Ehv Q1
Ehv Q1
Ehv Q1
Answer ALL Questiotrs
1. is the vehicle key componeDt lor power txansfer from po\er plant to wheels
(A) Propeller shaft @) Transmission
(c) Power shaft (D) Differential
is used in power clectonic drives for motor controller.
(c) Amplifie! (D) Filters
3. The is the vartical rise per horizontal distance ofroadway
(A) Arc distance @) Tangential slope
(c) Percentage roadway gmde (D) Tangential road distance
4. co-ordiDate the eoers/ conversion of multiple device and powar transmission
*uough electrical and mecbanical patls
(A) InYerter (B) Power splitter
(C) Supervisory control @) Differential
5. is unit ofspecific power
(A) Watt-hour (B) Watt/kg
(c) wh,,lg (D) Joules-sec
18. A. Inverter is bi-diectional 31. a. Describe about the various compoDents in an electric vehicle power train in detail'
B. H-bridge is uni-directional (oR)
(A) A is aue, B is false (B) A is false, B is tlue
b. Explain the working ofa planetary gear set and differential in a electdc vehicle'
(C) Both A and B are true (D) Both A and B are false
32. a. Explain the parallel hybrid vehicle architectule in detail.
19. system is used to achieve fixed set ofgear ratios, wilhout gear box (oR)
(A) Differential (B) Ftuid clutches b. Write in detail about the Yarious conhol statS/ used in series - parallel hybrid vehicle'
(c) CVT (continuously variable (D) Dog clutch
?ag.3 of3 02rrA5AEl202
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