Simultaneous Determination of Iron (III), Iron (II), and Manganese (II) in Environmental Samples by Ion Chromatography

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Environ. Sci. Technol.

1998, 32, 1530-1537

Simultaneous Determination of described for phototrophic (7, 8) and nitrate-reducing

bacteria (9).
Iron(III), Iron(II), and Manganese(II) Natural manganese abundance is far less than that of
iron. However some marine sediments are very manganese
in Environmental Samples by Ion oxide-rich, and manganese reduction is an important process

in these environments. Although manganese reduction in
marine sediments is partly due to sulfides (10), the dis-
similatory reduction of Mn(IV) by microorganisms was shown
SYLVIA SCHNELL,* to play an important role in carbon oxidation in those
STEFAN RATERING, AND environments (3, 11, 12). Manganese is typically extracted
KARL-HEINZ JANSEN with oxalate (13) and analyzed by flame atomic absorption
Max-Planck-Institut fur Terrestische Mikrobiologie, spectrometry.
Karl-von-Frisch-Strasse, D-35043 Marburg, Germany The usual approach to determine Fe(II) in culture and
soil experiments is to use a spectrophotometric method with
ferrozine (14) or 2,2-dipyridyl (15) as the specific Fe(II)
reagent. In a second assay, the reducible Fe(III) concentra-
A chromatographic method was developed for simultaneous tion is determined by comparison of the Fe(II) concentrations
determination of Fe(III), Fe(II), Mn(II), and other transition prior to and after reduction of the sample. This two-stage
procedure is time-consuming and labor intensive. Reduction
metals. A high-performance polymer-coated silica-based
of Fe(III) with hydroxylamine hydrochloride is incomplete
cation exchange column was used for the separation of in the presence of organic compounds. Luther et al. (16)
metals from hydrochloric acid-extracted environmental reported that the reduction of iron(III) citrate with hydroxyl-
samples. After separation, the metals were mixed with PAR amine yielded only 50-60% Fe(II) of the total iron concen-
[4-(2-pyridylazo)resorcinol] and passed through a super- tration whereas the reduction of iron(III) chloride was
coiled Teflon postcolumn reactor. The absorbance of the complete. Samples containing organic matter are also
colored complexes was recorded on line at 520 nm. problematic for the determination of oxidizable Fe(II) with
Detection limits for Fe(III), Fe(II), and Mn(II) were 19, 9, and redox titration using KMnO4. Extracts of soil samples
25 fmol, respectively. Linear detector response was containing high concentrations of humics are typically dark
observed up to concentrations of 5-20 nmol. At concentra- brown, and their color might interfere with a spectropho-
tometric determination of Fe(II). Also chemiluminescence
tions of 2 nmol, the analyses were reproducible with 0.4%
methods (17, 18) are used for specific and highly sensitive
for Fe(III), 0.2% for Fe(II), and 0.5% for Mn(II). The method detection of Fe(II). The luminol oxidation reaction however
was compared with a photometric assay using ferrozine is sensitive to Mn(II), Cu(I), and dissolved organic matter
for Fe(II) determinations and hydroxylamine as reducing (19, 20). Mossbauer spectrometry is also used for the
agent for Fe(III). Concentrations of Fe(III) were calculated determination of the valence state of iron; however, the results
from ferrozine determinations prior to and after the reduction obtained after a long measurement time are not quantitative.
of samples. Good agreement of both methods was Although ion chromatographic methods for determining
obtained for various applications. Fe(III) and Fe(II) Fe(II) and Fe(III) have been reported, no special emphasis
concentrations were determined in a depth profile of a was put on the determination of Fe(II) and Fe(III) concen-
flooded rice paddy soil. The profile showed increasing trations of the samples at the time they were taken rather
than the determination of the total iron content. Steinmann
Fe(II) concentrations from the upper 1 mm soil layer to
and Shotyk (21), using a similar chromatographic system to
a depth of 10 mm, indicating the highest iron-reducing activity the one described here, observed with aging of the cation
in a soil depth of 3 mm. A growth experiment with the metal- column a reduction of Fe(III) in the samples during analyses.
reducing bacterium Geobacter metallireducens showed Kanai (22) used a modified ion chromatographic method to
Fe(III) reduction concomitant with the production of Fe(II) analyze Fe(II) and Fe(III) in powdered rock samples. A partial
and consumption of acetate as a carbon and energy oxidation of Fe(II) to Fe(III) was observed even working with
source. Production of Mn(II) from manganese oxide was anoxic solutions. Oxidation of Fe(II) also seemed to occur
followed with an enrichment culture of Mn(IV)-reducing during analyses of Fe(III) and Fe(II) by Moses et al. (23).
bacteria. They observed an artifact peak that was a function of the
Fe(II) concentration of the sample and interfered with the
Fe(III) peak.
Introduction Therefore, the primary focus of this work was to define
The valence of iron in the environment reflects its redox conditions of reproducible sample preparation and stable
condition and microbial activity. The diagenesis of iron was elution conditions for the speciation of Fe(II) and Fe(III).
recognized as an important biogeochemical cycle interacting The described procedure enabled the detection of iron in
with the carbon, sulfur, and nitrogen cycles. Dissimilatory the original valence composition of environmental samples.
iron(III) reduction is an important microbial process for The system was equipped with an autosampler that allowed
organic matter degradation under anoxic conditions (1-4). automatic analyses of high numbers of samples. The method
Iron(II) oxidation on the other side occurs by chemical and is highly reproducible and very sensitive for simultaneous
photochemical reactions (5, 6) and is also mediated by Fe(III), Fe(II), and Mn(II) detection.
microorganisms. Recently an anoxic Fe(II) oxidation was
Materials and Methods
* Corresponding author e-mail address: schnell@mailer.uni-; phone: +49-6421-178-730; fax: +49-6421-178-999. Chemicals. Ammonium iron(II) sulfate hexahydrate (Mohrs
Permanent address: Sykam GmbH, Rebhuhnweg 26, D-82256 salt) and ammonium iron(III) sulfate dodecahydrate were
Furstenfeldbruck, Germany. used as Fe(II) and Fe(III) standards (Merck chemicals).
1530 9 ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY / VOL. 32, NO. 10, 1998 S0013-936X(97)00861-4 CCC: $15.00 1998 American Chemical Society
Published on Web 03/28/1998
FIGURE 1. Schematic diagram of the high-performance liquid chromatographic system for metal analyses.

