Imaging and Image Representation: 2.1 Sensing Light

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Chapter 2

Imaging and Image

Humans derive a great deal of information about the world through their visual sense. Light
re ects o objects and sometimes passes through objects to create an image on the retina
of each eye. From this pair of images much of the structure of the 3D environment is de-
rived. The important components are thus (a) a scene of objects, (b) illumination of the
objects, and (c) sensing the illumination re ecting o the objects (or passing through them).
The major purpose of this chapter is to describe how sensors produce digital images of
2D or 3D scenes. Di erent kinds of radiation that re ect from or penetrate objects in the
physical world can be sensed by di erent imaging devices. The 2D digital image is an array
of intensity samples re ected from or transmitted through objects: this image is processed
by a machine or computer program in order to make decisions about the scene. Often, a 2D
image represents a projection of a 3D scene; this is the most common representation used in
machine vision and in this book. At the end of the chapter, we discuss some relationships
between structures in the 3D world and structures in the 2D image.
Various sections of this chapter are marked by an '*' to indicate that they provide tech-
nical details that can be skipped by a reader who is not particularly interested in them at
this point.

2.1 Sensing Light

Much of the history of science can be told in terms of the progress of devices created to
sense and produce di erent types of electro-magnetic radiation, such as radio waves, X-rays,
microwaves, etc. The chemicals in the receptors of the human eye are sensitive to radiation
(light) with wavelengths ranging from roughly 400 nanometers (violet) to 800 nanometers
(red). Snakes and CCD sensors (see below) can sense wavelengths longer than 800 nanome-
ters (infrared). There are devices to detect very short length X-rays and those which detect
long radio waves. Di erent wavelengths of radiation have di erent properties; for example,
X-rays can penetrate human bone while longer wavelength infrared might not penetrate
2 Computer Vision: Mar 2000

point source of
surface element illumination

surface N
radiance CAMERA

optical axis

sensor element

Figure 2.1: Re ection of radiation received from a single source of illumination.

even clouds.
Figure 2.1 shows a simple model of common photography: a surface element, illuminated
by a single source (the sun or a ash bulb) re ects radiation toward the camera, which
senses it via chemicals on lm. More details of this situation are covered in Chapter 6.
Wavelengths in the light range result from generating or re ecting mechanisms very near
the surface of objects. We are concerned with many properties of electro-magnetic radiation
in this book; however, we will usually give a qualitative description of phenomena and leave
the quantitative details to books in physics or optics. Application engineering requires some
knowledge of the material being sensed and the radiation and sensor used.

2.2 Imaging Devices

There are many di erent devices that produce digital images. They di er in the phenomena
sensed as well as in their electro-mechanical design. Several di erent sensors are described
in this chapter; the most common ones are discussed in this section, others are left to
an optional section later in the chapter. Our intent is to disclose the important functional
and conceptual aspects of each sensor, leaving most technical information to outside reading.
CCD cameras
Figure 2.2 shows a camera built using charge-coupled device (CCD) technology, the
most exible and common input device for machine vision systems. The CCD camera is
very much like a 35 mm lm camera commonly used for family photos, except on the image
plane, instead of chemical lm reacting to light, tiny solid state cells convert light energy
into electrical charge. Each cell converts the light energy it receives into an electrical charge.
All cells are rst cleared to 0, and then they begin to integrate their response to the light
energy falling on them. A shutter may or may not be needed to control the sensing time.
The image plane acts as a digital memory that can be read row by row by a computer input
process. The gure shows a simple monochrome camera.
Shapiro and Stockman 3
logic and addressing
addressing 6 7
3 4 5
1 2
0 read row to
1 frame
2 or pixel

6 alternative
lens 7 analog to
scene signal

Figure 2.2: A CCD (charge-coupled device) camera imaging a vase; discrete cells convert
light energy into electrical charges, which are represented as small numbers when input to
a computer.

If the digital image has 500 rows and 500 columns of byte-sized gray values, a memory
array of a quarter of a million bytes is obtained. A CCD camera sometimes plugs into a
computer board, called a frame grabber which contains memory for the image and perhaps
control of the camera. New designs now allow for direct digital communication (e.g. using
the IEEE 1394 standard). Today major camera manufacturers o er digital cameras that
can store a few dozen images in memory within the camera body itself; some contain a
oppy disk for this purpose. These images can be input for computer processing at any
time. Figure 2.3 sketches an entire computer system with both camera input and graphics
output. This is a typical system for an industrial vision task or medical imaging task. It
is also typical for multimedia computers, which may have an inexpensive camera available
to take images for teleconferencing purposes. The role of a frame bu er as a high speed

Machine Graphic

A/D Display
3D scene Frame


Figure 2.3: Central role of the frame bu er in image processing.

4 Computer Vision: Mar 2000

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 2.4: Other useful array geometries: (a) circular, (b) linear, (c) \ROSA".

image store is central here: the camera provides an input image which is stored in digital
form in the frame bu er after analog to digital conversion where it is available for display
to the user and for processing by various computer algorithms. The frame bu er actually
may store several images or their derivatives.
A computer program processing a digital image might refer to pixel values as I[r, c] or
I[r][c] where I is an array name and r and c are row and column numbers, respectively.
This book uses such notation in the algorithms presented. Some cameras can be set so that
they produce a binary image { pixels are either 0 or 1 representing dark versus bright, or the
reverse. A simple algorithm can produce the same e ect by changing all pixels below some
threshold value t to 0 and all pixels at or above it to 1. An example was given in Chapter 1
where a magnetic resonance image was thresholded to contrast high blood ow versus low
blood ow.
Image Formation
The geometry of image formation can be conceptualized as the projection of each point
of the 3D scene through the center of projection or lens center onto the image plane. The
intensity at the image point is related to the intensity radiating from the 3D surface point:
the actual relationship is complex as we'll later learn. This projection model can be physi-
cally justi ed since a pin-hole camera can actually be made by using a camera box with a
small hole and no lens at all. A CCD camera usually will employ the same kind of lens as
35mm lm cameras used for family photos. A single lens with two convex surfaces is shown
in Figure 2.2, but most actual lenses are compound with more than two refracting surfaces.
There are two very important points to be made. First, the lens is a light collector: light
reaches the image point via an entire cone of rays reaching the lens from the 3D point.
Three rays are shown projecting from the top of the vase in Figure 2.2; these determine the
extremes of the cone of rays collected by the lens for only the top of the vase. A similar
cone of rays exists for all other scene points. Because of geometric imperfections in the lens,
di erent bending of di erent colors of light, and other phenomena, the cone of rays actually
results in a nite or blurred spot on the image plane called the circle of confusion. Secondly,
the CCD sensor array is constructed of physically discrete units and not in nitesimal points;
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thus, each sensor cell integrates the rays received from many neighboring points of a 3D
surface. These two e ects cause blurring of the image and limit its sharpness and the size
of the smallest scene details that can be sensed.
CCD arrays are manufactured on chips typically measuring about 1 cm x 1 cm. If the
array has 640 x 480 pixels or 512 x 512 pixels, then each pixel has a real width of roughly
0.001 inch. There are other useful ways of placing CCD sensor cells on the image plane (or
image line) as shown in Figure 2.4. A linear array can be used in cases where we only need
to measure the width of objects or where we may be imaging and inspecting a continuous
web of material owing by the camera. With a linear array, 1000 to 5000 pixels are available
in a single row. Such an array can be used in a push broom fashion where the linear sensor is
moved across the material being scanned as done with a hand held scanner or in highly ac-
curate mechanical scanners, such as atbed scanners. Currently, many atbed scanners are
available for a few hundred dollars and are used to acquire digital images from color photos
or print media. Cylindrical lenses are commonly used to focus a \line" in the real world onto
the linear CCD array. The circular array would be handy for inspecting analog dials such
as on watches or speedometers: the object is positioned carefully relative to the camera and
the circular array is scanned for the image of the needle. The interesting \ROSA" partition
shown in Figure 2.4(c) provides a hardware solution to integrating all the light energy falling
into either sectors or bands of the circle. It was designed for quantizing the power spectrum
of the an image, but might have other simple uses as well. Chip manufacturing technology
presents opportunities for implementing other custom designs.

