02 Fischer10e SM Ch02 Final

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1. (a) Johnson has a passive level of owner- (d) Johnson has a controlling level of own-
ship and in future periods will record ership and in future periods will add
dividend income of only 10% of Bick- 100% of Bicklers net income to its own
lers declared dividends. Johnson will net income. All (100%) of Bicklers no-
also have to adjust the investment to minal account balances will be added
market value at the end of each period. to Johnsons nominal account bal-
(b) Johnson has an influential level of ances. This will result in consolidated
ownership and in future periods will net income, followed by a distribution to
record investment income of 30% of the noncontrolling interest equal to 20%
Bicklers net income. Any dividends de- of Bicklers income. Any dividends de-
clared by Bickler will reduce the in- clared by Bickler will not affect John-
vestment account, but will not affect the sons income.
investment income amount.
(c) Johnson has a controlling level of own- 2. The elimination process serves to make the
ership and in future periods will add consolidated financial statements appear
100% of Bicklers net income to its own as though the parent had purchased the
net income. Bicklers nominal account net assets of the subsidiary. The invest-
balances will be added to Johnsons ment account and the subsidiary equity ac-
nominal accounts. Any dividends de- counts are eliminated and replaced by the
clared by Bickler will not affect John- subsidiarys net assets.
sons income.

3. (a) Company Parent NCI

Implied Price Value
Value Analysis Schedule Fair Value (100%) (0%)
Company fair value...................................... $900,000 $900,000 N/A
Fair value of net assets excluding goodwill . 600,000 600,000
Goodwill ....................................................... $300,000 $300,000
Net Assetsmarked up $200,000 ($600,000 fair value $400,000 book value)
Goodwill$300,000 ($900,000 $600,000)
(b) Company Parent NCI
Implied Price Value
Value Analysis Schedule Fair Value (80%) (20%)
Company fair value...................................... $900,000 $720,000 $180,000
Fair value of net assets excluding goodwill . 600,000 480,000 120,000
Goodwill ....................................................... $300,000 $240,000 $ 60,000
Net Assetsmarked up $200,000 ($600,000 fair value $400,000 book value)
Goodwill$300,000 ($900,000 $600,000)
The NCI would be valued at $180,000 (20% of the implied company value) to allow the full rec-
ognition of fair values.

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4. (a) Company Parent NCI

Implied Price Value
Value Analysis Schedule Fair Value (100%) (0%)
Company fair value...................................... $1,000,000 $1,000,000 N/A
Fair value of net assets excluding goodwill . 850,000 850,000
Goodwill ....................................................... $ 150,000 $ 150,000
The determination and distribution of excess schedule would make the following adjustments:
$1,000,000 price $350,000 net book value = $650,000 excess to be allocated as follows:
Current assets ............................................. $ 50,000
Fixed assets ................................................ 450,000
Goodwill ....................................................... 150,000
(b) Company Parent NCI
Implied Price Value
Value Analysis Schedule Fair Value (100%) (0%)
Company fair value...................................... $ 500,000 $ 500,000 N/A
Fair value of net assets excluding goodwill . 850,000 850,000
Gain on acquisition ...................................... $ (350,000) $ (350,000)
The determination and distribution of excess schedule would make the following adjustments:
$500,000 price $350,000 net book value = $150,000 excess to be allocated as follows:
Current assets .................................................... $ 50,000
Fixed assets ....................................................... 450,000
Gain on acquisition ............................................ (350,000)
$ 150,000

5. (a) Company Parent NCI

Implied Price Value
Value Analysis Schedule Fair Value (80%) (20%)
Company fair value...................................... $1,000,000*$800,000 $200,000
Fair value of net assets excluding goodwill . 850,000 680,000 170,000
Goodwill ....................................................... $ 150,000 $120,000 $ 30,000
*$800,000/80% = $1,000,000
The determination and distribution of excess schedule would make the following adjustments:
$800,000 parents price (80% $350,000 net book value) = $520,000
NCI adjustment, $200,000 (20% $350,000 net book value) = 130,000
Total adjustment to be allocated ................. = $650,000 as follows:
Current assets ............................................ $ 50,000
Fixed assets ............................................... 450,000
Goodwill ....................................................... 150,000

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(b) Company Parent NCI

Implied Price Value
Value Analysis Schedule Fair Value (80%) (20%)
Company fair value...................................... $770,000** $600,000 $170,000*
Fair value of net assets excluding goodwill . 850,000 680,000 170,000
Gain on acquisition ...................................... $ (80,000) $ (80,000) N/A
*Cannot be less than the NCI share of the fair value of net assets excluding goodwill.
**$600,000 parent price + $170,000 minimum allowable for NCI = $770,000.
$600,000 parents price (80% $350,000 book value) = $320,000
NCI adjustment, $170,000 (20% $350,000 net book value) = 100,000
Total adjustment to be allocated ................. = $420,000 as follows:
Current assets ............................................ $ 50,000
Fixed assets ............................................... 450,000
Gain on acquisition ...................................... (80,000)

6. Company Parent NCI

Implied Price Value
Value Analysis Schedule Fair Value (80%) (20%)
Company fair value...................................... $1,000,000*$800,000 $200,000
Fair value of net assets excluding goodwill . 800,000 680,000 120,000
Goodwill ....................................................... $ 200,000 $120,000 $ 80,000
*$800,000/80% = $1,000,000
The NCI will be valued at $200,000, which is 20% of the implied company value. The NCI ac-
count will be displayed on the consolidated balance sheet as a subdivision of equity. It is shown
as a total, not broken down into par, paid-in capital in excess of par, and retained earnings.

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Ch. 2Exercises



Solara Corporation
Pro Forma Income Statement
Ownership Levels
10% 20% 70%
Sales ........................................................................ $640,000 $640,000 $1,010,000
Cost of goods sold ................................................... 300,000 300,000 530,000
Gross profit .............................................................. $340,000 $340,000 $ 480,000
Selling and administrative expenses ........................ 120,000 120,000 195,000
Operating income..................................................... $220,000 $220,000 $ 285,000
Dividend income (10% $15,000 dividends)........... 1,500
Investment income (20% $65,000 reported
income) .............................................................. 13,000
Net income ............................................................... $221,500 $233,000 $ 285,000
Noncontrolling interest (30% $65,000 reported
income) .............................................................. 19,500
Controlling interest ................................................... $ 265,500


Company Parent NCI

Implied Price Value
Value Analysis Schedule Fair Value (100%) (0%)
Company fair value .................................................. $530,000 $530,000 N/A
Fair value of net assets excluding goodwill
($280,000 book value + $20,000) ..................... 300,000 300,000
Goodwill ................................................................... $230,000 $230,000

1. (a) Cash .................................................................................. 20,000*

Accounts Receivable......................................................... 70,000
Inventory ........................................................................... 100,000
Property, Plant, and Equipment ($270,000 + $20,000) ..... 290,000
Goodwill ............................................................................ 230,000
Current Liabilities ......................................................... 80,000
Bonds Payable ............................................................ 100,000
Cash ............................................................................ 530,000*
*Cash may be shown as a net credit of $510,000.

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Ch. 2Exercises

Exercise 2-2, Concluded

(b) Glass Company

Balance Sheet
Current assets:
Cash ................................................................ $ 30,000
Accounts receivable ........................................ 120,000
Inventory.......................................................... 150,000 $ 300,000
Property, plant, and equipment (net) ..................... 520,000
Goodwill ................................................................ 230,000
Total assets ........................................................... $1,050,000

Liabilities and Stockholders Equity

Current liabilities .............................................. $220,000
Bonds payable................................................. 350,000 $ 570,000
Stockholders equity:
Common stock ($100 par) ............................... $200,000
Retained earnings ........................................... 280,000 480,000
Total liabilities and stockholders equity ................ $1,050,000

2. (a) Investment in Plastic ............................................. 530,000

Cash ................................................................ 530,000
(b) Investment in Plastic appears as a long-term investment on Glasss unconsolidated
balance sheet.
(c) The balance sheet would be identical to that which resulted from the asset acquisition
of part (1).


Company Parent NCI

Implied Price Value
Value Analysis Schedule Fair Value (100%) (0%)
Company fair value .................................................. To be determined N/A
Fair value of net assets excluding goodwill .............. $560,000* $560,000
Gain on acquisition
*$370,000 net asset book value + $40,000 inventory increase + $50,000 land increase +
$100,000 building increase = $560,000 fair value

(1) Goodwill will be recorded if the price is above $560,000.

(2) A gain will be recorded if the price is below $560,000.

