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Health Technology Assessment 2012; Vol. 16: No.

ISSN 1366-5278

Management of frozen shoulder:

a systematic review and
cost-effectiveness analysis

E Maund, D Craig, S Suekarran, AR Neilson,

K Wright, S Brealey, L Dennis, L Goodchild,
N Hanchard, A Rangan, G Richardson,
J Robertson and C McDaid

March 2012

Health Technology Assessment

NIHR HTA programme
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Management of frozen shoulder: a systematic
review and cost-effectiveness analysis

E Maund,1 D Craig,1 S Suekarran,1 AR Neilson,1

K Wright,1 S Brealey,2 L Dennis,3 L Goodchild,4
N Hanchard,3 A Rangan,5 G Richardson,6 J Robertson7
and C McDaid1*
Centre for Reviews and Dissemination, University of York, York, UK
Department of Health Sciences, University of York, York, UK
School of Health & Social Care, Teesside University, Middlesbrough, UK
Department of Rehabilitation, The James Cook University Hospital,
Middlesbrough, UK
The James Cook University Hospital, Middlesbrough, UK
Centre for Health Economics, University of York, York, UK
Cambridge Medical Group, Middlesbrough, UK

*Corresponding author

Declared competing interests of authors: Amar Rangan has received consultancy fees from DePuy
International relating to shoulder replacement prostheses. A division of DePuy is involved in marketing
products for surgical treatment of the frozen shoulder. The other authors report no conflicts of interest.

Published March 2012

DOI: 10.3310/hta16110

This report should be referenced as follows:

Maund E, Craig D, Suekarran S, Neilson AR, Wright K, Brealey S, et al. Management of frozen
shoulder: a systematic review and cost-effectiveness analysis. Health Technol Assess 2012;16(11).

Health Technology Assessment is indexed and abstracted in Index Medicus/MEDLINE, Excerpta

Medica/EMBASE, Science Citation Index Expanded (SciSearch) and Current Contents/
Clinical Medicine.
ii NIHR Health Technology Assessment programme

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Queens Printer and Controller of HMSO 2012. This work was produced by Maund et al. under the terms of a
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DOI: 10.3310/hta16110 Health Technology Assessment 2012; Vol. 16: No. 11 iii


Management of frozen shoulder: a systematic review and

cost-effectiveness analysis
E Maund,1 D Craig,1 S Suekarran,1 AR Neilson,1 K Wright,1 S Brealey,2
L Dennis,3 L Goodchild,4 N Hanchard,3 A Rangan,5 G Richardson,6
J Robertson7 and C McDaid,1*
Centre for Reviews and Dissemination, University of York, York, UK
Department of Health Sciences, University of York, York, UK
School of Health & Social Care, Teesside University, Middlesbrough, UK
Department of Rehabilitation, The James Cook University Hospital, Middlesbrough, UK
The James Cook University Hospital, Middlesbrough, UK
Centre for Health Economics, University of York, York, UK
Cambridge Medical Group, Middlesbrough, UK

*Corresponding author

Background: Frozen shoulder is condition in which movement of the shoulder becomes

restricted. It can be described as either primary (idiopathic) whereby the aetiology is
unknown, or secondary, when it can be attributed to another cause. It is commonly a self-
limiting condition, of approximately 1 to 3 years duration, though incomplete resolution
can occur.
Objectives: To evaluate the clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of treatments for
primary frozen shoulder, identify the most appropriate intervention by stage of condition
and highlight any gaps in the evidence.
Data sources: A systematic review was conducted. Nineteen databases and other sources
including the Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health (CINAHL), Science Citation
Index, BIOSIS Previews and Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effects (DARE) were
searched up to March 2010 and EMBASE and MEDLINE up to January 2011, without
language restrictions. MEDLINE, CINAHL and PsycINFO were searched in June 2010 for
studies of patients views about treatment.
Review methods: Randomised controlled trials (RCTs) evaluating physical therapies,
arthrographic distension, steroid injection, sodium hyaluronate injection, manipulation
under anaesthesia, capsular release or watchful waiting, alone or in combination were
eligible for inclusion. Patients with primary frozen shoulder (with or without diabetes) were
included. Quasi-experimental studies were included in the absence of RCTs and case
series for manipulation under anaesthesia (MUA) and capsular release only. Full economic
evaluations meeting the intervention and population inclusion criteria of the clinical review
were included. Two researchers independently screened studies for relevance based on the
inclusion criteria. One reviewer extracted data and assessed study quality; this was
checked by a second reviewer. The main outcomes of interest were pain, range of
movement, function and disability, quality of life and adverse events. The analysis
comprised a narrative synthesis and pair-wise meta-analysis. A mixed-treatment
comparison (MTC) was also undertaken. An economic decision model was intended, but

Queens Printer and Controller of HMSO 2012. This work was produced by Maund et al. under the terms of a commissioning contract issued by the
Secretary of State for Health.
iv Abstract

was found to be implausible because of a lack of available evidence. Resource use was
estimated from clinical advisors and combined with quality-adjusted life-years obtained
through mapping to present tentative cost-effectiveness results.
Results: Thirty-one clinical effectiveness studies and one economic evaluation were
included. The clinical effectiveness studies evaluated steroid injection, sodium hyaluronate,
supervised neglect, physical therapy (mainly physiotherapy), acupuncture, MUA, distension
and capsular release. Many of the studies identified were at high risk of bias. Because of
variation in the interventions and comparators few studies could be pooled in a meta-
analysis. Based on single RCTs, and for some outcomes only, short-wave diathermy may
be more effective than home exercise. High-grade mobilisation may be more effective than
low-grade mobilisation in a population in which most patients have already had treatment.
Data from two RCTs showed that there may be benefit from adding a single intra-articular
steroid injection to home exercise in patients with frozen shoulder of <6 months duration.
The same two trials showed that there may be benefit from adding physiotherapy (including
mobilisation) to a single steroid injection. Based on a network of nine studies the MTC
found that steroid combined with physiotherapy was the only treatment showing a
statistically and clinically significant beneficial treatment effect compared with placebo for
short-term pain (standardised mean difference 1.58, 95% credible interval 2.96 to 0.42).
This analysis was based on only a subset of the evidence, which may explain why the
findings are only partly supportive of the main analysis. No studies of patients views about
the treatments were identified. Average costs ranged from 36.16 for unguided steroid
injections to 2204 for capsular release. The findings of the mapping suggest a positive
relationship between outcome and European Quality of Life-5 Dimensions (EQ-5D) score: a
decreasing visual analogue scale score (less pain) was accompanied by an increasing
(better) EQ-5D score. The one published economic evaluation suggested that low-grade
mobilisation may be more cost-effective than high-grade mobilisation. Our tentative cost-
effectiveness analysis suggested that steroid alone may be more cost-effective than steroid
plus physiotherapy or physiotherapy alone. These results are very uncertain.
Limitations: The key limitation was the lack of data available. It was not possible to
undertake the planned synthesis exploring the influence of stage of frozen shoulder or the
presence of diabetes on treatment effect. As a result of study diversity and poor reporting
of outcome data there were few instances where the planned quantitative synthesis was
possible or appropriate. Most of the included studies had a small number of participants
and may have been underpowered. The lack of available data made the development of a
decision-analytic model implausible. We found little evidence on treatment related to stage
of condition, treatment pathways, the impact on quality of life, associated resource use and
no information on utilities. Without making a number of questionable assumptions
modelling was not possible.
Conclusions: There was limited clinical evidence on the effectiveness of treatments for
primary frozen shoulder. The economic evidence was so limited that no conclusions can be
made about the cost-effectiveness of the different treatments. High-quality primary
research is required.
Funding: The National Institute for Health Research Health Technology
Assessment programme.

DOI: 10.3310/hta16110 Health Technology Assessment 2012; Vol. 16: No. 11 v


Glossary vii

List of abbreviations ix

Executive summary xi

Background 1
The decision problem 1
Frozen shoulder 1
Diagnosis and management 3
Previous systematic reviews 4
Focus of the synthesis 5

Methods 7
Overview 7
Review of clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness 7
Literature searches 7
Inclusion and exclusion criteria 8
Screening and study selection 13
Data extraction 13
Assessment of risk of bias 14
Synthesis 14
Systematic review of patients views of interventions for frozen shoulder 18
Assessment of cost-effectiveness 18

Results 21
Assessment of clinical effectiveness 21
Mixed-treatment comparison results 91
Patients views of interventions for frozen shoulder 96
Economic analyses 97
Decision model 98

Discussion 117
Principal findings 117
Strengths and limitations of the review 125
Improving the evidence on the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness 127

Conclusions 131
Implications for service provision 131
Suggested research priorities 131

Acknowledgements 133

References 135

Queens Printer and Controller of HMSO 2012. This work was produced by Maund et al. under the terms of a commissioning contract issued by the
Secretary of State for Health.
vi Contents

Appendix 1 Search strategies for effectiveness review 179

Appendix 2 Search strategy for review of views of people with frozen shoulder 233

Appendix 3 R code for standard deviation 237

Health Technology Assessment programme 239

Appendix 4 Quality assessment checklist 245

Appendix 5 List of excluded studies 247

Appendix 6 Study details 263

Appendix 7 Data extraction tables 291

Appendix 8 Study quality 369

Appendix 9 WinBUGS code 373

Appendix 10 Mixed-treatment comparison 375

Appendix 11 Economic evaluation study quality checklist 383

Appendix 12 Economic evaluation data extraction/summary 385

Appendix 13 Resource-use table 387

Appendix 14 Exploratory mapping analysis 389

Appendix 15Protocol 403

DOI: 10.3310/hta16110 Health Technology Assessment 2012; Vol. 16: No. 11 vii

Case series A group of case reports of patients who were given similar treatments. There is no
control group involved.

Cost-effectiveness analysis An economic analysis that expresses the effects or consequences of

interventions on a single dimension. This would normally be expressed in natural units (e.g.
cases cured, life-years gained, additional strokes prevented). The difference between interventions
in terms of costs and effects is typically expressed as an incremental cost-effectiveness ratio (e.g.
the incremental cost per life-year gained).

Costutility analysis The same as a cost-effectiveness analysis but the effects or consequences of
interventions are expressed in generic units of health gain, usually quality-adjusted life-years.

Exercise therapy Gentle rhythmic active exercises, function-based exercises [to maintain/restore
the range or quality (co-ordination and/or control) of movement] or both.

Incremental cost-effectiveness ratio An expression of the additional cost of health gain

associated with an intervention relative to an appropriate comparator. Expressed as the difference
in mean costs (relative to the comparator) divided by the difference in mean health gain.

Intention-to-treat analysis Analysis that compares participants in the groups to which they
were originally assigned.

Mixed-treatment comparison This is an extension of a traditional meta-analysis. Whereas a

traditional meta-analysis includes only trials making direct comparisons between an intervention
and a comparator, a mixed-treatment comparison also includes indirect evidence. This approach
overcomes the limitations of the traditional approach in cases in which there are no or limited
trials making the relevant head-to-head comparison.

Mobilisations Therapist-applied passive movements of joints or other structures performed

in such a way that they are always within the control of the patient. They may be performed by
various techniques and may be combined with active movement on the part of the patient.

Physical therapy This term is used to refer to the broad range of physical interventions such
as physiotherapy (including mobilisation or other modalities such as electrotherapy) and
chiropractic and osteopathic interventions.

Quality-adjusted life-year An index of health gain in which survival duration is weighted or

adjusted by the patients quality of life during the survival period. Quality-adjusted life-years
have the advantage of incorporating changes in both quantity (mortality) and quality (morbidity)
of life.

Randomised controlled trial A trial in which the participants are randomly allocated to the
control or treatment groups.

WinBUGS Statistical software for Bayesian analysis using Markov chain Monte Carlo methods.

Queens Printer and Controller of HMSO 2012. This work was produced by Maund et al. under the terms of a commissioning contract issued by the
Secretary of State for Health.

DOI: 10.3310/hta16110 Health Technology Assessment 2012; Vol. 16: No. 11 ix

List of abbreviations
15D 15-dimension utility measure
ASES American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons
CI confidence interval
CLAD censored least absolute deviations
CRD Centre for Reviews and Dissemination
CrI credible interval
DASH Disabilities of the Arm, Shoulder and Hand
EPPI Evidence for Policy and Practice Information
EQ-5D European Quality of Life-5 Dimensions
ERM end-range mobilisation
FLEX-SF Flexilevel Scale of Shoulder Function
GP general practitioner
HAQ Health Assessment Questionnaire
HGMT high-grade mobilisation technique
HRQoL health-related quality of life
HUI Health Utilities Index
ICER incremental cost-effectiveness ratio
IQR interquartile range
ITT intention to treat
LGMT low-grade mobilisation technique
MAE mean absolute error
MCID minimum clinically important difference
MCMC Markov chain Monte Carlo
MCS mental component summary
MD mean difference
ME mean error
MRM mid-range mobilisation
MTC mixed-treatment comparison
MUA manipulation under anaesthesia
MWM mobilisation with movement
NICE National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence
NSAID non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug
NTIS National Technical Information Service
OLS ordinary least squares
PCS physical component summary
PSWD pulsed short-wave diathermy
QALY quality-adjusted life-year
QoL quality of life
RCT randomised controlled trial
RMSE root-mean-square error
SD standard deviation
SDQ Shoulder Disability Questionnaire
SE standard error
SF-6D Short Form questionnaire-6 Dimensions
SF-36 Short Form questionnaire-36 items

Queens Printer and Controller of HMSO 2012. This work was produced by Maund et al. under the terms of a commissioning contract issued by the
Secretary of State for Health.
x List of abbreviations

SMD standardised mean difference

SPADI Shoulder Pain and Disability Index
SRQ Shoulder Rating Questionnaire
SWD short-wave diathermy
TENS transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation
UCLA University of California Los Angeles
VAS visual analogue scale

All abbreviations that have been used in this report are listed here unless the abbreviation is well
known (e.g. NHS), or it has been used only once, or it is a non-standard abbreviation used only
in figures/tables/appendices, in which case the abbreviation is defined in the figure legend or in
the notes at the end of the table.

DOI: 10.3310/hta16110 Health Technology Assessment 2012; Vol. 16: No. 11 xi

Executive summary


Frozen shoulder is a condition in which movement of the shoulder becomes restricted. The
condition can vary in severity from mild pain and/or less significant restriction of movement
to severe pain and/or severely restricted movement. Key characteristics are gradual onset of
shoulder stiffness, severe pain, especially at night, and restriction in active and passive range of
movement of the shoulder. Frozen shoulder can be described as either primary (idiopathic), if the
aetiology is unknown, or secondary, when it can be attributed to another cause. It is commonly
a self-limiting condition, of approximately 13 years duration, although incomplete resolution
can occur.


To (1) evaluate the clinical effectiveness of strategies currently used in the NHS for the
management of primary frozen shoulder and identify the most appropriate intervention by
stage of condition; (2) collate patients views and experiences of the interventions by way of
a systematic review; (3) assess the cost-effectiveness of the different interventions in order
to inform the development of a decision model; (4) develop a decision-analytic model to
estimate the cost-effectiveness of alternative treatment options for frozen shoulder; (5) make
recommendations for clinical practice; and (6) identify any gaps in the evidence, undertake value
of information analysis to assess the potential value of future research on interventions for frozen
shoulder and make specific recommendations for further research.


Clinical effectiveness
A systematic review was undertaken. Nineteen databases, including MEDLINE, EMBASE and
the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL), were searched up to March
2010 for published and unpublished studies and without language restrictions. The websites
of relevant organisations were scanned. The reference lists of systematic reviews were also
checked to identify studies. Updated searches of MEDLINE and EMBASE were undertaken in
January 2011.

Randomised controlled trials (RCTs) evaluating physical therapies, arthrographic distension,

steroid injection, sodium hyaluronate injection, manipulation under anaesthesia (MUA), capsular
release or watchful waiting, alone or in combination, were eligible for inclusion. Patients with
primary frozen shoulder (with or without diabetes) were included. Relevant comparators were
any of the treatments, no treatment or placebo. Quasi-experimental studies were included in the
absence of randomised trials. For MUA and capsular release, case series of at least 50 participants
with primary frozen shoulder were also eligible in the absence of controlled study designs. The
main outcomes of interest were pain, range of movement, function and disability, quality of life,
time to recovery, return to work and recreation, and adverse events.

Two researchers independently screened studies for relevance based on the inclusion criteria.
One reviewer extracted data and assessed study quality; this was checked by a second reviewer.

Queens Printer and Controller of HMSO 2012. This work was produced by Maund et al. under the terms of a commissioning contract issued by the
Secretary of State for Health.
xii Executive summary

Final value data were extracted where available and if not change from baseline was extracted.
Disagreements were resolved by consensus and, if necessary, a third researcher was consulted.

A narrative and tabular summary of key study characteristics, quality assessment and results was
undertaken. Outcomes were reported as the mean difference (MD) and 95% confidence interval
(CI), except for pain, for which the standardised mean difference (SMD) was calculated. Length
of follow-up was classified as short term (4 weeks to 3 months), medium term (>3 months
and 6 months) and long term (>6 months). Where appropriate, individual study results were
combined in a pair-wise meta-analysis grouped by type of intervention and comparator. A
mixed-treatment comparison (MTC) evaluating the effectiveness of the interventions compared
with placebo was undertaken as an exploratory analysis. The MTC was performed for the
outcome of pain up to 3 months only because this was the only outcome and time point for
which a network was available. Comparisons were described as statistically significant (at the 5%
level) when the credibility interval (CrI) did not cross 0 for the SMD.

Patients views
MEDLINE, the Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL) and
PsycINFO were searched in June 2010 to identify qualitative studies of patients views of
treatments, with searches being restricted to English-language papers published from 1980
onwards. The review processes followed those of the effectiveness review.

Economic analysis
A systematic review of full economic evaluations meeting the intervention and population
inclusion criteria of the clinical review was performed. The intention was to develop a decision-
analytical model; however, because of the paucity of evidence for key components of the
modelling (including the structure) the development of a model was not possible. To provide
some useful information for the decision-maker, we undertook a number of investigatory
exercises. First, we elicited details on resource use from clinicians for the interventions of interest
and produced cost estimates based on national sources. Second, we mapped two important
clinical outcomes, pain [using visual analogue scale (VAS) 0100mm] and quality of life [using
the Short Form questionnaire-36 items (SF-36) mental and physical component score], to the
European Quality of Life-5 Dimensions (EQ-5D). This allowed us to estimate quality-adjusted
life-years (QALYs) for some of the interventions included in the clinical effectiveness review.
Finally, having these two components allowed us to present a tentative cost-effectiveness analysis
for some of the included interventions.


Clinical effectiveness
The searches yielded 8883 citations. Thirty-two relevant studies were identified, one of which was
a costutility analysis conducted alongside a separately published study of effectiveness.

Data from studies with a low risk of bias were sparse, in particular for the more invasive
treatments (MUA, distension and capsular release). Twenty-eight RCTs, one quasi-experimental
study (for supervised neglect) and two case series (for capsular release) were included. A total of
18 studies did not report an adequate method of randomisation (therefore these studies described
as RCTs may have been quasi-experimental studies); 24 did not report an adequate method of
allocation concealment; and 13 did not have blinded outcome assessment. For most of the studies
it was unclear whether they were adequately powered to detect a statistically significant difference
between groups. Across most trials there did not appear to be systematic methods for recording
of adverse events.

DOI: 10.3310/hta16110 Health Technology Assessment 2012; Vol. 16: No. 11 xiii

For most comparisons there were insufficient studies with a similar intervention and comparator
to allow quantitative pooling. Primarily a narrative synthesis was undertaken. Because of the lack
of data on stage of frozen shoulder and outcomes of patients with and without diabetes, it was not
possible to undertake planned subgroup analyses.

Conservative interventions
A single quasi-experimental study, with a high risk of bias, reported significant short-, medium-
and long-term benefit for function and disability with supervised neglect compared with
physical therapy.

A further 11 studies investigated a physical therapy. The majority of these were various forms
of physiotherapy. The comparators were an alternative physiotherapy modality or a control
group. Most of the studies had a high risk of bias. Only single studies were available for
specific modalities. The majority of studies comparing two active interventions reported no
significant difference in outcome between therapies. For studies that did report a benefit with
an intervention, this tended to be evident for some outcomes only within the study. This may
reflect the effect of the intervention or may be related to poor study quality. There was evidence
from one study of a statistically significant short-term benefit with short-wave diathermy (SWD)
plus stretching compared with home exercise only. There was evidence from the same study for a
benefit with SWD compared with a heat pack for range of movement; however, in the same study
there was no evidence of benefit for function and disability. There was also evidence from a single
study that laser therapy had benefit over placebo laser in the short and medium term for pain and
function and disability. Both studies had some risk of bias. The content, intensity and quality of
the background home exercise that all groups received was also unclear. A further study, also at
some risk of bias, found marginally significant improvement for function and disability and range
of movement with high-grade mobilisation techniques compared with low-grade mobilisation
techniques; however, there was no evidence of benefit for pain or quality of life in this study.

Three RCTs compared acupuncture with another treatment and they all had a high risk of bias.
It was possible to calculate the MD and 95% CI for only one of the studies, which compared
electroacupuncture and inferential electrotherapy. There was no significant difference between
the two groups in pain or function and disability at short-, medium- and long-term follow-up.

Six studies evaluated steroid injection. The majority of the available data were from two multi-
arm studies that were of satisfactory quality, although one had some risk of bias. Both studies
evaluated a single intra-articular steroid injection in patients with frozen shoulder of <6 months
duration. The comparators were home exercise alone, physiotherapy alone (both with placebo
injection) and steroid injection followed by physiotherapy. For pain there was a short-term
statistically significant benefit with steroid injection compared with placebo (SMD 1.15, 95% CI
1.62 to 0.67; two RCTs).There was no difference compared with physiotherapy (SMD 0.22,
95% CI 0.65 to 0.20; two RCTs). When steroid injection was provided in conjunction with
physiotherapy, there was an added benefit for pain over physical therapy alone (SMD 0.98, 95%
CI 1.43 to 0.52; two RCTs). There was also benefit with the combined intervention over steroid
injection alone (SMD 0.75, 95% CI 1.20 to 0.29; two RCTs), although there was substantial
heterogeneity. The results for function and disability and range of movement were broadly
consistent with the results for pain. Based on a single study, there was no statistically significant
benefit for quality of life with a steroid injection alone compared with placebo or physiotherapy
alone. However, there was a benefit for quality of life when physiotherapy was added to steroid
injection compared with placebo and physiotherapy alone. There was no evidence of benefit for
the combined intervention over steroid injection alone.

Queens Printer and Controller of HMSO 2012. This work was produced by Maund et al. under the terms of a commissioning contract issued by the
Secretary of State for Health.
xiv Executive summary

Invasive interventions
The data from high-quality RCTs of invasive interventions were even more limited than for
conservative interventions. In addition, there was considerable variability between the studies in
how the procedures were delivered, making comparability between studies difficult.

Four RCTs assessed MUA. A single, satisfactory-quality study compared MUA with home
exercise alone. There was no significant difference between groups in pain, function and
disability, range of movement or working ability at short-, medium- or long-term follow-up. A
study with some risk of bias compared MUA with arthrographic distension. There was greater
improvement in pain and function and disability at 6 months with arthrographic distension
than with MUA in participants with adhesive-stage primary frozen shoulder. The remaining two
studies had a high risk of bias.

Three RCTs investigated distension with steroid injection, two of which used arthrographic
distension. A single satisfactory study reported a significant improvement in one of two function
and disability measures with arthrographic distension including steroid compared with home
exercise (plus placebo arthrography). There was no evidence of benefit for range of movement
or pain. A second study, with some risk of bias, compared arthrographic distension including
steroid with steroid alone. There was benefit with distension for a single range of movement
measure at 6 weeks. There was no evidence of benefit for other outcomes.

Two case series of more than 50 participants were identified that investigated capsular release.
The best-quality case series had an average length of follow-up of 10 months (range 3 to
29 months). There was a significant improvement in function and disability, working ability and a
measure of range of movement amongst participants in this study.

Three RCTS, all at high risk of bias, investigated sodium hyaluronate. The best-quality study
reported a benefit with two injections of sodium hyaluronate compared with home exercise.
However, there was no consistent evidence across outcomes of a benefit compared with 10 daily
sessions of physical therapy or a single steroid injection.

Mixed-treatment comparison
Nine interventions formed part of a connected network with placebo. Steroid combined with
physiotherapy was the only treatment that showed a statistically and clinically significant
beneficial treatment effect compared with placebo (SMD 1.58, 95% CrI 2.96 to 0.42). Overall,
there was no clear difference in the treatment effects of any of the interventions, that is, the CrIs
overlapped. This analysis was based on only a subset of the evidence, which may explain why
the findings are only partly supportive of the main analysis. Given the possible heterogeneity
of placebos and study populations, and the inclusion of poor-quality studies, there is some
uncertainty regarding the results of the MTC.

Patients views
No studies were identified from the searches that explored patients views or experiences of
treatments for frozen shoulder.

The review identified one economic evaluation, conducted in the Netherlands. High-grade
mobilisation was compared with low-grade mobilisation, from a societal perspective. The
evaluation failed to deal with parameter uncertainty and dismissed differences in QALYs based
on statistical inference. The evaluation was of reasonable quality, with a risk of bias, but failed to
provide an answer to the broader question being posed.

DOI: 10.3310/hta16110 Health Technology Assessment 2012; Vol. 16: No. 11 xv

Based on resource-use estimates obtained from clinical experts, average costs were estimated
for the interventions included in the review. The costs for an unguided steroid injection varied
from 36.16 to 138.51 depending on the practitioner delivering the injection, the type of
steroid used and where the practitioner is based (i.e. the setting). These costs suggest that
a physiotherapist delivering treatment in a community setting is the cheapest option and a
rheumatologist delivering treatment in a hospital setting is the most expensive. A guided steroid
injection (considered less popular in the NHS than unguided) produced estimated costs ranging
from 299.68 to 475.56. These costs were mainly influenced by who delivered the injection.
Physiotherapy was estimated to cost between 98.75 and 126.75 dependent on setting. The
addition of a steroid injection to physiotherapy presents a plethora of scenarios dependent on
practitioner, steroid choice and setting; these costs range between 121.43 and 607.31.

Manipulation under anaesthesia was estimated to cost 1446 and capsular release 2204, both
of which included rehabilitation physiotherapy. Arthrographic distension was estimated to cost
approximately 114.84, depending on the choice of steroid injection. A range of other resource
use and costing scenarios is presented.

A mapping analysis explored the relationship between pain measured with a pain VAS and
the SF-36 mental and physical components [mental component summary (MCS) and physical
component summary (PCS)] and the EQ-5D. Ordinary least squares (OLS) regression was used
as the main statistical technique. The fit of all of the models was poor. However, the data suggest
that all models (whether they are based on pain VAS or SF-36 PCS and MCS scores) estimate
more accurate predictions for less severe health states, but overpredict the value of more severe
EQ-5D states. Using the OLS model we mapped the reported mean pain VAS at baseline and
at 3 months of follow-up onto the EQ-5D. The same was carried out for SF-36 PCS and MCS.
The findings of the mapping suggest that there is a positive relationship between outcomes: a
decreasing pain VAS score (less pain) is accompanied by an increasing (better) EQ-5D score;
an increasing EQ-5D score (i.e. better health status) appears to be generally accompanied by
increasing SF-36 scores (i.e. higher scores=a better quality of life). The estimates were then used
to predict EQ-5D scores at baseline and 3 months for a subset of the trials included in the clinical
effectiveness review. Subsequently this allowed the tentative estimation of QALYs and calculation
of cost-effectiveness ratios. The results suggested that steroid alone may be more cost-effective
than steroid plus physiotherapy or physiotherapy alone.


Implications for health care

There may be short-term benefit from adding a single intra-articular steroid injection to
home exercise for patients with primary frozen shoulder of <6 months duration. In the same
population there may also be benefit from adding physiotherapy (including mobilisation in
810 sessions over 4 weeks) to a single steroid injection.
Based on a single study, and for some outcomes only, there may be benefit from adding SWD
to passive mobilisation and home exercise. Based on a single study, and for some outcomes
only, high-grade mobilisation may be more effective than low-grade mobilisation in a
population of patients who have already had physiotherapy and/or steroid injection.

Given the paucity of economic evidence it is not possible to make any conclusions regarding the
most cost-effective interventions.

Queens Printer and Controller of HMSO 2012. This work was produced by Maund et al. under the terms of a commissioning contract issued by the
Secretary of State for Health.
xvi Executive summary

Recommendations for research

There are large gaps in the evidence for the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of all of the
interventions investigated. Taking into account the views of health-care professionals in a
recent survey, and the interventions that are most commonly used in the NHS, we suggest that
the following should be given priority in future high-quality RCTs assessing effectiveness and

A standard care package of high-quality conservative management. This should be fully

specified in any future trial and we suggest that it should involve a structured protocol of
high-quality education, advice, home exercise and monitoring.
Steroid injection, in particular an investigation of the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of
multiple injections and whether there is any added benefit from providing physiotherapy
after steroid injection, over and above steroid injection plus standard care.
Physical therapies, specifically physiotherapy interventions, which have a component that
involves mobilisation or exercises. Research is required to establish whether there is any
benefit from having physiotherapy alone, over and above a standard package of care
Intensive interventions, specifically arthrographic distension, MUA and arthroscopic
capsular release.
Important subgroups in any future RCTs are phase of frozen shoulder and patients with
diabetes. These trials should collect data on resource use and use a utility measure to allow
assessment of cost-effectiveness. A systematic approach to recording adverse events will also
be important.

The large number of treatment options for frozen shoulder and the limited evidence for their
effectiveness and cost-effectiveness makes prioritisation of these difficult and they are not listed
in order of importance. We suggest that an appropriate starting point would be a multi-arm trial
that compares the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of interventions of differing intensity and
costs: high-quality conservative management, steroid injection (possibly in conjunction with
arthrographic distension) and surgical management (MUA and capsular release).


Funding for this study was provided by the Health Technology Assessment programme of the
National Institute for Health Research.

DOI: 10.3310/hta16110 Health Technology Assessment 2012; Vol. 16: No. 11 1

Chapter 1

The decision problem

The commissioning brief requested an evidence synthesis comparing the clinical effectiveness
and cost-effectiveness of different treatments for frozen shoulder to determine the most
appropriate management strategy. The aims of the project were to:

1. evaluate, by way of a systematic review, the clinical effectiveness (including adverse effects)
of strategies currently used in the NHS for the management of frozen shoulder and identify
the most appropriate intervention by stage of condition, specifically physical therapies,
steroid and other shoulder injections, manipulation under anaesthesia (MUA), arthrographic
distension, capsular release, watchful waiting and combinations of these interventions
2. collate, by way of a systematic review, patients views and experiences of the interventions
being assessed in the review
3. identify, by way of a systematic review, the cost-effectiveness of the different interventions in
order to inform the development of a decision model
4. develop a decision-analytic model to estimate the cost-effectiveness of alternative treatment
options for frozen shoulder
5. make recommendations for clinical practice
6. identify any gaps in the evidence, undertake value of information analysis to assess the
potential value of future research on interventions for frozen shoulder and make specific
recommendations for further research.

Frozen shoulder

Frozen shoulder is a painful condition in which movement of the shoulder becomes severely
restricted. The condition can vary in severity from mild to severe pain and/or from some to
severe restriction in movement. It was first described in 1875 by the French pathologist Duplay,
who named it pri-arthrite scapula-humrale. The most well-known definition and name for the
condition was provided in 1934 by an American surgeon EA Codman. He defined it as coming
on slowly with pain usually felt near the insertion of the deltoid; inability to sleep on the affected
side; painful and incomplete elevation and external rotation; restriction of both spasmodic and
mildly adherent type; atrophy of the spinati; little local tenderness; [and] X-rays negative except
for bone atrophy and named it frozen shoulder.1 However, there is an acknowledged absence of
a specific definition of the condition2,3 and of a diagnostic label,3 with additional names for frozen
shoulder including adhesive capsulitis, painful stiff shoulder, retractile capsulitis, Checkrein
shoulder, monoarticular arthritis and steroid-sensitive arthritis.4 Throughout this report the term
frozen shoulder will be used.

Frozen shoulder is typically characterised as having three overlapping phases:5

1. phase 1, in which there is progressive stiffening and loss of motion in the shoulder with
increasing pain on movement, which may be worse at night (months 29), usually referred to
as the painful phase

Queens Printer and Controller of HMSO 2012. This work was produced by Maund et al. under the terms of a commissioning contract issued by the
Secretary of State for Health.
2 Background

2. phase 2, in which there is a gradual decrease in pain but stiffness remains and there is
considerable restriction in the range of movement (months 412), usually referred to as the
stiffening or freezing phase
3. phase 3, in which there is an improvement in range of movement (months 1242), usually
referred to as the resolution phase.

There are different views about the underlying fundamental process: inflammation, scarring
and scarring produced in reaction to inflammation.6 Bunker describes a pathology of fibrous
contracture of the rotator interval and coracohumeral ligament of the shoulder joint.7 In addition
to the capsular contracture, there is often a reduced joint volume: 34ml compared with the
normal volume of 1015ml.8 The formation of new blood vessels in the synovial membrane,
which is most marked in the rotator interval area, is a feature of the early stage of the condition.
In the stiff phase this declines and thick white scar tissue can be seen and palpated within the
capsule at arthroscopic and open surgery. Histology also shows thickening and contracture of
the capsule. A significant increase in fibroblasts, which lay down scar tissue and myofibroblasts,
which contract scar tissue, has been identified.8 In addition, pathological studies have identified
the presence of inflammatory cells (mast cells, T cells, B cells and macrophages), suggesting a
process of inflammation leading to scarring.9

The cumulative incidence of frozen shoulder is estimated at 2.4 per 1000 population per year
based on a Dutch general practice sample.10 A large UK-based primary care study found that
frozen shoulder affected 8.2% of men and 10.1% of women of working age.11 In contrast, frozen
shoulder was estimated to affect only 0.75% of the UK population based on a specialist shoulder
surgeons hospital care experience.8 This discrepancy in estimated prevalence may be explained by
the fact that only the most resistant cases of frozen shoulder are seen in a hospital setting.6 Frozen
shoulder most commonly occurs in people in their mid-50s and is thought to be slightly more
common in women than in men.

Frozen shoulder can be described as either primary (idiopathic), whereby the aetiology is
unknown, or secondary, when it can be attributed to another cause. Secondary frozen shoulder
has been defined as that associated with diabetes (although some classify this as primary frozen
shoulder), trauma, cardiovascular disease and hemiparesis. The incidence of frozen shoulder
is reported to be 1036% amongst people with diabetes, who tend not to respond as well to
treatment as those without diabetes.5 The proportion of frozen shoulder attributed to trauma
varies (933%) and the trauma is often not particularly severe. There is also a discrepancy
between the extent of trauma and severity of subsequent frozen shoulder.4 These uncertainties
mean that in practice it can be difficult to differentiate between primary and secondary
frozen shoulder.

Although for most people frozen shoulder is a self-limiting condition of approximately 13 years
duration, it can be extremely painful and debilitating; people with the condition may struggle
with basic daily activities and be worn down by sleep disturbance as a result of the pain.12 As
well as interfering with domestic and social activities, it can affect the ability to work. There
may not be a complete resolution for all patients and there is variation across case series in the
proportion of patients who do not regain full shoulder motion,5 possibly a reflection of variation
in how outcome was assessed. Based on the largest series of patients with a mean follow-up of
4.4 years from onset of symptoms, 59% had normal or near normal shoulders, 35% had mild to
moderate symptoms with pain being the most common complaint and 6% had severe symptoms
at follow-up.13 Recurrence is unusual although it is estimated that the other shoulder becomes
affected in 617% of patients within 5 years.

DOI: 10.3310/hta16110 Health Technology Assessment 2012; Vol. 16: No. 11 3

Diagnosis and management

Diagnosis, in both primary and secondary settings, is based on clinical examination and medical
history. A key alerting feature is restriction of shoulder movement in all directions passive
and active range of movement.14 Blood tests, radiography and ultrasound are usually normal
and not routinely required unless history or physical examination suggests the need to rule out
other pathologies, for example if rheumatoid arthritis or osteoarthritis is suspected. Frozen
shoulder is commonly managed in the primary care setting. In a UK study of patterns of referral
and diagnosis of shoulder conditions it was estimated that 22% of patients were referred to
secondary care, up to 3 years following initial presentation, although most referrals occurred
within 3 months.15 There is little evidence available on referral patterns in relation to frozen
shoulder specifically.12

There are a number of management options, both surgical and non-surgical, but there is no
consensus about management. For the purpose of the report we have classified the interventions
as conservative and invasive (Table 1).

The aims of treatment, depending on stage of condition, are pain relief, increasing arm
movement, reducing the duration of symptoms and return to normal activities for the patient.
Treatment options include:

Watchful waiting or supervised neglect, which involves explaining the condition to

the patient, and education and advice about mobilisation within pain limits and use of
pain relief.
Oral medications such as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and oral steroids.
Although the use of oral steroids is described in the literature they are not a commonly used
intervention in the UK.
Gentle exercise supervised by a physiotherapist or as part of a home exercise programme.
Physical therapies to help regain range of movement and prevent further stiffness. These
encompass the wide range of techniques used by physiotherapists as well as acupuncture,
and chiropractic and osteopathic techniques. Several different regimes have been described
in the literature including supervised exercises, mobilisation, physiotherapy and use of
electrotherapeutic interventions such as laser therapy and ultrasound. Mobilisation is
therapist-applied passive movement of joints or other structures performed in such a way
that they are always within the control of the patient. Electrotherapies include transcutaneous
nerve stimulation (TENS), interferential therapy, short-wave diathermy (SWD) and pulsed
short-wave diathermy (PSWD), and ultrasound. TENS and interferential therapy consist of
electric pulses or currents and have an analgesic effect. SWD and PSWD use radio frequency
energy to generate heat in tissues, which has an analgesic effect and reduces muscle spasm
and joint stiffness. Ultrasound, mechanical vibration at very high speed, also generates heat

TABLE 1 Classification of interventions for frozen shoulder

Conservative treatment Steroid injections

Physical therapy
Invasive treatment Sodium hyaluronate
Capsular release

Queens Printer and Controller of HMSO 2012. This work was produced by Maund et al. under the terms of a commissioning contract issued by the
Secretary of State for Health.
4 Background

and has the same therapeutic effect as SWD and PSWD.6 Low-level laser therapy is non-
thermal and is believed to reduce pain and inflammation, although the exact mechanism
of its effect is unknown.16 Acupuncture is a form of ancient Chinese medicine in which fine
needles are inserted into the skin at certain points on the body. Chiropractic uses a range of
manual therapies, with an emphasis on manipulation of the spine, whereas osteopathy uses
gentle stretching, massage and manipulation of muscles and joints.17
Intra-articular corticosteroid injections to reduce inflammation and provide pain relief.
A range of different doses and number of injections is described in the literature. This
intervention is usually delivered in the primary care setting but also in the secondary care
setting, depending on how services are organised in a particular region.
Arthrographic distension (also called hydrodilatation), which involves controlled dilatation
of the joint capsule with sterile saline or other solution such as local anaesthetic or steroid,
guided by radiological imaging (arthrography). The procedure is performed under
local anaesthetic.
MUA, in which the shoulder is freed by rotation while the patient is under short general
anaesthesia. This can be undertaken as a day procedure.
Arthroscopic capsular release, a surgical procedure conducted under general or regional
anaesthesia during which the contracted tissue is released. Open capsular release is another
surgical option, usually recommended in those resistant to arthroscopic intervention. Both
can be undertaken as a day procedure.

These interventions can be used individually or in combination, depending on the disease

stage. There is currently not a consensus about the overall management of the condition and
the sequence in which treatments should be offered to patients. A recent survey of 303 UK
health-care professionals [general practitioner (GPs), including those with a special interest,
physiotherapists, advanced scope physiotherapists and orthopaedic surgeons] found that the
professional groups had different views on the most appropriate treatment pathway for frozen
shoulder.18 However, there appears to be a fairly consistent view that the treatments used should
depend on the phase of the disease and/or that a step-up approach should be adopted in terms
of the degree of treatment invasiveness.5,12,18,19 There is a suggestion that aggressive mobilisation
should be avoided in the early, severely painful phase.12,14,19 Surgical intervention is generally,
although not exclusively, used when the condition is resistant to the other interventions,19
although there is no consensus as to what time point or level of pain should indicate
surgical intervention.18

The most commonly used or recommended interventions for the painful phase, in the recent
UK survey of health-care professionals, were conservative treatment (watchful waiting,
education, oral pain relief) and physical therapy (mainly physiotherapy and mobilisation), each
recommended in one-third of responses, and intra-articular steroid injection, recommended in
18% of responses. For patients in the resolution phase, surgery was the most preferred option
(mainly MUA and arthroscopic capsular release), recommended in almost half of the responses,
followed by conservative treatment (12%) and physical therapy (19%).

Previous systematic reviews

Several systematic reviews had previously been undertaken on interventions for frozen shoulder,
some of which focused on shoulder pain in general and included a range of conditions. Those
interventions evaluated were oral steroids,20 corticosteroid injections,2123 physiotherapy,2426
acupuncture,27 arthrographic distension28 and multiple interventions29 (Table 2). None of the

DOI: 10.3310/hta16110 Health Technology Assessment 2012; Vol. 16: No. 11 5

TABLE 2 Previous systematic reviews

Study Intervention End date for literature search

Alvado 200126 Physical therapy 1999
Arroll 2005 23
Corticosteroids 2004
Buchbinder 200620 Oral steroids 2005
Buchbinder 200828 Arthrographic distension 2006
Buchbinder 200321 Corticosteroids 2002
Cleland 2002 25
Physical therapy 2000
Green 199829 Multiple intervention 1995
Green 200324 Physiotherapy 2002
Green 2005 27
Acupuncture 2003
Shah 200722 Corticosteroid injections 2006

literature searches was recent and the reviews required updating (Table 2). In addition, some of
the reviews did not report results by type of shoulder complaint. A recent review of systematic
reviews on frozen shoulder noted the tendency to focus on a single intervention and that updated
reviews were required.30

It is apparent from previous reviews that there is variation in how frozen shoulder is defined
across studies. A review of 21 randomised controlled trials (RCTs) of interventions for frozen
shoulder could not derive a consistent description of the condition from the trials investigating
this patient group.2 Although the RCTs required that participants had restricted shoulder
movement, there was inconsistency across trials in the number of degrees of restriction, the
type of restriction (active or passive) and the direction of the restriction (abduction or external
rotation).2 This highlights the difficulty of applying a strict definition for frozen shoulder within
the context of a systematic review.

Focus of the synthesis

We undertook a systematic review of a range of NHS-relevant interventions for the treatment of

primary frozen shoulder with the aim of informing a decision-analytic model. Previous reviews
have tended to assess single treatments. The main focus was on comparing the main treatment
options for frozen shoulder and identifying the most appropriate treatment by stage of frozen
shoulder. Although variations within treatments were included in the synthesis, the main interest
was in questions such as whether there is additional benefit from providing physiotherapy
following steroid injection. Given the range of interventions being considered and the possibility
that all treatment options would not have been compared in head-to-head in trials we planned to
undertake a mixed-treatment comparison (MTC) in addition to pair-wise meta-analysis. MTC
is an extension of traditional meta-analysis in which trials comparing the same intervention and
the same comparator are pooled to estimate an overall treatment effect. A MTC overcomes the
limitations of standard meta-analysis when there are no or few head-to-head comparisons or
when the decision problem requires the comparison of several interventions.31,32 A ranking of
interventions, based on the probability that each treatment is best,33 can be produced. This is of
particular value when several treatment options are under consideration.

Queens Printer and Controller of HMSO 2012. This work was produced by Maund et al. under the terms of a commissioning contract issued by the
Secretary of State for Health.

DOI: 10.3310/hta16110 Health Technology Assessment 2012; Vol. 16: No. 11 7

Chapter 2


There were four planned components for the assessment: a systematic review of the clinical
effectiveness of the interventions, a systematic review of patients views and experiences of the
treatments, a systematic review of studies assessing the cost-effectiveness of the treatments and
an assessment of the cost-effectiveness of the alternative treatment options for primary frozen
shoulder. At various stages of the assessment the review team consulted with an advisory group
including clinicians, an economist, researchers undertaking other research on frozen shoulder,
service users and a specialist in dissemination.

Review of clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness

The systematic review of studies of clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness was undertaken
following the general principles outlined in Centre for Reviews and Dissemination (CRD)

Literature searches

The literature searches sought to identify papers on the use of physical therapies, steroid and
other shoulder injections, MUA, arthrographic distension, capsular release, watchful waiting and
combinations of these interventions for people with a primary diagnosis of frozen shoulder. A
range of study types [systematic reviews, RCTs, economic evaluations, quasi-experimental studies
(i.e. with a control group), case series of at least 50 participants] were eligible for inclusion and so
the use of a study type filter in the search strategy was not considered appropriate.

The following databases were searched: MEDLINE, MEDLINE In-Process & Other Non-
Indexed Citations, Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health (CINAHL), EMBASE,
Science Citation Index, BIOSIS Previews, Physiotherapy Evidence Database (PEDro), Cochrane
Database of Systematic Reviews (CDSR), Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effects (DARE),
Health Technology Assessment (HTA) database, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled
Trials (CENTRAL), PASCAL, Manual, Alternative and Natural Therapy (MANTIS), Latin
American and Caribbean Health Sciences Literature (LILACS) and NHS Economic Evaluation
Database (NHS EED). In the study protocol the Office of Health Economics Health Economic
Evaluations Database (OHE HEED) was listed as one of the databases to be searched but access
to this database was not available at the time that the searches were conducted. The searches
were not restricted by language. The databases were searched from inception up to March 2010
(22 March for MEDLINE). Update searches were undertaken of MEDLINE and EMBASE on 5
January 2011.

In addition, information on studies in progress, unpublished research or research reported in

the grey literature was sought by searching a range of relevant databases including Conference
Proceedings Citation Index: Science, Health Management Information Consortium (HMIC),

Queens Printer and Controller of HMSO 2012. This work was produced by Maund et al. under the terms of a commissioning contract issued by the
Secretary of State for Health.
8 Methods and National Technical Information Service (NTIS). Furthermore, the

reference lists of relevant systematic reviews were checked to identify further studies.

The websites of some relevant organisations were also scanned: the National Institute of
Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases (NIAMS) (,
the British Elbow & Shoulder Society (BESS) (, the National Physiotherapy
Research Network (
nationalphysiotherapyresearchnetwork.cfm) and the Primary Care Rheumatology Society (www.

The search strategy was developed using the MEDLINE database as the primary database
(Table 3). In terms of the PICOS formula (patient, intervention, comparator, outcome,
study design), the search strategy focused on population and intervention. The strategy was
constructed so that lines 118 contain the various terms for frozen shoulder with these being
combined at line 19. In the remainder of the strategy potential interventions for this condition
are grouped together and then subsequently combined with line 19. For example, lines 2830
seek to retrieve records for arthroscopy, arthroscopic release or capsular release, all combined
in line 31 and subsequently further combined with line 19 so that line 32 potentially identifies
records containing terms for both frozen shoulder and arthroscopy. A similar approach has been
used throughout the strategy with each of the potential interventions.

One of the particular challenges in constructing this search strategy was that there is no MeSH
directly corresponding to frozen shoulder or adhesive capsulitis. The nearest MeSH available,
bursitis, refers to knee joints and elbow joints as well as the shoulder joint so it is inevitable that
redundant records will be identified by the search. The inclusion of free-text terms in the strategy
is therefore essential.

During the development of the search strategy a small number of records were identified
in which neither the title of the paper nor the abstract contained reference to a potential
intervention. As the article titles appeared to indicate that the papers could be potentially useful,
lines 16 at the beginning of the MEDLINE search strategy focus simply on identifying and
retrieving records that have frozen shoulder, etc. in the title of the record. This assumes that
when the term appears in the title there is a high likelihood that it could be relevant even if no
intervention is specifically mentioned.

The strategies from all of the databases are given in full in Appendix 1.

Inclusion and exclusion criteria

Studies were included in the review if they met the criteria below, which are also summarised
in Table 4.

Participants with idiopathic (primary) frozen shoulder were included. We took a pragmatic
approach and included studies based on the authors definition of frozen shoulder to ensure that
we identified all of the relevant evidence. Ideally, only patients with loss of active and passive
external rotation of the involved shoulder with normal radiographic findings would be included.
This would allow for exclusion of patients with arthritis of the shoulder, which can present as a
similar clinical picture. However, such information is not always available in reports of trials.

DOI: 10.3310/hta16110 Health Technology Assessment 2012; Vol. 16: No. 11 9

TABLE 3 MEDLINE search strategy

OvidSP interface; Ovid MEDLINE(R), 1950 to March Week 2 2010

3158 records identified, update search (5 January 2011) identified 98 records
1. (frozen adj6 shoulder$).ti. (272)
2. (stiff$adj3 shoulder$).ti. (93)
3. (adhesive adj (capsulitis or capsulitides)).ti. (165)
4. ((bursitis or bursitides) adj6 shoulder$).ti. (27)
5. ((capsulitis or capsulitides) adj6 shoulder$).ti. (89)
6. 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5 (552)
7. (frozen adj6 shoulder$).ab. (466)
8. (stiff$adj3 shoulder$).ab. (307)
9. exp bursitis/ (3095)
10. (adhesive adj (capsulitis or capsulitides)).ab. (298)
11. ((bursitis or bursitides) adj6 shoulder$).ab. (45)
12. ((capsulitis or capsulitides) adj6 shoulder$).ab. (161)
13. ((periarthritis or peri-arthritis or periarthritides or peri-arthritides or peri-capsulitis or pericapsulitis) adj6 shoulder$).ti,ab. (175)
14. shoulder pain/ (1799)
15. (shoulder$adj3 (pain or pains or painful or complain$)).ti,ab. (3905)
16. Shoulder Impingement Syndrome/ (929)
17. (shoulder$adj6 impinge$).ti,ab. (496)
18. subacromial impingement syndrome.ti,ab. (110)
19. 7 or 8 or 9 or 10 or 11 or 12 or 13 or 14 or 15 or 16 or 17 or 18 (8926)
20. Arthrography/ (3671)
21. (arthrograph$adj6 (distension$or distention$)).ti,ab. (36)
22. (arthrogram$adj6 (distension$or distention$)).ti,ab. (1)
23. (glenohumeral adj6 (distension$or distention$)).ti,ab. (9)
24. Dilatation/ (7623)
25. (dilatation or hydrodilat$).ti,ab. (34,251)
26. or/2025 (43,572)
27. 19 and 26 (213)
28. Arthroscopy/ (12,449)
29. (arthroscop$adj6 (releas$or decompress$or capsulotom$)).ti,ab. (568)
30. ((capsular adj2 releas$) or interventional microadhesiolysis or capsulotomy).ti,ab. (1953)
31. or/2830 (14,377)
32. 19 and 31 (778)
33. Injections, Intra-Articular/ (4409)
34. 33 and 19 (259)
35. injections/ (29,104)
36. 35 and 19 (67)
37. ((bursa$or intrabursa$or intra bursa$or periartic$or peri artic$or intraartic$or intra artic$) adj3 inject$).ti,ab. (3026)
38. 37 and 19 (132)
39. ((subacromial or acromioclavicular or glenohumeral) adj3 inject$).ti,ab. (144)
40. ((extra articular or extraarticular or shoulder$) adj3 inject$).ti,ab. (153)
41. 34 or 36 or 38 or 39 or 40 (572)
42. exp Physical Therapy Modalities/ (95,938)
43. (physiotherapy or physiotherapies or physical therap$or manual therap$).ti,ab. (16,547)
44. (passive adj (motion or movement)).ti,ab. (1400)
45. CPM.ti,ab. (3594)


Queens Printer and Controller of HMSO 2012. This work was produced by Maund et al. under the terms of a commissioning contract issued by the
Secretary of State for Health.
10 Methods

TABLE 3 MEDLINE search strategy (continued)

46. muscle stretching exercises/ (333)

47. (stretching or stretches).ti,ab. (15,092)
48. (mobilisation or mobilization).ti,ab. (32,663)
49. (exercise$adj2 (program$or strength$or intervention$or training or prescription$or prescrib$)).ti,ab. (15,121)
50. (exercise$adj2 (therap$or therapeutic)).ti,ab. (2787)
51. ((home or supervis$) adj2 exercis$).ti,ab. (1536)
52. ((pendular or pendulum) adj exercis$).ti,ab. (13)
53. ((isokinetic or resist$) adj2 exercise$).ti,ab. (2412)
54. or/4253 (165,811)
55. 19 and 54 (1251)
56. exp Musculoskeletal Manipulations/ (9623)
57. chiropractic$.ti,ab. (2520)
58. osteopath$.ti,ab. (3141)
59. (manipulat$adj3 (anesthesia or anaesthesia or anesthetic$or anaesthetic$)).ti,ab. (317)
60. MUA.ti,ab. (752)
61. 56 or 57 or 58 or 59 or 60 (15,100)
62. 19 and 61 (223)
63. (TENS or ALTENS).ti,ab. (4717)
64. ((electric$adj2 stimulat$) or (transcutaneous adj2 stimulat$) or (transdermal adj2 electrostimulat$) or (cutaneous adj2 electrostimulat$) or
electroanalgesia or electro analgesia).ti,ab. (43,717)
65. (muscle adj2 stimulat$).ti,ab. (4333)
66. (neuromodulation or neuro modulation or neurostimulation or neuro stimulation).ti,ab. (2177)
67. interferential.ti,ab. (204)
68. or/6367 (53,102)
69. 19 and 68 (79)
70. biofeedback.ti,ab. (3972)
71. Biofeedback, Psychology/ (5327)
72. or/7071 (6440)
73. 19 and 72 (18)
74. cryotherapy/ (2779)
75. ice/ (2686)
76. diathermy/ (2482)
77. hyperthermia, induced/ (9561)
78. hot temperature/ (82,248)
79. ((cold or ice or heat or hot) adj (pack$or therap$or treat$)).ti,ab. (10,182)
80. (thermograph$or thermotherap$or thermo therap$or hypertherm$or hyper therm$or diatherm$or cryotherap$or cryo therap$).ti,ab. (33,180)
81. or/7480 (123,890)
82. 19 and 81 (103)
83. exp Laser Therapy/ (41,566)
84. ultrasonic therapy/ (6801)
85. ultrasound.ti,ab. (105,682)
86. Ultrasonography, Interventional/ (9172)
87. (electrotherapeutic adj (intervention$or treat$)).ti,ab. (7)
88. or/8387 (153,673)
89. 19 and 88 (375)
90. magnetic field therapy/(279)
91. pulsed electromagnetic field therapy.ti,ab. (22)
92. ((electromagnetic$or magnetic$) adj3 field$).ti,ab. (17,098)

DOI: 10.3310/hta16110 Health Technology Assessment 2012; Vol. 16: No. 11 11

TABLE 3 MEDLINE search strategy (continued)

93. (biomagnetic$or bio magnetic$or pulsed signal).ti,ab. (345)

94. PEMF.ti,ab. (264)
95. or/9094 (17,449)
96. 19 and 95 (16)
97. nerve block/ (10,624)
98. neuromuscular blockade/ (1083)
99. (nerve adj2 block$).ti,ab. (5976)
100. or/9799 (14,316)
101. 19 and 100 (129)
102. exp Acupuncture Therapy/ (12,086)
103. acupuncture$.ti,ab. (9788)
104. (electroacupuncture$or electro acupuncture$).ti,ab. (1968)
105. (osteopuncture$or osteo puncture$).ti,ab. (1)
106. (perioste$adj3 (stimulat$or therap$or needling)).ti,ab. (134)
107. or/102106 (13,946)
108. and 107 (110)
109. massage/ (3834)
110. (massag$or acupressure or shiatsu or shiatzu or zhi ya or chih ya).ti,ab. (5864)
111. 09 or 110 (7657)
112. 19 and 111 (61)
113. (rehabilitat$adj2 (program$or protocol$)).ti,ab. (8627)
114. 19 and 113 (125)
115. ((watch$adj2 wait$) or (conservative adj2 treat$)).ti,ab. (20,170)
116. 19 and 115 (243)
117. (management adj2 (decision$or option$or choice$)).ti,ab. (6499)
118. 19 and 117 (6)
119. 114 or 116 or 118 (361)
120. 6 or 27 or 32 or 41 or 55 or 62 or 69 or 73 or 82 or 89 or 96 or 101 or 108 or 112 or 119 (3236)
121. limit 120 to yr=1966 -Current (3158)

TABLE 4 Inclusion criteria

Population Participants with idiopathic (primary) frozen shoulder (adhesive capsulitis) as defined by the authors, with or without diabetes
Intervention Physical therapies, arthrographic distension, steroid injection, sodium hyaluronate injection, MUA, capsular release, watchful
Comparator Any of the above, no treatment or placebo
Outcomes Pain; ROM; function and disability; quality of life; time to recovery, return to work and recreation; adverse events
Study design RCTs; in the absence of randomised trials, quasi-experimental studies (i.e. with a control group). If controlled trials were not
available for MUA or capsular release, case series of at least 50 participants
Studies of Full economic evaluations that also met the population and intervention inclusion criteria

ROM, range of movement.

Queens Printer and Controller of HMSO 2012. This work was produced by Maund et al. under the terms of a commissioning contract issued by the
Secretary of State for Health.
12 Methods

Studies of general shoulder conditions were included only if outcome data were reported
separately for participants with primary frozen shoulder, and studies of mixed populations of
primary and secondary frozen shoulder were included only when at least 90% of the participants
had primary frozen shoulder or data were reported separately for the two groups. Frozen
shoulder in people with diabetes is defined as primary in some classifications and as secondary in
others. Patients with diabetes were included as primary frozen shoulder.

The following interventions, or combinations of these, were eligible for inclusion:

physical therapies (including physiotherapy, acupuncture, chiropractic and osteopathy

interventions); physiotherapy encompasses a wide range of techniques including
mobilisation, biofeedback, ultrasound and laser therapy and all therapies falling under the
physiotherapy umbrella were included
steroid and other shoulder injections such as sodium hyaluronate
capsular release (arthroscopic and open)
the approach of watchful waiting (as defined by the authors but including education and
advice about mobilisation within pain limits, home exercise and use of pain relief).

There are a number of other treatments that have been researched for frozen shoulder that are
not commonly used on the NHS, such as radiotherapy, collagenase injection, salmon calcitonin
and antibodies to tumour necrosis factor-. These interventions were excluded. Sodium
hyaluronate is not licensed for use in frozen shoulder but a recent survey reported its use by a few
respondents and therefore it was included in the review to establish the evidence base.

Studies using any of the above treatments as a comparator (including studies comparing different
regimens of the same intervention), no treatment or placebo were included. The two exceptions
to this were acupuncture and sodium hyaluronate. Dose-ranging studies of sodium hyaluronate
were excluded. Studies of acupuncture were included only when the comparator was one of
the other interventions of interest in the review. Therefore, studies comparing more than one
type of acupuncture or comparing acupuncture to an alternative therapy such as moxibustion
were excluded.

The outcomes of interest were pain (e.g. at rest, on movement, at night); range of movement (e.g.
internal and external rotation, elevation); function and disability; quality of life; time to recovery,
return to work and recreation; and adverse events.

Study design
Only RCTs were eligible for inclusion where this level of evidence was available on an
intervention/management strategy. In the absence of randomised trials, quasi-experimental
studies (i.e. with a control group) were included. If controlled trials were not available for MUA
or capsular release, case series of at least 50 participants were included. It is unclear what size a
good-quality case series should be and therefore this was chosen as an arbitrary cut-off; it was
considered an achievable size of case series for this field while maximising the possibility of a
representative sample of patients.

The intention was to include and update systematic reviews if (1) they fulfilled all the relevant
inclusion criteria, (2) they had no significant sources of error and bias and (3) they were reported

DOI: 10.3310/hta16110 Health Technology Assessment 2012; Vol. 16: No. 11 13

in detail and the raw data are available from the report or authors to allow an update of the
synthesis (if searches are more than 12 months out of date). Otherwise they would be screened as
an additional source of studies. Previous systematic reviews focused on individual interventions
and had variable inclusion criteria and therefore updating of individual reviews was not
appropriate. The reference lists of reviews were screened for additional studies.

Full economic evaluations

Full economic evaluations that met the population and intervention inclusion criteria
were eligible for inclusion. A full economic evaluation was defined as any study in which a
comparison of two or more relevant alternatives was undertaken with costs and outcomes
examined separately for each alternative. This included cost-effectiveness analyses (including
costconsequence analysis), in which health outcomes are expressed in natural units; costutility
analysis, in which benefits are measured in utility units or utility-weighted life-years; and
costbenefit analyses, in which benefits are measured in monetary form using approaches such as
willingness to pay or human capital approach.

Screening and study selection

Two researchers independently screened all titles and abstracts identified from the searches to
identify potentially relevant studies. Full manuscripts of potentially relevant studies were ordered
and two researchers independently assessed the relevance of each study using the criteria above.
Disagreements were resolved by consensus and, if necessary, a third researcher was consulted.

Data extraction

Descriptive data extracted included study design, number randomised, loss to follow-up, country,
setting, inclusion criteria, population characteristics, description of the intervention including
duration and intensity, concomitant treatments and outcome measures used. These data were
extracted by one researcher using a pre-piloted standardised data extraction form in Evidence
for Policy and Practice Information (EPPI)-Reviewer 3 (EPPI-Centre, Institute of Education,
University of London, UK). Number of participants randomised, number included in each
analysis, mean and standard deviation (SD) were extracted into a pre-piloted Microsoft Excel
2007 spreadsheet (Microsoft Corporation, Redmond, WA, USA). Descriptive and outcome data
were checked by a second reviewer and discrepancies were resolved through discussion and, if
necessary, a third opinion was sought.

For continuous outcomes the post-intervention (final value) mean and SD for each group were
extracted, where available, as first preference. Otherwise, change scores (the difference between
baseline and follow-up) and SD for each group were extracted, and the between-group difference
in change and SD where data for the individual groups were not available. Data available only
in graph format were not extracted; authors were contacted for the actual data. Where only
median and ranges were reported, these were extracted. Unadjusted data were extracted to allow
for covariate analyses in the MTC. Where unadjusted data were not available, adjusted data
were extracted and the type of adjustment recorded (two studies35,36). Standard data imputation
methods were used, where necessary, to calculate SDs.37 If the SD or standard error (SE) was not
reported, the variance was calculated from the 95% confidence interval (CI) or p-value (three
studies3840). Where this information was not available, the SD was imputed based on the average
SD across all interventions for that outcome (two studies35,41). As a final means of imputing SD,
a simulation model written in the R programme was used. The model repeatedly sampled from
the possible range of values of the outcome measure being used (e.g. 09 in the case of a Likert

Queens Printer and Controller of HMSO 2012. This work was produced by Maund et al. under the terms of a commissioning contract issued by the
Secretary of State for Health.
14 Methods

09 scale used to measure pain) to identify sequences whose mean equalled the mean reported in
the trial of interest. Where the two means matched, the model calculated a SD; finally, the mean
of these SDs was calculated and used in our analysis (two studies42,43). The R code is presented in
Appendix 3.