Exercise 1 examination of a CCD camera

If you have access to a CCD camera, obtain permission to explore its construction. Remove
the lens and note its construction; does it have a shutter to close o all light, does it have
an aperature to change the size of the cone of rays passing through? Is there a means of
changing the focal length { e.g. the distance between the lens and CCD? Inspect the CCD
array. How large is the active sensing area? Can you see the individual cells { do you need
a magnifying glass?

Exercise 2
Suppose that an analog clock is to be read using a CCD camera that stares directly at it.
The center of the clock images at the center of a 256 x 256 digital image and the hour hand
is twice the width of the minute hand but 0.7 times its length. To locate the images of the
hands of the clock we need to scan the pixels of the digital image in a circular fashion. (a)
Give a formula for computing r(t) and c(t) for pixels I[r; c] on a circle of radius R centered
at the image center I[256; 256], where t is the angle made between the ray to I[r; c] and the
horizontal axis. (b) Is there a problem in controlling t so that a unique sequence of pixels of
a digital circle is generated? (*c) Do some outside reading in a text on computer graphics
and report on a practical method for generating such a digital circle.
Video cameras
Video cameras creating imagery for human consumption record sequences of images at a
rate of 30 per second, enabling a representation of object motion over time in addition to the
6 Computer Vision: Mar 2000
iris retina
( rods
pupil cones )


Figure 2.5: Crude sketch of the human eye as camera. (Much more detail can be obtained
in the 1985 book by Levine.)

spatial features represented in the single images or frames. To provide for smooth human
perception, 60 half frames per second are used: these half frames are all odd image rows
followed by all even image rows in alternate succession. An audio signal is also encoded.
Video cameras creating imagery for machine consumption can record images at whatever
rate is practical and need not use the half frame technique.
Frames of a video sequence are separated by markers and some image compression scheme
is usually used to reduce the amount of data. The analog TV standards have been carefully
designed to satisfy multiple requirements: the most interesting features allow for the same
signal to be used for either color or monochrome TVs and to carry sound or text signals as
well. The interested reader should consult the related reading and the summary of MPEG
encoding given below. We continue here with the notion of digital video being just a se-
quence of 2D digital images.
CCD camera technology for machine vision has sometimes su ered from display stan-
dards designed for human consumption. First, the interlacing of odd/even frames in a video
sequence, needed to give a smooth picture to a human makes unnecessary complexity for
machine vision. Secondly, many CCD arrays have had pixels with a 4:3 ratio of width to
height because most displays for humans have a 4:3 size ratio. Square pixels and a single
scale parameter would bene t machine vision. The huge consumer market has driven device
construction toward human standards and machine vision developers have had to either
adapt or pay more for devices made in limited quantities.
The Human Eye
Crudely speaking, the human eye is a spherical camera with a 20mm focal length lens
at the outside focusing the image on the retina which is opposite the lens and xed on
the inside of the surface of the sphere (see Figure 2.5). The iris controls the amount of
light passing through the lens by controlling the size of the pupil. Each eye has one hun-
dred million receptor cells { quite a lot compared to a typical CCD array. Moreover, the
retina is unevenly populated with sensor cells. An area near the center of the retina, called
the fovea, has a very dense concentration of color receptors, called cones. Away from the
center, the density of cones decreases while the density of black-white receptors, the rods,
increases. The human eye senses three separate intensities for three constituent colors of
a single surface spot imaging on the fovea, because the light received from that spot falls
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Figure 2.6: Images showing various distortions. (Left) Grey level clipping during A/D
conversion occurs at the intersection of some bright stripes; (center) blooming increases the
intensity at the neighbors of bright pixels; (right) barrel distortion is often observed when
short focal length lenses are used.

on 3 di erent types of cones. Each type of cone has a special pigment that is sensitive
to wavelengths of light in a certain range. One of the most intriguing properties of the
human eye-brain is its ability to smoothly perceive a seamless and stable 3D world even
though the eyes are constantly moving. These saccades of the eye are necessary for proper
human visual perception. A signi cant part of the human brain is engaged in processing
visual input. Other characteristics of the human visual system will be discussed at vari-
ous points in the book: in particular, more details of color perception are given in Chapter 6.

Exercise 3
Assume that a human eyeball is 1 inch in diameter and that 108 rods and cones populate a
fraction of 1= of its inner surface area. What is the average size of area covered by a single
receptor? (Remember, however, that foveal receptors are packed much more densely than
this average, while peripheral receptors are more sparse.)

2.3 * Problems in Digital Images

Several problems a ect the sensing process, some of the most important of which are listed
below. Usually, our idealized view given previously is only an approximation to the real
physics. The overall e ect of the combination of these problems is an image that has some
distortion in both its geometry and intensities. Methods for correcting some of these prob-
lems are given later in the book; methods for making decisions despite such imperfections
are more common, however.
geometric distortion
Geometric distortion is present in several ways in the imaging process. The lens may be
imperfect so that the beams of light being collected from a scene surface element are not
8 Computer Vision: Mar 2000
bent exactly as intended. Barrel distortion is commonly observed for small focal length
lenses; straight lines at the periphery of the scene appear to bow away from the center of
the image as shown at the right in Figure 2.6.
Beams of radiation can be bent or dispersed by the medium through which they pass. Aerial
and satellite images are particularly susceptible to such e ects, which are caused by water
vapor or temperature gradients that give lens-like characteristics to the atmosphere.
Because discrete detectors, such as CCD cells, are not perfectly insulated from each other,
charge collected at one cell can leak into a neighboring cell. The term blooming arises from
the phenomena where such leakage spreads out from a very bright region on the image plane,
resulting in a bright \ ower" in the image that is larger than it actually should be as shown
in Figure 2.6(center).
CCD variations
Due to imperfections in manufacturing, there may be variations in the responses of the
di erent cells to identical light intensity. For precise interpretation of intensity, it may be
necessary to determine a full array of scale factors s[r; c] and shifts t[r; c], one for each
pixel, by calibration with uniform illumination so that intensity can be restored as I2 [r; c] =
s[r; c]I1[r; c] + t[r; c]. In an extreme case, the CCD array may have some dead cells which
give no response at all. Such defects can be detected by inspection: one software remedy is
to assign the response of a dead cell to be the average response of the neighbors.
clipping or wrap-around
In the analog to digital conversion, a very high intensity may be clipped o to a maximum
value, or, its high order bits may be lost, causing the value to be wrapped-around into some
encoding for a lower intensity. The result of wrap-around is seen in a grey-scale image as
a bright region with a darker core; in a color image it can result in a noticeable change in
color. The image at the left in Figure 2.6 shows wrap-around: some intersections of bright
lines result in pixels darker than those for either line.
chromatic distortion
Di erent wavelengths of light are bent di erently by a lens (the index of refraction of the
lens varies with wavelength). As a result, energy in di erent wavelengths of light from the
same scene spot may actually image a few pixels apart on the detector. For example, the
image of a very sharp black-white boundary in the periphery of the scene may result in a
ramp of intensity change spread over several pixels in the image.

quantization e ects
The digitization process collects a sample of intensity from a discrete area of the scene and
maps it to one of a discrete set of grey values and thus is susceptible to both mixing and
Shapiro and Stockman 9
rounding problems. These are addressed in more detail in the next section.

