Sentiment Analysis

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Twitter Sentiment Analysis: Lexicon Method, Machine

Learning Method and Their Combination

Olga Kolchyna1 , Tharsis T. P. Souza1 , Philip C. Treleaven12 and Tomaso Aste12

Department of Computer Science, UCL, Gower Street, London, UK,
Systemic Risk Centre, London School of Economics and Political Sciences, London, UK
arXiv:1507.00955v3 [cs.CL] 18 Sep 2015

Abstract. This paper covers the two approaches for sentiment analysis: i) lexi-
con based method; ii) machine learning method. We describe several techniques
to implement these approaches and discuss how they can be adopted for senti-
ment classification of Twitter messages. We present a comparative study of dif-
ferent lexicon combinations and show that enhancing sentiment lexicons with
emoticons, abbreviations and social-media slang expressions increases the ac-
curacy of lexicon-based classification for Twitter. We discuss the importance of
feature generation and feature selection processes for machine learning sentiment
classification. To quantify the performance of the main sentiment analysis meth-
ods over Twitter we run these algorithms on a benchmark Twitter dataset from
the SemEval-2013 competition, task 2-B. The results show that machine learn-
ing method based on SVM and Naive Bayes classifiers outperforms the lexicon
method. We present a new ensemble method that uses a lexicon based sentiment
score as input feature for the machine learning approach. The combined method
proved to produce more precise classifications. We also show that employing a
cost-sensitive classifier for highly unbalanced datasets yields an improvement of
sentiment classification performance up to 7%.

Keywords: sentiment analysis, social media, Twitter, natural language processing, lex-
icon, emoticons
1 Introduction

Sentiment analysis is an area of research that investigates peoples opinions towards dif-
ferent matters: products, events, organisations (Bing, 2012). The role of sentiment anal-
ysis has been growing significantly with the rapid spread of social networks, microblog-
ging applications and forums. Today, almost every web page has a section for the users
to leave their comments about products or services, and share them with friends on
Facebook, Twitter or Pinterest - something that was not possible just a few years ago.
Mining this volume of opinions provides information for understanding collective hu-
man behaviour and it is of valuable commercial interest. For instance, an increasing
amount of evidence points out that by analysing sentiment of social-media content it
might be possible to predict the size of the markets (Bollen et al., 2010) or unemploy-
ment rates over time (Antenucci et al., 2014).
One of the most popular microblogging platforms is Twitter. It has been growing
steadily for the last several years and has become a meeting point for a diverse range of
people: students, professionals, celebrities, companies and politicians. This popularity
of Twitter results in the enormous amount of information being passed through the
service, covering a wide range of topics from people well-being to the opinions about
the brands, products, politicians and social events. In this contexts Twitter becomes a
powerful tool for predictions. For example, (Asur and Huberman, 2010) was able to
predict from Twitter analytics the amount of ticket sales at the opening weekend for
movies with 97.3% accuracy, higher than the one achieved by the Hollywood Stock
Exchange, a known prediction tool for the movies.
In this paper, we present a step-by-step approach for two main methods of senti-
ment analysis: lexicon based approach (Taboada et al., 2011), (Ding et al., 2008) and
machine learning approach (Pak and Paroubek, 2010). We show that accuracy of the
sentiment analysis for Twitter can be improved by combining the two approaches: dur-
ing the first stage a lexicon score is calculated based on the polarity of the words which
compose the text, during the second stage a machine learning model is learnt that uses
the lexicon score as one of the features. The results showed that the combined approach
outperforms the two approaches. We demonstrate the use of our algorithm on a dataset
from a popular Twitter sentiment competition SemEval-2013, task 2-B (Nakov et al.,
2013). In (Souza et al., 2015) our algorithm for sentiment analysis is also successfully
applied to 42,803,225 Twitter messages related to companies from the retail sector to
predict the stock price movements.

2 Sentiment Analysis Methodology: Background

The field of text categorization was initiated long time ago (Salton and McGill, 1983),
however categorization based on sentiment was introduced more recently in (Das and
Chen, 2001; Morinaga et al., 2002; Pang et al., 2002; Tong, 2001; Turney, 2002; Wiebe,
The standard approach for text representation (Salton and McGill, 1983) has been
the bag-of-words mehod (BOW). According to the BOW model, the document is rep-
resented as a vector of words in Euclidian space where each word is independent from
others. This bag of individual words is commonly called a collection of unigrams. The
BOW is easy to understand and allows to achieve high performance (for example, the
best results of multi-lable categorization for the Reuters-21578 dataset were produced
using BOW approach (Dumais et al., 1998; Weiss et al., 1999)).
The main two methods of sentiment analysis, lexicon-based method (unsupervised
approach) and machine learning based method (supervised approach), both rely on the
bag-of-words. In the machine learning supervised method the classifiers are using the
unigrams or their combinations (N-grams) as features. In the lexicon-based method
the unigrams which are found in the lexicon are assigned a polarity score, the overall
polarity score of the text is then computed as sum of the polarities of the unigrams.
When deciding which lexicon elements of a message should be considered for
sentiment analysis, different parts-of-speech were analysed (Pak and Paroubek, 2010;
Kouloumpis et al., 2011). Benamara et al. proposed the Adverb-Adjective Combina-
tions (AACs) approach that demonstrates the use of adverbs and adjectives to detect
sentiment polarity (Benamara et al., 2007). In recent years the role of emoticons has
been investigated (Pozzi et al., 2013a; Hogenboom et al., 2013; Liu et al., 2012; Zhao
et al., 2012). In their recent study (Fersini et al., 2015) further explored the use of (i)
adjectives, (ii) emoticons, emphatic and onomatopoeic expressions and (iii) expressive
lengthening as expressive signals in sentiment analysis of microblogs. They showed
that the above signals can enrich the feature space and improve the quality of sentiment
Advanced algorithms for sentiment analysis have been developed (see (Jacobs, 1992;
Vapnik, 1998; Basili et al., 2000; Schapire and Singer, 2000)) to take into consideration
not only the message itself, but also the context in which the message is published, who
is the author of the message, who are the friends of the author, what is the underlying
structure of the network. For instance, (Hu et al., 2013) investigated how social rela-
tions can help sentiment analysis by introducing a Sociological Approach to handling
Noisy and short Texts (SANT), (Zhu et al., 2014) showed that the quality of sentiment
clustering for Twitter can be improved by joint clustering of tweets, users, and features.
In the work by (Pozzi et al., 2013b) the authors looked at friendship connections and
estimated user polarities about a given topic by integrating post contents with approval
relations. Quanzeng You and Jiebo Luo improved sentiment classification accuracy by
adding a visual content in addition to the textual information (You and Luo, 2013).
Aisopos et al. significantly increased the accuracy of sentiment classification by using
content-based features along with context-based features (Aisopos et al., 2012). Saiff et
al. achieved improvements by growing the feature space with semantics features (Saif
et al., 2012).
While many research works focused on finding the best features, some efforts have
been made to explore new methods for sentiment classification. Wang et al. evaluated
the performance of ensemble methods (Bagging, Boosting, Random Subspace) and em-
pirically proved that ensemble models can produce better results than the base learners
(Wang et al., 2014). Fersini et al. proposed to use Bayesian Model Averaging ensem-
ble method which outperformed both traditional classification and ensemble methods
(Fersini et al., 2014). Carvalho et al. employed genetic algorithms to find subsets of
words from a set of paradigm words that led to improvement of classification accuracy
(Carvalho et al., 2014).

