Stargate Rules Version2

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At a glance
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The key takeaways are that the Stargate game rules are meant for a fun game loosely based on SG1 missions from the TV show and draw inspiration from other rulesets. The objective is for the SG1 characters to complete their mission and return through the Stargate safely.

The basic rules outline turning order and character selection. The objective is given on the mission card. Games end when the objective is complete or all SG1 characters are incapacitated. Enemies are generated randomly from decks.

It is recommended to have figures representing the SG1 team, SGC soldiers, Goa'uld characters and forces. Terrain with limited lines of sight like ruins is preferred over open areas. A Stargate and DHD are needed.

Stargate Rules

These Stargate rules are meant for a fun, uncomplicated game based loosely on the missions
of SG1 in the TV series. They derive a lot from Ian Becks old Pony Wars rules and adaptation
from our Starship Troopers rules, themselves derived from Richard Heaths Bugs rules.
Theres even some adapted stuff from the old Killzone Grenadier set in the hand to hand

In our Stargate rules all the players play members of SG1. (Up to 5 players are possible, or 6
if you give Doctor Frasier a medivac team, or 7 if General Hammond leads a rescue mission)
Random generators, reaction tests and common sense handle the Goauld enemies.

In our game none of the SG1 characters can die. They can be only made unconscious by
their wounds or captured. Of course, in the best Star Trek tradition, associated unnamed SG
soldiers can be killed by the truckload! Its not supposed to be realistic; its just a game

Each game has a Mission card that gives the Objective for the players and possibly a number
of extra Enemy or SGC set up units and characters.

Once the Mission is known and the terrain type of your planet is selected, then an Event or
Enemy encounter deck of cards is constructed. Choose 1 Terrain Specific card thats
appropriate to your planet, choose 1 Encounter card thats appropriate to your planet and
mix these into the Enemies cards. Shuffle well and place face down.

Each game starts with the players coming through the Stargate and ends with them returning
through the Stargate or when all the players have been rendered unconscious or captured.

Setting up

To begin, a player is chosen to be the Game Manager. This person is still a player, but he
will manage the games nuts and bolts aspects as it goes along. The Game Manager should
decide which Mission is to be played and layout the table before the other players see it and
have selected their team members and before they know what Mission they are playing.

What you need to play this game

So far we have played these games using the following figures:

1 x each SGC character figures: Daniel, Jonas, Jack, Sam, Tealc, Hammond, Frasier.
14 x SGC M16 Rifleman
2 x SGC M203 Grenadier
1 x SGC M40 Sniper
1 x SGC M60 Heavy Machine gunner and ammo mate with M16
2 x SGC M249 Machine gunners
1 x SGC M16 rifleman with communications pack
4 x SGC MP5A5 Sub Machine gunner s
1 x Bratac figure
3 x major System Lord figures: Apophis, Anubis & a generic Goauld
3 x Goauld priest figures
4 x 1st Prime figures
6 x 2nd Prime figures
30 x Jaffa warriors (We are going to increase this to 40)
12 x Unas warriors
15 x assorted ancient or medieval style civilian / monk characters
Recycle dead Jaffa back into the reinforcement pool. (The Jaffa never stop coming unless all
available figures are already in play!)

You will most definitely need a Stargate & DHD

Plus: Assorted scenery!

How you set the table up for each Mission is up to you. We have deliberately avoided
specifying building or terrain types where possible so you can use whatever you have.
Though it would be best if the terrain is fairly close and visibility is fairly limited as the games
work better that way. Large open areas tend to bog the game down into one long firefight.
Ideally the Stargate should be placed halfway along the long side of a 6 x 5 table.

1st Turn Game sequence

1 Divide the SGC characters between the players.

Each player may control 1 or more Characters: Jack, Daniel, Tealc, Sam or
Jonas. Each of these characters is armed with a P90 SMG and a Zat gun.
With each character he gets to choose one or more accompanying SGC soldiers
and each player has 6 points to spend on these support soldiers.
The Game Manager always chooses last. Players can spend these points once the
Mission is known, but before they see the table set up. Alternatively, if the
players agree to play at a Hard difficulty level, only 1 soldier choice is allowed
to each player. (Which excludes the M60) For Extreme dont use any support
soldiers at all! If the players argue over choices (say 2 players each want an M60
HMG) then settle it with highest dice rolls.

