Israel Space Agency

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Israel Space Agency

The Israel Space Agency (ISA; Hebrew: , Sochnut

Israel Space Agency
HaChalal HaYisraelit) is a governmental body, a part of Israel's Ministry of Science

and Technology, that coordinates all Israeli space research programs with scientific
and commercial goals.

The agency was founded by the theoretical physicist Professor Yuval Ne'eman in
1983 to replace the National Committee for Space Research which was established
in 1960 to set up the infrastructure required for space missions.[3] The agency is
currently headed by Professor Isaac Ben Israel as Chairman[3] and Avi Blasberger as
Director General.[2]
Acronym ISA
Today, Israel is the smallest country with indigenous launch capabilities. Owner Israel
Established 1983
(Successor agency to
National Committee
Contents for Space Research [1]

1 History 1960-1983)
1.1 NCSR and foreign reliance Headquarters Tel Aviv, Israel
1.2 Establishment of a space agency
Primary Palmachim Airbase
2 Vision
3 Budget
Administrator Professor Yitzhak
4 Satellite programs
Ben Yisrael
4.1 Ofeq Satellite Series
4.2 Amos Satellite Series (Chairman), Avi
4.3 EROS Satellite Series Blasberger[2]
4.4 TechSAR Satellite (Director General)
5 Launch capabilities Budget 180 million /
5.1 Palmachim Spaceport US$48 million
6 Space research Website
6.1 National Knowledge Center on NEOs
6.2 Israel Cosmic Ray Center
6.4 Tel Aviv University Ultraviolet Explorer
6.5 TechSat-Gurwin Microsatellite
6.6 Sloshsat-FLEVO
7 Ongoing development
7.1 VENS
7.2 OPsat
7.4 INSAT-1 & INSAT-2
7.5 SHALOM Project
8 Manned programs
8.1 Ilan Ramon
Ilan Ramon International annual Space Conference

9 Experiments via NASA shuttles

9.1 Israeli Space Agency Investigation About Hornets
9.2 Early development of embryos in microgravity
10 Moon mission
10.1 Israel Network for Lunar Science and Exploration
10.2 SpaceIL
11 Commercial and industry involvement
12 Industrial groups
12.1 IAI
12.2 Elbit Systems
12.3 Rafael Advanced Defense Systems
13 See also
14 References
15 External links

The Israel Space Agency has history dating back to the late 1950s.

NCSR and foreign reliance

The Israeli Space Agency originated as a university-based research project from Tel-Aviv University in the early 1960s.[4] In 1960,
the National Committee for Space Research (NCSR) was formed by the Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities. The
committee was formed to increase research activities across the academic communities in Israel. While at the time establishing a
space program was not particularly one of its goals, during the '60s through the late '70s, the committee developed the infrastructure
needed for research and development in space exploration and sciences. One of the NCSR's earliest achievements took place in 1961
with the launch of its first two-stage rocket.[5]

Following political tension with Egypt and Syria, reconnaissance flights became evermore difficult. In 1979, a satellite program was
proposed followed by a year of feasibility study. The study was completed by late 1980; Saguy requested from prime minister
Menachem Begin that the project proceed to its next phase. In 1982, a new recommendation called "Ofeq Program" was submitted
for developing an observation satellite. The program included timelines, planning for a ground station, budget estimates, and
personnel requirements. The primary goal was to develop a satellite program without relying on any foreign know-how, to allow
flexibility and creativity.[5] The launcher would be developed by Malam, the two engines by the Israel Military Industries (IMI), and
the third by Rafael.

Establishment of a space agency

At the end of 1982 it was decided during a closed-door meeting to establish an Israeli space agency. The decision was made by PM
Menachem Begin, Defense minister Ariel Sharon, and former director Aharon Beit Halahmi. The initial goal was to pursue the
program to develop to Ofeq and the Shavit launchers.[5] In January 1983, the Israeli government authorized the Minister of Science
and Technology Prof.[5][6] Yuval Ne'eman to establish an Israeli Space Agency with the goal of advancing Israel's space program,
unlike the NCSR which was primarily used for feasibility and infrastructure studies. In July 1983, the ISA was officially founded in
Tel Aviv to coordinate the nation's space program in affiliation to the Ministry of Science, Culture & Sport, and Professor Dror Sadeh
was nominated to be its Director-General.

