Drug Study
Drug Study
Drug Study
cefuroxime Ceftin 500mg/ cap, Antibiotic, Pharyngitis, With allergy to CNS: Stomach *culture infection
1cap TID (PO) Cephalosporin tonsillitis, cephalosphorins or headache, upset or and arrange for
(2nd generation) caused by penicillins dizziness, diarrhea sensitivity tests
Streptococc lethargy before and during
us pyrogens; therapy if expected
GI: N/V, response is not
Otitis media diarrhea, seen.
caused by anorexia,
Streptococc abdominal *give oral drug
us pain, with food to
pneumoniae flatulence decrease GI upset
, and enhance
S.pyrogens, Hypersensitivi absorption
Haemophilu ty ranging
s influenza, from rash to *swallow tablets
Moraxella fever to whole; do not crush
catarrbalis anaphylaxis them.
Pregnancy and
Severe hepatic
dysfunction (serum
albumin <25 g/L or
Child-Pugh score
Estimated renal
creatinine clearance
<30 mL/min.
bowel disease.
Congestive heart
failure (NYHA II-
Patients with
hypertension whose
blood pressure has
not been adequately
ischemic heart
disease, peripheral
arterial disease
ketorolac Toradol 30 mg IV- Nonsteroidal Short term Hypersensitivity to Headache, rash, * Assess pain (note
ampule STAT Anti- managemen aspirin or other dizziness, ringing in type, location, and
(ANSTC) inflammatory t of pain (up NSAIDs, asthma. insomnia, the ears, intensity) prior to
/given Drugs to 5 days) Hypovolaemia or fatigue, rash, headaches and 1-2 hr
(NSAIDs), dehydration. Do not pruritus, , following
Ophthalmic give sweating, dry dizziness, administration.
Decongestants, postoperatively to mucous drowsines
Anesthetics, patients with high membrane, s, * Ketorolac therapy
Anti- risk of n/v, abdominal should always be
inflammatories haemorrhage. dyspepsia, GI pain, given initially by
History of peptic pain, diarrhea, nausea, the IM or IV route.
ulcer or coagulation flatulence, diarrhea, Oral therapy should
disorders. Nasal gastric or constipati be used only as a
polyps, duodenal on, continuation of
angioedema, ulcers, heartburn, parenteral therapy.
bronchospasm. dyspnea, and fluid
Labour. Moderate bronchospasm retention * Caution patient to
to severe renal avoid concurrent
impairment. GI use of alcohol,
bleeding, aspirin, NSAIDs,
cerebrovascular acetaminophen, or
bleeding. As other OTC
prophylactic medications
analgesic before without consulting
surgery. Pregnancy, health care
lactation. professional.
* Advise patient to
consult if rash,
itching, visual
tinnitus, weight
gain, edema, black
stools, persistent
headche, or
s aches, pain)
Sodium Phospho 45ml with ½ Laxatives, Relief of allergic to any Transient Diarrhea; * People with
Phosphate -Soda bottle sprite Purgatives occasional ingredient in Fleet hyperphospha gas; eating disorders
s solution constipation Phospho-Soda temia. nausea; (such as anorexia or
. For bowel stomach bulimia) should not
cleansing cramps or use this medication
prior to You have a bloating; without the advice
medical of a doctor.
procedures blockage of the vomiting.
like surgery, bowel or other
x-ray or severe bowel
endoscopic problems,
exam. congestive heart
failure, kidney
failure, or too much
phosphate in the
Known or
suspected GI
obstruction or ileus,
edema, CHF,
disease, bowel
obstruction &
ascites. Nausea,
vomiting or
abdominal pain,
Na-restricted diet.
Bisacodyl Dulcola 2 suppositories Stimulant, Constipatio Ileus, intestinal Rarely, Bloating; * Used as a
x Laxatives, n. Prep for obstruction, acute abdominal faintness; temporary measure.
supposit Purgatives radiography surgical abdominal discomfort & nausea; Don’t take this drug
ory ; antepartum conditions; severe diarrhea. rectal
within 1 hour of
& dehydration. irritation;
postpartum Appendicitis & stomach any other drugs.
care; prep acute inflammatory fullness, Report
for bowel diseases. cramps, or
sigmoidosco discomfort sweating, flushing,
py or ; muscle cramps,
proctoscopy vomiting. excessive thirst
& anal
fissures. All
w/c require
to be
hydrocorti Solu- 200 mg IV Adrenocortical Replacemen With allergy to any Atrophy at Increase *take this drug
sone cortef steroid, short t therapy in component of drug injection site in exactly as
acting adrenal fungal infections, appetite, prescribed.
corticosteroid, cortical amebiasis, Hepa B, weight
glucocorticoid, insufficienc vaccinia, or gain, *do not stop taking
hormone y varicella, and indigestio this drug without
antibiotic-resistant n, notifying the health
Allergic infections, increased care provider.
statees- immunosuppressant susceptibil
severe ity to * Slowly taper
anticipating infection, dosage to avoid
allergic poor problems. Dosage
conditions wound reduction may
healing, create adrenal
Hypercalce muscle insufficiency.
mia weakness,
associated black or *Take drug with
with cancer tarry meals or snacks if
stools, GI upset occurs.
Short-term hemateme
inflammator sis,
y and epigastric
allergic burning,
disorders puffing of
Retention fever,
enema prolonged
cold or