1515 InfInjHyd Gonzales PDF
1515 InfInjHyd Gonzales PDF
1515 InfInjHyd Gonzales PDF
S&W Healthcare
Codes for injections and infusions comprise
only five pages of the more than 700 in the
CPT manual, yet they continue to be among
the most difficult for coders to decipher.
S&W Healthcare
Review of Concepts
Code Definitions
Physician Order
Substance Administration
S&W Healthcare
The CPT guidelines and hierarchy must be
One code in each category of intravenous infusion and injection
drug administration codes designated as the initial service.
Order of service delivery does NOT determine what is initial.
Typically only one initial service will be reported per encounter
unless there is more than one IV access site.
Chemo services are primary to therapeutic, prophylactic, and diagnostic
services, which are primary to hydration services.
Infusions are primary to pushes, which are primary to injections.
The hierarchy does not apply to physician reporting.
The hierarchy does not apply to SQ/IM injections, only intravenous
S&W Healthcare
Facility coding of the Initial code should be
selected using the hierarchy below:
Chemotherapy Infusions
Chemotherapy Injections
Therapeutic, Prophylactic and Diagnostic Infusions
Therapeutic, Prophylactic and Diagnostic Injections
Hydration Infusions
S&W Healthcare
Infusion Therapy 96365-96368
For purposes of facility coding, an infusion is required to
be more than fifteen (16+) minutes for safe and effective
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Codes Description Time Duration
96360 Intravenous infusion; 31 minutes to one
Hydration; initial, 31 hour
minutes to 1 hour Do NOT report
hydration infusions
of 30 minutes or
96361 Intravenous infusion; Beginning at 91
Hydration; each minutes
additional hour
96365 Intravenous infusion; 16 minutes to one
for therapy, hour
prophylaxis, or Infusion less than
diagnostic; initial, up 15 minutes = IVP
to 1 hour
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Codes Description Time Duration
96366 Intravenous infusion, Beginning at 91
for therapy, minutes
prophylaxis, or Same Drug
diagnostic; each
additional hour (list
separately in addition
to primary code)
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Codes Description Time Duration
96368 Intravenous infusion, 16 to 90 minutes
for therapy, Can only be billed
prophylaxis, or ONCE regardless of
diagnostic; concurrent the duration of the
infusion) list concurrent infusion
separately in addition
to primary code) ONCE
per day
96372 Subcutaneous or IM No restrictions on
injection multiple injections
96374 Therapeutic, 15 minutes or less
prophylactic or Do NOT report this
diagnostic injection; with Initial
IVP, single or initial Therapeutic
substance/drug Infusion (96365)
unless meets
S&W Healthcare
Codes Description Time Duration
96375 Therapeutic, 15 minutes or less
prophylactic or NEW drug
diagnostic injection;
each additional
sequential IV PUSH of
a NEW substance/drug
(list separately in
addition to code for
primary procedure
96376 Same as Above except 15 minutes or less
SAME drug SAME drug
Must be 30 minutes
since initial push
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90460 90474
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IM or Subcutaneous Injections: 96372
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Some answers:
Per AMA Infusion time is measured when the
infusate is actually running: pre and post time are
not counted. It is recommended to document
infusion start and stop times.
Per CMS IOM 100-4, Chapter 4, 230 Hospitals are
to report codes according to CPT instructions. CPT
instructions are to use actual time over which the
infusion is administered to the beneficiary for time-
specific drug administration codes.
CMS Indicates that it has the expectation that
hospitals will document time otherwise CMS has a
difficult time understanding how services would be
billed appropriately.
S&W Healthcare
Physician and nursing documentation are the
key for accurate charging.
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Time Documentation is Critical and Drives the
Accuracy of the Codes Reported:
Less than 15 minutes
More than 15 minutes (16+)
31 minutes to 1 hours
15 to 90 minutes vs more than 90 minutes (91)
30 minutes since the last reported push
Greater than 30 minutes beyond 1 hour increments
S&W Healthcare
The infusion time is defined as the actual
time over which the infusion is administered.
Infusion time is calculated from the time the
administration commences (i.e., the infusion
starts dripping) to when it ends (i.e., the
infusion stops dripping).