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Ch. 2Exercises


(1) Investment in Pail Inc. .............................................................. 950,000

Cash ..................................................................................... 950,000
Acquisition Costs Expense ....................................................... 10,000
Cash ..................................................................................... 10,000

(2) Company Parent NCI

Implied Price Value
Value Analysis Schedule Fair Value (100%) (0%)
Company fair value ........................................... $950,000 $950,000 N/A
Fair value of net assets excluding goodwill ...... 850,000* 850,000
Goodwill ............................................................ $100,000 $100,000
*$700,000 net book value + $50,000 inventory increase + $100,000 depreciable fixed
assets increase = $850,000 fair value

Determination and Distribution of Excess Schedule

Company Parent NCI
Implied Price Value
Fair Value (100%) (0%)
Fair value of subsidiary .............. $950,000 $950,000 N/A
Less book value of interest acquired:
Common stock, ($10 par) ....... $300,000
Paid-in capital in excess of par 380,000
Retained earnings .................. 20,000
Total stockholders equity ... $700,000 $700,000
Interest acquired..................... 100%
Book value ................................. $700,000
Excess of fair value over book
value ....................................... $250,000 $250,000

Adjustment of identifiable accounts:

Adjustment Key
Inventory ($250,000 fair
$200,000 book value) ............. $ 50,000 debit D1
Depreciable fixed assets
($700,000 fair $600,000
book value) ............................. 100,000 debit D2
Goodwill ..................................... 100,000 debit D3
Total ................................... $250,000

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Ch. 2Exercises

Exercise 2-4 Concluded

(3) Elimination entries:

Common Stock ($10 par)Pail ................................................ 300,000
Paid-In Capital in Excess of ParPail...................................... 380,000
Retained EarningsPail........................................................... 20,000
Investment in Pail Inc. .......................................................... 700,000
Inventory ................................................................................... 50,000
Depreciable Fixed Assets ......................................................... 100,000
Goodwill .................................................................................... 100,000
Investment in Pail Inc. .......................................................... 250,000


(1) Company Parent NCI

Implied Price Value
Value Analysis Schedule Fair Value (100%) (0%)
Company fair value ........................................... $ 700,000 $ 700,000 N/A
Fair value of net assets excluding goodwill ...... 885,000 885,000
Gain on acquisition ........................................... $(185,000) $(185,000)

Determination and Distribution of Excess Schedule

Company Parent NCI
Implied Price Value
Fair Value (100%) (0%)
Price paid for investment ........... $700,000 $700,000 N/A
Less book value of interest acquired:
Common stock ($5 par) .......... $200,000
Paid-in capital in excess of par 300,000
Retained earnings .................. 175,000
Total equity ......................... $675,000 $675,000
Interest acquired..................... 100%
Book value ................................. $675,000
Excess of fair value over book
value ....................................... $ 25,000 $ 25,000

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Ch. 2Exercises

Exercise 2-5 Concluded

Adjustment of identifiable accounts:

Adjustment Key
Inventory ($215,000 fair
$200,000 book value) ............. $ 15,000 debit D1
Property, plant and equipment
($700,000 fair $500,000
book value) ............................. 200,000 debit D2
Computer software ($130,000
fair $125,000 book value) .... 5,000 debit D3
Premium on bonds payable
($200,000 fair $210,000
book value) ............................. (10,000) credit D4
Gain on acquisition .................... (185,000) credit D5
Total ................................... $ 25,000

(2) Elimination entries:

Common Stock ($5 par)Genall.............................................. 200,000
Paid-In Capital in Excess of ParGenall ................................. 300,000
Retained EarningsGenall ...................................................... 175,000
Investment in Genall Company ............................................ 675,000
Inventory ................................................................................... 15,000
Property, Plant, and Equipment ................................................ 200,000
Computer Software ................................................................... 5,000
Gain on Acquisition .............................................................. 185,000
Premium on Bonds Payable ................................................. 10,000
Investment in Genall Company ............................................ 25,000


(1) Company Parent NCI

Implied Price Value
Value Analysis Schedule Fair Value (80%) (20%)
Company fair value ........................................... $900,000* $720,000 $180,000**
Fair value of net assets excluding goodwill ...... 820,000 656,000 164,000
Goodwill ............................................................ $ 80,000 $ 64,000 $ 16,000
*$720,000/80% = $900,000
**$900,000 20% = $180,000

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Ch. 2Exercises

Exercise 2-6 Concluded

Determination and Distribution of Excess Schedule

Company Parent NCI
Implied Price Value
Fair Value (80%) (20%)
Fair value of subsidiary .............. $900,000 $720,000 $180,000
Less book value of interest acquired:
Common stock ($5 par) .......... $100,000
Paid-in capital in excess of par 150,000
Retained earnings .................. 250,000
Total equity ......................... $500,000 $500,000 $500,000
Interest acquired..................... 80% 20%
Book value ................................. $400,000 $100,000
Excess of fair value over book
value ....................................... $400,000 $320,000 $ 80,000

Adjustment of identifiable accounts:

Adjustment Key
Inventory ($300,000 fair
$200,000 book value) ............. $100,000 debit D1
Land ($200,000 fair
$100,000 book value) ............. 100,000 debit D2
Building ($600,000 fair
$450,000 book value) ............. 150,000 debit D3
Equipment ($200,000 fair
$230,000 book value) ............. (30,000) credit D4
Goodwill ..................................... 80,000 debit D5
Total ................................... $400,000

(2) Elimination entries:

Common Stock ($5 par)Cobalt (80%) ................................... 80,000
Paid-In Capital in Excess of ParCobalt (80%)....................... 120,000
Retained EarningsCobalt (80%)............................................ 200,000
Investment in Cobalt Company ............................................ 400,000
Inventory ................................................................................... 100,000
Land .......................................................................................... 100,000
Building ..................................................................................... 150,000
Goodwill .................................................................................... 80,000
Equipment ............................................................................ 30,000
Investment in Cobalt Company (excess remaining) ............. 320,000
Noncontrolling Interest (to adjust to fair value) ..................... 80,000

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Ch. 2Exercises


(1) Company Parent NCI

Implied Price Value
Value Analysis Schedule Fair Value (80%) (20%)
Company fair value ........................................... $646,000 $512,000 $134,000*
Fair value of net assets excluding goodwill ...... 670,000 536,000 134,000
Gain on acquisition ........................................... $ (24,000) $ (24,000) N/A
*must at least equal fair value of assets

Determination and Distribution of Excess Schedule

Company Parent NCI
Implied Price Value
Fair Value (80%) (20%)
Price paid for investment ........... $646,000 $512,000 $134,000
Less book value of interest acquired:
Common stock ($5 par) .......... $ 50,000
Paid-in capital in excess of par 130,000
Retained earnings .................. 370,000
Total equity ......................... $550,000 $550,000 $550,000
Interest acquired..................... 80% 20%
Book value ................................. $440,000 $110,000
Excess of fair value over book
value ....................................... $96,000 $ 72,000 $ 24,000

Adjustment of identifiable accounts:

Adjustment Key
Inventory ($400,000 fair
$280,000 book value) ............. $ 120,000 debit D1
Property, plant and equipment
($500,000 fair $400,000
book value) ............................. 100,000 debit D2
Goodwill ($0 fair $100,000
book value) ............................. $(100,000) credit D3
Gain on acquisition .................... (24,000) credit D4
Total ................................... $ 96,000

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Ch. 2Exercises

Exercise 2-7 Concluded

(2) Elimination entries:

Common Stock ($5 par) (80%) ................................................. 40,000
Paid-In Capital in Excess of Par (80%)..................................... 104,000
Retained Earnings (80%).......................................................... 296,000
Investment in Sundown Company ....................................... 440,000
Inventory ................................................................................... 120,000
Property, Plant, and Equipment ................................................ 100,000
Goodwill ............................................................................... 100,000
Gain on Acquisition (Venus retained earnings) .................... 24,000
Investment in Sundown Company (excess remaining) ........ 72,000
Noncontrolling Interest (to adjust to fair value) ..................... 24,000


(1) Company Parent NCI

Implied Price Value
Value Analysis Schedule Fair Value (80%) (20%)
Company fair value ........................................... $450,000 $360,000* $90,000
Fair value of net assets excluding goodwill ...... 390,000 312,000 78,000
Goodwill ............................................................ $ 60,000 $ 48,000 $12,000
*1,000 prior shares included at $45 ($315,000/7,000 shares) per share, the market value
on 1/1/X6.

Determination and Distribution of Excess Schedule

Company Parent NCI
Implied Price Value
Fair Value (80%) (20%)
Fair value of subsidiary .............. $450,000 $360,000 $ 90,000
Less book value of interest acquired:
Common stock ($10 par) ........ $100,000
Retained earnings .................. 240,000
Total equity ......................... $340,000 $340,000 $340,000
Interest acquired..................... 80% 20%
Book value ................................. $272,000 $ 68,000
Excess of fair value over book
value ....................................... $110,000 $ 88,000 $ 22,000

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Ch. 2Exercises

Exercise 2-8 Concluded

Adjustment of identifiable accounts:

Adjustment Key
Equipment ($150,000 fair
$100,000 book value) ............. $ 50,000 debit D1
Goodwill ..................................... 60,000 debit D2
Total ................................... $110,000

(2) Investment in Doyle .................................................................. 315,000

Cash ..................................................................................... 315,000
Investment in Doyle (1,000 $45) ............................................ 45,000
Available-for-Sale Investment .............................................. 40,000
Unrealized Gain on Investment ............................................ 5,000
Note: Applicable allowance for market value adjustment would also be reversed.


(1) Investment in Craig Company .................................................. 950,000

Cash ..................................................................................... 950,000

(2) Company Parent NCI

Implied Price Value
Value Analysis Schedule Fair Value (100%) (0%)
Company fair value ........................................... $950,000 $950,000 N/A
Fair value of net assets excluding goodwill ...... 900,000
Goodwill ............................................................ $ 50,000

Determination and Distribution of Excess Schedule

Company Parent NCI
Implied Price Value
Fair Value (100%) (0%)
Fair value of subsidiary .............. $950,000 $950,000 N/A
Less book value of interest acquired:
Common stock ($10 par) ........ $300,000
Retained earnings .................. 420,000
Total equity ......................... $720,000 $720,000
Interest acquired..................... 100%
Book value ................................. $720,000
Excess of fair value over book
value ....................................... $230,000 $230,000

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Ch. 2Exercises

Exercise 2-9 Concluded

Adjustment of identifiable accounts:

Adjustment Key
Land ($250,000 fair $200,000
book value) ............................. $ 50,000 debit D1
Building ($700,000 fair
$600,000 book value) ............. 100,000 debit D2
Discount on bonds payable
($280,000 fair $300,000
book value) ............................. 20,000 debit D3
Deferred tax liability ($40,000
fair $50,000 book value) ...... 10,000 debit D4
Goodwill ..................................... 50,000 debit D5
Total ....................................... $230,000

(3) Adjustments on Craig books:

Land .......................................................................................... 50,000
Building ..................................................................................... 100,000
Discount on Bonds Payable...................................................... 20,000
Goodwill .................................................................................... 50,000
Deferred Tax Liability ................................................................ 10,000
Retained Earnings .................................................................... 420,000
Paid-In Capital in Excess of Par ........................................... 650,000

(4) Elimination entries:

Common Stock ......................................................................... 300,000
Paid-In Capital in Excess of Par ............................................... 650,000
Investment in Craig Company .............................................. 950,000

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Ch. 2Exercises



Company Parent NCI
Implied Price Value
Value Analysis Schedule Fair Value (60%)b (40%)c
Company fair value .................................................. $5,000a $3,000 $2,000
Fair value of net assets excluding goodwill .............. 3,000 1,800 1,200
Goodwill ................................................................... $2,000 $1,200 $ 800
Values are prior to acquisition (200 shares $25 market value).
Subsequent to acquisition, Private Company is the parent with 60% ownership; prior to acqui-
sition, Private Company has 0% ownership of Public Company.
Prior to acquisition, this represents 100% ownership of Public Company; subsequent to acqui-
sition, these holders of 100 shares of Public Company become the 40% NCI.