Where the number of participants in an analysis was unclear, and the information was not
available from the authors, the number randomised minus the number of dropouts was used.

Assessment of risk of bias

Quality assessment was also undertaken by one researcher and checked by a second with
discrepancies resolved by consensus or recourse to a third researcher if necessary. Studies were
assessed using the checklist in Appendix 4. The criteria for assessing randomised and non-
randomised trials were based on recent CRD guidance;34 the criteria for case series are based
on those used in a recent systematic review including case series.44 The quality of economic
evaluations was assessed using a modified version of the Drummond checklist.45


The synthesis had two main components: (1) a narrative synthesis, including pair-wise
comparisons and (2) a MTC. The analysis was based on the protocol and an a priori analysis plan.
The primary outcomes of interest were patient-assessed pain intensity, function and disability,
quality of life and range of movement. Given that the symptoms of frozen shoulder change over
time (with pain being the strongest characteristic of the early stages but not later), it was not
appropriate to use a single primary outcome.

Narrative synthesis and pair-wise comparisons

A narrative and tabular summary of key study characteristics, quality assessment and results was
undertaken. Studies were grouped by the main intervention of interest in the study and then by
comparator. Where appropriate, based on clinical and statistical heterogeneity and the necessary
data being available, individual study results were combined in a pair-wise meta-analysis based
on type of intervention and comparator using RevMan 5 (The Cochrane Collaboration, The
Nordic Cochrane Centre, Copenhagen, Denmark).46 A random-effects model was used except
when there were fewer than three studies when a fixed-effect model was used. Heterogeneity
was assessed using the chi-squared test and the I2 statistic. A chi-squared test with p-values <0.1,
and I2 values >50% were taken to indicate that there was substantial statistical heterogeneity.34,47
When a quantitative synthesis was not appropriate the results of studies were discussed in a
narrative. Studies reporting median rather than mean values were discussed in the narrative
synthesis only.

Pain was measured using several different outcome scales; therefore, the standardised mean
difference (SMD) was calculated. Final value and change scores were not combined together as
SMDs, as the difference in SD reflects differences in measurement. Scales were amended, where
necessary, so that an increase in score equated to an increase in pain according to the Cochrane
Handbook.48 The SMD measure used was Hedges g as this is considered appropriate for studies
with small sample sizes.49

The interpretation of the SMD is not as intuitive as the interpretation of the original measures
of treatment effect. To address this issue, the pooled SMD was back transformed to an original

DOI: 10.3310/hta16110 Health Technology Assessment 2012; Vol. 16: No. 11 15

measure by multiplying it with a typical SD of one of the pain measures. A visual analogue
scale (VAS) 0100mm was chosen, as this measure of pain, compared with others used by
studies included in the review, had the largest volume of literature regarding minimum clinically
important differences (MCIDs) in pain. This included one study performed in a shoulder-specific
population.50 Transformation from SMD to VAS 0100mm was made using a representative
pooled SD at baseline from one of the included trials.51 It should be noted that this was only
appropriate for pooled rather than individual study SMDs.52 The reduction in pain recorded as
a SMD can be interpreted on a VAS 0100mm using Table 5. No data could be located on the
MCID in pain for individuals with frozen shoulder; however, it is suggested that a difference of
14mm on a 100-mm VAS scale is the MCID for individuals with rotator cuff disease, a shoulder
disorder also characterised by pain and restricted range of movement.50 Given that the between-
group MCID is thought to approximate 40% of that within individuals,6,53 the MCID between
groups for rotator cuff disorder can be estimated to be approximately 5.6mm. This value is
therefore used as a proxy for the between-group MCID for frozen shoulder.

A wide range of function and disability scales were reported in the studies. These outcomes were
not converted to a SMD as they were not considered similar enough. This was because there
were differences between some scales in the aspects of function and disability assessed and in
the weighting given to similar components. In addition, the correlation between some of the
included scales was at best moderate.5456

Because of the large number of different range of movement measures used, following discussion
with the advisory group these were prioritised for the analyses. The passive range of movement
outcomes of interest were passive external rotation, passive internal rotation and passive
abduction; and the active range of movement outcomes were active external rotation, active
internal rotation and active abduction. When passive and active range of movement was not
reported separately, unspecified external rotation, internal rotation and abduction were used in
the synthesis. When active internal rotation was not reported but hand behind back was, this was
used as a proxy measure, although there is some evidence that the correlation between the two is
low to moderate.57

As stated above, studies were grouped by type of intervention in the narrative synthesis and
pair-wise comparisons. In addition, subgroups were created within interventions. These
subgroups were specified a priori to identify clinically similar studies for pooling in the pair-wise
comparisons and MTC to guide the exploration of similarities and differences within classes of
interventions in the narrative synthesis. These subgroups were as follows:

Active physical therapy and physical therapy without mobilisation. Active physical therapy
(or physical therapy with mobilisation) was defined as an intervention in which at least
part of the intervention involved the patients body being wholly or partly in motion, such
as exercise, mobilisation and stretching (with or without passive techniques such as heat
treatment). Interventions in which there was no such active mobilisation or stretching and

TABLE 5 Standardised mean differences and equivalent reductions on the VAS 0100mm scale

Reduction in pain score

SMD 0.3 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0
VAS 0100mm 5.6 9.15 18.3 27.45 36.6

Queens Printer and Controller of HMSO 2012. This work was produced by Maund et al. under the terms of a commissioning contract issued by the
Secretary of State for Health.
16 Methods

the participant was the passive recipient of a therapy such as laser therapy, TENS, ultrasound,
heat treatment or ice packs alone were classified as physical therapy without mobilisation.
Steroid injections were grouped by the number of injections three or fewer injections and
more than three injections. This was based on advice from the advisory group that patients in
the UK are unlikely to receive more than three injections for frozen shoulder; therefore, this
was the cut-off used.

Length of follow-up
Follow-up of 4 weeks was not included in the analysis as it was not considered to be
informative. Where studies did not report the same length of follow-up, outcomes were pooled
grouped by short-, medium- and long-term follow-up. For short-term follow-up the data point
from each study at 3 months follow-up or the closest data point before 3 months follow-up was
used. For the outcome of pain, where pair-wise comparisons were possible, the same short-term
follow-up data used for the MTC at 3 months were pooled. This was to enable comparison of
results from the pair-wise comparisons and the MTC. For medium-term follow-up the data point
at 6 months or the closest data point before 6 months was used. For long-term follow-up the data
point at 12 months or the closest data point before 12 months was used. Data were also presented
(when reported) at multiple times within a follow-up period (e.g. 6 weeks and 3 months). When
only a narrative synthesis was possible, data were discussed using the same categories.

Unit of analysis error

Some of the included studies had a unit of analysis error, that is, patients were randomised to the
intervention but outcome was reported by shoulder when a participant had two frozen shoulders.
In these instances the number of patients was used as the denominator in the analysis as only a
few patients had more than one shoulder involved; therefore, the difference between number of
shoulders and number of participants was small.58

Multi-arm trials
Where pooling of multi-arm trials required the use of a control group more than once in the
same meta-analysis, the number of participants in the control group was divided approximately
evenly among the comparisons, with the means and SDs left unchanged. Where different arms
were assessing minor variations of a class of intervention these were combined before pooling.37

Subgroup analyses
Subgroup analyses were planned to explore the influence of the following study characteristics in
the MTC and pair-wise comparisons:

inclusion of patients with diabetes

stage of frozen shoulder
study quality (with studies stratified by concealment of allocation and by blinding of
outcome assessors).

Because of the small number of studies suitable for pooling it was only possible to explore these
factors in the narrative.

Mixed-treatment comparison
A MTC was undertaken. A MTC, also referred to as network meta-analysis, goes beyond the
scope of the standard pair-wise meta-analysis in which direct within-trial results are pooled in
a weighted manner, and provides a mechanism for bringing together both direct and indirect
evidence. The approach allows data networks that include A versus B trials, B versus C trials and
A versus C trials to be used to make inferences about the relative efficacy of all treatments.33 This
allows estimation of comparisons not previously considered in a clinical trial to be made. As the

DOI: 10.3310/hta16110 Health Technology Assessment 2012; Vol. 16: No. 11 17

summary treatment effect from each trial is used to inform the MTC, the randomisation of the
trial is maintained within the analysis.

As with standard meta-analysis, to facilitate this type of analysis a number of conditions need
to hold:

Homogeneity assumption that trials are sufficiently homogeneous to be

quantitatively combined.
Consistency assumption that had treatment C been included in a trial comparing
interventions A and B, then the treatment effect dAC would be equivalent to that obtained
from a trial of interventions A and C.33 Assuming consistency, the treatment effect dAC is the
sum of the treatment effects dAB and dBC.
Methodological similarity that trial methods are similar as relative effects from trials may
be associated with the quality of the study, particularly when subjective outcome measures
are used.59

The MTC analysis was conducted in WinBUGS version 1.4.3 (MRC Biostatistics Unit,
Cambridge, UK),60 which is a Bayesian analysis software that utilises Markov chain Monte Carlo
(MCMC) methods. A Bayesian framework involves a formal combination of a prior probability
distribution (which reflects our belief about the possible values of the pooled effect) and a
likelihood function (which informs the distribution of the pooled effect based on the observed
data) to obtain a posterior probability distribution of the pooled effect. As the outcome for
this analysis was the treatment effect difference, a normal likelihood distribution was used for
the treatment effect data. A random-effects model was specified as it is likely that, although
the treatment effects may be drawn from a common distribution, because of clinical and
methodological variations, the true effect size is unlikely to be exactly the same.

Mixed-treatment comparison methods can be applied only to a connected network of RCTs.

Because of the diversity of outcomes reported in the clinical trials the number of network options
was limited. We were unable to standardise function and disability measures and given the
variety reported no network was available. Range of movement outcomes were also not reported
in a systematic manner in trials, leaving no network available. As previously stated it was possible
to standardise the different pain outcome measures using the SMD; therefore, pain was the only
outcome available to undertake a MTC.

Some studies reported more than one type of pain outcome; therefore, for the MTC one pain
measure was selected from each study using a hierarchy based on the clinical significance of
the type of pain. This was established following discussions with the advisory group, including
individuals with frozen shoulder, and after exploring the literature. When more than one pain
outcome was reported in a study a single measure was chosen for the MTC analysis in the
following order: overall pain, pain at night, pain on activity, any other type of pain (excluding
pain at rest) and pain at rest.

Only RCTs reporting final values and SDs (or when data were available to calculate final values
or to impute SDs) were eligible for inclusion in the MTC. The model fit was assessed using the
residual deviance. A value close to the number of data points in the data set reflects a good fit.
The MCMC simulation requires initial values to be specified for all parameters that are modelled
as distributions. It is anticipated that following a sufficient burn-in period the chain will approach
a stationary distribution. Convergence to a stable estimate should take place regardless of
initial values. This was assessed using diagnostic tools provided within the WinBUGS package,
including graphical time series trace of starting values for the selected parameters, the Brooks
GelmanRubin statistic and posterior distributions. The first 10,000 iterations were used as

Queens Printer and Controller of HMSO 2012. This work was produced by Maund et al. under the terms of a commissioning contract issued by the
Secretary of State for Health.
18 Methods

burn-in and discarded; subsequently, a further 100,000 iterations were performed. Uncertainty
was presented using the upper and lower limits of 95% credible intervals (CrIs), which describe
the bounds within which it is believed there is a 95% chance that the true value lies.

The selection of the prior distributions is extremely important, particularly when there is limited
effectiveness data. In a situation in which we have no information and we wish to include
non-informative priors, it is important to check that the selections are truly non-informative.
Prior distributions are given to those parameters being estimated by the model. The combining
of the prior and the data gives us the posterior distributions from which we sample. The prior
for the between-study SD was set to be a uniform distribution with a range 0 to 2. This covered
the range of treatment effects within a particular comparison. However, when data are sparse,
non-informative priors have an unintentionally large influence on the precision of the treatment
effect, which can lead to different statistical inferences.61 For this reason we undertook a number
of sensitivity analyses to ensure that our prior was non-informative and allowed the model to
reach convergence. For each network, a sensitivity analysis was performed by changing the range
of the uniform prior distribution on the SD from 02 to 00.8, 05, 010 and, as a final check for
stability for network 1, 015. An additional sensitivity analysis was also performed by repeating
each analysis using a burn-in of 30,000 iterations.

Systematic review of patients views of interventions for frozen shoulder

Given the range of possible treatment options for frozen shoulder, patient preference is an
important factor in the treatments received by people with frozen shoulder as well as the
sequence in which they try treatments when more than one type of treatment is necessary. We
therefore undertook a systematic review of studies of patients views of treatments for frozen
shoulder. Three databases (CINAHL, MEDLINE and PsycINFO) were searched on 3 June 2010 to
identify qualitative studies, with searches being restricted to English-language papers published
from 1980 onwards. The search strategies used combined a set of terms for frozen shoulder/
adhesive capsulitis with a qualitative search filter.62 The search strategies used are given in full in
Appendix 2.

Studies investigating patients views or experiences about the treatments included in the main
review were eligible for inclusion. Only English-language qualitative studies were included;
expert opinion, letters containing no data on patient views, editorials and discussion papers
were excluded.

The processes for study selection, data extraction and quality assessment followed those of the
main review. Studies were selected independently by two researchers and disagreements were
resolved through discussion.

The intention was to extract data on study aim, participant characteristics, methods of collecting
data on patient views and experiences, method of analysis, results in the form of a summary of
key themes arising from the analysis and authors conclusions. Study quality was to be assessed
using a tool developed by Hawker et al.63 and a narrative synthesis undertaken.

Assessment of cost-effectiveness

The intention was to develop a decision-analytic model, following National Institute for Health
and Clinical Excellence (NICE) guidance on methods for technology appraisal,64 to estimate the
cost-effectiveness of the different treatments for frozen shoulder. The specific objectives outlined

DOI: 10.3310/hta16110 Health Technology Assessment 2012; Vol. 16: No. 11 19

in the proposal for the cost-effectiveness analysis were to (1) assess the cost-effectiveness of the
named interventions for frozen shoulder to inform clinical practice and (2) identify the key
uncertainties relating to the cost-effectiveness analysis and to use these to inform future research
priorities. We reviewed the literature to:

identify any existing modelling in a similar population

identify treatments for this condition
identify sequences or order of treatments
explore whether treatments (or sequences of treatment) were influenced by phase
of condition
identify any potential sources of data to populate the model
identify studies most relevant to the UK decision-maker.

The economic literature for this clinical area was found to be scant. The development of a full
economic model was not possible. We present a full discussion around the issues of modelling
treatments for frozen shoulder in Chapter 3 (see Decision model), but, in brief, a lack of clinical
evidence and consensus regarding treatment options made the structuring and populating of a
model unachievable.

In an attempt to present some information that will be useful to the decision-maker we

undertook a number of supplementary investigative exercises. First, we used the advisory group
to elicit details of resource use associated with the interventions for which evidence has been
identified in the systematic review. In conjunction with the advisory group, cost estimates for
these procedures were produced. Second, as our initial aim was to express health benefits in
terms of quality-adjusted life-years (QALYs), we investigated the available evidence to identify
utility outcomes. A search of the published literature was undertaken to find any published
studies that had measured and reported health utility as an outcome. Following the NICE
reference case64 the European Quality of Life-5 Dimensions (EQ-5D) should be used to elicit
individuals preference for health states. The EQ-5D measures health on five attributes: mobility,
self-care, usual activity, pain/discomfort and anxiety/depression. These data are then combined
with the UK social tariff, which is based on 10-year time trade-off data,65 and used to weight
the time spent in a given health state. Third, we explored the possibility of mapping outcomes
presented in the clinical trials from the systematic review to the EQ-5D using established
methods. The aim of the mapping was to generate changes in EQ-5D and QALYs for the
interventions assessed in the clinical review. We then present some basic exploratory calculations
to identify interventions that might be cost-effective and worthy of further investigation,
although we acknowledge that these calculations are extremely uncertain.

Queens Printer and Controller of HMSO 2012. This work was produced by Maund et al. under the terms of a commissioning contract issued by the
Secretary of State for Health.

DOI: 10.3310/hta16110 Health Technology Assessment 2012; Vol. 16: No. 11 21

Chapter 3

Assessment of clinical effectiveness

Study selection
The searches identified 8883 records, 8341 from the original searches undertaken in March 2010,
521 from the update searches undertaken in MEDLINE and EMBASE in January 2011 and 21
from subsequent reference checking (Figure 1). On the basis of reviewing title and abstracts 8161
papers were excluded; 722 papers were ordered for a more detailed evaluation. Additionally, an
author sent in one paper. Of the 723 papers, 67 were published in languages other than English.
These included Chinese (22 papers), Russian (19 papers), Italian (6 papers), Japanese (6 papers),
Dutch (5 papers), French (2 papers), Croatian (1 paper), German (1 paper), Hebrew (1 paper),
Korean (1 paper), Norwegian (1 paper), Slovak (1 paper) and Turkish (1 paper).

After a detailed evaluation, 691 papers were excluded from the review, including four for which
there was no translator available, and five that could not be obtained through the British Library
(see Appendix 5 for a list of excluded studies). The main reasons for excluding studies from the
review were that they were not a clinical study (146 studies) or they did not meet the study design
criteria (193 studies) or the population criteria (244 studies). Of the studies excluded on the basis

Total number of references indentified:

n = 8883
8341 from original search strategy
521 from the update search
21 from reference checking

Excluded on the basis of reviewing title and

abstract: n = 8161
7630 were from the original search
514 from the update search
17 from reference checking

Papers ordered for more detailed evaluation:

n = 722
711 from original searches
7 from the update search
4 from reference checking
Papers excluded: n = 691
Of which four were excluded as no translator
was available (one Croatian, one Hebrew,
one Korean and one Turkish) and five could
not be obtained

Included studies: n = 32
31 were studies of clinical effectiveness
1 was a costutility analysis

FIGURE 1 Flow chart of study selection.

Queens Printer and Controller of HMSO 2012. This work was produced by Maund et al. under the terms of a commissioning contract issued by the
Secretary of State for Health.
22 Results

of population, in 42 studies it was unclear if the patients had primary frozen shoulder, whereas in
17 studies <90% of patients in each study had primary frozen shoulder.

There were 32 studies included in the review, one of which was a costutility analysis conducted
alongside a separately published study of effectiveness. Of the 32 studies, 28 were published in
English, 2 in Chinese, 1 in Japanese and 1 in Norwegian.

Studies were grouped by the main treatment intervention of interest: six studies were of steroid
injection (with and without physical therapy), three of sodium hyaluronate injection, twelve of
physical therapy, three of acupuncture, four of MUA, three of distension and two of capsular
release. One study, by Calis et al.,66 fell into more than one category and was reported in all
relevant sections (steroid injection, sodium hyaluronate injection and physical therapy). In one
of the physical therapy studies there was a supervised neglect comparator. The included studies
were from a wide range of countries (Turkey, Canada, UK, USA, Italy, Japan, Hong Kong, China,
Taiwan, the Netherlands, Singapore, Thailand, Greece, Pakistan, Finland, Australia, Denmark
and Norway).

Although a quantitative synthesis was planned this was largely not possible, as few studies could
be pooled. The overall quality of the studies was poor and there were few studies of the same
comparators. Within the classes of intervention there was considerable variability between
studies in various aspects of the intervention such as dose (e.g. of steroid or sodium hyaluronate
injection), and duration and intensity of treatment, especially in terms of physical therapy
and home exercise programmes. The physical therapy interventions encompassed a range of
combinations of active and passive components. There was variability in the outcomes reported,
the tools used to measure individual outcomes, time of follow-up and type of data reported. As
a result there were few situations in which it was appropriate to pool and undertake the planned
subgroup analyses. It was therefore necessary to primarily use narrative synthesis to present the
findings of this review. The main analysis was the narrative synthesis with pair-wise comparisons
where appropriate. This is presented first with studies grouped by intervention. This is followed
by the MTC. This was a secondary, exploratory analysis because of the small number of studies
that connected in the network.

Steroid injection
Study characteristics
Six RCTs investigated steroid injections, with or without the addition of physiotherapy, in the
treatment of primary frozen shoulder. A summary of the study characteristics is reported in
Table 6, with further details available in Appendix 6. All were full papers of studies conducted
in the UK,41,67 Turkey,66,68 Canada35 and the USA42 between 1981 and 2008. There was one two-
armed trial,68 one three-armed trial67 and four four-armed trials35,41,42,66

The steroids administered were methylprednisolone acetate and triamcinolone hexacetonide.

Two studies used a single injection of 20mg triamcinolone hexacetonide,41,67 one of which also
administered lidocaine,67 and three studies used a single injection of 40mg methylprednisolone
acetate or triamcinolone hexacetonide.35,66,68 The remaining study administered three 40-mg
injections of methylprednisolone acetate plus lidocaine, one each week for 3 weeks.42 In one of the
studies the injection was guided using fluoroscopy.35 Five of the studies reported administering
an intra-articular injection,35,41,42,66,68 one of which compared an anterior and a lateral approach,42
and in one study it was unclear.67

The comparators were steroid injection plus physiotherapy,35,41,67 placebo injection,35,41,42,68

physiotherapy with35,41 and without66,67 placebo injection and home exercise alone.66

DOI: 10.3310/hta16110 Health Technology Assessment 2012; Vol. 16: No. 11 23

TABLE 6 Studies of steroid injections

Study details
and study Participants randomised
design (total n and by group) Trial treatments Condition-related inclusion criteria
Bal 200868 n=80 (82 shoulders) Steroid: methylprednisolone acetate, 40mg, Presence of shoulder pain with limitation of
Two-arm RCT Steroid injection: 40 (42) 1ml, one injection both active and passive movements of the
Placebo: saline, 0.9% sodium chloride, 1ml, glenohumeral joint of 25% in at least two
Placebo injection: 40 (40) directions. Symptom duration between 6 weeks
one injection
and 6 months
Calis 200666 n=90 (95 shoulders) Sodium hyaluronate: 30mg, one injection History of pain for at least 1 month; limited active
Four-arm RCT Sodium hyaluronate once weekly for 2 weeks. and passive shoulder movement; decreased
injection: 24 (27) Steroid: triamcinolone acetonide, 40mg, one passive ROM of 20% or more, in at least three
injection movements, according to the American Medical
Steroid injection: 25 (26) Association guide for the evaluation of permanent
PT: 21 (22) PT: 10 daily sessions at least 45 minutes impairment
No intervention (home
exercise only): 20 (20)
Carette 200335 n=93 Steroid: triamcinolone hexacetonide, 40mg, Adhesive capsulitis defined as the presence of
Four-arm RCT Steroid injection: 23 2ml, one injection shoulder pain with limitation of both active and
Placebo: saline, 2ml, one injection passive movements of the glenohumeral joint
Placebo injection: 23 of 25% in at least two directions compared
Steroid+PT: 26 PT: 121-hour sessions, 3 times per week with contralateral shoulder or normal values.
for 4 weeks Symptomatic for <1 year
PT+placebo: 23
Dacre 198967 n=66 (data reported for Steroid: triamcinolone, 20mg, 1ml with 2% Painful stiff shoulder for at least 4 weeks; inability
Three-arm 62) lidocaine, one injection to use arm with restriction of movement and
RCT Steroid injection: 22 PT: 46 weeks duration loss of full function; pain at night causing sleep
disturbance and inability to lie on affected side
Steroid+PT: 20
PT: 20
Rizk 1991 42
n=48 Steroid: methylprednisolone acetate, 40mg, Total ROM <50% of normal range (i.e. <320);
Four-arm RCT Steroid, (IA) +PT: 16 1ml with 2ml of 1% lidocaine. Once weekly shoulder pain for <6 months, nocturnal
for 3 weeks IA (using anterior approach) or accentuation of pain, no effusion in the
Steroid, (IB) +PT: 16 IB (using lateral approach) glenohumeral joint
Placebo injection (IA)+PT: 8 PT: 11 weeks
Placebo injection (IB)+PT: 8 Placebo: 1% lidocaine once-weekly for
3 weeks IA or IB
Ryans 200541 n=80 Steroid: triamcinolone, 20mg, 1ml and Painful shoulder in the 5th cervical (C5)
Four-arm RCT Steroid injection: 20 normal saline, 2ml; 1.5ml injected by an dermatome distribution of between 4 weeks
anterior approach and 1.5ml by a lateral and 6 months duration. Restriction of active
Steroid+PT: 20 approach and passive ROM in both external rotation and
PT+placebo injection: 20 Placebo: saline (3ml) administered as per glenohumeral abduction of >25% compared with
Placebo injection: 20 steroid other shoulder
PT: eight sessions over 4 weeks

IA, intra-articular; IB, intrabursal; PT, physiotherapy; ROM, range of movement.

Five of the six trials evaluated a physical therapy regimen as part of the intervention.35,41,42,66,67
These varied between studies but all consisted of physiotherapy modalities. They included
combinations of exercises, mobilisation techniques, TENS, ultrasound, ice, heat packs and
interferential therapy. All of the studies appeared to include some form of mobilisation as part
of the physiotherapy, although details were scant in some studies. The duration of physiotherapy
ranged from 4 to 11 weeks, although, with the exception of one study, duration was <6 weeks.
One study tailored the physiotherapy depending on whether participants had acute or
chronic-like symptoms.35

Queens Printer and Controller of HMSO 2012. This work was produced by Maund et al. under the terms of a commissioning contract issued by the
Secretary of State for Health.
24 Results

Five studies reported that participants in all groups were asked to undertake home exercises,
although the level of detail reported varied between studies. Bal et al.68 had a substantial home
exercise programme: participants were asked to undertake shoulder stretching and stabilising
exercises five times per day over 12 weeks, using a heat pack before exercise and a cold pack after.
Carette et al.35 asked participants to carry out active and auto-assisted exercises twice daily over
12 weeks. In the study by Calis et al.66 stretching and Codmans exercises were performed. Details
of home exercise were not reported in the other two studies.41,42 The study by Dacre et al.67 did not
have a home exercise component.

There was also some variability between studies in concomitant treatments. Four studies reported
that paracetamol of varying doses was available to participants: 1500mg per day when needed
in one study,68 a supply (dose unspecified) in one study,35 one to two tablets every 46 hours (a
maximum of eight per day) in another study41 and paracetamol when needed in the remaining
study.66 Another study stated that all participants were advised to continue NSAIDs.42 One study
did not report whether participants received concomitant treatment.67

The inclusion criteria varied between the six studies, although four of the studies used
similar criteria for the extent of restriction of movement.35,41,66,68 Three of the studies included
participants with frozen shoulder of <6 months duration.35,41,42 Where reported, frozen shoulder
was diagnosed through presence of pain and range of movement, clinical diagnosis, presence
of symptoms, laboratory tests and radiography. The method of diagnosis was unclear in two
studies.42,68 Three studies included a small number of participants with diabetes: 6% in the study
by Carette et al.,35 5% in the study by Dacre et al.67 and 6% in the study by Ryans et al.41 None of
the studies reported results separately for patients with diabetes. The participants stage of frozen
shoulder at baseline was not reported in any of the studies. Where reported, the mean duration
of frozen shoulder amongst the included participants ranged from 1342 to 2135 weeks. None of the
studies reported whether participants had received any previous treatment for frozen shoulder.
The mean age of participants ranged from 54 to 57 years and the proportion of women ranged
from 42% to 63%.

Quality assessment
Quality varied between the included studies. Four studies did not report the method of
randomisation;42,6668 therefore, it was unclear whether these were truly randomised studies as
stated by the authors. In addition, in two of these studies it was unclear whether the intervention
groups were comparable at baseline.67,68 These four studies therefore have a potentially high risk
of bias even though they met other criteria such as blinding of outcome assessment. Only one
of these studies was adequately powered for at least one outcome.67 Bal et al.68 also reported
substantial loss to follow-up (20%, all in the placebo group). Dacre et al.67 and Rizk et al.42
reported considerably less loss to follow-up (6% and 8% respectively), whereas Calis et al.66
reported that there were no dropouts.

The remaining two studies were considered of satisfactory quality although one had some risk
of bias.41 Both reported an adequate method of randomisation and Carette et al.35 also reported
an adequate method of allocation concealment; it was unclear whether Ryans et al.41 used an
adequate method because, although sealed envelopes were used, it was not stated whether
these were opaque or sequentially numbered. Both studies met most of the remaining criteria
including reported blinding of outcome assessment. Ryans et al.41 reported that participants were
blinded to type of injection. Carette et al.35 attempted to blind the injection; however, the method
used (covering the syringe with foil) may not have been reliable. Blinding of the physiotherapy
treatment was not possible. Carette et al.35 also reported an intention-to-treat analysis. The main
limitation of this study was that it may not have been sufficiently powered; 17% were lost to
follow-up and there appears to be an imbalance between treatment groups, with greater loss to

DOI: 10.3310/hta16110 Health Technology Assessment 2012; Vol. 16: No. 11 25

follow-up in the steroid group. Ryans et al.41 did not report an intention-to-treat analysis and
there was also a high proportion lost to follow-up (27%), with a higher number of dropouts in the
steroid only and placebo groups. As with the Carette study, the Ryans study may not have been
sufficiently powered. Full details of study quality are reported in Appendix 8.

All six studies assessed pain but Calis et al.66 and Dacre et al.67 reported data in graphical form
only (Table 7). Consequently, a SMD could not be calculated and these two studies could
not be included in a meta-analysis. Calis et al.66 reported that there was significantly greater
improvement in pain in the steroid group than in the placebo group (p=0.02). Dacre et al.67
evaluated steroid, steroid and physiotherapy, and physiotherapy alone. This study reported that all
three groups showed a significant reduction in pain after 6 weeks (p<0.001) with mean measures
improving by 4966%, and further improvements at 6 months. Improvements were reported to
be similar in all three treatment groups.

Of the four remaining studies, three reported final mean values and SDs were reported or could
be imputed. Both Carette et al.35 and Rizk et al.42 reported pain overall and Ryans et al.41 reported
daytime pain at rest (Table 7). Each of the three studies reported pain using a different scale.

The study by Bal et al.68 reported mean change and SDs at 12 weeks for pain at night measured
on the VAS 0100mm. Although a SMD could be calculated for this study, it was inappropriate
to pool this SMD with those SMDs calculated from final value means, as the difference
in SD reflects not differences in measurement scale, but differences in the reliability of
the measurements.48

Table 8 provides the SMDs and 95% CIs. The outcome data for individual groups in the included
trials are available in Appendix 7.

Steroid versus placebo

Three studies reported pain at short-term follow-up. Two studies reported final value mean pain
for short-term follow-up: Carette et al.35 reported data at 6 weeks and 3 months and Ryans et
al.41 reported data at 6 weeks (Table 8). As stated in the methods section, to allow comparison
of the results of the meta-analysis with the MTC for pain, time points closest to 3 months were
pooled, that is, 3-month data for Carette et al.35 were pooled with 6-week data for Ryans et al.41
There was a significant decrease in pain with steroid injection compared with placebo: pooled
SMD 1.15, 95% CI 1.62 to 0.67 (Figure 2). When back transformed to a 0100mm VAS scale,

TABLE 7 Pain outcomes in studies evaluating steroid injections

Pain outcome
Study assesseda Scale used Data reported and time of follow-up
Bal 200868 Pain at night VAS 0100mm Mean change at 2 and 12 weeks (baseline median and IQR reported only)
Calis 2006 66
Pain severity VAS b
Data reported in graphs only; p-value for between-group difference reported at
3 months
Carette Pain overall SPADI 5-item pain Change from baseline at 6 weeks and 3, 6 and 12 months
200335 subscale
Dacre 198967 Pain at night VAS 010cm Data presented in graphs only
Rizk 1991 42
Pain overall Likert (05) Final mean values at 4, 11 and 24 weeks. SD not reported
Ryans 200541 Daytime pain at rest VAS 0100mm Change from baseline at 6 and 16 weeks

IQR, interquartile range; SPADI, Shoulder Pain and Disability Index.

a Lower scores indicated better outcome.
b Unit of measurement (cm or mm) not specified.

Queens Printer and Controller of HMSO 2012. This work was produced by Maund et al. under the terms of a commissioning contract issued by the
Secretary of State for Health.
26 Results

this equates to a mean difference (MD) of 21mm (95% CI 29.7 to 12.3mm). No data could
be located on the MCID in pain for individuals with frozen shoulder. However, it is suggested
that a difference of 14mm on a 100-mm VAS scale is the MCID for individuals with rotator cuff
disease, a shoulder disorder also characterised by pain and restricted range of movement.50 Given
that the between-group MCID is thought to approximate 40% of that within individuals,6,53 the
MCID between groups for rotator cuff disorder can be estimated to be approximately 5.6mm.
Using this as a proxy for between-group MCID for frozen shoulder, this suggests that there is a
clinically significant decrease in pain with steroid compared with placebo. There was no statistical
heterogeneity between the studies (I2=0%). When 6-week data for Carette et al.35 and Ryans
et al.41 were pooled the results were similar (pooled SMD 1.30, 95% CI 1.78 to 0.81; MD
23.8mm, 95% CI 32.6 to 14.8mm).

Bal et al.68 reported mean change in pain at 12 weeks. There was no significant difference in pain
with steroid compared with placebo (Table 8).

Steroid versus physiotherapy combined with placebo

Two studies reported data at short-term follow-up: Carette et al.35 reported data at 6 weeks and
3 months and Ryans et al.41 reported data at 6 weeks (Table 8). In both studies physiotherapy was
combined with placebo. When 3-month data from Carette et al.35 were pooled with 6-week data
from Ryans et al.41 there was no significant difference in pain between steroid and physiotherapy
(Figure 3). When back transformed to a 0100mm VAS scale, this equates to a MD of 4mm
(95% CI 11.9 to 3.7mm), which suggests that there may be no clinically significant difference
between treatments. There was no statistical heterogeneity between studies (I2=0%). When
6-week data for Carette et al.35 and Ryans et al.41 were pooled there was a marginally significant
decrease in pain with steroid compared with physiotherapy combined with placebo (pooled SMD
0.51, 95% CI 0.94 to 0.07). However, when back transformed to a 0100mm VAS scale, this
equates to a MD of 9.3mm (95%17.2 to 1.2mm), which, as with the pooled 3-month and
6-week data, suggests that there may be no clinically significant difference between treatments.

Steroid combined with physiotherapy versus placebo

Two studies reported pain at short-term follow-up: Carette et al.35 reported data at 6 weeks and
3 months and Ryans et al.41 reported data at 6 weeks (Table 8). When 3-month data from Carette
et al.35 were pooled with 6-week data from Ryans et al.41 there was a statistically significant
decrease in pain with steroid combined with physiotherapy compared with placebo: pooled
SMD 1.88, 95% CI 2.43 to 1.33 (Figure 4). When back transformed to a 0100mm VAS scale,
this equates to a MD of 34.40mm (95% CI 44.47 to 24.34mm). This suggests that there is a
clinically significant decrease in pain with steroid combined with physiotherapy compared with
placebo. There was no statistical heterogeneity between studies (I2=3%). When 6-week data for
Carette et al.35 and Ryans et al.41 were pooled the results were similar (pooled SMD 2.31, 95% CI
2.89 to 1.72; MD 42.3mm, 95% CI 52.9 to 31.5mm).

Steroid combined with physiotherapy versus physical therapy

combined with placebo
Three studies reported pain for short-term follow-up. In all studies physiotherapy was combined
with a placebo injection. Carette et al.35 reported pain at 6 weeks and 3 months, Rizk et al.42
reported pain at 11 weeks and Ryans et al.41 reported pain at 6 weeks (Table 8).

When 3-month data from Carette et al.35 were pooled with 11-week data from Rizk et al.42 and
6-week data from Ryans et al.41 there was a significant decrease in pain with steroid combined
with physiotherapy compared with physiotherapy: pooled SMD 0.57, 95% CI 0.94 to 0.20
(Figure 5). However, there was evidence of substantial statistical heterogeneity (I2=79%). When
6-week data for Carette et al.35 were pooled with 11-week data from Rizk et al.42 and 6-week data


Steroid Placebo

Study or Std mean difference Std mean difference

Secretary of State for Health.

subgroup Mean SD Total Mean SD Total Weight IV, Fixed, 95% CI IV, Fixed, 95% CI

Carette et al.35 22.1 13.1 23 39 13.1 23 55.8% 1.27 (1.91 to 0.63)

Ryans et al.41 28.1 10.392 17 38.7 10.392 17 44.2% 1.00 (1.71 to 0.28)

Total (95% CI) 40 40 100.0% -1.15 (-1.62 to -0.67)

Heterogeneity: 2 = 0.31, df = 1 ( p = 0.58); I2 = 0%
Test for overall effect: z = 4.72 ( p < 0.00001)

4 2 0 2 4
Favours steroid Favours placebo

FIGURE 2 Standardised mean difference at up to 3 months: steroid vs placebo.

Steroid PT + placebo
Study or Std mean difference Std mean difference
subgroup Mean SD Total Mean SD Total Weight IV, Fixed, 95% CI IV, Fixed, 95% CI

Carette et al.35 22.1 13.1 23 27.3 13.1 26 56.5% 0.39 (0.96 to 0.18)
Ryans et al.41 28.1 10.392 17 28.2 10.392 20 43.5% 0.01 (0.66 to 0.64)

Total (95% CI) 40 46 100.0% -0.22 (-0.65 to 0.20)

Heterogeneity: 2 = 0.75, df = 1 ( p = 0.38); I2 = 0%
Test for overall effect: z = 1.03 ( p = 0.30)

4 2 0 2 4
Favours steroid Favours PT

FIGURE 3 Standardised mean difference at up to 3 months: steroid vs physiotherapy combined with placebo.
Health Technology Assessment 2012; Vol. 16: No. 11

Queens Printer and Controller of HMSO 2012. This work was produced by Maund et al. under the terms of a commissioning contract issued by the

Steroid + PT Placebo
Study or Std mean difference Std mean difference
subgroup Mean SD Total Mean SD Total Weight IV, Fixed, 95% CI IV, Fixed, 95% CI

Carette et al.35 16.9 13.1 21 39 13.1 23 61.6% 1.66 (2.35 to 0.96)

Ryans et al.41 14.9 10.392 17 38.7 10.392 17 38.4% 2.24 (3.11 to 1.36)

Total (95% CI) 38 40 100.0% -1.88 (-2.42 to -1.33)

Heterogeneity: 2 = 1.03, df = 1 ( p = 0.31); I2 = 3%
Test for overall effect: z = 6.77 ( p < 0.00001)

4 2 0 2 4
Favours steroid + PT Favours placebo

FIGURE 4 Standardised mean difference at up to 3 months: steroid combined with physiotherapy vs placebo.

Steroid + PT PT + placebo
Study or Std mean difference Std mean difference
subgroup Mean SD Total Mean SD Total Weight IV, Fixed, 95% CI IV, Fixed, 95% CI

Carette et al.35 16.9 13.1 21 27.3 13.1 26 38.2% 0.78 (1.38 to 0.18)
Rizk et al.42 3.417 1.557 29 3.13 1.653 15 35.0% 0.18 (0.45 to 0.80)
Ryans et al.41 14.9 10.392 17 28.2 10.392 20 26.8% 1.25 (1.97 to 0.54)

Total (95% CI) 67 61 100.0% -0.57 (-0.94 to -0.20)

Heterogeneity: 2 = 9.49, df = 2 ( p = 0.009); I2 = 79%
Test for overall effect: z = 3.03 ( p = 0.002)

4 2 0 2 4
Favours steroid + PT Favours PT

FIGURE 5 Standardised mean difference at up to 3 months: steroid combined with physiotherapy vs physiotherapy combined with placebo.

DOI: 10.3310/hta16110 Health Technology Assessment 2012; Vol. 16: No. 11 29

from Ryans et al.,41 the results were similar (pooled SMD 0.86, 95% CI 1.25 to 0.47, I2=89%).
Potential sources of heterogeneity may be the type of steroid used, different lengths of follow-up
and proportion of patients with diabetes. Furthermore, the studies by Carette et al.35 and Ryans et
al.41 were assessed to have a potentially lower risk of bias than the study by Rizk et al.42

Given the differences in study quality, a sensitivity analysis was performed by excluding Rizk et
al.42 from the meta-analyses (Figure 6). Pooling 3-month data from Carette et al.35 and 6-week
data from Ryans et al.41 resulted in a significant decrease in pain with steroid combined with
physiotherapy compared with physiotherapy: pooled SMD 0.98, 95% CI 1.43 to 0.52.
Furthermore, there was no longer evidence of statistical heterogeneity (I2=0%). When back
transformed to a 0100mm VAS, the pooled SMD equates to a MD of 17.93mm (95% CI 26.2
to 9.5mm), which suggests that there is also a clinically significant decrease in pain with steroid
combined with physiotherapy compared with physiotherapy. When 6-week data for Carette et
al.35 and Ryans et al.41 were pooled the results were similar (pooled SMD 1.51, 95% CI 2.00 to
1.02; MD 27.6mm, 95% CI 36.6 to 18.7mm).

The study by Rizk et al.42 also reported pain for medium-term follow-up. At 24 weeks there
was no significant difference between steroid combined with physiotherapy and physiotherapy
(see Table 8).

Steroid combined with physiotherapy versus steroid

Carette et al.35 reported data at 6 weeks and 3 months and Ryans et al.41 reported data at 6 weeks
(Table 8). When 3-month data from Carette et al.35 were pooled with 6-week data from Ryans
et al.41 there was a significant difference in pain with steroid combined with physiotherapy
compared with steroid alone: pooled SMD 0.75, 95% CI 1.20 to 0.29 (Figure 7). When back
transformed to a 0100mm VAS, this equates to a MD of 13.7mm (95% CI 21.96 to 5.3mm),
which suggests that there may be no clinically significant difference between treatments.
However, there was evidence of substantial statistical heterogeneity (I2=70%); therefore, this
result should be interpreted with caution. When 6-week data for Carette et al.35 and Ryans et al.41
were pooled, there was a significant decrease in pain with steroid combined with physiotherapy
compared with steroid alone (pooled SMD 1.00, 95% CI 1.47 to 0.53). When back
transformed to a 0100mm VAS, this equates to a MD of 18mm (95% CI 26.9 to 9.7mm). This
suggests that there may be a clinically significant reduction in pain with steroid combined with
physiotherapy compared with steroid alone. Furthermore, there was no evidence of statistical
heterogeneity (I2=0%).

Function and disability

Four of the six studies assessed function and disability; however, only the Shoulder Pain and
Disability Index (SPADI) total score and SPADI 8-item disability subscales were common to
more than one study and follow-up times varied (Table 9). Results were presented as change
from baseline data for all but one of the studies.66 Table 10 provides the between-group difference
in means and 95% CIs. The outcome data for the individual groups in the included trials are
available in Appendix 7.

Steroid versus placebo

Two studies reported SPADI total score and SPADI 8-item subscale score for steroid versus
placebo injection (Table 10).35,68

Carette et al.35 reported SPADI total score at 6 weeks and found a significant effect in favour of
the steroid injection group (MD 17.8, 95% CI 31.96 to 3.64).

Queens Printer and Controller of HMSO 2012. This work was produced by Maund et al. under the terms of a commissioning contract issued by the
Secretary of State for Health.

Steroid + PT PT + placebo
Study or Std mean difference Std mean difference
subgroup Mean SD Total Mean SD Total Weight IV, Fixed, 95% CI IV, Fixed, 95% CI

Carette et al.35 16.9 13.1 21 27.3 13.1 26 58.7% 0.78 (1.38 to 0.18)
Ryans et al.41 14.9 10.392 17 28.2 10.392 20 41.3% 1.25 (1.97 to 0.54)

Total (95% CI) 38 46 100.0% -0.98 (-1.43 to -0.52)

Heterogeneity: 2 = 0.99, df = 1 ( p = 0.32); I2 = 0%
Test for overall effect: z = 4.17 ( p < 0.0001)

4 2 0 2 4
Favours steroid + PT Favours PT

FIGURE 6 Standardised mean difference at up to 3 months (sensitivity analysis): steroid combined with physiotherapy vs physiotherapy combined with placebo.

Steroid + PT Steroid
Study or Std mean difference Std mean difference
subgroup Mean SD Total Mean SD Total Weight IV, Fixed, 95% CI IV, Fixed, 95% CI

Carette et al.35 16.9 13.1 21 22.1 13.1 23 58.8% 0.39 (0.99 to 0.21)
Ryans et al.41 14.9 10.392 17 28.2 10.392 20 41.2% 1.25 (1.97 to 0.54)

Total (95% CI) 38 43 100.0% -0.75 (-1.20 to -0.29)

Heterogeneity: 2 = 3.30, df = 1 ( p = 0.07); I2 = 70%
Test for overall effect: z = 3.19 ( p = 0.001)

4 2 0 2 4
Favours steroid + PT Favours steroid

FIGURE 7 Standardised mean difference at up to 3 months: steroid combined with physiotherapy vs steroid.

DOI: 10.3310/hta16110 Health Technology Assessment 2012; Vol. 16: No. 11 31

TABLE 8 Pain results from studies of steroid injections (SMD and 95% CI)

Medium term (>3 and

Study Short term (3 months) 6 months) Long term (>6 and 12 months
Steroid vs placebo
Bal 200868 0.05 (0.55 to 0.45)a
Carette 2003 35
1.55 (2.22 to 0.89)b
1.27 (1.91 to 0.63)c,d
Ryans 200541 1.00 (1.71 to 0.28)b,d

Steroid vs physiotherapy+placebo
Carette 200335 0.94 (1.53 to 0.35)b
0.39 (0.96 to 0.18)c
Ryans 2005 41
0.01 (0.66 to 0.64)b

Steroid+physiotherapy vs placebo
Carette 200335 2.36 (3.15 to 1.58)b
1.66 (2.35 to 0.96)c,d
Ryans 2005 41
2.24 (3.11 to 1.36)b,d

Steroid+physiotherapy vs physiotherapy+placebo
Carette 200335 1.75 (2.43 to 1.07)b
0.78 (1.38 to 0.18)c,d
Rizk 199142 0.18 (0.45 to 0.80)e 0.06 (0.56 to 0.68)f
Ryans 2005 41
1.25 (1.97 to 0.54) b,d

Steroid+physiotherapy vs steroid
Carette 200335 0.81 (1.43, -0.19)b
0.39 (0.99 to 0.21)c
Ryans 2005 41
1.25 (1.97 to 0.54)b,d

a Reported at 12 weeks.
b Reported at 6 weeks.
c Reported at 3 months.
d Statistically significant, i.e. the CI did not cross the line of no effect (zero).
e Reported at 11 weeks.
f Reported at 24 weeks.

Both studies reported 3-month follow-up and were pooled at this time point, although it should
be noted that the study by Bal et al.68 was at high risk of bias. When the two studies were pooled
(Figure 8) statistical heterogeneity was high (I2=80%); therefore, the treatment effect should be
treated with considerable caution. The study by Carette et al.35 reported a significantly greater
decrease in SPADI total score in the steroid group than in the placebo and home exercise group
(MD 16.10, 95% CI 30.26 to 1.94), whereas in the Bal et al. study68 the treatment effect was in
favour of placebo and home exercise, although the CIs crossed the line of no effect. Only Carette
et al.35 reported SPADI total score for medium- and long-term follow-up; there was no significant
difference between groups for these later follow-up times (Table 10).

Carette et al.35 reported SPADI 8-item disability subscale score at 6 weeks and found a significant
effect in favour of the steroid injection group (MD 13.80, 95% CI 27.53 to 0.07).

As with SPADI total score, the same two studies reported SPADI 8-item disability subscale score
and were available for meta-analysis at 3 months.35,68 Again, the pooled treatment effect should
be treated with considerable caution because of high heterogeneity (Figure 9). Carette et al.35

Queens Printer and Controller of HMSO 2012. This work was produced by Maund et al. under the terms of a commissioning contract issued by the
Secretary of State for Health.
32 Results

TABLE 9 Function and disability outcomes in studies evaluating steroid injections

Study Function and disability outcomes assessed Data reported and time of follow-up
Bal 200868 UCLA Shoulder score (35-point scale: <28 poor, 2933 good, 3435 Change from baseline at 12 weeks
excellent as defined by the authors)
SPADI total score (0100)a
SPADI 8-item disability subscale (0100)a
Calis 2006 66
Constant score Final value data at 15 days and 3 months (3-month data
used in analysis)
Carette SPADI total score (0100)a Change from baseline at 6 weeks and 3, 6 and
200335 SPADI 8-item disability subscale (0100) a 12 monthsb
Ryans Shoulder Disability Questionnaire (SDQ) (022)a,c (score 5 was Change from baseline at 6 and 16 weeks
200541 defined by authors as significant disability)
Self-assessed global function (100-mm VAS, 0100)a

UCLA, University of California Los Angeles, CA, USA.

a Higher scores indicated worse outcomes.
b All analyses adjusted for gender.
c Also known as Crofts score.

reported a significantly greater decrease in SPADI 8-item subscale score in the steroid group than
with placebo and home exercise (MD 14.30, 95% CI 28.03 to 0.57), whereas in the Bal et al.
study68 the treatment effect was in favour of placebo and home exercise, although the CIs crossed
the line of no effect.

Only Carette et al.35 reported SPADI 8-item subscale score for medium- and long-term follow-up;
there was no significant difference between groups for this outcome (Table 10).

Ryans et al.41 reported results of the Shoulder Disability Questionnaire (SDQ) and global function
at 6 and 16 weeks. There was no significant difference between the steroid group and the placebo
group at either time point for either outcome (Table 10). Bal et al.68 reported University of
California Los Angeles (UCLA) Shoulder score with steroid injection versus placebo and both
groups were similar at the 3-month follow-up [steroid group median 32.5, interquartile range
(IQR) 6.2; placebo group median 31.5, IQR 7.7; no p-value reported].

Steroid versus home exercise

Calis et al.66 reported Constant score for short-term follow-up; steroid injection was associated
with a significantly better outcome than home exercise alone (MD 9.10, 95% CI 2.98 to 15.22).

Steroid versus physiotherapy

Calis et al.66 compared steroid with physiotherapy (without placebo injection) using the Constant
score. At 3 months there was no significant difference between the two treatment groups (MD
5.80, 95% CI 11.80 to 0.20).

Steroid versus physiotherapy combined with placebo

Two studies compared steroid with physiotherapy plus placebo injection.35,41 One study reported
SPADI total score35 and the other the SDQ and a global function score.41

There was a significantly greater improvement in SPADI total score in the steroid group than in
the physiotherapy group at 6 weeks in the study by Carette et al.35 (MD 14.50, 95% CI 28.25
to 0.75), but not at 3 months or for medium- and long-term follow-up or in the SPADI 8-item
disability subscale score between treatment groups at any follow-up time in the same study


Steroid Placebo

Study or Mean difference Mean difference

Secretary of State for Health.

subgroup Mean SD Total Mean SD Total Weight IV, Fixed, 95% CI IV, Fixed, 95% CI

Bal et al.68 44.4 24 40 48.2 16.3 24 67.2% 3.80 (6.09 to 13.69)

Carette et al.35 45.5 24.5 23 29.4 24.5 23 32.8% 16.10 (30.26 to 1.94)

Total (95% CI) 63 47 100.0% -2.73 (-10.84 to 5.38)

Heterogeneity: 2 = 5.10, df = 1 ( p = 0.02); I2 = 80%
Test for overall effect: z = 0.66 ( p = 0.51)

100 50 0 50 100
Favours steroid Favours placebo

FIGURE 8 Shoulder Pain and Disability Index total score at 3 months: steroid vs placebo.

Steroid Placebo
Study or Mean difference Mean difference
subgroup Mean SD Total Mean SD Total Weight IV, Fixed, 95% CI IV, Fixed, 95% CI

Bal et al.68 42.2 26.3 40 49.8 18.8 24 60.5% 7.60 (3.49 to 18.69)
Carette et al.35 43 24 23 28.7 23.5 23 39.5% 14.30 (28.03 to 0.57)

Total (95% CI) 63 47 100.0% -1.05 (-9.68 to 7.58)

Heterogeneity: 2 = 5.92, df = 1 ( p = 0.02); I2 = 83%
Test for overall effect: z = 0.24 ( p = 0.81)

100 50 0 50 100
Favours steroid Favours placebo

FIGURE 9 Shoulder Pain and Disability Index 8-item subscale score at 3 months: steroid vs placebo.
Health Technology Assessment 2012; Vol. 16: No. 11

Queens Printer and Controller of HMSO 2012. This work was produced by Maund et al. under the terms of a commissioning contract issued by the
34 Results

(Table 10).35 There was also no significant difference between treatment groups in either SDQ or
global function score at 6 or 16 weeks in the study by Ryans et al.41

Steroid combined with physiotherapy versus placebo

Two studies investigated steroid combined with physiotherapy versus placebo.35,41 One study
reported SPADI total score35 and the other the SDQ and a global function score.41

There was a significant improvement in total SPADI score with steroid in combination with
physiotherapy compared with placebo in the study by Carette et al.35 at 6 weeks (MD 27.60,
95% CI 42.03 to 13.17) and 3 months (MD 21.00, 95% CI 35.43 to 6.57), although not
at medium- (MD 14.10, 95% CI 28.53 to 0.33) or long-term follow-up (MD 1.10, 95% CI
15.53 to 13.33) (Table 10).35 There was also a significant improvement in SPADI 8-item disability
subscale score with steroid in combination with physiotherapy compared with placebo in the
same study at 6 weeks (MD 23.90, 95% CI 37.89 to 9.91) and 3 months (MD 20.00, 95% CI
33.99 to 6.01) but not at medium- and long-term follow-up.

There was a significant improvement in both SDQ (MD 4.70, 95% CI 7.85 to 1.55) and
global function score (MD 21.00, 95% CI 34.54 to 7.46) with steroid in combination with
physiotherapy compared with placebo at 6 weeks in the study by Ryans et al.41 At 16 weeks there
was no significant difference between groups in this study (Table 10).

Steroid combined with physiotherapy versus physiotherapy

combined with placebo
Two studies investigated the effect of steroid combined with physiotherapy versus physiotherapy
(plus placebo injection) on function and disability using SPADI total score35 and the SDQ and a
global function score.41

There was a significant improvement in total SPADI score with steroid in combination with
physiotherapy compared with physiotherapy in the study by Carette et al.35 at 6 weeks (MD
24.30, 95% CI 38.33 to 10.27), although not at 3 months (MD 12.50, 95% CI 26.53 to
1.53) or for medium- and long-term follow-up (Table 10).35 Similarly, there was a significant
improvement in SPADI 8-item disability subscale score with steroid in combination with
physiotherapy compared with physiotherapy in the same study at 6 weeks (MD 21.60, 95% CI
35.34 to 7.86) but not at any of the other follow-up points.35

Ryans et al.41 also showed a significant improvement in SDQ score with steroid combined with
physiotherapy compared with physiotherapy at 6 weeks (MD 4.30, 95% CI 7.76 to 0.84)
but not at 16 weeks, and there was no significant difference in global function score at either
follow-up time.

Steroid combined with physiotherapy versus steroid

Two studies compared steroid injection followed by physiotherapy with steroid alone. One study
reported a SPADI total score and SPADI 8-item disability subscale score;35 another study reported
SDQ and global function score.41

There was no significant difference between treatment groups in SPADI total or SPADI 8-item
disability subscale score at short-, medium- or long-term follow-up in the study by Carette et
al.,35 or between treatment groups in either SDQ or global function for short- or medium-term
follow-up in the study by Ryans et al. (Table 10).41

DOI: 10.3310/hta16110 Health Technology Assessment 2012; Vol. 16: No. 11 35

TABLE 10 Function and disability results of studies of steroid injections (MD and 95% CI)

Study Short term (3 months) Medium term (>3 and 6 months) Long term (>6 and 12 months)
Steroid vs placebo
SPADI total score
Bal 200868 3.80 (6.09 to 13.69)a
Carette 200335 17.8 (31.96 to 3.64)b,c 12.90 (27.06 to 1.26)d 2.90 (17.06 to 11.26)e
16.10 (30.26 to 1.94)a,b

SPADI 8-item subscale

Bal 200868 7.60 (3.49 to 18.69)a
Carette 2003 35
13.80 (27.53 to 0.07)b,c 7.10 (20.83 to 6.63)d 0.80 (12.93 to 14.53)e
14.30 (28.03 to 0.57) a,b

Ryans 200541 3.00 (6.44 to 0.44)c 1.20 (5.63 to 3.23)f

Global function
Ryans 200541 11.60 (27.11 to 3.91)c 5.10 (15.92 to 26.12)f

UCLA Shoulder score

Bal 200868 Steroid: median 32.5 (IQR 6.2)a
Placebo: median 31.5 (IQR 7.7)a
No p-value

Steroid vs home exercise

Constant score
Calis 200666 9.10 (2.98 to 15.22)a,b

Steroid vs physiotherapy
Constant score
Calis 200666 5.80 (11.80 to 0.20)a

Steroid vs physiotherapy+placebo
SPADI total score
Carette 200335 14.50 (28.25 to 0.75)c 8.20 (21.95 to 5.55)d 4.60 (18.35 to 9.13)e
7.60 (21.35 to 6.15) a

SPADI 8-item subscale

Carette 200335 11.50 (24.97 to 1.97)c 5.30 (18.77 to 8.17)d 2.60 (16.07 to 10.87)e
5.30 (18.77 to 8.17) a

Ryans 200541 2.60 (6.32 to 1.12)c 2.20 (6.49 to 2.09)f

Global function
Ryans 200541 2.30 (18.68 to 14.08)c 7.10 (13.43 to 27.63)f

Steroid+physiotherapy vs placebo
SPADI total score
Carette 200335 27.60 (42.03 to 13.17)b,c 14.10 (28.53 to 0.33)d 1.10 (15.53 to 13.33)e
21.00 (35.43 to 6.57) a,b


Queens Printer and Controller of HMSO 2012. This work was produced by Maund et al. under the terms of a commissioning contract issued by the
Secretary of State for Health.
36 Results

TABLE 10 Function and disability results of studies of steroid injections (MD and 95% CI) (continued)

Study Short term (3 months) Medium term (>3 and 6 months) Long term (>6 and 12 months)

SPADI 8-item subscale

Carette 200335 23.90 (37.89 to 9.91)b,c 11.60 (25.59 to 2.39)d 0.30 (13.69 to 14.29)e
20.00 (33.99 to 6.01)a,b

Ryans 200541 4.70 (7.85 to 1.55)b,c 1.00 (5.12 to 3.12)f

Global function
Ryans 200541 21.00 (34.54 to 7.46)b,c 1.50 (17.96 to 20.96)f

Steroid+physiotherapy vs physiotherapy+placebo
SPADI total score
Carette 200335 24.30 (38.33 to 10.27)b,c 9.40 (23.43 to 4.63)d 2.80 (16.83 to 11.23)e
12.50 (26.53 to 1.53) a

SPADI 8-item subscale

Carette 200335 21.60 (35.34 to 7.86)b,c 9.80 (23.54 to 3.94)d 3.10 (16.84 to 10.64)e
11.00 (24.74 to 2.74) a

Ryans 200541 4.30 (7.76 to 0.84)b,c 2.00 (5.96 to 1.96)f

Global function
Ryans 200541 11.70 (26.22 to 2.82)c 3.50 (15.42 to 22.42)f

Steroid+physiotherapy vs steroid
SPADI total score
Carette 200335 9.80 (4.63 to 24.23)c 1.20 (13.23 to 15.63)d 1.8 (16.23 to 12.63)e
4.9 (9.53 to 19.33) a

SPADI 8-item subscale

Carette 200335 10.10 (4.04 to 24.24)c 4.50 (9.64 to 18.64)d 0.50 (13.64 to 14.64)e
5.70 (8.44 to 19.84) a

Ryans 200541 1.70 (2.37 to 5.77)b 0.20 (4.43 to 4.03)f

Global function
Ryans 200541 9.40 (4.93 to 23.73)c 3.60 (15.49 to 22.69)f

a Reported at 3 months or 12 weeks.

b Statistically significant, i.e. the CI did not cross the line of no effect (zero).
c Reported at 6 weeks.
d Reported at 6 months.
e Reported at 12 months.
f Reported at 16 weeks.

DOI: 10.3310/hta16110 Health Technology Assessment 2012; Vol. 16: No. 11 37

Range of movement
The range of movement measurements of interest in the review were external rotation, internal
rotation and abduction (both passive and active); if internal rotation was not available but
hand behind back was reported, this was used as a proxy measure. Five studies reported at
least one of these measures (Table 11). Change from baseline data was available from three of
these studies35,41,68 and final value data was available from one study.66 A fifth study, by Rizk et
al.,42 reported only means with no measures of variance or p-values with which to impute SDs.
Table 12 provides the between-group differences in means and 95% CIs. The outcome data for the
individual groups in the included trials are available in Appendix 7.

Steroid versus placebo

One study by Bal et al.68 reported passive internal rotation at 12 weeks. There was a significantly
greater improvement in the placebo group compared with steroid injection (MD 28.50, 95% CI
41.56 to 15.44). This result contradicts the original analysis in the paper, which reported that
there was no statistically significant difference between the two groups, using the MannWhitney

Three studies reported passive external rotation at short-term follow-up, two at 6 weeks35,41
and two at 3 months.35,68 Improvement in passive external rotation was significantly greater
with steroid injection than with placebo injection at 6 weeks (pooled MD 9.48, 95% CI 2.76
to 16.19; two RCTs) (Figure 10). There was no significant heterogeneity between these studies

Meta-analysis of the two studies that reported passive external rotation at 3 months showed no
significant difference between the steroid and the placebo groups (Figure 11)35,68 This pooled
result was associated with substantial heterogeneity (I2=80%) and should therefore be treated
with caution. The study by Carette et al.35 showed a significant improvement in passive external
rotation in the steroid group compared with placebo whereas the study by Bal et al.68 showed
no significant difference between groups (Table 11). There were several possible sources of
heterogeneity, in particular differences in the risk of bias.

Two RCTs reported passive external rotation for medium-term follow-up: 16 weeks41 and
6 months.35,41 There was no significant difference between steroid and placebo groups in passive
external rotation (MD 4.67, 95% CI 2.21 to 11.55) (Figure 12). There was some evidence of

TABLE 11 Range of movement (ROM) outcomes in studies evaluating steroid injections

Study ROM outcomes assesseda Data reported and time of follow-up

Bal 2008 68
Passive internal rotation (), passive external rotation (), passive Change from baseline at 12 weeks
abduction ()
Calis Passive abduction (), passive external rotation () Final value data at 15 days and 3 months (3-month data used
200666 in analysis)
Carette Passive external rotation (), passive abduction (), hand behind Change from baseline at 6 weeks and 3, 6 and 12 monthsb
200335 back (cm)
Rizk 199142 Passive internal rotation (), passive external rotation () and Mean only (no measure of variance) for weeks 111, 15 weeks
passive abduction () and 6 months (6 weeks, 11 weeks and 6 months used in
Ryans Passive external rotation () Change from baseline at 6 and 16 weeks

a Higher ROM indicates better outcome (appears to be measured in degrees but not specifically stated).
b All analyses adjusted for gender.
c Means only reported, SDs calculated if possible.

