W&D 1
W&D 1
W&D 1
Technical Background
Application Fields
The old adage goes: Great oaks from little acorns grow and youve surely
experienced the truth of this and can recall plenty of examples. It is often the
small things, the things you barely notice or perceive, that make the difference.
For example, spices improve the flavor of The coatings and printing ink industries
our food and greatly contribute to our are important target markets for Evonik.
enjoyment of it. Similar remarks apply to Always on top of technological advances,
many of Evonik's TEGO products in the Evonik can help customers develop
coatings and printing ink industries. scratch-resistant coatings for cars, wood
Added to paints, coatings, and printing flooring, and even cell phones or wall
inks, often only in small quantities, they paints that do not soil easily or contain
substantially improve the quality and per- self-cleaning mechanisms. There are even
formance characteristics of coating films. products with strong anti-graffiti effects
That's the meaning of our motto: Adding which prevent adhesion of spray paint or
Advantages, which youve been seeing on help remove it easily.
all our communications since early 2011.
In the specialty chemicals sector, Evonik In 2010, Evonik generated 80% of its
concentrates on high-growth megatrends sales from leading market positions. The
especially health, nutrition, resource operational activities are divided into
efficiency, and globalization and on three segments: Consumer Health &
entering attractive future-oriented mar- Nutrition, Specialty Materials and
kets. Chemical products from Evonik are Resource Efficiency. Two business units
used in the most diverse products and which act as entrepreneurs in the enter-
industries. prise are attached to each segment.
For the many problems which can be c onditions for continued marketing of
solved by additives, there are suitable our products. We can now concentrate
TEGO products. The implementation of on registration within the legally defined
REACH regulations, therefore, poses a time limits. As partners with our custom-
particular challenge for Evonik. ers, it is also our aim to ensure reliable
delivery of our products.
Considerable staff time and effort has
enabled us to introduce the necessary
measures early, to our customers satisfac-
tion. With the successful conclusion of
pre-registration, we have created the
Resource Efficiency
Various paths have been explored by the The comprehensive term Resource
coatings industry to achieve ecological Efficiency covers many aspects, and the
responsibility. For example, using renew- theme is of major importance at Evonik.
able raw materials and testing product So much so that it is reflected in the title
biodegradability has proven useful. of one of the three reporting units of the
Evoniks strategy of Resource Efficiency Evonik Group. The Evonik business lines
is an additional way of dealing with this in the coatings field are part of this
issue in the coatings field. reporting unit. A further description of
how we contribute to Resource Efficiency
is discussed in the following section.
For over 27 years, Tego has been a relia- benefits which are not always immedi-
ble partner with innovative solutions. ately obvious. Since these effects are as
We aim to develop with our customers different as they are diverse, we will limit
eco-friendly products for new areas of ourselves at this point to describing the
application. The TEGO portfolio comprises characteristics generated by our TEGO
various product groups which generate Glide additives.
different effects to improve the properties
of coatings for widely differing uses in the It is generally accepted that the use of
coatings industry. surface-active additives in coatings is nec-
essary to smooth out all the irregularities
Our additives, such as hydrophobing caused by the topography of the substrate
agents, specialty binders and co-binders or by the application process.
can provide our customers with additional
During these flows, vortices occur which All these phenomena can be counteracted
may entrain pigments of differing density. with surface-active additives (TEGO
Since the viscosity of the paint increases Glide) since they maintain the surface
as the solvent evaporates, these flows tension at a uniformly low level during
come to a halt as the paint dries. In the the entire film-forming and curing
ideal case, a more or less regular hexago- process.
nal honeycomb structure forms on hori-
zontal surfaces, the so-called Bnard cells.
On vertical surfaces these cells merge into
stripes (silking).
Our own commitment, as well as environ- However, not only waterborne and radia-
mental requirements, has resulted in tion-curing formulations are experiencing
many traditional solventborne formula- high growth rates. At present, the highest
tions being modified to incorporate relative growth rates are found with sol-
modern technologies. ventborne, high solids coatings.
However, we have continued to move The origins of many of our current prod-
forward and our innovations have set new ucts can be traced back to the broad
benchmarks for the development of eco- technological foundations of the former
friendly coatings systems. Here we would Goldschmidt-Chemie. Today, as part of
like to give you an understanding of the the modern specialty chemicals company
extraordinarily broad range of technologies Evonik, TEGO can draw on a vastly
on which our innovative products are greater range of chemical knowledge
based. and processes.
For many years now, we've been training tial overview of our online training offers
customers in the use of our TEGO prod- and register for our web-based training.
ucts, mainly through personal contact. Following successful registration and
However, your daily routine doesn't login, further information on individual
always leave time for seminars at which training modules will be provided.
you can be physically present.
Webinars will allow our customers
Therefore, we will be offering web-based located anywhere in the world to partici-
seminars, or webinars, enabling our cus- pate in our training modules for newly
tomers to p
articipate in online training for launched products.
newly introduced products. On our Inter-
net website www.tego.de, you will find a
webinars area, where you can get an ini-
Competences_Webinars page 37
Analytics at Evonik
The international success of a company in the chemical industry is reliant on the quality of its
products. The high demands made by customers on chemical products and product mixtures
relate mainly to purity and reproducibility in the production process. The synthesis of a new
product right through to its final stage requires reliable, modern instrumental methods of analy-
sis which can continuously monitor purity both qualitatively and quantitatively.
1. NMR: Nuclear Magnetic Resonance 2. IR: Infrared Spectroscopy 3. HPLC-NMR: High Performance
Spectroscopy This method allows several specific inves- Liquid Chromatography and NMR
This method is used to carry out structural tigations of structure: soluble and insolu- Spectroscopy
characterization of soluble organic com- ble organic compounds, special investiga- The combination of HPLC with NMR
pounds for the following: product moni- tions of fillers, qualitative and quantitative Spectroscopy allows mixtures to be
toring, batch analysis, purity (qualitative investigations of products with a detec- separated into pure fractions followed by
and quantitative), determination of end- tion limit of approx. 0.1%, surface inves- exact structural investigations using
groups, determination of chain length or tigations of a coating, investigation of cra- NMR.
degree of polymerization, determination tering on a coating, and determination of
of polymer identities and quantities in inhomogeneity of a polymer compound. 4. GC-MS: Gas Chromatography and
co-polymers, detection of silicone oil in Mass Spectroscopy
coatings, characterization and differentia- All volatile components of a mixture can
tion of a silicone oil or a polyethersiloxane be characterized using this combined
to trace levels, reaction optimization by method. Evaluation involves the use of
kinetic NMR measurements, investigation extensive software.
of products down to a detection limit of
approx. 1 ppm.
page 38 Competences_Analytics
5. LC-MS: Liquid Chromatography and 7. MALDI: Matrix Assisted Desorption 8. Organic wet chemistry
Mass Spectroscopy Ionization Effective methods for rapid determination
This method is a combination of liquid MALDI is a method for characterization of characteristic values are important.
chromatography with mass spectrometry. of biomolecules and synthetic polymers. Parameters such as hydroxyl value, acid
The chromatography separates compo- The principle involves ionization pro- value, iodine value, amine value, color
nents and mass spectrometry is used to duced using a UV laser. The polymer index, betaine concentration, and anionic-
identify and/or quantify the individual under investigation is incorporated in a and cationic-surfactant concentrations can
components. UV-active matrix. Molecular cations are be rapidly determined by wet chemical
formed. The matrix prevents molecular methods.
6. GPC: Gel Permeation fragmentation.
Chromatography The combination of all the analytical
GPC characterization of polymer samples methods which are available to us at
encompasses determination of the Evonik enables investigation of all
molecular mass distribution and average relevant chemical materials and product
molecular mass with a RI (Refractive mixtures and thus allows us to satisfy
Index) detector. Peak position calibration the demands of our customers.
is carried out using commercially availa-
ble, linear-structure standards.
TEGO VariPlus for a brilliant With the help of TEGO VariPlus, the Consequently, they are used as resins for
appearance solids content in paints can be increased. pigment pastes in coatings formulations
The hyper-branched polymer structures which cure at moderate baking tempera-
With TEGO VariPlus, Evonik offers a result in low solution viscosities which tures. Pigment loading can be increased
comprehensive range of special purpose can lead to significantly lower solvent and even at high pigment content, excel-
resins for customizing the properties of content in paints formulated with them. lent gloss can be obtained.
coatings and printing inks. Furthermore, film hardness, adhesion to
various substrates, gloss and film build TEGO VariPlus products can be used in
TEGO VariPlus are film-forming co- can be modified. solventborne formulations with low VOC
binders based on modified ketone-alde- content, waterborne or radiation-curing
hyde resins. These are widely compatible Since TEGO VariPlus products are unsa- systems.
with the most diverse binder systems and ponifiable, corrosion protection is also
solvents. improved. Some of the products are very
resistant to, for example, heat, acids and
alkali solutions and can thus improve
resistance to yellowing and chemicals.
The customized incorporation of func-
tional groups makes TEGO VariPlus well
suited for high color intensity pigment
Pa s
at density 1000 kg/m3 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
Poise 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Krebs units 40 50 60 62 64 65 68 70 72 74 76 78 80 82 84 86
Kinematic viscosity
Stokes 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Gardner-Holdt A3 A1 A B C D E F G H I J K L MN O P Q R S T U V
ISO cup 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 275 300
BS cup B4 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200
Coupe 4-NFT 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200
Ford no. 4 ASTM 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200
DIN 4 mm 53211 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200
DIN 6 mm 53211 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60
1 yd 36 3 1 914.4 0.9144 1 yd 2
1,296 9 1 8,361.27 0.8361
1in 3
1 0.579x10 -3
21.433x10 -6
16.3871 0.0164 16.387x10 -6
1 sq mil = 10 sq in
= 645.16 m2
1yd 3
46,656 27 1 764,555 764.555 0.7646 1 Imp. gallon (Imperial gallon) = 4.546 l
1cm3 0.061 35.315x10-6 1.308x10-6 1 1.000x10-3 1.0x10-6 1 US gallon (United States gallon) = 3.785 l
1dm 3
61.0237 0.0353 1.308x10 -3
1,000 1 1.0x10 -3
1 stone (GB) = 14 Ib = 6.35 kg
1m 3
61,023.7 35.3147 1.3080 1,000,000 1,000 1 1 short quarter (US) = 11.34 kg
Units of weight
oz lb g kg t
Dispersion and grinding fineness
1 oz 1 0.0625 28.3495 0.0283 28.350x10-6
3 2.5 63.5
4 2.0 50.8
5 1.5 38.1
6 1.0 25.4
7 0.5 12.7
8 0 0
[= kg ]
Spreading m2 solid body [%]
NCO components proportional weight NCO components x 17 x % NCO
rate =
[ m ] x film density [m] x 100
kg OH components proportional weight OH components x 42 x % OH
dry film density 3
17 OH-number: The weight of KOH in mg, which contains the same amount
equivalent weight OH components [g] = x 100
% OH of hydroxyl groups as 1 g of the substance. Units are [mg/g].
