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Actuator controls

AM 01.1 AM 02.1
AMExB 01.1
AMExC 01.1

Certificate Registration No.

Product description
12 100/104 4269
Table of contents
Actuator controls AUMA MATIC 3
This brochure will provide both the
beginner and expert with an over- Control designs 4
view of actuator controls, in particu- Equipment/ Summary of functions 6
lar the AUMA MATIC. It is based on
the knowledge imparted in the prod- Equipment/ Functions 7
uct descriptions Electric multi-turn Standard interface 7
actuators or Electric part-turn Fieldbus interface (option) 7
OPEN - STOP - CLOSE control 8
For simple automation tasks where
basically OPEN - CLOSE control of Nominal value control (option) 8
the valves is required, the AUMA Signals for parallel interface 9
MATIC is still the most cost effective Signals for fieldbus interface 9
Design principle 10
Further requirements can be met
using the micro controller based Equipment/ Functions 12
AUMATIC. These are: Local controls 12
adaptive positioning, Wall bracket 13
non-intrusive setting, Type of seating 13
PID control, Overload protection 13
logging of operating data,
Behaviour in case of loss of communication 14
diagnostic functions,
fieldbus interface. Monitoring of the motor temperature 14
The features of the AUMATIC are Phase failure monitoring 14
described in a separate brochure. Automatic phase correction 14
Electrical connection 15
Electrical connection 15
Service conditions 17
Enclosure protection 17
Corrosion protection/ Colour 17
Ambient temperatures 17
Service conditions/ Other information 18
Explosion protection according to ATEX directive 94/9/EC18
Mounting positions 18
EU Directives 18
Functional tests 18
Further literature/ Index 19
Further literature 19
Index 19

Subject to change without notice. The product features and technical data provided do not express or imply any

Actuator controls AUMA MATIC

AUMA actuator controls are usually

AUMA MATIC controls directly
mounted directly on the actuator.
mounted on multi-turn actuator
If access to the actuator is difficult,
SA 07.5
the AUMA MATIC can be mounted
separately from the actuator on a
wall bracket. Further applications:
The wall bracket solution prevents
the electronics from being exposed
to extreme conditions, e.g. high

AUMA MATIC controls directly

mounted on part-turn actuator SG 05.1

Part-turn actuator SG 04.3 with

on wall bracket

Actuator controls AUMA MATIC
Control designs
The motor controls with integral local lighted by the diagram below. nets, are now integrated locally in the
controls which can directly be fitted actuator.
The required components for con-
to the actuator were developed to trolling actuators, which otherwise
avoid the labour-intensive installa- have to be installed in control cabi-
tion of external controls. This is high-

Process control level Commands
Fieldbus (bidirectional)
Control cabinet



e.g. 400 V AC e.g. 400 V AC

O. C. O. C.

O. C. Isolating
I> I> I> I>
I> I>

External controls (A) Integral controls (B) Integral controls/

For actuators to be connected to Actuators with integral controls are Fieldbus )
external controls, the following must supplied ready for use with local con- If the actuator controls are integrated
be considered: trols and switching elements. in a fieldbus system, then the instal-
The information from the limit, torque lation costs are further reduced. The
All actuator signals, e.g. the
and thermoswitch is processed commands and signals of all actua-
torque, limit and thermoswitch sig-
nals, must be passed on to the ex- locally. This results in the following tors (slaves) are transmitted to and
ternal controls in the control cabi- simplified systems: from the master via a two-wire cable
or via optical fibres.
net. No extensive wiring in a control
The control of the actuators via a The space consuming input/ output
cabinet is required.
reversing contactor combination Reliable and correct processing of boards, as well as their associate
has to be implemented and in- the actuator signals assures the control cabinet sections, are no
stalled in the control cabinet. immediate reaction of the controls longer required.
The local controls have to be im- and prevents excessive torques
plemented and mounted. from building up in the valve.
Actuator and controls are ideally
adjusted to each other.
Standard wiring diagrams are

