An Overview of Liquid-Fluoride-Salt
Heat Transport Systems
September 2010
Prepared by
David E. Holcomb
Sacit M. Cetiner
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David E. Holcomb
Sacit M. Cetiner
Prepared by
Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37831-6283
managed by
for the
under contract DE-AC05-00OR22725
LIST OF FIGURES ................................................................................................................................ v
LIST OF TABLES ............................................................................................................................... vii
ABBREVIATED TERMS..................................................................................................................... ix
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ................................................................................................................... xi
ABSTRACT ........................................................................................................................................ xiii
1. INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 PURPOSE AND SCOPE ....................................................................................................... 1
1.2 SYSTEM CONCEPTUAL OVERVIEW .............................................................................. 1
1.3.1 Aluminum Smelting .................................................................................................. 3
1.3.2 Molten Salt Reactor Program .................................................................................... 3
1.3.3 Fusion First Wall Program ........................................................................................ 4
1.3.4 Electrodeposition ...................................................................................................... 4
TRANSPORT LOOPS..................................................................................................................... 5
2.1.1 Heat Source and Heat Sink ....................................................................................... 5
2.1.2 Piping and Insulation ................................................................................................ 8
2.1.3 Liquid Salt Pumps ..................................................................................................... 8
2.2 SUPPORT SYSTEMS AND COMPONENTS ..................................................................... 9
2.2.1 Loop Preheating System ........................................................................................... 9
2.2.2 Fill and Drain System ............................................................................................. 10
2.2.3 Chemistry Control System ...................................................................................... 12
2.2.4 Expansion Tank....................................................................................................... 13
2.2.5 Rupture Disks .......................................................................................................... 13
2.2.6 Instrumentation ....................................................................................................... 13
2.3 EMERGING COMPONENT TECHNOLOGIES ............................................................... 15
2.3.1 Canned Rotor Pumps .............................................................................................. 16
2.3.2 Dry Gas Seals .......................................................................................................... 18
2.4.1 Flow Requirements ................................................................................................. 20
2.4.2 Pressure Loss........................................................................................................... 23
2.4.3 Pumping Power ....................................................................................................... 24
2.5 OTHER ISSUES .................................................................................................................. 26
2.5.1 Salt Freeze-Out ....................................................................................................... 26
3. FLUORIDE SALT PROPERTIES AND CHEMISTRY............................................................... 31
3.1 THERMOPHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF FLUORIDE SALTS ......................................... 31
3.1.1 Melting Point........................................................................................................... 31
3.1.2 Vapor Pressure and Vapor Species ......................................................................... 32
3.1.3 Density .................................................................................................................... 34
3.1.4 Viscosity ................................................................................................................. 35
3.1.5 Thermal Conductivity ............................................................................................. 40
3.1.6 Heat Capacity .......................................................................................................... 42
3.1.7 Component Separation and Snow ........................................................................... 44
3.2 CORROSION CHEMISTRY............................................................................................... 44
3.3 PREPARATION OF FLUORIDE SALT INVENTORY .................................................... 47
4. LIQUID-FLUORIDE-SALT HEAT TRANSFER CHARACTERISTICS ................................... 49
4.2 HEAT TRANSFER CORRELATIONS .............................................................................. 55
5. OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE ISSUES ........................................................................... 57
5.1 STARTUP PROCEDURES ................................................................................................. 57
5.2 ACTIVE REDOX CORROSION CONTROL .................................................................... 57
5.3 TRITIUM CONTROL ......................................................................................................... 61
6. CONCLUSIONS ........................................................................................................................... 63
REFERENCES ..................................................................................................................................... 65
Figure Page
1 Schematic drawing of a liquid-salt heat transport system ...................................................... 2
2 Possible configuration option for a liquid salt heat transport loopdirect electrical
cycle and a parallel intermediate heat exchanger (IHX) ........................................................ 6
3 Possible configuration option for a liquid-salt heat transfer loopindirect electrical
cycle and a parallel secondary heat exchanger (SHX) ........................................................... 7
4 MSRE fuel pump ................................................................................................................... 9
5 Fuel-salt drain tank of the MSRE......................................................................................... 11
6 A freeze valve design used in the MSRE ............................................................................. 12
7 An ultrasonic thermometry system including a notched waveguide .................................... 14
8 Schematic representation of an ultrasonic flowmeter and its operating principle................ 15
9 Reluctance motor cross section showing A-phase motor windings and bearing windings .. 17
10 Dry gas seal mating ring ...................................................................................................... 19
11 Variation of pipe diameter as a function of bulk fluid velocity ........................................... 22
12 Variation of total pressure drop with respect to bulk fluid velocity ..................................... 24
13 Required pumping power for selected fluids as a function of fluid velocity ....................... 26
14 Geometric parameters used in the freeze-out calculations ................................................... 27
15 Electrical circuit analogy of the thermal model used in the analysis ................................... 27
16 Variation of bulk flinak temperature as a function of time .................................................. 28
17 Onset of salt freeze-up as a function of pipe diameter (100-mm insulation) ....................... 29
18 Onset of salt freeze-up as a function of insulation thickness (400-mm-diameter pipe) ....... 30
19 Vapor pressure trends in alkali fluorideBeF2 systems at 900C ......................................... 33
20 Vapor pressure trends in alkali fluoride ZrF4 systems at 900C .......................................... 34
21 Range of viscosities for various salt systems ....................................................................... 36
22 Effect of BeF2 composition on the viscosity of LiF-BeF2 mixtures at 600C ...................... 37
23 Effect of alkali composition on the viscosity in BeF2 salts .................................................. 37
24 Composition effects on viscosity in ZrF4 mixtures .............................................................. 38
25 Comparison of values measured for the viscosity of LiF-NaF-KF eutectic......................... 39
26 Comparison of values measured for the viscosity of NaF-ZrF4, 50-50 mol % .................... 40
27 ZrF4 snow-trap designs developed for the Aircraft Reactor Test ..................................... 44
28 Beryllium fluoride complexation ......................................................................................... 45
29 Gibbs free energy of structural and salt fluorides ................................................................ 46
30 Inconel 600 sample exposed to flinak at 700C for approximately 60 days ........................ 47
31 Flinak heat transfer data ....................................................................................................... 50
32 Comparison of flinak heat transfer data ............................................................................... 51
33 Experimental data by Hoffman et al. for flinak heat transfer ............................................... 52
34 Local heat transfer coefficient for flinak flowing in a pipe under uniform heat
flux conditions...................................................................................................................... 53
35 Variation of thermal entrance length for flinak and sodim hydroxide with Peclet number . 54
36 Comparisons of the molten salt data obtained by Cooke and Cox ....................................... 55
37 Weight change with exposure for type 316 stainless steel in LiF-BeF2 (66-34 mole %)
at 650C ................................................................................................................................ 58
38 Removal of chromium from solution in LiF-BeF2 (66-34 mol %) at 600C by addition
of zirconium metal ............................................................................................................... 59
Table Page
1 Thermophysical parameters for fluids included in the analysis .............................................. 20
2 Selected temperature rise values for fluids included in the analysis ....................................... 20
3 Required pipe diameter with respect to bulk fluid velocity..................................................... 21
4 Calculated thermal fluid quantities for selected fluids at various bulk velocities ................... 25
5 Useful salt compositions and eutectic temperatures for the NGNP/NHI heat
transport loop........................................................................................................................... 31
6 Melting and boiling points of select salt compounds .............................................................. 32
7 Salt density equations for selected salts .................................................................................. 34
8 Standard molar volumes for use in estimation of mixture density .......................................... 35
9 Comparison of measured and predicted thermal conductivities of selected fluoride salts ...... 42
10 Heat capacities of selected salts .............................................................................................. 42
11 Experimentally measured and estimated values of specific heat capacity for selected salt
mixtures ................................................................................................................................... 43
12 Standard electrode potentials at 25C ...................................................................................... 60
Heat transport is central to all thermal-based forms of electricity generation. The ever increasing
demand for higher thermal efficiency necessitates power generation cycles transitioning to
progressively higher temperatures. Similarly, the desire to provide direct thermal coupling between
heat sources and higher temperature chemical processes provides the underlying incentive to move
toward higher temperature heat transfer loops. As the system temperature rises, the available
materials and technology choices become progressively more limited.
Superficially, fluoride salts at ~700C resemble water at room temperature being optically
transparent and having similar heat capacity, roughly three times the viscosity, and about twice the
density. Fluoride salts are a leading candidate heat-transport material at high temperatures. Fluoride
salts have been extensively used in specialized industrial processes for decades, yet they have not
entered widespread deployment for general heat transport purposes.
This report does not provide an exhaustive screening of potential heat transfer media and other
high temperature liquids such as alkali metal carbonate eutectics or chloride salts may have economic
or technological advantages. A particular advantage of fluoride salts is that the technology for their
use is relatively mature as they were extensively studied during the 1940s1970s as part of the U.S.
Atomic Energy Commissions program to develop molten salt reactors (MSRs). However, the
instrumentation, components, and practices for use of fluoride salts are not yet developed sufficiently
for commercial implementation.
This report provides an overview of the current understanding of the technologies involved in
liquid salt heat transport (LSHT) along with providing references to the more detailed primary
information resources. Much of the information presented here derives from the earlier MSR
program. However, technology has evolved over the intervening years, and this report also describes
more recently developed technologies such as dry gas seals.
This report also provides a high-level, parametric evaluation of LSHT loop performance to allow
general intercomparisons between heat-transport fluid options as well as provide an overview of the
properties and requirements for a representative loop. A compilation of relevant thermophysical
properties of useful fluoride salts is also included for salt heat transport systems.
Fluoride salts can be highly corrosive depending on the container materials selected, the salt
chemistry, and the operating procedures used. The report includes an overview of the state-of-the-art
in reductionoxidation chemistry control methodologies employed to minimize corrosion issues. Salt
chemistry control technology, however, remains at too low a level of understanding for widespread
industrial usage. Loop operational issues such as start-up procedures and system freeze-up
vulnerability are also discussed.
Liquid fluoride salts are a leading candidate heat transport medium for high-temperature applications.
This report provides an overview of the current status of liquid salt heat transport technology. The report
includes a high-level, parametric evaluation of liquid fluoride salt heat transport loop performance to
allow intercomparisons between heat-transport fluid options as well as providing an overview of the
properties and requirements for a representative loop. Much of the information presented here derives
from the earlier molten salt reactor program and a significant advantage of fluoride salts, as high
temperature heat transport media is their consequent relative technological maturity. The report also
includes a compilation of relevant thermophysical properties of useful heat transport fluoride salts.
Fluoride salts are both thermally stable and with proper chemistry control can be relatively chemically
inert. Fluoride salts can, however, be highly corrosive depending on the container materials selected, the
salt chemistry, and the operating procedures used. The report also provides an overview of the state-of-
the-art in reduction-oxidation chemistry control methodologies employed to minimize salt corrosion as
well as providing a general discussion of heat transfer loop operational issues such as start-up procedures
and freeze-up vulnerability.
The purpose of this document is to provide an integrated overview of the engineering aspects of high-
temperature, liquid-salt heat transfer (LSHT) systems. Development of LSHT systems inherently requires
consideration of issues across a broad span of engineering disciplines due to the high temperatures and the
consequent chemical and physical properties of the materials involved. A considerable body of
knowledge has been developed describing specific scientific and technical aspects of the materials and
components comprising LSHT systems. This report integrates information from the more narrowly
focused preexisting literature into a practice oriented engineering overview of the state-of-the-art in
LSHT system practice and design.
As with any heat transfer fluid fluoride salts have distinctive chemical and physical properties that
necessitate particular operational practices, component designs, and materials selection. The interrelated
set of issues involving structural material creep strength, work hardening, salt purity, corrosion, and
reductionoxidation (redox) chemistry remain the most technically challenging aspect of employing
liquid salts for heat transfer. A primary purpose for this report is thus describing the state-of-the-art in the
materials science for LSHT.
Despite century-long, widespread, high-volume industrial use often at temperatures above those
proposed for power generation cycles, liquid fluoride salts are perceived as impractical or unproven. The
focus of one report section is thus on assembling existing liquid-fluoride-salt industrial experience into an
illustrative summary. The rapid advance of materials and automation technologies over the past few
decades offers the potential to simplify and lower the cost for LSHT systems. Thus an interwoven theme
throughout the report is documentation of recent and likely near-term system advances that offer potential
cost and performance improvements over historical implementations.
This report is organized to first provide a conceptual overview of LSHT system design and
operational issues to enable development of rapid system scoping estimates. The report then provides an
evaluated summary of the existing technical literature on required technologies for LSHT systems. Next
the report subdivides LSHT systems into heat transfer modeling and simulation, components and
instruments, salt chemistry and corrosion control, and operational practices providing a state-of-the-art
overview of each as a separate section. The report scope includes the both the LSHT system as well as the
energy transfer interface with the salt from and to high pressure, high-temperature gas systems. The report
is limited to heat transfer from and to helium, helium-nitrogen mixtures, carbon dioxide, and/or other
liquid fluoride salts and does not address the materials compatibility issues arising from loop
interconnection to more corrosive environments.