Additives prevents defects in the coating such as All TEGO ViscoPlus products are liquid
crater formation, poor leveling or inade- and free of organic solvents and alkylphe-
Defoamers quate adhesion of the coating film. nolethoxylates. Furthermore, they are
TEGO Foamex manufactured without the addition of
Defoamers prevent formation of foam Wetting and dispersing additives organo-tin compounds.
during manufacture and application of TEGO Dispers
coatings and printing inks. Foam already Wetting and dispersing additives prevent Radiation-curing additives
formed is destroyed and air occlusions floating, flooding and sedimentation of TEGO Rad
prevented. pigments in paints, lacquers and pigment These crosslinkable additives for radia-
concentrates. They improve color tion-curing formulations increase slip and
Deaerators strength development, transparency and scratch resistance, improve flow and addi-
TEGO Airex gloss. All TEGO Dispers products are tionally prevent formation of foam.
Deaerators prevent development of air free of alkylphenolethoxylates.
occlusions and pinholes. This is particu- Multi-functional surfactants
larly important in high-viscosity and high Hydrophobing agents TEGO Twin
solids formulations and indispensable for TEGO Phobe The unique technology of the TEGO
airless-/airmix applications. Hydrophobing agents reduce the water Twin range produces excellent substrate
uptake of mineral substrates, plasters and wetting even on critical substrates and
Slip and flow additives paints. The ability of the substrate to simultaneously suppresses foam forma-
TEGO Glide & Flow breathe (water vapor permeability) is tion, particularly in waterborne formula-
Surface additives improve flow, slip and minimally affected. tions.
scratch resistance of coatings. They also
prevent crater formation and flooding of Rheological additives Anti-graffiti additives
pigments. TEGO ViscoPlus TEGO Protect
Rheological additives adjust the viscosity TEGO Protect provides anti-graffiti and
Substrate wetting additives of paints and coatings in a targeted man- easy-to-clean properties in 2-pack poly-
TEGO Wet ner. The TEGO ViscoPlus product line urethane coatings. The TEGO Protect
Substrate wetting additives make possible consists of associative polyurethane thick- range is used as a crosslinkable co-binder
uniform wetting by coatings and printing eners which satisfy the latest require- in solventborne or waterborne, pig-
inks even on low-energy surfaces. This ments of the industry. mented or colorless coatings.
This product line includes silane adhesion
promoters and polybutadienes. Silane
adhesion promoters form a permanent
chemical link between the coating and
substrate leading to a marked improve-
ment in adhesion. Polybutadienes are
used both to reduce viscosity and achieve
faster drying of offset printing inks.
Figure 1: Rise and bursting of air bubbles in surfactant-free liquids Figure 2: Rise and stabilization of air bubbles in a liquid containing surfactant
deaerators and the reverse is true. The with surfactants to saturated interface
region to lower surface tension
mechanisms of deaeration are described Gibbs-Marangoni elasticity
in the section on deaerators.
are impaired and it may collapse. The Defoamers with insufficient spreading
E =gw/a+gw/ogo/a spreading process leads to flow of the power may defoam through another
lamella liquid along the direction of mechanism called bridging. The basic
gw/a= surface tension of the foaming spreading. This phenomenon, also known prerequisite is that the defoamer is
liquid as Marangoni flow, causes a local thinning capable of penetrating the foam lamella
gw/o= interfacial tension between of the lamella at the location of the and has a positive penetration coefficient.
the defoamer and the foaming spreading defoamer droplet and leads to Defoaming by bridging requires that a
liquid further destabilization of the lamella. The defoamer droplet which has penetrated
go/a= surface tension of the defoamer penetration and spreading of a defoamer the lamella surface must also be capable
droplet is illustrated in fig. 5. of penetrating the opposite lamella side.
Frequently, this is only possible once
The spreading behavior can be described the lamella has been sufficiently thinned
If one assumes the interfacial tension of via the spreading coefficients as the equi- by continued drainage. In some cases,
the foaming medium gw/a is constant, the librium of the surface tensions of the defoamer droplets become sufficiently
equation shows that a positive spreading three phases with each other. Only large by coalescing with other defoamer
coefficient can only be achieved if the defoamer droplets with positive spreading droplets for the bridging mechanism to
surface tension of the defoamer go/a is coefficients can spread on the surface of occur. If the defoamer droplet has pene-
sufficiently small. the medium to be defoamed. trated both sides of the lamella, a subse-
quent dewetting or stretching mechanism
The defoamer droplet may spread after The equation for spreading coefficients can lead to rupture of the lamella.
penetrating the lamella. If a defoamer can shows that defoamers can only spread
spread on the surface, it forms a defoamer if the sum of their interfacial tensions to
lens at the lamella surface and displaces air and to the medium to be defoamed is
the surfactants at this location. As a result, smaller than the surface tension of the
the stability and flexibility of the lamella foaming liquid.
A basic condition for both mechanisms is If defoaming takes place via a stretching
for the bridging coefficient of the mechanism, the bridging defoamer drop-
defoamer to be positive. let marks the weakest point in the lamella.
If the lamella stretches, it ruptures at even
Calculation of the bridging coefficients very low stretching forces on the
involves the square of the interfacial ten- defoamer droplet (fig. 7).
sions. The bridging coefficient can only
be positive if the interfacial tension
between the defoamer and air is suffi-
ciently small.
Typical active substances for formulating Silicone defoamers (polysiloxanes) Mineral oil defoamers
defoamers for waterborne coatings are:
polysiloxanes (silicones), mineral-, vege- Polysiloxanes and modified polysiloxanes Mineral oils, with their high spreading
table-oils and/or polymers. Particularly belong to the most widely used group of power and high incompatibility, have long
effective defoamers tailored to specific defoaming substances. An enormous been used as defoaming agents. Nowa-
applications can be formulated by com- range of defoaming agents is accessible days, aliphatic mineral oils are used in
bining the substances with each other and via modification with polyethers or other defoamer formulations. Aromatic oils are
also by adding fine-particle hydrophobic polymers. The compatibility and effec- increasingly rare because of environmen-
solids such as silicas. tiveness of these can be adjusted to suit tal and physiological considerations. Min-
eral oils are frequently used in the archi-
tectural paints and printing inks sectors.
When used in waterborne formulations,
where high demands are made on the
Figure 8: Typical polyether siloxane structures gloss of the finish, mineral oils frequently
ABA block copolymer comb-shaped copolymer reach their limits since they tend to impair
ABA block copolymer comb-shaped copolymer
gloss or cause other surface defects.
copolymer branched
A(BA)n block copolymer
Si O and similar hydrophobic polyether
Si O and similar hydrophobic polyether
Polyether polysiloxane copolymer structures Me
Decisive criteria for choosing a defoamer ing characteristics are strongly influenced olume of a control sample without
are the formulation and application by the conditions during manufacturing defoamer is checked before and after
method. Different formulations require and application of the paint, it is recom- the stir test.
different defoamers. Important parame- mended that the test method permits
ters affecting the formulation include pig- evaluation under conditions close to
ment loading or the chemical nature of those in practice. The method should Flow test
the binder. The type of application also include an assessment of possible
method also affects the incorporation of surface defects that could be caused by In this test, air is stirred into the formula-
foam in the coating material and thus the the defoamer. tion with a fast running stirrer. The freshly
choice of defoamer. Defoamer recom- foamed sample is poured onto a surface.
mendations from Evonik take into account The activity of the defoamer can be
suitability for particular formulations and Stir tests assessed from the fresh pour-down. After
application methods. Nevertheless, it is the pour-down dries, the film can be visu-
recommended that defoamers are tested A frequently used method for low to ally assessed for foam and surface defects.
in the laboratory before using them in medium viscosity formulations is the stir The flow test frequently complements the
production. test in which air is stirred into the formu- stir test and is similarly suitable for low to
lation with a fast running stirrer. The medium viscosity paints.
When choosing a defoamer for a formula- effectiveness of different defoamers can
tion, its effectiveness should first be be compared via the volume of foamed
checked in the laboratory. Since defoam- material. It is recommended that the
We use TEGO Foamex 810 in a pig- indirectly via other raw materials for What types of pumps are suitable for
mented UV wood finish and sometimes which the defoamer is suited. Therefore, conveying defoamer emulsions?
have isolated craters on the application there cannot be a universal defoamer Defoamer emulsions should, in principle,
unit. Unfortunately, we cannot repro- which always functions in all formula- be conveyed with low-shear pumps.
duce this defect in the laboratory. What tions. However, empirical experience has Continuous stirring or pumping should
can we do? shown that certain defoamers are well be avoided as this can cause changes in or
One way of eliminating craters is by add- suited for individual areas of application. destabilization of the defoamer emulsion.
ing a wetting agent such as TEGO Wet TEGO Foamex 1488 or TEGO Foamex
270 or TEGO Twin 4100 in amounts of 855 or TEGO Foamex K 8, for example,
0.1% to 0.4%. perform well over a wide spectrum in the
PVC range between 50 to 80% and in
We manufacture various interior paints. typical binders for this range of PVC
The PVC ranges from 50% to 80%. We such as styrene acrylic or vinyl acetate
also use various binders in these paints. copolymers.
At the moment, we are also using a vari-
ety of defoamers. Is there a defoamer Can defoamer emulsions be diluted with
which is effective in all paints? glycols to mix the defoamer into coatings
Foam formation and stabilization are without compatibility problems?
usually caused by a mix of emulsifiers and We basically recommend adding
stabilizers from the binder and other sur- defoamer emulsions in the form supplied.
face active substances added directly or Diluting with solvents can destabilize the
emulsion and cause it to break.
Foam is one of the most common prob- Not all foams are the same orient themselves in this interface and
lems which a formulator must consider encapsulate the micro-foam bubble
when developing coatings and printing There are two types of foam: micro-foam (fig. 1).
inks. It is particularly important in water- and macro-foam. However, it is fre-
borne, radiation-curing, solvent-free and quently difficult to distinguish easily The TEGO Foamex range of coatings
high solids formulations. between these foam types as they often additives from Evonik eliminates primarily
occur together as a foam problem. macro-foam particularly in waterborne
Foam is a stable distribution of small gas formulations. However, depending on the
(usually air) bubbles in a liquid. Pure liq- In principle, it is possible to classify structure of the additive, they are also
uids, however, do not foam. A stable macro- and micro-foam. The former is effective against micro-foam. These prod-
foam can only occur when substances found in, for example, the coating film ucts are fully described in the Technical
with a surfactant structure are present in surface, the latter is found within the Background Defoamers.
the liquid. coating film. Both types of foam can be
distinguished in the liquid coatings mate- TEGO Airex additives are predominantly
Surfactants, with their hydrophilic and rial and in the dried/cured coating film. effective against micro-foam although
hydrophobic regions, orient themselves they show positive effects when tackling
preferentially at the liquid/air interfaces. Macro-foam bubbles in liquid paint are macro-foam. The mode of operation of
A liquid with included or incorporated air generally air bubbles surrounded by a the TEGO Airex family is described
has such interfaces. Surfactants orient duplex film of a surfactant double layer. below.
themselves at this interface and thus sta- Two liquid/air interfaces exist here.
bilize the air bubbles producing stable Micro-foam bubbles can be described as
foam. air inclusions which only exhibit one
liquid/air interface. The surfactants also
Figure 3: Rising speed depends on viscosity of the paint and size of the bubble Figure 4: Rising speed depending on the radius of the bubble
rising speed (v)
V Rising speed
Can micro-foam bubbles dissolve of At first, there is a mixture of micro-bub- equation, which relates the internal pres-
their own accord? bles of different sizes. As drying pro- sure of a micro-foam bubble to the exter-
ceeds, the picture alters. Relatively nal pressure of the surrounding medium.
