Uk H3dii
Uk H3dii
Uk H3dii
At Hasselblad we have always taken an unsurpassed level of image quality. experience we gained from developing he
pride in finding new ways to use exist- Now, with the launch of the Hasselblad world's most advanced camera system.
ing technology to push the photographic H3DII, the world’s best DSLR camera The H3D was not just another step in the
envelope, or – when that doesn’t work has gotten even better. The H3DII is evolution of a camera system, it was an
– creating technology that will. And as the 4th generation of the Hasselblad evolutionary leap. The H3DII represents
photographic technology advances we H system, and provides improved the continuing evolution of the world’s
work hard to do what we are best at – controls and functionality, better sen- most advanced DSLR camera system.
leading technological developments, sor cooling, a new and more intuitive
not following them. user interface, and a bright, 3” display. Hasselblad has always been motivated
And when combined with the new by a true passion for photography. Our
Achieving superior image quality with Hasselblad’s image processing software, tradition has always been one of innova-
modern digital photography means find- the H3DII will set a new standard for tion, advance, and unflagging dedication
ing a way to get the most from camera digital photographic quality. to quality. At Hasselblad, we will never
hardware, advanced optics, massive settle for “good enough”. So photo
sensors, processing software, and the The H3DII combines the advanced digital graphers won’t have to do so either.
computing power of today’s computers. communication and optimization of the
With the launch of the H3D, Hasselblad best DSLRs with the quality and versatil- That’s why we made the H3DII.
brought all the advantages of a truly ity of the Hasselblad system. The H3DII
integrated DSLR to the large sensor represents the combination of decades
format, enabling all photographic para of photographic expertise, a keen under-
meters to be optimized and resulting in standing of digital photography, and the
In a League of Its Own: These sensors hold more and larger The H3DII is truly in a league of its own.
The Hasselblad H3DII pixels, ensuring ultra sharp images And the images you create with it will
without gradation break-ups in even the be too.
The H3DII is the ultimate high-end DSLR finest lit surfaces.
camera system. Taking the advances of New photographer-friendly
the H3D even further, the H3DII takes The more things change, the features
photographic flexibility and image quality
more they stay the same
to entirely new levels. The unprecedented The H3DII is packed with new features
interaction between the various system The difference between medium format designed to help you get the most from
components combine with increased lens photography and 35mm photography your photography, such as an integrated
performance and an unprecedented level was obvious. The size and quality of cooling sink that uses the entire c amera
of image sharpness to outperform any both the equipment and the images body’s lower surface to dissipate CCD
professional digital camera system on they produced were plain to see. There heat. This results in dramatically reduced
the market today, delivering outstanding are some manufacturers today who image noise due to heat.
pixel resolution, better colors, and would have you believe that smaller,
improved detail rendering. lower quality cameras, lenses, and sen-
The large format light channel provided sors can somehow match the quality of
by the H3DII and the H System lenses the largest format sensors and highest
enables the use of the largest image quality lenses. Think again. Because
sensors currently available – 48x36mm the simple truth is that – even in digital
– more than twice the size of even the photography – size still matters. And
largest 35mm camera sensors. in a competitive market, making your
images stand out is not a luxury, it’s a
A new breed of DSLR – The H3DII Advantage:
Another interesting feature is The H System also features an inter- file name make classification and sort-
Hasselblad’s Global Image Locator (GIL) changeable, waist-level viewfinder for ing quick and easy, whether in the field
a unique GPS navigation system that all H system cameras. The large, bright or in the studio. The Hasselblad H3DII is
automatically records your camera's viewfinder image is ideal for creative fully integrated with the Hasselblad IAA,
exact geographic coordinates at the composing, and shooting from a lower bringing automated image classification
precise moment of image capture. than eye-level position opens creative into your digital workflow from the split
This data can then be integrated in the possibilities. This viewfinder enables second of capture.
