New Roster (Warhammer Fantasy 8th Ed) (245pts) : End Times (Dark Elves - Army Book (2013-10) - V8.8.0.) (245pts)
New Roster (Warhammer Fantasy 8th Ed) (245pts) : End Times (Dark Elves - Army Book (2013-10) - V8.8.0.) (245pts)
New Roster (Warhammer Fantasy 8th Ed) (245pts) : End Times (Dark Elves - Army Book (2013-10) - V8.8.0.) (245pts)
- Army Size
Army (0-2999 points)
Lords [245pts]
Lore of Light
0. Shem's Burning Gaze, 1. Pha's Protection, 2. The Speed of Light, 3. Light of Battle, 4. Net of Amyntok, 5. Banishment, 6.
Birona's Timewarp
Combat As user None BRB p88
Selection Rules
Always Strikes First: Unit always strikes first
If the unit's Initiative is equal to or higher than the enemy's, he can re-roll failed misses when striking in close combat. (BRB p66)
Eternal Hatred: A model with this speical rule has the Hatred special rule. In addition, its Hatred applies in every round of close combat, not
just the first. (Dark Elves p34)
Hatred (High Elves): Re-roll Missed attacks during the first round of close combat against High Elves (BRB p71)
Hekarti's Blessing: Models with tis special rule add +1 to all attempts to cast spells from the Lore of Dark Magic (Dark Elves p34)
Murderous Prowess: Models with this special rule (but not their mounts) re-roll all To Wound rolls of a 1 when making close combat attacks.
(Dark Elves p34)
Stupidity: (BRB p76)
Thick Skinned: A model riding a cold one reseives an armour save bonus of +2, rather than the usual +1 for cavalry mounts. (Dark Elves p42)