Determination and Distribution of Excess Schedule

Company Parent NCI
Implied Price Value
Fair Value (60%) (40%)
Fair value of subsidiary ..................... $5,000 $3,000 $2,000
Less book value of interest acquired:
Common stock ($1 par)............... $ 200
Paid-in capital in excess of par ... 800
Retained earnings ....................... 1,000
Total equity ............................ $2,000 $2,000 $2,000
Interest acquired ......................... 60% 40%
Book value ........................................ $1,200 800
Excess of fair value over book
value............................................ $3,000 $1,800 $1,200

Adjustment of identifiable accounts:

Adjustment Key
Fixed assets ($3,000 fair
$2,000 book value)...................... $1,000 debit D1
Goodwill ............................................ 2,000 debit D2
Total ...................................... $3,000

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Ch. 2Problems



(1) Investment in Duke Company................................................... 630,000*

Common Stock ($10 par) ..................................................... 180,000
Paid-In Capital in Excess of Par ........................................... 450,000
*18,000 shares $35
Acquisition Expense (close to retained earnings) ..................... 25,000
Cash ..................................................................................... 25,000

(2) Company Parent NCI

Implied Price Value
Value Analysis Schedule Fair Value (100%) (0%)
Company fair value ........................................... $630,000 $630,000 N/A
Fair value of net assets excluding goodwill ...... 400,000 400,000
Goodwill ............................................................ $230,000 $230,000

Determination and Distribution of Excess Schedule

Company Parent NCI
Implied Price Value
Fair Value (100%) (0%)
Fair value of subsidiary .............. $630,000 $630,000 N/A
Less book value of interest acquired:
Common stock ($10 par) ........ $200,000
Retained earnings .................. 140,000
Total equity ......................... $340,000 $340,000
Interest acquired..................... 100%
Book value ................................. $340,000
Excess of fair value over book
value ....................................... $290,000 $290,000

Adjustment of identifiable accounts:

Adjustment Key
Inventory ($65,000 fair
$60,000 book value) ............... $ 5,000 debit D1
Land ($100,000 fair $40,000
book value) ............................. 60,000 debit D2
Building ($150,000 fair
$120,000 book value) ............. 30,000 debit D3
Equipment ($75,000 fair
$110,000 book value) ............. (35,000) credit D4
Goodwill ..................................... 230,000 debit D5
Total ................................... $290,000

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Ch. 2Problems

Problem 2-1 Concluded

(3) Rose Company and Subsidiary Duke Company

Consolidated Balance Sheet
July 1, 20X6
Current assets:
Other assets ......................................................................... $ 95,000*
Inventory (including $5,000 adjustment) .............................. 185,000
$ 280,000
Long-lived assets:
Land (including $60,000 increase) ....................................... $200,000
Building (including $30,000 increase) .................................. 450,000
Equipment (including $35,000 decrease) ............................. 505,000
Goodwill ............................................................................... 230,000 1,385,000
Total assets .............................................................................. $1,665,000

Liabilities and Stockholders Equity

Current liabilities ....................................................................... $ 240,000
Stockholders equity:
Common stock ..................................................................... $580,000
Paid-in capital in excess of par ............................................ 450,000
Retained earnings ................................................................ 395,000**
Total stockholders equity ......................................................... 1,425,000
Total liabilities and stockholders equity.................................... $1,665,000
*$50,000 + $70,000 less $25,000 acquisition costs
**$420,000 less $25,000 acquisition costs


(1) Investment in Duke Company................................................... 490,000*

Common Stock ($10 par) ..................................................... 140,000
Paid-In Capital in Excess of Par ........................................... 350,000
*14,000 shares $35
Acquisition Expense (close to retained earnings) ..................... 25,000
Cash ..................................................................................... 25,000

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Ch. 2Problems

Problem 2-2, Continued

(2) Company Parent NCI

Implied Price Value
Value Analysis Schedule Fair Value (80%) (20%)
Company fair value ........................................... $612,500 $490,000 $122,500
Fair value of net assets excluding goodwill ...... 400,000 320,000 80,000
Goodwill ............................................................ $212,500 $170,000 $ 42,500

Determination and Distribution of Excess Schedule

Company Parent NCI
Implied Price Value
Fair Value (80%) (20%)
Fair value of subsidiary .............. $612,500 $490,000 $122,500
Less book value of interest acquired:
Common stock ($10 par) ........ $200,000
Retained earnings .................. 140,000
Total equity ......................... $340,000 $340,000 $340,000
Interest acquired..................... 80% 20%
Book value ................................. $272,000 $ 68,000
Excess of fair value over book
value ....................................... $272,500 $218,000 $ 54,500

Adjustment of identifiable accounts:

Adjustment Key
Inventory ($65,000 fair
$60,000 book value) ............... $ 5,000 debit D1
Land ($100,000 fair
$40,000 book value) ............... 60,000 debit D2
Building ($150,000 fair
$120,000 book value) ............. 30,000 debit D3
Equipment ($75,000 fair
$110,000 book value) ............. (35,000) credit D4
Goodwill ..................................... 212,500 debit D5
Total ................................... $272,500

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Ch. 2Problems

Problem 2-2, Concluded

(3) Rose Company and Subsidiary Duke Company

Consolidated Balance Sheet
July 1, 20X6
Current assets:
Other assets ......................................................................... $ 95,000*
Inventory (including $5,000 adjustment) .............................. 185,000
$ 280,000
Long-lived assets:
Land (including $60,000 increase) ....................................... $200,000
Building (including $30,000 increase) .................................. 450,000
Equipment (including $35,000 decrease) ............................. 505,000
Goodwill ............................................................................... 212,500 1,367,500
Total assets .............................................................................. $1,647,500

Liabilities and Stockholders Equity

Current liabilities ....................................................................... $ 240,000
Stockholders equity:
Common stock ..................................................................... $540,000
Paid-in capital in excess of par ............................................ 350,000
Retained earnings ................................................................ 395,000**
Noncontrolling interest (from D&D schedule, fair value) ...... 122,500
Total stockholders equity ......................................................... 1,407,500
Total liabilities and stockholders equity.................................... $1,647,500
*$50,000 + $70,000 less $25,000 acquisition costs
**$420,000 less $25,000 acquisition costs


(1) Investment in Entro Corporation ............................................... 400,000

Cash ..................................................................................... 400,000

(2) Company Parent NCI

Implied Price Value
Value Analysis Schedule Fair Value (100%) (0%)
Company fair value ........................................... $400,000 $400,000 N/A
Fair value of net assets excluding goodwill ...... 420,000 420,000
Gain on acquisition (retained earnings) ............ $ (20,000) $ (20,000)

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Ch. 2Problems

Problem 2-3, Concluded

Determination and Distribution of Excess Schedule

Company Parent NCI
Implied Price Value
Fair Value (100%) (0%)
Price paid for investment ........... $400,000 $400,000 N/A
Less book value of interest acquired:
Common stock ($5 par) .......... $ 50,000
Paid-in capital in excess of par 250,000
Retained earnings .................. 70,000
Total equity ......................... $370,000 $370,000
Interest acquired..................... 100%
Book value ................................. $370,000
Excess of fair value over book
value ....................................... $ 30,000 $ 30,000

Adjustment of identifiable accounts:

Adjustment Key
Inventory ($100,000 fair
$80,000 book value) ............... $ 20,000 debit D1
Land ($40,500 fair $40,000
book value) ............................. 500 debit D2
Building ($202,500 fair
$180,000 net book value) ....... 22,500 debit D3
Equipment ($162,000 fair
$160,000 net book value) ....... 2,000 debit D4
Discount on bonds payable
($95,000 fair $100,000
book value) ............................. 5,000 debit D5
Gain on acquisition .................... (20,000) credit D6
Total ....................................... $ 30,000

(3) Elimination entries:

Common StockEntro ............................................................. 50,000
Paid-In Capital in Excess of ParEntro ................................... 250,000
Retained EarningsEntro ........................................................ 70,000
Investment in Entro Corporation .......................................... 370,000
Inventory ................................................................................... 20,000
Land .......................................................................................... 500
Building ..................................................................................... 22,500
Equipment................................................................................. 2,000
Discount on Bonds Payable...................................................... 5,000
Retained Earnings, Carlson (controlling gain) ...................... 20,000
Investment in Entro Corporation .......................................... 30,000

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(1) Investment in Express Corporation........................................... 320,000

Cash ..................................................................................... 320,000

(2) Company Parent NCI

Implied Price Value
Value Analysis Schedule Fair Value (80%) (20%)
Company fair value ........................................... $405,400** $320,000 $85,400*
Fair value of net assets excluding goodwill ...... 427,000 341,600 85,400
Gain on acquisition (retained earnings) ............ $ (21,600) $ (21,600) $ 0
*NCI minimum allowed is equal to fair value of net assets
**Parents 80% + NCIs minimum

Determination and Distribution of Excess Schedule

Company Parent NCI
Implied Price Value
Fair Value (80%) (20%)
Price paid for investment ........... $405,400 $320,000 $ 85,400
Less book value of interest acquired:
Common stock ($10 par) ........ $ 50,000
Paid-in capital in excess of par 250,000
Retained earnings .................. 70,000
Total equity ......................... $370,000 $370,000 $370,000
Interest acquired..................... 80% 20%
Book value ................................. $296,000 $ 74,000
Excess of fair value over book
value ....................................... $ 35,400 $ 24,000 $ 11,400