The ever-increasing demand for higher system thermal efficiency necessitates power generation cycles
transitioning to progressively higher temperatures. Similarly the desire to provide direct thermal coupling
between heat sources and higher temperature chemical processes provides the underlying incentive to
move towards higher temperature heat transfer loops. As the system temperature rises, progressively
fewer and fewer material combinations remain candidates for the loop. The requirement to operate at
above 700C (and the desire to continue to accommodate progressively higher temperatures) eliminates
all but a few materials from consideration. An earlier evaluation of molten salt reactor secondary coolants
provides a broad overview of the requirements and issues for a similar heat transfer loop albeit focusing
on somewhat lower temperatures. [1]
Design decisions within the possible material combinations arise from a combination of heuristics
(avoiding highly toxic or highly reactive materials and maintaining a low system pressure), quantitative
comparisons (minimizing pumping power, reducing heat transfer area, minimizing raw material cost,
etc.), and engineering judgment about technological difficulties of system development (e.g., developing
a high-temperature, lead compatible structural alloy appears impractical). Liquid salts stand out as the
most advantageous overall heat transfer media when all design considerations are applied. Explaining this
judgment and quantifying how liquid fluoride salts fulfill the requirements for high temperature heat
transport forms the body of this report.
Functionally, all heat transfer loops consist of a heat source, a heat sink, and a heat transfer
mechanism. A simplified overview of an LSHT loop is shown in Fig. 1. As a single-phase,
incompressible liquid, the loop also is required to have an expansion volume. A drain tank is also
necessary to enable initial filling and to allow for servicing. Since the fluoride salts have melt points well
above ambient, loop preheating is also required. Further, chemistry control is required since fluoride salts
only maintain their relatively inert nature when the free fluorine potential is minimized. In addition, since
a primary purpose for an LSHT loop is to physically separate two energetic processes (possibly at high
pressure) sufficient physical loop length is required to prevent severe accidents (blast wave, fire, caustic
chemicals) from propagating between the heat source and heat sink processes and pressure relief
mechanisms are required to prevent the liquid salt itself from propagating the accident. Additionally,
when the heat source is nuclear reactor security requirements will necessitate either applying nuclear
power level security to the heat sink process plant or providing sufficient distance between the reactor and
the process plant to incorporate a security boundary.
The largest industrial use of liquid fluoride salts is as the alumina solvent in the Hall-Hroult process
for the electrowinning of aluminum from a cryolite (Na3AlF6) bath. The Hall-Hroult process was
developed in the late 19th century and has been in continuous, progressively increasing usage since then.
Currently, more than 30 million tons of aluminum is produced each year via this high-temperature
(roughly 1000C), liquid-fluoride bath based technique.
The aluminum industry has over the past century developed simple, robust techniques for large-scale
industrial use of liquid fluoride salt. [2] Several aluminum industry practices are of particular note. The
primary aluminum reaction pot employs a frozen wall of cryolite to protect the structure behind it.
Similarly, a frozen top crust of cryolite is employed as thermal insulation, an evaporation barrier, as well
as to minimize the interaction of the fluoride salt with moisture in the air. These frozen surface techniques
combine to make a virtue of the salts inherent high melting point, protecting container materials while
minimizing interaction of the liquid salt with the environment. Aluminum smelters also employ a fume
exhaust hood routed to a water bath maintained at an elevated pH to capture and neutralize the small
remaining amount of evaporation from the salt pool.
Investigation of molten salt reactors started in the late 1940s as part a U.S. program to develop a
nuclear powered airplane. Molten fluoride salts were adopted in 1950 as the mainline effort of the
Aircraft Nuclear Propulsion (ANP) program. In carrying out this program, much information on the
physical, chemical, and engineering characteristics of molten salt systems was obtained from studies of
fluoride salt chemistry and materials compatibility, and from development of components, materials,
fabrication methods, and reactor maintenance processes. In 1954, the Aircraft Reactor Experiment (ARE),
a 2.5-MW(t) MSR fueled with UF4 dissolved in a mixture of zirconium and sodium fluorides, moderated
with beryllium oxide, was built and operated successfully for 9 days at steady-state outlet salt
temperatures approaching 900C. No mechanical or chemical problems were encountered, and the reactor
was found to be stable and self-regulating.
The MSR program was initiated in 1957, drawing upon the information developed in the ANP
program as well as beginning new lines of investigation. By 1960, favorable experimental results were
obtained to support authorization for design and construction of a 10-MW(t) Molten Salt Reactor
Experiment (MSRE). Design of the MSRE started in the summer of 1960, and construction started at the
beginning of 1962. The reactor went critical in June 1965, and the MSRE initiated power operation in
early 1966. The MSRE provided facilities for testing fuel salt, graphite, and Hastelloy N under reactor
operating conditions. The basic reactor performance was outstanding and indicated that the desirable
features of the molten salt concept could be embodied in a practical reactor that could be constructed,
operated, and maintained safely and reliably.
The MSR development program operated numerous test loops over the course of its life. Of note the
secondary cooling loop for the MSRE operated for in excess of 26,000 hours (mostly between 530 and
650C) and showed negligible corrosion upon eventual disassembly. Most of the primary heat transport
components necessary for a modern LSHT loop were developed and demonstrated. Technology
evolution, however, has improved the format of many of these components. Also, since high-power
Brayton electricity generation cycles were not yet available the interface between the low-pressure salt
and high-pressure gas was not demonstrated.
1.3.3 Fusion First Wall Program
LiF-BeF2 (67-33 mole %), commonly called flibe, is a candidate material for use as an advanced
blanket material in fusion reactors. Most recently, the JapanU.S. collaborative program, JUPITER-II
(20012006), included flibe handling, reduction-oxidation corrosion control, and thermofluid flow
experimentation and numerical analysis [3]. Of particular note, in the late 1970s, the U.S. fusion program
studied the impact of reductionoxidation control on corrosion providing support for the concept that if
the salt can be kept in a sufficiently reducing condition the salt corrosion of stainless steel is slow [4].
1.3.4 Electrodeposition
Electrodeposition of refractory metals from molten salt baths is becoming more commonplace [5].
Both LiF-NaF-KF (46.5-11.5-42 mole %), commonly called flinak, and LiF-CaF2 are often used as
plating baths. As early as 1929 liquid salts were considered for the deposition of TiB2 on Inconel [6].
Refinement of the techniques employed has been under continuous development from the 1970s onward.
Copper, chromium, and niobium, as well as the actinides have all been electrodeposited from fluoride
melts. While electrodeposition from fluoride melts remains at laboratory or small commercial scale the
high elemental solubility, wide electrochemical window, low toxicity, high heat capacity, and high-
temperature tolerance of the liquid fluoride salts is gradually increasing their frequency and volume of
The primary function of a heat transport system is to transfer energy from one system to another.
To provide a general overview of the heat transport processes, a generic heat transport loop is
assumed in this report. Structures, systems and components (SSC) that are common to any heat
transport system are included in the engineering analysis for figure of merit calculations.
A generic heat transport loop consists of the following components: (1) heat source, (2) heat sink,
(3) pump, (4) piping and insulation.
The heat source can be the reactor core, where the fluoride salt comes in direct contact with the
heat generation mechanism; or it might be a heat exchanger where two fluids exchange heat, but are
not allowed to intermix. This formalism provides a generic means for systems analysis without loss of
generality. A similar rationale applies to the heat sink.
For the Next-Generation Nuclear Plant/Nuclear Hydrogen Initiative (NGNP/NHI), the heat
source would be the secondary heat exchanger (SHX), whereas the heat sink would be the process
heat exchanger (PHX) in the proposed hydrogen production plant coupled to a high-temperature gas
reactor (HTGR) [7].
Detailed system design is outside the scope of this report. Basic system performance calculations
are provided to present a rough overview of system scale, and to enable comparison between design
options. More extensive and elaborate sensitivity and trade studies would be required before
embarking on a system design.
Recently, ORNL published a technical report that identifies the component testing requirements
for fluoride-salt-cooled high-temperature reactors (FHRs) [8]. This report includes a detailed listing
of components that are essential for proper operation of the plant. Below, we provide a tailored
overview of these components focusing on their heat transport performance.
For a LSHT system, the heat source is expected to be a heat exchanger coupled to an intermediate
heat exchanger, which couples to the reactor primary system. A number of trade studies on options
for connecting a heat transport system to a Next Generation Nuclear Plant (NGNP) for the purpose of
producing hydrogen have been performed [7]. In Reference 7, seven configuration options were
identified and a series of performance analyses was conducted. The selected configurations included
both direct and indirect cycles for the production of electricity. All the options included an
intermediate heat exchanger (IHX) to separate the operations and the safety functions of the nuclear
and hydrogen plants. For the heat transport system that transfers heat from the reactor to a hydrogen
production facility, both helium and liquid salts were considered as the working fluid. The study
concluded that the liquid salts offer significant advantages as the working fluid especially for
transferring more power to the hydrogen production facility. Although engineering development
challenges for designing a liquid-salt-based system were recognized, it was also concluded that the
safety risks are greatly reduced primarily because of the possibility of delivering high efficiency near
atmospheric pressures.
Based on high-level engineering analysis, out of seven configurations, four options were
eliminated and three were down selected for further consideration. One of the viable options used a
direct electrical cyclethe primary fluid is sent directly to the turbines for electricity generation
and a parallel IHX as shown in Fig. 2. The process heat exchanger (PHX), which delivers heat to the
hydrogen production facility, is directly connected to the IHX. This configuration offers the smallest
mass and the highest thermal efficiency. In this configuration, the heat is transferred from the primary
helium to the liquid salt through the IHX interface.
Fig. 2. Possible configuration option for a liquid salt heat transport loopdirect electrical cycle and a
parallel intermediate heat exchanger (IHX).
Another option similar to the above used an indirect electrical cycle. The process heat exchanger
(PHX) was connected to a secondary heat exchanger (SHX), which is then connected to the IHX, as
shown in Fig. 3. This configuration provided the better separation between the nuclear island and the
process facility. Because of additional components, this option turned out with the largest mass and
the lowest thermodynamic efficiencywithin the down-selected optionsas expected. However,
considerations such as operation and license acquisition may favor this option notwithstanding the
increased cost and engineering complexity.
The advantage of the configuration shown in Fig. 3 is the possibility of using another working
fluid for the power cycle. Recent design studies using supercritical CO2 (S-CO2) demonstrate that
these systems can deliver electricity with a high thermal efficiency [9]. If the LSHT loop is connected
to a heat source in this configuration, the heat is transferred from the secondary fluid to the liquid salt
via a secondary heat exchanger (SHX).
Fig. 3. Possible configuration option for a liquid-salt heat transfer loopindirect electrical cycle and
a parallel secondary heat exchanger (SHX).
The heat sink is a process facility that utilizes the heat delivered by the liquid-salt heat transport
system. The heat is transferred to another medium through a process heat exchanger (PHX), as shown
in Fig. 2 andFig. 3.
2.1.2 Piping and Insulation
Liquid salt systems operate at near atmospheric pressures, which eliminate the thick-walled
pressure boundaries. This advantage greatly reduces the piping mass required. On the other hand,
liquid salts have different interaction mechanisms with container materials than do the conventional
fluids, as described in Sect. 3.2 in further detail. Thus, material selection is a key design aspect of any
liquid-salt-based system.
A number of materials are generally compatible with liquid fluoride salts. Molybdenum, nickel,
and carbon are all thermochemically stable to liquid fluoride salts. Hastelloy N (a limited-chromium
nickel-based alloy) was developed specifically for liquid fluoride salt operation as part of the MSR
program. Hastelloy N offers excellent chemical compatibility to over 700C with fluoride salts and is
the material presumed to be used as the loop structural material by this report.
Fluoride salts expand upon melting. It is therefore important to allow piping to drain before a
loop is allowed to cool. Essentially the liquid salt cannot be allowed to freeze into a solid plug
blocking the piping. The viscosity of liquid fluorides is only a few times that of liquid water, thus, the
salt drains well and a combination of gravity draining and inert gas purging can be employed to
prevent plug formation.
Because of very high operating temperatures, the piping must be furnished with sufficient
insulation to minimize parasitic heat losses. As the pipe insulation does not contact the liquid salt,
standard high-temperature pipe insulation can be used.
The primary function of the pump is to provide the mechanical energy to circulate the fluid for
effective removal of heat. The fluidthe liquid fluoride salt in this contextexperiences irreversible
losses as it flows, which the pump has to recover.
Considerable operating experience with liquid salt pumps was obtained during the Molten Salt
Reactor Experiment (MSRE) and Molten Salt Breeder Reactor (MSBR) test programs.
The liquid salt pumps used in the prior program were mechanical, free-surface, centrifugal,
vertical-shaft sump pumps. The liquid salt pumps are generally divided into two groups:
1. Pumps with a short shaft with the impeller overhung, and
2. Pumps with a long shaft with at least one support bearing located in the pumped fluid.
The pump used in the primary loop of the MSRE was a vertical short-shaft sump pump with an
overhung impeller and an oil-lubricated face seal [10]. A cross-sectional drawing of the MSRE fuel
salt pump is shown in Fig. 4. It consists of three main components: (1) the pump tank, (2) the rotary
assembly, and (3) the drive motor. The main components were bolted together and sealed with oval
ring-joint gasketed flanges. The ring-joint grooves were connected to a leak detection system. The
motor and rotary assembly could be removed from the pump tank either as a unit or separately.
The MSRE pump tank provided volume to accommodate thermal expansion of the salt within the
system. The tank primarily contains the pump volute or casing, a xenon-removal spray device, salt
level indicators and various access nozzles. The rotary assembly consists of the bearing housing, the
pump shaft, the shaft seals, the shield plug and the pump impeller.