In 1984 the National Space Knowledge Center was established in cooperation with Israel Aircraft Industries; a contract was signed
between IAI and Ministry of Defence for the development of the needed infrastructure and of Israel's first observation satellite. This
came to fruition in 1988 when Israel launched the first in a series of Ofeq satellites and thus became one of only a few nations in the
world possessing an indigenous space launching capability (see timeline of first orbital launches by country). The project
management at Israel Aircraft Industrieswas headed for many years by Dr. Moshe Bar-Lev.

The agency vision as defined by the guiding committee on July 27, 2005 states:

"Space research and exploration is an essential instrument for the defense of life on Earth; the lever for technological progress; the
key to existing in a modern society; essential for developing an economy based on knowledge; and the central attraction for scientific
and qualified human resources."

The vision is "to preserve and broaden the comparative advantage of Israel and to place it among the group of leading countries in the
space research and exploration area."

The main goals for vision realization are:

To build and to support satellite systems for space research and forEarth research from space.
To develop technologies, knowledge and scientific infrastructure (including laboratories and human resources)
required for space research.
To promote international cooperation in space research andexploration, and for strengthening the national interests
of Israel.
To promote ties between Israelisociety, space research, and exploration.
ISA has signed cooperation agreements with the space agencies of: United States (NASA), France (CNES), Canada (CSA), India
(ISRO), Germany (DLR), Ukraine (NSAU), Russia (RKA), Netherlands (NIVR) and Brazil (AEB).

In 2010, the budget of the Israel Space Agency was increased to US $80 million[1] to boost the agency's space activities in research
and development. The budget does not include launch vehicle development and most satellite programs. Typically such programs get
funded on a project-by-project basis. For example,Project Venus, a cooperative program by Israel (ISA) and France (CNES) which is
set to launch in 2014 has a $50 million budget.[7] The Spaceborne Hyperspectral Applicative Land and Ocean Mission (SHALOM), a
joint mission by Israel (ISA) and theItaly Space Agency (ASI) has a budget of $116 million.[1]

The budget allocated annually for the Israeli military program as well as commercial programs are managed on ferent
dif budgets.

Satellite programs
The Israel Space Agency has had a long history of satellite programs both for reconnaissance and commercial purposes. Its first
satellite, the Ofeq-1 was launched on September 19, 1988, from Palmachim Airbase in Israel. Since the launching of that first
satellite, Israel has developed into a significant player in the commercial space arena.oday,
T the ISA satellite launches include:

Ofeq Series of reconnaissance satellites. The first of these was launched from thePalmachim site on September
19, 1988.
Amos Series of communications satellites
Eros Series of observation satellites
Techsat Researching satellite launched bythe Technion
TechSAR a SAR-based observation satellite.

Ofeq Satellite Series

After the successful launch of the Ofeq-1 in 1988, additional satellites were developed. In 1989, the ISA launched the Ofeq-2; in
April 1995, it took a leap forward with the launch of Ofeq-3, which carried an advanced electro-optical payload built by Israeli
industry for local purposes. Ofeq-3 has been functioning without a hitch. Following a setback with Ofeq-4, Ofeq-5 was successfully
launched in May 2002.
To date, eleven such satellites in the Ofeq reconnaissance satellites series were
developed and launched to Low Earth Orbit. The most recent, Ofek 11, was launched
September 13, 2016.

Amos Satellite Series

The Amos is a series of communications satellites. The Amos satellites are by the Israel
Aerospace Industries and are operated by Spacecom once in orbit. The Amos-1, the first Ofeq-3
satellite in the series, was launched on May 16, 1996 using a French-built vehicle. Since
then, 4 more satellites were launched. The most recent Amos satellite is the Amos-5
which was launched on December 11, 2011.[8]

The Amos is distinguished for its light weight and sophisticated technology. The Amos-6 is set to be launched in 2016 in order to
replace the Amos-2 which will cease operation then.

EROS Satellite Series

The Earth Resources Observation Satellite (EROS) is a series of commercial observation
satellites. The first satellite, the EROS A, was launched on December 5, 2000 from
Svobodny Launch Complex using a Russian Start-1. A second satellite, the EROS B, was
launched on April 25, 2006.

