Determination of Aniline and Its Derivatives in Environmental Water by Capillary Electrophoresis With On-Line Concentration
Determination of Aniline and Its Derivatives in Environmental Water by Capillary Electrophoresis With On-Line Concentration
Determination of Aniline and Its Derivatives in Environmental Water by Capillary Electrophoresis With On-Line Concentration
International Journal of
Molecular Sciences
ISSN 1422-0067
Received: 26 March 2012; in revised form: 27 April 2012 / Accepted: 17 May 2012 /
Published: 5 June 2012
Abstract: This paper describes a simple, sensitive and environmentally benign method for
the direct determination of aniline and its derivatives in environmental water samples by
capillary zone electrophoresis (CZE) with field-enhanced sample injection. The parameters
that influenced the enhancement and separation efficiencies were investigated.
Surprisingly, under the optimized conditions, two linear ranges for the calibration plot,
150 ng/mL and 501000 ng/mL (R > 0.998), were obtained. The detection limit was in
the range of 0.290.43 ng/mL. To eliminate the effect of the real sample matrix on the
stacking efficiency, the standard addition method was applied to the analysis of water
samples from local rivers.
1. Introduction
Aniline and its derivatives are important raw materials in the pesticide, plastic and pharmaceutical
industries. Their considerable consumption in industrial processes has led to a release of chemical
Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2012, 13 6864
by-products into aquatic environments. These compounds are well known due to their high toxicity
and suspected carcinogenicity [14].
The most common techniques for the determination of aniline and its derivatives in environmental
samples have been and remain GC [5,6] and HPLC [7,8]. Due to the low concentration of aniline and
its derivatives in real samples, most methods rely on some types of pretreatment of the samples before
analysis. Liquid-liquid extraction and solid-phase extraction have been frequently adopted, which are
time-consuming and harmful to the environment due to the large volume of organic solvents used.
There are few methods that can be employed to directly analyze aniline and its derivatives in
environmental water. Varney [9] and Sun [10] achieved a limit of detection (LOD) of 1.515 nM by
HPLC and 10 nM by CE, respectively, using electrochemical detection, which is not a common
chromatographic technique. Although Chen obtained a LOD in the range of 0.110 nM using CE with
on-line stacking [11], this concentration method was effective only for those aniline and its derivatives
that have a high degree of association with micelle structures.
After development over a period of decades, CE has become a mature technique for analytical
separation [1214]. CE possesses several advantages over other separation techniques, including high
separation efficiency, minimal sample requirements, and almost no need for organic solvents, which
makes CE an environmentally friendly separation technique. Due to its poor concentration sensitivity
with photometric detectors, CE has yet to be widely accepted within environmental field as a routine
analytical method. However, for compounds such as aniline and its derivatives, CE is suitable as a
chromatographic separation technique because the detection sensitivity can be easily improved by
field-enhanced sample injection [1518]. Furthermore, this on-line concentration method only works
for cationic analytes, not for non-ionic or anionic analytes, resulting in high sensitivity and intrinsic
selectivity for the final, overall analysis.
The first experimental variable examined was the buffer concentration. In all cases, phosphoric
acid/sodium dihydrogen phosphate was used as the electrolyte buffer because successful separation
results were obtained. Figure 1 illustrates the effect of the buffer concentration on the migration times
of the analytes. As the buffer concentration was increased, the overall migration times slightly
increased due to the associated decrease in the electroosmotic flow through the column.
The peak height of each analyte increased as the buffer concentration increased due to the
enhancement in the electric field amplification at the higher buffer concentrations. When the buffer
concentration was greater than 120 mM, zone broadening occurred due to significant Joule heating
effects. As a compromise between analyte resolution and concentration factors, a 120 mM phosphate
buffer was selected for all further experiments. In addition, 10 mM triethanolamine was added to the
buffer solution to decrease absorption of the analytes onto the capillary wall, and 2 mM phosphoric
acid was employed in the sample solution to protonate the analytes and to maintain stable
electroinjection conditions.