Micro-foam bubbles can disappear of large micro-bubbles slowly become The smaller the micro-foam bubble, the
their own accord. They continuously larger while small micro-bubbles rapidly greater the rise in the internal pressure
shrink until they disappear. This phenom- become even smaller. They literally compared to the external pressure. This
enon can be easily observed using a shrink until they disappear. pressure difference causes air from the
microscope during, for example, the dry- micro-bubble to diffuse into the sur-
ing phase of an airless-applied coating. The driving force for the shrinkage of the rounding medium and dissolve there.
One can easily track how the micro-foam small micro-bubbles is the Laplace pres- Diffusion, and with it, shrinking of the
bubbles change during this time (fig. 5). sure of the foam bubble. The Laplace micro-foam bubble continues faster and
pressure is given by the Young-Laplace faster as the bubble becomes smaller.
Young-Laplace equation
How do deaerators
Effective deaerators exhibit a partial or
targeted insolubility in the medium to be
treated and, ideally, a certain surface
activity. The deaerators concentrate pref-
tension erentially at the liquid/air interface and
form, in the ideal case, an additive film
The internal pressure of an air bubble is Laplace Pressure around the micro-foam bubble. They thus
greater than the external pressure as the Derived from the Young-Laplace prevent stabilization of the bubble by sur-
effect of interfacial tension must be over- equation with Pi = Pa + 2s/r. factants. In addition, the partially insolu-
come. The ratio of the interfacial tension Pi = internal pressure of air bubble ble active deaerating substances promote
to the radius of the bubble 2s/r is greater Pa = external pressure of air bubble diffusion of air from the micro-foam bub-
the smaller the air bubble. This leads to an s = interfacial tension ble into the surrounding medium.
increase in the internal pressure Pi. For r = radius of the air bubble
small air bubbles between 10 and 20 m
diameter, the internal pressure can be 10
to 15% higher than the external pressure.
What substances are effective Is there a universal deaerator? Combinations of additives are helpful
A deaerator is effective against micro- In cases where deaerators are highly
There is a wide range of chemical com- foam and, at the same time, sufficiently effective but cause surface defects such
pounds which are potentially suitable for compatible with the paint, lacquer or as craters, a combination with substrate
use as deaerators in coatings including: printing ink formulation. This means that wetting agents or surface active additives
organic polymers such as polyethers or the deaerator prevents/eliminates micro- is recommended (see Technical Back-
polyacrylates foam but does not give rise to, for exam- ground Slip, Flow and Radiation-curing
dimethylpolysiloxanes (silicone oils) ple, flow problems, fisheyes, craters or Additives, and Substrate Wetting Addi-
organically modified polysiloxanes, turbidity. tives).
such as aryl-alkyl modified polysiloxanes
fluorosilicones This balance is dependent on the coating
formulation. Changes, particularly in Storage stability tests are necessary
These are frequently used for formulating binder or solvent, strongly influence
deaerators. Such deaerators are supplied the effectiveness and compatibility of a High storage stability is expected from
in the following variants: deaerator. Therefore, there is no universal many coatings systems. The ideal deaera-
as concentrates with 100% active deaerator for all coatings systems. Rather, tor should therefore be effective and
ingredient content not only the effectiveness but also the compatible even after extended storage.
as solutions in organic solvents compatibility of the deaerator with the Tests under specified conditions are
as aqueous emulsions, specially for coatings system must be checked. The essential (e.g. four weeks at room tem-
use in waterborne formulations choice and amount of deaerator used in perature, 40C and 4C). In many cases
the formulation as well as the method a combination of several deaerators or a
The effect of deaerator formulations is of application play important roles. Pre- deaerator and defoamer is the best
further enhanced by the addition of liminary tests are certainly helpful in choice.
hydrophobic solids to the above men- choosing possible deaerators.
tioned active substances. Hydrophobic
solids used include silicas, ureas or metal- It is essential to confirm the choice of
lic soaps. deaerators by evaluation under end-appli-
cation conditions.
Test method for low to medium visco- application. After drying/curing, the In the case of high-build application, the
sity coatings formulations micro bubble is examined using a magni- freshly foamed coatings material can sim-
fying glass or microscope. It can be help- ply be filled into a lid (e.g. of a metal
50 g of the coating is stirred for 1 minute ful to document the results using photos. paint can or poly beaker) and taken out
at a high speed (3,000 rpm) on a dis- for assessment after curing (see also video
solver with a disc. This causes air to be Evaluation of pigmented coatings can Deaerating of floor coatings)
incorporated and finely distributed in the often be difficult because of their poor
coating. Immediately after stirring, the transparency. In this case, differences in
coating is poured down on a transparent gloss can be used as a criteria: the more Testing of the finest micro-foam
polyester film fixed on a glass panel micro bubbles, the lower the gloss.
inclined at 25 to the perpendicular. Micro-foam can occur in such a fine form
During drying, the coating can deaerate. that it is not visible to the unaided eye and
After drying, the film is assessed visually Testing of high viscosity coatings com- examination through a microscope or
for bubbles, pinholes (effectiveness) and pounds magnifying glass, etc., is required. How-
for possible defects such as craters, fish- ever, there are other methods of render-
eyes, turbidity or flow problems (compat- For coating compounds (e.g. 2-pack floor ing visible or measuring the very fine
ibility) (fig. 7). coatings) the flow test on inclined sur- pores which can result from micro-foam
faces is unsuitable. For such formulations, bubbles in the coating:
casting of defined film thicknesses (e.g. 3
Test method for medium to high visco- mm) has proved satisfactory. In this test,
sity coatings formulations the coating material is sheared for 2 min- Copper sulphate test
utes at 2,000 rpm to incorporate air.
It is difficult to find the ideal deaerator Directly afterwards, the material is The coating is applied in a realistic thick-
by means of simple preliminary tests, poured onto a PE film. After 10 minutes, ness to a sand-blasted steel panel. After
particularly for formulations applied in one third of the surface is screeded and, completely drying or curing, about 4 ml
thick layers by airless/airmix methods. after drying/curing, visually assessed for of 10% copper sulphate solution is
It is more meaningful to carry out a spray foam bubbles or surface defects. (fig. 8) poured into a small watch glass. The
panel is placed coated-surface down on
the filled watch glass and the apparatus
inverted so that the copper sulphate solu-
tion can react. After 24 hours, the coating
Figure 7: Test foil from the flowout test, left with deaerator, right without additives surface is rinsed with water. If there are
fine pores in the coating, they show up as
red dots. These red marks are elemental
copper deposited from the copper
sulphate solution while iron has been
dissolved from the panel.
This method is used to assess entrapped How important is the method of applica- should be engineered to minimize the
air in coating films (after drying/curing) tion when choosing the deaerator? entrapment of air in the coatings material.
which are applied to wood substrates. The method by which the coating is However, parameters such as raw materi-
Defined cross-sections of the coating applied plays a very important role. There als, manufacturing regulations and appli-
film/wood substrate are produced and are deaerators which, because of their cation are usually specified and the room
examined microscopically to assess the strong incompatibility produce, for exam- for maneuver is thus significantly
number and size of micro-foam bubbles. ple, a break of curtain at the curtain restricted. The addition of coatings addi-
This method is particularly well suited for coater machine. In this case, only rela- tives is the simplest way of preventing and
pigmented formulations. tively compatible deaerators should be eliminating micro-foam.
Diverse demands are made on paints and they improve substrate wetting, promote
varnishes. On the one hand, the require- flow and impart slip. Thus slip and flow
ment is for brilliant, smooth coatings. On additives significantly reduce the suscepti-
the other hand, the desire is for func- bility to defects, resulting in a high-qual-
tional, continuous coating films which ity appearance and markedly improved
ensure chemical and mechanical resis- scratch resistance, especially with freshly
tance, adequate slip, haptic properties and applied coatings.
also a certain antiblocking/release effect.
To achieve good flow, the surface tension rying layer, a phenomenon known as
d Bnard cells are a particular problem in
must remain uniform over the complete the formation of Bnard cells. The surface mixed-pigment formulations. The differ-
surface of the coating layer while it is tension is higher at the edges of the cells ent particle sizes and densities of the vari-
drying. During the drying of a solvent- than at their centers and coating material ous pigments lead to separation of the
borne coating film, the solvent on the flows from regions of lower surface ten- previously homogeneously distributed
surface evaporates causing differences in sion to regions of higher surface tension. pigments. In the resulting eddies, pig-
temperature, surface tension, solvent The resulting unevenness in the surface ments of different densities are dragged
concentration and density within the film. dries into the coating film. This produces along to various extents. Smaller pigment
To balance the thermodynamic non-equi- an irregular surface as the coating shows particles are transported further than
librium, currents occur in the coating film. marked texture (fig. 3). larger ones and accumulate at the edges
These currents produce eddies in the of the eddies. The different pigments are
partially de-mixed and later a honeycomb
structure appears in the drying film (see
also "Technical Background Wetting and
Figure 3: Surface texture with and without flow additive Dispersing Additives"). In matte clear
coats, the large particles mainly remain in
the center of the cells. A higher degree of
gloss is visible at the edges of the cells than
in the centers. When applied to a vertical
surface the cells become deformed and
streaks become visible (fig. 4).
Figure 1: Water skater supported by surface Figure 2: Wetting on a low energy substrate as displayed on the left with substrate wetting additive
F1 > F2
F1 F2
Figure 3: Interactive forces at the water/air interface or water/air/surfactant interface.
(A) - Inside the liquid, the attraction forces between the molecules cancel each other out. (B) - At the surface the resulting force (surface
tension) is directed towards the interior of the liquid. (C) - A surfactant reduces this force (surface tension).
The work required to increase an interfa- The SI unit for the surface tension is N/m 73 mN/m. The surface tension of ready-
cial area A by unit amount is termed inter- and is the result of the conversion of to-use coatings naturally depends not
facial energy W. It is proportional to the Joules as follows: only on the solvent used but also on the
size of the additional unit and can be for- other constituents. Nonetheless, the sur-
mulated as a differential: J Nm N face tension is an important parameter.
