITIAL attribute in
the ALLOCATE statement is used. If initialization involves reference to the variable
being allocated, the reference is to the new generation of the variable. For more
information about initialization, see INITIAL attribute on page 288.

Any evaluations performed at the time the ALLOCATE statement is executed (for
example, evaluation of expressions in an INITIAL attribute) must not be

If storage for the controlled variable is not available, the STORAGE condition is

FREE statement for controlled variables

The FREE statement frees the storage allocated for controlled variables. The freed
storage is then available for other allocations. The previously allocated controlled
variable is made available, and subsequent references refer to that allocation.

FREE controlled-variable ;

A level-1, unsubscripted variable

Both based and controlled variables can be freed in the same statement. For the
syntax of the FREE statement for based variables, see FREE statement for based
variables on page 268.

Implicit freeing

A controlled variable need not be explicitly freed by a FREE statement. However, it

is a good practice to explicitly FREE controlled variables.

All controlled storage is freed at the termination of the program.

Multiple generations of controlled variables

An ALLOCATE statement for a variable for which storage was previously allocated
and not freed pushes down or stacks storage for the variable. This stacking creates
a new generation of data for the variable. The new generation becomes the current

The previous generation cannot be directly accessed until the current generation
has been freed. When storage for this variable is freed by the FREE statement or at
termination of the program in which the storage was allocated, storage is popped
up or removed from the stack.

Chapter 9. Storage control 259

Asterisk notation

Asterisk notation
In an ALLOCATE statement, values are inherited from the most recent previous
generation when dimensions, lengths, or sizes are indicated by asterisks. For
arrays, the asterisk must be used for every dimension of the array, not just one of

Consider the following example:

dcl X(M,N) char(A) ctl;

allocate X;
allocate X(10,10);
allocate X(*,*);

The first generation of X has bounds (10,20); the second and third generations have
bounds (10,10). The elements of each generation of X are all character strings of
length 5.

The asterisk notation can also be used in a DECLARE statement, but has a
different meaning there. Consider the following example:
dcl Y char(*) ctl,
N fixed bin;

allocate Y char(N);
allocate Y;

The length of the character string Y is taken from the previous generation unless it
is specified in an ALLOCATE statement. In that case, Y is given the specified
length. This allows you to defer the specification of the string length until the
actual allocation of storage.

Adjustable extents
Controlled scalars, arrays, and members of structures and unions can have
adjustable array extents, string lengths, and area sizes.

In the following example, when the structure is allocated, A.B has the extent 1 to
10 and A.C is a varying character string with maximum length 5.
dcl 1 A ctl,
2 B(N:M),
2 C char(*) varying;
N = -10;
M = 10;
alloc 1 A,
2 B(1:10),
2 C char(5);
free A;

Built-in functions for controlled variables

The ALLOCATION built-in function can be used to determine the number of
generations that have been allocated for a given controlled variable.

If the variable is not allocated, the function returns the value zero.

260 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference

Based storage and attribute

Based storage and attribute

A declaration of a based variable is a description of the generation: the amount of
storage required and its attributes.

A based variable does not identify the location of a generation in main storage. A
locator value identifies the location of the generation. Any reference to a based
variable that is not allocated is in error.


Identifies the location of the data.

When reference is made to a based variable, the data and alignment attributes used
are those of the based variable, while the qualifying locator variable identifies the
location of data.

A based variable cannot have the EXTERNAL attribute, but a locator reference for
a based variable can have any storage class, including based.

Extent specifications in BASED declarations

The extents for one BASED variable can depend on the attributes of a second
variable but only if the second variable is declared first.

For example, A can be declared as BASED CHAR(LENGTH(B)) if B is declared

before A.

A based structure or union can be declared to contain non-constant extents by

using the REFER option. See REFER option (self-defining data) on page 269.

If you do not specify the REFER option, the extent specifications in the BASED
declarations must be restricted expressions with the following exceptions:
v A non-constant array extent in a BASED variable is invalid unless the array
meets all of the following conditions:
It is one dimensional.
The lower bound of the array is a constant.
When it is a part of a structure, the extents of all other fields in the structure
are constant, and no fields follow the array and the parent structures, if any,
of the array.
v A non-constant CHAR extent in a BASED variable is invalid unless the string is
a scalar or it meets all of the following conditions:
It is the last element in a structure.
It has no parents that are arrays.
It has one of these attributes: UNALIGNED, NONVARYING, or VARZ.
v Any of the following non-constant extents in a BASED variable are valid only if
the variable is a scalar:
The non-constant AREA extent

Chapter 9. Storage control 261

Based storage and attribute

The non-constant BIT extent

The non-constant GRAPHIC extent
The non-constant WIDECHAR extent


All of the following declarations are valid.

Example 1
1 a1(n) based,
2 b,
3 b1 fixed bin(31),
3 b2 fixed bin(31);
Example 2
1 a2 based,
2 b(n),
3 b1 fixed bin(31),
3 b2 fixed bin(31);
Example 3
1 a3 based,
2 b,
3 b1 fixed bin(31),
3 b2(n) fixed bin(31);
Example 4
1 a4 based,
2 b,
3 b1 fixed bin(31),
3 b2 char(n);
Example 5
1 a5 based,
2 b,
3 b1 fixed bin(31),
3 b2(n) char(m);


The maximum length of a based VARYING, VARYING4, or VARYINGZ string
must be equal to the maximum length of any string upon which the based
VARYING, VARYING4, or VARYINGZ string is overlaid.

See the following example:

declare A char(50) varying based(Q),
B char(50) varying;

A based VARYING string can only be overlaid on a VARYING string; a based

VARYING4 string can only be overlaid on a VARYING4 string; a based
VARYINGZ string can only be overlaid on a VARYINGZ string.

Storage allocation for BASED variable

Storage for a based variable can be allocated by using the ALLOCATE statement,
the ALLOCATE built-in function, the AUTOMATIC built-in function, or the
LOCATE statement.

262 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference

Based storage and attribute

A based variable can also be used to access existing data by using the READ
statement (with SET option), or the FETCH statement (with SET option), or the
ADDR built-in function.

Based AREA variables can be allocated by using the ALLOCATE statement; PL/I
automatically initializes the area to EMPTY upon allocation. However, if you
obtain storage for the area variable by the ALLOCATE or the AUTOMATIC built-in
function, you must assign EMPTY to the variable after obtaining the storage.

Locator variables
Because a locator variable identifies the location of any generation, you can refer at
any point in a program to any generation of a based variable by using an
appropriate locator value.

The following example declares that references to X, except when the reference is
explicitly qualified, use the locator variable P to locate the storage for X.
dcl X fixed bin based(P);

The association of a locator reference in this way is not permanent. The locator
reference can be used to identify locations of other based variables and other
locator references can be used to identify other generations of the variable X. When
a based variable is declared without a locator reference, any reference to the based
variable must always be explicitly locator-qualified.

In the following example, the arrays A and C refer to the same storage. The
elements B and C(2,1) also refer to the same storage.
dcl A(3,2) character(5) based(P),
B char(5) based(Q),
C(3,2) character(5);
P = addr(C);
Q = addr(A(2,1));

Note: When a based variable is overlaid in this way, no new storage is allocated.
The based variable uses the same storage as the variable on which it is overlaid
(C(3,2) in the example).

DEFINED and UNION attributes

You can also use the DEFINED and UNION attributes to overlay variable storage,
but DEFINED and UNION overlay the storage permanently. When based variables
are overlaid with a locator reference, the association can be changed at any time in
the program by assigning a new value to the locator variable.
Related information:
DEFINED and POSITION attributes on page 283
The DEFINED attribute specifies that the declared variable is associated with some
or all of the storage associated with the designated base variable.
Unions on page 189
A union is a collection of member elements that overlay each other, occupying the
same storage. The members can be structures, unions, elementary variables, and
arrays. They need not have identical attributes.

INITIAL attribute
The INITIAL attribute can be specified for a based variable. The initial values are
assigned only upon explicit allocation of the based variable with an ALLOCATE or
LOCATE statement.

Chapter 9. Storage control 263

Locator Data

Locator data
There are two types of locator data: pointer and offset.

The value of a pointer variable is an address of a location in storage. It can be used

to qualify a reference to a variable with allocated storage in several different

The value of an offset variable specifies a location within an area variable and
remains valid when the area is assigned to a different part of storage.

A locator value can be assigned only to a locator variable. When an offset value is
assigned to an offset variable, the area variables named in the OFFSET attributes
are ignored.

Locator conversion
Except in a few cases, locator data cannot be converted to other data types.

Locator data can be converted to other data types as follows:

v To and from REAL FIXED BINARY (p,0) by using the BINARYVALUE,
POINTERVALUE, and OFFSETVALUE built-in functions
v Between the pointer and the offset implicitly or explicitly by using the POINTER
and OFFSET built-in functions.

When an offset variable is used in a reference, it is implicitly converted to a

pointer value by using the address of the area variable designated in the OFFSET
attribute and the offset variable. Explicit conversion of an offset to a pointer value
can be accomplished by the POINTER built-in function. For example, the following
statement assigns a pointer value to P, giving the location of a based variable,
identified by offset O in area B.
dcl P pointer, O offset(A),B area;
P = pointer(O,B);

Because the area variable is different from that associated with the offset variable,
you must ensure that the offset value is valid for the different area. It is valid, for
example, if area A is assigned to area B before the invocation of the function.

The OFFSET built-in function, in contrast to the POINTER built-in function, returns
an offset value derived from a given pointer and area. The given pointer value
must identify the location of a based variable in the given area.

A pointer value is converted to an offset by using the pointer value and the
address of the area. This conversion is limited to pointer values that relate to
addresses within the area named in the OFFSET attribute.

Except when assigning the NULL or the SYSNULL built-in function value, it is an
error to attempt to convert from or to an offset variable that is not associated with
an area.

There is no implicit locator conversion in multiple assignments.

Locator reference
A locator reference is either a locator variable that can be qualified or subscripted,
or a function reference that returns a locator value.

A locator reference can be used in the following ways:

264 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference

Locator Data

v As a locator qualifier, in association with a declaration of a based variable

v In a comparison operation, as in an IF statement
v As an argument in a procedure reference.

Because PL/I implicitly converts an offset to a pointer value, offset references can
be used interchangeably with pointer references.

Locator qualification
Locator qualification is the association of one or more locator references with a
based reference to identify a particular generation of a based variable. This is
called a locator-qualified reference.

The composite symbol -> represents qualified by or points to. The following
syntax diagram is for an explicit qualified reference.

locator-reference ->
based-locator-reference ->


Identify the location of the data.

In the following example, X is a based variable, P is a locator variable, and Q is a

based locator variable.
P -> Q -> X

The reference means that it is that generation of X that is identified by the based
locator Q that is also identified by the value of the locator P. X and Q are explicitly

When more than one locator qualifier is used, they are evaluated from left to right.

Reference to a based variable can also be implicitly qualified. The locator reference
used to determine the generation of a based variable that is implicitly qualified is
the one declared with the based variable. In the following example, the
ALLOCATE statement sets the pointer variable P so that the reference X applies to
allocated storage.
dcl X fixed bin based(P) init(0);
allocate X;
X = X + 1;

The references to X in the assignment statement are implicitly locator-qualified by

P. References to X can also be explicitly locator-qualified as shown in the following
P->X = P->X + 1;

The following assignment statements have the same effect as the previous example:

Chapter 9. Storage control 265

Locator Data

Q = P;
Q->X = Q->X + 1;

Because the locator declared with a based variable can also be based, a chain of
locator qualifiers can be implied. For example, the following pointer and based
variables can be used:
declare (P(10),Q) pointer,
R pointer based (Q),
V based (P(3)),
W based (R),
Y based;
allocate R,V,W;

Given the previous declaration and allocation, the following references are valid:
P(3) -> V
Q -> R -> W
R -> W

The first two references are equivalent, and the last three are equivalent. Any
reference to Y must include a qualifying locator variable.

Levels of locator qualification

A pointer that qualifies a based variable represents one level of locator
qualification. An offset represents two levels because it is implicitly qualified
within an area. The number of levels is not affected by a locator being subscripted
or by an element of a structure or union.

In the following example, the references X, P -> X, and Q -> P -> X represent three
levels of locator qualification.
declare X based (P),
P pointer based (Q),
Q offset (A);

POINTER variable and attribute

A pointer variable is declared contextually if it appears in the declaration of a
based variable, as a locator qualifier, in a BASED attribute, or in the SET option of
an ALLOCATE, LOCATE, READ, or FETCH statement. It can also be declared

( 32 )

Abbreviation: PTR
32 A POINTER(32) is four bytes in size and by default fullword-aligned.
64 A POINTER(64) is eight bytes in size and by default doubleword-aligned.

If the LP(32) compiler option is in effect, the default is POINTER(32); if the LP(64)
compiler option is in effect, the default is POINTER(64). POINTER(64) is valid only
under LP(64).

Assigning a POINTER(32) to a POINTER(64) is always valid; the reverse is valid

only if the first four bytes of the POINTER(64) are zero.

266 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


The value of a pointer variable that no longer identifies a generation of a based

variable is undefined (for example, when a based variable has been freed). Before a
reference is made to a pointer-qualified variable, the pointer must have a value.

Built-in functions for based variables

Built-in functions for based variables include ALLOCATE, PLIFREE, AUTOMATIC,
ADDR, ENTRYADDR, and so on.

The ALLOCATE built-in function can be used to obtain storage for a based
variable, and the PLIFREE built-in subroutine can be used to free such storage. The
AUTOMATIC built-in function can also be used to obtain storage for a based
variable, but such storage must not be explicitly freed. Storage allocated with the
AUTOMATIC built-in function is automatically freed when the block in which it is
allocated terminates.

The ADDR built-in function returns a pointer value that identifies the first byte of
a variable. The ENTRYADDR built-in function returns a pointer value that is the
address of the first executed instruction if the entry were to be invoked. The NULL
and SYSNULL built-in functions return the PL/I null pointer and the system null
pointer respectively.

Note: The NULL and SYSNULL built-in functions can, but do not necessarily,
compare equally. Your application program must not depend on the functions'

ALLOCATE statement for based variables

The ALLOCATE statement allocates storage for based variables and sets a locator
variable that can be used to identify the location, independent of procedure block

ALLOCATE based-variable location-reference ;


IN(area-variable) SET(locator-variable)

Abbreviation: ALLOC
based variable
Is a level-1 unsubscripted variable.
IN Specifies the area variable in which the storage is allocated. For more
information about areas, see Area data and attribute on page 271.
Specifies a locator variable that is set to the location of the storage allocated. If
the SET option is not specified, the locator used is the one specified in the

Chapter 9. Storage control 267

ALLOCATE for based variables

declaration of the based variable. For syntax information about declaring based
variables, see Based storage and attribute on page 261 and Locator data on
page 264.

Both based and controlled variables can be allocated in the same statement. For the
syntax of the ALLOCATE statement for controlled variables, see ALLOCATE
statement for controlled variables on page 257.

Storage is allocated in an area when the IN option is specified or when the SET
option specifies an offset variable. These options can appear in any order.

For allocations in areas, if the area does not have sufficient storage for the based
variable, the AREA condition is raised. If you use an offset variable without the IN
option, you must specify an area reference in the declaration of the offset variable.

When an area is not used, the locator variable must be a pointer variable. If
storage for the based variable is not available, the STORAGE condition is raised.

Note that if a based variable uses REFER, its size will be calculated at run time. If
this calculation yields a value that is too large to fit in a size_t variable, your
program is in error and should be corrected. In this situation, the STORAGE
condition will not be raised; instead, the ERROR condition with ONCODE=3809
will be raised if either of the following conditions applies:
v The SIZE condition is enabled.
v The BASED structure is mapped through a library call.

If neither of these conditions apply, unpredictable results will occur.

The amount of storage allocated for a based variable depends on its attributes, and
on its dimensions, length, or size specifications if these are applicable at the time of
allocation. These attributes are determined from the declaration of the based

A based structure or union can contain adjustable array bounds or string lengths
or area sizes (see REFER option (self-defining data) on page 269). The asterisk
notation for extents is not allowed for based variables.

FREE statement for based variables

The FREE statement frees the storage allocated for based and controlled variables.

2. If the LP(32) compiler option is in effect, size_t is FIXED BIN(31); if the LP(64) compiler option is in effect, size_t is FIXED BIN(63).

268 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference

FREE for based variables

FREE option ;


locator-reference -> IN(area-variable)

locator-reference ->
Frees a particular generation of a based variable. The composite symbol ->
means qualified by or points to. If the based variable is not explicitly
locator-qualified, the locator variable declared in the BASED attribute is used
to identify the generation of data to be freed. If no locator has been declared,
the statement is in error.
based variable
Must be a level-1, unsubscripted based variable.
IN Must be specified or the based variable must be qualified by an offset declared
with an associated area, if the storage to be freed was allocated in an area. The
IN option cannot appear if the based variable was not allocated in an area.
Area assignment allocates based storage in the target area. These allocations
can be freed by the IN option naming the target area.

Both based and controlled variables can be freed in the same statement. For the
syntax of the FREE statement for controlled variables, see FREE statement for
controlled variables on page 259.

A based variable can be used to free storage only if that storage has been allocated
for a based variable having identical data attributes.

The amount of storage freed depends upon the attributes of the based variable,
including bounds or lengths at the time the storage is freed. The user is responsible
for determining that this amount coincides with the amount allocated. If the
variable has not been allocated, the results are unpredictable.

Implicit freeing

A based variable need not be explicitly freed by a FREE statement, but it is a good
practice to do so.

All based storage is freed at the termination of the program.

REFER option (self-defining data)

A self-defining structure or union contains information about its own fields, such
as the length of a string. A based structure or union can be declared to manipulate
this data. String lengths, array bounds, and area sizes can all be defined by
variables, known as the refer object, declared within the structure or union. In the
declaration of a based structure or union, the REFER option specifies that on
allocation of the structure or union, the value of an expression is assigned to the
refer object and represents the length, bound, or size of another variable in the
structure or union.

Chapter 9. Storage control 269


When the structure or union is allocated (by either an ALLOCATE statement or a

LOCATE statement), the value of an expression is assigned to the refer object
variable. For any other reference to the structure or union, the value of the refer
object is used.

The syntax for a length, bound, or size with a REFER option is shown in the
following diagram.

expression REFER (member-variable)

The value of this expression defines the length, bound, or size of the member
when the structure or union is allocated (by ALLOCATE or LOCATE). The
expression is evaluated and converted to size_t . Any variables that are used as
operands in the expression must not belong to the structure or union that
contains the REFER option.
Subsequent references to the structure or union obtain the REFER option
member's length, bound, or size from the current value of member-variable (the
refer object).
The refer object must conform to the following rules:
v It must be a member of the same level-1 structure or union, and it must
appear before any member that names it in a REFER option.
v It must be computational. It must be FIXED BIN with a scale factor of zero.
If it has a type other than FIXED BIN(p,0), the compiler issues a W-level
v It cannot be locator-qualified (see Locator qualification on page 265) or
v It cannot be part of an array.

In the following example, the declaration specifies that the based structure STR
consists of an array Y and an element X.
declare 1 STR based(P),
2 X fixed binary(31,0),
2 Y (L refer (X)),
L fixed binary(31,0) init(1000);

When STR is allocated, the upper bound is set to the current value of L, which is
assigned to X. For any other reference to Y, such as a READ statement that sets P,
the bound value is taken from X.

If the INITIAL attribute is specified for the member with the REFER option,
initialization of the member occurs after the refer object has been assigned its

Any number of REFER options can be used in the declaration of a structure or


3. If the LP(32) compiler option is in effect, size_t is FIXED BIN(31); if the LP(64) compiler option is in effect, size_t is FIXED BIN(63).

270 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


The value of the refer object should not be changed during program execution. It is
an error to free such an aggregate if the value of the refer object has changed.

Note also that any variables used in the expression defining the REFER extent
should be declared in the block (or one of its parent blocks) containing the
DECLARE using that REFER. If one of the variables is not declared, it will be
implicitly declared following the usual rules for implicit declaration, that is, a
DECLARE for it will be added to the outermost block containing the DECLARE.

This means that in the following code, the declaration of and assignment to the
variable m in the subroutine inner_proc will have no effect on the ALLOCATE
statement: the ALLOCATE statement will use the implicitly declared and
uninitialized m from the main block.
refertst: proc options(main);

1 a based,
2 n fixed bin(31),
2 c char(m refer(n));

call inner_proc;

inner_proc: proc;

dcl m fixed bin(31);

dcl p pointer;

m = 15;
allocate a set(p);

Area data and attribute

Area variables describe areas of storage that are reserved for the allocation of
based variables. This reserved storage can be allocated to, and freed from, based
variables by the ALLOCATE and FREE statements.

Area variables can have any storage class and can be aligned or unaligned. When
you declare the AREA variables as UNALIGNED, they are aligned by byte rather
than by doubleword.

When a based variable is allocated, if an area is not specified, the storage is

obtained from wherever it is available. Consequently, allocated based variables can
be scattered widely throughout main storage. This is not significant for internal
operations because items are readily accessed through the pointers. However, if
these allocations are transmitted to a data set, the items have to be collected
together. Items allocated within an area variable are already collected and can be
transmitted or assigned as a unit while still retaining their separate identities.

You might want to identify the locations of based variables within an area variable
relative to the start of the area variable. Offset variables are provided for this

An area can be assigned or transmitted complete with its contained allocations;

thus, a set of based allocations can be treated as one unit for assignment and
input/output while each allocation retains its individual identity.

Chapter 9. Storage control 271

Area data and attribute

The size of an area is adjustable in the same way as a string length or an array
bound and therefore it can be specified by an expression or an asterisk (for a
controlled area parameter) or by a REFER option (for a based area).

A variable is given the AREA attribute contextually by its appearance in the

OFFSET attribute or an IN option, or by explicit declaration.

(expression )

Specifies the size of the area. If expression or an asterisk is not specified, the
default is 1000.
* An asterisk can be used to specify the size if the area variable is declared is a
For a description of the REFER option, see REFER option (self-defining data)
on page 269.

The area size for areas that have the storage classes AUTOMATIC or
CONTROLLED is given by an expression whose value specifies the number of
reserved bytes.

If an area has the BASED attribute, the area size must be a constant unless the area
is a member of a based structure or union and the REFER option is used.

The size for areas of static storage class must be specified as a restricted

These are examples of AREA declarations:

declare area1 area(2000),
area2 area;

In addition to the declared size, an extra 16 bytes of control information precedes

the reserved size of an area. The 16 bytes contain such details as the amount of
storage in use.

The amount of reserved storage that is actually in use is known as the extent of the
area. When an area variable is allocated, it is empty, that is, the area extent is zero.
The maximum extent is represented by the area size. Based variables can be
allocated and freed within an area at any time during execution, thus varying the
extent of an area.

When a based variable is freed, the storage it occupied is available for other
allocations. A chain of available storage within an area is maintained; the head of
the chain is held within the control information. Inevitably, as based variables with
different storage requirements are allocated and freed, gaps occur in the area when
allocations do not fit available spaces. These gaps are included in the extent of the

272 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference

Offset data and attribute

No operators, including comparison, can be applied to area variables.

Offset data and attribute

Offset data is used exclusively with area variables. The value of an offset variable
indicates the location of a based variable within an area variable relative to the
start of the area.

Because the based variables are located relatively, if the area variable is assigned to
a different part of main storage, the offset values remain valid.

Offset variables do not preclude the use of pointer variables within an area.


The association of an area variable with an offset variable is not permanent. An

offset variable can be associated with any area variable by means of the POINTER
built-in function (see Locator conversion on page 264). The advantage of making
such an association in a declaration is that a reference to the offset variable implies
reference to the associated area variable. If no area variable is specified, the offset
can be used as a locator qualifier only through use of the POINTER built-in

Setting offset variables

The value of an offset variable can be set in any one of the following ways:
v By an ALLOCATE statement
v By assignment of the value of another locator variable, or a locator value
returned by a user-defined function
OFFSETVALUE, or OFFSET built-in function

If no area variable is specified, the offset can be used only as a locator qualifier
through use of the POINTER built-in function.

Examples of offset variables

Consider the following example:
dcl X based(O),
Y based(P),
A area,
O offset(A);

allocate X;
allocate Y in(A);

The storage class of area A and offset O is AUTOMATIC by default. The first
ALLOCATE statement is equivalent to the following statement:
allocate x in(A) set(O);

The second ALLOCATE statement is equivalent to the following statement:

allocate Y in(A) set(P);

Chapter 9. Storage control 273

Offset data and attribute

The following example shows how a list can be built in an area variable using
offset variables:
dcl A area,
(T,H) offset(A),
1 STR based(H),
2 P offset(A),
2 data;

allocate STR in(A);


do loop;
allocate STR set(T->P);

LOCATES attribute
Specifying the LOCATES attribute reduces storage when the compiler creates and
passes sparse arrays of strings. The LOCATES attribute is valid only with the
OFFSET attribute. And the LOCATES attribute allows the located type to be any
computational type, an ORDINAL type, or a STRUCT type.

LOCATES ( description )

Must specify a set of attributes, which are separated by blanks or parentheses.
You can specify the attributes in the same way as you declare them in the
DECLARE statement. The compiler applies defaults in the normal way.

The attributes in description can be any of the data and alignment attributes for
scalar BIT, CHARACTER, and WIDECHAR strings. The string lengths must be
specified by constants. The compiler ignores any alignment attributes that are
specified when it allocates the associated storage. The following example, Example
1, shows how to specify the LOCATES attribute:
Example 1
1 data based(data_ptr) unaligned,
2 actual_count fixed bin(31),
2 orderinfo(order_count refer(actual_count)),
3 name offset(pool) locates(char(30) varying),
3 address offset(pool) locates(char(62) varying),
2 pool area(10_000);

The LOCATES attributes turn the associated offset into a typed offset. Then you
can use the LOCVAL built-in function and pseudovariable to dereference the typed
offset. The process of dereferencing is the same as the process of the * operator
dereferencing a typed pointer in the C language.

You can use the following built-in subroutines and built-in functions to allocate the
offsets that have the LOCATES attribute, assign values into the associated area,
and retrieve the values that are associated with these offsets:

274 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference

LOCATES attribute

You can use the LOCNEWSPACE on page 584 built-in subroutine to allocate
an OFFSET variable with enough space for the maximum length that is required
by the LOCATES attribute.
You can use the LOCNEWVALUE on page 585 built-in subroutine to allocate
an OFFSET variable with enough space to hold a specified value with its
LOCATES attribute. It also assigns that specified value into the associated
You can use the LOCVAL on page 587 built-in function and pseudovariable to
dereference an OFFSET variable that has the LOCATES attribute.
You can use the LOCSTG on page 586 built-in function to determine the
maximum size that is needed for an AREA variable to hold all the values that
can be held indirectly in a variable that has the LOCATES attribute or contains
elements that have the LOCATES attribute.

For example, given the declaration in Example 1, both of the following statements
allocate space in the pool area to hold the string, assign that offset to name(1), and
then assign the value Sherlock Holmes as a character varying string to that location
in the area. The call locnewvalue statement allocates 17 bytes to hold the specified
value. The call locnewvalue statement allocates the full size, 32 bytes that are
required for the string attributes (CHAR(30) VARYING) in the LOCATES attribute.

Consider the following statements:

Statement 1
call locnewspace(name(1));
locval(name(1)) = 'Sherlock Holmes';
Statement 2
call locnewvalue ('Sherlock Holmes', name(1));

In an assignment to an OFFSET variable with the LOCATES attribute and with an

AREA specification, if the source is computational, the assignment is converted
into a call to the LOCNEWVALUE built-in subroutine. Therefore, statements 1 and
2 can be replaced by the following assignment:
name(1) = 'Sherlock Holmes';

If LOCNEWVALUE is explicitly or implicitly used, later code must not try to

assign a longer string into that offset in the area. For example, in the following
statements, only 2 bytes are allocated for the storage that is at the offset for
address(1), and it is invalid to use the LOCVAL function to assign a longer string
into that location in the area.
name(1) = 'Shrelock Holmes';
address(1) = '';

However, a new offset area can be allocated by using the following statement:
address(1) = '221B Baker Street';

It is a good practice to assign sysnull() to offset variables with LOCATES attribute

that have not been set:
v Assigning sysnull() to offset variables is more efficient for processor
consumption and storage usage than assigning a null string to them.

Chapter 9. Storage control 275

LOCATES attribute

v You can determine whether a LOCVAL reference is valid by first testing that the
offset is not equal to sysnull().

In LOCNEWVALUE(v, x), if the LOCATES attribute for x has ORDINAL type or

STRUCTURE type, v must have the same type.

If the type in the LOCATES attribute is a STRUCT type, after the space for it is
allocated, the LOCATES attribute might be referenced as if it had the type directly.
Consider the following example:

This example is based on the following declarations:

define struct
1 ted,
2 t1 fixed bin(31),
2 t2 char(12);

1 xmit based(p) unal,
2 asize fixed bin(31),
2 bcount fixed bin(31),
2 b(bx refer(bcount))
offset(a) locates( type ted ),
2 a area(ax refer(asize));

Given the preceding declarations, the following statements are valid:

call locnewspace( b(1));

b(1).t1 = 17;
b(1).t2 = 314159265358;

However, the values for b(1) can also be assigned by using the LOCVAL

Built-in functions for area variables

The EMPTY built-in function initializes the area variable to empty, freeing all
allocations it might have. This is the initial state of an area variable in which no
allocations have yet been made. The AVAILABLEAREA built-in function returns
the size of the largest allocation that can be made in the area.

Area assignment
The value of an area reference can be assigned to one or more area variables by an
assignment statement. Area-to-area assignment has the effect of freeing all
allocations in the target area and then assigning the extent of the source area to the
target area so that all offsets for the source area are valid for the target area.

Consider the following example:

declare X based (O(1)),
O(2) offset (A),
(A,B) area;

alloc X in (A);
X = 1;
alloc X in (A) set (O(2));
O(2) -> X = 2;
B = A;

Using the POINTER built-in function, the references POINTER (O(2),B)->X and
O(2)->X represent the same value allocated in areas B and A, respectively.

276 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference

Area assignment

If an area containing no allocations is assigned to a target area, the effect is to free

all allocations in the target area.

Area assignment can be used to expand a list of based variables beyond the
bounds of the original area. Attempting to allocate a based variable within an area
that contains insufficient free storage to accommodate it or attempting to assign an
area to another area that is not large enough raises the AREA condition. The
ON-unit for this condition can be used to change the value of a pointer qualifying
the reference to the inadequate area, so that it points to a different area; on return
from the ON-unit, the allocation is attempted again, within the new area.
Alternatively, you can use the AVAILABLEAREA built-in function to determine
whether the allocation you are about to make can be done in the area without
raising the AREA condition. Also, the ON-unit can write out the area and reset it

Input/output of areas
Areas allow input and output of complete lists of based variables as one unit, to
and from RECORD files.

On output, the area extent, together with the 16 bytes of control information, is
transmitted, except when the area is in a structure or union and is not the last item
in it. Then, the declared size is transmitted. Thus the unused part of an area does
not take up space on the data set.

Because the extents of areas can vary, varying length records should be used. The
maximum record length required is governed by the area length (area size + 16).

List processing
List processing is the name for a number of techniques to help manipulate
collections of data. Although arrays, structures, and unions are also used for
manipulating collections of data, list processing techniques are more flexible
because they allow collections of data to be indefinitely reordered and extended
during program execution.

The purpose here is not to illustrate these techniques but is to show how based
variables and locator variables serve as a basis for this type of processing.

In list processing, a number of based variables with many generations can be

included in a list. Members of the list are linked together by one or more pointers
in one member identifying the location of other members or lists. The allocation of
a based variable cannot specify where in main storage the variable is to be
allocated (except that you can specify the area in which you want it allocated). In
practice, a chain of items can be scattered throughout main storage, but by
accessing each pointer the next member is found. A member of a list is usually a
structure or union that includes a pointer variable. The following example creates a
list of structures:
dcl 1 STR based(H),
2 P pointer,
2 data,
T pointer;

allocate STR;

do loop;
allocate STR set(T->P);

Chapter 9. Storage control 277

List processing


The structures are generations of STR and are linked by the pointer variable P in
each generation. The pointer variable T identifies the previous generation during
the creation of the list. The first ALLOCATE statement sets the pointer H to identify
it. The pointer H identifies the start, or head, of the list. The second ALLOCATE
statement sets the pointer P in the previous generation to identify the location of
this new generation. The assignment statement T=T->P; updates pointer T to
identify the location of the new generation. The assignment statement T->P=NULL;
sets the pointer in the last generation to NULL, giving a positive indication of the
end of the list.

Figure 19 shows a diagrammatic representation of a one-directional chain.

Figure 19. Example of one-directional chain

Unless the value of P in each generation is assigned to a separate pointer variable

for each generation, the generations of STR can be accessed only in the order in
which the list was created. For the above example, the following statements can be
used to access each generation in turn:
do T=H
while (T=null);

The foregoing examples show a simple list processing technique, the creation of a
unidirectional list. More complex lists can be formed by adding other pointer
variables into the structure or union. If a second pointer is added, it can be made
to point to the previous generation. The list is then bidirectional; from any item in
the list, the previous and next items can be accessed by using the appropriate
pointer value. Instead of setting the last pointer value to the value of NULL, it can
be set to point to the first item in the list, creating a ring or circular list.

278 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference

List processing

A list need not consist only of generations of a single based variable. Generations
of different based structure or unions can be included in a list by setting the
appropriate pointer values. Items can be added and deleted from a list by
manipulating the values of pointers. A list can be restructured by manipulating the
pointers so that the processing of data in the list can be simplified.


The ASSIGNABLE and NONASSIGNABLE attributes specify whether the
associated variable can be the target of an assignment.


Abbreviations: ASGN, NONASGN


If a variable has the NONASSIGNABLE attribute, the variable cannot be assigned.

If an entry descriptor has the NONASSIGNABLE attribute, the argument is

assumed not to change when the associated ENTRY is invoked. If the argument is
a constant, no dummy argument is created.

The ASSIGNABLE and NONASSIGNABLE attributes are propagated to members

of structures or unions.

NORMAL and ABNORMAL attributes

The NORMAL and ABNORMAL attributes specify whether the associated variable
is subject to change at any time.

The ABNORMAL attribute specifies that the value of the variable can change
between statements or within a statement. An abnormal variable is fetched from or
stored in storage each time it is needed or each time it is changed. All optimization
is inhibited for an abnormal variable.


Default: NORMAL

The NORMAL and ABNORMAL attributes are propagated to members of

structures or unions.

Chapter 9. Storage control 279


If the ABNORMAL attribute applies to an INTERNAL STATIC variable with an

INITIAL value, the variable (with its initial value) will appear in the generated
object code even if the variable is otherwise unused.


The BIGENDIAN and LITTLEENDIAN attributes specify whether the associated
variable is stored with the most or least significant digits first. The BIGENDIAN
and LITTLEENDIAN attributes are ignored except for FIXED BINARY, ORDINAL,
OFFSET, POINTER, and AREA variables, VARYING and VARYING4 string


Default: BIGENDIAN except on Intel where the default is LITTLEENDIAN

Indicates that the variable (for varying strings, the length prefix part of the
variable) is stored with its most significant bytes first. This format is the
native style for z/OS and RS/6000.
Indicates that the variable is stored in the opposite format: with its least
significant bytes first. This format is the native style for Windows.

When the LITTLEENDIAN or BIGENDIAN attribute is applied to an AREA, it

affects only the format in which the control values managed by the compiler and
library are held. It has no effect on user variables stored in the AREA or on user
offset variables used to point to the user variables in the AREA.

The following example illustrates how BIGENDIAN and LITTLEENDIAN variables

are stored.

Assume that X and Y are declared as follows:

dcl X fixed bin(15) bigendian;
dcl Y fixed bin(15) littleendian;

X = 258;
Y = 258;

The HEXIMAGE built-in function shows how X and Y are actually stored.
display( heximage( addr(X), stg(X) ) ); /* displays 0102 */
display( heximage( addr(Y), stg(Y) ) ); /* displays 0201 */

In contrast, the HEX built-in function shows the storage representation for X and Y.
display (hex(X)); /* displays 0102 */
display (hex(Y)); /* displays 0102 */

BIGENDIAN and LITTLEENDIAN have no effect on the semantics of any

operations, or on the storage requirements for any variables.

280 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


The BIGENDIAN and LITTLEENDIAN attributes are propagated to members of

structures or unions.

For more information about using BIGENDIAN and LITTLEENDIAN, refer to the
Programming Guide.

The NATIVE and NONNATIVE attributes are synonyms for BIGENDIAN and
LITTLEENDIAN, but their meanings can vary across different systems:
v On z/OS and RS/600, NATIVE means BIGENDIAN.
v On Windows, NATIVE means LITTLEENDIAN.

HEXADEC and IEEE attributes

The HEXADEC and IEEE attributes specify whether the associated variable is
stored using the IBM hexadecimal floating point format or using the IEEE format.
The HEXADEC and IEEE attributes are ignored except for floating-point variables.


Default: IEEE except on z/OS where the default is HEXADEC

Indicates that the variable is stored in hexadecimal (z/OS) format.
IEEE Indicates that the variable is stored using the IEEE format.

The HEXADEC and IEEE suboptions of the DEFAULT compiler option can be used
to change the default for this attribute.

On the Windows and AIX platforms, all computations are done using IEEE
floating-point; variables declared HEXADEC will be converted to IEEE as

On the z/OS platform, floating-point computations can be done using one of 3 sets
of floating-point instructions:
v IBM hexadecimal floating-point
v IEEE binary floating-point
v IEEE decimal floating-point

On the z/OS platform, the choice of which set of instructions is used for a float
calculation is determined by two compiler options:
v Under FLOAT(DFP)
All computations that would yield a FLOAT DEC result are done using the
IEEE decimal floating-point instructions.
All computations that would yield a FLOAT BIN result are done using the
floating-point instructions for the format specified by the HEXADEC and
IEEE suboptions of the DEFAULT compiler option.

Chapter 9. Storage control 281


All computations that would yield a FLOAT result are done using the
floating-point instructions for the format specified by the HEXADEC and
IEEE suboptions of the DEFAULT compiler option.

So, under the FLOAT(NODFP) and DEFAULT(HEXADEC) options, all

computations are done using the hexadecimal floating-point instructions, and
variables declared IEEE will be converted to HEXADEC. But, under the
FLOAT(NODFP) and DEFAULT(IEEE) options, all computations are done using the
IEEE binary floating-point instructions, and variables declared HEXADEC will be
converted to IEEE as necessary.

Under the FLOAT(DFP) compiler option, the IEEE and HEXADEC attributes are
valid only for FLOAT BIN, and the DEFAULT(IEEE/HEXADEC) option will be
applied only to FLOAT BIN.


The CONNECTED attribute specifies that a parameter is a reference to connected
storage only. The NONCONNECTED attribute allows a parameter to occupy
noncontiguous as well as contiguous storage.

Elements, arrays, and major structure or unions are always allocated in connected
storage. References to unconnected storage arise only when you refer to an
aggregate that is made up of noncontiguous items from a larger aggregate. (See
Cross sections of arrays on page 188.) For example, in the following structure,
the interleaved arrays A.B and A.C are both in unconnected storage.
1 A(10),
2 B,
2 C;


Abbreviations: CONN, NONCONN


The CONNECTED attribute is applicable only to noncontrolled aggregate

parameters and can be specified only on level-1 names. It specifies that the
parameter is a reference to connected storage only, and therefore, allows the
parameter to be used as a target or source in record-oriented I/O, or as a base in
string overlay defining. When the parameter is connected and the CONNECTED
attribute is used, more efficient object code is produced for references to the
connected parameter.

NONCONNECTED should be specified if a parameter occupies noncontiguous

storage. In the following example, the NONCONNECTED attribute specifies that
the sum_Slice routine handles 1-dimensional arrays in which the elements may not
be contiguous. In the first invocation, sum_Slice is passed the first row, which is in
connected storage. In the second invocation, however, sum_Slice is passed the first
column, which is in nonconnected storage.

282 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


dcl A(10,10) fixed bin(31);

display( sum_Slice( A(1,*) ) ); /* first row */

display( sum_Slice( A(*,1) ) ); /* first column */

sum_Slice:proc(X) returns(fixed bin(31));

dcl X (*) fixed bin(31) nonconnected; /* default */

return(sum(X) );

DEFINED and POSITION attributes

The DEFINED attribute specifies that the declared variable is associated with some
or all of the storage associated with the designated base variable.

The UNION attribute allows you to achieve the same end in a much cleaner
manner and also allows variables with different attributes and precisions to be
overlaid. Also, while the DEFINED attribute guarantees that access through
defined or base variables is reflected in all defined variables, in a union only one
member of the union is valid at any given time. For syntax information for the
UNION attribute, see UNION attribute on page 190.

DEFINED reference
(reference) POSITION(expression)

Abbreviations: DEF for DEFINED, POS for POSITION

To the variable (the base variable) whose storage is associated with the declared
variable; the latter is the defined variable. The base variable can be EXTERNAL
or INTERNAL. It can be a parameter (in string overlay defining, the parameter
must refer to connected storage). It cannot be BASED or DEFINED. A change
to the base variable's value is a corresponding change to the value of the
defined variable, and vice versa.

If the base variable is a data aggregate, a defined variable can comprise all the data
or only a specified part of it.

The defined variable does not inherit any attributes from the base variable. The
defined variable must be INTERNAL and a level-1 identifier. It can have the
dimension attribute. It cannot be INITIAL, AUTOMATIC, BASED, CONTROLLED,
STATIC, or a parameter.

There are three types of defining: simple, iSUB, and string overlay.

The type of defining in effect is determined as follows:

1. If the POSITION attribute is specified, string overlay defining is in effect.
2. If the subscripts specified in the base variable contain references to iSUB
variables, iSUB defining is in effect.
3. If neither an iSUB variable nor the POSITION attribute is present and if the
base variable and defined variable match according to the criteria given below,
simple defining is in effect.

Chapter 9. Storage control 283


4. Otherwise, string overlay defining is in effect.

If the POSITION attribute is specified, the base variable must not contain iSUB

A base variable and a defined variable match if the base variable when passed as
an argument matches a parameter that has the attributes of the defined variable
(except for the DEFINED attribute). For this purpose, the parameter is assumed to
have all array bounds, string lengths, and area sizes specified by asterisks.

For simple defining and iSUB defining, a PICTURE attribute can only be matched
by a PICTURE attribute that is identical except for repetition factors. For a
reference to specify a valid base variable in string overlay defining, the reference
must be in connected storage. You can override the matching rule completely, but
this can cause unwanted side effects within your program.

The values specified or derived for any array bounds, string lengths, or area sizes
in a defined variable do not always have to match those of the base variable.
However, the defined variable must be able to fit into the corresponding base
array, string, or area.

In references to defined data, the STRINGRANGE, SUBSCRIPTRANGE, and

STRINGSIZE conditions are raised for the array bounds and string lengths of the
defined variable, not the base variable.

The determination of values and the interpretation of names occurs in the

following sequence:
1. The array bounds, string lengths, and area sizes of a defined variable are
evaluated on entry to the block that declares the variable.
2. A reference to a defined variable is a reference to the current generation of the
base variable. When a defined variable is passed as an argument without
creation of a dummy, the corresponding parameter refers to the generation of
the base variable that is current when the argument is passed. This remains
true even if the base variable is reallocated within the invoked procedure.
3. When a reference is made to the defined variable, the order of evaluation of the
subscripts of the base and defined variable is undefined.

If the defined variable is a structure or union containing any elements that are
unaligned nonvarying BIT, all array bounds and string lengths in the defined
variable must be specified as constants.

If the defined variable has the BIT attribute, unpredictable results can occur under
the following conditions:
v The base variable is not on a byte boundary.
v The defined variable is not defined on the first position of the base variable, and
the defined variable is used as follows:
A parameter in a subroutine call (that is, referenced as internally stored data)
An argument in a PUT statement
An argument in a built-in function (library call)
If the base variable is controlled, and the defined variable is dimensioned and
is declared with variable array bounds.

284 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


v If the defined variable consists entirely of unaligned nonvarying bit strings, the
array bounds, string lengths, and area sizes of the defined variable must be
known at compile time.

Unconnected storage
The DEFINED attribute can overlay arrays. This allows array expressions to refer
to array elements in unconnected storage (array elements that are not adjacent in

It is possible for an array expression involving consecutive elements to refer to

unconnected storage in the following case:
v Where a string array is defined on a string array that has elements of greater
length. Consecutive elements in the defined array are separated by the difference
between the lengths of the elements of the base and defined arrays, and are held
in unconnected storage.

An array overlay-defined on another array is always assumed to be in

unconnected storage.

Simple defining
Simple defining allows you to refer to an element, array, or structure variable by
another name.

Simple defining is supported only for scalars, for structures with constant extents
matching those in the base variable, and for arrays of such scalars and structures if
they are not based on controlled variables.

The defined and base variables can comprise any data type, but they must match.
The ALIGNED and UNALIGNED attributes must match for each element in the
defined variable and the corresponding element in the base variable.

The defined variable can have the dimension attribute.

In simple defining of an array, the following conditions apply:

v The base variable can be a cross-section of an array.
v The number of dimensions specified for the defined variable must be equal to
the number of dimensions specified for the base variable.
v The range specified by a bound pair of the defined array must be equal to or
contained within the range specified by the corresponding bound pair of the
base array.

In simple defining of a string, the length of the defined string must be less than or
equal to the length of the base string.

In simple defining of an area, the size of the defined area must be equal to the size
of the base area.

A base variable can be, or can contain, a varying string, provided that the
corresponding part of the defined variable is a varying string of the same
maximum length.

Chapter 9. Storage control 285


DCL A(10,10,10),
X1(2,2,2) DEF A,
X2(10,10) DEF A(*,*,5),
X3 DEF A(L,M,N);

X1 is a three-dimensional array that consists of the first two elements of each row,
column and plane of A. X2 is a two-dimensional array that consists of the fifth
plane of A. X3 is an element that consists of the element identified by the subscript
expressions L, M, and N.

Y is a character string that consists of the first 5 characters of B.

DCL C AREA(500),
Z AREA(500) DEF C;

Z is an area defined on C.
2 E,
2 F,
3 G CHAR(10) VAR,
3 H,
2 T,
2 U,
3 V CHAR(10) VAR,
3 W;

S is a structure defined on D. For simple defining, the organization of the two

structures must be identical. A reference to T is a reference to E, V to G, and so on.

iSUB Defining
With iSUB defining, you can create a defined array that consists of designated
elements from a base array.

The defined and base arrays must be arrays of scalars, can comprise any data
types, and must have identical attributes (apart from the dimension attribute).

The defined variable must have the dimension attribute. In the declaration of the
defined array, the base array must be subscripted, and the subscript positions
cannot be specified as asterisks.

An iSUB variable is a reference, in the subscript list for the base array, to the
dimension of the defined array. At least one subscript in the base array's
subscript-list must be an iSUB expression that, on evaluation, gives the required
subscript in the base array. The value of i ranges from 1 to n, where n is the
number of dimensions in the defined array. The number of subscripts for the base
array must be equal to the number of dimensions for the base array.

If a reference to a defined array does not specify a subscript expression, subscript

evaluation occurs during the evaluation of the expression or assignment in which
the reference occurs.

The value of i is specified as an integer. Within an iSUB expression, an iSUB

variable is treated as REAL FIXED BINARY(31,0) variable.

286 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


A subscript in a reference to a defined variable is evaluated even if there is no

corresponding iSUB in the base variable's subscript list.

An iSUB-defined variable must not appear in the data-list of a GET DATA or PUT
DATA statement.


X is a one-dimensional array that consists of the diagonal of A: X(i) refers to the

same storage as A(i,i).
Y(10,5) FIXED BIN DEF( A(2SUB,1SUB) );

Y is a two-dimensional array that consists of the elements of B with the bounds

transposed: Y(i,j) refers to the same storage as X(j,i).

String Overlay Defining

String overlay defining allows you to associate a defined variable with the storage
for a base variable. Both the defined and the base variable must be string or
picture data.

Neither the defined nor the base variable can have the ALIGNED, VARYING, or
VARYING4 attributes.

Both the defined and the base variables must belong to any of the following class:
v The bit class, which consists of the following variables:
Fixed-length bit variables
Aggregates of fixed-length bit variables
v The character class, which consists of the following variables:
Fixed-length character variables
Character pictured and numeric pictured variables
Aggregates of the two above
v The graphic class, which consists of the following variables:
Fixed-length graphic variables
Aggregates of fixed-length graphic variables
v The widechar class, which consists of the following variables:
Fixed-length widechar variables
Aggregates of fixed-length widechar variables

DCL A CHAR(100),
V(10,10) CHAR(1) DEF A;

V is a two-dimensional array that consists of all the elements in the character

string A.
DCL B(10) CHAR(1),

W is a character string that consists of all the elements in the array B.

Chapter 9. Storage control 287


POSITION attribute
The POSITION attribute can be used only with string-overlay defining and
specifies the bit, character, graphic or widechar within the base variable at which
the defined variable is to begin.

The expression in the POSITION attribute specifies the position relative to the start
of the base variable. The value specified in the expression can range from 1 to n,
where n is defined as follows:
n = N(b) - N(d) + 1

where N(b) is the number of bits, characters, graphics or widechars in the base
variable, and N(d) is the number of bits, characters, graphics or widechars in the
defined variable.

The expression is evaluated and converted to an integer value at each reference to

the defined item.

If the POSITION attribute is omitted, POSITION(1) is the default.

When the defined variable is a bit class aggregate, the POSITION attribute can
contain only an integer, and the base variable must not be subscripted.

The base variable must refer to data in connected storage.

DCL C(10,10) BIT(1),
X BIT(40) DEF C POS(20);

X is a bit string that consists of 40 elements of C, starting at the 20th element.

DCL E PIC99V.999,
Z1(6) CHAR(1) DEF (E),
Z2 CHAR(3) DEF (E) POS(4),
Z3(4) CHAR(1) DEF (E) POS(2);

Z1 is a character string array that consists of all the elements of the decimal
numeric picture E. Z2 is a character string that consists of the elements '999' of the
picture E. Z3 is a character-string array that consists of the elements '9.99' of the
picture E.
DCL A(20) CHAR(10),
B(10) CHAR(5) DEF (A) POSITION(1);

The first 50 characters of B consist of the first 50 characters of A. POSITION(1)

must be explicitly specified. Otherwise, simple defining is used and gives different

INITIAL attribute
The INITIAL attribute specifies an initial value or values assigned to a variable at
the time storage is allocated for it.

Only one initial value can be specified for an element variable. More than one can
be specified for an array variable. A union variable can be initialized only by
separate initialization of its elementary names, whether they are element or array
variables. A variable that has a defined structure type can be initialized by using

288 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


the VALUE type function together with the INITIAL attribute. The INITIAL
attribute cannot be given to constants, defined data, noncontrolled parameters, and
non-LIMITED static entry variables.

The INITIAL attribute has the following forms:

1. The first form, INITIAL, specifies an initial constant, expression, or function
reference, for which the value is assigned to a variable when storage is
allocated to it.
2. The second form, INITIAL CALL, specifies (with the CALL option) that a
procedure is invoked to perform initialization. The variable is initialized by
assignment during the execution of the called routine. (The routine is not
invoked as a function that returns a value to the point of invocation.)
3. The third form, INITIAL TO, specifies that the pointer (or array of pointers) is
initialized with the address of the character string specified in the INITIAL
LIST. The string also has the attributes indicated by the TO keyword.

The INITIAL form is allowed on the elementary names of a DEFINE STRUCTURE

statement, but the INITIAL CALL and INITIAL TO forms are not allowed. For
more information about initializing the typed structure, see VALUE on page 808.

Chapter 9. Storage control 289


INITIAL ( item )




( iteration-factor ) iteration-item



( item )


real-constant + imaginary-constant
+ -

INITIAL CALL entry-reference

generic-name ,
( argument )

290 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


INITIAL TO ( CHAR ) ( item )

WCHAR varying
varying WCHAR


(see description under INITIAL)

Abbreviations: INIT, INIT CALL, INIT TO

* Specifies that the element is to be left uninitialized, except when the element is
used as an iteration factor.
iteration factor
Specifies the number of times the iteration item is to be repeated in the
initialization of elements of an array.
The iteration factor can be an expression or an asterisk.
v An expression is converted to FIXED BINARY(31). For static variables, it
must be a constant.
v An asterisk indicates that the remaining elements should be initialized to the
specified value.
The use of an asterisk for both the iteration factor and the initial value is not
A negative or zero iteration factor specifies no initialization.
These specify an initial value to be assigned to the initialized variable.
For INITIAL CALL, the entry reference and argument list passed must satisfy
the condition stated for block activation as discussed under Block activation
on page 93.
INITIAL CALL cannot be used to initialize static data.

The following example initializes all of the elements of A to '00'X without the need
for the INITIAL attribute on each element:
dcl 1 A automatic,
2 ...,
2 ...,
2 * char(0) initial call plifill( addr(A), 00X, stg(A) );

Chapter 9. Storage control 291


An AUTOMATIC variable that has an INITIAL CALL attribute will be retained

even if otherwise unused (in case the logic of your program requires that the call
to be executed).

If the procedure invoked by the INITIAL CALL statement has been specified in a
FETCH or RELEASE statement and it is not present in main storage, the INITIAL
CALL statement initiates dynamic loading of the procedure. (For more information
about dynamic loading, see Dynamic loading of an external procedure on page
Use only with static native pointers. Specifies that the pointer (or array of
pointers) is initialized with the address of the character string specified in the
INITIAL LIST. Also specifies that the string has the attributes indicated by the
TO keyword.

In the following example, pdays is initialized with the addresses of character

varyingz strings containing the names of the weekdays.
dcl pdays(7) static ptr init to(varyingz)
Saturday );

You should not change a value identified by a pointer initialized with INITIAL TO.
The value can be placed in read-only storage and an attempt to change it could
result in a protection exception. Given the array pdays in the preceding example,
the following assignment is illegal:
dcl x char(30) varz based;

pdays(1)->x = Sonntag;

Initializing array variables

Initial values specified for an array are assigned to successive elements of the array
in row-major order (final subscript varying most rapidly). If too many initial
values are specified, the excess values are ignored; if not enough are specified, the
remainder of the array is not initialized.

The initialization of an array of strings can include both string repetition and
iteration factors. Where only one of these is given, it is taken to be a string
repetition factor unless the string constant is placed in parentheses.

The iteration factor can be specified as *, which means that all of the remaining
elements will be initialized with the given value.

The following examples illustrate the use of (and the difference between) string
repetition and iteration factors:
((2)A) is equivalent to (AA)
((2)(A)) is equivalent to (A,A)
((2)(1)A) is equivalent to (A,A)
((*)(1)A) is equivalent to (A,A...A)

292 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference

Initializing arrays

An area variable is initialized with the value of the EMPTY built-in function, on
allocation. Any INITIAL clause for an area variable will be ignored.

If the attributes of an item in the INITIAL attribute differ from those of the data
item itself, conversion is performed, provided that the attributes are compatible.

INITIAL is not allowed on objects of REFER clauses.

Initializing unions
The members of a union can have initial values. However, if the union is static,
only one member of the union can have the initial attribute. For nonstatic unions,
initial attributes are applied in order of appearance. Subsequent initial values
overwrite previous ones.

In the following example, the declaration for NT1 would be invalid if it had the
static storage attribute.
1 NT1 union automatic,
2 Numeric_translate_table1 char(256)
init( (256)00X),
2 *,
3 * char(240),
3 * char(10) init(0123456789),
2 * char(0);

1 NT2 union static,
2 Numeric_translate_table2 char(256),
2 *,
3 * char( rank(0) )
init((1)(low(rank(0))) ),
3 * char(10) init(0123456789),
3 * char( (256-(rank(0))-10) )
init((1)(low( (256-(rank(0))-10) )) ),

The declaration for NT2 is valid even though it has static storage class.
Furthermore, the NT2 declaration is portable between EBCDIC and ASCII modes of

Initializing static variables

For a variable that is allocated when the program is loaded, that is, a static
variable, which remains allocated throughout execution of the program, any value
specified in an INITIAL attribute is assigned only once. (Static storage for fetched
procedures is allocated and initialized each time the procedure is loaded.)

If static variables are initialized by using the INITIAL attribute, the initial values
must be specified as restricted expressions. Extent specifications must be restricted

The restrictions on initializing static variables are as follows:

v STATIC ENTRY variables must have the LIMITED attribute.
v INITIAL is not allowed for static format variables.
v INITIAL is allowed for label variables that are not part of structures or unions
with the following restrictions. When INITIAL is used, the label variable gets the
CONSTANT attribute.
All initial values must be unsubscripted user statement labels.

Chapter 9. Storage control 293

Initializing Static Variables

All initial values must be in the same block as the label declaration.
If the label is an array, it must be completely initialized.
v INITIAL is not valid for AREA variables.
v Only one member of a static union can specify INITIAL.
v If a STATIC EXTERNAL item without the RESERVED attribute is given the
INITIAL attribute in more than one declaration, the value specified must be the
same in every case.

Initializing automatic variables

For automatic variables, which are allocated at each activation of the declaring
block, any specified initial value is assigned with each allocation.

Initializing based and controlled variables

For based and controlled variables that are allocated at the execution of
ALLOCATE statements (also LOCATE statements for based variables), any
specified initial value is assigned with each allocation.

When storage for based variables is allocated through the ALLOCATE or the
AUTOMATIC built-in functions, the initial values are not assigned; for area
variables, the area is not implicitly initialized to EMPTY.

These examples illustrate how variables are initialized upon allocation.

In the following example, when storage is allocated for Name, the character constant
John Doe (padded on the right to 10 characters) is assigned to it.
dcl Name char(10) init(John Doe);

In the following example, when Pi is allocated, it is initialized to the value 3.1416.

dcl Pi fixed dec(5,4) init(3.1416);

The following example specifies that A is to be initialized with the value of the
expression B*C:
declare A init((B*C));

The following example results in each of the first 920 elements of A being set to 0.
The next 80 elements consist of 20 repetitions of the sequence 5,5,5,9.
declare A (100,10) initial
((920)0, (20) ((3)5,9));

In the following example, only the first, third, and fourth elements of A are
initialized; the rest of the array is not initialized. The array B is fully initialized,
with the first 25 elements initialized to 0, the next 25 to 1, and the remaining
elements to 0. In the structure C, where the dimension (8) has been inherited by D
and E, only the first element of D is initialized. All the elements of E are initialized.
declare A(15) character(13) initial
(John Doe,
Richard Row,
Mary Smith),

B (10,10) decimal fixed(5)


294 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


1 C(8),
2 D initial (0),
2 E initial((*)0);

When an array of structures or unions is declared with the LIKE attribute to obtain
the same structuring as a structure or union whose elements have been initialized,
only the first structure or union is initialized.

In the following example only J(1).H and J(1).I are initialized in the array of
declare 1 G,
2 H initial(0),
2 I initial(0),
1 J(8) like G;

Chapter 9. Storage control 295


296 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference

Chapter 10. Input and output
PL/I input and output statements (such as READ, WRITE, GET, PUT) let you
transmit data between the main and auxiliary storage of a computer.

A collection of data external to a program is called a data set. Transmission of data

from a data set to a program is called input. Transmission of data from a program
to a data set is called output. (If you are using a terminal, data set can also mean
your terminal.)

PL/I input and output statements are concerned with the logical organization of a
data set and not with its physical characteristics. A program can be designed
without specific knowledge of the input/output devices that is used when the
program is executed. To allow a source program to deal primarily with the logical
aspects of data rather than with its physical organization in a data set, PL/I
employs models of data sets, called files. A file can be associated with different
data sets at different times during the execution of a program.

PL/I uses two types of data transmission: stream and record.

Stream-oriented data transmission
The organization of the data in the data set is ignored within the program,
and the data is treated as though it were a continuous stream of individual
data values in character form. Data is converted from character form to
internal form on input, and from internal form to character form on
Stream-oriented data transmission can be used for processing input data
prepared in character form and for producing readable output, where
editing is required. Stream-oriented data transmission allows synchronized
communication with the program at run time from a terminal, if the
program is interactive.
Stream-oriented data transmission is more versatile than record-oriented
data transmission in its data-formatting abilities, but is less efficient in
terms of run time.
Record-oriented data transmission
The data set is a collection of discrete records. The record on the external
medium is generally an exact copy of the record as it exists in internal
storage. No data conversion takes place during record-oriented data
transmission. On input the data is transmitted exactly as it is recorded in
the data set, and on output it is transmitted exactly as it is recorded
Record-oriented data transmission can be used for processing files that
contain data in any representation, such as binary, decimal, or character.
Record-oriented data transmission is more versatile than stream-oriented
data transmission, in both the manner in which data can be processed and
the types of data sets that it can process. Because data is recorded in a data
set exactly as it appears in main storage, any data type is acceptable. No
conversions occur, but you must have a greater awareness of the data

Copyright IBM Corp. 1999, 2016 297

Input and output

It is possible for the same data set to be processed at different times by either
stream or record data transmission. However, all items in the data set must be in
character form.

The following topics discuss the kinds of data sets, the attributes for describing
files, and how you open and close files in order to transmit data. For more
information about the types of data set organizations that PL/I recognizes, refer to
the Programming Guide.
Related information:
Chapter 12, Stream-oriented data transmission, on page 321
This chapter describes the input and output statements used in stream-oriented
data transmission.
Chapter 11, Record-oriented data transmission, on page 311
This chapter describes features of the input and output statements used in
record-oriented data transmission.

Data sets
In addition to being used as input from and output to your terminal, data sets are
stored on a variety of auxiliary storage media, including magnetic tape and
direct-access storage devices (DASDs). Despite their variety, these media have
characteristics that allow common methods of collecting, storing, and transmitting
data. The organization of a data set determines how data is recorded in a data set
and how the data is subsequently retrieved so that it can be transmitted to the

Records are stored in and retrieved from a data set either sequentially on the basis
of successive physical or logical positions, or directly by the use of keys specified
in data transmission statements.

PL/I supports the following types of data set organizations:


The data set organizations differ in the way they store data and in the means they
use to access data.

In the consecutive data set organization, records are organized solely on the basis
of their successive physical positions.

When the data set is created, records are written consecutively in the order in
which they are presented. The records can be retrieved only in the order in which
they were written.

In the indexed data set organization, records are placed in a logical sequence based
on the key of each record.

An indexed data set must reside on a direct-access device. A character string key
identifies the record and allows direct retrieval, replacement, addition, and deletion
of records. Sequential processing is also allowed.

298 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference

Data sets

In the relative data set organization, numbered records are placed in a position
relative to each other.

The records are numbered in succession, beginning with one. A relative data set
must reside on a direct-access device. A key that specifies the record number
identifies the record and allows direct retrieval, replacement, addition, and deletion
of records. Sequential processing is also allowed.

The regional data set organization is divided into numbered regions, each of which
can contain one record.

The regions are numbered in succession, beginning with zero. A region can be
accessed by specifying its region number, and perhaps a key, in a data
transmission statement. The key specifies the region number and identifies the
region to allow optimized direct retrieval, replacement, addition, and deletion of

To allow a source program to deal primarily with the logical aspects of data rather
than with its physical organization in a data set, PL/I employs models of data sets,
called files.

These models determine how input and output statements access and process the
associated data set. Unlike a data set, a file data item has significance only within
the source program and does not exist as a physical entity external to the program.

A name that represents a file has the FILE attribute.

FILE attribute
The FILE attribute specifies that the associated name is a file constant or file


The FILE attribute can be implied for a file constant by any of the file description
attributes. A name can be contextually declared as a file constant through its
appearance in the FILE option of any input or output statement, or in an ON
statement for any input/output condition.

File constant
Each data set processed by a PL/I program must be associated with a file constant.

The individual characteristics of each file constant are described with file
description attributes. These attributes fall into two categories: alternative attributes
and additive attributes.

Chapter 10. Input and output 299

File constant

An alternative attribute is one that is chosen from a group of attributes. If no

explicit or implied attribute is given for one of the alternatives in a group and if
one of the alternatives is required, a default attribute is used.

Table 42 lists the PL/I alternative file attributes.

Table 42. Alternative file attributes
Group type Alternative attributes Default attribute



An additive attribute is one that must be stated explicitly or is implied by another

explicitly stated attribute. The additive attributes are ENVIRONMENT, KEYED,
and PRINT. The additive attribute KEYED is implied by the DIRECT attribute. The
additive attribute PRINT can be implied by the output file name SYSPRINT.

Table 43 shows the attributes that apply to each type of data transmission.
Table 43. Attributes by data transmission type
Type of transmission Attribute
Stream-oriented ENVIRONMENT
Record-oriented BUFFERED and UNBUFFERED

Table 44 on page 301 shows the valid combinations of file attributes.

300 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference

File constant

Table 44. Attributes of PL/I file declarations

File R
Type E
M DIRECT I Must be specified or
C C implied
o o
R R D Default
n n I I
e e
s s n n O Optional
l l
Data e e d d
a a S Must be specified
Set c c e e
t t
Organization u u x x - Invalid
i i
t t e e
v v
i i d d
e e
v v
e e
File Attributes Attributes Implied
STREAM D - - - - - FILE
A file with the INPUT attribute cannot have the PRINT attribute
UPDATE is invalid for tape files.
KEYED is required for indexed and relative output

Scope is discussed in Scope of declarations on page 162.

The FILE attribute can be implied for a file constant by any of the file description
attributes discussed in this chapter. A name can be contextually declared as a file
constant through its appearance in the FILE option of any input or output
statement, or in an ON statement for any input/output condition.

In the following example, the name Master is declared as a file constant:

declare Master file;

File variable
A file variable has the attributes FILE and VARIABLE. It cannot have any of the
file constant description attributes. File constants can be assigned to file variables.
After assignment, a reference to the file variable has the same significance as a
reference to the assigned file constant.

Chapter 10. Input and output 301

File variable

The value of a file variable can be transmitted by record-oriented transmission

statements. The value of the file variable on the data set might not be valid after

The VARIABLE attribute is implied under the circumstances described in

VARIABLE attribute on page 49.

In the following declaration, Account is declared as a file variable, and Acct1 and
Acct2 are declared as file constants. The file constants can subsequently be
assigned to the file variable.
declare Account file variable,
Acct1 file,
Acc2 file;

For syntax information, see VARIABLE attribute on page 49.

Specifying a file reference

A file reference can be a file constant, a file variable, or a function reference that
returns a value with the FILE attribute.

A file reference can be used in the following ways:

v In a FILE or COPY option
v As an argument to be passed to a function or subroutine
v To qualify an input/output condition for ON, SIGNAL, and REVERT statements
v As the expression in a RETURN statement.

On-units can be established for a file constant through a file variable that
represents its value (see ON-units for file variables on page 376). In the
following example, the statements labelled L1 and L2 both specify null ON-units
for the same file.
dcl F file,
G file variable;
L1: on endfile(G);
L2: on endfile(F);

RECORD and STREAM attributes

The RECORD and STREAM usage attributes specify the kind of data transmission
used for the file.



Default: STREAM
Indicates that the file consists of a collection of physically separate records,
each of which consists of one or more data items in any form. Each record
is transmitted as an entity to or from a variable.

302 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


A file with the RECORD attribute can be specified only in the FILE option
input/output statements.
Indicates that the data of the file is a continuous stream of data items, in
character form, assigned from the stream to variables, or from expressions
into the stream.
A file with the STREAM attribute can be specified only in the FILE option
of the OPEN, CLOSE, GET, and PUT input/output statements.

INPUT, OUTPUT, and UPDATE attributes

The INPUT, OUTPUT, and UPDATE function attributes specify the direction of
data transmission allowed for a file.




Default: INPUT
Specifies that data is transmitted from a data set to the program.
Specifies that data is transmitted from the program to a data set, either to
create a new data set or to extend an existing one.
Specifies that the data can be transmitted in either direction. The UPDATE
attribute applies to RECORD files only. A declaration of UPDATE for a
SEQUENTIAL file indicates the update-in-place mode.

SEQUENTIAL and DIRECT attributes

The SEQUENTIAL and DIRECT access attributes apply only to RECORD files, and
specify how the records in the file are accessed.



Abbreviation: SEQL for SEQUENTIAL


Chapter 10. Input and output 303


Specifies that records in a data set are directly accessed. The location of the
record in the data set is determined by a character-string key. Therefore,
the DIRECT attribute implies the KEYED attribute. The associated data set
must be on a direct-access storage device.
Specifies that records in a consecutive or relative data set are accessed in
physical sequence, and that records in an indexed data set are accessed in
key sequence order. For certain data set organizations, a file with the
SEQUENTIAL attribute can also be used for direct access or for a mixture
of random and sequential access. In this case, the file must have the
additive attribute KEYED. Existing records of a data set in a SEQUENTIAL
UPDATE file can be modified, ignored, or, if the data set is indexed,


The buffering attributes apply only to RECORD files and specify whether during
transmission each record must pass through intermediate storage buffers or can be
transmitted directly.



Abbreviations: BUF for BUFFERED, and UNBUF for UNBUFFERED

Defaults: BUFFERED is the default for SEQUENTIAL files. UNBUFFERED is the

default for DIRECT files.
Specifies that during transmission to and from a data set, each record of a
RECORD file must pass through intermediate storage buffers. This allows
both move and locate mode processing.
Indicates that a record in a data set need not pass through a buffer but can
be transmitted directly to and from the main storage associated with a
variable. This allows only move mode processing.

The characteristic list of the ENVIRONMENT attribute specifies various data set
characteristics that are not part of PL/I.

For a full list and description of the characteristics and their uses, refer to the
Programming Guide.

Note: Because the characteristics are not part of the PL/I language, using them in
a file declaration can limit the portability of your application program.

304 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


KEYED attribute
The KEYED attribute applies only to RECORD files, and must be associated with
indexed and relative data sets. It specifies that records in the file can be accessed
using one of the key options (KEY, KEYTO, or KEYFROM) of record I/O


The KEYED attribute need not be specified unless one of the key options is used.

PRINT attribute
The PRINT attribute applies to files with the STREAM and OUTPUT attributes. It
indicates that the file is intended to be printed; that is, the data associated with the
file is to appear on printed pages, although it can first be written on some other

For details, see PRINT attribute on page 341.

Opening and closing files

Before a file can be used for data transmission, by input or output statements, it
must be associated with a data set. Opening a file associates the file with a data set
and involves checking for the availability of external media, positioning the media,
and allocating required operating system support. When processing is completed,
the file must be closed. Closing a file dissociates the file from the data set.

PL/I provides two statements, OPEN and CLOSE, to perform these functions.
However, use of these statements is optional. If an OPEN statement is not executed
for a file, the file is opened implicitly during the execution of first data
transmission statement for that file. In this case, the file opening uses information
about the file as specified in a DECLARE statement (and defaults derived from the
transmission statement). Similarly, if a file has not been closed before PL/I
termination, PL/I will close it during the termination process.

When a file for stream input, sequential input, or sequential update is opened, the
associated data set is positioned at the first record.

OPEN statement
The OPEN statement associates a file with a data set. It merges attributes specified
on the OPEN statement with those specified on the DECLARE statement. It also
completes the specification of attributes for the file, if a complete set of attributes
has not been declared for the file being opened.

Chapter 10. Input and output 305


OPEN options-group ;









TITLE(expression) LINESIZE(expression) PAGESIZE(expression)

The options of the OPEN statement can appear in any order.

Specifies the name of the file that is associated with a data set.
These options specify attributes that augment the attributes specified in the file
declaration. The same attributes need not be listed in both OPEN and
DECLARE statements for the same file. For a list of attributes for record and
stream input and output, see Table 43 on page 300.
When a STREAM file is opened, the first GET or PUT statement can specify,
with a statement option or format item, the first record to be accessed. The
statement option or format item indicates that n lines are skipped before a
record is accessed. The file is then positioned at the start of the nth record. If
no statement option or format item is encountered, the initial file position is
the start of the first line or record. If the file has the PRINT attribute, it is
physically positioned at column 1 of the first line or record.
Opening a file that is already open does not affect the file.
306 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference

The content of expression determines what is being designated. For more
information about the TITLE attribute, refer to the Programming Guide.
Converted to an integer value, specifies the length in bytes of a line during
subsequent operations on the file. New lines can be started by use of the
printing and control format items or by options in a GET or PUT statement. If
an attempt is made to position a file past the end of a line before explicit
action to start a new line is taken, a new line is started, and the file is
positioned to the start of this new line. The default line size for PRINT file is
The LINESIZE option can be specified only for a STREAM OUTPUT file.
Is evaluated and converted to an integer value, and specifies the number of
lines per page. The first attempt to exceed this limit raises the ENDPAGE
condition. During subsequent transmission to the PRINT file, a new page can
be started by use of the PAGE format item or by the PAGE option in the PUT
statement. The default page size is 60.
The PAGESIZE option can be specified only for a file having the PRINT

Implicit opening
An implicit opening of a file occurs when a GET, PUT, READ, WRITE, LOCATE,
REWRITE, or DELETE statement is executed for a file for which an OPEN
statement has not already been executed.

If a GET statement contains a COPY option, execution of the GET statement can
cause implicit opening of either the file specified in the COPY option, or, if no file
was specified, the output file SYSPRINT. Implicit opening of the file specified in
the COPY option implies the STREAM and OUTPUT attributes.

Table 45 shows the attributes that are implied when a given statement causes the
file to be implicitly opened.
Table 45. Attributes implied by implicit open
Statement Implied attributes
Note: INPUT and OUTPUT are default attributes for READ and WRITE statements only if
UPDATE has not been explicitly declared.

When one of the statements listed in Table 45 opens a file implicitly, it is

functionally equivalent to using an explicit OPEN statement for the file with the
same attributes specified.

Chapter 10. Input and output 307

Implicit opening

There must be no conflict between the attributes specified in a file declaration and
the attributes implied as the result of opening the file. For example, the attributes
INPUT and UPDATE are in conflict, as are the attributes UPDATE and STREAM.

The implied attributes are applied before the default attributes that are listed in
Table 42 on page 300 are applied. Implied attributes can also cause a conflict. If a
conflict in attributes exists after the application of default attributes, the
UNDEFINEDFILE condition is raised.
Table 46. Merged and implied attributes
Merged attributes Implied attributes

Example of file constant

This example illustrates attribute merging for an explicit opening of a file that is
specified by a file constant.
declare Listing file stream;
open file(Listing) print;

Attributes after merge caused by execution of the OPEN statement are STREAM
and PRINT. Attributes after implication are STREAM, PRINT, and OUTPUT.
Attributes after default application are STREAM, PRINT, OUTPUT, and

Example of file variable

This example illustrates attribute merging for an explicit opening of a file by using
a file variable.
declare Account file variable,
(Acct1,Acct2) file

Account = Acct1;
open file(Account) print;

Account = Acct2;
open file(Account) record unbuf;

The file Acct1 is opened with attributes (explicit and implied) STREAM,
EXTERNAL, PRINT, and OUTPUT. The file Acct2 is opened with attributes

Example of implicit opening

This example illustrates attribute merging for an explicit opening of a file, which is
caused by execution of the READ statement.
declare Master file keyed internal;

read file (Master)

into (Master_Record)

308 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference

Implicit opening

Attributes after merge (from the implicit opening caused by execution of the READ
statement) are KEYED, INTERNAL, RECORD, and INPUT. (No additional
attributes are implied.) Attributes after default application are KEYED, INTERNAL,

Examples of declarations of file constants

declare File3 input direct environment( regional(1) )

This declaration specifies three file attributes: INPUT, DIRECT, and

ENVIRONMENT. Other implied attributes are FILE (implied by each of the
attributes) and RECORD and KEYED (implied by DIRECT). Scope is EXTERNAL,
by default. The ENVIRONMENT attribute specifies that the data set is of the
REGIONAL(1) organization.

For the previous declaration, all necessary attributes are either stated or implied in
the DECLARE statement. None of the stated attributes can be changed (or
overridden) in an OPEN statement.

If the declaration is written as shown in the following example, invntry can be

opened for different purposes.
declare invntry file;

In the following example, the file attributes are the same as those specified (or
implied) in the DECLARE statement in the previous example.
open file (Invntry)
update sequential;

The file might be opened in this way, then closed, and then later opened with a
different set of attributes. For example, the following OPEN statement allows
records to be read with either the KEYTO or the KEY option.
open file (Invntry)
input sequential keyed;

Because the file is SEQUENTIAL, the data set can be accessed in a purely
sequential manner. It can also be accessed directly by means of a READ statement
with a KEY option. A READ statement with a KEY option for a file of this
description obtains a specified record. Subsequent READ statements without a KEY
option access records sequentially, beginning with the next record in KEY

CLOSE statement
The CLOSE statement dissociates an opened file from its data set.
Specifies the name of the file that is dissociated from the data set. CLOSE
FILE(*) closes all open files.

The CLOSE statement also dissociates from the file all attributes established for it
by the implicit or explicit opening process. If desired, new attributes can be
specified for the file in a subsequent OPEN statement. However, all attributes
explicitly given to the file constant in a DECLARE statement remain in effect.

Closing a file that was previously closed has no effect. A closed file can be
reopened. If a file is not closed by a CLOSE statement, it is closed at the
termination of the program.

Chapter 10. Input and output 309


FLUSH statement
The FLUSH statement can be used to flush one or all files.

FLUSH FILE(file-reference) ;

Specifies the name of the output file.

The FLUSH statement flushes the buffers associated with an open output file (or
with all open output files if * is specified). This normally happens when the file is
closed or when the program ends, but the FLUSH statement ensures that the
buffers are flushed before any other processing occurs.


Any PL/I program can use the input file SYSIN and the output file SYSPRINT.
These files need not be declared or opened explicitly.

For SYSIN, the default attributes are STREAM INPUT, and for SYSPRINT they are
STREAM OUTPUT PRINT. Both file names, SYSIN and SYSPRINT, have the
default attribute EXTERNAL, even though SYSPRINT contains more than 7

The compiler does not reserve the names SYSIN and SYSPRINT for the specific
purposes described above. They can be used for other purposes besides identifying
SYSIN and SYSPRINT files. Other attributes can be applied to them, but the PRINT
attribute is applied by default to SYSPRINT when it is declared or opened as a
STREAM OUTPUT file unless the INTERNAL attribute is declared for it.

310 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference

Chapter 11. Record-oriented data transmission
This chapter describes features of the input and output statements used in
record-oriented data transmission.

Those features of PL/I that apply generally to record-oriented or stream-oriented

data transmission, including declaring files, file attributes, and opening and closing
files, are described in Chapter 10, Input and output, on page 297. For syntax
information about the ENVIRONMENT attribute, see ENVIRONMENT attribute
on page 304. For details about environment characteristics and record I/O data
transmission statements for each data set organization, refer to the Programming

In record-oriented data transmission, data in a data set is a collection of records

recorded in any format acceptable to the operating system. No data conversion is
performed during record-oriented data transmission. On input, the READ
statement either transmits a single record to a program variable exactly as it is
recorded in the data set, or sets a pointer to the record. On output, the WRITE,
REWRITE, or LOCATE statement transmits a single record from a program
variable exactly as it is recorded internally. If the information transmitted to the file
has a length N which is less than the established record length M, the resulting
value of the last M-N bytes of the record is undefined.

Data transmitted
Most variables, including parameters and DEFINED variables, can be transmitted
by record-oriented data transmission statements. In general, the information given
in this chapter can be applied equally to all variables.

Note: A data aggregate must be in connected storage. If a graphic string is

specified for input or output, the SCALARVARYING option must be specified for
the file. Other data considerations are described in the following sections.

Unaligned bit strings

In some instances, unaligned bit strings cannot be transmitted.

The following cannot be transmitted:

v BASED, DEFINED, parameter, subscripted, or structure-base-element variables
that are unaligned nonvarying bit strings
v Minor structures whose first or last base elements are unaligned nonvarying bit
strings (except where they are also the first or last elements of the containing
major structure)
v Major structures that have the DEFINED attribute or are parameters, and that
have unaligned nonvarying bit strings as their first or last elements

Varying length strings

Reading and writing using varying length strings allows you to access records that
can have undefined or unknown lengths.

A locate mode output statement (see LOCATE statement on page 314) specifying
a varying length string transmits a field having a length equal to the maximum

Copyright IBM Corp. 1999, 2016 311

Varying length strings

length of the string. For VARYINGZ strings, the null terminator is also transmitted.
For VARYING strings, a 2-byte prefix denoting the current length of the string is
also transmitted; for this, the SCALARVARYING option of the ENVIRONMENT
attribute must be specified for the file.

A move mode output statement (see WRITE statement on page 313 and
REWRITE statement on page 313) specifying a varying length string variable
transmits only the current length of the string. For VARYINGZ strings, the null
terminator is also transmitted. For VARYING strings, a 2-byte prefix is included
only if the SCALARVARYING option of the ENVIRONMENT attribute is specified
for the file.

