People vs. Hecto

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G.R. No. L-52787 February 28, 1985 respectively, of Jesus Hecto. They pointed their guns at her.

ectively, of Jesus Hecto. They pointed their guns at her. Notwithstanding, Caridad,
could see Jesus Hecto pointing a gun at her husband, Catalino Pedrosa, who was
THE PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, plaintiff-appellee, already lying on the ground face up. This was followed by Pedro Hecto who also fired
vs. his own gun at Pedrosa. Thereafter, Jesus Hecto, Pedro Hecto, Marcial Hecto and
JESUS HECTO, PEDRO HECTO and LORETO HECTO, accused, PEDRO HECTO Roberto Silvano carried the victim to a nearby ditch where Roberto and Marcial took
and LORETO HECTO, defendants-appellants. turns in stabbing him with their bolos. The four assailants then walked away. Loreto
Hecto and Faustino Silvano who were at the door of the house of the Pedrosas
guarding Caridad joined the four.
The Solicitor General for plaintiff-appellee.
The police was informed of the incident. Acting Chief of Police Nerio dela Cruz, with
Oscar Bati for defendants-appellants. several policemen, arrived at the scene of the incident at about 8:00 that evening. They
found the dead Pedrosa with three gunshots and three stab wounds on his body.

During the trial of the case, the accused Jesus Hecto died shortly after he had testified.
RELOVA, J.: Accordingly, the case against him was dismissed by the court. Trial proceeded against
Pedro and Loreto Hecto while their confederates: Roberto Silvano, Marcial Hecto and
From the decision of the then Court of First Instance of Leyte, rendered after trial in Faustino Silvano remained at large.
Criminal Case No. 1093, finding accused Pedro Hecto and Loreto Hecto guilty beyond
reasonable doubt of the crime of murder with direct assault upon a person in authority The defense of appellants Loreto Hecto and Pedro Hecto was denial. Loreto testified
and sentencing "each of them to the death penalty to be executed at a date to be set that at the date and time of the incident he was in his house two kilometers away from
and in the manner provided for by law and to jointly and severally indemnify the heirs of barangay San Isidro drinking tuba with his hired farm laborers, Pablo Lirios and Felicito
Barrio Captain Catalino Pedrosa (represented by Mrs. Caridad B. Pedrosa of San Bico. In the morning of that day, March 24, 1972, his farm laborers plowed his cornfield
Isidro, Dulag, Leyte) in the amount of P12,000.00, without subsidiary imprisonment in until about 4:00 in the afternoon. He then offered them tuba which they drank together
case of insolvency and to pay 2/6 of the costs," (p. 22, Rollo) the aforementioned in his house. About 6:00, his sister Lolita arrived telling them that their father Jesus
accused have appealed to this Court. fought with Catalino Pedrosa. He then left for barrio San Isidro to see his parents and,
as a precautionary measure, he brought his mother Maria Ganaron to his house.
Following are the facts.
Appellant Pedro Hecto declared that on March 23 and 24, 1972 he stayed in his house
Sometime in January or February 1972, brothers Jesus Hecto and Pedro Hecto because the palay which was harvested on March 21 was being threshed by Beato
slaughtered a carabao in barrio San Isidro, municipality of Dulag, Province of Leyte. Andrade and Victor Isyo. The threshing was finished about 11:00 in the evening of
They did not pay the corresponding tumbada or slaughter fee and upon learning of this March 24. About 9:00 some members of the police force of Dulag went to his house
non-payment, Barangay Captain Catalino Pedrosa asked him (Jesus) to pay the same. looking for his brother Jesus Hecto. They left upon finding that he was not there. About
Jesus replied that he could not yet pay the required slaughter fee because those who an hour later, Jesus arrived and said that he had killed somebody and that he was
bought meat from him had not also paid him yet. Thereafter, Pedrosa met Municipal going to town to surrender. After a few days, he (Pedro Hecto) left for Tacloban City
Treasurer Benedicto de la Paz who informed him that according to the Hecto brothers where he worked as carpenter until he was arrested on June 17, 1972.
they had already paid the slaughter fee to him (Pedrosa). Pedrosa denied having
received the fee mentioned. Appellants claim that the trial court erred (1) in relying on inadmissible evidence in
making a finding of facts relevant to the judgment of conviction; (2) in rendering a
On February 27, 1972, Catalino Pedrosa and his wife went to visit their farm and on judgment of conviction even if their respective guilts were not proven beyond
their way home, about 3:00 in the afternoon, they met Jesus and Pedro Hecto. Pedrosa reasonable doubt; and (3) in finding that the crime of murder was committed with
confronted the two about the false information they gave the municipal official assault upon a person in authority.
concerning the alleged payment of the slaughter fee to him. A heated discussion
ensued and the Hectos tried to attack Pedrosa. Mrs. Caridad Pedrosa pulled her With respect to the first assigned error, We agree with appellants that the sworn
husband away and the trouble was averted. statement of Constancio Bollena who did not testify at the hearing should not have
been admitted and considered by the trial court. In said affidavit, Bollena said that he
About 6:00 in the afternoon of March 24, 1972, Catalino Pedrosa left his house in was talking with Pedrosa when Jesus Hecto, Pedro Hecto, Loreto Hecto, Marcial Hecto,
barangay San Isidro to accompany a two-year old nephew to the house of the child's Roberto Silvano and Faustino Silvano arrived; that after Loreto Hecto and Faustino
parents. On his way back, about 6:30 he was shot by Jesus Hecto and Pedro Hecto Silvano proceeded to Pedrosas house, Jesus Hecto immediately drew and fired his gun
and thereafter stabbed by Marcial Hecto and Roberto Silvano. twice at Pedrosa; that Jesus then turned his attention to Bollena who ran away and
succeeded in evading the shot fired at him by Jesus. As aptly stated by the Solicitor
General in his brief, the affidavit of Bollena should not be considered in passing
Caridad Pedrosa at the time was in her house preparing supper. Upon hearing the judgment upon the guilt or innocence of herein appellants. "Such statement is hearsay
sound of a gunfire, she immediately ran to the door. However, she was prevented from evidence for the reason that Bollena never testified in court. Appellants did not have the
going down the house by Loreto Hecto and Faustino Silvano, son and nephew, opportunity to cross examine him and test his credibility. " (p. 167, Rollo)
However, the conviction of appellants Pedro Hecto and Loreto Hecto by the trial court Q When this fourth gunfire was made, were Loreto
was not entirely based on the affidavit of Bollena. There were the testimonies of and Faustino still pointing their guns at you?
Caridad Pedrosa and Mario Cadayong. Hereunder are the said testimonies of Caridad
Pedrosa, wife of the victim- A Yes, they were still pointing their guns at me.

