Mussatto 2007
Mussatto 2007
Mussatto 2007
Received 26 February 2007; received in revised form 23 March 2007; accepted 29 March 2007
Available online 14 April 2007
The present study describes the precipitation of lignin by acidication of a black liquor (pH 12.56 and 12.44 g/l soluble lignin)
produced by soda pulping of brewers spent grain. Sulfuric acid was added to the liquor to decrease the pH, forming a lignin-rich
precipitate. Ten pH values (varying from 12.56 to 2.15) were studied. The lignin mass precipitated for each pH condition was determined,
and the obtained liquors were evaluated regarding the color and concentration of soluble lignin. Some phenolic acids (vanillic, syringic,
p-hydroxybenzoic, ferulic and p-coumaric) were quantied in the liquors to verify their removal proles as a function of the pH
alteration. Signicant lignin precipitation was only observed at pH < 7.7. At pH 2.15 the concentration of soluble lignin was reduced
to 2.31 g/l (removal of 81.43%) and the color of the liquor was strongly modied from dark brown to pale yellow. The phenolic
compounds concentration was reduced in dierent proportions (from 74.4% to 32.1%), suggesting that each lignin derived compound
is dierently aected by the pH alteration.
2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Acidication; Brewers spent grain; Black liquor; Lignin; Precipitation; Soda pulping
0144-8617/$ - see front matter 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
S.I. Mussatto et al. / Carbohydrate Polymers 70 (2007) 218223 219
Fig. 1. Structure proposed for the lignin of conifer according to Adler (1977).
color and hence is called black liquor. The black liquor by-product. BSG is a raw material recently evaluated for
contains a wide variety of compounds (chemicals and cellulose pulp production (Mussatto et al., 2006), and until
derived from lignin), most of them are toxic and need to now, there is not yet any work about the lignin recovery
be removed before the euent discharge to the environ- from the black liquor produced during its pulping. This
ment (Karam & Nicell, 1997). Aiming to decrease the envi- report is thus the rst paper concerning the studies in this
ronmental impact, the pulp and paper industries normally area and has as objective the evaluation of the pH inuence
burn the lignin dissolved in the black liquor for energy gen- on lignin precipitation.
eration. However, the lignin can be isolated and used as the
starting material for a series of useful products, such as 2. Materials and methods
vanillin, phenols, benzene, dispersant, emulsicant and
chelant agents, antioxidants, pesticides, fertilizers, vegetal 2.1. Raw material
charcoal, polymers, adhesives, concrete additives, compo-
nent for resins, among others (Gargulak & Lebo, 2000). The BSG used in the experiments was kindly supplied by
Conventionally, the Kraft lignin has been recovered from the Microbrewery of the Engineering College of Lorena,
black liquor, in laboratory or industrial plants, by precipi- and presented the following chemical composition (% dry
tation with mineral acids like sulfuric or hydrochloric acid, weight, w/w): 16.8% cellulose, 28.4% hemicellulose, 27.8%
followed by ltration and washing, the last one being the lignin, 4.6% ashes, 15.2% proteins, 5.8% extractives, and
critical stage for obtainment of a lignin with high purity 1.4% acetyl groups. As soon as obtained, the material
(Santos & Curvelo, 2001). was washed with water (for removal of the residues pro-
In the present work, a black liquor was obtained by soda ceeding from wort) and dried at 50 5 C until approxi-
pulping of brewers spent grain (BSG), the main brewery mately 10% moisture content.
220 S.I. Mussatto et al. / Carbohydrate Polymers 70 (2007) 218223
Table 1
Volume of concentrated sulfuric acid added in each sample of the brewers spent grain black liquor, characterization of the obtained liquor (pH and
soluble lignin), and quantication of the precipitated lignin mass
Sample H2SO4 (ml) pH Soluble lignin (g/l) Lignin removal (%) Precipitated lignin mass (g) Yielda (g/100 ml)
1 original 12.56 12.44 0.0301 0.1505
2 0.14 10.61 12.42 0.16 0.0361 0.1805
3 0.16 9.90 12.40 0.32 0.0373 0.1865
4 0.18 7.71 12.40 0.32 0.0383 0.1915
5 0.20 5.98 10.49 15.67 0.0909 0.4545
6 0.22 4.30 3.92 68.49 0.2939 1.4695
7 0.24 3.23 2.63 78.86 0.3100 1.5500
8 0.26 2.62 2.45 80.30 0.3202 1.6010
9 0.28 2.48 2.33 81.27 0.3209 1.6045
10 0.30 2.15 2.31 81.43 0.3208 1.6040
Lignin recovery yield from 100 ml of liquor.