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The effect of the buffer solution pH on the migration time of the analytes is shown in Figure 2. The
migration order of the four analytes depended mainly on their pKb (o-tolidine, pKb1 = 8.21, pKb2 = 9.54;
aniline, pKb = 9.39; o-toluidine, pKb = 9.56; m-aminophenol, pKb = 9.70). At low pH, the diamine
compound (1) had the highest mobility due to the lowest pKb, and at higher pH, the migration sequence
between aniline and o-tolidine was reversed. The increase in pH caused an increase in the migration
time without a significant effect on analyte peak heights. A pH value of 2.8 was selected for routine work.
Figure 1. Effect of buffer concentration on the migration times of the analytes. : aniline;
: o-tolidine; : o-toluidine; : m-aminophenol. Background electrolyte (BGE): varying
amounts of NaH2PO4 and 10 mM triethanolamine, pH 2.6; sample concentration: 50 ng/mL
each in 2 mM phosphoric acid and 60% acetonitrile; electroinjection: 6 s at 10 kV after
injection of a water plug for 5 s at 0.5 psi.
In field-enhanced sample injection, an electrokinetic injection was usually used to obtain higher
detection sensitivity compared to hydrodynamic injection. A short plug of water, before electrokinetic
injection of the sample, provided an appropriate enhancement of the electric field at the injection point,
which produced an empty region for the concentration of ions deeper into the column and away from
the inlet end. As discussed in our previous study [19], the water plug was necessary to maintain good
reproducibility of the peak heights or areas. In the present study, the injection time of the water plug
was 5 s.
As shown in Figure 3, the peak heights of the analytes increased rapidly as the injection
time increased from 4 to 12 s. With a further increase in injection time, the peak heights changed
slightly and the peaks were broadened. Therefore, an injection time of 12 s was optimal for the
standard solutions.
Figure 3. Effect of the injection time on the peak heights of the analytes. Injection voltage:
8 kV; other conditions are the same as in Figure 1.
The effect of the injection voltage on the peak heights of the analytes was similar to the injection
time (Figure 4). Analyte ions permeated the boundary between the water plug and the run buffer into
the buffer if longer injection times or higher voltages were applied, and the sample zones became
dispersed, which resulted in an incomplete stacking process. The data presented in Figure 4 illustrate
that the effective injection voltage was 8 kV in this study.
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Figure 4. Effect of injection voltage on the peak heights of the analytes. Electrokinetic
injection time: 12 s; other conditions are the same as in Figure1.
The effect of the volume ratio of different organic solvents on sample stacking is shown in Figure 5.
As the percentage of solvent was increased, the peak heights of the analytes increased. At the same
volume ratio for each organic solvent tested, the use of acetonitrile resulted in the highest stacking
efficiency. A volume ratio of 60% acetonitrile was adopted because the shapes of the analyte peaks in
the real samples deteriorated at 80% acetonitrile, which was probably due to a low conductivity of the
sample [20].
Figure 5. Cont.
Since the real sample matrix had a complicated composition, which influenced the on-line stacking
efficiency, the standard addition method was used for quantitative analysis [21]. When the optimized
stacking parameters were applied to the standard solutions spiked with local river water, a distortion in
the peak shape occurred. After the stacking, parameters for real samples were further investigated, and
the optimal injection time and voltage were determined to be 6 s and 8 kV, respectively.
Linearity for all of the tested amine compounds was verified by studying different concentrations of
each amine over a range of 11000 ng/mL. Interestingly, two linear trends appeared within the
investigated concentration range; one trend occurred at low concentrations, over a range of
550 ng/mL (for aniline, 150 ng/mL), and another trend occurred at higher concentrations, over a
range of 501000 ng/mL (for o-tolidine, 5800 ng/mL) (Table 1). Regression coefficients and
characteristics of the calibration plots were calculated. As illustrated, good linearity for all of the
amines was achieved over both of these concentration ranges. The limit of detection ranged from
0.29 to 0.44 ng/mL with a signal-to-noise ratio of 3. The reproducibility of this method was validated
in terms of the migration times and the peak heights of the analytes. For a given sample, RSD values
of the migration times and peak heights for five replicate injections were below 0.5% and
4.5%, respectively.