SGC soldier choice

1 x M16 Rifleman (Max 14 in game) 2pts.
1 x M203 Grenadier (Max 2 in game) 4pts.
1 x M40 Sniper (Max 2 in game) 4pts.
1 x M60 Heavy Machine gunner and ammo mate with M16 (Max 1 in game) 6pts.
1 x M249 Machine gunner (Max 2 in game) 4pts.
1 x M16 rifleman with communications pack (Max 1 in game) 4pts.
1 x MP5A5 Sub Machine gunner (Max 4 in game) 2pts.

2 Choose a Mission card and 4 objective cards chosen at random. This makes the
objective deck. Shuffle well, place face down so they cannot be seen.
3 Layout the 5 objective cards on the table, none within 12 of the Stargate or
10 of each other. One of these cards is the real Mission objective; the other 4
are the randomly chosen incident cards.
4 Create the Enemy card deck as standard but with any extras detailed in the
Mission card. Shuffle well.
5 Players bring their sections through the Gate and may move one move from the
Gates location.
6 Draw an Enemy card.
7 Place any resultant figures on table and roll their reaction. (What do they intend
to do?)
8 All Enemy units move according to their reactions.
9 All SGC shooting takes place
10 All Jaffar shooting takes place
11 All melee combat takes place
12 All progressive events move forward: such as burning, smoke, civilians or animals
moving etc.
13 Any character or bad guy actions are performed. (Such as Gate Dialling etc.)

Subsequent Turn sequences

1 SG teams move.
2 Draw an Enemy card.
3 Place any resultant figures on table and roll their reaction.
4 Roll all Enemy units reactions if necessary. Determine what they will do.
5 All Enemy units move according to their reactions.
6 All SG shooting takes place
7 All Jaffar shooting takes place
8 All melee combat takes place
9 All progressive events move forward.
10 Any character or bad guy actions are performed. (Such as Gate Dialling etc.)


All figures move as the player wishes. Players are free to move their figures in any direction
they choose, provided they do not exceed their movement allowances and that their team
members do not move more than 3 away from another of that players team member.

Players teams do not have to remain within 3 of other players teams.

Figures in a group are obliged to remain in contact with one another IE: within 3 of another
figure in the group. If they become split up by circumstances they must attempt to rejoin as
a priority.

Exception: Sniper figures of a group may detach and operate separately.

Jaffar groups must operate within the same rules. Jaffar groups will NOT split up, but may
combine into larger groups.

When moving, friendly infantry models may pass through other friendly infantry models
without penalty. However models may not pass through enemy models and friendly models
may not pass through friendly vehicles, emplaced guns or landed aircraft. Models may not be
stacked on top of each others bases.

Doing things
Characters will inevitably be asked to do things that are not covered in the basic rules.
Here are a few tips on how to handle this:

Recovering ancient information

Only Jonas and Daniel can read ancient Goauld inscriptions, so if a mission calls for this, if
Jonas and Daniel are out of the game, the mission is a failure. To read a Goauld script
the characters must make a successful roll on their mental attack. If they succeed, they
have read the script and have the required information. They may try as many times as
they like, once per turn, until they succeed.
Tealc can always read any modern Goauld script or operate any present day Goauld
technology or weaponry.

Operating ancient artefacts

Same as for recovering information but Sam can also try. However, if a failure occurs and
there is a chance that the artefact can be fired or set off accidentally, especially if its a
weapon, then roll a d6 score of 1 or 2 and this happens. If not characters can try
Note: If the characters are desperate Colonel ONeil or Tealc may attempt to operate the
artefact but if there is a failure, accidental set off will be on 1 4 result of a d6 roll.

Using the Stargate in the game

Any player character figure may use the DHD device to dial home and establish a wormhole
to Earth. To dial home the character must be touching base contact between figure and DHD
model. It takes one full turn to dial and no other action, offensive or defensive can be
performed whilst doing so. If the figure is wounded whilst performing the sequence, the
dialling is aborted and must be tried again on a subsequent turn.
On successfully dialling the wormhole will form in the progressive events phase.