Adjustment of identifiable accounts:

Adjustment Key
Inventory ($100,000 fair
$80,000 book value) ............... $ 20,000 debit D1
Land ($50,000 fair $40,000
book value) ............................. 10,000 debit D2
Buildings ($200,000 fair
$180,000 net book value) ....... 20,000 debit D3
Equipment ($162,000 fair
$160,000 net book value) ....... 2,000 debit D4
Discount on bonds payable
($95,000 fair $100,000
book value) ............................. 5,000 debit D5
Gain on acquisition .................... (21,600) credit D6
Total ................................... $ 35,400

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Ch. 2Problems

Problem 2-4, Concluded

(3) Elimination entries:

Common StockExpress ($50,000 80%) ............................. 40,000
Paid-In Capital in Excess of ParExpress ($250,000 80%) . 200,000
Retained EarningsExpress ($70,000 80%) ........................ 56,000
Investment in Express Corporation ...................................... 296,000
Inventory ................................................................................... 20,000
Land .......................................................................................... 10,000
Buildings ................................................................................... 20,000
Equipment................................................................................. 2,000
Discount on Bonds Payable...................................................... 5,000
Retained EarningsPenson (controlling gain) .................... 21,600
Investment in Express Corporation ...................................... 24,000
Retained EarningsExpress (NCI equity share) ................. 11,400


(1) Investment in Robby Corporation ............................................. 480,000

Cash ..................................................................................... 480,000

(2) Company Parent NCI

Implied Price Value
Value Analysis Schedule Fair Value (100%) (0%)
Company fair value ........................................... $480,000 $480,000 N/A
Fair value of net assets excluding goodwill ...... 417,000 417,000
Goodwill ............................................................ $ 63,000 $ 63,000

Determination and Distribution of Excess Schedule

Company Parent NCI
Implied Price Value
Fair Value (100%) (0%)
Fair value of subsidiary .............. $480,000 $480,000 N/A
Less book value of interest acquired:
Common stock ($5 par) .......... $ 50,000
Paid-in capital in excess of par 250,000
Retained earnings .................. 70,000
Total equity ......................... $370,000 $370,000
Interest acquired..................... 100%
Book value ................................. $370,000
Excess of fair value over book
value ....................................... $110,000 $110,000

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Ch. 2Problems

Problem 2-5, Concluded

Adjustment of identifiable accounts:

Adjustment Key
Inventory ($100,000 fair
$80,000 book value) ............... $ 20,000 debit D1
Land ($55,000 fair $40,000
book value) ............................. 15,000 debit D2
Buildings ($200,000 fair
$180,000 net book value) ....... 20,000 debit D3
Equipment ($150,000 fair
$160,000 net book value) ....... (10,000) credit D4
Discount on bonds payable
($98,000 fair $100,000
book value) ............................. 2,000 debit D5
Goodwill ..................................... 63,000 debit D6
Total ................................... $110,000

(3) Retained Earnings .................................................................... 70,000

Inventory ................................................................................... 20,000
Land .......................................................................................... 15,000
Buildings ................................................................................... 20,000
Discount on Bonds Payable...................................................... 2,000
Goodwill .................................................................................... 63,000
Equipment ............................................................................ 10,000
Paid-In Capital in Excess of Par* ......................................... 180,000
*$70,000 retained earnings + $110,000 excess of cost


(1) Company Parent NCI

Implied Price Value
Value Analysis Schedule Fair Value (100%) (0%)
Company fair value ........................................... $475,000 $475,000 N/A
Fair value of net assets excluding goodwill ...... 335,000 335,000
Goodwill ............................................................ $140,000 $140,000

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Ch. 2Problems

Problem 2-6, Continued

Determination and Distribution of Excess Schedule

Company Parent NCI
Implied Price Value
Fair Value (100%) (0%)
Fair value of subsidiary .............. $475,000 $475,000 N/A
Less book value of interest acquired:
Common stock ($5 par) .......... $ 50,000
Paid-in capital in excess of par 70,000
Retained earnings .................. 130,000
Total equity ......................... $250,000 $250,000
Interest acquired..................... 100%
Book value ................................. $250,000
Excess of fair value over book
value ....................................... $225,000 $225,000

Adjustment of identifiable accounts:

Adjustment Key
Inventory ($140,000 fair
$120,000 book value) ............. $ 20,000 debit D1
Land ($45,000 fair $35,000
book value) ............................. 10,000 debit D2
Building and equipment
($225,000 fair 180,000
net book value) ....................... 45,000 debit D3
Copyright ($25,000 fair
$10,000 book value) ............... 15,000 debit D4
Premium on bonds payable
($105,000 fair $100,000
book value) ............................. (5,000) credit D5
Goodwill ($475,000
$335,000) ............................... 140,000 debit D6
Total ................................... $225,000

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Ch. 2Problems

Problem 2-6, Concluded

(2) Adam Company and Subsidiary Sampson Company

Worksheet for Consolidated Balance Sheet
December 31, 20X1
Eliminations Consolidated
Balance Sheet and Adjustments Balance
Adam Sampson Dr. Cr. Sheet
Cash ........................................... 160,000 40,000 ............. ............ 200,000
Accounts Receivable.................. 70,000 30,000 ............. ............ 100,000
Inventory..................................... 130,000 120,000 (D1) 20,000 ............ 270,000
Investment in Sampson.............. 475,000 ............ ............. (EL)
...................................... 250,000
............ ............ ............. (D) 225,000 ...........
Land ........................................... 50,000 35,000 (D2) 10,000 ............ 95,000
Buildings and Equipment ........... 350,000 230,000 (D3) 45,000 ............ 625,000
Accumulated Depreciation ......... (100,000) (50,000) ............. ............ (150,000)
Copyrights .................................. 40,000 10,000 (D4) 15,000 ............ 65,000
Goodwill...................................... ............ ............ (D6) 140,000 ............ 140,000
Current Liabilities ....................... (192,000) (65,000) ............. ............ (257,000)
Bonds Payable ........................... ............ (100,000) ............. ............ (100,000)
Discount (premium) .................... ............ ............ ............. (D5) 5,000 (5,000)
Common StockSampson ........ ............ (50,000) (EL) 50,000 ............ ............
Paid-In Capital in Excess of
ParSampson........................ ............ (70,000) (EL) 70,000 ............ ............
Retained EarningsSampson ... ............ (130,000) (EL) 130,000 ............ ............
Common StockAdam.............. (100,000) .......... ............. ............ (100,000
Paid-In Capital in Excess of
ParAdam ............................. (250,000) .......... ............. ............ (250,000
Retained EarningsAdam......... (633,000) .......... ............. ............ (633,000
Totals ...................................... 0 0 480,000
480,000 ................................... 0
Eliminations and Adjustments:
(EL) Eliminate investment in subsidiary against subsidiary equity accounts.
(D) Distribute $225,000 excess of cost over book value to:
(D1) Inventory, $20,000.
(D2) Land, $10,000.
(D3) Buildings and equipment, $45,000.
(D4) Copyrights, $15,000.
(D5) Premium on bonds payable, ($5,000).
(D6) Goodwill, $140,000.

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Ch. 2Problems


(1) Company Parent NCI

Implied Price Value
Value Analysis Schedule Fair Value (80%) (20%)
Company fair value ........................................... $475,000 $380,000 $95,000
Fair value of net assets excluding goodwill ...... 335,000 268,000 67,000
Goodwill ............................................................ $140,000 $112,000 $28,000

Determination and Distribution of Excess Schedule

Company Parent NCI
Implied Price Value
Fair Value (100%) (0%)
Fair value of subsidiary .............. $475,000 $380,000 $ 95,000
Less book value of interest acquired:
Common stock ($5 par) .......... $ 50,000
Paid-in capital in excess of par 70,000
Retained earnings .................. 130,000
Total equity ......................... $250,000 $250,000 $250,000
Interest acquired..................... 80% 20%
Book value ................................. $200,000 $ 50,000
Excess of fair value over book
value ....................................... $225,000 $180,000 $ 45,000

Adjustment of identifiable accounts:

Adjustment Key
Inventory ($140,000 fair
$120,000 book value) ............. $ 20,000 debit D1
Land ($45,000 fair $35,000
book value) ............................. 10,000 debit D2
Buildings and equipment
($225,000 fair $180,000
net book value) ....................... 45,000 debit D3
Copyrights ($25,000 fair
$10,000 book value) ............... 15,000 debit D4
Premium on bonds payable
($105,000 fair $100,000
book value) ............................. (5,000) credit D5
Goodwill ..................................... 140,000 debit D6
Total ....................................... $225,000

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Ch. 2Problems

Problem 2-7, Concluded

(2) Adam Company and Subsidiary Sampson Company

Worksheet for Consolidated Balance Sheet
December 31, 20X1
Eliminations Consolidated
Balance Sheet and Adjustments Balance
Adam Sampson Dr. Cr. NCI Sheet
Cash ....................................... 255,000 40,000 ............. ............ ............ 295,000
Accounts Receivable .............. 70,000 30,000 ............. ............ ............ 100,000
Inventory ................................. 130,000 120,000(D1) 20,000 ............ ............
Investment in Sampson .......... 380,000 ........... ............. (EL) 200,000 ............
............ ............. (D) 180,000 ........... ............

Land........................................ 50,000 35,000(D2) 10,000 ............ ............

