USB To RS232 Installation Guide-Update
USB To RS232 Installation Guide-Update
USB To RS232 Installation Guide-Update
Installation Guide
Step 2: Connect the device to a spare USB port on your PC , and find new hardware wizard,
please refer to the following chart:
Step 8: The wizard has started insllation and copy file to your system
Step 9: Click Finish to close the wizard.
Step 12: Select Install from a list or specific location(Advanced),click Next to continue.
Step 13: Select Search removable media(flappy,CD-ROM),click Next to continue.
Step 14: Auto search for the corresponding driver in the CD.
Setp 15: Choose one type of the driver for your product ,click Next to continue.
Step 16: The wizard has started insllation and copy file to your system .
Step 17: Installation completed , click Finish to close the wizard.
After installation , if you can see USB Serial Converter from the Device
Manager ,but cant see USB Serial Port(COM3) , please continue next steps.
Step A: Right click USB Serial Converter, then click Properties.
Step B: Select Load VCP in the Advanced, click OK.
Step C: Move out USB TO RS232 on your computer. Connect the device to an old USB port on
your PC again, now its ok , please refer to the following chart:
4Disconnect USB 2.0 To rs232 device from the pcclick okit appears the following
interface,then clickYes
5, please click No to uninstall driver