Cultural Factors Effecting Tourism Development in Ilam Province
Cultural Factors Effecting Tourism Development in Ilam Province
Cultural Factors Effecting Tourism Development in Ilam Province
In today's world economy, tourism is one of the most important and effective element for development of
countries economy and is rapidly expanding. Among this attention to cultural tourism both in the context
of tourism itself and tourism research, has attracted increasing attention. Through Cultural tourism, tourist
will be recognizing cultural interdependence of nations with each other. The goal of Cultural tourism is to
learn and search more about the artistic and cultural heritage, traditions and monuments of each society.
The main objective of this study was to investigate the influence of the cultural aspects of tourism on
development in ILAM province. The research method is descriptive - analytical, and the data was
collected by questionnaire through field research. The research populations were all tourists visiting
ILAM province in Iran and according to formulation of the unlimited population, sample of 385 Person
were selected. The sampling method was simple random, which questionnaire distributed among them.
Hypotheses of this research were tested by regression analysis, and using SPSS 18software. The test
results showed that all the hypotheses were confirmed which mean cultural factors has significant impact
on the development and strengthening of tourism in the city of ILAM.
Tourism is a French word. The word is derived from Tour, which in French Language means travel, tour
and excursion. It is more than 200 years since the first book was written in the field of tourism by Thomas
Nag net, as a tourism guidebook in 1778.Actually tourism industry should be relatively new phenomenon
that began as early as the nineteenth century turns. World Tourism Organization, with the intention of
leisure activities, entertainment, shopping and ... In less than a year of his life takes place outside the
normal environment, tourism calls (Fazel and Hedayati, 2010). To create an integrated and sustainable
development and alternative income sources instead of oil, we need to use all the features and capabilities.
In this direction the development of tourism industry, the third largest economic phenomenon that
economists dynamic and growing the automotive oil industry and is considered as an essential
requirement to be the country (Madhosh and Naser, 2003). In between the cultural tourism in both tourist
and research has attracted increasing attention. Wide range opportunities for cultural tourism, the cultural
heritage of the past and present life style are included (Gnoth & Zins, 2013). History scrutiny tourism in
Iran and world reveals close relationship between tourism with culture so that it seems that one of the
primary goals of culture and cultural interactions and motivations of tourists throughout history (Kazemi
and Kazemi, 2008). Richard (2002) considers that in the present, the bilateral relationship has been
established between culture and tourism. Culture is considered vital resource tourism development and
tourism is also an important contribution to the cultural development (Richards, 2002). Thus, given the
importance of the issue tourism and cultural tourism in particular, this study examines the impact of
cultural factors on tourism promotion and development deals.
Statement of the Problem
Tourism is becoming one of the most important and influential part of economy in the world and rapidly
expanding (UNWTO, 2009). Tourism include all the activity that tourist do during their travel like
planning for trip, shifting between the origin and destination and stay (Ranjbrian & Zahady 1998).
Tourism also is a mix activity and involves participation of various sectors of society. Therefore is
affected by their action (Machintosh & Ritchie, 1995).In many country Tourism is their cultural identity
Literature Review
1) Uzama (2008) demonstrated by presenting a paper Includes the development of tourism in the
development of every individual levels direct investments, the orientation of technological and structural
change and institutional development. Tourists are consistent with the present and future needs (Uzama
and Austin, 2008).
2) The aim of this paper is to analyze the relationship between tourism and culture and attractions and
competitive places by Arzani (2009) been written Emphasized that culture is an important factor in
attractions for foreign tourists and domestic tourists and encourage them to invest is considered (Arzeni,
Copyright 2014 | Centre for Info Bio Technology (CIBTech) 5330
Indian Journal of Fundamental and Applied Life Sciences ISSN: 2231 6345 (Online)
An Open Access, Online International Journal Available at
2015 Vol.5 (S1), pp. 5328-5334/Monsef
Review Article
3) Camille et al., (1386) during a research review of the relation between tourism development and
economic growth showed Tourism is today one of the largest economic sectors in many countries is
considered. Iran's oil revenues are highly dependent on tourism, can be used as a way to liberation of
dependency oil revenues and are out of the economic monoculture. It also showed that the causal relation
between tourism and economic growth in Iran is a two-way causal relation between these two variables,
there is a long-term equilibrium (Taipei et al., 2007).
4) Ghanaian et al., (1389) emphasized the relationship between culture components and tourism, showed
that Iran, a country of diverse, plural and is composed of different ethnic groups and subcultures. Among
them, the identity elements, religious, mind, common history and geography of the unit is very important.