Queens Printer and Controller of HMSO 2012. This work was produced by Maund et al. under the terms of a commissioning contract issued by the
Secretary of State for Health.

Steroid Placebo
Study or Mean difference Mean difference
subgroup Mean SD Total Mean SD Total Weight IV, Fixed, 95% CI IV, Fixed, 95% CI

Carette et al.35 18.3 16.3 23 7.1 16.3 23 50.8% 11.20 (1.78 to 20.62)
Ryans et al.41 14.3 15.2 17 6.6 13.2 17 49.2% 7.70 (1.87 to 17.27)

Total (95% CI) 40 40 100.0% 9.48 (2.76 to 16.19)

Heterogeneity: 2 = 0.26, df = 1 ( p = 0.61); I2 = 0%
Test for overall effect: z = 2.77 ( p = 0.006)

100 50 0 50 100
Favours placebo Favours steroid

FIGURE 10 Passive external rotation at 6 weeks: steroid vs placebo.

Steroid Placebo
Study or Mean difference Mean difference
subgroup Mean SD Total Mean SD Total Weight IV, Fixed, 95% CI IV, Fixed, 95% CI

Bal et al.68 27.4 19.5 40 31.2 20.1 24 46.7% 3.80 (13.86 to 6.26)
Carette et al.35 25.5 16.3 23 13.4 16.3 23 53.3% 12.10 (2.68 to 21.52)

Total (95% CI) 63 47 100.0% 4.67 (-2.21 to 11.55)

Heterogeneity: 2 = 5.11, df = 1 ( p = 0.02); I2 = 80%
Test for overall effect: z = 1.33 ( p = 0.18)

100 50 0 50 100
Favours placebo Favours steroid

FIGURE 11 Passive external rotation at 3 months: steroid vs placebo.

DOI: 10.3310/hta16110 Health Technology Assessment 2012; Vol. 16: No. 11 39

moderate statistical heterogeneity (I2=43%). Both studies appeared clinically similar although
the follow-up time points differed. Carette et al.35 was the only study to examine passive external
rotation at long-term follow-up and found no significant difference between steroid and placebo
groups (Table 12).35

Carette et al35 reported passive abduction and hand behind back at 6 weeks and 3, 6 and
12 months. There was no significant difference between groups at any of the time points for either
outcome (Table 11).

Steroid versus home exercise

Calis et al.66 reported passive abduction and passive external rotation at 3 months. There was a
significantly greater improvement in the steroid group compared with home exercise alone in
both passive abduction (MD 16.80, 95% CI 6.60 to 27.00) and passive external rotation (MD
8.00, 95% CI 2.48 to 13.52).

Steroid versus physiotherapy

Calis et al.66 reported passive external rotation and passive abduction at 3 months. There was
significantly greater passive external rotation at 3 months with physiotherapy than with steroid
(MD 10.80, 95% CI 16.94 to 4.66). There was no significant difference between treatment
groups for passive abduction (Table 12).

Steroid versus physiotherapy combined with placebo

Three studies reported passive external rotation at time points up to 3 months.35,41,66 Two of
the studies involved physiotherapy sessions over 12 weeks and in both physiotherapy groups a
placebo injection was also given.35,41 Both studies reported data at 6 weeks and one35 reported
data at 3 months; 6-week data were pooled. There was no significant difference in passive external
rotation between groups at 6 weeks (Figure 13). There was substantial statistical heterogeneity
between the studies (I2=64%).

Carette et al.35 reported passive external rotation, and passive abduction at 3 months. There was
no significant difference between treatment groups for both outcomes (Table 12).

Medium-term follow-up data were available for the studies by Carette et al.35 and Ryans et al.41
Carette et al.35 reported passive external rotation at 6 months and Ryans et al.41 at 16 weeks. There
was no significant difference between groups (Figure 14). There was no significant difference
between groups in passive external rotation at 12 months in the Carette et al. study.35 Similarly,
the same study showed no significant difference between treatment groups in passive abduction
or hand behind back at medium- or long-term follow-up (Table 12).

Steroid combined with physiotherapy versus placebo

Two studies reported passive external rotation at time points up to 3 months.35,41 Both studies
reported data at 6 weeks and one35 reported data at 3 months. Data at 6 weeks were pooled. The
meta-analysis (Figure 15) indicated that passive external rotation was significantly greater with
steroid injection plus physiotherapy than with placebo injection at 6 weeks (pooled MD 16.99,
95% CI 10.01 to 23.97).

Passive external rotation was significantly greater with steroid injection plus physiotherapy than
with placebo injection at 3 months (MD 17.60, 95% CI 7.90 to 27.30) in the study by Carette
et al.35

Medium-term follow-up data were also available up to 6 months: Carette et al.35 reported passive
external rotation at 6 months and Ryans et al.41 at 16 weeks. The pooled estimate showed that

Queens Printer and Controller of HMSO 2012. This work was produced by Maund et al. under the terms of a commissioning contract issued by the
Secretary of State for Health.

Steroid Placebo
Study or Mean difference Mean difference
subgroup Mean SD Total Mean SD Total Weight IV, Fixed, 95% CI IV, Fixed, 95% CI

Carette et al.35 29.5 16.3 23 20.8 16.3 23 70.8% 8.70 (0.72 to 18.12)
Ryans et al.41 19.1 19.2 13 22.2 18.2 12 29.2% 3.10 (17.76 to 11.56)

Total (95% CI) 36 35 100.0% 5.25 (-2.67 to 13.18)

Heterogeneity: 2 = 1.76, df = 1 ( p = 0.18); I2 = 43%
Test for overall effect: z = 1.30 ( p = 0.19)

100 50 0 50 100
Favours placebo Favours steroid

FIGURE 12 Passive external rotation at up to 6 months: steroid vs placebo.

Steroid PT + Placebo
Study or Mean difference Mean difference
subgroup Mean SD Total Mean SD Total Weight IV, Fixed, 95% CI IV, Fixed, 95% CI

Carette et al.35 18.3 16.3 23 9.6 16.3 26 50.6% 8.70 (0.44 to 17.84)
Ryans et al.41 14.3 15.2 17 16.7 13.2 20 49.4% 2.40 (11.66 to 6.86)

Total (95% CI) 40 46 100.0% 3.22 (- 3.29 to 9.72)

Heterogeneity: 2 = 2.80, df = 1 ( p = 0.09); I2 = 64%
Test for overall effect: z = 0.97 ( p = 0.33)

100 50 0 50 100
Favours PT Favours steroid

FIGURE 13 Passive external rotation at 6 weeks: steroid vs physiotherapy combined with placebo.


Steroid PT + Placebo
Study or Mean difference Mean difference

subgroup Mean SD Total Mean SD Total Weight IV, Fixed, 95% CI IV, Fixed, 95% CI

Secretary of State for Health.

Carette et al.35 29.5 16.3 23 23 16.3 26 65.1% 6.50 (2.64 to 15.64)
Ryans et al.41 19.1 19.2 13 18 14 16 34.9% 1.10 (11.39 to 13.59)

Total (95% CI) 36 42 100.0% 4.62 (- 2.76 to 11.99)

Heterogeneity: 2 = 0.47, df = 1 ( p = 0.49); I2 = 0%
Test for overall effect: z = 1.23 ( p = 0.22)

100 50 0 50 100
Favours PT Favours steroid

FIGURE 14 Passive external rotation at up to 6 months: steroid vs physiotherapy combined with placebo.

Steroid + PT Placebo
Study or Mean difference Mean difference
subgroup Mean SD Total Mean SD Total Weight IV, Fixed, 95% CI IV, Fixed, 95% CI

Carette et al.35 26.5 16.5 21 7.1 16.3 23 51.7% 19.40 (9.70 to 29.10)
Ryans et al.41 21 16.5 17 6.6 13.2 17 48.3% 14.40 (4.36 to 24.44)

Total (95% CI) 38 40 100.0% 16.99 (10.01 to 23.97)

Heterogeneity: 2 = 0.49, df = 1 ( p = 0.48); I2 = 0%
Test for overall effect: z = 4.77 ( p < 0.00001)

100 50 0 50 100
Favours placebo Favours steroid + PT

FIGURE 15 Passive external rotation at 6 weeks: steroid combined with physiotherapy vs placebo.
Health Technology Assessment 2012; Vol. 16: No. 11

Queens Printer and Controller of HMSO 2012. This work was produced by Maund et al. under the terms of a commissioning contract issued by the
42 Results

passive external rotation was significantly greater with steroid injection plus physiotherapy than
with placebo injection at medium-term follow-up (pooled MD 8.14, 95% CI 0.18 to 16.09);
however, there was substantial statistical heterogeneity (I2=70%) (Figure 16). There were a
number of possible sources of heterogeneity including the dose of steroid used, different length
of follow-up and the proportion of participants with diabetes. There was no significant difference
between groups at 12 months in the single study reporting long-term follow-up (Table 12).35

Carette et al.35 reported passive abduction at 6 weeks and 3, 6 and 12 months. Improvement of
passive abduction was significantly greater in the steroid plus physiotherapy group than with
placebo injection at 6 weeks (MD 15.30, 95% CI 7.14 to 23.46), 3 months (MD 16.30, 95%
CI 8.14 to 24.46) and 6 months (MD 13.00, 95% CI 4.84 to 21.16). There was no significant
difference between treatment groups at 12 months (Table 12).

In the same study there was a significantly greater improvement in hand behind back for the
steroid with physiotherapy group than with placebo injection at 6 weeks (MD 9.00cm, 95% CI
15.80cm to 2.20cm) and 3 months (MD 7.10cm, 95% CI 13.90cm to 0.30cm), but not at
any of the other time points (Table 12).

Steroid combined with physiotherapy versus physiotherapy combined

with placebo
Three studies reported passive external rotation at time points up to 3 months.35,41,42 All studies
reported data at 6 weeks35,41,42 and two also reported data at 3 months.35,42 Because of SDs not
being available for one study,42 data were pooled from two of the studies for 6-week follow-up.35,41
The increase in passive external rotation was significantly greater with steroid injection plus
physiotherapy than with physiotherapy (plus placebo injection) at 6 weeks (pooled MD 10.80,
95% CI 4.02 to 17.58) (Figure 17). There was moderate to high heterogeneity between the
studies (I2=70%); the results of this analysis should therefore be considered with caution.

The study by Carette et al.35 also showed that the increase in passive external rotation was
significantly greater with steroid injection plus physiotherapy than with physiotherapy at
3 months (MD 13.00, 95% CI 3.56 to 22.44).

Medium-term data were also available from Carette et al.35 and Ryans et al.41 The pooled estimate
(Figure 18) showed that passive external rotation was significantly greater with steroid injection
plus physiotherapy than with physiotherapy at up to 6 months (pooled MD 7.36, 95% CI 0.04
to 14.68). The study by Carette et al.35 showed no significant difference between groups at
12 months (Table 12).

Carette et al.35 reported passive abduction at 6 weeks and 3, 6 and 12 months. Improvement of
passive abduction was significantly greater in the steroid plus physiotherapy group than with
physiotherapy at 6 weeks (MD 11.30, 95% CI 3.40 to 19.20), 3 months (MD 10.40, 95% CI
2.50 to 18.30) and 6 months (MD 7.90, 95% CI 0.00 to 15.80). There was no significant
difference between treatment groups at 12 months (Table 12).

Steroid versus steroid and physiotherapy

Two studies reported passive external rotation for short-term follow-up;35,41 both studies reported
data at 6 weeks and one35 reported data at 3 months; the 6-week data were pooled. Passive
external rotation was significantly greater with steroid injection plus physiotherapy than with
steroid alone at 6 weeks (pooled MD 7.52, 95% CI 14.70 to 0.34). This analysis was not
associated with statistical heterogeneity (I2=0%) (Figure 19). The study by Carette et al.35 showed
no significant difference between treatment groups at 3 months (Table 12).


Steroid + PT Placebo

Study or Mean difference Mean difference

Secretary of State for Health.

subgroup Mean SD Total Mean SD Total Weight IV, Fixed, 95% CI IV, Fixed, 95% CI

Carette et al.35 34.1 16.5 21 20.8 16.3 23 67.3% 13.30 (3.60 to 23.00)
Ryans et al.41 19.7 19.7 17 22.2 18.2 12 32.7% 2.50 (16.42 to 11.42)

Total (95% CI) 38 35 100.0% 8.13 (0.17 to 16.09)

Heterogeneity: 2 = 3.33, df = 1 ( p = 0.07); I2 = 70%
Test for overall effect: z = 2.00 ( p = 0.05)

100 50 0 50 100
Favours placebo Favours steroid + PT

FIGURE 16 Passive external rotation at up to 6 months: steroid combined with physiotherapy vs placebo.

Steroid + PT PT + Placebo
Study or Mean difference Mean difference
subgroup Mean SD Total Mean SD Total Weight IV, Fixed, 95% CI IV, Fixed, 95% CI

Carette et al.35 26.5 16.5 21 9.6 16.3 26 51.6% 16.90 (7.46 to 26.34)
Ryans et al.41 21 16.5 17 16.7 13.2 20 48.4% 4.30 (5.45 to 14.05)

Total (95% CI) 38 46 100.0% 10.80 (4.02 to 17.58)

Heterogeneity: 2 = 3.31, df = 1 ( p = 0.07); I2 = 70%
Test for overall effect: z = 3.12 ( p = 0.002)

100 50 0 50 100
Favours PT Favours steroid + PT

FIGURE 17 Passive external rotation at 6 weeks: steroid combined with physiotherapy vs physiotherapy combined with placebo.
Health Technology Assessment 2012; Vol. 16: No. 11

Queens Printer and Controller of HMSO 2012. This work was produced by Maund et al. under the terms of a commissioning contract issued by the

Steroid + PT PT + Placebo
Study or Mean difference Mean difference
subgroup Mean SD Total Mean SD Total Weight IV, Fixed, 95% CI IV, Fixed, 95% CI

Carette et al.35 34.1 16.5 21 23 16.3 26 60.2% 11.10 (1.66 to 20.54)

Ryans et al.41 19.7 19.7 17 18 14 16 39.8% 1.70 (9.91 to 13.31)

Total (95% CI) 38 42 100.0% 7.36 (0.04 to 14.68)

Heterogeneity: 2 = 1.52, df = 1 ( p = 0.22); I2 = 34%
Test for overall effect: z = 1.97 ( p = 0.05)

100 50 0 50 100
Favours steroid + PT Favours PT

FIGURE 18 Passive external rotation at up to 6 months: steroid combined with physiotherapy versus physical therapy combined with placebo.

Steroid PT + steroid
Study or Mean difference Mean difference
subgroup Mean SD Total Mean SD Total Weight IV, Fixed, 95% CI IV, Fixed, 95% CI

Carette et al.35 18.3 16.3 23 26.5 16.5 21 54.7% 8.20 (17.90 to 1.50)
Ryans et al.41 14.3 15.2 17 21 16.5 17 45.3% 6.70 (17.36 to 3.96)

Total (95% CI) 40 38 100.0% - 7.52 (- 14.70 to - 0.34)

Heterogeneity: 2 = 0.04, df = 1 ( p = 0.84); I2 = 0%
Test for overall effect: z = 2.05 ( p = 0.04)

100 50 0 50 100
Favours steroid + PT Favours PT

FIGURE 19 Passive external rotation at 6 weeks: steroid versus steroid and physiotherapy.

DOI: 10.3310/hta16110

Secretary of State for Health.

Steroid PT + steroid
Study or Mean difference Mean difference
subgroup Mean SD Total Mean SD Total Weight IV, Fixed, 95% CI IV, Fixed, 95% CI

Carette et al.35 29.5 16.3 23 34.1 16.5 21 67.6% 4.60 (14.30 to 5.10)
Ryans et al.41 19.1 19.2 13 19.7 19.7 17 32.4% 0.60 (14.62 to 13.42)

Total (95% CI) 36 38 100.0% -3.30 (-11.28 to 4.68)

Heterogeneity: 2 = 0.21, df = 1 ( p = 0.65); I2 = 0%
Test for overall effect: z = 0.81 ( p = 0.42)

100 50 0 50 100
Favours steroid + PT Favours steroid

FIGURE 20 Passive external rotation at up to 6 months: steroid versus steroid and physiotherapy.
Health Technology Assessment 2012; Vol. 16: No. 11

Queens Printer and Controller of HMSO 2012. This work was produced by Maund et al. under the terms of a commissioning contract issued by the
46 Results

TABLE 12 Range of movement results of studies of steroid injections (MD and 95% CI)

Short term Medium term Long term

Study (3 months) (>3 and 6 months) (>6 and 12 months)
Steroid vs placebo
Passive internal rotation ()
Bal 200868 28.50 (41.56 to 15.44)a,b

Passive external rotation ()

Bal 200868 3.80 (13.86 to 6.26)a
Carette 2003 35
11.20 (1.78 to 20.62)b,c 8.70 (0.72 to 18.12)d 0.40 (9.02 to 9.82)e
12.10 (2.68 to 21.52) a,b

Ryans 200541 7.70 (1.87 to 17.27)c 3.10 (17.76 to 11.56)f

Passive abduction ()
Bal 200868 3.60 (10.90 to 18.10)a
Carette 2003 35
7.20 (0.83 to 15.23)c 7.80 (0.23 to 15.83)d 1.20 (9.23 to 6.83)e
12.30 (4.27 to 20.33)a

Hand behind back (cm)

Carette 200335 0.50 (7.15 to 6.15)c 0.50 (7.15 to 6.15)d 2.80 (3.85 to 9.4)e
1.10 (7.75 to 5.55)a

Steroid vs home exercise

Passive external rotation ()
Calis 200666 8.00 (2.48 to 13.52)a,b

Passive abduction ()
Calis 200666 16.80 (6.60 to 27.00)a,b

Steroid vs physiotherapy
Passive external rotation ()
Calis 200666 10.80 (16.94 to 4.66)a,b
Passive abduction ()
Calis 200666 8.10 (19.07 to 2.87)a

Steroid vs physiotherapy+placebo
Passive external rotation ()
Carette 200335 8.70 (0.44 to 17.84)c 6.50 (2.64 to 15.64)d 0.80 (9.94 to 8.34)e
7.50 (1.64 to 16.64) a

Ryans 200541 2.40 (11.66 to 6.86)c 1.10 (11.39 to 13.59)f

Passive abduction ()
Carette 200335 3.20 (4.57 to 10.97)c 2.70 (5.07 to 10.47)d 1.90 (9.67 to 5.87)e
6.40 (1.37 to 14.17)a

Hand behind back (cm)

Carette 200335 0.80 (7.30 to 5.70)c 0.70 (5.80 to 7.20)d 2.90 (3.60 to 9.40)e
0.10 (6.40 to 6.60)a

DOI: 10.3310/hta16110 Health Technology Assessment 2012; Vol. 16: No. 11 47

TABLE 12 Range of movement results of studies of steroid injections (MD and 95% CI) (continued)

Short term Medium term Long term

Study (3 months) (>3 and 6 months) (>6 and 12 months)
Steroid+physiotherapy vs placebo
Passive external rotation ()
Carette 200335 19.40 (9.70 to 29.10)b,c 13.30 (3.60 to 23.00)b,d 7.60 (2.10 to 17.30)e
17.60 (7.90 to 27.30) a,b

Ryans 200541 2.50 (16.42 to 11.42)c 2.50 (16.42 to 11.42)f

Passive abduction ()
Carette 200335 15.30 (7.14 to 23.46)b,c 13.00 (4.84 to 21.16)b,d 5.70 (2.46, 13.86)e
16.30 (8.14, 24.46)a,b

Hand behind back (cm)

Carette 200335 9.00 (15.80 to 2.20)b,c 5.90 (12.70 to 0.90)d 1.50 (8.30 to 5.30)e
7.10 (13.90 to 0.30)a,b

Steroid+physiotherapy vs physiotherapy+placebo
Passive external rotation ()
Carette 200335 16.90 (7.46 to 26.34)b,c 11.10 (1.66 to 20.54)b,d 6.40 (3.04 to 15.84)e
13.00 (3.56 to 22.44)a,b
Ryans 2005 41
4.30 (5.45 to 14.05)c 1.70 (9.91 to 13.31)f

Passive abduction ()
Carette 200335 11.30 (3.40 to 19.20)b,c 7.90 (0.00 to 15.80)d 5.00 (2.90 to 12.90)e
10.40 (2.50 to 18.30) a,b

Hand behind back (cm)

Carette 200335 9.30 (15.96 to 2.64)b,c 4.70 (11.36 to 1.96)d 1.40 (8.06 to 5.26)e
5.90 (12.56 to 0.76) a,b

Steroid+physiotherapy vs steroid
Passive external rotation ()
Carette 200335 8.20 (17.90 to 1.50)c 4.60 (14.30 to 5.1)d 7.20 (16.90 to 2.50)e
5.50 (15.20 to 4.20)a
Ryans 2005 41
6.70 (17.36 to 3.96)b,c 0.60 (14.62 to 13.42)f

Passive abduction ()
Carette 200335 8.10 (16.26 to 0.06)c 5.20 (13.36 to 2.96)d 6.90 (15.06 to 1.26)e
4.00 (12.16 to 4.16) a

Hand behind back (cm)

Carette 200335 8.50 (1.70 to 15.30)b,c 5.40 (1.40 to 12.20)d 4.30 (2.50 to 11.10)e
6.00 (0.80 to 12.80) a

a Reported at 3 months or 12 weeks.

b Statistically significant, i.e. the CI did not cross the line of no effect (zero).
c Reported at 6 weeks.
d Reported at 6 months.
e Reported at 12 months.
f Reported at 16 weeks.

Queens Printer and Controller of HMSO 2012. This work was produced by Maund et al. under the terms of a commissioning contract issued by the
Secretary of State for Health.
48 Results

Data were also available for medium-term follow-up for the same two studies. The pooled
analysis showed no significant difference between groups and the analysis was not associated with
statistical heterogeneity (I2=0%) (Figure 20). The study by Carette et al.35 showed no significant
difference between treatment groups at long-term follow-up (Table 12).

Carette et al.35 reported passive abduction at 6 weeks and 3, 6 and 12 months. At 6 weeks
improvement of passive abduction was significantly greater in the steroid plus physiotherapy
group than with steroid alone (MD 8.10, 95% CI 16.26 to 0.06); there were no significant
differences between treatment groups at later follow-up times (Table 12).

Similarly, for hand behind back, there was a significantly better improvement in the steroid with
physiotherapy group than with steroid alone at 6 weeks (MD 8.50, 95% CI 1.70 to 15.30) but not
at later follow-up (Table 12).

Quality of life
Only Carette et al.35 reported quality of life data following treatment (Table 13).35 Table 14
provides between-group differences in means and associated 95% CIs. Further outcome data can
be found in Appendix 7.

There was a statistically significant improvement in the physical component of the SF-36 with
steroid plus physiotherapy compared with placebo at 6 months (MD 7.10, 95% CI 0.86 to 13.34).
There was no statistically significant difference between these two groups at any of the other time
points evaluated.

There was a statistically significant improvement with steroid plus physiotherapy compared with
physiotherapy (plus placebo injection) in the physical component at 6 weeks (MD 5.30, 95% CI
0.03 to 10.57) and in the mental component at 6 months (MD 8.20, 95% CI 1.98 to 14.42) and
12 months (MD 6.90, 95% CI 0.68 to 13.12). There was no statistically significant difference
between these two treatments groups at any of the other time points evaluated.

For the comparisons steroid compared with placebo, steroid compared with physiotherapy (plus
placebo injection) and steroid compared with physiotherapy plus steroid, the study by Carette
et al.35 showed no statistically significant difference between treatment groups at any of the time
points evaluated.

TABLE 13 Quality of life outcomes in studies that evaluated steroid injections

Data reported and time point before and closest to 3 and

Study QoL outcomes assessed 6 months
Carette SF-36 physical component Change from baseline at 6 weeks and 3, 6 and 12 monthsa
200335 SF-36 mental component
Ryans SF-36 scores: physical function, role limitation physical, role Baseline data only reported
200541 limitation mental, social functioning, mental health, vitality, bodily
pain, health perception, change in health

SF-36, Short Form questionnaire-36 items.

a All analyses adjusted for gender.

DOI: 10.3310/hta16110 Health Technology Assessment 2012; Vol. 16: No. 11 49

TABLE 14 Quality of life results of studies of steroid injections (MD and 95% CI)

Study Short term (3 months) Medium term (>3 and 6 months) Long term (>6 and 12 months)
Steroid vs placebo
SF-36 physical component
Carette 200335 1.90 (3.36 to 7.16)a 3.30 (1.96 to 8.56)c 1.00 (4.26 to 6.26)d
5.10 (0.16 to 10.36)b

SF-36 mental component

Carette 200335 1.10 (7.23 to 5.03)a 1.70 (5.34 to 8.74)c 0.30 (5.83 to 6.43)d
1.00 (5.13 to 7.13)b

Steroid vs physiotherapy
SF-36 physical component
Carette 200335 3.30 (1.97 to 8.57)a 1.00 (4.27 to 6.27)c 1.70 (3.57 to 6.97)d
3.70 (1.57 to 8.97) b

SF-36 mental component

Carette 200335 0.50 (6.61 to 5.61)a 2.80 (3.31 to 8.91)c 1.10 (5.01 to 7.21)d
1.60 (7.71 to 4.51) b

Steroid combined with physiotherapy vs placebo

SF-36 physical component
Carette 200335 3.90 (1.36 to 9.16)a 2.00 (3.26 to 7.26)c 1.40 (3.86 to 6.66)d
3.60 (1.66 to 8.86) b

SF-36 mental component

Carette 200335 3.10 (3.14 to 9.34)a 7.10 (0.86 to 13.34)c,e 6.10 (0.14 to 12.34)d
5.40 (0.84 to 11.64) b

Steroid combined with physiotherapy vs physiotherapy

SF-36 physical component
Carette 200335 5.30 (0.03 to 10.57)a,e 0.30 (5.57 to 4.97)c 2.10 (3.17 to 7.37)d
2.20 (3.07 to 7.47) b

SF-36 mental component

Carette 200335 3.70 (2.52 to 9.92)a 8.20 (1.98 to 14.42)c,e 6.90 (0.68 to 13.12)d,e
2.80 (3.42 to 9.02) b

Steroid combined with physiotherapy vs steroid

SF-36 physical component
Carette 200335 2.00 (7.26 to 3.26)a 1.30 (3.96 to 6.56)c 0.40 (5.66 to 4.86)d
1.50 (3.76 to 6.76) b

SF-36 mental component

Carette 200335 4.20 (10.44 to 2.04)a 5.40 (11.64 to 0.84)c 5.80 (12.04 to 0.44)d
4.40 (10.64 to 1.84) b

a Reported at 6 weeks.
b Reported at 3 months or 12 weeks.
c Reported at 6 months.
d Reported at 12 months.
e Statistically significant, i.e. the CI did not cross the line of no effect (zero).

Queens Printer and Controller of HMSO 2012. This work was produced by Maund et al. under the terms of a commissioning contract issued by the
Secretary of State for Health.
50 Results

TABLE 15 Adverse events in studies evaluating steroid injections

Study Adverse events reported

Bal 200868 No side effects were noted during the drug or exercise therapy sessions
Calis 2006 66
Not reported
Carette 200335 Not reported
Dacre 198967 No patients had adverse reactions
Rizk 199142 No withdrawals due to adverse effects
Ryans 2005 41
Not reported

Adverse events
Three of the studies that investigated steroids reported adverse events.42,67,68 There was a limited
amount of information reported regarding adverse events in the included studies (Table 15).
None of the studies reported any details regarding how adverse event data were collected or
recorded; therefore, the data should be treated with caution. Two reported that no adverse effects
were reported in any of the treatment groups67,68 and one reported that there were no withdrawals
due to adverse effects.42

The six included steroid injection studies were diverse in terms of the intervention: two used a
single steroid injection of 20mg, three a single injection of 40mg and one used three injections
of 40mg administered over 3 weeks. Five of the studies reported using an intra-articular
injection. There was also some variation between studies in the physiotherapy provided, although
most of the studies used a programme of <6 weeks duration that included mobilisation and
home exercise for all groups. Five of the studies were multi-armed trials. Steroid injection was
compared with placebo in three studies, home exercise in one study and physiotherapy alone in
four studies (with or without placebo). The effect of steroid injection followed by physiotherapy
was also assessed. This combined intervention was compared with placebo, steroid alone and
physiotherapy (with placebo) alone.

Information about previous treatments that participants had received and stage of frozen
shoulder was limited. Outcomes were not reported by stage of frozen shoulder or by whether or
not participants had diabetes. As a result, it was not possible to explore in the synthesis the effect
of these variables on outcome. It was unclear whether four of the studies were truly randomised
and therefore these studies had a potentially high risk of bias.42,6668 The fifth study was of
adequate quality,35 whereas the sixth was of reasonable quality but may have a risk of bias.41

For most of the comparisons, data were available from only one or two studies, which may have
been underpowered to detect an effect. There were sufficient data to pool the two best-quality
studies for some of the outcomes, although in some instances statistical heterogeneity was
high. In addition, although both studies used a single intra-articular injection, one evaluated
a guided injection of 40mg of steroid35 and the other used a 20-mg dose and the injection
appeared to be unguided.41 For most outcomes and comparisons it was necessary to undertake a
narrative synthesis.

Steroid alone
There was evidence of short-term benefit with steroid injection compared with placebo for
pain, function and disability, and range of movement but not quality of life. The evidence on
function and disability was mixed and this may reflect differences in study quality and/or clinical
differences. There was also evidence of short-term benefit with steroid injection compared with

DOI: 10.3310/hta16110 Health Technology Assessment 2012; Vol. 16: No. 11 51

home exercise alone for function and disability and two measures of range of movement from
one study with a potentially high risk of bias. There was no consistent evidence across outcomes
for a benefit with steroid injection compared with physical therapy.

Steroid followed by physiotherapy

There was consistent evidence across all outcomes (pain, function and disability, range of
movement and quality of life) of a short-term benefit with steroid injection followed by
physiotherapy compared with placebo or physiotherapy; however, this was based on a small
number of studies. There was also evidence of better quality of life with the combined treatment
in the medium term. When steroid injection plus physiotherapy was compared with steroid alone
there was a short-term beneficial reduction in pain and a better range of movement at the 6-week
follow-up with the combined intervention but not at 3 months or later and there was no benefit
for any other outcomes.

In conclusion, a small number of diverse studies were identified, four of which had a potentially
high risk of bias. Based on the best available evidence, there was a benefit, mainly short term,
with a single steroid. There was an added benefit with providing physiotherapy in addition
to steroid injection compared with home exercise alone and physiotherapy alone for several
outcomes. There was also benefit with the combined intervention compared with steroid alone
for pain and for range of movement at 6 weeks but not the other outcomes. There was insufficient
evidence to conclude with reasonable certainty in what clinical situations steroid injection, with
or without physiotherapy, is most likely to be effective for primary frozen shoulder.

Sodium hyaluronate
Study characteristics
Three RCTs investigated sodium hyaluronate in the treatment of primary frozen shoulder. A
summary of the study characteristics is reported in Table 16. All were full papers of studies
conducted in Turkey,66 Italy69 and Japan70 between 1996 and 2006. There were two two-armed
trials69,70 and one four-armed trial.66

Calis et al.66 used a 30-mg injection once weekly for 2 weeks, Takagishi et al.70 used 2mg injected
once weekly for 5 weeks and Rovetta et al.69 used 20mg of sodium hyaluronate coadministered
with 20mg of steroid (triamcinolone acetonide) injected at 15-day intervals for the first month
then monthly for 6 months and physical therapy (mobilisation or exercises) for 412 weeks. The
comparators were steroid injection,66,70 steroid injection and physiotherapy,69 physiotherapy66 and
no intervention except for home exercise.66

Two of the three studies included physiotherapy.66,69 Both studies differed in the duration and
content of the regimen, but each contained some form of active exercise or mobilisation. Calis
et al.66 had a regimen of 10 daily sessions consisting of a heat pack applied for 20 minutes,
ultrasonic therapy for 5 minutes (1.5W/cm2 intensity), TENS for 20 minutes at the patients
level of tolerance, and stretching exercises. In comparison, Rovetta et al.69 had a 4- to 12-week
regimen of the most appropriate therapy for the individual (passive mobilisation, active exercises
and facilitation exercises), which was chosen by a physiotherapist. Only Calis et al.66 reported
that participants had a home exercise programme, which consisted of stretching and Codman
exercises, but did not provide any further details.

Two studies reported that patients received concomitant treatments.69,70 Rovetta et al.69 allowed
paracetamol (dose unspecified) to be taken if necessary, whereas Takagishi et al.70 stated that
participants who were using topical NSAIDs prior to commencing the study were allowed to
continue to do so. Calis et al.66 allowed paracetamol to be taken if necessary.

Queens Printer and Controller of HMSO 2012. This work was produced by Maund et al. under the terms of a commissioning contract issued by the
Secretary of State for Health.
52 Results

TABLE 16 Studies of sodium hyaluronate with or without physical therapy

Study details and Participants randomised

study design (total n and by group) Trial treatments Condition-related inclusion criteria
Calis 2006 66
n=90 (95 shoulders) Sodium hyaluronate: 30mg, one History of pain for at least 1 month; limited
Four-arm RCT Sodium hyaluronate injection: injection once weekly for 2 weeks active and passive shoulder movement;
24 (27) Steroid: triamcinolone acetonide, decreased passive ROM of 20%, in at least
40mg, one injection three movements, according to the American
Steroid injection: 25 (26) Medical Association guide for the evaluation of
PT: 21 (22) PT: 10 daily sessions at least permanent impairment
45 minutes
No intervention (home exercise
only): 20 (20)
Rovetta 199869 n=30 Sodium hyaluronate: 20mg at 15- Clinical history of spontaneous shoulder
Two-arm RCT Sodium hyaluronate+steroid day intervals in the first month, then pain; glenohumeral abduction and forward
injection+PT: 16 monthly for 6 months flexion <90, external rotation <20; clinical
Steroid: triamcinolone acetonide at absence of signs of rotator cuff interruption;
Steroid injections+PT: 14 cervical examination excluding dysfunction in
15-day intervals in the first month,
then monthly for 6 months this area; plain radiographs in standard views;
sonographic examination showing shrinking
PT: for 412 weeks of the joint capsule with increased capsular
Takagishi 199670 n=20 Sodium hyaluronate: 2mg, one Patients with frozen shoulder who have <120
Two-arm RCT Sodium hyaluronate: 10 injection once weekly for 5 weeks of shoulder joint flexion and those who suffer
Steroid: dexamethasone, 2mg, one from pain on exercise of >4 on the VAS and
Steroid injection: 10 suffer from pain during night-time and daytime
injection once weekly for 5 weeks

PT, physiotherapy; ROM range of movement.

The inclusion criteria varied between the three studies. Rovetta et al.69 reported that none of
the participants had diabetes, whereas Calis et al.66 and Takagishi et al.69 did not report whether
or not any of the participants had diabetes. Frozen shoulder was diagnosed through physical
examination, laboratory tests, subacromial impingement test, clinical history, radiography or
ultrasound when described. The method of diagnosis was unclear in one study.70 The participants
stage of frozen shoulder at baseline was not reported in any of the studies and it was unclear
whether participants had received any previous treatments. The mean age of participants ranged
from 48 years to 65.8 years. The proportion of women ranged from 63% to 75%.

Quality assessment
None of the studies reported the method of randomisation or allocation concealment, and
only one stated that blinded outcome assessment was performed; therefore, all three studies
have a potentially high risk of bias. The study by Calis et al.66 was of higher quality and
fulfilled five criteria: the number of participants randomised, treatment groups that were
comparable at baseline, blinded outcome assessors, use of intention-to-treat analysis and no
unexpected imbalances in dropouts. Rovetta et al.69 fulfilled two criteria, stating the number of
participants randomised and also having treatment groups that were comparable at baseline,
whereas Takagishi et al.70 fulfilled only one criterion, which was stating the number of patients
randomised. Full details of study quality are reported in Appendix 8.

All three studies evaluating sodium hyaluronate assessed pain; however, the study by Calis et al.66
reported pain in graphical form and therefore could not be included in the analysis. Calis et al.66
did, however, report that there was significant improvement in pain severity at 3 months within
each of the treatment groups, including the no intervention group (p<0.001). Rovetta et al.69
and Takagishi et al.70 both used a VAS but assessed different types of pain at different time points
(Table 17); therefore, it was inappropriate to pool the two studies. Table 18 provides the SMDs

DOI: 10.3310/hta16110 Health Technology Assessment 2012; Vol. 16: No. 11 53

TABLE 17 Pain outcomes in studies evaluating sodium hyaluronate

Study Pain outcome assessed Scale used Data reported and time of follow-up
Calis 200666 Pain severity VAS Data reported graphically only
Rovetta 1998 69
Pain on passive joint motion VAS 010cm Final value at 6 months
Takagishi 199670 Pain on activity VAS 010 Final value at 5 weeks

TABLE 18 Pain results of studies of sodium hyaluronate (SMD and 95% CI)

Study Short term (3 months) Medium term (>3 and 6 months) Long term (>6 and 12 months)
Sodium hyaluronate combined with steroid and physiotherapy vs steroid combined with physiotherapy
Rovetta 199869 0.78 (1.50 to 0.06)a,b

Sodium hyaluronate vs steroid

Takagishi 199670 0.21 (1.09 to 0.67)c

a Reported at 6 months.
b Statistically significant, i.e. the CI did not cross the line of no effect (zero).
c Reported at 5 weeks.

and 95% CIs. The outcome data for the individual groups in the included trials are available in
Appendix 7.

Sodium hyaluronate versus steroid

Takagishi et al.70 found no significant difference in pain at short-term follow-up with sodium
hyaluronate compared with steroid (see Table 18).

Sodium hyaluronate combined with steroid and physiotherapy

versus steroid combined with physiotherapy
Rovetta et al.69 found a significant decrease in pain at 6 months with sodium hyaluronate
combined with steroid and physiotherapy compared with steroid combined with physiotherapy
(SMD 0.78, 95% CI 1.50 to 0.06).

Function and disability

Calis et al.66 and Takagishi et al.70 both assessed function and disability. Calis et al. assessed
function and disability using the Constant score (Table 19), whereas Takagishi et al.70 used a
Japanese-specific activities of daily living questionnaire. However, Takagishi et al. reported
baseline values and a p-value for the within-group change from baseline only and therefore could
not be included in the analysis. Table 20 provides the MD and 95% CIs. The outcome data for the
individual groups in the included trial are available in Appendix 7.

At 3 months Calis et al.66 found a significantly greater improvement in the Constant score with
sodium hyaluronate compared with no treatment (MD 8.90, 95% CI 2.62 to 15.18), but no
significant difference in Constant score between sodium hyaluronate and physiotherapy (MD
6.00, 95% CI 12.16 to 0.16) or between sodium hyaluronate and steroid injection (MD 0.20,
95% CI 5.86 to 5.46).

Range of movement
The range of movement measurements of interest were external rotation, internal rotation and
abduction (both passive and active); if internal rotation was not available but hand behind back
was reported, this was used as a proxy measure of active internal rotation. All three studies

Queens Printer and Controller of HMSO 2012. This work was produced by Maund et al. under the terms of a commissioning contract issued by the
Secretary of State for Health.
54 Results

TABLE 19 Function and disability outcomes in studies evaluating sodium hyaluronate

Study Function and disability outcomes assessed Data reported and time of follow-up
Calis 200666 Constant score Final values at 3 months
Takagishi 1996 70
Activities of daily living questionnaire (Japanese Baseline data and p-value for within-group change from
specific) baseline only reported

TABLE 20 Function and disability results of sodium hyaluronate (MD and 95% CI)

Study Short term (3 months) Medium term (>3 and 6 months) Long term (>6 and 12 months)
Sodium hyaluronate vs no treatment
Constant score
Calis 200666 8.90 (2.62 to 15.18)a,b

Sodium hyaluronate vs physiotherapy

Constant score
Calis 200666 6.00 (12.16 to 0.16)a

Sodium hyaluronate vs steroid

Constant score
Calis 200666 0.20 (5.86 to 5.46)a

a Reported at 3 months.
b Statistically significant, i.e. the CI did not cross the line of no effect (zero).

that evaluated sodium hyaluronate reported at least one of these measurements (Table 21).
Table 22 provides the between-group difference in means and 95% CIs. The outcome data for the
individual groups in the included trials are available in Appendix 7.

Sodium hyaluronate versus no treatment

Calis et al.66 reported passive external rotation and passive abduction at 3 months. There was a
significantly greater improvement in the sodium hyaluronate group than in the no treatment
group in both passive external rotation (MD 8.30, 95% CI 2.52 to 14.08) and passive abduction
(MD 12.40, 95% CI 0.14 to 24.66).

Sodium hyaluronate versus physiotherapy

Calis et al.66 reported passive external rotation and passive abduction at 3 months. There was
significantly greater improvement in the physiotherapy group than in the sodium hyaluronate
group in both passive external rotation (MD 10.50, 95% CI 16.87 to 4.13) and passive
abduction (MD 12.50, 95% CI 23.98 to 1.02).

Sodium hyaluronate versus steroid

Calis et al.66 reported passive external rotation and passive abduction at 3 months. There was
no significant difference in passive external rotation or passive abduction between groups
(see Table 22). Takagishi et al.70 reported external rotation at 5 weeks. There was no significant
difference between groups (see Table 22).

DOI: 10.3310/hta16110 Health Technology Assessment 2012; Vol. 16: No. 11 55

TABLE 21 Range of movement (ROM) outcomes in studies evaluating sodium hyaluronate injections

Study ROM outcomes assessed () Data reported at time points up to 3 and 6 months
Calis 200666 Passive external rotation, passive abduction Final values at 15 days and 3 months
Rovetta 1998 69
Internal rotation, external rotation, Final values at 6 months
Takagishi 199670 External rotation Final values at 5 weeks

TABLE 22 Range of movement results of studies of sodium hyaluronate injections (MD and 95% CI)

Study Short term (3 months) Medium term (>3 and 6 months) Long term (>6 and 12 months)
Sodium hyaluronate vs no treatment
Passive external rotation ()
Calis 200666 8.30 (2.52 to 14.08)a,b

Passive abduction ()
Calis 200666 12.40 (0.14 to 24.66)a,b

Sodium hyaluronate vs physiotherapy

Passive external rotation ()
Calis 200666 10.50 (16.87 to 4.13)a,b

Passive abduction ()
Calis 200666 12.50 (23.98 to 1.02)a,b

Sodium hyaluronate vs steroid

Passive external rotation ()
Calis 200666 0.30 (5.92 to 6.52)a

Passive abduction ()
Calis 200666 4.40 (15.78 to 6.98)a

External rotation ()
Takagischi 199670 2.00 (21.25 to 17.28)c

Sodium hyaluronate+steroid+physiotherapy vs steroid+physiotherapy

Internal rotation ()
Rovetta 199869 23.70 (13.44 to 33.96)b,d

External rotation ()
Rovetta 199869 0.70 (15.11 to 13.71)d

Abduction ()
Rovetta 199869 3.20 (18.70 to 25.10)d

a Reported at 3 months.
b Statistically significant i.e. the CI did not cross the line of no effect (zero).
c Reported at 5 weeks.
d Reported at 6 months.

Queens Printer and Controller of HMSO 2012. This work was produced by Maund et al. under the terms of a commissioning contract issued by the
Secretary of State for Health.
56 Results

Sodium hyaluronate with steroid and physiotherapy versus steroid

with physiotherapy
One study, by Rovetta et al.,69 reported internal rotation, external rotation and abduction at
6 months only. There was a significantly greater improvement in internal rotation with sodium
hyaluronate combined with steroid and physiotherapy than with steroid combined with
physiotherapy (MD 23.70, 95% CI 13.44 to 33.96). There was no significant difference in mean
external rotation or mean abduction between groups (see Table 22).

Quality of life
None of the three studies that evaluated sodium hyaluronate assessed quality of life.

Adverse events
None of the three studies evaluating sodium hyaluronate reported whether or not participants
experienced any adverse events.

The three included studies investigating sodium hyaluronate used variable doses and in one
study sodium hyaluronate was combined with steroid injection and physiotherapy. Because of
variations in outcomes reported and comparators used it was not possible to pool data in a meta-
analysis. For most outcome measures data were available from a single study only. The studies did
not report participants stage of frozen shoulder or previous treatments received.

All of the studies had a potentially high risk of bias; none reported the method of randomisation
and therefore it was unclear whether they were truly randomised. Because it was unclear whether
all studies had enough participants to detect a statistically significant treatment effect, it should
be kept in mind that where studies did not report a statistically significant benefit (i.e. the CI
crossed the line of no difference) this should not be interpreted as evidence of no difference
between the groups.

One study reported a medium-term benefit in pain outcome when sodium hyaluronate was
added to steroid and physiotherapy. The same study also reported a significant benefit at
medium-term follow-up for internal rotation but not for external rotation or abduction. Another
study reported a benefit for function and disability with sodium hyaluronate compared with
home exercise but not with physiotherapy or steroid. The same study reported significantly better
short-term passive external rotation and abduction with sodium hyaluronate than with home
exercise and physiotherapy but not steroid injection. A second study reported no evidence of a
benefit for external rotation with sodium hyaluronate compared with steroid.

In conclusion, a small number of diverse studies of sodium hyaluronate were identified, all of
which may have had a high risk of bias. There was insufficient evidence to make conclusions with
any certainty about the effectiveness of sodium hyaluronate for primary frozen shoulder and in
what situations it is likely to be effective.

Physical therapy
Study characteristics
Eleven RCTs and one controlled trial investigated various types of physical therapy in the
treatment of primary frozen shoulder. A summary of the study characteristics is reported in
Table 23, with further details available in Appendix 6. Eleven were full papers and one71 was
available in abstract form only. One was a Chinese-language paper.72 The studies were published
in the Netherlands,40,73 Turkey,51,66,74 Hong Kong,75 Singapore,76 Thailand,77 Greece,16 Taiwan,78
China72 and the UK71 between 1994 and 2009. There were nine two-armed trials,16,40,51,7274,7678 two
three-armed trials71,75 and one four-armed trial.66

DOI: 10.3310/hta16110 Health Technology Assessment 2012; Vol. 16: No. 11 57

TABLE 23 Studies including physical therapies

Study details Participants randomised

and study design (total n and by group) Trial treatments Condition-related inclusion criteria
Calis 2006 66
n=90 (95 shoulders) Sodium hyaluronate: 30mg, one injection once History of pain for at least 1 month; limited
Four-arm RCT Sodium hyaluronate weekly for 2 weeks active and passive shoulder movement;
injection: 24 (27) Steroid: triamcinolone acetonide, 40mg, one decreased passive ROM of 20%, in at
injection least three movements, according to the
Steroid injection: 25 (26); American Medical Association guide for
PT: 21 (22); PT: 10 daily sessions: heat pack applied for the evaluation of permanent impairment
20 minutes; ultrasonic therapy for 5 minutes
No intervention (home (1.5W/cm2 intensity); TENS for 20 minutes; and
exercise only): 20 (20) stretching exercises
Diercks 200473 n=77 PT: active PT; duration and frequency not reported Idiopathic frozen shoulder using Lundberg
Two-arm PT: 32 Supervised neglect: education and home exercise criteria: >50% motion restriction of the
controlled trial within painless range glenohumeral joint in all directions for at
Supervised neglect: 45 least 3 months
Dogru 200851 n=50 Ultrasound+PT: active PT; 1050-minute Shoulder pain of at least 3 months
Two-arm RCT Ultrasound+PT: 25 sessions over 2 weeks of superficial heat (heat duration; at least 25% loss of shoulder
packs) (20 minutes), ultrasound (10 minutes) and motion in all planes; pain on motion of at
Sham+PT: 25 exercise programme (20 minutes) least 40mm on VAS
Sham ultrasound+PT: same as above except that
the ultrasound machine was not switched to on
Dundar 200974 n=57 Continuous passive motion: 201-hour sessions Frozen shoulder patients with gradually
Two-arm RCT Continuous passive motion: over 4 weeks using an external motorised device increasing shoulder pain and stiffness
29 Conventional PT: active PT, 201-hour sessions (painful phase and stiff phase)
PT: 28 over 4 weeks
Leung 200875 n=30 SWD+stretching: three 20-minute sessions Idiopathic frozen shoulder with shoulder
Three-arm RCT SWD+stretching: 10 per week for 4 weeks, machine frequency of pain and limited shoulder movement for at
27.12MHz, followed by stretching exercises least 8 weeks
Heat pack+stretching: 10
Heat pack+stretching: superficial heat (63C)
No intervention: 10 with electrical heat pack; stretching exercises as
No intervention: home exercise only
Maricar 1999 76
n=54 PT+exercise: active PT, eight weekly sessions Major complaint of limitation in shoulder
Two-arm RCT PT+exercise: 16a and from week 5 a 15-minute exercise circuit of range of motion with secondary complaint
nine exercises of pain; able to place arms behind head
Exercise only: 16a and back reaching vertebral column;
Exercise only: 15-minute exercise circuit of nine
exercises 90-degree abduction (late stage 2 to
stage 3)
Pajareya 200477 n=122 PT: SWD (20 minutes)+active PT three times a Shoulder pain and limitation of a passive
Two-arm RCT PT: 61 week for 3 weeks range of shoulder motion in all directions
No intervention: information only that interfered with activities of daily living
No intervention: 61
Stergioulas n=74 Laser therapy: 12 sessions over 8 weeks: two per Painful and limited passive glenohumeral
200816 Laser therapy: 37 week in the first 4 weeks, then one per week mobility; more restricted lateral rotation
Two-arm RCT Placebo laser: regimen as above (<8%) relative to abduction and medial
Placebo laser: 37 rotation
Vermeulen 200640 n=100 HGMT: 30-minute session twice weekly for a 50% loss of passive movement of
Two-arm RCT HGMT: 49 maximum of 12 weeks consisting of 5-minute shoulder joint relative to non-affected
assessment of ROM in order to apply the side, in one or more of three movement
LGMT: 51 mobilisation technique into the stiffness zone. directions (abduction in frontal plane,
Mobilisation techniques were applied with forward flexion or external rotation);
intensities according to Maitland grades III and IV duration of complaints 3 months
LGMT: 30-minute session twice weekly for a
maximum of 12 weeks consisting of 5-minute
assessment of ROM in order to apply the
mobilisation technique within the pain-free
zone. Mobilisation techniques were performed
according to Maitland grades I and II


Queens Printer and Controller of HMSO 2012. This work was produced by Maund et al. under the terms of a commissioning contract issued by the
Secretary of State for Health.
58 Results

TABLE 23 Studies including physical therapies (continued)

Study details Participants randomised

and study design (total n and by group) Trial treatments Condition-related inclusion criteria
Wies 2003 71
n=30 Osteopathy: the Niel-Asher technique, consisting Patients with primary frozen shoulder
Three-arm RCT Osteopathy: 10 of a progression of deep tissue manipulation, for
9 weeks
PT: 10
PT: manual therapy and therapeutic exercise for
Control: 10 9 weeks
Control: breathing exercises+massage+ROM
exercises for 9 weeks
Yang 200778 n=30 (28 started) ERM+MRM: 30 minutes twice per week for Painful stiff shoulder for at least 3 months;
Two-arm RCT ERM+MRM: 14 3 weeks each ROM losses of at least 25% compared
MWM+MRM: 30 minutes twice per week for with the non-involved shoulder in at least
MWM+MRM: 14 two of glenohumeral flexion, abduction or
3 weeks each
medial or lateral rotation
Yan 200572 n=54 Dumb-bell gymnastics: 510 minutes, two to Standard shoulder periarthritis diagnostic
Two-arm RCT Dumb-bell gymnastics: 26 three times a day for 3 months using dumb-bells criteria
weighing 25kg
Barehanded exercises: 28
Barehanded exercises: performed for 3 months

PT, physiotherapy; ROM, range of movement.

a Number analysed in each group and number randomised not reported by group.

A variety of physical therapy regimens were used, most of which were physiotherapy modalities.
These included various combinations of exercises (up to and beyond the pain threshold),
stretching, manipulation of the glenohumeral joint, ultrasound, superficial heat, SWD, laser
therapy, Codmans exercises, wall-climbing exercises, continuous passive motion, manual therapy,
dumb-bell gymnastics and massage. For the purposes of the synthesis, the interventions were
grouped based on whether or not at least one component involved mobilisation (of any type)
under the supervision of a therapist. Therapies that involved some form of mobilisation (with or
without other physical therapies) are described as active therapies. Studies using interventions
such as laser therapy or TENS without any supervised mobilisation or exercise were classified as
therapy without mobilisation.

Seven compared at least two forms of physical therapy.40,71,72,7476,78 One of the studies had what
was described as a supervised neglect intervention.73 This study by Diercks and Stevens was
the only study identified that explicitly used a supervised neglect intervention; therefore, this
study was included although it was not a RCT.73 Undertaken in the Netherlands, a physiotherapy
intervention of unspecified duration was used that involved a standardised protocol, carried
out by a therapist, of active exercises up to and beyond the pain threshold. The supervised
neglect comparator involved providing patients with an explanation of the natural course of
the disease and instructions not to exercise in excess of their pain threshold, to undertake
pendulum exercises and active exercises within the painless range and to resume all activities that
were tolerated. In the Calis et al. study, physiotherapy was compared with sodium hyaluronate
and steroid injection;66 and in the Pajareya et al. study, physiotherapy was compared with
no intervention.77

A single study did not have an arm with an active mobilisation component. This study by
Stergioulas16 compared laser therapy with placebo laser (with home exercise). The remaining
studies compared multiple active physical therapies. One compared ultrasound and
physiotherapy with sham ultrasound and physiotherapy;51 one compared 1-hour sessions of
continuous passive motion with physiotherapy;74 one compared osteopathy with physiotherapy
and with breathing exercises, massage and range of movement exercises;71 one compared

DOI: 10.3310/hta16110 Health Technology Assessment 2012; Vol. 16: No. 11 59

end-range mobilisation (ERM) and mid-range mobilisation (MRM) with mobilisation with
movement (MWM) and MRM;78 one compared passive joint mobilisations and exercises with
exercises only;76 one compared SWD plus stretching with heat pack plus stretching;75 one
compared dumb-bell gymnastics with barehanded exercises;72 and one compared high-grade
mobilisation techniques (HGMT) with low-grade mobilisation techniques (LGMT) (both
followed by Codman pendular exercises).40 All of the physiotherapy arms included an active
mobilisation component. The intervention duration ranged from 2 weeks to 3 months.

Six studies reported that home exercise was used as part of the intervention, although details
were limited in some studies. Where specified the home exercise routines included daily Codman
and stretching exercises,66 Codman, stretching and active range of movement exercises,51 daily
passive range of movement and pendulum exercises,74 pendulum and pain-free exercises16 and
daily stretches.75 Home exercise was discouraged in one study.78 Analgesic use also differed
between studies where reported. NSAIDs or other analgesics were prescribed when necessary
in one study,73 paracetamol was taken when necessary in another,66 paracetamol was allowed to
a maximum of 1000mg daily in another,51 400mg of ibuprofen was given daily for 3 weeks in
one study77 and prescribed and non-prescribed pain medication was allowed in one study.40 No
NSAIDs or other analgesics were allowed in one RCT, with a week washout period before the
study commenced.74

The inclusion criteria varied between the studies. All included patients with some limitation
of movement, although the extent of this varied where reported. Primary frozen shoulder was
diagnosed through range of movement, biochemical analyses, radiography and clinical diagnosis
where reported. Four studies did not report how frozen shoulder was diagnosed.40,71,77,78 Three
included participants with diabetes: 37% in the study by Dogru et al.,51 16% in the study by
Vermeulen et al.40 and 33% in the study by Pajareya et al.77 Separate data were not presented
for this subgroup. The mean duration of frozen shoulder at baseline ranged from 3 months
to 6.8 years. The stage of frozen shoulder included was reported by few studies: stage 1 or 2
in the study by Dundar et al.,74 stiff stage in the studies by Yan72 and Leung and Cheing75 and
late stage 2 or 3 in the study by Maricar and Chok.76 Outcome was not reported separately by
stage of frozen shoulder. Only one study, Vermeulen et al.,40 reported on whether participants
had received any previous treatment for frozen shoulder. In this study 81% of participants had
previously received physical therapy, 61% steroid injections and 6% surgery. The proportion of
female participants ranged from 20% to 86% and the mean age of participants ranged from 50 to
62.5 years.

Quality assessment
The quality of the studies was generally poor. Only one was of satisfactory quality, reporting the
number randomised and both an appropriate method of randomisation and adequate allocation
concealment.78 This study by Yang et al. also met most of the remaining criteria including
comparability at baseline, blinding of outcome assessors and intention-to-treat analysis; however,
the study may not be adequately powered to detect significant differences between groups and
there was a large number of dropouts (23%). The main limitation of this study was the study
design for the purposes of our review; only limited data were suitable for inclusion in our analysis
as different sequences of the three same mobilisations were compared at end of treatment (see
Appendix 6).78

Leung and Cheing,75 Stergioulas16 and Vermeulen et al.40 reported an appropriate method of
randomisation; Leung and Cheing75 and Vermeulen et al.40 did not report whether an adequate
method of allocation concealment was used; and Stergioulas16 reported that allocation was
performed using opaque envelopes but it was unclear whether the envelopes were numbered
sequentially. Although these three studies fulfilled other criteria, such as comparability at baseline

Queens Printer and Controller of HMSO 2012. This work was produced by Maund et al. under the terms of a commissioning contract issued by the
Secretary of State for Health.
60 Results

and blinding of outcome assessors, there was still a possible risk of bias. Leung and Cheing75
reported that there was no loss to follow-up and loss to follow-up was 15% in the Stergioulas
study16 (the majority in the laser group) and 4% in the Vermeulen study40 (with equal numbers
from each group). Vermeulen et al.40 also used intention-to-treat analysis and was adequately
powered for one outcome.

Calis et al.,66 Dogru et al.,51 Dundar et al.,74 Pajareya et al.77 and Yan72 reported the number of
participants randomised. It was unclear whether the method of assignment was truly random in
any of these studies and allocation concealment was not reported; therefore, they potentially have
high risk of bias. These studies also fulfilled few of the remaining criteria. Dogru et al.51 and Calis
et al.66 reported blinding of outcome assessment. Dropouts were relatively high in the Pajareya
study77 (12%, the majority in the control group) and the reporting of satisfaction results was also
unclear. There were no or very few dropouts in the Calis et al.,66 Dogru et al.,51 Yan72 and Dundar
et al.74 studies. Calis et al.66 also used intention-to-treat analysis.

The number of participants randomised was inconsistently reported in the study by Maricar
and Chok.76 Neither Maricar and Chok76 or Wies et al.71 reported the method of randomisation
or allocation concealment, so were at high risk of bias. Few of the remaining criteria were met.
Dropouts were high in the study by Maricar and Chok (41%)76 and not reported by Wies et al.71

Allocation to groups was not randomised in the study by Diercks and Stevens73 and met none of
the quality criteria (including blinding of outcome assessment) except comparability at baseline
(there were no significant differences in age, sex or duration of disease). This study was quasi-
experimental with a successive cohort as the physical therapy group. This study was therefore at a
high risk of bias. The paper reported that there was no loss to follow-up.

Six studies assessed pain (Table 24). The study by Pajareya et al.77 reported analgesic use at
3 weeks only and was therefore excluded from the synthesis. Calis et al.66 reported data in
graphical form only; consequently, the SMD could not be calculated and this study could not
be included in a meta-analysis. Calis et al.66 did, however, report that there was significant
improvement in pain severity at 3 months within both the physical therapy group and the no
intervention group (p<0.001).

The remaining four studies each evaluated different physical therapies using different
comparators; therefore, it was not appropriate to pool the studies in a meta-analysis.16,40,51,74

TABLE 24 Pain outcomes in studies evaluating physical therapies

Pain outcome
Study assessed Scale used Data reported and time of follow-up
Calis 2006 66
Pain severity VAS Data reported graphically only
Dogru 200851 Pain overall SPADI 5-item pain Final mean values at 2 weeks and 3 months
Dundar 200974 Pain overall SPADI 5-item pain Final mean values at 4 weeks and 12 weeks
Pajareya 200477 Analgesic use No. of tablets Median at 3 weeks
Stergioulas Pain overall VAS 0100mm Final mean values at 4, 8 and 12 weeks
Vermeulen Pain at night VAS 0100mm Mean change at 3, 6 and 12 months (baseline median and IQR
200640 reported only)

DOI: 10.3310/hta16110 Health Technology Assessment 2012; Vol. 16: No. 11 61

Table 25 provides the SMDs and 95% CIs. The outcome data for individual groups in the included
trials are available in Appendix 7.

Physical therapy versus physical therapy

There was no significant difference in pain between continuous passive motion and conventional
physiotherapy at short-term follow-up (12 weeks) (Table 25).74 There was no significant benefit
from adding ultrasound to a 20-minute supervised exercise programme of Codmans exercises,
wall-climbing and joint stretching for patients tolerance at short-term follow-up (3 months)
(Table 25).51 There was no significant difference in pain between HGMT and LGMT at any time
point (Table 25).40

Physical therapy without mobilisation versus control

There was a significant reduction in pain with laser compared with placebo laser at 8 weeks (SMD
1.71, 95% CI 2.29 to 1.12) and 16 weeks (SMD 1.89, 95% 2.49 to 1.29) (Table 25).16

Function and disability

Ten of the twelve studies that assessed physical therapies reported function and disability
outcomes (Table 26). SPADI score16,51,71,74,77 and Constant score66,73,74 were common to several
studies; however, the data could not be pooled in meta-analysis as the comparisons varied
substantially. Short- and medium-term data were available from these studies. Final value data
were available from six studies.16,51,66,7375 Pajareya et al.77 included only baseline data, so this
study was not included in the analysis. Change from baseline data was available from the study
by Vermeulen et al.40 Yang et al.78 reported mean percentage of change only. Table 27 provides
between-group differences and 95% CIs. Because of differences between interventions and
comparators it was not appropriate to pool these studies. Outcome data for individual studies are
available in Appendix 7.

Physical therapy versus control

Diercks and Stevens73 reported a statistically significant improvement in Constant score with
supervised neglect compared with physiotherapy at 3 (MD 16.37, 95% CI 21.46 to 11.28),
6 (MD 15.40 95% CI 20.50 to 10.30), 12 (MD 17.74, 95% CI 22.75 to 12.73), 18 (MD
16.13, 95% CI 22.20 to 10.06) and 24 (MD 9.22, 95% CI 15.69 to 2.75) months follow-up.
It is worth noting that there were several factors that could have biased this result. The

TABLE 25 Pain results of studies of physical therapy (SMD and 95% CI)

Medium term (>3 and

Study Short term (3 months) 6 months) Long term (>6 and 12 months)
Physical therapy vs physical therapy
Dundar 200974 0.31 (0.83 to 0.21)a
Dogru 200851 0.28 (0.28 to 0.85)b
Vermeulen 2006 40
0.15 (0.55 to 0.24)b 0.27 (0.67 to 0.12)c 0.33 (0.73 to 0.06)d

Physical therapy without mobilisation vs control

Stergioulas 200816 1.71 (2.29 to 1.12)e,f 1.89 (2.49 to 1.29)f,g

a Reported at 12 weeks.
b Reported at 3 months.
c Reported at 6 months.
d Reported at 12 months.
e Reported at 8 weeks.
f Statistically significant, i.e. the CI did not cross the line of no effect (zero).
g Reported at 16 weeks.

