Principles and Potential: Feline Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation
Principles and Potential: Feline Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation
Principles and Potential: Feline Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation
1. Principles and potential
Brian Sharp
many people have taken on the role of the What about cats?
physiotherapist, often with no formal quali- Cat ownership is increasing in many countries,
fications in physiotherapy. Within small yet, despite this, our understanding and treat-
animal practice both the nurse and the veteri- ment of cats by physiotherapy has lagged
narian have often adopted the role as an adjunct behind that of dogs.810 With treatment
to that for which they have been trained. advances and high costs involved in feline
In the UK, an increasing number of veteri- veterinary medicine and surgery, cat owners
nary practices now collaborate with qualified are beginning to expect similar postoperative
veterinary physiotherapists, and in most cases and post-injury care for their pets as their dog-
decisions regarding appropriate physiothera- owning counterparts.
peutic and rehabilitative care are best made Although cats can benefit from the suitable
through a team approach involving the veteri- application of effective physiotherapy tech-
narian, physiotherapist and nurse, to allow niques and appropriately planned and executed
different perspectives to be aired with the aim rehabilitation programmes, compliance with
of achieving optimum outcomes for the treatment is often less predictable than with
patient.6 Veterinary expertise can establish dogs, and the success of therapy with cats
diagnoses and determine appropriate medical demands a good understanding of feline behav-
or surgical interventions; physiotherapy iour, coupled with excellent handling skills.11 As
expertise can identify associated mechanical with dogs, compliance can often be enhanced
dysfunctions and develop appropriate treat- through the provision of enticing rewards
ment plans for restoring physical function.7 (eg, treats, attention, play opportunities).
Benefits of physiotherapy
Stroking Hands glide smoothly over the body, maintaining contact with the
skin. Starts proximally and ends distally when treating the limbs
Effleurage Hands mould to the shape of the limb and maintain pressure
throughout the movement. Starts distally and ends proximally,
moving in the direction of venous and lymphatic drainage
Kneading Tissues are squeezed, compressed and released in a rhythmical
manner. Hands move in a circular motion
Picking-up Muscles are grasped, lifted, squeezed and released
a (squeezing)
Figure 2 (a) Stroking massage is used to calm and relax cats.
(b) Kneading massage to the paravertebral muscles increases
Wringing Hands move in opposite directions across the long axis of the
circulation and relaxes the muscles muscle, stretching the tissues
Skin rolling Fingers and thumb lift the skin, and roll the tissues forwards
or backwards
Frictions Fingers or thumb move superficial tissues over deeper ones, with
increasing pressure
Hacking The ulnar border of the little finger strikes the area being treated.
Hands work alternately (pronation and supination) and fingers are
kept relaxed
Coupage Hands are cupped and wrists are loosely flexed and extended.
(clapping) Hands work alternately and firmly strike the treatment area
Shaking One hand holds the muscle, and vigorously shakes it
Vibrations Hands hold around the area of chest being treated and lightly shake
the chest. Vibrations are performed during the exhalation phase of
b breathing and the hands gradually move cranially
The basic techniques of applying heat and cold can be readily learned
and incorporated into daily practice by veterinary staff.
Strength is the ability of a muscle or muscle
group to produce tension and a resulting
force. Exercises to improve strength create
an increase in the myofibril component of
the muscle, thereby increasing the cross-
sectional area of the muscle. Strengthening
exercises include such activities as running,
slope work (uphill and downhill), use of leg or a b
body weights, dancing, wheelbarrowing and Figure 8 Strengthening exercises such as dancing (a) and wheelbarrowing (b) allow
swimming. limbs to be exercised against the cats bodyweight
Flexibility describes the capacity of the
muscles, tendons and ligaments to stretch,
allowing the joints to have a larger ROM,
and the cat to be able to manoeuvre through
awkward spaces. Flexibility is important for
cats as it also helps to protect against injury.
Flexibility exercises include activities that make
a b
the cat reach or stretch for something, or
encourage crawling under, through or over Figure 9 Flexibility exercises such as baiting (a) and step-overs (b) help restore
or improve ROM to joints. Baiting primarily exercises the spinal joints, and assists
obstacles. balance retraining; step-overs also assist with balance and gait re-education
a b c
Figure 10 Balance is especially important for cats, and exercises to improve static balance include the use of unsteady surfaces such as bean bags,
trampolines or wobble cushions (a). Playing with toys (b) provides dynamic balance training, while treats (c) can be used to offer particular challenges
Endurance allows animals to perform activities for prolonged periods of time without tiring. Exercises to improve aerobic
endurance usually target muscle groups for periods exceeding 15 mins, and are repeated several times each week. Long-
term changes occur in muscle, including increased vascularisation, alongside decreased resting heart rate and increased
stroke volume (allowing greater time for ventricular filling), decreased resting blood pressure and increased respiratory
enzymes. Endurance exercises are less relevant to cats, which rely more on stealth and rapid movements to catch prey.
Types of exercise
Exercise can be divided into four principal
types (see box on page 629):
Strengthening (Figure 8);
Flexibility (suppleness) (Figure 9);
Hydrotherapy should not be
Balance and proprioception (Figure 10); automatically dismissed as an option,
Endurance (stamina).
All therapeutic exercise programmes should as it is certainly achievable with some cats.
be tailored to the animal and comprise a com-
bination of the four types, dependent on the
individuals needs.
Land-based exercise
Land-based exercises should form the major
component of exercise programmes designed
for cats because, being land animals, they
must obviously be able to cope with life on
land. In many cases cats may be more accept-
ing of exercises that involve less manual con-
tact from the therapist (or owner) see Part 2
for examples.
Water-based exercise
Hydrotherapy is one of the most useful forms
of rehabilitation therapy, and has become a
very popular modality for dogs to help in
the recovery of musculoskeletal and neurolog- Figure 11 Hydrotherapy can be successfully carried out with cats, whether in a pool or a
ical conditions. Water provides an ideal envi- water treadmill. Too weak to support itself on land, this cat is able to mobilise normally in the
treadmill due to the buoyancy provided by the water. Courtesy of Simon Jacobs
ronment for performing non-concussive
active exercise, and through its natural prop-
erties (buoyancy and resistance) can help
improve limb mobility, strength and joint
In practice, hydrotherapy is performed less
often with cats, but it should not be automati-
cally dismissed as an option as it is certainly
achievable in some cases (Figure 11). There are
several forms of hydrotherapy, including
pools and water treadmills. The therapist
should accompany the cat into the water to
provide assistance and reassurance until it is
accustomed to the activity (Figure 12).51 In the
authors experience a cat may be more accept-
ing of water if it is initially introduced to it in Figure 13 Accustoming a cat to the
the home environment (bath or sink), as a normal processes of bathing and
gradual progression from being bathed to Figure 12 Comfort and reassurance can be very drying can aid eventual introduction
beneficial when introducing cats into water. Courtesy of to more formal hydrotherapy
being rehabilitated is often more acceptable Sam Jacobs sessions. Courtesy of Sam Jacobs
Exercise considerations
The design of an appropriate exercise programme must take account of the current physical abilities of
the cat, stage of recovery/healing and the desired outcome. If assistance is required for the animal to
perform an exercise, this can be provided manually or with the aid of physio-rolls, slings, harnesses or
carts (Figure 14). Exercises must meet the specific needs of the individual animal, with progression
applied to the programme (increasing the difficulty of the exercise as the animal achieves each stage),
as appropriate.
a b
Figure 14 The use of a physio-roll (a) and harness (b) provides sufficient support to allow the cat to perform exercises and
activities it would otherwise be unable to do
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