Ts Genco Ae Syllabus 2015
Ts Genco Ae Syllabus 2015
Ts Genco Ae Syllabus 2015
Section-A (80Marks):
1. Electrical Circuits and Networks:
Kirchhoffs laws, mesh and node analysis, network theorems, sinusoidal steady
stateanalysis of single phase and three phase circuits, resonance, transient
response of RL,RC,RLC circuits for different inputs, two-port networks, Two
element network synthesis.
2. Control Systems:
Modelling of physical systems, Block diagrams and signal flow graphs, Time and
frequency domain analysis, Steady state errors, Rouths criterion, Nyquist and
Bode plots, compensation, root loci, elementary ideas of state variable analysis,
control systems components
Characteristics of diodes, BJT, FET,SCR, Amplifier biasing, equivalent circuits,
frequency response, feedback amplifiers, power amplifiers, oscillators,
operational amplifiers and applications, wave shaping circuits, multi-vibrators,
flipflops, universal gate combinational circuits, A/D and D/A converters.
5. Electrical Machines:
Single phase transformer, equivalent circuit, tests, regulation and efficiency, three
phase transformer connections parallel operation, auto transformer, principle of
energy conversion, winding of rotating machines, DC generators and motors,
characteristics, starting and speed control, three phase induction motors
performance characteristics, starting and speed control, single phase induction
motors, synchronous generators, performance, regulation, parallel operation,
synchronous motors, starting characteristics and applications, synchronous
condensers, fractional horse power motors, permanent magnet and stepper
7. Power Systems:
economic operation, symmetrical components, analysis ofsymmetrical and
unsymmetrical faults.
8. Switchgear protection:
Basic of Prime movers, Pumps, Boilers & Turbines, Rankine Cycle, Basics of SM &
FM, Introduction to Quality management and Environmental Protection.Steam
Power Plant, Combustion Process, Gas Turbine Plant, Direct Energy Conservation,
Hydro Electric Power Plant & Power from Non-conventional sources, Power plant
economics-Capital cost, Investment of fixed charges, operating cost,
arrangements for power distribution, load curves, connected load, maximum
demand, demand factor, average load, load factor, diversity factor, Environmental
considerations- Effluents from Power Plants and impact of environment, Pollution
and pollution standards-Methods of pollution control.
Section-A (80Marks):
1. Strength of Materials:
Simple stresses and strains Hookes law, elastic constants, stress strain curve of
mild steel bars of uniform strength, compound bars, temperature stresses,
stresses on oblique planes-principal stresses and strains, Mohrs stress circle,
shear force and bending moment diagrams for beams, bending and shear stresses
in beams, deflections of beams, columns and struts, strain energy, torsion of
circular shafts and springs.
4. Theory of Machines:
Design for static and dynamic loading failure theories, fatigue strength, S-
Ndiagram, design of joints, shafts, bearings, gears, brakes, clutches, screws,
springs, cranks, piston, gyroscopes, balancing and governors.
6. Heat Transfer:
Various modes of heat transfer, fins, heat exchangers, LMTD & NTU methods,
unsteady state heat conduction, dimensionless parameters, free and forced
convective heat transfer, thermal boundary layer, heat transfer in flow-over flat
plates and through pipes, effect of turbulence, radioactive heat transfer, shape
factors, network analysis, condensation and boiling.
8. Turbo Machines:
Mechanics of machining, single and multi point cutting tools, tool geometry , tool
life wear, cutting force analysis, micro finishing machines-EDM, ECM and USM, NC
machines, jigs and fixtures. Standards of measurements, limits, fits, tolerances,
linear and angular measurements, comparators, lathes, drilling, shaping, planning,
milling, gear cutting. Broaching and grinding machines.
Steam Power Plant, Combustion Process, Gas Turbine Plant, Direct Energy
Conservation, Hydro Electric Power Plant & Power from Non-conventional
sources, Power plant economics-Capital cost, Investment of fixed charges,
operating cost, arrangements for power distribution, load curves, connected load,
maximum demand, demand factor, average load, load factor, diversity factor,
Environmental considerations- Effluents from Power Plants and impact of
environment, Pollution and pollution standards-Methods of pollution control.