Area variables
A locate mode output statement specifying an area variable transmits a field whose
length is the declared size of the area, plus a 16-byte prefix containing control

A move mode statement specifying an element area variable or a structure whose

last element is an area variable transmits only the current extent of the area plus a
16-byte prefix.

Data transmission statements

The data transmission statements that transmit records to or from a data set are

The DELETE statement deletes records from an UPDATE file. The attributes of the
file determine which data transmission statements can be used. Statement options
are described in Options of data transmission statements on page 314. For
information about variables in data transmission statements, see the Programming

READ statement
The READ statement can be used with any INPUT or UPDATE file. It either
transmits a record from the data set to the program variable or sets a pointer to the
record in storage.

IGNORE (expression)
READ FILE (file-reference)

The keywords can appear in any order. A READ statement without an INTO, SET,
or IGNORE option is equivalent to a READ with an IGNORE(1).

312 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


WRITE statement
The WRITE statement can be used with SEQUENTIAL UPDATE files (if VSAM),
with DIRECT UPDATE files, and with any OUTPUT file. It transmits a record from
the program and adds it to the data set.

WRITE FILE (file-reference) FROM (reference)


The keywords can appear in any order.

A WRITE statement cannot be used to update a consecutive data set accessed as a

SEQUENTIAL UPDATE file. In order to update a consecutive data set by a
SEQUENTIAL UPDATE file, you must retrieve a record with a READ statement
before you can update it by a REWRITE statement.

Also, if you want to add records to the end of an existing sequential file, the file
must be opened as OUTPUT, and you must specify either DISP=MOD in its DD
statement (if your program is running under z/OS batch) or APPEND(Y) in its
environment variable (if your program is running under Windows, AIX, or z/OS

REWRITE statement
The REWRITE statement replaces a record in an UPDATE file.

For SEQUENTIAL UPDATE files, the REWRITE statement specifies that the last
record read from the file is rewritten; consequently a record must be read before it
can be rewritten. For DIRECT UPDATE files, any record can be rewritten whether
or not it has first been read.

REWRITE FILE (file-reference)

FROM (reference)

KEY (expression)

The keywords can appear in any order. The FROM option must be specified for
UPDATE files with the DIRECT attribute, or with both the SEQUENTIAL and
UNBUFFERED attributes.

A REWRITE statement that does not specify the FROM option has the following
v If the last record was read by a READ statement with the INTO option,
REWRITE without FROM has no effect on the record in the data set.

Chapter 11. Record-oriented data transmission 313


v If the last record was read by a READ statement with the SET option, the record
is updated by whatever assignments were made in the variable identified by the
pointer variable in the SET option.

LOCATE statement
The LOCATE statement can be used only with an OUTPUT SEQUENTIAL
BUFFERED file for locate mode processing. It allocates storage within an output
buffer for a based variable and sets a pointer to the location of the next record.

For further description of locate mode processing, see Locate mode on page 318.

LOCATE based-variable FILE (file-reference)

SET (pointer-reference) KEYFROM (expression)

The keywords can appear in any order.

Must be an unsubscripted, level-1 based variable.

DELETE statement
The DELETE statement deletes a record from an UPDATE file.

DELETE FILE (file-reference) ;

KEY (expression)

The keywords can appear in any order. If the KEY option is omitted, the record to
be deleted is the last record that is read. No subsequent DELETE or REWRITE
statement without a KEY is allowed until another READ statement is processed. If
the KEY option is included, that record addressed by the key is deleted if found.

Options of data transmission statements

Options that are allowed for record-oriented data transmission statements differ
according to the attributes of the file and the characteristics of the associated data

FILE option
The FILE option must appear in every record-oriented data transmission statement.
It specifies the file upon which the operation takes place.

An example of the FILE option is shown in each of the statements in this section. If
the file specified is not open in the current process, it is opened implicitly.

314 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


FROM option
The FROM option specifies the element or aggregate variable from which the
record is written. The FROM option must be used in the WRITE statement for any
OUTPUT or DIRECT UPDATE file. It can also be used in the REWRITE statement
for any UPDATE file.

If the variable is an aggregate, it must be in connected storage. Certain uses of

unaligned nonvarying bit strings are disallowed (for details, see Data transmitted
on page 311).

The FROM variable can be an element string variable of varying length. When a
WRITE statement is specified with the FROM option, only the current length of a
varying length string is transmitted to a data set. For a VARYINGZ string, the null
terminator is attached and also transmitted. For a VARYING string, a 2-byte prefix
specifying the length is attached only if the SCALARVARYING option of the
ENVIRONMENT attribute is specified for the file.

Records are transmitted as an integral number of bytes. If a bit string (or a

structure that starts or ends with a bit string) that is not aligned on a byte
boundary is transmitted, the record is padded with bits at the start or the end of
the string, and the result might be incorrect.

The FROM option can be omitted from a REWRITE statement for SEQUENTIAL
UPDATE files. If the last record was read by a READ statement with the INTO
option, REWRITE without FROM has no effect on the record in the data set. If the
last record was read by a READ statement with the SET option, the record
(updated by whatever assignments were made) is copied back onto the data set.

In the following examples, the statements specify that the value of the variable
Mas_Rec is written into the output file Master.
write file (Master) from (Mas_Rec);

The REWRITE statement specifies that Mas_Rec replaces the last record read from
an UPDATE file.
rewrite file (Master) from (Mas_Rec);

IGNORE option
The IGNORE option can be used in a READ statement for any SEQUENTIAL

The expression in the IGNORE option is evaluated and converted to an integer

value n. If n is greater than zero, n records are ignored. A subsequent READ
statement for the file will access the (n+1)th record. If n is less than 1, the READ
statement has no effect.

The following example specifies that the next three records in the file are to be
read file (In) ignore (3);

INTO option
The INTO option specifies an element or aggregate variable into which the logical
record is read.

Chapter 11. Record-oriented data transmission 315


The INTO option can be used in the READ statement for any INPUT or UPDATE

If the variable is an aggregate, it must be in connected storage. Certain uses of

unaligned nonvarying bit strings are disallowed (for details, see Data transmitted
on page 311).

The INTO variable can be an element string variable of varying length. For
VARYINGZ strings, each record contains a null terminator. For VARYING strings,
if the SCALARVARYING option of the ENVIRONMENT attribute was specified for
the file, each record contains a 2-byte prefix that specifies the length of the string

If SCALARVARYING was not declared on input, the string length is calculated

from the record length and attached as a 2-byte prefix (for VARYING strings). For
VARYING bit strings, this calculation rounds up the length to a multiple of 8 and
therefore the calculated length might be greater than the maximum declared

The following example specifies that the next sequential record is read into the
variable RECORD_1:
read file (Detail) into (Record_1);

KEY option
The KEY option specifies a character, graphic, or widechar key that identifies a
record. It can be used in a READ statement for an INPUT or UPDATE file, or in a
REWRITE statement for a DIRECT UPDATE file.

The KEY option applies only to KEYED files. The KEY option is required if the file
has the DIRECT attribute, and is optional if the file has the SEQUENTIAL and
KEYED attributes.

The expression in the KEY option is evaluated, and if it is not character, graphic, or
widechar, the expression is converted to a character value that represents a key. It
is this character, graphic, or widechar value that determines which record is read.

The following example specifies that the record identified by the character value of
the variable Stkey is read into the variable Item:
read file (Stpck) into (Item) key (Stkey);

KEYFROM option
The KEYFROM option specifies a character, graphic, or widechar key that
identifies the record on the data set to which the record is transmitted. It can be
used in a WRITE statement for any KEYED OUTPUT or DIRECT UPDATE file, or
in a LOCATE statement.

The KEYFROM option applies only to KEYED files. The expression is evaluated,
and if it is not character, graphic, or widechar, the expression is converted to a
character string and is used as the key of the record when it is written.

Relative data sets can be created by using the KEYFROM option. The record
number is specified as the key.

REGIONAL(1) data sets can be created by using the KEYFROM option. The region
number is specified as the key.

316 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


For indexed data sets, KEYFROM specifies a recorded key whose length must be
equal to the key length specified for the data set.

The following example specifies that the value of Loanrec is written as a record in
the file Loans, and that the character string value of Loanno is used as the key with
which it can be retrieved:
write file (Loans) from (Loanrec) keyfrom (Loanno);

KEYTO option
The KEYTO option specifies the character, graphic, or widechar variable to which
the key of a record is assigned.

The KEYTO option can specify any string pseudovariable other than STRING. It
cannot specify a variable declared with a numeric picture specification. The
KEYTO option can be used in a READ statement for a SEQUENTIAL INPUT or

The KEYTO option applies only to KEYED files.

Assignment to the KEYTO variable always follows assignment to the INTO

variable. If an incorrect key specification is detected, the KEY condition is raised.
The value assigned is as follows:
v For indexed data sets, the record key is padded or truncated on the right to the
declared length of the character variable.
v For relative data sets, a record number is converted to a character string with
leading zeros suppressed, truncated, or padded on the left to the declared length
of the character variable.
v For REGIONAL(1) data sets, the 8-character region-number, padded or truncated
on the left to the declared length of the character variable. If the character
variable is of varying length, any leading zeros in the region number are
truncated and the string length is set to the number of significant digits. An
all-zero region number is truncated to a single zero.

The KEY condition is not raised for this type of padding or truncation.

The following example specifies that the next record in the file Detail is read into
the variable Invntry, and that the key of the record is assigned to the variable
read file (Detail) into (Invntry) keyto (Keyfld);

SET option
The SET option can be used with a READ statement or a LOCATE statement. For
the READ statement, it specifies a pointer variable that is set to point to the record
read. For the LOCATE statement, it specifies a pointer variable that is set to point
to the next record for output.

If the SET option is omitted for the LOCATE statement, the pointer declared with
the record variable is set. If a VARYING string is transmitted, the
SCALARVARYING option must be specified for the file.

The following example specifies that the value of the pointer variable P is set to the
location in the buffer of the next sequential record:
read file (X) set (P);

Chapter 11. Record-oriented data transmission 317

Processing modes

Processing modes
Record-oriented data transmission has two modes of handling data.
Move mode
Processes data by moving it into or out of the variable.
Locate mode
Processes data while it remains in a buffer. The execution of a data
transmission statement assigns a pointer variable for the location of the
storage allocated to a record in the buffer. Locate mode is applicable only
to BUFFERED files.

The data transmission statements and options that you specify determine the
processing mode used.

Move mode
In move mode, a READ statement transfers a record from the data set to the
variable named in the INTO option.

A WRITE or REWRITE statement transfers a record from the variable named in the
FROM option to the data set. The variables named in the INTO and FROM options
can be of any storage class.

The following is an example of move mode input:

Eof_In = 0b;
on endfile(In) Eof_In = 1B;
read file(In) into(Data);
do while (Eof_In);
/* process record */
read file(In) into(Data);

Locate mode
Locate mode assigns to a pointer variable the location of the buffer.

A based variable described the record. The same data can be interpreted in
different ways by using different based variables. Locate mode can also be used to
read self-defining records, in which information in one part of the record is used to
indicate the structure of the rest of the record. For example, this information could
be an array bound or a code identifying which based structure should be used for
the attributes of the data.

A READ statement with a SET option sets the pointer variable in the SET option to
a buffer containing the record. The data in the record can then be referenced by a
based variable qualified with the pointer variable.

The pointer value is valid only until the execution of the next READ or CLOSE
statement that refers to the same file.

The pointer variable specified in the SET option or, if SET was omitted, the pointer
variable specified in the declaration of the based variable, is used. The pointer
value is valid only until the execution of the next LOCATE, WRITE, or CLOSE

318 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference

Locate mode

statement that refers to the same file. It also initializes components of the based
variable that have been specified in REFER options.

The LOCATE statement sets a pointer variable to a large enough area where the
next record can be built.

After execution of the LOCATE statement, values can be assigned directly into the
based variables qualified by the pointer variable set by the LOCATE statement.

Example 1

The following example shows locate mode input:

dcl 1 Data based(P),

on endfile(In);
read file(In) set(P);
do while (endfile(In));
/* process record */
read file(In) set(P);

Example 2

The following example shows locate mode output:

dcl 1 Data based(P);

do while (More_records_to_write);
locate Data file(Out);
. /* build record */

Chapter 11. Record-oriented data transmission 319

Locate mode

320 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference

Chapter 12. Stream-oriented data transmission
This chapter describes the input and output statements used in stream-oriented
data transmission.

Features that apply to stream-oriented and record-oriented data transmission,

including files, file attributes, and opening and closing files, are described in
Chapter 10, Input and output, on page 297.

Stream-oriented data transmission treats a data set as a continuous stream of data

values in character, graphic, or mixed character data form. Within a program,
record boundaries are generally ignored. However, a data set consists of a series of
lines of data, and each data set created or accessed by stream-oriented data
transmission has a line size associated with it. In general, a line is equivalent to a
record in the data set, but the line size does not necessarily equal the record size.

The stream-oriented data transmission statements can also be used for internal
data movement, by specifying the STRING option instead of specifying the FILE
option. Although the STRING option is not an input/output operation, its use is
described in this chapter.

Stream-oriented data transmission can be list-directed, data-directed, or

List-directed data transmission
Transmits the values of data-list items without you having to specify the
format of the values in the stream. The values are recorded externally as a
list of constants, separated by blanks or commas.
Data-directed data transmission
Transmits the names of the data-list items, as well as their values, without
your having to specify the format of the values in the stream. The
GRAPHIC option of the ENVIRONMENT attribute must be specified if
any variable name contains a DBCS character, even if no DBCS data is
Edit-directed data transmission
Transmits the values of data-list items and requires that you specify the
format of the values in the stream. The values are recorded externally as a
string of characters or graphics to be treated character by character (or
graphic by graphic) according to a format list.

The following sections provide details about the data transmission statements and
their options, and give instructions on how to specify the list-, data-, and
edit-directed data. For information about how to accommodate double-byte
characters, see DBCS data in stream I/O on page 342.

Data transmission statements

Stream-oriented data transmission uses GET and PUT statements. Only consecutive
files can be processed with the GET and PUT statements.

The variables or pseudovariables to which data values are assigned, and the
expressions from which they are transmitted, are generally specified in a
data-specification with each GET or PUT statement. The statements can also
Copyright IBM Corp. 1999, 2016 321
Data transmission statements

include options that specify the origin or destination of the data values or indicate
where they appear in the stream relative to the preceding data values. Options for
the stream-data transmission statements are described in Options of data
transmission statements on page 323.

GET statement
The GET statement is a STREAM input data transmission statement that can assign
data values either from a data set to one or more variables or from a string to one
or more variables.

For a stream input file, use the following syntax for the GET statement.

FILE (expression) data-specification

(file-reference) (expression)

The keywords can appear in any order. The data specification must appear unless
the SKIP option is specified.

For transmission from a string, use this syntax for the GET statement.

GET STRING (expression) data-specification ;

If FILE or STRING option is not specified, FILE(SYSIN) is assumed and SYSIN is

implicitly declared as FILE STREAM INPUT EXTERNAL.

PUT statement
The PUT statement is a STREAM output data transmission statement that can
transmit values to a stream output file or assign values to a character variable.

Use the following syntax of the PUT statement when dealing with stream output

322 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


FILE (file-reference) data-specification

LINE (expression)
LINE (expression)

The keywords can appear in any order. The data specification can be omitted only
if one of the control options (PAGE, SKIP, or LINE) appears.

For transmission to a character string, however, use this syntax of the PUT

PUT STRING (expression) data-specification ;

Options of data transmission statements

This section describes the options that you can use in data transmission statements.

COPY option
The COPY option specifies that the source data stream is written on the specified
STREAM OUTPUT file without alteration.

If no file reference is given, the default is the output file SYSPRINT. Each new
record in the input stream starts a new record on the COPY file. Consider the
following example:
get file(sysin) data(A,B,C) copy(DPL);

The statement not only transmits the values assigned to A, B, and C in the input
stream to the variables with these names, but also writes them exactly as they
appear in the input stream on the file DPL. Data values that are skipped on input,
and not transmitted to internal variables, copy intact into the output stream.

If a condition is raised during the execution of a GET statement with a COPY

option and an ON-unit is entered in which another GET statement is executed for
the same file, and if control is returned from the ON-unit to the first GET
statement, that statement executes as if no COPY option was specified. If, in the
ON-unit, a PUT statement is executed for the file associated with the COPY option,
the position of the data transmitted might not immediately follow the most
recently-transmitted COPY data item.

If the COPY option file is not open in the current program, the file is implicitly
opened in the program for stream output transmission.

Chapter 12. Stream-oriented data transmission 323

Data specification

Data specification options

Data specifications in GET and PUT statements specify the data to be transmitted.

( data-list )

( data-list-item )

EDIT ( data-list ) ( format-list )


data-list item
( data-list type-3-DO )


n format-item
n (format-list)

If a GET or PUT statement includes a data list that is not preceded by one of the
keywords LIST, DATA, or EDIT, LIST is the default.

Important: In a statement without LIST, DATA, or EDIT preceding the data list,
the data list must immediately follow the GET or PUT keyword. Any options
required must be specified after the data list.
See Data-directed data specification on page 329.
See Edit-directed data specification on page 333.
See List-directed data specification on page 338.
data-list item
On input, a data-list item for edit-directed and list-directed transmission can be
an element, an array, or a structure variable. For a data-directed data
specification, a data-list item can be an element, an array, or a structure
variable. None of the names in a data-directed data list can be subscripted or
locator-qualified. However, qualified (that is, structure-member) or
string-overlay-defined names are allowed.

324 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference

Data specification

On output, a data list item for edit-directed and list-directed data specifications
can be an element expression, an array expression, or a structure expression.
For a data-directed data specification, a data-list item can be an element, an
array, or a structure variable. It must not be locator-qualified. It can be
qualified (that is, a member of a structure) or string-overlay-defined.
The data types of a data-list item can be any computational data (as long it
does not have the CONSTANT or VALUE attribute), and in PUT statements,
the data type may also be POINTER. If the data type is non-computational, the
contents of the item will be transmitted as if the item had been specified by
applying the HEX built-in function applied to the item (and for PUT DATA,
the hex value will be enclosed in quotation marks followed by a suffix of BX).
An array or structure variable in a data-list is equivalent to n items in the data
list, where n is the number of element items in the array or structure. For
edit-directed transmission, each element item is associated with a separate use
of a data-format item.
data-list type-3-DO
The syntax for the Type 3 DO specification is described under DO statement
on page 223. Data list items with Type 3 DO specifications are not allowed in
data-directed data lists for GET statements.
When the last repetitive specification is completed, processing continues with
the next data-list item.
Each repetitive specification must be enclosed in parentheses, as shown in the
syntax diagram. If a data specification contains only a repetitive specification,
two sets of outer parentheses are required, because the data list is enclosed in
parentheses and the repetitive specification must have a separate set.
When repetitive specifications are nested, the rightmost DO is at the outer level
of nesting. Consider the following example:
get list (((A(I,J)
do I = 1 to 2)
do J = 3 to 4));
There are three sets of parentheses, in addition to the set used to delimit the
subscripts. The outermost set is the set required by the data specification. The
next set is that required by the outer repetitive specification. The third set of
parentheses is required by the inner repetitive specification.
This statement is equivalent in function to the following nested do-groups:
do J = 3 to 4;
do I = 1 to 2;
get list (A (I,J));
It assigns values to the elements of the array A in the following order:
A(1,3), A(2,3), A(1,4), A(2,4)
format list
For a description of the format list, see Edit-directed data specification on
page 333.

FILE option
The FILE option specifies the file upon which the operation takes place. It must be
a STREAM file.

For information about how to declare a file type data item, see Files on page 299.

Chapter 12. Stream-oriented data transmission 325


If neither the FILE option nor the STRING option appears in a GET statement, the
input file SYSIN is the default; if neither option appears in a PUT statement, the
output file SYSPRINT is the default.

LINE option
The LINE option can be specified only for PRINT files. The LINE option defines a
new current line for the data set.

The expression is evaluated and converted to an integer value, n. The new current
line is the nth line of the current page. If at least n lines have already been written
on the current page or if n exceeds the limits set by the PAGESIZE option of the
OPEN statement, the ENDPAGE condition is raised. If n is less than or equal to
zero, a value of 1 is used. If n specifies the current line, ENDPAGE is raised except
when the file is positioned on column 1, in which case the effect is the same as if a
SKIP(0) option were specified.

The LINE option takes effect before the transmission of any values defined by the
data specification (if any). If both the PAGE option and the LINE option appear in
the same statement, the PAGE option is applied first. Consider the following
put file(List) data(P,Q,R) line(34) page;

This statement prints the values of the variables P, Q, and R in data-directed

format on a new page, commencing at line 34.

For the effect of the LINE option when specified in the first GET statement
following the opening of the file, see OPEN statement on page 305.

For output to a terminal in interactive mode, the LINE option skips three lines.

PAGE option
The PAGE option can be specified only for PRINT files. It defines a new current
page within the data set.

If PAGE and LINE appear in the same PUT statement, the PAGE option is applied
first. The PAGE option takes effect before the transmission of any values defined
by the data specification (if any).

The page remains current until the execution of a PUT statement with the PAGE
option, until a PAGE format item is encountered, or until the ENDPAGE condition
is raised, resulting in the definition of a new page. A new current page implies line

For output to a terminal in interactive mode, the PAGE option skips three lines.

SKIP option
The SKIP option specifies a new current line (or record) within the data set.

The expression is evaluated and converted to an integer value, n. The data set is
positioned to the start of the nth line (record) relative to the current line (record). If
expression is not specified, the default is SKIP(1).

The SKIP option takes effect before the transmission of values defined by the data
specification (if any). Consider the following example:

326 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


put list(X,Y,Z) skip(3);

This statement prints the values of the variables X, Y, and Z on the output file
SYSPRINT commencing on the third line after the current line.

For non-PRINT files and input files, if the expression in the SKIP option is less
than or equal to zero, a value of 1 is used. For PRINT files, if n is less than or
equal to zero, the positioning is to the start of the current line.

For the effect of the SKIP option when specified in the first GET statement
following the opening of the file, see OPEN statement on page 305.

If fewer than n lines remain on the current page when a SKIP(n) is issued,
ENDPAGE is raised.

When printing at a terminal in conversational mode, SKIP(n) with n greater than 3

is equivalent to SKIP(3). No more than three lines can be skipped.

STRING option
The STRING option in GET and PUT statements transmits data between main
storage locations rather than between the main and a data set. DBCS data items
cannot be used with the STRING option.

The GET statement with the STRING option specifies that data values assigned to
the data list items are obtained from the expression, after conversion to character
string. Each GET operation using this option always begins at the leftmost
character position of the string. If the number of characters in this string is less
than the total number of characters specified by the data specification, the ERROR
condition is raised.

The PUT statement with the STRING option specifies that values of the data-list
items are to be assigned to the specified character variable or pseudovariable. The
PUT operation begins assigning values at the leftmost character position of the
string, after appropriate conversions are performed. Blanks and delimiters are
inserted as in normal I/O operations. If the string is not long enough to
accommodate the data, the ERROR condition is raised.

The NAME condition is not raised for a GET DATA statement with the STRING
option. Instead, the ERROR condition is raised for situations that raise the NAME
condition for a GET DATA statement with the FILE option.

The following restrictions apply to the STRING option:

v The COLUMN control format option cannot be used with the STRING option.
v No pseudovariables are allowed in the STRING option of a PUT statement.

The STRING option is most useful with edit-directed transmission. It allows data
gathering or scattering operations performed with a single statement, and it allows
stream-oriented processing of character strings that are transmitted by
record-oriented statements.

Consider the following example:

read file (Inputr) into (Temp);
get string(Temp) edit (Code) (F(1));
If Code = 1 then
get string (Temp) Edit (X,Y,Z)
(X(1), 3 F(10,4));

Chapter 12. Stream-oriented data transmission 327


The READ statement reads a record from the input file Inputr. The first GET
statement uses the STRING option to extract the code from the first byte of the
record and assigns it to Code. If the code is 1, the second GET statement uses the
STRING option to assign the values in the record to X, Y, and Z. The second GET
statement specifies that the first character in the string Temp is ignored (the X(1)
format item in the format list). This ignored character is the same one assigned to
Code by the first GET statement.

An example of the STRING option in a PUT statement follows:

put string (Record) edit
(Name) (X(1), A(12))
(Pay#) (X(10), A(7))
(Hours*Rate) (X(10), P$999V.99);

write file (Outprt) from (Record);

The PUT statement specifies, by the X(1) spacing format item, that the first
character assigned to the character variable is a single blank, which is the ANS
vertical carriage positioning character that specifies a single space before printing.
Following that, the values of the variables Name and Pay# and of the expression
Hours*Rate are assigned. The WRITE statement specifies that record transmission is
used to write the record into the file Outprt.

The variable referenced in the STRING option should not be referenced by name or
by alias in the data list. Consider the following example:
declare S char(8) init(YYMMDD);
put string (S) edit
(substr (S, 3, 2), /,
substr (S, 5, 2), /,
substr (S, 1, 2))

The value of S after the PUT statement is 'MM/bb/MM' and not 'MM/DD/YY'
because S is blanked after the first data item is transmitted. The same effect is
obtained if the data list contains a variable based or defined on the variable
specified in the STRING option.

Transmission of data-list items

Transmission of data-list items is processed in different ways depending on the
data-list item type.

If a data-list item is of complex mode, the real part is transmitted before the
imaginary part.

If a data-list item is an array expression, the elements of the array are transmitted
in row-major order; that is, with the rightmost subscript of the array varying most

If a data-list item is a structure expression, the elements of the structure are

transmitted in the order specified in the structure declaration.

Example 1

This example is based on the following statements:

328 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference

Transmission of data-list items

declare 1 A (10),
2 B,
2 C;
put file(X) list(A);

These statements result in the output being ordered as follows:

A.B(1) A.C(1) A.B(2) A.C(2) A.B(3)

However, suppose that the declaration is specified as follows:

declare 1 A,
2 B(10),
2 C(10);

The same PUT statement results in the output ordered as follows:

A.B(1) A.B(2) A.B(3) ... A.B(10)
A.C(1) A.C(2) A.C(3) ... A.C(10)

Example 2

If an input statement for list- or edit-directed transmission assigns a value to a

variable in a data list, the assigned value is used if the variable appears in a later
reference in the data list. Consider the following example:
get list (N,(X(I) do I=1 to N),J,K,);
substr (Name, J,K));

When this statement is executed, values are transmitted and assigned in the
following order:
1. A new value is assigned to N.
2. Elements are assigned to the array X as specified in the repetitive specification
in the order X(1),X(2),...X(N), with the new value of N specifying the
number of assigned items.
3. A new value is assigned to J.
4. A new value is assigned to K.

Data-directed data specification

Names of structure elements in the data-list item need only have enough
qualification to resolve any ambiguity. Full qualification is not required. Omission
of the data list results in a default data list that contains all computational
variables that could be named in a data-directed statement.

On output, all items in the data list are transmitted.

For a description of the syntax of the DATA data specification, see Data
specification options on page 324.

Restrictions on data-directed data

When you use data-directed data transmission in your program, these restrictions

Subscripted variables are not allowed in data-directed input.

References to based variables in a data-list for data-directed input/output cannot

be explicitly locator qualified. Consider the following example:

Chapter 12. Stream-oriented data transmission 329

Data-directed data specification

dcl Y based(Q), Z based;

put data(Y);

The variable Z cannot be transmitted since it must be explicitly qualified by a


A based variable in the data-list has the following restrictions:

v The variable must not be based on an OFFSET variable.
v The pointer on which the variable is based must not be in DEFINED storage.
v If the pointer on which the variable is based is itself BASED, the chain of basing
pointers must end with a pointer that is neither BASED nor DEFINED.

A defined variable in the data-list must meet the following requirements:

v Be a picture or character variable
v Not be defined on a controlled variable
v Not be defined on an element or cross section of an array
v Not be defined with a nonconstant POSITION attribute

Typed structures cannot be used in data-directed input/output statements.

Syntax of data-directed data

The stream associated with data-directed data transmission is in the form of a list
of element assignments. The element assignments that have optionally signed
constants, like variable names and equal signs, are in character or graphic form.


element-variable = data-value ;

On input, the element assignments can be separated by either a blank or a comma.

Blanks can surround periods in qualified names, subscripts, subscript parentheses,
and the assignment symbols. On output, the assignments are separated by a blank.
For PRINT files, items are separated according to program tab settings.

Each data-value in the stream has one of the syntaxes described for list-directed
transmission. For a description of list-directed transmission syntax, see Syntax of
list-directed data on page 338.

The length of the data value in the stream is a function of the attributes declared
for the variable and, because the name is also included, the length of the fully
qualified subscripted name. The length for output items converted from coded
arithmetic data, numeric character data, and bit-string data is the same as that for
list-directed output data, and is governed by the rules for data conversion to
character type as described in Chapter 4, Data conversion, on page 77.

Qualified names in the input stream must be fully qualified.

330 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference

Syntax of data-directed data

Interleaved subscripts cannot appear in qualified names in the stream. For

example, assume that Y is declared as follows:
declare 1 Y(5,5),
2 A(10),
3 B,
3 C,
3 D;

An element name has to appear in the stream as follows:

Y.A.B(2,3,8)= 8.72

GET data-directed
This topic provides information about using the GET statement for data-directed
data transmission.

If a data list is used, each data-list item must be an element, array, or structure
variable. Names cannot be subscripted, but qualified names are allowed in the data
list. All names in the stream should appear in the data list; however, the order of
the names need not be the same, and the data list can include names that do not
appear in the stream.

If the data list contains a name that is not included in the stream, the value of the
named variable remains unchanged.

If the stream contains an unrecognizable element-variable or a name that does not

have a counterpart in the data list, the NAME condition is raised.

Transmission ends when a semicolon that is not enclosed in quotation marks or

when an end-of-file is reached. The recognition of the semicolon or end-of-file
determines the number of element assignments that are actually transmitted by a
particular statement, whether or not a data list is specified.

For example, consider the following data list, where A, B, C, and D are names of
element variables:
Data (B, A, C, D)

This data list can be associated with the following input data stream:
A= 2.5, B= .0047, D= 125, Z= ABC;

Because C appears in the data list but not in the stream, its value remains
unaltered. Z, which is not in the data list, raises the NAME condition.

If the data list includes the name of an array, subscripted references to that array
can appear in the stream although subscripted names cannot appear in the data
list. The entire array need not appear in the stream; only those elements that
actually appear in the stream are assigned. If a subscript is out of range, or is
missing, the NAME condition is raised.

Consider the following example:

Assume that X is declared as follows:

declare X (2,3);

Consider the following data list and input data stream:

Chapter 12. Stream-oriented data transmission 331

GET data-directed

Data specification Input data stream

data (X) X(1,1)= 7.95,
X(1,2)= 8085,
X(1,3)= 73;

Although the data list has only the name of the array, the input stream can contain
values for individual elements of the array. In this case, only three elements are
assigned; the remainder of the array is unchanged.

If the data list includes the names of structures, minor structures, or structure
elements, fully qualified names must appear in the stream, although full
qualification is not required in the data list. Consider the following example:
dcl 1 In,
2 Partno,
2 Descrp,
2 Price,
3 Retail,
3 Whsl;

If it is desired to read a value for In.Price.Retail, the input data stream must
have the following form:

The data specification can be any in the following list:

Related information:
GET statement on page 322
The GET statement is a STREAM input data transmission statement that can assign
data values either from a data set to one or more variables or from a string to one
or more variables.

PUT data-directed
This topic provides information about using the PUT statement for data-directed
data transmission.

A data-list item can be an element, array, or structure variable, or a repetitive

specification. The names appearing in the data list, together with their values, are
transmitted in the form of a list of element assignments separated by blanks and
terminated by a semicolon. For PRINT files, items are separated according to
program tab settings; see PRINT attribute on page 341.

A semicolon is written into the stream after the last data item transmitted by each
PUT statement.

Names are transmitted as a mixed string, which can contain SBCS characters,
DBCS characters, or both. Any SBCS characters expressed in DBCS form are first
translated to SBCS. For example, put data (<.A>B<.Ckk>); will be transmitted as

332 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference

PUT data-directed

Note: In this example, <.A>B<.Ckk> is a scalar variable.

Data-directed output is not valid for subsequent data-directed input when the
character-string value of a numeric character variable does not represent a valid
optionally signed arithmetic constant or a complex expression.

For character data, the contents of the character string are written out enclosed in
quotation marks. Each quotation mark contained within the character string is
represented by two successive quotation marks.

Example 1
The following example shows data-directed transmission (both input and output).
declare (A(6), B(7)) fixed;
get file (X) data (B);
do I = 1 to 6;
A (I) = B (I+1) + B (I);
put file (Y) data (A);
Input stream:
B(1)=1, B(2)=2, B(3)=3,
B(4)=1, B(5)=2, B(6)=3, B(7)=4;
Output stream:
A(1)= 3 A(2)= 5 A(3)= 4 A(4)= 3
A(5)= 5 A(6)= 7;

Example 2
dcl 1 A,
2 C,
A.B = 2;
A.D = 17;
put data (A);

The data fields in the output stream are as follows:

A.B= 2 A.C.D= 17;
Related information:
PUT statement on page 322
The PUT statement is a STREAM output data transmission statement that can
transmit values to a stream output file or assign values to a character variable.

Edit-directed data specification

Edit-directed data specification makes it easy to format stream output.

For information about the syntax of the EDIT data specification, see Data
specification options on page 324.

Chapter 12. Stream-oriented data transmission 333

Edit-directed data specification

n format-item
n (format-list)

n Specifies an iteration factor, which is either an expression enclosed in

parentheses or an integer. If it is the latter, a blank must separate the integer
and the following format item.
The iteration factor specifies that the associated format item or format list is
used n successive times. A zero or negative iteration factor specifies that the
associated format item or format list is skipped and not used (the data-list item
is associated with the next data-format item).
If an expression is used to represent the iteration factor, it is evaluated and
converted to an integer, once for each set of iterations.
The associated format item or format list is that item or list of items
immediately to the right of the iteration factor.
format item
Specifies either a data-format item, a control-format item, or the remote format
item. For details about the syntax and the format items, see Chapter 13,
Edit-directed format items, on page 343.
Data-format items
Describes the character or graphic representation of a single data item.
A character
B bit
C complex
E floating point
F fixed point
G graphic
L line
P picture
V view a line
Control-format items
Specifies the layout of the data set associated with a file.
Remote-format item
Specifies a label reference whose value is the label constant of a FORMAT
statement located elsewhere. The FORMAT statement contains the remotely
situated format items. The label reference item is as follows:
Where label is the label constant name of the FORMAT statement. For
information about specifying the R-format item, see R-format item
on page 352.

The first data-format item is associated with the first data-list item, the second
data-format item with the second data-list item, and so on. If a format list contains

334 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference

Edit-directed data specification

fewer data-format items than there are items in the associated data list, the format
list is reused. If there are excessive format items, they are ignored.

Suppose a format list contains five data-format items and its associated data list
specifies ten items to be transmitted. The sixth item in the data list is associated
with the first data-format item, and so forth. Suppose a format list contains ten
data-format items and its associated data list specifies only five items. The sixth
through the tenth format items are ignored.

If a control-format item is encountered, the control action is executed.

The PAGE and LINE control-format items can be used only with PRINT files and,
consequently, can appear only in PUT statements. The SKIP, COLUMN, and
X-format items apply to both input and output.

The PAGE, SKIP, and LINE format items have the same effect as the corresponding
options of the PUT statement (and of the GET statement, in the case of SKIP),
except that the format items take effect when they are encountered in the format
list, while the options take effect before any data is transmitted.

The COLUMN format item cannot be used in a GET STRING or PUT STRING

For the effects of control-format items when they are specified in the first GET or
PUT statement following the opening of a file, see OPEN statement on page 305.

A value read into a variable can be used in a format item that is associated with
another variable later in the data list.
get edit (M,String_A,I,String_B)(F(2),A(M),X(M),F(2),A(I));

In this example, the first two characters are assigned to M. The value of M specifies
the number of characters assigned to String_A and the number of characters being
ignored before two characters are assigned to I, whose value is used to specify the
number of characters assigned to String_B.

The value assigned to a variable during an input operation can be used in an

expression in a format item that is associated with a later data item. An expression
in a format item is evaluated and converted to an integer each time the format
item is used.

The transmission is complete when the last data-list item has been processed.
Subsequent format items, including control-format items, are ignored.

GET edit-directed
This topic provides information about using the GET statement for edit-directed
data transmission.

Data in the stream is a continuous string of characters and graphics with no

delimiters between successive values. The number of characters for each data value
is specified by a format item in the format list. The characters are interpreted
according to the associated format item. When the data list has been processed,
execution of the GET statement stops and any remaining format items are not

Chapter 12. Stream-oriented data transmission 335

GET edit-directed

Each data-format item specifies the number of characters or graphics to be

associated with the data-list item and how to interpret the data value. The data
value is assigned to the associated data-list item, with any necessary conversion.

Fixed-point binary and floating-point binary data values must always be

represented in the input stream with their values expressed in decimal digits. The
F-, P-, and E-format items can then be used to access them, and the values are
converted to binary representation upon assignment.

All blanks and quotation marks are treated as characters in the stream. Strings
should not be enclosed in quotation marks. Quotation marks should not be
doubled. The letter B should not be used to identify bit strings or G to identify
graphic strings. If characters in the stream cannot be interpreted in the manner
specified, the CONVERSION condition is raised.

get edit (Name, Data, Salary)(A(N), X(2), A(6), F(6,2));
v The first N characters in the stream are treated as a character string and assigned
to Name.
v The next two characters are skipped.
v The next six characters are assigned to Data in character format.
v The next six characters are considered an optionally signed decimal fixed-point
constant and are assigned to Salary.
Related information:
GET statement on page 322
The GET statement is a STREAM input data transmission statement that can assign
data values either from a data set to one or more variables or from a string to one
or more variables.

PUT edit-directed
In edit-directed data transmission, the value of each data-list item is converted to
the character or graphic representation specified by the associated data-format item
and placed in the stream in a field whose width also is specified by the format
item. When the data list has been processed, execution of the PUT statement stops
and any remaining format items are not processed.

On output, binary items are converted to decimal values and the associated F- or
E-format items must state the field width and point placement in terms of the
converted decimal number. For the P-format these are specified by the picture

On output, blanks are not inserted to separate data values in the output stream.
String data is left-adjusted in the field to the width specified. Arithmetic data is
right-adjusted. Because of the rules for conversion of arithmetic data to character
type, which can cause up to 3 leading blanks to be inserted (in addition to any
blanks that replace leading zeros), generally there is at least 1 blank preceding an
arithmetic item in the converted field. Leading blanks do not appear in the stream,
however, unless the specified field width allows for them. Truncation, due to
inadequate field-width specification, is on the left for arithmetic items, and on the
right for string items. SIZE or STRINGSIZE is raised if truncation occurs.

Example 1
put edit(Inventory={Inum,Invcode)(A,F(5));

336 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference

PUT edit-directed

This example specifies that the character string Inventory= is concatenated with
the value of Inum and placed in the stream in a field whose width is the length of
the resultant string. Then, the value of Invcode is converted to character, as
described by the F-format item, and placed in the stream right-adjusted in a field
with a width of five characters (leading characters can be blanks).

Example 2
The following example shows the use of the COLUMN, LINE, PAGE, and SKIP
format items in combination with one another:
put edit (Quarterly Statement)
(page, line(2), A(19))(Acct#, Bought, Sold, Payment, Balance)
(skip(3), A(6), column(14), F(7,2), column(30), F(7,2),
column(45), F(7,2), column(60), F(7,2));
1. The heading Quarterly Statement is written on line two of a new page in the
output file SYSPRINT.
2. Two lines are skipped. The next line in the output is the third line following the
heading, or the fifth line of the report.
3. The following values are written:
Acct#, beginning at character position 1
Bought, beginning at character position 14
Sold, beginning at character position 30
Payment, beginning at character position 45
Balance at character position 60.

Example 3

In the following example, the value of Name is inserted in the stream as a character
string left-adjusted in a field of N characters.
put edit (Name,Number,City) (A(N),A(N-4),A(10));

Number is left-adjusted in a field of N-4 characters; and City is left-adjusted in a

field of 10 characters.
Related information:
PUT statement on page 322
The PUT statement is a STREAM output data transmission statement that can
transmit values to a stream output file or assign values to a character variable.

FORMAT statement
The FORMAT statement specifies a format list that can be used by edit-directed
data transmission statements to control the format of the data being transmitted.

label: FORMAT (format-list) ;

Same as the label-reference of the remote-format item R. See R-format item
on page 352.

Chapter 12. Stream-oriented data transmission 337


format list
Specified as described in Edit-directed data specification on page 333.

A GET or PUT EDIT statement can include an R-format item in its format-list
option. That portion of the format list represented by the R-format item is supplied
by the identified FORMAT statement.

A condition prefix associated with a FORMAT statement is not allowed.

List-directed data specification

List-directed data transmission transmits the values of data-list items without you
having to specify the format of the values in the stream.

For information about the syntax of the LIST data specification, see Data
specification options on page 324.

These are some examples of list-directed data specifications:

list (Card_Rate, Dynamic_Flow)

list ((Thickness(Distance)
do Distance = 1 to 1000))

list (P, Z, M, R)

list (A*B/C, (X+Y)**2)

The specification in the last example can be used only for output, because it
contains expressions. These expressions are evaluated when the statement is
executed, and the result is placed in the stream.

Syntax of list-directed data

Data values in the stream, either input or output, are character or graphic

real-constant + imaginary-constant
+ -

String repetition factors are not allowed. A blank must not follow a sign preceding
a real constant, and must not precede or follow the central positive (+) or negative
(-) symbol in complex expressions.

The length of the data value in the stream is a function of the attributes of the data
value, including precision and length. Detailed discussions of the conversion rules

338 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference

Syntax of list-directed data

and their effect upon precision are listed in the descriptions of conversion to
character type in Chapter 4, Data conversion, on page 77.

GET list-directed
This topic provides information about using the GET statement for list-directed
data transmission.

On input, data values in the stream must be separated either by a blank or by a

comma. This separator can be surrounded by one or more blanks. A null field in
the stream is indicated either by the first nonblank character in the data stream
being a comma, or by two commas separated by an arbitrary number of blanks. A
null field specifies that the value of the associated data-list item remains

Transmission of the list of constants or complex expressions on input is terminated

by expiration of the list or at the end-of-file. For transmission of constants, the file
is positioned in the stream ready for the next GET statement.

If the items are separated by a comma, the first character scanned when the next
GET statement is executed is the one immediately following the comma:

If the items are separated by blanks only, the first item scanned is the next
nonblank character:

If the end-of-record is encountered, the file is positioned at the end of the record:

However, if the end-of-record immediately follows a nonblank character (other

than a comma) and the following record begins with blanks, the file is positioned
at the first nonblank character in the following record:

If the record does terminate with a comma, the next record is not read until the
next GET statement requires it.

If the data is a character constant, the surrounding quotation marks are removed,
and the enclosed characters are interpreted as a character string. A double
quotation mark is treated as a single quotation mark.

If the data is a bit constant, the enclosing quotation marks and the trailing
character B are removed, and the enclosed characters are interpreted as a bit string.

If the data is a hexadecimal constant (X, BX, B4, GX), the enclosing quotation
marks and the suffix are removed, and the enclosed characters are interpreted as a
hexadecimal representation of a character, bit, or graphic string.

If the data is a mixed constant, the enclosing quotation marks and the suffix M are
removed, and the enclosed constant is interpreted as a character string.

Chapter 12. Stream-oriented data transmission 339

GET list-directed

If the data is a graphic constant, the enclosing quotation marks and the trailing
character G are removed, and the enclosed graphics are interpreted as a graphic

If the data is an arithmetic constant or complex expression, it is interpreted as

coded arithmetic data with the base, scale, mode, and precision implied by the
constant or by the rules for expression evaluation.
Related information:
GET statement on page 322
The GET statement is a STREAM input data transmission statement that can assign
data values either from a data set to one or more variables or from a string to one
or more variables.

PUT list-directed
In list-directed data transmission, how data values are converted and written out
depends on the value type and file attributes.

The values of the data-list items are converted to character representations (except
for graphics) and transmitted to the data stream. A blank separates successive data
values transmitted. For PRINT files, items are separated according to program tab
settings (see PRINT attribute on page 341).

Arithmetic values are converted to character.

Binary data values are converted to decimal notation before being placed in the

For numeric character values, the character value is transmitted.

Bit strings are converted to character strings. The character string is enclosed in
quotation marks and followed by the letter B.

Character strings are written out as follows:

v If the file does not have the attribute PRINT, enclosing quotation marks are
supplied, and contained single quotation marks or apostrophes are replaced by
two quotation marks. The field width is the current length of the string plus the
number of added quotation marks.
v If the file has the attribute PRINT, enclosing quotation marks are not supplied,
and contained single quotation marks or apostrophes are unmodified. The field
width is the current length of the string.

Mixed strings are written out as follows:

v If the file does not have the attribute PRINT, SBCS quotation marks and the
letter M are supplied. Contained SBCS quotes are replaced by two quotes.
v If the file has the attribute PRINT, the enclosing quotation marks and letter M
are not supplied, and contained single quotation marks are unmodified.

Graphic strings are written out as follows:

v If the file does not have the attribute PRINT, SBCS quotation marks, and the
letter G are supplied. Because the enclosing quotation marks are SBCS,
contained graphic quotation marks are represented by a single graphic quotation
mark (unmodified).

340 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference

PUT list-directed

v If the file has the attribute PRINT, the enclosing quotation marks and letter G
are not supplied, and graphic quotation marks are represented by a single
graphic quotation mark (unmodified).
Related information:
PUT statement on page 322
The PUT statement is a STREAM output data transmission statement that can
transmit values to a stream output file or assign values to a character variable.

PRINT attribute
The PRINT attribute applies to files with the STREAM and OUTPUT attributes. It
indicates that the file is intended to be printed; that is, the data associated with the
file is to appear on printed pages, although it can first be written on some other


When PRINT is specified, the first data byte of each record of a PRINT file is
reserved for an American National Standard (ANS) printer control character. The
control characters are inserted by PL/I.

Data values transmitted by list- and data-directed data transmission are

automatically aligned on the left margin and on implementation-defined preset tab

The layout of a PRINT file can be controlled by the use of the options and format
items listed in Table 47.
Table 47. Options and format items for PRINT files
Edit directed
Statement Statement option format item Effect
OPEN LINESIZE(n) Establishes line width
OPEN PAGESIZE(n) Establishes page length
PUT PAGE PAGE Skip to new page
PUT LINE(n) LINE(n) Skip to specified line
PUT SKIP[(n)] SKIP[(n)] Skip specified number of lines
PUT COLUMN(n) Skip to specified character position
in line
PUT X(n) Places blank characters in line to
establish position

LINESIZE and PAGESIZE establish the dimensions of the printed area of the page,
excluding footings. The LINESIZE option specifies the maximum number of
characters included in each printed line. If it is not specified for a PRINT file, a
default value of 120 characters is used. There is no default for a non-PRINT file.
The PAGESIZE option specifies the maximum number of lines in each printed
page; if it is not specified, a default value of 60 lines is used. Consider the
following example:

Chapter 12. Stream-oriented data transmission 341


open file(Report) output stream print PAGESIZE(55) LINESIZE(110);

on endpage(Report) begin;
put file(Report) skip list (Footing);
Pageno = Pageno + 1;
put file(Report) page list (Page ||Pageno);
put file(Report) skip (3);

The OPEN statement opens the file Report as a PRINT file. The specification
PAGESIZE(55) indicates that each page contains a maximum of 55 lines. An
attempt to write on a page after 55 lines have already been written (or skipped)
raises the ENDPAGE condition. The implicit action for the ENDPAGE condition is
to skip to a new page, but you can establish your own action through use of the
ON statement, as shown in the example.

LINESIZE(110) indicates that each line on the page can contain a maximum of 110
characters. An attempt to write a line greater than 110 characters places the excess
characters on the next line.

When an attempt is made to write on line 56 (or to skip beyond line 55), the
ENDPAGE condition is raised, and the begin-block shown here is executed. The
ENDPAGE condition is raised only once per page. Consequently, printing can be
continued beyond the specified PAGESIZE after the ENDPAGE condition has been
raised. This can be useful, for example, if you want to write a footing at the
bottom of each page.

The first PUT statement specifies that a line is skipped, and the value of Footing,
presumably a character string, is printed on line 57 (when ENDPAGE is raised, the
current line is always PAGESIZE+1). The page number, Pageno, is incremented, the
file Report is set to the next page, and the character constant Page is
concatenated with the new page number and printed. The final PUT statement
skips three lines, so that the next printing is on line 4. Control returns from the
begin-block to the PUT statement that raised the ENDPAGE condition. However,
any SKIP or LINE option specified in that statement has no further effect.

DBCS data in stream I/O

If DBCS data is used in list-directed or data-directed transmission, the GRAPHIC
option of the ENVIRONMENT attribute must be specified for that file. It also must
be specified if data-directed transmission uses DBCS names even though no DBCS
data is present.

DBCS continuation rules are applied and are the same rules as those described in
DBCS continuation rules on page 13. For information about how graphics are
handled for edit-directed transmission, see Edit-directed data specification on
page 333.

342 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference

Chapter 13. Edit-directed format items
This chapter describes each of the edit-directed format items that can appear in the
format list of a GET, PUT, or FORMAT statement. The format items are described
in alphabetic order.
Related information:
Edit-directed data specification on page 333
Edit-directed data specification makes it easy to format stream output.

A-format item
The character (or A) format item describes the representation of a character value.


Specifies the number of character positions in the data stream that contain (or
will contain) the string. It is an expression that is evaluated and converted to
an integer value, which must be nonnegative, each time the format item is

If an A-format item is specified without a length in a GET EDIT statement, the

compiler issues a warning message and treats it as an L-format item (rather than
issuing an error message and assigning it a length of 1).

On input, the specified number of characters is obtained from the data stream and
assigned, with any necessary conversion, truncation, or padding, to the data-list
item. The field width is always required on input, and if it is zero, a null string is
obtained. If quotation marks appear in the stream, they are treated as characters in
the string.

Consider the following example:

get file (Infile) edit (Item) (A(20));

The GET statement assigns the next 20 characters in Infile to Item. The value is
converted from its character representation specified by the format item A(20) to
the representation specified by the attributes declared for Item.

On output, the data-list item is converted, if necessary, to a character string and is

truncated or extended with blanks on the right to the specified field-width before
being placed into the data stream. If the field-width is zero, no characters are
placed into the data stream. Enclosing quotation marks are never inserted, nor are
contained quotation marks doubled. If the field width is not specified, the default
is equal to the character-string length of the data-list item (after conversion, if
necessary, according to the rules given in Chapter 4, Data conversion, on page

Copyright IBM Corp. 1999, 2016 343


B-format item
The bit (or B) format item describes the character representation of a bit value.
Each bit is represented by the character zero or one.


Specifies the number of data-stream character positions that contain (or will
contain) the bit string. It is an expression that is evaluated and converted to an
integer value, which must be nonnegative, each time the format item is used.

On input, the character representation of the bit string can occur anywhere within
the specified field. Blanks, which can appear before and after the bit string in the
field, are ignored. Any necessary conversion occurs when the bit string is assigned
to the data-list item. The field width is always required on input, and if it is zero, a
null string is obtained. Any character other than 0 or 1 in the string, including
embedded blanks, quotation marks, or the letter B, raises the CONVERSION

On output, the character representation of the bit string is left-adjusted in the

specified field, and necessary truncation or extension with blanks occurs on the
right. Any necessary conversion to bit-string is performed. No quotation marks are
inserted, nor is the identifying letter B. If the field width is zero, no characters are
placed into the data stream. If the field width is not specified, the default is equal
to the bit-string length of the data-list item (after conversion, if necessary,
according to the rules given in Chapter 4, Data conversion, on page 77).

Consider the following example:

declare Mask bit(25);
put file(Maskfle) edit (Mask) (B);

The PUT statement writes the value of Mask in Maskfle as a string of 25 characters
consisting of zeros and ones.

C-format item
The complex (or C) format item describes the character representation of a complex
data value. You use one real-format-item to describe both the real and imaginary
parts of the complex data value in the data stream.

C (real-format-item)

Specified by one of the F-, E-, or P-format items. The P-format item must
describe numeric character data.

344 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


On input, the letter I in the input raises the CONVERSION condition.

On output, the letter I is never appended to the imaginary part. If the second real
format item (or the first, if only one appears) is an F or E item, the sign is
transmitted only if the value of the imaginary part is less than zero. If the real
format item is a P item, the sign is transmitted only if the S or - or + picture
character is specified.

If you require an I to be appended, it must be specified as a separate data item in

the data list, immediately following the variable that specifies the complex item.
The I, then, must have a corresponding format item (either A or P). If a second real
format item is specified, it is ignored.

COLUMN format item

The COLUMN format item positions the file to a specified character position
within the current or following line.

COLUMN (character-position)

Specifies an expression that is evaluated and converted to an integer value,
which must be nonnegative, each time the format item is used.

The file is positioned to the specified character position in the current line,
provided that it has not already passed this position. If the file is already
positioned after the specified character position, the current line is completed and a
new line is started; the format item is then applied to the following line.

Then, if the specified character position lies beyond the rightmost character
position of the current line, or if the value of the expression for the character
position is less than one, the default character position is one.

The rightmost character position is determined as follows:

v For output files, it is determined by the line size.
v For input files, the length of the current logical record is used to determine the
line size and, hence, determines the rightmost character position.

COLUMN must not be used in a GET STRING or PUT STRING statement.

COLUMN cannot be used with input or output lines that contain graphics or

On input, intervening character positions are ignored.

On output, intervening character positions are filled with blanks.

Chapter 13. Edit-directed format items 345


E-format item
The floating-point (or E) format item describes the character representation of a
real floating-point decimal arithmetic data value.

E ( field-width,fractional-digits )

Specifies the total number of characters in the field. It is evaluated and
converted to an integer value w each time the format item is used. w must be
Specifies the number of digits in the mantissa that follow the decimal point. It
is evaluated and converted to an integer value d each time the format item is
used. d must be nonnegative.
Specifies the number of digits that must appear in the mantissa. It is evaluated
and converted to an integer value s each time the format item is used. s must
be nonnegative.

In PUT statements, if w is positive, p is the maximum float decimal precision, and e

is the number of digits to be used to represent the exponent, the following items
must be true:
v s>0
v d <= p
v s <= (p + 1)
v s >= d
v if d = 0, w >= s+e+2
v if d > 0 and s > d, w >= s+e+3
v if d > 0 and s = d, w >= s+e+4

The values for w, d, and s are field-width, fractional-digits, and significant-digits,

respectively. The value for e is determined by the E suboption of the DEFAULT
compiler option.

On input, either the data value in the data stream is an optionally signed real
decimal floating-point or fixed-point constant located anywhere within the
specified field or the CONVERSION condition is raised. (For convenience, the E
preceding a signed exponent can be omitted.)

The field width includes leading and trailing blanks, the exponent position, the
positions for the optional plus or minus signs, the position for the optional letter E,
and the position for the optional decimal point in the mantissa.

The data value can appear anywhere within the specified field; blanks can appear
before and after the data value in the field and are ignored. If the entire field is
blank, the CONVERSION condition is raised. When no decimal point appears,
fractional-digits specifies the number of character positions in the mantissa to the

346 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


right of the assumed decimal point. If a decimal point does appear in the number,
it overrides the specification of fractional-digits.

If field-width is 0, there is no assignment to the data-list item.

The following statement obtains the next 10 characters from A and interprets them
as a floating-point decimal number. A decimal point is assumed before the
rightmost 6 digits of the mantissa. The value of the number is converted to the
attributes of COST and assigned to this variable.
get file(A) edit (Cost) (E(10,6));

On output, the data-list item is converted to floating-point and rounded if

necessary. The rounding of data is as follows: if truncation causes a digit to be lost
from the right, and if this digit is greater than or equal to 5, 1 is added to the digit
to the left of the truncated digit. This addition might cause adjustment of the

The character string written in the stream for output has one of the following

1. Blanks are not allowed between the elements of the character strings.
2. The length of the exponent is either 2 or 4 digits depending on the float
datatype and the setting of the E suboption of the DEFAULT compiler option.
In the discussion below, this length is represented by e.
v For d=0

s-digits E + exponent
- -

w must be >=s+e+2 for positive values, or >=s+e+3 for negative values.

When the value is nonzero, the exponent is adjusted so that the leading digit of
the mantissa is nonzero. When the value is zero, zero suppression is applied to
all digit positions (except the rightmost) of the mantissa.
v For 0<d<s

s-d-digits . d-digits E + exponent

- -

w must be >=s+e+3 for positive values, or >=s+e+5 for negative values.

When the value is nonzero, the exponent is adjusted so that the leading digit of
the mantissa is nonzero. When the value is zero, zero suppression is applied to
all digit positions (except the first) to the left of the decimal point. All other digit
positions contain zero.

Chapter 13. Edit-directed format items 347


v For d=s

0. d-digits E + exponent
- -

w must be >=d+e+5 for positive values, or >=d+e+6 for negative values.

When the value is nonzero, the exponent is adjusted so that the first fractional
digit is nonzero. When the value is zero, each digit position contains zero.

If the field width is such that significant digits or the sign are lost, the SIZE
condition is raised. If the character string does not fill the specified field on output,
the character string is right-adjusted and extended on the left with blanks.

F-format item
The fixed-point (or F) format item describes the character representation of a real
fixed-point decimal arithmetic value.

F ( field-width )

Specifies the total number of characters in the field. It is evaluated and
converted to an integer value w each time the format item is used. The
converted value must be nonnegative.
Specifies the number of digits in the mantissa that follow the decimal point. It
is evaluated and converted to an integer value d each time the format item is
used. The converted value must be nonnegative. If fractional-digits is not
specified, the default value is 0.
Specifies the number of digits that must appear in the mantissa. It is evaluated
and converted to an integer value p each time the format item is used.

On input, either the data value in the data stream is an optionally signed real
decimal fixed-point constant located anywhere within the specified field or the
CONVERSION condition is raised. Blanks can appear before and after the data
value in the field and are ignored. If the entire field is blank, it is interpreted as

If no scaling-factor is specified and no decimal point appears in the field, the

expression for fractional-digits specifies the number of digits in the data value to the
right of the assumed decimal point. If a decimal point does appear in the data
value, it overrides the expression for fractional-digits.

348 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


If a scaling-factor is specified, it effectively multiplies the data value in the data

stream by 10 raised to the integer value (p) of the scaling-factor. Thus, if p is
positive, the data value is treated as though the decimal point appeared p places to
the right of its given position. If p is negative, the data value is treated as though
the decimal point appeared p places to the left of its given position. The given
position of the decimal point is that indicated either by an actual point, if it
appears, or by the expression for fractional-digits, in the absence of an actual point.

If the field-width is 0, there is no assignment to the data-list item.

On output, the data-list item is converted, if necessary, to fixed-point. Floating

point data converts to FIXED DECIMAL (N,q) where q is the fractional-digits
specified. The data value in the stream is the character representation of a real
decimal fixed-point number, rounded if necessary, and right-adjusted in the
specified field.

The conversion from decimal fixed-point type to character type is performed

according to the normal rules for conversion. Extra characters can appear as blanks
preceding the number in the converted string. And because leading zeros are
converted to blanks (except for a 0 immediately to the left of the point), additional
blanks can precede the number. If a decimal point or a minus sign appears, either
will cause one leading blank to be replaced.

If only the field-width is specified, only the integer portion of the number is written;
no decimal point appears.

If both the field-width and fractional-digits are specified, both the integer and
fractional portions of the number are written. If the value (d) of fractional-digits is
greater than 0, a decimal point is inserted before the rightmost d digits. Trailing
zeros are supplied when fractional-digits is less than d (the value d must be less
than field-width). If the absolute value of the item is less than 1, a 0 precedes the
decimal point. Suppression of leading zeros is applied to all digit positions (except
the first) to the left of the decimal point.

The rounding of the data value is as follows: if truncation causes a digit to be lost
from the right, and this digit is greater than or equal to 5, 1 is added to the digit to
the left of the truncated digit.

On output, if the data-list item is less than 0, a minus sign is prefixed to the
character representation; if it is greater than or equal to 0, no sign appears.
Therefore, for negative values, the field-width might need to include provision for
the sign, a decimal point, and a 0 before the point.

If the field-width is such that any character is lost, the SIZE condition is raised.

Consider the following example:

declare Total fixed(4,2);
put edit (Total) (F(6,2));

The PUT statement specifies that the value of Total is converted to the character
representation of a fixed-point number and written into the output file SYSPRINT.
A decimal point is inserted before the last two numeric characters, and the number
is right-adjusted in a field of six characters. Leading zeros are changed to blanks
(except for a zero immediately to the left of the point), and, if necessary, a minus
sign is placed to the left of the first numeric character.

Chapter 13. Edit-directed format items 349


G-format item
For the compiler, the graphic (or G) format item describes the representation of a
graphic string.


Specifies the number of 2-byte positions in the data stream that contain (or will
contain) the graphic string. It is an expression that is evaluated and converted
to an integer value, which must be nonnegative, each time the format item is
used. End-of-line must not occur between the 2 bytes of a graphic.

On input, the specified number of graphics is obtained from the data stream and is
assigned, with any necessary truncation or padding, to the data-list item. The
field-width is always required on input, and if it is zero, a null string is obtained.

On output, the data-list item is truncated or extended (with the padding graphic)
on the right to the specified field-width before being placed into the data stream. No
enclosing quotation marks are inserted; nor is the identifying suffix, G, inserted. If
the field-width is zero, no graphics are placed into the data stream. If the field-width
is not specified, a default value is used, which is equal to the graphic-string length
of the data-list item.

In the following example, if file OUT has the GRAPHIC option, six bytes are
declare A graphic(3);
put file(Out) edit (A) (G(3));

L-format item
On input, L indicates that all data up to the end of the line is assigned to the data

On output, L indicates that the data item, padded on the right with blanks, if
necessary, is to fill the remainder of the output line.

350 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference

LINE format

LINE format item

The LINE format item specifies the line on the current page of a PRINT file upon
which the next data-list item will be printed, or it raises the ENDPAGE condition.

LINE (line-number)

Can be represented by an expression, which is evaluated and converted to an
integer value, which must be nonnegative, each time the format item is used.

Blank lines are inserted, if necessary.

If the specified line-number is less than or equal to the current line number, or if the
specified line is beyond the limits set by the PAGESIZE option of the OPEN
statement (or by default), the ENDPAGE condition is raised. An exception is that if
the specified line-number is equal to the current line number, and the column 1
character has not yet been transmitted, the effect is as for a SKIP(0) item, that is, a
carriage return with no line spacing.

If line-number is zero, it defaults to one (1).

P-format item
The picture (or P) format item describes the character representation of real
numeric character values and of character values.

The picture specification of the P-format item, on input, describes the form of the
data item expected in the data stream and, in the case of a numeric character
specification, how the item's arithmetic value is interpreted. If the indicated
character does not appear in the stream, the CONVERSION condition is raised.

On output, the value of the associated element in the data list is converted to the
form specified by the picture specification before it is written into the data stream.

P 'picture-specification'

See Chapter 14, Picture specification characters, on page 355.

Consider the following example:

get edit (Name, Total) (PAAAAA,P9999);

When this statement is executed, the input file SYSIN is the default. The next five
characters input from SYSIN must be alphabetic or blank and they are assigned to
Name. The next four characters must be digits and they are assigned to Total.

Chapter 13. Edit-directed format items 351

PAGE format

PAGE format item

The PAGE format item specifies that a new page is established. It can be used only
with PRINT files.


Starting a new page positions the file to the first line of the next page.

R-format item
The remote (or R) format item specifies that the format list in a FORMAT
statement is to be used.

R (label-reference)

The label constant of a FORMAT statement

The R-format item and the specified FORMAT statement must be internal to the
same block, and they must be in the same invocation of that block.

A remote FORMAT statement cannot contain an R-format item that references itself
as a label reference; nor can it reference another remote FORMAT statement that
leads to the referencing of the original FORMAT statement.

Conditions enabled for the GET or PUT statement must also be enabled for the
remote FORMAT statement(s) that are referred to.

If the GET or PUT statement is the single statement of an ON-unit, that statement
is a block, and it cannot contain a remote format item.

declare Switch label;
get file(In) list(Code);
if Code = 1 then
Switch = L1;
Switch = L2;
get file(In) edit (W,X,Y,Z)
L1: format (4 F(8,3));
L2: format (4 E(12,6));

Switch has been declared a label variable. The second GET statement can be made
to operate with either of the two FORMAT statements.
Related information:

352 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


FORMAT statement on page 337

The FORMAT statement specifies a format list that can be used by edit-directed
data transmission statements to control the format of the data being transmitted.

SKIP format item

The SKIP format item specifies that a new line is to be defined as the current line.


Specifies an expression, which is evaluated and converted to an integer value,
n, each time the format item is used. The converted value must be nonnegative
and less than 32768. It must be greater than zero for non-PRINT files. If it is
zero, or if it is omitted, the default is 1.

The new line is the nth line after the present line.

If n is greater than one, one or more lines are ignored on input; on output, one or
more blank lines are inserted.

The value n can be zero for PRINT files only, in which case the positioning is at
the start of the current line. Characters previously written can be overprinted.

For PRINT files, if the specified relative-line is beyond the limit set by the
PAGESIZE option of the OPEN statement (or the default), the ENDPAGE condition
is raised.

If the SKIP format item is the first item to be executed after a file has been opened,
output commences on the nth line of the first page. If n is zero or 1, it commences
on the first line of the first page.

get file(In) edit(Man,Overtime)
(skip(1), A(6), COL(60), F(4,2));

This statement positions the data set associated with file to a new line. The first 6
characters on the line are assigned to Man, and the 4 characters beginning at
character position 60 are assigned to Overtime.

V-format item
On input, V indicates that all data up to the end of the line is assigned to the data
item. However, the characters read with a V-format item are not flushed; they are
only viewed. They will be flushed only when read by some other format item.

Chapter 13. Edit-directed format items 353

SKIP format

The V-format item is invalid in output.

X-format item
The spacing (or X) format item specifies the relative spacing of data values in the
data stream.

X (field-width)

Specifies an expression that is evaluated and converted to an integer value,
which must be nonnegative, each time the format item is used. The integer
value specifies the number of characters before the next field of the data
stream, relative to the current position in the stream.

On input, the specified number of characters are spaced over in the data stream
and not transmitted to the program.

Consider the following example:

get edit (Number, Rebate)
(A(5), X(5), A(5));

The next 15 characters from the input file, SYSIN, are treated as follows: the first
five characters are assigned to Number, the next five characters are ignored, and the
remaining five characters are assigned to Rebate.

On output, the specified number of blank characters are inserted into the stream.

Consider the following example:

put file(Out) edit (Part, Count) (A(4), X(2), F(5));

Four characters that represent the value of Part, then two blank characters, and
finally five characters that represent the fixed-point value of Count, are placed in
the file named Out.

354 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference

Chapter 14. Picture specification characters
A picture specification consists of a sequence of picture characters enclosed in
single or double quotation marks. This character describes the contents of each
position of the character or numeric character data item, and the contents of the

The specification can be made in two ways:

v As part of the PICTURE attribute in a declaration
v As part of the P-format item on page 351 for edit-directed input and output

A picture specification describes either a character data item or a numeric character

data item. The presence of an A or X picture character defines a picture
specification as a character picture specification; otherwise, it is a numeric
character picture specification.

A character pictured item can consist of alphabetic characters, decimal digits, blanks,
currency and punctuation characters.

A numeric character pictured item can consist only of decimal digits, an optional
decimal point, an optional letter E, and, optionally, one or two plus or minus signs.
Other characters generally associated with arithmetic data, such as currency
symbols, can also be specified, but they are not part of the arithmetic value of the
numeric character variable, although the characters are stored with the digits and
are part of the character value of the variable.

Figures in this section illustrate how different picture specifications affect the
representation of values when assigned to a pictured variable or when printed
using the P-format item. Each figure shows the original value of the data, the
attributes of the variable from which it is assigned (or written), the picture
specification, and the character value of the numeric character or pictured character

Picture repetition factor

A picture repetition factor specifies the number of repetitions of the next picture
character in the specification.


n An integer. No blanks are allowed within the parentheses. If n is 0, the picture

character is ignored.

For example, the following picture specifications result in the same description:

Copyright IBM Corp. 1999, 2016 355

Picture characters for character data

Picture characters for character data

A character picture specification describes a nonvarying character data item. You
can specify that any position in the data item can contain only characters from
certain subsets of the complete set of available characters. The data can consist of
alphabetic characters, decimal digits, and blanks.

The only valid characters in a character picture specification are X, A, and 9. Each
of these specifies the presence of one character position in the character value.
X Any character of the 256 possible bit combinations represented by the 8-bit
A Any alphabetic or extralingual (#, @, $) character, or blank.
9 Any digit, or blank. (Note that the 9 picture specification character allows
blanks only for character data.)

When a character value is assigned or transferred to a picture character data item,

the particular character in each position is validated according to the
corresponding picture specification character. If the character data does not match
the specification for that position, the CONVERSION condition is raised for the
invalid character. (However, if you change the value by record-oriented
transmission or by using an alias, there is no checking.) Consider the following
declare Part# picture AAA99X;
put edit (Part#) (PAAA99X);

The following values are valid for Part#:


The following values are not valid for Part# (the invalid characters are

Table 48 shows examples of character picture specifications.

Table 48. Character picture specification examples
Source data (in
Source attributes constant form) Picture specification Character value





CHARACTER(5) '12/34' 99X99 12/34

CHARACTER(5) 'L26.7' A99X9 L26.7

356 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference

Picture characters for numeric character data

Picture characters for numeric character data

Numeric character data represents numeric values. The picture specification cannot
contain the character data picture characters X or A. The picture characters for
numeric character data can also specify editing of the data.

A numeric character variable can have two values, depending upon how the
variable is used. The types of values are as follows:
The arithmetic value is the value expressed by the decimal digits of the
data item, the assumed location of a decimal point, possibly a sign, and an
optionally-signed exponent or scaling factor. The arithmetic value of a
numeric character variable is used in the following situations:
v Whenever the variable appears in an expression that results in a coded
arithmetic value or bit value (this includes expressions with the , &, |,
and comparison operators; even comparison with a character string uses
the arithmetic value of a numeric character variable)
v Whenever the variable is assigned to a coded arithmetic, numeric
character, or bit variable
v When used with the C, E, F, B, and P (numeric) format items in
edit-directed I/O.
The arithmetic value of the numeric character variable is converted to
internal coded arithmetic representation.
Character value
The character value is the value expressed by the decimal digits of the data
item, as well as all of the editing and insertion characters appearing in the
picture specification. The character value does not, however, include the
assumed location of a decimal point, as specified by the picture characters
V, K, or F. The character value of a numeric character variable is used:
v Whenever the variable appears in a character expression
v In an assignment to a character variable
v Whenever the data is printed using list-directed or data-directed output
v Whenever a reference is made to a character variable that is defined or
based on the numeric character variable
v Whenever the variable is printed using edit-directed output with the A
or P (character) format items.
No data conversion is necessary.

Numeric character data can contain only decimal digits, an optional decimal point,
an optional letter E, and one or two plus or minus signs. Other characters
generally associated with arithmetic data, such as currency symbols, can also be
specified, but they are not a part of the arithmetic value of the numeric character
variable, although the characters are stored with the digits and are part of the
character value of the variable.

A numeric character specification consists of one or more fields, each field

describing a fixed-point number. A floating-point specification has two fieldsone
for the mantissa and one for the exponent. The first field can be divided into
subfields by inserting a V picture specification character. The data preceding the V
(if any) and that following it (if any) are subfields of the specification.

Chapter 14. Picture specification characters 357

Picture characters for numeric character data

A requirement of the picture specification for numeric character data is that each
field must contain at least one picture character that specifies a digit position. This
picture character, however, need not be the digit character 9. Other picture
characters, such as the zero suppression characters (Z or *), also specify digit

Note: All characters except K, V, and F specify the occurrence of a character in the
character representation.
Related information:
Insertion and decimal point characters on page 361
The point, comma, slash, or apostrophe can be used with the V to cause insertion
of the point, comma, slash, or apostrophe in the position that delimits the end of
the integer portion and the beginning of the fractional portion of a fixed-point (or
floating-point) number, as might be wanted in printing. The V itself does not cause
the printing of period or any other delimiters.
Picture repetition factor on page 355
A picture repetition factor specifies the number of repetitions of the next picture
character in the specification.

Digits and decimal points

The picture characters 9 and V are used in numeric character specifications that
represent fixed-point decimal values.
9 Specifies that the associated position in the data item contains a decimal digit.
(Note that the 9 picture specification character for numeric character data is
different from the specification for character data because the corresponding
character cannot be a blank for character data.)
A string of n 9 picture characters specifies that the item is a nonvarying
character-string of length n, each of which is a digit (0 through 9). See the
following example:
dcl digit picture9,
Count picture999,
XYZ picture (10)9;
An example of use is shown below:
dcl 1 Record,
2 Data char(72),
2 Identification char(3),
2 Sequence pic99999;
. dcl Count fixed dec(5);
write file(Output) from(Record);
V Specifies that a decimal point is assumed at this position in the associated data
item. However, it does not specify that an actual decimal point or decimal
comma is inserted. The integer value and fractional value of the assigned
value, after modification by the optional scaling factor F(x), are aligned on the
V character. Therefore, an assigned value can be truncated or extended with
zero digits at either end. (If significant digits are truncated on the left, the
result is undefined and the SIZE condition is raised if enabled.)
If no V character appears in the picture specification of a fixed-point decimal
value (or in the first field of a picture specification of a floating-point decimal
value), a V is assumed at the right end of the field specification. This can cause
the assigned value to be truncated, if necessary, to an integer.

358 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference

Digits and decimal points

The V character cannot appear more than once in a picture specification.

Consider the following example:
dcl Value picture Z9V999;
Value = 12.345;
dcl Cvalue char(5);
Cvalue = Value;
Cvalue, after assignment of Value, contains 12345.

Table 49 shows examples of digit and decimal point characters.

Table 49. Examples of digit and decimal point characters
Source attributes Source data (in Picture specification Character value
constant form)

FIXED(5) 12345 99999 12345

FIXED(5) 12345 99999V 12345
FIXED(5) 12345 999V99 undefined

FIXED(5) 12345 V99999 undefined

FIXED(7) 1234567 99999 undefined
FIXED(3) 123 99999 00123

FIXED(5,2) 123.45 999V99 12345

FIXED(7,2) 12345.67 9V9 undefined
FIXED(5,2) 123.45 99999 00123
Note: When the character value is undefined, the SIZE condition is raised.

Zero suppression
The picture characters Z and asterisk (*) specify conditional digit positions in the
character value and can cause leading zeros to be replaced by asterisks or blanks.

Leading zeros are those that occur in the leftmost digit positions of fixed-point
numbers or in the leftmost digit positions of the two parts of floating-point
numbers, that are to the left of the assumed position of a decimal point, and that
are not preceded by any of the digits 1 through 9. The leftmost nonzero digit in a
number and all digits, zeros or not, to the right of it represent significant digits.
Z Specifies a conditional digit position and causes a leading zero in the
associated data position to be replaced by a blank. Otherwise, the digit in the
position is unchanged. The picture character Z cannot appear in the same field
as the picture character * or a drifting character; nor can it appear to the right
of any of the picture characters in a field.
* Specifies a conditional digit position. It is used in the way the picture character
Z is used, except that leading zeros are replaced by asterisks. The picture
character asterisk cannot appear in the same field as the picture character Z or
a drifting character, nor can it appear to the right of any of the picture
characters in a field.

Table 50 on page 360 shows examples of zero suppression characters.

Chapter 14. Picture specification characters 359

Zero suppression

Table 50. Examples of zero suppression characters

Source data (in
Source attributes constant form) Picture specification Character value

FIXED(5) 12345 ZZZ99 12345

FIXED(5) 00100 ZZZ99 bb100
FIXED(5) 00100 ZZZZZ bb100

FIXED(5) 00000 ZZZZZ bbbbb

FIXED(5,2) 123.45 ZZZ99 bb123
FIXED(5,2) 001.23 ZZZV99 bb123

FIXED(5) 12345 ZZZV99 undefined

FIXED(5,2) 000.08 ZZZVZZ bbb08
FIXED(5,2) 000.00 ZZZVZZ bbbbb

FIXED(5) 00100 ***** **100

FIXED(5) 00000 ***** *****
FIXED(5,2) 000.01 ***V** ***01

FIXED(5,2) 95 $**9.99 $**0.95

FIXED(5,2) 12350 $**9.99 $123.50
Note: When the character value is undefined, the SIZE condition is raised.

If one of the picture characters Z or asterisk appears to the right of the picture
character V, all fractional digit positions in the specification, as well as all integer
digit positions, must use the Z or asterisk picture character, respectively. When all
digit positions to the right of the picture character V contain zero suppression
picture characters, fractional zeros of the value are suppressed only if all positions
in the fractional part contain zeros and all integer positions have been suppressed.
The character value of the data item will then consist of blanks or asterisks. No
digits in the fractional part are replaced by blanks or asterisks if the fractional part
contains any significant digit.

Insertion characters
The picture characters comma (,), point (.), slash (/), apostrophe ('), and blank (B)
cause the specified character to be inserted into the associated position of the
numeric character data. They do not indicate digit or character positions, but are
inserted between digits or characters. Each does, however, actually represent a
character position in the character value, whether or not the character is

The comma, point, slash, and apostrophe are conditional insertion characters and
can be suppressed within a sequence of zero suppression characters. The blank is
an unconditional insertion character, and always specifies that a blank appears in
the associated position.

Insertion characters are applicable only to the character value. They specify
nothing about the arithmetic value of the data item. They never cause decimal
point or decimal comma alignment in the picture specifications of a fixed-point
decimal number and are not a part of the arithmetic value of the data item.
Decimal alignment is controlled by the picture characters V and F.

360 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference

Insertion characters

Comma (,), point (.), slash (/), or apostrophe (')

Inserts a character into the associated position of the numeric character data
when no zero suppression occurs. If zero suppression does occur, the character
is inserted only under the following conditions:
v When an unsuppressed digit appears to the left of the character's position
v When a V appears immediately to the left of the character and the fractional
part of the data item contains any significant digits
v When the character is at the start of the picture specification
v When the character is preceded only by characters that do not specify digit
In all other cases where zero suppression occurs, a comma, point, slash, or
apostrophe insertion character is treated as a zero suppression character
identical to the preceding character.
B Specifies that a blank character be inserted into the associated position of the
character value of the numeric character data.

Insertion and decimal point characters

The point, comma, slash, or apostrophe can be used with the V to cause insertion
of the point, comma, slash, or apostrophe in the position that delimits the end of
the integer portion and the beginning of the fractional portion of a fixed-point (or
floating-point) number, as might be wanted in printing. The V itself does not cause
the printing of period or any other delimiters.

The point must immediately precede or immediately follow the V. If the point
precedes the V, it is inserted only if an unsuppressed digit appears to the left of the
V, even if all fractional digits are significant. If the point immediately follows the V,
it is suppressed if all digits to the right of the V are suppressed, but it appears if
there are any unsuppressed fractional digits (along with any intervening zeros).

The following example shows decimal conventions that are used in different
declare A picture Z,ZZZ,ZZZV.99,
B picture Z.ZZZ.ZZZV,99,
C picture ZBZZZBZZZV,99,
D picture ZZZZZZZV.99;
A,B,C,D = 1234;
A,B,C,D = 1234.00;

A, B, C, and D represent nine-digit numbers with a decimal point or decimal comma

that is assumed between the seventh and eighth digits. The actual point that is
specified by the decimal point insertion character is not a part of the arithmetic
value. It is, however, part of its character value. The two assignment statements
assign the same character value to A, B, C, and D as follows:
1,234.00 /* value of A */
1.234,00 /* value of B */
1 234,00 /* value of C */
1234.00 /* value of D */

In the following example, decimal point alignment during assignment occurs on

the character V. If Rate is printed, it appears as 762.00, but its arithmetic value is
declare Rate picture 9V99.99;
Rate = 7.62;

Table 51 on page 362 shows examples of insertion characters.