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Billing and Coding for Infusions need:
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The Rules for Documentation:
Must be ordered by a physician
Documentation must support medical necessity
EACH substance administered is:
Clearly documented, no abbreviations
Route and Site are easily discernible
Start and stop times for EACH substance are
This is the best practice
Amount of EACH substance given is documented
S&W Healthcare
Sometimes Its OK to Have More Than One
Initial or Primary Service Code
2 am
4 pm
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A Concurrent Infusion
occurs when multiple
infusions are provided
simultaneously through
the same intravenous
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Sequential is one after the other through the
same venous access site.
S&W Healthcare
Hydration is considered an infusion of
prepackaged fluid for the purpose of restoring
bodily fluid. There must be physician
documentation of medical necessity to charge for
hydration. This includes but not limited to:
Dehydration/Volume Depletion
Inability to maintain fluid intake (i.e., nausea &/vomiting)
Sugar &/ electrolyte imbalances
*NOTE: Hydration cannot be reported for TKO, KVO, Heplock, Saline Lock
S&W Healthcare
Only one initial service code should be reported, unless two
separate IV sites are required;
Hydration codes are reported after 30 minutes of infusion
(31)/Do not charge hydration when provided for 30 minutes or
Concurrent infusion is only reported once per encounter;
Sequential is one after the other; concurrent is at the same time.
In order to report a concurrent administration, the drugs cannot
simply be mixed in one bag; there must be more than one bag;
Infusions of 15 minutes or less are reported with an IV push
Injections are coded per injection, not per medication;
Each additional sequential IV push of the same substance must
be greater than 30 minutes;
Vaccination codes utilize an administration code 90465-90474
in addition to the vaccine/toxoid 90476-90479;
S&W Healthcare
Do not charge for hydration and infusion during the same
time interval;
Hydration consists of pre-packaged fluid and electrolytes
(e.g., normal saline, D5 normal saline + 30 mEq KCl/liter);
Do not charge for services integral to a procedure (e.g., drugs
given during CPR or prior to intubation);
Infusion is for the administration of substances/drugs. When
fluids are used to administer the drug(s), the administration
of the fluid is considered incidental hydration and is not
separately reportable;
Hydration is not coded on a concurrent service.
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Contrast Epinephrine Surgery
during during CPR or
CT Scan Recovery
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If performed to facilitate the infusion or
injection, the following services are included
and are not reported separately:
Use of local anesthesia
Intravenous (IV) start
Access to indwelling IV, subcutaneous catheter or
Flush at conclusion of infusion
Standard tubing, syringes and supplies
Preparation of the chemotherapy agent(s)
S&W Healthcare
To begin, select one column based on the facility
hierarchy whereby infusion is first, IV push is second and
hydration is third. Mark all remaining charges in that
column. If a patient does not receive an IV infusion, start
with the IV push column. If a patient does not receive an
infusion or an IV push, start with the hydration column.
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S&W Healthcare
96374 IVP
96361 x 2 - Hydration
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A 66-year-old patient arrives to the ER and
receives a therapeutic infusion from 10:15
am to 11:55 a.m. The patient receives an IV
push of the same drug at 1:00 p.m.
S&W Healthcare
96365 1st hour of infusion
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A 54-year-old patient comes to the ER
complaining of pain in his legs and back
saying he feels nauseous and lightheaded.
The ER starts an IV and begins hydration from
7-7:25 a.m. and IVP of Morphine is given at
8:00 a.m.
S&W Healthcare
96374 IVP of Morphine
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Patient has the following:
Lasix IVP @ 10:00 a.m.
Lasix IVP @ 10:25 a.m.
Phenergan IVP @ 10:40 a.m.
Lasix IVP @ 1:00 p.m.
Lasix IVP @ 3:00 p.m.
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96374 x 1 Initial IVP Lasix
96375 x 1 IVP different drug (Phenergan)
96376 x 2 IVP same drug (Lasix)
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Patient presents to the ER in respiratory
failure. Patient was administered an IVP of
Etomidate at 0200 and was intubated. Patient
was placed on a ventilator and maintained
good oxygen saturations. Patients heart rate
dipped to 50 but responded to IVP of
Atropine at 0300. Patient infused with
Vancomycin from 0325-0435. Levaquin
infused from 0345-0420.
S&W Healthcare
96365 Initial Infusion of Vancomycin
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