Elec 2104
Elec 2104
Elec 2104
Duration: 3 Hours
Instructions to Candidates:
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SJL 2011-2012 S2
3 dy
y (t ) u (t )
dt 2 2 dt
The system is excited with a signal u(t ) 2 cos(2t ) 3 sin(t ) . Write down the
frequency response H ( j) and use it to find the steady-state response y ss (t ) .
(8 marks)
(8 marks)
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(ii) Sketch the pole-zero plot, and the magnitude and phase responses of the
filter for . (6 marks)
(iii) Calculate the exact frequency 0 at which the phase is a minimum. Hence
calculate the value of the minimum phase.
(5 marks)
(iv) Let y(n) now be filtered according to y1(n) = y(n) + 2y(n 1) 0.5y1(n 1).
Y1 ( z )
What can you say about the overall system response, H 1 ( z ) ? Plot
X ( z)
the magnitude and phase responses for .
(6 marks)
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(6 marks)
(b) Consider five linear and time-invariant systems and denote their impulse
responses and transfer functions by hi[n] and Hi(z) respectively, where
i = 1,2,3,4,5. These systems are connected to each other as in the following
block-diagram: (x[n] and y[n] being the input and output sequences
x[n] h1[n]
h3[n] h4[n]
Let h[n] and H(z) denote the impulse response and the transfer function of the
above system.
(i) Determine expressions for h[n] and H(z) in terms of hi[n] and Hi(z),
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(ii) Calculate h[n] and H(z) when
where [n] and u[n] are the impulse and unit step sequences respectively
(i.e. [n] = 1 if n = 0 and [n] = 0 otherwise, and u[n] = 1 if n 0 and u[n] =
0 otherwise.)
(10 marks)
(c) Let h(n) represent the impulse response of a five-point running average digital
filter i.e.
, 0n4
h( n) 5
0, otherwise
where y ( n) x ( k ) h( n k ) . Derive expressions for H (e j ) and
( ) H (e ) , and from these roughly sketch H (e j ) and ( ) for
, labelling all the axes appropriately.
(9 marks)
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(a) Suppose that a linear time invariant system has the following z-transfer function
H ( z) 1 4 z 1 3z 2 z 3 2 z 6
(i) Determine the linear difference equation that relates the output y[n] of the
system to the input x[n].
(ii) Determine and sketch the output sequence y[n] when the input is
x[n] [n] [n 2] [n 3]
(8 marks)
(b) A sine wave has been sampled at a rate that is larger than the corresponding
Nyquist rate. The sampled signal is obtained as x[n] cos(0.125n) .
(i) The sampled signal x[n] is decimated by a factor of 4 to give the new
sampled signal y[n] cos(2n) . Determine the value of .
(ii) The decimated signal, y[n], is now passed through a 2-point moving
average filter whose impulse response is given by
h[n] b0 [n] b1 [n 1]
where [n] is the unit impulse, and b0 and b1 are real numbers. The output
of this filter can be written as z[n] A cos(2n ) . Determine the values
of b0 and b1 that lead to A = 2 and / 4 .
(8 marks)
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(c) Consider an ideal digital linear time invariant filter whose frequency response is
1 if / 2
H I (e j )
0 otherwise
(i) Determine and sketch the impulse response, hI[n], of the ideal filter, using
the inverse discrete-time Fourier transform of H I (e j ) .
(ii) Since ideal filters cannot be realised in practice, we consider the truncated
impulse response given by h[n]= hI[n] if -2 n 2 and h[n] = 0 otherwise.
Determine the frequency response of the resulting filter by using the
discrete-time Fourier transform of h[n].
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(a) Sketch the magnitude spectrum and derive the minimum sampling rate in
Hertz, based on the Nyquist criterion, for each of the following signals:
(i) x1 (t ) cos(300t / 3)
(ii) x2 (t ) cos(1000t ) cos(20t )
(iii) x3 (t ) 100 sinc(100t ) cos(1000t )
where the sinc function is defined as sinc(a)=sin(a)/a for any real number
(9 marks)
(ii) What is the maximum bandwidth of the analogue signal for which the
channel can be used?
(8 marks)
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(i) Derive and sketch the instantaneous frequency (in Hz) of the above signal.
(ii) Determine the minimum sampling rate in Hertz, based on the Nyquist
criterion, for the above signal.
(iii) Let the sampling frequency be fs = 200 Hz. Determine and sketch the
instantaneous frequency of the analogue signal that we recover if the
sampled signal is passed through an ideal lowpass analogue filter with
cutoff frequency fc = 100 Hz.
(8 marks)
DTFT: X (e j ) x ( n)e
X (e
Inverse DTFT: x ( n) )e jn d
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