3 Data Pre-processing for Sentiment Analysis

Before applying any of the sentiment extraction methods, it is a common practice to per-
form data pre-processing. Data pre-processing allows to produce higher quality of text
classification and reduce the computational complexity. Typical pre-processing proce-
dure includes the following steps:
Part-of-Speech Tagging (POS). The process of part-of-speech tagging allows to
automatically tag each word of text in terms of which part of speech it belongs to: noun,
pronoun, adverb, adjective, verb, interjection, intensifier, etc. The goal is to extract pat-
terns in text based on analysis of frequency distributions of these part-of-speech. The
importance of part-of-speech tagging for correct sentiment analysis was demonstrated
by (Manning and Schutze, 1999). Statistical properties of texts, such as adherence to
Zipfs law can also be used (Piantadosi, 2014). Pak and Paroubek analysed the distribu-
tion of POS tagging specifically for Twitter messages and identified multiple patterns
(Pak and Paroubek, 2010). For instance, they found that subjective texts (carrying the
sentiment) often contain more pronouns, rather than common and proper nouns; sub-
jective messages often use past simple tense and contain many verbs in a base form and
many modal verbs.
There is no common opinion about whether POS tagging improves the results of
sentiment classification. Barbosa and Feng reported positive results using POS tagging
(Barbosa and Feng, 2010), while (Kouloumpis et al., 2011) reported a decrease in per-
Stemming and lemmatisation. Stemming is a procedure of replacing words with
their stems, or roots. The dimensionality of the BOW is reduced when root-related
words, such as read, reader and reading are mapped into one word read. How-
ever, one should be careful when applying stemming, since it might increase bias. For
example, the biased effect of stemming appears when merging distinct words exper-
iment and experience into one word exper, or when words which ought to be
merged together (such as adhere and adhesion) remain distinct after stemming.
These are examples of over-stemming and under-stemming errors respectively. Over-
stemming lowers precision and under-stemming lowers recall. The overall impact of
stemming depends on the dataset and stemming algorithm. The most popular stemming
algorithm is Porter stemmer (Porter, 1980).
Stop-words removal. Stop words are words which carry a connecting function in
the sentence, such as prepositions, articles, etc. (Salton and McGill, 1983). There is
no definite list of stop words, but some search machines, are using some of the most
common, short function words, such as the, is, at, which and on. These words
can be removed from the text before classification since they have a high frequency of
occurrence in the text, but do not affect the final sentiment of the sentence.
Negations Handling. Negation refers to the process of conversion of the sentiment
of the text from positive to negative or from negative to positive by using special words:
no,not,dont etc. These words are called negations. The example of some nega-
tion words is presented in the Table 1.

Table 1: Example Negation Words

hardly cannot shouldnt doesnt
lack darent wasnt didnt
lacking dont wouldnt hadnt
lacks doesnt werent hasnt
neither didnt wont havnt
nor hadnt without havent

Handling negation in the sentiment analysis task is a very important step as the
whole sentiment of the text may be changed by the use of negation. It is important to
identify the scope of negation (for more information see (Councill et al., 2010)). The
simplest approach to handle negation is to revert the polarity of all words that are found
between the negation and the first punctuation mark following it. For instance, in the
text I dont want to go to the cinema the polarity of the whole phrase want to got to
the cinema will be reverted.
Other researches introduce the concept of contextual valence shifter (Polanyi and
Zaenen, 2006), which consists of negation, intensifier and diminisher. Contextual va-
lence shifters have an impact of flipping the polarity, increasing or decreasing the degree
to which a sentimental term is positive or negative.
But-clauses. The phrases like but, with the exception of, except that, ex-
cept for generally change the polarity of the part of the sentence following them. In
order to handle these clauses the opinion orientation of the text before and after these
phrases should be set opposite to each other. For example, without handling the but-
type clauses the polarity of the sentence may be set as following:I don like[-1] this
mobile, but the screen has high[0] resolution. When but-clauses is processed, the
sentence polarity will be changed to: I dont like[-1] this mobile, but the screen has
high[+1] resolution. Notice, that even neutral adjectives will obtain the polarity that is
opposite to the polarity of the phrase before the but-clause.
However, the solution described above does not work for every situation. For ex-
ample, in the sentence Not only he is smart, but also very kind - the word but does
not carry contrary meaning and reversing the sentiment score of the second half of the
sentence would be incorrect. These situations need to be considered separately.
Tokenisation into N-grams. Tokenisation is a process of creating a bag-of-words
from the text. The incoming string gets broken into comprising words and other ele-
ments, for example URL links. The common separator for identifying individual words
is whitespace, however other symbols can also be used. Tokenisation of social-media
data is considerably more difficult than tokenisation of the general text since it contains
numerous emoticons, URL links, abbreviations that cannot be easily separated as whole
It is a general practice to combine accompanying words into phrases or n-grams,
which can be unigrams, bigrams, trigrams, etc. Unigrams are single words, while bi-
grams are collections of two neighbouring words in a text, and trigrams are collections
of three neighbouring words. N-grams method can decrease bias, but may increase sta-
tistical sparseness. It has been shown that the use of n-grams can improve the quality
of text classification (Raskutti et al., 2001; Zhang, 2003; Diederich et al., 2003), how-
ever there is no unique solution for the the size of n-gram. Caropreso et al. conducted
an experiment of text categorization on the Reuters-21578 benchmark dataset (Caro-
preso et al., 2001). They reported that in general the use of bigrams helped to produce
better results than the use of unigrams, however while using Rocchio classifier (Roc-
chio, 1971) the use of bigrams led to the decrease of classification quality in 28 out
of 48 experiments. Tan et al. reported that use of bigrams on Yahoo-Science dataset
(Tan et al., 2002) allowed to improve the performance of text classification using Naive
Bayes classifier from 65% to 70% break-even point, however, on Reuters-21578 dataset
the increase of accuracy was not significant. Conversely, trigrams were reported to gen-
erate poor performances (Pak and Paroubek, 2010).

