Sample Size Requirements Reliability Studies: K and Number
Sample Size Requirements Reliability Studies: K and Number
Sample Size Requirements Reliability Studies: K and Number
6 , 4 4 1 4 8 (1987)
This paper provides exact power contours to guide the planning of reliability studies, where the parameter of
interest is the coefficient of intraclass correlation p derived from a one-way analysis of variance model. The
contours display the required numbers of subjects k and number of repeated measurements n that provide 80
per cent power for testing H,: p < p, versus H,:p > po at the 5 per cent level of significance for selected values
of po . We discuss the design considerations of these results.
KEY WORDS Sample size Reliability Analysis of variance Intraclass correlation
The estimation of reliability is a common feature of scientific experimentation since all
measurements are subject to error, particularly those made by humans. As discussed by Shrout and
Fleiss, measurement error can seriously affect statistical analysis and interpretation; it therefore
becomes important to assess the amount of such error by calculation of a reliability coefficient. A
frequently adopted model to investigate reliability is
Yij =p+ +eij,
where p is the grand mean of all measurements Y in the population, aireflects the effect of the
characteristic under measure for subject i, and eij is the error of measurement, j = 1,2,. . . , n;
i = 1,2, . . . , k. The error of measurement may result from both the measuring device itself and the
conditions surrounding the measurement. We assume the term ai remains constant across the
repeated measurements on the same person.
Suppose we assume further that the person effects {ai}are normally and identically distributed
with mean zero and variance o i , the errors { e i j }are normally and identically distributed with mean
zero and variance a:, and the {a,}, {eij} are completely independent. Then the population
intraclass correlation coefficient is p = o:/(o, +
0:) and we use the one-way analysis of variance
(ANOVA)as a framework for drawing inferences concerning p . The ANOVA corresponding to (1)
appears in Table I, where the sample intraclass correlation
- F-1
[MSA + (n - 1)MSWI F n - 1 +
estimates p. A large value of r implies greater variability among individuals than within individuals,
i.e. that the repeated observations on a given subject show stability. The actual value of r estimates
the proportion of total variance accounted for by subject to subject variation, and we may therefore
0277-67 15/87/04044148%05.00 Received May 1986
0 1987 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Revised November 1986
Fj, = Yij/n
j = 1
regard it as a measure of reliability. With dichotomous, rather than continuous data, r is equivalent
to the Kuder-Richardson formula 20 reliability coefficient (Kraemer and Korner').
Although intraclass correlation as a measure of reliability has garnered much attention in the
literature (e.g. Shrout and Fleiss,' Fleiss et d 3 )very
, little has appeared with regard to sample size
requirements. In this paper we consider the exact values of k and n required to test H,:p = po
versus H , : p > p,, where p, is a specified criterion value of p. Kraemer and Korner' have
considered this problem for the case n = 2 (i.e.,test-retest data), and Kraemer" has considered it for
the case in which either k or n is large. These authors' results, however, are approximate rather than
exact and are based on a two-way rather than a one-way ANOVA model. A further limitation is
their provision of only the required value of k for fixed n; the results below deal with power
requirements as both k and n vary.
We note the use of the estimator r in many contexts that involve repeated observations in each of
several groups. Haggard' gives three such examples:
(i) a design with k subjects, each evaluated by n judges;
(ii) a design with a single subject evaluated n times on each of k occasions by the same judge;
(iii) a design in which a single subject provides k types of measurements, each type replicated at n
different times by a single judge.
Case (i) consists of replication of the judges and r estimates interjudge concordance. In case (ii),
r estimates the stability of the subject who provides a number of samples. In case (iii), r estimates
the consistency of the singlejudge over intervals of time. In each case, interest focuses on one source
of variation -judges, tests, trials -and r is an appropriate measure of reliability.
To simplify discussion, however, we consider r in this paper to represent the ratio of among
subject variability to total variability. Thus, throughout we refer to k as the 'number of subjects'
and n as the 'number of measurements per subject'; we assume it understood that our results apply
to a broad range of investigations that involve data collected on k samples of n repeated
observations, and with interest on a single source of variation.