Chapter 14. Picture specification characters 361

Insertion characters and decimal points

Table 51. Examples of insertion characters

Source data (in
Source attributes constant form) Picture specification Character value

FIXED(4) 1234 9,999 1,234

FIXED(6,2) 1234.56 9'999V.99 1'234.56
FIXED(4,2) 12.34 ZZ.VZZ 12.34

FIXED(4,2) 00.03 ZZ.VZZ bbb03

FIXED(4,2) 00.03 ZZV.ZZ bb.03
FIXED(4,2) 12.34 ZZV.ZZ 12.34

FIXED(4,2) 00.00 ZZV.ZZ bbbbb

FIXED(9,2) 1234567.89 9'999'999.V89 1'234'567.89
FIXED(7,2) 12345.67 **,999V.99 12,345.67

FIXED(7,2) 00123.45 **,999V.99 ***123.45

FIXED(9,2) 1234567.89 9.999.999V,99 1.234.567,89
FIXED(6) 123456 99/99/99 12/34/56

FIXED(6) 123456 99.9/99.9 12.3/45.6

FIXED(6) 001234 ZZ/ZZ/ZZ bbb12/34
FIXED(6) 000012 ZZ/ZZ/ZZ bbbbbb12

FIXED(6) 000000 ZZ/ZZ/ZZ bbbbbbbb

FIXED(6) 000000 **/**/** ********
FIXED(6) 000000 **B**B** **b**b**

FIXED(6) 123456 99B99B99 12b34b56

FIXED(3) 123 9BB9BB9 1bb2bb3
FIXED(2) 12 9BB/9BB 1bb/2bb

Defining currency symbols

A currency symbol can be used as a picture character denoting a character value of
numeric character data. This symbol can be the dollar sign ($) or any symbol you
choose. The symbol can be any sequence of characters enclosed in < and >
characters. This topic helps you define your own character(s) as a currency symbol.

< char >

< Indicates the start of the currency symbol. It acts as an escape character. If you
want to use the character <, you must specify <<.
Is any character that will be part of your currency symbol(s).
> Indicates the end of the currency symbol. If you want to use the character >,
you must specify <>.

362 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference

Currency symbols

More than one > indicates a drifting string (see Drifting use on page 364).

See the following examples of general insertion strings:

<DM> represents the Deutschemark
<Fr> represents the French Franc
<K$> represents the Khalistan Dollar
represents the Surinam Guilder
<$> represents the dollar sign

If the character < or > must be included in the sequence, it must be preceded by
another <. Therefore, < acts as an escape character also.

The entire sequence enclosed in < > represents one "symbol" and, therefore,
represents the character value for one numeric character. If the symbol needs to be
represented as a drifting picture character, you specify > following the "< >" to
represent each occurrence.

See the following examples:

Pic <DM>>>.>>9,V99
represents a 10 character numeric picture, yielding 11 characters after
Pic <Sur.f>999,V99
represents a 7 character numeric picture, yielding 11 characters after
Pic <K$>>>,>>9.V99
represents a 10 character numeric picture, yielding 11 characters after
Pic <$>>>,>>9.V99
represents a 10 character numeric picture, yielding 10 characters after
Pic $$$,$$9.V99
has the same value as the previous picture specification.

More examples of currency symbol definition are listed as follows:

dcl P pic<DM>9.999,V99;
P = 1234.40; /* Yields DM1.234,40 */

dcl P pic<DM>9.999,V99;
P = 34.40; /* Yields DM 34,40 */

dcl P pic<DM>>.>>9,V99;
P = 1234.40; /* Yields DM1.234,40 */

dcl P pic<DM>>.>>9,V99;
P = 34.40; /* Yields DM34,40 */

dcl P pic9.999,V99<K$>;
P = 1234.40; /* Yields 1.234,40K$ */

Chapter 14. Picture specification characters 363

Currency symbols

In this section, the term currency symbol and the $ symbol refer to the dollar sign or
any user-defined currency symbol.

Using signs and currency symbols

The picture characters S, +, and specify signs in numeric character data. The
picture character $ (or the currency symbol) specifies a currency symbol in the
character value of numeric character data. Only one type of sign character can
appear in each field.
currency symbol
Specifies the currency symbol.
Consider the following example:
dcl Price picture $99V.99;
Price = 12.45;
The character value of Price is $12.45. Its arithmetic value is 12.45.
For information about specifying a character as a currency symbol, refer to
Defining currency symbols on page 362.
S Specifies the plus sign character (+) if the data value is >=0; otherwise, it
specifies the minus sign character (-). The rules are identical to those for the
currency symbol.
Consider the following example:
dcl Root picture S999;
The value 50 is held as +050, the value 0 as +000, and the value -243 as
+ Specifies the plus sign character (+) if the data value is >=0; otherwise, it
specifies a blank. The rules are identical to those for the currency symbol.
- Specifies the minus sign character (-) if the data value is <0; otherwise, it
specifies a blank. The rules are identical to those for the currency symbol.

Signs and currency symbols can be used in either a static or a drifting manner.

Static use
Static use specifies that a sign, a currency symbol, or a blank appears in the
associated position.

An S, +, or - used as a static character can appear to the right or left of all digits in
the mantissa and exponent fields of a floating-point specification, and to the right
or left of all digit positions of a fixed-point specification.

Drifting use
Drifting use specifies that leading zeros are to be suppressed. In this case, the
rightmost suppressed position associated with the picture character will contain a
sign, a blank, or a currency symbol (except that where all digit positions are
occupied by drifting characters and the value of the data item is zero, the drifting
character is not inserted).

A drifting character is specified by multiple use of that character in a picture field.

The drifting character must be specified in each digit position through which it can
drift. Drifting characters must appear in a sequence of the same drifting character,
optionally containing a V and one of the insertion characters comma, point, slash,
or B. Any of the insertion characters slash, comma, or point within or immediately
following the string is part of the drifting string. The character B always causes

364 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference

Signs and currency symbols

insertion of a blank, wherever it appears. A V terminates the drifting string, except

when the arithmetic value of the data item is zero; in that case, the V is ignored. A
field of a picture specification can contain only one drifting string. A drifting string
cannot be preceded by a digit position nor can it occur in the same field as the
picture characters * and Z.

The position in the data associated with the characters slash, comma, and point
appearing in a string of drifting characters contains one of the following:
v Slash, comma, or point if a significant digit appears to the left
v The drifting symbol, if the next position to the right contains the leftmost
significant digit of the field
v Blank, if the leftmost significant digit of the field is more than one position to
the right.

If a drifting string contains the drifting character n times, the string is associated
with n-1 conditional digit positions. The position associated with the leftmost
drifting character can contain only the drifting character or blank, never a digit.
Two different picture characters cannot be used in a drifting manner in the same

If a drifting string contains a V within it, the V delimits the preceding portion as a
subfield, and all digit positions of the subfield following the V must also be part of
the drifting string that commences the second subfield.

In the case in which all digit positions after the V contain drifting characters,
suppression in the subfield occurs only if all of the integer and fractional digits are
zero. The resulting edited data item is then all blanks (except for any insertion
characters at the start of the field). If there are any nonzero fractional digits, the
entire fractional portion appears unsuppressed.

If, during or before assignment to a picture, the fractional digits of a decimal

number are truncated so that the resulting value is zero, the sign inserted in the
picture corresponds to the value of the decimal number prior to its truncation.
Thus, the sign in the picture depends on how the decimal value was calculated.

Table 52 shows examples of signs and currency symbol characters.

Table 52. Examples of signs and currency characters
Source attributes Source data (in Picture specification Character value
constant form)

FIXED(5,2) 123.45 $999V.99 $123.45

FIXED(5,2) 012.00 99$ 12$
FIXED(5,2) 001.23 $ZZZV.99 $bb1.23

FIXED(5,2) 000.00 $ZZZV.ZZ bbbbbbb

FIXED(1) 0 $$$.$$ bbbbbb
FIXED(5,2) 123.45 $$$9V.99 $123.45

FIXED(5,2) 001.23 $$$9V.99 bb$1.23

FIXED(2) 12 $$$,999 bbb$012
FIXED(4) 1234 $$$,999 b$1,234

Chapter 14. Picture specification characters 365

Signs and currency symbols

Table 52. Examples of signs and currency characters (continued)

Source attributes Source data (in Picture specification Character value
constant form)

FIXED(5,2) 2.45 SZZZV.99 +bb2.45

FIXED(5) 214 SS,SS9 bb+214
FIXED(5) -4 SS,SS9 bbbb-4

FIXED(5,2) -123.45 +999V.99 b123.45

FIXED(5,2) -123.45 -999V.99 -123.45
FIXED(5,2) 123.45 999V.99S 123.45+

FIXED(5,2) 001.23 ++B+9V.99 bbb+1.23

FIXED(5,2) 001.23 - - -9V.99 bbb1.23
FIXED(5,2) -001.23 SSS9V.99 bb-1.23

Credit, debit, overpunched, and zero replacement characters

This section describes the picture characters CR, DB, T, I, R, and Y, which are used
for credit, debit, overpunched, and zero replacement functions. The picture
characters CR, DB, T, I, and R cannot be used with any other sign characters in the
same field.

Credit and debit

The character pairs CR (credit) and DB (debit) specify the signs of real numeric
character data items.
CR Specifies that the associated positions contain the letters CR if the value of the
data is <0. Otherwise, the positions will contain two blanks. The characters CR
can appear only to the right of all digit positions of a field.
DB Specifies that the associated positions contain the letters DB if the value of the
data is <0. Otherwise, the positions will contain two blanks. The characters DB
can appear only to the right of all digit positions of a field.

Any of the picture characters T, I, or R (known as overpunch characters) specifies
that a character represents the corresponding digit and the sign of the data item. A
floating-point specification can contain twoone in the mantissa field and one in
the exponent field. The overpunch character can be specified for any digit position
within a field.

The T, I, and R picture characters specify how the input characters are interpreted,
as shown in Table 53.
Table 53. Interpretation of the T, I, and R picture characters
T or I T or R
Digit with + Digit with -
Character Character

366 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference

Credit, debit, overpunched and zero replacement

Table 53. Interpretation of the T, I, and R picture characters (continued)

{ } 0
A J 1
B K 2
C L 3
D M 4
E N 5
F O 6
G P 7
H Q 8
I R 9

T, I, and R specify the following values:

T On input, T specifies that the characters { through I and the digits 0 through 9
represent positive values, and that the characters } through R represent
negative values.
On output, T specifies that the associated position contains one of the
characters { through I if the input data represents positive values, and one of
the characters } through R if the input data represents negative values. The T
can appear anywhere a '9' picture specification character occurs. Consider the
following example:
dcl Credit picture ZZV9T;
The character representation is 4 characters; +21.05 is held as '210E', -0.07 is
held as 'bb0P'.
I On input, I specifies that the characters { through I and the digits 0 through 9
represent positive values.
On output, I specifies that the associated position contains one of the
characters { through I if the input data represents positive values; otherwise, it
contains one of the digits, 0 through 9.
R On input, R specifies that the characters } through R represent negative values
and the digits 0 through 9 represent positive values.
On output, R specifies that the associated position contains one of the
characters } through R if the input data represents negative values; otherwise,
it contains one of the digits 0 through 9. Consider the following example:
dcl X fixed decimal(3);
get edit (x) (PR99);

This example sets X to 132 on finding '132' in the next three positions of the
input stream, but sets X to -132 on finding 'J32'.

Zero replacement
The picture character Y specifies that a zero in the specified digit position is
replaced unconditionally by the blank character.

Table 54 on page 368 shows examples of credit, debit, overpunched, and zero
replacement characters.

Chapter 14. Picture specification characters 367

Credit, debit, overpunched and zero replacement

Table 54. Examples of credit, debit, overpunched, and zero replacement characters
Source data (in
Source attributes constant form) Picture specification Character value

FIXED(3) -123 $Z.99CR $1.23CR

FIXED(4,2) 12.34 $ZZV.99CR $12.34bb
FIXED(4,2) -12.34 $ZZV.99DB $12.34DB

FIXED(4,2) 12.34 $ZZV.99DB $12.34bb

FIXED(4) 1021 999I 102A
FIXED(4) -1021 Z99R 102J

FIXED(4) 1021 99T9 10B1

FIXED(5) 00100 YYYYY bb1bb
FIXED(5) 10203 9Y9Y9 1b2b3

FIXED(5,2) 000.04 YYYVY9 bbbb4

Exponent characters
The picture characters K and E delimit the exponent field of a numeric character
specification that describes floating-point decimal numbers. The exponent field is
the last field of a numeric character floating-point picture specification. The picture
characters K and E cannot appear in the same specification.
K Specifies that the exponent field appears to the right of the associated position.
It does not specify a character in the numeric character data item.
E Specifies that the associated position contains the letter E, which indicates the
start of the exponent field.

The value of the exponent is adjusted in the character value so that the first
significant digit of the first field (the mantissa) appears in the position associated
with the first digit specifier of the specification (even if it is a zero suppression

Table 55 shows examples of exponent characters.

Table 55. Examples of exponent characters
Source data (in
Source attributes constant form) Picture specification Character value

FLOAT(5) .12345E06 V.99999E99 .12345E06

FLOAT(5) .12345E-06 V.99999ES99 .12345E-06
FLOAT(5) .12345E+06 V.99999KS99 .12345+06

FLOAT(5) -123.45E+12 S999V.99ES99 -123.45E+12

FLOAT(5) 001.23E-01 SSS9.V99ESS9 +123.00Eb-3
FLOAT(5) 001.23E+04 ZZZV.99KS99 123.00+02

FLOAT(5) 001.23E+04 SZ99V.99ES99 +123.00E+02

FLOAT(5) 001.23E+04 SSSSV.99E-99 +123.00Eb02

368 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference

Scaling factor

Scaling factor
The picture character F specifies a picture scaling factor for fixed-point decimal
numbers. It can appear only once at the right end of the picture specification.

F ( integer)

F Specifies the picture scaling factor. The picture scaling factor specifies that the
decimal point in the arithmetic value of the variable is that number of places to
the right (if the picture scaling factor is positive) or to the left (if negative) of
its assumed position in the character value.
The number of digits following the V picture character minus the integer
specified with F must be in the range -128 to 127.

Table 56 shows examples of the picture scaling factor character.

Table 56. Examples of scaling factor characters
Source attributes Source data (in Picture specification Character value
constant form)

FIXED(4,0) 1200 99F(2) 12

FIXED(7,0) -1234500 S999V99F(4) -12345
FIXED(5,5) .00012 99F(-5) 12

FIXED(6,6) .012345 999V99F(-4) 12345

Chapter 14. Picture specification characters 369

Scaling factor

370 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference

Chapter 15. Condition handling
While a PL/I program is running, certain events can occur for which you can do
some testing, issue a response, or take recovery action. These events are called
conditions, and are raised when detected.

Conditions can be unexpected errors (for example, overflow, input/output

transmission error) or expected errors (for example, end of an input file).
Conditions can be raised directly in a program through the SIGNAL statement
(this can be very useful during testing).

Application control over conditions is accomplished through the enablement of

conditions and the establishment of actions to be performed when an enabled
condition is raised. When a condition is disabled, the compiler assumes that the
condition cannot occur and generates code accordingly. If the condition does occur,
your program is in error. The established action can be an ON-unit or the implicit
action defined for the condition.

When an ON-unit is invoked, it is treated as a procedure without parameters. To

help you use ON-units, built-in functions and pseudovariables are provided for
you to inquire about the cause of a condition. Pseudovariables are often used for
error correction and recovery.

The implicit action for many conditions is to raise the ERROR condition. This
provides a common condition that can be used to check for a number of different
conditions, rather than checking each condition separately. The ONCODE built-in
function is particularly useful here, as it can be used to identify the specific
circumstances that raised the conditions. Codes corresponding to the conditions
and errors detected are listed in Messages and Codes.
Related information:
Chapter 18, Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines, on page 409
A large number of common tasks are available in the form of built-in functions,
subroutines, and pseudovariables. When you use them, you can write less code
more quickly with greater reliability. This chapter describes the built-in functions,
subroutines, and pseudovariables that you can use in your PL/I program.

Condition prefixes
You can use a condition prefix to specify whether some conditions are enabled or
disabled. If a condition is enabled, the compiler generates any extra code needed in
order to detect the condition. If a condition is disabled, the compiler generates no
extra code to detect it.

Disabling a condition is equivalent to asserting that the condition cannot occur; if it

does, your program is in error. For instance, if the SUBSCRIPTRANGE condition is
enabled, the compiler generates extra code to ensure that any array index is within
the bounds of its array. If the SUBSCRIPTRANGE condition is disabled, the extra
code is not generated and using an invalid array index leads to unpredictable

If a condition is detected by hardware, disabling the condition has no effect.

Copyright IBM Corp. 1999, 2016 371

Condition prefixes

You can specify a condition prefix only for eligible conditions.

( condition ) : statement

Some conditions are always enabled, and cannot be disabled. Some are enabled
unless you disable them, and some are disabled unless you enable them. The
conditions are listed in Chapter 16, Conditions, on page 381.
Condition prefixes are not valid for DECLARE, DEFAULT, FORMAT,
OTHERWISE, END, ELSE, ENTRY, and %statements. For information about the
scope of condition prefixes, see Scope of the condition prefix on page 373.

In the following example, (size): is the condition prefix. The conditional prefix
indicates that the corresponding condition is enabled within the scope of the
(size): L1: X=(I**N) / (M+L);

To enable conditions, specify the condition prefix with the condition name. To
disable conditions, specify the condition prefix with the condition name, preceded
by NO without intervening blanks.

Types and status of conditions are shown in Table 57.

Table 57. Classes and status of conditions
Class and conditions Status
Computational (for data handling,
expression evaluation, and computation)
CONVERSION Enabled by default
FIXEDOVERFLOW Enabled by default
INVALIDOP Enabled by default
OVERFLOW Enabled by default
UNDERFLOW Always enabled
ZERODIVIDE Enabled by default
ENDFILE Always enabled
ENDPAGE Always enabled
KEY Always enabled
NAME Always enabled
RECORD Always enabled
TRANSMIT Always enabled
UNDEFINEDFILE Always enabled
Program checkout (useful for
developing/debugging a program)
SIZE Disabled by default
STRINGRANGE Disabled by default
STRINGSIZE Disabled by default
SUBSCRIPTRANGE Disabled by default

372 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference

Condition prefixes

Table 57. Classes and status of conditions (continued)

Class and conditions Status
ANYCONDITION Always enabled
AREA Always enabled
ATTENTION Always enabled
CONDITION Always enabled
ERROR Always enabled
FINISH Always enabled
STORAGE Always enabled

For information about the performance effects of enabling and disabling

conditions, refer to the Programming Guide.

Scope of the condition prefix

The scope of a condition prefix (the part of the program to which it applies) is the
statement or block to which the prefix is attached. The prefix does not necessarily
apply to any procedures or ON-units that can be invoked in the execution of the

A condition prefix attached to a PACKAGE, PROCEDURE, or BEGIN statement

applies to all the statements up to and including the corresponding END
statement. This includes other PROCEDURE or BEGIN statements nested within
that block.

Condition status can be redefined within a block by attaching a prefix to

statements within the block, including PROCEDURE and BEGIN statements (thus
redefining the enabling or disabling of the condition within nested blocks). The
redefinition applies only to the execution of the statement to which the prefix is
attached. In the case of a nested PROCEDURE or BEGIN statement, it applies only
to the block the statement defines, as well as any blocks contained within that

Raising conditions with OPTIMIZATION

When OPTIMIZATION is in effect, conditions for the same expression that appear
multiple times can be raised only once.

In the following example, SUBSCRIPTRANGE for IX can be raised only once:

call P (55);
(subscriptrange): P: proc (IX);
dcl (Ar, Br, Cr) (10);
Ar(IX) = Ar(IX) + Br(IX);
T = Cr(IX);
End P;

An implicit action exists for every condition. When an enabled condition is raised,
the implicit action is executed unless an ON-unit for the enabled condition is
established. If the implicit action is to raise ERROR and no ON-unit has been
established for the condition, a message will be written before the ERROR
condition is raised.

Chapter 15. Condition handling 373

ON Statement

ON statement
The ON statement establishes the action to be executed for any subsequent raising
of an enabled condition in the scope of the established condition.

ON condition SYSTEM;
SNAP ON-unit

Is any one of those described in Chapter 16, Conditions, on page 381 or
defined with the CONDITION attribute.
Specifies that when the enabled condition is raised, diagnostic information
relating to the condition is printed. The action of the SNAP option precedes the
action of the ON-unit.
If SNAP and SYSTEM are specified, the implicit action is followed immediately
by SNAP information.
Specifies that the implicit action is taken. The implicit action is not the same
for every condition, although for most conditions a message is printed and the
ERROR condition is raised. The implicit action for each condition is given in
Chapter 16, Conditions, on page 381.
Specifies the action to be executed when the condition is raised and is enabled.
The action is defined by the statement or statements in the ON-unit itself.
When the ON statement is executed, the ON-unit is said to be established for
the specified condition. The ON-unit is not executed at the time the ON
statement is executed; it is executed only when the specified enabled condition
is raised.
The ON-unit can be either a single unlabeled simple statement or an unlabeled
begin-block. If it is a simple statement, it can be any statement except BEGIN,
ON-unit is a begin-block, a RETURN statement can appear only within a
procedure nested within the begin-block; a LEAVE statement can appear only
within a do-group nested within the begin-block.
Except for ON-units consisting only of either a semicolon (;) or the RESIGNAL
statement, an ON-unit is treated as a procedure (without parameters) that is
internal to the block in which it appears. Any names referenced in an ON-unit
are those known in the environment in which the ON statement for that
ON-unit was executed, rather than the environment in which the condition
was raised.
When execution of the ON-unit is complete, control generally returns to the
block from which the ON-unit was entered. Just as with a procedure, control
can be transferred out of an ON-unit by a GO TO statement. In this case,
control is transferred to the point specified in the GO TO, and a normal return
does not occur.

374 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference

ON Statement

The specific point to which control returns from an ON-unit varies for different
conditions. Normal return for each condition is described in Chapter 16,
Conditions, on page 381.

Null ON-unit
The effect of a null statement ON-unit is to execute normal return from the

Use of the null ON-unit is different from disabling a condition for two reasons:
v A null ON-unit can be specified for any condition, but not all conditions can be
v Disabling a condition, if possible, can save time by avoiding any checking for
this condition. (If a null ON-unit is specified, the PL/I must still check for the
raising of the condition.)

Scope of the ON-unit

The execution of an ON statement establishes an action specification for a
condition. Once this action is established, it remains established throughout that
block and throughout all dynamically descendent blocks until it is overridden by
the execution of another ON statement or a REVERT statement or until termination
of the block in which the ON statement is executed.

When another ON statement specifies the same conditions, the following applies:
v If a later ON statement specifies the same condition as a prior ON statement and
this later ON statement is executed in a block which is a dynamic descendant of
the block containing the prior ON statement, the action specification of the prior
ON statement is temporarily suspended, or stacked. It can be restored either by
the execution of a REVERT statement, or by the termination of the block
containing the later ON statement.
When control returns from a block, all established actions that existed at the
time of its activation are reestablished. This makes it impossible for a subroutine
to alter the action established for the block that invoked the subroutine.
v If the later ON statement and the prior ON statement are internal to the same
invocation of the same block, the effect of the prior ON statement is logically
nullified. No reestablishment is possible, except through execution of another
ON statement (or re-execution of an overridden ON statement).
Related information:
Dynamically descendent ON-units
It is possible to raise a condition during execution of an ON-unit that specifies
another ON-unit. An ON-unit entered because a condition is either raised or
signalled in another ON-unit is a dynamically descendent ON-unit. A normal
return from a dynamically descendent ON-unit reestablishes the environment of
the ON-unit in which the condition was raised.

Dynamically descendent ON-units

It is possible to raise a condition during execution of an ON-unit that specifies
another ON-unit. An ON-unit entered because a condition is either raised or
signalled in another ON-unit is a dynamically descendent ON-unit. A normal
return from a dynamically descendent ON-unit reestablishes the environment of
the ON-unit in which the condition was raised.

A loop can occur if an ERROR condition raised in an ERROR ON-unit executes the
same ERROR ON-unit, raising the ERROR condition again. In any situation where

Chapter 15. Condition handling 375

Dynamically descendent ON-units

a loop can cause the maximum nesting level to be exceeded, a message is printed
and the application is terminated. To avoid a loop caused by this situation, use the
following technique:
on error begin;
on error system;

ON-units for file variables

An ON statement that specifies a file variable refers to the file constant that is the
current value of the variable when the ON-unit is established.

Example 1
dcl F file,
G file variable;
G = F;
L1: on endfile(G);
L2: on endfile(F);

The statements labeled L1 and L2 are equivalent.

Example 2
declare FV file variable,
FC1 file,
FC2 file;
FV = FC1;
on endfile(FV) go to Fin;
FV = FC2;
read file(FC1) into (X1);
read file(FV) into (X2);

An ENDFILE condition raised during the first READ statement causes the ON-unit
to be entered, because the ON-unit refers to file FC1. If the condition is raised in
the second READ statement, however, the ON-unit is not entered, because this
READ refers to file FC2.

Example 3
E: procedure;
declare F1 file;
on endfile (F1) goto L1;
call E1 (F1);
E1: procedure (F2);
declare F2 file;
on endfile (F2) go to L2;
read file (F1);
read file (F2);
end E1;

An end-of-file encountered for F1 in E1 causes the ON-unit for F2 in E1 to be

entered. If the ON-unit in E1 was not specified, an ENDFILE condition
encountered for either F1 or F2 would cause entry to the ON-unit for F1 in E.

376 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference

ON-units for file variables

Example 4
declare FV file variable,
FC1 file,
FC2 file;

do FV=FC1,FC2;
on endfile(FV) go to Fin;

If an ON statement specifying a file variable is executed more than once, and the
variable has a different value each time, a different ON-unit is established at each

REVERT statement
Execution of the REVERT statement in a given block cancels the ON-unit for the
condition that executed in that block. The ON-unit that was established at the time
the block was activated is then reestablished.

REVERT affects only ON statements that are internal to the block in which the
REVERT statement occurs and that have been executed in the same invocation of
that block.

REVERT condition ;

Is any one of those described in Chapter 16, Conditions, on page 381 or
defined with the CONDITION attribute.

The REVERT statement cancels an ON-unit only if both of the following conditions
are true:
1. An ON statement that is eligible for reversion and that specifies a condition
listed in the REVERT statement was executed after the block was activated.
2. A REVERT statement with the specified condition was not previously executed
in the same block.

If either of these two conditions is not met, the REVERT statement is treated as a
null statement.

SIGNAL statement
You can raise a condition by means of the SIGNAL statement. This statement can
be used in program testing to verify the action of an ON-unit and to determine
whether the correct action is associated with the condition. The established action
is taken unless the condition is disabled.

If the specified condition is disabled, the SIGNAL statement becomes equivalent to

a null statement.

Chapter 15. Condition handling 377

SIGNAL statement

SIGNAL condition ;

Is any condition described in Chapter 16, Conditions, on page 381 or defined
with the CONDITION attribute.

RESIGNAL statement
The RESIGNAL statement terminates the current ON-unit and allows another
ON-unit for the same condition to get control.

The processing continues as if the ON-unit executing the RESIGNAL did not exist
and was never given control. It allows multiple ON-units to get control for the
same condition.


RESIGNAL is valid only within an ON-unit or its dynamic descendants.

Multiple conditions
A multiple condition is the simultaneous raising of two or more conditions.

The conditions for which a multiple condition can occur are the RECORD
condition on page 393 and the TRANSMIT condition on page 397. The
TRANSMIT condition is always processed first. The RECORD condition is ignored
unless there is a normal return from the TRANSMIT ON-unit.

Multiple conditions are processed successively. When one of the following events
occurs, no subsequent conditions are processed:
v Condition processing terminates the program, through implicit action for the
condition, normal return from an ON-unit, or abnormal termination in the
v A GO TO statement transfers control from an ON-unit, so that a normal return is

CONDITION attribute
The CONDITION attribute specifies that the declared name identifies a
programmer-defined condition.


378 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


A name that appears with the CONDITION condition in an ON, SIGNAL, or

REVERT statement is contextually declared to be a condition name.

The default scope is EXTERNAL. For an example of the CONDITION condition,

see CONDITION condition on page 384.

Chapter 15. Condition handling 379

380 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference
Chapter 16. Conditions
This chapter describes conditions in alphabetic order.

In general, the following information is given for each condition:

Status An indication of the enabled or disabled status of the condition at the start
of the program, and how the condition can be disabled (if possible) or
Table 57 on page 372 classifies the conditions into types, shows their status,
and lists the conditions for disabling an enabled one.
Result The result of the operation that raised the condition. This applies when the
condition is disabled as well as when it is enabled. In some cases, the
result is undefined.
Cause and syntax
A discussion of the condition, including the circumstances under which the
condition can be raised. For information about raising conditions with the
SIGNAL statement, see SIGNAL statement on page 377.
Implicit action
The action taken when an enabled condition is raised and no ON-unit is
currently established for the condition.
Normal return
The point to which control is returned as a result of the normal
termination of the ON-unit. A GO TO statement that transfers control out
of an ON-unit is an abnormal ON-unit termination. If a condition (except
the ERROR condition) has been raised by the SIGNAL statement, the
normal return is always to the statement immediately following SIGNAL.
Condition codes
The codes corresponding to the conditions and errors for which the
program is checked. An explanation for each code is given in the
Condition codes chapter of the Messages and Codes.

ANYCONDITION is always enabled.
The result is the same as for the underlying condition.
Cause and syntax
SIGNAL ANYCONDITION is not allowed. ANYCONDITION can be used only
in ON (and REVERT) statements to establish (and cancel) an ON-unit that will
trap any condition, including the CONDITION condition, that occurs in a
block, and that is not trapped by some other eligible ON-unit in that block.
In the following example, all ERROR conditions would be handled in the
begin-block, the FINISH condition would be handled by the system, and all
other conditions would be handled by the call to the routine named

Copyright IBM Corp. 1999, 2016 381


on error

on finish system;
on anycondition call Handle_all_others;

Note: To avoid infinite loops, the use of ON FINISH (as in the preceding
example) might be necessary when ON ANYCONDITION is used.
Note that when a condition is raised, the call stack will be walked (backwards)
to search for a block that has an ON-unit for that condition. The search will
stop when the first block with such an ON-unit or with an ON
ANYCONDITION ON-unit is found. If no such ON-units are found and the
implicit action for the condition is to promote it to ERROR, the stack will then
(and only then) be walked again to search for an ON ERROR ON-unit.
You can use the ONCONDID built-in function in an ANYCONDITION
ON-unit to determine what condition is being handled, and the
ONCONDCOND built-in function to determine the name of the CONDITION
condition. Other ON built-in functions, such as ONFILE, can be used to
determine the exact cause and other related information. These built-in
functions are listed in Chapter 18, Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and
subroutines, on page 409.


Implicit action
The implicit action is that of the underlying condition.
Normal return
Normal return is the same as for the underlying condition.
Condition codes
There are no condition codes unique to the ANYCONDITION.

AREA condition
AREA is always enabled.
An attempted allocation or assignment that raises the AREA condition has no
Cause and syntax
The AREA condition is raised in either of the following circumstances:
v When an attempt is made to allocate a based variable within an area that
contains insufficient free storage for the allocation to be made.

382 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


v When an attempt is made to perform an area assignment and the target area
contains insufficient storage to accommodate the allocations in the source
You can retrieve the name of the AREA reference that raised an AREA
condition by using the ONAREA built-in function in the ON-unit. For more
information about the ONAREA built-in function, see ONAREA on page 625
in Chapter 18, Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines, on page


Implicit action
A message is printed and the ERROR condition is raised.
Normal return
On normal return from the ON-unit, the action is as follows:
v If the condition was raised by an allocation and the ON-unit is a null
ON-unit, the allocation is not attempted again.
v If the condition was raised by an allocation, the allocation is attempted
again. Before the attempt is made, the area reference is reevaluated. Thus, if
the ON-unit has changed the value of a pointer qualifying the reference to
the inadequate area so that it points to another area, the allocation is
attempted again within the new area.
v If the condition was raised by an area assignment or by a SIGNAL
statement, execution continues from the point at which the condition was
Condition codes
360, 361, 362

ATTENTION condition
ATTENTION is always enabled.
Raising the condition causes an ATTENTION ON-unit to be entered. If there is
no ATTENTION ON-unit, the application is terminated.
Cause and syntax
The ATTENTION condition is raised when the user hits a specific key
combination to interrupt an application. The specific key is determined by the
operating system as follows:
v On Windows, CTRL-BRK and CTRL-C. No ATTENTION ON-units will be
driven on Windows as a result of the user entering CTRL-BRK or CTRL-C
key combinations. The implicit action will be taken.
v On the host, the ATTN key, if available.
The condition can also be raised by a SIGNAL ATTENTION statement.

Chapter 16. Conditions 383



Implicit action
The application is terminated.
Normal return
On return from an ATTENTION ON-unit, processing is resumed at a point in
the program immediately following the point at which the condition was
Condition code

CONDITION condition
CONDITION is always enabled.
The CONDITION condition allows you to establish an ON-unit that will be
executed whenever a SIGNAL statement for the appropriate CONDITION
condition is executed.
As a debugging aid, the CONDITION condition can be used to establish an
ON-unit that prints information about the current status of the program.
Cause and syntax
The CONDITION condition is raised by a SIGNAL statement. The name
specified in the SIGNAL statement determines which CONDITION condition is
raised. The ON-unit can be executed from any point in the program through
placement of a SIGNAL statement. Normal rules of name scope apply. A
condition name is external by default, but can be declared INTERNAL.
The following example shows the use of the CONDITION condition.
dcl Test condition;

on condition (Test)
The begin-block is executed whenever the following statement is executed:
signal condition (Test);



384 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


Implicit action
A message is printed and execution continues with the statement following
Normal return
Execution continues with the statement following the SIGNAL statement.
Condition code

CONVERSION condition
CONVERSION is enabled throughout the program, except within the scope of
the NOCONVERSION condition prefix. You can use the ONSOURCE,
ONCHAR, ONGSORCE, and ONWSOURCE pseudovariables in
CONVERSION ON-units to correct conversion errors.
When CONVERSION is raised, the contents of the entire result field are
Cause and syntax
The CONVERSION computational condition is raised whenever an invalid
conversion is attempted on character, widechar, or graphic data. This attempt
can be made internally or during an input/output operation. For example, the
condition is raised when any of the following conversions happens:
v A character other than 0 or 1 exists in character data being converted to bit
v A character value that is being converted to a numeric character field or to a
coded arithmetic value contains characters that are not the representation of
an optionally signed arithmetic constant or an expression to represent a
complex constant.
v A graphic (DBCS) string being converted to character contains a graphic that
cannot be converted to SBCS.
v A value being converted to a character pictured item contains characters not
allowed by the picture specification.
All conversions of character data are carried out character-by-character in a
left-to-right sequence. The condition is raised for each invalid character. The
condition is also raised if all the characters are blank, with the following
v For input with the F-format item, a value of zero is assumed.
v For input with the E-format item, be aware that sometimes the ON-unit will
be repeatedly entered.
Note that if a null string or a string of one or more blanks is assigned to a
numeric variable, the CONVERSION condition will not be raised.
When the CONVERSION condition is raised, the ONSUBCODE built-in
function will return the index of the offending character or graphic.
When an invalid character is encountered, the current action specification for
the condition is executed (provided that CONVERSION is not disabled). If the
action specification is an ON-unit, the invalid character can be replaced within
the unit.
v For character source data, use the ONSOURCE or ONCHAR

Chapter 16. Conditions 385


v For widechar source data, use the ONWSOURCE or ONWCHAR

v For graphic source data, use the ONGSOURCE pseudovariable.
If the CONVERSION condition is raised and it is disabled, the program is in
If the CONVERSION condition is raised during conversion from graphic data
to nongraphic data, the ONCHAR and ONSOURCE built-in functions do not
contain valid source data. The ONGSOURCE built-in function contains the
original graphic source data. The graphic conversion is retried if the
ONGSOURCE pseudovariable is used in the CONVERSION ON-unit to
attempt to fix the graphic data that raised the CONVERSION condition. If the
ONGSOURCE pseudovariable is not used in the CONVERSION ON-unit, the
ERROR condition is raised.


Implicit action
A message is printed and the ERROR condition is raised.
Normal return
If CONVERSION was raised on a character string source (not graphic source)
and either ONSOURCE or ONCHAR pseudovariables are used in the ON-unit,
the program retries the conversion on return from the ON-unit.
If CONVERSION was raised on a graphic source and the ONGSOURCE
pseudovariable is used in the ON-unit, the program retries the conversion on
return from the ON-unit.
If CONVERSION was raised on a widechar source and the ONWSOURCE
pseudovariable is used in the ON-unit, the program retries the conversion on
return from the ON-unit.
If the conversion error is not corrected by using these pseudovariables, the
program loops.
Condition codes

ENDFILE condition
The ENDFILE condition is always enabled.
If the specified file is not closed after the condition is raised, subsequent GET
or READ statements to the file are unsuccessful and cause additional ENDFILE
conditions to be raised.
But the file must not be closed in its ENDFILE ON-unit: it should be closed
only after that ON-unit has been exited.
Cause and syntax
The ENDFILE input/output condition can be raised during an operation by an

386 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


attempt to read past the end of the file specified in the GET or READ
statement. It applies only to SEQUENTIAL INPUT, SEQUENTIAL UPDATE,
and STREAM INPUT files.
In record-oriented data transmission, ENDFILE is raised whenever an end of
file is encountered during the execution of a READ statement.
In stream-oriented data transmission, ENDFILE is raised during the execution
of a GET statement if an end of file is encountered either before any items in
the GET statement data list have been transmitted or between transmission of
two of the data items. If an end of file is encountered while a data item is
being processed, or if it is encountered while an X-format item is being
processed, the ERROR condition is raised.


The file reference must be a scalar reference. If a file reference is
omitted, SYSIN is assumed.
Implicit action
A message is printed and the ERROR condition is raised.
Normal return
Execution continues with the statement immediately following the GET or
READ statement that raised the ENDFILE.
If a file is closed in an ON-unit for this condition, the results of normal return
are undefined. Exit from the ON-unit with the closed file must be achieved
with a GO TO statement.
Condition code

ENDPAGE condition
ENDPAGE is always enabled.
When ENDPAGE is raised, the current line number is one greater than that
specified by the PAGESIZE option (default is 60) so that it is possible to
continue writing on the same page. The ON-unit can start a new page by
execution of a PAGE option or a PAGE format item, which sets the current line
to one.
If the ON-unit does not start a new page, the current line number can increase
indefinitely. If a subsequent LINE option or LINE format item specifies a line
number that is less than or equal to the current line number, ENDPAGE is not
raised, but a new page is started with the current line set to one. An exception
is that if the current line number is equal to the specified line number, and the
file is positioned on column one of the line, ENDPAGE is not raised.
If ENDPAGE is raised during data transmission, on return from the ON-unit,
the data is written on the current line, which might have been changed by the

Chapter 16. Conditions 387


ON-unit. If ENDPAGE results from a LINE or SKIP option, on return from the
ON-unit, the action specified by LINE or SKIP is ignored.
Cause and syntax
The ENDPAGE input/output condition is raised when a PUT statement results
in an attempt to start a new line beyond the limit specified for the current
page. This limit can be specified by the PAGESIZE option in an OPEN
statement; if PAGESIZE has not been specified, a default limit of 60 is applied.
The attempt to exceed the limit can be made during data transmission
(including associated format items, if the PUT statement is edit-directed), by
the LINE option, or by the SKIP option. ENDPAGE can also be raised by a
LINE option or LINE format item that specified a line number less than the
current line number. ENDPAGE is raised only once per page, except when it is
raised by the SIGNAL statement.


The file reference must be a scalar reference. If a file reference is
omitted, SYSPRINT is assumed.
Implicit action
A new page is started. If the condition is signalled, execution is unaffected and
continues with the statement following the SIGNAL statement.
Normal return
Execution of the PUT statement continues in the manner described above.
Condition code

ERROR condition
ERROR is always enabled.
An error message is issued if no ON-unit is active when the ERROR condition
arises, or if the ON-unit does not use a GOTO (to exit the block) to recover
from the condition.
Cause and syntax
The ERROR condition is the implicit action for many conditions. This provides
a common condition that can be used to check for a number of different
conditions, rather than checking each condition separately.
The ERROR condition is raised under the following circumstances:
v As a result of the implicit action for a condition, which is to raise the
ERROR condition
v As a result of the normal return action for some conditions, such as
SUBSCRIPTRANGE CONVERSION or when no retry is attempted
v As a result of an error (for which there is no other PL/I-defined condition)
during program execution
v As a result of a SIGNAL ERROR statement

388 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


In order to prevent a loop of ERROR conditions, the first statement in any ON

ERROR block should be ON ERROR SYSTEM.


Implicit action
The message is printed and the FINISH condition is raised.
Normal return
The implicit action is taken.
Condition codes
All codes 1000 and above are ERROR conditions.

FINISH condition
FINISH is always enabled.
Control passes to the FINISH ON-unit and processing continues.
Cause and syntax
The FINISH condition is raised during execution of a statement that would
terminate the procedures. The following actions take place:
v If the termination is normalthe FINISH ON-unit, if established, is given
control only if the main procedure is PL/I.
v If the termination is abnormalthe FINISH ON-unit, if established in an
active block, is given control.


Implicit action
v If the condition is raised in the major task, no action is taken and processing
continues from the point where the condition was raised.
v If the condition is raised as part of the implicit action for another condition,
the program is terminated.
Normal return
Processing resumes at the point where the condition was raised. This point is
the statement following the SIGNAL statement if the conditions was signalled.
Condition code

FIXEDOVERFLOW is enabled throughout the program, except within the
scope of the NOFIXEDOVERFLOW condition prefix.

Chapter 16. Conditions 389


The result of the invalid FIXED DECIMAL operation is undefined.
Cause and syntax
The FIXEDOVERFLOW computational condition is raised when the length of
the result of a FIXED DECIMAL arithmetic operation exceeds the maximum
length allowed by the implementation.
The FIXEDOVERFLOW condition is not raised for FIXED BINARY operations.
The FIXEDOVERFLOW condition differs from the SIZE condition in that SIZE
is raised when a result exceeds the declared size of a variable, while
FIXEDOVERFLOW is raised when a result exceeds the maximum allowed by
the computer.
If the FIXEDOVERFLOW condition is raised and it is disabled, the program is
in error.


Implicit action
A message is printed and the ERROR condition is raised.
Normal return
Control returns to the point immediately following the point at which the
condition was raised.
Condition code

Note: If the SIZE condition is disabled, an attempt to assign an oversize number to

a fixed decimal variable can raise the FIXEDOVERFLOW condition.

INVALIDOP condition
INVALIDOP is enabled throughout the program, except within the scope of the
NOINVALIDOP condition prefix.
The result of the invalid operation is undefined.
Cause and syntax
The INVALIDOP computational condition is raised when any of the following
are detected during the evaluation of IEEE floating-point expressions.
v Subtraction of two infinities
v Multiplication of infinity by 0
v Division of two infinities
v Division of zero by zero
v Invalid floating-point data

390 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


Some fixed decimal divides with large precision are done using the Decimal
Floating-Point (DFP) facility. This might cause some ZERODIVIDE exceptions
to be reported as INVALIDOP.


Implicit action
The ERROR condition is raised.
Normal return
A message is printed and the ERROR condition is raised.
Condition code
Related information:
ZERODIVIDE condition on page 400

KEY condition
KEY is always enabled.
The keyed record is undefined, and the statement in which it appears is
Cause and syntax
The KEY input/output condition is raised when a record with a specified key
cannot be found. The condition can be raised only during operations on keyed
records. It is raised for the condition codes listed below.
When a LOCATE statement is used for the data set, the KEY condition for this
LOCATE statement is not raised until the next WRITE or LOCATE statement
for the file, or when the file is closed.

KEY (file-reference)

The file-reference must be a scalar reference.

Implicit action
A message is printed and the ERROR condition is raised.
Normal return
Control passes to the statement immediately following the statement that
raised KEY.
If a file is closed in an ON-unit for this condition, the results of normal return
are undefined. Exit from the ON-unit with the closed file must be achieved
with a GO TO statement.
Condition codes

Chapter 16. Conditions 391


NAME condition
NAME is always enabled.
The named data is undefined.
Cause and syntax
The NAME input/output condition can be raised only during execution of a
data-directed GET statement with the FILE option. It is raised in any of the
following situations:
v The syntax is not correct, as described under Syntax of data-directed data
on page 330.
v The name is missing or invalid. These are some examples:
No counterpart is found in the data list.
If there is no data list, the name is not known in the block.
A qualified name is not fully qualified.
DBCS contains a byte outside the valid range '41'X to 'FE'X.
v A subscript list is missing or invalid. These are some examples:
A subscript is missing.
The number of subscripts is incorrect.
More than 10 digits are in a subscript (leading zeros ignored).
A subscript is outside the allowed range of the current allocation of the
You can retrieve the incorrect data field by using the built-in function
DATAFIELD in the ON-unit.

NAME (file-reference)

The file-reference must be a scalar reference.

Implicit action
The incorrect data field is ignored, a message is printed, and execution of the
GET statement continues.
Normal return
The execution of the GET statement continues with the next name in the
Condition code

OVERFLOW condition
OVERFLOW is enabled throughout the program, except within the scope of
the NOOVERFLOW condition prefix.
The value of such an invalid floating-point number is undefined.

392 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


Cause and syntax

The OVERFLOW computational condition is raised when the magnitude of a
floating-point number exceeds the maximum allowed.
The OVERFLOW condition differs from the SIZE condition in that SIZE is
raised when a result exceeds the declared size of a variable, while OVERFLOW
is raised when a result exceeds the maximum allowed by the computer.
If the OVERFLOW condition is raised and it is disabled, the program is in


Implicit action
A message is printed and the ERROR condition is raised.
Normal return
The ERROR condition is raised.
Condition code

RECORD condition
RECORD is always enabled.
The length prefix for the specified file can be inaccurately transmitted.
Cause and syntax
The RECORD input/output condition is raised if the specified record is
truncated. The condition can be raised only during a READ, WRITE, LOCATE,
or REWRITE operation.
If the SCALARVARYING option is applied to the file (it must be applied to a
file using locate mode to transmit varying-length strings), a 2-byte length
prefix is transmitted with an element varying-length string. The length prefix is
not reset if the RECORD condition is raised. If the SCALARVARYING option is
not applied to the file, the length prefix is not transmitted. On input, the
current length of a varying-length string is set to the shorter of the record
length and the maximum length of the string.

RECORD (file-reference)

The file-reference must be a scalar reference.

Implicit action
A message is printed and the ERROR condition is raised.

Chapter 16. Conditions 393


Normal return
Execution continues with the statement immediately following the one for
which RECORD was raised.
If a file is closed in an ON-unit for this condition, the results of normal return
are undefined. Exit from the ON-unit with the closed file must be achieved
with a GO TO statement.
Condition codes

SIZE condition
SIZE is disabled throughout the program, except within the scope of the SIZE
condition prefix.
The result of the assignment is undefined.
Cause and syntax
The SIZE computational condition is raised only when high-order (that is,
leftmost) significant binary or decimal digits are lost in an attempted
assignment to a variable or an intermediate result or in an input/output
operation. This loss can result from a conversion involving different data types,
different bases, different scales, or different precisions. Even if the SIZE
condition is disabled, any conversion that is not done inline might cause the
condition to be raised.
SIZE is raised when the size of the value being assigned to a data item exceeds
the declared (or default) size of the data item, even if this is not the actual size
of the storage that the item occupies. For example, a fixed binary item of
precision (20) occupies a fullword in storage, but SIZE is raised if a value
whose size exceeds FIXED BINARY(20) is assigned to it.
In optimized code, FOFL might be raised instead of SIZE.
Because checking sizes requires substantial overhead in both storage space and
run time, the SIZE condition is primarily used for program testing. It can be
removed from production programs. For more information about test and
production application programs, see the Programming Guide.
The SIZE condition differs from the FIXEDOVERFLOW condition in that
FIXEDOVERFLOW is raised when the size of a calculated fixed-point value
exceeds the maximum allowed by the implementation. SIZE can be raised on
assignment of a value regardless of whether or not FIXEDOVERFLOW was
raised in the calculation of that value.
If the SIZE condition is raised and it is disabled, the program is in error.


Implicit action
A message is printed and the ERROR condition is raised.

394 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


Normal return
Control returns to the point immediately following the point at which the
condition was raised.
Condition codes
340, 341

STORAGE condition
STORAGE is always enabled.
The result depends on the type of variable for which attempted storage
allocation raised the condition.
v After an ALLOCATE statement for a controlled variable, that variable's
generation is not allocated. A reference to that controlled variable results in
accessing the generation (if any) before the ALLOCATE statement.
v After an ALLOCATE statement for a based variable, the variable is not
allocated and its associated pointer is undefined.
v After an ALLOCATE built-in function for a based variable, the variable is
not allocated and the use of the associated pointer is undefined.
Cause and syntax
The STORAGE condition allows the program to gain control for the failure of
an ALLOCATE built-in function or ALLOCATE statement that attempted to
allocate BASED or CONTROLLED storage outside of an AREA. Failure of an
ALLOCATE statement in an AREA raises the AREA condition.
Failure of the AUTOMATIC built-in function does not raise the STORAGE
The ON-unit for the STORAGE condition can attempt to free allocated storage.
If the ON-unit is unable to free sufficient storage, it can provide the necessary
steps to terminate the program without losing diagnostic information.


Implicit action
The ERROR condition is raised.
Normal return
The ERROR condition is raised.
Condition codes
450, 451

STRINGRANGE is disabled throughout the program, except within the scope
of the STRINGRANGE condition prefix.
The value of the specified SUBSTR is altered.

Chapter 16. Conditions 395


Cause and syntax

The STRINGRANGE program-checkout condition is raised whenever the
values of the arguments to a SUBSTR reference fail to comply with the rules
described for the SUBSTR built-in function. It is raised for each reference to an
invalid argument.


Implicit action
A message is printed and processing continues as described for normal return.
Normal return
Execution continues with a revised SUBSTR reference for which the value is
defined as follows:
Assume that the length of the source string (after execution of the ON-unit, if
specified) is k, the starting point is i, and the length of the substring is j:
v If i is greater than k, the value is the null string.
v If i is less than or equal to k, the value is that substring beginning at the mth
character, bit, widechar, or graphic of the source string and extending n
characters, bits, widechars, or graphics, where m and n are defined as
M = max( I,1 )
N = max( 0,min( J + min(I,1) - 1,K - M + 1 ))

if J is specified.
N = K - M + 1

if J is not specified.
This means that the new arguments are forced within the limits.
The values of i and j are established before entry to the ON-unit. They are not
reevaluated on return from the ON-unit.
The value of k might change in the ON-unit if the first argument of SUBSTR is
a varying-length string. The value n is computed on return from the ON-unit
using any new value of k.
Condition code

STRINGSIZE condition
STRINGSIZE is disabled throughout the program, except within the scope of
the STRINGSIZE condition prefix.
After the condition action, the truncated string is assigned to its target string.
The right-hand characters, bits, widechars, or graphics of the source string are
truncated so that the target string can accommodate the source string.

396 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


Cause and syntax

The STRINGSIZE program-checkout condition is raised when you attempt to
assign a string to a target with a shorter maximum length.


Implicit action
A message is printed and processing continues.
Normal return
Execution continues from the point at which the condition was raised.
Condition codes
150, 151

SUBSCRIPTRANGE is disabled throughout the program, except within the
scope of the SUBSCRIPTRANGE condition prefix.
When SUBSCRIPTRANGE has been raised, the value of the invalid subscript is
undefined, and, hence, the reference is also undefined.
Cause and syntax
The SUBSCRIPTRANGE program-checkout condition is raised whenever a
subscript is evaluated and found to lie outside its specified bounds. The order
of raising SUBSCRIPTRANGE relative to evaluation of other subscripts is


Implicit action
A message is printed and the ERROR condition is raised.
Normal return
Normal return from a SUBSCRIPTRANGE ON-unit raises the ERROR
Condition codes

TRANSMIT condition
TRANSMIT is always enabled.

Chapter 16. Conditions 397


Raising the TRANSMIT condition indicates that any data transmitted is
potentially incorrect.
Cause and syntax
The TRANSMIT input/output condition can be raised during any
input/output operation. It is raised by an uncorrectable transmission error of a
record (or of a block, if records are blocked), which is an input/output error
that could not be corrected during execution. It can be caused by a damaged
recording medium, or by incorrect specification or setup.
During input, TRANSMIT is raised after transmission of the potentially
incorrect record. If records are blocked, TRANSMIT is raised for each
subsequent record in the block.
During output, TRANSMIT is raised after transmission. If records are blocked,
transmission occurs when the block is complete rather than after each output
When a spanned record is being updated, the TRANSMIT condition is raised
on the last segment of a record only. It is not raised for any subsequent records
in the same block, although the integrity of these records cannot be assumed.

TRANSMIT (file-reference)

The file-reference must be a scalar reference.

Implicit action
A message is printed and the ERROR condition is raised.
Normal return
Processing continues as though no error had occurred, allowing another
condition (for example, RECORD) to be raised by the statement or data item
that raised the TRANSMIT condition.
If a file is closed in an ON-unit for this condition, the results of normal return
are undefined. Exit from the ON-unit with the closed file must be achieved
with a GO TO statement.
Condition codes

UNDEFINEDFILE is always enabled.
Specified files are undefined to the application program.
Cause and syntax
The UNDEFINEDFILE input/output condition is raised whenever an
unsuccessful attempt to open a file is made. If the attempt is made by means
of an OPEN statement that specifies more than one file, the condition is raised
after attempts to open all specified files.

398 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


If UNDEFINEDFILE is raised for more than one file in the same OPEN
statement, ON-units are executed according to the order of appearance (taken
from left to right) of the file names in that OPEN statement.
If UNDEFINEDFILE is raised by an implicit file opening in a data transmission
statement, upon normal return from the ON-unit, processing continues with
the remainder of the data transmission statement. If the file was not opened in
the ON-unit, the statement cannot continue and the ERROR condition is raised.
The UNDEFINEDFILE condition is raised not only by conflicting attributes
(such as DIRECT with PRINT), but also by the following:
v Block size smaller than record size (except when records are spanned)
v LINESIZE exceeding the maximum allowed
v KEYLENGTH zero or not specified for creation of INDEXED data sets
v Specifying a KEYLOC option, for an INDEXED data set, with a value
resulting in KEYLENGTH + KEYLOC exceeding the record length
v Specifying a V-format logical record length of less than 18 bytes for
STREAM data sets
v Specifying a block size that is not an integral multiple of the record size for
FB-format records
v Specifying a logical record length that is not at least 4 bytes smaller than the
specified block size for VB-format records.

UNDEFINEDFILE (file-reference)

The file-reference must be a scalar reference.

Implicit action
A message is printed and the ERROR condition is raised.
Normal return
Upon the normal completion of the final ON-unit, control is given to the
statement immediately following the statement that raised the condition.
Condition codes
80-89, 91-95

UNDERFLOW condition
UNDERFLOW is enabled throughout the program, except within the scope of
the NOUNDERFLOW condition prefix.
The invalid floating-point value is set to 0 except for IEEE floating-point on
z/OS when the result is undefined.
Cause and syntax
The UNDERFLOW computational condition is raised when the magnitude of a

Chapter 16. Conditions 399


floating-point number is smaller than the minimum allowed. UNDERFLOW is

not raised when equal numbers are subtracted (often called the significance
The expression X(-Y) (where Y>0) can be evaluated by taking the reciprocal of
XY; hence, the OVERFLOW condition might be raised instead of the
UNDERFLOW condition.


Implicit action
Unless the exception is raised during the evaluation of an IEEE floating-point
expression (in either binary or decimal) on z/OS, a message is printed, and
execution continues from the point at which the condition was raised; if the
exception is raised during the evaluation of an IEEE floating-point exception
on z/OS, a message is printed and the ERROR condition is raised.
Normal return
Unless the exception is raised during the evaluation of an IEEE floating-point
expression (in either binary or decimal) on z/OS, control returns to the point
immediately following the point at which the condition was raised; if the
exception is raised during the evaluation of an IEEE floating-point exception
on z/OS, the ERROR condition is raised.
Condition code

ZERODIVIDE condition
ZERODIVIDE is enabled throughout the program, except within the scope of
the NOZERODIVIDE condition prefix.
The result of a division by zero is undefined.
Cause and syntax
The ZERODIVIDE computational condition is raised when an attempt is made
to divide by zero. This condition is raised for fixed-point and floating-point
division. If the numerator of a floating-point divide is also zero, INVALIDOP is
If the ZERODIVIDE condition is raised and it is disabled, the program is in
Some fixed decimal divides with large precision are done using the Decimal
Floating-Point (DFP) facility. This might cause some ZERODIVIDE exceptions
to be reported as INVALIDOP.


400 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


Implicit action
A message is printed and the ERROR condition is raised.
Normal return
The ERROR condition is raised.
Condition code
Related information:
INVALIDOP condition on page 390

Chapter 16. Conditions 401


402 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference

Chapter 17. Multithreading facility
The PL/I multithreading facility allows the execution of parts of a PL/I program
asynchronously in multiple threads.

A PL/I program is a set of one or more procedures. The program normally

executes as a single execution unit, or as part of a single execution unit. When a
procedure invokes another procedure, control is passed to the invoked procedure,
and execution of the invoking procedure is suspended until the invoked procedure
passes control back. This execution with a single flow of control is synchronous

When using the PL/I multithreading facility, the invoking procedure does not
relinquish control to the invoked procedure. Instead, an additional flow of control
is established so that both procedures are executed concurrently. The execution of
such concurrent procedures is called asynchronous flow.

With the PL/I multithreading facility, parts of a PL/I program can be executed
asynchronously in multiple threads. A thread is a unit of work that competes for
the resources of the computing system. A thread is not the equivalent of a task in
OS PL/I. Except for the main thread in a program, a thread is always independent
of and unrelated to other threads in the program. When a procedure invokes
another procedure as a thread, this action is known as attaching or creating the

Execution of one or more threads occurs in a process, which can be thought of as a

PL/I program. PL/I does not provide the capabilities to create and manage
multiple processes or tasks, but it does allow creation and management of multiple
threads in a single program (process).

There is normally one application thread per process. Multiple threads can be
attached (created) for these purposes:
v Perform a piece of work in a shorter elapsed time. Such applications can be
batch applications that are not interacting with the user. For example, one
procedure could attach a thread which would compile a PL/I program.
v Perform high response parts of a program in one thread and I/O parts in
another thread, and typical response parts in a third.
v Use computing system resources that might be idle. These resources can include
I/O devices as well as the CPUs.
v Implement realtime multiuser applications where the response time is critical.
v Isolate independent pieces of work for reliability. That is, the failure of a part of
a job can be isolated while other independent parts are processed.

Note: Operating system services must not be directly used when PL/I provides
the appropriate function.

Creating a thread
A thread is a unit of work that competes for the resources of the computing
system. When a procedure invokes another procedure as a thread, this action is
known as attaching, or creating the thread.
v A thread is an independent unit of work.
Copyright IBM Corp. 1999, 2016 403
Creating a thread

v A thread executes concurrently and independently of other threads in the

process and system.
v A thread can attach other threads.
v A thread can wait for a thread to complete.
v A thread can stop itself or another thread.

Any procedures or functions synchronously invoked by the thread become part of

the threads execution.

ATTACH statement
A thread is attached (or created) by the execution of the ATTACH statement. You
can specify explicit characteristics for the thread if the defaults are not what you

ATTACH entry-reference
THREAD (task-reference)


Specifies the name of a limited entry variable or the name of an external entry
or level-1 procedure. It cannot be the name of an internal procedure or a
fetchable procedure. The ATTACHed entry must be declared as having no
parameters or as having exactly one BYVALUE POINTER parameter. However,
you can fetch a procedure, assign it to a limited entry variable, and then attach
the entry variable as a thread.
Arguments can be passed to the new thread just as you would pass arguments
to a synchronous entry in a CALL statement.
THREAD (task reference)
Specifies the name of a task variable that becomes associated with the thread.
The task variable can then be used to refer to the thread.
Unless explicitly declared, the named variable is given a contextual declaration.
If the THREAD option is not specified, the attached thread cannot be stopped
or waited upon by another thread.
If a thread is attached with the THREAD option, you must use the DETACH
statement to detach the thread to free all the system resources associated with
the thread.
Operating system services must not be used directly to create a thread.
Specifies environmental characteristics and is usually operating system

404 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference

ATTACH statement

TSTACK (expression)
On Intel, specifies the size of the stack to be used for the attached thread. The
expression should be FIXED BINARY(31,0). If the stack size is not specified,
the runtime default will be used.
On z/OS, TSTACK is ignored, and the size of the stack is determined by LE.

An attached procedure may have any supported linkage.

attach input (File1);

attach input (File2)

thread (T2);
Related information:
Detaching a thread on page 406
The DETACH statement should be used to free the system resources associated
with a thread that was attached with the THREAD option.

Terminating a thread
Execution of the END, EXIT, and STOP statements might terminate a thread. The
ERROR condition, when raised, might also terminate a thread.

A thread is terminated when any of the following circumstances occurs:

v The END statement corresponding to the first procedure (the initial procedure in
the thread) is reached.
v The ERROR condition is raised and either there is no ERROR ON-unit or the
ERROR ON-unit terminates normally (reaches the END statement for the
ON-unit or executes a RESIGNAL statement).
v The EXIT statement is executed in any procedure within the thread.
v The initial thread in the program terminates.
v The STOP statement is executed in any thread within the program. This stops
the entire program, causing all threads, including the main thread, to be

The FINISH condition is raised only in the thread initiating program termination.
Any ON-units established within the thread are given control before the thread
actually terminates.

Except as noted above, when a thread terminates, no other threads are terminated,
unless the thread being terminated is the main thread. In that case, all other
threads are stopped and terminated before the main thread is terminated.

When a thread terminates, only its stack space is released. All other resources such
as allocated storage, open files, and so on remain intact. The user must ensure that
any resources that a thread has acquired are released and open files are closed,
unless they are needed by other threads that are still active.

When the main thread terminates, all resources are released and files are closed.

Chapter 17. Multithreading facility 405

Canceling a thread

Canceling a thread
You can cancel a thread by using the CANCEL THREAD statement.

CANCEL THREAD (task-reference)

THREAD task-reference
The THREAD option specifies the task-reference task variable of the thread,
upon which the process is canceling. The task variable is generated during the
ATTACH of the thread.

The TI1 thread is canceled in the following example:


Waiting for a thread to complete

To wait for a thread, use the WAIT statement.

WAIT THREAD (task-reference) ;

THREAD (task-reference)
The THREAD option specifies the thread upon which the process is waiting.
The current thread is suspended until the specified thread terminates. As soon
as the specified thread has terminated, the current thread resumes.


Detaching a thread
The DETACH statement should be used to free the system resources associated
with a thread that was attached with the THREAD option.

DETACH THREAD (task-reference) ;

THREAD (task-reference)
The THREAD option specifies the thread to be detached.

Normally, this statement would be executed immediately after the WAIT statement
for the terminating thread.

406 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference

Condition handling

Condition handling
When a new thread is created, no ON-units are assumed to be established. The
ON-units that are in effect at the time a thread is created are not inherited by the
new attached thread. Conditions that occur within a thread are handled within the
thread and are not handled across thread boundaries.

For example, assume that thread A opens file F; then A creates thread T; T then
causes the ENDFILE condition to be raised. If an ON ENDFILE condition is not
established in thread T itself, the ERROR condition is raised in T, and the usual
condition handling takes place all within thread T. Whether or not A has
established ON-units for ENDFILE or ERROR does not affect the execution of
thread T.

A thread must establish ON-units for appropriate conditions if it wishes to handle

them. There is no mechanism to signal conditions across threads.

If CTRL-BREAK is used to raise the ATTENTION condition, the ATTENTION

condition is raised only in the main thread, not in any threads created by ATTACH

Task data and attribute

Task variables hold thread related information, such as thread identification,
service category, and dispatching priority. A variable is given the TASK attribute by
explicit declaration, or implicitly by appearing in a THREAD option.


A task variable is associated with a thread by the task reference in the THREAD
option of the ATTACH statement creating the thread. A task variable is active if it
is associated with a thread that is active. A task variable must be allocated before it
is associated with a thread and must not be freed while it is active. An active task
variable cannot be associated with another thread.

THREADID built-in function

THREADID (short for thread identifier) returns a POINTER value that is the
address of the operating system thread identifier for an attached thread.


The value used by this built-in function can be used as a parameter to system
functions such as DosSetPriority, but it should not be used as a parameter to

Chapter 17. Multithreading facility 407

Task data and attribute

x Task reference. The value of x should have been set previously in the THREAD
option of the ATTACH statement.

Sharing data between threads

All static and controlled data is shared between threads. All other data can also be
shared through arguments/parameters and through based references, as long as
the data is allocated and is not freed until all of the threads have finished using the

For example, if automatic variables in the attaching thread are shared with the
attached thread, the attaching block must not terminate until the attached thread
has finished using the shared variables.

Serialization of data is the responsibility of the user. If new generations of

controlled data are allocated or if existing generations are freed, it is possible to
have certain threads still accessing an older generation or a generation that no
longer exists. This can lead to unpredictable results.

All allocated storage, unless freed explicitly, is not freed until program termination.

PL/I does not serialize either ALLOCATEs or FREEs in AREA variables.

Sharing files between threads

All files are shared between threads.

If a thread (other than MAIN) opens a file, it must be closed before that thread

A file opened in a MAIN thread is not closed until it is explicitly closed or the
program ends. Except for the Language Environment message file on z/OS, if you
do not serialize your file usage, you might get unpredictable results, possibly
including abends.

Serialization is the responsibility of the user. See Sharing data between threads.

The message file and the display statement are automatically serialized by PL/I.

408 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference

Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and
A large number of common tasks are available in the form of built-in functions,
subroutines, and pseudovariables. When you use them, you can write less code
more quickly with greater reliability. This chapter describes the built-in functions,
subroutines, and pseudovariables that you can use in your PL/I program.

With PL/I, you can develop both 31-bit and 64-bit applications. When you develop
64-bit applications, you must be aware that the argument and return types of some
built-in functions are different from those under 31-bit. These arguments and
return values are of type size_t. Such size_t arguments represent the size of a piece
of storage.

If the LP(32) compiler option is in effect, size_t is FIXED BIN(31); if the LP(64)
compiler option is in effect, size_t is FIXED BIN(63).

Declaring and invoking built-in functions, pseudovariables, and built-in

Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines can be contextually or
explicitly declared.

BUILTIN attribute
The BUILTIN attribute specifies that the name is a built-in function,
pseudovariable, or a subroutine.


Built-in names can be used as programmer-defined names. BUILTIN can be

declared for a built-in name in any block that has inherited, from a containing
block, a programmer-defined declaration or use of the same name.


This example shows built-in names with the BUILTIN attribute.

1 A: procedure;
declare Sqrt float binary;
2 X = Sqrt;

3 B: Begin;
Declare Sqrt builtin;
Z = Sqrt(P);
end B;

end A;
1 Sqrt is a programmer-defined name.

Copyright IBM Corp. 1999, 2016 409


2 The assignment to the variable X is a reference to the programmer-defined

name Sqrt.
3 Sqrt is declared with the BUILTIN attribute so that any reference to Sqrt
within B is recognized as a reference to the built-in function and not to the
programmer-defined name Sqrt declared in 1.

Invoking built-in functions and pseudovariables

You can use this syntax to invoke built-in functions and pseudovariables.


( )

Invoking built-in subroutines

You can use this syntax to invoke built-in subroutines.

CALL name ;
( )


Specifying arguments for built-in functions, pseudovariables, and

built-in subroutines
Arguments, which can be expressions, are evaluated and converted to a data type
suitable for the built-in function according to the rules for data conversion.

Aggregate arguments
All built-in functions and pseudovariables that can have arguments can have array
arguments (if more than one is an array, the bounds must be identical).
functions return an element value.
v Under the compiler option USAGE(UNSPEC(ANS)), UNSPEC returns an
element value; Under USAGE(UNSPEC(IBM)), it returns an array of values.
v All other functions return an array of values.

Specifying an array argument is equivalent to placing the function reference or

pseudovariable in a do-group where one or more arguments is a subscripted array
reference that is modified by the control variable.

Consider the following example:

410 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference

Aggregate arguments

dcl A(2) char(2) varying;

dcl B(2) char(2)
dcl C(2) fixed bin

This example results in A(1) having the value A and A(2) having the value CD.

The built-in functions and pseudovariables that can accept structure or union
arguments are listed in Table 58.
Table 58. Built-in functions and pseudovariables that accept structure or union arguments
Built-in functions and pseudovariables
1. UNSPEC may be applied to a structure or union only if the compiler option
USAGE(UNSPEC(ANS)) is in effect.

Null and optional arguments

Some built-ins do not require arguments. You must either explicitly declare these
with the BUILTIN attribute or contextually declare them by including a null
argument list in the referencefor example, ONCHAR(). Otherwise, the name is
not recognized as a built-in.

Accuracy of mathematical functions

The accuracy of a result is influenced by two factors: the accuracy of the argument
and the accuracy of the algorithm.

Most arguments contain errors. An error in a given argument can accumulate over
several steps before the evaluation of a function. Even data fresh from input
conversion can contain errors. The effect of argument error on the accuracy of a
result depends entirely on the nature of the mathematical function, and not on the
algorithm that computes the result. This book does not discuss argument errors of
this type.

The mathematical built-in functions that are implemented using inline machine
instructions produce results of different accuracy.

Categories of built-in functions

This section lists built-in functions, subroutines, and pseudovariables by category.

Only full function names are listed in these tables. Existing abbreviations are
provided in the sections that describe each built-in function, subroutine, and

In the discussions of conversions that follow, M and N specify the maximum

v M is the maximum precision for FIXED BINARY. This is the value M2 from the
compiler option LIMITS(FIXEDBIN(M1,M2)).
Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 411

v N is the maximum precision for FIXED DECIMAL. This is the value N2 from the
compiler option LIMITS(FIXEDDEC(N1,N2)).

Arithmetic built-in functions

The arithmetic built-in functions allow you to determine properties of arithmetic
values (for example, the SIGN function indicates the sign of an arithmetic variable)
and to perform routine arithmetic operations.

Table 59 lists the arithmetic built-in functions and a short description of each.

Some of the arithmetic functions derive the data type of their results from one or
more arguments. When the data types of the arguments differ, they are converted
as described in Chapter 4, Data conversion, on page 77.
Table 59. Arithmetic built-in functions
Function Description
ABS Calculates the absolute value of a value
CEIL Calculates the smallest integer value greater than or equal to a value
COMPLEX Returns the complex number with given real and imaginary parts
CONJG Returns the complex conjugate of a value
FLOOR Calculates the largest integer value less than or equal to a value
IMAG Returns the imaginary part of a complex number
MAX Calculates the maximum of 2 or more values
MIN Calculates the minimum of 2 or more values
MOD Returns the modular equivalent of the remainder of one value divided
by another
RANDOM Returns a pseudo-random value
REAL Returns the real part of a complex number
REM Calculates the remainder of one value divided by another
ROUND Rounds a value at a specified digit
ROUNDDEC Rounds a decimal value at a specified digit
SIGN Returns a -1, 0 or 1 if a value is negative, zero, or positive, respectively
TRUNC Calculates the nearest integer for value rounded towards zero

Array-handling built-in functions

The array-handling built-in functions operate on array arguments and return an
element value.

Any conversion of arguments required for these functions is noted in the function
description. Table 60 lists the array-handling built-in functions.
Table 60. Array-handling built-in functions
Function Description
ALL Calculates the bitwise and of all the elements of an array
ANY Calculates the bitwise or of all the elements of an array
DIMENSION Returns the number of elements in a dimension of an array

412 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


Table 60. Array-handling built-in functions (continued)

Function Description
HBOUND Returns the upper bound for a dimension of an array
HBOUNDACROSS Returns the upper bound in a DIMACROSS array
LBOUND Returns the lower bound for a dimension of an array
LBOUNDACROSS Returns the lower bound in a DIMACROSS array
POLY Returns floating-point approximate of two arrays
PROD Calculates the product of all the elements of an array
SUM Calculates the sum of all the elements of an array

Buffer-management built-in functions

The buffer-management built-in functions operate on a "buffer", which is an area of
storage specified by an address and a number of bytes.

The PLIFILL, PLIMOVE, and PLIOVER built-in subroutines are also useful in
managing buffers. Table 61 lists the buffer-management built-in functions.
Table 61. Buffer-management built-in functions
Function Description
BASE64DECODE8 Decodes the source buffer from base 64 that is encoded as
UTF-8. Returns a size_t value that indicates the number of
bytes that are written into the target buffer.
BASE64DECODE16 Decodes the source buffer from base 64 that is encoded as
UTF-16. Returns a size_t value that indicates the number of
bytes that are written into the target buffer.
BASE64ENCODE8 Encodes the source buffer into base 64 that is encoded as
UTF-8. Returns a size_t value that indicates the number of
bytes that are written into the target buffer.
BASE64ENCODE16 Encodes the source buffer into base 64 that is encoded as
UTF-16. Returns a size_t value that indicates the number of
bytes that are written into the target buffer.
CHECKSUM Returns the checksum value for a specified buffer.
COMPARE Compares two buffers.
HEXDECODE Decodes a source buffer from base 16 that is encoded in
the character set specified by the ASCII/EBCDIC
suboption of the DEFAULT compiler option. Returns a
size_t value that indicates the number of bytes that are
written into the target buffer.
HEXDECODE8 Decodes a source buffer from base 16 that is encoded in
UTF-8. Returns a size_t value that indicates the number of
bytes that are written into the target buffer.
HEXIMAGE Returns a character string that is the hexadecimal
representation of a buffer.
MEMCONVERT Converts the data in a source buffer from the specified
source codepage to a specified target codepage. Stores the
result in a target buffer. Returns a size_t value that
indicates the number of bytes that are written to the target

Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 413


Table 61. Buffer-management built-in functions (continued)

Function Description
MEMCU12 Converts the data in a source buffer from UTF-8 to
UTF-16. Stores the result in a target buffer. Returns a size_t
value that indicates the number of bytes that are written to
the target buffer.
MEMCU14 Converts the data in a source buffer from UTF-8 to
UTF-32. Stores the result in a target buffer. Returns a size_t
value that indicates the number of bytes that are written to
the target buffer.
MEMCU21 Converts the data in a source buffer from UTF-16 to
UTF-8. Stores the result in a target buffer. Returns a size_t
value that indicates the number of bytes that are written to
the target buffer.
MEMCU24 Converts the data in a source buffer from UTF-16 to
UTF-32. Stores the result in a target buffer. Returns a size_t
value that indicates the number of bytes that are written to
the target buffer.
MEMCU41 Converts the data in a source buffer from UTF-32 to
UTF-8. Stores the result in a target buffer. Returns a size_t
value that indicates the number of bytes that are written to
the target buffer.
MEMCU42 Converts the data in a source buffer from UTF-32 to
UTF-16. Stores the result in a target buffer. Returns a size_t
value that indicates the number of bytes that are written to
the target buffer.
MEMINDEX Finds the location of one string or buffer within a buffer.
MEMSEARCH Searches for the first occurrence of any one of the elements
of a string within a buffer.
MEMSEARCHR Searches for the first occurrence of any one of the elements
of a string within a buffer, but the search starts from the
MEMVERIFY Searches for the first nonoccurrence of any one of the
elements of a string within a buffer.
MEMVERIFYR Searches for the first occurrence of any one of the elements
of a string within a buffer, but the search starts from the
WHITESPACECOLLAPSE Collapses all the whitespace in the UTF-16 XML source
buffer. Returns a size_t value that indicates the number of
bytes that are written into the target buffer. To collapse the
whitespace, the built-in function replaces each character
from \t, \f, \v, \n, and \r by a UTF-16 blank, trims all
leading and trailing blanks, and reduces multiple interior
blanks to one blank.
WHITESPACEREPLACE Replaces each character of the whitespace in the UTF-16
XML source buffer from \t, \f, \v, \n, and \r by a UTF-16
blank. Returns a size_t value that indicates the number of
bytes that are written into the target buffer.
XMLCHAR Writes XML corresponding to a structure to a buffer.

414 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


Table 61. Buffer-management built-in functions (continued)

Function Description
XMLCLEAN Cleans the UTF-16 XML source buffer. Returns a size_t
value that indicates the number of bytes that are written
into the target buffer. To clean the source buffer, the
function replaces each invalid UTF-16 by a UTF-16 blank,
replaces carriage returns with &#xD, and replaces the
characters ", , &, <, and > by the strings &quot;, &apos;,
&amp;, &lt;, and &gt;, respectively.

Condition-handling built-in functions

The condition-handling built-in functions enable you to determine the cause of a
condition that has occurred.

Use of these functions is valid only within the scope of an ON-unit or dynamic
descendant for:
v the condition specific to the built-in function
v the ERROR or FINISH condition when raised as an implicit action
All other uses are out of context.
Table 62. Condition-handling built-in functions
Function Description
DATAFIELD Returns the value of a string that raised the NAME condition.
ONAREA Returns the name of the AREA reference for which an AREA condition
is raised.
ONCHAR Returns the value of a character that caused a conversion condition.
ONCODE Returns the condition code value.
ONCONDCOND Returns the name of CONDITION condition being processed.
ONCONDID Returns a number which identifies a particular condition.
ONCOUNT Returns the number of outstanding conditions.
ONFILE Returns the name of a file for which a condition is raised.
ONGSOURCE Returns the value of a graphic string that caused a conversion condition.
ONKEY Returns the key of a record that raised a condition.
ONLINE Returns the line number from the source in which a condition occurred.
ONLOC Returns the name of the procedure in which a condition occurred.
ONOFFSET Returns the offset within a block in which a condition occurred.
ONSOURCE Returns the value of a string that caused a conversion condition.
ONWCHAR Returns the value of a widechar that caused a conversion condition.
ONWSOURCE Returns the value of a widechar string that caused a conversion

Date/time built-in functions

These built-in functions return or manipulate date and time information in terms
of days, seconds, and character date/time stamps.

Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 415


Some of these built-in functions allow you to specify the date/time patterns to be
used. Table 63 lists the supported date/time built-in functions. Table 64 on page
417 lists the supported date/time patterns.

The time zone and accuracy for these functions are system dependent.

Lilian format: The Lilian format, named in honor of Luigi Lilio, the creator of the
Gregorian calendar, represents a date as the number of days or seconds from the
beginning of the Gregorian calendar. This format is useful for performing
calculations involving elapsed time.

The Lilian format counts days that have elapsed since October 14, 1582; day one is
Friday, October 15, 1582. For example, 16 May 1988 is 148138 Lilian days. The valid
range of Lilian days is 1 to 3,074,324 (15 October 1582 to 31 December 9999).

For the number of elapsed seconds, the Lilian format counts elapsed seconds
starting at 00:00:00 14 October 1582. For example, 00:00:01 on 15 October 1582 is
86,401 (24*60*60+1) Lilian seconds, and 19:01:01 16 May 1988 is 12,799,191,661
Lilian seconds. The valid range of Lilian seconds is 86,400 to 265,621,679,999.999
(23:59:59:999 31 December 9999) seconds.
Table 63. Date/time built-in functions
Function Description
DATE Returns the current date in the pattern YYMMDD.
DATETIME Returns the current date and time in the user-specified pattern or in the
default pattern YYYYMMDDHHMISS999.
DAYS Returns the number of days corresponding to a date/time pattern string,
or the number of days for today's date.
DAYSTODATE Converts a number of days to a date/time pattern string.
DAYSTOSECS Converts a number of days to a number of seconds.
JULIANTOSMF Converts a date from Julian format to SMF format.
REPATTERN Takes a value holding a date in one pattern and returns that value
converted to a date in a second pattern.
SECS Returns the number of seconds corresponding to a date/time pattern
string, or the number of seconds for today's date.
SECSTODATE Converts a number of seconds to a date/time pattern string.
SECSTODAYS Converts a number of seconds to a number of days.
SMFTOJULIAN Converts a date from SMF format to Julian format.
TIME Returns the current time in the pattern HHMISS999.
TIMESTAMP Returns the current time in the pattern YYYY-MM-DD-HH.MI.SS.999999.
UTCDATETIME Returns the current Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) in the pattern
UTCSECS Returns the current Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) in the Lilian
format in seconds.
VALIDDATE Indicates if a string holds a valid date.
WEEKDAY Returns the day of the week corresponding to the current day or
specified DAYS value.
Y4DATE Takes a date value with the pattern 'YYMMDD' and returns the date
value with the two-digit year widened to a four-digit year.

416 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


Table 63. Date/time built-in functions (continued)

Function Description
Y4JULIAN Takes a date value with the pattern 'YYDDD' and returns the date value
with the two-digit year widened to a four-digit year.
Y4YEAR Takes a date value with the pattern 'YY' and returns the date value with
the two-digit year widened to a four-digit year.