The EROS series are set to be launched once every 6 to 8 years. The EROS C is set to be
launched in late 2014. The EROS-B Satellite

TechSAR Satellite
The TechSAR satellite is a reconnaissance satellite equipped with a synthetic aperture radar. The satellite is designed penetrate thick
clouds by being fitted with a large dish-like antenna to transmit and receive radar signals. The satellite was successfully launched on
January 21, 2008.

Launch capabilities
The Israel Space Agency is one of only seven countries that both build their own satellites and launch their own launchers. The
Shavit is a space launch vehicle capable of sending payload into low earth orbit.[9] The Shavit satellite has been used to send every
Ofeq satellite to date.

The development of the Shavit began in 1983 and its operational capabilities were proven on three successful launches of the Ofek
satellites on September 19, 1988; April 3, 1990; and April 5, 1995. The Shavit launchers allows low-cost and high-reliability launch
of micro/mini satellites to a Low Earth Orbit. The Shavit launcher is developed by Malam factory, one of four factories in the IAI
Electronics Group. The factory is very experienced in development, assembling, testing and operating system for use in space.

The Shavit is a triple-stage launcher solid propellant booster based on the 2-stage Jericho-II ballistic missile. The first and second
stage engines are manufactured by Ta'as, and use solid fuel.[10] The third stage engines are manufactured by Rafael Advanced
Defense Systems. The next generation Shavit rockets, now called the Shavit-2 are being developed. The Shavit-2 is said to be made
available for commercial launches in the near future.

Palmachim Spaceport
The Israel Space Agency operates thespaceport located in Palmachim Air Force Base.
Due to Israel's geographic location and hostile
relations with surrounding countries, launches take
off due west, over the Mediterranean Sea. This is
done in order to avoid flying over hostile
territories.[10] This is also to prevent possible debris
from falling above populated areas. This limitation
imposes a penalty of roughly 30% on its lifting

Some of the recent ISA launches include:

June 11, 2007 Ofeq 7 satellite[11]

June 22, 2010 Ofeq 9 satellite[12]
April 10, 2014 Ofeq 10 satellite[13]
A number of additional launches are set for mid to
late 2014 and 2015.

Space research
The ISA is responsible for funding a large set of Shavit launcher
university research projects and governmental
projects. The goal is to boost space related research
Shavit Rocket
and development in the academic arena. The Israel Space Agency strives to promote space research and
space technology development as a part of the ef
fort to promote the Israeli scientific research.

National Knowledge Center on NEOs

The ISA and the Ministry of Science and Technology formed and
operated the National Knowledge Center on Near Earth Objects
at Tel-Aviv University in order to study minor bodies in the Solar
System. The goal is to map the objects which pose a threat to earth
and to find a solution to eliminate them.

This center is headed by Dr. Noah Brosch from Tel Aviv University
and operates the three telescopes of the Wise Observatory. For the
purpose of NEO studies, a special wide-field 0.46-m telescope was
acquired by Tel Aviv University and is operating at the Wise
Observatory located near Mitzpe Ramon. The telescope facilitated
the discovery of several tens of new asteroids and is now intensely
The smaller 46cm Telescope in the Wise
used to study asteroid rotation and asteroid pair properties. Following Observatory dome.
the cessation of funding from ISA, theasteroid studies are continuing
at the Wise Observatory with no specific financial support.

Israel Cosmic Ray Center

The Israel Cosmic Ray Center (ICRC) was established in November 1997 with support from the Israel Space Agency and with
affiliation to Tel Aviv University and the Technion. The center is located onMount Hermon and headed by Dr. Gideon Bela and Prof.
Lev Dorman from the Tel Aviv University.[14]
The goal of the center is to monitor and forecast dangerous meteorological and space phenomena. This includes solar radiation
storms and shockwaves between very powerful stars creating magnetic storms. These phenomena can endanger electronic systems in
satellites and space shuttles, the astronauts' health, electronic and navigational systems in aircraft flying in extremely high altitudes
and ground power systems.