Fig. 4. MSRE fuel pump.
The second group, long-shaft pumps, generally includes reactor sodium pumps for various
sodium fast reactors. A liquid salt pump of this type was designed and operated at ORNL. Long-shaft
pumps have shaft support adjacent to the impeller provided by a journal bearing that is lubricated
with the pumped fluid. This permits the use of long shafts to separate the drive motor and its sensitive
electrical insulation, and hydrocarbon lubricant from the intense radioactivity of dissolved-fuel
molten salt reactors as well as from high temperature.
Because the LSHT loop will not be highly radioactive development of long-shaft pump
technology is not considered critical.
An LSHT loop interconnecting to a high-pressure system will also include the following: (1) loop
preheating system, (2) fill and drain system, (3) chemistry control system, (4) expansion tank, (5)
rupture disk, and (6) instrumentation. The following sections will provide high-level description of
these systems and the operating experience from the earlier salt programs.
The loop preheating system consists of hot-gas blowers and/or electrical resistance-type heaters,
heater mounting fixtures, power supplies and controllers, temperature sensors and temperature control
instrumentation required to heat the liquid-salt-containing components. Loop preheating systems are
required for systems with heat transfer fluids that are solid at ambient temperatures such as sodium
fast reactors. The Power Reactor Innovative Small Module (PRISM), for instance, used a Sodium
Piping and Equipment Heating and Insulation System to provide a similar functionality [11].
The loop preheating system preheats the solid metal parts of the loop at controlled heat-up rates
before the systems are filled with liquid fluoride salt from ambient conditions to roughly 100C above
the liquidus temperature of the heat transfer salt. This system is also used to heat the salt process
system from extended shutdown conditions to loop operating conditions in accordance with
prescribed heat-up rates with the loop filled with liquid salt.
Key requirements in the loop preheating system design include the following: (1) equipment is
heated up at similar rates such that temperature differences are minimized and kept within design
limits, (2) thermal stress levels are accounted for in establishing the maximum allowable unheated
length of piping, and (3) failure of the loop preheating system is not allowed to impair the safety
function of associated systems and components.
The liquid salt temperature is maintained indefinitely at sufficiently high temperatures with an
engineering margin. This is achieved by overcoming all heat losses, from normal heat leakage paths
as well as from ongoing process functions, and accounting for all heat sources including the frictional
heat from operating pumps. In that regard, the loop preheating system is intricately linked to piping
insulation to limit piping and support component heat losses to the environment, and maintain
insulation surface temperatures within acceptable limits.
The loop preheating system should be furnished with design provisions to bring the heat transport
loop from potential freeze-out conditions resulting from planned or unplanned interruptions. This is
achieved by applying heat to the frozen salt from a free surface to allow expansion of the fluid during
the phase change.
Loop preheating can be achieved by circulation of hot gas, by operation of the electrical heat
tracing units, or both. In the MSRE, preheating was accomplished by circulation of helium in the
primary system using the fuel pump as an inefficient blower. Heat is introduced through use of the
electric resistance heaters installed throughout the primary and secondary systems. The operation of
the loop preheating system as part of the loop startup procedure is further explained in Sect. 5.1.
The fill and drain system provides for the safe storage of the heat transport salt when the system
is not in the circulating modesuch as during a scheduled maintenance. It is also used during the
initial filling of the loop. Filling is achieved via application of an inert cover gas overpressure into the
drain tanks. The loop inventory is simply transferred to the drain tanks by gravity
Once in the drain tanks, the salt temperature is maintained above the liquidus temperature. The
tanks are kept at above atmospheric pressure with the inert gassuch as argonto prevent the
inleakage of moisture and oxygen.
The MSRE used a single drain tank for the coolant salt. This tank resembled the fuel-salt drain
tank, as shown in Fig. 5, except that it was smaller and it had no thimbles or cooling system. The
tanks were provided with devices to indicate high and low liquid levels and with weigh cells to
indicate the weight of the tanks and their components. The tanks were installed in insulated furnaces,
which are heated with electrical resistance heaters to maintain salt liquidity.
Fig. 5. Fuel-salt drain tank of the MSRE.
Considering the separation between the heat source and the heat sink, an LSHT system will have
much larger fluid inventory compared to the MSRE. Though no definitive design exists for such a
system, considering the volume of the inventory, it is anticipated that multiple drain tanks will be
provided. Since the salt will drain simply by gravity, pipe sections should be installed with a few-
degree tilt for proper drainage of the fluid. Valves
Valves provide means for controlling the flow of liquid salt. The primary function of valves in the
fill and drain system is to isolate the drain tanks from the loop during operation. Opening of the
valves allow transfer of salt from the heat transport loop to the drain tanks, or vice versa.
Most circulating fluid systems use mechanical valves. Challenges to the use of mechanical valves
include general material compatibility in a fluoride salt environment and operating temperatures.
Fluoride salts are excellent fluxing agents, thus self-welding and galling are important design issues
for valve seats and actuator seals.
To date most fluoride-salt circulating systems have avoided the use of mechanical valves. Freeze
valves (discussed below) have been used, or the system is designed to operate without valves (such as
controlling flow by adjusting pump speed rather than through a control valve). For common reactor
applications such as containment isolation, however, mechanical valves may be needed to meet
performance requirements such as actuation time or capacity to isolate larger diameter pipes.
An alternative to the mechanical cutoff valve is provided by a freeze valve. In a freeze valve, salt
contained within a flattened section of pipe is either cooled below its freezing temperature by a
stream of air or other coolant, or melted by electric heaters. For the freeze valves used in the MSRE,
the time required to freeze a valve varied from 5 to 30 minutes depending on the starting temperature,
and the time required to thaw varied from less than 15 minutes up to several hours depending on the
mode of operation of the valves at the time of the demand.
An example freeze valve used on the drain lines in the MSRE is shown in Fig. 6. Extensive
experience exists with freeze valves. As long as the stress produced in thermal cycling during freeze-
thaw operation is properly managed, these valves perform well.
Long-term operation of the any LSHT loop relies heavily on maintaining the purity and low
fluorine potential of the fluoride salt. Although high-purity fluoride salts can have low corrosive
properties to engineering alloys, fluoride salts can become much more corrosive when contaminated
by water vapor or oxygen.
The main function of the Chemistry Control System (CCS) is to maintain the desired composition
and thereby to minimize the fluorine potential of the liquid fluoride salt. Oxygen is a competing
electronegative element to fluorine and its level in the salt should be minimized to reduce salt
corrosivity. Salt corrosion chemistry is described in further detail in Sect. 3.2 of this report. The CCS
diverts a side stream from the heat transport loop, which is processed with an HF/H2 or NF3 purge to
remove oxygen contamination. In this purge, fluorine-bearing gas is bubbled through the salt along
with hydrogen gas, which chemically reacts with oxygen to produce water vapor and replaces oxygen
with fluorine. The salt cleanup techniques employed in the CCS are essentially identical to those
employed in initial preparation of the salt as described in Sect. 3.3.
2.2.4 Expansion Tank
Expansion tanks are commonly employed in single-phase flow systems to provide additional free
volume for the fluid to tackle deviations from nominal operating conditions. These are typically the
situations where salt specific volume varies slightly during transients such as temperature excursions
or due to more gradual changes in the chemical composition of the salt. The expansion tank provides
free surface for the salt in an inert gas environmentsuch as argon. The gas pressure can be regulated
by a simple controller to keep the system pressure in a specified operating envelope, or a burst valve
can be attached as a safety device to avoid overpressurization of the loop.
The MSRE provided the expansion volume and the free surface for the primary salt within the
volute of the primary pump. A similar approach can be adopted for the salt heat transport system to
avoid the cost of having extra components. The advantages and disadvantages of providing a separate
expansion volume should be studied in detail, probably supported by some failure modes and effect
analyses as well as economic analyses for a risk-vs-cost assessment.
Rupture disks are safety-related components to protect the heat source from pressure waves.
Sudden pressure increases might result from a breach in an interface component that is coupled to a
high-pressure system such as a steam generator or a salt-to-gas heat exchanger. Since the LSHT loop
operates at near atmospheric pressures, such a failure would result in significant fluid ingress from the
high-pressure system. A rupture disk provides a relief path for the high-pressure excursion,
preventing failure of more expensive, safety-related components. The relieved fluid can be collected
in a large-volume tank, or can be released to the atmosphere, depending on the nature and
environmental compatibility of the fluid.
2.2.6 Instrumentation
The operational instrumentation requirements for liquid salt systems differ from other more
conventional industrial applications primarily in that the transducers need to survive the high-
temperature, fluoride salt environment.
A liquid salt heat transport environment typically requires measurement of basic process variables
such as temperature and flow. Coolant chemistry measurementsas a corrosion indicatorand
component health monitoring are also important for longer-term operation. For most process
variables, several alternate measurement approaches are possible. This report includes overview
descriptions of the principal candidate measurement approaches.
Temperature measurement is both indicative of process conditions as well as a primary
component of the energy transfer measurements. Thermocouples are the most common transducer for
process condition measurement. However, base metal thermocouples lack the long-term accuracy
necessary for the heat balance measurements. Two optical instruments potentially have the stability
and accuracy required to support efficient electricity generation. Both fiber optic coupled pyrometry
and Fizeau cavity type thermometers are candidate technologies for high-accuracy temperature
measurement. Ultrasonic wireline thermometry is also a strong candidate technology for low-
uncertainty temperature measurement at elevated temperatures.
Although the field of ultrasonic temperature measurement has many embodiments, wireline,
pulse-echo ultrasonic sensor is especially applicable to aggressive environment temperature
measurement due to its rugged nature. Ultrasonic wireline thermometry has been demonstrated as
early as the 1960s in nuclear applications within as severe an environment as molten corium [12]. A
review of the technology stressing nuclear power applications was published in 1972 [13]. More
recently Lynnworth provided a detailed overview of ultrasonic probe temperature sensors [14].
Ultrasonic wireline thermometry is based upon the change in the velocity of sound within a wire
with temperature. The speed of sound in a wire varies with its elastic modulus and density as
described in
Y (T )
v(T ) (2.1)
(T )
where Y(T) represents Youngs modulus and (T) represents density of the waveguide, both as a
function of local temperature. Although both parameters are temperature dependent, the temperature
effect on elastic modulus dominates by about an order of magnitude over that of density, which
causes sound velocity to decrease with increasing temperature.
Ultrasonic wireline temperature measurement begins by launching an extensional acoustic wave
down a waveguide. The return time of reflections of the launched wave pulse is then recorded. The
wireline contains a series of notches. The time difference between reflections from each notch is
indicative of the temperature between the notches (Fig. 7).
Liquid-salt flow measurement will most likely either be performed using external, ultrasonic
flowmeters or Venturi-type flowmeters that use differential pressure gauges as their active element.
Ultrasonic flowmeters, as shown schematically in Fig. 8, are widely used across the industry due to
their low uncertainty and stability. External ultrasonic flowmeters for high temperatures are
semicommercial with remaining development and demonstration of the thermal buffer rods and pipe
coupling required to become a fully commercial component. Both optical- and capacitive-type
diaphragm deflection measurement techniques are candidate technologies for high-temperature
implementation. The high temperature of the salt environment requires that mechanical standoffs be
used to limit the ultrasonic transducer temperature exposure.
The differential pressure gauges required for Venturi-base flow measurement either require
diaphragm deflection measurement tolerant of LSHT temperatures or impulse line interconnection
between a high-temperature and a low-temperature diaphragm using a lower melt temperature fill
material such as a lead bismuth eutectic. Optically based diaphragm deflection measurement is the
leading candidate for direct, high-temperature implementation. Stoichiometric silicon carbide based
micro-electro-mechanical systems are a leading material candidate for forming the high-temperature
tolerant, salt compatible pressure gauge bodies. However, a commercial pressure measurement
technology that can be directly used in a high-temperature fluoride-salt environment is not yet
The major challenges to designing and operating a liquid-salt heat transport system come primarily
from the mechanical and chemical considerations. Interactions of the salt with the container
materialpronounced at elevated temperaturescreate deleterious effects for components,
particularly so for rotating equipment. For instance, proper design of bearings and seals has always
been a determining parameter for successful operation of high-temperature systems.
These challenges are mostly attacked by incorporating fundamental physical and chemical
provisions into the design (e.g., compatible material development). Technological advances in the last
two decades also offer potentially viable paths to incorporate ingenious options into the design
without compromising the safety case of the system. Following sections provide brief descriptions on
a few example component technologies, namely canned rotor pump technology and dry gas seal
technology that can be used in liquid salt systems. Some of these technologies have already been
deployed in other high-temperature systems, and can be adapted for liquid-fluoride-salt service with
reasonable development efforts.
Other technological advances that can be taken advantage in liquid-fluoride-salt systems include
heat exchanger technologies. Examples are printed-circuit heat exchangers, formed-plate heat
exchangers and hybrid heat exchangers. These components are generally formed from alternating
layers, typically hotcoldhot. These heat exchanger designs offer the possibility of smaller footprint
andpotentiallylower capital cost. However, no experience exists in designing, constructing and
operating these systems with liquid salts at high temperatures. A technology maturity evaluation was
previously published on various emerging component technologies in a previous report [8], including
novel heat exchanger technologies; hence, they will not be repeated here.