Table 64 uses the following formats:

YYYY Four-digit year
YY Two-digit year
ZY Two-digit year with any leading zero suppressed
MM Two-digit month
ZM Two-digit month with any leading zero suppressed
MMM Three-letter month (Ex: DEC)
Mmm Three-letter month (Ex: Dec)
DD Two-digit day within a given month
ZD Two-digit day within a given month with any leading zero suppressed
DDD Number of days within a given year
HH Number of hours within a given day
MI Number of minutes within a given hour
SS Number of seconds within a given minute
999 Number of milliseconds within a given second
999999 Number of microseconds within a given second

Note: For the three-letter month patterns, the uppercase/lowercase characters must
correspond exactly.

The only supported patterns that use any of HH, MI, SS, 999, or 999999 are
Table 64. Date/time patterns
Four-digit years Two-digit years





Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 417


Table 64. Date/time patterns (continued)

Four-digit years Two-digit years





without zeros ZY-ZM-ZD


When the day is omitted from a pattern, it is assumed to have the value 1. If the
month and day are both omitted, they are also assumed to have the value 1.

When using MMM, the date must be written in three uppercase letters; when
using Mmm, the date must be written with the first letter in uppercase, and the
letters following in lowercase.

On input, the date value for the patterns "without zeros" may be less than 8
characters, for example, the date 20 Jan 2008 may be specified as 8-1-20 to match
the pattern "ZY-ZM-ZD". On output, the string produced for one of these patterns
will always be 8 characters with any suppressed zeros compensated by trailing

Floating-point inquiry built-in functions

The floating-point inquiry built-in functions return information about the
floating-point variable arguments that you specify.
Table 65. Floating-point inquiry built-in functions
Function Description
EPSILON Returns the spacing around 1
HUGE Returns the largest positive finite value that a floating-point variable can
ISFINITE Indicates if a floating point value is not a NAN and not positive or
negative infinity
ISINF Indicates if a floating point value is an infinity
ISNAN Indicates if a floating point value is a NAN
ISNORMAL Indicates if a floating point value is not a zero, subnormal, infinity or
ISZERO Indicates if a floating point value is a zero
MAXEXP Returns the maximum value for an exponent
MINEXP Returns the minimum value for an exponent
PLACES Returns the model precision for a floating point value

418 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference

Floating-point inquiry

Table 65. Floating-point inquiry built-in functions (continued)

Function Description
RADIX Returns the model base for a floating point value
TINY Returns the smallest positive value that a floating-point variable can

Floating-point manipulation built-in functions

The floating-point manipulation built-in functions perform mathematical
operations on floating-point variables that you specify and return the result of the
Table 66. Floating-point manipulation built-in functions
Function Description
EXPONENT Returns the exponent part of a floating point value.
PRED Returns the next representable value before a floating-point value.
SCALE Multiplies a floating-point number by an integral power of the radix.
SUCC Returns the next representable value after a floating-point value.

Input/output built-in functions

The input and output built-in functions allow you to determine the current state of
a file.
Table 67. Input/output built-in functions
Function Description
COUNT Returns the number of data items transmitted during the last GET or
ENDFILE Indicates if a file is open and end-of-file has been reached for it.
FILEDDINT Returns a value for the designated file attribute.
FILEDDTEST Returns the value 1 if the designated attribute applies to the specified
FILEDDWORD Returns a character string for the designated file attribute.
FILEID Returns a system token value for a file.
FILEOPEN Indicates if a file is open.
FILEREAD Reads from a file.
FILESEEK Changes the current file position to a new location.
FILETELL Returns a value indicating the current position of a file.
FILEWRITE Writes to a file.
LINENO Returns the current line number associated with a print file.
ONSUBCODE Returns an integer value that gives additional information about certain
I/O, JSON, or conversion errors.
ONSUBCODE2 Returns an integer value that gives additional information about certain
I/O errors.
PAGENO Returns the current page number associated with a print file.
SAMEKEY Indicates if a record is followed by another with the same key.

Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 419

Integer manipulation

Integer manipulation built-in functions

The integer manipulation built-in functions perform operations on integer variables
and return the result of the operation.
Table 68. Integer manipulation built-in functions
Function Description
IAND Calculates the bitwise and of 2 or more fixed binary values.
ICLZ Counts the number of leading zeros in a FIXED BIN value.
IEOR Calculates the bitwise exclusive-or of 2 fixed binary values.
INOT Calculates the bitwise not of a fixed binary value.
IOR Calculates the bitwise or of 2 or more fixed binary values.
ISIGNED Casts an integer to a signed integer without changing its bit pattern.
ISLL Shifts a fixed binary value logically to the left.
ISRL Shifts a fixed binary value logically to the right.
IUNSIGNED Casts an integer to an unsigned integer without changing its bit pattern.
LOWER2 Divides a fixed binary value by an integral power of 2.
RAISE2 Multiplies a fixed binary value by an integral power of 2.

JSON built-in functions

This topic lists the JSON built-in functions.
Table 69. JSON built-in functions
Function Description
JSONGETARRAYEND Checks if the next character, ignoring whitespace, in a piece of
JSON text is a closing bracket, ].
JSONGETARRAYSTART Checks if the next character, ignoring whitespace, in a piece of
JSON text is an opening bracket, [.
JSONGETCOLON Checks if the next character, ignoring whitespace, in a piece of
JSON text is a colon.
JSONGETCOMMA Checks if the next character, ignoring whitespace, in a piece of
JSON text is a comma.
JSONGETMEMBER Reads a member (or name-value pair) from a piece of JSON text.
JSONGETOBJECTEND Checks if the next character, ignoring whitespace, in a piece of
JSON text is a closing brace, }.
JSONGETOBJECTSTART Checks if the next character, ignoring whitespace, in a piece of
JSON text is an opening brace, {.
JSONGETVALUE Reads a value from a piece of JSON text.
JSONPUTARRAYEND Appends a closing bracket, ], to the JSON text.
JSONPUTARRAYSTART Appends an opening bracket, [, to the JSON text.
JSONPUTCOLON Appends a colon to the JSON text.
JSONPUTCOMMA Appends a comma to the JSON text.
JSONPUTMEMBER Appends a member (or name-value pair), as UTF-8, to the JSON
JSONPUTOBJECTEND Appends a closing brace, }, to the JSON text.
JSONPUTOBJECTSTART Appends an opening brace, {, to the JSON text.

420 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


Table 69. JSON built-in functions (continued)

Function Description
JSONPUTVALUE Appends a value, as UTF-8, to the JSON text.
JSONVALID Determines if a buffer contains valid JSON text.

Mathematical built-in functions

All of these functions operate on floating-point values to produce a floating-point
result. Any argument that is not floating-point is converted.

The accuracy of these functions is discussed in Accuracy of mathematical

functions on page 411.

Table 70 lists the mathematical built-in functions.

Table 70. Mathematical built-in functions
Function Description
ACOS Calculates the arc cosine
ASIN Calculates the arc sine
ATAN Calculates the arc tangent
ATAND Calculates the arc tangent in degrees
ATANH Calculates the hyperbolic arc tangent
COS Calculates the cosine
COSD Calculates the cosine for a value in degrees
COSH Calculates the hyperbolic cosine
ERF Calculates the error function
ERFC Calculates the complement of the error function
EXP Calculates e to a power
GAMMA Calculates the gamma function
LOG Calculates the natural logarithm
LOG10 Calculates the base 10 logarithm
LOG2 Calculates the base 2 logarithm
LOGGAMMA Calculates the log of the gamma function
SIN Calculates the sine
SIND Calculates the sine for a value in degrees
SINH Calculates the hyperbolic sine
SQRT Calculates the square root
SQRTF Calculates SQRT inline if hardware architecture permits
TAN Calculates the tangent
TAND Calculates the tangent for a value in degrees
TANH Calculates the hyperbolic tangent

Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 421


Miscellaneous built-in functions

This topic lists the built-in functions that do not fit into any of the other categories.
Table 71. Miscellaneous built-in functions
Function Description
ALLCOMPARE Returns a BIT(1) value that indicates the result of comparing two structures.
BETWEEN Returns a BIT(1) value that indicates whether the first argument is in the closed
interval as defined by the second and third arguments.
BETWEENEXCLUSIVE Returns a BIT(1) value that indicates whether the first argument is in the open interval
as defined by the second and third arguments.
BETWEENLEFTEXCLUSIVE Returns a BIT(1) value that indicates whether the first argument is in the left-open
interval as defined by the second and third arguments.
BETWEENRIGHTEXCLUSIVE Returns a BIT(1) value that indicates whether the first argument is in the right-open
interval as defined by the second and third arguments.
BYTE Synonym for CHARVAL.
CDS Returns a FIXED BINARY(31) value that indicates if the old and current values in a
compare double and swap were equal
CHARVAL Returns the character value corresponding to an integer
COLLATE Returns a character(256) string specifying the collating order
CS Returns a FIXED BINARY(31) value that indicates if the old and current values in a
compare and swap were equal
GETENV Returns a value representing a specified environment variable
HEX Returns a character string that is the hex representation of a value
INDICATORS Returns a value that gives the number of elements at the next logical level in a
INLIST Returns a BIT(1) value that indicates whether the first argument is equal to any of the
remaining arguments
ISMAIN Indicates if the current procedure is main
MAINNAME Returns a CHARACTER string that is the name of the MAIN function on the current
call stack.
OMITTED Indicates if a parameter was not supplied on a call
PACKAGENAME Returns the name of the containing package
PLIRETV Returns the PL/I return code value
POPCNT Returns a FIXED BIN value holding in each byte the number of bits equal to 1 in the
corresponding byte
PRESENT Indicates if a parameter was supplied on a call
PROCEDURENAME Returns the name of the most closely nested procedure
PUTENV Adds new environment variables or modifies the values of existing environment
RANK Returns the integer value corresponding to a character or widechar
REG12 Returns the address of the current dynamic save area
SOURCEFILE Returns the name of the containing file
SOURCELINE Returns the number of the containing line
STACKADDR Returns the address of the current dynamic save area
STRING Returns a string that is the concatenation of all the elements of a string aggregate
SYSTEM Returns the value returned by a command.

422 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


Table 71. Miscellaneous built-in functions (continued)

Function Description
THREADID Returns the thread identifier for a task.
UNSPEC Returns a bit string that is the internal representation of a value.
UUID Returns a CHARACTER(36) string that is a universally unique identifier.
VALID Indicates if the contents of a variable are valid for its declaration.
WCHARVAL Returns the widechar value corresponding to an integer.

Ordinal-handling built-in functions

The ordinal-handling built-in functions return information about a specified
Table 72. Ordinal-handling built-in functions
Function Description
ORDINALNAME Returns a character string giving an ordinals name.
ORDINALPRED Returns the next lower value for an ordinal.
ORDINALSUCC Returns the next higher value for an ordinal.

Precision-handling built-in functions

The precision-handling built-in functions allow you to manipulate variables with
specified precisions, and they return the value resulting from the operation.
Table 73. Precision-handling built-in functions
Function Description
ADD Adds, with a specified precision, two values
BINARY Converts a value to binary
DECIMAL Converts a value to decimal
DIVIDE Divides, with a specified precision, two values
FIXED Converts a value to fixed
FIXEDBIN Converts a value to fixed binary
FIXEDDEC Converts a value to fixed decimal
FLOAT Converts a value to float
FLOATBIN Converts a value to float binary
FLOATDEC Converts a value to float decimal
MULTIPLY Multiplies, with a specified precision, two values
PRECISION Converts a value to specified precision
SIGNED Converts a value to signed fixed binary
SUBTRACT Subtracts, with a specified precision, two values
UNSIGNED Converts a value to unsigned fixed binary

Pseudovariables represent receiving fields. They cannot be nested. This topic lists
the built-in pseudovariables.

Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 423


For example, the following is invalid:

unspec(substr(A,1,2)) = 00B;

A pseudovariable can appear only:

v on the left side of an assignment statement
v as the target in a DO-specification and then only if it is one of SUBSTR, REAL,
v in the data list of a GET statement or in the STRING option of a PUT statement
v as the string name in a KEYTO or REPLY option
Table 74. Built-in pseudovariables
Function Description
ENTRYADDR Sets an entry variable with the address of the entry to be invoked
IMAG Assigns the imaginary part of a complex number
ONCHAR Sets the value of a character that caused a conversion condition
ONGSOURCE Sets the value of a graphic string that caused a conversion condition
ONSOURCE Sets the value of a string that caused a conversion condition
REAL Assigns the real part of a complex number
STRING Assigns a string that is the concatenation of all the elements of a string
SUBSTR Assigns a substring of a string
ONWCHAR Sets the value of a widechar that caused a conversion condition
ONWSOURCE Sets the value of a widechar string that caused a conversion condition
TYPE Assigns a typed structure or union to storage located by a handle
UNSPEC Assigns a bit string that is the internal representation of a value

Storage control built-in functions

The storage control built-in functions allow you to determine the storage
requirements and location of variables, to assign special values to area and locator
variables, to perform conversion between offset and pointer values, to obtain the
number of generations of a controlled variable, and to reference data and methods
of objects and classes.

Table 75 lists the storage control built-in functions.

Table 75. Storage control built-in functions
Function Description
ADDR Returns the address of a variable
ADDRDATA Returns the address of the first data byte of a string when applied
to a varying string
ALLOC31 Allocates storage of the specified size in below-the-bar heap
ALLOCATE Allocates storage of the specified size in the heap
ALLOCATION Returns the current number of generations of a controlled variable
ALLOCSIZE Returns a FIXED BIN(N,0) value giving the amount of storage
allocated with a specific pointer
AUTOMATIC Allocates storage of the specified size in the stack

424 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference

Storage control

Table 75. Storage control built-in functions (continued)

Function Description
AVAILABLEAREA Returns the size of the largest single allocation that can be made in
an area
BINARYVALUE Converts a pointer, offset, or ordinal to an integer
BITLOCATION Returns the bit offset of a variable within a byte
CHECKSTG Returns a bit(1) value determining whether allocated storage is
CURRENTSIZE Returns the current size of a variable
EMPTY Returns an empty area
ENTRYADDR Returns the address of the routine associated with an entry
HANDLE Returns a handle to a typed structure or union
LOCATION Returns the byte offset of a variable within a structure
LOCSTG Returns the number of bytes needed to hold all the allocated
storage that is needed to hold all the values that can be held
indirectly by using LOCATES.
LOCVAL Returns the value at the offset that is specified in an area with the
type specified in the LOCATES description
NULL Returns a null pointer value
NULLENTRY Returns a limited entry value with a null value
OFFSET Converts a pointer to an offset
OFFSETADD Adds an integer to an offset
OFFSETDIFF Subtracts two offsets
OFFSETSUBTRACT Subtracts an integer from an offset
OFFSETVALUE Converts an integer to an offset
POINTER Converts an offset to a pointer
POINTERADD Adds an integer to a pointer
POINTERDIFF Subtracts two pointers
POINTERSUBTRACT Subtracts an integer from a pointer
POINTERVALUE Converts an integer or handle to a pointer
SIZE Returns the maximum size of a variable
STORAGE Synonym for SIZE
SYSNULL Returns a system null pointer value
TYPE Returns the typed structure or union located by a handle
UNALLOCATED Returns a bit(1) value indicating if a specified pointer value is the
start of allocated storage
VARGLIST Returns the address of the first optional parameter passed to a
VARGSIZE Returns the number of bytes occupied by a byvalue parameter

String-handling built-in functions

The string-handling built-in functions simplify the processing of bit, character,
graphic, and widechar strings.

Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 425


The string arguments can be represented by an arithmetic expression that will be

converted to string either according to data conversion rules or according to the
rules given in the function description.

Note: Some of these functions such as LOWERCASE, TRANSLATE, TRIM, and

UPPERCASE support only CHARACTER data.
Table 76. String-handling built-in functions
Function Description
BIT Converts a value to bit.
BOOL Performs Boolean operation on 2 bit strings.
CENTERLEFT Returns a string with a value centered (to the left) in it.
CENTERRIGHT Returns a string with a value centered (to the right) in it.
CHARACTER Converts a value to a character string.
CHARGRAPHIC Converts a GRAPHIC string to a mixed character string.
COPY Returns a string consisting of n copies of a string.
EDIT Returns a string consisting of a value converted to a given picture
GRAPHIC Converts a value to graphic.
HIGH Returns a character string consisting of n copies of the highest
character in the collating sequence.
INDEX Finds the location of one string within another.
INDEXR Finds the location of one string within another when the search
starts from the right.
LEFT Returns a string with a value left-justified in it.
LENGTH Returns the current length of a string.
LOW Returns a character string consisting of n copies of the lowest
character in the collating sequence.
LOWERCASE Returns a character string with all the characters from A to Z
converted to their corresponding lowercase character.
MAXLENGTH Returns the maximum length of a string.
MPSTR Truncates a string at a logical boundary and returns a mixed
character string.
PICSPEC Returns a string consisting of a value assumed to have a given
picture specification.
REPEAT Returns a string consisting of n+1 copies of a string.
REPLACEBY2 Returns a string with some characters "translated" to a pair of
REVERSE Returns a reversed image of a string.
RIGHT Returns a string with a value right-justified in it.
SEARCH Searches for the first occurrence of any one of the elements of a
string within another string.
SEARCHR Searches for the first occurrence of any one of the elements of a
string within another string but the search starts from the right.
SUBSTR Assigns a substring of a string.

426 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


Table 76. String-handling built-in functions (continued)

Function Description
TALLY Returns the number of times one string occurs in another.
TRANSLATE Translates a string based on two translation strings.
TRIM Trims specified characters from the left and right sides of a string.
ULENGTH Returns the number of UTF characters in a CHAR or WIDECHAR
ULENGTH8 Returns the length of a CHAR string needed if the UTF characters
in a CHAR or WIDECHAR string were converted to UTF-8.
ULENGTH16 Returns the length of a WIDECHAR string needed if the UTF
characters in a CHAR or WIDECHAR string were converted to
UPOS Returns the position of the nth UTF character in a CHAR or
WIDECHAR string.
UPPERCASE Returns a character string with all the characters from a to z
converted to their corresponding uppercase character.
USUBSTR Returns a substring of a UTF string.
USUPPLEMENTARY Returns the index of the first UTF surrogate pair in a CHAR or
WIDECHAR string.
UTF8 Returns a CHAR value that is the UTF-8 equivalent of x.
UTF8STG Returns the number of bytes that must be present if the input
character is the start of a valid UTF-8 character.
UTF8TOCHAR Returns a CHAR value holding x converted from UTF-8.
UTF8TOWCHAR Returns a WCHAR value holding x converted from UTF-8 to
UVALID Indicates if a CHAR or WIDECHAR string contains valid UTF data.
UWIDTH Returns the width of the nth UTF character in a CHAR or
WIDECHAR string.
VERIFY Searches for first nonoccurrence of any one of the elements of a
string within another string.
VERIFYR Searches for first nonoccurrence of any one of the elements of a
string within another string but the search starts from the right.
WHIGH Returns a widechar string consisting of n copies of the highest
widechar ('ffff'wx).
WIDECHAR Converts a value to a widechar string.
WLOW Returns a widechar string consisting of n copies of the lowest
widechar ('0000'wx).

Built-in subroutines perform miscellaneous operations that do not necessarily
return a result as built-in functions do.
Table 77. Built-in subroutines
Function Description
LOCNEWSPACE Allocates space for the variable type described by the LOCATES
LOCNEWVALUE Allocates space for the variable type described by the LOCATES
attribute that is associated with the offset and assigns value to that area.

Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 427


Table 77. Built-in subroutines (continued)

Function Description
PLIATTN Gives you explicit control over where the compiler inserts attention
breakpoints. Each invocation of this subroutine causes the ATTENTION
condition to be raised at that point in the code.
PLICANC Cancels the automatic restart facility (z/OS only).
PLICKPT Takes a checkpoint for later restart (z/OS only).
PLIDELETE Frees the storage associated with a handle.
PLIDUMP Dumps information about currently open files, the calling path to the
current location, and so on.
PLIFILL Fills n bytes at an address with a specified byte value.
PLIFREE Frees the storage associated with a pointer to heap storage.
PLIMOVE Moves n bytes from one address to another.
PLIOVER Moves n bytes from one address to another, compensating for possible
overlap of the source and target.
PLIREST Restarts program execution (z/OS only).
PLIRETC Sets the PL/I return code value.
PLISAXA Allows you to perform SAX-style parsing of an XML document residing
in a buffer in your program.
PLISAXB Allows you to perform SAX-style parsing of an XML document residing
in a file.
PLISAXC Allows you to perform SAX-style parsing of an XML document residing
in a buffer in your program.
PLISAXD Allows you to perform SAX-style parsing with XML validation of an
XML document residing in a buffer in your program.
PLISRTA Allows the use of DFSORT to sort an input file to produce a sorted
output file.
PLISRTB Allows the use of DFSORT to sort input records provided by an E15
PL/I exit procedure to produce a sorted output file.
PLISRTC Allows the use of DFSORT to sort an input file to produce sorted
records that are processed by an E35 PL/I exit procedure.
PLISRTD Allows the use of DFSORT to sort input records provided by an E15
PL/I exit procedure to produce sorted records that are processed by an
E35 PL/I exit procedure.
PLISTCK Generates the corresponding store clock hardware instruction and
returns the condition code set by the instruction.
PLISTCKE Generates the corresponding store clock hardware instruction and
returns the condition code set by the instruction.
PLISTCKF Generates the corresponding store clock hardware instruction and
returns the condition code set by the instruction.
PLITRANxy Translates an x-byte buffer to a y-byte buffer where x and y may be any
combination of 1 and 2.

428 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


Descriptions of individual built-in functions, pseudovariables, and

This section lists the built-in functions, subroutines, and pseudovariables in
alphabetic order and provides detailed descriptions for each function, subroutine,
and pseudovariable.

In general, each description has the following format:

v A heading showing the syntax of the reference
v A description of the value returned or, for a pseudovariable, the value set
v A description of any arguments
v Any other qualifications on using the function or pseudovariable

The abbreviations for built-in functions have separate declarations (explicit or

contextual) and name scopes.

The following example is not a multiple declaration:

dcl (Dim, Dimension) builtin;

The following example is valid even though Bin is an abbreviation of the Binary
built-in function.
dcl Binary file;
X = Bin (var, 6,3);

Note 1: Some arguments or return values are of type size_t. If the LP(32) compiler
option is in effect, size_t is FIXED BIN(31); if the LP(64) compiler option is in effect,
size_t is FIXED BIN(63).

Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 429


ABS returns the absolute value of x. It is the positive value of x.


x Expression.

The mode of the result is REAL. The result has the base, scale, and precision of x,
except when x is COMPLEX FIXED(p,q). In the latter case, the result is REAL
FIXED(min(n,p+1),q) where n is N for DECIMAL and M for BINARY.

430 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


ACOS returns a real floating-point value that is an approximation of the inverse
(arc) cosine in radians of x.


x Real expression, where ABS(x) <= 1.

The result is in the range:

0 ACOS(x)

and has the base and precision of x.

Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 431


ADD returns the sum of x and y with a precision specified by p and q. The base,
scale, and mode of the result are determined by the rules for expression evaluation
unless overruled by the PRECTYPE compiler option.

ADD(x,y,p )

x and y
p Restricted expression. It specifies the number of digits to be maintained
throughout the operation.
q Restricted expression specifying the scaling factor of the result. For a
fixed-point result, if q is omitted, a scaling factor of zero is the default. For a
floating-point result, q must be omitted.

ADD can be used for subtraction by prefixing a minus sign to the operand to be

432 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


ADDR returns the pointer value that identifies the generation of x.


x Reference. It refers to a variable of any data type, data organization, alignment,

and storage class except:
v A subscripted reference to a variable that is an unaligned fixed-length bit
v A reference to a DEFINED or BASED variable or simple parameter, which is
an unaligned fixed-length bit string
v A minor structure or union whose first base element is an unaligned
fixed-length bit string (except where it is also the first element of the
containing major structure or union)
v A major structure or union that has the DEFINED attribute or is a
parameter, and that has an unaligned fixed-length bit string as its first
v A reference that is not to connected storage
If x is a reference to:
v An aggregate parameter, it must have the CONNECTED attribute
v An aggregate, the returned value identifies the first element
v A component or cross section of an aggregate, the returned value takes into
account subscripting and structure or union qualification
v A VARYING string, the returned value identifies the 2-byte prefix
v A VARYING4 string, the returned value identifies the 4-byte prefix
v An area, the returned value identifies the control information
v A controlled variable that is not allocated in the current program, the null
pointer value is returned
v A based variable, the result is the value of the pointer explicitly qualifying x
(if it appears), or associated with x in its declaration (if it exists), or a null
v A parameter, and a dummy argument has been created, the returned value
identifies the dummy argument

Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 433


ADDRDATA returns the pointer value that identifies the generation of x.


x Reference.

ADDRDATA behaves the same as the ADDR built-in function except in the
following instance:
v When applied to a varying string, ADDRDATA returns the address of the first
data byte of the string (rather than of the length field).
v When applied to an OFFSET reference with the LOCATES attribute and implicit
AREA qualification:
If the OFFSET reference is not null, ADDRDATA returns the address of the
located data.
If the OFFSET reference is null, ADDRDATA returns SYSNULL.

434 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


ALL returns a bit string in which each bit is 1 if the corresponding bit in each
element of x exists and is 1. The length of the result is equal to that of the longest


x Computational array expression. If x is not a bit string array, then x is

converted to a bit string array.

Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 435


ALLCOMPARE(x, y, z) returns a BIT(1) value that indicates the result of comparing
two structures.


x Structure reference.
y Structure reference.
z A CHAR(2) constant. When uppercased, the constant must have one of these
values: EQ, LE, LT, GT, GE, or NE. If you do not specify z, EQ is the default
EQ Equal to
LE Less than or equal to
LT Less than
GT Greater than
GE Greater than or equal to
NE Not equal to

x and y must be similar structure references.

The corresponding elements of x and y must be comparable.

For example, ALLCOMPARE(x, y, 'lt') returns 1B if each leaf element of x is less

than the corresponding leaf element of y.

436 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


ALLOC31 allocates storage of size n in heap storage below the bar and returns the
pointer to the allocated storage.

ALLOC31 (n)

Expression. Nonnegative value that represents the storage size to be allocated.
If necessary, n is converted to type size_t 1.
If the requested amount of storage is not available, the STORAGE condition is

Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 437


ALLOCATE allocates storage of size n in heap storage and returns the pointer to
the allocated storage. You can also use ALLOCATE to allocate the specified size in
the specified area.


Abbreviation: ALLOC
n Expression. Nonnegative value that represents the storage size to be allocated.
If necessary, n is converted to type size_t 1.
If the requested amount of storage is not available, the STORAGE condition is
x AREA reference. When you specify ALLOCATE(n, x), the specified number of
bytes n is allocated within that area. The number is rounded up to a multiple
of 8.
If there is insufficient space within the specified area, the AREA condition is

438 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


ALLOCATION returns a FIXED BINARY(31,0) specifying the number of
generations that can be accessed in the current program for x.


Abbreviation: ALLOCN
x Level-1 unsubscripted controlled variable.

If x is not allocated in the current program, the result is zero.

Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 439


ALLOCSIZE returns a FIXED BIN(31,0) value giving the amount of storage
allocated with a specified pointer. To use this built-in function, you must also
specify the CHECK(STORAGE) compile-time option.


p Pointer expression.

ALLOCSIZE returns 0 if the pointer does not point to the start of a piece of
allocated storage.

Note that the pointer passed to ALLOCSIZE is "rounded down" to the nearest
doubleword and that rounded value is compared against all allocated addresses
when similarly rounded down.

440 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


ANY returns a bit string in which each bit is 1 if the corresponding bit in any
element of x exists and is 1. The length of the result is equal to that of the longest


x Computational array expression. If x is not a bit string array, then x is

converted to a bit string array.

Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 441


ASIN returns a real floating-point value that is an approximation of the inverse
(arc) sine in radians of x.


x Real expression, where ABS(x) <= 1.

The result is in the range:

-/2 ASIN(x) /2

The result has the base and precision of x.

442 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


ATAN returns a floating-point value that is an approximation of the inverse (arc)
tangent in radians of x or of a ratio x/y.

ATAN(x )

x and y
If x alone is specified, the result has the base and precision of x, and is in the
-/2 < ATAN(x) < /2
If x and y are specified, each must be real. An error exists if x and y are both
zero. The result for all other values of x and y has the precision of the longer
argument, a base determined by the rules for expressions, and a value given

ATAN(x/y) for y>0

/2 for y=0 and x>0
-/2 for y=0 and x<0
+ ATAN(x/y) for y<0 and x>=0
- + ATAN(x/y) for y<0 and x<0

Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 443


ATAND returns a real floating-point value that is an approximation of the inverse
(arc) tangent in degrees of x or of a ratio x/y.


x and y
If x alone is specified it must be real. The result has the base and precision of
x, and is in the range:
-90 < ATAND(x) < 90
If x and y are specified, each must be real. The value of the result is given by:
(180/) * ATAN(x,y)

For argument requirements and attributes of the result, see ATAN on page 443.

444 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


ATANH returns a floating-point value that has the base, mode, and precision of x,
and is an approximation of the inverse (arc) hyperbolic tangent of x.


x Expression. ABS(x)<1.

The result has a value given by:

LOG((1 + x)/(1 - x))/2

Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 445


AUTOMATIC allocates storage of size n automatic storage and returns the pointer
to the allocated storage.


Abbreviation: AUTO
n Expression. n must be nonnegative. If necessary, n is converted to type size_t 1.

The storage acquired cannot be explicitly freed; the storage is automatically freed
when the block terminates.

446 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


AVAILABLEAREA returns a size_t 1 value that indicates the size of the largest
single allocation that can be obtained from the area x.


x A reference with the AREA attribute

dcl Uarea area(1000);
dcl Pz ptr;
dcl C99z char(99) varyingz based(Pz);
dcl (SizeBefore, SizeAfter) fixed bin(31);
SizeBefore = availablearea(Uarea); /* returns 1000 */
Alloc C99z in(Uarea);
SizeAfter = availablearea(Uarea); /* returns 896 */
dcl C9 char(896) based(Pz);
Alloc C9 in(Uarea);

Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 447


BASE64DECODE8 decodes the source buffer from base 64 that is encoded as
UTF-8. It returns a size_t 1 value that indicates the number of bytes that are written
into the target buffer.


p Specifies the address of the target buffer.

m Specifies the length in bytes of the target buffer. It must have a computational
type and is converted to type size_t.
q Specifies the address of the source buffer.
n Specifies the length in bytes of the source buffer. It must have a computational
type and is converted to type size_t.

If the address of the target buffer is zero, the number of bytes that would be
written is returned. If the target buffer is not large enough, a value of -1 is
returned. If the target buffer is large enough, the number of bytes that is written to
the buffer is returned.

This function is the reverse of the function BASE64ENCODE8 and expects that the
base 64 source was encoded by using the same convention that the
BASE64ENCODE8 function uses. See Convention for encoding a source buffer
into base 64 as UTF-8 on page 450 for details. If other conventions were used, the
results are unpredictable.

448 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


BASE64DECODE16 decodes the source buffer from base 64 that is encoded as
UTF-16. It returns a size_t 1 value that indicates the number of bytes that are
written into the target buffer.


p Specifies the address of the target buffer.

m Specifies the length in bytes of the target buffer. It must have a computational
type and is converted to type size_t.
q Specifies the address of the source buffer.
n Specifies the length in bytes of the source buffer. It must have a computational
type and is converted to type size_t.

If the address of the target buffer is zero, the number of bytes that would be
written is returned. If the target buffer is not large enough, a value of -1 is
returned. If the target buffer is large enough, the number of bytes that is written to
the buffer is returned.

This function is the reverse of the function BASE64ENCODE16 and expects that
the base 64 source was encoded by using the same convention that the
BASE64ENCODE16 function uses. See Convention for encoding a source buffer
into base 64 as UTF-16 on page 451 for details. If other conventions were used,
the results are unpredictable.

Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 449


BASE64ENCODE8 encodes the source buffer into base 64 that is encoded as UTF-8.
It returns a size_t 1 value that indicates the number of bytes that are written into
the target buffer.


p Specifies the address of the target buffer.

m Specifies the length in bytes of the target buffer. It must have a computational
type and is converted to type size_t.
q Specifies the address of the source buffer.
n Specifies the length in bytes of the source buffer. It must have a computational
type and is converted to type size_t.

If the address of the target buffer is zero, the number of bytes that would be
written is returned. If the target buffer is not large enough, a value of -1 is
returned. If the target buffer is large enough, the number of bytes that is written to
the buffer is returned.

Convention for encoding a source buffer into base 64 as UTF-8

This encoding uses the following set of base 64 "digits":


Each 6 bits of the source is converted to the corresponding UTF-8 "digit" in this
base 64 string. If the source length in bits is not a multiple of 6, the result
concludes with one or two = symbols as needed, and the = symbol is UTF-8.

The source buffer is treated as a bit string, so the result in the target buffer varies
with the code page of the source. In particular, when the source is in EBCDIC, the
result differs when the source is in ASCII.

The following table shows the example of the sources and the corresponding
results when converting source buffer into base 64 that is encoded as UTF-8 by
using BASE64ENCODE8:
Table 78. Example of encoding a source buffer into base 64 as UTF-8
Source length Source value Result length Result value
6 please A 8 UTF8(cGxlYXNl)
5 pleasA 8 UTF8(cGxlYXM=)
4 pleaA 8 UTF8(cGxlYQ==)
6 pleaseE 8 UTF8(l5OFgaKF)
5 pleasE 8 UTF8(l5OFgaI=)
4 pleaE 8 UTF8(l5OFgQ==)

450 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


BASE64ENCODE16 encodes the source buffer into base 64 that is encoded as
UTF-16. It returns a size_t 1 value that indicates the number of bytes that are
written into the target buffer.


p Specifies the address of the target buffer.

m Specifies the length in bytes of the target buffer. It must have a computational
type and is converted to type size_t.
q Specifies the address of the source buffer.
n Specifies the length in bytes of the source buffer. It must have a computational
type and is converted to type size_t.

If the address of the target buffer is zero, the number of bytes that would be
written is returned. If the target buffer is not large enough, a value of -1 is
returned. If the target buffer is large enough, the number of bytes that is written to
the buffer is returned.

Convention for encoding a source buffer into base 64 as UTF-16

This encoding uses the following set of base 64 "digits":


Each 6 bits of the source is converted to the corresponding UTF-16 "digit" in the
base 64 string. If the source length in bits is not a multiple of 6, the result
concludes with one or two = symbols as needed, and the = symbol is UTF-16.

The source buffer is treated as a bit string, so the result in the target buffer varies
with the code page of the source. In particular, when the source is in EBCDIC, the
result differs when the source is in ASCII.

The following table shows examples of the sources and the corresponding results
when converting the source buffer into base 64 that is encoded as UTF-16 by using
Table 79. Example of encoding a source buffer into base 64 as UTF-16
length Source value Result length Result value
6 pleaseA 16 WCHAR(cGxlYXNl)
5 pleasA 16 WCHAR(cGxlYXM=)
4 pleaA 16 WCHAR(cGxlYQ==)
6 pleaseE 16 WCHAR(l5OFgaKF)
5 pleasE 16 WCHAR(l5OFgaI=)
4 pleaE 16 WCHAR(l5OFgQ==)

Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 451


BETWEEN returns a bit(1) value that indicates whether x is in the closed interval
as defined by a and b.


x, a, and b
Expressions. They must be either all ORDINAL with the same type or all

BETWEEN(x,a,b) is equivalent to the test (a <= x) & (x <= b). Thus, if any of the
arguments are numeric, they must all be REAL.

452 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


The BETWEENEXCLUSIVE built-in function returns a bit(1) value that indicates
whether the first argument x is in the open interval as defined by the second
argument a and the third argument b.


x, a, b
Expressions. They must be either all ORDINAL with the same type or all

BETWEENEXCLUSIVE(x,a,b) is equivalent to the test (a < x ) & (x < b). Therefore,

if any of the arguments are numeric, they must be REAL.

Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 453


The BETWEENLEFTEXCLUSIVE built-in function returns a bit(1) value that
indicates whether the first argument x is in the left-open interval as defined by the
second argument a and the third argument b.


x, a, b
Expressions. They must be either all ORDINAL with the same type or all

BETWEENLEFTEXCLUSIVE(x,a,b) is equivalent to the test (a < x ) & (x <= b).

Therefore, if any of the arguments are numeric, they must be REAL.

454 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


The BETWEENRIGHTEXCLUSIVE built-in function returns a bit(1) value that
indicates whether the first argument x is in the right-open interval as defined by
the second argument a and the third argument b.


x, a, b
Expressions. They must be either all ORDINAL with the same type or all

BETWEENRIGHTEXCLUSIVE(x,a,b) is equivalent to the test (a <= x ) & (x < b).

Therefore, if any of the arguments are numeric, they must be REAL.

Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 455


BINARY returns the binary value of x, with a precision specified by p and q. The
result has the mode and scale of x.


Abbreviation: BIN
x Expression.
p Restricted expression. Specifies the number of digits to be maintained
throughout the operation; it must not exceed the implementation limit.
q Restricted expression. It specifies the scaling factor of the result. For a
fixed-point result, if p is given and q is omitted, a scaling factor of zero is the
default. For a floating-point result, q must be omitted.

If both p and q are omitted, the precision of the result is determined from the rules
for base conversion.

456 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


BINARYVALUE converts x, which can be a pointer, offset, or ordinal, to an integer.
The function returns a FIXED BIN value that is the converted value.

If x is a pointer, the return value has type size_t 1. If x is an ordinal, the return
value has type FIXED BIN(31). If x is an offset, the return value has type FIXED
BIN(31) under OFFSETSIZE(4) and FIXED BIN(63) under OFFSETSIZE(8).


Abbreviation: BINVALUE
x Expression

Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 457


BIT returns a result that is the bit value of x, and has a length specified by y.

BIT(x )

x Expression.
y Expression. If necessary, y is converted to a real fixed-point binary value. If y is
omitted, the length is determined by the rules for type conversion. If y = 0, the
result is the null bit string. y must not be negative.

458 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


BITLOCATION returns a FIXED BINARY(31,0) result that is the location of bit x
within the byte that contains x. The value returned is always between 0 and 7 (0
value 7).


Abbreviation: BITLOC
x Reference of type unaligned bit. If x does not have type unaligned bit, a value
of 0 is returned.
x must not be subscripted.

BITLOCATION can be used in restricted expressions, with the following

limitations. If BITLOC(x) is used to set:
v The extent of a variable y that must have constant extents, or
v The value of a variable y that must have a constant value,
then x must be declared before y.

For examples, see LOCATION on page 583.

Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 459


BOOL returns a bit string that is the result of the Boolean operation z, on x and y.
The length of the result is equal to that of the longer operand, x or y.


x and y
Expressions. x and y are converted to bit strings, if necessary. If x and y are of
different lengths, the shorter is padded on the right with zeros to match the
z Expression. z is converted to a bit string of length 4, if necessary. When a bit
from x is matched with a bit from y, the corresponding bit of the result is
specified by a selected bit of z, as follows:

x y Result
0 0 bit 1 of z
0 1 bit 2 of z
1 0 bit 3 of z
1 1 bit 4 of z

460 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


BYTE is a synonym for CHARVAL.
Related information:
CHARVAL on page 471

Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 461


CDS returns a FIXED BINARY(31) value that indicates if the old and current
values in a compare double and swap were equal.


p Address of the old FIXED BINARY(63) value.

q Address of the current FIXED BINARY(63) value.
x The new FIXED BINARY(63) value.

CDS compares the "current" and "old" values. If they are equal, the "new" value is
copied over the "current", and a value of 0 is returned. If they are unequal, the
"current" value is copied over the "old", and a value of 1 is returned.

On z/OS, the CDS built-in function implements the CDS instruction. For a detailed
description of this function, read the appendices in the Principles of Operations

On Intel, the CDS built-in function uses the Intel cmpxchg8 instruction in the same
manner that the CS built-in function uses the cmpxchg4 instruction.

462 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


CEIL determines the smallest integer value greater than or equal to x, and assigns
this value to the result.


x Real expression.

The result has the mode, base, scale, and precision of x, except when x is
fixed-point with precision (p,q). The precision of the result is then given by:

where N is the maximum number of digits allowed.

Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 463


CENTERLEFT returns a string that is the result of inserting string x in the center
(or one position to the left of center) of a string with length y and padded on the
left and on the right with the character z as needed.

Specifying a value for z is optional.


Abbreviation: CENTER
x Expression that is converted to character.
y Expression that is converted to FIXED BINARY(31,0).
z Optional expression. If specified, z must be CHARACTER(1) NONVARYING

dcl Source char value(Feel the Power);
dcl Target20 char(20);
dcl Target21 char(21);

Target20 = center (Source, length(Target20), *);

/* ***Feel the Power*** - exactly centered */

Target21 = center (Source, length(Target21), *);

/* ***Feel the Power**** - leaning left! */

If z is omitted, a blank is used as the padding character.

464 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference



Abbreviation: CENTRE
Related information:
CENTERLEFT on page 464
CENTERLEFT returns a string that is the result of inserting string x in the center
(or one position to the left of center) of a string with length y and padded on the
left and on the right with the character z as needed.

Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 465


CENTERRIGHT returns a string that is the result of inserting string x in the center
(or one position to the right of center) of a string with length y and padded on the
left and on the right with the character z as needed.

Specifying a value for z is optional.


x Expression that is converted to character.

y Expression that is converted to FIXED BINARY(31,0).
z Optional expression. If specified, z must be CHARACTER(1) NONVARYING

dcl Source char value(Feel the Power);
dcl Target20 char(20);
dcl Target21 char(21);

Target20 = centerright (Source, length(Target20), *);

/* ***Feel the Power*** - exactly centered */

Target21 = centerright (Source, length(Target21), *);

/* ****Feel the Power*** - leaning right! */

If z is omitted, a blank is used as the padding character.

466 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


Related information:
CENTERRIGHT on page 466
CENTERRIGHT returns a string that is the result of inserting string x in the center
(or one position to the right of center) of a string with length y and padded on the
left and on the right with the character z as needed.

Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 467


CHARACTER returns the character value of x, with a length specified by y.
CHARACTER also supports conversion from graphic to character type.


Abbreviation: CHAR
x Expression.
x must have a computational type.
When x is nongraphic, CHARACTER returns x converted to character.
When x is GRAPHIC, CHARACTER returns x converted to SBCS characters. If
a DBCS character cannot be translated to an SBCS equivalent, the
CONVERSION condition is raised.
The values of x are not checked.
y Expression. If necessary, y is converted to a real fixed-point binary value.
If y is omitted, the length is determined by the rules for type conversion.
y cannot be negative.
If y = 0, the result is the null character string.

Example: Conversion from graphic to character

dcl X graphic(6);
dcl A char (6);
A = char(X);

For X with value Intermediate result A is assigned


468 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


CHARGRAPHIC converts a GRAPHIC (DBCS) string x to a mixed character string
with a length specified by y.


Abbreviation: CHARG
x Expression.
x must be a GRAPHIC string.
y Expression. If necessary, y is converted to a real fixed-point binary value.
If y is omitted, the length is determined by the rules for type conversion.
y cannot be negative.

CHARGRAPHIC returns a mixed character string that is converted from x.

The following rules apply:

v If y = 0, the result is the null character string.
v If y = 1, the result is a character string of 1 blank.
v If y is greater than the length needed to contain the character string, the result is
padded with SBCS blanks.
v If y is less than the length needed to contain the character string, the result is
truncated. The integrity is preserved by truncating after a graphic and
appending an SBCS blank, if necessary, to complete the length of the string.

Example 1

This example shows a conversion from graphic to character. y is long enough to

contain the result.
dcl X graphic(6);
dcl A char (12);
A = char(X,12);

For X with value Intermediate Result A is assigned

.A.B.C.D.E.F .A.B.C.D.E.F .A.B.C.D.E.F

Example 2

This example shows a conversion from graphic to character. However, y is too

short to contain the result.
dcl X graphic(6);
dcl A char (12);
A = char(X,11);

Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 469


For X with value Intermediate Result A is assigned

.A.B.C.D.E.F .A.B.C.D.E.F .A.B.C.D.Eb

470 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


CHARVAL returns the CHARACTER(1) value corresponding to an integer.


n Expression converted to UNSIGNED FIXED BIN(8) if necessary.

CHARVAL(n) has the same bit value as n (that is, UNSPEC(CHARVAL(n)) is equal
to UNSPEC(n)), but it has the attributes CHARACTER(1).

CHARVAL is the inverse of RANK (when applied to character).

Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 471


CHECKSTG returns a bit(1) value which indicates whether a specified pointer
value is the start of a piece of uncorrupted allocated storage. If no pointer value is
supplied, CHECKSTG determines whether all allocated storage is uncorrupted. To
use this built-in function, you must also specify the CHECK(STORAGE)
compile-time option.


p Pointer expression.

When an allocation is made, it is followed by eight extra bytes which are set to
'ff'x. The allocation is considered uncorrupted if those bytes have not been altered.

The pointer expression must point to storage allocated for a BASED variable.

472 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


CHECKSUM returns an UNSIGNED FIXED BIN(32) value that is the checksum
value for a specified buffer.


q Specifies the address of the source buffer.

n Specifies the length in bytes of the source buffer. It must have a computational
type and is converted to type size_t.1

Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 473


COLLATE returns a CHARACTER(256) string comprising the 256 possible
CHARACTER(1) values one time each in the collating order.


474 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


COMPARE compares the z bytes of two buffers at the addresses x and y.

COMPARE returns a FIXED BINARY(31,0) value. It can be any of the following

Zero The z bytes at the addresses x and y are identical.
The z bytes at x are less than those at y.
The z bytes at x are greater than those at y.


x and y
Expressions. Both must have the POINTER or OFFSET type. If OFFSET, the
expression must be declared with the AREA qualification.
z Expression. It is converted to size_t 1.

dcl Result fixed bin;
dcl 1 Str1,
2 B fixed bin(31),
2 C pointer,
2 * union,
3 D char(4),
3 E fixed bin(31),
3 *,
4 * char(3),
4 F fixed bin(8) unsigned,
2 * char(0);
dcl 1 Template nonasgn static,
2 * fixed bin(31) init(16), /* X */
2 * pointer init(null()),
2 * char(4) init(),
2 * char(0);

call plimove(addr(Str1), addr(Template), stg(Str1));

Result = compare(addr(Str1), addr(Template), stg(Str1)); /* 0 */
D = DSA ;
Result = compare(addr(Str1), addr(Template), stg(Str1)); /* 1 */
B = 15; /* 00000F00X */
D = DSA ;
Result = compare(addr(Str1), addr(Template), stg(Str1)); /* -1 */

Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 475


COMPLEX returns the complex value x + yI.


Abbreviation: CPLX
x and y
Real expressions.
If x and y differ in base, the decimal argument is converted to binary. If they
differ in scale, the fixed-point argument is converted to floating-point. The
result has the common base and scale.

If fixed-point, the precision of the result is given by the following:


In this example, (p1,q1) and (p2,q2) are the precisions of x and y, respectively, and
N is the maximum number of digits allowed.

After any necessary conversions have been performed, if the arguments are
floating-point, the result has the precision of the longer argument.

476 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


CONJG returns the conjugate of x, that is, the value of the expression with the sign
of the imaginary part reversed.


x Expression.
If x is real, it is converted to complex. The result has the base, scale, mode, and
precision of x.

Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 477


COPY returns a string consisting of y concatenated copies of the string x.


x Expression.
x must have a computational type and should have a string type. If not, it is
converted to character.
y An integer expression with a nonnegative value. It specifies the number of
repetitions. It must have a computational type and is converted to FIXED
If y is zero, the result is a null string.


Considering the following code:

copy(Walla ,1) /* returns Walla */

repeat(Walla ,1) /* returns Walla Walla */

In this example, repeat(x,n) is equivalent to copy(x,n+1).

478 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


COS returns a floating-point value that has the base, precision, and mode of x, and
is an approximation of the cosine of x.


x Expression with a value in radians.

Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 479


COSD returns a real floating-point value that has the base and precision of x, and
is an approximation of the cosine of x.


x Real expression with a value in degrees.

480 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


COSH returns a floating-point value that has the base, precision, and mode of x,
and is an approximation of the hyperbolic cosine of x.


x Expression.

Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 481


COUNT returns an unscaled REAL FIXED BINARY value specifying the number of
data items transmitted during the last GET or PUT operation on x.


x File-reference. The file must be open and have the STREAM attribute.

The count of transmitted items for a GET or PUT operation on x is initialized to

zero before the first data item is transmitted, and is incremented by one after the
transmission of each data item in the list. If x is not open in the current program, a
value of zero is returned.

If an ON-unit or procedure is entered during a GET or PUT operation, and within

that ON-unit or procedure, a GET or PUT operation is executed for x, the value of
COUNT is reset for the new operation. It is restored when the original GET or
PUT is continued.

The BIFPREC compiler option determines the precision of the result returned.

482 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


CS returns a FIXED BINARY(31) value that indicates if the old and current values
in a compare and swap were equal.


p Address of the old FIXED BINARY(31) value.

q Address of the current FIXED BINARY(31) value.
x The new FIXED BINARY(31) value.

CS compares the "current" and "old" values. If they are equal, the "new" value is
copied over the "current", and a value of 0 is returned. If they are unequal, the
"current" value is copied over the "old", and a value of 1 is returned.

So, CS could be implemented as the following PL/I function, but then it would not
be atomic at all. :
cs: proc( old_Addr, current_Addr, new )
returns( fixed bin(31) byvalue )
options( byvalue );

dcl old_Addr pointer;

dcl current_Addr pointer;
dcl new fixed bin(31);

dcl old fixed bin(31) based(old_addr);

dcl current fixed bin(31) based(current_addr);

if current = old then

current = new;
return( 0 );
old = current;
return( 1 );

On z/OS, the CS built-in function implements the CS instruction. For a detailed

description of this function, read the appendices in the Principles of Operations

On Intel, the CDS built-in function uses the Intel cmpxchg4 instruction. The
cmpxchg4 instruction takes the address of a "current" value, a "new" value and an
"old" value. It returns the original "current" value and updates it with the "new"
value only if it equaled the "old" value.

So, on Intel, the CS built-in function is implemented via the following inline
cs: proc( old_Addr, current_Addr, new )
returns( fixed bin(31) byvalue )
options( byvalue );

dcl old_Addr pointer;

Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 483


dcl current_Addr pointer;

dcl new fixed bin(31);

dcl old fixed bin(31) based(old_addr);

dcl current fixed bin(31) based(current_addr);

if cmpxchg4( current_Addr, new, old ) = old then

return( 0 );
old = current;
return( 1 );

484 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


CURRENTSIZE returns a FIXED BIN value that gives the implementation-defined
storage, in bytes, required by x.


x A variable of any data type, data organization, and storage class except those
in the following list:
v A BASED, DEFINED, parameter, subscripted, or structure or union
base-element variable that is an unaligned fixed-length bit string
v A minor structure or union whose first or last base element is an unaligned
fixed-length bit string (except where it is also the first or last element of the
containing major structure or union)
v A major structure or union that has the BASED, DEFINED, or parameter
attribute, and that has an unaligned fixed-length bit string as its first or last
v A variable not in connected storage

The value returned by CURRENTSIZE(x) is defined as the number of bytes that

would be transmitted in the following circumstances:
declare F file record output
write file(F) from(S);

If x is a scalar varying-length string, the returned value includes the length-prefix

of the string and the number of currently-used bytes. It does not include any
unused bytes in the string.

If x is a scalar area, the returned value includes the area control bytes and the
current extent of the area. It does not include any unused bytes at the end of the

If x is an aggregate containing areas or varying-length strings, the returned value

includes the area control bytes, the maximum sizes of the areas, the length prefixes
of the strings, and the number of bytes in the maximum lengths of the strings.
There is an exception to this rule:
If x is a structure or union whose last element is a nondimensioned area, the
returned value includes that area's control bytes and the current extent of that
area. It does not include any unused bytes at the end of that area.

The CURRENTSIZE built-in function must not be used on a BASED variable with
adjustable extents if that variable has not been allocated.

Under the CMPAT(V3) compiler option, CURRENTSIZE returns a FIXED BIN(63)

value. Under all other CMPAT options, it returns a FIXED BIN(31) value.

For examples of the CURRENTSIZE built-in function, see SIZE on page 725.

Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 485



Abbreviation: CSTG
Related information:
CURRENTSIZE on page 485
CURRENTSIZE returns a FIXED BIN value that gives the implementation-defined
storage, in bytes, required by x.

486 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


DATAFIELD is in context in a NAME condition ON-unit (or any of its dynamic
descendants). It returns a character string whose value is the contents of the field
that raised the condition. It is also in context in an ON-unit (or any of its dynamic
descendants) for an ERROR or FINISH condition raised as part of the implicit
action for the NAME condition.


If the string that raised the condition contains DBCS identifiers, GRAPHIC data, or
mixed character data, DATAFIELD returns a mixed character string.

If DATAFIELD is used out of context, a null string is returned.

Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 487


DATE returns a nonvarying character(6) string containing the date in the format,


488 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


DATETIME returns a character string timestamp of today's date in either the
default format or a user-specified format.

( )

y Expression
If present, it specifies the date/time pattern in which the date is returned. If y
is missing, it is assumed to be the default date/time pattern
See Table 64 on page 417 for the allowed patterns.
y must have computational type and should have character type. If not, it is
converted to character.

See DAYS on page 490 for an example of using DATETIME.

Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 489


DAYS returns a FIXED BINARY(31,0) value that is the number of days (in Lilian
format) corresponding to the date d.

( )

d String expression representing a date. If omitted, it is assumed to be the value

returned by DATETIME().
The value for d must have computational type and should have character type.
If not, d is converted to character.
p One of the supported date/time patterns. If omitted, it is assumed to be the
p must have computational type and should have character type. If not, it is
converted to character.
w An integer expression that defines a century window to be used to handle any
two-digit year formats.
v If the value is positive, such as 1950, it is treated as a year.
v If negative or zero, the value specifies an offset to be subtracted from the
current, system-supplied year.
v If omitted, w defaults to the value specified in the WINDOW compile-time

dcl Date_format value (MMDDYYYY) char;
dcl Todays_date char(length(Date_format));
dcl Sep2_1993 char(length(Date_format));
dcl Days_of_July4_1993 fixed bin(31);
dcl Msg char(100) varying;
dcl Date_due char(length(Date_format));

Todays_date = datetime(date_format); /* e.g. 06161993 */

Days_of_July4_1993 = days(07041993,MMDDYYYY);
Sep2_1993 = daystodate(days_of_July4_1993 + 60, Date_format);
/* 09021993 */

Date_due = daystodate(days() + 60, Date_format);

/* assuming today is July 4, 1993, this would be Sept. 2, 1993 */

Msg = Please pay amount due on or before {

substr(Date_due, 1, 2) { / {
substr(Date_due, 3,2) { / {
substr(Date_due, 5);

The allowed patterns are listed in Table 64 on page 417. For an explanation of the
Lilian format, see Date/time built-in functions on page 415.

490 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


DAYSTODATE returns a nonvarying character string containing the date in the
form p that corresponds to d days (in Lilian format).


d The number of days (in Lilian format). d must have a computational type and
is converted to FIXED BINARY(31,0) if necessary.
p One of the supported date/time patterns.
If omitted, p is assumed to be the default date/time pattern
'YYYYMMDDHHMISS999' (same as the default format returned by
w An integer expression that defines a century window to be used to handle any
two-digit year formats.
v If the value is positive, such as 1950, it is treated as a year.
v If negative or zero, the value specifies an offset to be subtracted from the
current, system-supplied year.
v If omitted, w defaults to the value specified in the WINDOW compile-time

The allowed patterns are listed in Table 64 on page 417. For an explanation of the
Lilian format, see Date/time built-in functions on page 415.

See DAYS on page 490 for an example of using DAYSTODATE.

Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 491


DAYSTOSECS returns a FLOAT BINARY(53) value that is the number of seconds
corresponding to the number of days x.


x Expression.
x must have a computational type and is converted to FIXED BINARY(31,0) if

DAYSTOSECS(x) is the same as x*(24*60*60).

492 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


DECIMAL returns the decimal value of x, with a precision specified by p and q.
The result has the mode and scale of x.


Abbreviation: DEC
x Reference.
p Restricted expression specifying the number of digits to be maintained
throughout the operation.
q Restricted expression specifying the scaling factor of the result. For a
fixed-point result, if p is given and q is omitted, a scaling factor of zero is
assumed. For a floating-point result, q must be omitted.

If both p and q are omitted, the precision of the result is determined from the rules
for base conversion.

Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 493


DIMENSION returns a FIXED BINARY value that specifies the current extent of
dimension y of x.


Abbreviation: DIM
x Array reference. x must not have less than y dimensions.
y Expression specifying a particular dimension of x. If necessary, y is converted
to a FIXED BINARY(31,0). y must be greater than or equal to 1. If y is not
supplied, it defaults to 1.
y can be omitted only if the array is one-dimensional.

If y exceeds the number of dimensions of x, the DIMENSION function returns an

undefined value.

Under the CMPAT(V3) compiler option, DIMENSION returns a FIXED BIN(63)

value. Under the CMPAT(V2) and CMPAT(LE) compiler options, DIMENSION
returns a FIXED BIN(31) value.

Using LBOUND and HBOUND instead of DIMENSION is recommended.

494 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


DIVIDE returns the quotient of x/y with a precision specified by p and q. The base,
scale, and mode of the result follow the rules for expression evaluation unless
overruled by the PRECTYPE compiler option.

DIVIDE(x,y,p )

x Expression.
y Expression. If y = 0, the ZERODIVIDE condition is raised.
p Restricted expression specifying the number of digits to be maintained
throughout the operation.
q Restricted expression specifying the scaling factor of the result. For a
fixed-point result, if q is omitted, a scaling factor of zero is the default. For a
floating-point result, q must be omitted.

Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 495


EDIT returns a character string of length LENGTH(y). Its value is equivalent to
what would result if x were assigned to a variable declared with the picture
specification given by y.

For the valid picture characters, see Chapter 14, Picture specification characters,
on page 355.


x Expression
x must have computational type.
y String expression.
y must have character type and must contain picture characters that are valid
for a PICTURE data item. If y does not contain a valid picture specification, the
ERROR condition is raised.

dcl pic1 char(9) init (ZZZZZZZZ9);
dcl pic2 char(7) init (ZZ9V.99);
dcl num fixed dec (9) init (123456789);
z = edit (num, pic1); /* 123456789 */
z = edit (num, pic2); /* 789.00 */
z = edit (num, substr(pic1,8)); /* 89 */
z = edit (num, substr(pic2,1,5)); /* 789. */
z = edit (num, substr(pic1,7,3)); /* 789 */
z = edit (num, substr(pic2,3,5)); /* 9.00 */
z = edit (1, substr(pic1,7,3)); /* 1 */
z = edit (PL/I, AAXA); /* PL/I */
z = edit (PL/I, AAAA); /* raises conversion */

If x cannot be edited into the picture specification given by y, the conditions raised
are those that would be raised if x were assigned to a PICTURE data item which
has the same picture specification contained in y.

496 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


EMPTY returns an area of zero extent. It can be used to free all allocations in an


The value of this function is assigned to an area variable when the variable is
allocated. Consider this example:
declare A area,
I based (P),
J based (Q);

allocate I in(A), J in (A);

A = empty();

/* Equivalent to: free I in (A), J in (A); */

Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 497


ENDFILE returns a '1'B when the end of the file is reached; '0'B if the end is not
reached. If the file is not open, the ERROR condition is raised.


x File reference.

ENDFILE can be used to detect the end-of-file condition for bytestream files; for
example, files that require the use of the FILEREAD built-in function.

498 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


ENTRYADDR returns a pointer value that is the address of the first executed
instruction if the entry x is invoked. The entry x must represent a non-nested


x Entry reference.

If x is a fetchable entry constant, it must be fetched before ENTRYADDR is

executed. However, if x has been released, then ENTRYADDR will return

Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 499

ENTRYADDR pseudovariable

ENTRYADDR pseudovariable
The ENTRYADDR pseudovariable initializes an entry variable, x, with the address
of the entry to be invoked.


x Entry reference.

Note: If the address supplied to the ENTRYADDR variable is the address of an

internal procedure, the results are unpredictable.

500 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


EPSILON returns a floating-point value that is the spacing between x and the next
positive number when x is 1. It has the base, mode, and precision of x.


x REAL FLOAT expression.

EPSILON(x) is a constant and can be used in restricted expressions.

Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 501


ERF returns a real floating-point value that is an approximation of the error
function of x.


x Real expression.

The result has the base and precision of x, and a value given by:
(2/ '() ) x0 EXP(-(t2 ))dt

502 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


ERFC returns a real floating-point value that is an approximation of the
complement of the error function of x.


x Real expression.

The result has the base and precision of x, and a value given by:
1 - ERF(x)

Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 503


EXP returns a floating-point value that is an approximation of the base, e, of the
natural logarithm system raised to the power x.


x Expression.

The result has the base, mode, and precision of x.

504 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


EXPONENT returns a FIXED BINARY(31,0) value that is the exponent part of x.


x Expression. x must be declared as REAL FLOAT.

EXPONENT(x) is not the mathematical exponent of x. If x = 0,

EXPONENT(x) = 0. For other values of x, EXPONENT(x) is the unique number e
such that:
(e-1) e
radix(x) <= abs(x) < radix(x)

Consequently, EXPONENT(1e0) equals 1 and not 0.

Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 505


FILEDDINT returns a FIXED BIN(31) value that is the value of attribute c for file x.


x File reference.
c Character string that holds the attribute to be queried.

When using FILEDDINT, the following are valid values for c:

blksize keylen
bufsize keyloc
delay recsize
filesize retry

The ERROR condition with oncode 1010 is raised when the file is not open or the
attribute is invalid for the file being queried.

FILEDDINT(x,'BLKSIZE') is valid only on z/OS. FILEDDINT(x,'BLKSIZE') will

return the blocksize for a CONSECUTIVE file. It will return 0 for an HFS file and
will return 0 for a VSAM file.

FILEDDINT(x,'FILESIZE') will, on z/OS, return a value of 0 except for HFS files.

FILEDDINT(x,'KEYLOC') and FILEDDINT(x,'KEYLEN') are valid only for VSAM

KSDS files.

506 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


FILEDDTEST returns a FIXED BIN(31) value that holds the value 1 if the attribute
c applies to file x. Otherwise, a value of 0 is returned.


x File reference.
c Character string that holds the attribute to be queried.

When using FILEDDTEST, the following are valid values for c:

append graphic
bkwd lrmskip
ctlasa print
delimit prompt
descendkey scalarvarying
genkey skip0

The ERROR condition with oncode 1010 is raised when the file is not open or the
attribute is invalid for the file being queried.

Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 507


FILEDDWORD returns a character string that is the value of the attribute c for file


x File reference.
c Character string that holds the attribute to be queried.

When using FILEDDWORD, the following are valid options for c:

access putpage
amthd recfm
action share
charset type
filename typef

These options return the following values:

platform and FILESYS, DDM, BTRIEVE or ISAM on the Windows or AIX
v On the z/OS platform, FILENAME returns the fully qualified path name for
HFS files and the MVS data set name for all other files except it returns the
value 'NULLFILE' for files specified with either DSN=NULLFILE and DD
DUMMY. For a MVS data set that is a member of a PDS or PDSE, the name
returned includes the member name. On the Windows and AIX platforms, it
returns the fully qualified path name of the file .
v RECFM returns the appropriate record format setting for the file, and U for
VSAM files. This option is only valid on z/OS.
v SHARE returns NONE, READ or ALL.
v TYPE returns RECORD or STREAM.
v TYPEF returns the type of the native file.

The ERROR condition with oncode 1010 is raised when the file is not open or the
attribute is invalid for the file being queried.

FILEDDWORD(x,'RECFM') is valid only under z/OS.

508 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


FILEID returns a size_t 1 value that is the system token for a PL/I file constant or


x File reference

This token should not be used for any purpose that could be accomplished by a
PL/I statement.

On z/OS, the token holds the address of the DCB associated with a RECORD or
STREAM file or of the ACB associated with a VSAM RECORD file. The token is
not valid for other files.

Note: The DCB or ACB address is provided so that applications can read the DCB
or ACB. The DCB and ACB must not be altered.

The ERROR condition with oncode 1010 is raised when the file is not open.

Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 509


FILEOPEN returns '1'B if the file x is open and '0'B if the file is not open.


x File reference.

510 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


FILEREAD attempts to read z storage units (bytes) from file x into location y. It
returns the number of storage units actually read.


x File reference
y Expression with type POINTER or OFFSET. If the type is OFFSET, the
expression must be an OFFSET variable declared with the AREA attribute.
z Expression. It must have a computational type and is converted to type size_t.1

FILEREAD can read only TYPE(U) files.

Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 511


FILESEEK changes the current file position associated with file x to a new location
within the file. The next operation on the file takes place at the new location.
FILESEEK is equivalent to the fseek function in C.

FILESEEK returns a size_t 1 value. The value is 0 if the change in file position is
successful; it is nonzero otherwise.


x File reference.
y A size_t value that indicates the number of positions the file pointer is to be
moved relative to z.
z A FIXED BINARY(31) value that indicates the origin from which the file
pointer is to be moved. The following values are valid:
-1 Beginning of the file
0 Current position of the file pointer
1 End of the file

FILESEEK can be used only on TYPE(U) files.

512 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


FILETELL returns a size_t 1 value that indicates the current position of the file x.
The return value is an offset relative to the beginning of the file. FILETELL is
equivalent to the ftell function in C.


x File reference

FILETELL can be used only on TYPE(U) files.

Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 513


FILEWRITE attempts to write z storage units (bytes) to file x from location y It
returns the number of storage units actually written.


x File reference.
y Expression with type POINTER or OFFSET. If the type is OFFSET, the
expression must be an OFFSET variable declared with the AREA attribute.
z Expression. It must have a computational type and is converted to type size_t.1

FILEWRITE can write only to TYPE(U) files.

514 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


FIXED returns the fixed-point value of x, with a precision specified by p and q. The
result has the base and mode of x.


x Expression.
p Restricted expression that specifies the total number of digits in the result. It
must not exceed the implementation limit.
q Restricted expression that specifies the scaling factor of the result. If q is
omitted, a scaling factor of zero is assumed.

If both p and q are omitted, the default values, (15,0) for a binary result or (5,0) for
a decimal result, are used.

Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 515


FIXEDBIN returns a FIXED BIN value with precision and scale derived from the
source unless explicitly specified as parameters to the function.


x Expression.
p Restricted expression that specifies the total number of digits in the result. It
must not exceed the implementation limit.
q Restricted expression that specifies the scaling factor of the result. If q is
omitted, a scaling factor of zero is assumed.

If both p and q are omitted, the precision of the result is determined from the
source according to this table:

source result
where r = min(M,1+CEIL(p*3.32))
and s = CEIL(ABS(q*3.32))*SIGN(q)
where r = min(M,CEIL(p*3.32))
WIDECHAR where r = min(M,1+CEIL(N*3.32))

516 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


FIXEDDEC returns a FIXED DEC value with precision and scale derived from the
source unless explicitly specified as parameters to the function.


x Expression.
p Restricted expression that specifies the total number of digits in the result. It
must not exceed the implementation limit.
q Restricted expression that specifies the scaling factor of the result. If q is
omitted, a scaling factor of zero is assumed.

If both p and q are omitted, the precision of the result is determined from the
source according to this table:

source result
where r = min(N,1+CEIL(p/3.32))
and s=CEIL(ABS(q/3.32))*SIGN(q)
where r = min(N,CEIL(p/3.32)
where where r = min(N,1+CEIL(M/3.32))

Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 517


FLOAT returns the approximate floating-point value of x, with a precision
specified by p. The result has the base and mode of x.


x Expression.
p Restricted expression that specifies the minimum number of digits in the
If p is omitted, the precision of the result is determined from the rules for base
If p is omitted, the default value, 15 for a binary result or 5 for a decimal
result, is used.

518 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


FLOATBIN returns a FLOAT BIN value with precision derived from the source
unless explicitly specified as a parameter to the function.


x Expression.
p Restricted expression that specifies the total number of digits in the result. It
must not exceed the implementation limit.

If p is omitted, the precision of the result is determined from the source according
to this table:

source result
where r = CEIL(p*3.32)
where r = CEIL(p*3.32)
WIDECHAR where r = CEIL(N*3.32)

Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 519


FLOATDEC returns a FLOAT DEC value with precision derived from the source
unless explicitly specified as a parameter to the function.


x Expression.
p Restricted expression that specifies the total number of digits in the result. It
must not exceed the implementation limit.

If p is omitted, the precision of the result is determined from the source according
to this table:

source result
where r = CEIL(p/3.32)
where r = CEIL(p/3.32)
where r = CEIL(M/3.32)

520 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


FLOOR returns the largest integer value less than or equal to x.


x Real expression.

The mode, base, scale, and precision of the result match the argument. Except
when x is fixed-point with precision (p,q), the precision of the result is given by:

where n is the maximum number of digits allowed and is N for FIXED DECIMAL

Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 521


GAMMA is an approximation of the gamma of x, as given by the following
gamma(x) = 0 (ux-1)(e-x)du

GAMMA returns a floating-point value that has the base, mode, and precision of x.


x Real expression. The value of x must be greater than zero.

522 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


GETENV returns a character value representing a specified environment variable.


x Expression naming an environment variable.

Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 523


GRAPHIC explicitly converts character (or mixed character) data to GRAPHIC
data. All other data first converts to character, and then to the GRAPHIC data

GRAPHIC returns the graphic value of x, with a length in graphic symbols

specified by y.

The content of x is checked for validity during conversion, using the same rules as
for checking graphic and mixed character constants.


x Expression. When x is GRAPHIC, it is subject to a length change, with

applicable padding or truncation. When x is nongraphic, it is converted to
character, if necessary. SBCS characters are converted to equivalent DBCS
y Expression. If necessary, y is converted to a real fixed-point binary value. If y is
omitted, the length is determined by the rules for type conversion.
y must not be negative.
If y = 0, the result is the null graphic string.
The following rules apply:
v If y is greater than the length needed to contain the graphic string, the result
is padded with graphic blanks.
v If y is less than the length needed to contain the graphic string, the result is

Example 1

This example shows a conversion from CHARACTER to GRAPHIC. The target is

long enough to contain the result.
dcl X char (11) varying;
dcl A graphic (11);
A = graphic(X,8);

For X with values Intermediate result A is assigned

123 .1.2.3 .1.2.3.b.b.b.b.b.b.b.b
123A.B.C .1.2.3.A.B.C .1.2.3.A.B.C.b.b.b.b.b

where .b is a DBCS blank.

Example 2

This example shows a conversion from CHARACTER to GRAPHIC. However, the

target is too short to contain the result.

524 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


dcl X char (10) varying;

dcl A graphic (8);
A = graphic(X);

For X with value Intermediate result A is assigned


Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 525


HANDLE returns a handle to the typed structure x.


x Typed structure.

526 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


HBOUND returns a FIXED BINARY value that specifies the current upper bound
of dimension y of x.


x Array reference. x must not have less than y dimensions.

y Expression specifying a particular dimension of x. If necessary, y is converted
to FIXED BINARY(31,0). y must be greater than or equal to 1. If y is not
supplied, it defaults to 1.
y can be omitted only if the array is one-dimensional.

Under the CMPAT(V3) compiler option, HBOUND returns a FIXED BIN(63) value.
Under the CMPAT(V2) and CMPAT(LE) compiler options, HBOUND returns a
FIXED BIN(31) value.

Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 527


HBOUNDACROSS returns a FIXED BINARY value that specifies the current upper
bound of a DIMACROSS reference x.


x DIMACROSS reference

Under the CMPAT(V3) compiler option, HBOUNDACROSS returns a FIXED

BIN(63) value. Under the CMPAT(V2) and CMPAT(LE) compiler options,
HBOUNDACROSS returns a FIXED BIN(31) value.


The following example shows the use of HBOUNDACROSS:

dcl jx fixed bin(31);

1 a,
2 b fixed bin,
2 c fixed bin;
dcl 1 xa( 100 ) like a dimacross;


do jx = 1 to hboundacross(xa);
a = xa, by dimacross(jx);

528 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


HEX returns a character string that is the hexadecimal representation of the storage
that contains x.

HEX(x )

HEX(x) returns a character string of length 2 * size(x).

HEX(x,z) returns a character string that contains x with the character z inserted
between every set of eight characters in the output string. Its length is 2 * size(x)
+ ((size(x) - 1)/4).

Under the compiler option USAGE(HEX(CSTG)), the length used in the above
calculations is based, for VARYING, VARYING4, and VARYINGZ strings, on
cstg(x) rather than on stg(x).
x Expression that represents any variable. The whole number of bytes that
contain x is converted to hexadecimal.
z Expression. If specified, z must have the type CHARACTER(1) NONVARYING.

Integer, offset and pointer values will be presented in bigendian form.

If the number of bytes to be converted to hex is not known at compile time, then
no more than 32767 bytes will be converted.

Note: This function does not return an exact image of x in storage. If an exact
image is required, use the HEXIMAGE built-in function.

Example 1
dcl Sweet char(5) init(Sweet);
dcl Sixteen fixed bin(31) init(16) littleendian;
dcl XSweet char(size(Sweet)*2+(size(Sweet)-1)/4);
dcl XSixteen char(size(Sixteen)*2+(size(Sixteen)-1)/4);

XSweet = hex(Sweet,-);
/* 53776565-74 */

XSweet = heximage(addr(Sweet),length(Sweet),-);
/* 53776565-74 */

XSixteen = hex(Sixteen,-);
/* 00000010 - bytes reversed */

XSixteen = heximage(addr(Sixteen),stg(Sixteen),-);
/* 10000000 - bytes NOT reversed */

Example 2
dcl X fixed bin(15) littleendian;
dcl Y fixed bin(15) bigendian;

X = 258; /* stored as 0201B4 */

Y = 258; /* stored as 0102B4 */

Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 529


display (hex(X)); /* displays 0102 */

display (hex(Y)); /* displays 0102 */

display (heximage( addr(X), stg(X) )); /* displays 0201 */

display (heximage( addr(Y), stg(Y) )); /* displays 0102 */
Related information:
HEXIMAGE on page 533

530 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


HEXDECODE decodes a source buffer from base 16 that is encoded in the
character set specified by the ASCII/EBCDIC suboption of the DEFAULT compiler
option. This function returns a size_t 1 value that indicates the number of bytes that
are written into the target buffer.


p Specifies the address of the target buffer.

m Specifies the length in bytes of the target buffer. It must have a computational
type and is converted to type size_t.
q Specifies the address of the source buffer.
n Specifies the length in bytes of the source buffer. It must have a computational
type and is converted to type size_t.

If the address of the target buffer is zero, the number of bytes that would be
written is returned. If the target buffer is not large enough, a value of -1 is
returned. If the target buffer is large enough, the number of bytes that is written to
the buffer is returned.

If the source contains characters other than hexadecimal digits, the CONVERSION
condition is raised.

Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 531


HEXDECODE8 decodes a source buffer from base 16 that is encoded in UTF-8.
This function returns a size_t 1 value that indicates the number of bytes that are
written into the target buffer.


p Specifies the address of the target buffer.

m Specifies the length in bytes of the target buffer. It must have a computational
type and is converted to type size_t.
q Specifies the address of the source buffer.
n Specifies the length in bytes of the source buffer. It must have a computational
type and is converted to type size_t.

If the address of the target buffer is zero, the number of bytes that would be
written is returned. If the target buffer is not large enough, a value of -1 is
returned. If the target buffer is large enough, the number of bytes that is written to
the buffer is returned.

If the source contains characters other than hexadecimal digits, the CONVERSION
condition is raised.

532 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


HEXIMAGE returns a character string that is the hexadecimal representation of the
storage at a specified location.


HEXIMAGE(p,n) returns a character string that is the hexadecimal representation

of n bytes of storage at location p. Its length is 2 * n.

HEXIMAGE(p,n,z) returns a character string that is the hexadecimal representation

of n bytes of storage at location p with character z inserted between every set of
eight characters in the output string. Its length is (2 * n) + ((n - 1)/4).
p Restricted expression that must have a locator type (POINTER or OFFSET). If p
is OFFSET, it must have the AREA attribute.
n Expression. n must have a computational type and is converted to FIXED
z If specified, z must have the type CHARACTER(1) NONVARYING.

If the number of bytes to be converted to hex is not known at compile time, then
no more than 32767 bytes will be converted.

For examples of the HEXIMAGE built-in function, see HEX on page 529.

Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 533


HIGH returns a character string of length x, where each character is the highest
character in the collating sequence (hexadecimal FF).


x Expression. If necessary, x is converted to a positive real fixed-point binary

value. If x = 0, the result is the null character string.

534 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


HUGE returns a floating-point value that is the largest positive value x can
assume. It has the base, mode, and precision of x.


x Expression. x must have the attributes REAL FLOAT.

HUGE(x) is a constant and can be used in restricted expressions.

Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 535


IAND returns the logical AND of its arguments

IAND( x, y )

x and y
Expressions that must have a computational type.

If any argument is not REAL FIXED BIN(p,0), then it is converted to SIGNED


If any argument is SIGNED, then any UNSIGNED arguments are converted to


The result is REAL FIXED BIN( max(p1,p2,...), 0 ). It is UNSIGNED if all the

arguments are UNSIGNED.

536 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


ICLZ returns a FIXED BIN(31) value that indicates the number of leading zeros in
a FIXED BIN value.


x Specifies a REAL FIXED BIN value with a scale factor of zero.

If the argument x is of the type SIGNED FIXED BIN(p) with p <= 15, it is
converted to SIGNED FIXED BIN(31). If it is of the type UNSIGNED FIXED BIN(p)
with p <= 16, it is converted to UNSIGNED FIXED BIN(32).

Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 537


IEOR returns the logical exclusive-OR of x and y. The result is unsigned if all
arguments are unsigned.


x and y
Expressions that must have a computational type.

If any argument is not REAL FIXED BIN(p,0), then it is converted to SIGNED


If any argument is SIGNED, then any UNSIGNED arguments are converted to


The result is REAL FIXED BIN( max(p1,p2,...), 0 ). It is UNSIGNED if all the

arguments are UNSIGNED.

538 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


IMAG returns the imaginary part of x. The mode of the result is real and has the
base, scale, and precision of x.


x Expression. If x is real, it is converted to complex, and an appropriate zero

value is returned.

Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 539

IMAG pseudovariable

IMAG pseudovariable
The IMAG pseudovariable assigns a real value or the real part of a complex value
to the coefficient of the imaginary part of x.


x Complex reference.

540 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


INDEX returns an unscaled REAL FIXED BINARY value that indicates the starting
position within x of a substring identical to y. You can also specify the location
within x where processing begins.

INDEX(x,y )

x String-expression to be searched.
y Target string-expression of the search.
n n specifies the location within x at which to begin processing. It must have a
computational type and is converted to FIXED BINARY(31,0).

If y does not occur in x, or if either x or y have zero length, the value zero is

If n is less than 1 or if n is greater than 1 + length(x), the STRINGRANGE

condition will be raised, and the result will be 0.

The BIFPREC compiler option determines the precision of the result returned.

INDEX will perform best when the second and third arguments are either literals,
named constants declared with the VALUE attribute, or restricted expressions.

dcl tractatus char
value( Wovon man nicht sprechen kann, {
darueber muss man schweigen. );

dcl pos fixed bin init(1);

pos = index( tractatus, man, pos+1 ); /* pos = 07 */

pos = index( tractatus, man, pos+1 ); /* pos = 46 */

pos = index( tractatus, man, pos+1 ); /* pos = 00 */

Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 541


INDEXR returns an unscaled REAL FIXED BINARY value indicating the starting
position within x of a substring identical to y when the search for y starts from the
right end of x. You can also specify the location within x where processing begins.

INDEXR(x,y )

The INDEXR function performs the same operation as the INDEX built-in function
except for the following differences:
v The search is done from right to left.
v The default value of n is LENGTH(x).
v Unless 0 n LENGTH(x), the STRINGRANGE condition, if enabled, is raised.
Its implicit action and normal return give a result of zero.

The BIFPREC compiler option determines the precision of the result returned.

INDEXR will perform best when the second and third arguments are either literals,
named constants declared with the VALUE attribute, or restricted expressions.
Related information:
INDEX on page 541
INDEX returns an unscaled REAL FIXED BINARY value that indicates the starting
position within x of a substring identical to y. You can also specify the location
within x where processing begins.

542 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


INDICATORS returns a FIXED BIN value giving the number of the elements at the
next logical level in a structure x.


x Expression.
x must be a structure reference.

INDICATORS(x) always forms a restricted expression.

The INDICATORS built-in function is useful in declaring an indicator array for use
in SQL statements.

Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 543


INLIST returns a bit(1) value that indicates whether x is equal to any of the
remaining arguments.