Table 1. Parameters of calibration graphs and limits of detection for aromatic amines.
Compound Regression Correlation Linear Range Detection Limit
Equation Coefficient (ng/mL) (ng/mL)
Aniline y = 40.8x + 50.061 0.9983 1~50 0.29
y = 5.1371x + 1149.9 0.9995 50~1000
o-Tolidine; y = 30.588x + 324.09 0.9996 5~800 0.39
o-Toluidine y = 27.016x + 16.356 0.9999 5~50 0.44
y = 9.9569x + 907.81 0.9993 50~800
3-Aminophenol y = 27.895x + 49.048 0.9997 5~50 0.43
y = 12.142x + 769.55 0.9994 50~1000
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The developed method was applied to the determination of aniline and its derivatives in samples
collected from three local rivers (Yangling, China). To eliminate the effect of the real sample matrix
on stacking efficiency, a standard addition method was used for quantitative analysis (Figure 6).
A volume ratio of 10% river water was added into volumetric flasks that contained standard solutions
with the specified concentration. The four tested compounds were not found in the real samples.
Recoveries were calculated from the Gaogan Qu River sample spiked with aromatic amine standards,
and the results were satisfactory (Table 2).
Figure 6. Electropherograms of the gaogan river sample and the 50 ng/mL internal
standard analytes of gaogan river sample (a) 10% gaogan river sample (0.002 mol/L,
phosphoric acid, 60% acetonitrile); (b) 50 ng/mL internal standard analytes of sample
(other condition are the same as a).
3. Experimental Section
3.1. Chemicals
Analytical grade sodium hydroxide, sodium dihydrogen phosphate, triethanolamine, and phosphoric
acid were obtained from Tianli Chemical Reagent Co. Ltd. (Tianjing, China). HPLC grade acetonitrile,
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acetone, ethanol, and methanol were purchased from Luomiou Chemical Reagent Co. Ltd. (Tianjing,
China). Aniline, o-tolidine, o-toluidine, and m-aminophenol were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich
(St. Louis, MO, USA).
Stock solutions of analyte standards (5 mg/mL) were prepared in methanol and stored in a
refrigerator at 4 C. Fresh standard solutions were prepared daily by suitable dilutions of the stock
solutions to prevent possible degradation of the analytes.
3.2. Apparatus
To activate a new capillary, it was rinsed with 0.1 M NaOH for 30 min, deionized water for 30 min,
and a background electrolyte (BGE) solution for 30 min. On a daily basis, prior to the first sample
injection, the capillary was flushed with 0.1 M NaOH for 3 min, deionized water for 2 min, and BGE
for 5 min. Samples were introduced from the anodic end of the capillary by electroinjection using the
specified voltage and time. All BGEs were degassed by sonication and filtered through 0.22-m mixed
cellulose ester filters (Shanghai Minimo Separation Technology Co. Ltd., Shanghai, China).
Water samples were collected from three local rivers (Gaogan Qu River, Weihui Qu River and
Suixi Gou River; Yangling, China), and the samples were analyzed after filtering through 0.45-m
cellulose ester filters.
4. Conclusions
The proposed method for determining amine compounds in environmental water samples by
capillary zone electrophoresis (CZE) with on-line concentration is simple and efficient. The selectivity
of this technique limits interference from differently charged compounds in complex matrices, which
simplifies a tedious procedure for sample pretreatment. In addition, this method provides the required
sensitivity for the inherent toxicity and the possible dangers of these compounds in environmental
waters. Finally, it consumes low volumes of organic solvents (a few milliliters) and is relatively
environmentally benign. This approach should find widespread applicability in this field in terms of
environmental protection issues.
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The authors gratefully acknowledge financial support from Northwest A & F University. The
authors also thank Isk S. Krull for valuable assistance with this project and for helpful discussions.
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