We assume interest focuses on the test H,: p < p, versus H1: p > p, at a chosen level of
significance a and with power 1 - j3. Selection of the criterion value po depends on a choice of a
minimum value of p that the investigators consider acceptable. The choice po = 0 often is not
v 40-
0 3s-
n 38-
z im
Figure 1 . Power contours for testing H,: p = 0 0 versus H ,: p > 0.0 at a = 0.05, /Y = 0.20
directly relevant, since rejection of H o : p = 0 simply provides reassurance at the chosen a level of
greater variation among repeated observations on the same subject than among different
subjects -a fact which we can usually take for granted. Landis and Koch6 have characterized values
of reliability coefficients as follows: slight (0.20), fair (0.21-0.40), moderate (0.41-0.60),
substantial (0.61-0.80), and almost perfect (0.81-1.00). Although arbitrary, these divisions provide
useful benchmarks. For example, an investigator who wishes to demonstrate a 'substantial' level of
reliability would, according to these guidelines, test H,: p < 0 6 0 versus H , : p > 0.60.
One performs the test H o : p < po versus H1: p > p, by reference of the value of F in Table I to
the quantity CF,; u1,u 2 , where C = 1 [np,/(l- p , ) ] , and F a ; u l , u2 is the tabular value of F with
u l , u2 degrees of freedom at the a per cent level of significance. One may calculate the power of this
test (Scheffe') as
1 - fi = Pr { F 2 Co F a ; u I , 172 } (2)
Number of S u b j e c t s (k)
~ 1 z k - l
= k ( n - 1)
co= (1 ne, )/(I + ne)
60 = P o / ( l - P o )
0 = P/(l -PI.
Our investigation sought to generate contours of equal power to test H o :p = po versus HI : p > po
in terms of k and n for fixed values of po and p at a = 0.05. Since conventional power levels are set at
80 per cent or more, we fixed equation (2) at 0.80and 0.90 for this purpose. We then generated the
contours numerically for po = 0,0.2,0.4,0*6,0.8 and selected values of p > p o . For reasons of
space we present the results only for 1 - B = 0.80;upon request, we will make available
corresponding results for 1 - B = 0.90.
-- 48 -
35 -
25 -
2% -
& 15:
z la -
5 -
- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .- *.v.
a s im is 2121 25 3% 35 4% 41 s0
Figure 3. Power contours for testing H,:p = 0.4 versus H I : p > 0 4 at a = 005, /I
= 0.20
All programs were written in Fortran using the RM/FORTRAN compiler, and were run on an
IBM PC. For each chosen value of p , po and 1 < k < 50, and from equation (2) with use of an
iterative method of successive bisection, we calculated to two decimal places the minimum value of
n that satisfies the power requirements. We calculated the exact probabilities and percentage points
of the F distribution with use of thecomputer algorithms for the incomplete beta distribution given
in Kennedy and Gentle.'
The results appear in Figures 1-5 for p o = 0,0.2,0-4,0-6,and 0.8, respectively. Each figure shows
the values of k and n that correspond to a power of 80 per cent for a test of H o : p = po versus
H,:p > po at a = 0.05. For example, suppose we wish to demonstrate that p > 0-2,i.e. in planning
an investigation we characterize measurement reliability as at least 'fair'. If we wish 80 per cent
certainty for achieving a significant result at the 5 per cent level when p = 0.4, then Figure 2 shows
that we require an n of about 13 when the number of available subjects k is 20. With 40 subjects
50 -
4s -
5 40 -
35 -
30 -
@ 2s -
7 -
Figure 4. Power contours for testing Ho:p = 0 6 versus HI : p > 0 6 at 01 = 005, /3 = 0.20
available, n = 5 measurements per subject will suffice to achieve the desired power. Our actual
choice of a (k, n) combination depends, of course, on the relative difficulty and cost of recruitment
of subjects as compared to attainment of replicate measurements.