The Emilio Segre' Observatory (ESOI) is a cosmic radiation observatory prepared via a joint collaboration with Italy. It was
transported to Mount Hermon, Israel in June 1998. The observatory was named after the Italian physicist and Nobel laureate Emilio
G. Segr.[15]

The Israel Space Agency - Middle East Interactive Data Archive (ISA-MEIDA) is an Israeli node for NASA's EOSDIS (Earth
Observing System Data and Information System). The Node was established in October 1996 as a part of the cooperation agreement
between the director of NASA and the director of ISA. It is the only team in the country which focuses on collecting and preserving
environmental information in Israel. The ISA-MEIDA was established in order to create and maintain an Earth observing data center
available through the Internet to the research community and to the general public free of char

This research, headed by Prof. Pinhas Alpert, is funded by the ISA as a part of the Space Scientific and Technological Infrastructure
Development program. The node is integrated with NASA's global Information System which includes Earth Observing Science Data
and Information System. It also contains Remote Sensing Data from NASA and NOAA satellites, and data from other sources such
as meteorological RADAR and readings from meteorological stations. Information collected by the system is critical for
environmental and water related research, especially in light of the drastic global environmental changes and global warming.

Tel Aviv University Ultraviolet Explorer

The Tel Aviv University Ultraviolet Explorer (TAUVEX) is a space telescope array conceived by Noah Brosch of Tel Aviv
University. It was eventually designed and constructed for the University by El-Op. TAUVEX is a cluster of three bore-sighted 20-
cm telescopes for observation in the ultra-violet funded by the Israel Space Agency. It was due to be launched by India on board the
ISRO satellite GSAT-4 satellite but due to a mis-match between the capabilities of the launched and the mass of the satellite, ISRO
decided unilaterally to remove TAUVEX from GSAT-4. The telescope ended up in a limbo of constant delays. In 2012 ISA decided
to terminate the TAUVEX project.

TechSat-Gurwin Microsatellite
The Gurwin TechSat was one of the world's first Microsatellite to be designed, built and launched by students.[18] The satellite,
developed by the Technion, was launched on July 10, 1998. The satellite was a great success, operating for over 11 years - setting a
world record for the longest university satellite mission. The mission was completed in April 2010.

The Sloshsat-FLEVO was a satellite launched for the study of liquid sloshing phenomena in space. The satellite was developed in
collaboration between the Dutch NLR labs, Fokker Space, and Rafael. The satellite is helped by the Israel Space Agency and the
European Space Agency (ESA). The Israel Space Agency initiated the project and partly funded it by supplying the sub-propulsion

The propulsion system, funded by the ISA, is fueled by cold gas and is constructed of four high-pressure canisters with pyrotechnic
activation. The system can produce both linear acceleration and torque needed to perform slosh research. It is specifically designed to
overcome the severe volume constraints encountered in typical satellites.

Ongoing development
The Israel Space Agency is currently involved with multiple satellites, space telescopes, and microsatellites.

The Vegetation and Environment monitoring on a New Micro-Satellite (VENS) is a satellite to be used for Earth observation
using a superspectral sensor, dedicated to vegetation monitoring. It is the first cooperation between Israel (ISA) and France (CNES).
VENS scientific objective is "the provision of data for scientific studies dealing with the monitoring, analysis, and modeling of land
surface functioning under the influences of environmental factors as well as human activities."

The Israel Space Agency is responsible for the spacecraft, the launcher interface, and for the satellite control center. The Centre
national d'tudes spatialesis responsible for supplying the superspectral camera and the science mission center.[20] The satellite is set
to launch in mid 2017.

OPsat is a next generation high resolution optical observation satellite for reconnaissance purposes. It is designed to be a 300
kilograms (660 lb) satellite capable of detecting objects of about 50 centimeters in diameter. It will be equipped with a camera with
CCD/TDI sensors, producing both panchromatic imagery at a very high resolution and multispectral imagery at a medium resolution.
The satellite is set to orbit in a sun-synchronous orbit. It is expected to have a lifespan of roughly 10 years.

The ULTRASAT satellite (previously known as LIMSAT-UV) is a wide field (~1000 deg2) transient explorer satellite mission.
ULTRASAT is planned to have eight telescopes equipped with CCD cameras and reflective filters. It is set to have a sensitivity 10
times lower than GALEX but a field of view more than 1000 times larger. It is also planned to have a detection rate for transient in
the UV of more than 30 times greater than that of GALEX. The ULTRASAT is planned to be developed in just 34 years and at a
cost of a few tens of millions of dollars instead of a few hundreds of millions.[21] ULTRASAT will observe a large patch of sky, more
than 200 square degrees, alternating every six months between the southern and northern hemisphere. The satellite will orbit the
Earth from an altitude of about 300 km above the geosynchronous orbit, getting a ride as a secondary payload in the fairing of the
rocket carrying a communications satellite. A joint American-Israeli proposal for this project was submitted to NASA by a team from
Caltech/JPL (Jet Propulsion Laboratory), the Weizmann Institute of Science and Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI). The Israeli
[22] and launch is expected before 2021.
contribution will be funded by the Israel Space Agency


The INSAT-1 and the INSAT-2 are two nano-satellites currently being planned and developed by the Israeli Nano Satellite
Association. Their purpose is to test new industrial components under real outer-space conditions before being installed on satellites
costing tens and hundreds of millions of dollars.