Everything in front of the Stargate in a 4 cone will be vaporised when the wormhole forms.
There is a brief warning when this funnel forms, allowing any character in its path with
freedom of movement to make a saving throw to leap 2 to safety. With success, the
character suffers no damage. With failure, he leaps 2 away, but also suffers one wound.

The wormhole will be stable for 1+1d6 turns. After which it will disconnect.

Weapons fire directed at an active wormhole (a Stargates front side) travel through the
wormhole to the destination without losing velocity or distance. Weapons fire directed at a
Stargates rear while the wormhole is open is simply annihilated. Its impossible to target
those standing on the other side of an active wormhole.

When the players start the game, the wormhole they came through has already closed.

Event cards may cause the gate to activate. If this happens, the Game Manager must secretly
record when the resultant wormhole will disconnect. 1d6 turns.

SGC Movement
Troop type Move Bad Terrain penalty
SGC Infantry 6 move
SGC characters Up to 8 move

SGC Weaponry

Attack Attack Mental Wounds Hand

Weapon Type Save
Range Strength save
M16 Rifleman 12 8 13 12 0 0
MP5A5 Sub Machine gunner 12 6 13x2 12 0 0
M203 Grenadier 12 8 14 x2 12 0 0
M40 Sniper 12 16 14 12 0 0
M249 Machine gunner 12 10 14x2 12 0 0
M60 Machine gun 12 12 15x3 12 0 -1
Medic, Technician, Scientist 1 6 12 12 0 -1
SGC zatniktel (Zat gun) 12 6 1 4 ** 12 0 0

Jack ONeil with P90 14 8 14x2 13 4 +2

Sam Carter with P90 14 8 14x2 13 2 +1
Tealc (Staff weapon) 15 12 15 15 5 +3
Jaffar symbiote may heal 1 wound if he rests for two turns, no firing, combat, movement.
Jonas Quinn with P90 13 8 13 13 3 0
Jonas mental power 6M* M1 3 -
Daniel Jackson with P90 13 8 13 14 2 0
Daniel mental power 8M* M1 4 -
General Hammond P90 12 8 14 15 2 +1
Doctor Frasier P90 12 8 12 13 2 -1
Can remove one wound from one character per turn

*Mental counter attack

Daniel or Jonas can attempt to block a mental attack by a System Lord on any friendly figure
within 6 of them by counterattacking. If they are successful the System Lord cannot launch
a mental attack this turn or next.

**Zat guns do not kill, but a successful hit will stun for two turns. Human players may choose
to fire a second shot to kill the victim. NPCs always fire to stun and capture.

Allied Movement
Troop type Move Bad Terrain penalty
Rebel Jaffar 6 move
Allied characters Up to 8 move
Asgard 4 move
Tokra 6 move
Retu 7 No penalty

Allied Weaponry

Attack Attack Mental Wounds Hand to

Weapon Type Save
Range Strength save
Tokra handgun 13 9 13 14 2 +1
Asgard disrupter rifle 12 10 14 A* 0 -1
Asgard disrupter pistol 12 6 14x2 A* 0 -1
Re-tu disrupter 15 5 14 A* 3 +2
Bratac (Staff weapon) 15 12 15 14 4 +3
Jaffar symbiote may heal 1 wound if he rests for two turns, no firing, combat, movement.
* Healthy Asgard and Retu are immune to Goauld mental attacks or Larvae penetration.

Goauld movement
Troop type Move Bad Terrain penalty
Jaffar Infantry / Priests / Techs 6 move
System Lord / 1st Prime / 2nd Prime 8 move
Goauld Larvae 2 -
Unas 8 move

Goauld Weaponry

Attack Attack Mental Wounds Hand to

Type Save
Range Strength save hand
Jaffar staff weapon 12 10 13 12 0 0
Jaffar zat'nik'tel (Zat gun) 12 6 1 4 ** 12 0 0
Glider cannon 12 14 15 12 0 -2
Jaffar stun grenadier*** 12 6 14 12 0 0
Pain shock stick 1 contact 13 12 0 +1
Priest staff weapon 12 12 14x2 12 2 +1
A priest may heal one wound on one figure per turn
System Lord 1 4 x2! 10M* M1 4 15 5 +1
Goauld Ribbon Device 6 14 -
Goauld symbiote may heal 1 wound if he rests for two turns no firing, combat, movement.
1 /2nd Primes staff weapon
14 12 14 14 3 +1
Energy cannon (emplaced) 13 24 14X2 - 2 -
Auto Tac sentry (emplaced) 13 10 12 - - -
Goauld Larvae 1 contact 12 - 0 +1
Unas 15 contact 14x2 12 4 +1