Queens Printer and Controller of HMSO 2012. This work was produced by Maund et al. under the terms of a commissioning contract issued by the
Secretary of State for Health.
62 Results

TABLE 26 Function and disability outcomes of studies evaluating physical therapy

Study Outcomes assessed Data reported and time of follow-up

Calis 200666 Constant score Final value data at 15 days and 3 months
Diercks 2004 73
Constant score (80 points indicates a normal functioning Final value data at 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21 and 24 months
shoulder) reported
Dogru 200851 SPADI total score (0100)a Final value data at 2 weeks and 3 monthsb,c
SPADI 8-item disability subscale (0100)a

Dundar 200974 SPADI total score (0100)a Final value data at 4 weeks and 12 weeks
Constant score
Leung 200875 ASES assessment (score out of 100) Final value data reported at 2, 4 and 8 weeks
Pajareya 2004 77
SPADI total score (0100) a
3-week data only (not included)
Global rating of pain and disability Baseline data only
Stergioulas 200816 SPADI total score (0100), Croft score (out of 22), DASH Final value data reported at 4, 8 and 16 weeks
(%) and HAQ (two or three items scored 03)
Vermeulen 200640 Shoulder rating questionnaire (Dutch-language version) Change from baseline at 3, 6 and 12 months
(17100) Percentage of participants reporting much worse or no
SDQ (Dutch-language version) (0100)a change and better or much better at 3, 6 and 12 months
5-point Likert scale (1=much worse; 5=much better)
Wies 200371 SPADI (0100)a Change from baseline at 9 weeks
Yang 2007 78
FLEX-SF (150) Mean percentage of change from baseline at 6 weeks

DASH, Disabilities of the Arm, Shoulder and Hand; FLEX-SF, Flexilevel Scale of Shoulder Function; HAQ, Health Assessment Questionnaire.
a Higher scores indicated worse outcomes.

TABLE 27 Function and disability results of studies of physical therapy (MD and 95% CI)

Study Short term (3 months) Medium term (>3 and 6 months) Long term (>6 and 12 months)
Physical therapy vs control
Constant score
Calis 200666 14.90 (8.32 to 21.48)a,b
Diercks 200473 16.37 (21.46 to 11.28)a,b 15.40 (20.50 to 10.30)b,c 17.74 (22.75 to 12.73)b,d
16.13 (22.20 to 10.06)b,e
9.22 (15.69 to 2.75)b,f
Leung 200875 SWD vs home exercise: 17.50 (1.76
to 33.24)b,g
HP vs home exercise: 4.00 (10.38
to 18.38)g

Physical therapy vs physical therapy

SPADI total score
Dogru 200851 4.50 (6.36 to 15.36)a
Dundar 200974 0.17 (0.73 to 1.07)a
Wies 2003 71
PT vs osteopathy: 19.90 (40.11 to
PT vs control: 4.00 (22.47 to
Osteopathy vs control: 15.90 (2.04
to 33.84)h

SPADI 8-item subscale

Dogru 200851 3.10 (8.44 to 14.64)a

Constant score
Dundar 200974 3.37 (8.28 to 1.54)a

DOI: 10.3310/hta16110 Health Technology Assessment 2012; Vol. 16: No. 11 63

TABLE 27 Function and disability results of studies of physical therapy (MD and 95% CI) (continued)

Study Short term (3 months) Medium term (>3 and 6 months) Long term (>6 and 12 months)
Yang 200778 ERM+MRM: 19.9% (SD 8.1%)i
MWM+MRM: 17.25% (SD 12.2%)i

Leung 200875 HP vs SWD: 13.50 (2.16 to 29.16)g

Shoulder rating questionnaire

Vermeulen 200640 2.40 (4.00 to 8.80)a 4.50 (2.39 to 11.39)c 6.60 (0.63 to 13.83)d

Vermeulen 200640 5.20 (14.95 to 4.55)a 5.70 (17.42 to 6.02)c 11.20 (22.60 to 0.20)d

Physical therapy without mobilisation vs control

Stergioulas 200816 14.11 (19.50 to 8.72)b,g 13.83 (18.88 to 8.78)b,j

Croft score
Stergioulas 200816 4.34 (6.34 to 2.34)b,g 7.13 (9.18 to 5.08)b,j

DASH score
Stergioulas 200816 9.24 (14.35 to 4.13)b,g 10.51 (15.37 to 5.65)b,j

HAQ score
Stergioulas 200816 0.75 (1.09 to 0.41)b,g 0.31 (0.64 to 0.02)j

FLEX-SF, Flexilevel Scale of Shoulder Function; HP, heat pack; PT, physiotherapy.
a Reported at 3 months or 12 weeks.
b Statistically significant, i.e. the CI did not cross the line of no effect (zero).
c Reported at 6 months or 24 weeks.
d Reported at 12 months.
e Reported at 18 months.
f Reported at 24 months.
g Reported at 8 weeks.
h Reported at 9 weeks.
i Reported at 6 weeks.
j Reported at 16 weeks.

physiotherapy group were prescribed exercises up to and beyond the pain threshold whereas
the supervised neglect group were advised to exercise within the painless range. Also, as a
successive cohort was recruited after 2 years (the physiotherapy group), treatment protocols may
have changed during the time that elapsed (although the authors did report that a standardised
treatment protocol was used). Although the baseline characteristics reported were similar
between groups it is possible that there may have been unmeasured differences between groups.

Leung and Cheing75 found significant improvement in American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons
(ASES) score with SWD plus stretching compared with home exercise (MD 17.50, 95% CI 1.76 to
33.24). There was no significant difference between heat pack plus stretching and home exercise
(Table 27).

Calis et al.66 reported that Constant score was significantly improved with physiotherapy plus
home exercise compared with home exercise alone (MD 14.90, 95% CI 8.32 to 21.48).

Queens Printer and Controller of HMSO 2012. This work was produced by Maund et al. under the terms of a commissioning contract issued by the
Secretary of State for Health.
64 Results

Physical therapy versus physical therapy

The study by Dogru et al.,51 which compared ultrasound and physiotherapy with sham ultrasound
and physiotherapy, found no significant difference between treatment groups in SPADI total
score or the SPADI 8-item disability subscale at 3 months (Table 27).

The intention in the study by Yang et al.78 was to compare two different sequences of three types
of mobilisation (each type of mobilisation was delivered over a 3-week period). The two groups
received the three types of mobilisation but in a different order over 12 weeks (see Appendix 6).
Because at the end of the 12 weeks both groups had received the same treatments, only 6-week
data were extracted for ERM and MRM versus MWM and MRM. The change in FLEX-SF
score was similar at 6 weeks for ERM and MRM (19.9%, SD 8.1%) and MWM and MRM
(17.25%, SD12.2%)

The study by Dundar et al.,74 which compared continuous passive motion with physiotherapy,
found no significant difference between treatment groups in SPADI total score or the Constant
score (Table 27).

Leung and Cheing75 found no significant difference between SWD and heat pack groups in terms
of ASES score (Table 27).

In the study by Vermeulen et al.40 there was no significant difference between HGMT and LGMT
in the shoulder rating questionnaire score (Table 27). There was also no significant improvement
in SDQ score with HGMT compared with LGMT at any time point (Table 27); however, it should
be noted that the 95% CI marginally crossed the line of no effect at 12 months (MD 11.20,
95% CI 22.60 to 0.20). There was no significant difference in the proportions of patients who
reported (much) worse or no change at 3 months (13% vs 12%), 6 months (13% vs 10%) or
12 months (9% vs 18%) and better or much better at 3 months (87% vs 88%) 6 months (87% vs
90%) or 12 months (91% vs 82%).

There was no significant difference in SPADI score with physiotherapy compared with osteopathy
in the study by Wies et al.;71 however, it should be noted that the 95% CI marginally crossed the
line of no effect (MD 19.90, 95% CI 40.11 to 0.31). There was no significant difference between
either the physiotherapy or osteopathy group and the control group (breathing exercises, range of
movement exercises and massage) (Table 27).

Physical therapy without mobilisation versus control

Stergioulas16 reported several measures of function and disability. At 8 weeks laser treatment was
associated with significantly improved SPADI score (MD 14.11, 95% CI 19.50 to 8.72), Croft
score (MD 4.34, 95% CI 6.34 to 2.34) Disabilities of the Arm, Shoulder and Hand (DASH)
score (MD 9.24, 95% CI 14.35 to 4.13) and Health Assessment Questionnaire (HAQ) score
(MD 0.75, 95% CI 1.09 to 0.41) compared with placebo laser. At 16 weeks laser treatment was
associated with significantly improved SPADI score (MD 13.83, 95% CI 18.88 to 8.78), Croft
score (MD 7.13, 95% CI 9.18 to 5.08) and DASH score (MD 10.51, 95% CI 15.37 to 5.65).
There was no significant difference in HAQ score between groups at 16 weeks (Table 27).

Range of movement
Eleven of the included studies that investigated physical therapy reported a range of movement
measure of interest (Table 28). All of the studies except two reported short- or medium-term
follow-up. One presented data at 24 months73 and one at 12 months.40 Six studies reported final
value data and one77 presented data that were not included in the analysis as follow-up was l
<4 weeks. One study reported change from baseline data.40 Maricar and Chok76 reported only

DOI: 10.3310/hta16110 Health Technology Assessment 2012; Vol. 16: No. 11 65

TABLE 28 Range of movement outcomes in studies evaluating physical therapy

Study Outcomes assessed Data reported and time of follow-up

Calis 200666 Passive abduction, passive external rotation () Final value data at 15 days and 3 months
Diercks 2004 73
External rotation, internal rotation (ROM part of Constant score, Final value data at 24 monthsa
number of points out of 10 correspond to extent of movement)
Dogru 200851 External rotation, internal rotation, passive abduction () Final value data at 2 weeks and 3 monthsb
Dundar 2009 74
Passive external rotation, passive internal rotation, passive Final value data at 4 weeks and 12 weeks
abduction ()
Leung 200875 External rotation (arm by side) (), external rotation (arm at 90 Final value data at 2, 4 and 8 weeks
()), hand behind back (cm)
Maricar 199976 External rotation (), internal rotation (), hand behind back (cm) Graphs and p-values only reported at 3, 5, 7 and
8 weeks
Pajareya 200477 External rotation, internal rotation 3-week data only (not included in analysis)
Stergioulas 200816 Active abduction, external rotation (in neutral abduction) () Final value data at 4, 8 and 16 weeks
Vermeulen 2006 40
Active abduction, active external rotation, passive abduction, Change from baseline at 3, 6 and 12 months
passive external rotation ()
Wies 200371 Active abduction () Change from baseline at 9 weeks
Yang 2007 78
Humeral lateral rotation (external rotation), humeral medial Mean percentage of change from baseline at 6 weeks
rotation (internal rotation) ()

ROM, range of movement.

a Medians only reported.
b Unclear whether 3 months from commencement of treatment or following treatment.

graphs and p-values, presented narratively. Because of the differences between the interventions
and comparators meta-analyses were not performed. Table 29 provides between-group
differences and 95% CIs. Outcome data for individual studies are available in Appendix 7.

Physical therapy versus control

In the study by Calis et al.66 there was a significant improvement in passive abduction (MD
24.90, 95% CI 14.59 to 35.21) and passive external rotation (MD 18.80, 95% CI 13.11 to
24.49) in the physiotherapy group compared with home exercise alone.

In the study by Leung and Cheing75 there was a significant improvement in external rotation
with arm by side (MD 21.00, 95% CI 4.95 to 37.05) with SWD plus stretching compared with
home exercise. Hand behind back was also significantly greater in the SWD plus stretching
group compared with the home exercise group (MD 7.00cm, 95% CI 13.14cm to 0.86cm).
There was no significant difference between either SWD or heat pack (both with stretching
exercises) and home exercise in external rotation with arm at 90, and no significant difference
between heat pack and home exercise in external rotation with arm by side or hand behind back
(Table 29).

The study by Diercks and Stevens73 reported that at 24 months the physiotherapy group had a
median of 8 points for the Constant score for external rotation, compared with 10 points in the
supervised neglect group, although no measure of variance was provided. This corresponds to
a greater range of motion in the supervised neglect group in this plane. For internal rotation,
both groups reported a median of 8 points, corresponding to the position dorsum of the 12th
dorsal vertebra.

Physical therapy versus physical therapy

Dogru et al.51 found no significant difference between ultrasound and sham ultrasound in
external rotation, internal rotation and abduction (Table 29).

Queens Printer and Controller of HMSO 2012. This work was produced by Maund et al. under the terms of a commissioning contract issued by the
Secretary of State for Health.
66 Results

There was also no significant difference in the study by Dundar et al.74 between continuous
passive motion and physical therapy in passive external rotation, passive internal rotation and
passive abduction (Table 29).

The study by Wies et al.71 showed a significantly greater improvement in active abduction in the
osteopathy group (MD 45.20, 95% CI 16.87 to 73.53) and physiotherapy groups (MD 38.80,
95% CI 5.76 to 71.84) compared with control (breathing exercises, massage and exercise). There
was no significant difference between the physiotherapy and osteopathy groups (Table 29).

Yang et al.78 reported that the mean percentage of change in external rotation was similar between
ERM plus MRM (mean 36.4%, SD 24.3%) and MWM plus MRM (mean 34.2%, SD 13.3%).
However, there was a greater change in internal rotation with MWM+MRM (45.6%, SD 38.5%)
compared with ERM and MRM (20.5%, SD 24.4%) (Table 29).

Leung and Cheing75 found that there was a significant improvement in external rotation both
with arm by side (MD 29.50, 95% CI 14.28 to 44.72) and with arm at 90 abduction (MD
30.10, 95% CI 13.51 to 46.69) with SWD compared with heat pack. There was also a significant
improvement in hand behind back with SWD compared with heat pack (MD 12.30cm, 95% CI
18.79cm to 5.81cm) (Table 29).

Maricar and Chok76 compared passive joint mobilisations and exercises with exercises only and
found no significant difference in external rotation or internal rotation between treatment groups
at weeks five, seven or eight.

The study by Vermeulen et al.40 showed a significant improvement in active abduction at

12 months with HGMT compared with LGMT (MD 12.60, 95% CI 0.06 to 25.14). There was
also a significant improvement with HGMT in passive abduction at 3 months (MD 13.10, 95%
CI 1.62 to 24.58) and 12 months (MD 12.50, 95% CI 1.03 to 23.97), and in passive external
rotation at 12 months (MD 6.50, 95% CI 0.27 to 12.73). There was no significant difference
between groups in active external rotation at any of the time points, or in passive external
rotation, active abduction or passive abduction at the remaining time points (Table 29).

Physical therapy without mobilisation versus control

There was no significant difference in external rotation or active abduction at short- or medium-
term follow-up between laser and placebo laser (Table 29).16

Quality of life
Two studies, one by Dogru et al.51 and the other by Vermeulen et al.,40 reported quality of life
using the physical and mental components of the SF-36 (Table 30). Data at 3 months follow-up
were available (Table 31). As the interventions varied substantially these studies were not pooled.
Outcome data for the individual groups are available in Appendix 7.

Physical therapy versus physical therapy

There was no significant difference between ultrasound and sham ultrasound groups in the SF-36
physical or mental components at 3 months follow-up in the study by Dogru et al. (Table 31).51

There was no significant difference between HGMT and LGMT groups in the SF-36 physical or
mental components at any time point in the study by Vermeulen et al. (Table 31).40

Two studies reported other outcomes of interest (Table 32). Pajareya et al.77 reported satisfaction
with treatment and percentage of patients reporting treatment success. Yan72 also reported the

DOI: 10.3310/hta16110 Health Technology Assessment 2012; Vol. 16: No. 11 67

TABLE 29 Range of movement results of studies of physical therapy (MD and 95% CI)

Study Short term (3 months) Medium term (>3 and 6 months) Long term (>6 and 12 months)
Physical therapy vs control
External rotation
Diercks 200473 PT: median=8 pointsa
Supervised neglect: median=10
Leung 200875 SWD vs home exercise, arm by side:
21.00 (4.95 to 37.05)b,c
SWD vs home exercise, arm at 90:
11.60 (6.58 to 29.78)b
HP vs home exercise, arm by side:
8.50 (28.19 to 11.19)b
HP vs home exercise, arm at 90:
18.50 (41.15 to 4.15)b

Internal rotation
Diercks 200473 PT: median=8 pointsa
Supervised neglect: median=8

Hand behind back

Leung 200875 SWD+stretching vs home exercise:
7.00cm (13.14cm to 0.86cm)b,c
HP+stretching vs home exercise:
5.30cm (0.93cm to 11.53cm)b

Passive external rotation

Calis 200666 18.80 (13.11 to 24.49)c,d

Passive abduction
Calis 200666 24.90 (14.59 to 35.21)c,d

Physical therapy vs physical therapy

External rotation
Dogru 200851 9.70 (19.51 to 0.11)d
Dundar 2009 74
0.76 (7.40 to 8.92)d
Yang 2007 78
ERM+MRM: 36.4% (SD 24.3%)e
MWM+MRM: 34.2% (SD 13.3%)e
Leung 200875 HP vs SWD, arm by side: 29.50
(14.28 to 44.72)b,c
HP vs SWD, 90 degree abduction:
30.10 (13.51 to 46.69)b,c

Internal rotation
Dogru 200851 3.50 (11.67 to 4.67)d
Yang 2007 78
ERM+MRM: 20.5% (SD 24.4%)e
MWM+MRM: 45.6% (SD 38.5%)e

Passive internal rotation

Dundar 200974 0.92 (8.34 to 10.18)d

Passive abduction
Dogru 200851 0.20 (16.06 to 15.66)d
Dundar 2009 74
4.42 (11.83 to 2.99)d
Vermeulen 2004 40
13.10 (1.62 to 24.58)c,d 11.00 (1.59 to 23.59)f 12.50 (1.03 to 23.97)b,g


Queens Printer and Controller of HMSO 2012. This work was produced by Maund et al. under the terms of a commissioning contract issued by the
Secretary of State for Health.
68 Results

TABLE 29 Range of movement results of studies of physical therapy (MD and 95% CI) (continued)

Study Short term (3 months) Medium term (>3 and 6 months) Long term (>6 and 12 months)
Active abduction
Vermeulen, 200440 10.00 (2.16 to 22.16)d 8.90 (4.67 to 22.47)f 12.60 (0.06 to 25.14)c,g
Wies 2003 71
Physical therapy vs osteopathy: 6.40
(32.77 to 19.97)h
Physical therapy vs control: 38.80
(5.76 to 71.84)c,h
Osteopathy vs control: 45.20 (16.87
to 73.53)c,h

Active external rotation

Vermeulen 200440 2.30 (2.81 to 7.41)d 2.70 (2.36 to 7.76)f 4.90 (0.67 to 10.47)g

Passive external rotation

Vermeulen 200440 1.40 (3.48 to 6.28)d 4.10 (0.97 to 9.17)f 6.50 (0.27 to 12.73)c,g

Hand behind back

Leung 200875 Heat pack vs SWD: 12.30cm
(18.79cm to 5.81cm)b,c

Physical therapy without mobilisation vs control

External rotation
Stergioulas 200816 2.05 (2.75 to 6.85)b 4.19 (0.74 to 9.12)i

Active abduction
Stergioulas 200816 5.47 (0.40 to 11.34)b 5.20 (1.60 to 12.00)i

a Reported at 24 months.
b Reported at 8 weeks.
c Statistically significant, i.e. the CI did not cross the line of no effect (zero).
d Reported at 3 months or 12 weeks.
e Reported at 6 weeks.
f Reported at 6 months.
g Reported at 12 months.
h Reported at 9 weeks.
i Reported at 16 weeks.

TABLE 30 Quality of life outcomes in studies evaluating physical therapy

Study Outcomes assessed Data reported and time of follow-up

Dogru 200851 SF-36 physical component Final value data at 2 weeks and 3 monthsa (3-month data included in analysis)
SF-36 mental component
Vermeulen SF-36 physical component Change from baseline at 3, 6 and 12 months
200440 SF-36 mental component

a Unclear whether 3 months from commencement of treatment or following treatment.

DOI: 10.3310/hta16110 Health Technology Assessment 2012; Vol. 16: No. 11 69

TABLE 31 Quality of life results of studies of physical therapy (MD and 95% CI)

Study Short term (3 months) Medium term (>3 and 6 months) Long term (>6 and 12 months)
Physical therapy vs physical therapy
SF-36 physical component
Dogru 200851 0.40 (5.22 to 4.42)a
Vermeulen 200440 0.60 (6.03 to 7.23)a 2.10 (5.08 to 9.28)b 0.40 (7.78 to 8.58)c

SF-36 mental component

Dogru 200851 1.00 (5.19 to 7.19)a
Vermeulen 200440 4.10 (3.91 to 12.11)a 0.30 (7.95 to 8.55)b 2.50 (8.36 to 3.36)c

a Reported at 3 months.
b Reported at 6 months.
c Reported at 12 months.

TABLE 32 Other outcomes in studies evaluating physical therapy

Study Outcomes assessed Data reported and time of follow-up

Pajareya 200477 Satisfaction (number of patients reporting that they were Data at 3 weeks
very satisfied, moderately satisfied, unsatisfied or very
Treatment success (% success) Treatment success at 3, 6, 12 and 24 weeks
Yan 2005 72
Rate of improvement (%) Rate of improvement (excellent, good, average and bad) at
3 months

percentage of patients describing their rate of improvement as bad, average, good and excellent
at 3 months. These data are summarised in Table 33 and further information for the individual
studies is available in Appendix 7.

Physical therapy versus control

In the study by Pajareya et al.77 similar proportions of each group reported that they had
successful treatment at 6 weeks (61.4% vs 60.8%). At 12 weeks, 76.8% in the physiotherapy
compared with 60.8% in the control group reported successful treatment, and at 24 weeks the
proportions were 80.4% in the physiotherapy group and 82.4% in the control group.

In the same study the number of patients very satisfied at 3 weeks was five in the physical
therapy group versus one in the control group; the numbers moderately satisfied, unsatisfied
and very unsatisfied were 7 versus 1, 24 versus 13 and 23 versus 45 in the physical therapy group
versus the control group respectively.77

Physical therapy versus physical therapy

Yan72 compared dumb-bell exercises with barehanded exercises and found that a greater number
of patients performing dumb-bell exercises than those performing barehanded exercises reported
an excellent rate of improvement at 3 months (24 vs 0).

Adverse events
Two studies reported adverse events.74,77 In the study by Pajareya et al.77 patients in the
physiotherapy group were asked whether they had pain that persisted for >2 hours after
treatment or more disability the next morning. There were 10 episodes of pain in the
physiotherapy group (in four patients) that persisted for >2 hours after treatment. Patients

Queens Printer and Controller of HMSO 2012. This work was produced by Maund et al. under the terms of a commissioning contract issued by the
Secretary of State for Health.
70 Results

TABLE 33 Other outcome results from studies of physical therapy

Study Short term (3 months) Medium term (>3 and 6 months) Long term (>6 and 12 months)
Physical therapy vs control
Treatment success
Pajareya 200477 % of patients % of patientsc
Physical therapy: 61.4%,a control: Physical therapy: 80.4%, control:
60.8% 82.4%
Physical therapy: 76.8%,b control:

Pajareya 200477 No. of patientsd
very satisfied: physical therapy 5,
control 1
moderately satisfied: physical therapy
7, control 1
unsatisfied: physical therapy 24,
control 13
very unsatisfied: physical therapy 23,
control 45

Physical therapy vs physical therapy

Rate of improvement
Yan 200572 No. of patientsb
Bad: dumb-bell exercises 0,
barehanded 7
Average: dumb-bell exercises 0,
barehanded 16
Good: dumb-bell exercises 2,
barehanded 5
Excellent: dumb-bell exercises 24,
barehanded 0

a Reported at 6 weeks.
b Reported at 3 months or 12 weeks.
c Reported at 6 months or 24 weeks.
d Reported at 3 weeks.

were also asked whether the trial drugs and/or treatment programme upset them in any way
and were examined for signs of echymosis or burn during range of movement evaluation. Side
effects of NSAIDs were reported but it was unclear which treatment groups these applied to (see
Appendix 6). Dundar et al.74 stated that no side effects were observed during the study. No further
information regarding how adverse events were measured or assessed was reported. The study by
Stergioulas16 reported that there were no complications. Adverse events did not appear to have
been assessed in the remaining nine studies.

Twelve studies were included that investigated various types of physical therapy, without use
of steroid injection. They were very diverse in the physical therapies evaluated, although most
evaluated physiotherapy modalities. The comparators were another physical therapy or control.
With the exception of one study,16 at least one component of the intervention involved active
mobilisation or exercise. Half the studies reported that participants were advised to undertake
home exercise.

DOI: 10.3310/hta16110 Health Technology Assessment 2012; Vol. 16: No. 11 71

One study of satisfactory quality was identified and three studies were of reasonable quality
but had some risk of bias. The other studies had a potentially high risk of bias. Because of the
considerable variability of the interventions investigated in the studies and different outcomes
measures used it was not appropriate to pool any studies in a meta-analysis. The studies did not
report outcome by stage of frozen shoulder or the presence of diabetes and information was very
limited regarding previous treatments received.

Physical therapy versus control

There was evidence from one study (with some risk of bias) that there was a significant short-
term benefit for function and disability with SWD in conjunction with stretching compared with
home exercise and for some but not all measures of range of movement. A further study with
some risk of bias reported significant short- and medium-term benefit with laser therapy (plus
home exercise) compared with home exercise alone for pain and function and disability but
not range of movement. Another study with a potentially high risk of bias reported significant
short-term benefit with physiotherapy (plus home exercise) compared with home exercise alone
for function and disability and two ranges of movement. One study reported significant short-,
medium- and long-term benefit for function and disability with supervised neglect compared
with physiotherapy; however, this study was at high risk of bias.

Comparing physical therapies

The majority of studies comparing two physical therapies reported no significant difference in
outcome between therapies; however, with the exception of three studies,40,75,78 these all had a
potentially high risk of bias. A single study with some risk of bias found a significant benefit of
SWD compared with a heat pack (both with stretching) for three ranges of movement; however,
in this same study there was no significant difference in benefit for function and disability.
Another study with some risk of bias found a significant improvement in one measure of
function and disability and in three ranges of movement with HGMT compared with LGMT, but
no benefit for pain. A single satisfactory study found no benefit from providing ERM followed by
MRM compared with MWM followed by MRM. Based on single studies with a high risk of bias
there was no significant difference between continuous passive motion and conventional physical
therapy, between mobilisation with and without ultrasound or between joint mobilisation and
exercise. A single study with a high risk of bias reported that daily exercises using dumb-bells
were significantly more effective than exercises without dumb-bells. One study available only as
an abstract and at high risk of bias reported a significant benefit of physiotherapy and osteopathy
compared with breathing and range of movement exercises combined with massage in one
measure of range of movement. There was no significant difference between physiotherapy and
osteopathy techniques.

In conclusion, the studies identified were diverse and mainly of poor quality. With the exception
of physiotherapy including SWD, only single studies were identified of any one physical
approach. Based on the best available evidence there may be benefit from SWD and stretching
and from HGMT in patients who have already had physiotherapy or a steroid injection. There
was insufficient evidence to make conclusions with any certainty about the best mode of physical
therapy for primary frozen shoulder.

Study characteristics
Three RCTs investigated acupuncture in the treatment of primary frozen shoulder. A summary
of study characteristics is reported in Table 34. All were full papers of studies conducted in Hong
Kong,79 China80 and Taiwan81 between 2006 and 2008. There was one two-armed trial80 and two
three-armed trials.79,81 Sample sizes ranged from 74 to 360.

Queens Printer and Controller of HMSO 2012. This work was produced by Maund et al. under the terms of a commissioning contract issued by the
Secretary of State for Health.
72 Results

TABLE 34 Studies of acupuncture with or without physical therapy

Study details Participants

and study randomised (total n Condition-related
design and by group) Trial treatments inclusion criteria
Cheing 200879 n=74 Electroacupuncture: 10 sessions, two to three times per week over Localised pain over one
Three-arm RCT Electroacupuncture: 25 a 4-week period. Three points needled (one trigger point, LI15 and shoulder, night pain and
ST38) with a needle of 0.3040mm diameter restricted active and
Interferential passive shoulder motion
electrotherapy: 24 Interferential electrotherapy: 1020-minute sessions over 4 weeks
at 80120Hz. Four suction-type electrodes were placed around the
Control: 25 shoulder region in a coplanar arrangement
Control: no treatment for 4 weeks
Fang 200680 n=360 Electroacupuncture: 1040-minute sessions every other day. Four Used recognised criteria
Two-arm RCT Electroacupuncture: 174 acupuncture points [Waiguan (SJ5) and Hegu (LI4) and, alternating (no further details provided
each session, Jianliao (SJ14) and Jian qian (Ex-UE) or Jianyu (LI15)
TENS: 186 and Naoshu (SI10)]; 0.3040mm needles inserted to depth of
TENS: 1040-minute sessions every other day. Electrodes placed
at four acupuncture points [Waiguan (SJ5) and Hegu (LI4) and,
alternating each session, Jianliao (SJ14) and Jian qian (Ex-UE)
or Jianyu (LI15) and Naoshu (SI10)]. High frequency (100Hz) for
10 minutes and low frequency (2Hz) for 30 minutes. Intensity of
current 102mA
Ma 2006 81 n=75 Acupuncture: 15-minute session twice a week for 4 weeks. Each Shoulder pain for at least
Three-arm RCT Acupuncture: 30 session consisted of therapeutic principles in promoting flow of qi 3 months, could not lift
and blood, driving out the wind and cold, removing dampness and arms more than 135
Acupuncture+PT: 15 activating meridians; therapeutic methods on three yang meridians
PT: 30 of the hand; and prescriptions with jianjiao, jianyu (LI15), fengchi
(GB20), hegu (LI4) and yanglingquan (GB34)
PT: five sessions per week for 4 weeks

PT, physiotherapy.

One study used acupuncture81 and two studies used electroacupuncture,79,80 The number of
acupuncture points needled ranged from three to five. Although needle point prescriptions
varied between studies, two studies both included Hegu (LI4) and Jianyu (LI15) needle points.80,81
In the acupuncture study, acupuncture was administered in a course of eight sessions. In both
studies of electroacupuncture, the intervention was administered in a course of 10 sessions, with
acupuncture points needled to a depth of 1525mm and electricity administered when De qi
sensation was felt. Further details of the electrical stimulation used were reported in one study
only79 and consisted of 2100-Hz electrical stimulation at a pulse of 100400 microseconds for
20 minutes. The comparators were interferential electrotherapy,79 waiting list control,79 TENS,80
physiotherapy81 and acupuncture with physiotherapy.81

One study included a physiotherapy regimen.81 This consisted of a heat pack for 15 minutes,
joint mobilisation for 510 minutes and active shoulder exercises for 510 minutes, five times
per week for 4 weeks. One study reported concomitant treatment of a home exercise programme
of mobilisation exercises five times a day over 6 months.79 Two studies did not report whether
participants received any concomitant treatment.80,81

The inclusion criteria varied between the three studies. It was unclear in all studies whether
they included participants with diabetes. Frozen shoulder was diagnosed by an orthopaedic
surgeon, through clinical examination and through clinical history. The participants stage of
frozen shoulder was not reported in two studies.79,81 In the other study participants were reported

DOI: 10.3310/hta16110 Health Technology Assessment 2012; Vol. 16: No. 11 73

to have either stage 1 (described by the authors as pre-adhesive) frozen shoulder, that is, they
had shoulder pain that increased at night with range of motion normal or only slightly affected,
or stage 2 (described by the authors as adhesive) frozen shoulder, that is, a reduction in pain
but severely affected range of motion.80 None of the studies reported whether participants had
received previous treatment for frozen shoulder. Where reported, the mean age of participants
ranged from 51.5 to 56.4 years and the proportion of women from 52% to 55%.

Quality assessment
None of the studies reported the method of randomisation or allocation concealment; therefore,
these three studies are potentially at high risk of bias. The study by Cheing et al.79 was of the
highest quality and fulfilled five criteria: the number randomised, the comparability of treatment
groups at baseline, double blinded, blinding of outcome assessors to treatment allocation
and no unexpected imbalances in dropouts between groups. This study, however, did not
use intention-to-treat analysis. Fang et al.80 fulfilled two criteria: the number of participants
randomised and the blinding of participants. Ma et al.81 also fulfilled two criteria: the number
of participants randomised and the comparability of treatment groups at baseline for important
prognostic factors.

The studies by Fang et al.80 and Ma et al.81 reported outcome measures at 4 weeks from
baseline and are therefore excluded from the subsequent synthesis. Furthermore, the waiting
list control arm for the study by Cheing et al.79 reported outcomes at 4 weeks from baseline
only. The following synthesis is therefore based on the study by Cheing et al.79 and compares
electroacupuncture with interferential therapy only. This study reported on the outcomes of pain
and of function and disability only.

Cheing et al.79 reported results of pain at the moment at approximately 2, 4 and 7 months using
a 010cm VAS. There was no significant difference in pain between the electroacupuncture and
interferential therapy groups at 2 months (SMD 0.35, 95% CI 0.23 to 0.93), 4 months (SMD
0.21, 95% CI 0.37 to 0.78) or 7 months (SMD 0.21, 95% CI 0.37 to 0.78).

Function and disability

Cheing et al.79 reported results of the Constant score at 2, 4 and 7 months. There was no
significant difference in Constant score between the electroacupuncture and interferential
therapy groups at 2 months (MD 2.80, 95% CI 5.88 to 0.28), 4 months (MD 3.10, 95% CI 1.53
to 7.73) or 7 months (MD 1.70, 95% CI 4.76 to 1.36).

Adverse events
None of the three studies that evaluated acupuncture or electroacupuncture reported on whether
or not participants experienced any adverse events.

Three studies compared acupuncture with another treatment, although only one provided data
beyond 4 weeks follow-up. This study had a potentially high risk of bias and it was unclear
whether it had enough participants to detect a difference between groups. Based on a single
study, there was no statistically significant difference between electroacupuncture and inferential
electrotherapy in pain or function and disability at short-, medium- or long-term follow-up.
There was insufficient evidence to make conclusions with any certainty about the effectiveness of
acupuncture for primary frozen shoulder and in what situations it is likely to be effective.

Queens Printer and Controller of HMSO 2012. This work was produced by Maund et al. under the terms of a commissioning contract issued by the
Secretary of State for Health.
74 Results

Manipulation under anaesthesia

Study characteristics
Four RCTs investigated MUA in the treatment of primary frozen shoulder. A summary of study
characteristics is available in Table 35 and full details are provided in Appendix 6. All were full
papers of studies conducted in Pakistan,82 the UK38,83 and Finland39 between 2007 and 2009. All
were two-arm trials and sample sizes ranged from 3638 to 125.39

The MUA procedure was described in three of the RCTs38,39,83 and was performed by a physician39
or, in the two UK studies, by an orthopaedic surgeon.38,83 In two studies participants received a
steroid injection (triamcinolone) in conjunction with MUA, 30mg38 in one of the UK studies and
80mg82 in the study from Pakistan.

A single study, by Amir-us-Saqlain et al.,82 reported use of a physiotherapy programme following

MUA. The other three studies advised participants in the intervention and control groups to
undertake home exercises. Kivimaki et al.39 appeared to have the most intensive home exercise
programme, although details were scanty in all the studies; participants in this study received
physiotherapy advice in two sessions and written instructions for a daily training programme
including pendulum and stretching exercises. Quraishi et al.38 reported a home exercise
programme of pendulum exercises and wall-climbing movements; specific details were not
provided by Jacobs et al.83

TABLE 35 Studies of MUA

Study details
and study Participants randomised
design (total n and by group) Trial treatments Condition-related inclusion criteria
Amir-us- n=43 MUA: no further details History of pain and stiffness of the shoulder
Saqlain MUA+steroid Steroid: 80mg Kenacort (triamcinolone) with joint with no identifiable cause, restriction of
200782 injection+manipulated 2% xylocaine glenohumeral motion <50% of abduction and
Two-arm RCT extremity+PT: 23 <50% of external rotation compared with
Manipulated extremity: kept in 160 of the contralateral shoulder joint and normal
MUA+steroid injection+PT: abduction with 90 of external rotation for radiography. All symptoms had to be of
20 24 hours 3 weeks duration
PT: daily 30-minute sessions for 3 weeks
Jacobs n=53 MUA: manipulation of arm into full adduction Patients with primary frozen shoulder
200983 MUA: 28 and forward flexion, full external rotation, full
Two-arm RCT internal rotation and full abduction
Steroid+distension: 25
Steroid+distension: three steroid and
distension treatments at 6-week intervals:
triamcinolone, 40mg, 1ml; 2% lidocaine, 5ml;
0.25% bupivacaine, 10ml; air, 5ml
Kivimaki n=125 MUA: manipulation of arm into flexion and Gradually increasing shoulder pain and
200739 MUA: 65 abduction and rotation into internal and external stiffness, shoulder mobility of 140 in
Two-arm RCT rotation elevation and 30 in external rotation
Home exercise: 60
Home exercise: PT advice in two sessions
and written instructions for a daily training
Quraishi n=36 MUA: a specific protocol was followed to ensure Stage 2 adhesive capsulitis, global loss of
200738 MUA+steroid: 17 (18 safe breakage of adhesions by using a short active and passive shoulder movement,
Two -arm RCT shoulders) lever arm restriction of rotation <50% of normal, and
Steroid: triamcinolone acetonide, 30mg and normal anteroposterior and axillary lateral
Arthrographic distension: radiography of glenohumeral joint
19 (20) 2% lidocaine, 2ml
Distension: normal saline (1055ml) injected to
progressively distend capsule rupture

PT, physiotherapy.

DOI: 10.3310/hta16110 Health Technology Assessment 2012; Vol. 16: No. 11 75

Each of the studies had a different comparator. In the study by Amir-us-Saqlain et al.82
from Pakistan, the intervention being assessed was the effect of keeping the manipulated
extremity in abduction and external rotation for 24 hours following MUA. Both groups
received MUA, including a steroid injection, followed by physical therapy and the
experimental group also had the extremity kept in a fixed position following MUA.
In the two UK studies, Jacobs et al.83 compared MUA with distension in combination with
steroid injection; and Quraishi et al.38 compared MUA, including a steroid injection, with
arthrographic distension. Kivimaki et al.39 compared MUA (plus home exercise) with
home exercise alone, which involved physiotherapy advice in two sessions and written
instructions for home exercise.

The inclusion criteria varied between studies in terms of extent of restriction of movement.38,39,82
Jacobs et al.83 did not specify the symptomatic inclusion criteria other than that patients with
primary frozen shoulder were included. Quraishi et al.38 included only patients with stage 2
frozen shoulder. The stage of frozen shoulder was described as painful and stiff or in the freezing
phase in two RCTs,39,83 and the majority of participants reported pain and stiffness in one RCT
(the remainder had either pain or stiffness).82 At baseline the duration of frozen shoulder ranged
from a mean or median of 10 weeks to 40 weeks. Two studies reported on whether participants
had received previous treatment for frozen shoulder. Quraishi et al.38 reported that 44% had
previously received physical therapy, 61% a steroid injection and 31% physical therapy combined
with steroid injections. Kivimaki et al.39 alluded to participants having received previous
treatment by reporting that in the 3 months prior to randomisation there was no difference
between treatment groups in terms of physical therapy, massage or chiropractic manipulations
received. The mean or median age of the participants ranged from 53 to 57 years and the
proportion of women ranged from 58% to 68%. It was unclear whether participants with diabetes
were included in one study,82 one study reported that there were no participants with diabetes83
and in the remaining two studies the proportions with diabetes were 14%39 and 17%.38

Quality assessment
The included RCTs generally varied in quality. All of the studies reported the number of
participants randomised and comparability at baseline, although one reported only comparability
for range of movement.82 The Amir-us-Saqlain et al.82 and Jacobs et al.83 studies did not report
the method of randomisation and so it was unclear whether these studies were truly randomised,
and they did not report allocation concealment or whether the outcome assessors were blinded,
although this would not have been possible in the study by Amir-us-Saqlain et al.82 These studies
therefore had a potentially high risk of bias. Additionally, Jacobs et al.83 was not adequately
powered, loss to follow-up was high (19%) and it was unclear whether imbalances in dropouts
were adjusted for. Although the authors stated that intention-to-treat analysis was performed, not
all patients were included in the analysis. It was unclear whether the study by Amir-us-Saqlain et
al.82 was adequately powered and loss to follow-up was high (23%).

Both Kivimaki et al.39 and Quraishi et al.38 reported appropriate randomisation methods;
however, only Kivimaki et al.39 reported allocation concealment and blinding of outcome
assessors and was therefore classified as of adequate quality. Loss to follow-up was high in
this study (34% at 6 months) and was greater in the MUA group than in the control group;
the analysis did not appear to be intention to treat. The study did not appear to be adequately
powered at the 6- and 12-month follow-ups. Although Quraishi et al.38 reported that the
investigator was blinded, it was not clear whether outcome assessment was blinded or whether
there was allocation concealment and therefore this study may be at risk of bias. Loss to follow-up
was relatively low in this study (8%) although it was unclear whether the study was adequately
powered. Full details of study quality are reported in Appendix 8.

Queens Printer and Controller of HMSO 2012. This work was produced by Maund et al. under the terms of a commissioning contract issued by the
Secretary of State for Health.
76 Results

Manipulation under anaesthesia versus home exercise

Kivimaki et al.39 compared MUA plus home exercise with home exercise alone. MDs and 95% CIs
were reported by the authors for pain, function and disability, passive abduction, passive internal
rotation, external rotation and working ability at the follow-up points of 6 weeks and 3, 6 and
12 months from baseline (Table 36). The outcome data for the individual groups are available
in Appendix 7.

There was no significant difference in pain intensity between MUA and home exercise at 6 weeks
or 3, 6 or 12 months (Table 37).

Function and disability

There was no significant difference in Constant score between treatment groups at 6 weeks or 3, 6
or 12 months (Table 37).

Range of movement
There was no significant difference in passive abduction, passive internal rotation or external
rotation between treatment groups at 6 weeks or 3, 6 or 12 months (Table 37).

Working ability
There was no significant difference in the change in working ability between treatment groups at
6 weeks or 3, 6 or 12 months (Table 37).

Adverse events
The authors reported that there were no major complications during manipulation.

Manipulation under anaesthesia versus distension

Two studies compared MUA with distension;38,83 however, both MUA and distension differed
between studies and so the data for pain and function and disability that were available could not
be considered for pooling.

One RCT by Jacobs et al.83 compared MUA with steroid injection in combination with distension
treatment. Only limited data were available for pain, function and disability and quality of life,
which were presented as mean regression coefficients up to 16 weeks (and 24 months for quality
of life) (Table 38). The other RCT by Quraishi et al.38 compared MUA plus steroid injection
with arthrographic distension. This study reported means and ranges for pain and function and
disability at 2 and 6 months. The percentage of patients who were satisfied with treatment was
also reported (Table 38). The outcome data for the individual groups are available in Appendix 7.

TABLE 36 Outcomes assessed in the study of MUA versus home exercise39

Outcomes assessed Data reported and time of follow-up

Pain intensity: Likert scale (010)
MD at 6 weeks and 3, 6 and 12 months (converted to SMD)b
Function and disability: modified version of SDQ (14 activities of daily MD at 6 weeks and 3, 6 and 12 months
living in previous 24 hours, scored out of 28)a
ROM: passive abduction (), passive internal rotation (cm), external MD at 6 weeks and 3, 6 and 12 months
rotation () (and flexion, not included in analysis)
Working ability (010) MD at 6 weeks and 3, 6 and 12 months
Adverse events Narrative summary

ROM, range of movement.

a Higher score indicates worse outcome.
b SMD imputed from 95% CIs.

DOI: 10.3310/hta16110 Health Technology Assessment 2012; Vol. 16: No. 11 77

TABLE 37 Results of the study of MUA versus home exercise (MD and 95% CI)39

Medium term (>3 and

Short term (3 months) 6 months) Long term (>6 and 12 months)
Pain intensity (SMD and 95% CI)
0.2 (0.64 to 1.02)a 0.35 (0.78 to 0.09)c 0.28 (0.73 to 0.16)d
0.07 (0.32 to 0.46) b

Function and disability

4 (3.8 to 11.8)a 1.7 (5.3 to 1.9)c 0 (3.2 to 3.2)d
0.3 (2.69 to 2.75) b

Passive abduction () 10 (3.2 to 23.2)a 9 (4 to 22)c 7 (5 to 19)d
9 (6 to 24) b

Passive internal rotation (cm) 4 (9 to 9)a 2 (7.4 to 3.4)c 1 (4.1 to 6.1)d

3 (7.4 to 2.4) b

External rotation () 5 (2 to 12)a 6 (2 to 14)c 4 (4.1 to 12.2)d

6 (3 to 15) b

Working ability
0.4 (4.2 to 1.8)a 0.5 (0.6 to 1.6)c 0.1 (0.8 to 1.0)d
0 (0.8 to 0.8) b

ROM, range of movement.

a Reported at 6 weeks.
b Reported at 3 months.
c Reported at 6 months.
d Reported at 12 months.

The study by Jacobs et al.83 showed no significant difference in pain intensity between treatment
groups up to 16 weeks. The mean regression coefficient (SE) was 2.77 (0.33) for MUA and 2.75
(0.42) for distension combined with steroid injection (95% CI 1.11 to 1.15).

In the study by Quraishi et al.38 at 2 months follow-up the mean VAS score was 4.7 (range 0 to
8.5) in the MUA plus steroid arm and 2.4 (range 0 to 8) in the arthrographic distension arm
(p-value not reported). At 6 months there was a significantly greater improvement in VAS in
the arthrographic distension group than in the MUA group (SMD 1.52, 95% CI 0.75 to 2.30)
(Table 39).

Function and disability

The study by Jacobs et al.83 found no significant difference between treatment groups in the
Constant score up to 16 weeks: mean regression coefficient (SE) 3.13 (0.24) for MUA and 3.23
(0.42) for distension plus steroid injection (95% CI 1.09 to 0.81).

In the study by Quraishi et al.38 at 2 months follow-up the mean Constant score was 58.5 (range
24 to 90) in the MUA plus steroid arm and 57.4 (range 17 to 80) in the arthrographic distension
arm. At 6 months the Constant score was significantly improved in the arthrographic distension
group compared with the MUA group (6.40, 95% CI 6.56 to 6.24) (Table 39).

Queens Printer and Controller of HMSO 2012. This work was produced by Maund et al. under the terms of a commissioning contract issued by the
Secretary of State for Health.
78 Results

TABLE 38 Outcomes assessed in the studies of MUA vs distension

Study Outcomes assessed Data reported and time of follow-up

Jacobs 2009 83
Pain (not specified): VAS (1100) a
Mean regression coefficient (mean of 2, 6, 12 and 16 weeks)
Quraishi 200738 Pain outcome overall: VAS (010)a Mean and range at 2 and 6 months (no SDs reported)b
Jacobs 2009 83
Function and disability: Constant score Mean regression coefficient (mean of 2, 6, 12 and 16 weeks)
Quraishi 200738 Function and disability: Constant score Mean and range at 2 and 6 months (no SDs reported)b
Quraishi 200738 ROM: external rotation, internal rotation, abduction (and Between-group p-values at 6 months (mean values available
forward elevation, not included in analysis) () only on graph)
Jacobs 200983 Quality of life: SF-36, all components Scores at 24 months presented in graphs and summarised
narratively in text
Quraishi 200738 Satisfaction % satisfied at 6 months

ROM, range of movement.

a Higher score indicates worse outcome.
b A between-group p-value was reported for 6 months follow-up and this was used to estimate the SD at 6 months; there was no p-value for 2
months follow-up.

TABLE 39 Results of the studies of MUA vs arthrographic distension (SMD and 95% CI)

Study Short term (3 months) Medium term (>3 and 6 months) Long term (>6 and 12 months)
Jacobs 200983 Mean regression coefficient (SE)
MUA: 2.77 (0.33)a
Distension: 2.75 (0.42)a
SMD (95% CI)
Quraishi 2007 38
1.52 (0.75 to 2.30)b,c

Function and disability

Jacobs 200983 Mean regression coefficient (SE)
MUA: 3.13 (0.24)a
Distension: 3.23 (0.42)a
SMD (95% CI)
Quraishi 200738 6.40 (11.51 to 1.29)b,d

a Reported at 16 weeks.
b Reported at 6 months.
c Statistically significant, i.e. the CI did not cross the line of no effect (zero).

Range of movement
Quraishi et al.38 reported no statistically significant difference between groups in external rotation
(p=0.13), internal rotation (p=0.48) and abduction at 6 months follow-up (p=0.62) (data
available only in a graph).

Quality of life
Jacobs et al.83 reported that all components of the SF-36 improved for all patients during the
course of treatment, with the greatest improvements shown in the physical role and bodily pain
components. There was no statistically significant difference with respect to change in SF-36
scores between the treatment groups (data available only in graph format, no p-values reported).

DOI: 10.3310/hta16110 Health Technology Assessment 2012; Vol. 16: No. 11 79

Quraishi et al.38 reported that at final follow-up 81% of MUA patients were satisfied or
very satisfied compared with 94% of patients who received arthrographic distension. All of
the patients with diabetes were satisfied with their outcome (three in both the MUA and
arthrographic distension groups).

Adverse events
The study by Jacobs et al.83 reported that no systemic or local complications were noted in either
treatment group. Quraishi et al.38 did not report any information on adverse events.

Manipulation under anaesthesia followed by manipulated extremity

kept in fixed position
Amir-us-Saqlain et al.82 assessed the effect of keeping the manipulated extremity in abduction
and external rotation for 24 hours following MUA compared with MUA not using the fixed
position. Both groups also received a steroid injection and physical therapy. Only measures of
range of movement were assessed 12 weeks post treatment (Table 40). Between-group differences
in means and 95% CIs are presented in Table 41. Outcome data for the individual groups are
presented in Appendix 7.

Range of movement
Passive abduction (MD 22.49, 95% CI 13.14 to 31.84), passive internal rotation (MD 1.00cm,
95% CI 0.71cm to 1.29cm), active abduction (MD 28.99, 95% CI 17.07 to 40.91) and active
internal rotation (MD 0.91cm, 95% CI 0.49cm to 1.33cm) were significantly greater at 12 weeks
post treatment in the MUA combined with steroid injection plus manipulated extremity and
physiotherapy group than in the MUA combined with steroid injection plus physiotherapy
group. There was no significant difference in passive or active external rotation between
treatment groups.

TABLE 40 Outcomes assessed in the study of MUA followed by fixed extremity82

Outcomes assessed Data reported and time of follow-up

ROM: passive abduction, passive internal rotation, passive external rotation, active abduction, ROM 12 weeks post treatment
active external rotation, active internal rotation (and active and passive forward flexion, not
included in analysis)a

ROM, range of movement.

a All measured in degrees except internal rotation, which was measured by spinal level.

TABLE 41 Results of the study of MUA followed by fixed extremity (MD and 95% CI)82

Medium term (>3 and Long term (>6 and

Short term (3 months) 6 months) 12 months)
Passive abduction () 22.49 (13.14 to 31.84)a
Passive internal rotation (cm) b
1.00 (0.71 to 1.29)a
Passive external rotation () 4.84 (2.26 to 11.94)
Active abduction () 28.99 (17.07 to 40.91)a
Active internal rotation (cm) 0.91 (0.49 to 1.33)a
Active external rotation () 6.62 (3.32 to 16.56)

ROM, range of movement.

a Statistically significant, p<0.0001.
b The paper states that this was measured by spinal level. There is a lack of clarity in the paper, but it appears to be measured in cm.

Queens Printer and Controller of HMSO 2012. This work was produced by Maund et al. under the terms of a commissioning contract issued by the
Secretary of State for Health.
80 Results

The four included studies of MUA were diverse in terms of the intervention and the comparator.
Some studies used a steroid injection (triamcinolone) in conjunction with MUA. The studies
were not considered clinically similar enough to be pooled in a meta-analysis. Across all of
the studies information about previous treatments that participants had received and stage of
frozen shoulder was limited. It was not possible to explore variation between those with and
without diabetes.

Because it was unclear whether all studies had enough participants to detect a statistically
significant treatment effect, it should be kept in mind that where studies did not report a
significant benefit (i.e. the CI crossed the line of no difference) this should not be interpreted
as evidence of no difference between the groups. A single study of adequate quality reported
no statistically significant difference between MUA (and home exercise) and home exercise
alone in pain, function and disability, range of movement or working ability at 6 weeks and
3, 6 and 12 months.39 Follow-up at 6 months and beyond in this study should be treated with
some caution because of high loss to follow-up, which was somewhat higher in the MUA group,
and also the lack of intention-to-treat analysis. Two studies comparing MUA with distension
had mixed findings. One, with a potentially high risk of bias, found no significant difference in
pain or function and disability between MUA and distension (which included steroid) up to
16 weeks post treatment.83 The second, which had some risk of bias, found a significantly greater
improvement in pain and function and disability at 6 months with arthrographic distension than
with MUA in conjunction with steroid.38 The fourth study, with a potentially high risk of bias,
reported that keeping the manipulated extremity in abduction and external rotation for 24 hours
following MUA was superior to MUA without this additional process for passive and active
abduction and internal rotation at 12 weeks.82

In conclusion, there was very little evidence available for MUA and most of the studies identified
had limitations. The single adequate study found no evidence of benefit of MUA over home
exercise alone. Generalisability is somewhat unclear because of the limited information about
previous interventions that participants had received and stage of frozen shoulder.

Study characteristics
Three RCTs investigated distension with steroid injection in the treatment of primary frozen
shoulder. A summary of study characteristics is reported in Table 42, with further details available
in Appendix 6. All were full papers of studies conducted in Australia,43 Denmark84 and Norway36
and published between 1998 and 2008. All were two-armed trials.

The two most recent studies by Buchbinder et al.43 and Tvetia et al.36 used arthrographic
distension. One injected 40mg of steroid (in 1ml) and up to 82ml of saline on a single occasion43
and the other injected 20mg of steroid (2ml), 4ml of local anaesthetic and 10ml of saline on
three occasions at 2-week intervals,36 along with contrast medium in the arthrographic distension
groups. Both of these studies stated that the procedure continued until rupture occurred.
Buchbinder et al.43 had the additional end points of patient termination of the procedure and a
maximum of 90ml having been injected. The older study by Gam et al.84 stated that the injection
was confirmed by ultrasound and participants were injected with 20mg of steroid with 19ml of
lidocaine once per week for up to 6 weeks. Details were not provided in this study as to whether
distension occurred or how this was established. The two studies of arthrographic distension used
different comparators: Buchbinder et al.43 used a placebo comparator of arthrogram only, whereas
Tveita et al.36 used steroid injection (with local anaesthetic).

DOI: 10.3310/hta16110 Health Technology Assessment 2012; Vol. 16: No. 11 81

TABLE 42 Studies including distension with steroid injection

Study details Participants

and study randomised (total n
design and by group) Trial treatments Condition-related inclusion criteria
Buchbinder n=46 Arthrogram: the needle was positioned, connected to Pain and stiffness in predominantly one
200443 Arthrographic the connector tap and tube and 0.51ml of contrast shoulder for 3 months, restriction of
Two-arm RCT distension+steroid: 25 injected and a radiographic image taken. Steroid: passive ROM of >30 in two or more
methylprednisolone acetate, 40mg, 1ml and up to planes of movements, measured to
Placebo: 21 82ml of normal saline was then injected (total volume onset of pain
Distension: the end point of the procedure was filling
of the subscapular bursa, capsular rupture, injection of
the total volume of liquid or the participant requesting
termination of the procedure
Placebo: arthrogram only
Gam 199884 n=22 Distension+steroid: intra-articular injection, confirmed Frozen shoulder of more than 6 weeks
Two-arm RCT Distension+steroid: 13 by ultrasound duration, nocturnal accentuation
Steroid: triamcinolone hexacetonide, 20mg, once per of pain, passive range of shoulder
Steroid: 9 external rotation <50% of opposite
week for a maximum of 6 weeks or until no symptoms
Distension: an additional 19ml of lidocaine 0.5%
Tveita 200836 n=76 Arthrogram: KayeSchneider technique was used Limitation of passive movement in
Two-arm RCT Arthrographic Steroid: triamcinolone acetonide, 20mg, 2ml and the glenohumeral joint compared with
distension+steroid: 37 34ml of bupivacaine hydrochloride (5mg/ml). Three the unaffected side, >30 for at least
injections at 2-week intervals two of forward flexion, abduction or
Steroid: 39 external rotation; pain in predominantly
Distension: an additional 10ml of saline. Three one shoulder lasting >3 months and
injections at 2-week intervals were given. The capsule <2 years
would usually rupture in the wall of the subscapular
recess or sometimes in the wall of the bicipital or
axillary recesses, which was recorded as a loss of
resistance, and contrast leakage was identified by
fluoroscopy. If rupture had not occurred, more contrast
and local anaesthetic was injected until rupture

ROM, range of movement.

Home exercise of pendular exercises and scapular setting were given in the study by Buchbinder
et al.43 and no manual treatment (e.g. physiotherapy, massage) or other medical interventions
were allowed. In contrast, in the Tvetia et al. study36 patients were allowed to continue with their
current physiotherapy programme; no patients were prescribed new physiotherapy programmes
during the study. The study of non-arthrographic distension did not report any information
regarding home exercise.84

There was some variability in concomitant treatments. Buchbinder et al.43 allowed paracetamol
and codeine preparations but NSAIDs were not allowed, Tveita et al.36 allowed pain medication
organised by the patients primary care physicians and Gam et al.84 reported that analgesics
were permitted.

The inclusion criteria varied between studies; however, the two most recent studies of
arthrographic distension required similar extent of restriction in shoulder movement.36,43
The duration of frozen shoulder at baseline ranged from a median or mean of 114 days
(approximately 4 months) to 7 months, although the stage at baseline was not reported by
any of the studies. Diagnosis was by measuring passive range of movement to onset of pain,43
clinical examination, blood samples and radiography or ultrasound,84 and clinical history
and radiography.36

Queens Printer and Controller of HMSO 2012. This work was produced by Maund et al. under the terms of a commissioning contract issued by the
Secretary of State for Health.
82 Results

A substantial proportion of patients (28%) had diabetes in the Buchbinder study;43 the remaining
two studies had no patients with diabetes. Buchbinder et al.43 also included a small proportion
(2.2%) with secondary frozen shoulder. Buchbinder et al.43 and Tveita et al.36 also reported that
patients had undergone treatment for frozen shoulder before the study: in the Buchbinder study
28% of patients had received corticosteroid injections whereas in the Tveita study 17% had
undergone physiotherapy. The ages of patients ranged from a mean or median of 47 years to
57.3 years and the proportion of women was either 59% or 80%.

Quality assessment
Buchbinder et al.43 was considered of satisfactory quality as the risk of bias was minimised
through computerised randomisation and allocation concealment by a biostatistician who
kept the assignment scheme. An intention-to-treat analysis was also performed. Patients were
blinded to treatment and outcome assessors were also blinded. The treatment groups were also
comparable at baseline. The main limitation of this study is that it was not sufficiently powered
after dropouts (9%). The intention-to-treat analysis used in the study was adequately powered
based on the authors power calculation (the sample size to detect a difference in SPADI scores).

Both Gam et al.84 and Tveita et al.36 reported a reliable method of randomisation; however, it was
not clear whether an adequate method of allocation concealment had been used. Tveita et al.36
reported that patients were not informed of their actual assignment until the first injection was
to be given, and no information regarding allocation concealment was reported by Gam et al.84
Therefore, these studies are potentially at risk of bias. Gam et al.84 reported that outcome assessors
were blinded and that the groups were comparable at baseline. In the study by Tveita et al.36 there
appeared to be a higher proportion with previous shoulder problems and who were on sick leave
in the steroid injection group. Tveita et al.36 also reported using statistical adjustment to control
for baseline differences for the function and disability SPADI outcome but not for range of
movement. Tveita et al.36 used intention-to-treat analysis and both studies reported the same rate
of loss to follow-up (9%), with similar numbers in each arm.

Two studies, one by Buchbinder et al.43 and one by Gam et al.,84 assessed pain. Buchbinder et al.43
reported change from baseline data at 3, 6 and 12 weeks using a 10-point Likert scale (Table 43).
However, the study by Gam et al.84 reported data for VAS pain scores at rest and VAS pain scores
on function in graphical form only. This study was described narratively.

There was no significant difference in pain between arthrographic distension with steroid and
placebo (arthrogram) at 6 weeks (SMD 0.40, 95% CI 0.99 to 0.19) or 12 weeks (SMD 0.15,
95% CI 0.73 to 0.44) in the study by Buchbinder et al.43

In the study by Gam et al.84 there was no significant difference between the steroid and distension
groups for VAS pain score on function (p=0.1) or VAS pain score at rest (p=0.1) (time points
unclear). The authors reported that there was a tendency toward less pain in the distension group.
Additionally, the authors reported that analgesic consumption was significantly lower at week
11 in the distension group than in the steroid group (p=0.008). These results were presented in
graphical form only.

Function and disability

Two of the three included studies assessed function and disability.36,43 Both reported SPADI total
score and one43 reported a problem elicitation technique score, a patient preference disability
measure in which patients identify their own problems related to the disease that they would
like to see improve as a result of treatment. Change from baseline data were available from
Buchbinder et al.43 and final value data were available from Tveita et al.36 (Table 44). These

DOI: 10.3310/hta16110 Health Technology Assessment 2012; Vol. 16: No. 11 83

TABLE 43 Pain outcomes in studies evaluating distension

Study Outcomes assessed Data reported and time of follow-up

Buchbinder Likert scale, pain overall (010)a Change from baseline at 3, 6 and 12 weeks (6 and 12 weeks included in
200443 analysis)
Gam 199884 VAS pain score at rest (010)a Data presented graphically at 3, 6 and 12 weeks, p-values only
VAS pain score on function (010)a
Analgesic consumption

a Higher scores indicate worse outcomes.

TABLE 44 Function and disability outcomes in studies evaluating distension

Study Outcomes assessed Data reported and time of follow-up

Buchbinder SPADI total score (0100) a
Change from baseline at 3, 6 and 12 weeks (6 and 12 weeks included in
200443 Problem elicitation technique scorea analysis)
Tveita 200836 SPADI total score (0100)a Final value at 6 weeks after last injectionb

a Higher scores indicate worse outcomes.

b Data appeared to be adjusted for baseline differences in groups.

were not pooled as the comparator arms were different between studies: Buchbinder et al.43
compared arthrographic distension with placebo whereas Tveita et al.36 used steroid injection
as a comparator. Table 45 provides the between-group MDs and 95% CIs. The outcome data for
individual groups are available in Appendix 7.

Distension versus placebo

There was no significant difference between arthrographic distension and placebo in SPADI
total score at 6 or 12 weeks in the study by Buchbinder et al.43 (Table 45). In contrast, there was
a significant improvement in the problem elicitation technique score with distension compared
with placebo at 6 weeks (MD 46.00, 95% CI 80.99 to 11.01) and 12 weeks (MD 54.40, 95% CI
12.57 to 96.23) in the same study.