metadata of a specific image file and photographers to maintain eye contact
used together with the Hasselblad's with the model, a key advantage in por- The advanced communication between
new imaging software Phocus to allow trait photography. With the H3DII you the lenses and capture unit in the H 3DII
images to be located on a map or found can choose your way of seeing the world also lays the ground for Hasselblad’s
in a computer file system using the GPS – eye- or waist-level – an important flexi Digital APO Correction (DAC) and the new
coordinates as a search term. All the bility for the professional photographer. Ultra-Focus functionality, setting new
image files shot or stored in a specific standards for professional image quality
location can be easily identified and Instant Approval Architecture – and providing a higher level of detail and
found. If geographical data is not avail- Knowing What You’ve Got sharpness.
able, the user can search the location
via the internet with Google Earth and The H3DII also features Hasselblad’s
will automatically be guided to the files Instant Approval Architecture (IAA), an
produced on that location. enhanced set of feedback tools designed
to drastically simplify the image selection
process so you can concentrate on your
shoot. Audible and visible signals and
recorded information in the file and the
A new breed of DSLR – The H3DII Advantage:
Now, over half a century later, we’ve created an even better camera system.
We can’t wait to see what you do with it.
Better Color, Better Workflow, Hasselblad's imaging software. Only The 28mm HCD
Better Business when using the Hasselblad 3FR files,
however, can you utilize Digital APO The groundbreaking technology of the
The H3DII utilizes Hasselblad’s powerful Correction and fully optimize the colors H3DII has made possible a specially
Natural Color Solution (HNCS). HNCS available within the DNG file format. designed 28mm lens, expressly devel-
works invisibly in the background in All H3DII image files carry a full set of oped for this camera. The design has
conjunction with Hasselblad's image metadata, including capture conditions, been optimized for the 36x48mm sen-
processing software to produce out- keywords and copyright. sor area of the H3DII, resulting in an
standing and reliable out-of-the-box extremely compact lens that can fully
results, whatever the challenge, with skin Workflow for the professional utilize the Digital APO Correction func-
tones, special product gradations, and tion and further increase the resolution
other difficult colors reproduced easily of the image.
and effectively. Hasselblad's image processing software
enables an image processing workflow
In addition, the H3DII uses Hasselblad’s that gives the highest degree of control
custom raw file format, 3F RAW (3FR), for your studio photography. The latest
to ensure that images captured on version of Hasselblad's image process-
Hasselblad digital products are quickly ing software enables you to manipulate
and safely stored, including the spe- color temperature and compare image
cial color information necessary for details across multiple images for
the HNCS. 3FR files are stored using precise image selection. This software
lossless image compression, reducing uses the 3FR files and runs on both
required storage space by 33%. Macintosh and Windows computers and
The 3FR files can be converted into allows you to provide free copies to all
Adobe’s raw image format DNG via your co-workers and production partners.
Shot by Stuart Weston
Hair by Efi Davies, Tony & Guy academy
The first step to perfect images astonishing speed of 1/800 sec. Focal And in a world where every image (and
plane shutters, on the other hand, can every pixel of every image) counts, we’re
Images don’t start out as ones and only use flash sync at shutter speeds sure that the results you achieve with
zeros. They have to get there. And no less than 1/125 sec. HC lenses, give our digital APO correction will make you
matter how fantastic your digital system great flexibility in professional fill-in flash – and your customers – glad you chose a
is, it can only capture the image your lens applications, helps solve troublesome Hasselblad system.
delivers. If your lenses are only adequate, lighting conditions, and open up a world
or if they are too small to deliver the full of new creative opportunities. Ultra-Focus and digital
spectrum of the image before you, then
APO Correction
no amount of pixels or software tricks will Despite their durable design, Hasselblad
ever be able to raise your images past lenses also have around twenty times In the H3D, information about lens and
what they are – just “good enough”. less mass than focal plane shutters for exact capture conditions are fed to the
the same frame size, which means that digital camera engine, enabling precise-
Professional Quality the shutter can react almost instan- fine-tuning of the auto-focus mechanism,
from Start to Finish taneously when the release button is taking into account the design of the
pressed. Hasselblad lenses are also lens and the optical specification of the
The unsurpassed range of HC/HCD extremely quiet in operation and generate sensor. This new feature brings a new
lenses feature extremely accurate and far less vibrations than focal plane shut- level of sharpness and resolution to the
reliable central lens shutter designs, ters do, especially important for digital entire HC lens program. In addition,
which expose the entire film area simul- photography, producing sharper results Hasselblad’s x1digital APO chromatic
taneously, not scanning across the frame and allowing you to shoot hand-held correction feature enables you to get
as focal plane shutters do, and allow even at slower shutter speeds without even more out of every lens. When
flash sync at all shutter speeds, up to an sacrificing quality. using a complete Hasselblad system,
Shot by Peter Mathis
Skier: Kaj Zackrisson, Sweden
3 5
Camera System.