*Mental Attack
Using a Ribbon Device a System Lord can launch 1
mental attack per turn against 1 Human target in sight
within 10. The System Lord attacks the human with a
successful mental attack roll and the human must make
a mental save or roll a d6 on the following results chart:

1 1 Controlled by System Lord! Reaction tests as Goauld Jaffar.
2,3,4 2,3,4 Run away a full move in a random direction (use a scatter dice for direction)
5,6 5 Confused, does nothing this turn, stays on spot, can take cover
- 6 Cerebral haemorrhage, dead

**Zat guns do not kill, but a successful hit will render the victim unconscious for two turns.
Human players may choose to fire a second shot to kill the victim in the same firing turn but
must still roll to hit again. NPCs always fire to stun and capture.

***Jaffar stun grenades do not kill but all figures within its 3 blast area must make a mental
save or be rendered unconscious for 1d3 turns.

! A System Lord carries an energy shield device hence two save rolls!

Notes on the Goauld

Unas are armed with melee weapons only. We
postulate many different primitive alien races of
Unas used as hosts before the Goauld
discovered humanity. These gave rise to the
fearful helms of the human Jaffar once human
hosts became fashionable amongst the Goauld
and the Unas were phased out. In our games
many primitive Unas still serve the System
Lords, hunting in packs like wild beasts ahead of
the human Jaffar soldiers.

Larvae attack humans to penetrate them and take them over

as hosts. If a Larvae makes a successful attack on a human
that fails its save roll, the human must make a successful
mental save roll every turn on the Progressive events phase
or be turned into a host. Once its in, its only a matter of time
before it takes over. At which point the figure becomes a
Goauld. (treat as a 1st Prime but with whatever weaponry the
human was carrying)

When a System Lord is killed roll a d6 any result of 5 or 6

and the Goaulds symbiote will leave the body and act as
a Goauld larvae above. If it manages to take a host, it
will again be able to command its Jaffar and all Goauld
Down! reaction test effects will cease.

Jaffar Reaction Tests
Jaffar should take a reaction test under the following circumstances:

1 Appearing on table for the first time (Tests 1, 2, 3, 4 or 6)

2 After receiving 1/3rd squad casualties (Tests 2 or 3)
3 On sighting previously unseen SGC reinforcements (Test 7)
4 On losing a melee or firefight (Test 5)
5 On first sighting SGC or enemy figures (Tests 2, 3 or 4)
6 When current reaction runs out (Tests 1 or 6)
7 When commanding Goauld is killed (Test 4)

Choose the most appropriate test, throw 2d6 add the scores and consult the relevant column
to give a letter. The letter gives the Jaffar reaction on the list below.

Test Situation Dice Roll

No 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
1 No enemy in sight J F E H H F I I E G G
(E) (E)
2 Up to own B B B B A A A A A A G
strength in open
Up to own G B B B A A A A B B G
strength in open
Up to own strength in L L G A B B F E F G A
open (L) (L)
Above own strength L L L B F B G A E J A
in open (L)
Double own strength A B J L G F E L L B A
in open (L)
3 Up to own G B B B L A A B B B G
strength in cover
Up to own G B B B L A B B B B G
strength in cover
Up to own strength in G L L B B B L A B G J
Above own strength G L L L B B L J B B A
in cover
Double own strength G B L B B L L J L A J
in cover
4 Friends winning G E D C A A A C H I G

Friends losing G L C C C A C C D G G

Goauld Down! (dead) T G G G L L L L J J J

5 Losing melee / J J L L M M M E F F J
firefight (L) (J)
Losing melee / J J J L L M E F F J J
firefight badly (L) (J)
6 Unknown enemy D E F G F D E H I D G
strength (D) (D)
7 Enemy reinforcement J F T Ko L T L Kn T F J
arrival (J) (J)

Jaffar Reaction

A Jaffar Charge! They will keep charging directly at visible enemy until contact occurs
or there is a situation change.

B Jaffar Skirmish! They will close to a distance of half range and engage in a firefight,
adopting cover positions if available.