Distension versus steroid

There was no significant difference in SPADI total scores between distension and steroid at
6 weeks in the Tveita et al. study36 (Table 45).

Range of movement
The range of movements of interest in this review that were reported by the studies of distension
were passive and active abduction, passive and unspecified external rotation, passive internal
rotation and hand behind back. Change from baseline data were available from Buchbinder
et al.43 and final value data were available from Tveita et al.36 (Table 46). It was considered
inappropriate to pool the two studies as one had a placebo comparator and one a steroid
injection comparator. The study by Gam et al.84 provided limited data for extraction and these
were summarised narratively. Table 47 summarises the between-group MDs and 95% CIs. The
outcome data for individual groups are available in Appendix 7.

Distension versus placebo

There was no significant difference between groups in the outcomes active abduction,
external rotation or hand behind back at 6 or 12 weeks follow-up in the study by Buchbinder
et al.43 (Table 47).

Queens Printer and Controller of HMSO 2012. This work was produced by Maund et al. under the terms of a commissioning contract issued by the
Secretary of State for Health.
84 Results

TABLE 45 Function and disability results of studies of distension (MD and 95% CI)

Study Short term (3 months) Medium term (>3 and 6 months) Long term (>6 and 12 months)
Distension vs placebo
SPADI total score
Buchbinder 200443 5.00 (7.85 to 17.85)a
4.40 (10.08 to 18.88)b

Problem elicitation technique score

Buchbinder, 200443 46.00 (80.99 to 11.01)a,c
54.40 (12.57 to 96.23)b,c

Distension vs steroid
SPADI total score
Tveita 200836 6.00 (14.12 to 2.12)d

a Reported at 6 weeks.
b Reported at 12 weeks.
c Statistically significant, i.e. the CI did not cross the line of no effect (zero).
d Reported at 6 weeks after last injection (12 weeks from baseline).

TABLE 46 Range of movement outcomes in studies evaluating distension

Study Outcomes assessed Data reported and time of follow-up

Buchbinder 200443 Active abduction, external rotation in neutral, Change from baseline at 3, 6 and 12 weeks
hand behind back ()
Gam 199884 Passive abduction, passive external rotation () Data presented graphically (number achieving four levels of improvement)
at 3, 6 and 12 weeks, p-values only
Tveita 200836 Passive abduction, passive external rotation, Final value at 6 weeks after last injection
passive internal rotation, active abduction,
active external rotation, active internal
rotation ()

Distension versus steroid

The study by Tveita et al.36 found that there was a significant improvement in passive abduction
with steroid compared with distension at 6 weeks after the last injection (MD 34.00, 95% CI
40.78 to 27.22). There was no significant difference between groups for active abduction,
external or internal rotation, or passive internal or external rotation (Table 47).

The study by Gam et al.84 reported that there was a significant improvement with distension
compared with steroid in external rotation (p=0.0007) but no statistically significant difference
in abduction (time point unclear).

Adverse events
All of the studies investigating distension reported adverse events. These were reported in detail
in the study by Buchbinder et al.43 and to a lesser extent by Gam et al.84 and Tveita.36 The adverse
events reported by all studies are summarised in Table 48.

Buchbinder et al.43 reported that open-ended questions were used to assess the extent of adverse
events. More patients in the arthrographic distension group than in the placebo group reported
pain associated with the procedure (16% vs 5%) and pain lasting up to 48 hours (12% vs 5%).
None of the adverse events was reported as serious and a number of additional adverse events
were reported (Table 48).

DOI: 10.3310/hta16110 Health Technology Assessment 2012; Vol. 16: No. 11 85

TABLE 47 Range of movement results of studies of distension (MD and 95% CI)

Study Short term (3 months) Medium term (>3 and 6 months) Long term (>6 and 12 months)
Distension vs placebo
Active abduction ()
Buchbinder 200443 8.90 (8.55 to 26.35)a
4.50 (15.16 to 24.16)b

External rotation ()
Buchbinder 200443 6.50 (24.62 to 11.62)a
2.10 (14.50 to 18.70)b

Hand behind back ()

Buchbinder 200443 1.90 (0.76 to 4.56)a
0.80 (1.95 to 3.55)b

Distension vs steroid
Active abduction ()
Tveita 200836 3.00 (13.00 to 19.00)c

Active external rotation ()

Tveita 200836 2.00 (6.33 to 10.33)c

Active internal rotation ()

Tveita 200836 2.00 (5.88 to 9.88)c

Passive abduction ()
Tveita 200836 34.00 (40.78 to 27.22)c,d

Passive external rotation ()

Tveita 200836 2.00 (9.42 to 5.42)c

Passive internal rotation ()

Tveita 200836 3.00 (9.13 to 3.13)c

a Reported at 6 weeks.
b Reported at 12 weeks.
c Reported at 6 weeks after last injection (time point unclear).
d Statistically significant, i.e. the CI did not cross the line of no effect (zero).

TABLE 48 Adverse events in studies investigating distension

Study Adverse events reported

Buchbinder Total reported adverse events: arthrographic distension (n=25): 9 (36%), placebo (n=21): 1 (5%)
200443 Pain associated with procedure: arthrographic distension (n=25): 4 (16%), placebo (n=21): 1 (5%)
Increased pain for up to 48 hours after procedure: arthrographic distension (n=25): 3 (12%), placebo (n=21): 1 (5%)
Claustrophobia at time of procedure: arthrographic distension (n=25): 1 (4%), placebo (n=21): 1 (5%)
Unsettled, anxious and hot: arthrographic distension (n=25): 0 (0%), placebo (n=21): 1 (5%)
Shoulder noisy (i.e. fluid noises): arthrographic distension (n=25): 1 (4%), placebo (n=21): 0 (0%)
Gam 1998 84
Two cases of unacceptable pain after injection (one in each treatment group)
Tveita 200836 Injections reported as very painful: distension: 5, steroid: 6
Other possible side effects reported: distension: 14, steroid: 20
Complaints of flushing or disturbances in heat regulation: distension: 9, steroid: 13
Minor loss of sensation and motor control loss in affected arm: distension: 2, steroid: 2
Glenohumeral joint infection: treatment group unspecified: 1

Queens Printer and Controller of HMSO 2012. This work was produced by Maund et al. under the terms of a commissioning contract issued by the
Secretary of State for Health.
86 Results

Gam et al.84 reported that the number and type of side effects were recorded. The only adverse
events reported in this study were two cases of unacceptable pain after injection (one in each
treatment group); these patients dropped out of the study.

In the study by Tveita et al.36 the patients recorded pain intensity related to the injection
procedures. Six patients in the steroid group and five in the distension group felt that the
injections were very painful. Flushing and disturbances in heat regulation were also common in
both groups and a number of other non-serious adverse events were reported (Table 48).

Three studies were included that investigated the effects of distension with steroid injection.
Two of these studies investigated arthrographic distension36,43 and the other investigated
non-arthrographic distension.84 The comparators evaluated were steroid alone36,84 and placebo
(arthrogram only).43 Only one study was judged to be of satisfactory quality,43 whereas the
remainder were potentially at risk of bias. Because of the variability in the interventions and
comparators it was not considered appropriate to pool any of the studies. Stage of frozen shoulder
was not reported in any of these studies; however, previous treatments were described in two of
the studies.36,43

Distension compared with placebo

One study of satisfactory quality compared distension with placebo and reported benefit with
distension in the short term in one of two measures of function and disability. There was no
difference in three measures of range of movement or in pain at function at short-term follow-up.
None of the adverse events reported was considered serious.

Distension compared with steroid

Two studies that were potentially at risk of bias compared distension with steroid. One study
that compared arthrographic distension with steroid reported no difference between groups in
one measure of function and disability, but reported a benefit in one range of movement in the
short term. Some patients in both groups considered the injections as being very painful and
one case of glenohumeral joint infection (septic arthritis) was reported. The study that compared
non-arthrographic distension with steroid reported no difference between groups in pain at
function or at rest, but a significant benefit with distension in one measure of range of movement
but not another at short-term follow-up. One patient from each group dropped out as a result of
unacceptable pain.

In conclusion, few studies of distension were identified and only single studies of different
comparisons were available. Based on one study of satisfactory quality there is a little evidence
of potential benefit with distension compared with placebo. There is insufficient evidence to
draw conclusions about the efficacy of distension (arthrographic or non-arthrographic) for
frozen shoulder.

Capsular release
Two case series of more than 50 participants were identified that investigated capsular release
in the treatment of primary frozen shoulder. A summary of the study characteristics is reported
in Table 49, with further details available in Appendix 7. One study was published in Norway in
2007 by Austgulen et al.;85 the other in Taiwan in 2002 by Chen et al.86

The capsular release procedures varied between the two studies. Only a summary of the
procedures are provided here; fuller descriptions are available in the original papers. In the study
by Chen et al.,86 the authors stated that the intervention involved distension and debridement,
release and manipulation. The degree of joint movement was confirmed arthroscopically

DOI: 10.3310/hta16110 Health Technology Assessment 2012; Vol. 16: No. 11 87

TABLE 49 Studies including capsular release

Study details
and study design Participants Treatment Condition-related inclusion criteria
Austgulen 2007 85
n=66 (70 Arthroscopic capsular and ligament release+PT Patients with primary frozen shoulder.
Case series shoulders) Surgery was performed under general anaesthesia in beach Diagnosis of frozen shoulder was
chair position. Shoulder arthroscopy was performed using normal confirmed during anaesthesia: limited
technique. Access to the shoulder joint was from behind and outward rotation of <20 and <45
surgical instruments entered from in front in the rotator interval. in abduction with a fixed scapula
The rotator interval was cleaned out and the frontal capsule and
glenohumeral ligament and coracohumeral ligament were split
from biceps tendon to 6 oclock. Both capsule and ligaments
were split with an Acufex Upbiter Scissor punch. The subacromial
space was inspected and adherences were loosened. The space
and displacement were evaluated. Where spaces were narrow
subacromial decompression was performed until the shoulder could
move at maximal outward rotation and to 180 in abduction. All
patients received aggressive rehabilitation with a physiotherapist
from the first day after surgery
Chen 200286 n=183 Arthroscopic brisement (distension, debride, release) followed by Basic criteria for definition of
Case series cases gentle manipulation+PT (further details provided), then the arm idiopathic frozen shoulder
was kept in abductionexternal rotation position for 2 days during
which the patient was confined to bed. Passive and active exercise
of the shoulder was then allowed, with a rehabilitation programme
at the hospital rehabilitation facility

PT, physiotherapy.

(after distension by water and the syringe rebound), a synovectomy was performed using an
arthroscopic shaver or vaporisation, capsular scar tissue was described by the authors as being
debrided and then gentle manipulation was performed. This involved arm elevation in the
scapular plane (which was usually associated with audible popping of the contracted capsule)
and external rotation followed by internal rotation at varying degrees of abduction. This was
done with gradual pressure and stopped if unyielding resistance was met. The authors stated that
repetition of these steps led to tearing of the capsular structures. The arm was kept in abduction
external rotation for 2 days following the procedure.

The Austgulen et al. study85 reported that shoulder arthroscopy was performed using normal
technique, and the frontal capsule, glenohumeral ligament and coracohumeral ligament were
split from the bicep tendon to 6 oclock. The authors stated that the subacromial space was
inspected and adherences loosened. Where the spaces were narrow subacromial decompression
was performed until the shoulder could move at maximal outward rotation and at 180
in abduction.

Both studies included a programme of physiotherapy following the procedure. Austgulen et

al.85 specifically stated that the patients received aggressive rehabilitation from the first day after
surgery (no further details reported). This study also reported that participants were asked to
perform home exercises (including stretches) every day. In addition, concomitant NSAIDs were
given as needed and postoperative oxycodone was given occasionally.85 Chen et al.86 did not state
whether a home exercise routine was undertaken or whether concomitant medication was given.

The inclusion criteria differed between the studies, with Chen et al.86 reporting limited criteria
(i.e. basic criteria for diagnosis of idiopathic frozen shoulder). Additionally, Austgulen et al.85
required that participants had already tried physiotherapy but without a satisfactory result. The
nature and intensity of the previous physiotherapy was not reported. The diagnostic criteria

Queens Printer and Controller of HMSO 2012. This work was produced by Maund et al. under the terms of a commissioning contract issued by the
Secretary of State for Health.
88 Results

also varied between studies. In the Austgulen study85 diagnosis was based around limited range
of movement and confirmed under anaesthesia. Chen et al.86 used clinical history, physical
examination, radiography and arthrography. Neither study reported the stage of frozen shoulder;
the average duration of frozen shoulder at baseline was 13 months (range 3 to 60 months) in the
Austgulen study85 and 8 months (range not reported) in the Chen study86 (it was unclear whether
this was mean or median). A total of 17% of the patients in the Austgulen study had diabetes85
but this information was not reported in the study by Chen et al.86 In both studies participants
had received previous treatment for frozen shoulder. Austgulen et al.85 reported that participants
had received physical therapy, whereas Chen et al.86 reported that none of the participants had
responded to conservative treatment of at least 12 weeks duration. The average age (mean or
median not specified) of participants was 53 years in the Austgulen study,85 whereas Chen et al.86
reported that ages ranged from 32 years to 79 years. The percentage of women was similar in both
studies: 67%85 and 75%.86

Quality assessment
Both studies were case series, which are inherently at high risk of bias because of the lack of a
control group. The Bradford Hill criteria (a group of minimal conditions necessary to provide
adequate evidence of a causal relationship between an incidence and a consequence) state that
there must be a temporal relationship between the incidence of the factor (in this case surgery)
and consequence (recovery). For a condition such as frozen shoulder, which for most people
will resolve over a 1- to 3-year period, this relationship cannot be ascertained without a control
group.87 Austgulen et al.85 was considered better quality as this study reported inclusion criteria,
the population appeared representative of the frozen shoulder population, SDs were reported
and patients were recruited prospectively, although the extent of this was unclear. The number
of dropouts was unclear. Chen et al.86 met only one criterion (reporting of inclusion criteria);
the remainder were unclear or not met. There were no dropouts in this study. Further details of
quality assessment are available in Appendix 8.

Outcomes available
Data were sparse for all outcomes assessed (Table 50). The effect on short-term pain was
described narratively in Chen et al.86 Function and disability and relevant measures of range of
movement (external rotation, internal rotation and abduction; it was not specified whether these
were active or passive) were reported at baseline and follow-up and as average gain in range
of movement by Chen et al. (no further details available).85,86 Additionally, Austgulen et al.85
reported data for ability to work, physical activity, sleep at night and satisfaction. Both studies
reported adverse events. Numerical results are summarised in Table 51. The complete outcome
data for these studies are available in Appendix 7.

Only one study reported any data regarding pain. Chen et al.86 reported that two-thirds of
patients complained of pain exacerbation after arthroscopic brisement; 5% had pain duration
of longer than a few weeks. Half of patients had pain relief within 1 month whether in motion
or not. After 3 months all except eight shoulders were pain free in any direction of shoulder
movement (data were not reported).

Function and disability

Austgulen et al.85 reported a significant improvement in the Oxford Shoulder score from a
baseline mean of 41.0 (SD 7.5) to 18.4 (SD 7.3) postoperatively (p<0.001), a scale for which the
best possible outcome is 12 and worst possible outcome is 60 (Table 51).

Similarly, Chen et al.86 reported that an improvement in the mean modified ASES score from a
baseline score of 41 (SD 13) to 87 (SD 11) was significant (p<0.005) at follow-up (Table 51).

DOI: 10.3310/hta16110 Health Technology Assessment 2012; Vol. 16: No. 11 89

TABLE 50 Outcomes assessed in studies evaluating capsular release

Study Outcomes assessed Data reported and time of follow-up

Chen Pain (reduction of pain): pain component of ASES (modified version)a Pain described narratively at a few weeks and 1 and
200286 3 months (3-month data used in analysis)
Austgulen Function and disability: Oxford Shoulder score (12, best outcome; 60, Mean and SD postoperatively (average follow-up
200785 worst) 10 months, range 3 to 29 months)
Function and disability: telephone questionnaire assessing ability to Mean and SD postoperatively (average follow-up
work, physical activity, sleep at night (all 0, most complaints; 10, least 10 months, range 3 to 29 months)
complaints) and patient satisfaction (0, worst; 10, best)
Chen Function and disability: modified version of ASES (0100)a Final value mean and SDb at time of follow-up
200286 (average follow-up 23 months, range 6 months to
5 years)
Austgulen ROM: external rotation, abduction (both degrees) (and flexion, not included Mean and SD postoperatively (average follow-up
200785 in analysis) 10 months, range 3 to 29 months)
Chen ROM: external rotation, internal rotation (both degrees) (and elevation, not Average gain at latest follow-up (not specified)
200286 included in analysis)

ROM, range of movement.

a Higher score indicates improved outcome.
b Measure of variance unclear but assumed to be a SD.

Austgulen et al.85 reported significant improvements from baseline to follow-up (p<0.001) on

a 10-point scale in mean working ability (baseline 2.4, SD 2.6; follow-up 7.4, SD 2.5), mean
physical activity (baseline 2.3, SD 2.5; follow-up 7.4, SD 2.4) and sleep at night (baseline 1.7, SD
2.5; follow-up 7.2, SD 2.6). This study also reported high satisfaction postoperatively (8.6, SD 1.6
on a 10-point scale) (Table 51).

Range of movement
Austgulen et al.85 reported that there was a significant improvement in mean external rotation
from 3 (SD 5) to 39 (SD 23) (p<0.001) and in mean abduction from 34 (SD 8) to 154
(SD 37) (p<0.001) postoperatively.

Chen et al.86 reported a similar average gain in external rotation of 35. The gain in internal
rotation was 30.

Adverse events
Austgulen et al.85 reported that two patients had frozen shoulder again and had repeat surgery.
No deep infections, nerve damage or other complications were reported. Chen et al.86 found
that only one patient experienced complications (superficial wound infection). No further
information regarding how adverse events had been assessed was reported in either study.

Two studies investigated capsular release. Both were case series and therefore inherently at high
risk of bias. One of the studies stated that debrisement was a component of the capsular release
procedure and both reported that physiotherapy was undertaken post procedure.

One case series reported that the majority of patients were pain free at movement at short-term
follow-up. Statistical significance was not reported. There was evidence of benefit for function
and disability from both studies. Each study reported a significant improvement in one function
and disability scale. Additionally, one study reported significant benefits in working ability,
physical activity, sleep at night and satisfaction with capsular release. One study reported

Queens Printer and Controller of HMSO 2012. This work was produced by Maund et al. under the terms of a commissioning contract issued by the
Secretary of State for Health.
90 Results

TABLE 51 Results of the studies of capsular release

Study Short term (3 months) Medium term (>3 and 6 months) Long term (>6 and 12 months)
Function and disability
Oxford Shoulder score
Austgulen 200785 Baseline: mean 41.0 (SD 7.5)
Postoperatively: mean 18.4 (SD 7.3)

Modified ASES
Chen 200286 Baseline: mean 41 (SD 13)
Follow-up: mean 87 (SD 11)a

Range of movement
Internal rotation ()
Chen 200286 Average gain: 35

External rotation ()
Austgulen 200785 Baseline: mean 3 (SD 5)
Postoperatively: mean 39 (SD 23)
Chen 200286 Average gain: 30

Abduction ()
Austgulen 200785 Baseline: mean 34 (SD 8)
Postoperatively: mean 154 (SD 37)

Working ability
Austgulen 200785 Baseline: mean 2.4 (SD 2.6)
Postoperatively: mean 7.4 (SD 2.5)

Physical activity
Austgulen 200785 Baseline: mean 2.3 (SD 2.5)
Postoperatively: mean 7.4 (SD 2.4)

Sleep at night
Austgulen 200785 Baseline: mean 1.7 (SD 2.5)
Postoperatively: mean 7.2 (SD 2.6)

Austgulen 200785 Mean (SD) 8.6 (1.6)

a Measure of variance unclear, but assumed to be SD.

evidence of significant benefit in two measures of range of movement with capsular release; the
other study reported an improvement in two measures of range of movement, but did not report
whether or not these were significant.

DOI: 10.3310/hta16110 Health Technology Assessment 2012; Vol. 16: No. 11 91

In conclusion, although the evidence available suggested potential benefit from capsular release,
these studies were at high risk of bias and cannot be used to draw conclusions regarding the
efficacy of this treatment for frozen shoulder.

Mixed-treatment comparison results

A MTC was performed for pain only. As previously stated in the report, this was because pain
was the only outcome for which a network was available.

Analyses were planned for pain recorded at 3 months (excluding pain recorded at 4 weeks
from the start of treatment), >3 months and 6 months, and >6 months and 12 months.
However, data were only available for 3 months.

Four networks were evaluated:

Network 1: studies of any intervention (i.e. conservative and invasive) and any quality.
Network 2: studies of any intervention that were at least of satisfactory quality (i.e. method
of randomisation was adequate and outcome assessment was blinded). The overall quality
of the available trials for the MTC was poor, with most not reporting on the a priori quality
criterion of allocation concealment. So that a network of trials could be formed, method
of randomisation rather than allocation concealment was used as a quality criterion in
the MTC.
Network 3: studies of non-invasive treatments of any quality, excluding sodium hyaluronate
(because it is rarely used in the NHS).18
Network 4: studies of non-invasive treatments that were at least of satisfactory quality (i.e.
method of randomisation was adequate and outcome assessment was blinded), excluding
sodium hyaluronate.

Interpretation of standardised mean differences

Reduction in pain recorded as a SMD can be transformed back into the units of one or more
of the pain measurement instruments. The decision was made to back transform to a VAS
0100mm as this measure had more substantial information than other pain measures. This
included one study performed in a shoulder-specific population.50 Transformation from SMD
to VAS was made using a representative pooled SD at baseline from one of the included trials.51
No data could be located on the MCID in pain for individuals with frozen shoulder. However,
it is suggested that a difference of 14mm on a 100-mm VAS scale is the MCID for individuals
with rotator cuff disease, a shoulder disorder also characterised by pain and restricted range
of movement.50 Given that the between-group MCID is thought to approximate 40% of that
within individuals6,53 the MCID between groups for rotator cuff disorder can be estimated to
be approximately 5.6mm. This value is therefore used as a proxy for the between-group MCID
for frozen shoulder.6 The reduction in pain recorded as a SMD can be interpreted on a VAS
0100mm scale using Table 52.

From the 31 included trials, the total number of trials potentially available for analysis was nine.
The reasons for trials being excluded from the analysis are presented in Table 53.

The nine trials and the 10 interventions they evaluated are shown in Table 54. The placebo used
varied between studies and included saline injections, lidocaine injection, placebo laser, sham
distension and sham ultrasound. The four studies of physical therapy consisted of physiotherapy
with an active mobilisation component. Physical therapies without an active component
consisted of laser therapy and interferential therapy. Four studies included steroid injections;

Queens Printer and Controller of HMSO 2012. This work was produced by Maund et al. under the terms of a commissioning contract issued by the
Secretary of State for Health.
92 Results

TABLE 52 Standardised mean differences and equivalent reductions on a VAS 0100mm scale

Reduction in pain score

SMD 0.3 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0
VAS 0100mm 5.6 9.15 18.3 27.45 36.6

TABLE 53 Reasons for trials being excluded from the MTC

Reason for exclusion from the MTC No. of studies excluded

Trial did not report pain as an outcome 9
Trial did not report pain data 6
Trial reported pain at 4 weeks 2
Trial reported pain at >3 months only 1
Trial reported mean change and baseline medians only 2
SDs could not be imputed 1
Trial compared the same class of intervention with each other 1

TABLE 54 Network table

Active physical therapy

MUA+active physical
without mobilisation
Sodium hyaluronate



Physical therapy
physical therapy
Steroid injection


Active physical


Buchbinder 200443 a
Carette 200335 b

Cheing 200879 c
Dogru 200851 d
Kivimaki 2007 39

Rizk 199142 e f
Ryans 200541 b b
Stergioulas 2008 16
Takagishi 199670

a Sham distension.
b Saline injection.
c Interferential therapy.
d Sham ultrasound.
e Two arms with the same intervention, only difference is injection approach (anterior vs lateral).
f Lidocaine injection.
g Placebo laser.
h Laser.

these were triamcinolone hexacetonide (40mg once, 20mg once), methylprednisolone (40mg
once for 3 weeks) and dexamethasone (2mg once weekly for 5 weeks). Steroid injections were
either given alone (three studies35,41,70) or combined with physiotherapy (three studies35,41,42).
Seven of the nine studies included in the review had a home exercise component.16,35,39,4143,51

DOI: 10.3310/hta16110 Health Technology Assessment 2012; Vol. 16: No. 11 93

In these nine trials, a variety of pain outcomes and pain scales were reported (Table 55). If a trial
reported more than one pain outcome or used more than one scale, only the pain outcome/scale
prioritised for use in the analysis (see Chapter 2, Mixed-treatment comparison) is reported.

To check that the non-informative priors used in the analysis were truly non-informative a
sensitivity analysis was performed for each network by changing the range of the uniform prior
distribution on the SD from 02 to 00.8, 05, 010 and, as a final check for stability for network
1, 015. An additional sensitivity analysis was also performed by repeating each analysis using a
burn-in of 30,000 iterations.

All four networks were evaluated; however, the lack of evidence available to inform networks 2,
3 and 4 led to a lack of stability in the models, particularly a lack of stability in between-study
variance. For completeness these analyses have been presented in Appendix 10 although no
conclusions can be drawn from the results presented. Only the results for the network of any
intervention and of any quality (network 1) are presented here. The slightly higher number of
trials included in this network allows the model to achieve stability.

Network 1: studies of any intervention and of any quality

There were nine trials with data that could be used in the analysis of pain at or close to 3 months.
These nine trials formed a connected network of nine interventions compared with placebo. The
network is presented in Figure 21.

Each line represents one comparison. For example, there were two studies available for the
comparison of steroid with placebo. Where there is no line there were no studies available, for
example physical therapy without mobilisation versus arthrographic distension and steroid.

The models were run for 100,000 iterations and were not sensitive to the length of burn-in. Stable
estimates of treatment effect, CrIs and between-study heterogeneity were produced by the models
using a uniform prior of (0, 5), (0, 10) and (0, 15). Convergence, determined by graphical traces
and the BrooksGelmanRubin statistic, was achieved. The results of the uniform prior (0, 5) are
presented here. Results for uniform priors (0, 10) and (0, 15) are available in Appendix 10.

TABLE 55 Type of pain reported, pain scale used and quality of studies available for MTC analysis

Study Type of pain reported Type of pain scale used Time point used At least satisfactory qualitya
Buchbinder 200443 Pain overall Likert scale 09 12 weeks
Carette 200335 Pain overall SPADI 5-item pain subscale 3 months
Cheing 2008 79
Pain at the moment VAS 010cm Approx. 2 months
Dogru 200851 Pain overall SPADI 5-item pain subscale 3 months
Kivimaki 200739 Pain intensity Likert scale 010 3 months
Rizk 199142 Pain overall Likert scale 05 11 weeks
Ryans 200541 Daytime pain at rest VAS 0100mm 6 weeks
Stergioulas 200816 Pain overall VAS 0100mm 8 weeks
Takagishi 199670 Pain on activity VAS 010 5 weeks

a Method of randomisation was adequate and outcome assessment was blinded.

Queens Printer and Controller of HMSO 2012. This work was produced by Maund et al. under the terms of a commissioning contract issued by the
Secretary of State for Health.
94 Results


Steroid Steroid + PT PT + placebo

Sodium hyaluronate Placebo

Physical therapy Arthrographic distension

without mobilisation + steroid

FIGURE 21 Network diagram of studies of any intervention and any quality. PT, physical therapy.

The model was a good fit as the residual deviance was close to the number of data points. Table 56
presents the treatment effects compared with placebo in order of mean effectiveness. Steroid
combined with physiotherapy showed a beneficial treatment effect compared with placebo
with 95% CrIs that did not cross the line of no effect. The 95% CrI of the treatment effect of
physical therapy without mobilisation and physiotherapy combined with placebo marginally
crossed the line of no effect. The remaining interventions (electroacupuncture, steroid injection,
physiotherapy, MUA plus physiotherapy, sodium hyaluronate and arthrographic distension) all
crossed the line of no effect. There was no clear difference between the interventions in treatment
effects, that is, the CrIs overlapped. These results are also displayed graphically in Figure 22.

Steroid combined with physiotherapy showed a clinically significant as well as statistically

significant reduction in pain, with a 95% CrI that corresponded to a clinically significant
reduction in pain only: 28.9mm (95% CrI 54.1 to 7.7mm). Although the MD was clinically
significant for most of the other comparisons, the 95% CrIs contained values that were clinically
insignificant. For example, steroid injection had a MD of 21.0mm (95% CrI 45.0 to 3.5mm).

Opportunities for comparison with standard meta-analysis are limited as most of the studies
were not pooled in a quantitative synthesis. It was possible to compare with the standard meta-
analyses for steroid plus physiotherapy versus placebo and steroid versus placebo. The results
of the MTC are consistent with the standard meta-analysis of steroid combined with physical
therapy versus placebo presented earlier in this report. This standard meta-analysis contained the
same two studies included in the MTC. The results of the meta-analysis also showed that steroid
combined with physiotherapy resulted in both a statistically and a clinically significant reduction
in pain compared with placebo (pooled SMD 0.98, 95% CI 1.43 to 0.52; back transformed
MD 17.93mm, 95% CI 26.2 to 9.5mm).

In a MTC there are three key assumptions: homogeneity, consistency and
methodological similarity.

DOI: 10.3310/hta16110 Health Technology Assessment 2012; Vol. 16: No. 11 95

TABLE 56 Mean reduction in pain compared with placebo with CrIs in order of mean treatment effectiveness for pain at
3 months, including studies of any quality

Prior: uniform (0, 5)

Comparator: placebo

Treatment Node number SMD (95% CrI) VAS 0100mm, MD (95% CrI)
Physical therapy without 4 1.71 (3.46 to 0.04) 31.3 (63.3 to 0.7)
Steroid+physiotherapy 6 1.58 (2.96 to 0.42)a 28.9 (54.1 to 7.7)
Electroacupuncture 7 1.36 (3.84 to 1.14) 24.9 (70.3 to 20.9)
Physiotherapy+placebo 2 1.22 (2.42 to 0.07) 22.3 (44.3 to 1.2)
Steroid 5 1.15 (2.46 to 0.19) 21.0 (45.0 to 3.5)
Physiotherapy 3 0.95 (3.09 to 1.25) 17.4 (56.5 to 22.9)
MUA+physiotherapy 8 0.88 (3.60 to 1.90) 16.1 (65.9 to 34.8)
Sodium hyaluronate 10 0.21 (1.90 to 1.47) 3.8 (34.8 to 26.9)
Arthrographic distension+steroid 9 0.14 (1.89 to 1.62) 2.6 (34.6 to 29.6)

Data points: 13; residual deviance: 12.66; 2 (between-study variance): 0.69 (95% CrI 0.0003 to 4.58).
a Did not cross line of no effect.










4.0 2.0 0.0 2.0

FIGURE 22 Caterpillar plot of the SMD estimates and their 95% CrIs compared with placebo. The treatments
associated with each number can be identified from Table 56.

The assumption of homogeneity is that trials are sufficiently homogeneous to be quantitatively
combined. In the analysis presented, placebo included sham distension, saline injections
and placebo laser. Although we believed that it was appropriate to pool different types of
placebo, it could be argued that these are not similar enough because of the differing degree of
invasiveness. Furthermore, there were differences in the populations of the included studies.

Queens Printer and Controller of HMSO 2012. This work was produced by Maund et al. under the terms of a commissioning contract issued by the
Secretary of State for Health.
96 Results

For all studies of conservative treatments, it was not reported whether participants had received
any previous treatment for frozen shoulder. However, for both studies of invasive treatments
(MUA combined with physical therapy, and arthrographic distension with steroid) it was
reported that at least some participants had undergone previous treatments for frozen shoulder
including corticosteroid injections or some form of physical therapy. This would suggest that the
populations of the invasive studies had a longer duration and possibly more treatment-resistant
forms of frozen shoulder than those in the conservative treatment studies.

The assumption of consistency is that had treatment C been included in a trial comparing
interventions A and B then the treatment effect dAC would be equivalent to that obtained from a
trial of interventions A and C.33 Assuming consistency, the treatment effect dAC is the sum of the
treatment effects dAB and dBC. However, this assumption requires that the treatments involved
belong to closed loops in the network of evidence, such as that seen in a connected polygonal
structure.88 Given that the structure of the network presented here was of a radiating star, with
only one loop of evidence, it was not feasible to assess consistency.

Methodological similarity
Of the nine studies included in the analysis, five were of at least satisfactory quality (method
of randomisation was adequate and outcome assessment was blinded)16,35,39,41,43 and four were
not.42,51,70,79 To assess the effect of quality on the estimates, a network of studies that were at
least of satisfactory quality was evaluated (network 2). However, this model was unstable and,
although presented in Appendix 10, the reliability of the data included in the analysis presented is
uncertain and does not allow a robust assessment of the impact of quality.

Nine interventions formed part of a connected network with placebo and the evidence was
informed by all nine trials. Twenty-two studies had to be excluded from the MTC for a range of
reasons; therefore, the network was a small subset of the available evidence. Steroid combined
with physiotherapy showed a beneficial treatment effect compared with placebo with 95% CrIs
that did not cross the line of no effect. Furthermore, this treatment, when back transformed
to a VAS 0100mm scale, showed a clinically significant reduction in pain with 95% CrIs that
excluded clinically insignificant values. The remaining treatments had 95% CrIs that crossed
the line of no effect and which contained clinically insignificant values. Overall, there was no
clear difference in the treatment effects of any of the interventions, that is, the CrIs overlapped.
Although the model was a good fit and gave stable estimates, given the arguable heterogeneity of
the placebos and of study populations, and the inclusion of poor-quality studies, the reliability of
the results of the MTC is uncertain and they should be interpreted with caution.

Patients views of interventions for frozen shoulder

Searches of three databases (CINAHL, MEDLINE and PsycINFO) identified 1067 potentially
relevant references (Figure 23). Nine full papers were ordered on the basis of screening titles and
abstracts. Of these, two papers could not be obtained within the time frame required; however,
it is unlikely that these would have met the inclusion criteria. One paper appeared to focus on
the clinical effectiveness of steroid injections89 and the remaining paper appeared to examine the
quality of life of patients with frozen shoulder but did not appear to address treatments.90 None of
the remaining six papers met the inclusion criteria; therefore, no data were available on patients
views regarding interventions for frozen shoulder.

DOI: 10.3310/hta16110 Health Technology Assessment 2012; Vol. 16: No. 11 97

References identified from search

strategies, n = 1067

Excluded on basis of reviewing title

and abstract, n = 1058

Papers ordered for more detailed

evaluation, n = 9

Papers excluded, n = 9
Included studies, n = 0
Of which two papers were not

FIGURE 23 Study selection.

Economic analyses

Previous economic evaluations

We identified one full economic evaluation, conducted in the Netherlands, that met our inclusion
criteria as outlined in Chapter 2 (see Inclusion and exclusion criteria).91 The included economic
evaluation, a costutility analysis, was conducted as part of a clinical study40 comparing HGMT
with LGMT in a Dutch frozen shoulder population. The clinical study, reported in a separate
paper, also met the inclusion criteria for the effectiveness review.40 In summary, the clinical
study randomised 100 patients to either HGMT or LGMT. Patients were treated twice weekly for
30 minutes during a period of 12 weeks and were encouraged to attend all treatment sessions.
From 6 weeks onward, treatment could be reduced in frequency or stopped if a normal range
of movement was noticed by the therapist. The study assessed a number of clinical outcomes
including active and passive range of movement, shoulder disability (measured by a shoulder
rating questionnaire and the SDQ), pain and quality of life (measured by the SF-36). For a full
assessment of the study details and quality see Physical therapy. The study was considered to be of
reasonable quality, with some risk of bias.

The aim of the economic evaluation component of the study was to compare the two techniques
in terms of costs and QALYs from a societal perspective. In addition, the authors also estimated
the impact of frozen shoulder on costs and health. Costs were assessed over the 12-month
follow-up period and presented as undiscounted annual costs in euros for the price year 2004.
All resource-use information was collected from the patients using quarterly cost questionnaires.
Wherever possible Dutch standard prices, which were designed to reflect social costs and
standardise economic evaluations, were used. Where standard prices were not available, charges
were used. Costs included treatment sessions, alternative medicine sessions, hospitalisations
(MUA, acromioplasty), home nursing care, medication, travel costs and non-health-care
costs (labour and domestic help). All appropriate costs appear to have been included for a
societal perspective.

The measure of benefit used in the analysis was QALYS; these were based on the Short Form
questionnaire-6 Dimensions (SF-6D) utility index values, which were estimated using SF-36 data
collected alongside the study. The SF-6D provides a means for using the SF-36 data to estimate
a preference-based single index measure for health using general population values, thereby
allowing the authors to obtain QALYs.

Queens Printer and Controller of HMSO 2012. This work was produced by Maund et al. under the terms of a commissioning contract issued by the
Secretary of State for Health.
98 Results

Differences in outcome measures (SF-6D and costs) were tested using double-sided non-
parametric bootstrapping. The average estimated QALYs were 0.695 for HGMT and 0.702
for LGMT. The difference of 0.007 in favour of LGMT was reported to be not statistically
significant (p=0.71, 95% CI 0.32 to 0.049). The total reported average annual societal costs
were 8809 for HGMT and 6911 for LGMT (a cost difference of 1898 in favour of LGMT). The
difference in costs was also reported to be not statistically significant (p=0.37, 95% CI 2551
to 5711). The authors concluded that the economic analysis does not allow for evidence-based
recommendation regarding the preferred treatment.

A full assessment of the quality of this economic evaluation based on the Drummond checklist
and the study data extraction/summary are presented in Appendices 11 and 12 respectively.
There were a number of limitations to the study including the lack of an incremental analysis,
which would not have resulted in an incremental cost-effectiveness ratio (ICER) but would
have informed us that LGMT dominates HGMT (i.e. has higher effectiveness and lower costs).
The authors dismiss the difference in QALYs and costs based on statistical inference, which
is inappropriate. Further probabilistic sensitivity analysis would have allowed parameter
uncertainty to be fully characterised and the expected value of further research to be considered.
Overall, despite the limitations the analysis was of reasonable quality and the results, although
uncertain, provide us with an indication that LGMT may be a more cost-effective option
than HGMT.

Although this one economic evaluation provides us with some information regarding the
cost-effectiveness of these two physiotherapy techniques, it does not fully address the question
posed. The study was conducted in the Netherlands, was limited to two active physiotherapy
techniques, failed to appropriately deal with uncertainty and presented utilities using SF-6D,
which cannot easily be compared with the preferred EQ-5D measure because of differences in
the descriptive systems and values applied to health states. EQ-5D has become the instrument of
choice for many agencies including NICE.64 The use of one instrument allows more comparability
across projects undertaken by these agencies. The small amount of evidence that we are able to
glean from this analysis is useful but, given the lack of economic evaluations for other relevant
interventions, to further develop and inform decision-making in the UK it was felt that it was
essential for us to undertake some additional work.

Decision model

Based on the preliminary examination of the clinical effectiveness data it was anticipated that
any modelling undertaken was likely to be in the form of a simple decision tree. As a tool for
modelling decision trees provide an effective method for structuring a problem and combining
data from various sources. Possible treatment pathways are laid out in a linear manner and
appropriate costs and effects are assigned. The final outcome of interest, in this instance QALYs,
is attached to the end of the tree. The proportion of participants achieving particular end points
is calculated to give a measure of effect. Costs can be attached to both the end points and the
treatments/events within the tree. Total costs for each intervention are calculated by summing the
costs associated with each pathway. At each point at which a choice is available there is a chance
node; a probability conditional on the previous event is attached to each chance node. This node
determines the proportion of individuals who progress down each unique pathway in the tree. A
simple example is shown in Figure 24.

We reviewed the literature to identify existing models in a similar population and sequences or
order of treatments, to explore whether treatments (or sequences of treatments) were influenced
by phase of condition and to identify any potential source data (e.g. unit costs, resources or
utilities) to help populate the model.

DOI: 10.3310/hta16110 Health Technology Assessment 2012; Vol. 16: No. 11 99



Steroids Physiotherapy

Failure Refer to alternative intervention MUA

Arthrographic distension

Physiotherapy + steroids

FIGURE 24 Example decision tree.

As outlined earlier, we identified one economic evaluation as part of a clinical study; we did
not identify any modelling studies in this area. Further, very few of the trials in the review of
effectiveness consider phase of frozen shoulder or previous treatment history of participants.
Because of the limited data available, it was not possible in the clinical synthesis to investigate
the impact of phase of frozen shoulder on treatment effectiveness. The only potential proxy
for phase of condition was duration of frozen shoulder at baseline. The uncertainty associated
with such an assumption would need to be carefully considered when drawing conclusions as
there is a considerable individual variability in the duration of each phase: it is suggested that
the painful freezing stage may last from 2 to 9 months, the adhesive phase from 4 to 12 months
and the resolution phase from 12 to 42 months. It was felt that the poor reporting in many of the
clinical trials made it difficult to support the assumption that mean duration of frozen shoulder at
baseline could be used as a proxy for stage of condition.

Supplementary examination of the available literature failed to provide any clear indication as
to potential treatment pathways or treatment sequences. The recent survey of UK health-care
professionals suggested that there is a fairly constant view that treatments should depend on the
phase of the condition and/or that a step-up approach should be adopted in terms of the degree
of treatment invasiveness.18 With this in mind the clinical advisory group were presented with
two alternative modelling scenarios that were thought to be potentially feasible. These were
discussed in depth at a group meeting. Option one involved comparing all possible treatments
for each phase of the condition (painful, adhesive and resolution) as mutually exclusive
options, ignoring any treatment sequencing and phase of condition. This was considered
unrepresentative of clinical practice where treatments would often be given simultaneously or
in sequence. The results of this type of model would be uninformative and misleading. Option
one was rejected as a viable modelling scenario. Option two involved sequencing treatments
dependent on their invasiveness. This would potentially allow treatments such as physiotherapy
followed by steroid injections followed by MUA to be evaluated. In essence, all treatments, in all
possible sequence order, would be considered. This modelling option required an assumption
that the clinical effectiveness of each treatment, as obtained from the included clinical trials,
would remain the same regardless of where it was placed in a sequence of treatments or what
treatments had been received before it. Again, it was the view of the advisory group that this
was not a realistic assumption and in fact the effectiveness of treatments is likely to be linked to
the position of the treatment in the sequence. The general consensus within the advisory group
surrounding this issue was that the assumptions that would be required were, from a clinical
perspective, inappropriate.

Queens Printer and Controller of HMSO 2012. This work was produced by Maund et al. under the terms of a commissioning contract issued by the
Secretary of State for Health.
100 Results

Given the lack of relevant data from the trials included in the review, the consensus from the
advisory group that the required assumptions were clinically inappropriate and the confirmatory
position regarding the lack of consensus on recommended treatment pathways in recently
published articles,18 it was decided that it was not feasible or useful in this instance to construct a
decision-analytic model. In fact, it was perceived that any attempt to undertake modelling would
provide hugely uncertain results, which would not allow any conclusions to be made.

Given the lack of UK data on physiotherapy from the identified economic evaluation91 and
the lack of economic evaluations of the other relevant interventions we opted to elicit from
our clinicians on the advisory group details of the resource use associated with the modalities
identified in the review for a frozen shoulder population. The available evidence was then
used to obtain utility valuations, which we present as exploratory cost-effectiveness analyses.
Our intention, had a de novo model been developed, was to undertake the analysis from an
NHS perspective. This perspective has been maintained for the investigative costing exercise.
Resources estimated have been valued using national average unit costs (pounds sterling) at
200910 prices where possible. Resource use, unit costs and total cost are presented separately,
where possible, for each individual treatment. The estimation of resource use gives us only part
of the evidence requirements for an economic analysis. The presentation of cost data alone
should allow some conjecture about the economic implications of alternative treatments, but
does not provide the information required to inform a decision on the cost-effectiveness of these
alternatives. To help inform such decisions, the cost estimates obtained from this exercise will be
combined with our derived health-related quality of life (HRQoL) estimates (see Mapping from
the pain VAS and SF-36 onto the EQ-5D) and presented as ICERs. An ICER is calculated as the
difference in the expected cost of two interventions, divided by the difference in the expected
QALYs produced by the two interventions. To inform which therapies are of greatest clinical
as well as economic value, cost-effectiveness results are usually compared against an acceptable
threshold of cost-effectiveness to determine whether a health-care intervention is cost-effective,
and a good use of resources, or one that represents poor value for money. The cost-effectiveness
threshold for interventions in the English and Welsh NHS is suggested by NICE to be 30,000 per
additional QALY; therefore, we have used this threshold.92

The following sections will outline:

1. resource-use estimation and costing

2. mapping from clinical outcomes to EQ-5D
3. estimation of QALYs and ICERs.

Resource-use estimation
Steroid injections
Six RCTs investigated steroid injections in the treatment of primary frozen shoulder, either alone
or in combination with physical therapy.35,41,42,6668 Steroid injections can be delivered by a number
of different practitioners using different approaches. We have broken these down into a guided
injection delivered by an orthopaedic surgeon, a rheumatologist or a radiologist in a hospital
setting; unguided injection delivered by a physiotherapist or a GP in a non-hospital setting; and
unguided injection delivered by a physiotherapist, an orthopaedic surgeon or a rheumatologist
in a hospital setting. Given the nature of the condition and the individual nature of treatments,
it was not possible to be precise about the number of injections that an average individual may
receive. It was also suggested by our advisory group that the number of patients receiving guided
injection within the NHS was likely to be low.

DOI: 10.3310/hta16110 Health Technology Assessment 2012; Vol. 16: No. 11 101

Unguided injections
The clinical experts suggested that it would be rare for individuals to receive more than three
injections and on average they would receive two injections spread over various durations of
time. Table 57 provides the unit costs of the resources that are used when delivering a steroid
injection outside of a hospital setting. We have not included the cost of consumables as these
costs are likely to be negligible. The six trials evaluating injections identified in the review
of effectiveness assess the use of dexamethasone alone or in conjunction with lidocaine,
or triamcinolone alone or in conjunction with lidocaine. We have elected to present costs
for both types of steroid although both of the UK trials identified in the review evaluated

Alternative scenarios for the delivery of unguided steroid injections were considered and full
details of these are presented in Appendix 13. The base case considered three sessions, an initial
session of 20 minutes duration when an assessment would be undertaken plus two injection
sessions of 1020 minutes duration. Using an average of 15 minutes for the two injection
sessions, and assuming a combined injection of triamcinolone and lidocaine, the total cost
if delivered by a physiotherapist is 36.18. The total cost if delivered by a GP is 108.68. The
choice of steroid injection for the base case was based on the UK trials identified as part of
the effectiveness review.41,67 The use of a premixed ready-to-inject vial of dexamethasone plus
lidocaine would increase the total cost to 39.06 if delivered by a physiotherapist and 111.56 if
delivered by a GP.

Unguided injections are also delivered within a hospital setting. We further estimated that the
costs associated with unguided injections in the hospital setting would be 27.17 if delivered in a
hospital physiotherapy unit, 88.01 if delivered in an orthopaedic setting and 138.51 if delivered
in a rheumatology setting.

Guided injections
Guided injections were assumed to be delivered in a hospital setting by key personnel including
an orthopaedic surgeon, a rheumatologist or a radiologist. We estimated that the same number of
sessions would be required, using the same type of steroid. The variation in the cost of the guided
injections is driven by who delivers the injection. For the base case we have again used the cost
of a combined injection of triamcinolone and lidocaine, but present the cost of the premixed
dexamethasone plus lidocaine to allow a range to be expressed. We have also assumed that on
average two injections will be given over three visits. Alternative scenarios showing varying
resource-use levels (suggested alternative numbers of sessions/injections) are presented in
Appendix 13. Unit costs for guided injections are presented in Table 58.

TABLE 57 Unit costs for unguided steroid injections

Unguided injection Unit cost Source

GP 35 per consultation Curtis 200993
Physiotherapist 39 per hour Curtis 200993
Dexamethasone 40mg/lidocaine10mg 3.28 per vial BNF94
Dexamethasone 40mg 1.00 per vial BNF94
Triamcinolone 20mg 1.49 per vial BNF94
Lidocaine 5ml 35p BNF94

BNF, British National Formulary.

Note: Unit costs93 for key health-care personnel reflect average values. Data were not available by staff grade level, e.g. physiotherapist grade 6
or above.

Queens Printer and Controller of HMSO 2012. This work was produced by Maund et al. under the terms of a commissioning contract issued by the
Secretary of State for Health.
102 Results

TABLE 58 Unit costs for guided steroid injections

Guided injection Unit cost Source

Orthopaedic outpatient visit, first 124 Department of Health95
Orthopaedic outpatient visit, follow-up 86 Department of Health95
Rheumatology outpatient visit, first 211 Department of Health95
Rheumatology outpatient visit, follow-up 129 Department of Health95
Dexamethasone 40mg/lidocaine 10mg 3.28 per vial BNF94
Dexamethasone 40mg 1.00 per vial BNF94
Physiotherapist outpatient attendance, first 38 per hour Department of Health95
Physiotherapist outpatient attendance, follow-up 29 per hour Department of Health95
Triamcinolone 20mg 1.49 per vial BNF94
Lidocaine 5ml 35p BNF94

BNF, British National Formulary.

Note: Unit costs95 for key health-care personnel reflect average values. Data were not available by staff grade level.

The total cost of injections delivered within the orthopaedic setting ranges from 299.68 to
302.56 depending on the steroid injected. Injections delivered in the rheumatology setting
have a total cost ranging from 472.68 to 475.56. These alternative delivery settings have been
presented as it is believed that these are all viable options depending on available NHS services
within a local area.

Steroid injection plus physiotherapy

The resource use associated with the combined treatment of steroid injection plus physiotherapy
is again related to the setting in which the treatments are given and the method of steroid
delivery. A number of scenarios are presented (see Table 59 for relevant unit costs):

Scenario one: six physiotherapy sessions with an active mobilisation component and
two unguided steroid injections all delivered by a physiotherapist. It has been assumed
that no additional time was required and the total cost is equal to the total cost of active
physiotherapy plus the steroid injections. The total cost ranges from 130.43 to 133.31
if delivered by a community physiotherapist, or from 121.43 to 126.81 if delivered by a
hospital-based physiotherapist, depending on choice of steroid.
Scenario two: six physiotherapy sessions with an active mobilisation component delivered by
a community-based physiotherapist, plus two unguided steroid injections delivered by a GP
over three visits. The total cost of this scenario ranges from 235.75 to 238.75, depending on
choice of steroid.
Scenario three: six physiotherapy sessions with a mobilisation component delivered by a
hospital-based physiotherapist, plus two unguided steroid injections delivered by a GP over
three visits. The total cost of this scenario ranges from 226.75 to 238, depending on choice
of steroid.
Scenario four: six physiotherapy sessions with a mobilisation component delivered by a
community-based physiotherapist, plus two guided steroid injections delivered within the
orthopaedic setting. The total cost ranges from 420.23 to 423.31, depending on choice
of steroid.
Scenario five: six physiotherapy sessions with a mobilisation component delivered by a
community-based physiotherapist, plus two guided steroid injections delivered within the
rheumatology setting. The total cost ranges from 605.43 to 607.31, depending on choice
of steroid.

DOI: 10.3310/hta16110 Health Technology Assessment 2012; Vol. 16: No. 11 103

Scenario six: six physiotherapy sessions with an active mobilisation component, plus two
guided steroid injections delivered by a hospital-based physiotherapist. The total cost ranges
from 160.43 to 165.81, depending on choice of steroid.

Alternative scenarios could be estimated by varying the number of injections, delivery method
and setting. However, the base-case scenarios presented reflect what we believe are current
options in the NHS.

Sodium hyaluronate injection

Three trials evaluating sodium hyaluronate were identified in the effectiveness review.66,69,70 In a
recent UK-based survey of treatment recommendations by health-care professionals involved in
managing frozen shoulder, sodium hyaluronate injection was recommended by <1% for treating
the early painful phase or resolution phase of frozen shoulder.18 It was further suggested by
the clinical advisory group that one injection would typically be delivered over two sessions in
a hospital setting. The injection was likely to be delivered by a consultant. However, the costs
were not available for sodium hyaluronate for provision under the NHS. It was felt that this
intervention was likely to be delivered in a hospital setting, but we were unable to ascertain any
costs associated to its delivery that would be borne by the NHS.

Physical therapy
The broader range of physical therapies are not available through the NHS and therefore
have not been costed. Two categories of physiotherapy were costed, physiotherapy with
mobilisation (active) and physiotherapy without mobilisation. It was felt by the advisory group
that physiotherapy without mobilisation would not be delivered on its own in an NHS setting,
but may be used to complement another therapy. Therefore, for the purpose of resource-use
estimation, physiotherapy without mobilisation has been considered only as an add-on delivered
alongside other therapies.

Active physiotherapy
It was estimated by the advisory group that physiotherapy with a mobilisation component would
on average comprise six sessions each of 30 minutes duration, followed by a final review session
of 15 minutes duration. Full details of all estimates of resource use and any plausible ranges are
presented in Appendix 13.

As can be seen from Table 59, the cost of physiotherapy is dependent on the setting in which the
treatment is delivered. We have used all variations in hourly cost to calculate a plausible range of
total cost for the delivery of active physical therapy. Within a community setting, active physical
therapy is estimated to cost a total of 126.75. Within a hospital setting the same treatment is
estimated to have an average total cost of 98.75.

Physiotherapy without mobilisation

The review of effectiveness identified one trial that was classified as physiotherapy without
mobilisation.16 The trial evaluated laser versus placebo laser (plus home exercise). Given that

TABLE 59 Unit costs for active physiotherapy

Staff delivering treatment Unit cost Source

Community physiotherapist 39 per hour Curtis 200993
Physiotherapist outpatient attendance, first 38 per hour Department of Health95
Physiotherapist outpatient attendance, follow-up 29 per hour Department of Health95

Note: Unit costs93,95 for key health-care personnel reflect average values. Data were not available by staff grade level.

Queens Printer and Controller of HMSO 2012. This work was produced by Maund et al. under the terms of a commissioning contract issued by the
Secretary of State for Health.
104 Results

it is unlikely that laser therapy would be delivered without some form of mobilisation (active
physiotherapy) within the NHS, we have assumed that laser therapy would be provided in
conjunction with an active mobilisation, adding an additional 15 minutes to a 20- to 30-minute
session. The additional cost reflects what we believe is current practice, that is, the delivery
of both active mobilisation and other passive modalities such as heat treatment in the same
treatment session. The additional cost would be either 49.38 or 63.38 depending on the setting.

Three trials evaluating acupuncture were identified in the effectiveness review.7981

It was felt by the clinical advisory group that acupuncture, like other physiotherapies, would in
clinical practice rarely be given in isolation of other treatments. We have therefore assumed that
acupuncture would be delivered in physiotherapy sessions, in either a hospital or a community
setting, over the same duration as active physiotherapy, that is, six sessions of 2030 minutes
duration at a total cost ranging from 117.75 to 126.75.

Manipulation under anaesthesia

The review identified four RCTs investigating MUA in the treatment of primary frozen
shoulder.38,39,82,83 The resource implications of MUA were difficult to firmly establish. The actual
cost of MUA has been estimated at 424 (range 191500) based on the HD24C code, which was
obtained from the NHS Reference Costs.95 In addition, there is a need for extensive rehabilitation
physiotherapy, which was estimated on average to consist of two 30-minute sessions per week for
4 months, plus a final review, which would take place with the orthopaedic surgeon. Therefore,
in total, the estimated cost of MUA is 1446. If steroid injections are also used this cost would
increase accordingly.

Arthrographic distension
Three trials evaluating arthrographic distension with steroid injection were identitied in the
effectiveness review.36,43,84 Arthrographic distension is assumed to be delivered in the hospital
setting by a radiologist or an orthopaedic surgeon and involves the use of radiological imaging
(e.g. fluoroscopy) to ensure that the injection is accurately placed. The procedure was assumed to
require around 15 minutes based on the clinical literature. Because there are no UK trials in the
clinical review it is unclear how many visits for injections might be needed. We have therefore
conservatively estimated the cost as involving one hospital outpatient visit with injection. The
estimated cost of this procedure has been derived from the NHS Reference Costs95 at 113 (range
78133) based on code RA16Z, plus the cost of a combined injection of triamcinolone and
lidocaine (1.49+0.35), giving a total of 114.845 (range 79.84134.84).

Capsular release
Two studies evaluating capsular release were identified in the effectiveness review.85,86 Capsular
release is performed in the hospital setting and delivered by a surgical team, which is likely to
comprise anaesthetist, orthopaedic surgeon, anaesthetic nurse, scrub nurse and assistant and
recovery nurse. The procedure is likely to take 3045 minutes, followed by a further 15 minutes
for recovery from anaesthetic. The estimated cost of this procedure has been derived from the
NHS Reference Costs95 at 1182 (range 7871489) based on code HB62C. Like MUA, capsular
release requires a follow-up of intensive physiotherapy. We have estimated that the physiotherapy
following capsular release would be the same as that following MUA. On average this would
consist of two 30-minute sessions per week for 4 months, plus a final review that would take place
with the orthopaedic surgeon. Therefore, in total, the estimated cost of capsular release is 2204
(range 18092511).

DOI: 10.3310/hta16110 Health Technology Assessment 2012; Vol. 16: No. 11 105

Average costs were estimated for the interventions included in the review. These ranged from
36.18 for an unguided steroid injection to 2204 for capsular release. Where possible, these
estimated average costs will be used to inform tentative cost-effectiveness ratios, which will be
presented later in the report. They will be combined with HRQoL data estimated by means of
a mapping exercise, which is presented in the following section. The aim is to estimate HRQoL
by mapping from three clinical outcomes to EQ-5D using an available data set. The main focus
of the mapping is to explore the nature and direction of the relationship between different
clinical and HRQoL outcome measures. We will then use the EQ-5D estimates to obtain HRQoL
outcomes for a subset of clinical trials identified in the review that have presented data on the
three relevant outcomes.

Mapping from the pain VAS and SF-36 onto the EQ-5D
The clinical trials identified in the effectiveness review report outcomes using a variety of
measures including pain (overall, at rest, on movement, at night), range of movement (e.g.
internal and external rotation, elevation), function and disability, quality of life, time to recovery
and return to work and recreation, and adverse events. Of the selection of measures used in the
trials, none was designed to generate health state utility values, which are required to calculate
QALYs, which can then be used to assess cost-effectiveness. Outcomes from treatments affect two
basic components the quantity and quality of life both of which are captured in the QALY.
There are a variety of standardised off-the-shelf preference-based measures available to derive
estimates of HRQoL, such as the EQ-5D, SF-6D, Health Utilities Index (HUI) and 15-dimension
utility measure (15D).65,96,97,98 These HRQoL values can subsequently be incorporated in economic
models for performing cost-effectiveness analyses. They are the preferred benefit measure when
undertaking any cost-effectiveness analysis.

An additional search of MEDLINE was conducted to identify health quality of life outcomes that
could be used to inform any modelling. The lack of use of generic preference-based measures
in existing frozen shoulder clinical studies is a potential current barrier to populating economic
models with the best evidence on effectiveness and to thereby allow broader comparisons across
different diseases.

The included economic evaluation presented HRQoL in the form of the SF-6D, but it was felt that
given the general preference for EQ-5D and the possibility of bias in the clinical study further
investigation was warranted. The EQ-5D is the recommended instrument of choice for use in
cost-effectiveness analyses by NICE and is the most commonly used instrument.

In the context of this clinical review, it is not clear why HRQoL has not been included in the
battery of outcome measures in the clinical trials in frozen shoulder populations to date. Possible
reasons why such instruments have not been administered may be because it is not practical
or they are too time-consuming for patients to complete in trials in addition to all of the other
forms/questionnaires that are used often across multiple time points or even because studies
were not initially designed to focus on economic questions. It may be that the general perception
is that these generic instruments are not sensitive enough.

In a situation such as this, in which such instruments have not been used in clinical studies, a
pragmatic alternative is to apply a mapping function to convert non-preference-based health
data into one of the generic preference-based measures. Mapping essentially provides a statistical
equation that allows the estimation of health utilities and the subsequent calculation of QALYs
in clinical studies that do not use any preference-based HRQoL instruments. In the published
literature, the EQ-5D was recently reported as being the most popular target measure used
for mapping.96

Queens Printer and Controller of HMSO 2012. This work was produced by Maund et al. under the terms of a commissioning contract issued by the
Secretary of State for Health.
106 Results

On the other side of the mapping equation, the most widely used generic measures/instruments
that have been mapped include the SF-36 and SF-12 health surveys, which offer the option
of presenting scores across eight dimensions or two summary measures derived from the
eight dimensions. These two summary measures are the physical component and the mental
component.99,100 Also, a number of shoulder-specific questionnaires (scores) have been shown to
be significantly correlated with the EQ-5D in the literature, in particular the SDQ.55 Of particular
importance in the current clinical effectiveness review were patient-assessed pain intensity,
function and disability, quality of life and range of movement. Pain was the most common
outcome measure in the included clinical studies and, for instance, in the MTC analysis, pain was
analysed based on the following preference hierarchy: overall pain, pain at night, pain on activity,
any other type of pain (excluding pain at rest) and pain at rest. Furthermore, and within the
context of the current clinical effectiveness review, three of the studies reported the SF-36 as an
outcome measure. As mentioned earlier in the clinical sections of the report, two studies meeting
the full inclusion criteria reported the mean physical and mental component summary scores.31,47
One additional study, which did not meet the analysis criteria, reported the means for the eight
dimensions of the SF-36.81 The outcomes were reported over the time horizon of 4 weeks and as
a result the study was excluded from further analysis. Therefore, in line with the decision made
as part of the clinical review we elected not to map from this evidence base, but rather to utilise
the potentially more reliable component summary scores that had been reported in the other
two trials.35,51

In a recent review of mapping studies, simple additive models that employed a utility index score
as the dependent variable and the main effects of either total or instrument dimension scores
as independent variables performed almost as well as more complex models comprising many
variables.99 With this in mind, and as the main focus of this analysis was to explore the nature and
direction of the relationship between different outcome measures, we chose to follow a simple
approach and use mean pain VAS score (as it was a main outcome in the clinical review) and
mean SF-36 physical and mental component summary scores (as it is one of the most widely
used generic quality-of-life measures in mapping studies). These were important outcomes in the
clinical effectiveness review.

To undertake an exploratory mapping analysis of this nature we required a data set in which the
two measures being mapped had been administered specifically to a frozen shoulder population.
We were unable to obtain a data set of this nature for a frozen shoulder population; however, we
obtained a UK data set involving patients with rotator cuff disease from the SAPPHIRE RCT.101
Both measures chosen for the exploratory mapping analyses were already calculated and readily
available in the SAPPHIRE data set.102

The selection of outcomes on which to map was a pragmatic decision based on the data available
in the SAPPHIRE data set. The relationship is estimated using a range of techniques and
statistical specifications. Furthermore, we compare the mapping approaches tested in terms
of their predictive performance in the SAPPHIRE trial population. Within the context of the
current review, we conducted an analysis to explore whether or not relationships between the
pain VAS and SF-36 and the EQ-5D exist and the nature of those relationships. In doing so, we
considered that we might be able to demonstrate the need for the collection of utility EQ-5D data
in future clinical trials and offer a potential alternative approach for frozen shoulder populations
for whom there is currently a lack of HRQoL data.