The INSAT-1 is set to carry a miniature atomic clock and a GPS receiver

SHALOM Project
The SHALOM Project (Spaceborne Hyperspectral Applicative Land and Ocean Mission
) is a joint project with theItalian Space
Agency (ASI) announced on November 23, 2010.[23] The project involves the design and development of two hyperspectral Earth
observation satellites. They are set to follow the same orbit as the Cosmo SkyMed. It will integrate radar observations with
observations in the visible infrared and ultraviolet.[24] In October 2015 a memorandum of understanding was signed, and the system
is slated to become fully operational in 2021.[25] The project is expected to cost over $200 million, with the cost being split evenly
between the two countries.[26]
Space Autonomous Mission of Swarming & geolocating Nano-Satellites
(SAMSON) is a project initiated by theTechnion's Asher
Space Research Institute. SAMSON consists of three nano-satellites in formation flying to demonstrate high precision geo-location of
civilian signals from the ground for rescue purposes. SAMSON is planned to implement and demonstrate Technion-developed
formation-flying algorithms using the nano-satellite's propulsion system. This is a student project with technical help from multiple
partners in the industry such asRAFAEL.

Manned programs
While the ISA has not yet made a human spaceflight of its own, since the mid-90s there has been a cooperation agreement between
the Israel Space Agency and NASA which has resulted in one Israeli astronaut on a NASA mission to date.

Ilan Ramon
Ilan Ramon was Israel's first astronaut. Ramon was the space shuttle payload
specialist on board the fatal STS-107 mission of Space Shuttle Columbia, in which
he and the six other crew members were killed in a re-entry accident over southern
Texas. Ramon had been selected as a Payload Specialist in 1997 and trained at the
Johnson Space Center, Houston, Texas, from 1998 until 2003, for a mission with a
payload that included amultispectral camera for recording desertaerosol (dust).[27]

Ilan Ramon International annual Space Conference

The Ilan Ramon annual International Space Conference is a living tribute to
Israel's first astronaut, the late Colonel Ilan Ramon. The Fisher Brothers Institute for
Air & Space Strategic Studies has been holding the annual conference since 2006.
The conference is designed to bring together the Israel's space community and
international peers. Over the years, the conference has been drawing distinguished
scientists, head of space agencies, and global prominent figures. Ilan Ramon - the first Israeli

Experiments via NASA shuttles

The ISA has conducted a number of experiments, both manned and unmanned, in collaboration with NASA using the space shuttle.
In October 1996, NASA and ISA signed an agreement for joint cooperation in the peaceful use of space - an agreement designed to
develop cooperative programs of mutual interest between the two nations.

Israeli Space Agency Investigation About Hornets

The Israeli Space Agency Investigation About Hornets (ISAIAH) was project form Tel-Aviv University that was initiated in the
early 1990s to explorer the effects of near-zero gravity on oriental hornets, their physical and physiological development and their
nest-building instincts. The flight hardware and measuring instruments were commissioned by the ISA and built by ISI. The hope of
the mission was to discover ways to prevent astronauts from suf [28]
fering headaches, nausea, and vomiting during the missions.

In 1992, 230 Oriental hornets, a flight hardware and measuring instruments were packed onto the Space Shuttle Endeavour mission
STS-47.[29] The Oriental Hornets used in the experiment were capable of building combs in the direction of the gravitational vector
and detecting gravitational force changes in real time.

Early development of embryos in microgravity

The early development of mice embryos in microgravity[30] was a Hebrew University experiment designed to determine if mice
embryo cells could develop normally in microgravity conditions in space. The outcome of the experiment was expected to help the
understanding of early embryo cell development which would provide an insight into the possibilities of human reproduction in
space. The payload was launched in 1996 on boardSpace Shuttle Columbiamission STS-80.[31]

On the same mission, a second experiment investigating the growth of osteoblast cells in microgravity environment was also
conducted. During STS-80 osteoblast cultures were grown in microgravity, using specialized hardware. The space-grown osteoblastic
cells were then compared with the Earth-grown osteoblastic cells. The research revealed numerous changes between the two cells.
The microgravity cells showed lower proliferation rate, a lower metabolism and an altered cell structure.