C Jaffar Kree! 1 They will attempt to link up with any friends visible or within 16. If
not, apply D below.

D Jaffar Kree! 2 They will head towards the sound of nearest gunfire and attempt to
locate the enemy. If no gunfire apply E below.

E Jaffar Kree! 3 They will head towards closest high ground and survey the area and
adopt a defensive position.

F Jaffar Kree! 4 They will head for known friends already on table. If these are
contacted the two units will become one for the rest of the game. If no friends on
table use secondary result in brackets.

G Jaffar Erm? They will halt on present position and discuss the situation.

H Jaffar Patrol 1 They will head across table 90 degree from table edge, seeking
enemy sign.

I Jaffar Patrol 2 They will head across table on a diagonal through table centre point,
seeking enemy sign.

J Jaffar Flee! They will run off table by most direct route. Do not react again.

Ko Jaffar Attack previously engaged enemy

Kn Jaffar Attack the new enemy

L Jaffar withdraw out of range of enemy fire and regroup.

M Jaffar continue melee or turn and melee

T Jaffar who are outnumbered withdraw out of range, otherwise attack enemy.

Combat Acquisition
Targets moving in the open are automatic acquisition by line of sight.
Acquisition rolls must be made for targets moving or stationary in cover or hiding. Roll D100

Target Range up to:

situation Roll below the given number to spot enemy concealed on % dice
3 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
Concealed 50% 45% 40% 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5%
1 6 in 60% 55% 50% 45% 40% 35% 30% 25% 20% 15%
More in 70% 65% 60% 55% 50% 45% 40% 35% 30% 25%
1 6 moving 90% 85% 80% 75% 70% 65% 60% 55% 50% 45%
in cover
More moving 95% 90% 85% 80% 75% 70% 65% 60% 55% 50%
in cover

Acquisition is automatic if in base-to-base contact!

Line of Sight
Line of sight (and range) is traced from base edge to base edge. If any other bases or
obstacles lie on the LOS then the LOS is blocked. (Terrain may vary this, e.g. Hills)

If a straight line can be drawn from the shooter's base to the target's base with no
interruption, line of sight is established.
If only a portion of the target's base is visible, line of sight is still established.
If the target is in base to base contact with scenery that obscures its base, but still
shows half or more of its body, line of sight can be established. (i.e., the target is
behind a waist-high wall.)
Likewise, the shooting figure abides by these same rules.

All weapons may be fired once in each phase unless designated as X 2 in their info stats, in
which case they can fire at more than one target. The only exception to this is the M60
machine gun, which can fire three times, but only at targets within a 4 spread line with a 3
depth. (4 x 3 rectangle fire field)

How it works
1 Firing player declares shooting unit and target (who it is firing at)

2 Check and measure that it is in range.

3 Roll to acquire if the target is units hiding in ambush.

4 If acquired successfully, firing player rolls to hit adding and subtracting any of the
modifiers below.

5 If firer hits, target rolls to save. Adding or subtracting any modifiers below. If it saves it
is suppressed and must take cover if cover is within 3, or go prone, or retreat one full
move. If it makes any of these actions it cannot move next turn but may fire. If it does
not save it is either dead, or if a character, takes one wound. If a character has no
wounds remaining, then it is unconscious.

6 If the firer misses determine where any missed grenades, mortar or artillery shells or
bombs actually land. (Ignore any other weapon miss)

7 Area effect weapons may hit more than one target if in their blast circle, including
friendly figures and equipment.

Shooting modifiers & results

If target in partial cover +1 to targets save roll
If target in full cover +2 to targets save roll
If target prone +1 to targets save roll
Firing Modifiers
Firing at point blank (under 3) +2 to hit (not Mental weapons)

Note: Cover does not deduct or add to mental attacks.

Grenade, RPG or Rocket miss table

Whenever a thrown or fired grenade or explosive weapon misses its target, roll1d6 to
discover where it went and where it will explode.

d6 Grenade, RPG or Rocket lands

1 Short 1+1d6 inches from target
2 Left of target, 1+1d6 inches
3 Right of target 1+1d6 inches
4 Over and past target 1+1d6 inches
5 Bounces off roof/object, ricochet inches sq random direction from target
6 Dud, hits target but fails to explode.