The SAPPHIRE trial compared the efficacy of corticsosteroid (40mg/ml triamcinolone

acetonide) versus local anaesthetic (1% lidocaine) injection in subjects presenting to GPs
with (acute) shoulder pain (in one or both shoulders) persisting no longer than 12 months,
and with diagnosis of rotator cuff tendonitis.102 The trial evaluated the impact of giving GPs

DOI: 10.3310/hta16110 Health Technology Assessment 2012; Vol. 16: No. 11 107

TABLE 60 Patient baseline characteristics and mean reported scores

Patient characteristics Pain VAS

Treatment Duration of shoulder EQ-5D SF-36 PCS SF-36 MCS (mean)
Study arms conditiona Age (years) % female (mean) (mean) (mean) (0100mm)
Dogru 2 Shoulder pain of at least 53.956.8 57 (total) 36.638.9 4243.5 7880.8
(Turkey)51 3 months duration (55.4 total)
Stergioulas 2 Duration of frozen 55.556.8 37 67.0370.9
(Greece)16 shoulder at baseline of
26.527.1 weeks
Carette 4 Adhesive capsulitis of 54.256.5 46.2 35.237.6 43.149.8
(Canada)35 <1 years duration, 66.7
mean duration of current
episode of shoulder pain
20.322.1 weeks
SAPPHIRE 2 Shoulder pain persisting 5559 5155 0.453 35.96 44.64 68.43b
trial for 12 months, median 0.512 38.89 46.54
(UK)102,104 duration of shoulder pain
6.58 weeks

a Based on (study-specific) condition-related inclusion criteria.

b Not reported in the trial publications and thus estimated from the SAPPHIRE data set for the current analyses.

additional training in diagnosing rotator cuff pathologies and in performing shoulder injections,
or no training. Trial participants were followed up at 1 and 3 months, with a final follow-up
at 612 months post randomisation. The outcome measures were the SF-36, EQ-5D, British
SDQ103 and VAS to assess the extent of shoulder pain (at night, in daytime at rest, in daytime
on movement).

The population characteristics for the two studies included in the clinical review that reported
mean overall pain VAS scores,16,51 using a 0- to 100-mm scale, and the two studies included in
the clinical review that reported mean SF-36 physical and mental component summary scores35,51
are reported in Table 60. The population characteristics of the participants in the SAPPHIRE
trial102,104 are also shown in Table 60.

The three studies included in the clinical effectiveness review reporting mean pain VAS scores
and/or mean SF-36 physical component summary (PCS) and mental component summary
(MCS) scores and the SAPPHIRE trial include populations with broadly similar proportions of
men and women and of a similar age and duration of shoulder condition or pain and with similar
mean pain VAS and SF-36 PCS and MCS scores.

The mapping presented here is an exploratory exercise, based on a patient population with very
similar baseline characteristics as the frozen shoulder population. We examine the relationship
between the EQ-5D and pain as measured by a VAS 0100mm and the EQ-5D and SF-36
(specifically the SF-36 PCS and MCS) health surveys.

The following sections present the methods used in estimating HRQoL data to inform our
tentative analysis and potentially inform other economic evaluations.

Pain visual analogue scale Pain was measured on a scale from 0 to 100mm in both the studies
included in the clinical review (see Table 60) and the SAPPHIRE data set. Values anchored on

Queens Printer and Controller of HMSO 2012. This work was produced by Maund et al. under the terms of a commissioning contract issued by the
Secretary of State for Health.
108 Results

the VAS at 0 generally represent no pain whereas values anchored at 100 generally represent the
worst pain possible. Both studies have data available as mean values. When more than one type of
pain was measured in any single study, data were selected for the mapping exercise based on the
pain hierarchy as reported earlier in the clinical sections of this report.

SF-36 The SF-36 questionnaire covers different aspects of HRQoL and the items can be pooled
in eight different subscales: physical functioning, role physical, body pain, general health,
vitality, social functioning, role emotional, and mental health.107 Patient scores are rated on a 0
(worst)100 (best) scale for each subscale. These eight subscales can be pooled in two different
clusters: the PCS and the MCS. The calculation of the SF-36 summary scores (PCS and MCS) is
based on a published algorithm which uses a standardised scoring system with mean=50 and
SD=10. The two component summary scores are used for the current regression analyses.

EQ-5D The EQ-5D is a five-item questionnaire encompassing the domains of mobility, self-care,
usual activities, pain/discomfort and anxiety/depression. Respondents are asked to indicate
whether they have no problems, some problems or major problems in each domain, with
responses scored as 1, 2 and 3 respectively. To produce a combined utility health score, in which
1 is full health and 0 is equivalent to being dead, individuals answers about the extent of their
problems in each of the five health domains are then weighted. The weights, based on a large UK
study, are used to take into consideration population preferences for each health domain.65 The
resulting descriptive system defines 243 health states. The worst-valued health state is 0.594
(worse than death), whereas the best-valued health state is 1.0 (perfect health).

Data set
We used the SAPPHIRE trial data set and measurements at 3 months for the primary (base-case)
analysis. The number of participants with complete outcomes data at 3 months was (1) 141 for
the EQ-5D and pain VAS and (2) 133 for the EQ-5D and SF-36 PCS and MCS. The time point of
3 months was chosen as it represented a clinically relevant time point in the frozen shoulder trials
included in this review. The data sets for (1) and (2) were then each divided into two by taking a
random sample of 60% of the data and separating that data from the remaining 40% to provide
an estimation data set and a validation data set respectively. In the case of (1), the EQ-5D and
pain VAS, 85 measurements were available for the estimation data set and 56 measurements for
validation. For (2), the EQ-5D and SF-36 PCS and MCS, 80 measurements were available for the
estimation data set and 53 measurements for validation.

It should be noted that the collection of new data to validate a models predictions is the preferred
approach.108 However, in many situations this is neither practical nor possible and an alternative
approach is to split the data in hand into two parts. The first part is used to estimate the model
coefficients (estimation sample) and the second part is used to assess the prediction accurary
of the model (validation sample). Thus, data splitting provides a data set to measure the in-use
(or within-sample) prediction accuracy of the model and simulates the complete or partial
replication of the data set, in this case the SAPPHIRE trial data set.

Statistical analysis
Econometric estimation methods tested Ordinary least squares (OLS) regression was used as
the main statistical technique in the analysis. The target outcome (dependent variable) was the
overall EQ-5D index score, and the explanatory (independent) variables were (1) the pain VAS
and (2) the SF-36 PCS and MCS scores. Based on the theoretical limitations of OLS modelling
approaches reported in the empirical econometric literature,100,109,110 the current exploratory
investigation estimates the EQ-5D index scores also using TOBIT (an ecometric model named
after its developer James Tobin,111 which allows for upper censoring of the dependent variable,

DOI: 10.3310/hta16110 Health Technology Assessment 2012; Vol. 16: No. 11 109

EQ-5D, at 1.0; a caveat is that it produces biased estimates in the presence of heteroscedasticity
or non-normality) and CLAD (censored least absolute deviations, which produces consistent
estimates in the presence of heteroscedasticity or non-normality, whereas also allowing for
censoring at either the upper or the lower bound).

Regression analyses All regressions were conducted in Stata version 11 (StataCorp LP, College
Station, TX, USA) and specifically included the estimation of the following models and included
independent variables. The general regression models for (1) the EQ-5D and pain VAS and (2)
the EQ-5D and SF-36 PCS and MCS were defined as:

EQ-5Di=+1 painVASi+i [Equation 1]

where EQ-5D represents the EQ-5D health state index value, i=1,2,..., n represents individual
respondents, painVAS represents the pain score, is the intercept and is the error term, and

EQ-5Di =+1 PCSi+2 MCSi+i [Equation 2]

where EQ-5D represents the EQ-5D health state index value, i=1,2,..., n represents individual
respondents, PCS represents the SF-36 PCS score, MCS represents the SF-36 MCS score, is the
intercept and is the error term. Variations of the first model were explored by including squared
terms. Variations of the second model were explored by including squared and interaction terms.

We conducted three sets of analyses using alternative approaches relating to the choice of
estimation and validation samples from the main SAPPHIRE data set:

Regression models using main effects with and without squared terms and interaction term
(using individual-level data at 3 months):
for (1), EQ-5D and pain VAS, total n=141, estimation data set=85 (60%), validation
data set=56 (40%)
for (2), EQ-5D and SF-36 PCS and MCS, total n=133, estimation data set=80 (60%),
validation data set=53 (40%).
Regression models using main effects with and without squared terms and interaction term
(using individual-level data at 1, 3 and 12 months):
for (1), EQ-5D and pain VAS, total n=491, estimation data set=295 (60%), validation
data set=196
for (2), EQ-5D and SF-36 PCS and MCS, total n=467, estimation data set=280 (60%),
validation data set=187.

Data for all time points (1, 3 and 12 months) were pooled to increase the sample size and the
statistical precision of the estimates with correction for the clustering of several responses per
patient by using the option cluster in the regress command in Stata version 11.112

Prediction models using the main effects with and without squared terms and interaction
term (using models estimated from 3-month data and used to predict EQ-5D scores at
12 months):
for (1), EQ-5D and pain VAS, validation data set=171
for (2), EQ-5D and SF-36 PCS and MCS, validation data set=163.

Assessment of models performance Model fit (explanatory performance) and predictive/

mapping performance were based on assessments of the adjusted R2, mean error (ME), mean
absolute error (MAE) and root-mean-square error (RMSE), as well as the percentage of
individual predictions within 0.10, 0.05 and 0.01 of their actual EQ-5D utility values (arbitrary

Queens Printer and Controller of HMSO 2012. This work was produced by Maund et al. under the terms of a commissioning contract issued by the
Secretary of State for Health.
110 Results

cut-off values). Descriptive statistics and plots of actual versus predicted EQ-5D scores were also
generated to examine the pattern of errors across EQ-5D scale, for example to assess whether
they were evenly distributed across poor/better health states.

Results from the mapping exercise

Pattern of EQ-5D, pain visual analogue scale and SF-36 PCS and
MCS scores
EQ-5D and pain visual analogue scale The mean EQ-5D scores (ordered according to health
state severity) in the SAPPHIRE population vary over a wide range (e.g. from negative utility
values to perfect health as indicated by utility values of 1.0; Table 61 and Figure 25). In contrast,
the SAPPHIRE trial mean pain VAS scores vary over a narrower range (e.g. highest mean VAS
score=60, when a maximum pain VAS of 100 is possible). An increasing EQ-5D score (i.e. better
health status) appears to be generally accompanied by decreasing pain VAS scores (i.e. lower
scores=less pain).

EQ-5D and SF-36 PCS and MCS Figure 26 and Table 62 show that mean EQ-5D scores (ordered
according to health state severity) in the SAPPHIRE population vary over a wide range. In
contrast, the SAPPHIRE trial mean SF-36 PCS and MCS scores vary over a relatively narrow
range. An increasing EQ-5D score (i.e. better health status) appears to be generally accompanied
by increasing SF-36 PCS and MCS scores (i.e. higher scores=a better quality of life).

1.00 80



0.25 40
Pain VAS


0.50 0

FIGURE 25 Pattern of EQ-5D scores and pain VAS scores within the SAPPHIRE data set (for complete responses) at 3
months follow-up (base case).

TABLE 61 Pattern of EQ-5D scores and pain VAS scores within the SAPPHIRE data set (with complete responses at
3 months)

EQ-5D grouping n EQ-5D (mean) Pain VAS (mean)

<0 8 0.05 18.13
00.249 15 0.08 60
0.250.499 1 0.26 50
0.50.699 52 0.63 41.87
0.70.799 24 0.75 40.17
0.80.899 26 0.83 38.88
0.91.0 a
15 1.0 34.67
Full index 15 1.0 34.67
Overall 141 0.63 37.63

a All values were equal to 1.0, i.e. full index.

DOI: 10.3310/hta16110 Health Technology Assessment 2012; Vol. 16: No. 11 111

TABLE 62 Pattern of EQ-5D scores and SF-36 PCS and MCS scores within the SAPPHIRE data set (with complete
responses at 3 months)

EQ-5D grouping n EQ-5D (mean) SF-36 PCS (mean) SF-36 MCS (mean)
<0 10 0.07 35.96 45.70
00.249 18 0.11 39.18 47.35
0.250.499 1 0.26 36.64 41.14
0.50.699 44 0.63 39.68 42.01
0.70.799 21 0.75 44.07 50.23
0.80.899 28 0.82 42.91 53.2
0.91.0 a
Full index 11 1.0 40.68 48.95
Overall 133 0.59 40.79 47.21

NA, not applicable (no values fell within this grouping).

a All values were equal to 1.0, i.e. full index.

1.00 50




0.25 SF36 PCS



0.50 0

1.00 60

0.75 50

0.50 40


0.25 30

0 20

0.25 10

0.50 0

FIGURE 26 Pattern of EQ-5D scores and SF-36 PCS and MCS scores within the SAPPHIRE data set (for complete
responses) at 3 months follow-up (base case).

Regression analyses
EQ-5D and pain visual analogue scale Table 63 shows the results of the regression of the pain VAS
scores onto the EQ-5D using the 3-month data set (base case). The explanatory power and fit
of both OLS models was poor, with an adjusted R2 ranging from 0.0014 to 0.0081. The TOBIT
and CLAD models including main effects and squared terms were still relatively poor although
they produced the smallest MAEs (0.2158 and 0.1877 respectively) compared with the two OLS
models. However, all models predicted only between 16% and 23% of scores to within 0.05 of
actual EQ-5D utility values.

Queens Printer and Controller of HMSO 2012. This work was produced by Maund et al. under the terms of a commissioning contract issued by the
Secretary of State for Health.

TABLE 63 Regression models using pain VAS at night main effects with and without squared terms (using individual-level data at 3 months)

Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 Model 4

Econometric estimation method OLS OLS TOBIT CLAD
Independent variables Pain VAS night Pain VAS night, squared terms Pain VAS night, squared terms Pain VAS night, squared terms

Coeff. SE Coeff. SE Coeff. SE Coeff. SE

Intercept 0.5540896 0.0524505 0.5353785 0.0663995 0.5413921 0.0725511 0.6872609 0.0621687
pVASnight 0.0013853 0.0010672 0.0033283 0.0043293 0.0042145 0.0047531 0.0009522 0.0036473
pVASnight*pVASnight 0.000023 0.0000497 0.0000312 0.0000546 0.000013 0.0000385
Adjusted R 0.0081 0.0014
ME 0.03958 0.0402 0.0206 0.0479
MAE 0.21718 0.2218 0.2158 0.1877
RMSE 0.276951 0.280038 0.280351 0.279724
||0.10 14 25% 14 25% 16 28% 28 49%
||0.05 9 16% 10 18% 9 16% 13 23%
||0.01 3 5% 1 2% 2 4% 8 14%

Actual Predict Predict Predict Predict

Mean 0.64429 0.60470 0.60413 0.62368 0.69218
SD 0.279102 0.043380 0.048668 0.057483 0.011428
Min. 0.140 0.554 0.535 0.541 0.652
Max. 1.000 0.693 0.656 0.684 0.705
Range 1.140 0.139 0.120 0.142 0.69218

SE, robust standard error.

a Proportion of predicted values with errors <|0.01|, |0.05| and |0.10|.
b Range = maximum value minimum value.
Total n=141. Estimation data set=87 (60%), validation data set=54 (40%). Base case.

DOI: 10.3310/hta16110 Health Technology Assessment 2012; Vol. 16: No. 11 113

Appendix 14 shows the results of the regression of the pain VAS scores onto the the EQ-5D using
individual-level data at 1, 3 and 12 months. Compared with using data from 3 months only, the
explanatory power and fit improves but only slightly. The two OLS models generated an adjusted
R2 of 0.1009. Errors were generally similar across all models with RMSEs ranging from 0.26403
to 0.26689. Models 14 were able to predict between 20% and 26% of the scores to within 0.05 of
actual EQ-5D utility values. The predictive performances of all models were generally similar.

Appendix 14 also shows the results of the regression of the pain VAS scores onto the EQ-5D using
models estimated from 3-month data and used to predict EQ-5D scores at 12 months. Predicting
EQ-5D scores at 12 months based on the mapping functions derived from the 3-month data set
did not perform as well as the analyses using data from all time points. Models 14 were able to
predict between 11% and 21% of the scores to within 0.05 of actual EQ-5D utility values.

EQ-5D and SF-36 PCS and MCS Table 64 shows the results of the regression of the SF-36 PCS
and MCS scores onto the EQ-5D using the 3-month data set (base case). The explanatory power
and fit of the three OLS models was poor, with an adjusted R2 ranging from 0.0147 to 0.0830.
The simplest OLS model including only main effects produced the smallest MAEs (0.21135)
compared with the other models. However, models 15 were only able to predict between 13%
and 25% of the scores to within 0.05 of actual EQ-5D utility values.

Appendix 14 shows the results of the regression of the SF-36 PCS and MCS scores onto the
EQ-5D using individual-level data at 1, 3 and 12 months. Compared with using data only from
3 months, the explanatory power and fit of all models improves. The three OLS models generated
an adjusted R2 ranging from 0.3840 to 0.4284. Errors are smaller, with the smallest MAE and
RMSE for model 5 (CLAD) of 0.1814 and model 1 (OLS) of 0.1889 respectively. Models 15 were
able to predict between 70% and 78% of the scores to within 0.05 of actual EQ-5D utility values
but only 4155% to within 0.01 of actual EQ-5D utility values. The predictive performances of all
models are generally similar.

Appendix 14 also shows the results of the regression of the SF-36 PCS and MCS scores onto
the EQ-5D using models estimated from 3-month data and used to predict EQ-5D scores at
12 months. Predicting EQ-5D scores at 12 months based on the mapping functions derived
from the 3-month data set was somewhat less accurate than the analyses using data from all time
points. Models 15 were able to predict between 31% and 58% of the scores to within 0.05 of
actual EQ-5D utility values.

Finally, the data suggest that all models (whether they are based on pain VAS or SF-36 PCS and
MCS scores) predict better for less severe health states, but overpredict the value of more severe
EQ-5D states.

Potential implications for application to frozen shoulder populations

The population used in mapping studies should cover the range of clinical and demographic
characteristics of the population on which the mapping function is ultimately to be applied.
The two populations should be sufficiently homogeneous that relationships between outcomes
in one population can be used to infer relationships about outcomes in the other population.
The current exploratory analyses were undertaken on a UK data set of patients with rotator
cuff disease and not on the specific population of interest in the current review, that is, frozen
shoulder patients. However, we considered the patients in the SAPPHIRE trial data set to exhibit
similar enough characteristics to patients with frozen shoulder (see Table 60) to be potentially
useful for drawing inferences for this population from the mapping analyses. Our findings
indicated that, of the models estimated, the simple OLS model including only the main effects
of (1) pain VAS mapped onto the EQ-5D and (2) SF-36 PCS and MCS mapped onto the EQ-5D

Queens Printer and Controller of HMSO 2012. This work was produced by Maund et al. under the terms of a commissioning contract issued by the
Secretary of State for Health.

TABLE 64 Regression models using SF-36 PCS and MCS main effects with and without squared terms and interaction term (using individual-level data at 3 months)

Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 Model 4 Model 5

Econometric estimation method OLS OLS OLS TOBIT CLAD
Independent variables PCS MCS PCS MCS, squared terms PCS MCS, squared terms and PCS MCS, squared terms and PCS MCS, squared terms and
interaction term interaction term interaction term

Coeff. SE Coeff. SE Coeff. SE Coeff. SE Coeff. SE

Intercept 0.2842682 0.1811317 0.6233533 0.5770837 1.552434 0.749881 1.814838 0.7887539 0.6770489 1.035821
PCS 0.004559 0.003425 0.0018081 0.0201721 0.0249701 0.0232969 0.0286508 0.0244527 0.0157259 0.0273862
MCS 0.0026323 0.0030736 0.0516204 0.0221907 0.073418 0.0246642 0.0831682 0.0259928 0.0399689 0.0316185
PCS*PCS 0.0000186 0.000258 0.0000464 0.0002541 0.000041 0.0002683 0.0000152 0.0002815
MCS*MCS 0.0005561 0.0002495 0.0005877 0.0002459 0.0006711 0.0002584 0.0002875 0.0002772
PCS*MCS 0.00052 0.0002744 0.0005816 0.0002883 0.0002641 0.0003168
Adjusted R2 0.0147 0.0513 0.0830
ME 0.00025 0.00220 0.01147 0.00645 0.07296
MAE 0.21135 0.23023 0.242658 0.24848 0.215912
RMSE 0.27294 0.301496 0.314054 0.324165 0.300666
||0.10 17 32% 19 36% 19 36% 18 34% 24 45%
||0.05 7 13% 12 21% 11 21% 9 17% 13 25%
||0.01 2 4% 3 6% 2 4% 2 4% 2 4%

Actual Predict Predict Predict Predict Predict

Mean 0.59623 0.59598 0.59842 0.58476 0.60267 0.66918
SD 0.274200 0.070105 0.119652 0.150510 0.169153 0.118474
Min. 0.020 0.444 0.128 0.044 0.03 0.258
Max. 1.000 0.700 0.734 0.799 0.843 0.799
Range 1.020 0.256 0.607 0.755 0.846 0.541

SE, robust standard error.

a Proportion of predicted values with errors <|0.01|, |0.05| and |0.10|.
b Range = maximum value minimum value.
Total n=133. Estimation data set=80 (60%), validation data set=53 (40%). Base case.

DOI: 10.3310/hta16110 Health Technology Assessment 2012; Vol. 16: No. 11 115

performed just as well as some of the more complex models/approaches. If we apply this mapping
function to the two studies in the review that did report data for (1) mean pain VAS16,51 and (2)
mean SF-36 PCS and MCS scores35,51 then hypothetically it becomes possible to derive utilities
based on the EQ-5D, which in principal can then be used in performing assessments of the cost-
effectiveness (costutility) of two or more treatments in patients with frozen shoulder.

Table 65 illustrates the results of this process using data from the two frozen shoulder trials in
the clinical effectiveness review that reported mean pain VAS scores16,51 (see Appendix 7 for full
details and data extraction tables for these studies). Using the OLS1 model function/equations
we mapped the reported mean pain VAS at baseline and after 3 months of follow-up onto the
EQ-5D. The corresponding EQ-5D scores can then be predicted at baseline and after 3 months of

Table 66 illustrates the same using data from the two frozen shoulder trials in the clinical
effectiveness review that reported the SF-36 PCS and MCS35,51 (see Appendix 7 for full details and
data extraction tables for these studies).

TABLE 65 Cost-effectiveness results from mapping onto EQ-5D (pain VAS scale 0100mm)

EQ-5D estimated
from mapping
Mean QALYs Estimated cost QALY Cost
Study Intervention Baseline 3 months over 3 months per patient difference difference ICER
Dogru Ultrasound+ 0.518 0.695 0.15163 148.13 0.00163 0
(Turkey)51 physiotherapy
Sham ultrasound+ 0.527 0.699 0.15325 148.13 Benefit
physiotherapy favours
Stergioulas Physical therapy 0.55 0.687 0.15463 49.38 0.00350 0 Benefit
(Greece)16 (laser) favours
Control (placebo 0.562 0.647 0.15113 49.38

Note: Studies reporting pain VAS data (0100mm) as medians rather than means were excluded from the theoretical mapping analysis. Cheapest
resource-use scenarios as presented in Resource-use estimation have been used to obtain costs.

TABLE 66 Cost-effectiveness results from mapping onto EQ-5D (SF-36 PCS and MCS)

EQ-5D estimated from

Mean QALYs Estimated cost QALY Cost
Study Intervention Baseline 3 months over 3 months per patient difference difference ICER
Carette Steroid injection+ 0.51 0.673 0.14788 121.43 Dominated
(Canada)35 physiotherapy
Physiotherapy+ 0.587 0.702 0.16113 117.75 Dominated
placebo injection
Steroid injection 0.583 0.739 0.16525 36.18 0.01275 3.68 288.63
Placebo injection 0.571 0.649 0.15250 32.50
Dogru Ultrasound+ 0.564 0.647 0.15138 148.13 0.00537 0 Benefit
(Turkey)51 physiotherapy favours
Sham ultrasound+ 0.522 0.646 0.14600 148.13

Note: Cheapest resource use scenarios as presented in Resource-use estimation have been used to obtain costs.

Queens Printer and Controller of HMSO 2012. This work was produced by Maund et al. under the terms of a commissioning contract issued by the
Secretary of State for Health.
116 Results

Based on these EQ-5D estimates QALYs have been approximated by applying the area under the
curve (AUC) method, which is implemented by summing the areas of the geometrical shapes
obtained by linearly interpolating between utility scores over the study period. Using the UK
estimated costs obtained from our resource-use assessment we have presented tentative cost-
effectiveness results, which may allow some inference about the cost-effectiveness of some of
these interventions.

These calculations are based on the assumption that no further downstream costs will be
incurred by the patient. Also, because of the methods we are using we have only been able to
compare interventions within trials, not across trials. Any future evaluation should consider all
relevant interventions within the same analysis.

Tables 65 and 66 show the baseline and 3-month EQ-5D scores that have been obtained using
the estimates provided by the mapping and the QALYs obtained based on these estimates. The
costs presented in these tables represent the cheapest UK scenarios presented in Resource-use
estimation. In some instances, because of interventions requiring the same resource and therefore
costing the same, no ICERs have been presented. For the study evaluating interventions that
incur different costs,35 the incremental results suggest that physiotherapy (with placebo injection)
and steroid injection with physiotherapy were both dominated (less effective and more costly) by
steroid injection alone. Steroid injection has an ICER of 288.63, which is well below the widely
used threshold of 30,000.

These results are tentative. Their purpose is to try to help inform further research, not to directly
inform decision-making. Actual QALY gains, and incremental cost per QALY estimates, can
differ based on how the utilities were derived: directly from preference-based measures or
predicted on the basis of mapping.113 This is neatly demonstrated by the results of the Dogru
study, which, depending on whether mapping from the VAS or SF-36, suggest QALY gains in
favour of alternative interventions.51 Furthermore, the choice of direct measure used in cost
utility analyses matters (e.g. EQ-5D, SF-6D, HUI, 15D) and may, in an economic evaluation,
lead to different treatment options being considered more or less cost-effective relative to one
another.114 These are all issues outside the scope of this research.

There were no studies identified in the clinical review that provided utilities data needed for
generating cost per QALY estimates in assessments of the cost-effectiveness of alternative
treatment options for frozen shoulder.

The exploratory analysis presents an alternative approach to deriving utility estimates by

mapping from outcomes measured in a trial onto a preference-based measure of QoL.
For mapping to be of any value, a degree of overlap is required between the descriptive
systems of the measures being used. The results of the exploratory analysis suggest that a
statistical association between the EQ-5D and pain VAS and the EQ-5D and the SF-36 PCS
and MCS measures potentially exists, specifically that a decreasing pain VAS score (less pain)
is accompanied by an increasing (better) EQ-5D score and similarly that increasing (better)
SF-36 PCS and MCS scores are accompanied by an increasing (better) EQ-5D score.
There is insufficient evidence available to make conclusions about the effectiveness
of treatments for frozen shoulder in terms of QoL outcomes based on patient
preference measures.

DOI: 10.3310/hta16110 Health Technology Assessment 2012; Vol. 16: No. 11 117

Chapter 4

T he aims of the project were to undertake a systematic review of the clinical effectiveness and
cost-effectiveness of treatments used for the management of idiopathic frozen shoulder, by
stage of condition, in order to make recommendations for clinical practice and identify gaps in
the evidence. The project also aimed to develop a decision-analytic model to estimate the cost-
effectiveness of the alternative treatment options and undertake value of information analysis to
assess the potential value of future research on interventions for frozen shoulder.

Both conservative and more invasive treatment options were included in the review. Conservative
treatments are generally considered to be education about the condition with advice for self-
management, physiotherapy and corticosteroid injection, either alone or alongside physiotherapy.
Physiotherapy and steroid injection are delivered in a range of NHS settings including primary
care, delivered mainly by physiotherapists and GPs, secondary tier specialist musculoskeletal
clinics and a hospital setting. More invasive treatments that were included in the review were
distension, MUA and capsular release, which are delivered in a hospital setting. Sodium
hyaluronate does not appear to be commonly used in the NHS but there appeared to be a
growing literature on its use and it was therefore included. This was classified with the more
invasive treatments, mainly because it would be delivered in a hospital setting.

Principal findings

Clinical effectiveness
Data from studies with a low risk of bias were sparse, in particular for the more invasive
treatments. For most comparisons the necessary data were not available or it was inappropriate
to statistically pool studies because of their variability. Primarily a narrative synthesis was
undertaken. For the majority of studies it was unclear whether they had sufficient power to
detect a statistically significant difference between groups; therefore, where there is no evidence
of an effect it cannot be assumed that there is no effect. Information on outcome by stage of
condition was not available. Based on the duration of frozen shoulder and the inclusion criteria,
the trials included mixed populations with idiopathic frozen shoulder, probably mainly people
in the first painful phase and the second stiffening stage. In addition, only five of the studies were
undertaken in a UK NHS setting. RCTs were available for all of the interventions except capsular
release, for which case series only were available, and watchful waiting or supervised neglect,
for which a quasi-experimental study was available. However, some of the RCTs may in fact have
been quasi-experimental. Across most trials there did not appear to be systematic methods for
recording of adverse events.

Conservative interventions
Although several of the studies had a home exercise only control group, the information
provided was often limited in terms of the extent of educational advice provided. The single
study of supervised neglect, perhaps more appropriately called watchful waiting, was the only
study to formally assess a broader intervention of self-management. However, as with the
reporting of many complex interventions, there was insufficient information for replication in a
clinical setting.73 The finding from this study from the Netherlands, that supervised neglect was
associated with a better outcome than physiotherapy (of unspecified duration), should be treated

Queens Printer and Controller of HMSO 2012. This work was produced by Maund et al. under the terms of a commissioning contract issued by the
Secretary of State for Health.
118 Discussion

with considerable caution because of limitations in the study design. The lack of high-quality
research on watchful waiting was surprising given that in a recent survey of UK professionals it
was a commonly used treatment in the painful phase of frozen shoulder.18

A further 11 studies evaluated physical therapy, mainly physiotherapy with active mobilisation.
The comparators were a control or another form of physical therapy. Because of the diversity
of the interventions and comparators only single studies were available for individual therapies
and most of the studies had a high risk of bias. Based on a single study there was evidence of
a statistically significant short-term benefit of SWD plus stretching (12 sessions over 4 weeks)
compared with home exercise only and compared with a heat pack plus stretching for some
outcomes.75 There was also evidence from a single study that laser therapy (12 sessions over
8 weeks) had benefit over home exercise alone in the short and medium term.16 Both studies
had some risk of bias and the content, intensity and quality of the home exercise comparator
was unclear. A further study, also at some risk of bias and in a population in which the majority
had already received physiotherapy and/or a steroid injection, found marginally significant
improvements for function and disability and improvement in range of movement with HGMT
compared with LGMT.40 None of these studies was undertaken in a UK setting.

Only studies comparing acupuncture with another of the treatments of interest were included,
not studies comparing different methods of acupuncture. Only three studies were identified, none
of which was from the UK, and all had a potentially high risk of bias.7981 There was insufficient
evidence to make conclusions about the effectiveness of acupuncture for primary frozen shoulder.

Six studies evaluated steroid injections, although the majority of the available data were from two
multi-arm studies that were of satisfactory quality, one with some risk of bias.35,41 Both studies
evaluated a single intra-articular steroid injection in patients with frozen shoulder of <6 months
duration. The comparators were home exercise alone, physiotherapy alone (both with placebo
injection) and steroid injection followed by physiotherapy. One used a guided injection and the
other appeared to use an unguided approach. The physiotherapy was of 4 weeks duration in both
studies, with one including twelve sessions and the other eight. The actual content of the sessions
varied between the studies, although both used mobilisation techniques. All groups in both
studies were also given a home exercise programme.

Given that steroid injection is administered to reduce inflammation and provide pain relief, pain
outcome is of particular interest for this intervention. For pain there was a short-term statistically
significant benefit (up to 3 months) with steroid injection compared with home exercise alone
but not compared with 4 weeks of physiotherapy. When steroid injection was provided in
conjunction with physiotherapy, there was an added benefit for pain over physical therapy alone
and over steroid injection alone. This was broadly consistent with the evidence for function and
disability and range of movement. Only one of these studies used a QoL outcome measure (SF-
36). There was no statistically significant benefit for QoL with a steroid injection alone compared
with home exercise or physiotherapy alone. However, there was a benefit for QoL when
physiotherapy was added to steroid injection over either home exercise or physiotherapy alone
but not steroid injection alone. Overall, the evidence suggests that there is some evidence of a
short-term benefit from adding steroid injection to physiotherapy alone; however, there remains
some uncertainty as to whether this adds any substantial clinical benefit over steroid alone (with
home exercise).

Invasive interventions
The data from high-quality RCTs of invasive interventions were even more limited than for
conservative interventions and only two were undertaken in a UK setting. MUA, distension and
capsular release are most commonly used when conservative treatments have failed, although

DOI: 10.3310/hta16110 Health Technology Assessment 2012; Vol. 16: No. 11 119

for most of these studies it was unclear what treatments participants had already received, if any.
In addition, there was considerable variability between the studies in how the procedures were
delivered, making comparability between studies difficult.

There was insufficient evidence on all three interventions to make any robust recommendations
regarding their use. Based on a single, satisfactory quality study, there was no evidence, across
several outcomes, that MUA was better than a conservative intervention involving provision
of advice in two sessions from a physical therapist plus written instructions for a daily training
programme.39 A study from the UK, with some risk of bias, reported greater improvement
across outcomes with arthrographic distension than with MUA in participants with second stage
(stiffening or freezing stage) primary frozen shoulder.38

There was no consistent evidence that arthrographic distension was associated with a better
outcome than home exercise only or steroid injection. A single satisfactory study comparing
arthrographic distension including steroid with placebo arthrography (with home exercise)
reported a significant improvement with distension in function and disability measured using
a patient-defined scale, but not in another function measure, range of movement or pain.43 A
second study with some risk of bias reported a benefit with arthrographic distension including
steroid compared with steroid alone but only for a single range of movement measure at 6 weeks
and not for other range of movement outcomes or a measure of function and disability.36

Only case series were available for capsular release. The lack of a control group presents particular
problems in assessing the effectiveness of an intervention in a condition such as frozen shoulder
in which the condition normally resolves within a 3-year period. Based on the best-quality
case series, undertaken in Norway with the procedure performed by a single surgeon, there
was a significant improvement in several outcomes based on an average length of follow-up of
10 months (range 3 to 29 months).85 All patients had tried physiotherapy previously without a
satisfactory result.

Based on three studies of sodium hyaluronate, all at high risk of bias, there was insufficient
evidence to recommend use of this treatment in preference to steroid or physical therapy. The
best-quality study reported a benefit with two injections of sodium hyaluronate compared with
home exercise but there was no consistent evidence across outcomes of a benefit over 10 daily
sessions of physical therapy or single steroid injection.66

Mixed-treatment comparison
A MTC was undertaken for the outcome of pain with the aim of bringing together both direct
and indirect evidence in a connected network, thereby allowing inferences about the relative
efficacy of all treatments to be made. Nine interventions formed part of a connected network
with placebo and the evidence was informed by nine trials. A total of 22 studies had to be
excluded from the MTC for a range of reasons; therefore, the network was a small subset of the
available evidence. Of the nine interventions compared with placebo (plus home exercise) in the
MTC, only steroid combined with physiotherapy and steroid alone were compared with placebo
in the direct evidence synthesis (i.e. standard meta-analysis). The results from the MTC were
consistent with the direct evidence synthesis of steroid combined with physiotherapy versus
placebo. In both analyses the combined intervention showed a beneficial and clinically significant
effect. In contrast, the results of the MTC were inconsistent with the direct evidence synthesis
of steroid compared with placebo. In the MTC the 95% CrIs crossed the line of no effect. In the
direct evidence synthesis, steroid showed both a statistically and a clinically significant beneficial
effect compared with placebo. The remaining interventions included in the MTC (physiotherapy,
physiotherapy combined with placebo, physiotherapy without mobilisation, electroacupuncture,
sodium hyaluronate, MUA combined with physiotherapy, and arthrographic distension with
steroid) had 95% CrIs that crossed the line of no effect.
Queens Printer and Controller of HMSO 2012. This work was produced by Maund et al. under the terms of a commissioning contract issued by the
Secretary of State for Health.
120 Discussion

Gaps in the clinical effectiveness evidence

There were several gaps in the evidence regarding conservative treatment options for primary
frozen shoulder. Watchful waiting is the most conservative treatment option. However, it
remains unclear what constitutes watchful waiting. It would seem inappropriate to do absolutely
nothing and this is unlikely to happen in clinical practice. The intervention of supervised neglect
evaluated by Diercks and Stevens73 included provision of education about the condition. This
included an explanation of the natural course of the disease and advice not to exercise in excess of
the pain threshold and to carry out pendulum exercises and active exercises within this painless
range, with resumption of all activities that were tolerated. In addition, NSAIDs and analgesics
were prescribed where necessary. Details were not provided about how the information was
delivered and any methods used to maximise compliance with the home exercise programme
and the extent of any monitoring, for example in the form of primary care review appointments,
were unclear. In our view, education about the condition and guidance for self-management
including home exercises are appropriate elements of a standard care package. Methods of
maximising compliance with any advice may also be important. Several of the studies used a
home exercise control group but it was often unclear what this consisted of and the extent and
quality of education provided. Therefore, it was unclear in most studies whether the control
group were receiving a high-quality standard care package or whether they were simply provided
with a leaflet of exercises. In our view, the former is the most appropriate comparator to use in
trials to establish any additional benefit from any more intensive interventions such as a package
of physiotherapy treatment or steroid injection. The benefit of a physiotherapy intervention
over a structured high-quality conservative intervention of education and home exercise using
methods to maximise compliance has not been adequately addressed. Physiotherapy is the most
commonly used NHS physical therapy and is therefore of particular interest.

It also remains unclear, based on the research evidence available, what constitutes an optimal
physiotherapy intervention in terms of the essential components, number and length of sessions
and overall duration and the type of physiotherapy. It also remains unclear at what stage and
severity of frozen shoulder such an intervention would be of greatest benefit and whether any
effect is similar in people with and without diabetes.

In clinical practice, patients can receive a second or third steroid injection when there has been
no benefit from the first injection or when symptoms deteriorate again. There was no evidence
available on the effectiveness of a second or third injection provided in a way that reflects NHS
clinical practice. One US study evaluated the effect of once-weekly injections for 3 weeks rather
than on the basis of the patients response to the first injection.42

The role of the more invasive interventions in the treatment pathway for frozen shoulder remains
unclear and further research is required to establish their effectiveness. There was considerable
overlap in the duration of symptoms between the participants in the trials of invasive and
conservative treatments. This suggests that the populations may have been similar across the
more conservative and invasive interventions. In most studies it was unclear whether participants
had received conservative treatments first that had not been effective, whether they were
presenting for treatment having tried self-management or whether their preference was for an
intervention that involved a shorter duration of treatment.

Comparison with other effectiveness research

We are aware of three systematic reviews that have been published since our assessment started:
one of corticosteroid injections compared with physiotherapy for frozen shoulder;115 one of
sodium hyaluronate injection for chronic painful shoulder;116 and one of conservative and
surgical interventions for frozen shoulder.117 A guideline based on a systematic review has also
recently been published focusing on diagnosis, assessment and physiotherapy management of

DOI: 10.3310/hta16110 Health Technology Assessment 2012; Vol. 16: No. 11 121

frozen shoulder.6 Our conclusions regarding steroid injections are similar to those of Blanchard
and colleagues115 who concluded that corticosteroid injections have a greater effect in the short
term than physiotherapy but that the results of the review should be interpreted with caution
because of the limited data available and variability between the studies. The recent guideline
also comes to similar conclusions to the Blanchard review and our review regarding steroids
compared with physiotherapy.6

The review of conservative and surgical interventions, undertaken by Favejee et al.,117 highlighted
similar limitations in the literature to our review. They identified the lack of an unambiguous
definition for frozen shoulder and the lack of information on phase of condition as well as a need
for further research. However, they made somewhat stronger conclusions about the effectiveness
of some interventions than our review has done or those of Blanchard et al.115 and Hanchard et
al.6 have done. They concluded that there was strong evidence for the short-term effectiveness of
steroid injections and laser therapy and moderate evidence for the effectiveness of mobilisation
techniques in the short and long term as well as evidence for the effectiveness of arthrographic
distension alone and in addition to active physiotherapy in the short term. The Favejee et al.117
review used a broad definition of frozen shoulder that did not appear to be restricted to primary
frozen shoulder. For example, the conclusion about strong evidence for the effectiveness of laser
therapy is based on three trials only, one of which was of a primary frozen shoulder population.
The other two trials were excluded from our review. The review of sodium hyaluronate is not
directly comparable with our review as a range of chronic shoulder conditions were included,
as well as dose-ranging studies. The review concluded that sodium hyaluronate injection was
modestly more effective than steroid injection for function and there was an improvement in
pain and function compared with placebo.116

Patient views
We were unable to identify any papers that explored patients views or experiences of treatments
for frozen shoulder. As treatment for frozen shoulder can vary substantially and is often guided
by patient preference, this was considered an important area for investigation; however, the lack
of available evidence did not allow us to explore this further. Although no papers exploring
patients views were found, there were limitations to this review because of time constraints.
Our searches were restricted to searches of three databases for English-language studies and
unpublished studies may have been missed. Nonetheless, there does appear to be a clear need for
research in this area.

Cost-effectiveness review
A single Dutch cost-effectiveness study met the inclusion criteria for the systematic review.91
This was conducted as part of a trial that was included in the clinical effectiveness review.40 The
trial reported statistically significant improvement in range of movement with HGMT compared
with LGMT in a population in which the majority of patients had already received physiotherapy
and/or steroid injection. There was no significant difference in QoL, although the CIs were
wide. There was also no significant difference in pain or function and disability, although for
one of the function and disability scales the CIs just crossed the line of no effect. The economic
analysis was of reasonable quality with some risk of bias and was conducted outside of the UK
(the Netherlands), which may limit generalisability. It showed that LGMT may be a cost-effective
option compared with HGMT.

Our searches failed to identify any modelling studies conducted in the relevant population or
similar populations/conditions. We did identify a limited number of economic evaluations
conducted alongside clinical trials in patients with unilateral shoulder pain, chronic shoulder
complaints and acute and subacute shoulder complaints.91,118121 We considered these populations
to be similar enough to allow some comparisons to be made, although these populations were

Queens Printer and Controller of HMSO 2012. This work was produced by Maund et al. under the terms of a commissioning contract issued by the
Secretary of State for Health.
122 Discussion

not the focus of our research and we did not undertake a systematic review in these patient
populations. The economic evaluations did not meet our inclusion criteria but we anticipated that
they would provide some useful information to inform our research. One of these studies, James
et al.,119 was conducted in the UK and allowed some comparison of the cost estimates obtained
in the clinical trial and the estimates obtained from our advisory group for the frozen shoulder
population. Because of the limited evidence available to us through the review, alternative
methods of obtaining evidence were pursued. The clinical advisors on the project were utilised
and primary data from a clinical trial in a similar population identified.

Cost estimates
The estimated resource use provided by our clinical advisory group allowed the calculation of
average treatment costs from the perspective of the UK NHS for the interventions identified
in the systematic review. The estimated average costs for therapies involving administration
of steroid injections ranged from 36.18 to 138.51 for unguided injections and from 299.68
to 475.56 for guided injections. Variations in costs were attributable to the type of health-
care professionals involved and the delivery setting. The costs of therapies involving active
physiotherapy alongside steroids were estimated to vary over a wide range, from 121.43 to
607.31, and reflected practice variations in regard to number of physiotherapy sessions, delivery
setting and the steroid used.

Physiotherapy alone, involving some form of mobilisation as a component, was estimated to

range from 98.75 to 126.75. Acupuncture was estimated to cost from 117.75 to 126.75.
Difference in costs was mainly due to community versus hospital-based setting.

The estimated average costs associated with surgical interventions ranged from 1213 to 1522
for MUA, from 79.84 to 134.84 for arthrographic distension and from 1809 to 2511 for
capsular release. The difference in costs was driven by the difference in the hospital resources
utilised in performing MUA arthrographic distension and capsular release. This is reflected in the
different NHS reference cost codes under which these interventions are reported by hospitals and
subsequently costed.

Comparison with costs of other research

The validation of these estimates is difficult given the lack of evidence available. James et
al.119 conducted a costconsequence analysis comparing local corticosteroid injection and
physiotherapy for the treatment of new episodes of unilateral shoulder pain in UK primary
care. The analysis collected resource-use data from patients enrolled in the trial from entry until
6 months post randomisation. The study reports an average cost of 114.60 for those patients
receiving the physiotherapy intervention. This is very similar to our estimate of an average cost
of 112.75 for physiotherapy (average based on community/hospital setting). They also report
an average cost of 71.28 for the steroid group, which compares favourably with our average
estimate of 73.87 for an unguided injection (average based on alternative delivery setting and
choice of steroid). Although these costs appear to be close, the uncertainty remains on how
closely either set of costings would reflect clinical practice. Patients throughout the James et al.
study had access to additional treatments that were included in the resource-use figures. So the
average cost for the physiotherapy group also included costs for resources such as radiography,
non-trial injections, etc. In addition, costs were presented for 2003 and we have not inflated them
to match our 2009 price year. This may suggest that our cost estimates are a little on the high
side given the difference in price years and the fact that our costs consider only resources for one
specific treatment and not the additional resources that a patient may consume by choosing to
access alternative treatments or specialists alongside the primary prescribed treatment.

DOI: 10.3310/hta16110 Health Technology Assessment 2012; Vol. 16: No. 11 123

As with the single included economic evaluation for frozen shoulder, the majority of economic
evaluations identified were conducted in the Netherlands. Although some provided useful
data for the comparability of utility estimates they did not provide us with a clear picture of the
resource utilisation of the alternative treatments that we have considered in this review. Van
den Hout et al.,91 which met the inclusion criteria, presented societal costs of 8809 for HGMT
and 6911 for LGMT. Enough data were presented to allow costs from the perspective of the
health-care provider to be estimated and these range from 2552 for HGMT to 2293 for LGMT.
Because of differences in health-care systems the cost analysis used charges, which are relevant in
the Netherlands, rather than costs, which are relevant for the NHS setting. So even if we convert
euros into British pounds a like-for-like comparison would be difficult. In our view, the estimates
obtained from our clinical advisory group represent the most reliable resource estimates and,
although we acknowledge that there is some uncertainty surrounding the estimates because of
the lack of evidence available, it was not possible to investigate this further. The need for a clearer
picture of the resources used as patients progress through their treatment pathway is evident and
is lacking in the current evidence base.

Quality of life and utility data

To fully evaluate HRQOL it is necessary to consider all of the ways that the condition being
treated and the intervention being delivered impact on patient health outcomes. This means
measuring the effect of the condition and the treatment on both duration and quality of life. The
use of QALYs allows both of these concerns to be captured and reflected in one outcome. The
QALY integrates mortality and morbidity to convey health status in terms of equivalent well years
of life. A key component of the QALY is the utility values, which can be measured using a variety
of methods. The measurement of utilities is an area of ongoing debate and research, which is
beyond the scope of this discussion.

The clinical trials identified in the effectiveness review reported a variety of outcomes, mainly
pain, range of movement and function and disability, with some measuring QoL, time to
recovery and return to work and recreation, and adverse events. There seems little agreement
across the trials regarding the tools with which these outcomes should be measured or which is
the primary outcome. This may be related to the changing, progressive nature of the condition.
In the early painful stages those outcomes that capture pain are likely to be more important;
however, as the condition progresses the function and disability outcomes may become more
important. When faced with a plethora of outcomes such as this it raises the question of why
HRQoL, which may capture all of these outcomes, has not been routinely measured alongside
those outcomes more traditionally considered clinical outcomes. We found only one study
reporting HRQoL (utility outcomes) in the frozen shoulder population91 and only scant data on
HRQoL in patient populations considered similar.

It is unclear why these data have not been collected in the clinical trials identified in the
effectiveness review. Possible reasons may be because it was not practical or was too time-
consuming for patients to complete in addition to other measures or possibly because the studies
were not designed to focus on economic questions and therefore utilities were not thought
to be important. These reasons are only conjecture; further research is required to establish
why HRQoL does not appear to be considered a relevant outcome in these types of patients.
However, this lack of utility data hinders any decision analysis being undertaken. When outcome
measures used in trials are limited to condition-specific outcomes the ability to evaluate the cost-
effectiveness of one treatment against another treatment in a different population is lost.

Because of the potential for bias in the one study presenting HRQoL data and the use of the
less popular SF-6D tool,91 we undertook a mapping exercise. Our aim was to try and establish

Queens Printer and Controller of HMSO 2012. This work was produced by Maund et al. under the terms of a commissioning contract issued by the
Secretary of State for Health.
124 Discussion

a link between the outcomes considered in the clinical trials and HRQoL. The EQ-5D is the
most popular instrument of choice for the measurement of utilities and is recommended in the
NICE reference case.64 The decision was made to use this instrument in a mapping exercise. The
mapping investigated the relationship between QoL, as measured by two components of the
SF-36, and HRQoL, as measured by the EQ-5D, and pain, as measured by a VAS 0100mm, and
EQ-5D. The SF-36 was used as this is a widely used and accepted tool for measuring QoL and
was used in two of the included studies in the effectiveness review: one compared ultrasound
and placebo;51 the other compared steroid injection, steroid injection plus physiotherapy,
physiotherapy alone and placebo.35 A VAS 0100mm was used as it was readily available in the
data set used for mapping and was a scale used in the clinical trials. The mapping was based on
data from the SAPPHIRE trial.40 The complete data set was made available by the authors of the
trial. The findings of the mapping suggest that there is a positive relationship between outcomes:
a decreasing pain VAS score (less pain) is accompanied by an increasing (better) EQ-5D score;
an increasing EQ-5D score (i.e. better health status) appears to be generally accompanied by
increasing SF-36 scores (i.e. higher scores=a better quality of life). Two trials included in the
review of effectiveness, Dogru et al.51 and Stergioulas,16 used pain VAS (0100mm). Using the
prediction equation obtained from mapping pain VAS and the results of the two trials we were
able to estimated incremental QALY improvements, which ranged from 0.00163 to 0.00350.
Two trials included in the review, Carette et al.35 and Dogru et al.,51 used SF-36 PCS and MCS as
an outcome measure. Using the prediction equation obtained from the mapping and the results
of the two trials we were able to estimate incremental QALY improvements, which ranged from
0.00537 to 0.01275.

Although the mapping was conducted on data from a similar population, primary collection
of utility data would be required to validate that the positive relationship remains in the frozen
shoulder population.

Those economic evaluations in similar populations that have reported EQ-5D data118,120,121
have demonstrated improvements from baseline ranging from 0.06 to 0.16, which are
comparable to those in the SAPPHIRE trial. These trials included a variety of interventions
including an education and activation programme, manipulative therapy, which comprised
specific manipulation and mobilisation techniques, and graded exercise therapy delivered by a
physiotherapist. All were compared with usual care, which was variable in its content and the
depth of its description. The populations in these trials had a higher baseline EQ-5D value (range
0.51 to 0.587 for pain VAS; 0.5180.562 for SF-36 PCS/MCS) than the population from the
SAPPHIRE trial (range 0.453 to 0.512).102 This may suggest that the population of the SAPPHIRE
trial, each of whom had a confirmed diagnosis of rotator cuff tendonitis, differs from populations
with other shoulder complaints. It is likely that this population may be comparable to a
population of frozen shoulder patients in the painful phase of the condition; however, we have no
evidence to support this other than the comparability of the SF-36 scores across the SAPPHIRE
population and the frozen shoulder populations in Carette et al.35 and Dogru et al.51 These data
suggest that the populations have very similar QoL scores at baseline. Further investigation of
these issues is warranted but is outside the scope of this research.

None of those economic evaluations presenting EQ-5D data presented QALYs. It is not clear
why QALYs were not derived. One study provided justification, which was that the minimal
changes in clinical effectiveness of the EQ-5D outcome provided no additional information when
analysed in a cost-effectiveness analysis.113 It is not clear that this is valid justification for not
deriving QALY outcomes.

DOI: 10.3310/hta16110 Health Technology Assessment 2012; Vol. 16: No. 11 125

Strengths and limitations of the review

To our knowledge this is the first systematic review that has included all NHS-relevant
interventions in a single synthesis. A total of 19 electronic databases were searched including
potential sources of unpublished data. Unlike several previous reviews there were no language
restrictions. Full papers of 67 studies in 12 languages other than English were screened for
eligibility, of which four were subsequently included in the review. Risk of bias was assessed and
taken into consideration in the synthesis. Whenever possible, the treatment effect for individual
studies was reported with a 95% CI, even when quantitative synthesis was not undertaken.

The key limitation of this technology assessment was the lack of data available. This was despite
comprehensive searches without language restrictions across a range of sources of studies.
There was insufficient evidence to make robust conclusions about the effectiveness of any of the
interventions. Because of the lack of evidence on stage of frozen shoulder in the included trials,
it was not possible to undertake the planned synthesis exploring the influence of stage of frozen
shoulder or the presence of diabetes on the effectiveness of the various interventions. Even where
there were several trials of a single intervention, there was such diversity in the intervention
and comparators used and such poor reporting of outcome data that there were few instances
in which the planned quantitative synthesis was possible or appropriate. Given that most of the
included studies had a small number of participants and may have been underpowered, this
was unfortunate.

Unlike some other reviews that have looked at shoulder complaints across the board as a single
condition, we attempted to reduce variability due to the nature of the shoulder condition by
including only patients with primary frozen shoulder. However, despite this, it is likely that the
population included is diverse because of variability in how the included studies defined frozen
shoulder. Together with the lack of information on impact of stage, this means that even for those
interventions for which there is some evidence of effectiveness, there is some uncertainty as to
what primary frozen shoulder populations this applies to.

Because the studies were often poorly reported it was difficult in some instances to be certain that
the population included those with primary frozen shoulder and not those with secondary frozen
shoulder. As a result we may have excluded studies that did in fact include a primary frozen
shoulder population. Comparing the results of our review with those of other recent reviews it is
unlikely that the inclusion of such studies would have altered our conclusions.

The variability in the outcome measures used was a further limitation of the data available.
Pain, and function and disability were the most commonly used end points in clinical trials
for frozen shoulder and there was considerably variability in the measures used to assess these
three outcomes. Studies included in the review measured pain used the verbal numeric rating
scales or VAS scales (including the SPADI 5-item subscale), which have been shown to be highly
correlated with one another.122 The decision to standardise results of these studies using the SMD
enabling pooling of studies was therefore appropriate. In direct contrast the outcome of function
and disability was measured by a number of different shoulder-specific scales, which have
been shown to have low to moderate correlation with one another. This indicates that different
shoulder-specific function and disability scales may not be measuring the same thing.54,55,123,124 On
the basis of this we did not use a standardised score for function and disability outcomes, which
meant that a quantitative pooling of these data, for the most part, was not possible.

To aid interpretation, pooled SMDs for the outcome of pain were back transformed to a
0100mm VAS. As no between-group, or, for that matter, within-group, MCID on the 0100mm

Queens Printer and Controller of HMSO 2012. This work was produced by Maund et al. under the terms of a commissioning contract issued by the
Secretary of State for Health.
126 Discussion

VAS was available for frozen shoulder, a proxy was derived from the within-group MCID of
a rotator cuff disease population. Although this proxy represents the best available between-
group MCID for frozen shoulder at this time and has been used elsewhere,6 any implied clinical
significance should be seen as tentative rather than definitive. In addition, such an approach was
appropriate only for pooled estimates.

Several studies that were included in the review were not included in the synthesis because
the period of follow-up was 4 weeks. Such short follow-up periods are unlikely to capture
meaningful changes in outcome measures.

Mixed-treatment comparison
A key factor to consider in evaluating the strengths and limitations of the MTC undertaken
is whether the assumption that the studies are sufficiently homogeneous to be quantitatively
combined has been met. Arguable sources of heterogeneity in the MTC were the fact that the
placebos were not identical between studies, given the differing nature of the interventions;
and that there was differential reporting of the use of previous treatments for frozen shoulder
associated with the invasiveness of treatment, which may indicate that populations between trials
varied in the treatment resistance of frozen shoulder. Furthermore, as in the main synthesis, there
was a paucity of high-quality studies. However, the model was a good fit and gave stable estimates
and it is interesting that there was no clear difference between the interventions in effectiveness
and no single intervention was substantially better than the others. Given the possible
heterogeneity of placebos and of study populations, and the inclusion of poor-quality studies,
there is some uncertainty regarding the results of the MTC, as there is with the main synthesis.

Economic evidence
The lack of available data made the development of a decision-analytic model impossible. We
found little evidence on treatment related to stage of condition, treatment pathways, the impact
on quality of life and associated resource use and no information on utilities. Without making
a number of questionable assumptions, modelling was not possible. Following clinical advice
it was decided that insufficient evidence was available to inform the structure of a model or
to guide and justify our assumptions. Although it was not possible to build a decision model,
the assessment has estimated the costs for the various treatments included in the review and
investigated the link between QoL and utilities where possible. We have not been able to quantify
the uncertainty in our cost estimates and the use of a small group of clinical experts to derive
the estimates is a limitation. Despite this limitation we believe that the estimates obtained may
provide useful information as input to (future) cost-effectiveness assessments of treatments in
frozen shoulder populations.

The findings of the exploratory mapping analysis suggest that there is likely to be a relationship
between the SF-36 and the EQ-5D, and VAS and the EQ-5D in frozen shoulder populations.
Caution is needed, however, as further data on QoL outcomes using both non-preference-based
and preference-based measures are now needed. This will allow full validation of the nature
and direction of the relationship between the instruments and investigation of whether utilities
might be a useful outcome measure in frozen shoulder populations. It is clear from the results
obtained that the relationship between the two clinical outcomes and EQ-5D is not the same.
This is demonstrated in the Dogru et al. study51 by the different direction of QALY benefit, which
favours the intervention over the control when VAS is mapped to EQ-5D and the control over
the intervention when SF-36 is mapped. The choice of clinical outcome to be included in the
mapping is obviously very important and how this choice is made warrants further research. It
is also unclear whether the use of more complex statistical methods would alter the predictive
performance of the SF-36 PCS and MCS mapping onto the EQ-5D utilities, compared with the
models tested in the exploratory analysis, for example whether including all eight dimensions

DOI: 10.3310/hta16110 Health Technology Assessment 2012; Vol. 16: No. 11 127

of the SF-36 profile in mapping onto the EQ-5D changes the nature of the relationship. These
methodological investigations are beyond the scope of this report.

Mapping is a substitute for primary measurement of utilities and is subject to a number of

potential limitations. In this instance the main limitations are likely to be that it was not
performed directly using individual-level patient data drawn from frozen shoulder trials but
used a UK data set of patients with rotator cuff disease (the SAPPHIRE trial); and the small study
sample (n=141 for pain VAS, and n=133 for SF-36 PCS/MCS in the base case presented). It
would be possible to further validate the apparent relationship between the SF-36/VAS and the
EQ-5D through the use of an external data set (i.e. an alternative trial). However, to fully measure
the apparent relationship between these two outcomes the collection of primary data will be
required, which will have greater validity.

Improving the evidence on the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness

This assessment highlighted considerable gaps in the evidence for the effectiveness and cost-
effectiveness of all of the interventions investigated for frozen shoulder. Given the range of
treatment options a multi-arm trial would be the most appropriate way forward. This raises the
question of which interventions should be given priority for future research on treatments for
frozen shoulder and where resources would best be spent in undertaking future research. Given
the lack of an economic model we were not in a position to characterise the decision uncertainty
and present a value of information analysis to support recommendations about where future
resources for research should focus.

Given that clinically there is a fairly consistent view that a stepped-up approach should be used
in terms of invasiveness of treatment, most patients are likely to receive only the conservative
treatments. It could be argued, therefore, that this is the most important area on which to focus
the research effort. However, given the lack of consensus across professional groups regarding
the most appropriate care pathway and the apparent overlap in patients receiving treatments of
varying invasiveness, it may be inappropriate to put research effort into conservative treatments
at the expense of the invasive treatments. The costing exercise we undertook found that the
invasive treatments may be substantially more expensive than the conservative options. It would
therefore be important to establish whether these interventions produce benefits for the patient
and are cost-effective choices.

In a recent survey of 303 health-care professionals involved in the management of frozen

shoulder, 88% of respondents, including GPs, physiotherapists and orthopaedic surgeons,
considered that there was a need for a RCT comparing treatments, particularly in the early
painful phase.18 Several interventions were supported for future research: watchful waiting and
education (classified as conservative), physical therapy, injections and surgery (encompassing
MUA and capsular release). Overall preferences for interventions requiring further research
differed between the professional groups. The interventions that received least support were
arthrographic distension, sodium hyaluronate injection, oral painkillers and oral steroids. There
was support for research on physiotherapy and mobilisation techniques but much less so for
individual therapies such as acupuncture, ultrasound, heat, laser therapy and electroacupuncture.
A recently published guideline from the Chartered Society for Physiotherapy has also
suggested that there may not be much to be gained from evaluating specific modalities as
stand-alone treatments.6

Any future trials should give more serious attention to the control group used. Home exercise
(with or without a placebo) was the most commonly reported control in the included studies.

Queens Printer and Controller of HMSO 2012. This work was produced by Maund et al. under the terms of a commissioning contract issued by the
Secretary of State for Health.
128 Discussion

However, in general the content of this control intervention was poorly reported. There is a
large gap in the evidence about the effectiveness of a high-quality conservative intervention
of education, home exercise and self-management of pain with support and monitoring. Any
future trial should pay careful attention to the control condition to clearly establish what
additional benefit other interventions provide. In addition, the maximum length of follow-up
in most studies was 3 months. Future trials should therefore have follow-up periods that are of
sufficient length to allow determination of whether interventions are effective in the medium and
long term.

There is a view clinically that stage of frozen shoulder is an important aspect to consider when
making treatment choices. This is not reflected in how most trials have been undertaken to date,
although it is unclear why not. Obviously it makes recruitment to trials easier if the population is
not restricted in this way. Stratification within trials may be a more pragmatic approach. Another
possible factor explaining the lack of consideration for stage is the wide range of countries in
which the trials have been undertaken. It is clear, however, that any future research should not
neglect consideration of stage. Because of the lack of evidence on treatment effects in patients
with diabetes, this will be an important subgroup. This reflects the recent survey that highlighted
those with diabetes as an important subgroup.18

Populations included in the review were diverse because of considerable variation in how
frozen shoulder was defined in the individual studies. This is unsurprising given that there is a
noted absence of a standard definition and classification for frozen shoulder.2,3 The variations in
study populations together with the lack of information on the stage of frozen shoulder mean
that, even for those interventions for which there is some evidence of effectiveness, there is
some uncertainty as to which frozen shoulder populations these apply to. Although potential
classifications for primary and secondary frozen shoulder have been put forward,3 a consensus on
the definition of frozen shoulder is sorely needed to enable the generalisability of further research
to be assessed.

