WayToEng4 EP 2-1
WayToEng4 EP 2-1
WayToEng4 EP 2-1
1 Choose the correct answers to show you understand the meaning of the words in bold.
1. The army lost the game / battle.
2. The Queen ruled the country / palace for 30 years.
3. The Kings cat / son was his heir.
4. A relative is another person in your class / family.
5. Everyone looked at the crown on the princes head / hand.
6. Ten houses / people were killed by the bomb.
2 Match the beginnings in A to a logical continuation in B. Pay attention to the words in bold.
1. The Queens reign was ...... a. after his father died.
2. The King executed ...... b. its army to help.
3. The end of the war led to ...... c. the whole country.
4. The King came to power ...... d. happier times in the kingdom.
5. The countrys ally sent ...... e. to take his throne.
6. The assassination of the duke shocked ...... f. all his enemies.
7. The Kings brother plotted ...... g. long and happy.