Actuator controls AUMA MATIC
Advantages of actuators with integral controls
Advantages during design
The high functionality and flexibility enables easy integration into the process
Fixed quantifiable costs
Easy integration into a fieldbus system is possible
Internal supply of the electronics available
Finished wiring diagrams by AUMA support the design, time and cost intensive
configurations are no longer required
Optimum adaptation of actuator and controls is ensured by the manufacturer
Warranty for both actuators and controls

Advantages during installation

Savings in time and material due to a considerable reduction in cables
No additional separate wiring and switchgear required for the local controls which
are included in the basic version of the integral controls
Wiring errors between controls and actuator are excluded
Installation of an additional control cabinet is not necessary

Advantages during commissioning

Ready-to-use actuator with controls:
connect, power on, ready
Large variety of simple adaptation possibilities to the process
Actuators with controls are subject to comprehensive functional tests. Technical
faults can therefore be excluded
Automatic phase correction protects actuator and valve from damage

Advantages during operation

The immediate switching off of the motor prevents excessive torques from building
up in the valve
High enclosure protection and high corrosion protection ensure many years of
Lockable local controls protect against non-authorised use

Equipment/ Summary of functions
Standard AM 01.1 AMExB 01.1 Description
Option AM 02.1 AMExC 01.1 on page
Parallel interface (24 V DC/ 115 V AC, 0/4 20 mA) 7
Equipment/ Functions

Fieldbus interfaces 7
Profibus DP 7
Modbus RTU 7
OPEN - STOP - CLOSE (push-to run operation or
self-retaining) 8
Setpoint control for positioning1) 8
Signals for parallel interface 9
Signals for fieldbus interface 9
Local controls 11, 12
Push buttons OPEN - STOP - CLOSE 11, 12
3 indication lights 11, 12
Lockable selector switch LOCAL - OFF - REMOTE 11, 12
Protection cover for local controls 12
Reversing contactors 8
Thyristor unit 8
Wall bracket 3, 13
Type of seating (limit or torque seating) 13
Overload protection 12
Monitoring of the motor temperature 9, 14
Phase failure monitoring 14
Automatic phase correction 12
Behaviour on loss of communication 14
AUMA plug/ socket connector 15, 16

Double sealed 1515

Plug/ socket connector for explosion-proof controls 15, 16
Terminal connection for explosion-proof controls 15, 16
Special connections 16
Enclosure protection 17
Service conditions

IP 67 17
IP 68 17
Corrosion protection 17
KN 17
KS/ KX 17
Ambient temperatures 17
Low temperature 2) 17
Extreme low temperature 2) 17
Explosion protection 18
EU Directives 18
Functional test 18
1) Always included for controls with fieldbus interface, requires a positioner in the actuator
2) Only for AMExC, not for AMExB

Equipment/ Functions
Parallel interface
The usual way to connect the field The AUMA MATIC with standard The AUMA MATIC with optional
devices with the higher level controls interface is equipped with: positioner is equipped with:
is parallel control. A separate signal
the binary inputs the analogue input
wire is required for each signal to be
transmitted. All signal wires are con-
the binary outputs the binary output
nected to the AUMA plug/ socket
selector switch position Collective fault signal
connector (see page 15).
LOCAL/ REMOTE the analogue output
All discrete commands and signals Collective fault signal Valve position1) (option)
are transmitted with a 24 V DC level
(optionally 115 V AC); continuous 1) Requires a position transmitter in the actuator
signals such as set points, with a
0/4 20 mA current level.

