3.toward A Mobile Autonomous
3.toward A Mobile Autonomous
3.toward A Mobile Autonomous
Received 15 January 2003; received in revised form 11 June 2003; accepted 17 July 2003
The paper deals with the results obtained up to now in the design and realization of mobile platforms, wheeled and legged ones, for
autonomous deployment in unknown and hostile environments: a work developed in the framework of a project supported by the Italian
Space Agency.
The paper is focused on the description of the hierarchical architecture adopted for the planning, the supervision and the control of
their mobility.
Experimental results validate the solutions proposed, evidencing the capabilities of the platforms to explore environments in presence
of irregular ground shape and obstacles of di6erent dimensions.
? 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Robotic platform; Planetary exploration; Path planning; Wheeled robot; Legged robot
0032-0633/$ - see front matter ? 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
24 P. Arena et al. / Planetary and Space Science 52 (2004) 23 – 30
Fig. 6. E6ect of primitives PIVOT, SPIN, FORWARD, AHEAD, SWING and TURN.
the neurobiological paradigm that functionally describes realised (Arena et al., 1998), and the whole formulation of
the gait generation in animals. This is formulated through the CPG through CNNs was introduced and realised (Arena
a hierarchical structure, where a pool of neurons, the et al., 1999a, b).
command neurons (CNs) receives feedback from the en- In Fig. 9 a schematic representation of the realisation of
vironment and imposes a particular locomotion pattern on the locomotion control of an hexapod robot, able to change
a network of motor neurons, the local motion-generating among the slow, medium and fast gait, thank to a suitable
neurons (LMGNs). LMGNs generate a particular spatio- variation of the connections among the cells is reported. All
temporal dynamics over a network of actuators so as to the details of the implementation and realisation are fully
realise locomotion. Local feedback can of course modulate described in Arena et al. (1999b). One of the most inter-
the characteristics of the current gait. Both the dynamics esting characteristics of this type of implementation is the
related to the CNs and LPGNs have been designed and intrinsic robustness against fault. As described in Arena and
P. Arena et al. / Planetary and Space Science 52 (2004) 23 – 30 29
Fig. 11. (a) The Roll and Pitch angles. (b) The attitude controlled variables.
Fortuna (2002), even if one neuron is cut from the ring gen-
erating the wave motions, locomotion succeeds in taking
place, even if a6ected by a lack of synchronisation among
the neurons. Therefore adaptability, robustness, local con-
nectivity and real-time control are among the major aspects
and advantages of this methodology.
Fig. 10a depicts the robot REXABOT I, a 12DOF au-
tonomous hexapod where the methodology previously
addressed was implemented (Arena and Fortuna, 2002).
Since an important aspect regards the possibility to have
a real-time attitude control on this kind of structures, for
example when multipod locomotion generation involves
undulatory dynamics on the robot body, that have to be
controlled, a 18 DOF hexapod, REXABOT II, was built
(Fig. 10b). The basic cell dynamical system that was able Fig. 12. The attitude control scheme.
to drive the 3DOF for each leg was an extended dynamics
with respect to the cell driving the 2DOF leg of Rexabot
I (Arena et al., 2002). Attitude control has to guarantee been used to measure the inclination of the robot. The two
that the robot keeps its body in horizontal position when it signals provided by the sensor reveal the orientation of the
walks on slopping planes. For this task a 2-axis acceleration robot with respect to the Earth plane and are used as error
sensor, located on the middle ventral side of the body, has signals, detecting the error on the roll ’ and pitch angles
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