2.4 Picture Functions and Digital Images

We now discuss some concepts and notation important for both the theory and programming
of image processing operations.

Types of images
In computing with images, it is convenient to work with both the concepts of analog image
and digital image. The picture function is a mathematical model that is often used in anal-
ysis where it is fruitful to consider the image as a function of two variables. All of functional
analysis is then available for analyzing images. The digital image is merely a 2D rectangular
array of discrete values. Both image space and intensity range are quantized into a discrete
set of values, permitting the image to be stored in a 2D computer memory structure. It is
common to record intensity as an 8-bit (1-byte) number which allows values of 0 to 255.
256 di erent levels is usually all the precision available from the sensor and also is usually
enough to satisfy the consumer. And, bytes are convenient for computers. For example, an
image might be declared in a C program as \char I[512][512];". Each pixel of a color image
would require 3 such values. In some medical applications, 10-bit encoding is used, allow-
ing 1024 di erent intensity values, which approaches the limit of humans in discerning them.
The following de nitions are intended to clarify important concepts and also to establish
notation used throughout this book. We begin with an ideal notion of an analog image
created by an ideal optical system, which we assume to have in nite precision. Digital im-
ages are formed by sampling this analog image at discrete locations and representing the
intensity at a location as a discrete value. All real images are a ected by physical processes
that limit precision in both position and intensity.

1 Definition An analog image is a 2D image F(x,y) which has in nite precision in

spatial parameters x and y and in nite precision in intensity at each spatial point (x, y).
2 Definition A digital image is a 2D image I[r, c] represented by a discrete 2D array
of intensity samples, each of which is represented using a limited precision.
The mathematical model of an image as a function of two real spatial parameters is enor-
mously useful in both describing images and de ning operations on them. Figure 2.7(d)
shows how the pixels of an image are samples of a continuous image taken at various points
[x; y] of the image plane. If there are M samples in the X -direction across a distance of w,
then the x-spacing x between pixels is w=M . The formula relating the center point of a
pixel to the array cell containing the intensity sample is given in the gure at the right.
3 Definition A picture function is a mathematical representation f (x; y) of a picture
as a function of two spatial variables x and y. x and y are real values de ning points of the
picture and f (x; y) is usually also a real value de ning the intensity of the picture at point
(x; y).
10 Computer Vision: Mar 2000
F [i + 1, j]
y y [W/2, H/2]
I [0, 0] F [ M-1, N-1] F [ i , j]

. ..
[0, 0]
r I [M-1, 0] [x , y ]
[-W/2, -H/2] 0 0
F [ 0, 0]
I [M-1, N-1] [ x + i x, y + j y]
0 0

(a) (b) (c) (d)

Figure 2.7: Di erent coordinate systems used for images: (a) raster oriented uses row and
column coordinates starting at [0; 0] from the top left; (b) Cartesian coordinate frame with
[0; 0] at the lower left; (c) Cartesian coordinate frame with [0; 0] at the image center. (d)
Relationship of pixel center point [x; y] to area element sampled in array element I [i; j ].

4 Definition A grey scale image is a monochrome digital image I[r, c] with one intensity
value per pixel.
5 Definition A multispectral image is a 2D image M[x,y] which has a vector of values
at each spatial point or pixel. If the image is actually a color image, then the vector has 3
6 Definition A binary image is a digital image with all pixel values 0 or 1.
7 Definition A labeled image is a digital image L[r, c] whose pixel values are symbols
from a nite alphabet. The symbol value of a pixel denotes the outcome of some decision
made for that pixel. Related concepts are thematic image and pseudo-colored image.
A coordinate system must be used to address individual pixels of an image; to operate
on it in a computer program, to refer to it in a mathematical formula, or to address it
relative to device coordinates. Di erent systems used in this book and elsewhere are shown
in Figure 2.7. Unfortunately, di erent computer tools often use di erent systems and the
user will need to get accustomed to them. Fortunately, concepts are not tied to a coordinate
system. In this book, concepts are usually discussed using a Cartesian coordinate system
consistent with mathematics texts while image processing algorithms usually use raster
Image Quantization and Spatial Measurement
Each pixel of a digital image repesents a sample of some elemental region of the real image
as is shown in Figure 2.2. If the pixel is projected from the image plane back out to the
source material in the scene, then the size of that scene element is the nominal resolution
Shapiro and Stockman 11

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Figure 2.8: Four digital images of two faces; (a) 127 rows of 176 columns; (b) (126x176)
created by averaging each 2  2 neighborhood of (a) and replicating the average four times
to produce a 2  2 average block; (c) (124x176) created in same manner from (b); (d)
(120x176) created in same manner from (c). E ective nominal resolutions are (127x176),
(63x88), (31x44), (15x22) respectively. (Try looking at the blocky images by squinting; it
usually helps by blurring the annoying sharp boundaries of the squares.) Photo courtesy of
Frank Biocca.

of the sensor. For example, if a 10 inch square sheet of paper is imaged to form a 500 x
500 digital image, then the nominal resolution of the sensor is 0.02 inches. This concept
may not make sense if the scene has a lot of depth variation, since the nominal resolution
will vary with depth and surface orientation. The eld of view of an imaging sensor is a
measure of how much of the scene it can see. The resolution of a sensor is related to its
precision in making spatial measurements or in detecting ne features. (With careful use,
and some model information, a 500 x 500 pixel image can be used to make measurements
to an accuracy of 1 part in 5000, which is called subpixel resolution.)

8 Definition The nominal resolution of a CCD sensor is the size of the scene element
that images to a single pixel on the image plane.
9 Definition The term resolution refers to the precision of the sensor in making mea-
surements, but is formally de ned in di erent ways. If de ned in real world terms, it may
just be the nominal resolution, as in \the resolution of this scanner is one meter on the
ground" or it may be in the number of line pairs per millimeter that can be \resolved" or
distinguished in the sensed image. A totally di erent concept is the number of pixels available
12 Computer Vision: Mar 2000
{ \the camera has a resolution of 640 by 480 pixels". This later de nition has an advantage
in that it states into how many parts the eld of view can be divided, which relates to both
the capability to make precise measurements and to cover a certain region of a scene. If
precision of measurement is a fraction of the nominal resolution, this is called subpixel
Figure 2.8 shows four images of the same face to emphasize resolution e ects: humans
can recognize a familiar face using 64x64 resolution, and maybe using 32x32 resolution, but
16x16 is insucient. In solving a problem using computer vision, the implementor should
use an appropriate resolution; too little resolution will produce poor recognition or imprecise
measurements while too much will unnecessarily slow down algorithms and waste memory.