Another component technology that would potentially improve design and operation of liquid salt
systems is the mechanical valve technology. To date, no single mechanical valve design has been
demonstrated to meet the safety and operating requirements for liquid salt service, though significant
research and development efforts were put in during the ANP and MSBR programs. Recently, some
research focus is being directed at development of high-temperature mechanical valves for liquid salts
by the U.S. Department of Energy [15].
A study of the problems of applying the canned-rotor motor and the short-shaft and long-shaft
configurations of the centrifugal pump to molten salt service was made in 1967 [15]. The canned-
rotor pump was concluded to be a very desirable configuration, since there are no orientation or
elevation limitations on its application. However, it would require difficult and expensive
development to provide pumps for an MSBR application including the development of a high-
temperature electric motor with an electrical insulation system that also has a very high resistance to
nuclear radiation damage.
Demonstrating integrated measurement and control of active magnetic bearings is a key
technology to ensure successful transition to modern pumping systems. Oil leaks within circulator
seals have been a major historic problem for gas, liquid-metal, and liquid-salt-cooled reactors. High-
temperature canned rotor pumps and/or circulators are under development as a response to this
problem. These types of systems often employ multiple active magnetic bearings that require
thousands of position measurements each second. Such a demonstration should be made with a
representative scale pump to show that active control can be applied under high temperature
environments and with prototypic materials.
The canned-rotor pump configuration eliminates the requirement for a vertical pump shaft, avoids
the vibration issues of mechanical bearings that are remote from the impeller, does not require seal
gas, provides absolute mechanical sealing, but does require more advanced control algorithms and
elevated temperature motor windings.
In a canned rotor pump, the rotor of the pump motor is located within the liquid and a thin walled
container is located between the rotor and the stator. The rotor is prevented from mechanically
contacting the container by the use of active magnetic bearings. In a liquid salt pump, the rotor can is
the pump housing. Within the pump housing the stator and its wiring is isolated from the salt
environment. The stator container wall is kept thin on the side facing the rotor and fabricated from a
low conductivity metal to minimize the eddy currents generated within the wall. Enveloping the stator
and its wiring within a shield avoids requiring sealed, multi-conductor electrical penetrations for the
stator electromagnet drives as well as chemical compatibility issues between the electromagnet
winding insulation and stator itself with the liquid salt.
HTGR vertical shaft turbine generators such as planned for the HTR-10 pebble-bed reactor
employ magnetic bearings nearly identical to those anticipated for a liquid salt pump [17]. The
electromagnets of HTGRs need to be fully enclosed within the helium pressure boundary because of
the almost complete efficiency loss that would result from having to magnetically couple through the
thick pressure boundary.
A reluctance type motor is the most likely choice for a liquid-fluoride-salt-type motor because of
the high salt temperature. Reluctance motors do not require permanent magnets, rotor windings, or
inlaid conductors all of which are problematic at high temperature. Of particular concern, all available
permanent magnets lose their magnetic stiffness by 550C. Above this temperature, only soft
magnetic materials, such as those used in reluctance motors, are available [18]. Since the stator
windings are at high temperature ceramic insulation is required. Ceramic-coated wire has been a
commercially available technology for several decades now.
A potential system configuration would be a reluctance drive, canned rotor type motor whose
shaft drives the impeller of a centrifugal pump. Much of the required internal mechanical structure for
the magnetic bearings is inherent in the rotor. An axial cross section of a three-phase, four-pole-per-
phase reluctance motor with two perpendicular active magnetic bearings is shown in Fig. 9.
Fig. 9. Reluctance motor cross section showing A-phase motor windings and bearing windings.
bearing shown in does not have an equivalent natural redundancy and a complete replicate thrust
bearing is required to provide redundant, active axial position control. Axial thrust bearings do not
have an equivalent natural redundancy, hence complete replicate thrust bearing is required to provide
redundant, active position control.
Depending on the specific design requirements, pump shafts can rotate rapidly (thousands of
revolutions per minute). The combination of turbulent fluid motion and rapid impeller rotation
typically results in vibration frequencies up to roughly 10 kHz. Further, even minor imperfections in
the impeller balance or in the rotor position sensor targeting can result in the control system itself
enhancing the inherent oscillations. Additionally, bearing-control response frequency needs to exceed
the maximum credible vibration frequency to damp high-frequency impeller oscillations.
The power electronics have the highest failure probability of any component in a magnetic
bearing system. For the described radial bearings, each electrical phase has two bearing control power
supplies for a total of six power supplies for each bearing-motor set. Only two of the six power
supplies are required to control the shaft position. If a power supply to an electromagnet fails its
control axis will no longer be restrained. However, both of the other electrical phases can supply
radial thrust at 30 and 60 offsets from the direction of the failed control axis. The remaining
magnetic bearings thus need to combine to provide a vector force sum that continues to maintain the
rotor within its control envelope. Key to preventing the pump shaft from impacting the container (and
possibly failing catastrophically) is thus recognizing that control has been lost along an axis and
rapidly compensating for the lost axis of radial position control.
Power supply failure can be measured independently of rotor position by monitoring the output
current and voltage often through the power supplys built-in feedback control circuitry. Further,
power supply aging and incipient failure can often be ascertained by a combination of temperature
and voltage ripple monitoring. Due to the required response time (<100 s), control failure
monitoring will need to be implemented using a local dedicated logic module.
An improperly implemented fault response can accentuate the improper rotor acceleration driving
the rotor into the catcher bearings resulting in gross system failure. Fault tolerant active magnetic
bearing design control design remains an active development area [21].
Existing liquid salt pump designs derive chiefly from the prior U.S. Atomic Energy Commission
(AEC) program to develop molten salt reactors (MSRs). The MSR era pumps were vertical shaft
centrifugal pumps with external motors. External motor pumps require both bearings and seals to
transfer both radial and axial forces and separate the interior and exterior environments. Both pumps
with oil lubricated bearings outside the shaft seal (referred to as cantilever pumps) and with salt
lubricated bearings were employed during the MSR program era. Salt lubricated metal bearings were
a significant source of corrosion concern.
At the time of the MSR program oil-film, floating-ring seals were the state-of-the-art sealing
technology. Oil film floating ring seals are radial seals, sealing the radial space between a rotating
shaft and a stationary seal. Radial seals require a very high degree of precision to prevent contact
between the stationary and rotating parts. In practice, somewhat larger clearance is allowed with
radial seals making them vulnerable to sealing fluid leakage. Shaft seal leaks have been the root cause
of significant historic problems in the nuclear industry. Lubricated end-face seals were next in the
evolution of sealing technology. In an end-face seal the actual sealing surfaces are perpendicular to
the rotating shaft enabling the faces to contact each other and dramatically improving the seal quality.
Dry gas seals were the next in the evolution of shaft sealing technology. Dry gas seals are gas-
lubricated, mechanical, noncontacting, end-face seals. In a dry gas seal the seal is formed between a
stationary primary and rotating mating ring. The key innovation to enable dry gas sealing was the
development mating rings with machined grooves half of the radial distance across the face of the
seal ring as shown in Fig. 10. When the shaft is rotating, sealing gas is injected from the exterior
radius of the sealing rings. The shaft rotation compresses the sealing gas at the tapered tips of the
mating ring grooves. The elevated gas pressure causes the primary and mating rings to separate
slightly (few microns). A small amount of gas leaks through the seal. The primary ring is spring
loaded against the mating ring, so that when the shaft is not rotating the two rings are in tight contact.
As the grooves in the mating ring do not extend across its entire mating surface, the two rings form a
tight seal and seal leakage is prevented.
Dry gas sealing has now become commonplace dominating the commercial marketplace for
applications where fluid purity is key or human contact with the fluid needs to be avoided. For a
vertical shaft pump a combination of a labyrinthine seal and a dry-gas seal will separate the salt
environment from the external motor environment. Shaft bearings can be either immersed in the salt
or above the gas seal. This dry-gas seal configuration has the advantage of employing a low-
temperature motor possibly with magnetic bearings to minimize wear and friction.
The following calculations provide a highly simplified analysis of the design and comparative
operational aspects of the several heat transfer fluid options for a high-temperature loop. The
calculations are not of sufficient detail or fidelity design purposes and are intended only to illustrate
the overall implications of selecting a particular heat transfer fluid. Physical parameters used in the
calculations are listed in Table 1.
Table 1. Thermophysical parameters for fluids included in the analysis
cp c p 10 4 k
(kg/m3) (kJ/kg K) (kJ/m3K) (Pa s) (W/m K)
Flinak 2019.9 2.01 4060 29 0.60
Sodium 790 1.27 1000 1.9 62.0
Watera 732.3 5.49 4018 0.9 0.56
Steamb 37.4 4.73 176.9 0.2 0.063
Heliumc 3.7 5.26 19.34 0.5 0.29
7.5 MPa, 290C
7.5 MPa, 300C
7.5 MPa, 700C
The heat rating of the source was arbitrarily taken to be Q 125 MW(t), which is consistent with
the value range considered for the Small Modular Reactor size. The temperature rise across the heat
source for each fluid is listed in Table 2. The rationale for selecting this particular set of temperature
rises was based on the fluid properties. All fluid calculations were performed for an average fluid
temperature of 700C, except for watercalculated at 290Cand steamcalculated at 300C.
Flinak and sodium were considered at near atmospheric pressure; while water, steam and helium
properties were taken at 7.5 MPa. A functional block diagram of a representative heat transport loop
was shown in Fig. 1.
Fluid T (C)
Flinak 50
Sodium 100
Water 100
Steam 200
Helium 400
Estimates for required separation distance between the heat source and the heat sink (e.g., nuclear
reactor and hydrogen production facility), vary considerably based on the design and safety criteria
used [7]. In this study, the separation distance was taken to be 500 m, which gives a total pipe length
of L = 1,000 m.
The volumetric flow rate Q in m3/s is calculated from the total energy balance using
Q , (2.2)
c T
where Q is the thermal rating of the heat source in W, c is the volumetric heat capacity in J/m3K
and T is temperature rise across the heat source in C. The mass flow rate m in kg/s is calculated
m Q . (2.3)
The required pipe diameter D that satisfies the flow rate and bulk fluid velocity requirements can
be calculated by
D 2 . (2.4)
Fig. 11. Variation of pipe diameter as a function of bulk fluid velocity.
Note that the piping wall thicknessa primary piping cost differentiatoris not included in this
estimate. The amount of metal volume necessary for the heat transport system piping can be
calculated by
D 2w D L ,
2 2
where Vpipe is the metal volume of the piping in m3, D is the pipe inner diameter in m, w is the wall
thickness of the pipe, and L is the total length of the pipe. With some algebraic operations, Eq. (2.5)
can be reduced to
Vpipe L w D w . (2.6)
Since the pipe length is fixed, for sufficiently large pipe diameters (i.e., w D ), it is possible to state
Vpipe w . (2.7)
The high-pressure water, steam or helium systems will require much thicker piping walls than do
the low-pressure sodium and flinak. As shown in Eq. (2.7), the piping mass will increase in
proportion with the wall thickness resulting in higher capital expenseswith all other considerations
being similar.
The two main components of pressure drop along the flow loop are frictional and form pressure
drops. The form losses for the loop estimate consist of eight 90-degree pipe bends between the heat
source and the heat sink. The friction pressure drop is calculated by
L V 2
p fric f , (2.8)
D 2
where f is the friction factor, L is the channel length, D is the pipe diameter.
The form pressure drops are irrecoverable energy losses due to sudden change in geometry of the
channel or direction of the fluid. They are calculated using
p form K , (2.9)
where K is the form factor, G is the mass flux in kg/m2s and is the fluid density. The form factor for
90-degree turns typically varies between K = 0.40.9 [20]. In the calculations, K = 0.9 was used as
the form factor value. The total pressure drop is the sum of frictional and form pressure drops. Fig. 12
shows the variance of the loop pressure drop with the fluid velocity for each of the evaluated heat
transport media.
Fig. 12. Variation of total pressure drop with respect to bulk fluid velocity.
The required hydrodynamic pumping power is calculated using the following equation:
where Ppump is the pumping power in kW, Q is the volumetric flow rate in m3/s, and Ptotal is the total
pressure drop in Pa.
Table 4 lists the key quantities calculated with respect to the parameterized bulk fluid velocity for
a number of fluids that can be considered as the heat transport medium. Pump power calculations do
not include head losses due to elevation differences between heat source and the heat sink.
The pressure drop (markers), pumping power (solid lines) and resulting fluid velocity (dashed
line with markers) for each candidate fluid to transfer the required amount of heat as a function of
pipe diameter is shown in Fig. 13.
Table 4. Calculated thermal fluid quantities for selected fluids at various bulk velocities
V D pfric pform ptotal Ppump
(m/s) (m) (kPa) (kPa) (kPa) (kW)
1.00 0.89 3.22 14.5 17.8 10.9
2.00 0.63 16.7 58.2 74.9 46.1
5.00 0.40 147 364 511 315
10.0 0.28 764 1450 2220 1370
1.00 1.26 0.52 5.69 6.20 7.75
2.00 0.89 2.67 22.8 25.4 31.8
5.00 0.56 23.5 142 166 207
10.0 0.40 122 569 691 864
1.00 0.63 0.97 5.27 6.24 1.94
2.00 0.45 5.01 21.1 26.1 8.12
5.00 0.28 44.2 132 176 54.8
10.0 0.20 229 527 756 235
10.0 0.67 3.69 26.9 30.6 108
20.0 0.47 19.1 108 127 448
50.0 0.30 169 673 842 2970
10.0 1.43 0.31 2.65 2.96 47.8
20.0 1.01 1.60 10.6 12.2 197
50.0 0.64 14.1 66.2 80.3 1300
Fig. 13. Required pumping power for selected fluids as a function of fluid velocity.