It is evident that Touring development in the form tourism, infrastructure establishment knowledge a
common and the understanding among subcultures must be considered (Ghanaian et al., 2010).
5) Gnoth, and Zins in their research "developing tourism Cultural Contact Scale" conceptualize interest
in the other as cultural tourism's focal issue. Using an involvement level taxonomy, this study stratifies
cultural tourism and applies McKercher and DuCros (2002) cultural visitor categories to predict tourist
activities. This exploratory study includes 250 tourists from 20 nationalities and focuses on visitor interest
to engage with Maori culture in New Zealand. The results demonstrate qualitative trustworthiness and
quantitative validity. Both Guttman (1944, 1950) scale qualities and the factor statistics indicate a
successful development of a measurement instrument that bridges the emic/etic divide between cultures.
6) Ali Salem Hyasat in his study "Socio-cultural Impacts of Tourism on the Local Community in Petra,
Jordan", aims at identifying and evaluating the perceptions and attitudes of the Petraians towards tourism
in Jordan. The sample in this study was chosen randomly to be more representative of as many as possible
of the aspects that needed to be explored in order to complement the work that has already been done in
this particular area. Both descriptive and analytical data results were interpreted to attain the findings
about the perceptions of the Petraians of the socio cultural impacts of tourism on their community. It was
found that attitudes varied according to peoples level of dependency on tourism and certain demographic
variables. It was also found that less educated people have a more positive perception of tourism than
those who are more highly educated. Data analysis supports the evidence that there are positive socio-
cultural impacts of tourism on the Petraians. It can also be said that, benefits of tourism in Petra, far
exceed its negative consequences.
7) Theano in his article addresses the ongoing need to assess the impact of tourism on local societies, in
the context of contemporary tourism studies and social sciences.
It seeks to contribute to an understanding of local perceptions of socio-spatial transformation through
processes of a new cultural economy of spacein cases where tourism constitutes the major agent of
change. The case study in Crete explores the imprint of this new cultural economy of space on local
societies, by laying out their understanding of such change through interviews with locals in the wider
region of Hersonissos in northern Crete. Generally speaking, cultural and social roles, structures and
values of the communities under study emerge from this empirical research as more resistant to change,
whereas economic practices and lifestyles seem to be more susceptible to a transformation in favor of an
urban, Western way of life.
8) Elena Spanou paper is based on evaluating tourism development in Cyprus, a European nation, and its
impacts on the socio-cultural structure of the island. The principal concern of this research is aid in
sustaining the resource base on which the tourism development in Cyprus depends on. The paper
concludes that in spite of all the negative and positive impacts of tourism on Cyprus it is not yet clears
whether the benefits outweigh the costs. The reason for this uncertainty is that most of the research is
done on an estimate as there is no empirical data available as yet to support either side of the equation.
9) Bill and Carmen (1997), describes a framework which has been designed for a comparative study of
the social impacts of tourism in destination communities along the eastern seaboard of Australia. As this
part of Australia is experiencing the most rapid population growth and at the same time encompasses the
focus of tourist activity in the country, it is expected that the tension between tourism and urban
development demands will become more pronounced in the future. The framework is tested through an
Statistical Society N n
ILAM province tourists Indefinitely 384
The sample size through Morgan table achieved 384, That 390 Questionnaire were distributed to increase
the reliability of data.
Method of Data Collection
Methods of data collection the field research of because in this method information with questionnaires
will be a visiting researcher. Finally, the number of 390 questionnaires sent, 390 usable responses were
analyzed based on the responses that are received.
Tools for Data Collection
The instruments used in this study is a Questionnaire to collect the data, the questionnaire was distributed
among employees.
Questionnaire Validity
Direction determines the reliability and validity content validity method of the questionnaire used in this
Questionnaire Reliability
In this study, Cornbrashs alpha was used to determine the reliability of the test. This purpose original
sample consists of a pre-test questionnaire was 30And then using the data obtained from the
questionnaires and to statistical software SPSS with Cornbrashs alpha reliability coefficient was
That for the total number questions 90.5%, respectively. These numbers indicates that the questionnaire in
use, the reliability or of other words validity have necessary.
Discussion and Conclusion
In relation to the first hypothesis, results of surveys conducted show that language has an impact on the
promotion and development of tourism. Impact on tourism development languages 31.6 percent, and the
direct effect (positive) comments. Also coefficient of determination between two variables, Tourism
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