We use 28mm round slotta bases on all our figures. We define melee contact as when two
bases are touching, or if one figure is slightly above or below another but could still reach
with a weapon, for example on stairs or rocks etc.

For figures with spears or staff weapons we allow half a base extra width for contact, which
gives them a slight advantage for first strike. (Obviously they dont get this advantage if
being attacked in flank or rear!)

SGC characters fight with combat knives and martial arts. SGC infantry fight with bayonets!

If no weapon length factor determines who strikes first then all figures involved in a melee
combat must roll initiative dice (a d6) for who strikes first.
Add or subtract to the resultant score the players modifier from the Hand to Hand column on
their weapons chart.
The figure with the highest score strikes first, and so on down the result scores for all
involved in a multiple combat. Draws strike simultaneously its thus possible for two figures
to kill each other at the same time.

Combat method
Attacker rolls combat dice.
Adds any character modifiers from his Hand to Hand column in weapons table.
The final score is totaled.
Defender does the same.

The player with the highest score wins the combat and generates a wound score on
his opponent.
The wound score is the difference between the two attack scores.
If the loser has SGC or Jaffar body armour, subtract 1 from the wound score.
If the loser is a SGC character or System Lord, subtract 2 from the wound score.
Should this result in the loser now having a higher score than the winner; the combat
is treated as having no wound effect but the loser is pushed back 1d3 inches. (Falls
from heights are acceptable results if this happens!)
The number of wounds inflicted on the loser are deducted from that characters
wound rate. Death may occur! (SGC characters cannot die, but are knocked
unconscious and may be captured)

Combat resolution
At the end of a melee, the squad with the highest casualties must retire a full move
backwards, preferably to cover. SGC players may choose to follow up and remain in melee
combat, Jaffar and Unas must always follow up when its their turn to move, reaction test

Card Decks

The Objective card deck

2 x Nothing here cards
2 x Jaffar Ambush cards. Draw a Jaffar reinforcement card immediately and place the given
figures around this position in ambush.
1 x Transport Ring site surprises SGC squad. Draw a Jaffar enemy card immediately and
place figures at this location. Mark as a Ring Site.

Mission specific cards (Use only the appropriate card for the mission you are playing)
1 x Native dwelling card.
1 x Rebel Jaffar Spy card (Mission 1) The spy fights as a Jaffa with a Zat gun. But he will
attempt to flee or hide in preference to combat. As soon as he hands the crystal to SG1 he
will leave the table by the quickest, safest route.
1 x Ancients Artefact card (Mission 3) This is the location of the small pyramid in which is
hidden the artefact. A read ancient Goauld roll must be made to enter.
1 x Prisoner Escort card. (Mission 4) 1 x First Prime leader, 2 x 2nd Prime leaders + 8 Jaffar
with staff weapons, with 6 captives. On revealing this card this Goauld group and prisoners
will immediately head for the Stargate by the most direct and easiest route, avoiding difficult
1 x Ancient Temple card. (Mission 6) On revealing this card immediately draw 3 Jaffa and 1
Unas enemy cards and separately place the resultant reinforcements from each card on table.
(If a nothing card is drawn, draw again) Their immediate and overriding objective is to take
the temple and the canopic jar. If the SGC take the jar from the temple, the Unas can track

Terrain specific cards (Use 1 that seems appropriate to your table terrain set up)
1 x Quicksand
1 x Land Carnivore
1 x Man-eating plant
1 x Rockfall
1 x Air Carnivore
1 x Water Carnivore

Encounter cards (Use 1 that seems appropriate to your table terrain set up)
1 x Prisoner Guards. 2 x Jaffar with shock sticks and 4 captives being escorted for host
1 x Civilians. 5 x Jaffa civilians. Unarmed non-combatants engaged in hunting/agricultural
tasks etc. If contacted by SGC roll 1d6: 1 3 = Loyal civilians All flee in different
directions. If any reach a table edge immediately draw a Jaffa enemy card and place the
resultant figures at that spot. 4 6 = Disloyal civilians will tell SGC the location of their
Mission objective. (Game Manager must find the objective card and turn it over)

The Enemies or event card deck

4 x 1 Squad of Jaffar cards: 1 x 2nd Prime leader + 4 Jaffar with staff weapons.
2 x 1 Squad of Jaffar cards: 1 x First Prime leader, 2 x 2nd Prime leaders + 8 Jaffar with staff
2 x Priest and escort cards: 1 x Priest, 1 x 2nd Prime leader + 5 Jaffar with staff weapons.
3 x Unas patrol. 1 x Priest, 4 x Unas with melee weapons.
6 x Nothing happens cards.
4 x Jaffar patrol cards: 3 x Jaffar with staff weapons.
4 x Lone Unas scout cards: 1 x Unas tracker with melee weapon.
1 x Gate Activation card: Draw another card for who comes through.