Just the whole is more than the sum depth-of-field accuracy, and composition aluminum cores and solid, stainless
of its parts, buying a camera is not the easier than ever before. The Hasselblad steel housing they ensure reliable and
same as buying into a camera system. system includes a comprehensive range durable performance under even the
When you buy a Hasselblad system of viewfinders that match almost any toughest of conditions and for many
you are buying into a total photographic condition or application and allow you to years to come.
approach. We are constantly developing choose your composition format at will.
new technology and new ways to enable 4. Capture and Control Unit
improved communication between 2. Lenses The Hasselblad capture and control
system components. When combining The lens is the first – and perhaps most units are designed to achieve stunning
Hasselblad lenses, viewfinders, cap- important – step in the technical side of image quality and optimize workflow.
ture units, and software with a digital the photographic process. The amount Hasselblad provides three modes of
Hasselblad camera, you are guaranteed of light one can capture and how one storage, CF card, portable Image Bank,
a level of quality, functionality, customi- captures it determines a great deal of the or straight to computer shooting.
zation, and flexibility unmatched by any rest of the process. Hasselblad lenses
other system in the world. And more are specially equipped to transmit com- 5. Software
importantly you are guaranteed that the plex image data throughout the system, The software included with Hasselblad
quality of the images that come out of enabling a wide range of advanced func- camera systems doesn’t just provide
your camera will not betray the vision tions, such as Digital APO Correction, a powerful post production toolkit,
that went into it. Instant Approval Architecture, and more. it provides remote hardware control,
better workflow solutions, and the most
1. Viewfinders 3. Camera Housing accurate color reproduction in the world
Hasselblad viewfinders ensure that what Hasselblad cameras are renowned for today. All software is designed to pro-
you see is what you get. And when used their ruggedness and durability and duce professional-level results on both
together with our extremely bright focus- their highly efficient internal stray-light Mac OS and Windows platforms.
ing screens, they make precise focusing, protection. Built around high-strength
Global white balance and ISO setting
Thumbwheel Menu Control Display control
3” Monitor
GPS System
Image Bank II
Ultra fast storage with Viewing flexibility with new H3DII back used Record exact location at the moment of image
100 GB Image Bank. waist level viewfinder on a view camera. capture with Hasselblad's Global Image Locator (GIL)
Hasselblad Impressive new features:
Moiré removal
moiré is effectively removed without the
need to make special mask selections or
other manual procedures. Moiré removal
is performed directly on the raw data.
Improved GUI
The GUI includes straightforward options
for customizing your set-up to suit a
number of different workflow situations,
such as choice of import source, brows-
ing/comparing functions, file manage-
ment, image export in a range of file
formats, pre-set of options for coming
shoots, and much more.
