Bose Corporation
Bose Corporation
Bose Corporation
Bose began extensive research aimed at clarifying factors that he saw as fundamental
weaknesses plaguing high-end audio systems. The principal weaknesses, in his view, were that
overall, the electronics and speaker failed to account for the spatial properties of the radiated
sound in typical listening spaces (homes and apartments) and the implications of spatiality
for psychoacoustics, i.e. the listener's head as a sonic diffraction object as part of the system.
Eight years later, he started the company, charging it with a mission to achieve "Better Sound
through Research", now the company slogan
JIT II Program:
Prior to JIT II Program, Bose Corporation would forecast customer demand, set planning and
specifications then send out that information out to buyers for competitive bidding for buying
materials. The company would analyze the bids and respond to vendors sales representatives.
The sales representatives would place the order with the plant which would manufacture and
ship the material.
Under the JIT II program, however, the process is simplified. After Bose forecasts customer
demand, the in plant checks every plant's inventory, combining and reducing unit costs for any
other needs, then orders the product to ship direct-to-stock to the Bose location.
Lance Dixon, director of purchasing and logistics for Bose, had conceived the idea. He had
requested that John Argitis, president of G&F Industries a full-time representative at Bose
headquarters. The representative was responsible as a plastic buyer for Bose, place orders to
G&F on Bose Letterhead, monitor materials requirements on plastic components that G&F
supplied to Bose, involve in manufacturing planning at Bose. The representative would be
working on the payroll of G&F but would for Bose.
Tom Beeson, the VP of manufacturing at Bose had expressed concerns regarding the
implementation of Dixons Idea. Adding a G&F representative to the team would provide him
the full access to Bose facilities, personnel, and computer systems, as well this may lead to Bose
Corporation losing control over its own procurement process.
Following are certain aspects of adding a representative of G&F to Bose Corporations purchase
4) Better performance as the process is enhanced (no information asymmetry avoid bullwhip
and quality dissonance).
5) Opportunity to identify new uses for products and services within Bose.
2) But, Bose Corporation needs to be careful about patented products both at Bose end and the
vendor end as a share of the patent with other clients might come up with legal challenges.
Hence, we recommend Bose Corporation to keep proprietary development separated.