Teaching Resume
Teaching Resume
Teaching Resume
Obtain a career as an Agricultural Education teacher within a school system with a small population of
Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado May 2018
Bachelor of Science Degree in Agricultural Education with Teacher Licensure
Teaching Experience___________________________________________________________
Instruction II- Standards and Assessment EDUC 450 Fall, 2017
Rocky Mountain High School Fort Collins, CO
High School Practicum
Actively being involved with students within the wood working shop.
Answering questions and demonstrating safety within the wood shop.
A.V.I.D. Tutor Fall, 2017
Advancement Via Individual Determination
Encouraged and led discussions with students who had a variety of questions in different subjects.
Built relationships with students through communication and group work during various tutoring
Instruction I- Individualization/Management EDUC 350 Spring, 2017
Webber Middle School Fort Collins, CO
Taught students basic survival techniques within an outdoor living classrooms.
Managed students and their behaviors during class periods.
Chaperoned Webber Night Out.
Literacy and the Learner EDUC 340 Fall, 2016
Preston Middle School Fort Collins, CO
Observed teaching methods and applied them to classroom management.
Managed a class of 20 students with two other peers.
Work Experience______________________________________________________________
Veterinary Technician Assistant 2016- Present
Scoggin Veterinary Service Belle Fourche, SD
Held and inserted probe for semen testing bulls.
Ran multiple types of chutes.
Tagged, branded, identified cattle for cattle sales at the sale barn.
Motorpool Assistant 2015- Present
Colorado State Transportation Services Fort Collins, CO
Gassed, detailed, and washed cars.
Placed orders for windshields, and parts.
Kept detailed books of 150+ vehicles within the lot.
Helped people to get gas, check out cars, and place reservations for the cars.
Museum Assistant 2014- 2015
Tate Geological Museum, Casper, WY
Ran the cash register for the gift shop.
Cleaned exhibits along with created new exhibits to be put into the museum.
Worked with groups of 10-12 students on different projects that were at each open house.
Resident Assistant 2015
Casper College, Casper WY
Resided over 300+ students residing within the residence hall, while assisting them with comfortable
living situations such as sorting/delivering mail, checking out vacuums, and putting in work orders.
Black Hills Stock Show and Rodeo Queen January 2017- Present
Traveled across the states of Wyoming and South Dakota representing the Black Hills Stock Show,
rodeo, and the western way of life. During traveling I interacted with people of all ages and lifestyles
asking a variety of questions dealing with agriculture.
Ag. Ed. Alliance 2016-Present
Worked events such as blue jacket society, district speech, and Ag day at the college as volunteer hours
within this club. We would discuss our frustrations and questions with our classes. We as a club would
then problem solve these situations to get us in a better situation.
4-H Volunteer 2015- Present
Helped students with work ethic and dedication while teaching them the requirements to proper animal
care. I also demonstrated to children the basics behind showing livestock, sewing clothes, baking food,
creating metal projects, and various other projects involved in the 4-H program.
Daniels Fund Scholar 2014-Present
Was chosen for the four year full ride scholarship based on my character, hard work, determination, and
good grades.
FFA 2008-2017
I taught students the solid foundation to a career development event and supervised agricultural
experience by being involved with students wanting to be actively involved in FFA. Through dedication
to my SAEs I was able to earn the State FFA Degree in April of 2014 and then the American FFA
Degree in October of 2016.
Colorado State University
Tau Sigma Induction
o Was inducted into the organization due to having a 4.0 GPA throughout several semesters.
GPA recognition
o Obtained a 4.0 for three semesters and a 3.8 for a semester which allowed me to have GPA