INLIST( x, y )

x and y
Expressions. They must be either all ORDINAL with the same type or all

INLIST(x,y1,y2,y3,...,yn) is equivalent to (x=y1) | (x=y2) | (x=y3) | ... | (x=yn),

where n is in the range 2 to 63 inclusive.

After the evaluation of the first argument x, the evaluation of the remaining
arguments must not change the address or value of the first argument. This
condition is true when all but the first argument are constants. It is also true if the
second and subsequent arguments do not rely on the invocation of any user
functions that change storage associated with the first argument.

544 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


INOT returns the logical NOT of x.


x Expression. x must have a computational type.

If x is REAL FIXED BIN(p,0), the result is REAL FIXED BIN(p,0) and it is

UNSIGNED if x is UNSIGNED. Otherwise, x is converted to SIGNED REAL FIXED
BIN(p,0) and the result has the same attributes.

Although INOT(x) has the opposite sign of x, INOT(x) is not the same as -x.

inot(0) /* produces -1 */
inot(-1) /* produces 0 */
inot(+1) /* produces -2 */

Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 545


IOR returns the logical OR of its arguments.

IOR( x, y )

x and y
Expressions that must have a computational type.

If any argument is not REAL FIXED BIN(p,0), then it is converted to SIGNED


If any argument is SIGNED, then any UNSIGNED arguments are converted to


The result is REAL FIXED BIN( max(p1,p2,...), 0 ). It is UNSIGNED if all the

arguments are UNSIGNED.

546 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


ISFINITE returns a '1'B if if the argument with which it is invoked is not a NAN
and not positive or negative infinity. Otherwise it returns a '0'B.


x REAL FLOAT DECIMAL expression.

The FLOAT(DFP) compiler option must be in effect.

No floating-point exceptions will be raised no matter what the format of the


Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 547


ISIGNED(x) returns the result of casting x to a signed integer value without
changing its bit pattern.


x Expression. x must have a computational type.

If x is not an integer, that is, if x is not REAL FIXED BIN with zero scale factor, it
is converted to REAL FIXED BIN(p,0).

ISIGNED( x ) returns, for integer x, a value with the same bit pattern as x but with
the attributes SIGNED FIXED BIN(p).

If x is UNSIGNED, p is given as follows:

v If precision(x) = 8, 16, 32, or 64, p = precision(x) - 1; otherwise, p = precision(x).
v If x is SIGNED, p = precision(x).

ISIGNED(ff_ff_ff_ffxu) equals the SIGNED FIXED BIN(31) value -1.

548 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


ISINF returns a '1'B if if the argument with which it is invoked is an infinity.
Otherwise it returns a '0'B.


x REAL FLOAT DECIMAL expression.

The FLOAT(DFP) compiler option must be in effect.

No floating-point exceptions will be raised no matter what the format of the


Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 549


ISLL(x,n) returns the result of logically shifting x to the left by n places, and
padding on the right with zeroes.


x Expression. x must have a computational type.

n Expression. n must have a computational type.

If x is REAL FIXED BIN(p,0) and SIGNED, the result is SIGNED REAL FIXED
BIN(r,0) where if p <= M1, r = M1; if p > M1, r = M2.

If x is REAL FIXED BIN(p,0) and UNSIGNED, the result is UNSIGNED REAL

FIXED BIN(r+1,0) where if p <= (M1+1), r = (M1+1); if p > (M1+1), r = (M2+1).

Otherwise, x is converted to SIGNED REAL FIXED BIN(p,0) and the result has the
same attributes as above.

If n is negative or if n is greater than r, the result is undefined.

Note: Unlike RAISE2(x,n), ISLL(x,n) can have a different sign from that of x.

isll(+6,1) /* produces 12 */
isll(2147483645,1) /* produces -6 */

550 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


ISMAIN() returns a '1'B if the procedure in which it is invoked has the
OPTIONS(MAIN) attribute. Otherwise it returns a '0'B.


Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 551


ISNAN returns a '1'B if if the argument with which it is invoked is a NAN.
Otherwise it returns a '0'B.


x REAL FLOAT DECIMAL expression.

The FLOAT(DFP) compiler option must be in effect.

No floating-point exceptions will be raised no matter what the format of the


552 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


ISNORMAL returns a '1'B if if the argument with which it is invoked is not a zero,
subnormal, infinity or NaN. Otherwise it returns a '0'B.


x REAL FLOAT DECIMAL expression.

The FLOAT(DFP) compiler option must be in effect.

No floating-point exceptions will be raised no matter what the format of the


Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 553


ISRL(x,n) returns the result of logically shifting x to the right by n places, and
padding on the left with zeroes.


x Expression. x must have a computational type.

n Expression. n must have a computational type.

The attributes of the result are determined as follows:

v If x is REAL FIXED BIN(p,0) and SIGNED, the result is SIGNED REAL FIXED
v If x is REAL FIXED BIN(p,0) and UNSIGNED, the result is UNSIGNED REAL
v Otherwise, x is converted to SIGNED REAL FIXED BIN(p,0) and the result has
the same attributes.

The result is undefined if n is negative or if n is greater than M.

If x is nonnegative, ISRL(x,n) is equivalent to LOWER2(x,n); if x is negative,

ISRL(x,n) is positive, unless n=0.

isrl(+6,1) /* produces 3 */
isrl(-6,1) /* produces 2147483645 */

554 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


ISZERO returns a '1'B if if the argument with which it is invoked is a zero.
Otherwise it returns a '0'B.


x REAL FLOAT DECIMAL expression.

The FLOAT(DFP) compiler option must be in effect.

No floating-point exceptions will be raised no matter what the format of the


Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 555


IUNSIGNED(x) returns the result of casting x to an unsigned integer value without
changing its bit pattern.


x Expression. x must have a computational type.

If x is not an integer, that is, if x is not REAL FIXED BIN with zero scale factor, it
is converted to REAL FIXED BIN(p,0).

IUNSIGNED(x) returns, for integer x, a value with the same bit pattern as x but
with the attributes UNSIGNED FIXED BIN(p).

If x is SIGNED, p is given as follows:

v If precision(x) = 7, 15, 31 or 63, p = precision(x) + 1; otherwise, p = precision(x).
v If x is UNSIGNED, p = precision(x).

IUNSIGNED(ff_ff_ff_ffxn) equals the largest UNSIGNED FIXED BIN(32) value.

556 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


JSONGETARRAYEND(p,n) checks whether the next character, ignoring whitespace,
in a piece of JSON text is a closing bracket ]. This function returns a size_t 1 value
that is equal to the number of bytes read.

If the number of available bytes n is greater than zero, JSONGETARRAYEND(p,n)

attempts to read a closing bracket ] from the buffer.
v When the first character after any whitespace is the desired character ], the
number of bytes read includes 1 byte for the desired character plus any bytes of
whitespace preceding it.
v When the first character after any whitespace is not the desired character ], a
value of zero is returned.


p A pointer that specifies the address of a buffer to be read.

n A size_t value that specifies the number of available bytes in the buffer.

Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 557


JSONGETARRAYSTART(p,n) checks whether the next character, ignoring
whitespace, in a piece of JSON text is an opening bracket [. This function returns a
size_t 1 value that is equal to the number of bytes read.

If the number of available bytes n is greater than zero,

JSONGETARRAYSTART(p,n) attempts to read an opening bracket [ from the buffer.
v When the first character after any whitespace is the desired character [, the
number of bytes read includes 1 byte for the desired character plus any bytes of
whitespace preceding it.
v When the first character after any whitespace is not the desired character [, a
value of zero is returned.


p A pointer that specifies the address of a buffer to be read.

n A size_t value that specifies the number of available bytes in the buffer.

558 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


JSONGETCOLON(p,n) checks whether the next character, ignoring whitespace, in a
piece of JSON text is a colon. This function returns a size_t 1 value that is equal to
the number of bytes read.

If the number of available bytes n is greater than zero, JSONGETCOLON(p,n)

attempts to read a colon from the buffer.
v When the first character after any whitespace is the desired character, a colon,
the number of bytes read includes 1 byte for the desired character plus any
bytes of whitespace preceding it.
v When the first character after any whitespace is not the desired character, a
value of zero is returned.


p A pointer that specifies the address of a buffer to be read.

n A size_t value that specifies the number of available bytes in the buffer.

Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 559


JSONGETCOMMA(p,n) checks whether the next character, ignoring whitespace, in
a piece of JSON text is a comma. This function returns a size_t 1 value that is equal
to the number of bytes read.

If the number of available bytes n is greater than zero, JSONGETCOMMA(p,n)

attempts to read a comma from the buffer.
v When the first character after any whitespace is the desired character, a comma,
the number of bytes read includes 1 byte for the desired character plus any
bytes of whitespace preceding it.
v When the first character after any whitespace is not the desired character, a
value of zero is returned.


p A pointer that specifies the address of a buffer to be read.

n A size_t value that specifies the number of available bytes in the buffer.

560 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


JSONGETMEMBER reads a member (or name-value pair) from a piece of JSON
text. This function returns a size_t 1 value that specifies the number of bytes read
from the buffer.

Whitespace is permitted anywhere in JSON text, but is ignored except for

contributing to the total number of bytes read.

If the JSON text is invalid, the ERROR condition is raised and the ONSUBCODE
built-in function gives the index of the invalid character.

If the third argument of JSONGETMEMBER is omitted, the name-value pair is

simply read over.

If the third argument is a structure, the names in the JSON text must match those
in the structure. If not, the ERROR condition is raised.

If any element in the target has the CHARACTER type, the conversion from the
UTF-8 source in the JSON text is based on the CODEPAGE compiler option.


p A pointer that specifies the address of a buffer to be read.

n A size_t value that specifies the number of available bytes in the buffer.
x A variable reference whose name-value pair is to be read from the buffer. The
variable reference must not contain any of these elements:
v Noncomputational elements
v GRAPHIC elements
v COMPLEX elements
v FIXED(p,q) elements with q < 0 or q > p
v Unnamed elements

The name-value pair must consist of the variable's name as a JSON string followed
by a colon and the variable's value.


Suppose a buffer contains the following JSON text, and the buffer address is in P
and its length is in N.
{ "passes" : 3,
"data" :
{ "name" : "Mather", "elevation" : 12100 }
, { "name" : "Pinchot", "elevation" : 12130 }
, { "name" : "Glenn", "elevation" : 11940 }

Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 561


When compiled with the option JSON(CASE(ASIS)), the following code allocates
an appropriately sized structure and then fills it in. The JSON compiler option is
needed so that the names are accepted in lower case.
1 info based(q),
2 count fixed bin(31),
2 data( passes refer(count) ),
3 name char(20) varying,
3 elevation fixed bin(31);

read = 0;
read += jsonGetObjectStart(p+read,n-read);
read += jsonGetMember(p+read,n-read,passes);
allocate info;
read += jsonGetComma(p+read,n-read);
read += jsonGetValue(p+read,n-read,data);
read += jsonGetColon(p+read,n-read);
read += jsonGetValue(p+read,n-read,data);

Note that this code works equally well if the buffer contains more data. See the
following example:
{ "passes" : 5,
"data" :
{ "name" : "Muir", "elevation" : 11980 }
, { "name" : "Mather", "elevation" : 12100 }
, { "name" : "Pinchot", "elevation" : 12130 }
, { "name" : "Glenn", "elevation" : 11940 }
, { "name" : "Forester", "elevation" : 13100 }

562 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


JSONGETOBJECTEND(p,n) checks whether the next character, ignoring whitespace,
in a piece of JSON text is a closing brace }. This function returns a size_t 1 value
that is equal to the number of bytes read.

If the number of available bytes n is greater than zero, JSONGETOBJECTEND(p,n)

attempts to read a closing brace } from the buffer.
v When the first character after any whitespace is the desired character }, the
number of bytes read includes 1 byte for the desired character plus any bytes of
whitespace preceding it.
v When the first character after any whitespace is not the desired character }, a
value of zero is returned.


p A pointer that specifies the address of a buffer to be read.

n A size_t value that specifies the number of available bytes in the buffer.

Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 563


JSONGETOBJECTSTART(p,n) checks whether the next character, ignoring
whitespace, in a piece of JSON text is an opening brace {. This function returns a
size_t 1 value that is equal to the number of bytes read.

If the number of available bytes n is greater than zero,

JSONGETOBJECTSTART(p,n) attempts to read an opening brace { from the buffer.
v When the first character after any whitespace is the desired character {, the
number of bytes read includes 1 byte for the desired character plus any bytes of
whitespace preceding it.
v When the first character after any whitespace is not the desired character {, a
value of zero is returned.


p A pointer that specifies the address of a buffer to be read.

n A size_t value that specifies the number of available bytes in the buffer.

564 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


JSONGETVALUE reads a value from a piece of JSON text. This function returns a
size_t 1 value that specifies the number of bytes read from the buffer.

Whitespace is permitted anywhere in JSON text, but is ignored except for

contributing to the total number of bytes read.

If the JSON text is invalid, the ERROR condition is raised and the ONSUBCODE
built-in function gives the index of the invalid character.

If the third argument of JSONGETVALUE is omitted, the value is simply read over.

If the third argument is a structure, the names in the JSON text must match those
in the structure. If not, the ERROR condition is raised.

If the third argument is an array, array values can be omitted in which case the
corresponding elements of the target array are unchanged.

If any element in the target has the CHARACTER type, the conversion from the
UTF-8 source in the JSON text is based on the CODEPAGE compiler option.


p A pointer that specifies the address of a buffer to be read

n A size_t value that specifies the number of available bytes in the buffer
x A variable reference whose value is to be read from the buffer
The variable reference must not contain any of these elements:
v Noncomputational elements
v GRAPHIC elements
v COMPLEX elements
v FIXED(p,q) elements with q < 0 or q > p
v Unnamed elements

Example 1

The following code assigns the values 2, 3, and 5 to the array B. The value
returned would be 7 plus the count of whitespace characters before the closing
bracket, ].
dcl b(3) fixed bin;
dcl buffer char(1000) var;
dcl p pointer;
dcl n fixed bin(31);

buffer = utf8( [ 2, 3, 5 ] );
p = addrdata(buffer);
n = length(buffer);
read = jsonGetValue( p, n, b );

Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 565


Example 2

The following code assigns the values 2 to B(1), 3 to B(2), and leaves B(3)
unchanged. The value returned would be 5 plus the count of whitespace characters
before the closing bracket, ].
dcl b(3) fixed bin;
dcl buffer char(1000) var;
dcl p pointer;
dcl n fixed bin(31);

buffer = utf8( [ 2, 3 ] );
p = addrdata(buffer);
n = length(buffer);
read = jsonGetValue( p, n, b );

Example 3

The following code assigns 2 to C.D and 3 to C.E. It returns a value greater than or
equal to 13.
dcl 1 c, 2 d fixed bin, 2 e fixed bin;
dcl buffer char(1000) var;
dcl p pointer;
dcl n fixed bin(31);

buffer = utf8( { "D" : 2, "E" : 3 } );

p = addrdata(buffer);
n = length(buffer);
read = jsonGetValue( p, n, c );

Example 4

Suppose that a buffer contains the following JSON text, and that the buffer address
is P and its length is in N.
{ "PASSES" : 3,
"DATA" :
{ "NAME" : "Mather", "ELEVATION" : 12100 }
, { "NAME" : "Pinchot", "ELEVATION" : 12130 }
, { "NAME" : "Glenn", "ELEVATION" : 11940 }

Then the single invocation of JSONGETVALUE in the following code will fill in the
entire structure.
1 info,
2 passes fixed bin(31),
2 data(3),
3 name char(20) varying,
3 elevation fixed bin(31);

read = jsonGetValue( p, n, info );

566 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


JSONPUTARRAYEND(p,n) writes a closing bracket ] to the buffer if the number of
available bytes n is greater than zero. The function returns a size_t 1 value equal to


p A pointer that specifies the address of a buffer to be written.

n A size_t value that specifies the number of available bytes in the buffer.

Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 567


JSONPUTARRAYSTART(p,n) writes an opening bracket [ to the buffer if the
number of available bytes n is greater than zero. The function returns a size_t
value equal to 1.


p A pointer that specifies the address of a buffer to be written.

n A size_t value that specifies the number of available bytes in the buffer.

568 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


JSONPUTCOLON(p,n) writes a colon to the buffer if the number of available bytes
n is greater than zero. The function returns a size_t 1 value equal to 1.


p A pointer that specifies the address of a buffer to be written.

n A size_t value that specifies the number of available bytes in the buffer.

Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 569


JSONPUTCOMMA(p,n) writes a comma to the buffer if the number of available
bytes n is greater than zero. The function returns a size_t 1 value equal to 1.


p A pointer that specifies the address of a buffer to be written.

n A size_t that specifies the number of available bytes in the buffer.

570 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


JSONPUTMEMBER appends a member (or name-value pair), as UTF-8, to the
JSON text. This function returns a size_t 1 value that specifies the number of bytes
that are written to the buffer.


p A pointer that specifies the address of a buffer to be written.

n A size_t that specifies the number of available bytes in the buffer.
x A variable reference whose value is to be written to the buffer. The variable
reference must not contain any of these elements:
v Noncomputational elements
v GRAPHIC elements
v COMPLEX elements
v FIXED(p,q) elements with q < 0 or q > p
v Unnamed elements

Example 1
dcl b(3) fixed bin init(2,3,5);
dcl buffer char(1000);
dcl p pointer;
dcl n fixed bin(31);

p = addr(buffer);
n = length(buffer);
written = jsonPutMember( p, n, b );

The above code writes the following UTF-8 string to the buffer, and assigns the
value 11 to the variable written.

Example 2
dcl 1 c, 2 d fixed bin init(2), 2 e fixed bin init(3);
dcl buffer char(1000);
dcl p pointer;
dcl n fixed bin(31);

p = addr(buffer);
n = length(buffer);
written = jsonPutMember( p, n, c );

The above code writes the following UTF-8 string to the buffer, and assigns the
value 17 to the variable written.

Example 3
dcl 1 c(2), 2 d fixed bin init(2,3), 2 d fixed bin init(5,7);
dcl buffer char(1000);
dcl p pointer;
dcl n fixed bin(31);

Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 571


p = addr(buffer);
n = length(buffer);
written = jsonPutMember( p, n, c );

The above code writes the following UTF-8 string to the buffer, and assigns the
value 33 to the variable written.

Example 4
dcl x fixed bin(31) init(11);
dcl y fixed bin(31) init(13);
dcl buffer char(1000);
dcl p pointer;
dcl n fixed bin(31);

p = addr(buffer);
n = length(buffer);
written = 0;
written += jsonPutObjectStart( p+written, n-written );
written += jsonPutMember( p+written, n-written, x );
written += jsonPutComma( p+written, n-written );
written += jsonPutMember( p+written, n-written, y );
written += jsonPutObjectEnd( p+written, n-written );

The above code writes the following UTF-8 string to the buffer, and assigns the
value 15 to the variable written.

Unlike the previous examples, this buffer contains complete, valid JSON text.

572 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


JSONPUTOBJECTEND(p,n) writes a closing brace } to the buffer if the number of
available bytes n is greater than zero. The function returns a size_t 1 value equal to


p A pointer that specifies the address of a buffer to be written.

n A size_t that specifies the number of available bytes in the buffer.

Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 573


JSONPUTOBJECTSTART(p,n) writes an opening brace to the buffer if the number
of available bytes n is greater than zero. The function returns a size_t 1 value equal
to 1.


p A pointer that specifies the address of a buffer to be written.

n A size_t that specifies the number of available bytes in the buffer.

574 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


JSONPUTVALUE appends a value, as UTF-8, to the JSON text. This function
returns a size_t 1 value that specifies the number of bytes that are written to the


p A pointer that specifies the address of a buffer to be written.

n A size_t that specifies the number of available bytes in the buffer.
x A variable reference whose value is to be written to the buffer. The variable
reference must not contain any of these elements:
v Noncomputational elements
v GRAPHIC elements
v COMPLEX elements
v FIXED(p,q) elements with q < 0 or q > p
v Unnamed elements

Example 1
dcl b(3) fixed bin init(2,3,5);
dcl buffer char(1000);
dcl p pointer;
dcl n fixed bin(31);

p = addr(buffer);
n = length(buffer);
written = jsonPutValue( p, n, b );

The above code writes the following UTF-8 string to the buffer, and assigns the
value 7 to the variable written.

Example 2
dcl 1 c, 2 d fixed bin init(2), 2 e fixed bin init(3);
dcl buffer char(1000);
dcl p pointer;
dcl n fixed bin(31);

p = addr(buffer);
n = length(buffer);
written = jsonPutValue( p, n, c );

The above code writes the following UTF-8 string to the buffer, and assigns the
value 13 to the variable written.

Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 575


JSONVALID determines whether a buffer contains valid JSON text. This function
returns a size_t 1 value of zero if the JSON text is valid; otherwise, it returns the
index of the first invalid byte.


p A pointer that specifies the address of a buffer to be written.

n A size_t value that specifies the number of available bytes in the buffer.

576 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


JULIANTOSMF returns a CHAR(4) value that holds a date in the SMF format.


d A CHAR(7) variable that holds a date in the Julian format YYYYDDD

Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 577


LBOUND returns a FIXED BINARY value that specifies the current lower bound of
dimension y of x.


x Array reference. x must not have less than y dimensions.

y Expression specifying a particular dimension of x. If necessary, y is converted
to FIXED BINARY(31,0). The value for y must be greater than or equal to 1.
and if y is not supplied, it defaults to 1.
The value for y can be omitted only if the array is one-dimensional.

Under the CMPAT(V3) compiler option, LBOUND returns a FIXED BIN(63) value.
Under the CMPAT(V2) and CMPAT(LE) compiler options, LBOUND returns a
FIXED BIN(31) value.

578 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


LBOUNDACROSS returns a FIXED BINARY value that specifies the current lower
bound of a DIMACROSS reference x.


x DIMACROSS reference

Under the CMPAT(V3) compiler option, LBOUNDACROSS returns a FIXED

BIN(63) value. Under the CMPAT(V2) and CMPAT(LE) compiler options,
LBOUNDACROSS returns a FIXED BIN(31) value.

Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 579


LEFT returns a string that is the result of inserting string x at the left end of a
string with length n and padded on the right with the character z as needed.

LEFT(x,n )

x Expression. x must have a computational type and should have a character

type. If not, it is converted to CHARACTER.
n Expression. n must have a computational type and should have a character
type. If n does not have the attributes FIXED BINARY(31,0), it is converted to
z Expression. If specified, z must have the type CHARACTER(1) NONVARYING

dcl Source char value(One Hundred SCIDS Marks);
dcl Target char(30);

Target = left (Source, length(Target), *);

/* One Hundred SCIDS Marks******* */

If z is omitted, a blank is used as the padding character.

580 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


LENGTH returns an unscaled REAL FIXED BINARY value specifying the current
length of x.


x String-expression or an OFFSET reference with the LOCATES attribute and an

explicit AREA reference. If x is binary, it is converted to bit string; otherwise,
any other conversion required is to character string.

For an example of the LENGTH built-in function, refer to MAXLENGTH on

page 598.

The BIFPREC compiler option determines the precision of the result returned.

When applied to an OFFSET reference with the LOCATES attribute and implicit
AREA qualification:
v If the OFFSET reference is not null, LENGTH returns the address of the located
v If the OFFSET reference is null, LENGTH returns SYSNULL.

Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 581


LINENO returns an unscaled REAL FIXED BINARY specifying the current line
number of x.


x File-reference.

The file must be open and have the PRINT attribute. If the file is not open or does
not have the PRINT attribute, 0 is returned.

The BIFPREC compiler option determines the precision of the result returned.

582 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


LOCATION returns a FIXED BIN value that specifies the byte location of x within
the level-1 structure or union that has member x.


Abbreviation: LOC
x Structure or union member name. If x is not a member of a structure or union,
a value of 0 is returned. If x has the BIT attribute, the value returned by
LOCATION is the location of the byte that contains x.
The value for x must not be subscripted.

LOCATION can be used in restricted expressions, with a limitation. The value for x
must be declared before y if LOC(x) is used to set either of the following:
v The extent of a variable y that must have constant extents.
v The value of a variable y that must have a constant value.

Under the CMPAT(V3) compiler option, LOCATION returns a FIXED BIN(63)

value. Under all other CMPAT options, it returns a FIXED BIN(31) value.

dcl 1 Table static,
2 Tab2loc fixed bin(15) nonasgn init(loc(Tab2)),
/* location is 0; gets initialized to 8 */
2 Tab3loc fixed bin(15) nonasgn init(loc(Tab3)),
/* location is 2; gets initialized to 808 */
2 Length fixed bin nonasgn init(loc(End)),
/* location is 4 */
2 * fixed bin,
2 Tab2(20,20) fixed bin,
/* location is 8 */
2 Tab3(20,20) fixed bin,
/* location is 808 */

2 F2_loc fixed bin nonasgn init(loc(F2)),

/* location is 1608; gets initialized to 1612 */
2 F2_bitloc fixed bin nonasgn init(bitloc(F2)),
/* location is 1610; gets initialized to 1 */

2 Flags, /* location is 1612 */

3 F1 bit(1),
3 F2 bit(1), /* bitlocation is 1 */
3 F3 bit(1),
2 Bits(16) bit, /* location is 1613 */
2 End char(0);

Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 583


The LOCNEWSPACE(x, a) built-in subroutine allocates space in a for the variable
type described by the LOCATES attribute that is associated with x.


x Must be an OFFSET reference with the LOCATES attribute. x must be scalar.

a Must be an AREA reference. a must be scalar.
If you do not specify a, the OFFSET attribute for x must have specified an
AREA reference, and LOCNEWSPACE allocates space in that area.

In the following code snippet, the two executable statements are equivalent: Both
statements allocate 32 bytes from the pool area and assign that offset to name(1).
1 data based(data_ptr) unaligned,
2 actual_count fixed bin(31),
2 orderinfo(order_count refer( actual_count)),
3 name offset(pool) locates(char(30) varying),
3 address offset(pool) locates(char(62) varying),
2 pool area(10_000);

call locnewspace(name(1));
call locnewspace(name(1), pool);

584 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


The LOCNEWVALUE(v, x, a) built-in subroutine allocates space in a for the
variable type described by the LOCATES attribute that is associated with x and
assigns v to that area.


v Must be computational and scalar.

x Must be an OFFSET reference with the LOCATES attribute. x must be scalar.
a Must be an AREA reference. a must be scalar.
If you do not specify a, the OFFSET attribute for x must have specified an
AREA reference, and LOCNEWSPACE allocates space in that area.

The following three statements are equivalent:

v call locnewvalue(v, x, a);
v call locnewspace(x, a);
v locval(x) = v;

If the OFFSET attribute for x specifies an AREA attribute, the following statements
are equivalent:
v call locnewvalue(v, x);
v call locnewspace(x);
v locval(x) = v;

In the following code snippet, the two executable statements are equivalent: Both
statements allocate 17 bytes in the pool area, assign that offset to name(1), and
assign the 'Sherlock Holmes' value as a character varying string to that location in
the area.
1 data based(data_ptr) unaligned,
2 actual_count fixed bin(31),
2 orderinfo(order_count refer(actual_count)),
3 name offset(pool) locates(char(30) varying),
3 address offset(pool) locates(char(62) varying),
2 pool area(10_000);

call locnewvalue(Sherlock Holmes', name(1));

call locnewvalue('Sherlock Holmes', name(1), pool);

Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 585


LOCSTG(x) returns a FIXED BIN value that specifies the number of bytes that are
needed for the storage to hold all the elements of x that have the LOCATES

The return value has type FIXED BIN(63) under CMPAT(V3); otherwise, it has type


x Must be a reference that has the LOCATES attribute or contains subelements

that have the LOCATES attribute.


With the following declaration, the reference locstag(data) returns the value
1 data based(data_ptr) unaligned,
2 actual_count fixed bin(31),
2 orderinfo(order_count refer( actual_count)),
3 name offset(pool) locates(char(30) varying),
3 address offset(pool) locates(char(62) varying),
2 pool area(10_000);

586 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


LOCVAL(x, a) returns the value at the offset that is specified by x in the a area. The
type of the value is specified in the LOCATES attribute of x.


x Must be an OFFSET with the LOCATES attribute. It must be a valid, non-null

offset into the area a.
a Must be an AREA reference. If you do not specify a, the OFFSET attribute for x
must have specified an AREA reference, and the offset is assumed to be from
that area.

Do not use a LOCVAL reference as the argument to the ADDR built-in function. To
obtain the address of such a reference, apply the POINTER built-in function to the
corresponding OFFSET.


With the following declaration, these two references are equivalent:

locval(name(1)); and locval(name(1), pool);. Both references return the
char(30) varying value at the location in pool with the offset held in name(1).
1 data based(data_ptr) unaligned,
2 actual_count fixed bin(31),
2 orderinfo(order_count refer( actual_count)),
3 name offset(pool) locates(char(30) varying),
3 address offset(pool) locates(char(62) varying),
2 pool area(10_000);

Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 587


LOG returns a floating-point value that is an approximation of the natural
logarithm (the logarithm to the base e) of x. It has the base, mode, and precision of


x Expression. x must be greater than zero.

588 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


LOGGAMMA returns a floating-point value that is an approximation of the log of
gamma of x. The gamma of x is given by the following equation:
gamma(x) = 0 (ux-1)(e-x)du

LOGGAMMA has the base, mode, and precision of x.


x Real expression. The value of x must be greater than 0.

Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 589


LOG2 returns a real floating-point value that is an approximation of the binary
logarithm (the logarithm to the base 2) of x. It has the base and precision of x.


x Real expression. The value of x must be greater than zero.

590 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


LOG10 returns a real floating-point value that is an approximation of the common
logarithm (the logarithm to the base 10) of x. It has the base and precision of x.


x Real expression. It must be greater than zero.

Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 591


LOW returns a character string of length x, where each character is the lowest
character in the collating sequence (hexadecimal 00).


x Expression. If necessary, x is converted to a positive real fixed-point binary

value. If x = 0, the result is the null character string.

592 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


LOWERCASE returns a character string with all the alphabetic characters from A
to Z converted to their lowercase equivalent.


x Expression. If necessary, x is converted to character.

LOWERCASE(x) is equivalent to

Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 593


LOWER2(x,n) returns the value:


Note: LOWER2(x,n) is equivalent to the assembler SRA(x,n).

x Expression. x must have a computational type.
n Expression. n must have a computational type.

If x is SIGNED REAL FIXED BIN(p,0), then the result has the same attributes.
Otherwise, x is converted to SIGNED REAL FIXED BIN(p,0) and the result has the
same attributes.

The result is undefined if n is negative or if n is greater than M.

lower2 (+6,1) /* Produces 3 */

lower2 (-6,1) /* Produces -3 */

lower2 (-7,1) /* Produces -4 */

594 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


MAINNAME returns a CHARACTER string that is the name of the MAIN
function on the current call stack.


Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 595


MAX returns the largest value from a set of two or more expressions.

MAX( x, y )

x and y

All the arguments must be real. The result is real, with the common base and scale
of the arguments.

If the arguments are fixed-point with precisions:


then the precision of the result is given by:

(min(N,max(p1-q1,p2-q2,...,pn-qn) + max(q1,q2,...,qn)),max(q1,q2,...,qn))

where N is the maximum number of digits allowed.

If the arguments are floating-point with precisions:


then the precision of the result is given by:


The maximum number of arguments allowed is 64.

596 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


MAXEXP returns a FIXED BINARY(31,0) value that is the maximum value that
EXPONENT(x) can assume.


x Expression. x must have the REAL and FLOAT attributes.

MAXEXP(x) is a constant and can be used in restricted expressions.

Example (Intel values)

maxexp(x) = 128 for x float bin(p), p <= 21
maxexp(x) = 1024 for x float bin(p), 21 < p <= 53
maxexp(x) = 16384 for x float bin(p), 53 < p

maxexp(x) = 128 for x float dec(p), p <= 6

maxexp(x) = 1024 for x float dec(p), 6 < p <= 16
maxexp(x) = 16384 for x float dec(p), 16 < p

Example (AIX values)

maxexp(x) = 128 for x float bin(p), p <= 21
maxexp(x) = 1024 for x float bin(p), 21 < p <= 53
maxexp(x) = 1024 for x float bin(p), 53 < p

maxexp(x) = 128 for x float dec(p), p <= 6

maxexp(x) = 1024 for x float dec(p), 6 < p <= 16
maxexp(x) = 1024 for x float dec(p), 16 < p

Example (z/OS hexadecimal values)

maxexp(x) = 63 for x float bin(p), p <= 21
maxexp(x) = 63 for x float bin(p), 21 < p <= 53
maxexp(x) = 63 for x float bin(p), 53 < p

maxexp(x) = 63 for x float dec(p), p <= 6

maxexp(x) = 63 for x float dec(p), 6 < p <= 16
maxexp(x) = 63 for x float dec(p), 16 < p

Example (z/OS IEEE Binary Floating Point values)

maxexp(x) = 128 for x float bin(p), p <= 21
maxexp(x) = 1024 for x float bin(p), 21 < p <= 53
maxexp(x) = 16384 for x float bin(p), 53 < p

maxexp(x) = 128 for x float dec(p), p <= 6

maxexp(x) = 1024 for x float dec(p), 6 < p <= 16
maxexp(x) = 16384 for x float dec(p), 16 < p

Example (z/OS IEEE Decimal Floating Point Values)

maxexp(x) = 97 for x float dec(p), p <= 7
maxexp(x) = 385 for x float dec(p), 7 < p <= 16
maxexp(x) = 6145 for x float dec(p), 16 < p

Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 597


MAXLENGTH returns the maximum length of a string.


x Expression. x must have a computational type and should have a string type.
If not, it is converted to character.

dcl x char(20);
dcl y char(20) varying;

x, y = ;

x = copy( *, length(x) ); /* fills x with * */

y = copy( *, length(y) ); /* leaves y unchanged */

x = copy( -, maxlength(x) ); /* fills x with - */

y = copy( -, maxlength(y) ); /* fills y with - */

Note that the first assignment to y leaves it unchanged because length(y) will return
zero when it is used in the code snippet above (since y is VARYING and was
previously set to '').

However, the second assignment to y fills it with 20 - signs because maxlength(y)

will return 20 (the declared length of y).

598 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


MEMCONVERT converts the data in a source buffer from the specified source
codepage to a specified target codepage, stores the result in a target buffer, and
returns a size_t 1 value that indicates the number of bytes that are written to the
target buffer.

MEMCONVERT ( p , n , c , q , m , d )

p Address of the target buffer.

n Length of the target buffer.
c Target code page.
q Address of the source buffer.
m Length of the source buffer.
d Source code page.

The buffer lengths must be nonnegative and must have a computational type. The
buffer lengths are converted to type size_t.

If either buffer length is zero, the result is zero.

The code page must have a computational type and is converted to type FIXED
BINARY (31,0). The code page must specify a valid, supported code page.

Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 599


MEMCU12 converts the data in a source buffer from UTF-8 to UTF-16, stores the
result in a target buffer, and returns a size_t 1 value that indicates the number of
bytes that are written to the target buffer.

MEMCU12 ( p , n , q , m )

p Address of the target buffer.

n Length of the target buffer.
q Address of the source buffer.
m Length of the source buffer.

The buffer lengths must be nonnegative and must have a computational type. The
buffer lengths are converted to type size_t.

If the target buffer is too small or if the source UTF-8 is invalid, a value of -1 is

600 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


MEMCU14 converts the data in a source buffer from UTF-8 to UTF-32, stores the
result in a target buffer, and returns a size_t 1 value that indicates the number of
bytes that are written to the target buffer.

MEMCU14 ( p , n , q , m )

p Address of the target buffer.

n Length of the target buffer.
q Address of the source buffer.
m Length of the source buffer.

The buffer lengths must be nonnegative and must have a computational type. The
buffer lengths are converted to type size_t.

If the target buffer is too small or if the source UTF-8 is invalid, a value of -1 is

Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 601


MEMCU21 converts the data in a source buffer from UTF-16 to UTF-8, stores the
result in a target buffer, and returns a size_t 1 value that indicates the number of
bytes that are written to the target buffer.

MEMCU21 ( p , n , q , m )

p Address of the target buffer.

n Length of the target buffer.
q Address of the source buffer.
m Length of the source buffer.

The buffer lengths must be nonnegative and must have a computational type. The
buffer lengths are converted to type size_t.

If the target buffer is too small, a value of -1 is returned. The source must contain
valid UTF-16, and the behavior of this function when it does not is unspecified.

602 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


MEMCU24 converts the data in a source buffer from UTF-16 to UTF-32, stores the
result in a target buffer, and returns a size_t 1 value that indicates the number of
bytes that are written to the target buffer.

MEMCU24 ( p , n , q , m )

p Address of the target buffer.

n Length of the target buffer.
q Address of the source buffer.
m Length of the source buffer.

The buffer lengths must be nonnegative and must have a computational type. The
buffer lengths are converted to type size_t.

If the target buffer is too small, a value of -1 is returned. The source must contain
valid UTF-16, and the behavior of this function when it does not is unspecified.

Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 603


MEMCU41 converts the data in a source buffer from UTF-32 to UTF-8, stores the
result in a target buffer, and returns a size_t 1 value that indicates the number of
bytes that are written to the target buffer.

MEMCU41 ( p , n , q , m )

p Address of the target buffer.

n Length of the target buffer.
q Address of the source buffer.
m Length of the source buffer.

The buffer lengths must be nonnegative and must have a computational type. The
buffer lengths are converted to type size_t.

If the target buffer is too small or if the source UTF-32 is invalid, a value of -1 is

604 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


MEMCU42 converts the data in a source buffer from UTF-32 to UTF-16, stores the
result in a target buffer, and returns a size_t 1 value that indicates the number of
bytes that are written to the target buffer.

MEMCU42 ( p , n , q , m )

p Address of the target buffer.

n Length of the target buffer.
q Address of the source buffer.
m Length of the source buffer.

The buffer lengths must be nonnegative and must have a computational type. The
buffer lengths are converted to type size_t.

If the target buffer is too small or if the source UTF-32 is invalid, a value of -1 is

Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 605


MEMINDEX returns a size_t 1 value that indicates the starting position within a
buffer of a specified substring.

With three arguments, the function's syntax is as follows:

MEMINDEX ( p , n , x )

p Address of buffer to be searched.

n Length of buffer to be searched.
x String-expression to use as the target of the search.

With four arguments, the function's syntax is as follows:

MEMINDEX ( p , n , q , m )

p Address of first buffer to be searched.

n Length of first buffer to be searched.
q Address of second buffer to use as the target of the search.
m Length of second buffer to use as the target of the search.

The buffer lengths must be nonnegative and must have a computational type. The
buffer lengths are converted to type size_t.

With three arguments, the target string-expression must have type CHARACTER
(including PICTURE), GRAPHIC, or WIDECHAR. The buffer length is interpreted
as the number of units of that string type.

With four arguments, the buffer lengths specify a number of bytes and the search
performed is a character search.

For a VARYING, VARYING4, or VARYINGZ string X and string Y, the function

MEMINDEX( ADDRDATA(X), LENGTH(X), Y ) will return the same value as
INDEX( X, Y ).

dcl cb(128*1024) char(1);
dcl wb(128*1024) widechar(1);
dcl pos fixed bin(31);
/* 128K bytes searched for the character string test */
pos = memindex( addr(cb), stg(cb), test );
/* 256K bytes searched for the string test as widechar */
pos = memindex( addr(wb), stg(wb), wchar(<) );

606 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


MEMSEARCH returns a size_t 1 value that specifies the first position (from the left)
in a buffer at which any character, graphic, or widechar in a given string appears.

MEMSEARCH ( p , n , x )

p Address of buffer to be searched

n Length of buffer to be searched
x String-expression

The buffer length must be nonnegative and must have a computational type. The
buffer length is converted to type size_t.

The string-expression x must have type CHARACTER (including PICTURE),

GRAPHIC, or WIDECHAR. The buffer length is interpreted as the number of units
of that string type.

The address p and the length n specify the "string" in which to search for any
character, graphic, or widechar that appears in x.

If either the buffer length n is zero or x is the null string, the result is zero.

If x does not occur in the buffer, the result is zero.

dcl cb(128*1024) char(1);
dcl wb(128*1024) widechar(1);
dcl pos fixed bin(31);

/* 128K bytes searched from the left for a numeric */

pos = memsearch( addr(cb), stg(cb), 012345789 );

/* 256K bytes searched from the left for a widechar 0 or 1 */

pos = memsearch( addr(wb), stg(wb), 0030_0031wx );

Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 607


MEMSEARCHR returns a size_t 1 value that specifies the first position (from the
right) in a buffer at which any character, graphic, or widechar in a given string

MEMSEARCHR ( p , n , x )

p Address of buffer to be searched

n Length of buffer to be searched
x String-expression

The buffer length must be nonnegative and must have a computational type. The
buffer length is converted to type size_t.

The string-expression x must have type CHARACTER (including PICTURE),

GRAPHIC, or WIDECHAR. The buffer length is interpreted as the number of units
of that string type.

The address p and the length n specify the "string" in which to search for any
character, graphic, or widechar that appears in x.

If either the buffer length n is zero or x is the null string, the result is zero.

If x does not occur in the buffer, the result is zero.

dcl cb(128*1024) char(1);
dcl wb(128*1024) widechar(1);
dcl pos fixed bin(31);

/* 128K bytes searched from the right for a numeric */

pos = memsearchr( addr(cb), stg(cb), 012345789 );

/* 256K bytes searched from the right for a widechar 0 or 1 */

pos = memsearchr( addr(wb), stg(wb), 0030_0031wx );

608 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


MEMVERIFY returns a size_t 1 value that specifies the position in a buffer of the
first (from the left) character, graphic, or widechar that is not in a specified string.

MEMVERIFY ( p , n , x )

p Address of buffer to be searched.

n Length of buffer to be searched.
x String-expression.

The buffer length must be nonnegative and must have a computational type. The
buffer length is converted to type size_t.

The string-expression x must have type CHARACTER (including PICTURE),

GRAPHIC, or WIDECHAR. The buffer length is interpreted as the number of units
of that string type.

The address p and the length n specify the "string" in which to search for any
character, graphic, or widechar that does not appear in x.

If either the buffer length n is zero or x is the null string, the result is zero.

If all the characters, graphics, or widechars in the buffer do appear in x, the result
is zero.

dcl cb(128*1024) char(1);
dcl wb(128*1024) widechar(1);
dcl pos fixed bin(31);

/* 128K bytes searched from the left for a non-numeric */

pos = memverify( addr(cb), stg(cb), 012345789 );

/* 256K bytes searched from the left for the a non-blank widechar */
pos = memverify( addr(wb), stg(wb), 0020wx );

Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 609


MEMVERIFYR returns a size_t 1 value that specifies the position in a buffer of the
first (from the right) character, graphic, or widechar that is not in a specified string.

MEMVERIFYR ( p , n , x )

p Address of buffer to be searched.

n Length of buffer to be searched.
x String-expression.

The buffer length must be nonnegative and must have a computational type. The
buffer length is converted to type size_t.

The string-expression x must have type CHARACTER (including PICTURE),

GRAPHIC, or WIDECHAR. The buffer length is interpreted as the number of units
of that string type.

The address p and the length n specify the "string" in which to search for any
character, graphic, or widechar that does not appear in x.

If either the buffer length n is zero or x is the null string, the result is zero.

If all the characters, graphics or widechars in the buffer do appear in x, the result
is zero.

dcl cb(128*1024) char(1);
dcl wb(128*1024) widechar(1);
dcl pos fixed bin(31);

/* 128K bytes searched from the right for a non-numeric */

pos = memverify( addr(cb), stg(cb), 012345789 );

/* 256K bytes searched from the right for the a non-blank widechar */
pos = memverify( addr(wb), stg(wb), 0020wx );

610 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


MIN returns the smallest value from a set of one or more expressions.

MIN( x, y )

x and y

All the arguments must be real. The result is real with the common base and scale
of the arguments.

The precision of the result is the same as that described in MAX on page 596.

The maximum number of arguments allowed is 64.

Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 611


MINEXP returns a FIXED BINARY(31,0) value that is the minimum value that
EXPONENT(x) can assume.


x Expression. x must have the REAL and FLOAT attributes.

MINEXP(x) is a constant and can be used in restricted expressions.

Example (Intel values)

minexp(x) = -125 for x float bin(p), p <= 21
minexp(x) = -1021 for x float bin(p), 21 < p <= 53
minexp(x) = -16831 for x float bin(p), 53 < p

minexp(x) = -125 for x float dec(p), p <= 6

minexp(x) = -1021 for x float dec(p), 6 < p <= 16
minexp(x) = -16831 for x float dec(p), 16 < p

Example (AIX values)

minexp(x) = -125 for x float bin(p), p <= 21
minexp(x) = -1021 for x float bin(p), 21 < p <= 53
minexp(x) = -968 for x float bin(p), 53 < p

minexp(x) = -125 for x float dec(p), p <= 6

minexp(x) = -1021 for x float dec(p), 6 < p <= 16
minexp(x) = -968 for x float dec(p), 16 < p

Example (z/OS Hexadecimal values)

minexp(x) = -64 for x float bin(p), p <= 21
minexp(x) = -64 for x float bin(p), 21 < p <= 53
minexp(x) = -50 for x float bin(p), 53 < p

minexp(x) = -64 for x float dec(p), p <= 6

minexp(x) = -64 for x float dec(p), 6 < p <= 16
minexp(x) = -50 for x float dec(p), 16 < p

Example (z/OS IEEE Binary Floating Point values)

minexp(x) = -125 for x float bin(p), p <= 21
minexp(x) = -1021 for x float bin(p), 21 < p <= 53
minexp(x) = -16381 for x float bin(p), 53 < p

minexp(x) = -125 for x float dec(p), p <= 6

minexp(x) = -1021 for x float dec(p), 6 < p <= 16
minexp(x) = -16381 for x float dec(p), 16 < p

Example (z/OS IEEE Decimal Floating Point values)

minexp(x) = -94 for x float dec(p), p <= 7
minexp(x) = -382 for x float dec(p), 7 < p <= 16
minexp(x) = -6142 for x float dec(p), 16 < p

612 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


MOD returns the modular equivalent of the remainder of one value divided by

MOD returns the smallest nonnegative value, R, such that (x - R)/y = n.

In this example, the value for n is an integer value. That is, R is the smallest
nonnegative value that must be subtracted from x to make it divisible by y.


x Real expression.
y Real expression. If y = 0, the ZERODIVIDE condition is raised.

The result, R, is real with the common base and scale of the arguments. If the
result is floating-point, the precision is the greater of those of x and y. If the result
is fixed-point, the precision is given by the following:

In this example, (p1,q1) and (p2,q2) are the precisions of x and y, respectively, and

If x and y are fixed-point with different scaling factors, the argument with the
smaller scaling factor is converted to the larger scaling factor before R is calculated.
If the conversion fails, the result is unpredictable.

If the result has the attributes FIXED BIN and one or more of the operands has the
attributes UNSIGNED FIXED BIN, the result has the SIGNED attribute unless both
of the following conditions are true:
v All of the operands are UNSIGNED FIXED BIN.
v The RULES(ANS) compiler option is in effect.
If any of the conditions above is not true, each UNSIGNED operand is converted
to SIGNED. If the operand is too large, the conversion would:
v Raise the SIZE condition if SIZE is enabled.
v Produce a negative value if SIZE is not enabled.


The following example contrasts the MOD and REM built-in functions.
rem( +10, +8 ) = 2
mod( +10, +8 ) = 2

rem( +10, -8 ) = 2
mod( +10, -8 ) = 2

rem( -10, +8 ) = -2
mod( -10, +8 ) = 6

rem( -10, -8 ) = -2
mod( -10, -8 ) = 6
Related information:

Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 613


REM on page 703

614 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


MPSTR truncates a string at a logical boundary and returns a mixed character
string. It does not truncate a double-byte character between bytes. The length of
the returned string is equal to the length of the expression x, or to the value
specified by y. The processing of the string is determined by the rules selected by
the expression r, as described below.

MPSTR(x,r )

x Expression that yields the character string result. The value of x is converted to
character if necessary.
r Expression that yields a character result. The expression cannot be GRAPHIC
and is converted to character if necessary.
The expression r specifies the rules to be used for processing the string. The
characters that can be used in r and the rules for them are as follows:
V or v
Validates the mixed string x and returns a mixed string.
S or s
Removes any null DBCS strings, creates a new string, and returns a mixed

If both V and S are specified, V takes precedence over S, regardless of the

order in which they were specified.
If S is specified without V, the string x is assumed to be a valid string. If the
string is not valid, undefined results occur.

Note: The parameter r is ignored on Intel and AIX.

y Expression. If necessary, y is converted to a real fixed-point binary value. If y is
omitted, the length is determined by the rules for type conversion. The value
of y cannot be negative. If y = 0, the result is the null character string. If y is
greater than the length needed to contain x, the result is padded with blanks. If
y is less than the length needed to contain x, the result is truncated by
discarding excess characters from the right (if they are SBCS characters), or by
discarding as many DBCS characters (2-byte pairs) as needed.

Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 615


MULTIPLY returns the product of x and y, with a precision specified by p and q.
The base, scale, and mode of the result are determined by the rules for expression
evaluation unless overruled by the PRECTYPE compiler option.

MULTIPLY(x,y,p )

x and y
p Restricted expression that specifies the number of digits to be maintained
throughout the operation.
q Restricted expression that specifies the scaling factor of the result. For a
fixed-point result, if q is omitted, a scaling factor of zero is assumed. For a
floating-point result, q must be omitted.

Note that when applied to FIXED DECIMAL, then if the mathematical result is too
big for the specified precision p but less than the maximum implementation value,
v if SIZE is disabled, the FIXEDOVERFLOW condition will not be raised and the
result will be truncated
v if SIZE is enabled, the SIZE condition will be raised

Note that the above text is false when the non-default compiler option
DECIMAL(FOFLONMULT) is in effect. In that case, FIXEDOVERFLOW will be
raised if SIZE is disabled (and the result is too big).

616 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


NULL returns the null pointer value. The null pointer value does not identify any
generation of a variable. The null pointer value can be assigned to and compared
with handles. The null pointer value can be converted to OFFSET by assignment of
the built-in function value to an offset variable.


Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 617


NULLENTRY returns a limited entry that has a null value.


NULLENTRY can be assigned to or compared with any other entry variable.

You can use NULLENTRY to initialize an entry variable in static storage.

You cannot use NULLENTRY as one of the arguments to the PLISRTA, PLISRTB,
PLISRTC or PLISRTD built-in functions.

ENTRYADDR(NULLENTRY) returns the same value as SYSNULL.

618 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


OFFSET returns an offset value derived from a pointer reference x and relative to
an area y. If x is the null pointer value, the null offset value is returned.

OFFSET ( x , y )

x Pointer reference. It must identify a generation of a based variable within the

area y, or be the null pointer value.
y Area reference.

If x is an element reference, y must be an element variable.

Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 619


OFFSETADD returns the sum of the arguments.


x Expression. x must be specified as OFFSET.

y Expression. y must have a computational type and is converted to FIXED

620 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


OFFSETDIFF returns a FIXED BIN value that is the arithmetic difference between
the arguments.

The return value has type FIXED BIN(31) under OFFSETSIZE(4) or type FIXED
BIN(63) under OFFSETSIZE(8).


x and y
Expressions. Both must be specified as OFFSET.

Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 621


OFFSETSUBTRACT is equivalent to OFFSETADD(x,-y).


x Expressions. x must be specified as OFFSET.

y Expression. y must have a computational type and is converted to FIXED

622 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


OFFSETVALUE returns an offset value that is the converted value of x.


x Expression. x must have a computational type and is converted to FIXED


Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 623


OMITTED returns a BIT(1) value that is '1'B if the parameter named x was omitted
in the invocation to its containing procedure.


x Level-1 unsubscripted parameter with the BYADDR attribute.

Note: This argument must be declared as OPTIONAL in the corresponding

ENTRY declaration in the calling code.

624 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


ONAREA returns a character string whose value is the name of the AREA
reference for which an AREA condition is raised. If the reference includes DBCS
names, the string returned is a mixed character string. It is in context in an
ON-unit (or any of its dynamic descendants) for the AREA condition, or for the
ERROR or FINISH condition raised as the implicit action for an AREA condition.


If the ONAREA built-in function is used out of context, a null string is returned.

If the AREA reference is excessively long or complicated, a null string is returned.

Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 625


ONCHAR returns a character(1) string containing the character that caused the
CONVERSION condition to be raised. It is in context in an ON-unit (or any of its
dynamic descendants) for the CONVERSION condition or for the ERROR or
FINISH condition raised as the implicit action for the CONVERSION condition.


If the ONCHAR built-in function is used out of context, a blank is returned.

626 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference

ONCHAR pseudovariable

ONCHAR pseudovariable
The ONCHAR pseudovariable sets the current value of the ONCHAR built-in
function. The element value assigned to the pseudovariable is converted to a
character value of length 1. The new character is used when the conversion is
attempted again. (See conversions in Chapter 4, Data conversion, on page 77.)


The pseudovariable must not be used out of context.

Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 627


The ONCODE built-in function provides a fixed-point binary value that depends
on the cause of the last condition. ONCODE can be used to distinguish between
the various circumstances that raise a particular conditionfor instance, the
ERROR condition. For codes corresponding to the conditions and errors detected,
refer to the specific condition.

ONCODE returns a real fixed-point binary value that is the condition code. It is in
context in any ON-unit or its dynamic descendant. All condition codes are defined
in Messages and Codes.


If ONCODE is used out of context, zero is returned.

628 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


ONCONDCOND returns a nonvarying character string whose value is the name of
the condition for which a CONDITION condition is raised. If the name is a DBCS
name, it will be returned as a mixed character string. It is in context in the
following circumstances:
v In a CONDITION ON-unit, or any of its dynamic descendants
v In an ANYCONDITION ON-unit that traps a CONDITION condition, or any
dynamic descendants of such an ON-unit.


If ONCONDCOND is used out of context, a null string is returned.

Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 629


ONCONDID (short for ON-condition identifier) returns a FIXED BINARY(31,0)
value that identifies the condition being handled by an ON-unit. It is in context in
any ON-unit or one of its dynamic descendants.


The values returned by ONCONDID are given in the following DECLARE

declare ( condid_area value(1),
condid_attention value(2),
condid_condition value(3),
condid_conversion value(4),
condid_endfile value(5),
condid_endpage value(6),
condid_error value(7),
condid_finish value(8),
condid_fixedoverflow value(9),
condid_invalidop value(10),
condid_key value(11),
condid_name value(12),
condid_overflow value(13),
condid_record value(14),
condid_size value(15),
condid_storage value(16),
condid_stringrange value(17),
condid_stringsize value(18),
condid_subscriptrange value(19),
condid_transmit value(20),
condid_undefinedfile value(21),
condid_underflow value(22),
condid_zerodivide value(23)
) fixed bin(31);

If ONCONDID is used out of context, a value of zero is returned.

630 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


ONCOUNT returns an unscaled REAL FIXED BINARY value specifying the
number of conditions that remain to be handled when an ON-unit is entered. (See
Multiple conditions on page 378.) It is in context in any ON-unit, or any
dynamic descendant of an ON-unit.


If ONCOUNT is used out of context, zero is returned.

The BIFPREC compiler option determines the precision of the result returned.

Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 631


ONFILE returns a character string whose value is the name of the file for which an
input or output condition is raised. If the name is a DBCS name, it is returned as a
mixed character string. It is in context in an ON-unit (or any of its dynamic
descendants) for an input or output condition, or for the ERROR or FINISH
condition raised as the implicit action for an input or output condition.


If ONFILE is used out of context, a null string is returned.

632 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


ONGSOURCE returns a graphic string containing the DBCS character that caused
the CONVERSION condition to be raised. It is in context in an ON-unit (or any of
its dynamic descendants) for the CONVERSION condition or for the ERROR or
FINISH condition raised as the implicit action for a CONVERSION condition.


If the ONGSOURCE built-in function is used out of context, a null GRAPHIC

string is returned.

Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 633

ONGSOURCE pseudovariable

ONGSOURCE pseudovariable
The ONGSOURCE pseudovariable sets the current value of the ONGSOURCE
built-in function. The element value assigned to the pseudovariable is converted
graphic. The string is used when the conversion is attempted again.


The pseudovariable must not be used out of context.

634 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


ONKEY returns a character string whose value is the key of the record that raised
an input/output condition. For indexed files, if the key is GRAPHIC, the string is
returned as a mixed character string. ONKEY is in context for the following:
v An ON-unit, or any of its dynamic descendants
v Any input/output condition, except ENDFILE
v The ERROR or FINISH condition raised as implicit action for an input/output
ONKEY is always set for operations on a KEYED file, even if the statement that
raised the condition does not specified the KEY, KEYTO, or KEYFROM options.


The result of specifying ONKEY is:

v For any input/output condition (other than ENDFILE), or for the ERROR or
FINISH condition raised as implicit action for these conditions, the result is the
value of the recorded key from the I/O statement causing the error.
v For relative data sets, the result is a character string representation of the relative
record number. If the key was incorrectly specified, the result is the last 8
characters of the source key. If the source key is less than 8 characters, it is
padded on the right with blanks to make it 8 characters. If the key was correctly
specified, the character string consists of the relative record number in character
form padded on the left with blanks, if necessary.
v For a REWRITE statement that attempts to write an updated record on to an
indexed data set when the key of the updated record differs from that of the
input record, the result is the value of the embedded key of the input record.

If ONKEY is used out of context, a null string is returned.

Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 635


ONLINE returns a FIXED BIN(31) value which is the line number in the source in
which a condition was raised.


The source program must have been compiled with the GONUMBER option, and
on Windows it must also have been linked with the /debug option.

If ONLINE is used out of context, a value of zero is returned.

636 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


ONLOC returns a character string whose value is the name of the entry-point used
for the current invocation of the procedure in which a condition was raised.

ONLOC always returns the leftmost name of a multiple label specification,

regardless of which name appears in the CALL or GOTO statement.

If the name is a DBCS name, it is returned as a mixed-character string. It is in

context in any ON-unit, or in any of its dynamic descendants.


If ONLOC is used out of context, a null string is returned.

Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 637


ONOFFSET returns a FIXED BIN(31) value which is the offset from the start of the
user procedure (or BEGIN block) in which a condition was raised.


If ONOFFSET is used out of context, a value of zero is returned.

638 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


ONSOURCE returns a character string whose value is the contents of the field that
was being processed when the CONVERSION condition was raised. It is in context
in an ON-unit (or any of its dynamic descendants) for the CONVERSION
condition or for the ERROR or FINISH condition raised as the implicit action for a
CONVERSION condition.


If ONSOURCE is used out of context, a null string is returned.

If the source in a failed conversion is a COMPLEX value, then ONSOURCE() will

show only the REAL or IMAG half of that value.

Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 639

ONSOURCE pseudovariable

ONSOURCE pseudovariable
The ONSOURCE pseudovariable sets the current value of the ONSOURCE built-in
function. The element value assigned to the pseudovariable is converted to a
character string and, if necessary, is padded on the right with blanks or truncated
to match the length of the field that raised the CONVERSION condition. The string
is used when the conversion is attempted again.


When conversion is retried, the string assigned to the pseudovariable is processed

as a single data item. For this reason, the error correction process must not assign a
string containing more than one data item when the conversion occurs during the
execution of a GET LIST or GET DATA statement. The presence of blanks or
commas in the string could raise CONVERSION again.

The pseudovariable must not be used out of context.

If ONSOURCE is not a binary constant, then the ONSOURCE pseudovariable must

not set it to one. For example, if ONSOURCE() is ERR, you must must not set

640 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


ONSUBCODE returns a FIXED BINARY(31,0) value that gives more information
about an I/O, JSON, or conversion error that occurred.


For an I/O error, ONSUBCODE corresponds to the SUBCODE1 values

documented for messages IBM0236I and IBM0265I. The SUBCODE1 values are
defined in Messages and Codes.

For JSON built-in functions, when the ERROR condition is raised, ONSUBCODE
returns the index of the invalid character.

If a JSON or Unicode CONVERSION condition is raised, ONSUBCODE returns the

index of the invalid character.

Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 641


ONSUBCODE2 returns a FIXED BIN(31) value that gives more information about
an I/O error that has occurred.


ONSUBCODE2 corresponds to the SUBCODE2 values documented for messages

IBM0236I and IBM0265I. These SUBCODE2 values are defined in Messages and

A SUBCODE2 value consists of eight hexadecimal digits xxxxyyyy, where xxxx is

Register 15 and yyyy is the reason code. The return and reason codes are
documented in VSAM Macro Instructions.

642 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


ONWCHAR returns a widechar(1) string containing the widechar that caused the
CONVERSION condition to be raised. It is in context in an ON-unit (or any of its
dynamic descendants) for the CONVERSION condition or for the ERROR or
FINISH condition raised as the implicit action for the CONVERSION condition.


If the ONWCHAR built-in function is used out of context, a widechar blank is


Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 643

ONWCHAR pseudovariable

ONWCHAR pseudovariable
The ONWCHAR pseudovariable sets the current value of the ONWCHAR built-in
function. The element value assigned to the pseudovariable is converted to a
widechar value of length 1. The new widechar is used when the conversion is
attempted again. (See conversions in Chapter 4, Data conversion, on page 77.)


The pseudovariable must not be used out of context.

644 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


ONWSOURCE returns a widechar string whose value is the contents of the field
that was being processed when the CONVERSION condition was raised. It is in
context in an ON-unit (or any of its dynamic descendants) for the CONVERSION
condition or for the ERROR or FINISH condition raised as the implicit action for a
CONVERSION condition.


If ONWSOURCE is used out of context, a null string is returned.

Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 645

ONWSOURCE pseudovariable

ONWSOURCE pseudovariable
The ONWSOURCE pseudovariable sets the current value of the ONWSOURCE
built-in function. The element value assigned to the pseudovariable is converted to
a widechar string and, if necessary, is padded on the right with widechar blanks or
truncated to match the length of the field that raised the CONVERSION condition.
The string is used when the conversion is attempted again.


When conversion is retried, the string assigned to the pseudovariable is processed

as a single data item. For this reason, the error correction process must not assign a
string containing more than one data item when the conversion occurs during the
execution of a GET LIST or GET DATA statement. The presence of blanks or
commas in the string could raise CONVERSION again.

The pseudovariable must not be used out of context.

646 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


ORDINALNAME returns a nonvarying character string that is the member of the
set associated with the ordinal x.


x Reference. It must have ordinal type.

ORDINALs cannot be used in computational expressions and cannot be converted

to character, but ORDINALNAME provides a way to obtain a displayable value for
an ORDINAL and can be very useful in debugging.

Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 647


ORDINALPRED returns an ordinal that is the next lower value that the ordinal x
could assume.


x Reference. It must have ordinal type.

The returned ordinal has the same type as ordinal x.

648 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


ORDINALSUCC returns an ordinal that is the next higher value the ordinal x
could assume.


x Reference. It must have ordinal type.

The returned ordinal has the same type as ordinal x.

Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 649


PACKAGENAME returns a nonvarying character string containing the name of the
package in which it is invoked. If there is no package in the current compilation
unit, PACKAGENAME returns the name of the outermost procedure.


650 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


PAGENO returns an unscaled REAL FIXED BIN(31) value that is the current page
number associated with file x.


x File reference. The file must be open and have the PRINT attribute.

If the file is not a PRINT file, the ERROR condition is raised.

The BIFPREC compiler option determines the precision of the result returned.

Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 651


The PICSPEC built-in function casts data from CHARACTER to PICTURE type.

PICSPEC ( x , y )

x Expression.
y Picture specification.

The expression x must be CHARACTER NONVARYING with a length known at

compile time.

y must be a character literal that specifies a valid PICTURE with an external

representation that has the same length as the first argument.

The result has the PICTURE type specified by the second argument.

Unlike the EDIT built-in function, no conversion is done and no checks are made
to see if the first argument holds data valid for the picture.

Like the UNSPEC built-in function, only the "type" of the data is changed.

So, for example given PICSPEC(x,'(5)9'), x must be CHAR(5) (since while the
picture specification '(5)9' was 4 characters in length, its external representation
requires 5 characters), but x will not be checked to see if it actually contains 5
numeric digits.

A statement of the N = N + PICSPEC(X,'(5)9') will not cause x to be converted

from CHAR to PIC'(5)9', a conversion that would require a library call, but will
cause the contents of x to be treated as if it were declared as PIC'(5)9'.

652 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


PLACES returns a FIXED BINARY(31,0) value that is the model-precision used to
represent the floating-point expression x.


x Expression. x must be declared REAL FLOAT.

PLACES(x) is a constant and can be used in restricted expressions.

Example (Intel values)

places(x) = 24 for x float bin(p), p <= 21
places(x) = 53 for x float bin(p), 21 < p <= 53
places(x) = 64 for x float bin(p), 53 < p

places(x) = 24 for x float dec(p), p <= 6

places(x) = 53 for x float dec(p), 6 < p <= 16
places(x) = 64 for x float dec(p), 16 < p

Example (AIX values)

places(x) = 024 for x float bin(p), p <= 21
places(x) = 053 for x float bin(p), 21 < p <= 53
places(x) = 106 for x float bin(p), 53 < p

places(x) = 024 for x float dec(p), p <= 6

places(x) = 053 for x float dec(p), 6 < p <= 16
places(x) = 106 for x float dec(p), 16 < p

Example (z/OS Hexadecimal values)

places(x) = 6 for x float bin(p), p <= 21
places(x) = 14 for x float bin(p), 21 < p <= 53
places(x) = 28 for x float bin(p), 53 < p

places(x) = 6 for x float dec(p), p <= 6

places(x) = 14 for x float dec(p), 6 < p <= 16
places(x) = 28 for x float dec(p), 16 < p

Example (z/OS IEEE Binary Floating Point values)

places(x) = 24 for x float bin(p), p <= 21
places(x) = 53 for x float bin(p), 21 < p <= 53
places(x) = 113 for x float bin(p), 53 < p

places(x) = 24 for x float dec(p), p <= 6

places(x) = 53 for x float dec(p), 6 < p <= 16
places(x) = 113 for x float dec(p), 16 < p

Example (z/OS IEEE Decimal Floating Point values)

places(x) = 7 for x float dec(p), p <= 7
places(x) = 16 for x float dec(p), 7 < p <= 16
places(x) = 34 for x float dec(p), 16 < p

Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 653


The PLIASCII subroutine converts z bytes of an EBCDIC value at location y to an
ASCII value at location x.

The storage at location x and y must not overlap unless they specify the same


x and y
Expressions with type POINTER or OFFSET. If the type is OFFSET, the
expression must be an OFFSET variable declared with the AREA attribute.
z Expression. It must have a computational type and is converted to type size_t.1

654 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


The PLIATTN subroutine gives you explicit control over where the compiler inserts
attention breakpoints. Each invocation of this subroutine causes the ATTENTION
condition to be raised at that point in the code.


The INTERRUPT option has no effect on the code that is generated for a call to
this subroutine.

Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 655


The PLICANC subroutine allows you to cancel the automatic restart facility.


For more information about using PLICANC, see the Programming Guide.

656 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


The PLICKPT subroutine allows you to take a checkpoint for later restart.

PLICKPT(argument )

For more information about using PLICKPT, see the Programming Guide.

Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 657


This built-in subroutine frees the storage associated with the handle x.


x Handle expression.

PLIDELETE(x) is the best way to free the storage associated with a handle; this
storage is usually acquired by the NEW type function.


658 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


The PLIDUMP subroutine allows you to obtain a formatted dump of selected parts
of storage that is used by your program.

PLIDUMP(argument )

For more information about using PLIDUMP, refer to the Programming Guide.

Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 659


The PLIEBCDIC subroutine converts z bytes of an ASCII value at location y to an
EBCDIC value at location x.

The storage at location x and y must not overlap unless they specify the same


x and y
Expressions with type POINTER or OFFSET. If the type is OFFSET, the
expression must be an OFFSET variable declared with the AREA attribute.
z Expression. It must have a computational type and is converted to type size_t.1

660 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


The PLIFILL subroutine moves z copies of the byte y to the location x without any
conversions, padding, or truncation.


x Expression. x must be declared POINTER or OFFSET. If it is OFFSET, x must

be declared with the AREA attribute.
y Must be declared CHARACTER(1) NONVARYING.
z Expression. It is converted to type size_t 1.

dcl 1 Str1,
2 B fixed bin(31),
2 C pointer,
2 * union,
3 D char(4),
3 E fixed bin(31),
3 *,
4 * char(3),
4 F fixed bin(8) unsigned,
2 * char(0)
initial call plifill( addr(Str1), 00x, stg(Str1) );

Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 661


This built-in subroutine frees the heap storage associated with the pointer p that
was allocated using the ALLOCATE built-in function.


p Locator expression.

PLIFREE is the opposite of ALLOCATE (ALLOC).

662 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


The PLIMOVE subroutine moves z storage units (bytes) from location y to location
x, without any conversions, padding, or truncation.

Unlike the PLIOVER built-in subroutine, storage at locations x and y is assumed to

be unique. If storage overlaps, unpredictable results can occur.


x and y
Expressions declared as POINTER or OFFSET. If the type is OFFSET, x or y
must be declared with the AREA attribute.
z Expression. It must have a computational type and is converted to type size_t.1

dcl 1 Str1,
2 B fixed bin(31),
2 C pointer,
2 * union,
3 D char(4),
3 E fixed bin(31),
3 *,
4 * char(3),
4 F fixed bin(8) unsigned,
2 * char(0);
dcl 1 Template nonasgn static,
2 * fixed bin(31) init(200),
2 * pointer init(null()),
2 * char(4) init(),
2 * char(0);

call plimove(addr(Str1), addr(Template), stg(Str1));

Related information:
PLIOVER on page 664
The PLIOVER subroutine moves z storage units (bytes) from location y to location
x, without any conversions, padding, or truncation. Unlike the PLIMOVE built-in
subroutine, the storage at locations x and y can overlap.

Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 663


The PLIOVER subroutine moves z storage units (bytes) from location y to location
x, without any conversions, padding, or truncation. Unlike the PLIMOVE built-in
subroutine, the storage at locations x and y can overlap.


x and y
Expressions declared as POINTER or OFFSET. If the type is OFFSET, x or y
must be declared with the AREA attribute.
z Expression. It must have a computational type and is converted to type size_t.1
Related information:
PLIMOVE on page 663
The PLIMOVE subroutine moves z storage units (bytes) from location y to location
x, without any conversions, padding, or truncation.

664 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


This built-in subroutine allows you to restart program execution.


For more information about using PLIREST, see the Programming Guide.

Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 665


This built-in subroutine allows you to set a return code that can be examined by
the program that invoked this PL/I program or by another PL/I procedure via the
PLIRETV built-in function.


x An expression yielding a FIXED BINARY(31,0) return code.

666 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


PLIRETV returns a FIXED BINARY(31,0) value that is the PL/I return code.


The value of the PL/I return code is the most recent value specified by a CALL
PLIRETC statement.

Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 667


The PLISAXA subroutine allows you to perform SAX-style parsing of an XML
document that is located in a buffer in your program.

PLISAXA(e,p,x,n )

e An event structure.
p A pointer value or "token" that will be passed back to the parsing events.
x The address of the buffer containing the input XML.
n The number of bytes of data in that buffer. It must have a computational type
and is converted to type size_t.1
c A numeric expression specifying the purported codepage of that XML.

Note that if the XML is contained in a CHARACTER VARYING or WIDECHAR

VARYING string, the ADDRDATA built-in function should be used to obtain the
address of the first data byte.

Also note that if the XML is contained in a WIDECHAR string, the value for the
number of bytes is twice the value returned by the LENGTH built-in function.

For more information, see the Programming Guide.

668 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


The PLISAXB subroutine allows you to perform SAX-style parsing of an XML
document that is located in a file.

PLISAXB(e,p,x )

e An event structure
p A pointer value or "token" that will be passed back to the parsing events
x A character string expression specifying the input file
c A numeric expression specifying the purported codepage of that XML

For more information, see the Programming Guide.

Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 669


The PLISAXC subroutine allows you to perform SAX-style parsing of an XML
document that is located in one or more buffers in your program.

PLISAXC(e,p,x,n )

e An event structure.
p A pointer value or "token" that will be passed back to the parsing events.
x The address of the buffer containing the XML document.
n The number of bytes of data in that buffer. It must have a computational type
and is converted to type size_t.1
c A numeric expression specifying the codepage of that XML document.

PLISAXC uses the z/OS XML System Services parser and is supported only on

For more information, see the Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Programming Guide.

670 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


The PLISAXD built-in subroutine provides SAX-style parsing with XML validation
of an XML document.

PLISAXD(e,p,x,n,o )

e An event structure.
p A pointer value or "token" that will be passed back to the parsing events.
x The address of s buffer that contains the XML document.
n The number of bytes of data in that buffer. It must have a computational type
and is converted to type size_t.1
o The address of a buffer that contains an Optimized Schema Representation
c A numeric expression specifying the codepage of that XML document.

PLISAXD uses the z/OS XML System Services parser and is supported only on

For more information, see the chapter Using the PLISAXD XML parser in the
Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Programming Guide.

Note: An OSR is a preprocessed version of a schema. For more information about

OSR, see the XML System Services Users Guide and Reference.

Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 671


This built-in subroutine allows you to sort an input file to produce a sorted output

PLISRTA( argument )

For more information, see the Programming Guide.

672 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


This built-in subroutine allows you to sort input records provided by an E15 PL/I
exit procedure to produce a sorted output file.

PLISRTB( argument )

For more information, see the Programming Guide.

Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 673


This built-in subroutine allows you to sort an input file to produce sorted records
that are processed by an E35 PL/I exit procedure.

PLISRTC( argument )

For more information, see the Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Programming Guide.

674 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


This built-in subroutine allows you to sort input records provided by an E15 PL/I
exit procedure to produce sorted records that are processed by an E35 PL/I exit

PLISRTD( argument )

For more information, see the Programming Guide.

Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 675


PLISTCK generates the corresponding store clock hardware instruction and returns
the condition code set by the instruction.


x REAL UNSIGNED FIXED BIN(64) reference. It is set by the STCK instruction.

For more details about the STCK instruction, see the Principles of Operations

676 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


PLISTCKE generates the corresponding store clock hardware instruction and
returns the condition code set by the instruction.


x CHAR(16) NONVARYING reference. It is set by the STCKE instruction. For

more details about the STCKE instruction, see the Principles of Operations

Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 677


PLISTCKF generates the corresponding store clock hardware instruction and
returns the condition code set by the instruction.


x REAL UNSIGNED FIXED BIN(64) reference. It is set by the STCKF instruction.

For more details about the STCKF instruction, see the Principles of Operations

678 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


The PLITRAN11 built-in function translates one-byte data from a source buffer to
one-byte data in a target buffer.

PLITRAN11 ( p , q , n , t )

p Address of the target buffer.

q Address of the source buffer.
n Length of the source buffer.
t Address of the 256-byte translate table.

The buffer length must be nonnegative and must have a computational type. The
buffer length is converted to type size_t.1

The target buffer must be at least as large as the source buffer.

The translate table must be aligned on a doubleword boundary.

Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 679


The PLITRAN12 built-in function translates one-byte data from a source buffer to
two-byte data in a target buffer.

PLITRAN12 ( p , q , n , t )

p Address of the target buffer.

q Address of the source buffer.
n Length of the source buffer. The buffer length must be nonnegative and must
have a computational type. The buffer length is converted to type size_t.1
t Address of the 512-byte translate table.

The target buffer must be at least twice as large as the source buffer.

The translate table must be aligned on a doubleword boundary.

680 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


The PLITRAN21 built-in function translates two-byte data from a source buffer to
one-byte data in a target buffer.

PLITRAN21 ( p , q , n , t )

p Address of the target buffer.

q Address of the source buffer.
n Length of the source buffer. The buffer length must be nonnegative and must
have a computational type. The buffer length is converted to type size_t.1
t Address of the 64K-byte translate table.

The target buffer must be at least half as large as the source buffer.

The translate table must be aligned on a doubleword boundary.

Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 681


The PLITRAN22 built-in function translates two-byte data from a source buffer to
two-byte data in a target buffer.

PLITRAN22 ( p , q , n , t )

p Address of the target buffer.

q Address of the source buffer.
n Length of the source buffer. The buffer length must be nonnegative and must
have a computational type. The buffer length is converted to type size_t.1
t Address of the 128K-byte translate table.

The target buffer must be at least as large as the source buffer.

The translate table must be aligned on a doubleword boundary.

682 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


POINTER returns a pointer value that identifies the generation specified by an
offset reference x, in an area specified by y. If x is the null offset value, the null
pointer value is returned.


Abbreviation: PTR
x Offset reference. It can be the null offset value. If it is not, x must identify a
generation of a based variable, but not necessarily in y. If it is not in y, the
generation must be equivalent to a generation in y.
y Area reference.

Generations of based variables in different areas are equivalent if, up to the

allocation of the latest generation, the variables have been allocated and freed the
same number of times as each other.

Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 683


POINTERADD returns a pointer value that is the sum of its arguments.


Abbreviation: PTRADD
x Pointer expression.
y Expression that must have a computational type and is converted to FIXED

POINTERADD can be used as a locator for a based variable.

POINTERADD can be used for subtraction by prefixing the operand to be

subtracted with a minus sign.

There is no need to use POINTERADD to increment a pointer - you can simply

increment the pointer as you would an integer. For example, there is no need to
p = pointeradd(p,2);

Instead, you could write either of the following equivalent statements:

p = p + 2;
p += 2;

However, POINTERADD can be useful in dereferencing the storage at a location

offset from a pointer, as in the following example:
dcl x fixed bin(31), b based fixed bin(31);
x = pointeradd(p,2)->b;

Note, however, since a locator in PL/I must be a reference, you cannot write
x = (p + 2)->b;

684 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


POINTERDIFF returns a size_t 1 result that is the difference between the two
pointers x and y.


Abbreviation: PTRDIFF
x and y
Expressions declared as POINTER.

Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 685


POINTERSUBTRACT is equivalent to POINTERADD(x,-y).


Abbreviation: PTRSUBTRACT
x Must be a pointer expression.
y Expression that must have a computational type and is converted to FIXED

686 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


POINTERVALUE returns a pointer value that is the converted value of x.


Abbreviation: PTRVALUE
x Expression that must have either the HANDLE attribute, or have a
computational type. If x has a computational type, it is converted to FIXED

POINTERVALUE(x) can be used to initialize static pointer variables if x is a


Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 687


POLY returns a floating-point value that is an approximation of a polynomial
formed from an one-dimensional array expressions x. The returned value has the
same attributes as the first argument. The syntax for POLY is:

POLY ( x , y )

x An array expression.
y An element expression.

x must be REAL FLOAT and y is converted to the attributes of x, if necessary.

If x has lower bound 0 and upper bound n, the result is a classic polynomial of
degree n in y with coefficients given by x, i.e. the result is
x(0) + x(1)*y + x(2)*y**2 + ... + x(n)*y**n

In the general case, where x has lower bound m and upper bound n, the result is
the polynomial
x(m) + x(m+1)*y + x(m+2)*y**2 + ... + x(n)*y**(n-m)

688 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


POPCNT returns a FIXED BIN value holding in each byte the number of bits equal
to 1 in the corresponding byte of x.


x Expression.
x must have the attributes REAL FIXED BIN with a scale factor of zero.

The result has the same precision as x.

The result has the same (UN)SIGNED attribute as x.

See the following examples of using POPCNT:

v POPCNT( '01020304'xn ) returns '01010201'xn.
v POPCNT( '05060708'xn ) returns 02020301xn.
v If x has the attributes FIXED BIN(31), ISRL(POPCNT(x)*'01010101'xn,24) returns
the number of bits equal to 1 in x.

On z/OS, the POPCNT(x) built-in function requires an ARCH level of 9 or higher.

Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 689


PRECISION returns the value of x, with a precision specified by p and q. The base,
mode, and scale of the returned value are the same as that of x.


Abbreviation: PREC
x Expression.
p Restricted expression. p specifies the number of digits that the value of the
expression x is to have after conversion.
q Restricted expression. It specifies the scaling factor of the result. For a
fixed-point result, if q is omitted, a scaling factor of zero is assumed. For a
floating-point result, q must be omitted.

690 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


PRED returns a floating-point value that is the biggest representable number
smaller than x. It has the base, mode, and precision of x. OVERFLOW will be
raised if there is no such number.


x REAL FLOAT expression.

PRED(TINY(X)) will return zero and will not raise UNDERFLOW.

Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 691


PRESENT(x) returns a BIT(1) value that is '1'B if the parameter x was present in
the invocation of its containing procedure.


x Level-1 unsubscripted BYADDR parameter.

Note: This argument must be declared as OPTIONAL in the corresponding

ENTRY declaration in the calling code.

692 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


PROCEDURENAME() returns a nonvarying character string containing the name
of the procedure in which this built-in function is invoked.


Abbreviation: PROCNAME

PROCEDURENAME always returns the leftmost name of a multiple label

specification, regardless of which name appears in the CALL or GOTO statement.

Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 693


PROD returns the product of all the elements in x.


x Array expression. If the elements of x are strings, they are converted to

fixed-point integer values.
If the elements of x are not fixed-point integer values or strings, they are
converted to floating-point and the result is floating-point.

The result has the precision of x, except that the result for fixed-point integer
values and strings is fixed-point with precision (n,0), where n is the maximum
number of digits allowed. The base and mode match the converted argument x.

694 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


This function adds new environment variables or modifies the values of existing
environment variables.


A character string of the form envvarname=value.

PUTENV returns true ('1'B) if successful and false ('0'B) otherwise.

Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 695


RADIX returns a FIXED BINARY(31,0) value that is the model-base used to
represent the floating-point expression x.


x REAL FLOAT expression.

RADIX(x) depends on the floating-point format used to represent x. It is:

v 2 if x is held in IEEE binary floating point format
v 10 if x is held in IEEE decimal floating point format
v 16 if x is held in z/OS hexadecimal format

RADIX(x) can be used in restricted expressions.

696 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


RAISE2(x,n) returns the value x*(2**n).


x Expression. x must have a computational type.

n Expression. n must have a computational type.

If x is REAL FIXED BIN(p,0) and SIGNED, the result is SIGNED REAL FIXED
BIN(r,0) where if p <= M1, r = M1; if p > M1, r = M2.

If x is REAL FIXED BIN(p,0) and UNSIGNED, the result is UNSIGNED REAL

FIXED BIN(r+1,0) where if p <= (M1+1), r = (M1+1); if p > (M1+1), r = (M2+1).

Otherwise, x is converted to SIGNED REAL FIXED BIN(p,0) and the result has the
same attributes as above.

If n is negative or if n is greater than r, the result is undefined.

Note: RAISE2(x,n) is equivalent to the assembler SLA(x,n).

raise2(6,1) /* produces 12 */

Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 697


RANDOM returns a FLOAT BINARY(53) random number generated using x as the
given seed. If x is omitted, the random number generated is based on the seed
provided by the last RANDOM invocation with a seed, or on a default initial seed
of 1 if RANDOM has not previously been invoked with a seed.


x Expression. x must have a computational type and should have an arithmetic

type. If x is numeric, it must be real. If x is not specified FIXED BINARY(31,0),
it is converted.
Unless 0 < x < 2,147,483,646, the ERROR condition is raised.

The values generated by RANDOM are uniformly distributed between 0 and 1,

with 0 < random(x) < 1. They are generated as follows using the multiplicative
congruential method:
seed(x) = mod(950706376 * seed(x - 1), 2147483647)
random(x) = seed(x) / 2147483647

The seed is maintained at the program level and not within each thread in a
multithreading application.

698 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


RANK returns the integer value corresponding to a character or widechar.


x Must have the attributes CHAR (1) NONVARYING or WCHAR (1)


If x is character, RANK(x) is defined as index(collate(),x)-1, and RANK is the

inverse of CHARVAL.

If x is widechar, RANK(x) is equal to UNSPEC(y) where y is x stored in bigendian


Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 699


REAL returns the real part of x. The result has the base, scale, and precision of x.


x Expression. If x is real, it is converted to complex.

700 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference

REAL pseudovariable

REAL pseudovariable
The REAL pseudovariable assigns a real value or the real part of a complex value
to the real part of x.


x Complex reference.

Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 701


REG12 returns a pointer that holds the current value of register 12.


If the REG12 built-in function is used to change storage, unpredictable results may

The REG12 built-in function is supported only on z/OS.

702 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


REM returns the remainder of x divided by y. This can be calculated by:
x - y * trunc(x/y)


x and y
Expressions. x and y must be computational and can be arithmetic.

For examples that contrast the REM and MOD built-in functions, refer to MOD
on page 613.

Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 703


Takes a value holding a date in one pattern and returns that value converted to a
date in a second pattern.

REPATTERN(d ,p ,q )

d A string expression representing a date. The length of d must be at least as

large as the length of the source pattern q. If d is larger, any excess characters
must be formed by leading blanks.
d must have a computational type and should have character type. If not, it is
converted to character.
p The target pattern; must be one of the supported date/time patterns.
q The source pattern; must be one of the supported date/time patterns.
w Specifies an expression (such as 1950) that can be converted to an integer. If
negative, it specifies an offset to be subtracted from the value of the year when
the code runs. If omitted, w defaults to the value specified in the WINDOW
compile-time option.

The returned value has the attributes CHAR(m) NONVARYING where m is the
length of the target pattern p.

The allowed patterns are listed in Table 64 on page 417. For an explanation of
Lilian format, see Date/time built-in functions on page 415.

The REPATTERN built-in function will perform the specified conversion in-line
when both of the following are true:
v the source and target patterns do not use the DDD, MMM or Mmm elements
v the source pattern has as much date information as the target, i.e. if the target
has a year, month or day, then the source must have the corresponding
information and there must also be at least as many digits in the source year as
in the target.

So, for example,

v YYYYMMDD to DD.MM.YY will be inlined
v MM/DD/YYYY to YYMM will be inlined
v MMYY to YYYYMMDD will not be inlined

The following are some examples of how to use REPATTERN to convert between
2-digit-year and 4-digit-year date patterns. But you can use this built-in function to
convert a date from any supported pattern to any other supported pattern even if
the patterns use the same number of digits to hold the year value.

REPATTERN('990101','YYYYMMDD','YYMMDD', 1950) returns '19990101'

REPATTERN('000101','YYYYMMDD','YYMMDD', 1950) returns '20000101'
REPATTERN('19990101','YYMMDD','YYYYMMDD', 1950) returns '990101'
REPATTERN('20000101','YYMMDD','YYYYMMDD', 1950) returns '000101'
REPATTERN('19490101','YYMMDD','YYYYMMDD', 1950) raises ERROR

704 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


REPEAT returns a bit, character, graphic or widechar string consisting of x
concatenated to itself the number of times specified by y. That is, there are (y + 1)
occurrences of x.


x Bit, character, graphic or widechar expression to be repeated. If x is arithmetic,

the following conversions occur:
v If it is binary, x is converted to bit string.
v If it is decimal, x is converted to character string.
y Expression. If necessary, y is converted to a real fixed-point binary value.

If y is zero or negative, the string x is returned. For an example of the REPEAT

built-in function, see COPY on page 478.

Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 705


REPLACEBY2 returns a nonvarying string formed by replacing some of the
characters in x by a pair of characters.

REPLACEBY2 ( x , y , z )

x Character expression to be searched for possible replacement of its characters.

y Character expression containing the replacement pair values..
z Character expression containing the characters that are to be replaced.

REPLACEBY2 operates on each character of x as follows:

If a character in x is found in z, the character pair in y that corresponds to that in z

is copied to the result; otherwise, the character in x is copied directly to the result.
If z contains duplicates, the leftmost occurrence is used.

The string y must be twice as long as the string z.

As an example, REPLACEBY2( Rtsel, aeoeuess, ) returns the string


706 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


REVERSE returns a nonvarying string that contains the elements of x in reverse


x Expression. x must have a computational type and should have a string type.
If x does not have a string type, it is converted to string (that is, from numeric
to bit, character, graphic or widechar), according to the rules for concatenation.

dcl Source char value(HARPO);
dcl Target char(length(Source));

Target = reverse (Source); /* OPRAH */

Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 707


RIGHT returns a string that is the result of inserting string x at the right end of a
string with length n and padded on the left with the character z as needed.

If z is omitted, a blank is used as the padding character.

RIGHT(x,n )

x Expression. x must have a computational type and can have a character type. If
not, it is converted to character.
n Expression. n must have a computational type and is converted to FIXED
z Expression. If specified, z must have the type CHARACTER(1) NONVARYING

dcl Source char value(One Hundred SCIDS Marks);
dcl Target char(30);

Target = right (Source, length(Target), *);

/* *******One Hundred SCIDS Marks */

708 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


ROUND returns the value of x rounded at a digit specified by n. The result has the
mode, base, and scale of x.


x Real expression. If x is negative, the absolute value is rounded and the sign is
n Optionally-signed integer. It specifies the digit at which rounding is to occur.


The precision of a FIXED result is:


Where (p,q) is the precision of x, and N is the maximum number of digits allowed.
Hence, n specifies the scaling factor of the result.

n must conform to the limits of scaling-factors for FIXED data. If n is greater than
0, rounding occurs at the (n)th digit to the right of the point. If n is zero or
negative, rounding occurs at the (1-n)th digit to the left of the point.

The value of the result is given by the following formula, where b = 2 if x is

BINARY and b = 10 if x is DECIMAL:
round(x,n) = sign(x)*(b-n)* floor(abs(x)* (bn) + 1/2)

So, in the following example, the value 6.67 is output:

dcl X fixed dec(5,4) init(6.6666);

put skip list( round(X,2) );

ROUND of IEEE decimal floating point

The precision of an IEEE DECIMAL FLOAT result is the same as that of the source

The value of the result is given by the following formula, where where b = 10
(=radix(x)) and e = exponent(x):
round(x,n) = sign(x)*(b(e-n))* floor(abs(x)* (b(n-e)) + 1/2)

So, if the FLOAT(DFP) compiler option is in effect, these successive roundings of

3.1415926d0 would produce the following values:
dcl x float dec(16) init( 3.1415926d0 );

display( round(x,1) ); /* 3.000000000000000E+0000 */

display( round(x,2) ); /* 3.100000000000000E+0000 */
display( round(x,3) ); /* 3.140000000000000E+0000 */
display( round(x,4) ); /* 3.142000000000000E+0000 */
display( round(x,5) ); /* 3.141600000000000E+0000 */
display( round(x,6) ); /* 3.141590000000000E+0000 */

Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 709


ROUND of IEEE binary floating point

The precision of an IEEE binary floating point result is the same as that of the
source argument.

Under the compiler option USAGE(ROUND(IBM)), the value of the result is the
same as the source except on z/OS where if the source is not zero, then the result
is obtained by turning on the rightmost bit in the source.

Under the compiler option USAGE(ROUND(ANS)), the value of the result is given
by the following formula, where where b = 2 (=radix(x)) and e = exponent(x):
round(x,n) = sign(x)*(b(e-n))* floor(abs(x)* (b(n-e)) + 1/2)

Note that under USAGE(ROUND(ANS)), the rounding is a base 2 rounding, and

the results may not be what a naive user expects. For example, if compiled with
USAGE(ROUND(ANS)) and IEEE binary floating point instructions are used, these
successive roundings of 3.1415926d0 would produce the following values:
dcl x float bin(53) init( 3.1415926d0 );

display( round(x,1) ); /* 4.000000000000000E+0000 */

display( round(x,2) ); /* 3.000000000000000E+0000 */
display( round(x,3) ); /* 3.000000000000000E+0000 */
display( round(x,4) ); /* 3.250000000000000E+0000 */
display( round(x,5) ); /* 3.125000000000000E+0000 */
display( round(x,6) ); /* 3.125000000000000E+0000 */
display( round(x,7) ); /* 3.156250000000000E+0000 */

ROUND of IBM hexadecimal floating point

The precision of an IBM hexadecimal floating point result is the same as that of the
source argument.

Under the compiler option USAGE(ROUND(IBM)), the value of the result is the
same as the source except on z/OS where if the source is not zero, then the result
is obtained by turning on the rightmost bit in the source.

Under the compiler option USAGE(ROUND(ANS)), the value of the result is given
by the following formula, where where b = 16 (=radix(x)) and e = exponent(x):
round(x,n) = sign(x)*(b(e-n))* floor(abs(x)* (b(n-e)) + 1/2)

Note that under USAGE(ROUND(ANS)), the rounding is a base 16 rounding, and

the results may not be what a naive user expects. For example, if compiled with
USAGE(ROUND(ANS)) and IBM hexadecimal floating point instructions are used,
these successive roundings of 3.1415926d0 would produce the following values:
dcl x float bin(53) init( 3.1415926d0 );

display( round(x,1) ); /* 3.000000000000000E+00 */

display( round(x,2) ); /* 3.125000000000000E+00 */
display( round(x,3) ); /* 3.140625000000000E+00 */
display( round(x,4) ); /* 3.141601562500000E+00 */
display( round(x,5) ); /* 3.141586303710938E+00 */
display( round(x,6) ); /* 3.141592979431152E+00 */

710 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


ROUNDDEC returns the value of x rounded at a digit specified by n. The result
has the mode, base, and scale of x.


x Real expression that is FIXED DECIMAL or DFP FLOAT. If x is negative, the

absolute value is rounded and the sign is restored.
n Optionally-signed integer. It specifies the digit at which rounding is to occur.


the same results as ROUND.


compiler option is in effect, ROUNDDEC rounds x at the nth decimal place rather
than at the nth digit (as would the ROUND built-in function in accordance with
the ANSI definition). For example, these successive roundings of
3141.592653589793d0 would produce the following values:
dcl x float dec(16) init( 3141.592653589793d0 );

display( fixed(rounddec(x,1),15,7) ); /* 3141.6000000 */

display( fixed(rounddec(x,2),15,7) ); /* 3141.5900000 */
display( fixed(rounddec(x,3),15,7) ); /* 3141.5930000 */
display( fixed(rounddec(x,4),15,7) ); /* 3141.5927000 */
display( fixed(rounddec(x,5),15,7) ); /* 3141.5926500 */
display( fixed(rounddec(x,6),15,7) ); /* 3141.5926540 */
display( fixed(rounddec(x,7),15,7) ); /* 3141.5926536 */

ROUNDDEC complements the CEIL, FLOOR, and TRUNC built-in functions.

v ROUNDDEC(x,0) rounds away from zero.
v CEIL(x) rounds toward positive infinity.
v FLOOR(x) rounds toward negative infinity.
v TRUNC(x) rounds toward zero.

Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 711


SAMEKEY returns a bit string of length 1 indicating whether a record that has
been accessed is followed by another with the same key.


x File reference. The file must have the RECORD attribute.

Upon successful completion of an input/output operation on file x, or immediately

before the RECORD condition is raised, the value accessed by SAMEKEY is set to
'1'B if the record processed is followed by another record with the same key, and
set to '0'B if it is not.

The value accessed by SAMEKEY is also set to '0'B if:

v An input/output operation that raises a condition other than RECORD also
causes file positioning to be changed or lost
v The file is not open
v No current cursor position exists in the file.

712 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


SCALE multiplies a floating-point number by an integral power of the radix.

SCALE returns a floating-point value based on the following formula:

x*(radix(x) )

The result has the base, mode, and precision of x.


x REAL FLOAT expression.

n Expression. It must have a computational type and is converted to FIXED

Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 713


SEARCH returns an unscaled REAL FIXED BINARY value specifying the first
position in one string at which any character, bit, graphic or widechar of another
string appears. It also allows you to specify the location at which to start searching.

SEARCH(x,y )

x and y
Expressions. x specifies the string in which to search for any character, bit,
graphic or widechar that appears in string y.
If either x or y are the null string, the result is zero.
If y does not occur in x, the result is zero.
n Expression. n specifies the location within x at which to begin searching. It
must have a computational type and is converted to FIXED BINARY(31,0).
Unless 1 n LENGTH(x)+1, STRINGRANGE condition, if enabled, is raised.
Its implicit action and normal return give a result of zero.

The BIFPREC compiler option determines the precision of the result returned.

SEARCH can be used to find delimiters in a string of numbers.

SEARCH will perform best when the second and third arguments are either
literals, named constants declared with the VALUE attribute, or restricted

Example 1
dcl Source char value( Our PL/I wields the Power );
dcl Pos fixed bin(31);

/* Find occurrences of any of the characters P,o,or w in source * /

Pos = search (Source, Pow); /* returns 6 for the P */

Pos = search (Source, Pow, Pos+1); /* returns 11 for the w */
Pos = search (Source, Pow, Pos+1); /* returns 22 for the P */
Pos = search (Source, Pow, Pos+1); /* returns 23 for the o */
Pos = search (Source, Pow, Pos+1); /* returns 24 for the w */

Pos = index (source, Pow,1); /* returns 22 for the Pow */

In the above example, SEARCH returns the position at which any of the three
characters ('P', 'o', or 'w') appear. INDEX returns the position at which the whole
string 'Pow' appears.

Example 2
dcl Source char value ( 368,475;121.,856,478)
dcl Delims char(3) init (,;.); /* string of delimiters */
dcl Number(5) char(3);
dcl Start fixed bin(31);
dcl End fixed bin(31);

/* Extract the three-digit numbers from the source string */

714 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


/* by searching for the delimiters */

Start = verify (Source, );
/* find start of first number */
End = search (Source, ,;., Start );
/* find end of first number */
if End = 0 then
End = length (Source) + 1;
Number(1) = substr (Source, Start, 3); /* 368 */
Start = verify (Source, Delims, End);
/* find start of second number */
End = search (Source, Delims, Start );
Number(2) = substr (Source, Start, 3); /* 475 */

Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 715


The SEARCHR built-in function searches for the first occurrence of any one of the
elements of a string within another string but the search starts from the right.


The SEARCHR function performs the same operation as the SEARCH built-in
function except for the following differences:
v The search is done from right to left.
v The default value for n is LENGTH(x).
v Unless 0 n LENGTH(x), the STRINGRANGE condition, if enabled, is raised.
Its implicit action and normal return give a result of zero.

The BIFPREC compiler option determines the precision of the result returned.

SEARCHR will perform best when the second and third arguments are either
literals, named constants declared with the VALUE attribute, or restricted

dcl Source char value ( 555 Bailey Ave, San Jose, CA 95141, USA);
dcl Digits char value (0123456789);
dcl (Start, End) fixed bin(31);
dcl Num char(20) var;

/* Find last number (i.e., zip code) */

End = searchr (Source, Digits); /* returns 35 for the 1 */

Start = verifyr (Source, Digits, End); /* returns 30 for the */
Num = substr (Source, Start + 1, End - Start); /* extract number */
Related information:
SEARCH on page 714
SEARCH returns an unscaled REAL FIXED BINARY value specifying the first
position in one string at which any character, bit, graphic or widechar of another
string appears. It also allows you to specify the location at which to start searching.

716 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


SECS returns a FLOAT BINARY(53) value that is the number of seconds (based on
Lilian format) corresponding to the date d.

( )

d A string expression representing a date. If present, d specifies the input date as

a character string representing the date/time specified in the pattern p. If d is
missing, it is assumed to be DATETIME().
d must have a computational type and should have character type. If not, it is
converted to character.
p One of the supported date/time patterns. If p is omitted, it is assumed to be
the default date/time pattern 'YYYYMMDDHHMISS999'.
p must have a computational type and should have character type. If not, it is
converted to character.
w Specifies an expression (such as 1950) that can be converted to an integer. If
negative, it specifies an offset to be subtracted from the value of the year when
the code runs. If omitted, w defaults to the value specified in the WINDOW
compile-time option.

The allowed patterns are listed in Table 64 on page 417. For an explanation of
Lilian format, see Date/time built-in functions on page 415.

dcl Dayname (7) char(9) var
static nonasgn init( Sunday,
dcl Jul4_1776_Secs float bin(53);
dcl Age_Tot_Secs pic Z,ZZZ,ZZZ,ZZZ,ZZ9;

Jul4_1776_Secs = secs(17760704,YYYYMMDD); /* seconds */

Age_Tot_Secs = secs() - Jul4_1776_Secs; /* seconds since */
display (USA became independent on {
dayname(weekday(secstodays(Jul4_1776_Secs))) {
, July 4, 1776 and at this very moment it has been {
Age_Tot_Secs, { seconds.);

Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 717


SECSTODATE returns a nonvarying character string containing the date in the
date/time pattern specified by p that corresponds to d seconds (based on Lilian


d The number of seconds (in Lilian format). d must have a computational type
and is converted to FLOAT BIN(53) if necessary.
p One of the supported date/time patterns. If omitted, p is assumed to be the
default date/time pattern 'YYYYMMDDHHMISS999' (the default format
returned by DATETIME).
w Specifies an expression (such as 1950) that can be converted to an integer. If
negative, it specifies an offset to be subtracted from the value of the year when
the code runs. If omitted, w defaults to the value specified in the WINDOW
compile-time option.

The allowed patterns are listed in Table 64 on page 417. For an explanation of
Lilian format, see Date/time built-in functions on page 415.

718 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


SECSTODAYS returns a FIXED BINARY(31,0) value that represents the number of
seconds x converted to days, ignoring incomplete days.


x Expression. The value for x must have computational type and should be
FLOAT BINARY(53). If not, it is converted to FLOAT BINARY(53).

SECSTODAYS(x) is the same as x/(24*60*60).

For an example, see SECS on page 717.

Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 719


SIGN returns an unscaled REAL FIXED BINARY value that indicates whether x is
positive, zero, or negative.


x Real expression.

The returned value is given by:

Value of x Value Returned

x>0 +1
x=0 0
x<0 -1

The BIFPREC compiler option determines the precision of the result returned.

720 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


SIGNED returns a signed FIXED BINARY value of x, with a precision specified by
p and q.


x Expression.
p Restricted expression that specifies the number of digits to be maintained
throughout the operation.
q Restricted expression that specifies the scaling factor of the result. For a
fixed-point result, if p is given and q is omitted, a scaling factor of zero is the

Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 721


SIN returns a floating-point value that is an approximation of the sine of x. It has
the base, mode, and precision of x.


x Expression whose value is in radians.

722 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


SIND returns a real floating-point value that is an approximation of the sine of x. It
has the base and precision of x.


x Real expression whose value is in degrees.

Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 723


SINH returns a floating-point value that represents an approximation of the
hyperbolic sine of x. It has the base, mode, and precision of x.


x Expression whose value is in radians.

724 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


SIZE returns a FIXED BIN value that gives the implementation-defined storage, in
bytes, allocated to a variable x.


x A variable of any data type, data organization, alignment, and storage class,
except those in the following list:
v A BASED, DEFINED, parameter, subscripted, or structure or union
base-element variable that is an unaligned fixed-length bit string
v A minor structure or union whose first or last base element is an unaligned
fixed-length bit string (except where it is also the first or last element of the
containing major structure or union)
v A major structure or union that has the BASED, DEFINED, or parameter
attribute, and that has an unaligned fixed-length bit string as its first or last
v A variable not in connected storage

The value returned by SIZE(x) is the maximum number of bytes that could be
transmitted in the following circumstances:
declare F file record input
read file(F) into(x);
v If x is a varying-length string, the returned value includes the length-prefix of
the string and the number of bytes in the maximum length of the string
v If x is an area, the returned value includes the area control bytes and the
maximum size of the area
v If x is an aggregate containing areas or varying-length strings, the returned
value includes the area control bytes, the maximum sizes of the areas, the length
prefixes of the strings, and the number of bytes in the maximum lengths of the

The SIZE built-in function must not be used on a BASED variable with adjustable
extents if that variable has not been allocated.

Under the CMPAT(V3) compiler option, SIZE returns a FIXED BIN(63) value.
Under all other CMPAT options, it returns a FIXED BIN(31) value.

To get the number of bytes currently required by a variable, as opposed to the

number of bytes allocated to it, use the CURRENTSIZE built-in function.

dcl Scids char(17) init(See you at SCIDS!) static;
dcl Vscids char(20) varying init(See you at SCIDS!) static;
dcl Stg fixed bin(31);

Stg = storage (Scids); /* 17 bytes */

Stg = currentsize (Scids); /* 17 bytes */
Stg = size (Vscids); /* 22 bytes */

Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 725


Stg = currentsize (Vscids); /* 19 bytes */

Stg = size (Stg); /* 4 bytes */
Stg = currentsize (Stg); /* 4 bytes */
Related information:
CURRENTSIZE on page 485
CURRENTSIZE returns a FIXED BIN value that gives the implementation-defined
storage, in bytes, required by x.

726 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


SMFTOJULIAN returns a CHAR(7) value that holds the date in the Julian format


d A CHAR(4) variable that holds a date in the SMF format.

Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 727


SOURCEFILE returns a nonvarying character string containing the name of the file
that contains the statement where this function is invoked.


SOURCEFILE can be used in restricted expressions.

The string returned is system dependent and should be used for tracing and
debugging purposes only.

728 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


SOURCELINE() returns a FIXED BINARY(31,0) value that is the line number of the
statement where this function is invoked, within the file that contains that
statement. If the statement extends over several source lines, the number returned
is that of the line on which the statement starts.


SOURCELINE() can be used in restricted expressions.

Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 729


SQRT returns a floating-point value that is an approximation of the positive square
root of x. It has the base, mode, and precision of x.


x Expression. If x is real, it must not be less than zero.

730 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


SQRTF is the same as SQRT except for these differences:
v SQRTF calculates its result inline if hardware architecture permits.
v The argument must be real.
v Invalid arguments will generate hardware exceptions.
v The accuracy of the result is set by the hardware.

SQRTF is not supported for DFP.

For the definition and syntax, see SQRT on page 730.

Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 731


STACKADDR returns the address of the dynamic save area (DSA) for the
procedure (or BEGIN block) in which it is invoked.


If the STACKADDR built-in function is used to change storage, unpredictable

results may occur

732 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


STORAGE is a synonym for SIZE.

Abbreviation: STG
Related information:
SIZE on page 725
SIZE returns a FIXED BIN value that gives the implementation-defined storage, in
bytes, allocated to a variable x.

Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 733


STRING returns a string that is the concatenation of all the elements of x.


x Aggregate or element reference.

STRING is restricted as follows:

v It cannot be applied to unions or structures containing unions.
v If applied to a scalar, the scalar must be a bit string, a character string, a
pictured character string, a pictured numeric string, a graphic string, or a
widechar string.
v If applied to a structure, the structure must contain no padding bytes and the
elements of the structure must be either:
All unaligned bit strings
All character strings, each of which is either a character string, a pictured
string, or a pictured numeric string
All graphic strings
All widechar strings
v If applied to an array, all elements in the array are subject to the restrictions as
described previously.

The type of string returned has the same type as one of these base elements with
these exceptions:
v If any of the base elements are PICTUREs, then the type returned has
v If any of the base elements have the GRAPHIC type, then the type returned is
GRAPHIC unless the STRINGOFGRAPHIC compiler options specifies that it
should be CHARACTER.

The following are valid STRING targets:

1 A,
2 B bit(8),
2 C bit(2),
2 D bit(8);

1 W,
2 X char(2),
2 Y picaa,
2 Z char(6);

1 W,
2 X char(2),
2 Y pic99,
2 Z char(6);

The following are invalid STRING targets:

734 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


1 A,
2 B bit(8) aligned,
2 C bit(2),
2 D bit(8) aligned;

Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 735

STRING pseudovariable

STRING pseudovariable
The STRING pseudovariable assigns a string to x as if x were a string scalar. Any
remaining strings in x are filled with blanks or zero bits, or, if varying-length, are
given zero length.


x Aggregate or element reference. Each base element of x must be either all

bit-string or all character-string.

The STRING pseudovariable must not be used out of context.

The pseudovariable is also subject to the restrictions of the STRING built-in

function. For more information on the restrictions, see STRING on page 734.

736 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


SUBSTR returns a substring, specified by y and z, of x.

SUBSTR(x,y )

x String expression. It specifies the string from which the substring is extracted.
If x is not a string, it is converted to character.
y Expression that is converted to FIXED BINARY(31,0). y specifies the starting
position of the substring in x.
z Expression that is converted to FIXED BINARY(31,0). z specifies the length of
the substring in x. If z is zero, a null string is returned. If z is omitted, the
substring returned is position y in x to the end of x.

The STRINGRANGE condition is raised if z is negative or if the values of y and z

are such that the substring does not lie entirely within the current length of x. It is
not raised when y = LENGTH(x)+1 and z = 0. For an example of the SUBSTR
built-in function, see SEARCH on page 714.

Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 737

SUBSTR pseudovariable

SUBSTR pseudovariable
The SUBSTR pseudovariable assigns a string value to a substring, specified by y
and z, of x. The remainder of x is unchanged. Assignments to a varying string do
not change the length of the string.

SUBSTR(x,y )

x String-reference. x must not be a numeric character.

y Expression. y expression that can be converted to a FIXED BINARY value
which specifies the starting position of the substring in x.
z Expression. z specifies the length of the substring in x. It can be converted to a
real fixed-point binary value. If z is zero, a null string is returned. If z is
omitted, the substring returned is position y in x to the end of x.

y and z can be arrays only if x is an array.

738 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


SUBTRACT is equivalent to ADD(x,-y,p,q).

SUBTRACT(x,y,p )

For details about arguments, see ADD on page 432 for argument descriptions.

Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 739


SUCC returns a floating-point value that is the smallest representable number
larger than x. It is the base, mode, and precision of x. The OVERFLOW condition is
raised if there is no such number.


x REAL FLOAT expression.

SUCC satisfies the following relationships:

pred(succ(x)) = x
succ(pred(x)) = x
succ(x) = -pred(-x)
succ(0d0) = tiny(0d0)

740 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


SUM returns the sum of all the elements in x. The base, mode, and scale of the
result match those of x.


x Array expression. If the elements of x are strings, they are converted to

fixed-point integer values.
If the elements of x are fixed-point, the precision of the result is (N,q), where N
is the maximum number of digits allowed, and q is the scaling factor of x.
If the elements of x are floating-point, the precision of the result matches x.

Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 741


SYSNULL returns the system null pointer value. You can assign SYSNULL to
handles and compare it with handles. You can use SYSNULL to initialize static
pointer and offset variables.


Note: NULL and SYSNULL may compare equal; however, you should not write
code that depends on their equality.

See also NULL on page 617.

742 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


SYSTEM(x) returns a FIXED BIN(31,0) value that is the return value from the
command processor when it is invoked with the command contained in x.


x Must have a computational type and should have characater type. If not, x is
converted to character.

Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 743


TALLY returns a FIXED BINARY(31,0) result that indicates the number of times
that string y appears in string x.

If y does not appear in x, a value of 0 is returned.


x and y
String expressions.
Both x and y must have computational type and should be character, bit,
graphic or widechar type.

If either x or y are the null string, the result is zero.

TALLY (Weve got the Power!, power); /* returns 0 */
TALLY (Weve got the Power!, Power); /* returns 1 */
TALLY (Weve got the Power!, ); /* returns 3 */
TALLY (Weve got the Power!, e); /* returns 4 */
TALLY (1001B, 1B); /* returns 2 */

744 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


TAN returns a floating-point value that is an approximation of the tangent of x. It
has the base, mode, and precision of x.


x Expression whose value is in radians.

Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 745


TAND returns a real floating-point value that is an approximation of the tangent of
x. It has the base and precision of x.


x Real expression whose value is in degrees.

746 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


TANH returns a floating-point value that is an approximation of the hyperbolic
tangent of x. It has the base, mode, and precision of x.


x Expression whose value is in radians.

Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 747


THREADID (short for thread identifier) returns a POINTER value that is the
address of the operating system thread identifier for an attached thread.


x Task reference. The value of x should have been set previously in the THREAD
option of the ATTACH statement.

The value returned by this built-in function can be used to invoke system
functions, such as DosSetPriority, on Windows, or posix functions on z/OS.

To obtain the system thread identifier for the currently executing thread, you must
invoke the function appropriate for the platform on which that thread is running.
So, on Windows, you should invoke GetCurrentThreadId, and on z/OS, you
should invoke pthread_self.

748 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


TIME returns a character string timestamp in the format HHMISS999.


Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 749


TIMESTAMP returns a CHAR(26) character string that gives the current date and
time in the format YYYY-MM-DD-HH.MI.SS.999999.


750 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


TINY returns a floating-point value that is the smallest positive value x can
assume. It has the base, mode, and precision, of x.


x REAL FLOAT expression.

TINY(x) is a constant and can be used in restricted expressions.

Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 751


TRANSLATE returns a character string of the same length as x.


x Character expression to be searched for possible translation of its characters.

y Character expression containing the translation values of characters.
z Character expression containing the characters that are to be translated. If z is
omitted, it defaults to collate().

TRANSLATE operates on each character of x as follows:

If a character in x is found in z, the character in y that corresponds to that in z is

copied to the result; otherwise, the character in x is copied directly to the result. If
z contains duplicates, the leftmost occurrence is used.

y is padded with blanks, or truncated, on the right to match the length of z.

Any arithmetic or bit arguments are converted to character.

TRANSLATE does not support GRAPHIC or WIDECHAR data.

TRANSLATE will perform best when the second and third arguments are either
literals, named constants declared with the VALUE attribute, or restricted

dcl source char value("Ein Raetsel gibt es nicht.");
dcl target char(length(source));
from value (abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz)) char;

target = translate(source, to, from);


Note that you could also use the UPPERCASE built-in for the same purpose as the
TRANSLATE built-in in the example above. However, while the UPPERCASE
built-in function will translate only the standard alphabetic characters,
TRANSLATE can be used to translate other characters. For example, if "Raetsel"
were spelled with an a-umlaut, TRANSLATE could translate the a-umlaut to
A-umlaut if those characters were added to the from and to strings, respectively.

752 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


TRIM returns a nonvarying character string with characters trimmed from one or
both ends.

TRIM(x )

x, y, and z
Each must have a computational type and should have the attribute
CHARACTER. If not, they are converted.
x is the string from which the characters defined by y are trimmed from the
left, and the characters defined by z are trimmed from the right.
If z is omitted, it defaults to a CHARACTER(1) NONVARYING string
containing one blank.

If y and z are both omitted, they both default to a CHAR(1) NONVARYING string
containing one blank.


In the following example, the TRIM function removes

v all the blanks from the left side of the string.
v all the blanks and all the asterisks from the right side of the string.
dcl Source char value(" *** PL/Is got the Power! *** ");
dcl Target char(length(Source)) varying;

Target = trim(Source, , * );
/* "*** PL/Is got the Power!" */

Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 753


TRUNC returns an integer value that is the truncated value of x. If x is positive or
0, this is the largest integer value less than or equal to x. If x is negative, this is the
smallest integer value greater than or equal to x.


x Real expression.

The base, mode, scale, and precision of the result match those of x. Except when x
is fixed-point with precision (p,q), the precision of the result is given by:

where N is the maximum number of digits allowed.

754 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


TYPE returns the typed structure or union located by the handle, x.


x Handle

TYPE(x) dereferences the typed structure (or union) x. For an example of the TYPE
built-in functions, see TYPE pseudovariable on page 756.

Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 755

TYPE pseudovariable

TYPE pseudovariable
The TYPE pseudovariable assigns a typed structure or union to the storage located
by the handle x.


x Handle

Given a defined structure T, the following assignments are valid:

dcl P1 handle T;
dcl P2 handle T;
dcl D1 type T;
dcl D2 type T;

D1 = type(P2); /* Assigns the storage located by P2 to D1 */

type(P1) = type(P2);
type(P1) = D2; /* Assigns D2 to the storage located by P1 */

756 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


ULENGTH returns a FIXED BIN(31) value which is the number of UTF characters
held in a string.


x Expression which must have CHARACTER or WIDECHAR type.

If x has CHARACTER type, then the string must contain valid UTF-8 data. If not,
the program is in error.

If x has WIDECHAR type, then the string must contain valid UTF-16 data. If not,
the program is in error.

ULENGTH will return the number of UTF-8 or UTF-16 characters held in the
CHAR or WIDECHAR argument, respectively. It does not return the number of
characters if the string were normalized. So, for example, in UTF-8, a lowercase a
umlaut may be represented in the normalized or canonical form via the string
'c3_a4'x or in the unnormalized or combining form as '61_cc_88'x, but ULENGTH
will return 1 for the string 'c3_a4'x and 2 for the string '61_cc_88'x.

Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 757


ULENGTH8 returns a FIXED BIN(31) value which is the length of a CHAR string
needed if the UTF characters held in a string were converted to UTF-8.


x Expression which must have CHARACTER or WIDECHAR type.

If x has CHARACTER type, then ULENGTH8 is the same as LENGTH, and the
string will not be checked for valid UTF-8 data.

If x has WIDECHAR type, then the string must contain valid UTF-16 data, and
ULENGTH8 will return the length of the CHAR string that would result if x were
converted from UTF-16 to UTF-8. If the string does not contain valid UTF-16 data,
the program is in error.

For example, if x equals the WIDECHAR string '004B_00E4_0073_0065'wx, then

v ULENGTH8(x) returns 5

758 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


ULENGTH16 returns a FIXED BIN(31) value which is the length of a WIDECHAR
string needed if the UTF characters held in a string were converted to UTF-16.


x Expression which must have CHARACTER or WIDECHAR type.

If x has CHAR type, then the string must contain valid UTF-8 data, and
ULENGTH16 will return the length of the WIDECHAR string that would result if
x were converted from UTF-8 to UTF-16. If the string does not contain valid UTF-8
data, the program is in error.

If x has WIDECHAR type, then ULENGTH16 is the same as LENGTH, and the
string will not be checked for valid UTF-16 data.

For example, if x equals the CHARACTER string '4b_c3_a4_73_65'x, then

v ULENGTH16(x) returns 4

Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 759


UNALLOCATED returns a bit(1) value indicating whether or not a specified
pointer value is the start of a piece of allocated storage. To use this built-in
function, you must also specify the CHECK(STORAGE) compile-time option.


p Pointer expression.

UNALLOCATED returns the bit(1) value '1'b if the specified pointer value is not
the start of a piece of storage that is obtained with the ALLOCATE statement or
the ALLOCATE built-in function.

Note that the pointer passed to UNALLOCATED is "rounded down" to the nearest
doubleword and that rounded value is compared against all allocated addresses
when similarly rounded down.

760 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


UNSIGNED returns an unsigned FIXED BINARY value of x, with a precision
specified by p and q.


x Expression.
p Integer. It specifies the number of digits to be maintained throughout the
q Optionally-signed integer. It specifies the scaling factor of the result. For a
fixed-point result, if p is given and q is omitted, a scaling factor of zero is the

Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 761


UNSPEC returns a bit string that is the internal coded form of x.


x Scalar, array, structure, or union expression.

The UNSPEC built-in function is subject to the following rules:

v Under the compiler option USAGE( UNSPEC(IBM) ),
UNSPEC of structure references and expressions is not allowed.
UNSPEC of an array yields an array of BIT.
v Under the compiler option USAGE( UNSPEC(ANS) ),
For aggregates, UNSPEC is allowed only for those that contain no padding
bytes or bits.
The result will always be BIT scalar. UNSPEC of an array does not yield an
array of BIT.

Note: Use of UNSPEC can affect the portability of your program.

The length of the returned bit string depends on the attributes of x, as shown in
Table 80.
Table 80. Length of bit string returned by UNSPEC
Bit string length Attribute of x
SIGNED FIXED BINARY(p,q), 1 <= p <= 7
UNSIGNED FIXED BINARY(p,q), 1 <= p <= 8
SIGNED FIXED BINARY(p,q), 8 <= p <= 15
UNSIGNED FIXED BINARY(p,q), 9 <= p <= 16
SIGNED FIXED BINARY(p,q), 16 <= p <= 31
UNSIGNED FIXED BINARY(p,q), 17 <= p <= 32
FLOAT BINARY(p), 1 <= p <= 21
FLOAT DECIMAL(p), 1 <= p <= 6 if not DFP
FLOAT DECIMAL(p), 1 <= p <= 7 if DFP
FILE constant or variable, under LP(32)

762 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


Table 80. Length of bit string returned by UNSPEC (continued)

Bit string length Attribute of x
FLOAT BINARY(p), 21 < p < 53
FLOAT DECIMAL(p), 7 <= p <= 16 if not DFP
FLOAT DECIMAL(p), 8 <= p <= 16 if DFP
FILE constant or variable, under LP(64)
LABEL constant or variable
ENTRY constant or variable
FLOAT BINARY(p), 54 <= p
FLOAT DECIMAL(p), 17 <= p
n BIT(n)
8*n CHARACTER(n)PICTURE (with character-string-value length of n)
16+n BIT(n) VARYING where n is the maximum length of x
32+n BIT(n) VARYING4 where n is the maximum length of x
16+(8*n) CHARACTER(n) VARYING where n is the maximum length of x
32+(8*n) CHARACTER(n) VARYING4 where n is the maximum length of x
8+(8*n) CHARACTER(n) VARYINGZ where n is the maximum length of x
16+(16*n) GRAPHIC(n) VARYING where n is the maximum length of x
WIDECHAR(n) VARYING where n is the maximum length of x
32+(16*n) GRAPHIC(n) VARYING4 where n is the maximum length of x
WIDECHAR(n) VARYING4 where n is the maximum length of x
16+(16*n) GRAPHIC(n) VARYINGZ where n is the maximum length of x
WIDECHAR(n) VARYINGZ where n is the maximum length of x
8*(n+16) AREA (n) under LP(32)
8*(n+32) AREA (n) under LP(64)
FIXED DECIMAL (p,q) where n = (p+2)/2

Alignment and storage requirements for program-control data can vary across
supported systems.

If x is a VARYING or VARYING4 string, its length prefix is included in the

returned bit string. If x is an area, the returned value includes the control

Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 763

UNSPEC pseudovariable

UNSPEC pseudovariable
The UNSPEC pseudovariable assigns a bit value directly to x; that is, without

The bit value is padded, if necessary, on the right with '0'B to match the length of
x, according to Table 80 on page 762.


x Reference.

If x is a VARYING or VARYING4 string, its length prefix is included in the

returned bit string. If x is an area, its control information is included in the
receiving field.

The pseudovariable is subject to the rules for the UNSPEC built-in function
described in UNSPEC on page 762.

Note: Use of UNSPEC can affect the portability of your program.

dcl 1 Str1 nonasgn static,
2 * fixed bin(15) littleendian init(16), /* 1000X */
2 * char init(33x),
2 * bit init(1b),
2 Ba(4) bit init(1b, 0b, 1b, 0b),
2 B3 bit(3) init(111b),
2 * char(0);
dcl Bit_Str1 bit(size(Str1)*8);
dcl Bit_Ba bit(dim(Ba)*length(Ba(1)));
dcl Bit_B3 bit(length(B3));

Bit_Ba = unspec(Ba); /* result is scalar 1010B not an array */

Bit_B3 = unspec(B3); /* 111B */
Bit_Str1 = unspec(Str1); /* 100033D7B4 or
100033B4 { 11010111B */

764 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


UPOS returns a FIXED BIN(31) value which is the index of the nth UTF character
in a string.


x Expression which must have CHARACTER or WIDECHAR type.

n Expression which must have computational type and which will be converted
to FIXED BIN(31) if necessary.

If x has CHARACTER type, then the string must contain valid UTF-8 data. If not,
the program is in error.

If x has WIDECHAR type, then the string must contain valid UTF-16 data. If not,
the program is in error.

If n is not positive or if n is larger than ULENGTH(x), then zero will be returned.

Otherwise, if x has CHARACTER type, then UPOS(x,n) will return the position of
the byte where the nth UTF-8 character starts, and if x has WIDECHAR type, then
UPOS(x,n) will return the position of the widechar character where the nth UTF-16
character starts.

For example, if x equals the CHARACTER string '4b_c3_a4_66_65_72'x, then

v UPOS(x,1) returns 1
v UPOS(x,2) returns 2
v UPOS(x,3) returns 4
v UPOS(x,4) returns 5
v UPOS(x,5) returns 6

Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 765


UPPERCASE returns a character string with all the alphabetic characters from a to
z converted to their uppercase equivalent.


x Expression. If necessary, x is converted to character.

UPPERCASE(x) is equivalent to
abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz )

766 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


USUBSTR returns a substring of a UTF string.


x Expression which must have CHARACTER or WIDECHAR type.

i Expression which must have computational type and which will be converted
to FIXED BIN(31) if necessary.
j Expression which must have computational type and which will be converted
to FIXED BIN(31) if necessary.

If x has CHARACTER type, then the string must contain valid UTF-8 data. If not,
the program is in error.

If x has WIDECHAR type, then the string must contain valid UTF-16 data. If not,
the program is in error.

The ERROR condition (and not the STRINGRANGE condition) will also be raised
v i is less than 1, or
v j is less than zero, or
v i + j - 1 is larger than ULENGTH(x)

If x has CHARACTER type, then USUBSTR(x,i,j) will return a CHARACTER string

containing the j UTF-8 characters in x starting with the ith UTF-8 character.

If x has WIDECHAR type, then USUBSTR(x,i,j) will return a WIDECHAR string

containing the j UTF-16 characters in x starting with the ith UTF-16 character.

In general, USUBSTR(x,i,j) will not equal SUBSTR(x,i,j).

For example, if x equals the CHARACTER string '4b_c3_a4_66_65_72'x, then

v USUBSTR(x,1,2) returns '4b_c3_a4'x
v USUBSTR(x,2,1) returns 'c3_a4'x
v USUBSTR(x,2,2) returns 'c3_a4_66'x
v USUBSTR(x,3,2) returns '66_65'x

Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 767


USUPPLEMENTARY returns a FIXED BIN(31) value that is either the index of the
first of the UTF surrogate pair in a string or zero if the string contains no UTF
surrogate pairs.


x Expression which must have CHARACTER or WIDECHAR type.

If x has CHARACTER type, then the string must contain valid UTF-8 data.
However, the validity of the data will not be checked. If the data is invalid, the
ERROR condition will not be raised, the program is in error, and the result
returned by this function will be unpredictable.

If x has WIDECHAR type, then the string must contain valid UTF-16 data.
However, the validity of the data will not be checked. If the data is invalid, the
ERROR condition will not be raised, the program is in error, and the result
returned by this function will be unpredictable.

As an example, the musical G-clef is represented by the UTF-16 surrogate pair

'D834_DD1E'wx, and hence in the following code, the value 3 will be listed:
dcl w wchar(20) varying;
dcl jx fixed bin;

w = 0020_0020_D834_DD1Ewx

jx = usupplementary(w);

put skip list(jx);

768 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


UTCDATETIME returns a character string that gives the current Coordinated
Universal Time (UTC) in the pattern YYYYMMDDHHMISS999.


Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 769


UTCSECS returns a FLOAT BIN(53) value that gives the current Coordinated
Universal Time (UTC) in seconds in the Lilian format.


The expression ( secs() utcsecs() ) provides the UTC offset in seconds. Dividing
that value by 3600 gives the UTC offset in hours.

770 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


UTF8(x) returns a CHAR value that is the UTF-8 equivalent of x.


x An expression that must have one of these types: FIXED, FLOAT, PICTURE,

If x has the type other than WIDECHAR, the CODEPAGE option specifies the
value for the code page of x when it is converted to UTF-8.

If x has the WIDECHAR type, it is converted to UTF-8 under the assumption that
x holds UTF-16.

You can use UTF8(x) in restricted expressions. Therefore, you can use UTF8(x) to
create UTF-8 literals.

v If x has the CHAR type, the length of UTF8(x) might be two times as large as
the length of x. If x has the WCHAR type, the length of UTF8(x) might be three
times as the length of x. If the length of UTF8 exceeds the maximum length of
CHAR, the generated code raises the ERROR condition.
v If x has the WCHAR type and holds invalid UTF-16 data, the generated code
raises the ERROR condition.

Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 771


UTF8STG returns a FIXED BIN value that specifies the number of bytes that must
be present if the input character is the start of a valid UTF-8 character.


x Specifies the input character. x must be of the type CHAR(1).

The function returns zero if the character cannot be the start of a valid UTF-8
character. For example, if the character has the value 80x, UTF8STG returns zero.

772 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


UTF8TOCHAR(x) returns a CHAR value holding x converted from UTF-8.


x An expression that must have the CHAR type.

When x is converted from UTF-8 to CHAR, the CODEPAGE option is used to
specify the target code page.

You can use UTF8TOCHAR(x) in restricted expressions.

Note: If x holds invalid UTF-8 data, the generated code raises the ERROR

Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 773


UTF8TOWCHAR(x) returns a WCHAR value holding x converted from UTF-8 to


x An expression that must have the CHAR type. x is converted from UTF-8 to

You can use UTF8TOWCHAR(x) in restricted expressions.

Note: If x holds invalid UTF-8 data, the generated code raises the ERROR

774 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


UUID returns a CHARACTER(36) string that is a universally unique identifier.


Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 775


UVALID returns a FIXED BIN(31) value which is zero if a string contains valid
UTF data and which is the index of the first invalid element if the string does not
contain valid UTF data.


x Expression which must have CHARACTER or WIDECHAR type.

If x has CHARACTER type, then UVALID(x) will return 0 if the string contains
valid UTF-8 data, and otherwise it will return the index of the byte where the first
invalid UTF-8 data starts.

If x has WIDECHAR type, then UVALID(x) will return 0 if the string contains valid
UTF-16 data, and otherwise it will return the index of the widechar where the first
invalid UTF-16 data starts.

Note that UVALID will indicate if the string contains valid UTF data (according to
the rules below). It does not indicate if these bytes have actually been allocated to
represent any particular character.

For UTF-8 data, the validity of a byte varies as follows according to its range:
v '00'x - '7f'x, it is valid
v '80'x - 'c1'x, it is invalid
v 'c2'x - 'df'x, it is valid if followed by a second byte and if that byte is in the
range '80'x to 'bf'x
v 'e0'x - 'ef'x, it is valid if followed by 2 more bytes and if
when the first byte is 'e0'x, the second and third bytes must be in the ranges
'a0'x to 'bf'x and '80'x to 'bf'x, respectively.
when the first byte is in the range 'e1'x to 'ec'x, the second and third bytes
must be in the ranges '80'x to 'bf'x
when the first byte is 'ed'x, the second and third bytes must be in the ranges
'80'x to '9f'x and '80'x to 'bf'x, respectively.
when the first byte is in the range 'ee'x to 'ef'x, the second and third bytes
must be in the ranges '80'x to 'bf'x
v 'f0'x - 'f4'x, it is valid if followed by 3 more bytes and if
when the first byte is 'f0'x, the second, third and fourth bytes must be in the
ranges '90'x to 'bf', '80'x to 'bf'x and '80'x to 'bf'x, respectively.
when the first byte is in the range 'f1'x to 'f3'x, the second, third and fourth
bytes must be in the range '80'x to 'bf'x
when the first byte is 'f4'x, the second, third and fourth bytes must be in the
ranges '80'x to '8f'x, '80'x to 'bf'x and '80'x to 'bf'x, respectively.
v 'f5'x - 'ff'x, it is invalid

For UTF-16 data, the validity of a widechar varies as follows according to its
v '0000'wx - '007f'wx, it is valid and would be 1 byte if UTF-8
v '0080'wx - '07ff'wx, it is valid and would be 2 bytes if UTF-8

776 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


v '0800'wx - 'd7ff'wx, it is valid and would be 3 bytes if UTF-8

v 'd800'wx - 'dbff'wx, it is valid if followed by a second widechar with a value
greater than or equal to 'dc00'wx and less than or equal to 'dfff'wx. It is a
unicode surrogate pair and would be 4 bytes if UTF-8
v 'dc00'wx - 'dfff'wx, it is valid only when it is the second half of a surrogate pair
v 'e000'wx - 'ffff'wx, it is valid and would be 3 bytes if UTF-8

Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 777


UWIDTH returns a FIXED BIN(31) value which is the width of the nth UTF
character in a string.


x Expression which must have CHARACTER or WIDECHAR type.

n Expression which must have computational type and which will be converted
to FIXED BIN(31) if necessary.

If x has CHARACTER type, then the string must contain valid UTF-8 data. If not,
the program is in error.

If x has WIDECHAR type, then the string must contain valid UTF-16 data. If not,
the program is in error.

If n is not positive or if n is larger than ULENGTH(x), then zero will be returned.

Otherwise, if x has CHARACTER type, then UWIDTH(x,n) will return the width of
the nth UTF-8 character, and if x has WIDECHAR type, then UWIDTH(x,n) will
return the width of the nth UTF-16 character.

For example, if x equals the CHARACTER string '4b_c3_a4_66_65_72'x, then

v UWIDTH(x,1) returns 1
v UWIDTH(x,2) returns 2
v UWIDTH(x,3) returns 1
v UWIDTH(x,4) returns 1
v UWIDTH(x,5) returns 1

778 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


VALID returns a BIT(1) value that is '1'B under the following conditions:
v If x is PICTURE and its contents are valid for x's picture specification
v If x is FIXED DECIMAL and the data in x is valid fixed decimal data

If these conditions are not met, the result is '0'B.


x Reference with either picture or fixed decimal type.

Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 779


VALIDDATE returns a '1'B if the string d holds a date/time value that matches the
pattern p.


d A string expression representing a date.

d specifies the input date as a character string representing date/time
according to the pattern p.
d must have computational type and should have character type. If not, d is
converted to character.
p One of the supported date/time patterns.
If present, it specifies the date/time pattern of d. If p is missing, it is assumed
to be the default date/time pattern of 'YYYYMMDDHHMISS999'.
p must have computational type and should have character type. If not, it is
converted to character.
w Specifies an expression (such as 1950) that can be converted to an integer. If
negative, it specifies an offset to be subtracted from the value of the year when
the code runs. If omitted, w defaults to the value specified in the WINDOW
compile-time option.

Allowable patterns are listed in Table 64 on page 417. For an explanation of Lilian
format, see Date/time built-in functions on page 415.

If the pattern contains punctuation characters, VALIDDATE checks that the input
string contains matching characters. For example, for the pattern YYYY-MM-DD,
VALIDDATE accepts 2008-03-14 but not 2008.03.14.

dcl duedate char(8);
dcl (b1,b2) bit(1);

duedate = 19950228;
b1 = validdate( duedate, YYYYMMDD ); /* b1 = 1b */

duedate = 02301995;
b2 = validdate( duedate, DDMMYYYY ); /* b2 = 0b */

780 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


VARGLIST returns the address of the first optional parameter passed to a
procedure with a variable number of arguments


VARGLIST may be used only inside a procedure whose last parameter has the
LIST attribute.

Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 781


VARGSIZE returns the number of bytes that a variable would occupy on the stack
if it were passed byvalue.


x A variable of any data type, data organization, alignment, and storage class,
except as listed below.
x cannot be:
v A BASED, DEFINED, parameter, subscripted, or structure or union
base-element variable that is an unaligned fixed-length bit string
v A minor structure or union whose first or last base element is an unaligned
fixed-length bit string (except where it is also the first or last element of the
containing major structure or union)
v A major structure or union that has the BASED, DEFINED, or parameter
attribute, and which has an unaligned fixed-length bit string as its first or
last element
v A variable not in connected storage

VARGSIZE(x) returns the number of bytes that x would occupy on the stack if it
were passed byvalue. This value will be at least as large as SIZE(x); it will be
larger if the value returned by SIZE(x) needs to be rounded up to a 4-byte

VARGSIZE is meant to be used only inside a procedure whose last parameter has
the LIST attribute.

782 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


VERIFY returns an unscaled REAL FIXED BINARY value that indicates the
position in x of the leftmost character, widechar, graphic, or bit that is not in y. It
also allows you to specify the location within x at which to begin processing.

If all the characters, widechars, graphics, or bits in x do appear in y, a value of

zero is returned. If x is the null string, a value of zero is returned. If x is not the
null string and y is the null string, the value of n is returned. The default value for
n is one.

VERIFY(x,y )

x String-expression.
y String-expression.
n Expression n specifies the location within x where processing begins. It must
have a computational type and is converted to FIXED BINARY(31,0).

Unless 1 n LENGTH(x) + 1, the STRINGRANGE condition, if enabled, is raised.

Its implicit action and normal return give a result of 0. If n = LENGTH(x) + 1, the
result is zero.

The BIFPREC compiler option determines the precision of the result returned.

VERIFY will perform best when the second and third arguments are either literals,
named constants declared with the VALUE attribute, or restricted expressions.

X = a b; /* Two blanks in each space */
Y = ; /* One blank */
N = 1;
I = verify(X,Y,N); /* I = 3 */

do while (I > 0);

display ( Nonblank at position { trim(I) );
N = I + 1;
I = verify(X,Y,N);

After the first pass through the do-loop, N=4 and VERIFY(X,Y,N) returns 6. After
the second pass, N=7 (LENGTH(x)+1), VERIFY(X,Y,N) now returns 0, and the loop

For more examples of the VERIFY built-in function, see SEARCH on page 714.

Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 783


The VERIFYR function performs the same operation as the VERIFY built-in
function except that the verification is done from right to left.

Another difference is that the default value for n is LENGTH(x).


Unless 0 n LENGTH(x), the STRINGRANGE condition, if enabled, is raised. If

n = 0, the result is zero.

The BIFPREC compiler option determines the precision of the result returned.

VERIFYR will perform best when the second and third arguments are either
literals, named constants declared with the VALUE attribute, or restricted

For argument descriptions, see VERIFY on page 783.

X = a b ; /* Two blanks in each space */
Y = ; /* One blank */
N = length(X); /* N = 6 */
I = verifyr(X,Y,N); /* I = 4 */

do while (I > 0);

display ( Nonblank at position { trim(I) );
N = I - 1;
I = verifyr(X,Y,N);

After the first pass through the do-loop, N=3 and VERIFYR(X,Y,N) returns 1. After
the second pass, N=0, VERIFYR(X,Y,N) returns 0, and the loop ends. For another
example, see SEARCHR on page 716.

784 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


WCHARVAL returns the WIDECHAR(1) value corresponding to an integer.


n Expression converted to UNSIGNED FIXED BIN(16) if necessary.

If n is in bigendian format, WCHARVAL(n) has the same bit value as n (that is,
UNSPEC(WCHARVAL(n)) is equal to UNSPEC(n)), but it has the attributes

WCHARVAL is the inverse of RANK (when applied to widechar).

Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 785


WEEKDAY returns a FIXED BINARY(31,0) value that is the number of days x
converted to the day of the week, where 1=Sunday, 2=Monday, . . . 7=Saturday. If x
is missing, it is assumed to be DAYS for today.

( )

x Expression. If present, x specifies the input date as days. If missing, x is

assumed to be DAYS().
If x is missing and today's date is not available from the system, a result of
zero is returned.
x must have computational type and will be converted to FIXED
BINARY(31,0), if necessary.

For an example of WEEKDAY, see SECS on page 717.

786 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


WHIGH returns a widechar string of length x, where each widechar has the
highest widechar value (hexadecimal FFFF).


x Expression. If necessary, x is converted to a positive real fixed-point binary

value. If x = 0, the result is the null widechar string.

Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 787


WHITESPACECOLLAPSE returns a size_t 1 value that indicates the number of
bytes that are written into the target buffer when it collapses all the whitespace in
the UTF-16 source buffer.

WHITESPACECOLLAPSE collapses the whitespace by one of the following means:

v Replacing each character from \t\f\v\n\r with a UTF-16 blank.
v Trimming all leading and trailing blanks.
v Reducing multiple interior blanks to one blank.


p Specifies the address of the target buffer.

m Specifies the length in bytes of the target buffer. It must have a computational
type and is converted to type size_t.
q Specifies the address of the source buffer.
n Specifies the length in bytes of the source buffer. It must have a computational
type and is converted to type size_t.

If the address of the target buffer is zero, the number of bytes to be written is
returned. If the target buffer is not large enough, a value of -1 is returned. If the
target buffer is large enough, the number of bytes that is written to the buffer is

The source buffer must hold UTF-16 data.

788 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


WHITESPACEREPLACE replaces each character of the whitespace in the UTF-16
XML source buffer from \t, \f, \v, \n, and \r by a UTF-16 blank. This function
returns a size_t 1 value that indicates the number of bytes that are written into the
target buffer when WHITESPACEREPLACE replaces the whitespace.


p Specifies the address of the target buffer.

m Specifies the length in bytes of the target buffer. It must have a computational
type and is converted to type size_t.
q Specifies the address of the source buffer.
n Specifies the length in bytes of the source buffer. It must have a computational
type and is converted to type size_t.

If the address of the target buffer is zero, the number of bytes to be written is
returned. If the target buffer is not large enough, a value of -1 is returned. If the
target buffer is large enough, the number of bytes that is written to the buffer is

The source buffer must hold UTF-16 data.

Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 789


WIDECHAR returns the widechar value of x, with a length specified by y.


Abbreviation: WCHAR
x Expression.
x must have a computational type.
The values of x are not checked.
y Expression. If necessary, y is converted to a real fixed-point binary value.
If y is omitted, the length is determined by the rules for type conversion.
y cannot be negative.
If y = 0, the result is the null widechar string.

790 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


WLOW returns a widechar string of length x, where each widechar has the lowest
widechar value (hexadecimal 0000).


x Expression. If necessary, x is converted to a positive real fixed-point binary

value. If x = 0, the result is the null widechar string.

Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 791


The XMLCHAR built-in function dumps data from a structure as XML into a
buffer. It returns a size_t 1 value that indicates the number of bytes written to the
buffer. If the buffer is too small, the structure data is truncated and the number of
bytes needed for the buffer to contain the structure is returned.

XMLCHAR ( x , p , n )

x Structure-reference.
The structure-reference x must conform to the following rules:
v It must contain only computational data, that is, only string and numeric
data. However, it must not contain any GRAPHIC, WIDECHAR, or
WIDEPIC elements.
v It may contain arrays, but if it is an array itself, it must be completely
v It may contain substructures, but any contained substructure must not use
an asterisk (*) in place of a name. However, an asterisk may be used as the
name of a base element, but in that case, the unnamed element will not be
written to the target buffer.
p Address of the target buffer.
n Length of the target buffer.
The buffer length must be nonnegative and must have a computational type.
The buffer length is converted to type size_t.

When the XML output is created, it follows these rules:

v When a variable has the XMLCONTENT attribute, the variable is presented as
tagless text
v When no variable has the XMLATTR attribute, each name in the structure is
written out, first enclosed in "<" and ">" and later enclosed in "</" and ">".
v When a variable has the XMLATTR attribute, the field is presented as an
attribute of its containing structure.
v When a variable has the XMLOMIT attribute, the field is omitted if it has a null
v Numeric and bit data is converted to character.
v Leading and trailing blanks are trimmed wherever possible.

Note: By default the names of the variables in the generated XML output are all in
upper case. The CASE(ASIS) suboption of the XML compiler option can be used to
specify that the names appear in the case in which they were declared.

Example of using XMLCHAR

This example is based on the following code fragment:

dcl buffer char(800);
dcl written fixed bin(31);
dcl next pointer;
dcl left fixed bin(31);

792 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


1 a,
2 a1,
3 b1 char(8),
3 b2 char(8),
2 a2,
3 c1 fixed bin,
3 c2 fixed dec(5,1);

b1 = t1;
b2 = t2;
c1 = 17;
c2 = -29;
next = addr(buffer);
left = stg(buffer);
written = xmlchar( a, next, left );
next += written;
left -= written;

The following bytes would be written to the buffer, and written would be set
equal to 72.
Related information:
XMLCONTENT attribute on page 196
The XMLCONTENT attribute specifies that when a variable is included in the text
that is generated by the XMLCHAR built-in function, it is presented as tagless text.

Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 793


The XMLCLEAN built-in function cleans the UTF-16 source buffer. It returns a
size_t 1 value that indicates the number of bytes that are written into the target

XMLCLEAN cleans the UTF-16 source buffer by one of the following means:
v Replacing each invalid UTF-16 with a UTF-16 blank.
v Replacing carriage returns with &#xD;.
v Replacing the following characters with corresponding strings as follows:

Characters Strings
" &quot;
& &amp;
< &lt;
> &gt;


p Specifies the address of the target buffer.

m Specifies the length in bytes of the target buffer. It must have a computational
type and is converted to type size_t.
q Specifies the address of the source buffer.
n Specifies the length in bytes of the source buffer. It must have a computational
type and is converted to type size_t.

If the address of the target buffer is zero, the number of bytes to be written is
returned. If the target buffer is not large enough, a value of -1 is returned. If the
target buffer is large enough, the number of bytes that is written to the buffer is

The source buffer must hold UTF-16 data.

794 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


Y4DATE takes a date value with the pattern 'YYMMDD' and returns the date value
with the two-digit year widened to a four-digit year.

Y4DATE(d )

d A string expression representing a date.

d must have computational type and should have character type. If not, d is
converted to character.
w Specifies an expression (such as 1950) that can be converted to an integer. If
negative, it specifies an offset to be subtracted from the value of the year when
the code runs. If omitted, w defaults to the value specified in the WINDOW
compile-time option.

The returned value has the attributes CHAR(8) NONVARYING and is calculated as
dcl y2 pic99;
dcl y4 pic9999;
dcl cc pic99;

y2 = substr(d,1,2);
cc = w/100;

if y2 < mod(w,100) then

y4 = 100*cc + 100 + y2;
y4 = 100*cc + y2;

return( y4 || substr(d,3) );

Y4DATE('990101',1950) returns '19990101'

Y4DATE('000101',1950) returns '20000101'

Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 795


Y4JULIAN takes a date value with the pattern 'YYDDD' and returns the date value
with the two-digit year widened to a four-digit year.


d A string expression representing a date. The length of d must be at least 5. If it

is larger than 5, excess characters must be formed by leading blanks.
d must have computational type and should have character type. If not, it is
converted to character.
w Specifies an expression (such as 1950) that can be converted to an integer. If
negative, it specifies an offset to be subtracted from the value of the year when
the code runs. If omitted, w defaults to the value specified in the WINDOW
compile-time option.

The returned value has the attributes CHAR(7) NONVARYING and is calculated as
dcl y2 pic99;
dcl y4 pic9999;
dcl c pic99;

y2 = substr(d,1,2);
cc = w/100;

if y2 < mod(w,100) then

y4 = 100*cc + 100 + y2;
y4 = 100*cc + y2;

return( y4 || substr(d,3) );

Y4JULIAN('99001',1950) returns '1999001'

Y4JULIAN('00001',1950) returns '2000001'.

796 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


Y4YEAR takes a date value with the pattern 'YY' and returns the date value with
the two-digit year widened to a four-digit year.

Y4YEAR(d )

d A string expression representing a date. The length of d must be at least 2. If it

is larger than 2, excess characters must be formed by leading blanks.
d must have computational type and should have character type. If not, it is
converted to character.
w Specifies an expression (such as 1950) that can be converted to an integer. If
negative, it specifies an offset to be subtracted from the value of the year when
the code runs. If omitted, w defaults to the value specified in the WINDOW
compile-time option.

The returned value has the attributes CHAR(4) NONVARYING and is calculated as
dcl y2 pic99;
dcl y4 pic9999;
dcl c pic99;

y2 = d;
cc = w/100;

if y2 < mod(w,100) then

y4 = 100*cc + 100 + y2;
y4 = 100*cc + y2;

return( y4 );

Y4YEAR('99',1950) returns '1999'

Y4YEAR('00',1950) returns '2000'

Chapter 18. Built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines 797


798 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference

Chapter 19. Type functions
Using type functions, you can manipulate defined types. This chapter describes the
type functions.

Type functions are distinguished from built-in functions in the following ways:
v At least one of the arguments is a defined type.
v They cannot be declared.
v Arguments are enclosed in the (: and :) composite symbols, rather than in ( and )

In general, each description has the following format:

v A heading showing the syntax of the reference
v A description of the value returned
v A description of any arguments
v Any other qualifications on using the function.

Invoking type functions

To invoke a type function, specify the name of the type function and the
arguments for the type function.

Use the following syntax to invoke type functions.


(: :)

The arguments for a type function are enclosed by the delimiters (: and :).

Specifying arguments for type functions

Arguments for type functions can be type names (aliases, named structures and
unions, ordinals) and other data types.

Brief descriptions of type functions

Type functions are listed in alphabetical order with brief descriptions.
Table 81. Type functions
Function Description
BIND Converts a pointer to a handle for a type
CAST Converts an expression to a specified type using C conversion rules
FIRST Returns the first value in an ordinal set
LAST Returns the last value in an ordinal set

Copyright IBM Corp. 1999, 2016 799

Arguments for type functions

Table 81. Type functions (continued)

Function Description
NEW Acquires storage for a structure type and returns a handle to the
acquired storage
RESPEC Changes the attributes of an expression to a specified type without
changing the bit pattern of the expression
SIZE Returns the amount of storage needed to represent a type
VALUE Initializes or assigns to a variable that has the corresponding structure

800 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


BIND converts the pointer p to a handle for the structure type t. The BIND
function can be used as a locator for a member of a typed structure.

BIND (: t , p :)

t Name of a structure type

p Pointer expression

Chapter 19. Type functions 801


CAST converts the expression x to the type t using C conversion rules.

CAST (: t , x :)

t Name of a scalar "C type"

x A scalar expression also having "C type"

These are supported "C types":

v REAL FIXED DEC(p,q) where p >= q and q>= 0.

If x is FLOAT or FIXED DEC, t must be FLOAT, FIXED or ORDINAL, and if t is


Any conversions that are needed follow the ANSI C rules. This means, for
instance, that SIZE will not be raised by CAST and that if negative values are cast
to UNSIGNED, the result will be a large positive number.

IEEE DFP is not supported by CAST.

802 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


FIRST returns the first value in the ordinal set t.

FIRST (: t :)

t Name of an ordinal type

define ordinal Color ( Red,
Violet );

display (ordinalname( first(:Color:) )); /* RED */

Chapter 19. Type functions 803


LAST returns the last value in the ordinal set t.

LAST (: t :)

t Name of an ordinal type

define ordinal Color ( Red,
Violet );

display (ordinalname( last(:Color:) )); /* VIOLET */

804 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


NEW acquires heap storage for structure type t and returns a handle to the
acquired storage.

NEW (: t :)

t Name of a structure type

NEW(:t:) is equivalent to BIND(: t, ALLOC( SIZE(:t:) ) :).

Chapter 19. Type functions 805


RESPEC changes the attributes of the expression x to the type t without changing
the bit value of the expression.

RESPEC (: t , x :)

t Name of a scalar type

p A scalar expression

x must have the same size as t, and if either x or t is UNALIGNED BIT, both must
be UNALIGNED BIT (in which case the function is somewhat uninteresting
because it would do nothing).

As an example, if t is a type with the attributes LIMITED ENTRY, RESPEC( t,

sysnull() ) would return a "null" function pointer.

806 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


SIZE returns the amount of storage needed for a variable declared with the type t.

SIZE (: t :)

t Name of a structure or union type

Chapter 19. Type functions 807


The VALUE type function initializes or assigns to a variable that has the
corresponding structure type.


t Name of a typed structure. The VALUE function returns an instance of the

typed structure t with its initial values.

If the VALUE function is used with a structure type that is partially initialized,
uninitialized bytes and bits are set to zero.

The VALUE function cannot be used with a structure type containing no elements
with the INITIAL attribute.

You can use the VALUE function with the INIT form of the INITIAL attribute on
the elements of a DEFINE STRUCTURE statement. However, you cannot use INIT
CALL and INIT TO with the VALUE function on the elements of a DEFINE
STRUCTURE statement.

The following example shows how to use the VALUE function:

define struct
1 b,
2 b1 fixed bin init(17),
2 b2 fixed bin init(19);

define struct
1 c,
2 c1 type b init( value(: b :) ),
2 c2 fixed bin init(23);

dcl x type c static init( value(: c :) );

dcl y type c;

y = value(: c :);

808 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference

Chapter 20. Preprocessor facilities
The compiler provides a MACRO preprocessor for source program alteration.
When you specify the MACRO or PP(MACRO) compile-time option, the
preprocessor is executed before compilation. The MACRO preprocessor scans the
preprocessor input and generates preprocessor output. The preprocessor output
can serve as input to the compiler.

This description of the preprocessor assumes that you know the PL/I language
described throughout this publication.

The preprocessor input is a string of characters consisting of intermixed preprocessor

statements, listing control statements, and input text:
Preprocessor statements
Preprocessor statements4 are executed as they are encountered by the
preprocessor scan (with the exception of preprocessor procedures, which
must be invoked in order to be executed). Preprocessor statements, except
those in preprocessor procedures, begin with a percent symbol (%). Using a
blank to separate the percent symbol from the rest of the statement is
The preprocessor executes preprocessor statements and alters the input text
accordingly. Preprocessor statements can cause alteration of the input text
in any of the following ways:
v Any identifier (and an optional argument list) appearing in the input
text can be changed to an arbitrary string of text.
v You can indicate which portions of the input text to copy into the
preprocessor output.
v A string of characters residing in a library can be included in the
preprocessor input.
Listing control statements
Listing control statements control the layout of the printed listing of the
program. These statements affect both the insource listing (the preprocessor
input) and the source listing (the preprocessor output). For information
about listing control statements, see Chapter 8, Statements and directives,
on page 211.
Input text
The input text is preprocessor input that is not a preprocessor statement or
a listing control statement. The input text can be a PL/I source program or
any other text, provided that it is consistent with the processing of the
input text by the preprocessor scan.

Preprocessor output5 is a string of characters consisting of intermixed listing control

statements and output text:

4. For clarity in this discussion, preprocessor statements are shown with the % symbol (even though, when used in a preprocessor
procedure, such a statement would not have a % symbol).
5. Preprocessor replacement output is shown in a formatted style, while actual execution-generated replacement output is

Copyright IBM Corp. 1999, 2016 809

Preprocessor facilities

Listing control statements

Listing control statements that are scanned in the preprocessor input are
copied to the preprocessor output.
Output text
Input text that is scanned and possibly altered is placed in the preprocessor

You can specify compile-time options that cause the preprocessor input, the
preprocessor output, or both to be printed or written to a data set.

Preprocessor options
The preprocessor is invoked when you specify the MACRO or PP(MACRO)
compile-time option. You can also specify compiler options that affect the
preprocessor only. Some of the options can significantly change the behavior of the

In particular, note these options:

Specifies how FIXED variables are treated. This option has two suboptions:
Specifies that FIXED variables are treated as BINARY.
Specifies that FIXED variables are treated as DECIMAL.
CASE Specifies whether input text is converted to uppercase. This option has two
Specifies that input text is left "as is".
Specifies that input text is converted to uppercase.
Specifies how the preprocessor should handle the case of identifiers when
rescanning text. This option has two suboptions:
Rescans will be case sensitive.
Rescans will not be case sensitive.
DBCS Specifies whether the preprocessor should normalize DBCS during text
replacement. This option has two suboptions:
Tthe input text is left "as is", and the preprocessor will treat <kk.B>
and <kk>B as different names.
The input text is "normalized", and the preprocessor will treat <kk.B>
and <kk>B as two versions of the same name.

The defaults for these options are FIXED(DECIMAL), CASE(UPPER),


810 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference

Preprocessor options

For more information about how to specify these options, see the Programming

Preprocessor scan
The preprocessor starts its scan at the beginning of the preprocessor input and
scans each character sequentially.

By default, the CASE(UPPER) option is in effect, and the preprocessor converts

lowercase characters in the input (except for those in comments and string
constants) to uppercase. But if the CASE(ASIS) suboption is in effect, the text will
be left as is.

Execution of preprocessor statements

Preprocessor statements are executed when encountered.

You can use preprocessor statements as follows:

v Define preprocessor names using the %DECLARE statement and appearance as
a label prefix.
If a preprocessor variable is not explicitly declared, a diagnostic message is
issued and the variable is given the default attribute of CHARACTER. However,
the variable is not activated for replacement unless it appears in a subsequently
executed %ACTIVATE statement. The variable can be referenced in preprocessor
v Activate an identifier using the %DECLARE or %ACTIVATE statement, thus
initiating replacement activity, as described below under Execution of input
v Deactivate an identifier using the %DEACTIVATE statement, thus terminating
replacement activity.
v Generate a message in the compiler listing using the %NOTE statement.
v Include string of characters into the preprocessor input.
v Cause the preprocessor to continue the scan at a different point in the
preprocessor input using the %GOTO, %IF, %null, %DO, or %END statement.
v Change values of preprocessor variables using the %assignment or %DO
v Define preprocessor procedures using the %PROCEDURE, %RETURN, and
%END statements. A preprocessor procedure can be invoked by a function
reference in a preprocessor expression, or, if the function procedure name is
active, by encountering a function reference in the preprocessor scan of input

Execution of listing control statements

Listing control statements that are not contained in a preprocessor procedure are
copied into the preprocessor output, each on a line of its own.

Execution of input text

The input text, after replacement of any active identifiers by new values, is copied
into the preprocessor output. Invalid characters (part of a character constant or
comment) are replaced with blanks in the preprocessor output.

To determine replacements, the input text is scanned for the following occurrences:
v Characters that are not part of this PL/I character set

Chapter 20. Preprocessor facilities 811

Preprocessor scan

These characters are treated as delimiters and are otherwise copied to this
output unchanged.
v PL/I character constants or PL/I comments
These are passed through unchanged from input text to preprocessor output by
the preprocessor unless they appear in an argument list to an active
preprocessor procedure. However, this can cause mismatches between input and
output lines for strings or comments extending over several lines, when the
input and output margins are different. This is especially true when V format
input is used, because the output is always F format, with margins in columns 2
and 72. The output line numbering in these cases also shows this inevitable
v Active identifiers
For an identifier to be replaced by a new value, the identifier must be first
activated for replacement. Initially, an identifier can be activated by its
appearance in a %DECLARE statement. It can be deactivated by executing a
%DEACTIVATE statement, and it can be reactivated by executing a %ACTIVATE
or %DECLARE statement.
An identifier that matches the name of an active preprocessor variable is
replaced in the preprocessor output by the value of the variable.
When an identifier matches the name of an active preprocessor function (either
programmer-written or built-in), the procedure is invoked and the invocation is
replaced by the returned value.
Identifiers can be activated with either the RESCAN or the NORESCAN options.
If the NORESCAN option applies, the value is immediately inserted into the
preprocessor output. If the RESCAN option applies, a rescan is made during
which the value is tested to determine whether it, or any part of it, should be
replaced by another value. If it cannot be replaced, it is inserted into the
preprocessor output; if it can be replaced, replacement activity continues until no
further replacements can be made. Thus, insertion of a value into the
preprocessor output takes place only after all possible replacements have been

Replacement values must not contain % symbols, unmatched quotation marks, or

unmatched comment delimiters.

Preprocessor statements should be on separate lines from normal text. The one
exception is the null statement when it is specified in the form %;. Such a null
statement can be used to concatenate replacement text and regular text. For
example, suppose that the input text is as follows:
%dcl A char;
%A = B;

dcl A%C fixed bin(31);

The preprocessor would produce the output text:

dcl BC fixed bin(31);

The scan terminates when an attempt is made to scan beyond the last character in
the preprocessor input. The preprocessor output is then complete and compilation
can begin.

812 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference

Variables and data elements

Preprocessor variables and data elements

A preprocessor variable is specified in a %DECLARE statement with the FIXED,
CHARACTER, or INITIAL attribute. No other attributes can be declared for a
preprocessor variable, and attributes must not be repeated. (Other attributes are
supplied by the preprocessor, however.) All variables have storage equivalent to
the STATIC storage class.

Although not required, it is always the best practice that you specify the FIXED or
CHARACTER attribute for each variable in a %DECLARE.

Preprocessor data types are coded arithmetic and string data, and are declared
with one of the following attributes:
A preprocessor variable declared with the FIXED attribute is, by default, given
the attributes DECIMAL(5,0).
If the FIXED(BINARY) macro preprocessor option is in effect, it is given the
attributes BINARY(31,0).
In either case, it is given an initial value of 0.
Fractional values are not supported.
A preprocessor variable declared with the CHARACTER attribute is given the
VARYING attribute.
It is given an initial value of ''.
A preprocessor variable declared with the INITIAL attribute is assigned with
the specified initial values.

There are no preprocessor bit variables. However, bit constants are allowed, and bit
values result from comparison operators, the concatenation operator (when used
with bit operands), the not operator, and the PARMSET built-in function. The
preprocessor-expression in the %IF statement converts to a bit value.

The only numeric constants supported by the preprocessor are optionally signed,
unscaled integers (such as 17 or -29).

The only string constants supported by the preprocessor are character and bit
strings, either of which can be specified by using the hexadecimal notation (i.e. as
X or BX strings).

String repetition factors are not allowed. However, the COPY built-in function can
be used to replicate a constant.

Preprocessor references and expressions

Preprocessor references and expressions are written and evaluated in the same way
as described in the section Expressions and references.

In addition, note the following comments:

v The operands of a preprocessor expression can consist only of preprocessor
variables, references to preprocessor procedures, fixed decimal constants, bit
constants, character constants, and references to preprocessor built-in functions.

Chapter 20. Preprocessor facilities 813

References and expressions

v While an array can be declared outside of a preprocessor procedure (so that it

can be shared across multiple procedures), it must not be referenced outside a
procedure (except as the first argument to one of the array-enquiry built-in
v The exponentiation symbol (**) cannot be used.
v Under the FIXED(DECIMAL) option:
For arithmetic operations, only decimal arithmetic of precision (5,0) is
performed; that is, each operand is converted to a decimal fixed-point integer
value of precision (5,0) before the operation is performed, and the decimal
fixed-point result is converted to precision (5,0). For example, the expression
3/5 evaluates to 0, rather than to 0.6.
Any character value being converted to an arithmetic value must be in the
form of an optionally signed integer. A null string converts to 0.
The conversion of a fixed-point value to a bit value always results in a string
of length CEIL(3.32*5), that is, 17.
The conversion of a fixed-point value to a character value always results in a
string of length 8 and has the same value that would result from converting a
FIXED DEC(5,0) value to CHARACTER in a PL/I program.
v Under the FIXED(BINARY) option
For arithmetic operations, only binary arithmetic of precision (31,0) is
performed; that is, each operand is converted to a binary fixed-point integer
value of precision (31,0) before the operation is performed, and the binary
fixed-point result is converted to precision (31,0). For example, the expression
3/5 evaluates to 0, rather than to 0.6.
Any character value being converted to an arithmetic value must be in the
form of an optionally signed integer. A null string converts to 0.
The conversion of a fixed-point value to a bit value always results in a string
of 31.
The conversion of a fixed-point value to a character value results in a string
of varying length because leading blanks are trimmed.
Related information:
Chapter 3, Expressions and references, on page 51
This chapter discusses the various types of expressions and references.