10 Definition The eld of view of a sensor (FOV) is the size of the scene that it can
sense, for example 10 inches by 10 inches. Since this may vary with depth, it may be more
meaningful to use angular eld of view, such as 55 degrees by 40 degrees.
Since a pixel in an image measures an area in the real world and not a point, its value
often is determined by a mixture of di erent materials. For example, consider a satellite im-
age where each pixel samples from a spot of the earth 10m x 10m. Clearly, that pixel value
may be a sample of water, soil, and vegetation combined. The problem appears in a severe
form when binary images are formed. Reconsider the above example of imaging a sheet of
paper with 10 characters per inch. Many image pixels will overlap a character boundary
and hence receive a mixture of higher intensity from the background and lower intensity
from the character; the net result being a value in between background and character that
could be set to either 0 or 1. Whichever value it is, it is partly incorrect!
Figure 2.9 gives details of quantization problems. Assume that the 2D scene is a 10x10
array of black (brightness 0) and white (brightness 8) tiles as shown at the left in the gure.
The tiles form patterns that are 2 bright spots and two bright lines of di erent widths. If
the image of the scene falls on a 5x5 CCD array such that each 2x2 set of adjacent tiles falls
precisely on one CCD element the result is the digital image shown in Figure 2.9(b). The
top left CCD element senses intensity 2 = (0 + 0 + 0 + 8)=4 which is the average intensity
from four tiles. The set of four bright tiles at the top right fall on two CCD elements,
each of which integrates the intensity from two bright and two dark tiles. The single row
of bright tiles of intensity 8 images as a row of CCD elements sensing intensity 4, while
the double row images as two rows of intensity 4; however, the two lines in the scene are
blended together in the image. If the image is thresholded at t = 3, then a bright pattern
consisting of one tile will be lost from the image and the three other features will all fuse
into one region! If the camera is displaced by an amount equivalent to one tile in both the
horizontal and vertical direction, then the image shown in Figure 2.9(d) results. The shape
of the 4-tile bright spot is distorted in (d) a di erent manner than in (b) and the two bright
lines in the scene result in a \ramp" in (d) as opposed to the constant grey region of (b);
moreover, (d) shows three object regions whereas (b) shows two. Figure 2.9 shows that the
images of scene features that are nearly the size of one pixel are unstable.
Figure 2.9, shows how spatial quantization e ects impose limits on measurement accu-
racy and detectability. Small features can be missed or fused and even when larger features
are detected, their spatial extent might be poorly represented. Note how the bright set
Shapiro and Stockman 13

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 8 0 0 0 0 8 8 0 0 2 0 0 4 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 8 8 0 0
0 0 0 4 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
4 4 4 4 4
8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
4 4 4 4 4
8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
4 4 4 4 4
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

(a) (b)

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 8 0 0 0 0 8 8 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 8 8 0 0 2 0 4 4
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
4 4 4 4
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
8 8 8 8
8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

(c) (d)

Figure 2.9: (a) 10  10 eld of tiles of brightness 0 or 8. (b) Intensities recorded in a

5x5 image of precisely the brightness eld at the left where each pixel senses the average
brightness of a 2  2 neighborhood of tiles. (c) Image sensed by shifted camera \one tile
down and one tile to the right". Note that the quantized brightness values depend on both
the actual pixel size and position relative to the brightness eld. (d) Intensities recorded
from the shifted camera in the same manner as in (b). Interpretation of the actual scene
features will be problematic with either image (b) or (d).
14 Computer Vision: Mar 2000
of four tiles images as either a vertical or horizontal pair of CCD elements of intensity 4.
Perhaps we should expect an error as bad as 0.5 pixels in the placement of a boundary due
to rounding of a mixed pixel when a binary image is created by thresholding; this implies
a one pixel expected error in a measurement made across two boundaries. Moreover, if
we expect to detect certain features in a binary image, then we must make sure that their
image size is at least two pixels in diameter: this includes gaps between objects. Consider a
\period" ending a sentence in a FAX whose image is one pixel in diameter but falls exactly
centered at the point where 4 CCD cells meet: each of the 4 pixels will be mixed with more
background than character and it is likely that the character will be lost when a binary
image is formed!

11 Definition A mixed pixel is an image pixel whose intensity represents a sample from
a mixture of material types in the real world.

Exercise 4 On variation of area

Consider a dark rectangle on a white paper that is imaged such that the rectangle measures
exactly 5.9 x 8.1 pixels on the real image. A binary image is to be produced such that pixel
values are 0 or 1 depending upon whether the pixel sees more object or more background.
Allow the rectangle to translate with its sides parallel to the CCD rows and columns. What
is the smallest area in pixels in the binary image output? What is the largest area?

Exercise 5 On loss of thin features

Consider two bright parallel lines of conductor on a printed circuit board. The width of
each line is 0.8 pixels on the image plane. Is there a situation where one line and not the
other would disappear in a binary image created as in the exercise above? Explain.
In Chapter 13, the thin lens equation from optics is reviewed and is studied with re-
spect to how it relates camera resolution, image blur, and depth of eld: the interested
reader will be able to understand that section at this point. Having taken some care to
discuss the characteristics of sensing and the notions of resolution and mixed pixels, we now
have enough background to begin working on certain 2D machine vision applications. We
might want to nd certain objects using a microscope, inspect a PC board, or recognize the
shadow of a backlit 3D object. The imaging environment must be engineered so that the
features that must be seen are of the proper size in the image. Assuming that there is no
signi cant 3D character remaining in the image after the scaling from world to image is con-
sidered, the images can then be analyzed using the 2D methods of the next several chapters.

2.5 * Digital Image Formats

Use of digital images is widespread in communication, databases, and machine vision and
standard formats have been developed so that di erent hardware and software can share
data. Figure 2.10 sketches this situation. Unfortunately, there are dozens of di erent for-
mats still in use. A few of the most important ones are brie y discussed in this section. A
raw image may be just a stream of bytes encoding the image pixels in row-by-row order,
Shapiro and Stockman 15
Exercise 6 sensing paper money denominations
Consider the design of a sensor for a vending machine that takes U.S. paper money of de-
nominations $1, $5, $10, and $20. You only need to create a representation for the recognizer
to use; you need not design a recognition algorithm, nor should you be concerned about
detecting counterfeit bills. (Be sure to obtain some samples before answering.) Assume that
a linear CCD array must be used to digitize a bill as it enters the machine. (a) What kind
of lens and what kind of illumination should be used? (b) How many pixels are needed in
the linear array? Explain.
(doc proc)
( scanner ) device,
write IF database IF read application
image image ( OCR )
file file file
file or
application channel
(web search)

Figure 2.10: Many devices or application programs create, consume, or convert image data.
Standard format image les (IFs) are needed to do this productively for a family of devices
and programs.

called raster order, perhaps with line-feeds separating rows. Information such as image type,
size, time taken, and creation method is not part of a raw image. Such information might
be handwritten on a tape label or in someone's research notebook { this is inadequate. (One
project, in which one author took part, videotaped a bar code before videotaping images
from the experiment. The computer program would then process the bar code to obtain
overall non-image information about the experimental treatment.) Most recently developed
standard formats contain a header with non-image information necessary to label the data
and to decode it.
Several formats originated with companies creating image processing or graphics tools;
in some cases but not in others, public documentation and conversion software are available.
The details provided below should provide the reader with practical information for han-
dling computer images. Although the details are changing rapidly with technology, there
are several general concepts contained in this section that should endure.
Image File Header
A le header is needed to make an image le self-describing so that image processing
tools can work with them. The header should contain the image dimensions, type, date of
creation, and some kind of title. It may also contain a color table or coding table to be used
to interpret pixel values. A nice feature not often available is a history section containing
notes on how the image was created and processed.
16 Computer Vision: Mar 2000

Image Data
Some formats can handle only limited types of images, such as binary and monochrome;
however, those surviving today have continued to grow to include more image types and
features. Pixel size and image size limits typically di er between di erent le formats. Sev-
eral formats can handle a sequence of frames. Multimedia formats are evolving and include
image data along with text, graphics, music, etc.
Data Compression
Many formats provide for compression of the image data so that all pixel values are not
directly encoded. Image compression can reduce the size of an image to 30% or even 3%
of its raw size depending on the quality required and method used. Compression can be
lossless or lossy. With lossless compression, the original image can be recovered exactly.
With lossy compression, the pixel representations cannot be recovered exactly: sometimes a
loss of quality is perceived, but not always. To implement compression, the image le must
include some overhead information about the compression method and parameters. Most
digital images are very di erent from symbolic digital information { loss or change of a few
bits of digital image data will have little or no e ect on its consumer, regardless of whether
it is a human or machine. The situation is quite di erent for most other computer les; for
example, changing a single bit in an employee record could change the salary eld by $8192
or the apartment address from 'A' to 'B'. Image compression is an exciting area that spans
the gamut from signal processing to object recognition. Image compression is discussed at
several points of this textbook, but is not systematically treated.