Figures 1-5 also reveal some interesting results concerning the relative influence of k and n on the
achieved power. For example, we see the tendency towards a threshold level of k beyond which any
increase in k, with n held constant, brings very little return. Thus if po = 0.4, Figure 3 shows that at
p = 0.8,15 subjects each with two measurements provide essentially the same power as 50 subjects
each with two measurements. At p = 06,40 subjects with n = 3 provide about the same power as
50 subjects with n = 3. This feature of the contours reflects a general property of the estimator r: an
increase in n for fixed k provides more information than an increase in k for fixed n.
The results also show that the required value of n for a given k increases very rapidly as k declines.
At po = 0 2 and p = 0.6,for example, a decrease in k below 10 results in a steep increase in the value
of n required to maintain the power at 80 per cent. Thus one use of these results is as a guide in
choice of the minimum number of subjects required to achieve fairly stable power to test Ho.
0 s la is 28 2s 38 3s 40 4s sa
Figure 5. Power contours for testing H , : p = 0.8 versus HI : p > 0-8 at a = 0.05, /? = 0.20
The power contours presented here rely on an underlying one-way analysis of variance model. Such
a model implies that systematic differences among the n measurements on a given subject are not
separable from random error. If, for example, n different judges or examiners make the n
measurements, the within subject sum of squares shown in Table I combines the effects due to
judges and to random error. An alternative model for the reliability study is two-way analysis of
variance, which partitions the within subject sum of squares into a between-judges and a residual
component sums of squares. If a study is designed to estimate both the variation among judges as
well as variation among subjects, then the results presented here do not apply and the two-way
model is appropriate. The advantage of the one-way model is its simplicity, with some loss in
precision compared with a two-way model that has large inter-judge differences. It follows that the
sample size requirements of Figures 1-5 overestimate the true sample size requirements when one
adopts a two-way model for the analysis, i.e. the results presented here are conservative. Shrout and
Fleiss provide further discussion of the factors influencing the choice of a reliability model.
It is useful in the analysis of a reliability study to construct confidence limits for the reliability
coefficient.Let F,denote the tabulated value of the F distribution with k - 1 and k(n - 1)degrees of
freedom that cuts off the proportion a in the upper tail. Then an exact one-sided loO(1 - a) per cent
confidence interval for r is
r >(F-F,)/[F+(n-l)F,,]
If this lower bound indicates acceptable reliability, then one may rely on single measurements with
confidence. Fleiss provides further discussion on the analysis aspects of reliability studies.
This research was supported in part by the National Health Research and Development Program
through a National Health Fellowship to M. Eliasziw. Dr. Donners research was supported by the
Natural Science and Engineering Research Council of Canada.
1. Shrout, P. E. and Fleiss, J. L. Intraclass correlations: uses in assessing rater reliability, Psychological
Bulletin, 86, 420-428 (1979).
2. Kraemer, H. C. and Korner, A. F. Statisticalalternatives in assessing reliability, consistency and individual
differences for quantitative measures: application to behavioural measures of neonates, Psychological
Bulletin, 83, 914-921 (1976).
3. Fleiss, J. L., Slakter, M. J., Fischman, S. L., Park, M.H. and Chitton, N. W. Inter-examiner reliability in
caries trials, Journal of Dental Research, 58, 604-609 (1979).
4. Kraemer, H. C. The small sample non-null properties of Kendalls coefficient of concordance for normal
population, Journal of the American Statistical Association, 71, 608-613 (1976).
5. Haggard, E. R. lntraclass Correlation and the Analysis of Variance, Dryden Press, New York, 1958.
6. Landis, J. R. and Koch, G. G. The measurement of observer agreement for categorical data, Biometrics, 33,
159-174 (1977).
7. Scheffe, H.The Analysis of Variance, Wiley, New York, 1959.
8. Kennedy, W. J. and Gentle. J. E. Statistical Computing, Marcel Dekker, New York, 1980.
9. Fleiss, J. L. The Design and Analysis of Clinical Experiments, Wiley, New York, 1986.