1 m2 = 1 m2 = 1m
The surface tension of liquids can be
determined directly. The surface tensions
The measuring tech-
The quotient is defined as surface ten- of solvents typically used in coatings nique
sion. It has the dimensions of energy per range from 20 to 70 mN/m. Highly vola-
unit area (J/m2) and is therefore the work tile, lower aliphatic test spirits exhibit the In the best known technique for measur-
required to obtain a new surface. lowest values, that of pure water is ing surface tensions of liquids, the du
Noy Ring Method, a platinum-iridium
ring is placed into the liquid so that the
surface is completely wet. Upon slowly
Surface tension of various liquids
withdrawing it, a lamella is formed which
Liquid Surface tension (mN/m) constitutes an increase in the surface of
the liquid. The maximum force required
Water 73
to pull this lamella is a direct measure of
Alkyd resins 33 60 the static surface tension as it corresponds
Butyl glycol 30 to the energy necessary to increase the
Toluene 29 surface of the liquid (lamella). This mea-
suring technique is shown on our homep-
Isopropanol 22
age (video Measurement of static surface
n-Octane 21 tension).
Octamethyltrisiloxane 17
Hexamethylsiloxane 16
Isopentane 14
This method is suitable for investigating introduced into the liquid under investiga- the new interfaces which are formed very
aqueous solutions containing surfactants tion via a capillary. In this process, the rapidly. That is why measuring surface
or of waterborne or solventborne pressure required to generate the new tension under these dynamic conditions is
clearcoats. Pigmented systems do not give interface of the liquid passes through a also useful.
reliable data as the presence of pigments maximum which is directly related to the
impairs lamella stability so that the values dynamic surface tension. This method Unfortunately, the results from pure
of surface tension appear to be too low. evaluates the mobility of the surfactant in aqueous solutions of surfactants cannot
Insoluble additives, such as defoamers, the medium since the surfactants must be transferred directly to coatings sys-
can also cause misleading results. orient as quickly as possible at the newly tems. It is therefore advisable to check the
formed interface to maintain the surface effect of wetting agents in the coating or,
The dynamic surface tension can be tension at a constant low level. When at least, relevant binders.
determined using a bubble pressure applying coatings, during printing pro-
tensiometer in which gas bubbles are cesses for example, substrate wetting
generated at a defined pressure and agents must be able to orient quickly to
Contact angle
Si Si Si Si
n m surfactant
O (EO )0 CH3
Figure 9: Schematic structure of a polyether siloxane
TEGO Wet 500 series, si-free satisfactory very good very good
Figure 1: Schematic representation, (a) agglomerated, (b) dispersed, (c) flocculated pigments
Figure 2: Stabilization
of dispersed particles:
(a) electrostatic
(b) steric
(c) electrosteric
Figure 4: Schematic diagram of the structure of surfactant compounds with various types of head groups
which contain, for example, phenyl or has shown that nitrogen-containing dis-
napthyl units, are particularly suitable for persing additives are the most successful.
AB block copolymer
graft copolymer
graft copolymer soluble
pigment affinic
pigment affinic
Figure 1: Flow in the gap between two horizontal parallel plates moving relative to each
viscosity [Pas]
mixing brushing
Shear stress (t): = = Pa spraying
A m2
spattering printing
The shear rate () or velocity gradient is 103 102 101 100 101 102 103 104 105
obtained from the velocity v [m/s] and shear rate [1/s]
the plate separation h [m]. The units are
second-1. Figure 2: Effect of shear rate on applicational properties
Shear rate () =
v -1
[s ]
surface it should assume a high viscosity If the viscosity of a substance is constant
to prevent sagging on vertical substrates. at different shear rates, it is said to exhibit
Although the term viscosity is often used The flow behavior of paints under typical ideal or Newtonian behavior. Newtonian
in connection with coatings, the term processing conditions can be ordered flow is generally found only with low
flow behavior would surely be better. according to shear rate. molecular weight liquids such as water,
Usually coatings show a flow behavior in solvents and mineral oils. In practice,
which they become thinner, that is to say, Viscosity describes the frictional forces in most shearable systems have flow proper-
the viscosity value drops under the influ- a system and thus the resistance of a ties which depend on the shear rate.
ence of shear forces. This phenomenon, liquid to flow. The viscosity is a measure
known as pseudoplasticity, will be dealt of the viscous flow of a liquid. The larger If the viscosity decreases with increasing
with in more detail later. the viscosity, the less flowable the liquid. shear stress, the flow behavior is said to
The (shear) viscosity (dynamic viscosity) be intrinsically viscous, shear thinning or
Applicational properties of coatings are is obtained as the ratio of shear stress t to pseudoplastic. Most coatings and polymer
associated with different shear rates (fig. shear rate . The units are Pa s-1. solutions show pseudoplastic behavior.
2). When stirring (dispersing), low vis-
cosities are necessary but storage should Bingham fluids are viscoplastic but their
preferably take place at high viscosity so Viscosity flow properties are linear. After a mini-
that the pigments are prevented from mum shear stress, they reach the yield
settling out. For spray application, the point, tf , and begin to flow. Below this
paint should have as low a viscosity as point they behave as an elastic body.
possible but as soon as the paint is on the Examples are ketchup and certain wall
. .
Figure 3 Figure 4
paints. These liquids only begin to flow Flow behavior can be shown diagramma Examples of organic thickeners for sol-
when a particular stress is reached. This tically in two ways: as a flow curve or a ventborne or waterborne systems
occurs, for example, if a loaded paint viscosity curve.A flow curve shows the include:
roller is pressed against a wall and rolled. dependence of shear force t on shear polyureas
At that moment, the shear force is suffi- rate (fig. 3) and a viscosity curve shows cellulose derivatives
cient for the paint to become liquid and how the viscosity depends on the shear polyamides
wet the wall. As long as the paint is on rate (fig. 4).
the roller without any force applied it Examples of organic thickeners for water-
behaves like an elastic solid and does not Rheological additives can be roughly borne coatings include:
drip from the roller. separated into inorganic and organic associative thickeners
thickeners or thickeners for solventborne non-associative thickeners
Materials whose viscosity increases with or waterborne coatings.
increasing shear stress are shear-thicken- This list is not intended to be comprehen-
ing or dilatant. Dilatant behavior is shown Examples of modified inorganic thicken- sive.
by, for example, dispersions with high ers for solventborne and waterborne sys-
solids content or high polymer concentra- tems include: Associative thickening involves non-spe-
tions. Shear-thickening behavior is not bentonite cific interactions of hydrophobic end-
usually found in paints and coatings as it synthetic lattice-layer silicate groups of a thickener molecule both with
can lead to problems with processes pyrogenic silica (sometimes organically themselves and with components of the
involving pumping or stirring. modified) coating. The thickener produces a rever
sible, dynamic network of thickener mole-
cules and other components of the coat-
ing. The thickening effect is caused by
interactions of the hydrophobic end
groups of the thickener with other com-
ponents of the formulation.
Overview of different classes of thickener and the method by which they thicken
the hydrophobic components of the mole- In paints, polyurethane thickeners are The strength of the network and the
cule orient towards the interior of the usually used at concentrations at which resultant rheological properties of the
micelle, the hydrophilic middle segments two-phase systems have been observed in system can be controlled via the hydro-
form the outer loop-shaped sheath. aqueous solutions. It is therefore probable phobicity of the end groups. Long hydro-
that the polyurethane thickener is also phobic end groups exert strong interac-
At even higher concentrations, mutual present in paints as a two-phase system. tions and ensure efficient thickening. To
interaction of the loop micelles results in The thickener gel interacts via the hydro- achieve comparable thickening with
two phase systems consisting of a free- phobic groups with the surfaces of the shorter end groups, significantly higher
flowing phase with low thickener content pigments and binders. A refined model of concentrations are required.
and a thickener gel. In the free flowing the mechanism of associative thickening
phase, the thickener molecules are dis- by polyurethane thickeners is shown in The length of the hydrophobic group
solved individually or are present as loop fig. 8. influences not only the strength of the
micelles. The thickener gel consists of associative effect but also the kinetics of
associates of thickener molecules. The Polyurethane thickeners form a temporary exchange and thus the rate at which the
cohesion of the gels is thought to stem network. The linkage points of the net- associative linkage points break and
from bridging and entanglement mecha- work consist of thickener molecules and reform. When shear stress is applied to
nisms by the micelles (fig. 6 and 7). thickener micelles adsorbed on the pig- paints, the associative linkage points are
ment or binder surfaces. It is characteristic broken. If the thickener is unable to
If the concentration of thickener in aque- that the linkage points of the network are reestablish the disrupted linkage points
ous solution is raised still further, the two constantly breaking and reforming. The immediately, the associative network is
phase system changes into a single phase system is thus highly fluid which explains weakened. There is then a shear-rate-
thickener gel. the good flow and leveling characteristics dependent loss in viscosity.
of associatively-thickened paints.
Long hydrophobic end groups possess a Measuring viscosity with the relative Leveling
slow rate of exchange; i.e. the viscosity of viscometer
thickeners with long hydrophobic end Leveling, the flow behavior in a horizontal
groups diminishes slowly under shear The volume of the sample is unknown; position, is determined with a leveling
stress. The formulation becomes pseudo- shear rate and shear stress cannot be doctor blade. In this method, the coating
plastic. Short hydrophobic end groups quantified. Relative viscometers are suit- is applied as five double lines with
exhibit a fast rate of exchange so that able for comparative measurements of increasing film thickness from 100 to
thickeners with such groups are effective systems with similar rheology. In the coat- 1000 m on a Leneta sheet. The propor-
even at high shear rates and result in for- ings industry, relative viscometers of the tion of lines which have coalesced is
mulations with Newtonian rheology. Brookfield or Stormer spindle type are quoted according to a scale of 0 (no level-
commonly used, usually at constant shear ing) to 10 (very good leveling). It is also
force. common practice to visually compare a
Figure 11:
Sagging test
thus a sufficiently long open time. In addi- ening performance of TEGO ViscoPlus? Holger Reimann, Betina Joos-Mller,
Klaus Dirnberger und Claus D. Eisenbach
tion the elastic viscosity of the paint is In the typical range of pH for emulsion Assoziativverdickern auf der Spur
increased. Stability to settling and sagging paints, the pH does not affect the thicken- Farbe & Lack, 5/2002, pp. 44-55
characteristics are also improved. In many ing performance of TEGO ViscoPlus. Markus Schmidtchen, Thadeus Schauer,
cases, however leveling and gloss are Rolf Nothhelfer, Claus D. Eisenbach
Dem Netzwerk auf der Spur
impaired by the cellulose ether. Farbe & Lack, 2/2005, pp. 34-39
Contact angle of a water-droplet
on a hydrophobic surface
Si Si Si Si Si
Water vapor transmission rate (perme- w-value and sd-value is at the most other. The yellow area shows the region
ability) (V-value or sd-value) 0.1 kg/(m h). Ideally formulated paints in which the product of w- and sd-values
have a low capillary water uptake (class 3) is 0.1 kg/(m h) or smaller. The extent
The water vapor transmission rate is and very high water vapor transmission to which individual facade coating sys-
determined by EN ISO 7783. The V-value rate, characterized by a low sd-value in tems fulfill this condition is shown by the
describes the amount of water vapor in class 1. Figure 4 shows quantitatively the colored areas.
grams which can diffuse in one day from a relationship of w- and sd-values to each
coating area of one square meter. More
often than the water vapor transmission
rate, the diffusion equivalent thickness
of air (sd-value) is given. The sd-value, Figure 4: Facade protection theory according to Knzel
The most important parameter affecting called formulations with low PVC or
w- and sd-values is the pigment volume strongly bound formulations. Clear
concentration (PVC). The pigment vol- coats have, according to the formula, a
ume concentration describes the volume PVC of zero and theoretically a paint
ratio of the powder-form pigments and formulated with no binder has a PVC of
filler to the total including the binder in 100%. In practice, paints are found with
the dried coating film. It is calculated from extremely low amounts of binder up to
the following formula. a PVC of 90 to 95%.