Fieldbus interface (option)

With fieldbus control, the information The AUMA MATIC with fieldbus Setpoint control is only possible if the
between master and field devices of interface can be controlled via: actuator is equipped with a position
all connected devices are transmit- transmitter, e.g. a potentiometer.
the commands OPEN, CLOSE
ted via a two-wire cable or fibre a nominal position value
The following fieldbus interfaces are An additional Remote SETPOINT
available for the AUMA MATIC: command activates the setpoint con-
trol and deactivates OPEN - CLOSE
Profibus DP
Modbus RTU

Equipment/ Functions
OPEN - STOP - CLOSE control
The actuators can be controlled by Actuator with
the control station and at the local Process control system AUMA MATIC
controls with the commands OPEN - Self-retaining
STOP - CLOSE (self-retaining) or OPEN Actuator runs after a single run command until
OPEN - CLOSE (push-to run opera- STOP
STOP command or switch-off criterion is active
tion). The selection for operation in CLOSE
the push-to-run or self-retaining
mode can be programmed inde- Push-to-run
OPEN Actuator runs only if a run command is present
pendently for REMOTE and LOCAL
control within the controls. e.g. during position controlling
With push-to-run operation the actu-
ator continues to run as long as a run
command from the control system or receipt of the appropriate run com- and remote control and for both
the local controls is available. If the mand as long as no STOP command directions.
control mode is programmed to is received beforehand. Push-to-run
self-retaining, the actuator will drive or self-retaining mode can be pro-
to the defined end position upon grammed independently for local

Nominal value control (option)

In this case, the controls are Actuator with
equipped with an integral positioner Process control system AUMA MATIC
which automatically positions the AM with
valve in accordance with the exter- parallel

0/4 20 mA interface
nally supplied nominal value.

AM with



Three-position modulating duty

The integral positioner is a By setting the dead time, the number
Nominal three-position controller. It registers of starts and therefore the wear of
position value and compares the nominal and the valve and actuator can be reduced.
actual position value. The actuator The dead time is the time after a
Actual motor then runs in direction OPEN or change in the nominal value; other
position CLOSE, subject to the deviation changes in the nominal value are
detected. The modulating behaviour ignored by the controllers to filter
Position is stabilised by determining dead major fluctuations within the nominal
transmitter bands. value.

Equipment/ Functions
Signals for parallel interface
Standard interface Collective fault signal
The following signals are available: The collective fault signal will be acti-
Collective fault signal vated if one of the following events
End position CLOSED reached occurs:
End position OPEN reached Torque fault, i.e. the torque
Selector switch position LOCAL switching was tripped in an inter-
Selector switch position REMOTE mediate position
Motor protection tripped, i.e. the
motor is overheated
If the AUMA MATIC is equipped with Loss of phase
a positioner instead of a standard Parallel to the collective fault signal
interface, only the collective fault sig- the actuator will immediately be
nal is available. switched off.
End position signals or the feedback It is possible to exclude the torque
signal of the selector switch position fault from the collective fault signal.
can be implemented via tandem limit This is recommended if the torque
switches in the actuator or via a signal is passed on separately to the
selector switch with additional signal control station via additional con-
contacts (second level). tacts in the actuator.

Signals for fieldbus interface

Controls with parallel interface Signals (extract)1) Fault signals (extract)1)
require separate wiring for each End position CLOSED reached Collective fault signal
command and each feedback signal. End position OPEN reached Warnings
In practice this limits the number of Actual position value Motor protection tripped
signals which can be transmitted. Selector switch position LOCAL Torque switch tripped in
Due to the serial transmission of all Selector switch position REMOTE mid-travel in direction OPEN
information via a single cable, Run OPEN Torque switch tripped in
fieldbus systems are not bound by Run CLOSE mid-travel in direction CLOSE
this limitation. Limit switch OPEN tripped One phase missing
Limit switch CLOSED tripped
Manual operation by handwheel
Run CLOSE via local controls
Run OPEN via local controls

1) For a full description of the signals, refer to the operation instructions Actuator controls
AUMA MATIC with Profibus DP or Modbus RTU

Design principle
Electrical connection
1 The connections for motor and con-
trol cables are made on a 50-pole
AUMA plug/ socket connector.
If the plug/ socket is disconnected for mainte-
nance work, the wiring remains undisturbed.
The explosion-proof actuator controls type
AMExC is provided with a special plug/
socket connector for explosion-proof actua-
tors as a standard. 1
If the controls is equipped with a fieldbus
interface, the plug housing contains a
fieldbus connection board.
Further information on page 11.