Q You said that you were inside your house. Q How did you manage to see what was happening
Immediately after you heard the first gunshot, what to your husband?
did you do?
A Because I looked at the two (2) persons pointing
ATTY. SANTOS: their guns to me and at the same time I looked also
at the place where my husband has fallen?
Answered already, Your Honor.
xxx xxx xxx
Q After your husband was fired upon by Pedro
Let her answer because her testimony on this point Hecto what happened after that?
is not very clear.
A They lifted my husband to the culvert.
Q Who lifted your husband?
A I ran towards the door of the house.
A The four (4) of them.
Q And you said you were threatened by Loreto and
Faustino with guns. Where were you threatened by Q Who?
A Jesus Hecto, Pedro Hecto, Marcial Hecto and
A I was threatened by the door of our house Roberto Silvano.
because I was not able to go down. When I opened
the door they threatened me with guns.
xxx xxx xxx
xxx xxx xxx
Q Did you know what was that gun report-the fourth
gunshot report about? Q Your husband, as you said, was the barrio
captain of your place at the time when he was
gunned down by the accused and by the other
A Yes, sir. persons charged in the information who are simply
residents of the place who are supposed to be
Q What was it about? under him. Will you please ten the Court the reason
why your husband was killed?
A The gunshot was fired by Pedro Hecto. I could
see him still holding the gun. xxx xxx xxx

Q To whom was it aimed when you saw that gun A It was in the month of January or February when
which he fired? Jesus Hecto slaughtered their carabao.

A Towards my husband. Q What year?

xxx xxx xxx A 1972.

Q And then?
A My husband asked for the permit of slaughtering A My husband confronted Jesus Hector by saying
the carabao. 'You have told there that you have already given
the amount as payment for the slaughter of the
Q What is this "tumbada" in your local parlance? carabao; but why did you tell them when you have
not given me this amount yet?'
A Whenever somebody slaughter a carabao, a
certain amount is asked from them. Q What happened after this?

Q For what is this amount-where does this go? A There was an exchange of words between my
husband and Jesus Hecto.
A For the municipal treasurer.
Q And then?
Q Municipal treasurer or barrio treasurer?
A I held my husband because they were about to
harm my husband.
A Municipal treasurer.
Q Who were about to harm your husband?
Q And then, was Jesus Hecto able to pay the
'tumbada' to the barrio captain, your husband?
A Pedro Hecto and Jesus Hecto.
A Jesus Hecto did not give the amount to my
husband because according to Jesus Hecto, the Q What did you do?
persons who partook of the carabao did not pay
him yet. A I held my husband and we went home.

xxx xxx xxx Q And what did Jesus Hecto and Perdo Hecto do
when you held your husband and you went home?
A He said 'Ikaw, Captain, ka nga estrikto, magkikita
I am asking for the motive, Your Honor. kita ha iba nga adlaw' Meaning, 'You, Bo. Captain,
you are very strict. We will see each other some
day.' (pp. 310, 311, 314, 315, 323, 324, 325, and
COURT: 326, tsn., Hearing on January 28, 1975)

Witness is being asked on what she knows about and of Mario Cadayong:
the motive.
Q You said Catalino Pedrosa was killed, do you
FISCAL CABLITAS: know how he was killed?