4 Sentiment Computation with Lexicon-Based Approach

Lexicon-based approach calculates the sentiment of a given text from the polarity of the
words or phrases in that text (Turney, 2002). For this method a lexicon (a dictionary)
of words with assigned to them polarity is required. Examples of the existing lexicons
include: Opinion Lexicon (Hu and Liu, 2004), SentiWordNet (Esuli and Sebastiani,
2006), AFINN Lexicon (Nielsen, 2011), LoughranMcDonald Lexicon, NRC-Hashtag
(Mohammad et al., 2013), General Inquirer Lexicon3 (Stone and Hunt, 1963).
The sentiment score Score of the text T can be computed as the average of the
polarities conveyed by each of the words in the text. The methodology for the senti-
ment calculation is schematically illustrated in Figure 1 and can be described with the
following steps:

Pre-processing. The text undergoes pre-processing steps that were described in the
previous section: POS tagging, stemming, stop-words removal, negation handling,
tokenisations into N-grams. The outcome of the pre-processing is a set of tokens or
a bag-of-words.
Checking each token for its polarity in the lexicon. Each word from the bag-
of-words is compared against the lexicon. If the word is found in the lexicon, the
polarity wi of that word is added to the sentiment score of the text. If the word is
not found in the lexicon its polarity is considered to be equal to zero.
Calculating the sentiment score of the text. After assigning polarity scores to
all words comprising the text, the final sentiment score of the text is calculated by
dividing the sum of the scores of words caring the sentiment by the number of such
1 X
ScoreAV G = Wi . [1]
m i=1
3 inquirer/
The averaging of the score allows to obtain a value of the sentiment score in the
range between -1 and 1, where 1 means a strong positive sentiment, -1 means a
strong negative sentiment and 0 means that the text is neutral. For example, for the
A masterful[+0.92] film[0.0] from a master[+1] filmmaker[0.0], unique[+1] in
its deceptive[0.0] grimness[0.0], compelling[+1] in its fatalist[-0.84] world[0.0]
the sentiment score is calculated as follows:

0.92 + 0.0 + 1 + 0.0 + 1 + 0.0 + 0.0 + 1 0.84 + 0.0 + 0.0

ScoreAV G = = 0.616.
The sentiment score of 0.616 means that the sentence expresses a positive opinion.

The quality of classification highly depends on the quality of the lexicon. Lexicons
can be created using different techniques:
Manually constructed lexicons. The straightforward approach, but also the most
time consuming, is to manually construct a lexicon and tag words in it as positive or
negative. For example, (Das and Chen, 2001) constructed their lexicon by reading sev-
eral thousands of messages and manually selecting words, that were carrying sentiment.
They then used a discriminant function to identify words from a training dataset, which
can be used for sentiment classifier purposes. The remained words were expanded
to include all potential forms of each word into the final lexicon. Another example of
hand-tagged lexicon is The Multi-Perspective-Question-Answering (MPQA) Opinion
Corpus4 constructed by (Wiebe et al., 2005). MPQA is publicly available and consists
of 8,222 subjective expressions along with their POS-tags, polarity classes and intensity.
Another resource is The SentiWordNet created by (Esuli and Sebastiani, 2006).
SentiWordNet extracted words from WordNet5 and gave them probability of belong-
ing to positive, negative or neutral classes, and subjectivity score. Ohana and Tierney
demonstrated that SentiWordNet can be used as an important resource for sentiment
calculation (Ohana and Tierney, 2009).
Constructing a lexicon from trained data. This approach belongs to the category
of the supervised methods, because a training dataset of labelled sentences is needed.
With this method the sentences from the training dataset get tokenised and a bag-of-
words is created. The words are then filtered to exclude some parts-of-speech that do
not carry sentiment, such as prepositions, for example. The prior polarity of words is
calculated according to the occurrence of each word in positive and negative sentences.
For example, if a word success is appearing more often in the sentences labelled as
positive in the training dataset, the prior polarity of this word will be assigned a positive
Extending a small lexicon using bootstrapping techniques. Hazivassiloglou and
McKeown proposed to extend a small lexicon comprised of adjectives by adding new
adjectives which were conjoined with the words from the original lexicon (Hatzivas-
siloglou and McKeown, 1997). The technique is based on the syntactic relationship
available at
between two adjectives conjoined with the AND it is established that AND usually
joins words with the same semantic orientation. Example:
The weather yesterday was nice and in-
Since words nice and inspiring are con-
joined with AND, it is considered that both
of them carry a positive sentiment. If only the
word nice was present in the lexicon, a new
word inspiring would be added to the lex-
icon. Similarly, (Hatzivassiloglou and McKe-
own, 1997) and (Kim and Hovy, 2004) sug-
gested to expand a small manually constructed
lexicon with synonyms and antonyms obtained
from NLP resources such as WordNet6 . The
process can be repeated iteratively until it is not
possible to find new synonyms and antonyms.
Moilanen and Pulman also created their lexicon
by semi-automatically expanding WordNet2.1
lexicon (Moilanen and Pulman, 2007). Other
approaches include extracting polar sentences
by using structural clues from HTML docu-
ments (Kaji and Kitsuregawa, 2007), recog-
nising opinionated text based on the density
of other clues in the text (Wiebe and Wilson,
2002). After the application of a bootstrapping
technique it is important to conduct a manual
inspection of newly added words to avoid er-