2.2. Pre-treatment conditions by Mussatto and Roberto (2006). The phenolic acids con-
centration was obtained by high performance liquid chro-
BSG was pre-treated with dilute sulfuric acid under the matography using a UV (276 nm) detector and a Waters
conditions previously optimized by Mussatto and Roberto resolve C18 5 lm (3.9 300 mm) column. The samples were
(2005): 100 mg H2SO4/g dry matter, a solid:liquid ratio of ltered in 0.45 lm Millipore membrane and injected in the
1:8 g:g, at 120 C for 17 min. At the end of the reaction, chromatograph under the following conditions: column at
the solid residue was separated by centrifugation, washed room temperature; acetonitrile/water (1/8, with 10 g/l ace-
with water until neutral pH and dried at 50 5 C until tic acid and pH adjusted to 2.5 by H3PO4 addition) as elu-
approximately 50% moisture content. ent; a ow rate of 0.9 ml/min and injection volume of 20 ll.
The lignin removal (LR, %) was calculated by the Eq. (1),
2.3. Soda pulping where SLi is the initial concentration of soluble lignin in the
original liquor, and SLf is the total soluble lignin concentra-
The soda pulping of the pre-treated BSG was performed tion in the liquor after the sulfuric acid addition.
using 2% w/v NaOH solution, in a solid:liquid ratio of SLi SLf
1:20 g:g, at 120 C for 90 min, as optimized by Mussatto LR 100 1
et al. (2006). Afterwards, the reaction medium was cooled
in ice bath and ltered in a 100% polyester cloth to separate Origin version 7.0 was the software used for graphical
the black liquor, which had a pH of 12.56. analysis of the results.
A 20 ml volume of the black liquor was treated with dier- The process used for cellulose pulp obtainment from
ent volumes of concentrated sulfuric acid (98% w/w) to BSG was previously established (Mussatto et al., 2006).
obtain a range of dierent pH values (Table 1). After the acid By using this process, 95.3% w/w of the BSG lignin was
addition, the liquor was centrifuged at 4000 rpm for 10 min. removed, and the produced black liquor presented a solu-
The precipitated lignin was separated, thoroughly washed ble lignin concentration of 12.44 g/l. The reduction in the
with water until the supernatant was neutral, and then dried pH of this liquor, proportioned by the sulfuric acid addi-
at 60 C until constant mass. The obtained liquors were tion, caused the precipitation of the solubilized lignin, so
maintained at 4 C during 24 h and centrifuged again at that the lower the pH the higher the recovered lignin mass
4000 rpm for 10 min. The lignin thus precipitated was (Table 1). According to Fengel and Wegener (1989) the lig-
washed with water and dried at 60 C until constant mass. nin is highly soluble in alkaline medium but its solubility in
The total precipitated lignin mass was considered as the the black liquor really decreases when the pH is reduced.
sum of the mass recovered after the acid addition and the Nevertheless, since the lignin nature varies according to
mass recovered after cooling. The obtained liquors were the nature of plant species (Hon, 1996) the precipitation
characterized regarding the pH, total concentration of solu- prole of this fraction can also vary according to the raw
ble lignin, and concentration of the phenolic acids: vanillic, material employed.
p-hydroxybenzoic, syringic, p-coumaric, and ferulic. Interestingly, Table 1 shows that the pH reduction to
7.71 practically did not inuence the lignin precipitation,
2.5. Analytical methods whose removal from black liquor was only 0.32%, propor-
tioned by the cooling and not by the acid addition. Never-
The total concentration of soluble lignin in the liquors theless, the pH decrease to a value near to six started to
was determined according to the methodology described inuence the precipitation of this fraction, proportioning
S.I. Mussatto et al. / Carbohydrate Polymers 70 (2007) 218223 221
60 pH was acidied to 2.15, suggesting that the chemical pul-
Fig. 3. Color of the brewers spent grain black liquor as a function of the drop in the pH value from 12.56 (sample 1) to 2.15 (sample 10).
222 S.I. Mussatto et al. / Carbohydrate Polymers 70 (2007) 218223
4. Conclusions
p-hydroxybenzoic, vanillic and syringic acids (mg/l)
33 p -hydroxybenzoic
The pH is a variable of large inuence on the precipita-
Fig. 4. Phenolic acids removal with the drop in the pH of the brewers The authors are grateful to CAPES, FAPESP and
spent grain black liquor. CNPq for the nancial support.
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