Improved Views
In addition, the Phocus view section
allows layout and composition to be
tailored to suit the current workflow, pro-
viding a wide range of options including
full view, compare, browse, horizontal
or vertical view, and so on. Multiple
folders can be open at the same time for
simultaneous viewing, comparison and
Shot by Tang Hui
c orrecting for the optical phenomena components and the advanced noise graphy to know which compromises
that create minor optical errors, which reduction techniques (digital and are beneficial – and which are not.
are always present in photographic lens- mechanical) are not just the rival of any The Hasselblad raw processor working
es. Whether it is distortion, chromatic other system, they achieve an optimum on the 3FR raw image format is the best
aberration or vignetting, DAC automa balance between desired richness of available and it allows you to accurately
tically corrects for these errors without detail and noise-free imaging. reproduce details that have proved diffi-
struggling with sliders, numbers etc cult for any digital system. Details such
by using detailed lens information that Detail as single hair strands, small colored
resides inside the RAW 3FR file genera patterns, fine text, and so on. With the
ted by the new generation of Hasselblad It is in the detail that you discover what H3D, you can rest assured that every
cameras. These advanced corrections your optics and digital sensor can really detail is preserved – and nothing is
are based on accurate digital lens map- capture. The combination of large sen- sacrificed.
ping and the high production repeatabi sor and outstanding optics makes
lity for the HC/HCD lenses. detail stand out. Compare images shot The only way to truly understand these
at full aperture with Hasselblad to a qualities, however, is to see for yourself.
Clarity 35mm at full aperture and see the dif- Check out the Hasselblad Star Quality
ference. Once the detail is captured, difference at:
Finding optimal noise reduction tech- the Hasselblad Raw Converter can be
niques is a tricky science. Finding the let loose – since the art of balance is
proper balance between preservation never more evident than when it comes hasselblad-star-quality
of detail and clarity and the removal to image processing. Determining how
of unwanted static or “noise” from an to make jagged pixel lines smooth while
image requires an understanding of maintaining color, clarity and sharpness
both technology and of photography. demands the most advanced calcula-
The high quality of Hasselblad’s o ptical tions and enough knowledge of photo
Hasselblad H3D-System
Delivering the superior craftsmanship
and quality that produces the world’s
highest quality images has made
Hasselblad cameras famous for over half
a century. The Hasselblad H3D System
and HC/HCD System lenses continue
this tradition. The H3DII family comes
in three resolutions (22, 31 and 39
Megapixels), each providing a range of
advanced features, including the freedom
to choose between eye-level and waist-
level viewfinders, digitally APO corrected
lenses, on-the-fly classification of imag-
es, and unparalleled integration between
lens, body, software, and capture device.
Model comparison
Pixels Sensor format ISO range Capture speed HC lens factor HCD28
H3DII-31 31 million 33.1x44.2mm ISO 100-800 1.2 sec/capture 1.3 31mm
H3DII-22 22 million 36.7x49.0mm ISO 50-400 1.4 sec/capture 1.1 28mm (full-frame)
H3DII-39 39 million 36.7x49.0mm ISO 50-400 1.4 sec/capture 1.1 28mm (full-frame)
Technical specifications
File format: Lossless compressed Acoustic feedback: Yes Shutter speed range: 1/800s to 32 seconds
Hasselblad RAW 3FR
Software: FlexColor (included; for Mac and PC) Flash sync speed: Flash can be used at all
Shooting mode: Single shot shutter speeds
Platform support: Mac OSX, NT, 2000, XP
Color management: 16 bit Exposure metering:
Host connection type: FireWire 800 (IEEE1394b)
Metering options: Spot, Centre weighted and
Image storage: CF card type U-DMA,
View Camera compatibility: Yes Average. Metering range Spot: EV2 to 21,
ImageBank-II or tethered to Mac or PC
Centre weighted: EV1 to 21, Average: EV1 to 21
Operating temperature: 0-45˚C/32-113˚F
Color management:
Power supply:
Hasselblad Natural Color Solution Dimensions with 2,8/80mm lens: Rechargeable Li-ion battery
153x131x213mm (WxHxD) (7.2 VDC/1850 mAh). Optional cassette for
Capture rate: 1.2/1.4 seconds per capture
40 images per minute Weight: 2175 g (with Li-Ion battery and CF card) 3 CR-123 Lithium batteries available.
Color display: 3” TFT color Camera type: Large sensor full format DSLR Film compatibility: No
Histogram feedback: Yes Lenses: Hasselblad HC lens line and HCD 28
with integral lens shutter
IR Filter: Anti-reflex coated,
mounted on CCD Sensor
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