12 Definition An image compression method is lossless if a decompression method ex-

ists to precisely recover (every bit of) the original image representation. Otherwise, the
compression method is lossy.
Commonly used Formats
Many of the images in this book passed through multiple formats. Some images were
received from a colleague or retrieved from an image database in GIF, JPG or even PS for-
mat. Some were scanned from photos and their original digital format was GIF or TIFF.
Simple image processing might have been done using the image tool xv and more complex
operations were done with hips tools or with special C or C++ programs. Some of the most
commonly used formats are brie y described below. Image/Graphics le formats are
still evolving with a trend for each to be more inclusive. The reader should be aware that
some of the details given below will have to be updated by consulting the latest reference
run-coded binary images
Run-coding is an ecient coding scheme for binary or labeled images: not only does it
reduce memory space, but it can also speed up image operations, such as set operations.
Run-coding works well when there is a lot of redundancy in pixels along the image rows.
Shapiro and Stockman 17
Column c : 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678

Image Row r : 0000000011111000000000000111000000011111111100000

Run-code A : 8(0)5(1)12(0)3(1)7(0)9(1)5(0)

Run-code B : (8,12)(25,27)(35,43)

Figure 2.11: Runcoding encodes the runs of consecutive 0 or 1 values, and for some domains,
yields an eciently compressed image.

Assume a binary image; for each image row, we could record the number of 0's followed
by the number of 1's alternating across the entire row. Figure 2.11A gives an example.
Run-code B of the gure shows a more compact encoding of just the 1-runs from which we
can still recover the original row. We will use such encodings for some algorithms in this
book. Run-coding is often used for compression within standard le formats.
PGM: Portable Grey Map
One of the simplest le formats for storing and exchanging image data is the PBM
or \Portable Bit Map family of formats (PBM/PGM,PPM). The image header and pixel
information are encoded in ASCII. The image le representing an image of 8 rows of 16
columns with maximum grey value of 192 is shown in Figure 2.12. Two graphic renderings
are also shown, each is the output of image conversion tools applied to the original text input.
The image at the lower left was made by replicating the pixels to make a larger image of
32 rows of 64 columns each; the image at the lower right was made by rst converting to
JPG format with lossy compression. The rst entry of the PGM le is the Magic Value,\P2"
in our example, indicating how the image information is coded (ASCII grey levels in our
example). Binary, rather than ASCII pixel coding is available for large pictures. (The magic
number for binary is \P4").

Exercise 7 Creating a PPM picture

A color image can be coded in PBM format by using the magic value \P3" and three (R,G,B)
intensity values for each pixel, similar to the coded monochrome \P2" le shown in Fig-
ure 2.12. Using your editor, create a le bullseye.ppm encoding 3 coincentric circular regions
of di erent colors. For each pixel, the three color values follow in immediate succession,
rather than encoding three separate monochrome images as is done in some other formats.
Display your picture using an image tool or web browser.
18 Computer Vision: Mar 2000
# sample small picture 8 rows of 16 columns, max grey value of 192
# making an image of the word "Hi".
16 8 192

64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64
64 64 128 128 64 64 64 128 128 64 64 192 192 64 64 64
64 64 128 128 64 64 64 128 128 64 64 192 192 64 64 64
64 64 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 64 64 64 64 64 64 64
64 64 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 64 64 128 128 64 64 64
64 64 128 128 64 64 64 128 128 64 64 128 128 64 64 64
64 64 128 128 64 64 64 128 128 64 64 128 128 64 64 64
64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64

Figure 2.12: Text (ASCII) le representing an image of the word \Hi"; 64 is the background
level, 128 is the level of \H" and the lower part of \i', and 192 is the level of the dot of
the \i". At the lower left is a printed picture made from the above text le using image
format conversion tools. At the bottom right is an image made using a lossy compression

GIF image le format

The Graphics Interchange Format (GIF) originated from CompuServe, Inc. and has
been used to encode a huge number of images on the WWW or in current databases. GIF
les are relatively easy to work with, but cannot be used for high-precision color, since only
8-bits are used to encode color. The 256 color values available are typically sucient for
computer displayed images; a more compact 16-color option can also be used. LZW non-
lossy compression is available.
TIFF image le format
Originated by Aldus Corp., TIFF or TIF is very general and very complex. It is used on
all popular platforms and is often the format used by scanners. Tag Image File Format
supports multiple images with 1 to 24 bits of color per pixel. Options are available for either
lossy or lossless compression.
JPEG format for still photos
JPEG (JFIF/JFI/JPG) is a more recent standard from the Joint Photographic Experts
Group; the major purpose was to provide for practical compression of high-quality color still
images. The JPEG coding scheme is stream-oriented and allows for real-time hardware for
coding and decoding. An image can have up to 64k x 64k pixels of 24 bits each, although
there is only one image per le. The header can contain a thumbnail image of up to 64k
uncompressed bytes. JPEG is indepenent of the color coding system, a major advantage.
More details on color systems are given in Chapter 6. To achieve high compression, a exi-
ble, but complex lossy coding scheme is used which often can compress a high quality image
Shapiro and Stockman 19
20:1 without noticable degradation. The compression works well when the image has large
regions of nearly constant color and when high frequency variation in regions of detail is
not important to the consumer. (JPEG has a little used lossless compression option, which
might achieve 2:1 compression using predictive coding.) The compression scheme uses the
discrete cosine transformation, which is discussed in Chapter 5, followed by Hu man coding,
which is not treated in this book. JPEG is not designed for video.

Exercise 8
Locate an image viewing toolset on your computer system. (These might be available just
by clicking on your image le icon.) Use one image of a face and one of a landscape; both,
should originally be of high quality, say 800 x 600 color pixels, from a atbed scanner or
digital camera. Convert the image among di erent formats { GIF,TIFF,JPEG etc. Record
the size of the encoded image les in bytes and note the quality of the image; consider the
overall scene plus small details.