1 Water 28.75
2 Walocel XM 6000 PV 0.30 Cellulose thickener TEGO Phobe 1650 effectively prevent
capillary water uptake by the coated
3 TEGO Foamex 855 0.20 Defoamer
masonry. Further advantages of TEGO
4 ActicidE MBS 0.15 Biocide Phobe 1650 include its high effectiveness
5 Calgon N new 0.05 Wetting and dispersing additive in small amounts, excellent early water
6 TEGO Dispers 715 W 0.30 Wetting and dispersing additive resistance and low dirt pick-up by the
coating. Addition of the polysiloxane
7 AMP90 0.10 Neutralizing agent
TEGO Phobe 1401 or TEGO Phobe
8 Kronos 2310 12.50 Titanium dioxide 1505 produces an additional water bead-
9 Socal P 3 10.00 Calcium carbonate, precipitated ing effect. For this, an added quantity of
10 Omyacarb 5 15.00 Calcium carbonate 1 to 2% is recommended.
1 Water 14.8
of the latter with the good properties of 2 Tylose MH 30000 YP2 0.2 Cellulose thickener
the former. A three-fold combination of a
3 TEGO Foamex 855 0.3 Defoamer
conventional binder with a nanohybrid
dispersion and the silicone resin TEGO 4 ActicidE MBS 0.4 Biocide
Phobe 1650 has proved particularly 5 Dowanol DPnB 3.2 Coalescing agent
effective. 6 TEGO Dispers 755 W 1.3 Wetting and dispersing additive
Siloxane facade paint with water- 8 Kronos 2190 22.5 Titanium dioxide
characterized by a very strong water- 13 TEGO Phobe 1650 7.5 Hydrophobing additive
beading effect with a contact angle 14 Col.9 DS 1200 X 15.0 Nanohybrid binder
between water/coating of more than
15 Acronal A 684 10.5 Acrylate binder
140. This is often associated with a low
16 Collacral LR 8990 2.7 Polyurethane thickener
dirt pick-up as well as a self-cleaning (1:1 in Water)
effect. Experience in various regions of
17 TEGO Foamex 855 0.4 Defoamer
the world has shown that environmental
influences such as air pollution, climate or 18 ActicidE MKB 1.6 Film preserving agent
carbonate filler with a particle size 3 Surfynol E 104 0.25 Wetting and dispersing additive
between 15 and 20 micrometers and a 4 Walocel XM 6000 PV 0.30 Cellulose thickener
narrow particle size distribution. Surface-
5 ActicidE MBS 0.10 Biocide
active water-soluble materials in the coat-
ing reduce the water-beading effect and, 6 Kronos 2044 20.00 Titanium dioxide
Item Component Amount by weight Ingredient/Effect Silicate paints and plasters contain water
1 Water 22.30 glass, usually in combination with poly-
2 Betolin V 30 0.10 Thickener mer dispersions as binders. The ability of
water glass to react with silicate sub-
3 TEGO Dispers 735 W 0.30 Wetting and dispersing additive
strates and form a strong chemical bond
4 Betolin Q 40 0.30 Stabilizer makes silicate systems very attractive for
5 TEGO Foamex 825 0.20 Defoamer coating the most common mineral sub-
6 Natrosol 250 HHR 0.30 Cellulose thickener strates found outdoors. This property,
known as silicification, makes silicate
7 Kronos 2310 10.00 Titanium dioxide
paints very durable. The high proportion
8 Omyacarb 5 30.00 Calcium carbonate of inorganic components gives the silici-
9 Plastorit 000 5.00 Talc fied coating a mineral appearance and
10 TEGO Phobe 1401 4.00 Hydrophobing additive excellent water vapor transmission. A
disadvantage however is the high capillary
11 Acronal S 559 6.00 Styrene acrylic binder
water uptake of such formulations. This
12 White spirit 1.50 Coalescing agent can be reduced by using hydrophobing
13 Betolin K 28 20.00 Potassium water glass binder agents specially suited to silicate paints,
100.00 for example TEGO Phobe 1505 or 1401.
Silicone-silicate paints
Guiding formulation for a silicone-silicate paint
These are a variant of silicate paints in
Item Component Amount by weight Ingredient/Effect which the binder is a three-fold combina-
1 Water 22.30 tion of emulsion, silicone resin and water
2 Betolin V 30 0.10 Thickener glass. In terms of values for capillary
water uptake and water vapor diffusion,
3 TEGO Dispers 715 W 0.30 Wetting and dispersing additive
they are similar to other silicate paints
4 Betolin Q 40 0.30 Stabilizer but have the advantage of lower dirt
5 TEGO Foamex 825 0.20 Defoamer pick-up.
6 Natrosol 250 HHR 0.30 Cellulose thickener
Because of their formulation with quartz Item Component Amount by weight Ingredient/Effect
Vertical tracks which differ from the We have found that our silicone resin
original color are caused by rain. How paints show a strong increase in viscosity
can this sensitivity to sudden rain of a after storing for 5 to 6 months. How can
recently applied silicone resin paint be we prevent this?
improved? The order of addition during the manu-
We offer TEGO Phobe 1650, a silicone facture of the paint plays an important
resin with early water resistance. That role. After manufacturing the millbase,
means that the hydrophobic effect of the silicone resin emulsion should be
TEGO Phobe 1650 develops very added first and the binder dispersion
quickly after application. According to the only added after further stirring.
method for determination of capillary
water uptake, EN 1062-1, coatings must How much silicone resin do I need to
reach their full effectiveness after the formulate a silicone resin paint?
fourth exposure to water. TEGO Phobe There is no clear rule as to how much sili-
1650 actually achieves this after only two cone resin a formulation must contain.
exposures. More important than the quantity used is
that the formulation must fulfill the physi-
Does the silicone resin in silicone facade cal demands made on it, such that it
paints affect the sd value and is the PVC achieves class 3 in permeability of water
of the coating altered? and class 1 in water vapor transmission
The amount of silicone resin has practi- rate. Older formulations contain up to
cally no effect on the sd-value. Investiga- 10% silicone resin emulsion to satisfy
tions have shown that silicone resins do these demands. With the newest genera-
not behave like binders in their effect on tion of silicone resin emulsions, similar
wet abrasion resistance or sd-value. In cal- properties can be reached with only
culating the PVC, silicone resins should 4 to7%.
therefore not be incorporated into the
calculation as binders.
(2n1) H2O
n HO R1 OH + n HO R2 OH HO R1 O R2 O H HO R1 O R2 O H
+ n
Figure 1: General reaction (schematic) for the manufacture of TEGO AddBond resins Figure 2: Structure of an aqueous dispersion of a
TEGO AddBond resin
How are polyester resins manufactu- boxyl groups with amines (fig. 2). Such
red? solvent-free dispersions have a good stor-
age life. The TEGO AddBond resins are
TEGO AddBond resins are polyester resistant to hydrolysis. They always con-
resins with a special structure. They are tain free carboxyl and hydroxyl groups.
manufactured by the polycondensation of Their hydrophilic and hydrophobic char-
special-purpose carboxylic acids and poly- acteristics are designed to make a maxi-
ols (fig. 1). Aqueous secondary disper- mum contribution to improving adhesion
sions are obtained by neutralizing car- and enhancing corrosion protection.
TEGO AddBond LTW-B 60 % in n-butyl acetate 350 650 soft resin 20 30 ~ 302
TEGO AddBond 2220 ND 60 % in Solvesso 150 1500 2700 soft resin 18 22 ~ 302
60% in xylene 2
solid resin Table 1
What do polyester resins achieve? sion which does not contain any organic for use in multicoat finishes. In effect-
solvents. All other products are dissolved finishes, they improve cohesion within
With the exception of TEGO AddBond in an organic solvent. the film. The adhesion promoting proper-
LTH, which is a solid resin, all other prod- ties of TEGO AddBond products, com-
ucts in the TEGO AddBond range are TEGO AddBond resins contribute to plemented by excellent resistance to
supplied as solutions (table 1). Since improved adhesion on numerous sub- hydrolysis, significantly improve the anti-
TEGO VariPlus 3350 UV is also a poly- strates. They are effective on metals, min- corrosion performance of coatings.
ester resin, it is listed here. This resin is erals and various plastics and are thus TEGO AddBond resins help to enhance
dissolved in tripropyleneglycol diacrylate, often used in primers or one-coat fin- gloss, flexibility and hardness.
a UV-reactive solvent. TEGO AddBond ishes. They also improve intercoat adhe-
DS 1300 is an aqueous secondary disper- sion so they are highly recommended
Figure 3: Use of
in coil coatings
LTW/ VariPlus
HS LTH LTW-B 2220 ND 2325 1270 DS 1300 3350 UV
Can Coating + + + o
Coil Coating + + + o
Container lacquers + o + o + o
Floor coatings +
Metal finishes + + + + + + +
Anti-corrosion paints + + + + + +
Primers (air-drying) + o +
Waterborne coatings + +
Adhesives + + + o o + o (UV)
UV coatings + +
TEGO AddBond resins are used as co- An additional important area of applica-
binders in numerous paints and lacquers tion is automotive OEM or refinish coat-
such as can coatings and coil coatings, ings. TEGO AddBond LTW and LTW-B
automotive OEM or refinish coatings, are widely used in solventborne finishes.
industrial coatings, anti-corrosion paints, TEGO AddBond 1270 is used in brake
road marking paints, printing inks, adhe- disc lacquers. TEGO AddBond DS 1300
sives, hot embossing foils and UV coat- is used, for example, to improve the adhe-
ings. sion of waterborne paints on plastic fend-
ers (fig. 4).
Figs. 3 to 7 show typical examples of
applications. TEGO AddBond LTW and TEGO AddBond products are also used
LTW-B improve adhesion of can coatings in anti-corrosion paints, TEGO AddBond
and coil coatings (fig. 3). These resins LTH and LTW in solventborne coatings,
exhibit a flexibilizing effect and enhance and TEGO AddBond DS 1300 in water-
the coatings processing properties. borne coatings (fig. 5).