A continuation from the osteoblast cells experiment was later expanded upon by astronaut John Glenn on board Space Shuttle
Discovery, STS-95. The tests included the thinning effect of space on mouse bones. Additionally the process of calcium loss in the
mouse bone was later compared to what happened in Glenn's body and effectiveness of a calcium-vitamin D supplement against

The 2003 Mediterranean Israeli Dust Experiment (MEIDEX) was a Mediterranean Israeli
Dust Experiment initiated by the ISA. The experiment was planned by a team from the
Department of Geophysics and Planetary Sciences in Tel Aviv University. The objective was to
study the temporal and spatial distribution and physical properties of atmospheric desert dust over
North Africa, the Mediterranean and the Atlantic Saharan regions. The aim was achieved by a
remote sensing experiment operated by the astronaut Ilan Ramon aboard the Space Shuttle


Moon mission
The Israeli Space Agency has sponsored the first Israeli effort to land a spacecraft on the moon. Additionally the ISA has been
collaborating with NASA about future lunar research programs.

Israel Network for Lunar Science and Exploration

The Israel Network for Lunar Science and Exploration (INLSE) program was established by the Israeli Space Agency part of an
international effort to study the moon and the solar system. In January 2010[32] a joint declaration byNASA and Israel Space Agency
was signed making Israel a member of the NASA Center for Moon Research and promote cooperation between the two agencies. The
INLSE hopes to bring its technical and engineering expertise for the sake of advancing the broad goals of lunar science at the
institute. The agreement offers NASA important research involving lasers, the development of advanced sensors for solar system
research tasks and automatic vehicle navigation.[33]

The SpaceIL is a Non-governmental organization made up of multidisciplinary team of Israeli scientists and space aficionados. The
organization was formed to compete in the international Google Lunar X Prize competition.

The SpaceIL team is developing a robotic spacecraft, built as a Microsatellite, weighing around 500 kg. It is designed to be launched
and then land on the moon bearing the Israeli flag. To win, they must be the first to launch, fly, and land the spacecraft on the moon
then transmit live video feed back to earth. If the team wins, they intend on donating the prize, about $30 million, toward space
Commercial and industry involvement
The Israel Space Agency, Israeli industry, and the academy are all heavily involved in all the different stages of planning,
development, construction, launching, and operating of space programs.

The main contractors of the Ofeq and Eros space programs is the IAI Mabat factory in Yehud. The Mabat facility is responsible for
the experiment and integration center, the ground monitoring, and the control stations and the remote satellites receiving stations.
Many of the high-tech companies are involved in the various space programs in Israel, and in manufacturing sub-systems and

The TAUVEX was spun off as DAVID, a small telescope with a resolution of about five meters. It is currently being developed
jointly by an Israeli hi-tech firm and a German firm. Many smaller university related commercial products are being developed across
the state.

Industrial groups
In addition to university research, a number of lar
ge industrial groups are heavily involved with the Israel Space Agency

The Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) is Israel's prime aerospace and aviation manufacturer, producing aerial systems for both
military and civilian usage. IAI entered the space race in the 90s and has since been responsible for the development of most Israels
civilian and military satellites, particularly theAmos and Ofeq.

Elbit Systems
El-Op, which merged with Elbit Systems in 2000, is the country's largest research and development company for space qualified
cameras and advanced telescopes that deal with various panchromatic, dual band, multi and super spectral wavelength applications. It
is Israel's Center of Excellence for spaceelectro-optics.

Rafael Advanced Defense Systems

Rafael Advanced Defense Systemsis the Israeli authority for development of weapons and military technology. They are responsible
for most the ISA's spacecraft propulsion systems.