Given that studies of clinimetric properties (i.e. validity, reproducibility, responsiveness and
ease of scoring) of various shoulder-specific disability scores have conflicting findings, it is
difficult to suggest the most appropriate score to use.125,126 Further research is therefore needed
to determine the clinimetric properties of shoulder-specific function and disability scores. This
should conclude with a consensus on the most appropriate tools to assess shoulder function,
both in research and in clinical practice. For assessing the clinical meaningfulness of between-
group differences in future trials, consideration should be given to the recommendations of the
Initiative on Methods, Measurement and Pain Assessment in Clinical Trials (IMPACT).127 This
group suggests that the clinical meaningfulness of group differences in trials, in terms of pain,
should be established using a multifactorial evaluation of factors such as statistically significant
treatment effects, responder analysis, effect size compared with that of other established
treatments, safety and tolerability, and results for other end points.

Based on the available evidence we were unable to structure a simple decision tree, but, given
the complex nature of the treatment pathways, future decision-analytic modelling undertaken in
this area will need to take into account the nature of any sequential decision-making processes
and treatments rather than just a single therapy. This will require tangible evidence of current
treatment patterns and resource use in frozen shoulder populations. There may be benefit in
undertaking an elicitation exercise with a range of health-care professionals to prioritise the
interventions to be compared and underpin the design of any future trial.

There is a current lack of studies providing data on HRQoL specific to frozen shoulder
populations. This information is required to enable assessments of costutility to be undertaken.

DOI: 10.3310/hta16110 Health Technology Assessment 2012; Vol. 16: No. 11 129

The inclusion of preference-based QoL measures alongside clinical trials in frozen shoulder
populations is a necessity. Whether the EQ-5D as an instrument is considered to be the most
appropriate for use in frozen shoulder populations has yet to be determined and further research
is required to address this and other questions on the use of HRQoL measures in clinical studies.
Mapping is always a second-best solution to using a preference-based (generic or condition-
specific) measure in the first place, but it is often the approach followed for pragmatic reasons
and so this remains an important area of research. Primary data collection in frozen shoulder
populations is now needed.

Queens Printer and Controller of HMSO 2012. This work was produced by Maund et al. under the terms of a commissioning contract issued by the
Secretary of State for Health.

DOI: 10.3310/hta16110 Health Technology Assessment 2012; Vol. 16: No. 11 131

Chapter 5

Implications for service provision

There may be short-term benefit for patients with frozen shoulder of <6 months duration
of adding a single intra-articular steroid injection to home exercise. There is also short-
term benefit for the same population of adding physiotherapy to a single intra-articular
steroid injection. This is based on two studies that varied in steroid dose and in whether
the injection was guided, making it difficult to determine how the steroid intervention
should be delivered. Although neither study explicitly provided information on stage of
frozen shoulder, only patients with frozen shoulder of <6 months duration were included,
suggesting that these patients were likely to be at the initial painful stage. Based on two
studies of physiotherapy that included mobilisation in 812 sessions over a 4-week period,
it is unclear what is the most effective physiotherapy to provide with injection in terms of
content and duration.
Based on a single study, and for some outcomes only, there may be benefit from adding SWD
to passive mobilisation and home exercise.
Based on a single study, HGMT may be more effective for some outcomes, but not others,
than LGMT in a population that has already received physiotherapy and/or a steroid
injection. In the study, high-grade mobilisation consisted of twice-weekly, 30-minute sessions
for a maximum of 12 weeks during which Maitland grade III and IV mobilisation was
applied into the stiffness zone. Low-grade mobilisation was delivered according to the same
schedule but consisted of Maitland grade I and II mobilisation applied within the pain-free
zone. LGMT may be more cost-effective than HGMT.
Given the paucity of economic evidence no conclusions can be made about the cost-
effectiveness of the different interventions.

Suggested research priorities

There are large gaps in the evidence for the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of all of the
interventions investigated. Taking into account the gaps in the evidence, the views of health-care
professionals in a recent survey18 and the interventions that are most commonly used in the
NHS, we suggest that the following should be given priority in future high-quality RCTs assessing
effectiveness and cost-effectiveness:

A standard care package of high-quality conservative management. This should be fully

specified in any future trial and we suggest that it should involve a structured protocol
of high-quality education, advice, home exercise and monitoring/support to encourage
completion of the home exercises.
Steroid injection, in particular an investigation of the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of
multiple injections and whether there is any added benefit from providing physiotherapy
after steroid injection over and above that obtained with steroid injection plus high-quality
conservative management.

Queens Printer and Controller of HMSO 2012. This work was produced by Maund et al. under the terms of a commissioning contract issued by the
Secretary of State for Health.
132 Conclusions

Physical therapies, specifically physiotherapy interventions that have a component

which involves mobilisation or exercises. Research is required to establish whether there
is any benefit from having physical therapy alone over and above that of high-quality
conservative management.
Intensive interventions, specifically arthrographic distension, MUA and arthroscopic
capsular release. Although there is also a gap in the evidence regarding the effectiveness of
distension, in the recent survey of health-care professionals this intervention did not receive
as much support as a topic for future research as the other intensive interventions.

The large number of treatment options for frozen shoulder and the limited evidence for their
effectiveness and cost-effectiveness makes prioritisation of these difficult and they are not listed
in order of importance. We suggest that an appropriate starting point would be a multi-arm trial
that compares the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of interventions of differing intensity and
costs: high-quality conservative management, steroid injection (possibly in conjunction with
arthrographic distension) and surgical management (MUA and capsular release).

Important subgroups in any future RCTs are phase of frozen shoulder and patients with diabetes.
These trials should collect data on resource use and use a utility measure to allow assessment of
cost-effectiveness. A systematic approach to recording adverse events will also be important.

DOI: 10.3310/hta16110 Health Technology Assessment 2012; Vol. 16: No. 11 133

M any thanks to all members of the advisory group for the many helpful contributions.

Many thanks to Jonathan Minton for the help provided with study selection.

Contribution of authors

Emma Maund contributed to writing the protocol, study selection, data extraction, quality
assessment, data analysis and report writing.

Dawn Craig contributed to writing the protocol, undertaking the economic analysis and
report writing.

Sara Suekarran contributed to writing the protocol, study selection, data extraction, quality
assessment, data analysis and report writing.

Aileen Rae Nielson was involved in the economic analysis and report writing.

Kath Wright developed the search strategies, undertook the searches and wrote the literature
search methods section.

Stephen Brealey, Laura Dennis, Lorna Goodchild, Nigel Hanchard, Amar Rangan, Gerry
Richardson and James Robertson provided clinical and/or methodological input and advice
throughout the project and commented on the protocol and drafts of the report.

Catriona McDaid was responsible for writing the protocol, contributed to study selection, data
extraction, quality assessment, data analysis and report writing and had overall responsibility for
co-ordinating the project.

Queens Printer and Controller of HMSO 2012. This work was produced by Maund et al. under the terms of a commissioning contract issued by the
Secretary of State for Health.

DOI: 10.3310/hta16110 Health Technology Assessment 2012; Vol. 16: No. 11 135

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Appendix 1
Search strategies for effectiveness review

BIOSIS Previews

Interface: Web of Science (ISI) on Web of Knowledge

Search date: 30 March 2010
Strategy: as below
Records identified: 800

# 20 800 #19 OR #17 OR #15 OR #13 OR #11 OR #9 OR #5 OR #3

Databases=PREVIEWS Timespan=All Years
# 19 140 #18 AND #1
Databases=PREVIEWS Timespan=All Years
# 18 33,082 Topic=(nerve block or neuromuscular blockade or acupuncture or electroacupuncture or electro
acupuncture or osteopuncture or osteo puncture or perioste* stimulat* or perioste* therap* or perioste*
needling or massag* or acupressure or shiatsu or shiatzu or zhi ya or chih ya or rehabilitat* program* or
rehabilitat* protocol* or watch* wait* or conservative treat* or management decision* or management
option* or management choice*)
Databases=PREVIEWS Timespan=All Years
# 17 454 #16 AND #1
Databases=PREVIEWS Timespan=1969-2010
# 16 >100,000 Topic=(physiotherapy or physiotherapies or physical therap* or manual therap* or passive motion or
passive movement or muscle stretching or muscle stretches or muscle stretch or mobilisation or
mobilization or exercis* program* or exercis* intervention* or exercis* train* or exercis* prescription* or
exercis* prescrib* or exercis* therap* or therapeutic exercis* or home exercis* or supervis* exercis* or
pendular exercis* or pendulum exercis* or isokinetic exercis* or resist* exercise*)
Databases=PREVIEWS Timespan=1969-2010
# 15 38 #14 AND #1
Databases=PREVIEWS Timespan=1969-2010
# 14 >100,000 Topic=(biofeedback) OR Topic=(thermograph* or thermotherap* or thermo therap* or hypertherm* or hyper
therm* or diatherm* or cryotherap* or cryo therap*) OR Topic=(cold pack* or cold therap* or cold treat*
or ice pack* or ice therap* or ice treat* or heat pack* or heat therap* or heat treat* or hot pack*
or heat therap*) OR Topic=(Laser Therapy or ultrasonic therapy or Interventional ultrasonography) OR
Topic=(electrotherapeutic intervention* or electrotherapeutic treat*) OR Topic=(magnetic field therapy) OR
Topic=(electromagnetic field therapy) OR Topic=(Biomagnetic therapy)
Databases=PREVIEWS Timespan=1969-2010
# 13 31 #12 AND #1
Databases=PREVIEWS Timespan=1969-2010
# 12 50,394 Topic=(TENS or ALTENS) OR Topic=(electric* stimulat* or transcutaneous stimulat*or transdermal
electrostimulat*or cutaneous electrostimulat*or electroanalgesia or electro analgesia) OR Topic=(muscle
stimulat*) OR Topic=(neuromodulation or neuro modulation or neurostimulation or neuro stimulation) OR
Databases=PREVIEWS Timespan=1969-2010
# 11 30 #10 AND #1
Databases=PREVIEWS Timespan=1969-2010
# 10 5938 Topic=(chiropractic*) OR Topic=(osteopath*) OR Topic=(manipulat* and (anesthesia or anaesthesia or anesthetic*
or anaesthetic*)) OR Topic=(MUA)
Databases=PREVIEWS Timespan=1969-2010

Queens Printer and Controller of HMSO 2012. This work was produced by Maund et al. under the terms of a commissioning contract issued by the
Secretary of State for Health.
180 Appendix 1

#9 112 #8 OR #7
Databases=PREVIEWS Timespan=1969-2010
#8 39 Topic=(subacromial inject* or acromioclavicular inject* or glenohumeral inject*) OR Topic=(extra articular
inject* or extraarticular inject*) OR Topic=(shoulder* inject*)
Databases=PREVIEWS Timespan=1969-2010
#7 81 #6 AND #1
Databases=PREVIEWS Timespan=1969-2010
#6 85,801 Topic=(injections) OR Topic=(intraarticular injection* or intra-articular injection* or intra articular injection*)
OR Topic=(bursa* inject* or intrabursa* inject* or intra bursa* inject* or periartic* inject* or peri artic*
Databases=PREVIEWS Timespan=1969-2010
#5 152 #4 AND #1
Databases=PREVIEWS Timespan=1969-2010
#4 5743 Topic=(Arthroscopy) OR Topic=(arthroscop* releas* or arthroscop* decompress* or arthroscop*
capsulotom*) OR Topic=(capsular releas* or interventional microadhesiolysis or capsulotomy)
Databases=PREVIEWS Timespan=1969-2010
#3 11 #2 AND #1
Databases=PREVIEWS Timespan=1969-2010
#2 25,371 Topic=(arthrograph* distension* or arthograph* distention*) OR Topic=(arthrogram* distension*
or arthogram* distention*) OR Topic=(glenohumeral distension* or glenohumeral distention*) OR
Topic=(dilatation or hydrodilat*) OR Topic=(arthography)
Databases=PREVIEWS Timespan=1969-2010
#1 2354 Topic=(frozen shoulder*) OR Topic=(stiff* shoulder*) OR Topic=(adhesive capsulitis) OR Topic=(shoulder
bursitis) OR Topic=(periarthritis or peri-arthritis or periarthritides or peri-arthritides or peri-capsulitis or
pericapsulitis) OR Topic=(shoulder pain* or pain* shoulder or shoulder complaint*) OR Topic=(shoulder*
impinge*) OR Topic=(subacromial impingement syndrome)
Databases=PREVIEWS Timespan=1969-2010

Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL)

Interface: EBSCO
Search date: 26 March 2010
Strategy: as below
Records identified: 1757

S73 S18 or S22 or S27 or S33 or S40 or S51 or S56 or S62 or S66 or S70 or S72
S72 s14 and s71
S71 rehabilitat* N2 program* or rehabilitat* N2 protocol* or watch* N2 wait* or conservative N2 treat* or management N2
decision* or management N2 option* or management N2 choice*
S70 S14 AND S69
S69 S67 or S68
S68 ( massag* or acupressure ) or ( shiatsu or shiatzu ) or zhi ya or chih ya
S67 (MH Massage)
S66 S14 and S65
S65 S63 or S64
S64 electroacupuncture* or osteopuncture* or perioste* N3 stimulat* or perioste* N3 therap* or perioste* N3 needling
S63 (MH Acupuncture+)
S62 S14 AND S61
S61 S57 or S58 or S59 or S60
S60 neuromuscular block*

DOI: 10.3310/hta16110 Health Technology Assessment 2012; Vol. 16: No. 11 181

S59 (MH Nerve Block)

S58 pulsed electromagnetic field therapy or electromagnetic* N3 field* or biomagnetic* or pulsed signal or PEMF
S57 (MH Magnetics+)
S56 S14 AND S55
S55 S52 or S53 or S54
S54 electrotherapeutic N2 intervention* or electrotherapeutic N2 treat* or laser N2 therap* or ultrasound N2 therap*
S53 (MH Ultrasonography+)
S52 (MH Lasers+)
S51 S14 AND S50
S50 S43 or S44 or S45 or S46 or S47 or S48 or S49
S49 ( thermograph*or thermotherap* or hypertherm* or diatherm* or cryotherap* ) or thermo therap* or hyper therm* or cryo
therap* or thermo graph*
S48 hot N2 pack* or hot N2 therap* or hot N2 treat*
S47 cold N2 pack* or cold N2 therap* or cold N2 treat* or ice N2 pack* or ice N2 therap* or ice N2 treat* or heat N2 pack* or heat
N2 therap* or heat N2 treat*
S46 (MH Hyperthermia, Induced)
S45 (MH Ice)
S44 (MH Diathermy)
S43 (MH Cryotherapy) or (MH Heat-Cold Application)
S42 S14 AND S41
S41 (MH Biofeedback)
S40 S14 AND S39
S39 ( TENS or ALTENS ) or electric* N2 stimulat* or transcutaneous N2 stimulat* or transdermal N2 electrostimulat* or cutaneous
N2 electrostimulat* or electroanalgesia or muscle N2 stimulat* or neuromodulation or neurostimulation or interferential
S38 S14 and S37
S37 S34 or S35 or S36
S36 chiropractic* or osteopath* or manipulat* N3 anesthesia or manipulat* N3 anaesthesia or manipulat* N3 anesthetic* or
manipulat* N3 anaesthetic* or MUA
S35 (MH Manual Therapy+)
S34 (MH Manipulation, Chiropractic) or (MH Manipulation, Orthopedic) or (MH Manipulation, Osteopathic)
S33 S14 and S32
S32 S28 or S29 or S30 or S31
S31 exercise* N2 therap* or exercise* N2 therapeutic or home N2 exercis* or supervis*N2 exercis* or pendular exercis* or
pendulum exercis* or isokinetic N2 exercise* or resist*N2 exercise*
S30 passive motion or passive movement or CPM or ( stretching or stretches ) or ( mobilisation or mobilization ) or exercise* N2
program* or exercise* N2 strength* or exercise* N2 intervention* or exercise* N2 training or exercise* N2 prescription* or
exercise* N2 prescrib*
S29 physiotherapy or physiotherapies or physical therap* or manual therap*
S28 (MH Physical Therapy+)
S27 S24 or S25 or S26
S26 subacromial N3 inject* or acromioclavicular N3 inject* or glenohumeral N3 inject* or extraarticular N3 inject* or shoulder* N3
S25 bursa*N3 inject* or intrabursa* N3 inject* or intra bursa* N3 inject* or periartic* N3 inject* or peri artic* N3 inject* or
intraartic* N3 inject* or intra artic* N3 inject*
S24 S14 and S23
S23 (MH Injections+)
S22 S14 and S21
S21 S19 or S20
S20 arthroscop* N6 releas* or arthroscop* N6 decompress* or arthroscop* N6 capsulotom* or capsular N2 releas* or
interventional microadhesiolysis or capsulotomy
S19 (MH Arthroscopy)
S18 S14 and S17
S17 S15 or S16

Queens Printer and Controller of HMSO 2012. This work was produced by Maund et al. under the terms of a commissioning contract issued by the
Secretary of State for Health.
182 Appendix 1

S16 arthrograph* N6 distension* or arthrograph* N6 distention* or arthrogram* N6 distension* or arthrogram* N6 distention* or

glenohumeral N6 distension* or glenohumeral N6 distention* or ( dilatation or hydrodilat* )
S15 (MH Arthrography)
S14 S1 or S2 or S3 or S4 or S5 or S6 or S7 or S8 or S9 or S10 or S11 or S12 or S13
S13 subacromial impingement syndrome
S12 shoulder* N6 impinge*
S11 (MH Shoulder Impingement Syndrome)
S10 shoulder* N3 pain or shoulder* N3 pains or shoulder* N3 painful or shoulder* N3 complain*
S9 (MH Shoulder Pain)
S8 periarthritis N6 shoulder* or peri-arthritis N6 shoulder* or periarthritides N6 shoulder* or peri-arthritides N6 shoulder* or
pericapsulitis N6 shoulder* or peri-capsulitis N6 shoulder*
S7 capsulitis N6 shoulder*
S6 bursitides N6 shoulder*
S5 bursitis N6 shoulder*
S4 adhesive N3 capsulitis
S3 (MH Adhesive Capsulitis)
S2 stiff* N3 shoulder*
S1 frozen N6 shoulder*

Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL)

Interface: Cochrane Library Issue 3 2010

Search date: 23 March 2010
Strategy: as below
Records identified: 539

ID Search Hits
#1 (frozen NEAR/6 shoulder*):ti,ab,kw 65
#2 (stiff* NEAR/3 shoulder*):ti,ab,kw 63
#3 MeSH descriptor Bursitis explode all trees 127
#4 (adhesive NEXT (capsulitis or capsulitides)):ti,ab,kw 44
#5 (bursitis or bursitides) NEAR/6 shoulder*:ti,ab,kw 11
#6 (capsulitis or capsulitides) NEAR/6 shoulder* 39
#7 (periarthritis or peri-arthritis or periarthritides or peri-arthritides or peri-capsulitis or pericapsulitis) NEAR/6 77
#8 MeSH descriptor Shoulder Pain explode all trees 240
#9 (shoulder* NEAR/3 (pain or pains or painful or complain*)):ti,ab,kw 682
#10 MeSH descriptor Shoulder Impingement Syndrome explode all trees 84
#11 (shoulder* NEAR/6 impinge*):ti,ab,kw 107
#12 subacromial impingement syndrome:ti,ab,kw 20
#13 (#1 OR #2 OR #3 OR #4 OR #5 OR #6 OR #7 OR #8 OR #9 OR #10 OR #11 OR #12) 964
#14 MeSH descriptor Arthrography, this term only 148
#15 (arthrograph* NEAR/6 (distension* or distention*)):ti,ab,kw 10
#16 (arthrogram* NEAR/6 (distension* or distention*)):ti,ab,kw or (glenohumeral NEAR/6 (distension* or 3
#17 MeSH descriptor Dilatation, this term only 281
#18 (dilatation or hydrodilat*):ti,ab,kw 2541
#19 (#14 OR #15 OR #16 OR #17 OR #18) 2695
#20 (#13 AND #19) 25

DOI: 10.3310/hta16110 Health Technology Assessment 2012; Vol. 16: No. 11 183

#21 MeSH descriptor Arthroscopy explode all trees 835

#22 (arthroscop* NEAR/6 (releas* or decompress* or capsulotom*)):ti,ab,kw 64
#23 (capsular NEAR/2 releas*):ti,ab,kw or interventional microadhesiolysis:ti,ab,kw or (capsulotomy):ti,ab,kw 197
#24 (#21 OR #22 OR #23) 1048
#25 (#13 AND #24) 51
#26 MeSH descriptor Injections, Intra-Articular explode all trees 628
#27 (#13 AND #26) 62
#28 MeSH descriptor Injections explode all trees 15,394
#29 (#13 AND #28) 115
#30 (bursa* or intrabursa* or intra bursa* or periartic* or peri artic* or intraartic* or intra artic*) NEAR/3 813
#31 (#13 AND #30) 79
#32 (subacromial or acromioclavicular or glenohumeral) NEAR/3 inject*:ti,ab,kw or (extra articular or extraarticular 72
or shoulder*) NEAR/3 inject*:ti,ab,kw
#33 (#27 OR #29 OR #31 OR #32) 169
#34 MeSH descriptor Physical Therapy Modalities explode all trees 9583
#35 (physiotherapy or physiotherapies or (physical therap*) or (manual therap*)):ti,ab,kw or (passive NEXT (motion 10,737
or movement)):ti,ab,kw or (CPM):ti,ab,kw
#36 MeSH descriptor Muscle Stretching Exercises explode all trees 82
#37 (stretching or stretches):ti,ab,kw or (mobilisation or mobilization):ti,ab,kw or (exercise* NEAR/2 (program* or 10,643
strength* or intervention* or training or prescription* or prescrib*)):ti,ab,kw or (exercise* NEAR/2 (therap* or
#38 (home or supervis*) NEAR/2 exercis*:ti,ab,kw or (pendular or pendulum) NEXT exercis*:ti,ab,kw or (isokinetic or 1658
resist*) NEAR/2 exercise*,:ti,ab,kw
#39 (#34 OR #35 OR #36 OR #37 OR #38) 23,617
#40 (#13 AND #39) 300
#41 MeSH descriptor Musculoskeletal Manipulations explode all trees 4745
#42 (chiropractic*):ti,ab,kw or (osteopath*):ti,ab,kw or (manipulat* NEAR/3 (anesthesia or anaesthesia or anesthetic* 728
or anaesthetic*)):ti,ab,kw or (MUA):ti,ab,kw
#43 (#41 OR #42) 5242
#44 (#13 AND #43) 119
#45 (TENS or ALTENS):ti,ab,kw or (electric* NEAR/2 stimulat*) or (transcutaneous NEAR/2 stimulat*) or 17,526
(transdermal NEAR/2 electrostimulat*) or (cutaneous NEAR/2 electrostimulat*) or electroanalgesia or (electro
analgesia):ti,ab,kw or (muscle NEAR/2 stimulat*):ti,ab,kw or (neuromodulation or (neuro modulation) or
neurostimulation or (neuro stimulation)):ti,ab,kw or (interferential):ti,ab,kw
#46 (#13 AND #45) 76
#47 MeSH descriptor Biofeedback (Psychology) explode all trees 710
#48 (biofeedback):ti,ab,kw 1348
#49 (#47 OR #48) 1348
#50 (#13 AND #49) 6
#51 MeSH descriptor Cryotherapy explode all trees 866
#52 MeSH descriptor Ice explode all trees 63
#53 MeSH descriptor Diathermy explode all trees 620
#54 MeSH descriptor Hyperthermia, Induced explode all trees 981
#55 MeSH descriptor Hot Temperature explode all trees 1079
#56 (cold or ice or heat or hot) NEXT (pack* or therap* or treat*):ti,ab,kw or (thermograph* or thermotherap* 2278
or (thermo therap*) or hypertherm* or (hyper therm*)):ti,ab,kw or (diatherm* or cryotherap* or (cryo
#57 (#51 OR #52 OR #53 OR #54 OR #55 OR #56) 4273
#58 (#13 AND #57) 51
#59 MeSH descriptor Laser Therapy explode all trees 2372
#60 MeSH descriptor Ultrasonic Therapy explode all trees 523

Queens Printer and Controller of HMSO 2012. This work was produced by Maund et al. under the terms of a commissioning contract issued by the
Secretary of State for Health.
184 Appendix 1

#61 MeSH descriptor Ultrasonography, Interventional explode all trees 529

#62 (ultrasound):ti,ab,kw or (electrotherapeutic NEAXT (intervention* or treat*)):ti,ab,kw 5557
#63 (#59 OR #60 OR #61 OR #62) 8267
#64 (#13 AND #63) 58
#65 MeSH descriptor Magnetic Field Therapy explode all trees 369
#66 pulsed electromagnetic field therapy:ti,ab,kw or (electromagnetic* or magnetic*) NEAR/3 field*:ti,ab,kw or 793
(biomagnetic* or (bio magnetic*) or (pulsed signal)):ti,ab,kw or (PEMF):ti,ab,kw
#67 (#65 OR #66) 1121
#68 (#13 AND #67) 12
#69 MeSH descriptor Nerve Block explode all trees 1994
#70 MeSH descriptor Neuromuscular Blockade explode all trees 266
#71 (nerve NEAR/2 block*):ti,ab,kw 2595
#72 (#69 OR #70 OR #71) 2854
#73 (#13 AND #72) 49
#74 MeSH descriptor Acupuncture Therapy explode all trees 1830
#75 (acupuncture*):ti,ab,kw or (electroacupuncture* or (electro acupuncture*)):ti,ab,kw or (osteopuncture* or (osteo 4213
puncture*)):ti,ab,kw or (perioste* NEAR/3 (stimulat* or therap* or needling)):ti,ab,kw
#76 (#74 OR #75) 4239
#77 (#13 AND #76) 58
#78 MeSH descriptor Massage explode all trees 595
#79 (massag* or acupressure or shiatsu or shiatzu or (zhi ya) or (chih ya)):ti,ab,kw 1277
#80 (#78 OR #79) 1277
#81 (#13 AND #80) 20
#82 (rehabilitat* NEAR/2 (program* or protocol*)):ti,ab,kw or (watch* NEAR/2 wait*) or (conservative NEAR/2 2974
treat*):ti,ab,kw or (management NEAR/2 (decision* or option* or choice*)):ti,ab,kw
#83 (#13 AND #82) 34
#84 (#20 OR #25 OR #33 OR #40 OR #44 OR #46 OR #50 OR #58 OR #64 OR #68 OR #73 OR #77 OR #81 OR 588

Search date: 31 March 2010
Strategy: two separate searches carried out, one for frozen shoulder and a second for
adhesive capsulitis
Records identified: 29

Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (CDSR)

Interface: Cochrane Library Issue 3 2010

Search date: 23 March 2010
Strategy: as CENTRAL strategy above
Records identified: 17

Conference Proceedings Citation Index: Science

Interface: Web of Science (ISI) via Web of Knowledge

Search date: 30 March 2010
Search strategy: as below

DOI: 10.3310/hta16110 Health Technology Assessment 2012; Vol. 16: No. 11 185

Records identified: 82

# 42 82 #41 OR #40 OR #39 OR #38 OR #37 OR #36 OR #35 OR #34 OR #33 OR #32 OR #31 OR #30 OR #29 OR #28 OR #27
OR #26 OR #25 OR #24 OR #23 OR #22
Databases=CPCI-S Timespan=19662010
# 41 1 #21 AND #1
Databases=CPCI-S Timespan=19662010
# 40 7 #20 AND #1
Databases=CPCI-S Timespan=19662010
# 39 2 #19 AND #1
Databases=CPCI-S Timespan=19662010
# 38 11 #18 AND #1
Databases=CPCI-S Timespan=19662010
# 37 0 #17 AND #1
Databases=CPCI-S Timespan=19662010
# 36 0 #16 AND #1
Databases=CPCI-S Timespan=19662010
# 35 5 #15 AND #1
Databases=CPCI-S Timespan=19662010
# 34 0 #14 AND #1
Databases=CPCI-S Timespan=19662010
# 33 0 #13 AND #1
Databases=CPCI-S Timespan=19662010
# 32 0 #12 AND #1
Databases=CPCI-S Timespan=19662010
# 31 2 #11 AND #1
Databases=CPCI-S Timespan=19662010
# 30 0 #10 AND #1
Databases=CPCI-S Timespan=19662010
# 29 0 #9 AND #1
Databases=CPCI-S Timespan=19662010
# 28 12 #8 AND #1
Databases=CPCI-S Timespan=19662010
# 27 7 #7 AND #1
Databases=CPCI-S Timespan=19662010
# 26 35 #6 AND #1
Databases=CPCI-S Timespan=19662010
# 25 0 #5 AND #1
Databases=CPCI-S Timespan=19662010
# 24 13 #4 AND #1
Databases=CPCI-S Timespan=19662010
# 23 12 #3 AND #1
Databases=CPCI-S Timespan=19662010
# 22 1 #2 AND #1
Databases=CPCI-S Timespan=19662010
# 21 2325 Topic=(management decision* or management option* or management choice*)
Databases=CPCI-S Timespan=19662010
# 20 1814 Topic=(rehabilitat* program* or rehabilitat* protocol* or watch* wait* or conservative treat*)
Databases=CPCI-S Timespan=19662010
# 19 427 Topic=(perioste* stimulat* or perioste* therap* or perioste* needling or massag* or acupressure or shiatsu or shiatzu or
zhi ya or chih ya)
Databases=CPCI-S Timespan=19662010

Queens Printer and Controller of HMSO 2012. This work was produced by Maund et al. under the terms of a commissioning contract issued by the
Secretary of State for Health.
186 Appendix 1

# 18 1345 Topic=(nerve block or neuromuscular blockade or acupuncture or electroacupuncture or electro acupuncture or

osteopuncture or osteo puncture)
Databases=CPCI-S Timespan=19662010
# 17 8 Topic=(electromagnetic field therapy or Biomagnetic therapy)
Databases=CPCI-S Timespan=19662010
# 16 18 Topic=(Interventional ultrasonography or electrotherapeutic intervention* or electrotherapeutic treat* or magnetic field
Databases=CPCI-S Timespan=19662010
# 15 16,084 Topic=(heat pack* or heat therap* or heat treat* or hot pack* or heat therap* or Laser Therapy or ultrasonic
Databases=CPCI-S Timespan=19662010
# 14 895 Topic=(diatherm* or cryotherap* or cryo therap* or cold pack* or cold therap* or cold treat* or ice pack* or ice
therap* or ice treat*)
Databases=CPCI-S Timespan=19662010
# 13 895 Topic=(diatherm* or cryotherap* or cryo therap* or cold pack* or cold therap* or cold treat* or ice pack* or ice
therap* or ice treat*)
Databases=CPCI-S Timespan=19662010
# 12 895 Topic=(diatherm* or cryotherap* or cryo therap* or cold pack* or cold therap* or cold treat* or ice pack* or ice
therap* or ice treat*)
Databases=CPCI-S Timespan=19662010
# 11 6798 Topic=(biofeedback or thermograph* or thermotherap* or thermo therap* or hypertherm* or hyper therm*)
Databases=CPCI-S Timespan=19662010
# 10 360 Topic=(neurostimulation or neuro stimulation or interferential)
Databases=CPCI-S Timespan=19662010
#9 574 Topic=(cutaneous electrostimulat*or electroanalgesia or electro analgesia or muscle stimulat* or neuromodulation or
neuro modulation)
Databases=CPCI-S Timespan=19662010
#8 11,210 Topic=(TENS or ALTENS or electric* stimulat* or transcutaneous stimulat*or transdermal electrostimulat*)
Databases=CPCI-S Timespan=19662010
#7 18,081 Topic=(chiropractic* or osteopath* or manipulation or MUA)
Databases=CPCI-S Timespan=19662010
#6 7995 Topic=(physiotherapy or physiotherapies or physical therap* or manual therap* or passive motion or passive
movement or muscle stretching or muscle stretches or muscle stretch or mobilisation or mobilization or exercis*
program* or exercis* intervention* or exercis* train* or exercis* prescription* or exercis* prescrib* or exercis*
therap* or therapeutic exercis* or home exercis* or supervis* exercis* or pendular exercis* or pendulum exercis* or
isokinetic exercis* or resist* exercise*)
Databases=CPCI-S Timespan=19662010
#5 2 Topic=(subacromial inject* or acromioclavicular inject* or glenohumeral inject* or extra articular inject* or
extraarticular inject* or shoulder* inject*)
Databases=CPCI-S Timespan=19662010
#4 5583 Topic=(injections or intraarticular injection* or intra-articular injection* or intra articular injection* or bursa* inject* or
intrabursa* inject* or intra bursa* inject* or periartic* inject* or peri artic* inject*)
Databases=CPCI-S Timespan=19662010
#3 656 Topic=(Arthroscopy or arthroscop* releas* or arthroscop* decompress* or arthroscop* capsulotom* or capsular
releas* or interventional microadhesiolysis or capsulotomy)
Databases=CPCI-S Timespan=19662010
#2 2 Topic=(arthrograph* distension* or arthograph* disten or arthrogram* distension* or arthogram* distention* or
glenohumeral distension* or glenohumeral distention* or arthography)
Databases=CPCI-S Timespan=19662010
#1 275 Topic=(frozen shoulder* or stiff* shoulder* or adhesive capsulitis or shoulder bursitis or periarthritis or peri-arthritis
or periarthritides or peri-arthritides or peri-capsulitis or pericapsulitis or shoulder pain* or pain* shoulder or shoulder
complaint* or shoulder* impinge* or subacromial impingement syndrome)
Databases=CPCI-S Timespan=19662010

DOI: 10.3310/hta16110 Health Technology Assessment 2012; Vol. 16: No. 11 187

Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effects (DARE)

Interface: Cochrane Library Issue 3 2010

Search date: 23 March 2010
Strategy: as CENTRAL strategy above
Records identified: 17


Interface: OvidSP
Search date: 22 March 2010
Strategy: as below
Records identified: 3785

An update search carried out on 5 January 2011 identified a further 521 records.

Database: EMBASE <1980 to 2010 Week 11>

1. humeroscapular periarthritis/(766)
2. (frozen adj6 shoulder$).ti. (215)
3. (stiff$adj3 shoulder$).ti. (73)
4. (adhesive adj (capsulitis or capsulitides)).ti. (161)
5. ((bursitis or bursitides) adj6 shoulder$).ti. (17)
6. ((capsulitis or capsulitides) adj6 shoulder$).ti. (86)
7. ((periarthritis or peri-arthritis or periarthritides or peri-arthritides or peri-capsulitis or
pericapsulitis) adj6 shoulder$).ti. (70)
8. 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5 or 6 or 7 (1071)
9. (frozen adj6 shoulder$).ab. (440)
10. (stiff$adj3 shoulder$).ab. (313)
11. exp bursitis/(1723)
12. (adhesive adj (capsulitis or capsulitides)).ab. (279)
13. ((bursitis or bursitides) adj6 shoulder$).ab. (51)
14. ((capsulitis or capsulitides) adj6 shoulder$).ti,ab. (183)
15. ((periarthritis or peri-arthritis or periarthritides or peri-arthritides or peri-capsulitis or
pericapsulitis) adj6 shoulder$).ab. (98)
16. shoulder pain/(5140)
17. (shoulder$adj3 (pain or pains or painful or complain$)).ab. (3349)
18. Shoulder Impingement Syndrome/(680)
19. (shoulder$adj6 impinge$).ab. (364)
20. subacromial impingement syndrome.ab. (96)
21. 9 or 10 or 11 or 12 or 13 or 14 or 15 or 16 or 17 or 18 or 19 or 20 (9277)
22. Arthrography/(2891)
23. (arthrograph$adj6 (distension$or distention$)).ti,ab. (32)
24. (arthrogram$adj6 (distension$or distention$)).ti,ab. (1)
25. (glenohumeral adj6 (distension$or distention$)).ti,ab. (7)
26. Dilatation/(107)
27. (dilatation or hydrodilat$).ti,ab. (28,266)
28. or/2227 (31,214)
29. 21 and 28 (368)
30. Shoulder arthroscopy/(361)

Queens Printer and Controller of HMSO 2012. This work was produced by Maund et al. under the terms of a commissioning contract issued by the
Secretary of State for Health.
188 Appendix 1

31. (arthroscop$adj6 (releas$or decompress$or capsulotom$)).ti,ab. (535)

32. ((capsular adj2 releas$) or capsulotomy or interventional microadhesiolysis).ti,ab. (1787)
33. or/3032 (2581)
34. 21 and 33 (280)
35. injection/(11,806)
36. 35 and 21 (61)
37. ((bursa$or intrabursa$or intra bursa$or periartic$or peri artic$or intraartic$or intra artic$)
adj3 inject$).ti,ab. (2681)
38. 37 and 21 (141)
39. ((subacromial or acromioclavicular or glenohumeral) adj3 inject$).ti,ab. (137)
40. ((extra articular or extraarticular or shoulder$) adj3 inject$).ti,ab. (136)
41. 36 or 38 or 39 or 40 (400)
42. exp physiotherapy/(24,873)
43. (physiotherapies or physical therap$or manual therap$).ti,ab. (8968)
44. (passive adj (motion or movement)).ti,ab. (1271)
45. CPM.ti,ab. (3193)
46. muscle stretching/or stretching exercise/(3543)
47. (stretching or stretches).ti,ab. (12,491)
48. (mobilisation or mobilization).ti,ab. (28,856)
49. (exercise$adj2 (program$or strength$or intervention$or training or prescription$or
prescrib$)).ti,ab. (14,622)
50. (exercise$adj2 (therap$or therapeutic)).ti,ab. (2185)
51. ((home or supervis$) adj2 exercis$).ti,ab. (1554)
52. ((pendular or pendulum) adj exercis$).ti,ab. (16)
53. ((isokinetic or resist$) adj2 exercise$).ti,ab. (2223)
54. or/4253 (91,822)
55. 21 and 54 (1248)
56. orthopedic manipulation/(222)
57. chiropractic$.ti,ab. (1998)
58. osteopath$.ti,ab. (2213)
59. (manipulat$adj3 (anesthesia or anaesthesia or anesthetic$or anaesthetic$)).ti,ab. (284)
60. MUA.ti,ab. (3446)
61. 56 or 57 or 58 or 59 or 60 (7965)
62. 21 and 61 (109)
63. (TENS or ALTENS).ti,ab. (4441)
64. ((electric$adj2 stimulat$) or (transcutaneous adj2 stimulat$) or (transdermal adj2
electrostimulat$) or (cutaneous adj2 electrostimulat$) or electroanalgesia or electro
analgesia).ti,ab. (36,123)
65. (muscle adj2 stimulat$).ti,ab. (3878)
66. (neuromodulation or neuro modulation or neurostimulation or neuro stimulation).ti,ab.
67. interferential.ti,ab. (208)
68. or/6367 (45,043)
69. 21 and 68 (108)
70. biofeedback.ti,ab. (3532)
71. 21 and 70 (7)
72. cryotherapy/(7404)
73. ice/(2468)
74. diathermy/(2178)

DOI: 10.3310/hta16110 Health Technology Assessment 2012; Vol. 16: No. 11 189

75. hyperthermia/(11,961)
76. thermograph$.ti,ab. (2186)
77. ((cold or ice or heat or hot) adj (pack$or therap$or treat$)).ti,ab. (7854)
78. (thermotherap$or thermo therap$or hypertherm$or hyper therm$or diatherm$or
cryotherap$or cryo therap$).ti,ab. (24,875)
79. or/7278 (45,638)
80. 21 and 79 (140)
81. low level laser Therapy/(4456)
82. ultrasound/(42,405)
83. echography/(111,055)
84. (electrotherapeutic adj (intervention$or treat$)).ti,ab. (4)
85. or/8184 (154,738)
86. 21 and 85 (717)
87. magnetotherapy/(317)
88. pulsed electromagnetic field therapy.ti,ab. (26)
89. ((electromagnetic$or magnetic$) adj3 field$).ti,ab. (14,142)
90. (biomagnetic$or bio magnetic$or pulsed signal).ti,ab. (332)
91. PEMF.ti,ab. (223)
92. or/8791 (14,579)
93. 21 and 92 (23)
94. nerve block/(9791)
95. neuromuscular blocking/(6800)
96. nerve block$.ti,ab. (4505)
97. or/9496 (17,905)
98. 21 and 97 (141)
99. exp Acupuncture/(14,373)
100. acupuncture$.ti,ab. (8902)
101. (electroacupuncture$or electro acupuncture$).ti,ab. (1536)
102. (osteopuncture$or osteo puncture$).ti,ab. (2)
103. (perioste$adj3 (stimulat$or therap$or needling)).ti,ab. (114)
104. or/99103 (15,019)
105. 21 and 104 (166)
106. massage/(4230)
107. (massag$or acupressure or shiatsu or shiatzu or zhi ya or chih ya).ti,ab. (4120)
108. 106 or 107 (6434)
109. 21 and 108 (86)
110. (rehabilitat$adj2 (program$or protocol$)).ti,ab. (8634)
111. 21 and 110 (143)
112. ((watch$adj2 wait$) or (conservative$adj2 treat$)).ti,ab. (20,913)
113. 21 and 112 (267)
114. (management adj2 (decision$or option$or choice$)).ti,ab. (6144)
115. 21 and 114 (10)
116. 111 or 113 or 115 (404)
117. 8 or 29 or 34 or 41 or 55 or 62 or 69 or 71 or 80 or 86 or 93 or 98 or 105 or 109 or 116 (3785)

Queens Printer and Controller of HMSO 2012. This work was produced by Maund et al. under the terms of a commissioning contract issued by the
Secretary of State for Health.
190 Appendix 1

Health Management Information Consortium (HMIC)

Interface: OvidSP
Search date: 25 March 2010
Strategy: as below
Records identified: 8

Database: HMIC Health Management Information Consortium <January 2010>

1. (frozen adj6 shoulder$).ti,ab. (0)

2. (stiff$adj3 shoulder$).ti,ab. (4)
3. (adhesive adj (capsulitis or capsulitides)).ti,ab. (0)
4. ((bursitis or bursitides) adj6 shoulder$).ti,ab. (0)
5. ((capsulitis or capsulitides) adj6 shoulder$).ti,ab. (0)
6. ((periarthritis or peri-arthritis or periarthritides or peri-arthritides or peri-capsulitis or
pericapsulitis) adj6 shoulder$).ti,ab. (0)
7. (shoulder$adj3 (pain or pains or painful or complain$)).ti,ab. (34)
8. (shoulder$adj6 impinge$).ti,ab. (0)
9. subacromial impingement syndrome.ti,ab. (0)
10. 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5 or 6 or 7 or 8 or 9 (35)
11. (arthrograph$adj6 (distension$or distention$)).ti,ab. (0)
12. (arthrogram$adj6 (distension$or distention$)).ti,ab. (0)
13. (glenohumeral adj6 (distension$or distention$)).ti,ab. (0)
14. (dilatation or hydrodilat$).ti,ab. (20)
15. (arthroscop$adj6 (releas$or decompress$or capsulotom$)).ti,ab. (0)
16. ((capsular adj2 releas$) or interventional microadhesiolysis or capsulotomy).ti,ab. (0)
17. ((bursa$or intrabursa$or intra bursa$or periartic$or peri artic$or intraartic$or intra artic$)
adj3 inject$).ti,ab. (2)
18. ((subacromial or acromioclavicular or glenohumeral) adj3 inject$).ti,ab. (0)
19. ((extra articular or extraarticular or shoulder$) adj3 inject$).ti,ab. (0)
20. (physiotherapy or physiotherapies or physical therap$or manual therap$).ti,ab. (732)
21. (passive adj (motion or movement)).ti,ab. (0)
22. CPM.ti,ab. (6)
23. (stretching or stretches).ti,ab. (42)
24. (mobilisation or mobilization).ti,ab. (97)
25. (exercise$adj2 (program$or strength$or intervention$or training or prescription$or
prescrib$)).ti,ab. (229)
26. (exercise$adj2 (therap$or therapeutic)).ti,ab. (27)
27. ((home or supervis$) adj2 exercis$).ti,ab. (40)
28. ((pendular or pendulum) adj exercis$).ti,ab. (0)
29. ((isokinetic or resist$) adj2 exercise$).ti,ab. (11)
30. chiropractic$.ti,ab. (55)
31. osteopath$.ti,ab. (80)
32. (manipulat$adj3 (anesthesia or anaesthesia or anesthetic$or anaesthetic$)).ti,ab. (2)
33. MUA.ti,ab. (0)
34. (TENS or ALTENS).ti,ab. (27)
35. ((electric$adj2 stimulat$) or (transcutaneous adj2 stimulat$) or (transdermal adj2
electrostimulat$) or (cutaneous adj2 electrostimulat$) or electroanalgesia or electro
analgesia).ti,ab. (9)
36. (muscle adj2 stimulat$).ti,ab. (5)
37. (neuromodulation or neuro modulation or neurostimulation or neuro stimulation).ti,ab. (1)

DOI: 10.3310/hta16110 Health Technology Assessment 2012; Vol. 16: No. 11 191

38. interferential.ti,ab. (5)

39. biofeedback.ti,ab. (5)
40. ((cold or ice or heat or hot) adj (pack$or therap$or treat$)).ti,ab. (18)
41. (thermograph$or thermotherap$or thermo therap$or hypertherm$or hyper therm$or
diatherm$or cryotherap$or cryo therap$).ti,ab. (90)
42. ((laser or ultrasonic) adj2 (therap$or treat$)).ti,ab. (25)
43. ultrasound.ti,ab. (260)
44. (electrotherapeutic adj (intervention$or treat$)).ti,ab. (0)
45. pulsed electromagnetic field therapy.ti,ab. (0)
46. ((electromagnetic$or magnetic$) adj3 field$).ti,ab. (121)
47. (biomagnetic$or bio magnetic$or pulsed signal).ti,ab. (0)
48. PEMF.ti,ab. (0)
49. (nerve adj2 block$).ti,ab. (2)
50. neuromuscular block$.ti,ab. (3)
51. acupuncture$.ti,ab. (118)
52. (electroacupuncture$or electro acupuncture$).ti,ab. (1)
53. (osteopuncture$or osteo puncture$).ti,ab. (0)
54. (perioste$adj3 (stimulat$or therap$or needling)).ti,ab. (0)
55. (massag$or acupressure or shiatsu or shiatzu or zhi ya or chih ya).ti,ab. (67)
56. (rehabilitat$adj2 (program$or protocol$)).ti,ab. (182)
57. ((watch$adj2 wait$) or (conservative adj2 treat$)).ti,ab. (30)
58. (management adj2 (decision$or option$or choice$)).ti,ab. (353)
59. or/1158 (2475)
60. 10 and 59 (8)
61. limit 60 to yr=1966 -Current (8)
62. from 61 keep 18 (8)

Health Technology Assessment (HTA) database

Interface: Cochrane Library Issue 3 2010

Search date: 23 March 2010
Strategy: as CENTRAL strategy above
Records identified: 3

Latin American and Caribbean Health Sciences Literature (LILACS)

Search date: 26 March 2010
Strategy: shoulder joint [Subject descriptor] or adhesive capsulitis [Words] or bursitis or
periarthritis [Words]
Records identified: 298

Manual, Alternative and Natural Therapy (MANTIS)

Interface: Dialog Classic

Search date: 30 March 2010
Strategy: as below
Records identified: 189

Queens Printer and Controller of HMSO 2012. This work was produced by Maund et al. under the terms of a commissioning contract issued by the
Secretary of State for Health.
192 Appendix 1

? s frozen (6W) shoulder?/ti,ab,de


? s stiff? (3W) shoulder?/ti,ab,de


? s adhesive (W) (capsulitis or capsulitides)/ti,ab,de


? s (bursitis or bursitides) (6W) shoulder?/ti,ab,de


? s (capsulitis or capsulitides) (6W) shoulder?/ti,ab,de


? s (periarthritis or peri-arthritis or periarthritides or peri-arthritides or peri-capsulitis or

pericapsulitis) (6W) shoulder?/ti,ab,de


? s shoulder? (3W) (pain or pains or painful or complain?)/ti,ab,de

? s shoulder? (6W) impinge?/ti,ab,de

DOI: 10.3310/hta16110 Health Technology Assessment 2012; Vol. 16: No. 11 193


? s subacromial (W) impingement (W) syndrome/ti,ab,de


? s s1:s9
S10 1532 S1:S9

? s arthrograph? (6W) (distension? or distention?)/ti,ab,de


? s arthrogram? (6W) (distension? or distention?)/ti,ab,de


? s glenohumeral (6W) (distension? or distention?)/ti,ab,de


? s dilatation or hydrodilat?/ti,ab,de

? s s11:s14
S15 310 S11:S14

? s s10 and s15

1532 S10
310 S15
S16 11 S10 AND S15

? s arthroscop? (6W) (releas? or decompress? or capsulotom?)/ti,ab,de


? s capsular (2W) releas? or interventional (W) microadhesiolysis or capsulotomy/ti,ab,de

Queens Printer and Controller of HMSO 2012. This work was produced by Maund et al. under the terms of a commissioning contract issued by the
Secretary of State for Health.
194 Appendix 1

7144 RELEAS?

? s s17:s18
S19 164 S17:S18

? s s10 and s19

1532 S10
164 S19
S20 32 S10 AND S19

? s injection?/ti,ab,de
>>>Term DE.. is not defined in file 91 and is ignored

? s s10 and s21

1532 S10
7403 S21
S22 94 S10 AND S21

? s (bursa? or intrabursa? or intra (W) bursa? or periartic? or peri (W) artic? or intraartic? or
intra (W) artic?) (3W) inject?/ti,ab,de


? s s10 and s23
1532 S10
335 S23
S24 23 S10 AND S23

DOI: 10.3310/hta16110 Health Technology Assessment 2012; Vol. 16: No. 11 195

? s (subacromial or acromioclavicular or glenohumeral) (3W) inject?/ti,ab,de


? s (extra (W) articular or extraarticular or shoulder?) (3W) inject?/ti,ab,de

? s s22 or s24 or s25 or s26

94 S22
23 S24
24 S25
17 S26
S27 113 S22 OR S24 OR S25 OR S26

? s physiotherapy or physiotherapies or physical (W) therap? or manual(W) therap?/ti,ab,de

58031 THERAP?

? s passive (W) (motion or movement)/ti,ab,de


? s CPM/ti,ab,de
S30 117 CPM/TI,AB,DE

? s (stretching or stretches)/ti,ab,de

Queens Printer and Controller of HMSO 2012. This work was produced by Maund et al. under the terms of a commissioning contract issued by the
Secretary of State for Health.
196 Appendix 1

? s (mobilisation or mobilization)/ti,ab,de

? s exercise? (2W) (program? or strength? or intervention? or training or prescription? or


? s exercise? (2W) (therap? or therapeutic)/ti,ab,de


? s (home or supervis?) (2W) exercis?/ti,ab,de


? s (pendular or pendulum) (W) exercis?/ti,ab,de


? s (isokinetic or resist?) (2W) exercise?/ti,ab,de


? s s28:s37
S38 14795 S28:S37

? s s10 and s38

1532 S10
14795 S38
S39 313 S10 AND S38

? s chiropractic?/ti,ab,de

DOI: 10.3310/hta16110 Health Technology Assessment 2012; Vol. 16: No. 11 197

? s osteopath?/ti,ab,de

? s manipulat? (3W) (anesthesia or anaesthesia or anesthetic? or anaesthetic? or musculoskeletal)/


? s MUA/ti,ab,de

? s s40:s43
S44 26435 S40:S43

? s s10 and s44

1532 S10
26435 S44
S45 168 S10 AND S44

? s (TENS or ALTENS)/ti,ab,de

? s electric? (2W) stimulat? or transcutaneous (2W) stimulat? or transdermal (2W)

electrostimulat? or cutaneous (2W) electrostimulat? or electroanalgesia or electro(W)analgesia/
Queens Printer and Controller of HMSO 2012. This work was produced by Maund et al. under the terms of a commissioning contract issued by the
Secretary of State for Health.
198 Appendix 1

? s muscle (2W) stimulat?/ti,ab,de


? s neuromodulation or neuro (W) modulation or neurostimulation or neuro (W) stimulation/


? s interferential/ti,ab,de

? s s46:s50
S51 3178 S46:S50

? s s10 and s51

1532 S10
3178 S51
S52 44 S10 AND S51

? s biofeedback/ti,ab,de

? s s10 and s53

1532 S10
1148 S53
S54 2 S10 AND S53

? s (cold or ice or heat or hot) (W) (pack? or therap? or treat?)/ti,ab,de


? s thermograph? or thermotherap? or thermo (W) therap? or hypertherm? or hyper (W) therm?

or diatherm? or cryotherap? or cryo(W) therap?/ti,ab,de

DOI: 10.3310/hta16110 Health Technology Assessment 2012; Vol. 16: No. 11 199

58031 THERAP?
2786 THERM?

? s s55:s56
S57 1368 S55:S56

? s s10 and s57

1532 S10
1368 S57
S58 22 S10 AND S57

? s laser (W) therapy/ti,ab,de


? s ultrasonic (W) therapy/ti,ab,de


? s ultrasound/ti,ab,de

? s ultrasonography/ti,ab,de

? s electrotherapeutic (W) (intervention? or treat?)/ti,ab,de


? s s59:s63
S64 3169 S59:S63

? s s10 and s64

1532 S10
3169 S64
S65 61 S10 AND S64

Queens Printer and Controller of HMSO 2012. This work was produced by Maund et al. under the terms of a commissioning contract issued by the
Secretary of State for Health.
200 Appendix 1

? s pulsed (W) electromagnetic (W) field (W) therapy/ti,ab,de


? s (electromagnetic? or magnetic?) (3W) field?/ti,ab,de


? s biomagnetic? or bio (W) magnetic? or pulsed signal/ti,ab,de

392 BIO

? s PEMF/ti,ab,de

? s s66:s69
S70 578 S66:S69

? s s10 and s70

1532 S10
578 S70
S71 2 S10 AND S70

? s neuromuscular (W) blockade/ti,ab,de


? s nerve (2W) block?/ti,ab,de


? s s72:s73
S74 533 S72:S73

? s s10 and s74

1532 S10
533 S74
S75 9 S10 AND S74

DOI: 10.3310/hta16110 Health Technology Assessment 2012; Vol. 16: No. 11 201

? s acupuncture?/ti,ab,de

? s electroacupuncture? or electro (W) acupuncture?/ti,ab,de


? s osteopuncture? or osteo (W) puncture?/ti,ab,de


? s perioste? (3W) (stimulat? or therap? or needling)/ti,ab,de


? s s76:s79
S80 7685 S76:S79

? s s10 and s80

1532 S10
7685 S80
S81 88 S10 AND S80

? s massag? or acupressure or shiatsu or shiatzu or zhi (W) ya or chih (W) ya/ti,ab,de

1535 MASSAG?
105 ZHI
21 YA

? s s10 and s82

1532 S10
1692 S82
S83 43 S10 AND S82

Queens Printer and Controller of HMSO 2012. This work was produced by Maund et al. under the terms of a commissioning contract issued by the
Secretary of State for Health.
202 Appendix 1

? s rehabilitat? (2W) (program? or protocol?)/ti,ab,de


? s s10 and s84

1532 S10
2040 S84
S85 53 S10 AND S84

? s watch? (2W) wait? or conservative (2W) treat?/ti,ab,de

500 WATCH?
875 WAIT?

? s s10 and s86

1532 S10
1551 S86
S87 51 S10 AND S86

? s management (2W) (decision? or option? or choice?)/ti,ab,de


? s s10 and s88

1532 S10
219 S88
S89 1 S10 AND S88

? s s85 or s87 or s89

53 S85
51 S87
1 S89
S90 101 S85 OR S87 OR S89

? s s16 or s20 or s27 or s39 or s45 or s52 or s54 or s58 or s65 or s71 or s75 or s81 or s83 or s90
11 S16
32 S20
113 S27
313 S39
168 S45
44 S52
2 S54

DOI: 10.3310/hta16110 Health Technology Assessment 2012; Vol. 16: No. 11 203

22 S58
61 S65
2 S71
9 S75
88 S81
43 S83
101 S90
S91 685 S16 OR S20 OR S27 OR S39 OR S45 OR S52 OR S54 OR S58 OR
S65 OR S71 OR S75 OR S81 OR S83 OR S90

? s py=1966:2010
S92 89245 PY=1966:2010

? s s91 and s92

685 S91
89245 S92
S93 189 S91 AND S92

NHS Economic Evaluation Database (NHS EED)

Interface: Cochrane Library Issue 3 2010

Search date: 23 March 2010
Strategy: as below

ID Search Hits
#1 (frozen NEAR/6 shoulder*):ti,ab,kw 65
#2 (stiff* NEAR/3 shoulder*):ti,ab,kw 63
#3 MeSH descriptor Bursitis explode all trees 127
#4 (adhesive NEXT (capsulitis or capsulitides)):ti,ab,kw 44
#5 (bursitis or bursitides) NEAR/6 shoulder*:ti,ab,kw 11
#6 (capsulitis or capsulitides) NEAR/6 shoulder* 39
#7 (periarthritis or peri-arthritis or periarthritides or peri-arthritides or peri-capsulitis or pericapsulitis) NEAR/6 77
#8 MeSH descriptor Shoulder Pain explode all trees 240
#9 (shoulder* NEAR/3 (pain or pains or painful or complain*)):ti,ab,kw 682
#10 MeSH descriptor Shoulder Impingement Syndrome explode all trees 84
#11 (shoulder* NEAR/6 impinge*):ti,ab,kw 107
#12 subacromial impingement syndrome:ti,ab,kw 20
#13 (#1 OR #2 OR #3 OR #4 OR #5 OR #6 OR #7 OR #8 OR #9 OR #10 OR #11 OR #12) 964
#14 MeSH descriptor Arthrography, this term only 148
#15 (arthrograph* NEAR/6 (distension* or distention*)):ti,ab,kw 10
#16 (arthrogram* NEAR/6 (distension* or distention*)):ti,ab,kw or (glenohumeral NEAR/6 (distension* or 3
#17 MeSH descriptor Dilatation, this term only 281
#18 (dilatation or hydrodilat*):ti,ab,kw 2541
#19 (#14 OR #15 OR #16 OR #17 OR #18) 2695
#20 (#13 AND #19) 25
#21 MeSH descriptor Arthroscopy explode all trees 835
#22 (arthroscop* NEAR/6 (releas* or decompress* or capsulotom*)):ti,ab,kw 64
#23 (capsular NEAR/2 releas*):ti,ab,kw or interventional microadhesiolysis:ti,ab,kw or (capsulotomy):ti,ab,kw 197

Queens Printer and Controller of HMSO 2012. This work was produced by Maund et al. under the terms of a commissioning contract issued by the
Secretary of State for Health.
204 Appendix 1

#24 (#21 OR #22 OR #23) 1048

#25 (#13 AND #24) 51
#26 MeSH descriptor Injections, Intra-Articular explode all trees 628
#27 (#13 AND #26) 62
#28 MeSH descriptor Injections explode all trees 15,394
#29 (#13 AND #28) 115
#30 (bursa* or intrabursa* or intra bursa* or periartic* or peri artic* or intraartic* or intra artic*) NEAR/3 inject*:ti,ab,kw 813
#31 (#13 AND #30) 79
#32 (subacromial or acromioclavicular or glenohumeral) NEAR/3 inject*:ti,ab,kw or (extra articular or extraarticular or 72
shoulder*) NEAR/3 inject*:ti,ab,kw
#33 (#27 OR #29 OR #31 OR #32) 169
#34 MeSH descriptor Physical Therapy Modalities explode all trees 9583
#35 (physiotherapy or physiotherapies or (physical therap*) or (manual therap*)):ti,ab,kw or (passive NEXT (motion or 10,737
movement)):ti,ab,kw or (CPM):ti,ab,kw
#36 MeSH descriptor Muscle Stretching Exercises explode all trees 82
#37 (stretching or stretches):ti,ab,kw or (mobilisation or mobilization):ti,ab,kw or (exercise* NEAR/2 (program* or 10,643
strength* or intervention* or training or prescription* or prescrib*)):ti,ab,kw or (exercise* NEAR/2 (therap* or
#38 (home or supervis*) NEAR/2 exercis*:ti,ab,kw or (pendular or pendulum) NEXT exercis*:ti,ab,kw or (isokinetic or 1658
resist*) NEAR/2 exercise*,:ti,ab,kw
#39 (#34 OR #35 OR #36 OR #37 OR #38) 23,617
#40 (#13 AND #39) 300
#41 MeSH descriptor Musculoskeletal Manipulations explode all trees 4745
#42 (chiropractic*):ti,ab,kw or (osteopath*):ti,ab,kw or (manipulat* NEAR/3 (anesthesia or anaesthesia or anesthetic* or 728
anaesthetic*)):ti,ab,kw or (MUA):ti,ab,kw
#43 (#41 OR #42) 5242
#44 (#13 AND #43) 119
#45 (TENS or ALTENS):ti,ab,kw or (electric* NEAR/2 stimulat*) or (transcutaneous NEAR/2 stimulat*) or (transdermal 17,526
NEAR/2 electrostimulat*) or (cutaneous NEAR/2 electrostimulat*) or electroanalgesia or (electro analgesia):ti,ab,kw
or (muscle NEAR/2 stimulat*):ti,ab,kw or (neuromodulation or (neuro modulation) or neurostimulation or (neuro
stimulation)):ti,ab,kw or (interferential):ti,ab,kw
#46 (#13 AND #45) 76
#47 MeSH descriptor Biofeedback (Psychology) explode all trees 710
#48 (biofeedback):ti,ab,kw 1348
#49 (#47 OR #48) 1348
#50 (#13 AND #49) 6
#51 MeSH descriptor Cryotherapy explode all trees 866
#52 MeSH descriptor Ice explode all trees 63
#53 MeSH descriptor Diathermy explode all trees 620
#54 MeSH descriptor Hyperthermia, Induced explode all trees 981
#55 MeSH descriptor Hot Temperature explode all trees 1079
#56 (cold or ice or heat or hot) NEXT (pack* or therap* or treat*):ti,ab,kw or (thermograph* or thermotherap* or (thermo 2278
therap*) or hypertherm* or (hyper therm*)):ti,ab,kw or (diatherm* or cryotherap* or (cryo therap*)):ti,ab,kw
#57 (#51 OR #52 OR #53 OR #54 OR #55 OR #56) 4273
#58 (#13 AND #57) 51
#59 MeSH descriptor Laser Therapy explode all trees 2372
#60 MeSH descriptor Ultrasonic Therapy explode all trees 523
#61 MeSH descriptor Ultrasonography, Interventional explode all trees 529
#62 (ultrasound):ti,ab,kw or (electrotherapeutic NEAXT (intervention* or treat*)):ti,ab,kw 5557
#63 (#59 OR #60 OR #61 OR #62) 8267
#64 (#13 AND #63) 58
#65 MeSH descriptor Magnetic Field Therapy explode all trees 369

DOI: 10.3310/hta16110 Health Technology Assessment 2012; Vol. 16: No. 11 205

#66 pulsed electromagnetic field therapy:ti,ab,kw or (electromagnetic* or magnetic*) NEAR/3 field*:ti,ab,kw or 793
(biomagnetic* or (bio magnetic*) or (pulsed signal)):ti,ab,kw or (PEMF):ti,ab,kw
#67 (#65 OR #66) 1121
#68 (#13 AND #67) 12
#69 MeSH descriptor Nerve Block explode all trees 1994
#70 MeSH descriptor Neuromuscular Blockade explode all trees 266
#71 (nerve NEAR/2 block*):ti,ab,kw 2595
#72 (#69 OR #70 OR #71) 2854
#73 (#13 AND #72) 49
#74 MeSH descriptor Acupuncture Therapy explode all trees 1830
#75 (acupuncture*):ti,ab,kw or (electroacupuncture* or (electro acupuncture*)):ti,ab,kw or (osteopuncture* or (osteo 4213
puncture*)):ti,ab,kw or (perioste* NEAR/3 (stimulat* or therap* or needling)):ti,ab,kw
#76 (#74 OR #75) 4239
#77 (#13 AND #76) 58
#78 MeSH descriptor Massage explode all trees 595
#79 (massag* or acupressure or shiatsu or shiatzu or (zhi ya) or (chih ya)):ti,ab,kw 1277
#80 (#78 OR #79) 1277
#81 (#13 AND #80) 20
#82 (rehabilitat* NEAR/2 (program* or protocol*)):ti,ab,kw or (watch* NEAR/2 wait*) or (conservative NEAR/2 2974
treat*):ti,ab,kw or (management NEAR/2 (decision* or option* or choice*)):ti,ab,kw
#83 (#13 AND #82) 34
#84 (#20 OR #25 OR #33 OR #40 OR #44 OR #46 OR #50 OR #58 OR #64 OR #68 OR #73 OR #77 OR #81 OR #83) 588

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Interface: Dialog Classic

Search date: 30 March 2010
Strategy: as below
Records identified: 8

File 6:NTIS 19642010/Mar W4

(c) 2010 NTIS, Intl Cpyrght All Rights Res

? s frozen (6W) shoulder?/ti,ab,de


? s stiff? (3W) shoulder?/ti,ab,de


? s adhesive (W) (capsulitis or capsulitides)/ti,ab,de


? s (bursitis or bursitides) (6W) shoulder?/ti,ab,de


Queens Printer and Controller of HMSO 2012. This work was produced by Maund et al. under the terms of a commissioning contract issued by the
Secretary of State for Health.
206 Appendix 1


? s (capsulitis or capsulitides) (6W) shoulder?/ti,ab,de


? s (periarthritis or peri-arthritis or periarthritides or peri-arthritides or peri-capsulitis or

pericapsulitis) (6W) shoulder?/ti,ab,de

? s shoulder? (3W) (pain or pains or painful or complain?)/ti,ab,de


? s shoulder? (6W) impinge?/ti,ab,de


? s subacromial (W) impingement (W) syndrome/ti,ab,de


? s s1:s9
S10 26 S1:S9

? s arthrograph? (6W) (distension? or distention?)/ti,ab,de


? s arthrogram? (6W) (distension? or distention?)/ti,ab,de


DOI: 10.3310/hta16110 Health Technology Assessment 2012; Vol. 16: No. 11 207


? s glenohumeral (6W) (distension? or distention?)/ti,ab,de


? s dilatation or hydrodilat?/ti,ab,de

? s s11:s14
S15 336 S11:S14

? s s10 and s15

26 S10
336 S15
S16 0 S10 AND S15

? s arthroscop? (6W) (releas? or decompress? or capsulotom?)/ti,ab,de


? s capsular (2W) releas? or interventional (W) microadhesiolysis or capsulotomy/ti,ab,de

46080 RELEAS?

? s s17:s18
S19 5 S17:S18

? s s10 and s19

26 S10
5 S19
S20 0 S10 AND S19

? s injection?/ti,ab,de
>>>Term DE.. is not defined in file 6 and is ignored

Queens Printer and Controller of HMSO 2012. This work was produced by Maund et al. under the terms of a commissioning contract issued by the
Secretary of State for Health.
208 Appendix 1

? s s10 and s21

26 S10
22468 S21
S22 1 S10 AND S21

? s (bursa? or intrabursa? or intra (W) bursa? or periartic? or peri (W) artic? or intraartic? or
intra (W) artic?) (3W) inject?/ti,ab,de

? s s10 and s23

26 S10
8 S23
S24 0 S10 AND S23

? s (subacromial or acromioclavicular or glenohumeral) (3W) inject?/ti,ab,de


? s (extra (W) articular or extraarticular or shoulder?) (3W) inject?/ti,ab,de


? s s22 or s24 or s25 or s26

1 S22
0 S24
0 S25
2 S26
S27 3 S22 OR S24 OR S25 OR S26

DOI: 10.3310/hta16110 Health Technology Assessment 2012; Vol. 16: No. 11 209

? s physiotherapy or physiotherapies or physical (W) therap? or manual(W) therap?/ti,ab,de

19307 THERAP?

? s passive (W) (motion or movement)/ti,ab,de


? s CPM/ti,ab,de
S30 356 CPM/TI,AB,DE

? s (stretching or stretches)/ti,ab,de

? s (mobilisation or mobilization)/ti,ab,de

? s exercise? (2W) (program? or strength? or intervention? or training or prescription? or


? s exercise? (2W) (therap? or therapeutic)/ti,ab,de


? s (home or supervis?) (2W) exercis?/ti,ab,de


Queens Printer and Controller of HMSO 2012. This work was produced by Maund et al. under the terms of a commissioning contract issued by the
Secretary of State for Health.
210 Appendix 1


? s (pendular or pendulum) (W) exercis?/ti,ab,de


? s (isokinetic or resist?) (2W) exercise?/ti,ab,de


? s s28:s37
S38 7465 S28:S37

? s s10 and s38

26 S10
7465 S38
S39 1 S10 AND S38

? s chiropractic?/ti,ab,de

? s osteopath?/ti,ab,de

? s manipulat? (3W) (anesthesia or anaesthesia or anesthetic? or anaesthetic? or musculoskeletal)/


? s MUA/ti,ab,de

? s s40:s43
S44 257 S40:S43

? s s10 and s44

26 S10
257 S44
S45 0 S10 AND S44

DOI: 10.3310/hta16110 Health Technology Assessment 2012; Vol. 16: No. 11 211

? s (TENS or ALTENS)/ti,ab,de

? s electric? (2W) stimulat? or transcutaneous (2W) stimulat? or transdermal (2W)

electrostimulat? or cutaneous (2W) electrostimulat? or electroanalgesia or electro(W)analgesia/
170950 ELECTRIC?