Exercise 9 * JPEG study

(a) Research the JPEG compression scheme for 8  8 image blocks. (b) Implement and
test the DCT scheme in a lossless manner (except for possible roundo error). (c) Create a
lossy compression using some existing image tool. (d) Using the 64 coecients from lossy
compression, regenerate an 8  8 image and compare its pixel values with those of the original
8  8 image.
The family of formats BDF/PDL/EPS store image data using printable ASCII charac-
ters and are often used with X11 graphics displays and printers. \PDL" is a page description
language and \EPS" is encapsulated postscript (originally from Adobe), which is commonly
used to contain graphics or images to be inserted into a larger document. Pixels values are
encoded via 7-bit ASCII codes, so these les can be examined and changed by a text editor.
75 to 3000 dots per inch of grey scale or color can be represented and newer versions include
JPEG compression. A PDL header contains the bounding box of the image on the page
where it is to appear. Most of the images in this book have been included as EPS les.
MPEG format for video
MPEG ( MPG/MPEG-1/MPEG-2) is a stream-oriented encoding scheme for video, au-
dio, text and graphics. \MPEG" stands for Motion Picture Experts Group, an international
group of representatives from industry and governments. The MPEG family of standards
is currently evolving rapidly along with the technology of computers and communication.
MPEG-1 is primarily designed for multimedia systems and provides for a data rate of 0.25
Mbits per second of compressed audio and 1.25 Mbits of compressed video. These rates are
suitable for multimedia for popular personal computers, but is too low for high-quality TV.
The MPEG-2 standard provides for up to 15 Mbits per second data rates to handle high
de nition TV rates. The compression scheme takes advantage of both spatial redundancy,
as used in JPEG, and temporal redundancy and generally provides a useful compression
ratio of 25 to 1, with 200 to 1 ratios possible. Temporal redundancy essentially means that
20 Computer Vision: Mar 2000
Image File Format No. Bytes \Hi" No. Bytes \Cars"
PGM 595 509,123
GIF 192 138,267
TIF 918 171,430
PS 1591 345,387
HIPS 700 160,783
JPG (lossless) 684 49,160
JPG (lossy) 619 29,500
Table 2.1: File sizes (in bytes) for the \same" image encoded in di erent formats: 8  16
grey level \HI" image shown in Figure 2.12 and 347  489 color \Cars" image shown in
Figure 2.13.

many regions do not change much from one frame to the next and an encoding scheme
can just encode changes and even predict frames from frames before and after in the video
sequence. (Future versions of MPEG will have codes for recognized objects and program
code to generate their images.) Media quality is determined at the time of encoding. Motion
JPEG is a hybrid scheme which just applies JPEG compression to video single frames and
does not take advantage of temporal redundancy. While encoding and decoding is simpli ed
using Motion JPEG, compression is not as good, so memory useage and transmission will
be poorer than with MPEG. Use of motion vectors by MPEG for compression of video is
described in Chapter 9.
Comparison of Formats
Table 2.1 compares some popular image formats in terms of storage size. The left columns
of the table apply to the tiny 8  16 greyscale picture \Hi" whereas the right column applies
to a 347  489 color image. It is possible to obtain di erent size pictures for the \same"
image by using di erent sequences of format conversions. For example, the CARS.TIF le
output from the scanner was 509,253 bytes, whereas a conversion to a GIF le with only
256 colors required 138,267 bytes, and a TIF le derived from that required 171,430 bytes.
This nal TIF le had fewer bits in the color codes, but appeared to be qualitatively the
same viewed on the CRT. The JPEG le one third its size also displayed the same. While
the lossy JPEG is a clear winner in terms of space, this is at a cost of decoding complexity
which may require hardware for real-time performance.

2.6 Richness and Problems of Real Imagery

A brief walk with open eyes and mind will con rm what the artist already knows about the
richness of the natural visual world. This richness enhances human experience but causes
problems for machine vision. (See Figure 2.13 for example.) The intensity or color at an
image point depends in complex ways on material, geometry, and lighting; not only is the
type of material important, but so is its orientation relative to the sensor, light sources,
and other objects. There are specularities on shiny surfaces, shadows, mutual re ection,
and transparent materials, for example. For recognition of many surfaces or objects, color
Shapiro and Stockman 21
may be of little importance relative to shape or texture, characteristics that depend upon
many pixels, not just one. Cases where we have little control over the environment, such as
monitoring trac patterns, can be interesting and dicult.
Problems still remain even in well-engineered industrial environments or TV studios.
As we shall see in Chapter 6, re ection from a shiny metal cylinder illuminated by a point
source can vary in intensity over a range of 100,000 to 1 and most sensors cannot handle
such a dynamic range. Sunlight or arti cial light can heat surfaces, causing them to radiate
di erently over time, brightening CCD images with increased infrared or leaving shadows of
airplanes on a runway after their departure. Controlled monochrome laser light can greatly
assist some imaging operations, but it can also be totally absorbed by certain surfaces or
be dominated by secondary re ections on others.
In many applications of automation, problems can be solved by engineering. Irrelevant
bandwidths of light can be ltered out; for example, bruises in dark red cherries can be seen
more clearly if a lter is used to allow only infrared light to pass. Moving objects that would
cause a blurred image under steady illumination can be illuminated by a strobe light for a
very short period of time, so that they appear still in an image formed by a highly sensitive
detector. Use of structured light can make surface measurement and inspection much easier:
for example, turbine blades can be illuminated by precise alternating stripes of red and
green light, so that many surface defects appear as obvious breaks in the smoothness of the
stripes in the 2D image. We will return to these methods at various points of the text.

2.7 3D Structure from 2D Images

The human vision system perceives the structure of the 3D world by integrating several dif-
ferent cues. Here we give only a qualitative description. Cognitive psychologist J.J. Gibson
outlined quantitative models for many of these cues. Implementation and demonstration
of these models was intensely pursued by computer vision researchers in the 1980's, and
several of the quantitative models will be discussed later in the book.
The imaging process records complex relationships between the 3D structure of the
world and the 2D structure of the image. Assume the perspective projection model that
was described with Figure 2.2 and refer to Figure 2.13. Interposition is perhaps the most
important depth cue: objects that are closer occlude parts of objects that are farther away:
recognition of occlusions gives relative depth. A person seen within the region of a wall is
clearly closer to the sensor than the wall. A person recognized behind a car is farther away
than the car. Relative size is also an important cue. The image of a car 20 meters away
will be much smaller than the image of a car 10 meters away, even though the far car might
be a larger car. Cars appear to us to be both tiny and moving slowly in the distance; our
experience has taught us how to relate the size and speed to the distance. As we walk down
the railroad track, the rails appear to meet at a point in the distance (the vanishing point),
although we know that they must maintain the same separation in 3D. A door that is open
into our room images on our retina as a trapezoid and not the rectangle we know it to be.
The far edge of the door appears shorter than the near edge; this is the forshortening e ect
of perspective projection and conveys information about the 3D orientation of the door. A
related cue is texture gradient. The texture of surfaces changes with both the distance from
22 Computer Vision: Mar 2000

Figure 2.13: A complex scene with many kinds of depth cues for human perception.

the viewer and the surface orientation. In the park, we can see individual blades of grass or
maple leaves up close, while far away we see only green color. The change of image texture
due to perspective viewing of a surface receding in the distance is called the texture gradient.
Chapter 12 gives much more discussion of the issues just mentioned.

Exercise 10 observe as an artist

Consciously make observations in two di erent environments and sketch some of the cues
discussed above. For example, try a busy cafeteria, or a city street corner observed from a
height of a few oors, or a spot in a woods.

2.8 Five Frames of Reference

Reference frames are needed in order to do either qualitative or quantitative analysis of
3D scenes. Five frames of reference are needed for general problems in 3D scene analysis,
such as controlling operations in a work cell with robots and sensors or providing a virtual
3D environment for human interaction. Several of these frames are not only important for
robotics, but are also important to psychologists and the understanding of human spatial
perception. The ve types of frames are illustrated in Figure 2.14; actually, 6 reference
frames are shown since there are two di erent objects in the scene, a block and a pyramid,
each with its own reference frame. In all of these coordinate frames, coordinates are real
numbers along continuous axes, except for image coordinates, which are integer subscripts
of the pixel array. For the examples in the discussion below you should also imagine an
analogous situation where the camera is a TV camera covering a baseball game and objects
in the scene are the players, bases, balls, bats, etc.
Shapiro and Stockman 23
c xc
y zw
C f c

I b


W y

xb y
zp b

xw y

Figure 2.14: Five coordinate frames needed for 3D scene analysis: world W, object O (for
pyramid Op or block Ob ), camera C, real image F and pixel image I.