5 A Machine Learning Based

Fig. 1: Schematic representation of
A Machine Learning Approach for text classi- methodology for the sentiment calcu-
fication is a supervised algorithm that analyses lation.
data that were previously labelled as positive,
negative or neutral; extracts features that model
the differences between different classes, and
infers a function, that can be used for classify-
ing new examples unseen before. In the simpli-
fied form, the text classification task can be described as follows: given a dataset of
labelled data Ttrain = {(t1 , l1 ) , . . . , (tn , ln )} , where each text ti belongs to a
dataset T and the label li is a pre-set class within the group of classes L, the goal is to
build a learning algorithm that will receive as an input the training set Ttrain and will
generate a model that will accurately classify unlabelled texts.
The most popular learning algorithms for text classification are Support Vector Ma-
chines (SVMs) (Cortes and Vapnik, 1995; Vapnik, 1995), Naive Bayes (Narayanan
et al., 2013); Decision Trees (Mitchell, 1996). Barbosa et al. reports better results for
SVMs (Barbosa and Feng, 2010) while Pak et al. obtained better results for Naive Bayes
(Pak and Paroubek, 2010). In the work by (Dumais et al., 1998) a decision tree classifier
was shown to perform nearly as well as an SVM classifier.
In terms of the individual classes, some researches (Pang et al., 2002) classified
texts only as positive or negative, assuming that all the texts carry an opinion. Later
(Wilson et al., 2005), (Pak and Paroubek, 2010) and (Barbosa and Feng, 2010) showed
that short messages like tweets and blogs comments often just state facts. Therefore,
incorporation of the neutral class into the classification process is necessary.
The process of machine learning text classification can be broken into the following

1. Data Pre-processing. Before training the classifiers each text needs to be pre-
processed and presented as an array of tokens. This step is performed according
to the process described in section 3.
2. Feature generation. Features are text attributes that are useful for capturing pat-
terns in data. The most popular features used in machine learning classification
are the presence or the frequency of n-grams extracted during the pre-processing
step. In the presence-based representation for each instance a binary vector is cre-
ated in which 1 means the presence of a particular n-gram and 0 indicates its
absence. In the frequency-based representation the number of occurrences of a par-
ticular n-gram is used instead of a binary indication of presence. In cases where text
length varies greatly, it might be important to use term frequency (TF) and inverse
term frequency (IDF) measures (Rajaraman and Ullman, 2011). However, in short
messages like tweets words are unlikely to repeat within one instance, making the
binary measure of presence as informative as the counts (Ikonomakis et al., 2005).
Apart from the n-grams, additional features can be created to improve the over-
all quality of text classification. The most common features that are used for this
purpose include:
Number of words with positive/negative sentiment;
Number of negations;
Length of a message;
Number of exclamation marks;
Number of different parts-of-speech in a text (for example, number of nouns,
adjectives, verbs);
Number of comparative and superlative adjectives.
3. Feature selection. Since the main features of a text classifier are N-grams, the
dimensionality of the feature space grows proportionally to the size of the dataset.
This dramatical growth of the feature space makes it in most cases computationally
infeasible to calculate all the features of a sample. Many features are redundant
or irrelevant and do not significantly improve the results. Feature selection is the
process of identifying a subset of features that have the highest predictive power.
This step is crucial for the classification process, since elimination of irrelevant and
redundant features allows to reduce the size of feature space increasing the speed of
the algorithm, avoiding overfitting as well as contributing to the improved quality
of classification.
There are three basic steps in feature selection process (Dash and Liu, 1997)
(a) Search procedure. A process that generates a subset of features for evaluation.
A procedure can start with no variables and add them one by one (forward se-
lection) or with all variables and remove one at each step (backward selection),
or features can be selected randomly (random selection).
(b) Evaluation procedure. A process of calculating a score for a selected subset of
features. The most common metrics for evaluation procedure are: Chi-squared,
Information Gain, Odds Ratio, Probability Ratio, Document Frequency, Term
Frequency. An extensive overview of search and evaluation methods is pre-
sented in (Ladha and Deepa, 2011a; Forman, 2003).
(c) Stopping criterion. The process of feature selection can be stopped based on
a: i) search procedure, if a predefined number of features was selected or pre-
defined number of iterations was performed; ii) evaluation procedure, if the
change of feature space does not produce a better subset or if optimal subset
was found according to the value of evaluation function.
4. Learning an Algorithm. After feature generation and feature selection steps the
text is represented in a form that can be used to train an algorithm. Even though
many classifiers have been tested for sentiment analysis purposes, the choice of
the best algorithm is still not easy since all methods have their advantages and
disadvantages (see (Marsland, 2011) for more information on classifiers).
Decision Trees (Mitchell, 1996). A decision tree text classifier is a tree in which
non-leaf nodes represent a conditional test on a feature, branches denote the out-
comes of the test, and leafs represent class labels. Decision trees can be easily
adapted to classifying textual data and have a number of useful qualities: they are
relatively transparent, which makes them simple to understand; they give direct
information about which features are important in making decisions, which is es-
pecially true near the top of the decision tree. However, decision trees also have
a few disadvantages. One problem is that trees can be easily overfitted. The rea-
son lies in the fact that each branch in the decision tree splits the training data,
thus, the amount of training data available to train nodes located in the bottom of
the tree, decreases. This problem can be addressed by using the tree pruning. The
second weakness of the method is the fact that decision trees require features to be
checked in a specific order. This limits the ability of an algorithm to exploit features
that are relatively independent of one another.
Naive Bayes (Narayanan et al., 2013) is frequently used for sentiment analysis pur-
poses because of its simplicity and effectiveness. The basic concept of the Naive
Bayes classifier is to determine a class (positive negative, neutral) to which a text
belongs using probability theory. In case of the sentiment analysis there will be
three hypotheses: one for each sentiment class. The hypothesis that has the highest
probability will be selected as a class of the text. The potential problem with this
approach emerges if some word in the training set appears only in one class and
does not appear in any other classes. In this case, the classifier will always clas-
sify text to that particular class. To avoid this undesirable effect Laplace smoothing
technique may be applied.
Another very popular algorithm is Support Vector Machines (SVMs) (Cortes and
Vapnik, 1995; Vapnik, 1995). For the linearly separable two-class data, the basic
idea is to find a hyperplane, that not only separates the documents into classes, but
for which the Euclidian distance to the closest training example, or margin, is as
large as possible. In a three-class sentiment classification scenario, there will be
three pair-wise classifications: positive-negative, negative-neutral, positive-neutral.
The method has proved to be very successful for the task of text categorization
(Joachims, 1999; Dumais et al., 1998) since it can handle very well large feature
spaces, however, it has low interpretability and is very computationally expensive,
because it involves calculations of discretisation, normalization and dot product
5. Model Evaluation. After the model is trained using a classifier it should be vali-
dated, typically, using a cross-validation technique, and tested on a hold-out dataset.
There are several metrics defined in information retrieval for measuring the effec-
tiveness of classification, among them are:
Accuracy: as described by (Kotsiantis, 2007), accuracy is the fraction of the
number of correct predictions over the total number of predictions.
Error rate: measures the number of incorrectly predicted instance against the
total number of predictions.
Precision: shows the proportion of how many instances the model classified
correctly to the total number of true positive and true negative examples. In
other words, precision shows the exactness of the classifier with respect to each
Recall: represents the proportion of how many instances the model classified
correctly to the total number of true positives and false negatives. Recall shows
the completeness of the classifier with respect to each class.
F-score: (Rijsbergen, 1979) defined the F1-score as the harmonic mean of pre-
cision and recall:

2 P recision Recall
F-Score = . [2]
P recision + Recall
Depending on the nature of the task, one may use accuracy, error rate, precision,
recall or F-score as a metric or some mixture of them. For example, for unbalanced
datasets, it was shown that precision and recall can be better metrics for measuring
classifiers performance (Manning and Schutze, 1999). However, sometimes one of
these metrics can increase at the expense of the other. For example, in the extreme
cases the recall can reach to 100%, but precision can be very low. In these situations
the F-score can be a more appropriate measure.

6 Application of Lexicon and Machine Learning Methods for

Twitter Sentiment Classification
Here we provide an example of implementation of the lexicon based approach and the
machine learning approach on a case-study. We use benchmark datasets from SemEval-
2013 Competition, Task 2: Sentiment Analysis in Twitter, that included two subtasks:


Fig. 2: Statistics of a) training dataset and b) test datset from SemEval-2013 competi-
tion, Task 2-B (Nakov et al., 2013). Dark grey bar on the left represents the proportion
of positive tweets in the dataset, grey bar in the middle shows the proportion of negative
tweets and light grey bar on the right reflects the proportion of neutral sentences.

A) an expression-level classification, B) a message-level classification (Nakov et al.,

2013). Our interest is in subtask B: Given a message, decide whether it is of positive,
negative, or neutral sentiment. For messages conveying both a positive and a negative
sentiment, whichever is the stronger one was to be chosen (Nakov et al., 2013). Af-
ter training and evaluating our algorithm on the training and test datasets provided by
SemEval-2013, Task-2 (please, refer to Figure 2 for statistics of positive, negative and
neutral messages for training and test datasets), we compare our results against the re-
sults of 44 participated teams and 149 submissions.

The second example of application of our algorithm to a large dataset of 42,803,225

Twitter messages related to retail companies is presented in (Souza et al., 2015) and
investigates the relationship between Twitter sentiment and stock returns and volatility.
6.1 Pre-processing

We performed pre-processing steps as described in section 3. For the most of the steps
we used the machine learning software WEKA7 . WEKA was developed in the univer-
sity Wakaito and provides implementations of many machine learning algorithms. Since
it is an open source tool and has an API, WEKA algorithms can be easily embedded
within other applications.
Stemming and lemmatisation. The overall impact of stemming depends on the
dataset and stemming algorithm. WEKA contains implementation of a SnowballStem-
mer (Porter, 2002) and LovinsStemmer (Lovins, 1968). After testing both implementa-
tions we discovered that the accuracy of the sentiment classification was decreased after
applying both stemming algorithms, therefore, stemming operation was avoided in the
final implementation of the sentiment analysis algorithm.
Stop-words Removal. WEKA provides a file with a list of words, which should be
considered as stop-words. The file can be adjusted to ones needs. In our study we used
a default WEKA stop-list file.

Table 2: Example POS tags.

@ Tag Description
@ at-mentions Is used to identify the user- recipient of the tweet
U URL or email address
# Hashtag to identify the topic of the discussion or a category
Discourse marker. Indicates, that message is the continuation of
the previous tweet
E Emoticons , , etc.
G Abbreviations, shortenings of words

Part-of-Speech Tagging (POS). In the current study we tested performance of mul-

tiple existing pos-taggers: Stanford Tagger8 , Illinois Tagger9 , OpenNLP10 , LingPipe
POS Tagger11 , Unsupos12 , ArkTweetNLP13 , Berkeley NLP Group Tagger14 . We finally
chose to use ArkTweetNLP library developed by the team of researchers from Carnegie
Mellon University (Gimpel et al., 2011) since it was trained on a Twitter dataset. Ark-
TweetNLP developed 25 POS tags, with some of them specifically designed for spe-
cial Twitter symbols, such as hashtags, at-mentions, retweets, emoticons, commonly

9 view/3
Table 3: Example of ArkTweetNLP (Gimpel et al., 2011) tagger in practice.
ikr smh he asked fir yo last name so he can add u on fb lololol
word tag confidence
ikr ! 0.8143
smh G 0.9406
he O 0.9963
asked V 0.9979
fir P 0.5545
yo D 0.6272
last A 0.9871
name N 0.9998
so P 0.9838
he O 0.9981
can V 0.9997
add V 0.9997
u O 0.9978
on P 0.9426
fb 0.9453
lololol ! 0.9664

ikr means I know, right?, tagged as an interjection.

so is being used as a subordinating conjunction, which our coarse tagset denotes P.
fb means Facebook, a very common proper noun ().
yo is being used as equivalent to your; our coarse tagset has posessive pronouns as D.
fir is a misspelling or spelling variant of the preposition for.
Perhaps the only debatable errors in this example are for ikr and smh (shake my head):
should they be G for miscellaneous acronym, or ! for interjection?

used abbreviations (see Table 2 for some tags examples). An example15 of how Ark-
TweetNLP tagger works in practice is presented in Table 3.
As the result of POS-tagging in our study, we filtered out all words that did not
belong to one of the following categories: N(common noun), V(verb), A(adjective),
R(adverb), !(interjection), E(emoticon), G(abbreviations, foreign words, possessive end-
Negations Handling. We implemented negation handling using simple, but effec-
tive strategy: if negation word was found, the sentiment score of every word appear-
ing between a negation and a clause-level punctuation mark (.,!?:;) was reversed (Pang
et al., 2002). There are, however, some grammatical constructions in which a negation
term does not have a scope. Some of these situations we implemented as exceptions:
Exception Situation 1: Whenever a negation term is a part of a phrase that does not
carry negation sense, we consider that the scope for negation is absent and the polarity
of words is not reversed. Examples of these special phrases include not only, not
just, no question, not to mention and no wonder.
Exception Situation 2: A negation term does not have a scope when it occurs in a
negative rhetorical question. A negative rhetorical question is identified by the following
heuristic. (1) It is a question; and (2) it has a negation term within the first three words
of the question. For example:
Did not I enjoy it?
Wouldnt you like going to the cinema?
Tokenisation into N-grams. We used WEKA tokeniser to extract uni-grams and
bi-grams from the Twitter dataset.