A Benedicto de la Paz asked my husband about A Yes, sir.

the amount as payment for the slaughter of the
carabao as according to his information, the
amount was already given to him. Q How?

Q As a result of this, do you know what happened A He was shot.

on February 27, 1972, as a result of this 'tumbada'
in questions? Q By whom?

A We were from our farm when we passed by A He was shot by Jesus Hecto and Pedro Hecto.
Pedro and Jesus Hecto at the waiting shed.
Q Now you are talking about shots, you mean to
Q And then? say that there were guns during the incident
A Yes, sir. backwards as we saw Man Caring pointed to with a
gun by someone.
Q How many guns have you seen?
Q Who is Man Caring?
A Pedro and Jesus Hecto were having one gun
each. A Caridad Pedrosa.

xxx xxx xxx Q Who was pointing a gun at Caridad Pedrosa?

Q And when while you were running towards the A Loreto and Faustino.
coconut tree to take cover, you heard a second
shot? xxx xxx xxx

A I did not run because the coconut tree was very Q How about Roberto? You said he stabbed
near. While I was going to that tree to hide I saw Catalino. What weapon did he use in stabbing at
Jesus Hecto holding the gun and firing the second your uncle?
A He used a pisaw, a small bolo. Maybe it was
xxxxxxxxx pisaw. (Witness indicating a length of one-third of a
xxx xxx xxx
Just answer the question whether Catalino Pedrosa
died after quivering. Q Did you see Pedro Hecto actually fire upon
Catalino Pedrosa?
A Yes, sir.
A Not yet because he was still shot.
Q Was Catalino hit?
A Maybe, he was hit because Catalino was just in
Q He was shot by whom? front of Pedro and whose position was lying face
A Pedro Hecto. (pp. 432, 433, 435 & 445, tsn.,
June 3, 1976 hearing) Q When Jesus Hecto fired upon Catalino Pedrosa,
referring to the second shot you saw, was Pedro
xxx xxx xxx around?

COURT: A Yes, sir. He was around. (pp. 243, 244, 245, 247,
tsn., September 9, 1975 hearing)
Will you describe to us in proper sequence what
you saw from the time Jesus Hecto pointed his gun xxx xxx xxx
to Catalino Pedrosa who was already fallen on the
ground shaking? Q When for the first time did you see Pedro Hecto
in the scene of the incident?
A Catalino was shot again by Pedro. Catalino
Pedrosa was carried by Pedro Hecto, Jesus Hecto A I saw them when they were going to the waiting
and Roberto Silvano to the ditch. After that, shed. I saw Jesus Hecto, Pedro Hecto, Marcial
Catalino was stabbed by Roberto and after that he Hecto, Roberto Silvano going to the waiting shed.
was again stabbed by Marcial. We were stepping (p. 450, tsn., June 3, 1976 hearing)
Thus, it is clear that Mrs. Caridad Pedrosa and Mario Cadayong saw the killing of the
victim, Catalino Pedrosa Considering the concerted action of Jesus Hecto, appellants
Pedro and Loreto Hecto, Marcial Hecto, Roberto and Faustino Silvano, conspiracy
among them has been successfully established by the prosecution. While their
companions were slaying the deceased, appellant Loreto Hecto and Faustino Silvano
were by the stairs of the house of Catalino to prevent any assistance which could come
therefrom. After they had accomplished their criminal or unlawful purpose, they left
together. Time and again We have ruled that concert of action at the time of
consummating a crime and the form and manner in which assistance is rendered to the
person or persons inflicting the fatal wounds on their victim determine complicity where
it would not be otherwise evident. In a conspiracy, all are liable for the acts of one.

The fact that appellants went into hiding after the incident is evidence of guilt. Pedro
Hecto was arrested two months later in Tacloban City, while Loreto Hecto presented
himself before the authorities in March 1974 or after two years. Their three companions
have not yet been arrested up to now.

Against the testimony of the People's witnesses, appellants Loreto and Pedro Hecto
claim that they were elsewhere when the killing took place. Well established is the rule
that where the accused have been positively Identified by witnesses as perpetrators of
the offense, the defense of alibi is futile and unavailing.

We now come to the contention of the defense that the trial court erred in convicting
them of the complex crime of murder with assault upon a person in authority. They
pointed out that when the barangay captain was killed he was not in actual performance
of his official duties. Be that as it may, the fact is, the attack on the deceased was
occasioned by the official duties done by him. As the barangay captain, it was his duty
to enforce the laws and ordinances within the barangay. If in the enforcement thereof
he incurs the enmity of his people who thereafter treacherously slew him, the crime
committed is murder with assault upon a person in authority.

WHEREFORE, the appealed judgment is hereby AFFIRMED with the modification that
for lack of necessary votes the sentence is reduced to reclusion perpetua and the
indemnity increased to P30,000.00. With costs.


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