A critical point of discussion in systems that contain liquid salts is the issue of salt freeze-out. The
amount of time it takes for the salt to reach the onset of freezing is important, the magnitude of which
determines the complexity of engineering design of support systems. The following section provides
a rough engineering calculation for estimating the time it takes the liquid salt to reach the freezing
point from the operating temperatures.
This section provides a basic analysis of the time necessary for an LSHT loop line with
reasonable size and insulation to begin to freeze up. In the simulation, the pipe was considered
infinitely long. As an approximation, the isothermal processes have been neglected; only isobaric
energy transfer is assumedwhich is a reasonable assumption when the entire salt mass is liquid.
This assumption is no longer valid if the fluid undergoes phase change.
The selected geometric parameters of the thermal system are shown in Fig. 14. The pipe diameter
was selected based on the parametric thermal fluid analysis as discussed in the previous section. As
listed in Table 4, a pipe diameter of 400 mm required approximately 300 kW of pumping power for
circulation of the fluid against friction and form lossesnot including the head losses between the
heat source and the heat sink, and the efficiency of the pump. This value was considered reasonable
and taken as the base geometric parameter in this calculation.
The pipe wall thickness was taken to be 10 mm. Considering the fact that the liquid salt heat
transport loops operate under near-atmospheric pressures, wall thickness is expected to be relatively
small compared to pressurized systems. Because metals have considerably high thermal conductivity,
a reasonable range of pipe wall thickness has essentially no impact on simulations. Industrial-grade
mineral wool was used as the insulation material with 100-mm thickness. A parametric analysis was
also performed to observe the sensitivity of the rate of heat loss on insulation thickness. The
insulation was considered exposed to air. Flinak was used as the working fluid for the analysis.
The thermal model is shown in Fig. 15. Natural convection is the only mode of heat exchange
between the insulation and the air. Impact of radiative losses is expected to be insignificant [REF
UW]. The mode of heat exchange in the insulation and the pipe is conduction. Both conduction and
natural convection modes are included in the analysis for salt heat transfer. Radiation mode can have
some impact on the analysis, but has not been included in this simulation.
Fig. 15. Electrical circuit analogy of the thermal model used in the analysis.
The entire salt mass is assumed to lose energy uniformly at each time step of the simulation. This
is a simplification of the process to achieve a gross estimate of the time required for the onset of salt
freeze-out. Salts in generaland flinak in particularhave considerably high volumetric heat
capacities and relatively low thermal conductivities, which results in comparatively low thermal
diffusivities. Therefore, it takes longer for heat waves to propagate during a transient. In liquid
metals, this dynamics is much faster.
All transients analyzed in the simulations assume that the pump coast-down is immediate
compared to the process time constant, and no heat is added to the system, which provides a lower
bound for the time to freeze-up.
The variation of bulk flinak temperature against time is plotted in Fig. 16. The initial fluid bulk
temperature was selected 700Cthe loop nominal hot leg temperature. With these parameters, the
onset of freeze-up (flinak freezes at 454C) was calculated to be approximately 110 h into the
transient. Time for complete crystallization of the salt is not included in this result.
The loop cold leg temperature is expected to be approximately 550C. Time to onset of freeze-up
can also be found from Fig. 16 by subtracting the time required for bulk salt temperature to reduce
from 700C to 550C, which yields approximately 50 h.
This computational model fails two critical phenomena: (1) the effect of phase change on the
progress of heat transfer and (2) the effect of geometry changes at interfaces, such as connections,
components, etc. First, the salt will naturally start to freeze from the periphery, and the solidification
will progress toward the interior regions, as more heat is lost to the environment. This will results in
gradual degradation of heat transfer because the solid salt will lose the natural convection heat
transfer mode, which is expected to result in a larger heat resistance. For this reason, the results
presented here can be considered conservative because the natural convection heat transfer mode was
considered effective throughout the simulations.
The thermal model used in the calculations was based on an infinitely long horizontal pipe;
therefore, no interfacial effects were taken into account. Components along the path of the flow will
create geometric discontinuities, which might reduce the effectiveness of insulation resulting in
additional leakage paths for internal heat. This can be alleviated by better insulation design and
component heat tracing.
The previous simulation was performed with a nominal pipe diameter of 400 mm. To investigate
the impact of varying pipe diameters, a simulation was performed with the insulation thickness fixed
at 100 mm, the initial bulk temperature of 700C, and varying pipe diameter. The result of the
simulation is plotted in Fig. 17. As one would expect, the time required for the salt volume to come to
the onset of freeze-up varies almost linearly with pipe diameterexcept for small diameters. The
result is consistent with the physics of heat transfer primarily because the surface-to-volume ratio is
inversely proportional to the pipe diameter, and it increases as the pipe gets smaller resulting in more
leakage per unit volume of salt.
Fig. 17. Onset of salt freeze-up as a function of pipe diameter (100-mm insulation).
The effect of varying insulation thickness for a fixed pipe diameter (400 mm) is shown in Fig. 18.
This simulation also uses 700C as the initial bulk fluid temperature. As seen in figure, the time to
onset of freeze-up increases rapidly as the insulation thickness increases. The selection of insulation
thickness will obviously be driven by material cost.
Fig. 18. Onset of salt freeze-up as a function of insulation thickness (400-mm-diameter pipe).
This simple thermal simulation suggests that, for a liquid salt heat transport system with proper
amount of insulation, it would take days for the fluid inventory to come to freeze-out temperatures.
This window gives operators sufficient time to transfer the salt into a storage canister, where it can be
kept in liquid state with reasonable heat input. Partial heat tracingparticularly for regions where
higher heat losses are expected such as the interconnectionsmight be necessary.
An extensive survey of thermophysical properties of fluoride salts was made by Williams for the NGNP
Nuclear Hydrogen Initiative (NGNP/NHI) [22] and for the Advanced High Temperature Reactor (AHTR)
[23]. Following sections provide a synopsis from these reports.
An extensive database of phase diagrams exists for salt systems of all types [24]; therefore, there is
very little need to pursue estimation techniques. Because no single-component salt freezes at a
sufficiently low temperature, multicomponent mixtures of salts are required. Nearly all of the binary
phase diagrams of interest have been measured, and many of the ternary systems have also been
investigated. In general, the primary lowering of freezing point (as much as 500C) occurs with the
addition of the first salt to a pure component. Additional lowering of the freezing point can be achieved
by adding a third component, but these freezing point depressions are of a lower order (~50C).
Additional components are typically important for reasons other than lowering the freezing point, such as
cost or some other physical or chemical property.
Salts that are useful as secondary coolants have been identified in previous reports [2527]: (a) alkali
fluorides, (b) ZrF4 salt mixtures, (c) fluoroborate salts, and (d) chloride salts. This report focuses
primarily on fluoride salt; hence, chloride salts have been excluded. Table 5 lists the primary eutectic
compositions in each salt family in order of freezing point. Phase diagrams and properties of the alkali
fluorides and ZrF4 salt mixtures were discussed in Ref. 22.
Molar Melting
Compound composition point
(%) (C)
3.1.2 Vapor Pressure and Vapor Species
Most fluoride salts exhibit very low vapor pressures. Only compounds with higher oxidation state
cations (such as BF3, UF6, and MoF6) exhibit high vapor pressures. A few of the elements useful for
coolants (BeF2, ZrF4) exhibit appreciable vapor pressures (>1 10-3 atm) at 800C. Table 6 lists normal
melting and boiling points of single-component salts and of a few key multicomponent mixtures [28].
As is evident in Table 6, mixtures of these pure components will always exhibit lower vapor pressures
(higher boiling points) than the most volatile constituent. Therefore, these salts do not exert significant
partial vapor pressures (>1 atm) except at very extreme temperatures. The MSRE operated with a helium
cover pressure of 0.35 atm, and the MSBR was designed for a cover pressure of 2.75 atm.
However, other factors are important. Even in a low-pressure system, the magnitude and nature of
vapor produced from the salt needs to be evaluated. Experience with the ARE and the MSRE shows that
very low salt vapor pressures (<1 mmHg) simplify the off-gas system design and that certain vapor
species can present problems.
Vapor pressure is the physical property that is most sensitive to salt composition. Studies have been
conducted to understand the effect of composition on the vapor pressure and vapor species of the
thermodynamically nonideal systems containing ZrF4 and BeF2 [29, 30]. The results of these studies are
useful for understanding and selecting the optimum coolant salt composition and are briefly reviewed in
the following paragraphs.
The effect of salt composition on vapor pressure can be explained with the Lewis acid-base theory
[31]. The native volatility of compounds containing the acidic constituent (Zr4+, Be2+) can be
suppressed by donation of fluoride anions from the basic alkali fluoride constituent. The product of this
donation is a low-volatility coordination-complex that is an integral part of the liquid salt solution. Not all
the alkali fluorides are equal in their ability to donate fluoride anions for coordination compounds. The
affinity of alkali cations for their own fluoride anion decreases with increasing atomic number; thus, the
heavier alkali elements will more readily donate their fluoride anions. Therefore, heavier alkali fluorides
are more effective in reducing the native volatility of the compounds containing the acidic species (Zr4+,
The effect of salt composition on vapor pressure is readily apparent in the BeF2 and ZrF4 systems.
Fig. 19 andFig. 20 display the suppression of volatility as the ratio of alkali fluoride content increases so
that it satisfies the coordination-bonding demands of the polyvalent cation. These figures also show the
heavier alkali fluorides are more effective in suppressing the native volatility of the compound containing
the polyvalent element (e.g., beryllium or zirconium).
The decrease of vapor pressure due to coordination bonding is also accompanied by a change in vapor
composition. For a system rich in alkali fluoride, the vapor consists primarily of the alkali fluoride. For
salt compositions that exist at the optimum ratio that just satisfies the coordination demands of the
system, the vapor species is an association complex of the alkali fluoride and the polyvalent cation. For
systems deficient in alkali fluoride, the volatile species is the parent compound containing the polyvalent
cation. These trends are also indicated in Fig. 19 and Fig. 20.
Fig. 20. Vapor pressure trends in alkali fluoride ZrF4 systems at 900C.
From a practical standpoint, we should favor salt compositions with very low vapor pressures
(<1 mmHg at 900 C) that generate vapor species that readily melt after condensing. This corresponds to
salt compositions with a ZrF4 mole fraction in the range of ~2045%, and with a mole fraction of BeF2
less than ~3545%, depending on the alkali cations present and the temperature under consideration.
3.1.3 Density
Fluid density is important for the purpose of gauging the heat transport capability of a coolant in both
forced convection and (especially) natural convection. Density is among the most straightforward of
properties to measure and is one of the most readily estimated for new compositions. Liquid salt density
decreases linearly with increasing temperature. As expected, low atomic number salts tend to be light
(sp.g. ~2) and high atomic number salts tend to be heavy (sp.g. >4). Table 7 gives a list of selected
fluoride salts with the density equation.
A simple and accurate method was discovered for predicting salt density based on additive molar
volumes [32]. The following relationship allows prediction of molar volume and density for salt mixtures:
x M i i
mix (T ) i
, (3.1)
x V (T )
i i
where xi is the mole fraction of component i, Mi is the formula weight of component i, and Vi(T) is the
molar volume of component i at temperature T. Table 8 gives a list of single-compound molar volumes
that allow estimation of mixture densities to an accuracy better than 5%.
3.1.4 Viscosity
The information for binary mixtures is fairly complete and is displayed in Fig. 21 [28]. All of the
three families of low-melting salts have mixtures that exhibit reasonably low viscosities (<10 mPas) that
make their use as industrial coolants possible. In contrast to other properties, compositional changes can
have significant effects on fluid viscosity. These changes are evident in the variation of viscosity for
different compositions within a binary or ternary system.
Viscosity, like vapor pressure and melting point, is strongly influenced by associative phenomena in
the fluid phase. The influence of salt composition is most dramatic in the BeF2 systems. The Be2+ cation
has a special tendency to self-associate in fluoride melts that do not possess the requisite number of
fluoride anions (1:4 Be:F) to satisfy the coordination demand of Be2+. The association of Be2+ cations
leads to an extended network that acts to increase the viscosity of the liquid salt. The thickening of the
melt as the BeF2 content increases (and the Be:F ratio in the entire melt decreases) is shown in Fig. 22 for
LiF-BeF2 [34] and in Fig. 23 for NaF-BeF2 [35]. This thickening restricts the useful range of composition
to less than 45% BeF2.
Fig. 23 also reveals that the identity of the alkali cation in these systems has an effect. The more basic
rubidium and sodium cations more readily donate the fluoride anion to Be2+ than does the lithium cation,
resulting in a decreased amount of Be2+ self-association. Substitution of sodium for lithium, and rubidium
for sodium or lithium, will lower the viscosity in these BeF2 systems. The effect of potassium is expected
to be intermediate between that of sodium and rubidium. Highly viscous pure BeF2 was investigated to
see whether it displayed non-Newtonian behavior. No deviation from Newtonian behavior was found
Fig. 22. Effect of BeF2 composition on the viscosity of LiF-BeF2 mixtures at 600C.