Section-A (80Marks):
1. Basics of Circuits and Measurement Systems:
Kirchhoffs laws, mesh and nodal Analysis, Circuit theorems, One-port and two
port Network Function. Static and dynamic characteristics of Measurement
Systems, Error and uncertainty analysis, Statistical analysis of data and curve
Characteristics of diode, BJT, JFET and MOSFET, Diode circuits, Transistors at low
and high frequencies, Amplifiers, single and multi-stage. Feedback amplifiers,
Operational amplifiers, characteristics and circuit configurations, Instrumentation
amplifier, Precision rectifier, V-to-I and I-to-V converter, Op-Amp based active
filters. Oscillators and signal generators. Combinational logic circuits,
minimization of Boolean functions. IC families, TTL, MOS and CMOS, Arithmetic
circuits, Comparators, Schmitt trigger, timers and mono-stable multi vibrator.
Sequential circuits, flip-flops, counters, shift registers, Multiplexer, S/H circuit,
Analog-to-Digital and Digital-to-Analog converters. Basics of number system,
Microprocessor applications, memory and input-output interfacing,
Periodic and aperiodic signals. Impulse response, transfer function and frequency
response of first and second order systems. Convolution, correlation and
characteristics of linear time invariant systems. Discrete time system, impulse and
frequency response. Pulse transfer function. Infinite Impulse Resonance (IIR) and
Finite Impulse Resonance (FIR) filters. Amplitude and frequency modulation and
demodulation. Sampling theorem, pulse code modulation. Frequency and time
division multiplexing. Amplitude shift keying, frequency shift keying and pulse
shift keying for digital modulation.
pneumatic system components. Synchro pair, servo and step motors. On-off,
cascade, P, P-I, P-ID, feed forward and derivative controller, Fuzzy controllers.
Machines-DC Generator, DC motors and their applications, Transformers-
Operation, EMF Equation, Losses, efficiency & Regulation, AC Machines-Operation
of Synchronous and Induction motors, their Characteristics & applications.
Section-A (80Marks):
1. Strength of materials and theory of structures:
Simple stresses and strains, Hookes Law, elastic constants, stress strain curve of
mild steel stresses on oblique planes. Principal stresses and strains, Mohrs stress
circle, temperature stresses, compound bars, shear force and bending moment
diagrams for beams, bending and shear stresses in beams, strain energy
principles, torsion of circular shafts . Pure torsion and combined with bending and
thrust, deflections of simple beams, thin and thick cylinders, columns and struts,
direct and bending stresses, trusses, propped cantilevers and fixed beams, arches,
cables and suspension bridges; moving loads and influence lines; static and
kinematic indeterminacies, Continuous beams and portal frames movement
distribution, Kanis and matrix methods. Unsymmetrical Bending and shear
2. Reinforced Concrete:
Materials -properties, grades and tests, workability and mix design of concrete-
basic concepts of working stress and limit state methods of design. Limit state
design of beams, slabs, columns, footings. Circular and flat slabs, water tanks,
bridges. IRC specifications and loadings, Slabs and T beam bridges, retaining walls,
Pre-stressed concrete-basic concepts, losses and analysis and design of beams
including end block.
3. Steel structure:
4. Geo-Technical Engineering:
Origin and classification of soils, three phase system, basic definitions and
relations, effective stress. Permeability, capillarity and seepage of soils, flow nets,
flow through earthen dams, compressibility, consolidation and compaction of
soils, shear strength, stability of slopes, earth pressures and retaining walls, stress
distribution in soils, settlement analysis, subsurface exploration and site
investigations, bearing capacity of Soils, shallow and deep foundations, pile
5. Other Topics:
7. Environmental Engineering:
Electrical Circuits-Basics, Ohms Law, Kirchhoff Law, Inductive & Capacitive
Networks, Series & Parallel Circuits, Star& Delta Transformers, Instruments-Basic
Principles of indicating instruments, PMMC & Moving Iron Instruments, DC
Machines-DC Generator, DC motors and their applications, Transformers-
Operation, EMF Equation, Losses, efficiency & Regulation, AC Machines-Operation
of Synchronous and Induction motors, their Characteristics & applications.
Steam Power Plant, Combustion Process, Gas Turbine Plant, Direct Energy
Conservation, Hydro Electric Power Plant & Power from Non-conventional
sources, Power plant economics-Capital cost, Investment of fixed charges,
operating cost, arrangements for power distribution, load curves, connected load,
maximum demand, demand factor, average load, load factor, diversity factor,
Environmental considerations- Effluents from Power Plants and impact of
environment, Pollution and pollution standards-Methods of pollution control.
iii) English
v) Computer Knowledge