6.2 Lexicon Approach

Automatic Lexicon Generation. In this study we aimed to create a lexicon specifi-

cally oriented for sentiment analysis of Twitter messages. For this purpose we used the
approach described in 4: Constructing a lexicon from trained data and the training
dataset from Mark Hall (Hall, 2012) that is comprised of manually labelled 41403 pos-
itive Twitter messages and 8552 negative Twitter messages. The method to generate a
sentiment lexicon was implemented as follows:

1. Pre-processing of the dataset: POS tags were assigned to all words in the dataset;
words were lowered in case; BOW was created by tokenising the sentences in the
2. The number of occurrences of each word in positive and negative sentences from
the training dataset was calculated.
3. The positive polarity of each word was calculated by dividing the number of occur-
rences in positive sentences by the number of all occurrences:

#P ositive sentences
positiveSentScore = .
(#P ositive sentences + #N egative sentences)
For example, we calculated that the word pleasant appeared 122 times in the
positive sentences and 44 times in the negative sentences. According to the formula,
the positive sentiment score of the word pleasant is

positiveSentScore = = 0.73.
(122 + 44)
Similarly, the negative score for the word pleasant can be calculated by dividing
the number of occurrences in negative sentences by the total number of mentions

#N egative sentences
negativeSentScore = ,
(#P ositive sentences + #N egative sentences)

negativeSentScore = = 0.27.
(122 + 44)
Based on the positive score of the word we can make a decision about its polarity:
the word is considered positive, if its positive score is above 0.6; the word is con-
sidered neutral, if its positive score is in the range [0.4; 0.6]; the word is considered
negative, if the positive score is below 0.4. Since the positive score of the word
pleasant is 0.73, it is considered to carry positive sentiment. Sentiment scores of
some other words from the experiment are presented in Table 4.

Table 4: Example of sentiment scores of words in the automatically generated lexicon.

Positive 0.675 0.213 0.457
Negative 0.325 0.787 0.543

We can observe from the table that the words GOOD and BAD have strongly
defined positive and negative scores, as we would expect. The word LIKE has
polarity scores ranging between 0.4 and 0.6 indicating its neutrality. To understand
why the neutral label for the word LIKE was assigned we investigate the se-
mantic role of this word in English language:
(a) Being a verb to express preference. For example: I like ice-cream.
(b) Being a preposition for the purpose of comparison. For example: This town
looks like Brighton.
The first sentence has positive sentiment, however can easily be transformed into a
negative sentence: I dont like ice-cream. This demonstrates that the word LIKE
can be used with equal frequency for expressing positive and negative opinions. In
the second example the word LIKE is playing a role of a preposition and does not
effect the overall polarity of the sentence. Thus, the word LIKE is a neutral word
and was correctly assigned a neutral label using the approach described above.
In our study all words from the Bag-of-Words with a polarity in the range [0.4; 0.6]
were removed, since they do not help to classify the text as positive or negative.
The sentiment scores of the words were mapped into the range [-1;1] by using the
following formula:

P olarityScore = 2 positiveSentScore 1. [5]

According to this formula, the word LIKE, obtained a score 0.446 * 2 -1 = -
0.1, which indicates the neutrality of the word. In case when the word is extremely
positive and had a positiveSentScore of 1, the mapped score will be positive: 1 *
2 1 = 1. If the word is extremely negative and has the positiveSentScore equal
to 0, the mapped score will be negative: 0 * 2 - 1 = -1.

Lexicons Combinations. Since the role of emoticons for expressing opinion online
is continuously increasing, it is crucial to incorporate emoticons into lexicons used
for sentiment analysis. Hogenboom et al. showed that incorporation of the emoticons
into lexicon can significantly improve the accuracy of classification (Hogenboom et al.,
2013). Apart from emoticons, new slang words and abbreviations are constantly emerg-
ing and need to be accounted for when performing sentiment analysis. However, most
of the existing public lexicons do not contain emoticons and social-media slang, on the
contrary, emoticons and abbreviations are often being removed as typographical sym-
bols during the first stages of pre-processing.

Table 5: Example of tokens from our EMO lexicon along with their polarity. Tokens
represent emoticons, abbreviations and slang words that are used in social-media to
express emotions.
Emoticon Score Emoticon Score Abbreviation Score Abbreviation Score
l-) 1 [-( -1 lol 1 dbeyr -1
:-} 1 TT -1 ilum 1 iwiam -1
x-d 1 :-(( -1 iyqkewl 1 nfs -1
;;-) 1 :-[ -1 iwalu 1 h8ttu -1
=] 1 :((( -1 koc 1 gtfo -1

In this study we manually constructed a lexicon of emoticons, abbreviations and

slang words commonly used in social-media to express emotions (EMO). Example of
tokens from our lexicon are presented in Table 5. We aimed to analyse how performance
of the classic opinion lexicon (OL) (Hu and Liu, 2004) can be improved by enhancing
it with our EMO lexicon. We also expanded the lexicon further by incorporating words
from the automatically created lexicon (AUTO). The process of automatic lexicon cre-
ation was described in detail in the previous section.
With opinion lexicon (OL) serving as a baseline, we compared the performance of
some lexicon combinations as shown in Table 6:

Table 6: Combinations of lexicons tested

Lexicons combinations
1. OL
2. OL + EMO
3. OL + EMO + AUTO

Sentiment Score Calculation. In this study we calculate sentiment scores of tweets as

described in section 2 using Equation 1. We also propose an alternative measure based
on the logarithm of the standard score. We normalise the logarithmic score in such a
way that the values range between [-1; 1] with -1 being the most negative score and 1
being the most positive score (see 6).
sign(ScoreAV G )Log10 (| 10ScoreAV G |), if | ScoreAV G |> 0.1,
ScoreLog10 =
0, otherwise