2 In the standard version reversing
contactors are used for motor power
The lifetime guaranteed by the manufacturer
amounts to 2 million cycles. If a higher num-
ber of cycles is to be expected, non-wearing
thyristor units should be used. This is an
advantage for modulating actuators where a
large number of operations and short
response times may be required. Thyristor
units are available up to a max. power of
1.5 kW.

Plug/ socket connector to

3 the actuator
Easy mounting of the controls directly to the
actuator is possible due to the AUMA plug/
socket connector. A flameproof plug/ socket
connector is used for the explosion-proof
version. On request the controls can also be
mounted on a separate wall bracket (refer to
pages 3, 13).

Design principle
7 The interface forms the link to the
process control system. Here, the
commands from the process control system
are received and signals issued.
Depending on the version, parallel control
with or without positioner or fieldbus, the
AUMA MATIC is equipped with the corre-
7 sponding inputs and outputs (refer to
page 7).

6 The logic processes all external and
internal signals. The programming
switch can be used, e.g., to determine the
type of seating in the end positions, to deter-
mine whether the run commands are pro-
cessed in the push-to-run operation or in the
self-retaining mode or to program the collec-
tive fault signal. In case of faults, e.g. tripping
of the motor protection, when reaching an
end position or in case of a stop command
5 the logic switches off the actuator directly
and without significant delay time.

Power supply unit
5 For the power supply of the internal
electronics and the position trans-
mitter (if fitted) in the actuator.

Local controls
4 with the push buttons OPEN, STOP,
CLOSE and the lockable selector
switch LOCAL - OFF - REMOTE. Indication
lights for the indication of the end positions
and faults are included in the basic version.
With the lockable selector switch LOCAL -
OFF - REMOTE, the control station is
As an option, a lockable protection cover is
available (refer to page 12).

Equipment/ Functions
Local controls

The AUMA MATIC is equipped with Lockable selector switch Protection cover (option)
local controls. The selector switch The selector switch LOCAL - OFF - By means of a lockable protection
LOCAL - OFF - REMOTE allows the REMOTE is lockable in all three posi- cover the local controls can be pro-
control mode to be set. With the push tions. Unauthorized operation at the tected against extreme climatic influ-
buttons OPEN - STOP - CLOSE, the local controls is therefore prevented. ences or vandalism.
actuator can be operated locally.
During commissioning the actuator
may be operated using the operating
elements on the local controls as
soon as power supply is connected.
Indication lights
3 indication lights show the following
actuator status:
End position CLOSED reached
Fault (red)
End position OPEN reached
If the actuator is equipped with a
blinker transmitter for running indica-
tion, the corresponding indication
light for the respective direction will
blink on the local controls.

Equipment/ Functions
Wall bracket
Besides the above mentioned possi-
bility, to fit the controls directly to the
actuator, they can be mounted sepa-
rately from the actuator on a wall
bracket (see page 3). This is recom-
mended if:
limited space would restrict the
access to directly mounted con-
high ambient temperatures in the
surroundings of the actuator could
affect the electronics
heavy valve vibration could influ-
ence the controls.

Type of seating
A particular seating mode for a valve, The AUMA MATIC will automatically
i.e. limit or torque seating, is per- switch off the actuator after the
formed via the type of evaluation of switch-off criteria, i.e. torque or posi-
the actuator signals in the actuator tion, have been reached.
controls. Independent of the end
position, the type of seating may be
programmed on the AUMA MATIC
using a DIP switch.