It is more difficult to assess ZrF4 salts in the same manner as BeF2 salts [35]. The ZrF4 phase
diagrams have narrow low-melting regions; therefore, it is not possible to investigate large composition
changes without also changing the alkali cation identity. Fig. 24 displays the broadest low-melting phase
field of NaF-ZrF4 with a solid line. Within this range of ZrF4 content (42 to 52%), the change in viscosity
is not large, but it does increase slightly with increasing ZrF4 content. The effect of adding or replacing
the alkali cation is the same in the BeF2 system: lighter alkalis increase the viscosity, and heavier alkalis
reduce the viscosity.
The variation in viscosity of various alkali fluoride mixtures is not large (Fig. 21) and follows the
same basic trend found for the BeF2 and ZrF4 systems. Heavier alkali mixtures are less viscous than
lighter alkali systems.
It should also be noted that the three families of salts represent three distinct classes of liquid
behavior. The alkali fluorides are ideal mixtures of very similar chemical constituents with very little
associative behavior, whereas both ZrF4 and BeF2 mixtures are potential glass formers [37]. BeF2-rich
mixtures are strong glass formers characterized by extended association of cations into networks of
large extent, thus giving rise to high viscosity glassy mixtures. BeF2 is the fluoride analog to the SiO2
glasses. Mixtures of ZrF4 and alkali halides represent a different class of fragile glass mixtures that
form due to a particular type of mixture thermodynamics that inhibits crystallization and preserves an
amorphous structure during the liquid/solid phase transition. The ZBLA (ZrF4-BaF2-LaF3) and ZBLAN
(ZrF4-BaF2-LaF3-NaF) glasses used for infrared optics are examples of this type of fragile glass [38].
These types of fragile glasses are different from network glasses in that the glass-forming compositions
are relatively low-viscosity fluids rather than high-viscosity fluids [35].
The accuracy of previous viscosity determinations can be assessed by comparing the early ORNL
measurements conducted during the 1950s and 1960s and the few recent investigations [39, 40]. These
comparisons can be made for systems of alkali fluorides and ZrF4-mixtures and are shown in Fig. 25 and
Fig. 26. The deviation between the older and newer measurements is about 10%, with the older
measurements predicting higher values. The older ORNL values are based on agreement of measurements
obtained from capillary efflux and rotational viscometers. The newer measurements were obtained from a
novel oscillating cup viscometer customized for high temperatures and sensitive to low-viscosity fluids.
This agreement between newer and older values is within the error band reported for the older
measurements (20%). For more sophisticated viscosity correlations and extrapolation to higher
temperatures, the methods recommended by Veliyulin can be used [41].
Fig. 25. Comparison of values measured for the viscosity of LiF-NaF-KF eutectic.
Fig. 26. Comparison of values measured for the viscosity of NaF-ZrF4, 50-50 mol %.
Modern theories generally assume that the thermal conductivities of liquid salts are predominantly
due to two mechanisms: the vibration mechanism arising from short-range order of the molecules in the
liquid state and the translational or diffusion mechanism due to the motion of the ions. It was originally
postulated that ionic diffusionor the electrical conduction mechanismmade a substantial contribution,
but the high ratio of thermal diffusivity to mass diffusivity, and the high value of the Lorenz number
indicate a low contribution from diffusion. Turnbull showed this to be the case and found the ratio of
diffusion conduction to total conduction to be less than 5%. Any theory which is to lead to useful results
must therefore be based on the vibrational mechanism. It is for this reason that liquid salts have thermal
conductivity values of a similar order to solid dielectrics [42].
The most successful model for predicting the thermal conductivity of liquid salts was proposed by
Rao and refined by Turnbull [42]:
Tm0.5 M0.667
k 0.119 , (3.4)
M n 1.167
where k is the thermal conductivity in W/mK, Tm is the melting point in K, M is the molar volume of the
liquid salt in cm3/mole, M is the average formula weight of the salt, and n is the number of discrete ions
per salt formula (i.e., n = 2 for simple salts like NaCl).
This model was originally proposed for simple, one-component salts, such as NaCl; but has been
extended to mixtures with polyvalent cations. Mixtures of salt components are expected to exhibit a
thermal conductivity slightly below the mole-fraction weighted average of the single components due to
disruption of the vibrational modes of the quasi-crystalline lattice. The application of this model to salts
with polyvalent cations requires an assignment of the ion number, n, based upon some assumption for
speciation. Both of these factors introduce some uncertainty in the predictions for more complex salt
The thermal conductivity of liquid salt is the most difficult property to measure, and it has led to the
greatest amount of confusion and error in heat transfer calculations. This state of affairs is reflected in the
general scientific literature on salt conductivity [4244] and in the work focused on liquid salt reactors
[4547]. In early studies at ORNL using a variable-gap apparatus, conductivities were reported that were
four times higher than the value now believed to be correct [35]. An improved variable-gap apparatus was
designed to minimize the errors due to convection and bypassing heat flow [46]. A far lower thermal
conductivity was measured with the improved apparatus, and these results were more similar to the values
found for other salt systems using hot-wire and annular cylinder techniques [47].
These errors in the measurement of thermal conductivity led to a number of erroneous conclusions
[48]. All of the systematic errors in measurement led to higher apparent values for thermal conductivity.
When heat-transfer studies were conducted using the high value for thermal conductivity, it was found
that the heat flow was lower than expected based on universal correlations for convective heat transfer.
Because of the unexpected low heat flux, it was postulated that a significant film resistance must exist,
and it was assumed that some type of insulating film impeded heat flow between the salt and the metal. A
film coefficient was assumed in order to correct for this apparent discrepancybut the discrepancy
actually resulted from an error in calculating the thermal conductivity of the salt. Numerous corrosion
studies on alloys exposed to salt for many years show that there is no such film on the surface of metals
and that there is no heat transfer impediment due to insulating films. Fluoride salts are excellent fluxes for
both oxides and fluorides and quickly dissolve corrosion products. Metallic corrosion products are
dissolved in the salt solution. It was also found that the overall heat transfer coefficient of the MSRE
heat exchanger did not change during 22,000 h of salt circulation and 13,000 equivalent full-power hours
of operation, thus indicating no buildup of scale and no evidence of gas filming [49]. Detailed forced-
convection heat-transfer measurements confirmed this same behavior in out-of-pile tests with the MSBR
fuel salt composition [50].
Ignatiev [51] and Khoklov [54] recommend an empirical equation that is simply a function of
temperature (T) and salt formula weight (M) for correlating thermal conductivity:
k 5 10 4 T 0.34 . (3.5)
The database for the Russian correlation includes a large number of alkali halides, BeF2-salts, and
salts containing UF4 and ThF4. Table 9 presents the measured thermal conductivity values for halide salts
that are expected to be the most reliable and the results of both predictive methods. The trend of
decreasing thermal conductivity with increasing formula weight of the salt has been found in other
measurements on pure halide salts and their mixtures [42, 5254]. There is almost no reliable data on the
thermal conductivity of ZrF4-containing salts.
Table 9. Comparison of measured and predicted thermal conductivities of selected fluoride salts
Fluoride salts have relatively large heat capacities. In fact, they rival water in their ability to carry
heat. Heat capacities of selected single-component salts are listed in Table 10 [55].
The simplest rule for estimating high-temperature heat capacities in the condensed state is that of
Dulong and Petit, which states that the specific heat capacityregardless of the nature the substance of
crystalis equal to 3 R/M, where R = 8.314472 J/K mole is the gas constant, and M is the molar mass in
Based on Dulong-Petit, the heat capacities of liquid fluorides per kg-atom were approximately equal
to 25 kJ/K. However, the experimental measurements for pure compounds at ORNL in the 1960s
indicated that the heat capacity per kg-atom was approximately 33 kJ/K, and the data for fluoride
mixtures would seem to indicate the average value to be somewhat higher than this value.
The temperature dependence of heat capacity in liquids is weak. Based on the Dulong-Petit law and
the weak temperature dependence, specific heat capacity of mixtures can be estimated using the following
N p i i
c p 33.47 i1
, (3.6)
N M i i
where cp is the specific heat capacity in J/kg K, n is the number of salt components, pi is the number of
atoms in a molecule of component i, and Ni and Mi are the mole fraction and the molecular weight,
respectively, of component i. A listing of predicted and experimentally measured specific heat capacities
is given in Table 11 for a number of selected salts.
Measured Dulong-Petit
Salt compositiona heat capacity prediction
(J/kg K) (J/kg K)
LiF-NaF-KF 1882.8 1619.2
LiF-KF 1840.96 1594.10
LiF-NaF-RbF 987.42
LiF-RbF 1188.26 945.58
LiF-BeF2 2414.17 2368.14
NaF-BeF2 2175.68 1840.96
LiF-NaF-BeF2 2045.98
LiF-ZrF4 1221.73
LiF-NaF-ZrF4 1238.46
NaF-ZrF4 1150.60
KF-NaF-ZrF4 1087.84 1054.37
KF-ZrF4 1050.18
RbF-ZrF4 836.80
Molar compositions are identical to previously defined salt mixtures.
A recent study indicated a more accurate model for flinak specific heat capacity in J/kg K [56]
where T is the fluid temperature in C. As indicated in Eq. 3.7, the temperature dependence is
3.1.7 Component Separation and Snow
In any high-temperature salt system, a purged cover gas will be necessary. The transport of significant
amounts of salt vapor in this cover gas system can cause problems. In the operation of the ARE, it was
found that the vapor over the ARE salt (53%NaF-41% ZrF4 -6%UF4) was nearly pure ZrF4. Because ZrF4
sublimes rather than boils, ZrF4 snow was found in the exhaust piping. The ZrF4 was not returned to the
salt reservoir by condensing as a liquid and draining back to the salt reservoir. Elaborate snow traps
were designed, as shown in Fig. 27, to mitigate this problem [48], but it appears that a wise choice of salt
composition can eliminate it completely.
The experience with the MSRE was quite different. The MSRE salts (65%LiF-29%BeF2-5% ZrF4-1%
UF4) exhibited very low vapor pressure, more than 100 times lower than the ARE salt. The vapor over the
MSRE salt was also of a different character. This vapor contained both LiF and BeF2 in a proportion that
melted at a low temperature, such that the condensate would drain back to the reservoir as a liquid.
Fig. 27. ZrF4 snow-trap designs developed for the Aircraft Reactor Test.
The underlying reaction for container corrosion by a liquid fluoride salt is the reductionoxidation
reaction of a fluorine atom with a container atom. Fluorine is the most electronegative element and reacts
aggressively with almost all other elements. Pure fluoride salts are on average electrochemically neutral
with each fluorine atom ionically bonded to electropositive atoms. However, the instantaneous (as
opposed to the average) configuration of the atoms, molecules, and ions, comprising the liquid determines
its chemical behavior. Even small electronegative impurity additions to the melt, transient bond
disturbances, or random thermally induced liquid structural fluctuations result in fluorine atoms becoming
chemically available [70].
While the fluorine atoms on average remain strongly coulombically bonded to the electropositive
atoms comprising the salt molecule, in a liquid the association becomes more generalized with
coordination between neighboring atoms and molecules. Moreover, the local configuration of the salt
molecules continually shifts due to thermal fluctuations. Salts capable of accepting two electrons (Lewis
acids) from fluorine ions reduce the free fluorine potential by forming complexes. An example of BeF2
complexation with two fluorine atoms to form BeF4= is shown in Fig. 28. The lack of a Lewis acid
structure to capture free fluorine atoms results in pure alkali metal fluoride saltse.g., LiF-NaF-KF
(flinak) being more corrosive.
The electrochemical corrosion potential of the liquid salt relative to the container wall is the sum of
the chemical and electrical potential differences between the two. The electrochemical (or Galvani)
potential difference between the container and melt results from differences in the work function (Fermi
level difference) of electrons in the two materials. The Galvani potential difference is determined entirely
by inherent chemical characteristics of the two materials. An electrical double layer is formed across the
material interface consisting of two parallel layers of charge. The first layer is a surface charge on the
container alloy. The other layer is in the salt, and electrically screens the first layer. This second layer is
diffuse, because it forms from free ions in the fluid under the influence of electric attraction and thermal
motion, and is thus called the diffuse layer.
In practical terms, the chemical potential of the system at a particular temperature is its Gibbs energy,
G. The Gibbs energy is at a minimum when the system is in equilibrium and as such Gibbs energy
differences provide a measure of the spontaneity of chemical reactions between the salt and container. In
liquids and solids at constant pressure P, the Gibbs energy increases slowly with temperature, T, as the
entropy S increases according to
T S . (3.8)
Plots of the Gibbs energy of structural and salt fluorides are shown in Fig. 29 (data from HSC Chemistry
software). The small slope increases in the Gibbs energy versus temperature relationship in KF at 759C
and NaF at 883 C arise from the boiling points of potassium and sodium.
Fig. 29. Gibbs free energy of structural and salt fluorides.
The overall electrochemical stability of useful coolant fluoride salts relative to the alloy constituent
elements (gap between CrF2 and ZrF2) shows that none of the salts are intrinsically corrosive to the
container walls. However, fluoride salts are good solvents for metal oxides [71]; hence alloy surface
passivation using an oxide layer is not possible, and corrosion depends directly on the thermodynamic
driving force of the corrosion reactions. Design of a chemically stable system utilizing molten fluoride
salts, therefore, requires the development of containers whose components are in near-thermodynamic
equilibrium with the salt medium [72].