See also
National Committee for Space Research
Science, Technology and Space Minister of Israel
Economy of Israel
List of multinationals with research and development centres in Israel
List of space agencies
Science and technology in Asia

1. "Israel's man on space"( .il/MFA/InnovativeIsrael/Pages/I
srael_space_11-Aug-2010.aspx). Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Archived from the original (
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2. "Avi Balsberger is the New Director General of the Israeli Space Agency (In Hebrew)"(
1472). Israel Space Agency. 1 May 2016.
3. "Israel Celebrates Space"(
(PDF). Israel Space Agency. Retrieved 19 November 2013.
4. "Israel Space Agency: Current and Future Programs"(
MFA_Graphics/MFA%20Gallery/Israel60/ch7-6.pdf)(PDF). From Modest Beginnings to a Vibrant State.
RESOURCEs: Israel Space Agency. Archived from the original (
el60/ch7-6.pdf) (PDF) on February 1, 2014. Retrieved November 19, 2013.
5. Kiran Krishan Nair (2006).Space: The Frontiers of Modern Defence. KnowledgeWorld. pp. 155165.
ISBN 9788187966449.
6. E. L. Zorn (WinterSpring 2001),"Israel's Quest for Satellite Intelligence"(
(PDF), Studies in Intelligence
(10): 3338, retrieved 2009-09-11
7. Opall-Rome, Barbara."Zvi Kaplan, Director, Israel Space Agency"(
ctor-israel-space-agency). SpaceNews. Retrieved 19 November 2013.
8. "Amos 5 satellite launched into space"(,7340,L-4159943,00.html).
9. "Space launch systems - Shavit"(
Deagel. Retrieved 19 November 2013.
10. "Shavit", Britannica (
11. Israel Launches New Spy Satellite(
l),, accessed 12 June 2007
12. Israel Launches Ofeq-9 Satellite( (http
23, 2010, at WebCite
13. Berger, Brian (April 10, 2014)."Israeli Rocket Launches Radar Reconnaissance Satellite"(
. Space NEws. Retrieved
10 April 2014.
14. "ICRC" ( Israel Cosmic Ray and Space Weather Center. Retrieved
19 November 2013.
15. "ESOI" ( Emilio Segre' Israel-Italy Observatory. Retrieved
19 November 2013.
16. "ISA-MEIDA Welcome" ( ISA-MEIDA. Retrieved 19 November 2013.
17. "he Regional Center for NASA EOSDIS"( ISA-MEIDA. Retrieved 19 November
18. "O(R)bituary" (
m). TECHNION FOCUS MAGAZINE. Archived fromthe original (
1.htm) on September 29, 2013. Retrieved 19 November 2013.
19. "SLOSHSAT" ( Israel Space Agency. Retrieved
19 November 2013.
20. "VENUS" ( Retrieved 19 November 2013.
21. LIMSAT-UV: A Wide Field UV Transient Explorer Satellite Mission(
oster.pdf) (PDF). Weizmann Institute Of Science.
22. Israel Space Agency, ULTRASAT project (
23. "Italy and Israel: all clear for SHALOM"( Italian
Space Agency. Retrieved 4 April 2014.
24. "Italy and Israel: all clear for SHALOM"(
Agenzia Spaziale Italiana. Retrieved 19 November 2013.
26. "Israel, Italy To Build Hyperspectral Satellites" (
hyperspectral-satellites). Retrieved 21 November 2013.
27. Payload Specialist Astronaut Bio: Ilan Ramon, National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Retrieved
2009-12-05 (
28. Brull, Lily (1992). "Project ISIAH - Experiment on the ef
fects of micro-gravity on hornets' nest building and activity".
Israel Space Research & Technology Information Bulletin. The Smithsonian/NASA Astrophysics Data System.9: 2.
Bibcode:1992IsSRT...9....2B (
29. "STS-47" (
. NASA. Retrieved 20 November
30. "The Hornet Experiment"( IAMI. Retrieved 20 November 2013.
31. "Detrimental Effects of Microgravity on MousePreimplantation Development In Vitro" (
nfo%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pone.0006753) . PLOS. Retrieved 20 November 2013.
32. Kempinski, Yoni. "Galactic Partnership: NASA and Israel Space Agency"(
News.aspx/135742). Israel National News. Retrieved 20 November 2013.
33. SIEGEL, JUDY. "Israeli experts work with NASA on moon research"(
nce-And-Environment/Israeli-experts-work-with-NASA-on-moon-research) . The Jerusalem Post. Retrieved
20 November 2013.

External links
ISA Home Page
Official website of the Israeli Ministry of Science, Technology and Space
Israel Space Agency on Facebook
Israel Space Agency's channelon YouTube

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