Automatic mission failure = All SGC team down, dead or captured.

The war against Apophis

1 Spy
The team must make contact with a rebel Jaffar operative called Karis who will hand over the
gate address of a world on which Apophis is building a super weapon for use against Earth.
Mission: Find the Spy, take the information crystal from him, return successfully through the
gate. Apophis forces are hunting Karis, if they capture or kill him they will take the crystal. If
they take it off-table the mission is a failure.
Win condition: Return the crystal to the SGC.
Lose condition: If Jaffar take crystal off-table.

2 Beta 5 Site
Earth has established Beta 5 off-world site and built two naqudah enhanced nuclear missile
launchers designed to fire warheads through the gate wormhole against Apophis bases. A
survivor from the Beta 5 site has returned and told that a surprise attack by Apophis Jaffar
landed by troop ship has overrun it. They have used Goauld larvae to takeover captured SGC
technicians to redirect the missiles against rebel Jaffar bases to try and break up the Tauri,
Tokra, Rebel-Jaffar alliance.
Mission: Retake the Beta site and if not able to hold it and eliminate all Jaffar set the auto
destruct on one or both missiles. This will be a heavy assault, as the Jaffar will be expecting
the counterattack. It will take 6+1d6 turns for the larvae infiltrated technicians to re-program
each missile, there are two technicians one to each missile. Once a missile is
reprogrammed, ALL Jaffar orders become: protect the missile site, retake the gate and
dial the target co-ordinates. If they do this the Jaffar fire the missile/s and the players lose
the game.
Win condition: Eliminate all Jaffar on table.
Draw condition: Blow up base using missile auto destruct.
Lose condition: If Jaffar still hold 1 or more missiles and have reprogrammed them after 10

3 Secrets of the Ancients

Daniel Jackson has deciphered an ancient text that gives the location of a device of the
Ancients. What it does is uncertain.
Mission: Discover the location of the device and transport it back through the gate. If it
cannot be held, destroy it.
Win condition: Retrieve the artefact and return through the gate with it.
Draw condition: Blow up the artefact.
Lose condition: Jaffar take the artefact off-table.

4 Ambush
Tokra operatives have brought information that Apophis Jaffar have discovered a secret
meeting of Rebel Jaffar leaders plotting a revolt against him. These leaders have been
betrayed and captured and are being escorted in chains to the Stargate on Thebes and
thence to Apophis dungeon planet - Minoth.
Mission: Travel through the gate to Thebes and deploy in ambush to rescue the four Rebel
Jaffar leaders.
Win condition: Free at least 1 or more Rebel Leaders and return to the SGC with them.
Lose condition: No Rebel Leaders survive or if Apophis Jaffar take them through the gate
to Minoth.

5 Rescue
If any of the SGC characters have been captured in previous games, play this mission. Tokra
operatives have brought news that the captured characters are being held at a small outpost
awaiting transport on a Teltac ship that will arrive in 6+3d6 turns.

Mission: Save your buddies!
Win condition: Free the captured characters and return to the SGC.
Lose condition: If the Jaffar transport any of them in the Teltac off-world, or if any other
SGC characters are captured and not freed in the attempt.