The corrosion that liquid fluoride salts have demonstrated in practice for metal alloys arises from the
impact of impurities and transient phenomena within the melt. In particular, electronegative impurities
within the salt increase its free fluorine potential and thus its corrosivity. Oxygen and halide (sulfur and
chlorine) impurities are particularly problematic in terms of corrosion, and almost all commercial sources
of supply for fluoride salts contain significant amounts of electronegative impurities. A discussion of salt
purification techniques is included in Sect. 3.3.
Chromium fluoride has the least negative Gibbs energy of any of the likely structural material
elements. As such fluoride salts will preferentially corrode the chromium from the container alloy [73,
74]. Chromium, however, remains and important element in many structural alloys due to the chromium
oxide passivation layer that forms on its surface in air protecting the container on its exterior surface. The
impact of chromium corrosion can be accentuated in some alloys at the grain boundaries where the
chromium concentrates as carbide. In addition to removing material from the surface of the container
changing the chromium concentration distribution within the alloy will result in high temperature solid-
state diffusion of chromium within the structural material that can deleteriously impact the overall
material structural properties [75]. The attack proceeds by the formation of subsurface voids that become
progressively larger and deeper as the temperature and period of exposure increases. An optical
micrograph of a grooved piece of Inconel 600 showing the subsurface void formation exposed to flinak
for approximately sixty days at 700C is shown as Fig. 30.
Fig. 30. Inconel 600 sample exposed to flinak at 700C for approximately 60 days.
The solubility of chromium within fluoride salts increases with temperature. If corrosion is not
controlled, the chromium concentration within the salt will increase until it reaches the saturation limit.
As the salt in the heat transfer loop circulates the salt will pick up additional chromium at the high-
temperature portions of the loop and redeposit the chromium at lower temperature portions of the loop
due to the solubility variation with temperature. The rate-limiting step in this process is the diffusion of
the chromium within the alloy [76].
Fluoride salts are not directly available at the purity level and volume necessary for heat transfer loop
applications. Thus the first steps in liquid fluoride salt use are to purchase and purify the precursor
chemicals that when melted together form the heat transfer salt. Purifying the component salts prior to
melting is typically easier than subsequently purifying the melt. For example, as received potassium
fluoride invariably includes adsorbed moisture. Adsorbed moisture can be removed by heating the salt to
105150C and holding in a dry atmosphere. In contrast, water that has been dissolved into a flinak melt
requires sparging with hydrogen fluoride to remove.
As part of the MSR program, considerable effort was devoted to developing techniques for cleaning
fluoride salts and much of the following discussion derives from the MSR era techniques [77]. The most
important impurities in fluoride salts that must be removed to prevent severe corrosion are moisture and
oxides. Oxides are removed from the salt by sparging with anhydrous hydrogen fluoride.
O 2 2HF 2F H 2 O .
During the MSR program, the sparging was continued beyond practical reaction completion to ensure
an excess of oxide capacity remained in the salt to accommodate inadvertent contamination during
operation. Sulfur and chlorine also need to be removed (<10 ppm) from the salt to minimize corrosion.
Sulfur can be removed from the melt by first reducing the sulfate ion be reacting melt with an active
metal such as magnesium.
4MgO S2- .
SO 4 2- 4Mg 0
The sulfide ion is then removed by hydrogen fluoride sparging yielding H2S in the exhaust gas
stream. Sulfide and moisture measurement in the exhaust gases are thus the key process completion
indicators. A significant portion of the expense of the MSR era salt cleaning was in the process control.
Repeatedly extracting samples for off-line analysis was time-consuming and required custom sampling
Hydrogen fluoride was stripped from the exhaust gas by passing through a sodium fluoride bed.
Insoluble impurities were removed using a combination of decanting and straining through a sintered
nickel filter with a 38-micron pore diameter.
Hydrogen fluoride at elevated temperature is highly corrosive to the salt container structural alloy and
halogen salts as received frequently include significant iron contamination. Nickel is the preferred
element to as the structural material in a fluorine processing system since a tightly adherent film of NiF2
(through which additional fluorine must diffuse in order to cause further corrosion of the nickel) forms on
its surface. The rate of attack is greatly reduced, although not to zero, once the protective film of NiF2 is
formed on the exposed nickel surface [78].
Structural metal impurities can be removed from the salt by through electroplating. Once the metal
oxides impurities have been reduced by sparging with hydrogen fluoride (or hydrogen) the resultant metal
fluorides can be plated onto a cathode held at a voltage sufficiently negative to dissolve the metal
fluorides but not attack the primary melt constituent fluorides (Fig. 29). The electroplating process is
analogous to the Hall-Hroult process used to electrowin aluminum from a cryolite melt. Alternatively,
the structural metals can be plated out of the fluoride melt by exposing the melt to a free surface of metal
with a more negative Gibbs energy for fluoride formation than the structural metal fluoride such as
zirconium or beryllium (as shown in Fig. 38).
The continuous fluorinator design developed at ORNL employed a frozen wall technique to minimize
the structural alloy corrosion by the hydrogen fluoride [79]. The combination of a cooled nonelectrically
conductive wall and induction heating of the salt enabled developing a protective frozen layer of salt
against the container wall.
The heat transfer characteristics of liquid salts have been a topic of discussion since their first use as
heat transfer media. These materials are generally characterized by low vapor pressuresallowing near
atmospheric operation, high melting points and good thermal properties. Thermal conductivities of liquid
salts are somewhere between those of water and the poorer liquid metals, and the heat capacities per unit
volume are as good as that of water. Studies of the heat and momentum transfer characteristics indicate
that these the liquid salts compete favorably with the liquid metals [57].
In the early 1950s, an experimental program was initiated at ORNL to obtain heat transfer
coefficients for liquid fused salts, primarily because of the lack of comprehensive data [58, 59]. The first
fused salt studied were sodium hydroxide; the eutectic mixture of sodium, potassium and lithium fluoride
(11.5-42.0-46.5 mole %); the mixture of NaNO2-NaNO3-KNO3 (40-7-53 wt %), which is commercially
known as HTS; and the mixture of NaF-ZrF4-UF4 (50-46-4 mole %). Grele and Gedeon also performed
experimental measurements on flinak at NASA [60].
Earlier tests performed with flinak flowing in an Inconel test tube yielded lower overall heat transfer.
This observation lead the investigators to believe that liquid salts either do not wet the surface of the
container indicating the formation of a gas film at the metal surface, or they cause buildup of a thin
deposit on the metal surface, both of which would result in increased thermal resistance. It was calculated
during one experiment with flinak flowing in Inconel, the heat transfer was as much as a factor of 2 lower
than the heat transfer for sodium hydroxide or other ordinary fluids. The mismatch was also attributed to a
possible error in physical properties used, particularly either thermal conductivity or viscosity. Post-
experiment investigations of the Inconel test section confirmed that a green deposit was formed on the
inside tube surface. Petrographic and electron diffraction examinations of the film showed that the major
constituent of the deposit is K3CrF6. Some Li3CrF6 and small amounts of oxides of chromium and nickel
were also present. The thickness of the film was determined to be approximately 0.01 mm. Follow-up
experiments with nickel and stainless steel test sections performed at the same experimental setup did not
show any indication of deposit buildup, and gave heat transfer measurements as expected. The
measurement results confirmed that flinak, in the absence of the interfacial film, behaves as an ordinary
fluid with respect to heat transfer [61].
The first reported measurements for fused salt heat transfer were from Kirst et al. for the HTS [62].
Although the data had some scatter when plotted in terms of Colburn j-factoras will be defined later in
the reportagainst Reynolds number, the results suggested that fused salts behaved as ordinary fluids
from the standpoint of heat transfer.
Measurements by Grele et al.
Greles measurements used flinak flowing through an electrically heated horizontal test section [60].
The range of variable included Reynolds numbers from 2000 to 20,000 corresponding to bulk fluid
velocities from 1.25 m/s to 4.5 m/s, average bulk fluid temperatures from 540C to 730C, average
surface temperature from 570C to 793C, and heat flux up to about 1.26 MW/m2. The test section was
fabricated from Inconel X tubing having an outside diameter of 9.525 mm and a wall thickness of 1.65
mm. Outside tube wall temperatures were measured with 14 chromel-alumel thermocouples spotted at
intervals along the test section. The physical property data used in Greles calculations for flinak was
obtained from Reference [63].
The experimental data is shown in Fig. 31. The straight line shown in the plot is the Dittus-Boelter
correlation. The measured data is approximately off by the Dittus-Boelter correlation by 60%.
Fig. 31. Flinak heat transfer data [60].
Analysis of the data suggested that the discrepancy was a result of either errors in heat transfer
coefficients, or the formation of a high-resistance layer. It was concluded that even a large deviation in
thermophysical data alone could not cause such a dramatic mismatch between the theory and
experimental results. Fig. 32 shows the correlation of experimental results obtained with the test setup to
the theoretical Colburn j-function.
Fig. 32. Comparison of flinak heat transfer data [60].
It was observed during the post-experiment investigations that a scale was indeed formed on the
inside surface of the test section. Micrographic analyses indicated severe intergranular penetration of
flinak into the Inconel X matrix.
As a side note, the experimental system that Grele et al. used did not employ any corrosion control
Measurements by Hoffman et al. [61]
Later measurements by Hoffman et al. also used NaF-KF-LiF eutectic flowing in forced convection
through circular tubes. The range of variables included Reynolds numbers between 2300 and 9500,
Prandtl numbers between 1.6 and 4.0, average bulk fluid temperature between 527C and 743C, and heat
flux between 28.4 kW/m2 and 605.7 kW/m2.
The test section included 61-cm long tubes of nickel, Inconel and Type 316 stainless steel. Each tube
was long enough ( x / D 100 ) to allow fully developed flow. The outside surface temperature profile of
the test section was monitored by 24 equally spaced thermocouples.
It was found that forced convection heat transfer of flinak can be represented by general heat transfer
correlations for ordinary fluids (0.5 < Pr < 100). The Colburn j-function was used as the correlating
parameter with the measured data. The Colburn j-function is expressed by
St . (4.2)
c pG
The experimental data in correlation with the Colburn j-function is shown in Fig. 33. The heat
transfer coefficient in each measurement was calculated for a position far downstream ( x / D 100 ) where
fully developed turbulent conditions existed. The data demonstrated that variations in the entrance
conditions, arising from slight differences in geometry between the two ends of the test section, strongly
affect transition region heat transfer. This is illustrated in Fig. 33 by normal and inverted open triangles,
which indicate flow in opposite directions.
Fig. 33. Experimental data by Hoffman et al. [61] for flinak heat transfer.
Measurements with the Inconel test section demonstrated a significant deterioration in heat transfer.
Three possibilities were considered: (1) the experimental measurements were in error, (2) the physical
property data used in the analysis were incorrect, or (3) non-wetting occurs or an interfacial resistance
(film) existed at the metal surface. Heat balance eliminated the possibility of error in measurements. The
erroneous physical property data alone was not found sufficient to explain the deviation from the
expected values; at least such drastic deviation was only the case for Inconel. Evidence suggested that
flinak readily wets Inconel surfaces, eliminating the non-wetting condition. The only reasonable
explanation was the possibility of the formation of an interfacial resistance layer between flinak and the
inside surface of Inconel. Post-experiment investigations of the Inconel test section confirmed that a thin
layer was formed on the inside surface of the Inconel test section. Petrographic and electron diffraction
examination of the film showed that major constituent was K3CrF6, and some Li3CrF6 was also found. The
thickness of the film was measured to be approximately 0.1 mm.
Nickel and 316 stainless steel tubes did not show any film formation.
The experimental data was also used to obtain information on hydrodynamic behavior. The entrance
system consisted of a thermal entrance region length preceded by a hydrodynamic entrance length of 8 to
13 tube diameters. The x / D e was taken as the position at which the local heat transfer coefficient had
decreased to within 10% of its fully developed value. The variation of local heat transfer coefficient as a
function of x / D for a typical experimental run can be seen in Fig. 34.
Fig. 34. Local heat transfer coefficient for flinak flowing in a pipe under uniform heat flux conditions.
The observed dependence of x / D e on the Peclet number ( Pe Re Pr ) is shown in Fig. 35. This
variation also suggests that fused salts behave as ordinary fluids from the heat transfer standpoint.
Fig. 35. Variation of thermal entrance length for flinak and sodim hydroxide with Peclet number.
The Hoffmans experimental setup also did not employ any corrosion control techniques.
As the knowledgebase on liquid salts developed, it was recognized that film formation on the inner
surface of the Inconel test section with the flinak as the working fluid was expected unless corrosion
control was used to reduce the chemical potential of fluorine.
