Galactic Free Press - 8/28/10
Galactic Free Press - 8/28/10
Galactic Free Press - 8/28/10
~ Everybody Wake Up!! You Will Be In Joy, Tears Of Joy and Laughter and so much L
ove pouring forth from your heart, we can feel that, can you?~ We are Waiting...
~ Love is Calling You!
Dave Matthews Band Everybody Wake Up
~ We Are Better Together, Are You With US?~ You Plus Me, is The Greater "I AM",
it means more Love for Everybody Being Shared Equally~
Better Together Jack Johnson
~ We Are Bringing You Home, In Everyway, Every Moment, Everyday. See if you look
outside, all you will see is the past, if you look inside, the present is the Br
illiance of YOU, Have a Good Day~ Love Mom and Dad
Dave Matthews Everyday
Love is The Real Story
~End Transmission~
Now from Love Reporter
Wynn Free
I wrote this long before I had any of this interdimensional stuff occur. I know i
t's an experience which many of you might identify with................
By Wynn Free
Worthiness, self worth,
I am an expert on these.
I wish I could say
I've mastered them,
But, more often,
They've mastered me
As my subconscious level of lack
Would cause
Outward situations to manifest
Which matched the inner.
The problem:
How does one learn to deserve more?
I contemplate the reasons
For my unworthiness,
And reflect on my oppressed childhood,
Rejecting myself.
I see how I shrank from life
Into safer places inside myself.
And now I'm trying to unshrink myself
And love you,
Because you are worthy
And to have you,
I must experience
In my heart of hearts,
That I deserve you. and Answers with the Elohim and Answers with the Elohim
Note from Wynn: I think I'm about over this. It's about time. It's about creatin
g value for others. You can't create value for others and not feel worthy.If you
guys email me and ask, I might put a poetry book together.
Wynn's Dream Messages
Sometimes current. Sometimes not.....
"I’m not the cause of your problems. I’m the cause of your solutions."
(c)2008 Wynn Free
Permission granted to share this page for non profit purposes as long as contact
website and email are included: and booktalk11@yaho
Now from Love Reporters
_ ^ _ Rysa Perisanna
~ Children of Light of the Seventh Day I ~
by The Goldring Networking Link of Enlightenment and Abundance on Friday, August
27, 2010 at 5:30am
~ * ~ From this time forward the Wayshowers have come into their power and so th
ey face the Dark Masters of theBlack Alliance. The Black Alliance sits upon the
threshold of the dawn and are not willing to leave the power and walk away into
the night. They have become emotional predators, disconnected. They live off of
conflict, death, disease and despair.
~ Give them compassion and ask that they would free themselves of their self-imp
osed exile. There are others that walk the Dark road away from the light. They h
ope to stay away from the light for it brings change. In the change you are tran
sformed and never will be able to return to the lesser energy. There is resistan
ce to the greater by those who have found comfort in the old ways, yet the old w
ays are no more and you are to go forward and never look back through the closin
g doorway.
~ As Wayshowers recede and face the Dark Masters and see change come upon them t
hey stand on the threshold with the light and see the dark ones question their c
hoice to stand against the wave of change. The Light will pass through them with
out care or thought of their resistance. It is the challenge of the Wayshowers t
o be guides and guardians of lost souls.
~ The Game is ending now as time is ceasing. The walls are breaking away, the en
ergy is fading and the obstacles are diminishing. There is peace in the hearts o
f the walkers on the path to the end of days. You have been cared for and watche
d by greater souls of your galaxy. They wish to give you the vision of life of f
uture enduring happiness. It is all about your vision to see and know that you a
re the hope for the New Age.
~ It is through your faith in this vision that you create the world you are becom
ing. From the depth of past experience your heart grows in new purpose as Androm
eda brings your galaxy into alignment. From the light of the Fifth Day bring for
th the new dream.