Manganese(II) chloride tetrahydrate from Fluka was used as device were fully metal free. The sampling device consisted
Mn(II) standard. For the PAR reagent, 4-(2-pyridylazo)- of two HPLC pumps (PEEK), a reagent selector with con-
resorcinol and 25% ammonium hydroxide solution (Fluka) nections for nitrogen flushing, an on-line vacuum degasser,
was used. L(+)-tartaric acid (Fluka) was dissolved in ultrapure a temperature-controlled cabinet cell for the column and
water, and the pH was adjusted to 2.7-3.1 with lithium postcolumn reactor, and a UV-vis detector. An autosampler
hydroxide (Fluka) and used as eluent. For extraction, 25% with a PEEK Rheodyne injection valve was used to inject 10
hydrochloric acid (Merck) was diluted to 0.5 M. Hydrochloric L samples. The sample loop was flushed with 50 mM
acid (50 mM) was also used for dilution and as flushing hydrochloric acid between injections. A PEEK HPLC column
reagent for the autosampler. All chemicals were analytical (4 150 mm) filled with a polymer-coated silica-based cation-
grade. Nitrogen (4.6) was purchased from Messer Griessheim. exchange resin (IBJ K3 5 m, Sykam, Gilching, Germany)
Extraction of Fe(II), Fe(III), and Mn(II). Soil samples was used to separate the metal ions; a guard column with
(0.5 g) were extracted with 4.5 mL of 0.5 M hydrochloric acid neutral material (Sykam, Gilching, Germany) prolonged the
at room temperature for 24 h. Culture supernatant was lifetime of the column. Tartrate buffer (100 mM) prepared
acidified with hydrochloric acid to a final concentration of from tartaric acid, and lithium hydroxide adjusted to pH
0.5 M. During the extraction, Fe(II) precipitated in siderite, between 2.7 and 3.1 was used to elute the column at a flow
viviantite, and iron sulfide was dissolved as well as the iron rate of 1 mL min-1. PAR reagent containing 1 mM 4-(2-
oxide ferrihydrite. The iron oxides lepidocrocite and goethite pyridylazo)resorcinol in 4% ammonium hydroxide was mixed
were almost insoluble under these conditions depending on (0.2-0.4 mL min-1) with the metals directly after they eluted
their crystallinity. Magnetite was not dissolved by 0.5 M from the column. For suppression of pump pulsation, a 3
hydrochloric acid. The extraction conditions were also m long peek capillary with 0.1 mm diameter was used to
suitable to dissolve precipitated manganese(II) carbonate connect the pump and reactor. A supercoiled Teflon reactor
from rhodochrosite but manganese(IV) oxide was not dis- (0.5 mm 5 m) enabled effective mixing of both solutions
solved. To test the extraction procedure for iron oxidation and allowed a reaction time of 60 s before detection with a
or reduction artifacts, two different soils were used. Standard UV-vis detector at 520 nm. Eluent and PAR reagent were
solutions of Fe(III) and Fe(II) were added at the beginning deoxygenated by a degasser and were both kept under
of the hydrochloric acid extraction to both rice paddy soil nitrogen. A diagram of the chromatographic system is shown
and forest soil with organic carbon contents of 1.8% and 9%, in Figure 1. The absorbance was recorded and integrated
respectively. After the extraction (24 h), Fe(III) and Fe(II) with Pyramid software (Axxiom Chromatography Inc., Cali-
concentrations were determined by chromatographic and fornia). Calibrations of external standards were done using
photometric (ferrozine) methods and compared with the Pyramid software that also provided the calculations of
respective soils that have been extracted without iron concentrations from peak areas.
amendments. Photometric Detection of Fe(II) and Fe(III). The samples
Ion Chromatographic System. The chromatographic were extracted with hydrochloric acid as described above.
system (Sykam, Gilching, Germany) as well as the sampling For Fe(II) determination, ferrozine reagent (14) was used in