Lexicon Performance Results. The analysis of performance of our algorithm was

conducted on the test dataset from SemEval-2013, Task 2-B (Nakov et al., 2013) (see
Figure 2b). Figure 3 presents the results for the three different lexicons using the Simple
Average as the sentiment score (Equation 1). The values of the sentiment score range
from -1 to 1. The colors of the bars represent the true labels of the tweets: dark grey
stands for positive messages, light grey for neutral messages and medium grey stands
for negative messages. In the case of perfect classification, we would obtain a clear
separation of the colors. However, from Figure 3 we can see that classification for all
three lexicons was not ideal. For example, all lexicons made the biggest mistake in
misclassifying neutral messages (we can see that light grey color is present for the
sentiment scores of -1 and 1 in all three histograms, indicating that some of neutral
messages were classified as positive or negative). This phenomenon can be explained
with the fact that even neutral messages often contain one or more polarity words, which
leads to the final score of the message being a value different from 0 and being classified
as positive or negative.
The results based on the logarithmic approach (Equation 6) reveal that positive,
negative and neutral classes became more defined (Figure 4). Indeed, the logarithmic
score makes it easier to set up the thresholds for assigning labels to different classes,
thus, we can conclude that using a logarithmic score for calculating sentiment is more
appropriate than using a simple average score.
To compare the performance of three lexicon combinations we need to assign pos-
itive, negative or neutral labels to the tweets based on the calculated sentiment scores,
and compare the predicted labels against the true labels of tweets. For this purpose we
employ a k-means clustering algorithm, using Simple Average and Logarithmic scores
as features. The results of K-means clustering for the 3 lexicons and 2 types of sentiment
scores are reported in Table 7.

Table 7: Results of K-Means clustering for different lexicon combinations.

Accuracy OL OL + EMO OL + EMO + AUTO
ScoreAV G 57.07% 60.12% 51.33%
ScoreLog10 58.43% 61.74% 52.38%
Fig. 3: Histograms of sentiment scores for different lexicon combinations using the Sim-
ple Average Score. The colors of the bars represent the true labels of the tweets: dark
grey stands for positive messages, light grey for neutral messages and medium grey
stands for positive messages.
Fig. 4: Histograms of sentiment scores for different lexicon combinations using the Log-
arithmic Score. The colors of the bars represent the true labels of the tweets: dark grey
stands for positive messages, light grey for neutral messages and medium grey stands
for positive messages.
As shown in Table 7 the lowest accuracy of classification for both types of scores
corresponded to the biggest lexicon (OL + EMO + AUTO). This result can be related
to a noisy nature of Twitter data. Training a lexicon on noisy data could have intro-
duced ambiguity regarding the sentiment of individual words. Thus, automatic gen-
eration of the lexicon (AUTO) based on Twitter labelled data cannot be considered a
reliable technique. The small OL lexicon showed better results since it consisted mainly
of adjectives that carry strong positive or negative sentiment that are unlikely to cause
ambiguity. The highest accuracy of classification 61.74% was achieved using the com-
bination of OL and EMO lexicons (OL + EMO) and a logarithmic score. This result
confirms that enhancing the lexicon for Twitter sentiment analysis with emoticons, ab-
breviations and slang words increases the accuracy of classification. It is important to
notice that the Logarithmic Score provided an improvement of 1.36% over the Simple
Average Score.

6.3 Machine Learning Approach

We performed Machine Learning based sentiment analysis. For this purpose we used
the machine learning package WEKA16 .

Pre-processing/cleaning the data. Before training the classifiers the data needed to be
pre-processed and this step was performed according to the general process described
in section 3. Some additional steps that had to be performed:

Filtering. Some syntactic constructions used in Twitter messages are not useful
for sentiment detection. These constructions include URLs, @-mentions, hashtags,
RT-symbols and they were removed during the pre-processing step.
Tokens replacements. The words that appeared to be under the effect of the negation
words were modified by adding a suffix NEG to the end of those words.
For example, the phrase I dont want. was modified to I dont want NEG.
This modification is important, since each word in a sentence serves a purpose
of a feature during the classification step. Words with NEG suffixes increase the
dimensionality of the feature space, but allow the classifier to distinguish between
words used in the positive and in the negative context.
When performing tokenisation, the symbols ():;, among others are considered to
be delimiters, thus most of the emoticons could be lost after tokenisation. To avoid
this problem positive emoticons were replaced with pos emo and negative were
replaced with neg emo. Since there are many variations of emoticons representing
the same emotions depending on the language and community, the replacement
of all positive lexicons by pos emo and all negative emoticons by neg emo also
achieved the goal of significantly reducing the number of features.

Feature Generation. The following features were constructed for the purpose of train-
ing a classifier:
N-grams: we transformed the training dataset into the bag-of-ngrams taking into
account only the presence/absence of unigrams. Using n-grams frequency would
not be logical in this particular experiment, since Twitter messages are very short,
and a term is unlikely to appear in the same message more than once;
Lexicon Sentiment: the sentiment score obtained during the lexicon based senti-
ment analysis as described in 6;
Elongated words number: the number of words with one character repeated more
than 2 times, e.g. soooo;
Emoticons: presence/absence of positive and negative emoticons at any position in
the tweet;
Last token: whether the last token is a positive or negative emoticon;
Negation: the number of negated contexts;
POS: the number of occurrences for each part-of-speech tag: verbs, nouns, adverbs,
at-mentions, abbreviations, URLs, adjectives and others
Punctuation marks: the number of occurrences of punctuation marks in a tweet;
Emoticons number: the number of occurrences of positive and negative emoti-
Negative tokens number: total count of tokens in the tweet with logarithmic score
less than 0;
Positive tokens number: total count of tokens in the tweet with logarithmic score
greater than 0;

Feature Selection. After performing the feature generation step described above a
feature space comprising 1826 features was produced. The next important step for im-
proving classification accuracy is the selection of the most relevant features from this
feature space. To this purpose we used Information Gain evaluation algorithm and a
Ranker search method (Ladha and Deepa, 2011b). Information Gain measures the de-
crease in entropy when the feature is present vs absent, while Ranker ranks the features
based on the amount of reduction in the objective function. We used features for which
the value of information gain was above zero. As the result, a subset of 528 features
was selected.

Table 8: Example of top selected features.