Cooke and Cox [50]
Cooke and Cox later performed experiments on forced convection heat transfer for a proposed MSBR
fuel salt LiF-BeF2-ThF4-UF4 (67.5-20.0-12.0-0.5% mole). The test section consists of a horizontal tube
made of smooth Hastelloy N 62.2 cm in length with a 6.35-mm outside diameter and 0.9-mm wall
thickness. The range of variables included Reynolds number between 400 and 30,600, Prandtl number
between 4 and 14, average bulk fluid temperature between 565C and 843C, and heat flux between 69.4
kW/m2 and 1.77 MW/m2. The inlet and outlet salt temperatures are measured by four Chromel-Alumel-
sheated thermocouples inserted into two wells in each mixing chamber. The temperature distribution
along the test section is measured by a series of 24 Chromel-Alumel thermocouples spot-welded at 2.5-
cm intervals to the outside tube wall. The experimental data is shown in Fig. 36 along with the theoretical
trends for normal heat transfer fluids. The results were found to be approximately 13% below the standard
literature heat transfer correlations. This minor discrepancy was attributed to possible errors present in the
thermophysical data.
Fig. 36. Comparisons of the molten salt data obtained by Cooke and Cox [50].
The post-experiment investigations did not reveal any low-conductance film formation on the inner
surface of Hastelloy N test section.
Experimental measurements suggest that liquid salts behave as a normal fluid in the range 0.5 Pr 100
with regard to heat transfer for forced flow in the absence of natural circulation [61].
For laminar flow region (i.e., Re 1000 0, the Seider-Tate correlation or the Martinelli-Boelter
correlation can be used:
1/3 0.14
Nu 1.86 Re Pr B (4.3a)
Nu 1.62 Re Pr . (4.3b)
For the transition region beyond the entrance region (i.e., 3500 Re 12, 000 ), a modified form of the
Hausen equation can be used:
Nu 0.116 Re 2/3 125 Pr 1/3
. (4.4)
For the turbulent flow region (i.e., Re 12, 000 ), correlations proposed by McAdams or Seider and
Tate can be used:
which enablesunder certain conditionsa direct comparison between heat transfer and friction. In this
correlation, j is defined as the Colburn j-factor, and St is the Stanton modulus defined by
St . (4.7)
The Colburn correlationalso called Colburn-Chilton analogyis based on correlations and data rather
than on assumptions about transfer mechanisms, and is one of the most widely used analogies in heat
Note that all of the correlations given above are applicable only at moderate T conditions.
Recommended startup procedures for LSHT loops are based on those documented by Crowley et al.
in 1963 [64]. Initial loop startup begins with equipment and instrumentation checkout. The performance
of all electrical, instrumentation, and control circuits are validated and the loop is measured to be leak
tight by monitoring loop pressure changes from an introduced inert gas overpressure. The entire loop is
then preheated to roughly 100C above the salt melting point with the pump shaft rotating slowly. A
clean-up batch of salt at a temperature slightly higher the loop is then forced into the piping by providing
an inert gas over pressure to the drain tank. The cleanup salt is used to remove the oxide scale and any
other fluoride-soluble deposits from the surface of the loop. The inert gas that initially fills the loop is
vented at the upper portion (expansion tank) of the loop. The drain tank level gauge indicates when
sufficient salt has been introduced into the loop.
The progress of salt filling is indicated by the temperature readings of thermocouples placed along the
loop. Level probes at the pump and expansion tank indicate when the loop is full. The freeze valve on the
interconnecting line between the drain-supply tank and loop is then chilled externally with airflow. The
initial cleaning batch of salt is circulated for at least two hours. The freeze valve on the drain-supply tank
is then reheated; pressure is then applied to the upper portion of the loop via expansion tank valve and the
cleanup salt is collected in its supply tank. A key system design constraint is to avoid catch pockets were
salt will not drain from the loop. Once the cleanup salt has resolidified, the salt tank is replaced with a
clean batch of salt to be used in the measurements. The testing salt is introduced into the loop via the
same procedure as the initial cleanup salt.
A less favored alternative to employing salt scale removal is to use an acid based pickling process. An
advantage of the acid based processes is that they take place at low temperatures. However, acid pickling
of nickel alloys employ concentrated nitric and hydrofluoric acids and evolve noxious gases.
Consequently, pickling of nickel alloys requires significant attention to the process safety. Pickling
process details are alloy dependent and are available from the alloy manufacturer [65] or in the case of
stainless steels have been codified into a standard [66].
In addition to initially removing impurities from the salt before use, the electrochemical fluorine
potential of the salt can be adjusted on-line to compensate for changes during operation. Water pick-up
through incidental atmospheric exposure is a typical salt contamination route. The essence of reduction
oxidation control in a liquid fluoride salt is minimization of the fluorine potential by providing plentiful,
energetically preferential reaction sites within the melt for any free fluorine that develops. In other words,
the redox potential of the salt is kept highly reducing to prevent oxidation of the container by fluorine
The container metal atoms are generally in their most reduced phase. Consequently, the salt can be
maintained in a highly reducing condition without concern for providing an alternative corrosion
mechanism. If, however, the loop includes carbon components under strongly reducing conditions the salt
will attack the carbon (i.e., lithium and carbon can combine to create lithium carbide under sufficiently
reducing conditions). The salt itself can also become reduced (i.e., sodium can plate out from flinak) if the
salt environment becomes too strongly reducing.
One technique to decrease the fluorine potential is to provide a Lewis acid to the melt. For beryllium-
based salts the salt would be allowed to corrode metallic beryllium both providing an excess of an
electropositive element as well as a Lewis acid to complex fluoride ions [80]. Other less toxic Lewis acids
such as zirconium (as in NaF-ZrF4) also provide some protective effect [22].
The impact of beryllium addition on thermally driven corrosion and mass transport between 650C
and 525C in a stainless steel 316 natural convection loop containing a molten mixture of LiFBeF2
(66-34 mole %) is shown in Fig. 37 [81]. The presence of excess metallic reductant (beryllium) reduced
the corrosion rate to less than 2 m/year over the 2000-h test period. The change in the slope of the as
received salt near 1000 hours of exposure shows the impact of impurities on the corrosion rate. Once
sufficient electropositive impurities (chiefly chromium) have been corroded from the container wall to
bind with the electronegative impurities in the salt the rate of corrosion decreases (but still remains
roughly four times that of a reducing environment salt).
Fig. 37. Weight change with exposure for Type 316 stainless steel in LiF-BeF2 (66-34 mol %) at 650C.
(adapted from Ref. 81)
Nonprimary constituent Lewis acids have also been shown to be effective in removing structural
metals from salt melts [82]. Fig. 38 shows the reduction of dissolved chromium in a LiF-BeF2
(66-34 mol %) melt at 600C resulting from additions of zirconium metal to the melt. While the
individual experimental results are promising, high-temperature, multicomponent chemical processes
(particularly those involving temperature gradients and moving fluids) are complex, and significantly
more investigation is required to be able to establish Lewis acid addition-based corrosion control
recommendations for specific material combinations, temperatures, and geometries.
Fig. 38. Removal of chromium from solution in LiF-BeF2 (66-34 mol %) at 600C by addition of
zirconium metal.
A critical step in corroding nickel-based alloys in liquid fluoride salts is dissolving chromium into the
salt. Dissolving chromium into the salt oxidizes neutral metallic chromium into a doubly positively
charged ion leaving behind two electrons and negatively charging the remaining metal. The oxidation
process can be inhibited electrochemically.
The exterior salt container will almost inevitably be electrically connected to ground. In order to
establish a potential difference within the melt, and, thereby force a reducing environment at the container
wall a second electrode (anode) electrically connected to the salt is required. The anode is held negative
relative to the container wall (cathode). Electrons thus flow into the container wall to neutralize
electropositive material deposition. Impressed current cathodic protection is in widespread, common
industrial use.
The magnitude of the applied voltage necessary to provide cathodic protection depends upon the
elements involved and the temperature of the materials. Standard electrode potentials for the structural
and salt elements of interest at 25C are given in Table 12 [83]. The voltage difference between the anode
(polarizing electrode) and cathode (container wall) needs to be held between the chromium and sodium
half-cell potentials (0.91 > V > 2.71) so that chromium remains reduced on the wall and sodium
remains oxidized in the melt. The cell standard electrode potential, , is a convenient representation of the
change in the Gibbs energy accompanying the cell reaction:
G n e N A , (5.1)
where n represents the number of electrons exchanged in the reaction, NA is Avogadros number, and e is
the charge of an electron.
A power supply is required to provide the necessary current and voltage to maintain the required
potential difference. While no current is required from the power supply to prevent chemical reactions,
once the initial bias is established, leakage current will flow through the salt due to its electrical
resistance. The electrical resistivity of flinak varies from 0.74 -cm at 600C to 0.57 -cm at 800C [84,
85]. Depending upon the electrode geometry and temperature, a significant amount of current may be
required to maintain the potential difference. Both the voltage difference required and resultant current
distribution to maintain a reducing environment at the container wall shifts due to the difference in the
change in the Gibbs energy and electrical resistivity of the salt and container material with temperature.
Graphite is an appropriate large-area electrode material for fluoride salts. As a rule-of-thumb, no
more than roughly 100 mA/cm2 should be employed with a carbon electrode or excessive voltage drop at
the electrode surface and consequent undesirable electrochemical reactions (e.g., CF4 evolution) may
Alternatively, a multivalent buffer element with a standard electrode redox reaction potential
difference between that of chromium and sodium can be employed to shift the electrochemical potential
of the salt. In this case a small amount of a multivalent element is added to the salt (10-2 M to 10-3 M
concentration) [86]. The multivalent element initially reacts with the salt to become a fluoride and is then
reduced within the salt by contacting it with an electrode maintained at a negative voltage using a large
contact area flow electrode. For example, ytterbium has both 2+ and a 3+ oxidation states. The YbF3
gains an electron at the electrode, reducing it to YbF2. The ytterbium in the flowing salt can then donate
an electron to capture a fluorine ion.
For systems where all of the container materials are in their most reduced phase (metals) the salt can
be maintained in a highly reducing condition. To provide redox control and avoid either reducing the salt
itself or carbon container materials, however, provision needs to be made to measure the redox condition
of the melt. Redox condition measurement can be performed either optically or electrochemically. Often a
third, smaller electrode using the same material as the driven electrode is employed in electrochemical
cells to form a potentiostat.
A fluoride salt heat transfer loop may receive tritium through its primary heat exchanger as hydrogen
readily diffuses through applicable heat exchanger metals at temperature. Dissolved tritium contamination
can be removed from the liquid salt by transfer of the tritium into another phase within the heat transport
loop, subsequent separation the second phase material from the liquid salt, and then chemical trapping of
the tritium.
If the tritium is chemically bound to a salt atom it must first be converted to a gas molecule to enable
removal from the stream. Reacting the salt containing the bound tritium with a sacrificial metal (e.g., Fe,
Cr, W) yields dissolved tritium gas.
3 H 2 MF2 .
2 3 HF M
The use of beryllium to remove dissolved 3HF from flibe under a generation rate of 1.2 1018
molecules/m3s has been experimentally shown to keep the 3HF concentration well below 20 parts per
trillion [67].
Sparging the salt stream with inert gas (argon) bubbles promotes tritium transfer to the gas phase due
to concentration-driven diffusion. Coupling high power ultrasonic energy into the salt encourages tritium
bubble nucleation and subsequent buoyancy-driven gas evolution. The combination of sparging and
ultrasonic degassing promotes rapid evolution of dissolved gas [68]. The tritium can then be stripped
from the evolving gas bubbles by reacting the gas with a hydrogen trap such as titanium sponge to form a
solid metal hydride [69].
Heat transport is at the core of many important industrial processes. The efficiency and expense of
transporting heat vary strongly with the heat transfer medium selected. High-temperature, low-pressure,
heat-transport systems are not yet commercial items and thus development risk accrues for any
technology selected. Fluoride salts are a leading candidate heat-transport material at high temperatures.
This report provides a high-level, parametric evaluation of LSHT loop performance to allow
intercomparisons between heat-transport fluid options as well as providing an overview of the properties
and requirements for a representative loop. A compilation of relevant thermophysical properties of
candidate heat transport fluoride salts is also included in the report. This report also provides a discussion
of loop operational issues such as start-up procedures, system freeze-up vulnerability, and tritium removal
techniques (as would likely be required when the heat source is a nuclear reactor.
Low-pressure, high-boiling point liquids have large advantages in terms of both pumping power and
piping mass (capital cost) for high-temperature heat transport. Of the materials evaluated, at 700C both
sodium and flinak would be viable options as heat transport media with principal salt advantages of lack
of stored chemical energy and being optically transparent. Superficially, fluoride salt under operating
conditions resembles water at near room temperature with similar heat capacity, roughly three times the
viscosity, and about twice the density. This report does not provide an exhaustive screening of potential
heat transfer media and other high-temperature liquids such as alkali metal carbonate eutectics or chloride
salts would also be useful heat transfer media options.
Candidate heat-transport fluoride salts have been extensively used in specialized industrial processes
for decades. Further, as combinations of highly electropositive and highly electronegative elements the
salts are both thermally stable and with proper chemistry control can be relatively chemically inert.
Fluoride salts can, however, be highly corrosive depending on the container materials selected, the salt
chemistry, and the operating procedures used. Fluoride salt chemistry control has shown great promise
for corrosion prevention in the limited set of material combinations under which it has been deployed.
However, chemistry control is not sufficiently technologically mature to be confidently deployed as a
general-purpose tool for corrosion prevention.
Much of the understanding of LSHT derives from the earlier MSR program and one advantage of
selecting fluoride salts for a heat transport system is the relative technological maturity of these systems
due to the prior development efforts. While over the intervening decades revolutionary improvements
have occurred in several areas of science and technology to a large extent the resultant improved
materials, components, and instrumentation have not yet been applied to LSHT.
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