~ The dreamtime of the children of the light awakens. Allow them to be that whic
h you have promised, to inherit the power of the world. Be parents to the angels
walking on the path of this new Light. Embolden and raise your thoughts to high
er frequencies. Look into the eyes of the young and know you are here to lead th
em to their authority. It is your duty, mission and promise made to younger arri
ving souls to open the lighted pathway.
~ The Children of Light are here to receive the inheritance of the greater world
and to breathe the dream of the new day, the Golden Age of the Seventh Light. T
he Seventh Light brings the great dream into realization, and the children born
upon this planet are the ones to activate the new beginning.
~ Let go, surrender, give up and flow with the feeling of happiness and bliss. T
here is peace in your heart at the sound of this for you can let go and be with
the River of Heaven in the Seventh Light. Listen to the heart of hearts. Find ag
ain the sound and tone of the child within.
~ The Christ within that speaks in the voice of the angel, the Goddess of Light.
You are brought into remembrance of the great light of the Seven Stars of the P
leiades. Sing forth to the child within. Awaken the Children of the Dawn. They b
ring the Seventh Light into creation. Release to them the power. You are their G
uardians. You have grown from being a Wayshower to a Guardian of Love and Light.
You are anointed within the grand spectrum of the Central Sun.
~ There are open doorways which are shining the light of the Seven Rays of the 1
3 vibrations to create the myriad of images, symbols and diversity of supreme co
ntrast. Children of the million suns shine forth in Higher Light. It is the high
er intelligence you have sought. The Children of Light are incarnated as you hav
e believed and they have come forth. They are the Teachers of Light that have co
me to manifest and you are to follow their dreams into fulfillment.
~ Give forth your power as Guardians to protect, honor and support the children
who are here to guide all into knowledge and destiny. In this great ascension th
e Children of Light come with the heritage of the Wayshowers to carry on the pla
n. They guide all to the light of the Seventh Sun. All beings on the planet have
come on the request of the Mother of Creation. She is revealed as the one who s
peaks to the heart of her children.
~ The new Masters of Light are female as they speak first of the mother’s love for
her children. From all eternity the Mother of Creation gives forth her body so
that the children may be born and come into incarnation.
~ She gives unselfishly so that they may enjoy this plane of existence with the
full realization of the promise, purpose and destiny that is shared by the whole
family. The tone brings out to you that which you have always known and now kno
w you can align to the vibrations that install the programs that will develop th
e Seventh Sun, the final universal tone that brings about the Andromeda Enlighte
nment. Align and ascend with the River of Heaven as it flows into the Central Su
~ The Mother of Creation gives life to the Feminine Christ Within. The Father of
Creation aligns with the Central Sun within, and the Family reaches the higher
Light. The family is held together by the love of All That Is, and All That Is e
stablishes itself both within and without and in all futures and the past.
~ I am that you are and you are that I am. There is no other way.
~ Feel the words circle upon the waves and become the deamtime. Beyond the dream
there is union in the fullness of spirit where all souls combine in the greater
world in Oneness of being. The perfect circle of being is born in the safe worl
d of the loving arms of the Mother guided by the strength of the Father, and bot
h are fulfilled as the Children of the Seventh Heaven, the Seventh Light, the Aq
uarian Age and the New Age, the New Golden Age are born.
~ There is always freedom and choice and there is compassion for the return of l
ove in the hearts of the Dark Ones and that they are brought back into unison. T
hey have followed the fear into the dark caverns and have sought to learn greate
r lessons rather than living in joy. Wayshowers show the Dark Ones their power t
o dominate is over, and ask them to choose to follow the wisdom of the Children
of Light.
~ The Children of Light bring forth the dawn. They are born from the innocent wi
se souls and bring forth the brighter Light. They are givers of initiation, they
teach the passage of consciousness, the end of time and the end of the era of d
arkness. They bring the greater awakening and the enlightenment.
_ ^ _ Rysa Perisanna
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Father-Mother God and The Entire Galactic Free Press Staff
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