Buildings and Equipment........ 350,000 230,000(D3) 45,000 ............ ............
Accumulated Depreciation ..... (100,000) (50,000) ............. ............ ............ (150,000)
Copyrights .............................. 40,000 10,000(D4) 15,000 ............ ............
Goodwill .................................. ............ (D6) 140,000 ............ ............
Current Liabilities .................... (192,000) (65,000) ............. ............ ............ (257,000)
Bonds Payable ....................... ............ (100,000) ............. ............ ............ (100,000)
Discount (premium) ................ ............ ............. (D5) 5,000 ...........
Common StockSampson .... ............ (50,000)(EL) 40,000 ............ (10,000)
Paid-In Capital in Excess of
ParSampson .................... ............ (70,000)(EL) 56,000 ............ (14,000)
Retained EarningsSampson ............ (130,000)(EL) 104,000 (NCI) 45,000
(71,000) ...............................
Common StockAdam .......... (100,000) .......... ............. ............ ............
Paid-In Capital in Excess of
ParAdam .......................... (250,000) .......... ............. ............ ............
Retained EarningsAdam ..... (633,000) .......... ............. ............
Noncontrolling Interest ........... ............ ............ ............. ............ (95,000)
Totals................................... 0 0 430,000 430,000 0
.......................................... 0
Eliminations and Adjustments:
(EL) Eliminate investment in subsidiary against 80% of the subsidiary equity accounts.
(D)/(NCI) Distribute $180,000 excess of cost over book value and $45,000 NCI adjustment to:
(D1) Inventory, $20,000.
(D2) Land, $10,000.
(D3) Buildings and equipment, $45,000.
(D4) Copyrights, $15,000.

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(D5) Premium on bonds payable, ($5,000).

(D6) Goodwill, $140,000.

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Ch. 2Problems


(1) Company Parent NCI

Implied Price Value
Value Analysis Schedule Fair Value (100%) (0%)
Company fair value ........................................... $410,000 $410,000 N/A
Fair value of net assets excluding goodwill ...... 365,000 365,000
Goodwill ............................................................ $ 45,000 $ 45,000

Determination and Distribution of Excess Schedule

Company Parent NCI
Implied Price Value
Fair Value (100%) (0%)
Fair value of subsidiary .............. $410,000 $410,000 N/A
Less book value of interest acquired:
Common stock ($1 par) .......... $ 10,000
Paid-in capital in excess of par 90,000
Retained earnings .................. 60,000
Total equity ......................... $160,000 $160,000
Interest acquired..................... 100%
Book value ................................. $160,000
Excess of fair value over book
value ....................................... $250,000 $250,000

Adjustment of identifiable accounts:

Adjustment Key
Inventory ($55,000 fair
$50,000 book value) ............... $ 5,000 debit D1
Land ($70,000 fair $40,000
book value) ............................. 30,000 debit D2
Building ($250,000 fair
$150,000 net book value) ....... 100,000 debit D3
Equipment ($60,000 fair
$40,000 net book value) ......... 20,000 debit D4
Copyright ($50,000 fair
$0 book value) ........................ 50,000 debit D5
Goodwill ..................................... 45,000 debit D6
Total ................................... $250,000

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Ch. 2Problems

Problem 2-8 Concluded

(2) Pantera Company and Subsidiary Sail Company

Worksheet for Consolidated Balance Sheet
January 1, 20X1
Eliminations Consolidated
Balance Sheet and Adjustments Balance
Pantera Sail Dr. Cr. Sheet
Cash ....................................... 51,000 ........... ............. ............
Accounts Receivable .............. 65,000 20,000 ............. ............ 85,000
Inventory ................................. 80,000 50,000(D1) 5,000 ............
Investment in Sail ................... 410,000 ........... ............. (EL) 160,000 .........
............ ............ ............. (D) 250,000 ............

Land........................................ 100,000 40,000(D2) 30,000 ............

Buildings ................................. 250,000 200,000(D3) 100,000 ............
Accumulated Depreciation ..... (80,000) (50,000) ............. ............ (130,000)
Equipment .............................. 90,000 60,000(D4) 20,000 ............
Accumulated Depreciation ..... (40,000) (20,000) ............. ............ (60,000)
Copyright ................................ ............ ............ (D5) 50,000 ............
Goodwill .................................. ............ ............ (D6) 45,000 ............
Current Liabilities .................... (80,000) (40,000) ............. ............ (120,000)
Bonds Payable ....................... (200,000) (100,000) ............. ............ (300,000)
Common Stock ($1 par)
Sail ...................................... ............ (10,000)(EL) 10,000 ............ ............

Paid-In Capital in Excess of

ParSail ............................. ............ (90,000)(EL) 90,000 ............ ............

Retained EarningsSail ........ (60,000)(EL) 60,000 ............ ............

Common StockPantera....... (20,000) .......... ............. ............

Paid-In Capital in Excess of
ParPantera ...................... (180,000) .......... ............. ............
Retained EarningsPantera.. (446,000) .......... ............. ............
Totals................................... 0 0 410,000 410,000 .........
Noncontrolling Interest ....................................................................................................... ............
Controlling Retained Earnings............................................................................................ ............
Totals............................................................................................................................... 0
Eliminations and Adjustments:
(EL) Eliminate the investment in the subsidiary against the subsidiary equity accounts.
(D) Distribute $250,000 excess of cost over book value as follows:

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(D1) Inventory, $5,000.

(D2) Land, $30,000.
(D3) Buildings, $100,000.
(D4) Equipment, $20,000.
(D5) Copyright, $50,000.
(D6) Goodwill, $45,000.

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Ch. 2Problems


(1) Company Parent NCI

Implied Price Value
Value Analysis Schedule Fair Value (100%) (0%)
Company fair value ........................................... $ 250,000$ 250,000 N/A
Fair value of net assets excluding goodwill ...... 365,000 365,000
Gain on acquisition ........................................... $(115,000) $(115,000)

Determination and Distribution of Excess Schedule

Company Parent NCI
Implied Price Value
Fair Value (100%) (0%)
Price paid for investment ........... $250,000 $250,000 N/A
Less book value of interest acquired:
Common stock ($1 par) .......... $ 10,000
Paid-in capital in excess of par 90,000
Retained earnings .................. 60,000
Total equity ......................... $160,000 $160,000
Interest acquired..................... 100%
Book value ................................. $160,000
Excess of fair value over book
value ....................................... $ 90,000 $ 90,000

Adjustment of identifiable accounts:

Adjustment Key
Inventory ($55,000 fair
$50,000 book value) ............... $ 5,000 debit D1
Land ($70,000 fair
$40,000 book value) ............... 30,000 debit D2
Building ($250,000 fair
$150,000 book value) ............. 100,000 debit D3
Equipment ($60,000 fair
$40,000 book value) ............... 20,000 debit D4
Copyright ($50,000 fair
$0 book value) ........................ 50,000 debit D5
Gain on acquisition
($250,000 $365,000) ........... (115,000) credit D6
Total ................................... $ 90,000

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Ch. 2Problems

Problem 2-9 Concluded

(2) Pantera Company and Subsidiary Sail Company

Worksheet for Consolidated Balance Sheet
January 1, 20X1
Eliminations Consolidated
Balance Sheet and Adjustments Balance
Pantera Sail Dr. Cr. Sheet
Cash ....................................... 211,000 ........... ............. ............
Accounts Receivable .............. 65,000 20,000 ............. ............ 85,000
Inventory ................................. 80,000 50,000(D1) 5,000 ............
Investment in Sail ................... 250,000 ........... ............. (EL) 160,000 .........
............ ............ ............. (D) 90,000 ............

Land........................................ 100,000 40,000(D2) 30,000 ............

Buildings ................................. 250,000 200,000(D3) 100,000 ............
Accumulated Depreciation ..... (80,000) (50,000) ............. ............ (130,000)
Equipment .............................. 90,000 60,000(D4) 20,000 ............
Accumulated Depreciation ..... (40,000) (20,000) ............. ............ (60,000)
Copyright ................................ ............ ............ (D5) 50,000 ............
Goodwill .................................. ............ ............ ............. ............ ............
Current Liabilities .................... (80,000) (40,000) ............. ............ (120,000)
Bonds Payable ....................... (200,000) (100,000) ............. ............ (300,000)
Common Stock ($1 par)
Sail ...................................... ............ (10,000)(EL) 10,000 ............ ............

Paid-In Capital in Excess of

ParSail ............................. ............ (90,000)(EL) 90,000 ............ ............

Retained EarningsSail ........ ............ (60,000)(EL) 60,000 ............ ............

Common StockPantera....... (20,000) .......... ............. ............

Paid-In Capital in Excess of
ParPantera ...................... (180,000) .......... ............. ............
Retained EarningsPantera.. (446,000) .......... ............. (D6) 115,000
Totals................................... 0 0 365,000 365,000 .........
Noncontrolling Interest ....................................................................................................... ............
Controlling Retained Earnings............................................................................................ ............
Totals............................................................................................................................... .......... 0
Eliminations and Adjustments:
(EL) Eliminate the investment in the subsidiary against the subsidiary equity accounts.
(D) Distribute $90,000 excess of cost over book value as follows:
(D1) Inventory, $5,000.

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(D2) Land, $30,000.

(D3) Buildings, $100,000.
(D4) Equipment, $20,000.
(D5) Copyright, $50,000.
(D6) Gain on acquisition (closed to Panteras retained earnings), $115,000.

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Ch. 2Problems


(1) Company Parent NCI

Implied Price Value
Value Analysis Schedule Fair Value (80%) (20%)
Company fair value ........................................... $450,000 $360,000 $90,000
Fair value of net assets excluding goodwill ...... 365,000 292,000 73,000
Goodwill ............................................................ $ 85,000 $ 68,000 $17,000

Determination and Distribution of Excess Schedule

Company Parent NCI
Implied Price Value
Fair Value (80%) (20%)
Fair value of subsidiary .............. $450,000 $360,000 $ 90,000
Less book value of interest acquired:
Common stock ($1 par) .......... $ 10,000
Paid-in capital in excess of par 90,000
Retained earnings .................. 60,000
Total equity ......................... $160,000 $160,000 $160,000
Interest acquired..................... 80% 20%
Book value ................................. $128,000 $ 32,000
Excess of fair value over book
value ....................................... $290,000 $232,000 $ 58,000

Adjustment of identifiable accounts:

Adjustment Key
Inventory ($55,000 fair
$50,000 book value) ............... $ 5,000 debit D1
Land ($70,000 fair
$40,000 book value) ............... 30,000 debit D2
Buildings ($250,000 fair
$150,000 net book value) ....... 100,000 debit D3
Equipment ($60,000 fair
$40,000 net book value) ......... 20,000 debit D4
Copyright ($50,000 fair
$0 book value) ........................ 50,000 debit D5
Goodwill ..................................... 85,000 debit D6
Total ....................................... $290,000

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Ch. 2Problems

Problem 2-10 Concluded

(2) Pantera Company and Subsidiary Sail Company

Worksheet for Consolidated Balance Sheet
January 1, 20X1
Eliminations Consolidated
Balance Sheet and Adjustments Balance
Pantera Sail Dr. Cr. NCI Sheet
Cash ....................................... 101,000 ........... ............. ............ ............
Accounts Receivable .............. 65,000 20,000 ............. ............ ............ 85,000
Inventory ................................. 80,000 50,000(D1) 5,000 ............ ............
Investment in Sail ................... 360,000 ........... ............. (EL) 128,000 ............
............ ............ ............. (D) 232,000 ........... ............