Overload protection
If excessive torque builds up at the The integral controls will monitor this In this case, the end position signal is
valves closing element in an inter- signal and switch off the actuator missing. Contrary to torque seating
mediate position, e.g. due to a immediately; this prevents exces- in one of the end positions, the con-
trapped object, the torque switches sive torques from building up in the trols will interpret the torque tripping
will immediately trip after reaching valve. as a fault.
the set tripping torque.

Equipment/ Functions
Monitoring of the motor temperature
The thermoswitches will interrupt the Thermoswitches or PTC thermistors
Tripping point control circuit as soon as a winding offer better protection than thermal
140 C
Motor temperature

temperature of 140 C is exceeded. overload relays, since the tempera-

After cooling down to a temperature ture rise is directly measured at the
115 C
between 120 C to 90 C the actuator motor. Should the specification
can be switched on again. require the use of a thermal overload
90 C
Reset point relay, the AUMA MATIC can be
The AUMA MATIC evaluates the
equipped with the relay as an option.
thermoswitch signal and switches off
the actuator when tripped. After cool-
ing down, the motor cannot be con-
In order to protect the motor against trolled remotely unless the fault has
overheating, thermoswitches or PTC been acknowledged at the local con-
thermistors are embedded in the trols.
windings of the 3-phase AC and
1-phase AC motors. When inte- If the motor is protected by means of
grated into the control circuit, they PTC thermistors, an additional PTC
will protect the motor against dam- tripping device has to be provided
age due to excessively high winding within the AUMA MATIC.

Phase failure monitoring Automatic phase correction

If one of the phases of the voltage The automatic phase rotation cor-
supply fails, the collective fault signal rection ensures that the rotating field
is activated and the actuator can no is always correct for a clockwise
longer be operated. closing actuator. For 3-phase motors
the correct direction of rotation is
guaranteed, even if the phases are
crossed over during electrical

Behaviour in case of loss of communication

In the event of loss of nominal or fail as is: The actuator
actual value signal or loss of the switches off immedi-
entire bus communication at the ately. The valve re-
fieldbus controls, the actuator per- mains in the last po-
forms a pre-defined action. The fol- sition reached
lowing features can be programmed:
fail close: Actuator drives the
valve to the end po-
sition CLOSED
fail open: Actuator drives the
valve to the end po-
sition OPEN
fail position: Actuator drives to a
designated position

Electrical connection
Electrical connection
AUMA plug/ socket connector
As a standard AUMA actuators The significant advantage of this
are equipped with AUMA type of connection:
plug/ socket con- Once connected, the wiring remains
nector for motor and undisturbed, even if the actuator has
controls. to be removed from the valve, e.g. for
maintenance purposes.

Double sealed
The double sealed connection is a
sealed plug and socket which is fitted
between the actuator housing and
the plug/ socket connector. Even
after removing the plug cover or if the
cable glands do not seal properly the
device will be protected against the
ingress of dust or humidity.

Plug/ socket connector with terminal board for explosion-proof actuators

The electrical connection The customer connection compart-
between the terminal board and ment is designated protection type
the electric/ electronic compo- increased safety.
nents within the actuator imple- By means of a protection cover,
mented via a plug/ socket con- which is available as an option, the
nector. The advantage of the disconnected plug may be fitted to a
Explosion-proof actuators are modular design with plug-in wall to enable the operation of the
designed with a flameproof enclo- connection is thereby also provided plant under potentially explosive
sure. The sealed terminal board of for the present electrical connection. conditions.
this electrical connection ensures
that the flameproof enclosure
remains undisturbed even if the plug
cover has been removed.