TOP FEATURES 11. great 22. fun 33. hope
1. LexiconScore 12. posV 23. lastTokenScore 34. thanks
2. maxScore 13. happy 24. i love 35. luck
3. posR 14. love 25. don 36. best
4. minScore 15. excited 26. dont 37. i dont
5. negTokens 16. cant 27. amazing 38. looking forward
6. good 17. i 28. fuck 39. sorry
7. posE 18. not 29 love you 40. didnt
8. posN 19. posA 30. can 41. hate
9. posU 20. posElongWords 31. awesome 42. ...
Some of the top selected features are displayed in Table 8, revealing that the Lex-
icon Sentiment feature, described in the previous section as a Lexicon Sentiment,
is located at the top of the list. This important result demonstrates that the Lexicon
Sentiment plays a leading role in determining the final sentiment polarity of the sen-
tence. Other highly ranked features included: minimal and maximum scores, number of
negated tokens, number of different parts-of-speech in the message. To validate the im-
portance of the Lexicon Sentiment feature and other manually constructed features,
we performed cross-validation tests according to two scenarios: i) in the first scenario
(Table 9) we trained three different classifiers using only N-grams as features; ii) in the
second scenario (Table 10) we trained the models using traditional N-grams features in
combination with the Lexicon Sentiment feature and other manually constructed fea-
tures: number of different parts-of-speech, number of emoticons, number of elongated
words. Tests were performed on a movie review dataset Sentence Polarity Dataset v
1.0 17 released by Bo Pang and Lillian Lee in 2005 and comprised of 5331 positive
and 5331 negative processed sentences.
As it can be observed from tables 9 and 10, the addition of the Lexicon Sentiment
feature and other manually constructed features allowed to increase all performance
measures significantly for 3 classifies. For example, the accuracy of Naive Bayes clas-
sifier was increased by 7%, accuracy of Decision Trees was increased by over 9%, and
the accuracy of SVM improved by 4.5%.

Table 9: Scenario 1: 5-fold cross-validation test on a movies reviews dataset using only
N-grams as features.
Method Tokens Folds Accuracy Precision Recall F-Score
Type Number
Naive uni/bigrams 5 81.5% 0.82 0.82 0.82
Decision uni/bigrams 5 80.57% 0.81 0.81 0.81
SVM uni/bigrams 5 86.62% 0.87 0.87 0.87

Table 10: Scenario 2: 5-fold cross-validation test on a movies reviews dataset using tra-
ditional N-grams features in combination with manually constructed features: lexicon
sentiment score, number of different parts-of-speech, number of emoticons, number of
elongated words, etc.
Method Tokens Folds Accuracy Precision Recall F-Score
Type Number
Naive uni/bigrams 5 88.54% 0.89 0.86 0.86
Decision uni/bigrams 5 89.9% 0.90 0.90 0.90
SVM uni/bigrams 5 91.17% 0.91 0.91 0.91

Training the Model, Validation and Testing. Machine Learning Supervised approach
requires a labelled training dataset. We used a publicly available training dataset (Figure
2a) from SemEval-2013 competition, Task 2-B (Nakov et al., 2013).
Each of the tweets from the training set was expressed in terms of its attributes.
As the result, n by m binary matrix was created, where n is the number of training
instances and m is the number of features. This matrix was used for training differ-
ent classifiers: Naive Bayes, Support Vector Machines, Decision trees. It is important
to notice that the training dataset was highly unbalanced with the majority of neutral
messages (Figure 2a). In order to account for this unbalance we trained a cost-sensitive
SVM model (Ling and Sheng, 2007). Cost-Sensitive classifier allows to minimize the
total cost of classification by putting a higher cost on a particular type of error (in our
case, misclassifying positive and negative messages as neutral).
As the next step we tested the models on an unseen before test set (Figure 2b) from
SemEval-2013 Competition (Nakov et al., 2013) and compared our results against the
results of 44 teams that took part in the SemEval-2013 competition. While the classifi-
cation was performed for 3 classes (pos, neg, neutral), the evaluation metric was F-score
(Equation 2) between positive and negative classes.

Table 11: F-score results of our algorithm using different classifiers. The test was per-
formed on a test dataset from SemEval Competition-2013, Task 2-B (Nakov et al.,
Classifier Naive Decision SVM Cost Sensitive
Bayes Trees SVM
F-SCORE 0.64 0.62 0.66 0.73
Table 12: Fscore results of SemEval Competition-2013, Task 2-B (Nakov et al., 2013).
NRC-Canada 0.6902
GUMLTLT 0.6527
BOUNCE 0.6353
KLUE 0.6306
AMI and ERIC 0.6255
FBM 0.6117
AVAYA 0.6084
SAIL 0.6014
UT-DB 0.5987
FBK-irst 0.5976

Our results for different classifiers are presented in Table 11. We can observe that
the Decision Tree algorithm had the lowest F-score of 62%. The reason may lay in a
big size of the tree needed to incorporate all of the features. Because of the tree size, the
algorithm needs to traverse multiple nodes until it reaches the leaf and predicts the class
of the instance. This long path increases the probability of mistakes and thus decreases
the accuracy of the classifier. Naive Bayes and SVM produced better scores of 64% and
66% respectively. The best model was a Cost-sensitive SVM that allowed to achieve the
F-measure of 73%. This is an important result, providing evidence that accounting for
the unbalance in the training dataset allows to improve model performance significantly.
Comparing our results with the results of the competition (Table 12), we can conclude
that our algorithm based on the Cost-sensitive SVM would had produced the best results
scoring 4 points higher than the winner of that competition.

7 Conclusion

In this paper we have presented the review of two main approaches for sentiment anal-
ysis, a lexicon based method and a machine learning method.
In the lexicon based approach we compared the performance of three lexicons: i) an
Opinion lexicon (OL); ii) an Opinion lexicon enhanced with manually created corpus
of emoticons, abbreviations and social-media slang expressions (OL + EMO); iii) OL
+ EMO further enhanced with automatically generated lexicon (OL + EMO + AUTO).
We showed that on a benchmark Twitter dataset, OL + EMO lexicon outperforms both,
the traditional OL and a larger OL + EMO + AUTO lexicon. These results demonstrate
the importance of incorporating expressive signals such as emoticons, abbreviations and
social-media slang phrases into lexicons for Twitter analysis. The results also show that
larger lexicons may yield a decrease in performance due to ambiguity of words polarity
and increased model complexity (agreeing with (Ghiassi et al., 2013)).
In the machine learning approach we propose to use a lexicon sentiment obtained
during the lexicon based classification as an input feature for training classifiers. The
ranking of all features based on the information gain scores during the feature selection
process revealed that the lexicon feature appeared on the top of the list, confirming
its relevance in sentiment classification. We also demonstrated that in case of highly
unbalanced datasets the utilisation of cost-sensitive classifiers improves accuracy of
class prediction: on the benchmark Twitter dataset a cost-sensitive SVM yielded 7%
increase in performance over a standard SVM.

We thank the valuable feedback from the two anonymous reviewers. T.A. acknowl-
edges support of the UK Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) in funding
the Systemic Risk Centre (ES/K002309/1). O.K. acknowledges support from the com-
pany Certona Corporation. T.T.P.S. acknowledges financial support from CNPq - The
Brazilian National Council for Scientific and Technological Development.

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