Scope of preprocessor names

The scope of a preprocessor name is determined by where it is declared.

The scope of a name declared within a preprocessor procedure is that procedure.

The scope of a name declared within an included string is that string and all input
text scanned after that string is included (except any preprocessor procedure in
which the name is also declared). The scope of any other name is the entire
preprocessor input (except any preprocessor procedure in which the name is also

Preprocessor procedures
A preprocessor procedure is a collection of statements that specifies the actions to
be performed by the preprocessor. A preprocessor procedure is delimited by
%PROCEDURE and %END statements.

If the procedure is not defined with a RETURNS attribute, it can contain ANSWER
statements, but it must not contain any RETURN statements. Conversely, if the
814 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference
Preprocessor procedures

procedure is a function, it must contain at least one RETURN statement, and it

must not contain any ANSWER statements.

The following statements and groups can be used within a preprocessor procedure:
v The preprocessor ANSWER statement
v The preprocessor assignment statement
v The preprocessor CALL statement
v The preprocessor DECLARE statement
v The preprocessor DO-group
v The preprocessor GO TO statement
A GO TO statement appearing in a preprocessor procedure cannot transfer
control to a point outside of that procedure.
v The preprocessor IF statement
v The preprocessor ITERATE statement
v The preprocessor LEAVE statement
v The preprocessor null statement
v The preprocessor NOTE statement
v The preprocessor RETURN statement
v The preprocessor SELECT-group

Preprocessor statements in a preprocessor procedure do not begin with a percent


Preprocessor procedures cannot be nested. A preprocessor ENTRY declaration is

not permitted in a preprocessor procedure.

A preprocessor procedure entry name, together with the arguments to the

procedure, is called a function reference. A preprocessor procedure can be invoked
by a function reference in a preprocessor expression, or, if the function procedure
name is active, by encountering a function reference in the preprocessor scan of
input text. Preprocessor procedure entry names need not be specified in
%DECLARE statements.

Provided that its entry name is active, a preprocessor procedure need not be
scanned before it is invoked. However, it must be present in the preprocessor
input, or a string is included before the point of invocation.

The value returned by a preprocessor function (that is, the value of the
preprocessor expression in the RETURN statement) replaces the function reference
and its associated argument list in the preprocessor output.

Arguments and parameters for preprocessor procedures

The number of arguments in the procedure reference and the number of
parameters in the %PROCEDURE statement need not be the same. The arguments
are evaluated before any match is made with the parameter list.

If there are more positional arguments than parameters, the excess arguments on
the right are ignored. (For an argument that is a function reference, the function is
invoked and executed, even if the argument is ignored later.) Parameters that are
not set by the function reference are given values of zero, for FIXED parameters, or
the null string, for CHARACTER parameters.

Chapter 20. Preprocessor facilities 815

Arguments and parameters

Parameters should not be set more than once by a function reference. However, if
the value of a parameter is specified more than once (for example, both by its
position and by keyword), the error is diagnosed and the leftmost setting is used
for the invocation.

If the function reference appears in a preprocessor statement, the arguments are

associated with the parameters in the normal fashion. Dummy arguments can be
created and the arguments converted to the attributes of the corresponding
parameters, in the same manner as described under Passing arguments to
procedures on page 114.

If the function reference appears in input text, dummy arguments are always
created. The arguments are interpreted as character strings and are delimited by a
comma or right parenthesis. A comma or right parenthesis does not act as a
delimiter, however, if it appears between matching parentheses, single quotation
marks, or comment delimiters. For example, the positional argument list (A(B,C),D)
has two arguments, namely, the string A(B,C) and the string D. Blanks in
arguments (including leading and trailing blanks) are significant but, if such blanks
extend to the end of a line and are not enclosed in quotation marks or comment
delimiters, they are replaced by one blank.

When a function reference is encountered in input text, each argument is scanned

for possible replacement activity. This replacement activity has no effect on the
number of arguments passed to the function. Any commas or parentheses
introduced into arguments by replacement activity are not treated as delimiters,
but simply as characters in the argument. If keyword invocation is used, the
keywords themselves are not eligible for replacement activity. After all
replacements are made, each resulting argument is converted to the type indicated
by the corresponding parameter attribute in the preprocessor procedure statement
for the function entry name.

%PROCEDURE statement
The %PROCEDURE statement is used in conjunction with a %END statement to
delimit a preprocessor procedure.

The syntax for the %PROCEDURE statement is as follows:

% entry-name: PROCEDURE

( parameter )


Abbreviation: %PROC

816 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


Specifies a parameter of the function procedure.
If the reference occurs in input text and the STATEMENT option is present, the
following rules apply:
v The arguments can be specified either in the positional argument list or by
keyword reference.
v The end of the reference must be indicated by a semicolon. The semicolon is
not retained when the replacement takes place.
For example, a preprocessor procedure headed by %FIND:PROC(A,B,C)
STATEMENT...; must be invoked from a preprocessor expression by a reference
of the form:

If the reference is in input text, the procedure can be invoked by any of the
following references (or similar ones), all of which have the same result:

FIND B(Y) C(Z) A(X);

FIND(X) C(Z) B(Y);

FIND(,Y,Z) A(X);
Specifies the attribute of the value returned by the function procedure. You
must specify one of the following attributes:

Preprocessor RETURN statement

The preprocessor RETURN statement can be used only in a preprocessor procedure
and only when the procedure has the RETURNS attribute. This statement returns a
value as well as control back to the point from which the preprocessor procedure
was invoked.

The preprocessor RETURN statement can have no leading %. At least one

RETURN statement must appear in each preprocessor procedure that has the
RETURNS attribute.

The value returned by a preprocessor function procedure to the point of invocation

is specified by the preprocessor-expression in a RETURN statement in the
procedure. The syntax of the preprocessor RETURN statement is as follows:

RETURN ( preprocessor-expression ) ;


Chapter 20. Preprocessor facilities 817


The value is converted to the RETURNS attribute specified in the
%PROCEDURE statement before it is passed back to the point of invocation.

Preprocessor ANSWER statement

The preprocessor ANSWER statement can be used only in a preprocessor
procedure that does not have the RETURNS attribute.

The ANSWER statement produces text and/or invokes other preprocessor

procedures. The answered text replaces the invocation of the preprocessor
procedure in the source text. You can use any number of ANSWER statements in a
preprocessor procedure.

( exp1 ) PAGE
( exp2 )

( exp4 )
, exp5

Abbreviations: ANS for ANSWER, COL for COLUMN, MAR for MARGINS
Represents a character expression that represents the ANSWER text. The
ANSWER text can be either a single character string constant or a preprocessor
expression of any complexity.
If it is an expression, the expression evaluation occurs in the usual manner and
the result is converted to a single character string.
If SCAN or RESCAN is in effect, the character string is scanned for
replacements and preprocessor procedure invocations. This replacement is
done within the scope of the preprocessor procedure and not in the scope into
which the answered text is returned. The answered text is then inserted into
the source at the point of the preprocessor invocation. After the text is returned
into the source, it is not scanned for any replacement activity.
Replacement activity in the string follows the same rules as those for source
text scanning and replacement. See Example on page 819.
Forces the answer text to be placed on a new page of the output source by
generating a %PAGE directive.
Forces the answer text to be placed on a new line of the output source. The
value of exp2 represents the arithmetic expression specifying the number of
lines to be skipped. If exp2 is not specified, the default value is 1.
Specifies the starting column in the source program line in which the answer
text is placed. The value of exp3 represents the arithmetic expression for the
column number of the source program line where the answer text starts.

818 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


Specifies where the output text is placed within the output record. The value of
exp4 represents the arithmetic expression for the left margin for the output text.
The value of exp5 represents the arithmetic expression for the right margin for
the output text.
The values specified for exp5 must be within the range returned by the
MACLMAR (left margin) and MACRMAR (right margin) built-in functions.
If you do not specify the MARGINS option for an ANSWER statement, the
default value is MARGINS(MACLMAR,MACRMAR); if you specify the
MARGINS option with no operands, the default value is

You must not use both the RETURN statement with an expression and the
ANSWER statement within the same preprocessor procedure.

Note: If a macro is invoked in an expression and that macro does not return a
value, the macro preprocessor acts as if the macro returned a null string.

%dcl (Expression, Single_string) entry;
%dcl (Deactivated_macro, Statement_function) entry;
%dcl Deactivated_variable character;
%deact Deactivated_variable, Deactivated_macro;
%Deactivated_variable = ** value of deactivated variable **;

%Deactivated_macro: procedure returns( character );

return( ** value of deactivated macro ** );

%Statement_function: procedure( key1 ) stmt returns( fixed );

dcl key1 fixed;
return( key1 + key1 );

%Expression: procedure;
ANS( Counter ) skip;
ANS( Deactivated_macro ) skip;
ANS( Deactivated_variable ) skip;
/* The following is invalid: */
/* ANS( Statement_function Key1(7);); */

%Single_string: procedure;
ANS( Counter ) skip;
ANS( Deactivated_macro ) skip;
ANS( Deactivated_variable ) skip;
ANS( Statement_function Key1( 7 ); ) skip;

Expression /* Generates: */
/* 00001 */
/* ** value of deactivated macro ** */
/* ** value of deactivated variable ** */

Single_string /* Generates: */
/* Counter */
/* Deactivated_macro */
/* Deactivated_variable */
/* 14 */

Chapter 20. Preprocessor facilities 819


Preprocessor CALL statement

By using the preprocessor CALL statement, a MACRO procedure can call another
MACRO procedure.

CALL procedure-name ( ) ;


Specifies the name of the procedure to be called. The procedure must not have
the RETURNS attribute or the STATEMENT option.
Specifies an element, an element expression, or an aggregate to be passed to
the invoked subroutine. See Passing arguments to procedures on page 114.

Preprocessor built-in functions

A function reference can invoke one of a set of predefined functions called
preprocessor built-in functions. These built-in functions are invoked in the same way
that programmer-defined functions are invoked, except that they must be invoked
with the correct number of arguments.

These are the preprocessor built-in functions:



The preprocessor executes a reference to a preprocessor built-in function in input

text only if the built-in function name is active. The built-in functions can be
activated by a %DECLARE or %ACTIVATE statement.

In preprocessor statements, the preprocessor built-in function names are always

active as built-in functions unless they are declared with some other meaning.

If a preprocessor built-in function name is used as the name of a user-defined

preprocessor procedure, references to the name are references to the procedure, not
to the built-in function. In such cases, the identifiers must be declared with the
BUILTIN attribute when the built-in function is to be used within a preprocessor

The following preprocessor built-in functions do not require arguments and must
not be given a null argument:

820 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference

Preprocessor built-in functions



Chapter 20. Preprocessor facilities 821


COLLATE returns a CHARACTER string of length 256 comprising the 256 possible
character values one time each in the collating order.


822 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


COMMENT converts a CHARACTER expression into a comment.


x Expression that is to be converted to a comment.

x should have CHARACTER type, and if not, it is converted thereto.

x is enclosed with a /* and an */.

If x contains /* or */ composite symbols, they are replaced by /> and </,


Chapter 20. Preprocessor facilities 823


COMPILEDATE returns a CHARACTER string of length 17 containing the date
and the time of the compilation.


The format of the string returned by COMPILEDATE is as follows:

yyyy current year
mm current month
dd current day
hh current hour
mm current minute
ss current second
ttt current millisecond

The time zone and accuracy are system dependent.


The following example shows how to print the string returned by COMPILEDATE
when your program is run:

824 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


COMPILETIME returns a CHARACTER string of length 18 containing the date and
the time of compilation.


The format of the string returned by COMPILETIME is as follows:

DD Day of the month
. Period
Month in the form JAN, FEB, MAR, and so on
. Period
YY Year
b Blank
HH Hour
. Period
MM Minute
. Period
SS Second

A leading zero in the day of the month field is replaced by a blank; no other
leading zeros are suppressed.

If no timing facility is available, the last 8 characters of the returned string are set
to 00.00.00.


The following example shows how to print the string returned by COMPILETIME
when your program is executed:

Chapter 20. Preprocessor facilities 825


COPY returns a CHARACTER string consisting of y concatenated copies of the
string x.


x Expression.
x should have CHARACTER type, and if not, it is converted thereto.
y Expression that specifies the number of repetitions. y should have FIXED type,
and if not, it is converted thereto.

y must be nonnegative.

If y is zero, the result is a null string.

826 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


COUNTER returns a CHARACTER string of length 5 containing a decimal
number. The returned number is 00001 for the first invocation, and increments by
one on each successive invocation.


If COUNTER is invoked 99999 times, the next time it is invoked, a diagnostic

message is issued and 00000 is returned. The next invocation after that is treated as
the first.

The COUNTER built-in function can be used to generate unique names, or for
counting purposes.

Chapter 20. Preprocessor facilities 827


DIMENSION returns a FIXED value specifying current extent of dimension y of x.


Abbreviation: DIM
x Array reference. x must not have less than y dimensions.
y Expression specifying a particular dimension of x.
y should have FIXED type, and if not, it will be converted thereto.
y must be greater than or equal to 1. If y is not supplied, the default is 1.
y can be omitted only if the array is one-dimensional.

828 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


HBOUND returns a FIXED value specifying current upper bound of dimension y
of x.


x Array reference. x must not have less than y dimensions.

y Expression specifying a particular dimension of x.
y should have FIXED type, and if not, it will be converted thereto.
y must be greater than or equal to 1. If y is not supplied, the default is 1.
y can be omitted only if the array is one-dimensional.

Chapter 20. Preprocessor facilities 829


INDEX returns a FIXED value indicating the starting position within x of a
substring identical to y. You can also specify the location within x where
processing begins.

INDEX(x,y )

x Expression to be searched.
x should have CHARACTER type, and if not, it will be converted thereto.
y Target expression of the search.
y should have CHARACTER type, and if not, it will be converted thereto.
n n specifies the location within x at which to begin processing.
n should have FIXED type, and if not, it will be converted thereto.

If y does not occur in x, or if either x or y have zero length, the value zero is

n must be greater than 0 and no greater than 1 + LENGTH(x).

If n = LENGTH(x) + 1, the result is zero.

830 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


LBOUND returns a FIXED value specifying current lower bound of dimension y of


x Array reference. x must not have less than y dimensions.

y Expression specifying a particular dimension of x.
y should have FIXED type, and if not, it will be converted thereto.
y must be greater than or equal to 1. If y is not supplied, the default is 1.
y can be omitted only if the array is one-dimensional.

Chapter 20. Preprocessor facilities 831


LENGTH returns a FIXED value specifying the current length of a given character

LENGTH ( x )

x Expression.
x should have CHARACTER type, and if not, it is converted thereto.

832 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


LOWERCASE returns a CHAR string with all the alphabetic characters from A to Z
converted to their lowercase equivalent.


x Expression.
x should have CHARACTER type, and if not, it is converted thereto.

Chapter 20. Preprocessor facilities 833


MACCOL returns a FIXED value that represents the column where the outermost
macro invocation starts in the source text that contains the macro invocation.


The value returned is not affected by nested macro invocations.

834 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


MACLMAR returns a FIXED value that represents the column number of the left
source margin in MARGINS compiler option.


See the information about the MARGINS option in the Programming Guide.

Chapter 20. Preprocessor facilities 835


MACNAME returns the name of the preprocessor procedure within which it is


It is invalid to invoke MACNAME outside of a preprocessor procedure.

836 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


MACRMAR returns a FIXED value that represents the column number of the right
source margin in MARGINS compiler option.


See the information about the MARGINS option in the Programming Guide.

Chapter 20. Preprocessor facilities 837


MAX returns the largest value from a set of two or more expressions.

MAX( x, y )

x and y

All the arguments should be FIXED, and any that are not FIXED are converted

838 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


MIN returns the smallest value from a set of two or more expressions.

MIN( x, y )

x and y

All the arguments should be FIXED, and any that are not FIXED are converted

Chapter 20. Preprocessor facilities 839


PARMSET returns a BIT value indicating if a specified parameter was set on
invocation of the procedure.


x Must be a parameter of the preprocessor procedure.

The PARMSET built-in function can be used only within a preprocessor procedure.

PARMSET returns a bit value of '1'B if the parameter x was explicitly set by the
function reference that invoked the procedure, and a bit value of '0'B if it was
notthat is, if the corresponding argument was omitted from the function
reference in a preprocessor expression, or was the null string in a function
reference from input text.

PARMSET can return '0'B, even if a matching argument does appear in the
reference, but the reference is in another preprocessor procedure, as follows:
v If the argument is not itself a parameter of the invoking procedure, PARMSET
returns the value '1'B.
v If the argument is a parameter of the invoking procedure, PARMSET returns the
value for the specified parameter when the invoking procedure was itself

840 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


QUOTE returns a CHARACTER string that represents x as a valid quoted string.


x Expression that is converted to a quoted string.

x should have CHARACTER type, and if not, it is converted thereto.

If x contains single quotation marks, each is replaced by two consecutive single

quotation marks.

Chapter 20. Preprocessor facilities 841


REPEAT returns a CHARACTER string consisting of (y + 1) concatenated copies of
the string x.


x Expression.
x should have CHARACTER type, and if not, it is converted thereto.
y Expression that specifies the number of repetitions. y should have FIXED type,
and if not, it is converted thereto.

y must be nonnegative.

If y is zero, the result is x (converted to character as necessary).

842 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


SUBSTR returns a substring, specified by y and z, of x.

SUBSTR(x,y )

x Expression specifies the string from which the substring is extracted.

x should have CHARACTER type, and if not, it is converted thereto.
y Expression that specifies the starting position of the substring in x.
y should have FIXED type, and if not, it is converted thereto.
z Expression that specifies the length of the substring in x.
z should have FIXED type, and if not, it is converted thereto.
If z is zero, a null string is returned. If z is omitted, the substring returned is
position y in x to the end of x.

z must be nonnegative, and the values of y and z must be such that the substring
lies entirely within the current length of x.

If y = LENGTH(x)+1 and z = 0, the null string is returned.

Chapter 20. Preprocessor facilities 843


SYSDIMSIZE returns a FIXED value that indicates the maximum number of bytes
that is needed to hold an index for an array permitted under the compiler CMPAT


The possible return values are as follows:

v 4 under CMPAT(V2) and CMPAT(LE)
v 8 under CMPAT(V3)

844 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


SYSOFFSETSIZE returns a FIXED value that indicates the number of bytes needed
to hold an OFFSET.


Currently, SYSOFFSETSIZE returns 4.

Chapter 20. Preprocessor facilities 845


SYSPARM returns the CHARACTER string value of the SYSPARM compiler


The value returned is not translated to uppercase; the exact value as specified in
the compiler option is returned. See the information about the SYSPARM compiler
option in the Programming Guide.

SYSPARM allows information external to the program to be accessed without

modifying the source program.

846 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


SYSPOINTERSIZE returns a FIXED value that indicates the number of bytes
needed to hold a POINTER.


Currently, SYSPOINTERSIZE returns 4.

Chapter 20. Preprocessor facilities 847


SYSTEM returns a CHARACTER string that contains the value of the SYSTEM
compiler option that is in effect.


Note: The value returned might contain leading and trailing blanks. You can apply
the TRIM built-in function to that value to make it easier to test.

See the information about the SYSTEM compiler option in the Programming Guide.

848 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


SYSVERSION returns a CHARACTER string containing the product name as well
as the version, release, and modification level.


The result that SYSVERSION returns is a string of length 22 in one of the following
formats. Each string is padded with blanks on the right to make it 22 in length.
Under z/OS
PL/I for z/OS Vx.Ry.Mz
Under AIX
PL/I for AIX x.y
Under Windows
PL/I for Win* x.y

Chapter 20. Preprocessor facilities 849


TRANSLATE returns a CHARACTER string of the same length as x, but with
selected characters translated.


x Expression to be searched for possible translation of its characters.

x should have CHARACTER type, and if not, it is converted thereto.
y Expression containing the translation values of characters.
y should have CHARACTER type, and if not, it is converted thereto.
z Expression containing the characters that are to be translated. If z is omitted,
the default is COLLATE.
z should have CHARACTER type, and if not, it is converted thereto.

TRANSLATE operates on each character of x as follows:

If a character in x is found in z, the character in y that corresponds to that in z is

copied to the result; otherwise, the character in x is copied directly to the result. If
z contains duplicates, the leftmost occurrence is used.

y is padded with blanks, or truncated, on the right to match the length of z.

850 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


TRIM returns a CHAR string with characters trimmed from one or both ends of an
input string.

TRIM ( x )
, y
, z

Chapter 20. Preprocessor facilities 851


UPPERCASE returns a CHAR string with all the alphabetic characters from a to z
converted to their uppercase equivalent.


x Expression.
x should have CHARACTER type, and if not, it is converted thereto.

852 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


VERIFY returns a FIXED value indicating the position in x of the leftmost character
that is not in y. It also allows you to specify the location within x at which to begin

VERIFY(x,y )

x Expression.
x should have CHARACTER type, and if not, it is converted thereto.
y Expression.
y should have CHARACTER type, and if not, it is converted thereto.
n Expression n specifies the location within x where processing begins.
n should have FIXED type, and if not, it is converted thereto.

If all the characters in x do appear in y, a value of zero is returned. If x is a null

string, a value of zero is returned. If x is not a null string and y is a null string, the
value of n is returned. The default value for n is one.

n must be greater than 0 and no greater than 1 + LENGTH(x).

If n = LENGTH(x) + 1, the result is zero.

Preprocessor statements
This section lists the preprocessor statements in alphabetical order and describes
each statement.

Comments can appear within preprocessor statements wherever blanks can appear.
Such comments are not inserted into preprocessor output text.

All preprocessor statements can be labeled.

The %CONTROL statement is unsupported. If used, it will be accepted and


%ACTIVATE statement
A %ACTIVATE statement makes an identifier active and eligible for replacement.
Any subsequent encounter of that identifier in the input text while the identifier is
active initiates replacement activity.

Chapter 20. Preprocessor facilities 853


% ACTIVATE identifier ;

Abbreviation: %ACT
Specifies the name of a preprocessor variable, a preprocessor procedure, or a
preprocessor built-in function.
The identifier should not refer to an array variable.
Specifies that the identifier is replaced as many times as necessary to replace
all active identifiers before being placed into the output.
Specifies that the identifier is replaced only once before being placed into the
Synonym for SCAN.

Using the %ACTIVATE statement for an identifier that is already active has no
effect, except possibly to change the scanning status.

%assignment statement
A %assignment statement evaluates a preprocessor expression and assigns the
result to a preprocessor variable.

% preprocessor-variable = preprocessor-expression ;


Compound and multiple assignments are not allowed.

The target in an assignment must not be an array, but it can be an array element.

%DEACTIVATE statement
A %DEACTIVATE statement makes an identifier inactive.

854 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


% DEACTIVATE identifier ;


Abbreviation: %DEACT
Specifies the name of either a preprocessor variable, a preprocessor procedure,
or a preprocessor built-in function.

The deactivation of an identifier causes loss of its replacement capability but not its
value. Hence, the reactivation of such an identifier need not be accompanied by the
assignment of a replacement value.

The deactivation of an identifier does not prevent it from receiving new values in
subsequent preprocessor statements.

Deactivation of a deactivated identifier has no effect.

%DECLARE statement
The %DECLARE statement establishes an identifier as a macro variable, macro
procedure, or built-in function. In addition, scanning status can be specified for
macro variables.

% DECLARE identifier BUILTIN ;


( identifier )


Chapter 20. Preprocessor facilities 855


% DECLARE identifier description ;

identifier description:

identifier attributes
( dimension )

( identifier )
( dimension )


lbound :





Abbreviations: %DCL for %DECLARE, CHAR for CHARACTER, INT for

identifier description
Specifies the names and attributes of macro facility identifiers.
Specifies that the identifier is the preprocessor built-in function of the same
Specifies that the identifier represents a varying-length character string that has
no maximum length.
Specifies that the identifier is a preprocessor procedure.
The declaration activates the entry name.
The declaration of a preprocessor procedure entry name can be performed
explicitly by its appearance as the label of a %PROCEDURE statement. This
explicit declaration, however, does not activate the preprocessor procedure

856 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


Specifies that the identifier represents an integer.
Under the (default) FIXED(DECIMAL) option, it is also given the attributes
Under the FIXED(BINARY) option, it is also given the attributes BINARY(31,0).
Specifies that the identifier is active and is replaced as many times as
Specifies that the identifier is active and is replaced only once in output.
Specifies that the identifier is inactive and is not to be replaced in output.
Dimension specification for array variables. No more than 15 dimensions can
be specified.

Note: While an array can be declared outside of a preprocessor procedure (so

that it can be shared across multiple procedures), it must not be referenced
outside a procedure (except as the first argument to one of the array-enquiry
built-in functions).
The desired lower bound for that dimension. The default is 1.
The desired upper bound for that dimension.

An array bound might be specified by an integer constant or by a more

general expression. The general expression must not depend on the value of
other preprocessor variables, but it might depend on other attributes such as
the bounds of other variables. For example, the following declarations are valid
in this order:
%dcl a(2) fixed;
%dcl b(2+hbound(a)) fixed;

And the following declaration is also valid when sysparm is an integer

%dcl c( sysparm() ) fixed;
This attribute is valid only inside a procedure. If it is specified outside a
procedure, a diagnostic message is issued and the variable is given the
EXTERNAL attribute.
All variables declared outside a procedure are EXTERNAL, and all variables
declared inside a procedure are INTERNAL.
This attribute is valid only outside a procedure. If it is specified inside a
procedure, a diagnostic message is issued and the variable is given the
INTERNAL attribute.

%DO statement
The %DO statement, and its corresponding %END statement, delimit a
preprocessor DO-group, and can also specify repetitive execution of the DO-group.

Chapter 20. Preprocessor facilities 857


For the syntax for the %DO statement, see DO statement on page 223.

Note: All the formats of the DO statement are supported with the following
v UPTHRU and DOWNTHRU are not accepted.
v The specification in Type 3 DO statements cannot be specified multiple times.

However, the %DO statement also supports an additional format not supported by
the DO statement: the %DO SKIP; statement. This statement causes all code
through the matching %END statement to be ignored (and thus can be useful as a
way of "commenting out" code that contains comments).

Preprocessor DO-groups can be nested.

Control cannot transfer to a Type 3 preprocessor DO-group, except by return from

a preprocessor procedure invoked from within the DO-group.

Preprocessor statements, input text, and listing control statements can appear
within a preprocessor DO-group. The preprocessor statements are executed, and
any input text is scanned for possible replacement activity.

%END statement
The %END statement is used in conjunction with %DO, %SELECT or
%PROCEDURE statements to delimit preprocessor DO-groups, SELECT-groups, or
preprocessor procedures.

% END ;


The label following END must be a label of a %PROCEDURE, %DO, or %SELECT

statement. Multiple closure is allowed.

%GO TO statement
The %GO TO statement causes the preprocessor to continue its scan at the
specified label.

% GO TO label ;


Abbreviation: %GOTO

858 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


The label following the GO TO specifies the point to which the scan is transferred.
It must be a label of a preprocessor statement, although it cannot be the label of a
preprocessor procedure.

A preprocessor GO TO statement appearing within a preprocessor procedure

cannot transfer control to a point outside of that procedure. In other words, the
label following GO TO must be contained within the procedure.

A %GO TO statement in included text can transfer control only to a point within
the same include file. The target label in the %GOTO statement must not precede
the %GOTO.
Related information:
%INCLUDE statement on page 860
The external text specified by a %INCLUDE statement is included into the
preprocessor input at the point at which the %INCLUDE statement is executed.
Such text, once included, is called included text and can consist of preprocessor
statements, listing control statements, and PL/I source.

%IF statement
The %IF statement controls the flow of the scan according to the bit value of a
preprocessor expression.

% IF preprocessor-expression % THEN


% ELSE preprocessor-unit2

Is evaluated and converted to a bit string (if the conversion cannot be made, it
is an error). The evaluation of the preprocessor-expression in a %IF statement is
not short-circuited.
Is any single preprocessor statement (other than %DECLARE, %PROCEDURE,
%END, or %DO), a preprocessor DO-group, or a preprocessor SELECT-group.
Otherwise, the description is the same as that given under IF statement on
page 238.

If any bit in the string has the value '1'B, unit1 is executed and unit2, if present, is
ignored; if all bits are '0'B, unit1 is ignored and unit2, if present, is executed.

Scanning resumes immediately following the %IF statement, unless, of course, a

%GO TO or preprocessor RETURN statement in one of the units causes the scan to
resume elsewhere.

%IF statements can be nested in the same manner used for nesting IF statements,
as described under IF statement on page 238.

Chapter 20. Preprocessor facilities 859


%INCLUDE statement
The external text specified by a %INCLUDE statement is included into the
preprocessor input at the point at which the %INCLUDE statement is executed.
Such text, once included, is called included text and can consist of preprocessor
statements, listing control statements, and PL/I source.

For the syntax for the %INCLUDE statement, see %INCLUDE directive on page

Each dataset and member name pair identifies the external text to be incorporated
into the source program.

The scan continues with the first character in the included text. The included text
is scanned in the same manner as the preprocessor input. Hence, included text can
contribute to the preprocessor output being formed.

%INCLUDE statements can be nested. In other words, included text can contain
%INCLUDE statements.

A %GO TO statement in included text can transfer control only to a point within
the same include file. The target label in the %GOTO statement must not precede
the %GOTO.

Preprocessor statements, DO-groups, SELECT-groups and procedures in included

text must be complete. For example, it is not allowable to have half of a %IF
statement in an included text and half in another portion of the preprocessor input.

If the preprocessor input and the included text contain no preprocessor statements
other than %INCLUDE, execution of the preprocessor can be omitted. (This
necessitates the use of the INCLUDE compile-time option.)

For example, assume that PAYRL is a member of the data set SYSLIB and contains
the following text, which is a structure declaration:

The following preprocessor statements generate two structure declarations in the

preprocessor output text. The only difference between them is their names,

Execution of the first %INCLUDE statement incorporates the text in PAYRL into
the preprocessor input. When the preprocessor scan encounters the identifier
PAYROLL in this included text, it replaces it with the current value of the active
preprocessor variable PAYROLL, namely, CUM_PAY. Further scanning of the
included text results in no additional replacements. The preprocessor scan then
encounters the %DEACTIVATE statement and deactivates the preprocessor variable

860 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


PAYROLL. When the second %INCLUDE statement is executed, the text in PAYRL
once again is incorporated into the preprocessor input. This time, however,
scanning of the included text results in no replacements whatsoever.

%INSCAN statement
Like the %INCLUDE statement, the %INSCAN statement also includes a file
except in the %INSCAN statement, the file to be included is specified by a
preprocessor variable.

%INSCAN filename ;

Is a preprocessor expression that specifies the name of the file to be included.

%dcl inname char;
%inname = 'oldform';
%inscan inname; /* includes the file "oldform" */

%ITERATE statement
The %ITERATE statement transfers control to the %END statement that delimits its
containing iterative DO-group. The current iteration completes and the next
iteration, if needed, is started.

The ITERATE statement can be specified inside a non-iterative DO-group as long

as that DO-group is contained in an iterative DO-group.



Must be the label of a containing DO-group. If label-constant is omitted, control
transfers to the END statement of the most recent iterative do-group containing
the ITERATE statement.

%LEAVE Statement
When contained in or specifying a simple DO-group, the %LEAVE statement
terminates the group. When contained in or specifying an iterative DO-group, the
%LEAVE statement terminates all iterations of the group, including the current

The flow of control goes to the same point as it would normally go to if the
do-group had terminated by reaching its END statement.

Chapter 20. Preprocessor facilities 861




Must be a label of a containing DO-group. The DO-group that is left is the
DO-group that has the specified label. If label-constant is omitted, the DO-group
that is left is the group that contains the LEAVE statement.

%NOTE statement
The %NOTE statement generates a preprocessor diagnostic message of specified
text and severity.

% NOTE ( message ) ;
, code


A character expression whose value is the required diagnostic message.
A fixed expression whose value indicates the severity of the message, as

Code Severity
0 I
4 W
8 E
12 S
16 U

If code is omitted, the default is 0.

If code has a value other than those listed above, a diagnostic message is
produced and a default value is taken. If the value is less than 0 or greater
than 16, severity U is the default. Otherwise, the next lower severity is the

Generated messages are filed together with other preprocessor messages. Whether
or not a particular message is subsequently printed depends upon its severity level
and the setting of the compiler FLAG option.

Generated messages of severity U cause immediate termination of preprocessing

and compilation. Generated messages of severity S, E, or W might cause
termination of compilation, depending upon the setting of the NOSYNTAX and
NOCOMPILE compile-time options.

862 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


%null statement
The %null statement does nothing and does not modify sequential statement

% ;

Related information:
%PROCEDURE statement on page 816
The %PROCEDURE statement is used in conjunction with a %END statement to
delimit a preprocessor procedure.
Preprocessor RETURN statement on page 817
The preprocessor RETURN statement can be used only in a preprocessor procedure
and only when the procedure has the RETURNS attribute. This statement returns a
value as well as control back to the point from which the preprocessor procedure
was invoked.

%REPLACE statement
The %REPLACE statement allows for the immediate replacement of a name with a
string constant or a numeric constant. The name does not need to be a declared
variable to have a value assigned to it.

% REPLACE identifier BY


string-constant ;

Name to be replaced.
The name, if undeclared, will be given the CHARACTER attribute.
The name, if undeclared, will be given the FIXED attribute.
Under the FIXED(DEC) option, the value will be converted to FIXED DEC(5,0).
Under the FIXED(BIN) option, the value will be converted to FIXED BIN(31,0).

%SELECT statement
The %SELECT statement, and its corresponding %END statement, delimit a
preprocessor SELECT-group.

Chapter 20. Preprocessor facilities 863


( exp1 )


%END ;

%WHEN ( exp2 ) unit

%XINCLUDE statement
The %XINCLUDE statement is the same as the %INCLUDE statement except that
the file is not included if it already has been.

For the syntax of the %XINCLUDE statement, see %XINCLUDE statement on

page 252.

%XINSCAN statement
The %XINSCAN statement is the same as the %INSCAN statement except that the
file is not included if it already has been.

%XINSCAN filename ;

Preprocessor examples
This topic provides a few preprocessor examples.

Example 1

Assume that the preprocessor input contains the following statements:

%A = B+C;
%B = 2;
X = A;

The following string is inserted into the preprocessor output:

X = 2+C;

The preprocessor statements activate A and B with the default RESCAN, assign the
character string 'B+C' to A, and assign the constant 2 to B.

The fourth line is input text. The current value of A, which is 'B+C', replaces A in
the preprocessor output. But this string contains the preprocessor variable B. Upon
rescanning B, the preprocessor finds that it has been activated. Hence, the value 2
replaces B in the preprocessor output. The preprocessor variable B has a default

864 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference

Preprocessor examples

precision of (5,0) and, therefore, actually contains 2 preceded by four zeros. When
this value replaces B in the string 'B+C' it is converted to a character string and
becomes 2 preceded by seven blanks.

Further rescanning shows that 2 cannot be replaced; scanning resumes with +C,
which, again, cannot be replaced.

If, in the preceding example, the preprocessor variable A was activated by the
statement %ACTIVATE A NORESCAN;, the preprocessor output would be as follows:
X = B+C;

Example 2
Assume that the preprocessor input contains the following statements:
%I = 15;
%T = A(I);
S = I*T*3;
%I = I+5;
R = I*T*2

The preprocessor output would be as follows. Replacement blanks are not shown.
S = I*A(I)*3;
R = 20*T*2;

Example 3

This example illustrates how preprocessor facilities can be used to speed up the
execution of a DO-group.

Here is a DO-group example:

DO I=1 TO 10;

The following statements would accomplish the same thing, but without the
requirements of incrementing and testing during execution of the compiled
%DO I = 1 TO 10;

The third line is input text and is scanned for replacement activity. The first time
that this line is scanned, I has the value 1 and has been activated. Therefore, the
following string is inserted into the preprocessor output:
Z( 1)=X( 1)+Y( 1);

Each 1 is preceded by seven blanks.

For each increment of I, up to and including 10, the input text is scanned and each
occurrence of I is replaced by its current value. As a result, the following string is
inserted into the preprocessor output:

Chapter 20. Preprocessor facilities 865

Preprocessor examples

Z( 1)=X( 1)+Y( 1);

Z( 2)=X( 2)+Y( 2);
Z( 10)=X( 10)+Y( 10);

When the value of I reaches 11, control falls through to the %DEACTIVATE

Example 4

In the following preprocessor input, VALUE is a preprocessor function procedure

that returns a character string of the form 'arg1(arg2)', where arg1 and arg2
represent the arguments that are passed to the function:
Q = 6 + VALUE(A,3);

When the scan encounters the fourth line, A is active and is thus eligible for
replacement. Because VALUE is also active, the reference to it in the fourth line
invokes the preprocessor function procedure of that name.

However, before the arguments A and 3 are passed to VALUE, A is replaced by its
value Z (assigned to A in a previous assignment statement), and 3 is converted to
fixed-point to conform to the attribute of its corresponding parameter. VALUE then
performs a concatenation of these arguments and the parentheses and returns the
concatenated value, that is, the string Z (3), to the point of invocation. The
returned value replaces the function reference and the result is inserted into the
preprocessor output. Thus, the preprocessor output generated is as follows:
Q = 6+Z( 3);

Example 5

The preprocessor function procedure GEN defined as follows can generate a

GENERIC declaration for up to 99 entry names with up to 99 parameter
descriptors in the parameter descriptor lists. Only four are generated in this

866 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference

Preprocessor examples

% END;

The preprocessor output produced is as follows:


Example 6

This example shows a preprocessor procedure that implements a statement of the

SEARCH TABLE(array) FOR(value)
USING(variable) AND(variable);

This statement searches a specified two-dimensional array for a specified value,

using specified or default variables for the array subscripts. After execution of the
statement, the array subscript variables identify an element that contains the
specified value. If no element contains the specified value, both subscript variables
are set to -22222.

The preprocessor procedure that implements this statement is as follows:









Chapter 20. Preprocessor facilities 867

Preprocessor examples

{USING{,{AND{. = -22222;);

The PARMSET built-in function is used to determine which parameters are set
when the procedure is invoked. If USING is not set, the default array subscript
variable I is used. If AND is not set, J is used. If TABLE or FOR is not set, or if the
invocation results in the same variable being used for both subscripts, a
preprocessor diagnostic message is issued and a comment is returned in the
preprocessor output.

The COUNTER built-in function is used to generate unique labels for the
preprocessor output returned by the procedure.

The procedure can be invoked with keyword arguments, positional arguments, or

a combination of both. The following invocations of the procedure produce
identical results:





The preprocessor output returned by any of these invocations is as follows:

END SL00001;
I,J = -22222;

The label SL00001 is returned only for the first invocation. A new unique label is
returned for each subsequent invocation.

868 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference

Appendix. Limits
This topic summarizes the implementation limits for the PL/I language elements
and the macro facility language elements.

Table 82 summarizes the implementation limits for the PL/I language elements.
Table 82. Language element limits
Language element Description Limit
Arrays Maximum number of dimensions for an 15
Minimum lower boundNote 1 Under CMPAT(V3),
-263; otherwise,
Maximum upper boundNote 1 Under CMPAT(V3),
+263 - 1; otherwise,
Note 1: These bounds must be used with caution. For instance, if A has the maximum upper
bound and JX has the attributes SIGNED FIXED BIN(31), the loop DO JX = LBOUND(A) TO
HBOUND(A) will "wrap" after it hits the last element in the array. It would not "wrap" if
UPTHRU were used instead of TO.
Structures Maximum number of levels in a structure 15
Maximum level-number in a structure 255
Arithmetic precisions Maximum precision for FIXED DECIMAL 31Note 2
Maximum precision for FIXED BINARY 63Note 3
Maximum precision for FLOAT DECIMAL 33Note 4
Maximum precision for FLOAT BINARY 109Note 5
Maximum scale factor for FIXED data 127
Minimum scale factor for FIXED data -128
Note 2: This is true only if you specify the compile-time option LIMITS(FIXEDDEC(31)); the
default is 15.
Note 3: This is true only if you specify the compile-time option LIMITS(FIXEDBIN(63)); the
default is 31.
Note 4: On Intel, the maximum FLOAT DECIMAL precision is 18. Under FLOAT(DFP), the
maximum FLOAT DECIMAL precision is 34.
Note 5: On Intel, the maximum FLOAT BINARY precision is 64.
String and AREA Maximum length of CHARACTER 32767
variables or constants
Maximum length of BIT 32767
Maximum length of GRAPHIC 16383
Maximum length of WIDECHAR 32767
Maximum size of AREA 2147483647
Note 6: These are the default limits. Under the STRING suboption of the LIMITS compiler
option, the maximum length of the string types can be up to 128M.

Copyright IBM Corp. 1999, 2016 869


Table 82. Language element limits (continued)

Language element Description Limit
Built-in functions Maximum number of arguments to the 64
IAND, IOR, MAX, and MIN functions
Maximum values for the precision (p) in the same as
ADD, BINARY, DECIMAL, DIVIDE, FIXED, corresponding limit
FLOAT, MULTIPLY, PRECISION, and for arithmetic
SUBTRACT functions precision
Maximum values for the scale (q) in the same as
ADD, BINARY, DECIMAL, DIVIDE, FIXED, corresponding limit
functions precisions
Maximum number of digits (N) in the CEIL, same as
FLOOR, MAX, MIN, MOD, ROUND, and corresponding limit
TRUNC functions for arithmetic

870 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


Table 82. Language element limits (continued)

Language element Description Limit
Program size Maximum length of an identifier 100
Maximum number of lexical units 511
(keywords, identifiers, delimiters, etc) before
a statement type can be resolved
Maximum number of DEFAULT-statements 31
in a block
Maximum number of %PUSH statements 63
Maximum number of %INCLUDE 4095
Maximum nesting of %INCLUDE statements 2046
Maximum number of lines in any source file 1048575
Maximum number of statements 16777215
Maximum number of LIKE-attributes in a 63
Maximum number of output expressions in 60
a data-list
Maximum number of repetitive 50
DO-specifications in a data-list
Maximum size of a data aggregate 2147483647
containing no unaligned bits
Maximum size of a data aggregate 268435455
containing some unaligned bits
Maximum number of arguments in a CALL 255
or function reference
Maximum number of parameters for a 4095
Maximum nesting of factored attributes 15
Maximum nesting of BEGIN and 30
PROCEDURE statements
Maximum nesting of DO-groups 49
Maximum nesting of IF statements 49
Maximum nesting of SELECT-statements 49
Maximum nesting of expressions 383
Maximum length of %NOTE message 32767

Appendix. Limits 871


Table 82. Language element limits (continued)

Language element Description Limit
Miscellaneous Maximum number of picture characters in a 511
character picture
Maximum number of bytes in a numeric 253
Maximum number of numeric picture 31
characters in a numeric picture
Maximum number of bytes in the external 3072
representation of CHARACTER, X, BIT, BX,
GRAPHIC, GX, WX and M string constants.

The external representation includes all

quotes and string suffixes. For example, the
string '01010110'B has 11 bytes in its external
specification, but only 1 byte in its internal
representation. Similarly, the string 'Ain''t
Misbehavin''' has 21 bytes in its external
specification, but only 17 in its internal
Maximum length for a KEYTO character 120
Maximum length for a KEYTO graphic or 60
widechar string
Maximum KEY length 32763
Maximum line size for LINESIZE 32,759 for F-format or
U-format, and 32,751
for V-format
Minimum line size for LINESIZE 1
Maximum page size for PAGESIZE 32,767
Minimum page size for PAGESIZE compiler 1
Maximum size of DISPLAY character string 126
Maximum DISPLAY reply message 72 bytes
Range of IEEE normalized floating-point +3.30E-4932 to
numbers +1.21E+4932, 0,
-3.30E-4932 to
Range of hex floating-point numbers +10E-78 to +10E75, 0,
-10E-78 to +10E+75

Table 83 summarizes the implementation limits for the macro facility language
Table 83. Macro facility limits
Language element Description Limit
Arrays Maximum number of dimensions 15
Minimum lower bound -32768
Maximum upper bound +32767

872 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference


Table 83. Macro facility limits (continued)

Language element Description Limit
Arithmetic range Min and max for a FIXED variable under same as FIXED
Min and max for a FIXED variable under same as FIXED
FIXED(BINARY) option BINARY(31) identifier
Macro procedures Maximum nesting level 1
Keys Maximum number of keyword parameters 4096
String result Maximum length 512K

Appendix. Limits 873


874 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference

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876 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference

PL/I publications
Enterprise PL/I for z/OS
Programming Guide, GI11-9145
Language Reference, SC14-7285
Messages and Codes, GC14-7286
Compiler and Run-Time Migration Guide, GC14-7284

PL/I for MVS & VM

Installation and Customization under MVS, SC26-3119
Language Reference, SC26-3114
Compile-Time Messages and Codes, SC26-3229
Diagnosis Guide, SC26-3149
Migration Guide, SC26-3118
Programming Guide, SC26-3113
Reference Summary, SX26-3821

PL/I for AIX

Programming Guide, SC14-7319
Language Reference, SC14-7320
Messages and Codes, GC14-7321
Installation Guide, GC14-7322

Related publications
DB2 for z/OS
Administration Guide, SC19-2968
Application Programming and SQL Guide, SC19-2969
Command Reference, SC19-2972
Messages, GC19-2979
Codes, GC19-2971
SQL Reference, SC19-2983
See also the Information Center:
LOBs with DB2 for z/OS: Stronger and Faster, SG24-7270

Application Programming Guide, SC33-4035
Installation and Customization, SC33-4034

Application Programming: Database Manager, SC26-8015
Application Programming: Database Manager Summary, SC26-8037
Application Programming: Design Guide, SC26-8016
Application Programming: Transaction Manager, SC26-8017
Application Programming: Transaction Manager Summary, SC26-8038
Application Programming: EXEC DL/I Commands for CICS and IMS, SC26-8018

Copyright IBM Corp. 1999, 2016 877

Application Programming: EXEC DL/I Commands for CICS and IMS Summary,

TXSeries for Multiplatforms

Encina Administration Guide Volume 2: Server Administration, SC09-4474
Encina SFS Programming Guide, SC09-4483
See also the Information Center:

Principles of Operation, SA22-7832

z/OS Language Environment

Concepts Guide, SA22-7567
Debugging Guide, GA22-7560
Run-Time Messages, SA22-7566
Customization, SA22-7564
Programming Guide, SA22-7561
Programming Reference, SA22-7562
Run-Time Application Migration Guide, GA22-7565
Writing Interlanguage Communication Applications, SA22-7563

JCL Reference, SA22-7597
JCL User's Guide, SA22-7598
System Commands, SA22-7627

Command Reference, SA22-7782
User's Guide, SA22-7794

z/OS UNIX System Services

z/OS UNIX System Services Command Reference, SA22-7802
z/OS UNIX System Services Programming: Assembler Callable Services Reference,
z/OS UNIX System Services User's Guide, SA22-7801

Unicode and character representation

z/OS Support for Unicode: Using Conversion Services, SC33-7050

878 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference

This glossary defines terms for all platforms and another explicitly stated attribute.
releases of PL/I. It might contain terms that this Contrast with alternative attribute.
manual does not use. If you do not find the terms
adjustable extent
for which you are looking, see the index in this
The bound (of an array), the length (of a
manual or IBM Dictionary of Computing,
string), or the size (of an area) that might
be different for different generations of
the associated variable. Adjustable extents
are specified as expressions or asterisks
access To reference or retrieve data. (or by REFER options for based
variables), which are evaluated separately
action specification
for each generation. They cannot be used
In an ON statement, the ON-unit or the
for static variables.
single keyword SYSTEM, either of which
specifies the action to be taken whenever aggregate
the appropriate condition is raised. See data aggregate.
activate (a block) aggregate expression
To initiate the execution of a block. A An array, structure, or union expression.
procedure block is activated when it is
aggregate type
invoked. A begin-block is activated when
For any item of data, the specification
it is encountered in the normal flow of
whether it is structure, union, or array.
control, including a branch. A package
cannot be activated. allocated variable
A variable with which main storage is
activate (a preprocessor variable or preprocessor
associated and not freed.
entry point)
To make a macro facility identifier eligible allocation
for replacement in subsequent source The reservation of main storage for a
code. The %ACTIVATE statement variable. A generation of an allocated
activates preprocessor variables or variable. The association of a PL/I file
preprocessor entry points. with a system data set, device, or file.
active The state of a block after activation and alignment
before termination. The state in which a The storing of data items in relation to
preprocessor variable or preprocessor certain machine-dependent boundaries
entry name is said to be when its value (for example, a fullword or halfword
can replace the corresponding identifier in boundary).
source program text. The state in which
alphabetic character
an event variable is said to be during the
Any of the characters A through Z of the
time it is associated with an asynchronous
English alphabet and the alphabetic
operation. The state in which a task
extenders #, $, and @ (which can have a
variable is said to be when its associated
different graphic representation in
task is attached. The state in which a task
different countries).
is said to be before it has been
terminated. alphameric character
An alphabetic character or a digit.
actual origin (AO)
The location of the first item in the array alternative attribute
or structure. A file description attribute that is chosen
from a group of attributes. If none is
additive attribute
specified, a default is assumed. Contrast
A file description attribute for which there
with additive attribute.
are no defaults, and which, if required,
must be stated explicitly or implied by
Copyright IBM Corp. 1999, 2016 879
ambiguous reference data items that must have identical
A reference that is not sufficiently attributes. Contrast with structure variable.
qualified to identify one and only one
ASCII American National Standard Code for
name known at the point of reference.
Information Interchange.
area A portion of storage within which based
variables can be allocated.
The process of giving a value to a
argument variable.
An expression in an argument list as part
asynchronous operation
of an invocation of a subroutine or
The overlap of an input/output operation
with the execution of statements. The
argument list concurrent execution of procedures using
A parenthesized list of zero or more multiple flows of control for different
arguments, separated by commas, tasks.
following an entry name constant, an
attachment of a task
entry name variable, a generic name, or a
The invocation of a procedure and the
built-in function name. The list becomes
establishment of a separate flow of
the parameter list of the entry point.
control to execute the invoked procedure
arithmetic comparison (and procedures it invokes)
A comparison of numeric values. See also asynchronously, with execution of the
bit comparison, character comparison. invoking procedure.
arithmetic constant attention
A fixed-point constant or a floating-point An occurrence, external to a task, that
constant. Although most arithmetic could cause a task to be interrupted.
constants can be signed, the sign is not
part of the constant.
A descriptive property associated with a
arithmetic conversion name to describe a characteristic
The transformation of a value from one represented. A descriptive property used
arithmetic representation to another. to describe a characteristic of the result of
evaluation of an expression.
arithmetic data
Data that has the characteristics of base, automatic storage allocation
scale, mode, and precision. Coded The allocation of storage for automatic
arithmetic data and pictured numeric variables.
character data are included.
automatic variable
arithmetic operators A variable whose storage is allocated
Either of the prefix operators + and -, or automatically at the activation of a block
any of the following infix operators: + - * and released automatically at the
/ ** termination of that block.
array A named, ordered collection of one or
more data elements with identical
attributes, grouped into one or more base The number system in which an
dimensions. arithmetic value is represented.
array expression base element
An expression whose evaluation yields an A member of a structure or a union that
array of values. is itself not another structure or union.
array of structures base item
An ordered collection of identical The automatic, controlled, or static
structures specified by giving the variable or the parameter upon which a
dimension attribute to a structure name. defined variable is defined.
array variable
A variable that represents an aggregate of

880 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference

based reference bit string
A reference that has the based storage A string composed of zero or more bits.
bit string operators
based storage allocation The logical operators not and exclusive-or
The allocation of storage for based (), and (&), and or (|).
bit value
based variable A value that represents a bit type.
A variable whose storage address is
block A sequence of statements, processed as a
provided by a locator. Multiple
unit, that specifies the scope of names
generations of the same variable are
and the allocation of storage for names
accessible. It does not identify a fixed
declared within it. A block can be a
location in storage.
package, procedure, or a begin-block.
A collection of statements delimited by
The upper and lower limits of an array
BEGIN and END statements, forming a
name scope. A begin-block is activated
either by the raising of a condition (if the break character
begin-block is the action specification for The underscore symbol ( _ ). It can be
an ON-unit) or through the normal flow used to improve the readability of
of control, including any branch resulting identifiers. For instance, a variable could
from a GOTO statement. be called OLD_INVENTORY_TOTAL
binary A number system whose only numerals
are 0 and 1. built-in function
A predefined function supplied by the
binary digit
language, such as SQRT (square root).
See bit.
built-in function reference
binary fixed-point value
A built-in function name, which has an
An integer consisting of binary digits and
optional argument list.
having an optional binary point and
optional sign. Contrast with decimal built-in name
fixed-point value. The entry name of a built-in subroutine.
binary floating-point value built-in subroutine
An approximation of a real number in the Subroutine that has an entry name that is
form of a significand, which can be defined at compile-time and is invoked
considered as a binary fraction, and an by a CALL statement.
exponent, which can be considered as an
buffer Intermediate storage, used in
integer exponent to the base of 2. Contrast
input/output operations, into which a
with decimal floating-point value.
record is read during input and from
bit A 0 or a 1. The smallest amount of space which a record is written during output.
of computer storage.
bit comparison
A left-to-right, bit-by-bit comparison of call To invoke a subroutine by using the
binary digits. See also arithmetic CALL statement or CALL option.
comparison, character comparison.
character comparison
bit string constant A left-to-right, character-by-character
A series of binary digits enclosed in and comparison according to the collating
followed immediately by the suffix B. sequence. See also arithmetic comparison,
Contrast with character constant. A series bit comparison.
of hexadecimal digits enclosed in single
quotes and followed by the suffix B4.

Glossary 881
character string constant <= (less than or equal to)
A sequence of characters enclosed in = or <> (not equal to)
single quotes; for example, 'Shakespeare''s
> (not greater than)
< (not less than)
character set
A defined collection of characters. See compile time
also ASCII and EBCDIC. In general, the time during which a
source program is translated into an
character string picture data object module. In PL/I, it is the time
Picture data that has only a character during which a source program can be
value. This type of picture data must have altered, if desired, and then translated
at least one A or X picture specification into an object program.
character. Contrast with numeric picture
data. compiler options
Keywords that are specified to control
closing (of a file) certain aspects of a compilation, such as:
The dissociation of a file from a data set the nature of the object module generated,
or device. the types of printed output produced, and
coded arithmetic data so forth.
Data items that represent numeric values complex data
and are characterized by their base Arithmetic data, each item of which
(decimal or binary), scale (fixed-point or consists of a real part and an imaginary
floating-point), and precision (the number part.
of digits each can have). This data is
stored in a form that is acceptable, composite operator
without conversion, for arithmetic An operator that consists of more than
calculations. one special character, such as <=, **, and
combined nesting depth
The deepest level of nesting, determined compound statement
by counting the levels of A statement that contains other
and IF...THEN...ELSE nestings in the and WHEN are the only compound
program. statements. See statement body.

comment concatenation
A string of zero or more characters used The operation that joins two strings in the
for documentation that are delimited by order specified, forming one string whose
/* and */. length is equal to the sum of the lengths
of the two original strings. It is specified
commercial character by the operator ||.
v CR (credit) picture specification
An exceptional situation, either an error
v DB (debit) picture specification (such as an overflow), or an expected
character situation (such as the end of an input
comparison operator file). When a condition is raised
An operator that can be used in an (detected), the action established for it is
arithmetic, string locator, or logical processed. See also established action and
relation to indicate the comparison to be implicit action.
done between the terms in the relation. condition name
The comparison operators are: Name of a PL/I-defined or
= (equal to) programmer-defined condition.
> (greater than) condition prefix
< (less than) A parenthesized list of one or more
>= (greater than or equal to) condition names prefixed to a statement.

882 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference

It specifies whether the named conditions transmission to specify positioning of a
are to be enabled or disabled. data item within the stream or printed
connected aggregate
An array or structure whose elements control variable
occupy contiguous storage without any A variable that is used to control the
intervening data items. Contrast with iterative execution of a DO statement.
nonconnected aggregate.
controlled parameter
connected reference A parameter for which the
A reference to connected storage. It must CONTROLLED attribute is specified in a
be apparent, prior to execution of the DECLARE statement. It can be associated
program, that the storage is connected. only with arguments that have the
CONTROLLED attribute.
connected storage
Main storage of an uninterrupted linear controlled storage allocation
sequence of items that can be referred to The allocation of storage for controlled
by a single name. variables.
constant controlled variable
An arithmetic or string data item that A variable whose allocation and release
does not have a name and whose value are controlled by the ALLOCATE and
cannot change. An identifier declared FREE statements, with access to the
with the VALUE attribute. An identifier current generation only.
declared with the FILE or the ENTRY
control sections
attribute but without the VARIABLE
Grouped machine instructions in an object
constant reference
A value reference which has a constant as
The transformation of a value from one
its object
representation to another to conform to a
contained block, declaration, or source text given set of attributes. For example,
All blocks, procedures, statements, converting a character string to an
declarations, or source text inside a begin, arithmetic value such as FIXED BINARY
procedure, or a package block. The entire (15,0).
package, procedure, and the BEGIN
cross section of an array
statement and its corresponding END
The elements represented by the extent of
statements are not contained in the block.
at least one dimension of an array. An
containing block asterisk in the place of a subscript in an
The package, procedure, or begin-block array reference indicates the entire extent
that contains the declaration, statement, of that dimension.
procedure, or other source text in
current generation
The generation of an automatic or
contextual declaration controlled variable that is currently
The appearance of an identifier that has available by referring to the name of the
not been explicitly declared in a variable.
DECLARE statement, but whose context
of use allows the association of specific D
attributes with the identifier.
data Representation of information or of value
control character in a form suitable for processing.
A character in a character set whose
data aggregate
occurrence in a particular context specifies
A data item that is a collection of other
a control function. One example is the
data items.
end-of-file (EOF) marker.
control format item
A specification used in edit-directed

Glossary 883
data attribute decimal digit picture character
A keyword that specifies the type of data The picture specification character 9.
that the data item represents, such as
decimal fixed-point constant
A constant consisting of one or more
data-directed transmission decimal digits with an optional decimal
The type of stream-oriented transmission point.
in which data is transmitted. It resembles
decimal fixed-point value
an assignment statement and is of the
A rational number consisting of a
form name = constant.
sequence of decimal digits with an
data item assumed position of the decimal point.
A single named unit of data. Contrast with binary fixed-point value.
data list decimal floating-point constant
In stream-oriented transmission, a A value made up of a significand that
parenthesized list of the data items used consists of a decimal fixed-point constant,
in GET and PUT statements. Contrast and an exponent that consists of the letter
with format list. E followed by an optionally signed
integer constant not exceeding three
data set
A collection of data external to the
program that can be accessed by reference decimal floating-point value
to a single file name. A device that can be An approximation of a real number, in
referenced. the form of a significand, which can be
considered as a decimal fraction, and an
data specification
exponent, which can be considered as an
The portion of a stream-oriented
integer exponent to the base 10. Contrast
transmission statement that specifies the
with binary floating-point value.
mode of transmission (DATA, LIST, or
EDIT) and includes the data list(s) and, decimal picture data
for edit-directed mode, the format list(s). See numeric picture data.
data stream declaration
Data being transferred from or to a data The establishment of an identifier as a
set by stream-oriented transmission, as a name and the specification of a set of
continuous stream of data elements in attributes (partial or complete) for it. A
character form. source of attributes of a particular name.
data transmission default
The transfer of data from a data set to the Describes a value, attribute, or option that
program or vice versa. is assumed when none has been specified.
data type defined variable
A set of data attributes. A variable that is associated with some or
all of the storage of the designated base
DBCS In the character set, each character is
represented by two consecutive bytes.
To enclose one or more items or
The state in which an identifier is said to
statements with preceding and following
be when its value cannot replace a
characters or keywords.
preprocessor identifier in source program
text. Contrast with active. delimiter
All comments and the following
characters: percent, parentheses, comma,
Process of removing bugs from a
period, semicolon, colon, assignment
symbol, blank, pointer, asterisk, and
decimal single quote. They define the limits of
The number system whose numerals are 0 identifiers, constants, picture
through 9. specifications, iSUBs, and keywords.

884 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference

descriptor element variable
A control block that holds information A variable that represents an element; a
about a variable, such as area size, array scalar variable.
bounds, or string length.
elementary name
digit One of the characters 0 through 9. See base element.
dimension attribute enabled
An attribute that specifies the number of The state of a condition in which the
dimensions of an array and indicates the condition can cause an interrupt and then
bounds of each dimension. invocation of the appropriate established
The state of a condition in which no end-of-step message
interrupt occurs and no established action message that follows the listng of the job
will take place. control statements and job scheduler
messages and contains return code
indicating success or failure for each step.
A sequence of statements delimited by a
DO statement and ended by its entry constant
corresponding END statement, used for The label prefix of a PROCEDURE
control purposes. Contrast with block. statement (an entry name). The
declaration of a name with the ENTRY
attribute but without the VARIABLE
See iterative do-group.
dummy argument
entry data
Temporary storage that is created
A data item that represents an entry point
automatically to hold the value of an
to a procedure.
argument that cannot be passed as is by
reference. entry expression
An expression whose evaluation yields an
dump Printout of all or part of the storage used
entry name.
by a program as well as other program
information, such as a trace of an error's entry name
origin. An identifier that is explicitly or
contextually declared to have the ENTRY
E attribute (unless the VARIABLE attribute
is given) or An identifier that has the
value of an entry variable with the
(Extended Binary-Coded Decimal
ENTRY attribute implied.
Interchange Code). A coded character set
consisting of 8-bit coded characters. entry point
A point in a procedure at which it can be
edit-directed transmission
invoked. primary entry point and secondary
The type of stream-oriented transmission
entry point.
in which data appears as a continuous
stream of characters and for which a entry reference
format list is required to specify the An entry constant, an entry variable
editing desired for the associated data list. reference, or a function reference that
returns an entry value.
A single item of data as opposed to a entry variable
collection of data items such as an array; A variable to which an entry value can be
a scalar item. assigned. It must have both the ENTRY
and VARIABLE attributes.
element expression
An expression whose evaluation yields an entry value
element value. The entry point represented by an entry
constant or variable; the value includes

Glossary 885
the environment of the activation that is assumed position to the right (if the
associated with the entry constant. constant is positive) or to the left (if
the constant is negative).
environment (of an activation)
Information associated with and used in expression
the invoked block regarding data declared A notation, within a program, that
in containing blocks. represents a value, an array of values, or
a structured set of values. A constant or a
environment (of a label constant)
reference appearing alone, or a
Identity of the particular activation of a
combination of constants and/or
block to which a reference to a
references with operators.
statement-label constant applies. This
information is determined at the time a extended alphabet
statement-label constant is passed as an The uppercase and lowercase alphabetic
argument or is assigned to a characters A through Z, $, @ and #, or
statement-label variable, and it is passed those specified in the NAMES compiler
or assigned along with the constant. option.
established action extent The range indicated by the bounds of an
The action taken when a condition is array dimension, by the length of a string,
raised. See also implicit action and or by the size of an area. The size of the
ON-statement action. target area if this area were to be assigned
to a target area.
Those processes that occur automatically external name
at the termination of a block or task. A name (with the EXTERNAL attribute)
whose scope is not necessarily confined
only to one block and its contained
The reduction of an expression to a single
value, an array of values, or a structured
set of values. external procedure
A procedure that is not contained in any
event An activity in a program whose status
other procedure. A level-2 procedure
and completion can be determined from
contained in a package that is also
an associated event variable.
event variable
external symbol
A variable with the EVENT attribute that
Name that can be referred to in a control
can be associated with an event. Its value
section other than the one in which it is
indicates whether the action has been
completed and the status of the
completion. External Symbol Dictionary (ESD)
Table containing all the external symbols
explicit declaration
that appear in the object module.
The appearance of an identifier (a name)
in a DECLARE statement, as a label extralingual character
prefix, or in a parameter list. Contrast Characters (such as $, @, and #) that are
with implicit declaration. not classified as alphanumeric or special.
This group includes characters that are
exponent characters
determined with the NAMES compiler
The following picture specification
1. K and E, which are used in F
floating-point picture specifications to
indicate the beginning of the exponent factoring
field. The application of one or more attributes
to a parenthesized list of names in a
2. F, the scaling factor character, specified
DECLARE statement, eliminating the
with an integer constant that indicates
repetition of identical attributes for
the number of decimal positions the
multiple names.
decimal point is to be moved from its

886 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference

field (in the data stream) format constant
That portion of the data stream whose The label prefix on a FORMAT statement.
width, in number of characters, is defined
format data
by a single data or spacing format item.
A variable with the FORMAT attribute.
field (of a picture specification)
format label
Any character-string picture specification
The label prefix on a FORMAT statement.
or that portion (or all) of a numeric
character picture specification that format list
describes a fixed-point number. In stream-oriented transmission, a list
specifying the format of the data item on
file A named representation, within a
the external medium. Contrast with data
program, of a data set or data sets. A file
is associated with the data set(s) for each
opening. fully qualified name
A name that includes all the names in the
file constant
hierarchical sequence above the member
A name declared with the FILE attribute
to which the name refers, as well as the
but not the VARIABLE attribute.
name of the member itself.
file description attributes
function (procedure)
Keywords that describe the individual
A procedure that has a RETURNS option
characteristics of each file constant. See
in the PROCEDURE statement. A name
also alternative attribute and additive
declared with the RETURNS attribute. It
is invoked by the appearance of one of its
file expression entry names in a function reference and it
An expression whose evaluation yields a returns a scalar value to the point of
value of the type file. reference. Contrast with subroutine.
file name function reference
A name declared for a file. An entry constant or an entry variable,
either of which must represent a function,
file variable
followed by a possibly empty argument
A variable to which file constants can be
list. Contrast with subroutine call.
assigned. It has the attributes FILE and
VARIABLE and cannot have any of the
file description attributes.
generation (of a variable)
fixed-point constant
The allocation of a static variable, a
See arithmetic constant.
particular allocation of a controlled or
fix-up A solution, performed by the compiler automatic variable, or the storage
after detecting an error during indicated by a particular locator
compilation, that allows the compiled qualification of a based variable or by a
program to run. defined variable or parameter.
floating-point constant generic descriptor
See arithmetic constant. A descriptor used in a GENERIC
flow of control
Sequence of execution. generic key
A character string that identifies a class of
keys. All keys that begin with the string
A specification used in edit-directed data
are members of that class. For example,
transmission to describe the
the recorded keys 'ABCD', 'ABCE', and
representation of a data item in the
'ABDF', are all members of the classes
stream (data format item) or the specific
identified by the generic keys 'A' and
positioning of a data item within the
'AB', and the first two are also members
stream (control format item).
of the class 'ABC'; and the three recorded

Glossary 887
keys can be considered to be unique implicit declaration
members of the classes 'ABCD', 'ABCE', A name not explicitly declared in a
'ABDF', respectively. DECLARE statement or contextually
generic name
The name of a family of entry names. A implicit opening
reference to the generic name is replaced The opening of a file as the result of an
by the entry name whose parameter input or output statement other than the
descriptors match the attributes of the OPEN statement.
arguments in the argument list at the
infix operator
point of invocation.
An operator that appears between two
group A collection of statements contained operands.
within larger program units. A group is
inherited dimensions
either a do-group or a select-group and it
For a structure, union, or element, those
can be used wherever a single statement
dimensions that are derived from the
can appear, except as an on-unit.
containing structures. If the name is an
element that is not an array, the
dimensions consist entirely of its inherited
hex See hexadecimal digit. dimensions. If the name is an element
that is an array, its dimensions consist of
its inherited dimensions plus its explicitly
Pertaining to a numbering system with a
declared dimensions. A structure with one
base of sixteen; valid numbers use the
or more inherited dimensions is called a
digits 0 through 9 and the characters A
nonconnected aggregate. Contrast with
through F, where A represents 10 and F
connected aggregate.
represents 15.
hexadecimal digit
The transfer of data between auxiliary
One of the digits 0 through 9 and A
medium and main storage.
through F. A through F represent the
decimal values 10 through 15, insertion point character
respectively. A picture specification character that is,
on assignment of the associated data to a
I character string, inserted in the indicated
position. When used in a P-format item
for input, the insertion character is used
A string of characters, not contained in a
for checking purposes.
comment or constant, and preceded and
followed by a delimiter. The first integer
character of the identifier must be one of An optionally signed sequence of digits or
the 26 alphabetic characters and a sequence of bits without a decimal or
extralingual characters, if any. The other binary point. An optionally signed whole
characters, if any, can additionally include number, commonly described as FIXED
extended alphabetic, digit, or the break BINARY (p,0) or FIXED DECIMAL (p,0).
integral boundary
IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics A byte multiple address of any 8-bit unit
Engineers. on which data can be aligned. It usually
is a halfword, fullword, or doubleword
(2-, 4-, or 8-byte multiple respectively)
The action taken in the absence of an
explicit specification.
interleaved array
implicit action
An array that refers to nonconnected
The action taken when an enabled
condition is raised and no ON-unit is
currently established for the condition.
Contrast with ON-statement action.

888 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference

interleaved subscripts keyword statement
Subscripts that exist in levels other than A simple statement that begins with a
the lowest level of a subscripted qualified keyword, indicating the function of the
reference. statement.
internal block known (applied to a name)
A block that is contained in another block. Recognized with its declared meaning. A
name is known throughout its scope.
internal name
A name that is known only within the
block in which it is declared, and possibly
within any contained blocks. label A name prefixed to a statement. A name
on a PROCEDURE statement is called an
internal procedure
entry constant; a name on a FORMAT
A procedure that is contained in another
statement is called a format constant; a
block. Contrast with external procedure.
name on other kinds of statements is
interrupt called a label constant. A data item that
The redirection of the program's flow of has the LABEL attribute.
control as the result of raising a condition
label constant
or attention.
A name written as the label prefix of a
invocation statement (other than PROCEDURE,
The activation of a procedure. ENTRY, FORMAT, or PACKAGE) so that,
during execution, program control can be
transferred to that statement through a
To activate a procedure.
reference to its label prefix.
invoked procedure
label data
A procedure that has been activated.
A label constant or the value of a label
invoking block variable.
A block that activates a procedure.
label prefix
iteration factor A label prefixed to a statement.
In an INITIAL attribute specification, an
label variable
expression that specifies the number of
A variable declared with the LABEL
consecutive elements of an array that are
attribute. Its value is a label constant in
to be initialized with the given value. In a
the program.
format list, an expression that specifies
the number of times a given format item leading zeroes
or list of format items is to be used in Zeros that have no significance in an
succession. arithmetic value. All zeros to the left of
the first nonzero in a number.
iterative do-group
A do-group whose DO statement specifies level number
a control variable and/or a WHILE or A number that precedes a name in a
UNTIL option. DECLARE statement and specifies its
relative position in the hierarchy of
K structure names.
key Data that identifies a record within a level-one variable
direct-access data set. See source key and A major structure or union name. Any
recorded key. unsubscripted variable not contained
within a structure or union.
An identifier that has a specific meaning lexically
in PL/I when used in a defined context. Relating to the left-to-right order of units.
An MVS partitioned data set or a CMS

Glossary 889
MACLIB that can be used to store other main procedure
data sets called members. An external procedure whose
PROCEDURE statement has the
OPTIONS (MAIN) attribute. This
The type of stream-oriented transmission
procedure is invoked automatically as the
in which data in the stream appears as
first step in the execution of a program.
constants separated by blanks or commas
and for which formatting is provided major structure
automatically. A structure whose name is declared with
level number 1.
A control block that holds the address of member
a variable or its descriptor. A structure, union, or element name in a
structure or union. Data sets in a library.
A locator followed by a descriptor. The minor structure
locator holds the address of the variable, A structure that is contained within
not the address of the descriptor. another structure or union. The name of a
minor structure is declared with a level
locator qualification
number greater than one and greater than
In a reference to a based variable, either a
its parent structure or union.
locator variable or function reference
connected by an arrow to the left of a mode (of arithmetic data)
based variable to specify the generation of An attribute of arithmetic data. It is either
the based variable to which the reference real or complex.
refers. It might be an implicit reference.
multiple declaration
locator value Two or more declarations of the same
A value that identifies or can be used to identifier internal to the same block
identify the storage address. without different qualifications. Two or
more external declarations of the same
locator variable
A variable whose value identifies the
location in main storage of a variable or a multiprocessing
buffer. It has the POINTER or OFFSET The use of a computing system with two
attribute. or more processing units to execute two
or more programs simultaneously.
locked record
A record in an EXCLUSIVE DIRECT multiprogramming
UPDATE file that has been made The use of a computing system to execute
available to one task only and cannot be more than one program concurrently,
accessed by other tasks until the task using a single processing unit.
using it relinquishes it.
logical level (of a structure or union member)
The depth indicated by a level number name Any identifier that the user gives to a
when all level numbers are in direct variable or to a constant. An identifier
sequence (when the increment between appearing in a context where it is not a
successive level numbers is one). keyword. Sometimes called a user-defined
logical operators
The bit-string operators not and nesting
exclusive-or (), and (&), and or (|). The occurrence of:
loop A sequence of instructions that is v A block within another block
executed iteratively. v A group within another group
lower bound v An IF statement in a THEN clause or in
The lower limit of an array dimension. an ELSE clause
v A function reference as an argument of
M a function reference

890 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference

v A remote format item in the format list condition is raised. When the
of a FORMAT statement ON-statement is encountered in the flow
v A parameter descriptor list in another of control for the program, it executes,
parameter descriptor list establishing the action for the condition.
The action executes when the condition is
v An attribute specification within a
raised if the ON-unit is still established or
parenthesized name list for which one
a RESIGNAL statement reestablishes it.
or more attributes are being factored
Contrast with implicit action.
nonconnected storage
Storage occupied by nonconnected data
The specified action to be executed when
items. For example, interleaved arrays
the appropriate condition is raised.
and structures with inherited dimensions
are in nonconnected storage. opening (of a file)
The association of a file with a data set.
null locator value
A special locator value that cannot operand
identify any location in internal storage. It The value of an identifier, constant, or an
gives a positive indication that a locator expression to which an operator is
variable does not currently identify any applied, possibly in conjunction with
generation of data. another operand.
null statement operational expression
A statement that contains only the An expression that consists of one or
semicolon symbol (;). It indicates that no more operators.
action is to be taken.
null string A symbol specifying an operation to be
A character, graphic, or bit string with a performed.
length of zero.
option A specification in a statement that can be
numeric-character data used to influence the execution or
See decimal picture data. interpretation of the statement.
numeric picture data
Picture data that has an arithmetic value
as well as a character value. This type of package constant
picture data cannot contain the characters The label prefix on a PACKAGE
'A' or 'X.' statement.
packed decimal
The internal representation of a
object A collection of data referred to by a single fixed-point decimal data item.
offset variable One or more characters, graphics, or bits
A locator variable with the OFFSET concatenated to the right of a string to
attribute, whose value identifies a location extend the string to a required length.
in storage relative to the beginning of an One or more bytes or bits inserted in a
area. structure or union so that the following
element within the structure or union is
aligned on the appropriate integral
An occurrence, within a PL/I program,
that could cause a program interrupt. It
can be the detection of an unexpected parameter
error or of an occurrence that is expected, A name in the parameter list following
but at an unpredictable time. the PROCEDURE statement, specifying an
argument that will be passed when the
ON-statement action
procedure is invoked.
The action explicitly established for a
condition that is executed when the

Glossary 891
parameter descriptor pointer variable
The set of attributes specified for a A locator variable with the POINTER
parameter in an ENTRY attribute attribute that contains a pointer value.
parameter descriptor list The number of digits or bits contained in
The list of all parameter descriptors in an a fixed-point data item, or the minimum
ENTRY attribute specification. number of significant digits (excluding
the exponent) maintained for a
parameter list
floating-point data item.
A parenthesized list of one or more
parameters, separated by commas and prefix A label or a parenthesized list of one or
following either the keyword more condition names included at the
PROCEDURE in a procedure statement or beginning of a statement.
the keyword ENTRY in an ENTRY
prefix operator
statement. The list corresponds to a list of
An operator that precedes an operand
arguments passed at invocation.
and applies only to that operand. The
partially qualified name prefix operators are plus (+), minus (-),
A qualified name that is incomplete. It and not ().
includes one or more, but not all, of the
names in the hierarchical sequence above
A program that examines the source
the structure or union member to which
program before the compilation takes
the name refers, as well as the name of
the member itself.
preprocessor statement
picture data
A special statement appearing in the
Numeric data, character data, or a mix of
source program that specifies the actions
both types, represented in character form.
to be performed by the preprocessor. It is
picture specification executed as it is encountered by the
A data item that is described using the preprocessor.
picture characters in a declaration with
primary entry point
the PICTURE attribute or in a P-format
The entry point identified by any of the
names in the label list of the
picture specification character PROCEDURE statement.
Any of the characters that can be used in
a picture specification.
A value associated with a task, that
PL/I character set specifies the precedence of the task
A set of characters that has been defined relative to other tasks.
to represent program elements in PL/I.
problem data
PL/I prompter Coded arithmetic, bit, character, graphic,
Command processor program for the PLI and picture data.
command that checks the operands and
problem-state program
allocates the data sets required by the
A program that operates in the problem
state of the operating system. It does not
point of invocation contain input/output instructions or other
The point in the invoking block at which privileged instructions.
the reference to the invoked procedure
A collection of statements, delimited by
pointer PROCEDURE and END statements. A
A type of variable that identifies a procedure is a program or a part of a
location in storage. program, delimits the scope of names,
and is activated by a reference to the
pointer value
A value that identifies the pointer type.

892 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference

procedure or one of its entry names. See record-oriented data transmission
also external procedure and internal The transmission of data in the form of
procedure. separate records. Contrast with stream data
procedure reference
An entry constant or variable. It can be recursive procedure
followed by an argument list. It can A procedure that can be called from
appear in a CALL statement or the CALL within itself or from within another active
option, or as a function reference. procedure.
program reentrant procedure
A set of one or more external procedures A procedure that can be activated by
or packages. One of the external multiple tasks, threads, or processes
procedures must have the simultaneously without causing any
OPTIONS(MAIN) specification in its interference between these tasks, threads,
procedure statement. and processes.
program control data REFER expression
Area, locator, label, format, entry, and file The expression preceding the keyword
data that is used to control the processing REFER, which is used as the bound,
of a PL/I program. length, or size when the based variable
containing a REFER option is allocated,
either by an ALLOCATE or LOCATE
The processes that occur automatically on
block activation.
REFER object
The variable in a REFER option that holds
Any of the built-in function names that
or will hold the current bound, length, or
can be used to specify a target variable. It
size for the member. The REFER object
is usually on the left-hand side of an
must be a member of the same structure
assignment statement.
or union. It must not be locator-qualified
or subscripted, and it must precede the
member with the REFER option.
qualified name
A hierarchical sequence of names of
The appearance of a name, except in a
structure or union members, connected by
context that causes explicit declaration.
periods, used to identify a name within a
structure. Any of the names can be relative virtual origin (RVO)
subscripted. The actual origin of an array minus the
virtual origin of an array.
remote format item
range (of a default specification) The letter R followed by the label
A set of identifiers and/or parameter (enclosed in parentheses) of a FORMAT
descriptors to which the attributes in a statement. The format statement is used
DEFAULT statement apply. by edit-directed data transmission
statements to control the format of data
record The logical unit of transmission in a
being transmitted.
record-oriented input or output operation.
A collection of one or more related data repetition factor
items. The items usually have different A parenthesized unsigned integer
data attributes and usually are described constant that specifies:
by a structure or union declaration. 1. The number of times the string
recorded key constant that follows is to be repeated.
A character string identifying a record in 2. The number of times the picture
a direct-access data set where the character that follows is to be
character string itself is also recorded as repeated.
part of the data.