TEGO AddBond products improve adhe- 1300 and 1270 for waterborne finishes acrylic resins and reactive thinners,
sion in numerous paints and lacquers for and TEGO AddBond LTH and TEGO TEGO VariPlus 3350 UV is recom-
plastics substrates such as polyamide, VariPlus 3350 UV for radiation-curing mended for use in radiation-curing coat-
polyvinylchloride, polycarbonate, ABS, coatings. The flexible TEGO AddBond ings, printing inks and adhesives (fig. 7).
ABS/polycarbonate, Noryl or HIPS. The LTW ensures good substrate wetting, TEGO AddBond LTH is also used in
TEGO AddBond products LTH, LTW, improved adhesion and excellent cohesion some UV formulations. Both resins
LTW-B, 2325 and 1270 are recom- of effect pigment finishes (fig. 6). enhance not only adhesion but also
mended for solventborne finishes, DS Because of its high compatibility with reduce volume shrinkage during curing.
Figure 6: Use of TEGO AddBond LTW in plastic coatings Figure 7: Use of TEGO VariPlus 3350 UV in UV printing inks
Numerous coatings and printing inks are good solubility in the solvents commonly stantially on the ketone used. If acetophe-
available commercially. Physically-drying used in these systems make them highly none or trimethylcyclohexanone are used,
coatings, air-drying paints, stoving enam- versatile. resins with exclusively keto groups are
els and radiation-curing systems are used obtained (fig. 1). It is possible to manu-
in diverse fields and applied to very dif- facture ketone resins containing hydroxyl
ferent substrates. TEGO VariPlus resins How are ketone-aldehyde resins and groups by using suitable reaction condi-
are frequently used to enhance the prop- the special resins derived from them tions and cyclohexanone.
erty profile of such systems. These non- manufactured?
saponifiable, neutral, hard resins have a
low molecular weight, low inherent color Ketone-aldehyde resins are manufactured
and exhibit good light and heat resistance. by an aldol condensation of a ketone with
Their outstanding compatibility with the an aldehyde. The resulting chemical struc-
most important main binders and their tures and their properties depend sub-
n n
Figure 1: Typical structures of
TEGO VariPlus resins based on TEGO VariPlus AP TEGO VariPlus TC TEGO VariPlus CA
ketone-aldehyde chemistry
Figure 2: Typical structures of
TEGO VariPlus SK TEGO VariPlus 1201 TF TEGO VariPlus resins based on
modified ketone-aldehyde resins
Another possibility for obtaining alcohol Another method ensures water-compati- hyde resins are also substantially improved.
groups is by hydrogenating the keto bility by incorporating polyether chains. The solubility of TEGO VariPlus resins in
group. In this way, the ketone-aldehyde This enables TEGO VariPlus UC to be organic solvents is very good. The polar-
resin TEGO VariPlus AP is made into the used to manufacture a water-soluble poly- ity determines the solubility in very polar
polyol resin TEGO VariPlus SK (fig. 2). etherketone resin which is also soluble in (alcohols) or very non-polar (aromatic-
The polyurethane-polyol resin TEGO organic solvents. free white spirit) solvents. With one
VariPlus 1201 TF is manufactured by exception, all TEGO VariPlus resins are
reacting the hydroxyl groups of TEGO hard solids. The glass transition tempera-
VariPlus SK with a special light-resistant How do ketone-aldehyde resins and ture ranges from -47C to +130C.
polyisocyanate using an organotin-free special resins derived from them per- While most resins are supplied as solids,
catalyst. form? TEGO VariPlus 1201 TF is supplied in an
organic solvent. As an aqueous secondary
Resins for waterborne applications can be As a result of their chemical structure and dispersion with excellent stability, TEGO
manufactured by various means. Water- the production process, the ketone-alde- VariPlus DS 50 is free from organic sol-
insoluble resins, for example, are ren- hyde resins are very light in color and vents. TEGO VariPlus UC is the only
dered water-dispersible by neutralization transparent compared with natural resins. solvent-free, liquid resin with a low glass
of the carboxyl groups. These polyure- The inherent color and resistance to light transition temperature of -47C.
thane-polyol dispersions are resistant to and heat of the special resins obtained by
hydrolysis (fig. 3). chemical modification of the ketone-alde-
n n
- +
Figure 3: Structure of
TEGO VariPlus DS 50 the water-dispersible
TEGO VariPlus DS 50
solid resin
As a result of the optimized process, the faster drying and set times better mechanical resistance
formaldehyde content of products based lower VOC content better corrosion protection
on acetophenone is below the limits of higher hardness better block resistance
detectability. higher gloss higher pigment loading and higher
improved adhesion color intensities through improved pig-
Because of their low molecular weights improves ability to be used in primers ment wetting
and high softening or melting tempera- better heat resistance lower pigment paste viscosities
tures, resins in the TEGO VariPlus range better chemical resistance
are not film-forming. They are thus com-
bined with other binders to improve the
properties of coatings.
Figure 4: Use of
TEGO VariPlus 1201 TF
in printing inks
Wood finishes + + + o +
Anti-corrosion coatings + + + o o
Concrete coatings + + o
Industrial finishes + + + o + o
Paper coatings + + + +
Writing inks + o +
Adhesives + o + + o
Pigment pastes o o + o + + +
Printing inks + + + +
UV coatings + + o o o o
Besides their widespread use in printing marking paints, industrial finishes, pack- gloss, and good block resistance during
inks (rotogravure, flexographic, screen aging coatings, paper coatings, writing rapid drying. Because of its very good
printing, uv and specialist printing pro- inks, pigment pastes, liquid adhesives and pigment wetting, it is also used in pig-
cesses) and hot embossing foils, TEGO hot melt adhesives. ment pastes to achieve high color inten-
VariPlus resins are proven co-binders in sity and good transparency.
coatings and adhesives. They are used in Figures 4 to 7 show typical applications.
wood finishes, coatings for plastics, anti- TEGO VariPlus 1201 TF imparts printing
corrosion paints, concrete paints, road inks with very good adhesion, excellent
Used as a resin in the top coat of hot plastics to water, solvents and chemicals oped specifically for solventborne,
embossing foils, TEGO VariPlus CA has as well as their film hardness and gloss. extremely high-solids pigment concen-
a positive influence on a range of proper- Substrate adhesion is also optimized. trates with high pigment loadings. TEGO
ties such as gloss, flexibility and fastness. VariPlus UC W 40 makes this resin acces-
It is also used in the adhesive film of these TEGO VariPlus TC has proved itself as a sible for use in waterborne (including uni-
coated foils because it enhances adhesion. grind paste resin in pigment concentrates versal) pigment preparations.
because of its universal solubility in
Because of its high glass transition tem- organic solvents, compatibility with bind-
perature and special chemical structure, ers and excellent pigment wetting.
TEGO VariPlus DS 50 improves the TEGO VariPlus UC represents a new
resistance of waterborne coatings for generation of pigment paste resins devel-
An important reason for the wide applica- These properties make silicone resins and
tion and commercial success of silicone silicone combination resins widely appli-
resins are properties such as: cable in areas such as impregnation of
thermal stability concrete, high-temperature resistant coat-
weathering resistance ings or weather resistant exterior coat-
maintaining elasticity at low tempera- ings. These binders are used in the form
tures of solutions, liquid resins and emulsions.
low surface tension
hydrophobicity, surface activity
release and lubricating properties
Basis monomer Functionality in terms of hydrolyzable groups Structural unit in the polymer Symbol
Table 1
The composition and number of the struc- etwork of three-dimensional and cyclic
n Varying the resin intermediates and poly-
tural units and the functional groups on structures is formed. Because of this com- ols enables the following series of prod-
the silicon atom determine the structure, plexity, precise chemical structural formu- ucts to be manufactured:
processing, and complex properties of the las cannot be given. In general, silicones "pure" phenyl methyl silicone resins
silicone resins. Table 1 shows the struc- are described in terms of their different (SILIKOPHEN) with silicone content
tural elements for forming polyorganosi- substituents and reactive groups (fig. 3). of approximately 95%, both solvent-
loxanes. based and as aqueous emulsions
Various techniques have been developed silicone polyester (SILIKOFTAL) with
for further modification of the resin inter- silicone content of 30 to 80%
Silicone resin manufacture by Evonik mediates. All Evonik silicone resins are silicone-epoxide hybrid binders
manufactured using a common reaction (SILIKOPON) with silicone content of
Chlorosilanes, the starting materials for scheme. First, resin intermediates with 50%
silicone resins, are generally reacted with well-defined molecular weight and con- silicone-modified, aqueous polyure-
water or alcohols (methanol or ethanol) taining almost exclusively SiOR- rather thane dispersions (SILIKOPUR)
to produce resin intermediates with than SiOH-reactive groups are produced.
molecular weights (MW) between 1,000 These are crosslinked further with polyols Because they also contain only a small
and 3,000 g/mol. These have many OH- to produce single phase products with a amount of an organic component,
and/or OR- end-groups and no longer long shelf life. SILIKOPHEN resins exhibit excellent
contain chlorine. During hydrolysis/alco- heat resistance. Figure 4 describes
holysis of the silane mixture, a dense SILIKOPHEN and SILIKOFTAL resin
manufacture at Evonik.
Chemical Reactions Equations (1) and (2) describe the reac- manufacture and also during curing.
tion of chlorosilanes with water and alco- Reactions (4) to (6) are particularly
In general, only a few chemical reactions hol. They occur only during the manufac- important during manufacture as they
are important in the manufacture and cur- ture of the resin intermediate. Reactions lead to an increase in molecular weight.
ing of silicone resins (fig. 2). (3) to (6) take place both during resin
Crosslinking of silicone resins in the
Silane Resin Intermediate Resins
Figure 4: Resin manufacture at Evonik
time very brittle. Burning off organic TEGO Airex 900 0.5 Deaerator
groups, especially the phenyl substituents Blanc fixe N 15.0 Filler
of SILlKOPHEN P resins, leaves micro-
Aerosil 200 0.5 Pyrogenic silica
scopically small voids. The resulting
matrix system is so flexible that coatings Stapa 4 20.0 Aluminum
Water 26.1
Table 4
Silicone-polyester resins combine the
good properties of silicone resins (tem-
perature resistance, weathering resistance
and low surface tension) with those of
polyesters (low thermoplasticity, high
flexibility and good pigment wetting). greater than 50%, the silicone component ent properties. Evonik offers a wide range
stabilizes the organic component so that of SILIKOFTAL HT silicone-polyester
By using thermally-stable polyesters, no noticeable yellowing occurs. The prob- grades which are customized for specific
binders can be produced with a continu- able reason for this is that the higher sili- requirements.
ous high temperature resistance of cone content increases the inorganic con-
250C. tent in the whole polymer thereby The polyester content ensures good
decreasing thermal oxidation. pigment wetting. Thus, for example,
With silicone content below 50%, expo- white coatings can be produced with
sure to a temperature of 300C for three By varying the polyesters and silicone gloss values greater than 90 (20 angle).
hours produces strong yellowing, typical resin intermediates, it is possible to pro- Because of the resistance to yellowing,
of an organic resin. With silicone content duce silicone-polyester resins with differ- very light colors can also be formulated.
