Protocol Description FCP - FAT
Protocol Description FCP - FAT
Protocol Description FCP - FAT
.1 Introduction:
Interface settings :
Baudrate : 9600
Start bits: 1
Data bits: 8
Parity : none
Stop bits : 1
Checksum : 1 Byte Addition of all bytes
Message transport :
- message to single device with reply
- broadcast message to all devices without reply
Message format:
Byte number function range
0 address 0x01-0x3F, 0xC0
1 length N max. 60 bytes
2 Command / Bit 60 : command
direction Bit 7 : direction
1 = from FCP
0 = from device
3N-2 Data
N-1 Checksum Addition of bytes
Function Length direction comand data 1 data 2 data 3 data 4 data 5 data 6 data 7 data 8 data
CPU -> Zone 0 bis 40
Send message 1252 SLAVE 0xC1 Class ID Zone High Low Detect. Org. Type FCP no. byte text
CPU ->
Date & time 12 SLAVE 0xC0 Class ID Day Month Year Hour Minute Second
Configuration 9 SLAVE 0xC2 Language Config. Config.
Class ID 0 to 40
Installer Logo CPU > Byte Text
line 1 646 SLAVE 0xC3
Class ID 0 to 40
Installer Logo CPU > Byte Text
line 2 646 SLAVE 0xC4
CPU > Class ID Delay
delay 9 SLAVE 0xC5 Status Time in seconds
Single message
Type & CPU ->
softwareversion 4 SLAVE 0x81 -
Type & SLAVE -> 10 Byte
softwareversion 15 CPU 0x01 Dev. type Softwareversion
Status request 5 SLAVE 0x91 LED's
SLAVE -> Broadcast FAT FBF
Send status 7 CPU 0x11 ID Status Status
Status Interrupt 4 CPU 0x33
Send single CPU -> Zone 0 bis 40
message 1252 SLAVE 0xC1 Class ID Zone High Low Detect. Org. Type FCP no. byte text
SLAVE -> Zone
Command 12 CPU 0x41 Class ID Zone High Low Detect. Org. Type FCP no.
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Device typecodes (for command 0x01):
//62=LCD repeater panel
//63=FAT with FBF
//81= PC management system
FCP ->0x91 Dev1 -> 0x11 FCP ->0x91 Dev2 -> 0x11 FCP ->0x91 Dev3 -> 0x11 ..
Status request 30ms Status to FCP 1000ms Status request 30ms Status to FCP 1000ms Status request 30 ms Status to FCP
Dev1 or Dev2 or Dev3 or
All devieces have to response to the "status request" with the last received broadcast ID. If a deviec ddidn't receive a message correctly this message will be repeated as a
single message with a single message ID to the address of the device. The answer to this single message has to be a status message with the received ID.
If a slave device doesn't respond correct for 3 following status requests, a fault message will be displayed.
If a slave doesn't respond with the correct ID of the last broadcast message, a single device message will
be repeated until the dvice responds with the correct ID.
.3.5 Date&Time
One time per minute the date&time comand 0xc0 will be send.
N-1 checksum
Function Length direction comand data 1 data 2 data 3 data 4 data 5 data 6 data 7 data 8 checksum
Single command
Org. Type
See 4.2 See 4.1
Send single SLAVE -> Zone Zone message message
command 12 CPU 0x41 Class ID High Low Detect. origins types FCP no. checksum
"Class" and "ID" have to be returned with same values as received in last message from FCP.
After sending a command FCP will send the appropriate message back within 5 seconds. If there isn't a message within 5 seconds the command should be repeated.
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Disable zone 5 detector 1 of FCP 1
Addr (i.e. 0x01), 0x12, 0x41, class (0x03), last received ID (i.e. 0x0a), 0x00, 0x05, 0x01, 0x00, 0x20, 0x01, checksum ( 0x88)
Reset FCP 1
Addr (i.e. 0x01), 0x12, 0x41, class (0x03), last received ID (i.e. 0xc1), 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xff, 0x90, 0x01, checksum ( 0xA8)
.7 Synchronisation
To receive all actual messages from FCP, it is possible to set bit 7 "Reset/Neustart" of FAT-Status (see chapter 2 "Commands") to 1 in the answer to a status request. After
having received all messages you have to reset the bit to 0.