6 Monks
SG5 have contacted a group of hermit monks on a previously unexplored planet. The monks
hold a canopic jar containing a Goauld Queen symbote in stasis. Their religion forbids them t
destroy it, but they recognise the evil it contains. Recently Apophis Unas scouts have been
seen close to their temple and Jaffa cannot be far behind. The mission is to contact the
monks and take delivery of the canopic jar and return it to the SGC for study and disposal.
The Monks are strangely pacifistic, and will not flee or accompany SG1. Nor will they flinch if
attacked by Apophis forces, accepting their deaths calmly.
Mission: Get the jar!
Win condition: Get the jar to the SGC or destroy it.
Lose condition: If Apophis forces capture the jar and get it off table or through the gate to
an Apophis owned world. Or, if the Queen is awoken and escapes, or if she possesses an SG1

7 Escape
If all of the SGC characters have been captured in previous games, play this mission. The
captured characters are being held at a small outpost awaiting transport on a Teltac ship that
will arrive in 6+3d6 turns. A Tokra operative has managed to turn off the outposts power
supply but died in the attempt. The characters are unarmed except for 1 Zat gun. They must
escape through the Stargate. The characters begin in a cellblock area and must first escape
from the outpost at one end of the table. The Stargate must be at the other end. There are 6
Jaffar guards with staff weapons and Zats individually patrolling the disabled complex. Each
turn that the SGC characters move either in a group or separately within the outpost, they
must roll an encounter dice. Roll a d6: any result of 1 4 means a Jaffa guard has turned up.
Any result of 5 6 means no guards have appeared. Once the characters have left the
outpost perimeter, these encounter rolls cease.

Roll 1d6 for the Jaffars attitude:

1 2 Aware of escape. Hiding motionless in ambush. Place figure in hiding in an
appropriate terrain area.
3 4 Aware of ambush, moving warily in the open.
4 6 Walking in the open, unaware of escape.

Roll 1d6 for distance and direction

1 From the front. Roll 2d6 inches for distance away from first front figure.
2 From the right flank. Roll 2d6 inches for distance away from furthest right flank
3 From the left flank. Roll 2d6 inches for distance away from furthest left flank figure.
4 From the rear. Roll 2d6 inches for distance away from last rear figure.
5 From beneath the section, under the walkway, coming up nearest stairs etc. Try to
place the Jaffar at convenient entry points that already exist.
6 From above the section, on a battlement/wall, coming down nearest stairs etc. Try to
place the Jaffar at convenient entry points that already exist.

Mission: Get out alive!

Win condition: Free all captured characters and return to the SGC.
Lose condition: If the Jaffar recapture any of the SG1 characters.


Figure availability

In 28mm the SG1 team characters and modern USA infantry are available from Mo-Fo who
also do a System Lord and Jaffar guard. The guard is cast with 3 separate heads very nice!
At time of writing Jack and Daniel are available and Tealc and Sam are being sculpted.
Nearly New Figures do 3 poses of 28mm Snakehead Jaffar that are really well sculpted. They
are cheaper than Eureka and in our opinion better figures.
Eureka does a good selection of Jaffar in Apophis, Horus and Wedjet helms, 3 poses of each,
plus bareheaded first primes in 3 poses. But they are close to 32mm and only mix with the
others if you use them as Primes, which is what we do.
For Asgard we use the Griffon Miniatures Grey aliens.
For Tokra, 1st Corps Colonial Marines in camo hoods look the part.
For Retu, we use our Starship Troopers bugs!
We cant find anything that looks like the Unas but are using Crocodile games figures as
alternate similar Unas races. Because of their Egyptian dress they blend in beautifully! Their
Asar character figures also make excellent System Lords, especially for the females.

No one makes a Jaffar cannon yet or a 28mm scale Death Glider.

In 20mm Nearly New Figures do a full range of SGC personalities and Jaffar, a Malph and a
Stargate but its a bit small and doesnt have a DHD. Combine these with Liberation
Miniatures and Platoon 20 modern ranges and you almost have everything you need!

Stargates are available in 1/35th scale mostly but are all on the expensive side and quality
varies a lot. Mostly in resin and some in plastic. Check out ebay. Alternatively build a card and
paper one. 1/35th Stargates have the advantage that large models such as vehicles and
bigger monsters such as Plasma Bugs! can easily pass through.
In 28mm Egyptian ruins abound Grendel, Acheson, Armorcast all have good ranges.
Monolith have excellent Egyptian period models of houses, fortifications etc. Greek ruins can
be found from the same suppliers but not quite so many- though aquarium scenery also has
some useful pieces if you can track it down, including quite large models of Stonehenge. Hirst
Arts moulds have just created an Egyptian temple mould and have pyramid moulds too.

We really need someone to make a 28mm DHD!


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