Plug-in terminal connection for explosion-proof actuators (option)

nection compartment has been By means of a protection cover
enlarged. In terms of explosion pro- which is available as an option, the
tection this connection type has the disconnected plug may be fitted to a
same characteristics as the Ex-plug/ wall to enable the operation of the
socket connector. plant under potentially explosive
On request, these terminals can also
be used for non-explosion-proof
Contrary to the Ex-plug/ socket con- actuators.
nector, the customer connection is
made on terminals which have been
fitted to a terminal frame. The con-

Electrical connection
Special connections Parking frame, protection cover
For special customer requests plug/ Plug cover with (option)
socket connectors of specified These parts offer the facility to place
removable lid
brands can be used. the plug connector, while taken off
enlarged terminal compartment
enlarged terminal compartment the actuator, in a safe location on a
The plug cover of the standard ver-
and removable lid wall. The open terminal compart-
sion can be replaced by the following
ment at the actuator can be closed
with the protection cover. This pre-
vents foreign matter, dust and water
from entering the compartment while
the plug connector is taken off.

Technical data
AUMA plug/ socket connector
Technical data Motor power connections1) Protective earth Control pins
No. of contacts max. 6 (3 are available) 1 (leading contact) 50 pins/ sockets
Marking U1, V1, W1, U2, V2, W2 according to VDE 1 to 50
Voltage max. 750 V 250 V
Current max. 25 A 16 A
Type of customer connection Screws Screw for ring lug Screws or crimping (option)
Cross section max. 6 mm2 6 mm2 2.5 mm2
Material: Pin/ socket carrier Polyamide Polyamide Polyamide
Contacts Brass Brass Brass, tin plated or gold plated (option)

Plug/ socket connector/ terminal board for explosion-proof actuators

Technical data Motor power connections1) Protective earth Control pins
No. of contacts max. 3 1 38 pins/ sockets
Marking U1, V1, W1 according to VDE 1 to 24, 31 to 40, 47 to 50
Voltage max. 550 V 250 V
Current max. 25 A 10 A
Type of customer connection Screws Screws Screws
Cross section max. 6 mm2 6 mm2 1.5 mm2
Material: Pin/ socket carrier Araldite/ Polyamide Araldite/ Polyamide Araldite/ Polyamide
Contacts Brass Brass Brass tin-plated

Plug-in terminal connection for explosion-proof actuators

Technical data Motor power connections1) Protective earth Control pins
Terminals max. 6 (3 are available) 1 (leading contact) 50
Marking U1, V1, W1 according to VDE 1 to 50
Voltage max. 750 V 250 V
Current max. 25 A 10 A
Type of customer connection Screws Screws Cage clamp2)
Cross section max. 10 mm2 10 mm2 2.5 mm2 flexible
1) Suitable for copper wires. For aluminium wires please contact AUMA
2) Optional with screw connections

Threads for conduit entries

For delivery, the conduit entries are sealed with plugs. Other thread sizes and thread types are possible on request.
Cable glands can be supplied on request.
Metric Pg (option)
- 2 x M25 x 1.5 - 2 x Pg 21
- 1 x M 20 x 1.5 - 1 x Pg 13.5

Service conditions
Enclosure protection Corrosion protection/ Colour
IP 67 KN (standard) KX
AUMA products conform to enclo- The standard AUMA corrosion pro- AUMA recommends this corrosion
sure protection IP 67 according to tection KN is a high quality coating. protection class when installing
EN 60 529. IP 67 means protection This is suitable for outdoor installa- devices in extremely aggressive
against immersion up to max. 1 m tion and for atmospheres with a low atmospheres with high humidity and
head of water for max. 30 minutes. level pollutant concentration. high pollutant concentration.
IP 68 KS Colour
AUMA products are available with AUMA recommends this corrosion The standard colour of the finish
improved enclosure protection IP 68 protection class when installing coating is grey (DB 702, similar to
according to EN 60 529 on request. devices in occasionally or perma- RAL 9007). Other colours are possi-
IP 68 means protection against sub- nently aggressive atmospheres with ble on request.
mersion up to 6 m head of water for a moderate pollutant concentration
max. 72 hours. During submersion (e.g. in sewage treatment plants,
up to 10 operations are permissible. chemical industry).
In order to guarantee enclosure pro-
tection IP 68, suitable cable glands
have to be used. They are not part of
the standard supply, but can be pro-
vided by AUMA, if ordered.