Land........................................ 100,000 40,000(D2) 30,000 ............ ............

Buildings ................................. 250,000 200,000(D3) 100,000 ............ ............
Accumulated Depreciation ..... (80,000) (50,000) ............. ............ ............ (130,000)
Equipment .............................. 90,000 60,000(D4) 20,000 ............ ............
Accumulated Depreciation ..... (40,000) (20,000) ............. ............ ............ (60,000)
Copyright ................................ ............ ............ (D5) 50,000 ............ ............
Goodwill .................................. ............ ............ (D6) 85,000 ............ ............
Current Liabilities .................... (80,000) (40,000) ............. ............ ............ (120,000)
Bonds Payable ....................... (200,000) (100,000) ............. ............ ............ (300,000)
Common Stock ($1 par)
Sail ...................................... ............ (10,000)(EL) 8,000 ............ (2,000) .

Paid-In Capital in Excess of

ParSail ............................. ............ (90,000)(EL) 72,000 ............ (18,000)
Retained EarningsSail ........ ............ (60,000)(EL) 48,000 (NCI) 58,000
(70,000) ...............................
Common StockPantera....... (20,000) .......... ............. ............ ............
Paid-In Capital in Excess of
ParPantera ...................... (180,000) .......... ............. ............ ............
Retained EarningsPantera.. (446,000) .......... ............. ............ ............
Totals................................... 0 0 418,000 418,000 ............
Noncontrolling Interest ....................................................................................................... (90,000)
Controlling Retained Earnings............................................................................................................... ............
Totals.................................................................................................................................................. 0
Eliminations and Adjustments:
(EL) Eliminate the investment in the subsidiary against the subsidiary equity accounts.

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Ch. 2Problems

(D)/(NCI) Distribute $232,000 excess and adjust NCI $58,000 (total $290,000 excess) as follows:
(D1) Inventory, $5,000.
(D2) Land, $30,000.
(D3) Buildings, $100,000.
(D4) Equipment, $20,000.
(D5) Copyright, $50,000.
(D6) Goodwill, $85,000.

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Ch. 2Problems


(1) Company Parent NCI

Implied Price Value
Value Analysis Schedule Fair Value (80%) (20%)
Company fair value ........................................... $273,000 $200,000 $73,000*
Fair value of net assets excluding goodwill ...... 365,000 292,000 73,000
Gain on acquisition ........................................... $ (92,000) $ (92,000) $ 0
*NCI minimum allowed

Determination and Distribution of Excess Schedule

Company Parent NCI
Implied Price Value
Fair Value (80%) (20%)
Price paid for investment ........... $273,000 $200,000 $ 73,000
Less book value of interest acquired:
Common stock ($1 par) .......... $ 10,000
Paid-in capital in excess of par 90,000
Retained earnings .................. 60,000
Total equity ......................... $160,000 $160,000 $160,000
Interest acquired..................... 80% 20%
Book value ................................. $128,000 $ 32,000
Excess of fair value over book
value ....................................... $113,000 $ 72,000 $ 41,000

Adjustment of identifiable accounts:

Adjustment Key
Inventory ($55,000 fair
$50,000 book value) ............... $ 5,000 debit D1
Land ($70,000 fair $40,000
book value) ............................. 30,000 debit D2
Buildings ($250,000 fair
$150,000 net book value) ....... 100,000 debit D3
Equipment ($60,000 fair
$40,000 net book value) ......... 20,000 debit D4
Copyright ($50,000 fair $0
book value) ............................. 50,000 debit D5
Gain on acquisition .................... (92,000) credit D6
Total ................................... $113,000

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Ch. 2Problems

Problem 2-11 Concluded

(2) Pantera Company and Subsidiary Sail Company

Worksheet for Consolidated Balance Sheet
January 1, 20X1
Eliminations Consolidated
Balance Sheet and Adjustments Balance
Pantera Sail Dr. Cr. NCI Sheet
Cash ....................................... 261,000 ........... ............. ............ ............
Accounts Receivable .............. 65,000 20,000 ............. ............ ............ 85,000
Inventory ................................. 80,000 50,000(D1) 5,000 ............ ............
Investment in Sail ................... 200,000 ........... ............. (EL) 128,000 ............
............ ............ ............. (D) 72,000 ........... ............

Land........................................ 100,000 40,000(D2) 30,000 ............ ............

Buildings ................................. 250,000 200,000(D3) 100,000 ............ ............
Accumulated Depreciation ..... (80,000) (50,000) ............. ............ ............ (130,000)
Equipment .............................. 90,000 60,000(D4) 20,000 ............ ............
Accumulated Depreciation ..... (40,000) (20,000) ............. ............ ............ (60,000)
Copyright ................................ ............ ............ (D5) 50,000 ............ ............
Goodwill .................................. ............ ............ ............. ............ ............ ............
Current Liabilities .................... (80,000) (40,000) ............. ............ ............ (120,000)
Bonds Payable ....................... (200,000) (100,000) ............. ............ ............ (300,000)
Common Stock ($1 par)
Sail ...................................... ............ (10,000)(EL) 8,000 ............ (2,000) .

Paid-In Capital in Excess of

ParSail ............................. ............ (90,000)(EL) 72,000 ............ (18,000)
Retained EarningsSail ........ (60,000)(EL) 48,000 (NCI) 41,000
(53,000) ...............................
Common StockPantera....... (20,000) .......... ............. ............ ............
Paid-In Capital in Excess of
ParPantera ...................... (180,000) .......... ............. ............ ............
Retained EarningsPantera.. (446,000) .......... ............. (D6) 92,000 .
Totals................................... 0 0 333,000 333,000 ............
Noncontrolling Interest ....................................................................................................... (73,000)
Controlling Retained Earnings............................................................................................................... ............
Totals.................................................................................................................................................. 0
Eliminations and Adjustments:
(EL) Eliminate the investment in the subsidiary against the subsidiary equity accounts.
(D)/(NCI) Distribute $72,000 excess and adjust NCI $41,000 (total $113,000 excess) as follows:

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Ch. 2Problems

(D1) Inventory, $5,000.

(D2) Land, $30,000.
(D3) Buildings, $100,000.
(D4) Equipment, $20,000.
(D5) Copyright, $50,000.
(D6) Gain on acquisition (closed to Panteras retained earnings), $92,000.

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Ch. 2Problems


(1) Company Parent NCI

Implied Price Value
Value Analysis Schedule Fair Value (100%) (0%)
Company fair value ........................................... $1,100,000 $1,100,000 N/A
Fair value of net assets excluding goodwill ...... 850,000 850,000
Goodwill ............................................................ $ 250,000 $ 250,000

Determination and Distribution of Excess Schedule

Company Parent NCI
Implied Price Value
Fair Value (100%) (0%)
Fair value of subsidiary .............. $1,100,000 $1,100,000 N/A
Less book value interest acquired:
Common stock ($1 par) .......... $ 10,000
Paid-in capital in excess of par 190,000
Retained earnings .................. 140,000
Total equity ......................... $ 340,000 $ 340,000
Interest acquired..................... 100%
Book value ................................. 340,000
Excess of fair value over book
value ....................................... $ 760,000 $ 760,000

Adjustment of identifiable accounts:

Adjustment Key
Inventory ($100,000 fair
$120,000 book value) ............. $(20,000) credit D1
Land ($200,000 fair $100,000
book value) ............................. 100,000 debit D2
Buildings ($400,000 fair
$200,000 net book value) ....... 200,000 debit D3
Equipment ($200,000 fair
$90,000 net book value) ......... 110,000 debit D4
Patent ($150,000 fair
$10,000 book value) ............... 140,000 debit D5
Computer software ($50,000
fair $0 book value) ............... 50,000 debit D6
Premium on bonds payable
($210,000 fair $200,000
book value) ............................. (10,000) credit D7
Goodwill ($250,000 fair
$60,000 book value) ............... 190,000 debit D8
Total ....................................... $760,000

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Ch. 2Problems

Problem 2-12 Concluded

(2) Purnell Corporation and Subsidiary Sentinel Corporation

Worksheet for Consolidated Balance Sheet
December 31, 20X1
Eliminations Consolidated
Balance Sheet and Adjustments Balance
Purnell Sentinel Dr. Cr. Sheet
Cash .................................... 20,000 ........... ............. ............
Accounts Receivable ........... 300,000 50,000 ............. ............ 350,000
Inventory .............................. 410,000 120,000 ............. (D1) 20,000
Investment in Sentinel ......... 1,100,000 .... ............. (EL) 340,000 .........
............ ............ ............. (D) 760,000 ............

Land..................................... 800,000 100,000(D2) 100,000 ............