A further characteristic of coatings based The properties of SILIKOFTAL HT washer without damage using surfactant-
on SILIKOFTAL is their low thermoplas- grades are particularly advantageous in containing, strongly-aIkaline cleaning
ticity. As both the silicone and polyester decorative coatings of thermally stressed agents. Resistance of a coating to deter-
portions are strongly crosslinked, the appliances such as toasters, tanning beds, gents is generally determined by the for-
hardness is maintained even at tempera- fan heaters and cookers as well as the mulation, particularly the binder used. It is
tures around 150C. outer coatings of deep fryers, pots and an important criteria for the quality of sili-
pans (figs. 7 and 8). cone polyesters.
This is important in applications in which
the hot coatings are mechanically stressed Coatings of some household items must The most important properties of differ-
but must be scratch-resistant. be resistant to detergents so that they can ent SILIKOFTAL HT grades are shown in
withstand frequent cleaning in a dish- table 5.
Product Silicone
content Properties
retains hardness
retains from
hardness room
from roomtemperature
temperature to 150C; long-term
to 150C; long-termheat resistance
heat to 250C;
resistance to 250C;
Silikoftal HTT 80% goodgood detergent
detergentresistance. Currently
resistance. listed FDA
Listed under under175.300
FDA 175.300 insolvent-free
in cured cured solvent-free
resins. resins;
Silikoftal HTT 80% conforms to BfR.*
very good resistance to yellowing up to 220C. Listed under FDA 175.300 in cured
Silikoftal HTS 70% very good resistance
solvent-free resins.to yellowing up to 220C. Currently listed under FDA 175.300 in
Silikoftal HTS 70% cured solvent-free resins; conforms to BfR.*
flexible and therefore to a limited extent may be deep drawn. Listed under
Silikoftal HTF 50% flexible and therefore
FDA 175.300 to a solvent-free
in cured limited extent may be
resins; deep drawn.
conforms to BfR.Currently listed under
Silikoftal HTF 50% FDA 175.300 in cured solvent-free resins; conforms to BfR.*
high gloss and low thermoplasticity. Listed under
Silikoftal HTL 50% high FDAgloss and low
175.300 inthermoplasticity.
cured solvent-free Currently
resins. listed under FDA 175.300 in cured solvent-free
Silikoftal HTL 50% resins; conforms to BfR.*
high gloss, low thermoplasticity, good detergent resistance. Listed under FDA 175.300
Silikoftal HTL 2 50% high in gloss,
cured low thermoplasticity,
solvent-free resins. good detergent resistance. Currently listed under
Silikoftal HTL 2 50% FDA 175.300 in cured solvent-free resins; conforms to BfR.*
very good yellowing resistance up to 200C, very good boiling water resistance.
Silikoftal HTL 3 30% very goodunder
Listed yellowing resistanceinupcured
FDA 175.300 to 200C, very good
solvent-free boiling
resins; waterto
conforms resistance.
BfR. Currently
Silikoftal HTL 3 30% listed under FDA 175.300 in cured solvent-free resins; conforms to BfR.*
Table 5
*Please note that the evaluation regarding suitability for food contact may change, you can find the latest status on our website www.tego.de
Table 5
Aliphatic Epoxy
SILIKOPON EF is used as a binder for O
ultra high solids applications in corrosion
protection coatings for steel, coatings for R4
wood and concrete and maritime applica-
tions such as biocide-free, easy-to-clean
Alkoxy Silicone resin
coatings particularly above the water line. -ROH RO Si OR
Drying time/hours 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9
EF + tin catalyst
EF + Lewis acid
1. Polyaddition COOH
2. Neutralization + NHR3
Curing Agent
Steel Steel + +
Figure 10: Coating structure Figure 11: Synthesis of polyurethane dispersions (schematic)
In addition to the reduced coat thickness The special properties are as follows: In contrast to this commonly-used synthe-
and hence less material needed, cost sav- quick drying in air sis, Evonik largely replaces the polyester-
ings also accrue because of the reduced non-stick effect polyol with a silicone base unit, a dihy-
time required for coating. Further advan- special haptics droxyalkylpolydimethyl siloxane with two
tages arising from the high inorganic con- hydrophobic terminal OH groups (fig. 12).
tent are good char resistance and high high flexibility even at low tempera-
abrasion resistance. The high crosslinking tures (-30C)
density of coatings based on SILIKOPON high elasticity of 300-400%
EF allows this binder to be used in the good adhesion to flexible substrates HO Si O OH
flooring and industrial plant sectors. improved abrasion resistance
Figure 12: Dihydroxyalkylpolydimethyl siloxane
Waterborne silicone-modified polyure- Manufacture of SILIKOPUR 8080
thane dispersions
The synthesis of polyurethane dispersions Applications of SILIKOPUR 8080
Under the name SILIKOPUR 8080, usually occurs as the series of consecutive
Evonik offers a waterborne, N-methylpyr- steps shown in figure 12. A diol, dimethy- An application of SILIKOPUR 8080 is
rolidone-free (NMP-free), silicone-modi- lolpropionic acid and excess isocyanate the coating of leather in, for example,
fied, 1-pack polyurethane dispersion. This are reacted together to form an isocya- shoes, clothing or vehicles. The polyure-
dispersion air-dries at room temperature. nate-terminated prepolymer. After neu- thane formulation increases the slip effect
tralization and chain extension, it is emul- and decreases creaking and squeaking of
sified in water. leather over the long-term.
Test 1 to 1
sample number
load (N)
load (N)
path traversed (mm) path traversed (mm)
Abrasion (mg) 10 20 30 40
Silica phase
Route to silica-nanocomposites
Silicate Solution Agglomeration,
gelation, flocculation
particle density
Si O
Silica Sol
Surface SNC
modification Low viscosity,
waterclear, 0 20 40 60 80 100
no sedimentation
Matrix exchange particle size [nm]
TEM photo of nanoparticles Microscopic images of cured PPTTA (left) and Nanocryl C 165 (50% SiO2, right) after steel wool scratching
This is quite different from surface active additive. Both coatings were subjected to Addition of inorganic nanoparticles can
products such as waxes or silicone oils rubbing with commercial steel wool and alleviate shrinkage during curing. This is
which are only effective at the paint/air then viewed microscopically. The left important for coating substrates which
interface. Therefore, they only have a sample, which contains no nanoparticles, should not undergo any dimensional
temporary effect on the scratch and abra- has sustained heavy damage. In contrast, change during crosslinking (e.g., warping
sion resistance and provide protection the sample on the right containing silica- or distortion of panels, foil or filigrain
only over a few load cycles. Current rec- nanoparticles remains undamaged. components).
ommendations are for added amounts in
the region of 0.5%, as higher quantities
can lead to surface defects and incompati-
Relationship pbw nanosilica/pencil hardness
In contrast, silica-nanocomposites offer
permanent protection because they are 6
firmly bound into the cured film matrix.
Pencil Hardness in H-Units
Because they are distributed throughout
the whole film, the initial recommenda- 4
tion is 5 to 10% w/w relative to the sol-
ids of the paint formulation. This amount
greatly improves hardness, scratch and 2
abrasion resistance in many applications.
35 70
30 60
loss of weight in mg
25 50
delta haze
20 40
15 30
10 20
5 10
0 0
0 5 10 15 20 0 5 10 15 20
surface modified
Viscosity [mPas]
5000 nanosilica
0 10 20 30 40 50
SiO2 content [wt%]
PEA + SiO2
EPA + SiO2
+ SiO2
+ SiO2
+ SiO2
The degree of gloss of the formulation is film. Increased hardness, scratch and
not affected by the silica-nanoparticles. abrasion resistance can thus be achieved
Unlike surface waxes or pyrogenic silicas, in coatings of all degrees of gloss.
which are added as matting agents, the
nanoparticles do not settle out on the sur-
face but are, as already described, distrib- Use of silica-nanocomposites
uted statistically throughout the entire
Incorporation of the liquid composites is
easy. Like standard binders, the products
are thoroughly stirred together with the
main binder at the start of the production
process. Dispersing or bead milling is
unnecessary. Non-polar resins, solvents
or additives are especially unsuitable as
they cause the silica-nanoparticles to
agglomerate or precipitate.
70 400
gas permeation [ml/m2hbar]
60 350
50 300
WVP [g/(m2d)]
40 250
30 200
20 150
10 100
0 50
0% 28% 50%
nano silica content 0% SiO2 20% SiO2 30% SiO2 50% SiO2
Nitrogen Oxygen
PPTTA-Film (20 m) on PET-Foil (75 m) PPTTA-Film (45 m) on cardboard
Amino-functional resins, such as amine Since the times at which such events These lists give reliable recommendations
synergists for radical-curing UV coatings manifest themselves may be very differ- for the compatibility of additives with the
or aminoplastics for 1-pack stoving enam- ent, storage tests at raised temperature, silica-nanocomposites in terms of short-
els, are mostly unsuitable. Compatibility e.g. 50C are recommended: and long-term shelf-life.
should, of course, always be checked in
the laboratory. to simulate storage at elevated For markedly improved scratch and
temperature abrasion resistance, approx 5 to 10%
Moderately polar solvents such as xylene nanoparticles by weight of the solids in
or toluene should not be used alone in to specify a shelf-life (using the a formulation are required this corre-
formulations. These solvents are, how- Arrhenius principle that reaction rates sponds to 20% NANOCRYL and
ever, in general very compatible when roughly double for a 10C increase in NANOPOL or 25% NANOPOX
used in blends with popular solvents such temperature). because the silica nanoparticle content
as esters, ketones and alcohols. differs depending on the form supplied.
To save laboratory time when developing
Certain additives can result in incompati- coatings with silica-nanocomposites,
bilities with silica-nanocomposites. These compatibility lists are available on request
manifest themselves in, for example, for the additives most commonly used
agglomeration, flocculation or increased with NANOCRYL, NANOPOX and
viscosity of the coating formulation. NANOPOL.
DGEBA/DGEBF aromatic,
Nanopox C 460 40 290 45,000 cristallizationfree
TEGO Dispers 715 W* TEGO Foamex K 7 ior during roller application or increase
Universal wetting and dispersing additive Silicone-free defoamer concentrate based brush resistance. Little effect on wet
for inorganic pigments and fillers for the on mineral oil and free of aromatics. abrasion resistance.
production of waterborne coatings. Effective defoamer for paints with PVCs
Strong reduction of grinding viscosity and in the range 30 - 80%. Suitable for emul- TEGO ViscoPlus 3010**
utmost viscosity stability of the resulting sion, silicone resin and silicate paints. Polyurethane thickener with Newtonian
coatings. properties and very high efficiency in the
TEGO Foamex K 8 high shear region. Especially suitable for
TEGO Foamex 1488 Defoamer concentrate based on renewa- adjusting the ICI viscosity. Particularly
Highly efficient defoamer emulsion with ble raw material as an alternative to min- recommended as co-thickener to reduce
good compatibility in many binders over eral oil defoamers. Combines high effi- spattering behavior during roller applica-
a wide range of PVCs. Ideal for use in the ciency with the best possible compatibility tion or to increase brush resistance. Little
letdown. over a wide range of PVCs. Suitable for effect on wet abrasion resistance.
use in paint formulations based on the
TEGO Foamex 8050 commonly-used binders and especially in TEGO ViscoPlus 3030**
Highly effective defoamer concentrate for styrene/acrylic based emulsion paints. Polyurethane thickener with pseudoplas-
waterborne paint systems based on a tic rheology. Recommended as co-thick-
wide variety of binders such as styrene/ TEGO ViscoPlus 3000** ener to reduce spattering behavior during
acrylic, acrylic and terpolymers. Also, Polyurethane thickener with Newtonian roller application or increase brush resist-
excellent for defoaming pigment concen- properties. Particularly recommended as ance. Little effect on wet abrasion resist-
trates. TEGO Foamex 8050 is formu- co-thickener to reduce spattering behav- ance.
lated so it is highly effective and has good
All our TEGO ViscoPlus products are VOC and APE free.