Ambient temperatures

Temperature ranges
AUMA MATIC AM Standard 25 C . . . + 70 C
Low temperature 40 C . . . + 40 C
Extreme low temperature1) 60 C . . . + 40 C
Explosion-proof AUMA MATIC AMExB2) Standard 20 C . . . + 40 C
Explosion-proof AUMA MATIC AMExC3) Standard 20 C . . . + 40 C
Low temperature 40 C . . . + 40 C 4)
Extreme low temperature1) 60 C . . . + 40 C 4)

Some of the admissible ambient temperature ranges of AUMA actuators differ from those of the AUMA MATIC. This has
to be observed during sizing.
1) A heating system is included in the device
2) Approved for explosion group IIB
3) Approved for explosion group IIC
4) Under certain conditions (special sizing of the actuator) up to + 60 C possible

Service conditions/ Other information
Explosion protection according to ATEX directive 94/9/EC
For the installation of actuators in authority) as European test authority Certificates of conformity from
potentially hazardous or explosive certifies the conformity of the equip- national test authorities in other
areas, special protective measures ment with the mentioned standards. countries, e.g. CIS, are also avail-
are required. These are stipulated in able. For the current versions of the
The explosion-proof actuators corre-
the European Standards EN 50 014, certificates refer to the Internet
spond to the explosion protection
50 018 and 50 019. The PTB under:
classification as shown in the table
(Physikalisch Technische Bundes- www.auma.com (download section).
anstalt, the German national test

Classification of explosion protection

Types Classification Type examination certificate
Multi-turn actuators SAExC 07.1 SAExC 16.1 II2G EEx de IIC T4 PTB 01 ATEX 1087
SARExC 07.1 SARExC 16.1
with integral controls AUMA MATIC AMExC 01.1
Multi-turn actuators SAExC 07.1 SAExC 16.1 II2G EEx de IIB T4 PTB 03 ATEX 1122
SARExC 07.1 SARExC 16.1
with integral controls AUMA MATIC AMExB 01.1
Part-turn actuators SGExC 05.1 SGExC 12.1 II2G EEx de IIC T4 PTB 01 ATEX 1119
with integral controls AUMA MATIC AMExC 01.1

AUMAs explosion proof advantages Mounting positions

Electrical connection with plug/ socket AUMA actuators (with or without
The explosion-proof AUMA product range also has an electrical con-
integral controls) can be operated
nection with plug/ socket which considerably facilitates the inspection
without restriction in any mounting
and maintenance stipulated in the standard.
Wall bracket
the wall bracket option described on page can also be provided for the
explosion-proof version of the actuator controls.

EU Directives Functional tests

Machinery Directive Low Voltage, Electromagnetic After assembly all actuators and
According to this directive, AUMA Compatibility and ATEX Directive actuator controls are thoroughly
actuators, actuator controls and AUMA actuator controls fulfil the tested according to AUMAs inspec-
valve gearboxes are not complete requirements, which has been tion specification.
machines. This means that a Certifi- proved in extensive tests. Therefore A final inspection record can be pro-
cate of Conformity is not possible. AUMA issued a Certificate of Confor- vided. The inspection records can be
However, AUMA confirms with the mity according to these directives retrieved online via Internet
Declaration of Incorporation (on the (on the Internet under (www.auma.com)
Internet under www.auma.com) that www.auma.com).
during the design stage the standards
mentioned in the Machinery Directive CE mark
were applied.
Since AUMA actuator
By mounting the actuator to other controls fulfil the require-
components (valves, pipelines etc.) ments of the Low Voltage,
a machine within the meaning of the EMC and the ATEX Directives, the
Directive is formed. Before commis- actuators are marked with the CE
sioning this machine a Certificate of mark in accordance with the direc-
Conformity must be issued. tives.