Pixel Coordinate Frame I

In the pixel array, each point has integer pixel coordinates. In Figure 2.14, the image of
the tip of the pyramid A falls within pixel a = [ar ; ac] where ar and ac are integer row
and column, respectively. Many things about a scene can be determined by analysis of the
image in terms of only pixel rows and columns. For example, if a pick-and-place robot or
other transfer mechanism always delivered a block (or box of laundry detergent) roughly
frontal to the camera, then the markings on its frontal surface could be inspected using only
the image as a matrix of rows and columns of pixels. In the baseball game analogy, using
only the image, one could determine if a batter was using a black bat. Using only image I,
however, and no other information, we cannot determine which object is actually larger in
3D or whether or not objects are on a collision course.
Object Coordinate Frame O
An object coordinate frame is used to model ideal objects in both computer graphics and
computer vision. For example, Figure 2.14 shows two object coordinate frames, one for a
block Ob and one for a pyramid Op . The coordinates of 3D corner point B relative to
the object coordinate frame are [xb; 0; zb]. These coordinates remain the same, regardless of
how the block is posed relative to the world or workspace coordinate frame W. The object
coordinate frame is needed to inspect an object; for example, to check if a particular hole
is in proper position relative to other holes or corners.
24 Computer Vision: Mar 2000
Camera Coordinate Frame C
The camera coordinate frame C is often needed for an \egocentric" (cameracentric) view; for
example, to represent whether or not an object is just in front of the sensor, moving away,
etc. A ball whose image continues to enlarge in the center of your retina is likely to hit you.
A seeing robot or human are both object and sensor[s] so their object and sensor coordinate
systems may be almost, but not exactly, the same. (Did you ever run into a doorway even
though it looked as if you'd pass through without contact?) Computer graphics systems
allow the user to select di erent camera views of the 3D scene being viewed. A play at rst
base might be better viewed by a camera pointing there.

Real Image Coordinate Frame F

Camera coordinates are real numbers, usually in the same units as the world coordinates {
say, inches or mm { including the depth coordinate zc . 3D points project to the real image
plane at coordinates [xf ,yf ,f ] where f is the focal length. xf and yf are not subscripts of
pixels in the image array, but are related to the pixel size and pixel position of the optical
axis in the image. In Figure 2.14, both coordinates of real image point a relative to frame F
are negative. Frame F \contains" the picture function that is digitized to form the digital
image in the pixel array I.

World Coordinate Frame W

The coordinate frame W is needed to relate objects in 3D; for example, to determine whether
or not a runner is far o a base or if the runner and second baseman will collide. In a robotics
cell or virtual environment, actuators and sensors often communicate via world coordinates;
for example, the image sensor tells the robot where to pick up a bolt and in which hole to
insert it.
Geometrical and mathematical relationships among these coordinate systems will be very
important later in the book. For the next several chapters, however, we process only the
information contained in the pixel array under the assumption that there is a straightforward
correspondence to the real world. The reader who must work with the algebra of the
perspective transformation or its scaling e ect will be able at this point to go forward to
Chapter 12 to study the perspective imaging model.

2.9 * Other Types of Sensors

This section includes the description of several more sensors. A reader might bypass this
section on rst reading, unless a particular sensor is very important to an application of
current interest. Sensor technology is advancing rapidly; we should expect not only new
sensors in the future, but also better performance of current devices.
* Microdensitometer
Slides or lm can be scanned by passing a single beam of light through the material: a
single sensor on the opposite side from the light records the optical density of the material
at location [r, c]. The material is moved very precisely by mechanical stages until an entire
Shapiro and Stockman 25

Multispectral Satellite Scanner

Figure 2.15: Boresighted multispectral scanner aboard a satellite. Radiation from a single
surface element is refracted into separate components based on wavelength.

rectangular area is scanned. Having a single sensor gives one advantage over the CCD array,
there should be less variation in intensity values due to manufacturing di erences. Another
advantage is that many more rows and columns can be obtained. Such an instrument is
slow however and cannot be used in automation environments.
The reader might nd some interest in the following history of a related scanning tech-
nique. In the 1970's in the lab of Azriel Rosenfeld, many pictures were input for computer
processing in the following manner. Black and white pictures were taken and wrapped
around a steel cylinder. Usually 9 x 9 inch pictures or collages were scanned at once. The
cylinder was placed in a standard lathe which spun all spots of the picture area in front
of a small LED and sensor that measured light re ecting o each spot. Each revolution
of the cylinder produced a row of 3600 pixels that were stored as a block on magnetic
tape whose recording speed was in sync with the lathe! The nal tape le had 3600 x 3600
pixels, usually containing many experimental data sets that were then separated by software.
* Color and Multispectral Images
Because the human eye has separate receptors for sensing light in separate wavelength
bands, it may be called a multispectral sensor. Some color CCD cameras are built by placing
a thin refracting lm just in front of the CCD array. The refracting lm disperses a single
beam of white light into 4 beams falling on 4 neighboring cells of the CCD array. The digital
image it produces can be thought of as a set of four interleaved color images, one for each
of the 4 di erently refracted wavelength components. The gain in spectral information is
traded for a loss in spatial resolution. In a di erent design, a color wheel is synchronously
rotated in the optical pathway so that during one period of time only red light is passed;
then blue, then green. (A color wheel is just a disk of transparent lm with equal size
sectors of each color.) The CCD array is read 3 times during one rotation of the color wheel
to obtain 3 separate images. In this design, sensing speed is traded for color sensitivity; a
point on a rapidly moving object may actually image to di erent pixels on the image plane
during acquisition of the 3 separate images.
Some satellites use the concept of sensing through a straw or boresight: each spot of the
earth is viewed through a boresight so that all radiation from that spot is collected at the
same instant of time, while radiation from other spots is masked. See Figure 2.15. The
beam of radiation is passed through a prism which disperses the di erent wavelengths onto
26 Computer Vision: Mar 2000
a linear CCD array which then simultaneously samples and digitizes the intensity in the
several bands used. (Recall that light of shorter wavelength is bent more by the prism than
light of longer wavelength.) Figure 2.15 shows a spectrum of 5 di erent bands resulting in
a pixel that is a vector [ b1 ; b2; b3; b4; b5 ] of 5 intensity values. A 2D image is created by
moving the boresight or using a scanning mirror to get columns of a given row. The motion
of the satellite in its orbit around the earth yields the di erent rows of the image. As you
might expect, the resulting image su ers from motion distortion { the set of all scanned
spots form a trapezoidal region on the earth whose form can be obtained from the \rectan-
gular" digital image le using the warping methods of Chapter 11. By having a spectrum
of intensity values rather than just a single intensity for a single spot of earth, it is often
possible to classify the ground type as water or forest or asphalt, etc.
* X-ray
X-ray devices transmit X-ray radiation through material, often parts of the human body,
but also welded pipes and jars of applesauce. Sensors record transmitted energy at image
points on the far side of the emitter in much the same manner as with the microdensitome-
ter. Low energy at one sensed image point indicates an accumulation of material density
along the entire ray projected from the emitter. It is easy to imagine a 2D X-ray lm being
exposed to X-rays passing through a body. 3D sensing can be accomplished using a CT
scanner (\cat" scanner), which mathematically constructs a 3D volume of density values
from data collected by projecting X-rays along many di erent rays through the body. At
the right in Figure 2.16 is a 2D computer graphic rendering of high density 3D voxels from
a CT scan of a dog: these voxels are rendered as if they were nontransparent re ecting
surfaces seen from a particular viewpoint. A diagnostician can examine the sensed bone
structure from any viewpoint.