Buildings .............................. 2,800,000300,000(D3) 200,000 ............
Accumulated Depreciation .. (500,000) (100,000) ............. ............ (600,000)
Equipment ........................... 600,000 140,000(D4) 110,000 ............
Accumulated Depreciation .. (230,000) (50,000) ............. ............ (280,000)
Patent .................................. ............ 10,000(D5) 140,000 ............
Computer Software ............. ............ ............ (D6) 50,000 ............
Goodwill ............................... ............ 60,000(D8) 190,000 ............
Current Liabilities ................. (150,000) (90,000) ............. ............ (240,000)
Bonds Payable .................... (300,000) (200,000) ............. ............ (500,000)
Premium on Bonds Payable ............ ............ ............. (D7) 10,000
Common StockSentinel ... ............ (10,000)(EL) 10,000 ............ ............

Paid-In Capital in Excess of

ParSentinel ................... ............ (190,000)(EL) 190,000 ............ ............

Retained EarningsSentinel ............ (140,000)(EL) 140,000 ............ ............

Common StockPurnell ..... (95,000) .......... ............. ............

Paid-In Capital in Excess of
ParPurnell ..................... (3,655,000) ... ............. ............
Retained earningsPurnell (1,100,000) ... ............. ............
Totals................................ 0 0 1,130,000 1,130,000 ......
NCI ..................................................................................................................................... ............
Totals............................................................................................................................... 0
Eliminations and Adjustments:

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Ch. 2Problems

(EL) Eliminate parent ownership interest.

(D) Distribute excess.
Distribute adjustments:
(D1) Inventory.
(D2) Land.
(D3) Buildings.
(D4) Equipment.
(D5) Patent.
(D6) Computer software.
(D8) Goodwill.

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Ch. 2Problems


(1) Company Parent NCI

Implied Price Value
Value Analysis Schedule Fair Value (100%) (0%)
Company fair value ........................................... $800,000 $800,000 N/A
Fair value of net assets excluding goodwill ...... 850,000 850,000
Gain on acquisition ........................................... $ (50,000) $ (50,000)

Determination and Distribution of Excess Schedule

Company Parent NCI
Implied Price Value
Fair Value (100%) (0%)
Price paid for investment ........... $800,000 $800,000 N/A
Less book value interest acquired:
Common stock ($1 par) .......... $ 10,000
Paid-in capital in excess of par 190,000
Retained earnings .................. 140,000
Total equity ......................... $340,000 $340,000
Interest acquired ........................ 100%
Book value ................................. $340,000
Excess of fair value over book
value ....................................... $460,000 $460,000

Adjustment of identifiable accounts:

Adjustment Key
Inventory ($100,000 fair
$120,000 book value) ............. $ (20,000) credit D1
Land ($200,000 fair
$100,000 book value) ............. 100,000 debit D2
Buildings ($400,000 fair
$200,000 net book value) ....... 200,000 debit D3
Equipment ($200,000 fair
$90,000 net book value) ......... 110,000 debit D4
Patent ($150,000 fair $10,000
book value) ............................. 140,000 debit D5
Computer software ($50,000
fair $0 book value) ............... 50,000 debit D6
Premium on bonds payable
($210,000 fair $200.000
book value) ............................. (10,000) credit D7
Goodwill ($0 fair $60,000
book value) ............................. (60,000) credit D8
Gain on acquisition .................... (50,000) credit D9
Total ................................... $460,000

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Ch. 2Problems

Problem 2-13 Concluded

(2) Purnell Corporation and Subsidiary Sentinel Corporation

Worksheet for Consolidated Balance Sheet
December 31, 20X1
Eliminations Consolidated
Balance Sheet and Adjustments Balance
Purnell Sentinel Dr. Cr. Sheet
Cash .................................... 20,000 ........... ............. ............
Accounts Receivable ........... 300,000 50,000 ............. ............ 350,000
Inventory .............................. 410,000 120,000 ............. (D1) 20,000
Investment in Sentinel ......... 800,000 .......... ............. (EL) 340,000 .........
............ ............ ............. (D) 460,000 ............

Land..................................... 800,000 100,000(D2) 100,000 ............

Buildings .............................. 2,800,000300,000(D3) 200,000 ............
Accumulated Depreciation .. (500,000) (100,000) ............. ............ (600,000)
Equipment ........................... 600,000 140,000(D4) 110,000 ............
Accumulated Depreciation .. (230,000) (50,000) ............. ............ (280,000)
Patent .................................. ............ 10,000(D5) 140,000 ............
Computer Software ............. ............ ............ (D6) 50,000 ............
Goodwill ............................... ............ 60,000 ............. (D8) 60,000 ............

Current Liabilities ................. (150,000) (90,000) ............. ............ (240,000)

Bonds Payable .................... (300,000) (200,000) ............. ............ (500,000)
Premium on Bonds Payable ............ ............ ............. (D7) 10,000
Common StockSentinel ... ............ (10,000)(EL) 10,000 ............ ............

Paid-In Capital in Excess of

ParSentinel ................... ............ (190,000)(EL) 190,000 ............ ............

Retained EarningsSentinel ............ (140,000)(EL) 140,000 ............ ............

Common StockPurnell ..... (89,000) .......... ............. ............

Paid-In Capital in Excess of
ParPurnell ..................... (3,361,000) ... ............. ............
Retained EarningsPurnell (1,100,000) ... ............. (D9) 50,000
Totals................................ 0 0 940,000 940,000 .........
NCI ..................................................................................................................................... ............
Totals............................................................................................................................... 0
Eliminations and Adjustments:

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Ch. 2Problems

(EL) Eliminate parent ownership interest.

(D) Distribute excess.
Distribute adjustments:
(D1) Inventory.
(D2) Land.
(D3) Buildings.
(D4) Equipment.
(D5) Patent.
(D6) Computer software.
(D8) Goodwill.
(D9) Acquisition gain closed to parent Retained Earnings.

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Ch. 2Problems


(1) Company Parent NCI

Implied Price Value
Value Analysis Schedule Fair Value (80%) (20%)
Company fair value ........................................... $1,187,500 $950,000 $237,500
Fair value of net assets excluding goodwill ...... 850,000 680,000 170,000
Goodwill ............................................................ $ 337,500 $270,000 $ 67,500

Determination and Distribution of Excess Schedule

Company Parent NCI
Implied Price Value
Fair Value (80%) (20%)
Fair value of subsidiary .............. $1,187,500 $950,000 $237,500
Less book value interest acquired:
Common stock ($1 par) .......... $ 10,000
Paid-in capital in excess of par 190,000
Retained earnings .................. 140,000
Total equity ......................... $ 340,000 $340,000 $340,000
Interest acquired..................... 80% 20%
Book value ................................. $272,000 $ 68,000
Excess of fair value over book
value ....................................... $ 847,500 $678,000 $169,500

Adjustment of identifiable accounts:

Adjustment Key
Inventory ($100,000 fair
$120,000 book value) ............. $(20,000) credit D1
Land ($200,000 fair
$100,000 book value) ............. 100,000 debit D2
Buildings ($400,000 fair
$200,000 net book value) ....... 200,000 debit D3
Equipment ($200,000 fair
$90,000 net book value) ......... 110,000 debit D4
Patent ($150,000 fair
$10,000 book value) ............... 140,000 debit D5
Computer software ($50,000
fair $0 book value) ............... 50,000 debit D6
Premium on bonds payable
($210,000 fair $200,000
book value) ............................. (10,000) credit D7
Goodwill ($337,500 fair
$60,000 book value) ............... 277,500 debit D8
Total ................................... $847,500

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Ch. 2Problems

Problem 2-14 Concluded

(2) Purnell Corporation and Subsidiary Sentinel Corporation

Worksheet for Consolidated Balance Sheet
December 31, 20X1
Eliminations Consolidated
Balance Sheet and Adjustments Balance
Purnell Sentinel Dr. Cr. NCI Sheet
Cash .................................... 20,000 ........... ............. ............ ............
Accounts Receivable ........... 300,000 50,000 ............. ............ ............ 350,000
Inventory .............................. 410,000 120,000 ............. (D1) 20,000 ...........
Investment in Sentinel ......... 950,000 ........... ............. (EL) 272,000 ............
............ ............ ............. (D) 678,000 ........... ............

Land..................................... 800,000 100,000(D2) 100,000 ............ ............

Buildings .............................. 2,800,000300,000(D3) 200,000 ............ ............
Accumulated Depreciation .. (500,000) (100,000) ............. ............ ............ (600,000)
Equipment ........................... 600,000 140,000(D4) 110,000 ............ ............
Accumulated Depreciation .. (230,000) (50,000) ............. ............ ............ (280,000)
Patent .................................. ............ 10,000(D5) 140,000 ............ ............
Computer Software ............. ............ ............ (D6) 50,000 ............ ............
Goodwill ............................... ............ 60,000(D8) 277,500 ............ ............
Current Liabilities ................. (150,000) (90,000) ............. ............ ............ (240,000)
Bonds Payable .................... (300,000) (200,000) ............. ............ ............ (500,000)
Premium on Bonds Payable ............ ............ ............. (D7) 10,000 ...........
Common StockSentinel ... ............ (10,000)(EL) 8,000 ............ (2,000) .

Paid-In Capital in Excess of

ParSentinel ................... ............ (190,000)(EL) 152,000 ............ (38,000)
Retained earningsSentinel ............ (140,000)(EL) 112,000 (NCI) 169,500
(197,500) ..........................
Common StockPurnell ..... (92,000) .......... ............. ............ ............
Paid-In Capital in Excess of
ParPurnell ..................... (3,508,000) ... ............. ............ ............
Retained EarningsPurnell (1,100,000) ... ............. ............ ............
Totals................................ 0 0 1,149,500 1,149,500 ............
NCI ..................................................................................................................................... (237,500)
Totals.................................................................................................................................................. 0

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Ch. 2Problems

(EL) Eliminate parent ownership interest.
(D) Distribute excess.
(NCI) Adjust NCI to fair value (credit subsidiary retained earnings).
Distribute adjustments:
(D1) Inventory.
(D2) Land.
(D3) Buildings.
(D4) Equipment.
(D5) Patent.
(D6) Computer software.
(D8) Goodwill.