Further literature/ Index
Further literature
Product description Information Technical data
Actuator controls Electric part-turn actuators AUMA actuator controls AUMA
Product description Information AM 01.1 AM 02.1 Profibus DP
Electric multi-turn actuators Electric actuators and valve Technical data
for open-close and modulating gearboxes according to ATEX di- AUMA actuator controls AUMA
duty rective 94/9/EC for the use in po- MATIC
SA 07.1 SA 48.1 tentially explosive atmospheres AM 01.1 AM 02.1 Modbus RTU
SAR 07.1 SAR 30.1 Technical data
Product description AUMA actuator controls AUMA
Electric part-turn actuators MATIC
SG 05.1 SG 12.1 AM 01.1 AM 02.1

Actuator controls 4 Indication lights 11 - 12 Reversing contactors 10
Advantages of integral controls 5 Integral controls 4 Running indication 12
Ambient temperatures 17 Interface 11
Analogue inputs 7 S
ATEX 18 L Selector switch 11 - 12
AUMA plug/ socket connector 10, 15 Local controls 4, 11 - 12 Self-retaining 8
Automatic phase correction 14 Lockable selector switch 12 Signals 4, 9
Loss of communication 14 Special connections 16
B Loss of signal 14 Summary of functions 6
Binary inputs 7 Switchgear 10
C Machinery Directive 18 T
CE mark 18 Modbus RTU 7 Technical data 16
Certificate of Conformity 18 Modulating duty 8 Terminal connection 15 - 16
Coating 17 Motor protection 9, 14 Thermoswitches 14
Collective fault signal 9, 11 Mounting position 18 Thread for conduit entries 16
Colour 17 Multi-turn actuators 3 Three-position modulating duty 8
Conduit entries 16 Thyristor unit 10
Corrosion protection 17 N Type examination certificate 18
Nominal value control 8 Type of seating 13
Declaration of Incorporation 18 O W
Delay time 11 Overload protection 13 Wall bracket 3, 10, 13
Design principle 10 - 11
Double sealed 15
Parking frame 16
E Part-turn actuators 3
Electrical connection 10, 15 Phase correction 14
EMC Directive 18 Plug/ socket connector 10, 15 - 16
Enclosure protections IP 17 Power supply unit 11
EU Directives 18 Profibus DP 7
Explosion protection 18 Protection cover 12, 16
External controls 4 PTB 18
PTC thermistors 14
F Push buttons 12
Faults 11 Push-buttons 11
Fieldbus 4, 7 Push-to-run operation 8
Functional tests 18

Europe DK-2450 Kbenhavn SV PE- Miralflores - Lima
AUMA Riester GmbH & Co. KG Tel +45 33 26 63 00 Tel 00511444-1200 / 0044 / 2321
Factory Mllheim GS@g-s.dk corsusa@corsusa.com
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Tel +49 7631 809 - 0 IBEROPLAN S.A. PASSCO Inc.
riester@auma.com ES-28027 Madrid PR-00936-4153 San Juan
www.auma.com Tel +34 91 3717130 Tel +18 09 78 77 20 87 85
Factory Ostfildern-Nellingen iberoplan@iberoplan.com Passco@prtc.net
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Tel +49 711 34803 - 3000 GR-13671 Acharnai Athens VE- Maracaibo Estado, Zulia
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Tel +52 55 55 561 701


AUMA Riester GmbH & Co. KG

P. O. Box 1362
D - 79373 Mllheim
Tel +49 (0)7631/809-0
Fax +49 (0)7631/809 250 Certificate Registration No.
12 100/104 4269

For detailed information about AUMA products refer to the Internet:

www.auma.com Y000.041/002/en/1.06

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