? s muscle (2W) stimulat?/ti,ab,de


? s neuromodulation or neuro (W) modulation or neurostimulation or neuro (W) stimulation/


? s interferential/ti,ab,de

? s s46:s50
S51 2929 S46:S50

Queens Printer and Controller of HMSO 2012. This work was produced by Maund et al. under the terms of a commissioning contract issued by the
Secretary of State for Health.
212 Appendix 1

? s s10 and s51

26 S10
2929 S51
S52 0 S10 AND S51

? s biofeedback/ti,ab,de

? s s10 and s53

26 S10
218 S53
S54 0 S10 AND S53

? s (cold or ice or heat or hot) (W) (pack? or therap? or treat?)/ti,ab,de

15533 ICE/TI,AB,DE
118199 HEAT/TI,AB,DE
35308 HOT/TI,AB,DE
47432 PACK?/TI,AB,DE
132040 TREAT?/TI,AB,DE

? s thermograph? or thermotherap? or thermo (W) therap? or hypertherm? or hyper (W) therm?

or diatherm? or cryotherap? or cryo(W) therap?/ti,ab,de
19307 THERAP?
200235 THERM?

? s s55:s56
S57 13561 S55:S56

? s s10 and s57

26 S10
13561 S57
S58 2 S10 AND S57

DOI: 10.3310/hta16110 Health Technology Assessment 2012; Vol. 16: No. 11 213

? s laser (W) therapy/ti,ab,de


? s ultrasonic (W) therapy/ti,ab,de


? s ultrasound/ti,ab,de

? s ultrasonography/ti,ab,de

? s electrotherapeutic (W) (intervention? or treat?)/ti,ab,de

132040 TREAT?/TI,AB,DE

? s s59:s63
S64 1841 S59:S63

? s s10 and s64

26 S10
1841 S64
S65 1 S10 AND S64

? s pulsed (W) electromagnetic (W) field (W) therapy/ti,ab,de


? s (electromagnetic? or magnetic?) (3W) field?/ti,ab,de

243256 FIELD?/TI,AB,DE

? s biomagnetic? or bio (W) magnetic? or pulsed signal/ti,ab,de

2195 BIO

Queens Printer and Controller of HMSO 2012. This work was produced by Maund et al. under the terms of a commissioning contract issued by the
Secretary of State for Health.
214 Appendix 1

? s PEMF/ti,ab,de

? s s66:s69
S70 42137 S66:S69

? s s10 and s70

26 S10
42137 S70
S71 0 S10 AND S70

? s neuromuscular (W) blockade/ti,ab,de


? s nerve (2W) block?/ti,ab,de


? s s72:s73
S74 180 S72:S73

? s s10 and s74

26 S10
180 S74
S75 0 S10 AND S74

? s acupuncture?/ti,ab,de

? s electroacupuncture? or electro (W) acupuncture?/ti,ab,de


? s osteopuncture? or osteo (W) puncture?/ti,ab,de


? s perioste? (3W) (stimulat? or therap? or needling)/ti,ab,de


DOI: 10.3310/hta16110 Health Technology Assessment 2012; Vol. 16: No. 11 215

? s s76:s79
S80 89 S76:S79

? s s10 and s80

26 S10
89 S80
S81 0 S10 AND S80

? s massag? or acupressure or shiatsu or shiatzu or zhi (W) ya or chih (W) ya/ti,ab,de

125 YA

? s s10 and s82

26 S10
71 S82
S83 0 S10 AND S82

? s rehabilitat? (2W) (program? or protocol?)/ti,ab,de


? s s10 and s84

26 S10
864 S84
S85 1 S10 AND S84

? s watch? (2W) wait? or conservative (2W) treat?/ti,ab,de

2243 WATCH?
2348 WAIT?
132040 TREAT?/TI,AB,DE

? s s10 and s86

26 S10
46 S86
S87 0 S10 AND S86

Queens Printer and Controller of HMSO 2012. This work was produced by Maund et al. under the terms of a commissioning contract issued by the
Secretary of State for Health.
216 Appendix 1

? s management (2W) (decision? or option? or choice?)/ti,ab,de


? s s10 and s88

26 S10
4609 S88
S89 0 S10 AND S88

? s s85 or s87 or s89

1 S85
0 S87
0 S89
S90 1 S85 OR S87 OR S89

? s s16 or s20 or s27 or s39 or s45 or s52 or s54 or s58 or s65 or s71 or s75 or s81 or s83 or s90
0 S16
0 S20
3 S27
1 S39
0 S45
0 S52
0 S54
2 S58
1 S65
0 S71
0 S75
0 S81
0 S83
1 S90
S91 8 S16 OR S20 OR S27 OR S39 OR S45 OR S52 OR S54 OR S58 OR S65 OR S71 OR S75 OR
S81 OR S83 OR S90


Interface: Dialog Classic

Search date: 30 March 2010
Strategy: as below
Records identified: 631

File 144:Pascal 19732010/Mar W1

(c) 2010 INIST/CNRS

? s frozen (6W) shoulder?/ti,ab,de


DOI: 10.3310/hta16110 Health Technology Assessment 2012; Vol. 16: No. 11 217

? s stiff? (3W) shoulder?/ti,ab,de


? s adhesive (W) (capsulitis or capsulitides)/ti,ab,de


? s (bursitis or bursitides) (6W) shoulder?/ti,ab,de


? s (capsulitis or capsulitides) (6W) shoulder?/ti,ab,de


? s (periarthritis or peri-arthritis or periarthritides or peri-arthritides or peri-capsulitis or

pericapsulitis) (6W) shoulder?/ti,ab,de

? s shoulder? (3W) (pain or pains or painful or complain?)/ti,ab,de

131547 PAIN/TI,AB,DE

? s shoulder? (6W) impinge?/ti,ab,de


? s subacromial (W) impingement (W) syndrome/ti,ab,de


Queens Printer and Controller of HMSO 2012. This work was produced by Maund et al. under the terms of a commissioning contract issued by the
Secretary of State for Health.
218 Appendix 1


? s s1:s9
S10 2177 S1:S9

? s arthrograph? (6W) (distension? or distention?)/ti,ab,de


? s arthrogram? (6W) (distension? or distention?)/ti,ab,de


? s glenohumeral (6W) (distension? or distention?)/ti,ab,de


? s dilatation or hydrodilat?/ti,ab,de

? s s11:s14
S15 56055 S11:S14

? s s10 and s15

2177 S10
56055 S15
S16 10 S10 AND S15

? s arthroscop? (6W) (releas? or decompress? or capsulotom?)/ti,ab,de


? s capsular (2W) releas? or interventional (W) microadhesiolysis or capsulotomy/ti,ab,de

261595 RELEAS?

DOI: 10.3310/hta16110 Health Technology Assessment 2012; Vol. 16: No. 11 219



? s s17:s18
S19 1264 S17:S18

? s s10 and s19

2177 S10
1264 S19
S20 99 S10 AND S19

? s injection?/ti,ab,de
>>>Term DE.. is not defined in file 144 and is ignored
S21 225170 INJECTION?/TI,AB,DE..

? s s10 and s21

2177 S10
225170 S21
S22 161 S10 AND S21

? s (bursa? or intrabursa? or intra (W) bursa? or periartic? or peri (W) artic? or intraartic? or
intra (W) artic?) (3W) inject?/ti,ab,de
705828 ARTIC?/TI,AB,DE
705828 ARTIC?/TI,AB,DE

? s s10 and s23

2177 S10
1060 S23
S24 34 S10 AND S23

? s (subacromial or acromioclavicular or glenohumeral) (3W) inject?/ti,ab,de


Queens Printer and Controller of HMSO 2012. This work was produced by Maund et al. under the terms of a commissioning contract issued by the
Secretary of State for Health.
220 Appendix 1

? s (extra (W) articular or extraarticular or shoulder?) (3W) inject?/ti,ab,de


? s s22 or s24 or s25 or s26

161 S22
34 S24
62 S25
54 S26
S27 229 S22 OR S24 OR S25 OR S26

? s physiotherapy or physiotherapies or physical (W) therap? or manual(W) therap?/ti,ab,de

661276 THERAP?

? s passive (W) (motion or movement)/ti,ab,de


? s CPM/ti,ab,de
S30 2329 CPM/TI,AB,DE

? s (stretching or stretches)/ti,ab,de

? s (mobilisation or mobilization)/ti,ab,de

? s exercise? (2W) (program? or strength? or intervention? or training or prescription? or


DOI: 10.3310/hta16110 Health Technology Assessment 2012; Vol. 16: No. 11 221


? s exercise? (2W) (therap? or therapeutic)/ti,ab,de


? s (home or supervis?) (2W) exercis?/ti,ab,de


? s (pendular or pendulum) (W) exercis?/ti,ab,de


? s (isokinetic or resist?) (2W) exercise?/ti,ab,de


? s s28:s37
S38 57015 S28:S37

? s s10 and s38

2177 S10
57015 S38
S39 186 S10 AND S38

? s chiropractic?/ti,ab,de

? s osteopath?/ti,ab,de

? s manipulat? (3W) (anesthesia or anaesthesia or anesthetic? or anaesthetic? or musculoskeletal)/


Queens Printer and Controller of HMSO 2012. This work was produced by Maund et al. under the terms of a commissioning contract issued by the
Secretary of State for Health.
222 Appendix 1


? s MUA/ti,ab,de
S43 258 MUA/TI,AB,DE

? s s40:s43
S44 21093 S40:S43

? s s10 and s44

2177 S10
21093 S44
S45 48 S10 AND S44

? s (TENS or ALTENS)/ti,ab,de

? s electric? (2W) stimulat? or transcutaneous (2W) stimulat? or transdermal (2W)

electrostimulat? or cutaneous (2W) electrostimulat? or electroanalgesia or electro(W)analgesia/
640281 ELECTRIC?
347681 STIMULAT?
347681 STIMULAT?

? s muscle (2W) stimulat?/ti,ab,de


? s neuromodulation or neuro (W) modulation or neurostimulation or neuro (W) stimulation/


DOI: 10.3310/hta16110 Health Technology Assessment 2012; Vol. 16: No. 11 223

11977 NEURO

? s interferential/ti,ab,de

? s s46:s50
S51 28886 S46:S50

? s s10 and s51

2177 S10
28886 S51
S52 26 S10 AND S51

? s biofeedback/ti,ab,de

? s s10 and s53

2177 S10
2966 S53
S54 0 S10 AND S53

? s (cold or ice or heat or hot) (W) (pack? or therap? or treat?)/ti,ab,de

45475 ICE/TI,AB,DE
392650 HEAT/TI,AB,DE
106420 HOT/TI,AB,DE
138939 PACK?/TI,AB,DE
1969126 TREAT?/TI,AB,DE

? s thermograph? or thermotherap? or thermo (W) therap? or hypertherm? or hyper (W) therm?

or diatherm? or cryotherap? or cryo(W) therap?/ti,ab,de
16853 THERMO
661276 THERAP?
9780 HYPER
1038992 THERM?

Queens Printer and Controller of HMSO 2012. This work was produced by Maund et al. under the terms of a commissioning contract issued by the
Secretary of State for Health.
224 Appendix 1


? s s55:s56
S57 115050 S55:S56

? s s10 and s57

2177 S10
115050 S57
S58 6 S10 AND S57

? s laser (W) therapy/ti,ab,de


? s ultrasonic (W) therapy/ti,ab,de


? s ultrasound/ti,ab,de

? s ultrasonography/ti,ab,de

? s electrotherapeutic (W) (intervention? or treat?)/ti,ab,de

1969126 TREAT?/TI,AB,DE

? s s59:s63
S64 107999 S59:S63

? s s10 and s64

2177 S10
107999 S64
S65 92 S10 AND S64

? s pulsed (W) electromagnetic (W) field (W) therapy/ti,ab,de


DOI: 10.3310/hta16110 Health Technology Assessment 2012; Vol. 16: No. 11 225

? s (electromagnetic? or magnetic?) (3W) field?/ti,ab,de

896260 FIELD?/TI,AB,DE

? s biomagnetic? or bio (W) magnetic? or pulsed signal/ti,ab,de

16712 BIO
508832 MAGNETIC?

? s PEMF/ti,ab,de

? s s66:s69
S70 167554 S66:S69

? s s10 and s70

2177 S10
167554 S70
S71 2 S10 AND S70

? s neuromuscular (W) blockade/ti,ab,de


? s nerve (2W) block?/ti,ab,de

266755 BLOCK?/TI,AB,DE

? s s72:s73
S74 3241 S72:S73

? s s10 and s74

2177 S10
3241 S74
S75 23 S10 AND S74

? s acupuncture?/ti,ab,de

? s electroacupuncture? or electro (W) acupuncture?/ti,ab,de


Queens Printer and Controller of HMSO 2012. This work was produced by Maund et al. under the terms of a commissioning contract issued by the
Secretary of State for Health.
226 Appendix 1

? s osteopuncture? or osteo (W) puncture?/ti,ab,de


? s perioste? (3W) (stimulat? or therap? or needling)/ti,ab,de


? s s76:s79
S80 4792 S76:S79

? s s10 and s80

2177 S10
4792 S80
S81 23 S10 AND S80

? s massag? or acupressure or shiatsu or shiatzu or zhi (W) ya or chih (W) ya/ti,ab,de

2665 MASSAG?
97 ZHI
1802 YA
1802 YA/TI,AB,DE

? s s10 and s82

2177 S10
2754 S82
S83 6 S10 AND S82

? s rehabilitat? (2W) (program? or protocol?)/ti,ab,de


? s s10 and s84

2177 S10
2831 S84
S85 22 S10 AND S84

DOI: 10.3310/hta16110 Health Technology Assessment 2012; Vol. 16: No. 11 227

? s watch? (2W) wait? or conservative (2W) treat?/ti,ab,de

5496 WATCH?
15532 WAIT?
1969126 TREAT?/TI,AB,DE

? s s10 and s86

2177 S10
6168 S86
S87 36 S10 AND S86

? s management (2W) (decision? or option? or choice?)/ti,ab,de


? s s10 and s88

2177 S10
7785 S88
S89 1 S10 AND S88

? s s85 or s87 or s89

22 S85
36 S87
1 S89
S90 58 S85 OR S87 OR S89

? s s16 or s20 or s27 or s39 or s45 or s52 or s54 or s58 or s65 or s71 or s75 or s81 or s83 or s90
10 S16
99 S20
229 S27
186 S39
48 S45
26 S52
0 S54
6 S58
92 S65
2 S71
23 S75
23 S81
6 S83
58 S90
S91 631 S16 OR S20 OR S27 OR S39 OR S45 OR S52 OR S54 OR S58 OR S65 OR S71 OR S75 OR
S81 OR S83 OR S90

Queens Printer and Controller of HMSO 2012. This work was produced by Maund et al. under the terms of a commissioning contract issued by the
Secretary of State for Health.
228 Appendix 1

Physiotherapy Evidence Database (PEDro)

Search date: 19 April 2010
Strategy: The database interface does not allow sophisticated searches to be undertaken so a
broad search was carried out using the advanced search option. The body part upper arm,
shoulder or shoulder girdle was selected from the dropdown list provided and all the records
identified from this search were downloaded.
Records identified: 718


Interface: OvidSP
Search date: 25 March 2010
Strategy: as below
Records identified: 82

Database: Ovid MEDLINE(R) In-Process & Other Non-Indexed Citations <March 24, 2010>

1. (frozen adj6 shoulder$).ti,ab. (22)

2. (stiff$adj3 shoulder$).ti,ab. (16)
3. (adhesive adj (capsulitis or capsulitides)).ti,ab. (19)
4. ((bursitis or bursitides) adj6 shoulder$).ti,ab. (0)
5. ((capsulitis or capsulitides) adj6 shoulder$).ti,ab. (9)
6. ((periarthritis or peri-arthritis or periarthritides or peri-arthritides or peri-capsulitis or
pericapsulitis) adj6 shoulder$).ti,ab. (7)
7. (shoulder$adj3 (pain or pains or painful or complain$)).ti,ab. (191)
8. (shoulder$adj6 impinge$).ti,ab. (23)
9. subacromial impingement syndrome.ti,ab. (11)
10. 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5 or 6 or 7 or 8 or 9 (245)
11. (arthrograph$adj6 (distension$or distention$)).ti,ab. (1)
12. (arthrogram$adj6 (distension$or distention$)).ti,ab. (0)
13. (glenohumeral adj6 (distension$or distention$)).ti,ab. (0)
14. (dilatation or hydrodilat$).ti,ab. (780)
15. (arthroscop$adj6 (releas$or decompress$or capsulotom$)).ti,ab. (25)
16. ((capsular adj2 releas$) or interventional microadhesiolysis or capsulotomy).ti,ab. (43)
17. ((bursa$or intrabursa$or intra bursa$or periartic$or peri artic$or intraartic$or intra artic$)
adj3 inject$).ti,ab. (92)
18. ((subacromial or acromioclavicular or glenohumeral) adj3 inject$).ti,ab. (8)
19. ((extra articular or extraarticular or shoulder$) adj3 inject$).ti,ab. (1)
20. (physiotherapy or physiotherapies or physical therap$or manual therap$).ti,ab. (929)
21. (passive adj (motion or movement)).ti,ab. (51)
22. CPM.ti,ab. (129)
23. (stretching or stretches).ti,ab. (2719)
24. (mobilisation or mobilization).ti,ab. (806)
25. (exercise$adj2 (program$or strength$or intervention$or training or prescription$or
prescrib$)).ti,ab. (641)

DOI: 10.3310/hta16110 Health Technology Assessment 2012; Vol. 16: No. 11 229

26. (exercise$adj2 (therap$or therapeutic)).ti,ab. (112)

27. ((home or supervis$) adj2 exercis$).ti,ab. (89)
28. ((pendular or pendulum) adj exercis$).ti,ab. (1)
29. ((isokinetic or resist$) adj2 exercise$).ti,ab. (126)
30. chiropractic$.ti,ab. (454)
31. osteopath$.ti,ab. (136)
32. (manipulat$adj3 (anesthesia or anaesthesia or anesthetic$or anaesthetic$)).ti,ab. (13)
33. MUA.ti,ab. (75)
34. (TENS or ALTENS).ti,ab. (1018)
35. ((electric$adj2 stimulat$) or (transcutaneous adj2 stimulat$) or (transdermal adj2
electrostimulat$) or (cutaneous adj2 electrostimulat$) or electroanalgesia or electro
analgesia).ti,ab. (759)
36. (muscle adj2 stimulat$).ti,ab. (93)
37. (neuromodulation or neuro modulation or neurostimulation or neuro stimulation).ti,ab. (93)
38. interferential.ti,ab. (41)
39. biofeedback.ti,ab. (119)
40. ((cold or ice or heat or hot) adj (pack$or therap$or treat$)).ti,ab. (661)
41. (thermograph$or thermotherap$or thermo therap$or hypertherm$or hyper therm$or
diatherm$or cryotherap$or cryo therap$).ti,ab. (821)
42. ((laser or ultrasonic) adj2 (therap$or treat$)).ti,ab. (384)
43. ultrasound.ti,ab. (4964)
44. (electrotherapeutic adj (intervention$or treat$)).ti,ab. (2)
45. pulsed electromagnetic field therapy.ti,ab. (1)
46. ((electromagnetic$or magnetic$) adj3 field$).ti,ab. (6171)
47. (biomagnetic$or bio magnetic$or pulsed signal).ti,ab. (29)
48. PEMF.ti,ab. (9)
49. (nerve adj2 block$).ti,ab. (233)
50. neuromuscular block$.ti,ab. (117)
51. acupuncture$.ti,ab. (676)
52. (electroacupuncture$or electro acupuncture$).ti,ab. (130)
53. (osteopuncture$or osteo puncture$).ti,ab. (0)
54. (perioste$adj3 (stimulat$or therap$or needling)).ti,ab. (4)
55. (massag$or acupressure or shiatsu or shiatzu or zhi ya or chih ya).ti,ab. (223)
56. (rehabilitat$adj2 (program$or protocol$)).ti,ab. (373)
57. ((watch$adj2 wait$) or (conservative adj2 treat$)).ti,ab. (690)
58. (management adj2 (decision$or option$or choice$)).ti,ab. (328)
59. or/1158 (23503)
60. 10 and 59 (82)
61. limit 60 to yr=1966 -Current (82)
62. from 61 keep 182 (82)
63. from 62 keep 182 (82)

Queens Printer and Controller of HMSO 2012. This work was produced by Maund et al. under the terms of a commissioning contract issued by the
Secretary of State for Health.
230 Appendix 1

Science Citation Index

Interface: Web of Science (ISI) via Web of Knowledge

Search date: 30 March 2010
Strategy: as below
Records identified: 3140

# 20 3140 #19 OR #17 OR #15 OR #13 OR #11 OR #9 OR #5 OR #3

Timespan=All Years
# 19 729 #18 AND #1
Timespan=All Years
# 18 >100,000 Topic=(nerve block) OR Topic=(neuromuscular blockade) OR Topic=(acupuncture) OR Topic=(electroacupuncture
or electro acupuncture) OR Topic=(osteopuncture or osteo puncture) OR Topic=(perioste* stimulat* or
perioste* therap* or perioste* needling) OR Topic=(massag* or acupressure or shiatsu or shiatzu or zhi ya or
chih ya) OR Topic=(rehabilitat* program* or rehabilitat* protocol*) OR Topic=(watch* wait* or conservative
treat*) OR Topic=(management decision* or management option* or management choice*)
Timespan=All Years
# 17 221 #16 AND #1
Timespan=All Years
# 16 >100,000 Topic=(biofeedback) OR Topic=(thermograph* or thermotherap* or thermo therap* or hypertherm* or hyper
therm* or diatherm* or cryotherap* or cryo therap*) OR Topic=(cold pack* or cold therap* or cold treat*
or ice pack* or ice therap* or ice treat* or heat pack* or heat therap* or heat treat* or hot pack*
or heat therap*) OR Topic=(Laser Therapy or ultrasonic therapy or Interventional ultrasonography) OR
Topic=(electrotherapeutic intervention* or electrotherapeutic treat*) OR Topic=(magnetic field therapy) OR
Topic=(electromagnetic field therapy) OR Topic=(Biomagnetic therapy)
Timespan=All Years
# 15 162 #14 AND #1
Timespan=All Years
# 14 >100,000 Topic=(TENS or ALTENS) OR Topic=(electric* stimulat* or transcutaneous stimulat*or transdermal
electrostimulat*or cutaneous electrostimulat*or electroanalgesia or electro analgesia) OR Topic=(muscle
stimulat*) OR Topic=(neuromodulation or neuro modulation or neurostimulation or neuro stimulation) OR
Timespan=All Years
# 13 184 #12 AND #1
Timespan=All Years
# 12 19,962 Topic=(chiropractic*) OR Topic=(osteopath*) OR Topic=(manipulat* and (anesthesia or anaesthesia or anesthetic* or
anaesthetic*)) OR Topic=(MUA)
Timespan=All Years
# 11 1502 #10 AND #1
Timespan=All Years
# 10 >100,000 Topic=(physiotherapy or physiotherapies or physical therap* or manual therap*) OR Topic=(passive
motion or passive movement) OR Topic=(muscle stretching or muscle stretches or muscle stretch)
OR Topic=(mobilisation or mobilization) OR Topic=(exercis* program* or exercis* intervention* or exercis*
train* or exercis* prescription* or exercis* prescrib*) OR Topic=(exercis* therap* or therapeutic exercis*)
OR Topic=(home exercis* or supervis* exercis*) OR Topic=(pendular exercis* or pendulum exercis*) OR
Topic=(isokinetic exercis* or resist* exercise*)
Timespan=All Years
#9 609 #8 OR #7
Timespan=All Years
#8 121 Topic=(subacromial inject* or acromioclavicular inject* or glenohumeral inject*) OR Topic=(extra articular
inject* or extraarticular inject*) OR Topic=(shoulder* inject*)
Timespan=All Years
#7 533 #6 AND #1
Timespan=All Years

DOI: 10.3310/hta16110 Health Technology Assessment 2012; Vol. 16: No. 11 231

#6 >100,000 Topic=(injections) OR Topic=(intraarticular injection* or intra-articular injection* or intra articular injection*) OR

Topic=(bursa* inject* or intrabursa* inject* or intra bursa* inject* or periartic* inject* or peri artic* inject*)
Timespan=All Years
#5 800 #4 AND #1
Timespan=All Years
#4 20,598 Topic=(Arthroscopy) OR Topic=(arthroscop* releas* or arthroscop* decompress* or arthroscop* capsulotom*)
OR Topic=(capsular releas* or interventional microadhesiolysis or capsulotomy)
Timespan=All Years
#3 12 #2 AND #1
Timespan=All Years
#2 67 Topic=(arthrograph* distension* or arthograph* disten) OR Topic=(arthrogram* distension* or arthogram*
distention*) OR Topic=(glenohumeral distension* or glenohumeral distention*) OR Topic=(arthography)
Timespan=All Years
#1 8973 Topic=(frozen shoulder*) OR Topic=(stiff* shoulder*) OR Topic=(adhesive capsulitis) OR Topic=(shoulder
bursitis) OR Topic=(periarthritis or peri-arthritis or periarthritides or peri-arthritides or peri-capsulitis or
pericapsulitis) OR Topic=(shoulder pain* or pain* shoulder or shoulder complaint*) OR Topic=(shoulder*
impinge*) OR Topic=(subacromial impingement syndrome)
Timespan=All Years

Additional quality of life search strategy for information to inform

the decision-analytic model

Database: Ovid MEDLINE(R) <1950 to October Week 4 2010>

1. (sf36 or sf 36).tw. (9054)

2. (eq5d or eq 5d or euroqol or euro qol).tw. (2024)
3. (short form 36 or shortform 36 or sf thirtysix or sf thirty six or shortform thirtysix or
shortform thirty six or short form thirtysix or short form thirty six).tw. (4194)
4. (hrql or hrqol or h qol or hql or hqol).tw. (5810)
5. (hye or hyes or health$year$equivalent$or health utilit$).tw. (733)
6. health related quality of (13228)
7. (67)
8. (standard gamble$or time trade off or time tradeoff or tto or willingness to pay).tw. (2460)
9. (disutilities or disutility or daly or disability adjusted life).tw. (1022)
10. Quality of Life/(87323)
11. health status indicators/(15760)
12. quality adjusted life year/(4741)
13. (qaly$or quality adjusted life or quality of life or life quality).tw. (98027)
14. qwb$.tw. (157)
15. (quality of wellbeing or quality of well being).tw. (275)
16. factor (15866)
17. preference (418)
18. health (27567)
19. (state adj2 (value or values or valuing or valued)).tw. (1507)
20. (2)
21. 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5 or 6 or 7 or 8 or 9 or 10 or 11 or 12 or 13 or 14 or 15 or 16 or 17 or 18 or
19 or 20 (185879)
22. VAS (4)
23. VAS (1)
24. (VAS and pain).mp. (7387)
25. 10 point numeric (5)

Queens Printer and Controller of HMSO 2012. This work was produced by Maund et al. under the terms of a commissioning contract issued by the
Secretary of State for Health.
232 Appendix 1

26. 4 point category rating (0)

27. Category rating (24)
28. Likert scale (2)
29. (likert scale and pain).mp. (295)
30. SPADI 5-item pain (0)
31. (76)
32. 22 or 23 or 24 or 25 or 26 or 27 or 28 or 29 or 30 or 31 (7739)
33. 21 and 32 (1173)
34. American Shoulder & Elbow Surgeons (2)
35. Constant (869)
36. Flexilevel Scale of Shoulder (6)
37. Oxford shoulder (1)
38. Problem Elicitation Technique (1)
39. Shoulder Disability (1)
40. SPADI total (3)
41. UCLA shoulder (24)
42. Shoulder Disability (28)
43. Croft (1)
44. DASH (420)
45. (shoulder and Telephone questionnaire).mp. (4)
46. 34 or 35 or 36 or 37 or 38 or 39 or 40 or 41 or 42 or 43 or 44 or 45 (1313)
47. 21 and 46 (131)
48. 33 or 47 (1282)

DOI: 10.3310/hta16110 Health Technology Assessment 2012; Vol. 16: No. 11 233

Appendix 2
Search strategy for review of views of
people with frozen shoulder

T hree databases (CINAHL, MEDLINE and PsycINFO) were searched to identify qualitative
studies, with searches being restricted to English-language studies published from 1980
onwards. The search strategies used are given in full below.

Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL)

Interface: EBSCO
Search date: 3 June 2010, date coverage 19802010
Strategy: as below
Records identified: 311

S24 (S21 and S22 and S23)

S23 (ZR 1980) or (ZR 1981) or (ZR 1982) or (ZR 1983) or (ZR 1984) or (ZR 1985) or (ZR 1986) or (ZR 1987) or (ZR
1988) or (ZR 1989) or (ZR 1990) or (ZR 1991) or (ZR 1992) or (ZR 1993) or (ZR 1994) or (ZR 1995) or (ZR 1996)
or (ZR 1997) or (ZR 1998) or (ZR 1999) or (ZR 2000) or (ZR 2001) or (ZR 2002) or (ZR 2003) or (ZR 2004) or (ZR
2005) or (ZR 2006) or (ZR 2007) or (ZR 2008) or (ZR 2009) or (ZR 2010)
S22 (ZL english)
S21 (S15 or S16 or S17 or S18 or S19) and (S14)
S20 S15 or S16 or S17 or S18 or S19
S19 TX qualitative
S18 (ZU interviews)
S17 TX interview*
S16 TX findings
S15 TX findings
S14 S1 or S2 or S3 or S4 or S5 or S6 or S7 or S8 or S9 or S10 or S11 or S12 or S13
S13 subacromial impingement syndrome
S12 shoulder* N6 impinge*
S11 (MH Shoulder Impingement Syndrome)
S10 shoulder* N3 pain or shoulder* N3 pains or shoulder* N3 painful or shoulder* N3 complain*
S9 (MH Shoulder Pain)
S8 periarthritis N6 shoulder* or peri-arthritis N6 shoulder* or periarthritides N6 shoulder* or peri-arthritides N6 shoulder* or
pericapsulitis N6 shoulder* or peri-capsulitis N6 shoulder*
S7 capsulitis N6 shoulder*
S6 bursitides N6 shoulder*
S5 bursitis N6 shoulder*
S4 adhesive N3 capsulitis
S3 (MH Adhesive Capsulitis)
S2 stiff* N3 shoulder*
S1 frozen N6 shoulder*

Queens Printer and Controller of HMSO 2012. This work was produced by Maund et al. under the terms of a commissioning contract issued by the
Secretary of State for Health.
234 Appendix 2


Interface: OvidSP
Search date: 3 June 2010
Strategy: as below
Records identified: 915

Database: Ovid MEDLINE(R) <1950 to May Week 4 2010>

1. (frozen adj6 shoulder$).ti,ab. (599)

2. (stiff$adj3 shoulder$).ti,ab. (361)
3. exp bursitis/(3130)
4. (adhesive adj (capsulitis or capsulitides)).ti,ab. (336)
5. ((bursitis or bursitides) adj6 shoulder$).ti,ab. (65)
6. ((capsulitis or capsulitides) adj6 shoulder$).ti,ab. (195)
7. ((periarthritis or peri-arthritis or periarthritides or peri-arthritides or peri-capsulitis or
pericapsulitis) adj6 shoulder$).ti,ab. (176)
8. shoulder pain/(1861)
9. (shoulder$adj3 (pain or pains or painful or complain$)).ti,ab. (4029)
10. Shoulder Impingement Syndrome/(953)
11. (shoulder$adj6 impinge$).ti,ab. (505)
12. subacromial impingement syndrome.ti,ab. (117)
13. 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5 or 6 or 7 or 8 or 9 or 10 or 11 or 12 (9213)
14. (930557)
15. interview$.af. (174135)
16. Interview/(20706)
17. (81067)
18. 14 or 15 or 16 or 17 (1132990)
19. 13 and 18 (1085)
20. limit 19 to english language (928)
21. limit 20 to yr=1980 -Current (915)


Interface: OvidSP
Search date: 3 June 2011
Strategy: as below
Records identified: 79

Database: PsycINFO <1967 to May Week 4 2010>

1. (frozen adj6 shoulder$).ti,ab. (6)

2. (stiff$adj3 shoulder$).ti,ab. (22)
3. (adhesive adj (capsulitis or capsulitides)).ti,ab. (2)
4. ((bursitis or bursitides) adj6 shoulder$).ti,ab. (2)
5. ((capsulitis or capsulitides) adj6 shoulder$).ti,ab. (2)
6. ((periarthritis or peri-arthritis or periarthritides or peri-arthritides or peri-capsulitis or
pericapsulitis) adj6 shoulder$).ti,ab. (0)
7. (shoulder$adj3 (pain or pains or painful or complain$)).ti,ab. (234)
8. (shoulder$adj6 impinge$).ti,ab. (7)
9. subacromial impingement syndrome.ti,ab. (1)

DOI: 10.3310/hta16110 Health Technology Assessment 2012; Vol. 16: No. 11 235

10. 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5 or 6 or 7 or 8 or 9 (263)
11. (407232)
12. interview$.af. (228353)
13. interviews/(4877)
14. (117407)
15. 11 or 12 or 13 or 14 (613112)
16. 10 and 15 (81)
17. limit 16 to (english language and yr=1980 -Current) (79)
18. from 17 keep 179 (79)

Queens Printer and Controller of HMSO 2012. This work was produced by Maund et al. under the terms of a commissioning contract issued by the
Secretary of State for Health.

DOI: 10.3310/hta16110 Health Technology Assessment 2012; Vol. 16: No. 11 237

Appendix 3
R code for standard deviation
M <- 10000000
N <- 15
omean <- 3.47

thesds <- rep(1, 100000)

j <- 1

for (i in 1:M){
x <- sample(0:5, N, replace=T)
mu <- mean(x)
if(signif(mu, 3) == omean){
thesds[j] <- sd(x)
j <- j+1

thesds <- thesds[thesds != 1]


Queens Printer and Controller of HMSO 2012. This work was produced by Maund et al. under the terms of a commissioning contract issued by the
Secretary of State for Health.

DOI: 10.3310/hta16110 Health Technology Assessment 2012; Vol. 16: No. 11 239

Health Technology Assessment programme

Director, Deputy Director,
Professor Tom Walley, CBE, Professor Hywel Williams,
Director, NIHR HTA programme, Professor of Dermato-Epidemiology,
Professor of Clinical Pharmacology, Centre of Evidence-Based Dermatology,
University of Liverpool University of Nottingham

Prioritisation Group
Chair, Dr Nick Hicks, Professor Ruairidh Milne, Professor Lindsay Turnbull,
Professor Tom Walley, CBE, Consultant Adviser Diagnostic Director External Relations Professor of Radiology, Centre for
Director, NIHR HTA Technologies and Screening Panel, the MR Investigations, University
programme, Professor of Clinical Consultant AdvisorPsychological Dr John Pounsford, of Hull
Pharmacology, University of and Community Therapies Panel Consultant Physician, Directorate Chair Diagnostic Technologies
Liverpool of Medical Services, North Bristol and Screening Panel
Ms Susan Hird, NHS Trust
Professor Imti Choonara, Consultant Advisor, External Chair External Devices and Professor Scott Weich,
Professor in Child Health, Devices and Physical Therapies Physical Therapies Panel Professor of Psychiatry, Health
Academic Division of Child Panel Sciences Research Institute,
Health, University of Nottingham Dr Vaughan Thomas, University of Warwick
Chair Pharmaceuticals Panel Professor Sallie Lamb, Consultant Advisor Chair Psychological and
Director, Warwick Clinical Trials Pharmaceuticals Panel, Clinical Community Therapies Panel
Dr Bob Coates, Unit, Warwick Medical School, Lead Clinical Evaluation Trials
Consultant Advisor Disease University of Warwick Prioritisation Group Professor Hywel Williams,
Prevention Panel Chair HTA Clinical Evaluation Director of Nottingham Clinical
and Trials Board Professor Margaret Thorogood, Trials Unit, Centre of Evidence-
Dr Andrew Cook, Professor of Epidemiology, Health Based Dermatology, University of
Consultant Advisor Intervention Professor Jonathan Michaels, Sciences Research Institute, Nottingham
Procedures Panel Professor of Vascular Surgery, University of Warwick Chair HTA Commissioning
Sheffield Vascular Institute, Chair Disease Prevention Panel Board
Dr Peter Davidson, University of Sheffield
Director of NETSCC, Health Deputy HTA Programme Director
Chair Interventional Procedures
Technology Assessment Panel

HTA Commissioning Board

Chair, Deputy Chair, Professor Tom Walley, CBE,
Professor Hywel Williams, Professor Jon Deeks, Professor of Clinical Pharmacology,
Professor of Dermato-Epidemiology, Department of Public Health and Director, NIHR HTA programme,
Centre of Evidence-Based Dermatology, Epidemiology, University of Liverpool
University of Nottingham University of Birmingham

Professor Ann Ashburn, Professor John W Gregory, Dr Joanne Lord, Professor Irwin Nazareth,
Professor of Rehabilitation and Professor in Paediatric Reader, Health Economics Professor of Primary Care and
Head of Research, Southampton Endocrinology, Department of Research Group, Brunel University Head of Department, Department
General Hospital Child Health, Wales School of of Primary Care and Population
Medicine, Cardiff University Professor Stephen Morris, Sciences, University College
Professor Judith Bliss, Professor of Health Economics, London
Director of ICR-Clinical Trials Professor Steve Halligan, University College London,
and Statistics Unit, The Institute of Professor of Gastrointestinal Research Department of Professor E Andrea Nelson,
Cancer Research Radiology, University College Epidemiology and Public Health, Professor of Wound Healing and
Hospital, London University College London Director of Research, School of
Professor Peter Brocklehurst, Healthcare, University of Leeds
Professor of Women's Health, Professor Angela Harden, Professor Dion Morton,
Institute for Women's Health, Professor of Community and Professor of Surgery, Academic Professor John David Norrie,
University College London Family Health, Institute for Department of Surgery, University Chair in Clinical Trials and
Health and Human Development, of Birmingham Biostatistics, Robertson Centre for
Professor David Fitzmaurice, University of East London Biostatistics, University of Glasgow
Professor of Primary Care Professor Gail Mountain,
Research, Department of Primary Dr Martin J Landray, Professor of Health Services Dr Rafael Perera,
Care Clinical Sciences, University Reader in Epidemiology, Honorary Research, Rehabilitation and Lecturer in Medical Statisitics,
of Birmingham Consultant Physician, Clinical Assistive Technologies Group, Department of Primary Health
Trial Service Unit, University of University of Sheffield Care, University of Oxford

Queens Printer and Controller of HMSO 2012. This work was produced by Maund et al. under the terms of a commissioning contract issued by the
Secretary of State for Health.
240 Health Technology Assessment programme

HTA Commissioning Board (continued)

Professor Barney Reeves, Professor Peter Tyrer, Professor Caroline Watkins, Dr Duncan Young,
Professorial Research Fellow Professor of Community Professor of Stroke and Older Senior Clinical Lecturer and
in Health Services Research, Psychiatry, Centre for Mental Peoples Care, Chair of UK Consultant, Nuffield Department
Department of Clinical Science, Health, Imperial College London Forum for Stroke Training, Stroke of Anaesthetics, University of
University of Bristol Practice Research Unit, University Oxford
Professor Martin Underwood, of Central Lancashire
Professor of Primary Care
Research, Warwick Medical
School, University of Warwick

Dr Tom Foulks, Dr Kay Pattison,
Medical Research Council Senior NIHR Programme
Manager, Department of Health

HTA Clinical Evaluation and Trials Board

Chair, Deputy Chair, Programme Director,
Professor Sallie Lamb, Professor Jenny Hewison, Professor Tom Walley, CBE,
Director, Professor of the Psychology of Health Care, Director, NIHR HTA programme,
Warwick Clinical Trials Unit, Leeds Institute of Health Sciences, Professor of Clinical Pharmacology,
Warwick Medical School, University of Leeds University of Liverpool
University of Warwick and Professor of
Nuffield Department of Orthopaedic,
Rheumatology and Musculoskeletal Sciences,
University of Oxford

Professor Keith Abrams, Dr Jennifer Burr, Professor Paul Jones, Professor Jonathan Sterne,
Professor of Medical Statistics, Director, Centre for Healthcare Professor of Respiratory Medicine, Professor of Medical Statistics
Department of Health Sciences, Randomised trials (CHART), Department of Cardiac and and Epidemiology, Department
University of Leicester University of Aberdeen Vascular Science, St Georges of Social Medicine, University of
Hospital Medical School, Bristol
Professor Martin Bland, Professor Linda Davies, University of London
Professor of Health Statistics, Professor of Health Economics, Mr Andy Vail,
Department of Health Sciences, Health Sciences Research Group, Professor Khalid Khan, Senior Lecturer, Health Sciences
University of York University of Manchester Professor of Womens Health and Research Group, University of
Clinical Epidemiology, Barts and Manchester
Professor Jane Blazeby, Professor Simon Gilbody, the London School of Medicine,
Professor of Surgery and Prof of Psych Medicine and Health Queen Mary, University of London Professor Clare Wilkinson,
Consultant Upper GI Surgeon, Services Research, Department of Professor of General Practice and
Department of Social Medicine, Health Sciences, University of York Professor Richard J McManus, Director of Research North Wales
University of Bristol Professor of Primary Care Clinical School, Department of
Professor Steven Goodacre, Cardiovascular Research, Primary Primary Care and Public Health,
Professor Julia M Brown, Professor and Consultant in Care Clinical Sciences Building, Cardiff University
Director, Clinical Trials Research Emergency Medicine, School of University of Birmingham
Unit, University of Leeds Health and Related Research, Dr Ian B Wilkinson,
Professor Helen Rodgers,
University of Sheffield Senior Lecturer and Honorary
Professor Alistair Burns, Professor of Stroke Care, Institute
Consultant, Clinical Pharmacology
Professor of Old Age Psychiatry, Professor Dyfrig Hughes, for Ageing and Health, Newcastle
Unit, Department of Medicine,
Psychiatry Research Group, School Professor of Pharmacoeconomics, University
University of Cambridge
of Community-Based Medicine, Centre for Economics and Policy
Professor Ken Stein,
The University of Manchester & in Health, Institute of Medical
Professor of Public Health,
National Clinical Director for and Social Care Research, Bangor
Peninsula Technology Assessment
Dementia, Department of Health University
Group, Peninsula College
of Medicine and Dentistry,
Universities of Exeter and

Ms Kate Law, Dr Morven Roberts,
Director of Clinical Trials, Clinical Trials Manager, Health
Cancer Research UK Services and Public Health
Services Board, Medical Research

Current and past membership details of all HTA programme committees are available from the HTA website (

DOI: 10.3310/hta16110 Health Technology Assessment 2012; Vol. 16: No. 11 241

Diagnostic Technologies and Screening Panel

Chair, Dr Stephanie Dancer, Professor Anthony Robert Dr Stuart Smellie,
Professor Lindsay Wilson Consultant Microbiologist, Kendrick, Consultant in Clinical Pathology,
Turnbull, Hairmyres Hospital, East Kilbride Associate Dean for Clinical Bishop Auckland General Hospital
Scientific Director of the Research and Professor of Primary
Centre for Magnetic Resonance Dr Diane Eccles, Medical Care, University of Ms Jane Smith,
Investigations and YCR Professor Professor of Cancer Genetics, Southampton Consultant Ultrasound
of Radiology, Hull Royal Infirmary Wessex Clinical Genetics Service, Practitioner, Leeds Teaching
Princess Anne Hospital Dr Nicola Lennard, Hospital NHS Trust, Leeds
Professor Judith E Adams, Senior Medical Officer, MHRA
Consultant Radiologist, Dr Trevor Friedman, Dr Allison Streetly,
Manchester Royal Infirmary, Consultant Liason Psychiatrist, Dr Anne Mackie, Programme Director, NHS Sickle
Central Manchester & Manchester Brandon Unit, Leicester General Director of Programmes, UK Cell and Thalassaemia Screening
Childrens University Hospitals Hospital National Screening Committee, Programme, Kings College School
NHS Trust, and Professor of London of Medicine
Dr Ron Gray,
Diagnostic Radiology, University Consultant, National Perinatal Mr David Mathew, Dr Matthew Thompson,
of Manchester Epidemiology Unit, Institute of Public contributor Senior Clinical Scientist and GP,
Mr Angus S Arunkalaivanan, Health Sciences, University of Department of Primary Health
Oxford Dr Michael Millar, Care, University of Oxford
Honorary Senior Lecturer, Consultant Senior Lecturer in
University of Birmingham and Professor Paul D Griffiths, Microbiology, Department of Dr Alan J Williams,
Consultant Urogynaecologist Professor of Radiology, Academic Pathology & Microbiology, Barts Consultant Physician, General and
and Obstetrician, City Hospital, Unit of Radiology, University of and The London NHS Trust, Royal Respiratory Medicine, The Royal
Birmingham Sheffield London Hospital Bournemouth Hospital
Dr Diana Baralle, Mr Martin Hooper, Mrs Una Rennard,
Consultant and Senior Lecturer Public contributor Public contributor
in Clinical Genetics, University of

Dr Tim Elliott, Professor Julietta Patnick, Professor Tom Walley, CBE, Dr Ursula Wells,
Team Leader, Cancer Screening, Director, NHS Cancer Screening Director, NIHR HTA Principal Research Officer, Policy
Department of Health Programme, Sheffield programme, Professor of Clinical Research Programme, Department
Pharmacology, University of of Health
Dr Joanna Jenkinson, Dr Kay Pattison, Liverpool
Board Secretary, Neurosciences Senior NIHR Programme
and Mental Health Board Manager, Department of Health
(NMHB), Medical Research

Disease Prevention Panel

Chair, Professor Cathy Jackson, Professor Irwin Nazareth, Dr Kenneth Robertson,
Professor Margaret Thorogood, Professor of Primary Care Professor of Primary Care and Consultant Paediatrician, Royal
Professor of Epidemiology, Medicine, Bute Medical School, Director, Department of Primary Hospital for Sick Children,
University of Warwick Medical University of St Andrews Care and Population Sciences, Glasgow
School, Coventry University College London
Dr Russell Jago, Dr Catherine Swann,
Dr Robert Cook, Senior Lecturer in Exercise, Dr Richard Richards, Associate Director, Centre for
Clinical Programmes Director, Nutrition and Health, Centre Assistant Director of Public Public Health Excellence, NICE
Bazian Ltd, London for Sport, Exercise and Health, Health, Derbyshire County
University of Bristol Primary Care Trust Mrs Jean Thurston,
Dr Colin Greaves, Public contributor
Senior Research Fellow, Peninsula Dr Julie Mytton, Professor Ian Roberts,
Medical School (Primary Care) Consultant in Child Public Health, Professor of Epidemiology and Professor David Weller,
NHS Bristol Public Health, London School of Head, School of Clinical Science
Mr Michael Head, Hygiene & Tropical Medicine and Community Health,
Public contributor University of Edinburgh

Ms Christine McGuire, Dr Kay Pattison, Professor Tom Walley, CBE,
Research & Development, Senior NIHR Programme Director, NIHR HTA
Department of Health Manager, Department of Health programme, Professor of Clinical
Pharmacology, University of

Queens Printer and Controller of HMSO 2012. This work was produced by Maund et al. under the terms of a commissioning contract issued by the
Secretary of State for Health.
242 Health Technology Assessment programme

External Devices and Physical Therapies Panel

Chair, Dr Dawn Carnes, Dr Shaheen Hamdy, Mr Jim Reece,
Dr John Pounsford, Senior Research Fellow, Barts and Clinical Senior Lecturer and Public contributor
Consultant Physician North Bristol the London School of Medicine Consultant Physician, University
NHS Trust and Dentistry of Manchester Professor Maria Stokes,
Professor of Neuromusculoskeletal
Deputy Chair, Dr Emma Clark, Professor Christine Norton, Rehabilitation, University of
Professor E Andrea Nelson, Clinician Scientist Fellow & Cons. Professor of Clinical Nursing Southampton
Reader in Wound Healing and Rheumatologist, University of Innovation, Bucks New University
Director of Research, University Bristol and Imperial College Healthcare Dr Pippa Tyrrell,
of Leeds NHS Trust Senior Lecturer/Consultant,
Mrs Anthea De Barton-Watson, Salford Royal Foundation
Professor Bipin Bhakta, Public contributor Dr Lorraine Pinnigton, Hospitals Trust and University of
Charterhouse Professor in Associate Professor in Manchester
Rehabilitation Medicine, Professor Nadine Foster, Rehabilitation, University of
University of Leeds Professor of Musculoskeletal Nottingham Dr Nefyn Williams,
Health in Primary Care Arthritis Clinical Senior Lecturer, Cardiff
Mrs Penny Calder, Research, Keele University Dr Kate Radford, University
Public contributor Senior Lecturer (Research),
University of Central Lancashire

Dr Kay Pattison, Dr Morven Roberts, Professor Tom Walley, CBE, Dr Ursula Wells,
Senior NIHR Programme Clinical Trials Manager, Health Director, NIHR HTA Principal Research Officer, Policy
Manager, Department of Health Services and Public Health programme, Professor of Clinical Research Programme, Department
Services Board, Medical Research Pharmacology, University of of Health
Council Liverpool

Interventional Procedures Panel

Chair, Mr Seumas Eckford, Dr Fiona Lecky, Professor Jon Moss,
Professor Jonathan Michaels, Consultant in Obstetrics & Senior Lecturer/Honorary Consultant Interventional
Professor of Vascular Surgery, Gynaecology, North Devon Consultant in Emergency Radiologist, North Glasgow
University of Sheffield District Hospital Medicine, University of Hospitals University NHS Trust
Manchester/Salford Royal
Deputy Chair, Professor Sam Eljamel, Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Dr Simon Padley,
Mr Michael Thomas, Consultant Neurosurgeon, Consultant Radiologist, Chelsea &
Consultant Colorectal Surgeon, Ninewells Hospital and Medical Dr Nadim Malik, Westminster Hospital
Bristol Royal Infirmary School, Dundee Consultant Cardiologist/Honorary
Lecturer, University of Manchester Dr Ashish Paul,
Mrs Isabel Boyer, Dr Adele Fielding, Medical Director, Bedfordshire
Public contributor Senior Lecturer and Honorary Mr Hisham Mehanna, PCT
Consultant in Haematology, Consultant & Honorary Associate
Mr Sankaran Chandra Sekharan, University College London Professor, University Hospitals Dr Sarah Purdy,
Consultant Surgeon, Breast Medical School Coventry & Warwickshire NHS Consultant Senior Lecturer,
Surgery, Colchester Hospital Trust University of Bristol
University NHS Foundation Trust Dr Matthew Hatton,
Consultant in Clinical Oncology, Dr Jane Montgomery, Dr Matthew Wilson,
Professor Nicholas Clarke, Sheffield Teaching Hospital Consultant in Anaesthetics and Consultant Anaesthetist,
Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon, Foundation Trust Critical Care, South Devon Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS
Southampton University Hospitals Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust Foundation Trust
NHS Trust Dr John Holden,
General Practitioner, Garswood Professor Yit Chiun Yang,
Ms Leonie Cooke, Surgery, Wigan Consultant Ophthalmologist,
Public contributor Royal Wolverhampton Hospitals
NHS Trust

Dr Kay Pattison, Dr Morven Roberts, Professor Tom Walley, CBE, Dr Ursula Wells,
Senior NIHR Programme Clinical Trials Manager, Health Director, NIHR HTA Principal Research Officer, Policy
Manager, Department of Health Services and Public Health programme, Professor of Clinical Research Programme, Department
Services Board, Medical Research Pharmacology, University of of Health
Council Liverpool

Current and past membership details of all HTA programme committees are available from the HTA website (

DOI: 10.3310/hta16110 Health Technology Assessment 2012; Vol. 16: No. 11 243

Pharmaceuticals Panel
Chair, Dr James Gray, Dr Maria Kouimtzi, Mrs Katrina Simister,
Professor Imti Choonara, Consultant Microbiologist, Pharmacy and Informatics Assistant Director New Medicines,
Professor in Child Health, Department of Microbiology, Director, Global Clinical Solutions, National Prescribing Centre,
University of Nottingham Birmingham Childrens Hospital Wiley-Blackwell Liverpool
NHS Foundation Trust
Deputy Chair, Professor Femi Oyebode, Professor Donald Singer,
Dr Yoon K Loke, Dr Jurjees Hasan, Consultant Psychiatrist and Head Professor of Clinical
Senior Lecturer in Clinical Consultant in Medical Oncology, of Department, University of Pharmacology and Therapeutics,
Pharmacology, University of East The Christie, Manchester Birmingham Clinical Sciences Research
Anglia Institute, CSB, University of
Dr Carl Heneghan, Dr Andrew Prentice, Warwick Medical School
Dr Martin Ashton-Key, Deputy Director Centre for Senior Lecturer and Consultant
Medical Advisor, National Evidence-Based Medicine and Obstetrician and Gynaecologist, Mr David Symes,
Commissioning Group, NHS Clinical Lecturer, Department of The Rosie Hospital, University of Public contributor
London Primary Health Care, University Cambridge
of Oxford Dr Arnold Zermansky,
Dr Peter Elton, Ms Amanda Roberts, General Practitioner, Senior
Director of Public Health, Bury Dr Dyfrig Hughes, Public contributor Research Fellow, Pharmacy
Primary Care Trust Reader in Pharmacoeconomics Practice and Medicines
and Deputy Director, Centre for Dr Gillian Shepherd, Management Group, Leeds
Dr Ben Goldacre, Economics and Policy in Health, Director, Health and Clinical University
Research Fellow, Epidemiology IMSCaR, Bangor University Excellence, Merck Serono Ltd
London School of Hygiene and
Tropical Medicine

Dr Kay Pattison, Dr Heike Weber, Dr Ursula Wells,
Senior NIHR Programme Programme Manager, Medical Principal Research Officer, Policy
Manager, Department of Health Research Council Research Programme, Department
of Health
Mr Simon Reeve, Professor Tom Walley, CBE,
Head of Clinical and Cost- Director, NIHR HTA
Effectiveness, Medicines, programme, Professor of Clinical
Pharmacy and Industry Group, Pharmacology, University of
Department of Health Liverpool

Psychological and Community Therapies Panel

Chair, Mrs Val Carlill, Dr Jeremy J Murphy, Dr Paul Ramchandani,
Professor Scott Weich, Public contributor Consultant Physician and Senior Research Fellow/Cons.
Professor of Psychiatry, University Cardiologist, County Durham and Child Psychiatrist, University of
of Warwick, Coventry Dr Steve Cunningham, Darlington Foundation Trust Oxford
Consultant Respiratory
Deputy Chair, Paediatrician, Lothian Health Dr Richard Neal, Dr Karen Roberts,
Dr Howard Ring, Board Clinical Senior Lecturer in General Nurse/Consultant, Dunston Hill
Consultant & University Lecturer Practice, Cardiff University Hospital, Tyne and Wear
in Psychiatry, University of Dr Anne Hesketh,
Cambridge Senior Clinical Lecturer in Speech Mr John Needham, Dr Karim Saad,
and Language Therapy, University Public contributor Consultant in Old Age Psychiatry,
Professor Jane Barlow, of Manchester Coventry and Warwickshire
Professor of Public Health in Ms Mary Nettle, Partnership Trust
the Early Years, Health Sciences Dr Peter Langdon, Mental Health User Consultant
Research Institute, Warwick Senior Clinical Lecturer, School Dr Lesley Stockton,
of Medicine, Health Policy and Professor John Potter, Lecturer, School of Health
Medical School Professor of Ageing and Stroke
Practice, University of East Anglia Sciences, University of Liverpool
Dr Sabyasachi Bhaumik, Medicine, University of East
Consultant Psychiatrist, Dr Yann Lefeuvre, Anglia Dr Simon Wright,
Leicestershire Partnership NHS GP Partner, Burrage Road Surgery, GP Partner, Walkden Medical
London Dr Greta Rait, Centre, Manchester
Trust Senior Clinical Lecturer and
General Practitioner, University
College London

Dr Kay Pattison, Dr Morven Roberts, Professor Tom Walley, CBE, Dr Ursula Wells,
Senior NIHR Programme Clinical Trials Manager, Health Director, NIHR HTA Principal Research Officer, Policy
Manager, Department of Health Services and Public Health programme, Professor of Clinical Research Programme, Department
Services Board, Medical Research Pharmacology, University of of Health
Council Liverpool

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Secretary of State for Health.
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