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Ch. 2Problems


(1) Company Parent NCI

Implied Price Value
Value Analysis Schedule Fair Value (80%) (20%)
Company fair value ........................................... $ 670,000 $ 500,000 $170,000*
Fair value of net assets excluding goodwill ...... 850,000 680,000 170,000
Gain on acquisition ........................................... $(180,000) $(180,000) $ 0
*Must at least be equal to fair value of net assets
Determination and Distribution of Excess Schedule
Company Parent NCI
Implied Price Value
Fair Value (80%) (20%)
Price paid for investment ........... $670,000 $500,000 $170,000
Less book value interest acquired:
Common stock ($1 par) .......... $ 10,000
Paid-in capital in excess of par 190,000
Retained earnings .................. 140,000
Total equity ......................... $340,000 $340,000 $340,000
Interest acquired..................... 80% 20%
Book value ................................. $272,000 $ 68,000
Excess of fair value over book
value ....................................... $330,000 $228,000 $102,000
Adjustment of identifiable accounts:
Adjustment Key
Inventory ($100,000 fair
$120,000 book value) ............. $ (20,000) credit D1
Land ($200,000 fair
$100,000 book value) ............. 100,000 debit D2
Buildings ($400,000 fair
$200,000 net book value) ....... 200,000 debit D3
Equipment ($200,000 fair
$90,000 net book value) ......... 110,000 debit D4
Patent ($150,000 fair $10,000
book value) ............................. 140,000 debit D5
Computer software ($50,000
fair $0 book value) ............... 50,000 debit D6
Premium on bonds payable
($210,000 fair $200,000
book value) ............................. (10,000) credit D7
Goodwill ($0 fair $60,000
book value) ............................. (60,000) credit D8
Gain on acquisition .................... (180,000) credit D9
Total ................................... $ 330,000

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Ch. 2Problems

Problem 2-15 Concluded

(2) Purnell Corporation and Subsidiary Sentinel Corporation

Worksheet for Consolidated Balance Sheet
December 31, 20X1
Eliminations Consolidated
Balance Sheet and Adjustments Balance
Purnell Sentinel Dr. Cr. NCI Sheet
Cash .................................... 20,000 ........... ............. ............ ............
Accounts Receivable ........... 300,000 50,000 ............. ............ ............ 350,000
Inventory .............................. 410,000 120,000 ............. (D1) 20,000 ...........
Investment in Sentinel ......... 500,000 ........... ............. (EL) 272,000 ............
............ ............ ............. (D) 228,000 ........... ............

Land..................................... 800,000 100,000(D2) 100,000 ............ ............

Buildings .............................. 2,800,000300,000(D3) 200,000 ............ ............
Accumulated Depreciation .. (500,000) (100,000) ............. ............ ............ (600,000)
Equipment ........................... 600,000 140,000(D4) 110,000 ............ ............
Accumulated Depreciation .. (230,000) (50,000) ............. ............ ............ (280,000)
Patent .................................. ............ 10,000(D5) 140,000 ............ ............
Computer Software ............. ............ ............ (D6) 50,000 ............ ............
Goodwill ............................... ............ 60,000 ............. (D8) 60,000 ........... ............

Current Liabilities ................. (150,000) (90,000) ............. ............ ............ (240,000)

Bonds Payable .................... (300,000) (200,000) ............. ............ ............ (500,000)
Premium on Bonds Payable ............ ............ ............. (D7) 10,000 ...........
Common StockSentinel ... ............ (10,000)(EL) 8,000 ............ (2,000) .

Paid-In Capital in Excess of

ParSentinel ................... ............ (190,000)(EL) 152,000 ............ (38,000)
Retained EarningsSentinel ............ (140,000)(EL) 112,000 (NCI) 102,000
(130,000) ..........................
Common StockPurnell ..... (83,000) .......... ............. ............ ............
Paid-In Capital in Excess of
ParPurnell ..................... (3,067,000) ... ............. ............ ............
Retained EarningsPurnell (1,100,000) ... ............. (D9) 180,000
Totals................................ 0 0 872,000 872,000 ............
NCI ..................................................................................................................................... (170,000)
Totals.................................................................................................................................................. 0

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Ch. 2Problems

(EL) Eliminate parent ownership interest.
(D) Distribute excess.
(NCI) Adjust NCI to fair value (credit subsidiary retained earnings).
Distribute adjustments:
(D1) Inventory.
(D2) Land.
(D3) Buildings.
(D4) Equipment.
(D5) Patent.
(D6) Computer software.
(D8) Goodwill.
(D9) Acquisition gain closed to parent Retained Earnings.

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Ch. 2Problems



(1) Traded
Company Parent NCI
Implied Price Value
Value Analysis Schedule Fair Value (60%)b (40%)c
Company fair value ........................................... $240,000a $144,000 $96,000
Fair value of net assets excluding goodwill ...... 235,000 141,000 94,000
Goodwill ............................................................ $ 5,000 $ 3,000 $ 2,000
Gain on acquisition
Values are prior to acquisition (4,000 shares $60 market value).
Subsequent to acquisition, Untraded Company is the parent with 60% ownership; prior to
acquisition, Untraded Company has 0% ownership of Traded Company.
Prior to acquisition, this represents 100% ownership of Traded Company; subsequent to
acquisition, these holders of 4,000 shares of Traded Company become the 40% NCI.

Determination and Distribution of Excess Schedule

Company Parent NCI
Implied Price Value
Fair Value (60%) (40%)
Fair value of subsidiary .............. $240,000 $144,000 $ 96,000
Less book value of interest acquired:
Common stock ($1 par) .......... $ 4,000
Paid-in capital in excess of par 96,000
Retained earnings .................. 15,000
Total equity ......................... $115,000 $115,000 $115,000
Interest acquired..................... 60% 40%
Book value ................................. $ 69,000 $ 46,000
Excess of fair value over book
value ....................................... $125,000 $ 75,000 $ 50,000

Adjustment of identifiable accounts:

Adjustment Key
Building ($200,000 fair
$100,000 book value) ............. $100,000 debit D1
Equipment ($40,000 fair
$20,000 book value) ............... 20,000 debit D2
Goodwill ..................................... 5,000 debit D3
Total ................................... $125,000

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Ch. 2Problems

Problem 2A-1 Concluded

Reverse Acquisition
Traded Company and Subsidiary Untraded Company
Eliminations Consolidated
Balance Sheet and Adjustments Balance
Untraded Traded Dr. Cr. NCI Sheet
Current assets ........................ 10,000 5,000 ............. ............ ............ 15,000
Investment in Untraded
Company ............................. 144,000 ............. EL 69,000 ........... ............

............ ............. D 75,000 ........... ............

Building ................................... 150,000 ..... 100,000 D1 100,000 ............ ............

Equipment .............................. 100,000 20,000 D2 20,000 ............ ............
Goodwill .................................. ............ ............ D3 5,000 ............ ............
Long term liabilities ................. (5,000) (10,000) ............. ............ ............ (15,000)
Common stockUntraded ..... (5,000) .......... adj 5,000 ............ ............ ............

Paid-in excessUntraded...... (115,000) .......... adj115,000 ............ ............ ............

Retained earningsUntraded (135,000) .......... ............. ............ ............
Common stockTraded ........ ............ (10,000)EL 2,400 ............ (7,600) .

(4,000 + 6,000)
Continuing equity of
Traded Company ................ ............ ............ ............. adj 6,000 ...........
Paid-in excessTraded ......... ............ (234,000)EL 57,600 ............ (176,400)

(96,000 + 144,000 6,000)

Continuing equity of
Traded Company ................ ............ ............ ............. adj 114,000 ...........
Retained earningsTraded ... ............ (15,000)EL 9,000 NCI 50,000
(56,000) ...............................
Totals................................... 0 0 314,000 314,000 ............
NCI ..................................................................................................................................... (240,000)
Totals.................................................................................................................................................. 0
Eliminations and Adjustments:
EL Eliminate investment account and entries to Traded equity made to record the acquisition.
D/NCI Distribute fair market value adjustment and NCI adjustment.
D1 Increase building $100,000.
D2 Increase equipment $20,000.
D2 Record goodwill.
adj Assign Untraded Company equity to paid-in capital of Traded Company

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Ch. 2Problems


CASE 2-1

(1) Evaluation of priceFair value of Als Hardware:

Cash......................................................................... $ 180,000
Accounts receivable ................................................. 350,000
Inventory .................................................................. 600,000
Land ......................................................................... 100,000
Building .................................................................... 300,000
Equipment ................................................................ 100,000
Current liabilities ...................................................... (425,000)
Mortgage .................................................................. (600,000)
Lawsuit ..................................................................... (300,000)
$ 305,000 60%= $183,000
Value given................................................................... 7,500 $40 = $300,000
This purchase would not be a bargain, because comparing the fair values (including the lawsuit)
to the price would result in goodwill of $117,000 ($300,000 $183,000).
Note: This analysis could also be done for only 60% interest in the form of the D&D schedule with
the same result.

(2) Accounting methods:

(a) GAAP would require that many of the adjustments to recognize fair values must be made
directly on Als books before consolidation:
Adjust accounts receivable to net realizable value.
Decrease inventory to fair value.
Record estimated liability from lawsuit.
(b) There are no major differences between fair and book values of the long-lived assets. Nor-
mally, they would not be adjusted to fair value, but this could be done under quasi-
reorganization or push-down accounting. The recommendation would be that they be ad-
justed to fair value to improve future reporting. Noncontrolling interest would have to agree to
it as well.
(c) Goodwill should be written off because there is no reason to think it exists.
(d) Als Hardware is a likely candidate for quasi-reorganization, because this procedure adjusts
all assets to fair values and decreases Paid-In Capital in Excess of Par to provide the
amount needed to cover the negative balance in Retained Earnings.
Summary: Accounts Receivable, Inventory, Estimated Liability, and Goodwill should be adjusted
on the subsidiarys books. The adjustments of long-lived assets could be done on the subsidiarys
books under push-down accounting. If the long-lived assets are not adjusted on the subsidiary
books, the adjustment relative to the controlling interest would be made in the consolidation

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