Exercise 11
Think about some of your own dental X-rays: what was bright and what was dark { the
dense tooth or the softer cavity? Why?

* Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) produces 3D images of materials, usually parts of the
human body. The data produced is a 3D array I[s, r, c], where s indicates a slice through
the body and r and c are as before. Each small volume element or voxel represents a sample
perhaps 2 mm in diameter and the intensity measured there is related to the chemistry of
the material. Magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) produces intensities related to the
speed (of blood ow) of material at the voxel. Such scanners can cost a million dollars and a
single scanning can cost a thousand dollars, but their value is well established for diagnosis.
MRI scanning can detect internal defects in fruits and vegetables and may be used for such
in the future if the cost of the device drops. Figure 2.16(left) shows a digital image extracted
from 3D MRA data. This maximum intensity projection, or M IP [r; c], could be produced
by choosing the brightest voxel I [s; r; c] over all slices s. A computer algorithm can actually
generate a MIP image by projecting in any view direction. Diagnosis is typically done using
a wall full of such printed 2D images, but true 3D displays are now available and radiologists
are learning to use them.
Shapiro and Stockman 27

Figure 2.16: (Left) A maximumintensity projection (MIP) made by projecting the brightest
pixels from a set of MRA slices from a human head (provided by MSU Radiology); (right)
a computer generated image displaying high density voxels of a set of CT scans as a set of
illuminated surface elements. Data courtesy of Theresa Bernardo.

* Range Scanners and Range Images

Devices are available that sense depth or range to a 3D surface element, rather than
just the intensity of radiation received from it. Samples of the surface shape of objects are
directly available in a range image, whereas in an intensity image, surface shape can only
be derived from dicult and error prone analysis. A LIDAR device, shown in Figure 2.17,
transmits an amplitude modulated laser beam to a spot of the 3D surface and receives the
re ected signal back. By comparing the change of phase (delay) between the transmitted
and received signal, the LIDAR can measure the distance in terms of the period of the
modulation of the laser beam. This works only for distances covered by one period because
of the ambiguity { a spot at distance of d + n=2 produces the same response as a spot at
distance d, where  is the period of modulation. Moreover, by comparing the received in-
tensity to the transmitted intensity, the LIDAR also estimates the re ectivity of the surface
spot for this wavelength of laser light. Thus, the LIDAR produces two registered images {
a range image and an intensity image. The LIDAR is slower than a CCD camera because
of the dwell time needed to compute the phase change for each spot: it is also much more
expensive because of the mechanical parts needed to steer the laser beam. This expense has
been justi ed in mining robots and in robots that explore other bodies in our solar system.
A variation of the 5000 year-old surveying method of triangulation can be used to obtain
3D surface measurements as shown in Figure 2.18. A plane of light is projected onto the
surface of the object and the bright line it produces is observed by a camera. Each bright
image point [ xc; yc ] is the image of some corresponding illuminated 3D point [ xw ; yw ; zw
]. So, the sensing device \knows" the plane of light and the ray of light from the camera
center through the image point out into 3D space. From intuitive geometry, we know that
the imaging ray will pierce the plane of light in a unique point. The coordinates xw ; yw ; zw
28 Computer Vision: Mar 2000

LIght Detection And Range ( LIDAR )

range z = f ( phase change ) 3D

intensity = g ( amplitude change)

transmit albedo a
nod and
pan surface spot
head amplitude modulated laser beam
( x, y ) z
by nod
and pan

Figure 2.17: A LIDAR sensor can produce pixels containing both range and intensity.

can be determined by analytical geometry: we have one equation in those 3 unknowns from
the light sheet and 2 equations in those 3 unknowns from the imaging ray; solving these 3
simultaneous linear equations yields the location of the 3D surface point. In Chapter 13,
calibration methods are given that enable us to derive the necessary equations from several
measurements made on the workbench.
The above argument is even simpler if a single beam of light is projected rather than
an entire plane of light. Many variations exist and a sensor is usually chosen according to
the particular application. To scan an entire scene, a light sheet or beam must be swept
across the scene. Scanning mirrors can be used to do this, or objects can be translated past
the sheet over time using a conveyor system. Many creative designs can be found in the
literature. Machines using multiple light sheets are used to do automobile wheel alignment
and to check the t of car doors during manufacture. When looking at speci c objects
in very speci c poses, image analysis may just need to verify if a particular image stripe
is close enough to some ideal image position. The stream of observations from the sensor
is used to adjust online manufacturing operations for quality control and for reporting oine.

2.10 References
More speci c information about the design of imaging devices can be found in the text by
Schalko (1989). Tutorials and technical speci cations of charge-coupled devices are readily
found on the web using a search engine: one example is a tutorial provided by the Univer-
sity of Wisconsin at One of several early articles on the
early development of color CCD cameras is by Dillon et al (1978). Discussion and modeling
of many optical phenomena can be found in the book by Hecht and Zajac (1976).
Shapiro and Stockman 29
plane equation laser
ax w+ byw + czw = d stripe CCD
projector . camera

(x , y , z ) Xc
w w w


3D imaging ray
Yw object yields two
linear equations
in the 3 unknowns
(x ,y ,z )
w w w

Figure 2.18: A light striping sensor produces 3D points by triangulation.

Many fundamental observations leading to computer vision techniques can be found in

the book by pyschologist J.J. Gibson (1950). Properties of animal vision systems and the
human visual system from the perspective of an engineer are given in the text by Levine
(1985). The book by Nalwa (1993) begins with a discussion of the capabilities and faults
of the human visual and gives a good intuitive description of imaging and the perspective
transformation. Margaret Livingston (1988) gives a popular treatment of human perception
with an orientation to art appreciation. Many known mathematical properties of the per-
spective transformation are contained in Haralick and Shapiro, Volume II (1992). Practical
details and an integrating overview on image le formats is provided in the encyclopedia
by Murray and VanRyper (1994); a CD of common software utilities collected from several
di erent sources is included.
1. P. Dillon, D. Lewis and F. Kaspar,Color Imaging System using a Single CCD Area
Array, IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, Vol. ED-25, No. 2 (Feb 1978)102-107.
2. J.J. Gibson (1950), The Perception of the Visual World, Houghton-Miin,
3. E. Hecht and A. Lajac (1974), Optics, Addison-Wesley.
4. R. Haralick and L. Shapiro (1992), Computer and Robot Vision, Volumes I and
II, Addison-Wesley.
5. M.D. Levine (1985), Vision in Man and Machine, McGraw-Hill.
6. M. Livingstone, (1988) Art, Illusion and the Visual system, Scienti c American, Jan.
1988, 78-85.
30 Computer Vision: Mar 2000
7. J. Murray and W. VanRyper (1994), Encyclopedia of Graphics File Formats,
O'Reilly and Associates, Inc., 103 Morris St., Suite A, Sebastopol, CA 95472.
8. V. Nalwa ( 1993 ), A Guided Tour of Computer Vision, Addison-Wesley.
9. R.J. Schalko (1989), Digital Image Processing and Computer Vision, John
Wiley and Sons.

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