TEGO Dispers 715 W* TEGO Foamex 8050 the millbase. The defoaming and the
Universal wetting and dispersing additive Highly effective defoamer concentrate for deaerating effect can be optimized by the
for inorganic pigments and fillers for the waterborne coating systems based on var- use of TEGO Foamex 810 in the mill-
production of waterborne coatings. ious binders such as styrene/acrylic, base.
Strong reduction of grinding viscosity and acrylic and terpolymers. Also excellent for
utmost viscosity stability of the resulting defoaming pigment concentrates. TEGO TEGO Foamex 823
coatings. Foamex 8050 is highly effective while Universally suitable and highly effective
still maintaining good compatibility. defoamer emulsion with good compatibil-
TEGO Dispers 755 W* ity. Easy to incorporate in the let-down.
Highly effective pigment wetting and dis- TEGO Foamex 810 Very good long-term effect.
persing additive for inorganic and organic Highly compatible defoamer concentrate
pigments. Very good color and storage with good effectiveness. Especially rec- TEGO VariPlus DS 50
stability. Good compatibility with pigment ommended as a millbase defoamer for Co-binder based on a polyurethane-
pastes. Little effect on water resistance or sensitive paint formulations. Can also be polyol for improving coating properties.
wet abrasion resistance of the coating. added to clear coats and to the letdown. TEGO VariPlus DS 50 improves adhesion
on various substrates such as plastic or
TEGO Foamex 1488 TEGO Foamex 815 N metal. It also prevents formation of flash
Defoamer emulsion with very high effi- Defoamer emulsion with good effective- rust, and increases hardness and block
ciency and good compatibility without ness and excellent compatibility without resistance.
impairing gloss. Universal defoamer for impairing gloss. Easy to incorporate at the
use in the millbase and letdown. letdown stage but also suitable for use in
(solventborne and solvent-free)
ADDID 230 TEGO Airex 900
Solvent-free antistatic additive based on a Highly effective deaerator concentrate for
quaternary ammonium compound. In solventborne and solvent-free coatings
larger quantities very effectively increases based on 2-pack epoxies. Added to the
the conductivity of coatings, even without epoxy resin component. Very effective at
addition of conducting fillers or carbon preventing air inclusions and pinholes.
fibers. No effect on color and therefore
suitable for clear coats. 100 % active sub- TEGO Airex 910
stance. Highly compatible deaerator for solvent-
borne and solvent-free coatings based on
ADDID 240 2-pack epoxies. Easy to incorporate and
Solvent-free antistatic additive based on minimizes tendency of cloudiness in clear
quaternary ammonium compounds. Very coats. Silicone-free.
effective increase in conductivity of coat-
ings when used in conjunction with con-
ductive fillers or carbon fibers. No effect
on color and therefore suitable for clear
coats. 100% active substance.
All our TEGO ViscoPlus products are VOC and APE free.
Building Products All our wetting and dispersing additives are APE free.
TEGO VariPlus AP
Polyol-based co-binder works as combi-
nation partner with radiation-curing for-
mulations. TEGO VariPlus AP improves
adhesion, pigment wetting and increases
the curing speed.
All our TEGO ViscoPlus products are VOC and APE free.
Waterborne/thin film
TEGO Airex 901 W bility with waterborne and solventborne TEGO Dispers 741 W*
Highly effective deaerator concentrate for formulations. Suitable for aqueous and Economical wetting and dispersing addi-
preventing micro-foam. Particularly suita- glycol-containing pigment pastes Recom- tive for direct grind and for water-based,
ble for airless/airmix application. Recom- mended in combination with TEGO binder-free pigment concentrates. Partic-
mended for use in millbase. Dispers 652 for highly pigmented inor- ularly suitable for organic and inorganic
ganic pigment pastes. pigments but can also be used for stabiliz-
TEGO Airex 904 W ing carbon blacks. The product is manu-
Effective deaerator concentrate for elimi- TEGO Dispers 652* factured from renewable raw materials.
nating microfoam. Combines good effec- Co-dispersing additive. Combined with
tiveness with outstanding compatibility. TEGO Dispers 651 improves the rheol- TEGO Dispers 750 W*
Recommended particularly for airless/air- ogy of highly-pigmented inorganic pig- Polymeric, solvent-free wetting and dis-
mix application. Particularly suitable for ment pastes and also improves compatibil- persing additive. Outstanding wetting and
high and medium-low viscosity formula- ity particularly in solventborne coatings. stabilization of inorganic and organic pig-
tions based on acrylic and acrylic/poly- ments as well as fillers. Very good color
urethane dispersions. Also effective in TEGO Dispers 656* strength development and color stability.
waterborne radiation-curing formulations Universal wetting and dispersing additive Concentrates have broad compatibility
as well as 2-pack polyurethane formula- for waterborne and solventborne formu- with a wide variety of aqueous binders.
tions. lations. Suitable for many pigments and Particularly suitable for high-quality appli-
fillers. Particularly suitable for inorganic cations.
TEGO Dispers 653* pigments, transparent pigments and alu-
Particularly good at stabilizing inorganic minum pigments. Promotes gloss and
pigments but also suitable for organic pig- compatibility in solvent-based formula-
ments. Pastes exhibit very good compati- tions.
TEGO VariPlus CA
Co-binder for increasing gloss, hardness
and body particularly in solventborne NC
lacquers. The 100% ketone-aldehyde
based synthetic resin is solvent- and tin-
Highlights Co-Binders
TEGO VariPlus SK
Hydroxyl-containing, formaldehyde-free
co-binder based on a hydrogenated
ketone-aldehyde resin. The hard resin
character enables hardness, gloss, block
resistance and a faster touch-dry. The
hyper-branched polymer structure lowers
viscosity thus permitting a reduction in
PVC > 40% Addition to the grinding stage Addition to the let-down stage
Waterborne formulations
PVC 40% Addition to the grinding stage Addition to the let-down stage
Solventborne/-free Waterborne
formulations formulations
Dispersion in the direct grind TEGO Dispers 670 TEGO Dispers 715 W
inorganic pigments TEGO Dispers 656 TEGO Dispers 755 W
Waterborne formulations
Addition to the grinding stage Addition to the let-down stage Varnishes
Radiation-curing formulations
Varnishes Pigmented
Solventborne formulations
Varnishes Pigmented
TEGO Foamex N
Polyurethanes TEGO Airex 931 TEGO Airex 962
Aqueous, binder-free
Organic pigments Inorganic pigments Carbon blacks inorganic pigments
TEGO Dispers 755 W TEGO Dispers 755 W TEGO Dispers 755 W TEGO Dispers 752 W
Stabilization TEGO Dispers 741 W TEGO Dispers 653 TEGO Dispers 760 W TEGO Dispers 755 W
Improve colorant acceptance TEGO Dispers 660 C TEGO Dispers 660 C TEGO Dispers 660 C
Defoaming TEGO Foamex 810 TEGO Foamex 810 TEGO Foamex 810 TEGO Foamex 810
Aqueous, binder-containing
Organic pigments Inorganic pigments Carbon blacks inorganic pigments
Improve colorant acceptance TEGO Dispers 660 C TEGO Dispers 660 C TEGO Dispers 660 C
Defoaming TEGO Foamex 810 TEGO Foamex 810 TEGO Foamex 810 TEGO Foamex 810
Organic pigments Inorganic pigments Carbon blacks inorganic pigments
Improve colorant acceptance TEGO Dispers 656 TEGO Dispers 656 TEGO Dispers 656
Reduce VOC TEGO VariPlus UC TEGO VariPlus UC TEGO VariPlus UC TEGO VariPlus UC
Universal pastes
Organic pigments Inorganic pigments Carbon blacks inorganic pigments
Increase color strength TEGO Dispers 650 TEGO Dispers 660 C TEGO Dispers 650
TEGO Dispers 662 C TEGO Dispers 662 C TEGO Dispers 662 C TEGO Dispers 662 C
Improve colorant acceptance TEGO Dispers 656 TEGO Dispers 656 TEGO Dispers 656 TEGO Dispers 656
Defoaming TEGO Foamex 8050 TEGO Foamex 8050 TEGO Foamex 8050 TEGO Foamex 8050
Waterborne formulations
Curtain coatings
Solventborne/radiation-curing formulations
only top coat
only top coat
only top coat
Waterborne formulations
Solventborne systems
Waterborne formulations
Solventborne systems
Leather coatings
Waterborne Solventborne
formulations formulations
SILIKOFTAL non-stick 60
electric Slide coatings,
Bakeware Bakeware household Iron soles, Cookware, Barbecue garden shears,
exterior interior appliances waffle irons egg cookers grills screws
SILIKOFTAL non-stick 60
Metal/concrete Coil Coating Marine Coating General Industry Anti-Graffiti
Application areas TEGO AddBond
HS LTH LTW-B 2220 ND 2325 1270 DS 1300
Can Coating + + + o
Coil Coating + + + o
Container paints + o + o + o
Floor coatings +
Metal paints + + + + + + +
Anti-corrosion coatings + + + + + +
Primer (air-drying) + o +
Primer (stoving) + o + + o o +
Printing Inks +
Roadmarking paints + + + + +
Waterborne coatings + +
Adhesives + + + o o +
UV curing coatings +
AP SK 1201 TF CA TC DS 50 W 40 3350 UV
Wood coatings + + + o +
Anti-corrosion paints + + + o o
Roadmarking paints + + + o
Industrial coatings + + + o + o
Adhesives + o + + o o (UV)
Pigment preparations o o + o + + +
UV curing coatings + + o o o o +
Application areas Nanocryl
Wood flooring
Consumer goods
Wood flooring
Consumer goods
Electronics, wire
Wood flooring
Consumer goods
Electronics, wire
The holders of the trademarks at the time of publication of The Big TEGO
can be found in the list below:
company phone
street fax
country e-mail
TEGO Glide
TEGO AddBond
Silica-Nanocomposites NANOPOX
Evonik Industries AG
Goldschmidtstrae 100
45127 Essen
phone +49 201 173-2222
fax +49 201 173-1939
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