Glossary 893
repetitive specification self-defining data
An element of a data list that specifies An aggregate that contains data items
controlled iteration to transmit one or whose bounds, lengths, and sizes are
more data items, generally used in determined at program execution time
conjunction with arrays. and are stored in a member of the
restricted expression
An expression that can be evaluated by separator
the compiler during compilation, resulting See delimiter.
in a constant. Operands of such an
shift Change of data in storage to the left or to
expression are constants, named
the right of original position.
constants, and restricted expressions.
returned value
Symbol used to signal the compiler at the
The value returned by a function
end of a double-byte string.
RETURNS descriptor
Symbol used to signal the compiler at the
A descriptor used in a RETURNS
beginning of a double-byte string.
attribute, and in the RETURNS option of
the PROCEDURE and ENTRY statements. sign and currency symbol characters
The picture specification characters. S, +,
S -, and $ (or other national currency
symbols enclosed in < and >).
scalar variable
A variable that is not a structure, union, simple parameter
or array. A parameter for which no storage class
attribute is specified. It can represent an
scale A system of mathematical notation whose
argument of any storage class, but only
representation of an arithmetic value is
the current generation of a controlled
either fixed-point or floating-point.
scale factor
simple statement
A specification of the number of fractional
A statement other than IF, ON, WHEN,
digits in a fixed-point number.
scaling factor
source Data item to be converted for problem
See scale factor.
scope (of a condition prefix)
source key
The portion of a program throughout
A key referred to in a record-oriented
which a particular condition prefix
transmission statement that identifies a
particular record within a direct-access
scope (of a declaration or name) data set.
The portion of a program throughout
source program
which a particular name is known.
A program that serves as input to the
secondary entry point source program processors and the
An entry point identified by any of the compiler.
names in the label list of an entry
source variable
A variable whose value participates in
select-group some other operation, but is not modified
A sequence of statements delimited by by the operation. Contrast with target
SELECT and END statements. variable.
selection clause spill file
A WHEN or OTHERWISE clause of a Data set named SYSUT1 that is used as a
select-group. temporary workfile.

894 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference

standard default structure
The alternative attribute or option A collection of data items that need not
assumed when none has been specified have identical attributes. Contrast with
and there is no applicable DEFAULT array.
structure expression
standard file An expression whose evaluation yields a
A file assumed by PL/I in the absence of structure set of values.
a FILE or STRING option in a GET or
structure of arrays
PUT statement. SYSIN is the standard
A structure that has the dimension
input file and SYSPRINT is the standard
output file.
structure member
standard system action
See member.
Action specified by the language to be
taken for an enabled condition in the structuring
absence of an ON-unit for that condition. The hierarchy of a structure, in terms of
the number of members, the order in
which they appear, their attributes, and
A PL/I statement, composed of keywords,
their logical level.
delimiters, identifiers, operators, and
constants, and terminated by a semicolon subroutine
(;). Optionally, it can have a condition A procedure that has no RETURNS option
prefix list and a list of labels. See also in the PROCEDURE statement. Contrast
keyword statement, assignment statement, with function.
and null statement.
subroutine call
statement body An entry reference that must represent a
A statement body can be either a simple subroutine, followed by an optional
or a compound statement. argument list that appears in a CALL
statement. Contrast with function reference.
statement label
See label constant. subscript
An element expression that specifies a
static storage allocation
position within a dimension of an array. If
The allocation of storage for static
the subscript is an asterisk, it specifies all
of the elements of the dimension.
static variable
subscript list
A variable that is allocated before
A parenthesized list of one or more
execution of the program begins and that
subscripts, one for each dimension of the
remains allocated for the duration of
array, which together uniquely identify
either a single element or cross section of
stream-oriented data transmission the array.
The transmission of data in which the
data is treated as though it were a
A task that is attached by the given task
continuous stream of individual data
or any of the tasks in a direct line from
values in character form. Contrast with
the given task to the last attached task.
record-oriented data transmission.
string A contiguous sequence of characters,
A single flow of control for serial
graphics, or bits that is treated as a single
execution of a program.
data item.
string variable T
A variable declared with the BIT,
target Attributes to which a data item (source) is
CHARACTER, or GRAPHIC attribute,
whose values can be either bit, character,
or graphic strings.

Glossary 895
target reference upper bound
A reference that designates a receiving The upper limit of an array dimension.
variable (or a portion of a receiving
variable). V
target variable value reference
A variable to which a value is assigned. A reference used to obtain the value of an
item of data.
task The execution of one or more procedures
by a single flow of control. variable
A named entity used to refer to data and
task name
to which values can be assigned. Its
An identifier used to refer to a task
attributes remain constant, but it can refer
to different values at different times.
task variable
variable reference
A variable with the TASK attribute whose
A reference that designates all or part of a
value gives the relative priority of a task.
termination (of a block)
virtual origin (VO)
Cessation of execution of a block, and the
The location where the element of the
return of control to the activating block
array whose subscripts are all zero are
by means of a RETURN or END
held. If such an element does not appear
statement, or the transfer of control to the
in the array, the virtual origin is where it
activating block or to some other active
would be held.
block by means of a GO TO statement.
termination (of a task) Z
Cessation of the flow of control for a task.
zero-suppression characters
truncation The picture specification characters Z and
The removal of one or more digits, *, which are used to suppress zeros in the
characters, graphics, or bits from one end corresponding digit positions and replace
of an item of data when a string length or them with blanks or asterisks respectively.
precision of a target variable has been
type The set of data attributes and storage
attributes that apply to a generation, a
value, or an item of data.

Indicates something that a user must not
do. Use of a undefined feature is likely to
produce different results on different
implementations of a PL/I product. In
that case, the application program is in
union A collection of data elements that overlay
each other, occupying the same storage.
The members can be structures, unions,
elementary variables, or arrays. They
need not have identical attributes.
union of arrays
A union that has the DIMENSION

896 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference

Special characters %assignment statement 854
%CALL statement 820
|| (concatenation)
creating composite symbols 4
_ (underscore, break), ASCII and EBCDIC %DEACTIVATE statement 854 using as an operator 7
values 3 %DECLARE statement 855 using in concatenation operations 69
- (subtraction) %directives ||= (concatenate and assign), creating
ASCII and EBCDIC values 3 %INCLUDE 241 composite symbols 4
using as an operator 7 %LINE 243 |= (or and assign), creating composite
using in arithmetic operations 57 %NOPRINT 243 symbols 4
-= (subtract and assign), creating %NOTE 244 & (and symbol)
composite symbols 4 %PAGE 245 ASCII and EBCDIC values 3
, (separator) %POP 245 using as an operator 7
ASCII and EBCDIC values 3 %PRINT 246 & (bit operator: AND) 65
using as a delimiter 6 %PROCESS 246 &= (and and assign), creating composite
; (statement terminator) %PUSH 247 symbols 4
ASCII and EBCDIC values 3 %SKIP 251 + (addition)
using as a delimiter 6 %DO statement 858 ASCII and EBCDIC values 3
: (prefix, dimension, and range delimiter) %END statement 858 using as an operator 7
ASCII and EBCDIC values 3 %GO TO statement 858 using in arithmetic operations 57
using 6 %IF statement 859 + (picture character) 364
? (macro trigger character) %INCLUDE directive 241 += (add and assign), creating composite
ASCII and EBCDIC values 3 %INCLUDE statement 860 symbols 4
/ (division) %INSCAN statement 861 = (equal to symbol)
ASCII and EBCDIC values 3 %ITERATE statement 861 ASCII and EBCDIC values 3
using as an operator 7 %LEAVE statement 861 using as a delimiter 6
using in arithmetic operations 57 %LINE directive 243 using as an operator 7
/ (insertion character) 360 %NOPRINT directive 243 using in comparison operations 67
/* (start of a comment), creating %NOTE directive 244 (bit operator: NOT, XOR) 65
composite symbols 4 %NOTE statement 862 (logical NOT EOR symbol)
/* */ (comment) %null statement 863 ASCII and EBCDIC values 3
syntax 8 %PAGE directive 245 using as an operator 7
using as a delimiter 6 %POP directive 245 (not symbol)
/= (divide and assign), creating %PRINT directive 246 ASCII and EBCDIC values 3
composite symbols 4 %PROCEDURE statement 816 > (not greater than symbol)
. (name qualifier, decimal point) %PROCESS directive 246 description 4
ASCII and EBCDIC values 3 %PUSH directive 247 using as an operator 7
using as a delimiter 6 %REPLACE statement 863 using in comparison operations 67
( ) (enclose symbols) %SELECT statement 863 < (not less than symbol)
ASCII and EBCDIC values 3 %SKIP directive 251 description 4
using as delimiters 6 %XINCLUDE statement 864 using as an operator 7
$ (picture character) 364 %XINSCAN statement 864 using in comparison operations 67
* (multiplication) > (greater than symbol) = (not equal to symbol)
ASCII and EBCDIC values 3 ASCII and EBCDIC values 3 using as an operator 7
using as an operator 7 using as an operator 7 = or <> (not equal to symbol)
using in arithmetic operations 57 >= (greater than or equal to symbol) 4 description 4
* zero suppression picture character 359 < (less than symbol) using in comparison operations 67
*/ (end of a comment), creating ASCII and EBCDIC values 3 ' quote
composite symbols 4 using as an operator 7 double 3
** (exponentiation) using in comparison operations 67 " double quote
creating composite symbols 4 <= (less than or equal to symbol) 4 ASCII and EBCDIC values 3
using as an operator 7 using as an operator 7
using in arithmetic operations 57 using in comparison operations 67
**= (exponentiate and assign), creating
composite symbols 4
> (locator)
locator qualification 265
*= (multiply and assign), creating 9 picture specification character
using as a delimiter 6
composite symbols 4 for character data 356
> (locator), creating composite
*PROCESS directive 246 using 358
symbols 4
(enclose constants) | (bit operator:OR) 65
ASCII and EBCDIC values 3 | (logical OR symbol)
% (for %statements) ASCII and EBCDIC values 3 A
ASCII and EBCDIC values 3 using as an operator 7 A (ASCII) character constant
using as a delimiter 6 character constant 35
%ACTIVATE statement 853

Copyright IBM Corp. 1999, 2016 897

A picture specification character 356 area array-handling built-in functions
A-format item 343 ALLOCATE statement with IN ALL 435
ABNORMAL attribute 279 option 267 ANY 441
abnormal termination assignment 276 DIMENSION 494
procedure 105 attributes 21 HBOUND 527
program 93 data 271 HBOUNDACROSS 528
ABS built-in function 430 EMPTY built-in function 497 LBOUND 578
accessibility input/output of 277 LBOUNDACROSS 579
of Enterprise PL/I for z/OS xxx transmission of variables 312 POLY 688
accuracy of mathematical built-in AREA PROD 694
functions 411 attribute 271 SUM 741
ACOS built-in function 431 condition 382 summary 412
activation arguments arrays
begin-block 118 dummy array-and-array operations 73
block 93 deriving attributes 116 array-and-element operations 73
procedure 104 description 116 assignment 216, 217
program 92 rules 117 attributes 21
ADD built-in function 432 passing bounds 184
additive attributes to procedures 114 cross sections 188
definition 300 to the main procedure 117 definition 184
ENVIRONMENT 304 specifying 139, 410 DIMENSION attribute 184, 185
KEYED 305 arithmetic built-in functions example 186
ADDR built-in function 433 ABS 430 expression
ADDRDATA built-in function 434 CEIL 463 description 52, 72
adjustable extents 260 COMPLEX 476 example 53
aggregate arguments 410 CONJG 477 extent 184
aggregates, assignments 217 FLOOR 521 infix operators and 73
algebraic comparison operations 67 IMAG 539 of structures and unions 198
aliases MAX 596 prefix operators and 72
DEFINE ALIAS statement 145 MIN 611 subscripts 186
defining 145 MOD 613 targets 216
ALIGNED attribute RANDOM 698 variable 184
description 173 REAL 700 ASIN built-in function 442
example 177 REM 703 ASM (ASSEMBLER) option 138
storage alignment requirements 173 ROUND 709 ASSEMBLER (ASM) option 138
alignment attributes for data 172 ROUNDDEC 711 ASSERT statement 211
ALL built-in function 435 SIGN 720 ASSIGNABLE attribute 279
ALLCOMPARE built-in function 436 summary 412 assignment statements
ALLOC (ALLOCATE) statement 257 TRUNC 754 BY DIMACROSS option 214
ALLOC31 arithmetic character data BY NAME option 214
built-in function conversion to PICTURE data 85 definition 10
syntax 437 inserting editing characters 40 description 213
ALLOCATE (ALLOC) using 40 requirements for target variables 216
built-in function arithmetic data assignments
based area variables 263 coded 17 aggregate 217
based variables 263, 267 numeric picture 17 area 276
syntax 438 arithmetic operations array
statement 257 data conversion 57 assigning aggregates 217
allocation 253 description 57 target variables for 216
ALLOCATION (ALLOCN) built-in results compound 215
function 439 discussion 59 element 216
ALLOCSIZE built-in function 440 FLOAT operands 59 expression values 219
alphabetic characters 1 special cases 65 multiple 218
alphanumeric characters 2 under RULES(ANS) 61 structure 216, 217
alternative attributes arithmetic operators using BY DIMACROSS for structure
BUFFERED and UNBUFFERED 304 description 57 assignment 220
definition 299 using 7 using BY NAME for structure
INPUT, OUTPUT, and UPDATE 303 arithmetic picture specification assignment 219
RECORD and STREAM 302 description 33 association of arguments and
SEQUENTIAL and DIRECT 303 using 40 parameters 114
ANSWER statement array argument with parameters 102 asterisk
using in a preprocessor array expression as an identifier 6
procedure 818 definition 53 description 359
answer text 818 description 72 using as a subscript 188
ANY built-in function 441 example 53 using in arithmetic operations 57
ANYCONDITION condition 381 array variable 184 ATAN built-in function 443
application 91 ATAND built-in function 444

898 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference

ATANH built-in function 445 attributes (continued) attributes (continued)
ATTACH statement 404 JSONNAME 197 VARYING4 32
description 383 KEYED 305 WIDECHAR
multithreading 407 LABEL 47 description 30
attributes label data 20, 21 WIDEPIC 33
description 173 LIST 125 XMLOMIT 197
example 177 LITTLEENDIAN 280 AUTO (AUTOMATIC) attribute 255
storage alignment LOCATES 274 AUTOMATIC (AUTO) built-in
requirements 173 locator data 21 function 446
AREA 21 merging 308 AUTOMATIC built-in function
array data 21 named coded arithmetic 19 for based area variables 263
ASSIGNABLE 279 named string data 20 for based variables 263, 267
AUTOMATIC 255 NOINIT 196 automatic storage
BASED 261 NONASSIGNABLE 279 description 253
BINARY 24 nondata 18 attribute 255
BIT 30 NONVARYING 32 automatic variables, effect of
BUFFERED 304 NORMAL 279 recursion 107
using 112, 409 OFFSET 273 AVAILABLEAREA built-in function
BYADDR 139 OPTIONAL 124 for area variables 276
BYVALUE 139 OPTIONS 135 syntax 447
description 30 ordinal data 21
classification according to data
types 18
B (insertion character) 361
coded arithmetic 19, 21 PICTURE 33
B-format item 344
B3 (bit hex) bit string constant 37
computational data 17 POSITION 283
B4 (bit hex) bit string constant 37
BASE64DECODE16 built-in function
syntax 449
CONTROLLED 256 program-control data 17
BASE64DECODE8 built-in function
data REAL 24
syntax 448
description 17 RECORD 302
BASE64ENCODE16 built-in function
list 18 RECURSIVE 106
syntax 451
BASE64ENCODE8 built-in function
syntax 450
defaults for data 178 SEQUENTIAL 303
BASED attribute 261
based storage
DIMACROSS 185 data storage requirements 26
built-in functions 263
DIMENSION 184 description 25
description 254
syntax for BASED attribute 261
discussion 17 STREAM 302
based variables
ENTRY 121 string data 20, 21
ALLOCATE statement 267
ENVIRONMENT 304 structure data 21
built-in functions 263
description 261, 267
description 165 TASK 407
FREE statement 268
using 109 task data 21
input/output of lists 277
FILE 299 TYPE 150
BEGIN statement
file data 20, 21 UNALIGNED
description 118
for parameters 100 description 173
valid OPTIONS options for 135
FORCE 171 example 177
FORMAT storage alignment
activation 118
classification by variable type 21 requirements 173
description 118
description 48 UNBUFFERED 304
example 118
termination 118
GRAPHIC 30 union data 21
BETWEEN built-in function 452
HEXADEC 281 data storage requirements 26
function 453
IEEE 281 description 25
function 454
function 455
BIGENDIAN attribute 280

Index 899
BINARY (BIN) attribute 24 buffer-management built-in functions built-in functions (continued)
BINARY (BIN) built-in function 456 (continued) BOOL 460
binary digit 3 MEMCU12 600 BYTE 461
binary fixed-point constant 27 MEMCU14 601 categories of 411
binary fixed-point data MEMCU21 602 CDS 462
conversion 83 MEMCU24 603 CEIL 463
description 26 MEMCU41 604 CENTERLEFT (CENTER) 464
binary floating-point constant 29 MEMCU42 605 CENTERRIGHT 466
binary floating-point data MEMINDEX 606 CHAR 78
conversion 84 MEMSEARCH 607 CHARACTER (CHAR) 468
description 28 MEMSEARCHR 608 CHARGRAPHIC (CHARG) 469
function 457 MEMVERIFYR 610 CHECKSTG 472
BINARYVALUE built-in function PICSPEC 652 CHECKSUM 473
for ordinals 154 PLITRAN11 679 COLLATE 474
using with pointer expressions 57 PLITRAN12 680 COMPARE 475
BIND type function 801 PLITRAN21 681 COMPLEX (CPLX) 476
bit PLITRAN22 682 condition-handling, summary 415
conversion WHITESPACEREPLACE 789 controlled variables 260
description 80 XMLCHAR 792 converting data 78
rules 88 XMLCLEAN 794 COPY 478
data 36 BUFFERED (BUF) attribute 304 COS 479
operators built-in functions COSD 480
description 7 ABS 430 COSH 481
using in bit operations 65 accuracy of mathematical functions COUNT 482
BIT attribute 30 in 411 CS 483
BIT built-in function 458 ACOS 431 CURRENTSIZE (CSTG) 485
bit data ADD 432 CURRENTSTORAGE 486
repetition factor 36 ADDR 433 DATAFIELD 487
bit format item 344 ADDRDATA 434 DATE 488
bit operations aggregate arguments 410 date/time, summary 416
examples 66 ALL 435 DATETIME 489
using 65 ALLCOMPARE 436 DAYS 490
bit strings, transmission of ALLOC31 437 DAYSTODATE 491
unaligned 311 ALLOCATE (ALLOC) 438 DAYSTOSECS 492
function 459 ALLOCSIZE 440 converting data 78
blanks ANY 441 DECIMAL (DEC) 493
description 7 area variables 276 declaring 409
using as a delimiter 6 arithmetic, summary 412 definition 114
blocks array-handling, summary 412 DIMENSION (DIM) 494
activation 93 ASIN 442 DIVIDE 495
begin 118 ATAN 443 EDIT 496
description 93 ATAND 444 EMPTY 497
packages 94 ATANH 445 ENDFILE 498
procedures 97 AUTOMATIC (AUTO) 446 ENTRYADDR 499
termination 94 AVAILABLEAREA 447 EPSILON 501
types 93 BASE64DECODE16 449 ERF 502
BOOL built-in function 460 BASE64DECODE8 448 ERFC 503
Boolean operators 65 BASE64ENCODE16 451 EXP 504
bounds 184 BASE64ENCODE8 450 EXPONENT 505
controlled parameter 101 based variables 267 FILEDDINT 506
simple parameter 101 BETWEEN 452 FILEDDTEST 507
break (_) character 16 BETWEENEXCLUSIVE 453 FILEDDWORD 508
buffer-management built-in functions BETWEENRIGHTEXCLUSIVE 455 FILEOPEN 510
BASE64DECODE8 448 converting data 78 FILESEEK 512
CHECKSUM 473 using with ordinals 154 FIXED 515
COMPARE 475 using with pointer expressions 57 converting data 78
HEXIMAGE 533 converting data 78 FLOAT 518
MEMCONVERT 599 BITLOCATION (BITLOC) 459 converting data 78

900 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference

built-in functions (continued) built-in functions (continued) built-in functions (continued)
floating-point inquiry, summary 418 LINENO 582 PAGENO 651
floating-point manipulation, LOCATION (LOC) 583 PICSPEC 652
summary 419 LOCSTG 586 PLACES 653
for preprocessor 820 LOG 588 PLISTCK 676
GAMMA 522 LOG10 591 PLISTCKE 677
converting data 78 LOW 592 PLITRAN12 680
HBOUNDACROSS 528 mathematical, summary 421 POINTER (PTR) 683
HEXDECODE 531 MAXEXP 597 using with pointer operations 56
ICLZ 537 MEMCU24 603 using 57
IMAG 539 MEMCU42 605 POLY 688
converting data 78 MEMINDEX 606 POPCNT 689
INDEXR 542 MEMSEARCHR 608 converting data 78
INDICATORS 543 MEMVERIFY 609 evaluating results 64
initiating data conversion 78 MEMVERIFYR 610 PRECISION (PREC) 690
INLIST 544 MIN 611 precision-handling, summary 423
INOT 545 MINEXP 612 PRED 691
input/output, summary 419 MOD 613 preprocessor 820
integer manipulation, summary 420 MPSTR 615 PRESENT 692
IOR 546 NULL 617 (PROCNAME) 693
ISFINITE 547 null arguments and 411 PROD 694
ISLL 550 using with pointer expressions 56 RAISE2 697
ISRL 554 OFFSETSUBTRACT 622 converting data 78
JSON, summary 420 ONAREA 625 REPATTERN 704
JSONPUTOBJECTSTART 574 ONWCHAR 643 converting data 78
JSONVALID 576 ordinal-handling, summary 423 SIND 723

Index 901
built-in functions (continued) built-in functions, miscellaneous canceling
SOURCEFILE 728 summary 422 thread 406
SOURCELINE 729 built-in names case sensitivity 5
SQRT 730 using with built-in functions 114 CAST type function 802
SQRTF 731 using with subroutines 112 CDS built-in function 462
STACKADDR 732 built-in pseudovariables, summary 424 CEIL built-in function 463
STORAGE (STG) 733 built-in subroutines CELL, synonym for 190
storage control, summary 424 declaring 409 CENTERLEFT (CENTER) built-in
STRING 734 definition 112 function 464
string-handling, summary 426 invoking 410 CENTERRIGHT built-in function 466
SUBTRACT 739 LOCNEWVALUE 585 description 30
SUM 741 PLIATTN 655 function 468
SYSNULL 742 PLICANC 656 character sets
SYSTEM 743 PLICKPT 657 discussion 1
TALLY 744 PLIDELETE 658 double-byte
TAN 745 PLIDUMP 659 identifier 11
TAND 746 PLIEBCDIC 660 statement element 12
TANH 747 PLIFILL 661 single-byte
THREADID 748 PLIFREE 662 delimiters and operators 6
TIME 749 PLIMOVE 663 identifier in DBCS form 12
TIMESTAMP 750 PLIOVER 664 identifiers 5
TINY 751 PLIREST 665 statement elements for 5
TRANSLATE 752 PLIRETC 666 character string constant 35
TRIM 753 PLISAXA 668 characters
TRUNC 754 PLISAXB 669 alphabetic 1
TYPE 755 PLISAXC 670 alphanumeric 2
ULENGTH 757 PLISAXD 671 character data
ULENGTH16 759 PLISRTA 672 conversion 80, 86
ULENGTH8 758 PLISRTB 673 description 34
UNALLOCATED 760 PLISRTC 674 picture specifiers 356
UNSIGNED 761 PLISRTD 675 constant 34
converting data 78 summary 427 extralingual 2
UNSPEC 762 BUILTIN attribute 409 format items 343
UPOS 765 declaring names for built-in insertion 360
UPPERCASE 766 functions 112 picture specification 33
USUBSTR 767 BX (bit hex) bit string constant 37 sets
USUPPLEMENTARY 768 BY DIMACROSS option of assignment double-byte 11
UTCDATETIME 769 statement single-byte 1
UTCSECS 770 description 214 special 3
UTF8 771 when specified in structure using in comparison operations 67
UTF8STG 772 assignment 218 zero suppression 359
UTF8TOCHAR 773 BY NAME option of assignment CHARGRAPHIC (CHARG) built-in
UTF8TOWCHAR 774 statement function 469
UVALID 776 description 214 CHARGRAPHIC option 140
UWIDTH 778 when not specified in structure CHARVAL built-in function 471
VALID 779 assignment 217 CHECKSTG built-in function 472
VALIDDATE 780 when specified in structure CHECKSUM built-in function 473
VARGLIST 781 assignment 218 CLOSE statement 309
VARGSIZE 782 BY option of DO statement 225 COBOL option 140
VERIFY 783 BYADDR attribute 139 coded arithmetic data
VERIFYR 784 BYADDR option 139 attributes
WCHARVAL 785 BYTE built-in function 461 abbreviations 23
WEEKDAY 786 byte, definition 172 types 19, 21
WHIGH 787 BYVALUE attribute 139 BINARY and DECIMAL attributes 24
WHITESPACECOLLAPSE 788 BYVALUE option 139 binary fixed-point data 26
WHITESPACEREPLACE 789 binary floating-point 28
WIDECHAR conversion target 82
converting data 78
C decimal fixed-point 27
decimal floating-point 29
C-format item 344
WLOW 791 FIXED and FLOAT attribute 24
CALL option on INITIAL attribute 291
XMLCHAR 792 PRECISION attribute 24
CALL statement 133
XMLCLEAN 794 REAL and COMPLEX attributes 24
calling conventions
Y4DATE 795 syntax 22
Y4JULIAN 796 COLLATE built-in function 474
Y4YEAR 797

902 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference

COLLATE macro facility built-in computational data types (continued) conditions (continued)
function 822 string data (continued) ATTENTION (continued)
colon symbol 6 VARYING4 attribute 32 with multithreading 407
COLUMN format item 345 VARYINGZ attribute 32 classes 372
COLUMN keyword widechar 39 computational 372
on ANSWER preprocessor WIDECHAR attribute 30 CONDITION 384
statement 818 concatenation CONVERSION 385
combinations of operations 70 operations 69 ENDFILE 386
combining arrays, structures, and operator 7 ENDPAGE 387
unions 198 COND (CONDITION) condition 384 ERROR 388
comma 6 CONDITION (COND) condition 384 FINISH 389
COMMENT macro facility built-in CONDITION attribute 378 FIXEDOVERFLOW 389
function 823 condition codes input/output 372
comments discussion 371 INVALIDOP 390
description 8 condition codes, using with ONCODE KEY 391
COMPARE built-in function 475 built-in function 628 miscellaneous 372
comparison operations condition handling NAME 392
algebraic 67 CONDITION attribute 378 output and input 372
bit 67 description 371 OVERFLOW 392
characters 67 disabling a condition 371 program checkout 372
conversion of operands 67 enabling a condition 371 raising under OPTIMIZATION 373
description 67 established action 371 RECORD 393
example 68 establishing an enabled SIZE 394
graphic 67 condition 371 status 372
ordinal data 67 implicit action 371 STORAGE 395
pointer and offset data 67 multiple conditions 378 STRINGRANGE 395
program-control data 67 multithreading 407 STRINGSIZE 396
widechar 67 ON statement SUBCRIPTRANGE 397
comparison operators 7 description 374 TRANSMIT 397
compilation unit 91 dynamically descendant UNDEFINEDFILE 398
COMPILEDATE macro facility built-in ON-units 375 UNDERFLOW 399
function 824 null ON-unit 375 ZERODIVIDE 400
COMPILETIME macro facility built-in ON-units for file variables 376 CONJG built-in function 477
function 825 scope of established action 375 CONNECTED (CONN) attribute 282
complex syntax 374 connected storage 282
data item 24 RESIGNAL statement 378 consecutive data sets 298
format item 344 REVERT statement 377 constants
COMPLEX (CPLX) attribute 24 scope of condition prefix 373 B3 (bit hex) string 37
COMPLEX (CPLX) built-in function 476 SIGNAL statement 377 B4 (bit hex) string 37
composite symbol 4 condition prefix binary fixed-point 26
compound assignment 215 description 9 binary floating-point 29
compound statement 10 example 372 bit 36
computational conditions syntax 371 BX (bit hex) string 37
CONVERSION 385 using 371 character 34
FIXEDOVERFLOW 389 condition-handling built-in functions character string 35
INVALIDOP 390 DATAFIELD 487 decimal fixed-point 28
OVERFLOW 392 ONAREA 625 decimal floating-point 29
UNDERFLOW 399 ONCHAR 626 entry
ZERODIVIDE 400 ONCODE 628 description 119
computational data ONCONDCOND 629 using 119
attributes 17 ONCONDID 630 file 299
conversion 78 ONCOUNT 631 graphic 37
description 17 ONFILE 632 GX (graphic) string 38
string data 17 ONGSOURCE 633 imaginary 24
computational data types ONKEY 635 label 47
attributes 22 ONLINE 636 M (mixed) string 38
BINARY and DECIMAL attributes 24 ONLOC 637 named 45
REAL and COMPLEX attributes 24 ONOFFSET 638 WX (widechar) string 40
repetition factor for strings 34 ONSOURCE 639 XN (binary hex) 27
string data ONWCHAR 643 XU (binary hex) 27
BIT attribute 30 ONWSOURCE 645 contained in, definition 163
CHARACTER attribute 30 summary 415 contextual declarations 162
discussion of 30 conditions continuation rules for DBCS 15
graphic 37 ANYCONDITION 381 controlled
GRAPHIC attribute 30 AREA 382 parameter 101
NONVARYING attribute 32 ATTENTION storage 253, 256
VARYING attribute 32 description 383 structure and union members 260

Index 903
controlled (continued)
D data elements
attributes 15
description 256 data constants
multiple generations 259 alignment 172 named 16
using the ALLOCATE area 271 punctuating 16
statement 257 arithmetic character 40 quotation marks 16
using the FREE statement 259 attributes 17 data item 15
CONTROLLED (CTL) attribute 256 binary fixed-point 26 discussion 15
controlling storage 253 binary floating-point 28 preprocessor 813
CONV (CONVERSION) condition 385 bit 36 data items
conversion bit constant 36 complex 24
data 77 character 34 definition 15
errors 90 character constant 34 expression 52
in arithmetic operations 57 A (ASCII) character constant 35 mode 24
in concatenation operations 69 E (EBCDIC) character constant 35 data sets
mode 80 computational 17 consecutive 298
of arithmetic precision 80 conversion indexed 298
of locator data 264 description 77 regional 299
operands 61 errors 90 relative 299
source to target rules 81 in arithmetic operations 57 storing 298
string lengths 79 source-to-target rules 81 transmission of data from 297
to other data attributes 80 using built-in functions 78 types 298
using built-in functions 78 decimal fixed-point 27 data specification options for stream i/o
CONVERSION (CONV) condition 385 decimal floating point 29 data transmitted 311
CONVERSION condition prefix 372 element 15 data-directed 329
conversion errors 90 elements 813 definition 321
conversion of graphic to character entry 119 discussion of 324
(CHARGRAPHIC) 469 format 48 data transmission
converting data format items 343 area variables 312
arithmetic precision 80 graphic 37 data aggregates 311
arithmetic-to-bit-string, example 89 item 15 data-directed 321
arithmetic-to-character string, label 47 data-list-items 328
example 90 LABEL attribute discussion of 311
computational data 78 valid OPTIONS options 47 edit-directed 321
conversion errors 90 labels, on language statements 47 graphic strings 311
description 77 locator 264 input 297
initiating with built-in functions 78 mixed 38 output 297
mode 80 numeric character 357 record-oriented 311
rules 78 offset 273 record-oriented statements
source-to-target rules 81 program-control DELETE 314
string lengths 79 description 17 discussion 312
COPY built-in function 478 types and attributes 47 LOCATE 314
COPY macro facility built-in sharing between threads 408 READ 312
function 826 specifications 324 REWRITE 313
COPY option 323 transmission 297 WRITE 313
COS built-in function 479 types 17 stream-oriented 321
COSD built-in function 480 widechar 39 stream-oriented statements
COSH built-in function 481 data alignment discussion 321
COUNT built-in function 482 discussion 172 GET 322
COUNTER macro facility built-in storage addresses 172 PUT 322
function 827 using ALIGNED and UNALIGNED type 3 do-group 325
credit (CR) picture character 366 attributes 173 TRANSMIT condition 397
cross sections of arrays of data conversion unaligned bit strings 311
structures/unions 199 arithmetic precision 80 varying length strings 311
cross sections, of arrays 188 errors 90 data transmission statements options
CS built-in function 483 in arithmetic operations 57 COPY 323
CTL (CONTROLLED) attribute 256 mode 80 discussion 323
currency symbol source-to-target rules 81 FILE 325
defining 362 string lengths 79 LINE 326
description 364 data declarations PAGE 326
CURRENTSIZE built-in function 485 array 184 SKIP 326
CURRENTSTORAGE (CSTG) built-in description 159 STRING 327
function 486 explicit 159 data types
implicit 162 computational 17
language-specified defaults for discussion 17
attributes 178 data-directed data specification
structures 188 discussion 329
unions 190

904 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference

data-directed data specification declarations, DEFINE ALIAS, do-groups (continued)
(continued) statement 145 macro facility 223
using the GET statement 331 DECLARE (DCL) statement type 3 do-group 224, 227
using the PUT statement 332 description 160 double-byte character set (DBCS)
data-directed data transmission 321 declaring built-in functions 409 continuation rules 15
DATAFIELD built-in function 487 declaring data data in stream I/O 342
DATE attribute description 159 discussion 11
description 42 factoring of attributes 161 identifiers 11
DATE built-in function 488 DEF (DEFINED) attribute 283 in graphic data 37
date/time built-in functions DEFAULT (DFT) statement 179 statement elements 12
DATE 488 defaults for attributes using in source program 11
DATETIME 489 DEFAULT statement 179 doubleword, in data alignment 172
DAYS 490 discussion of 178 DOWNTHRU option
DAYSTODATE 491 for data attributes 178 description 226
DAYSTOSECS 492 language-specified 178 example 234
JULIANTOSMF 577 restoring language-specified 184 using with a type 3 DO
Lilian format 416 DEFINE ALIAS statement 145 specification 230
patterns 417 DEFINE ORDINAL statement using with ordinals 234
REPATTERN 704 description 146 drifting character 364
SECS 717 options 146 dummy arguments
SECSTODATE 718 DEFINE STRUCTURE (STRUCT) deriving attributes 116
SECSTODAYS 719 statement 148 description 116
SMFTOJULIAN 727 DEFINED (DEF) attribute 283 rules 117
summary 416 DELAY statement 222 dynamic allocation 253
TIME 749 DELETE statement 314 dynamic loading of an external procedure
TIMESTAMP 750 delimiter 6 FETCH statement 107
UTCDATETIME 769 descriptor list 122 RELEASE statement 107
UTCSECS 770 DESCRIPTOR option 140 dynamically descendant ON-units 375
VARGLIST 781 statement 181
DETACH statement 406
DFT (DEFAULT) statement 179
E (EBCDIC) character constant
Y4DATE 795 digits
character constant 35
Y4JULIAN 796 and decimal-point specifiers 358
E picture character 368
Y4YEAR 797 binary 3
E-format item 346
DATETIME built-in function 489 decimal 3
EDIT built-in function 496
DAYS built-in function 490 hexadecimal 3
EDIT option 333
DAYSTODATE built-in function 491 DIM (DIMENSION) attribute 184
DAYSTOSECS built-in function 492 DIMACROSS attribute 185
data transmission 321
DBCS (double-byte character set) 11 DIMENSION (DIM) attribute 184
format items 343
DCL (DECLARE) statement 855 DIMENSION (DIM) built-in
edit-directed data specification 333
description 160 function 494
effect of recursion on automatic
debit (DB) picture character 366 DIMENSION macro facility built-in
variables 107
DECIMAL (DEC) attribute 24 function 828
elementary names 188
DECIMAL (DEC) built-in function 493 DIRECT attribute 303
decimal digit 3 direct entry declaration 119
assignment 216
decimal fixed-point constant 28 directives
data 15
decimal fixed-point data *PROCESS 246
expression 52
conversion 83 %INCLUDE 241
for DBCS 12
description 27 %LINE 243
for SBCS 5
decimal floating-point constant 29 %NOPRINT 243
parameter 117
decimal floating-point data %NOTE 244
program 1
conversion 84 %PAGE 245
scalar 15
description 29 %POP 245
variable 15
decimal-point and digit specifiers 358 %PRINT 246
ELSE clause of %IF statement 859
declarations %PROCESS 246
ELSE clause of IF statement 238
array 184 %PUSH 247
EMPTY built-in function 497
contextual 162 %SKIP 251
for area variables 276
DEFINE ORDINAL statement 146 DISPLAY statement 223
enabled condition 371
explicit 159 DIVIDE built-in function 495
END statement
implicit 162 DLLEXTERNAL option 141
description 236
scope DLLINTERNAL option 141
ENDFILE built-in function 498
defining with INTERNAL and DO statement
ENDFILE condition 386
EXTERNAL attributes 165 description 223
ENDPAGE condition 387
discussion 162 repetitive execution of 223
Enterprise PL/I for z/OS
example 164 do-groups
accessibility xxx
examples 231

Index 905
ENTRY attribute expressions (continued) files (continued)
description 121 preprocessor 813 variable 302
valid OPTIONS options 135 restricted FILESEEK built-in function 512
entry constants 119 applying built-in functions 74 FILETELL built-in function 513
entry data description 74 FILEWRITE built-in function 514
attributes example 75 FINISH condition 389
classification 20, 21 scalar 52 FIRST type function 803
ENTRY 121 structure 52 FIXED attribute
GENERIC 130 syntax 51 description 24
LIMITED 129 types 52 FIXED built-in function 515
LIST 125 EXT (EXTERNAL) attribute 165 fixed-point
OPTIONAL 124 extent binary data 26
constants 119 BASED declarations 261 decimal data 27
description 119 parameter descriptor 123 format item
direct entry declaration 119 extent (of dimension) 184 description 348
generic 130 EXTERNAL (EXT) attribute specifying a picture scaling
generic entry declaration 130 description 165 factor 369
invocation of references 133 using 109 FIXEDBIN built-in function 516
variables 120 external procedure FIXEDDEC built-in function 517
entry points 97 description 98 FIXEDOVERFLOW (FOFL)
entry reference invocation 133 dynamic loading 107 condition 389
ENTRY statement 99 extralingual character 2 FIXEDOVERFLOW condition prefix 372
ENTRY statement, valid OPTIONS FLOAT attribute 24
options 136 FLOAT built-in function 518
using with a FETCH statement 109
F FLOATBIN built-in function 519
FLOATDEC built-in function 520
F picture character 369
ENTRYADDR built-in function 499 floating-point
F-format item 348
ENTRYADDR pseudovariable 500 binary data 28
factoring of attributes 161
ENV (ENVIRONMENT) attribute 304 data conversion 84
FETCH statement
ENVIRONMENT (ENV) attribute 304 decimal data 29
description 108
ENVIRONMENT option 404 format item 346
dynamically loading external
EPSILON built-in function 501 floating-point inquiry built-in functions
procedures 107
equal sign 6 EPSILON 501
restrictions 108
ERF built-in function 502 HUGE 535
FETCHABLE option 141
ERFC built-in function 503 ISFINITE 547
fields 357
ERROR condition ISINF 549
FILE attribute 299
abnormal termination of ISNAN 552
file data 21
procedures 105 ISNORMAL 553
FILE option
description 388 ISZERO 555
description 325
established action 374 MAXEXP 597
for record-oriented data
established condition 371 MINEXP 612
transmission 314
evaluation order for expressions and PLACES 653
for stream-oriented data
references 70 RADIX 696
transmission 312
evaluation order of expressions 53 summary 418
FILE specification in OPEN
exclusive-or operator 65 TINY 751
statement 306
EXE (file extension) 91 floating-point manipulation built-in
FILEDDINT built-in function 506
EXIT statement 105 functions
FILEDDTEST built-in function 507
EXP built-in function 504 EXPONENT 505
FILEDDWORD built-in function 508
explicit declaration 159 PRED 691
FILEID built-in function 509
explicitly locator-qualified reference 265 SCALE 713
FILEOPEN built-in function 510
EXPONENT built-in function 505 SUCC 740
FILEREAD built-in function 511
exponent specifiers 368 summary 419
exponentiation, special cases 65 FLOOR built-in function 521
additive attribute 300
alternative attributes 299
expressions condition 389
attributes 20
array 72 FORCE attribute 171
constant 299
assigning values 219 FORMAT attribute
declaration 299
description 51 classification by variable type 21
definition of 299
element 52 description 48
description attributes 299
evaluation order 53 format data 48
FILE attribute 299
intermediate results of format items
implicit opening 307
expressions 63 A 343
opening and closing 305
of targets 54 B 344
operational C 344
sharing between threads 408
classes 55 COLUMN 345
specifying a reference 302
definition 51 description 334
discussion 55 E 346

906 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference

format items (continued) GRAPHIC option 38 IN option
F 348 graphic string constant 38 ALLOCATE statement 267
G 350 group, of statements 11 FREE statement 269
L 350 GX (graphic hex) string constant 38 IN option with FREE statement, for based
LINE 351 variables 268
P 351 INCLUDE directive 241
PAGE 352
R 352
H INDEX built-in function 541
INDEX macro facility built-in
halfword 172
SKIP 353 function 830
HANDLE attribute 150
V 353 indexed data sets 298
HANDLE built-in function 526
X 354 INDEXR built-in function 542
handle operations 55
format notation, rules for xvii INDFOR attribute 195
HBOUND built-in function 527
FORMAT statement 337 INDICATORS built-in function 543
HBOUND macro facility built-in
FORTRAN option 141 industry standards xx
function 829
FREE statement infix operation 55
HBOUNDACROSS built-in function 528
based variables 268 infix operators and arrays 73
hex (X) character string constant 35
controlled variables 259 INITIAL (INIT) attribute 288
HEX built-in function 529
IN option 268 INITIAL CALL 291
HEXADEC attribute 281
FROM option of data transmission INITIAL TO 292
hexadecimal digit 3
statements 315 initial values
HEXDECODE built-in function 531
FROMALIEN option 141 for unions 288
HEXDECODE8 built-in function 532
fullword 172 on STATIC variables 293
HEXIMAGE built-in function 533
functions initializing
HIGH built-in function 534
built-in 114 array variables 292
higher bound of a DIMACROSS array,
definition 112 automatic variables 294
obtaining (HBOUNDACROSS) 528
description 112 based and controlled variables 294
higher bound of an array, obtaining
examples 113 static variables 293
(HBOUND) 527
programmer-written 114 unions 293
HUGE built-in function 535
restrictions on 112 INLINE option 141
returning from 134 INLIST built-in function 544
INOT built-in function 545
I input
G I (overpunch) picture character 366
IAND built-in function 536
G-format item 350
ICLZ built-in function 537 ENDPAGE 387
GAMMA built-in function 522
identifier KEY 391
GENERIC attribute
asterisk 6 NAME 392
description 130
using the OTHERWISE option 131
DBCS with double-byte characters 12 TRANSMIT 397
generic descriptor 131
definition 5 UNDEFINEDFILE 398
generic entry declaration 130
programmer-defined names 6 definition 297
generic name 130
SBCS in DBCS form 12 discussion 297
generic selection 132
scalar 45 of area 277
GET statement
structure 45 INPUT attribute 303
data-directed 331
using keywords 5 input/output built-in functions
edit-directed 335
IEEE attribute 281 COUNT 482
list-directed 339
IEOR built-in function 538 ENDFILE 498
strings 336
IF statement 859 FILEDDINT 506
GET STRING statement 322
description 238 FILEDDTEST 507
GETENV built-in function 523
syntax 238 FILEDDWORD 508
GO TO (GOTO) statement
IGNORE option of data transmission FILEID 509
description 237
statements 315 FILEOPEN 510
GRAPHIC attribute (G) 30
IMAG built-in function 539 FILEREAD 511
GRAPHIC built-in function 524
IMAG pseudovariable 540 FILESEEK 512
graphic constant
imaginary constants 24 FILETELL 513
comparison operations 67
implementation limits 869 FILEWRITE 514
description 37
implicit LINENO 582
strings 311
declaration 162 ONSUBCODE 641
syntax 38
freeing ONSUBCODE2 642
graphic data
of based variable 269 PAGENO 651
constant 37
of controlled variable 259 SAMEKEY 712
conversion 89
opening of files 307 summary 419
format item 350
implicit action 371 insertion characters 360
GX (graphic hex) string constant 38
Implicit date INT (INTERNAL) attribute 165
transmission 311
assignments 42 integer
graphic data, converting
comparisons 42 value 24
implicitly locator-qualified reference 265

Index 907
integer manipulation built-in functions JSON built-in functions (continued) language-specified defaults
IAND 536 JSONPUTARRAYEND 567 defining 178
ICLZ 537 JSONPUTARRAYSTART 568 discussion of 178
IEOR 538 JSONPUTCOLON 569 restoring 184
INOT 545 JSONPUTCOMMA 570 LAST type function 804
IOR 546 JSONPUTMEMBER 571 LBOUND built-in function 578
ISIGNED 548 JSONPUTOBJECTEND 573 LBOUND macro facility built-in
ISLL 550 JSONPUTOBJECTSTART 574 function 831
ISRL 554 JSONPUTVALUE 575 LBOUNDACROSS built-in function 579
IUNSIGNED 556 JSONVALID 576 LEAVE statement 242
LOWER2 594 summary 420 LEFT built-in function 580
RAISE2 697 JSONGETARRAYEND built-in length
summary 420 function 557 controlled parameter 101
integral boundary 172 JSONGETARRAYSTART built-in simple parameter 101
interlanguage communication function 558 LENGTH built-in function 581
LINKAGE option 142 JSONGETCOLON built-in function 559 LENGTH macro facility built-in
linkages JSONGETCOMMA built-in function 560 function 832
OPTLINK 142 JSONGETMEMBER built-in function 561 level-number (of structure elements) 200
SYSTEM 142 JSONGETOBJECTEND built-in levels of structures
interleaved subscripts 199 function 563 description 188
intermediate results of expressions JSONGETOBJECTSTART built-in specifying unique names 190
discussion 54 function 564 levels of unions 190
example 63 JSONGETVALUE built-in function 565 LIKE attribute 193
INTERNAL (INT) attribute 165 JSONNAME attribute 197 Lilian format 416
internal procedure 98 JSONOMIT attribute 198 LIMITED attribute
internal to, definition 163 JSONPUTARRAYEND built-in description 129
INTO option of data transmission function 567 example 130
statements 316 JSONPUTARRAYSTART built-in limits 869
INVALIDOP condition 390 function 568 LINE directive 243
INVALIDOP condition prefix 372 JSONPUTCOLON built-in function 569 LINE format item 351
invocation of entry references 133 JSONPUTCOMMA built-in function 570 LINE option 326
invoked procedure 104 JSONPUTMEMBER built-in LINENO built-in function 582
invoking block 104 function 571 LINESIZE specification in OPEN
invoking built-in functions and JSONPUTOBJECTEND built-in statement 307
pseudovariables 410 function 573 LINKAGE option 142
invoking built-in subroutines 410 JSONPUTOBJECTSTART built-in list
invoking main procedure 92 function 574 bidirectional 278
invoking type functions 799 JSONPUTVALUE built-in function 575 chained 277
IOR built-in function 546 JSONVALID built-in function 576 parameter descriptor 122
IRREDUCIBLE (IRRED) option 143 JULIANTOSMF built-in function 577 processing 277
ISFINITE built-in function 547 unidirectional 278
ISIGNED built-in function 548 LIST attribute
ISINF built-in function 549
ISLL built-in function 550
K description 125
K picture character 368
ISMAIN built-in function 551 data specification 338
KEY condition 391
ISNAN built-in function 552 data transmission 321
KEY option of data transmission
ISNORMAL built-in function 553 GET statement 339
statements 316
ISRL built-in function 554 input 339
KEYED attribute 305
iSUB output 340
KEYFROM option of data transmission
defining 283, 286 PUT statement 340
statements 316
unconnected 285 listing control statements 809
KEYTO option of data transmission
ISZERO built-in function 555 LITTLEENDIAN attribute 280
statements 317
ITERATE statement 241 load module
keyword statement 10
iteration factor 291, 292, 334 description 91
IUNSIGNED built-in function 556 file extensions 91
definition 5
locate mode 318
LOCATE statement 314
LOCATION (LOC) built-in function 583
JSON built-in functions
L-format item 350 conversion 264
label 9 data
LABEL attribute attributes 21
description 47 description 264
label constants 47 offset variable 264
label data pointer variable 264
attributes 20, 21 qualification 265
description 47 levels of qualification 266

908 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference

locator (continued) macro facility built-in functions miscellaneous built-in functions
parameter 117 (continued) (continued)
qualification 265 VERIFY 853 INDICATORS 543
qualifier 6 MAIN option 142 INLIST 544
reference 264 main procedure OMITTED 624
LOCNEWSPACE built-in subroutine 584 invoking 92 PACKAGENAME 650
LOCNEWVALUE built-in passing an argument 117 PLIRETV 667
subroutine 585 major structure names 188 POPCNT 689
LOCSTG built-in function 586 MARGINS keyword PRESENT 692
LOCVAL built-in function 587 on ANSWER preprocessor PROCEDURENAME 693
LOG built-in function 588 statement 819 RANK 699
LOG10 built-in function 591 mathematical built-in functions REG12 702
LOG2 built-in function 590 accuracy of 411 SOURCEFILE 728
LOGGAMMA built-in function 589 ACOS 431 SOURCELINE 729
logical level (of structure elements) 200 ASIN 442 STACKADDR 732
logical operator ATAN 443 STRING 734
discussion 65 ATAND 444 summary 422
using 7 ATANH 445 UNSPEC 762
LOW built-in function 592 COS 479 VALID 779
lower bound of a DIMACROSS array, COSD 480 WCHARVAL 785
obtaining (LBOUNDACROSS) 579 COSH 481 miscellaneous conditions
lower bound of an array, obtaining ERF 502 ANYCONDITION 381
(LBOUND) 578 ERFC 503 AREA 382
LOWER2 built-in function 594 EXP 504 ATTENTION 383
LOWERCASE built-in function 593 GAMMA 522 CONDITION 384
LOG 588 ERROR 388
LOG10 591 FINISH 389
M LOG2 590
mixed data 38
SIN 722 mixed-string constant 38
SIND 723 MOD built-in function 613
precision 78, 411
SINH 724 mode of a data item 24
SQRT 730 modes of processing
M (mixed) string constant 38
SQRTF 731 description 318
MACCOL macro facility built-in
summary 421 locate 318
function 834
TAN 745 move 318
MACLMAR macro facility built-in
TAND 746 move mode 318
function 835
TANH 747 MPSTR built-in function 615
MACRMAR macro facility built-in
MAX built-in function 596 multiple assignment 218
function 837
MAXEXP built-in function 597 multiple conditions 378
macro facility built-in functions
MAXLENGTH built-in function 598 multiple generations of controlled
MEMCONVERT built-in function 599 variables 259
MEMCU12 built-in function 600 MULTIPLY built-in function 616
MEMCU14 built-in function 601 multithreading
MEMCU21 built-in function 602 ATTACH statement 404
COPY 826
MEMCU24 built-in function 603 condition handling 407
MEMCU41 built-in function 604 description 403
MEMCU42 built-in function 605 linkage requirements 405
MEMINDEX built-in function 606 options
MEMSEARCH built-in function 607 ENVIRONMENT 404
MEMSEARCHR built-in function 608 THREAD 404
MEMVERIFY built-in function 609 TSTACK 405
MEMVERIFYR built-in function 610 sharing data between threads 408
MIN built-in function 611 sharing files between threads 408
MINEXP built-in function 612 TASK attribute 407
MAX 838
minor structure names 188 task variable 407
MIN 839
miscellaneous built-in functions thread
ALLCOMPARE 436 cancel 406
BETWEEN 452 creation 403
BETWEENEXCLUSIVE 453 detaching 406
BETWEENLEFTEXCLUSIVE 454 termination 405
BYTE 461 waiting 406
CHARVAL 471 THREADID built-in function 407
COLLATE 474 multithreading facility 403
GETENV 523 multithreading, THREADID built-in
HEX 529 function for 748

Index 909
N OMITTED built-in function 624
ON statement 374
operators (continued)
logical 7
N ON-units string 7
FIXED DECIMAL, maximum dynamically descendant 375 using 6
precision 78, 411 for file variables 376 OPTIMIZATION, raising conditions
LIMITS(FIXEDDEC(N1,N2)) 78, 411 null 375 under 373
NAME condition 392 scope 375 OPTIONAL attribute 124
named coded arithmetic attributes 19 ONAREA built-in function 625 options
named constant 45 ONCHAR built-in function 626 ASSEMBLER 138
named constants, description 16 ONCHAR pseudovariable 627 DESCRIPTORS option 181
named string data attributes 20 ONCODE built-in function 628 DLLEXTERNAL 141
names using 371 DLLINTERNAL 141
preprocessor 814 ONCONDCOND built-in function 629 EXPORTS 95
names, typed 145 ONCONDID built-in function 630 FETCHABLE 141
NEW type function 805 ONCOUNT built-in function 631 GRAPHIC 38
NOCHARGRAPHIC option 140 ONFILE built-in function 632 GRAPHIC ENVIRONMENT 38
NODESCRIPTOR option 140 ONGSOURCE built-in function 633 NORESCAN 854
NOEXECOPS option 142 ONGSOURCE pseudovariable 634 of data transmission statements 314,
NOINIT attribute 196 ONKEY built-in function 635 323
NOINLINE option 141 ONLINE built-in function 636 OPTIONS 135
NOMAP option 142 ONLOC built-in function 637 RANGE 180
NONASSIGNABLE attribute 279 ONOFFSET built-in function 638 RECURSIVE 106
attribute 282 ONSOURCE pseudovariable 640 REPLY 223
nonconnected storage 188 ONSUBCODE built-in function 641 RESCAN 854
nondata attributes 18 ONSUBCODE2 built-in function 642 RESERVES 96
NONVARYING (NONVAR) attribute 32 ONWCHAR built-in function 643 RETURNS 144
NOPRINT directive 243 ONWCHAR pseudovariable 644 SCAN 854
NORESCAN option 854 ONWSOURCE built-in function 645 SET 109
NORMAL attribute 279 ONWSOURCE pseudovariable 646 SNAP 374
normal termination of a program 93 OPEN statement 305 SYSTEM 374
not operator 65 opening and closing files 305 TITLE 109
NOTE directive 244 operands value specification 181
null arguments, using in built-in conversion 61 OPTIONS attribute 135
functions 411 definition 51 OPTIONS options
NULL built-in function 617 operational expressions ASSEMBLER 138
null ON-unit 375 classes 55 BEGIN statement 135
null statement conversion rules 55 BYADDR 139
definition 10 definition 51 BYVALUE 139
description 244 description 55 characteristic list 135
NULLENTRY built-in function 618 example 56 CHARGRAPHIC 140
NULLINIT attribute 196 restrictions on data types 55 COBOL 140
NULLSTRPTR suboption of the operations description 135
DEFAULT built-in function arithmetic 57 DESCRIPTOR 140
using with pointer expressions 56 bit 65 ENTRY declaration 135
numeric character data classes 55 FORTRAN 141
conversion 85 combinations 70 FROMALIEN 141
definition 40 comparison INLINE 141
fields 357 description 67 IRREDUCIBLE 143
picture specifiers 357 example of 68 LINKAGE 142
subfields 357 concatenation 69 MAIN 142
numeric character pictured item handle 55 NOCHARGRAPHIC 140
description 355 infix 55 NODESCRIPTOR 140
discussion 357 logical 65 NOEXECOPS 142
pointer 56 NOINLINE 141
prefix NOMAP 142
O description 55 ORDER 143
OFFSET attribute 273 example 72 PROCEDURE statements 138
OFFSET built-in function 619 operators RECURSIVE 106
offset data 273 arithmetic REDUCIBLE 143
offset variable 264 description 57 REENTRANT 143
OFFSETADD built-in function 620 using 7 REORDER 143
OFFSETDIFF built-in function 621 bit 7 RETCODE 143
OFFSETSUBTRACT built-in comparison 7 syntax 135
function 622 infix WINMAIN 143
OFFSETVALUE built-in function 623 discussion 73 OPTIONS options, ENTRY
OFL (OVERFLOW) condition 392 using with pointer expressions 56 statement 136

910 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference

order of evaluation parameter descriptor PLIEBCDIC built-in subroutine 660
for expressions and references 70 extent 123 PLIFILL built-in subroutine 661
ORDER option 143 parameter descriptor list 122 PLIFREE built-in subroutine 662
ORDINAL attribute 152 parameters for based variables 267
ordinal data, attributes, classification 21 and arguments 114 PLIMOVE built-in subroutine 663
ordinal handling built-in functions array arguments PLIOVER built-in subroutine 664
list 154 example 102 PLIREST built-in subroutine 665
ordinal-handling built-in functions attributes 100 PLIRETC built-in subroutine 666
ORDINALNAME 647 element 117 PLIRETV built-in function 667
ORDINALPRED 648 parentheses 6 PLISAXA built-in subroutine 668
ORDINALSUCC 649 PARMSET macro facility built-in PLISAXB built-in subroutine 669
summary 423 function 840 PLISAXC built-in subroutine 670
ORDINALNAME built-in function 647 passing arguments PLISAXD built-in subroutine 671
ORDINALPRED built-in function 648 discussion 114 PLISRTA built-in subroutine 672
ordinals to the main procedure 117 PLISRTB built-in subroutine 673
allowable attributes 154 using BYVALUE and BYADDR 115 PLISRTC built-in subroutine 674
built-in functions 154 using INONLY, INOUT and PLISRTD built-in subroutine 675
DEFINE ORDINAL statement 146 OUTONLY 115 PLISTCK built-in function 676
defining 146 period 6 PLISTCKE built-in function 677
description 146 PICSPEC built-in function 652 PLISTCKF built-in function 678
example 147 PICTURE (PIC) attribute 33 PLITRAN11 built-in function 679
example of do-loops 155 picture data PLITRAN12 built-in function 680
options 146 repetition factor 355 PLITRAN21 built-in function 681
ORDINAL attribute 152 scaling factor 369 PLITRAN22 built-in function 682
PRECISION attribute 147 specification 33 point of invocation, for procedures 104
SIGNED attribute 147 specifiers for character data 356 POINTER (PTR) attribute 266
UNSIGNED attribute 147 specifiers for numeric character POINTER (PTR) built-in function 683
using DOWNTHRU 234 data 357 pointer operations 56
using with arrays 155 syntax for PICTURE attribute 33 pointer symbol 6
VALUE attribute 147 picture format item 351 pointer variable 264, 266
ORDINALSUCC built-in function 649 picture specification characters POINTERADD (PTRADD) built-in
OTHERWISE option of GENERIC - 364 function 684
attribute 131 / 360 using with pointer operations 56
OTHERWISE statement $ 364 POINTERDIFF (PTRDIFF) built-in
in SELECT statement 249 * 359 function 685
definition 297 9 built-in function 686
output and input for character data 356 POINTERVALUE (PTRVALUE) built-in
conditions 372 for numerics 358 function 687
discussion 297 A 356 using 57
of area 277 B 360 POLY built-in function 688
OUTPUT attribute 303 CR 366 POP directive 245
output/input built-in functions 419 DB 366 POPCNT built-in function 689
OVERFLOW (OFL) condition 392 definition of 355 POS (POSITION) attribute 283
OVERFLOW condition prefix 372 E 368 POSITION (POS) attribute 283
overpunch picture characters, I 366 F 369 PRECISION (PREC) built-in
overpunch picture characters, R 366 I 366 function 690
overpunch picture characters, T 366 K 368 PRECISION attribute
R 366 description 24
S 364 ordinals 147
P T 366
PRECISION built-in function
using 64
P-format item 351
for numerics 358 precision-handling built-in functions
PACKAGE statement
insertion 361 ADD 432
description 94
X 356 BINARY 456
example 96
Y 366 DECIMAL 493
valid OPTIONS options 137
Z 359 DIVIDE 495
PACKAGENAME built-in function 650
PL/I application FIXED 515
packages 94
description 91 FIXEDBIN 516
PAGE directive 245
illustration of structure 91 FIXEDDEC 517
PAGE format item 352
PLACES built-in function 653 FLOAT 518
PAGE keyword on ANSWER
PLIASCII built-in subroutine 654 FLOATBIN 519
statement 818
PLIATTN built-in subroutine 655 FLOATDEC 520
PAGE option 326
PLICANC built-in subroutine 656 MULTIPLY 616
PAGENO built-in function 651
PLICKPT built-in subroutine 657 PRECISION 690
PAGESIZE specification in OPEN
PLIDELETE built-in subroutine 658 SIGNED 721
statement 307
PLIDUMP built-in subroutine 659 SUBTRACT 739
PARAMETER attribute 100

Index 911
precision-handling built-in functions procedures (continued) program element (continued)
(continued) description 97 single-byte character set (SBCS)
summary 423 dynamically loading (continued)
UNSIGNED 761 discussion 107 statement elements 5
PRED built-in function 691 rules 108 statement
prefix using the FETCH statement 108 compound 10
condition using the RELEASE discussion 8
example 372 statement 109 simple 10
syntax 371 external 98 program organization 91
using 371 internal 98 program-checkout conditions
preprocessor passing an argument to main 117 STRINGRANGE 395
%ACTIVATE 853 passing arguments STRINGSIZE 396
%assignment 854 discussion 114 SUBSCRIPTRANGE 397
%CALL 820 using BYVALUE and program-control data
%DEACTIVATE 854 BYADDR 115 description 17
%DECLARE 855 using dummy arguments 116 types and attributes 47
%DO 858 using INONLY, INOUT and using 47
%END 858 OUTONLY 115 programmer-defined names 6
%GO TO 858 preprocessor 814 pseudovariables
%IF 859 recursive 106 declaring 409
%INCLUDE 860 specifying attributes 100 description 54
%INSCAN 861 termination 105 ENTRYADDR 500
%ITERATE 861 transferring control out 105 IMAG 540
%LEAVE 861 PROCESS directive 246 invoking 410
%NOTE 862 processing lists 277 ONCHAR 627
%null 863 processing modes ONGSOURCE 634
%REPLACE 863 description 318 ONSOURCE 640
%SELECT 863 locate 318 ONWCHAR 644
%XINCLUDE 864 move 318 ONWSOURCE 646
%XINSCAN 864 PROD built-in function 694 REAL 701
built-in functions 820 program STRING 736
examples of 864 activation 92 SUBSTR 738
facilities 809 blocks summary 424
input 809 activation 93 TYPE 756
input text 809, 811 description 93 UNSPEC 764
listing control 809 definition (for PL/I) 91 PTR (POINTER) attribute 266
listing control statements 810 elements PTRADD (POINTERADD) built-in
names, scope of 814 entry invocation 133 function
output 809 entry value 133 using with pointer operations 56
output text 810 elements of PTRVALUE (POINTERVALUE) built-in
preprocessor 809 begin-blocks 118 function
procedures 814 built-in functions 114 using 57
references and expressions 813 CALL statement 133 punctuating constants 16
scan description 1 PUSH directive 247
and input text 811 entry data 119 PUT statement
and listing control statements 811 functions 112 data-directed 332
and preprocessor statements 811 OPTIONS options 135 edit-directed 336
discussion of 811 RETURN statement 134 list-directed 340
statements subroutines 110 STREAM output 322
description of 809 organization of 91 strings 336
list of 811 packages 94 PUTENV built-in function 695
statements, list of 853 procedures 97
variables and data elements 813 RETURN 134
PRESENT built-in function 692
PRINT attribute 341
structure 91
subroutines 97
PRINT directive 246 definition 110
description 265
priority of operators 70 termination 93
using as a delimiter 6
PROC (PROCEDURE) statement 98 program block definition 91
structure 191
PROCEDURE (PROC) statement program checkout conditions 372
unions 191
description 98 program element
qualified reference 191
using 92 description 1
quotation marks in strings 16
valid OPTIONS 137 double-byte character set (DBCS)
QUOTE macro facility built-in
PROCEDURE statement 138 discussion 11
function 841
PROCEDURENAME (PROCNAME) statement elements 12
quotes (single or double), enclosing string
built-in function 693 group 11
data 16
procedures single-byte character set (SBCS)
activation 104 discussion 1

912 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference

R RESERVED attribute 170
RESERVES option 96
SEQL (SEQUENTIAL) attribute 303
SEQUENTIAL (SEQL) attribute 303
R (overpunch) picture character 366 RESIGNAL statement 378 SET option
R-format item 352 RESPEC type function 806 description 267
RADIX built-in function 696 restoring language-specified specifying a pointer reference 109
RAISE2 built-in function 697 defaults 184 using the ALLOCATE statement 267
RANDOM built-in function 698 restricted expressions using the LOCATE statement 314
RANGE option 180 applying built-in functions 74 using the READ statement 312
RANK built-in function 699 description 74 sets, data 297
READ statement 312 example 75 sharing data between threads 408
REAL attribute 24 restrictions on FETCH and RELEASE sharing filesbetween threads 408
REAL built-in function 700 description 108 SIGN built-in function 720
REAL pseudovariable 701 results of arithmetic operations SIGNAL statement 377
recognition of names 159 discussion 59 signalling a condition 377
RECORD attribute 302 FLOAT operands 59 SIGNED attribute
RECORD condition 393 special cases 65 data storage requirements 26
record-oriented data transmission results of arithmetic operations, under description 25
definition 297 RULES(ANS) 61 ordinals 147
discussion 311 RETCODE option 143 SIGNED built-in function 721
statements 312 RETURN statement signs
recursion description 134 drifting use 364
attribute 99 returning from a function 134 specifying in numeric character
effect on automatic variables 107 using 105 data 364
RECURSIVE attribute 106 using in a preprocessor static use 364
RECURSIVE option 106 procedure 817 using CR and DB with other
recursive procedures using with subroutines 134 signs 366
description 106 RETURNS attribute 144 simple
effect on automatic variables 107 RETURNS option controlled 101
example 106 description 144 defining 283, 285
specifying attributes 106 REVERSE built-in function 707 iSUB defining 286
REDUCIBLE (RED) option 143 REVERT statement 377 overlay defining 283, 287
REENTRANT option 143 REWRITE statement parameter
REFER option description 313 bounds, lengths, and sizes 101
description 270 RIGHT built-in function 708 simple 101
on AREA attribute 272 ROUND built-in function 709 simple defining 285
reference ROUNDDEC built-in function 711 string overlay defining 287
locator 264 simple statement 10
references SIN built-in function 722
description 51
preprocessor 813 S SIND built-in function 723
single-byte character set (SBCS)
syntax 51 S picture character 364
alphabetic 1
REG12 built-in function 702 SAMEKEY built-in function 712
binary digit 3
regional data set 299 scalar identifiers 45
decimal digit 3
REINIT statement 248 SCALARVARYING option 311
discussion 1
relative data sets 299 SCALE built-in function 713
extralingual 2
relative line 353 scale in arithmetic operations 58
hexadecimal digit 3
RELEASE statement scaling factor
statement elements 5
description 109 character 369
SINH built-in function 724
dynamically loading external description 24
procedures 107 SCAN option 854
controlled parameter 101
example 110 scan, preprocessor 811
simple parameter 101
restrictions 108 scope
SIZE built-in function 725
REM built-in function 703 of condition prefix 373
SIZE condition 394
remote format item 352 of established action 375
SIZE condition prefix 372
REORDER option 143 of label declarations 162
SIZE type function 807
REPATTERN built-in function 704 scope of
size_t 409
REPEAT built-in function 705 preprocessor names 814
SKIP directive 251
REPEAT macro facility built-in SEARCH built-in function 714
SKIP format item 353
function 842 SEARCHR built-in function 716
SKIP keyword on ANSWER
REPEAT option 226 SECS built-in function 717
statement 818
repetition factor SECSTODATE built-in function 718
SKIP option 326
for bit data 36 SECSTODAYS built-in function 719
SMFTOJULIAN built-in function 727
for picture characters 355 SELECT statement
SNAP option of ON statement 374
for strings 34, 292 description 249
source-to-target conversion rules
repetitive execution (DO statement) 223, example of 250
arithmetic character 85
231 select-groups 249
arithmetic character PICTURE 85
REPLY option 223 self-defining data (REFER option) 270
bit 88
RESCAN option 854 semicolon 6

Index 913
source-to-target conversion rules statements (continued) STORAGE (STG) built-in function 733
(continued) group 11 STORAGE condition 395
character 86 IF 238 storage control built-in functions
coded arithmetic 82 ITERATE 241 ADDR 433
fixed binary 83 keyword 10 ADDRDATA 434
fixed decimal 83 LEAVE 242 ALLOC31 437
float binary 84 LOCATE 314 ALLOCATE 438
float decimal 84 null 244 ALLOCATION 439
graphic 89 ON 374 ALLOCSIZE 440
numeric character 85 OPEN 305 AUTOMATIC 446
widechar 89 PACKAGE 94 AVAILABLEAREA 447
SOURCELINE built-in function 729 description 98 BITLOCATION 459
spacing format item 354 using to invoke main CHECKSTG 472
specification procedure 92 CURRENTSIZE 485
edit-directed 333 PUT CURRENTSTORAGE 486
list-directed 338 data-directed 332 EMPTY 497
repetitive 325 edit-directed 336 ENTRYADDR 499
transmission of data list items 328 list-directed 340 HANDLE 526
specification characters 355 STREAM output 322 LOCATION 583
SQRT built-in function 730 READ 312 LOCSTG 586
SQRTF built-in function 731 REINIT 248 LOCVAL 587
STACKADDR built-in function 732 RELEASE NULL 617
stacking 107 description 109 NULLENTRY 618
standards xx dynamically loading external 107 OFFSET 619
statement elements example 110 OFFSETADD 620
for DBCS 12 restrictions 108 OFFSETDIFF 621
statements description 134 POINTER 683
%PROCEDURE 816 returning from a function 134 POINTERADD 684
ALLOCATE 267 syntax 134 POINTERDIFF 685
using in a preprocessor using in a preprocessor POINTERVALUE 687
procedure 818 procedure 817 SIZE 725
ASSERT 211 using with subroutines 134 STORAGE 733
assignment 10, 213 REVERT 377 summary 424
BEGIN 118 description 313 SYSTEM 743
CLOSE 309 description 249 STREAM attribute 302
coding recommendations 8 example 250 stream-oriented data transmission
compound 10 SIGNAL 377 definition 297
DECLARE 160 simple 10 list directed 321
DEFINE ALIAS 145 using 105 STRING built-in function 734
DEFINE ORDINAL 146 syntax 8 string data
DEFINE STRUCTURE 148 WAIT 406 attributes
DELAY 222 WRITE abbreviations 31
DELETE 314 description 313 classification 20
DETACH 406 static allocation 253 specifying length 31
discussion 211 STATIC attribute bit 36
DISPLAY 223 description 254 BIT attribute 30
DO 223 with INITIAL attribute 293 CHARACTER attribute 30
END 236 static storage 253, 254 character data 34
ENTRY 99 STOP statement definition 17
EXIT 105 using 105 graphic 37
FETCH 107 storage GRAPHIC attribute 30
FORMAT 337 allocation 253 mixed 38
FREE 259, 268 automatic 255 NONVARYING attribute 32
GET based 261 PICTURE attribute 33
data-directed 331 classification 253 quotation marks 16
edit-directed 335 connected 282 repetition factor 34, 292
list-directed 339 control 253 transmission of varying length 311
STREAM input 322 controlled 256 VARYING attribute 32
GET STRING 322 nonconnected 188 VARYING4 attribute 32
GO TO 237 static 254 VARYINGZ attribute 32

914 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference

string data (continued) structure mapping subroutines, built-in (continued)
WIDEPIC attribute 33 description 199 PLIFREE 662
string operator ( ) 7 effect of UNALIGNED attribute 202 PLIMOVE 663
STRING option example 202 PLIOVER 664
description 327 rules for mapping one pair 201 PLIREST 665
using on the GET statement 322 rules for order of pairing 201 PLIRETC 666
using on the PUT statement 322 structure types, defining 148 PLISAXA 668
string overlay defining 287 structures PLISAXB 669
STRING pseudovariable 736 assignment 216, 217 PLISAXC 670
string-handling built-in functions attributes 21 PLISAXD 671
BIT 458 controlled 260 PLISRTA 672
BOOL 460 cross sections of arrays 199 PLISRTB 673
CENTERLEFT 464 declaration 188 PLISRTC 674
CHARACTER 468 defining 148 subscripted qualified reference 198
COPY 478 expression 52 condition 284, 397
EDIT 496 INDFOR attribute 195 SUBSCRIPTRANGE condition prefix 372
GRAPHIC 524 levels subscripts
HIGH 534 description 188 definition 187
INDEX 541 for unions 190 interleaved 199
INDEXR 542 highest number for structures 189 of arrays 186
LEFT 580 highest number for unions 190 SUBSTR built-in function 737
LENGTH 581 maximum number for SUBSTR macro facility built-in
LOW 592 structures 189 function 843
LOWERCASE 593 maximum number for unions 190 SUBSTR pseudovariable 738
MAXLENGTH 598 LIKE attribute 193 SUBTRACT built-in function 739
MPSTR 615 member elements 190 SUCC built-in function 740
REPEAT 705 names SUM built-in function 741
REVERSE 707 description 188 SUPPRESS attribute 171
RIGHT 708 elementary 188 suppression characters 359
SEARCH 714 for unions 190 symbols, composite 4
SEARCHR 716 major 188 syntax, diagrams, how to read xvii
SUBSTR 737 minor 188 SYSDIMSIZE macro facility built-in
summary 426 qualifying 152 function 844
TALLY 744 qualifying names 191 SYSIN 310
TRANSLATE 752 specifying organization 188 SYSNULL built-in function 742
TRIM 753 typed SYSOFFSETSIZE macro facility built-in
ULENGTH 757 description 148 function 845
ULENGTH16 759 HANDLE built-in function 150 SYSPARM macro facility built-in
ULENGTH8 758 handles 150 function 846
UPOS 765 variable 193 SYSPOINTERSIZE macro facility built-in
UPPERCASE 766 STRZ (STRINGSIZE) condition 396 function 847
USUBSTR 767 subfields, for numeric character SYSPRINT 310
USUPPLEMENTARY 768 data 357 SYSTEM built-in function 743
UTF8 771 SUBRG (SUBSCRIPTRANGE) SYSTEM macro facility built-in
UTF8STG 772 condition 284, 397 function 848
UTF8TOCHAR 773 subroutines SYSTEM option of ON statement 374
UTF8TOWCHAR 774 built-in 112 SYSVERSION macro facility built-in
UVALID 776 example 111 function 849
UWIDTH 778 identifying with the PROCEDURE
VERIFY 783 statement 97
restrictions on 111
returning from 134
T (overpunch) picture character 366
WIDECHAR 790 subroutines, built-in
TALLY built-in function 744
WLOW 791 invoking 410
TAN built-in function 745
STRINGRANGE (STRG) condition 284, list 427
TAND built-in function 746
TANH built-in function 747
STRINGRANGE condition prefix 372 LOCNEWVALUE 585
STRINGSIZE (STRZ) condition 284, 396 PLIASCII 654
array 216
STRINGSIZE condition prefix 372 PLIATTN 655
description 54
intermediate results 54
statement 148 PLICKPT 657
structure expressions PLIDELETE 658
description 54
extent 74 PLIDUMP 659
requirements for target variables 216
structure identifiers 45 PLIEBCDIC 660
structure 216
variables 54

Index 915
TASK attribute 407 typed variables, declaring (continued) UTCDATETIME built-in function 769
task data, attributes, classification 21 qualifying 152 UTCSECS built-in function 770
task variable 407 types UTF-handling built-in functions
termination DEFINE STRUCTURE statement 148 ULENGTH 757
begin-block 118 defining 145 ULENGTH16 759
block 94, 236 description 150 ULENGTH8 758
procedure 105 HANDLE built-in function 150 UPOS 765
program 93 handles 150 USUBSTR 767
thread 405 qualifying 152 USUPPLEMENTARY 768
THEN clause of %IF statement 859 type functions 157 UTF8 771
THEN clause of IF statement 238 variables 150 UTF8TOCHAR 773
thread UTF8TOWCHAR 774
ATTACH statement 404 UVALID 776
canceling 406
condition handling 407
UTF8 built-in function 771
UFL (UNDERFLOW) condition 399
creation of 403 UTF8STG built-in function 772
ULENGTH built-in function 757
detaching 406 UTF8TOCHAR built-in function 773
ULENGTH16 built-in function 759
ENVIRONMENT option 404 UTF8TOWCHAR built-in function 774
ULENGTH8 built-in function 758
sharing data 408 UVALID built-in function 776
UNALIGNED attribute
sharing files 408 UWIDTH built-in function 778
description and syntax 173
TASK attribute 407
effect on structure mapping 202
task variable 407
example 177
termination 405
THREAD option 404
storage alignment requirements 173 V
UNALLOCATED built-in function 760 V picture specification character 358
TSTACK option 405
UNBUF (UNBUFFERED) attribute 304 V-format item 353
uses of 403
UNBUFFERED (UNBUF) attribute 304 VALID built-in function 779
waiting 406
unconnected storage 188, 285 VALIDDATE built-in function 780
THREAD option 404
THREADID built-in function 748
condition 398 description 45
TIME built-in function 749
UNDERFLOW (UFL) condition 399 ordinals 147
TIMESTAMP built-in function 750
UNDERFLOW condition prefix 372 VALUE option 180, 181
TINY built-in function 751
UNDF (UNDEFINEDFILE) VALUE type function 808
TITLE option 109
condition 398 VARGLIST built-in function 781
TITLE specification on the OPEN
UNION attribute 190 VARGSIZE built-in function 782
statement 307
UNION, synonym for 190 VARIABLE attribute 49
TO option 225
unions variables
TO option on INITIAL attribute 292
cross sections of arrays 199 array 184
TRANSLATE built-in function 752
declaration 190 automatic 107
TRANSLATE macro facility built-in
description 190 based
function 850
example 190 identifying 261
transmission of data 297
levels 190 using 267
TRANSMIT condition 397
names 190 controlled 256
TRIM built-in function 753
qualifying names 191 definition 16
TRUNC built-in function 754
UNION attribute, classification 21 discussion 257
TSTACK option 405
UNSIGNED attribute entry 120
TYPE attribute 150
data storage requirements 26 offset 264
TYPE built-in function 755
description 25 pointer 264, 266
type definitions, description 145
ordinals 147 preprocessor 813
type functions 157
UNSIGNED built-in function 761 reference 16
arguments 799
UNSPEC built-in function 762 representing complex data items 24
BIND 801
UNSPEC pseudovariable 764 structure 188
CAST 802
UNTIL option targets 54
discussion 799
description 224 variables, as handles 150
using with a type 2 DO variables, typed 150
LAST 804
specification 226 VARYING (VAR) attribute 32
list 799
UPDATE attribute 303 VARYING4 attribute 32
NEW 805
UPOS built-in function 765 VARYINGZ (VARZ) attribute 32
UPPERCASE built-in function 766 VERIFY built-in function 783
SIZE 807
UPTHRU option VERIFY macro facility built-in
description 225 function 853
type functions, invoking 799
example 234 VERIFYR built-in function 784
TYPE pseudovariable 756
using with a type 3 DO
typed names 145
specification 229
typed structures in HANDLE built-in
function 526
UPTHRU, using with ordinals 234
USUBSTR built-in function 767
typed variables, declaring 150 WAIT statement 406
handles 150 WCHARVAL built-in function 785
function 768

916 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference

WEEKDAY built-in function 786
WHEN option of GENERIC
declaration 131
WHEN statement
description 249
WHIGH built-in function 787
WHILE option
description 224
using with a type 2 DO
specification 226
function 788
function 789
WIDECHAR (WCHAR) attribute
description 30
function 790
widechar constant
comparison operations 67
widechar data
conversion 89
WX (widechar hex) string
constant 40
widechar string constant 40
WIDEPIC attribute 33
WINMAIN option 143
WLOW built-in function 791
WRITE statement
description 313
WX (widechar hex) string constant 40

X (hex) character string constant 35
X picture specification character 356
X-format item 354
XMLATTR attribute 196
XMLCHAR built-in function 792
XMLCLEAN built-in function 794
XMLCONTENT attribute 196
XMLOMIT attribute 197
XN (binary hex) constant 27
XU (binary hex) constant 27

Y zero replacement picture
character 366
Y4DATE built-in function 795
Y4JULIAN built-in function 796
Y4YEAR built-in function 797

Z zero suppression picture character 359
ZDIV (ZERODIVIDE) condition 400
zero replacement character 366
zero suppression characters 359
ZERODIVIDE (ZDIV) condition 400
ZERODIVIDE condition prefix 372

Index 917
918 Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Language Reference
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