a slightly modified version of the technique described by
Lovley and Phillips (24). Aliquots of 100 L samples were
mixed with 1 mL of ferrozine reagent consisting of 0.1%
(w/w) in 200 mM N-2-hydroxyl ethylpiperazine-N-2-
ethanesulfonic acid (HEPES) buffer at pH 7. The mixed
sample was centrifuged in 1.5 mL reaction cups at 600g for
5 min, and the absorbance of the supernatant was measured
at 562 nm. As an estimation for the total iron, the extractable
and reducible iron was determined by mixing 100 L of the
sample with 2 mL of a solution of 0.25 M hydroxylamine
hydrochloride in 0.25 M HCl. After an incubation of 2 h at
60 C, an aliquot of 100 L was mixed with 1 mL of ferrozine
reagent and processed as described above. The concentra-
tion of extractable Fe(III) was determined by the difference
between total extractable iron and Fe(II).
Depth Profile of Soil. Fresh Italian rice paddy soil was
brought to the laboratory and was air-dried to stop microbial FIGURE 2. Chromatograms showing the genesis of the Fe(II) signal
processes. Before the experiment, rice paddy soil was sieved during the column preparation procedure with injections of 200 M
(<1 mm) and mixed with deionized water. Plexiglass tubes Fe(II) in 1% ascorbic acid. (A) Third injection approximately 1 h
filled with soil slurry were incubated in the greenhouse under after installation and flushing of a new column. (B) Signal after 10
natural illumination at temperatures between 25 and 30 C. injections, (C) after 20 injections, (D) after 35 injections, and (E)
During this incubation, the microbial processes started again after 50 injections. The oxidizing character of new columns could
in a similar way as in the vegetation period of rice after the be removed by multiple injections of ascorbic acid following the
previous desiccation of the rice field, the rice harvest, and Fe(II) signal during the procedure.
ploughing of the soil. After 12 weeks of incubation, profiles
of Fe(III) and Fe(II) from the soil tubes were taken. Before New columns typically showed oxidizing character and
soil layers of 1 mm thickness were cut, the cores have been were not directly suitable for iron speciation (Figure 2).
placed in the anaerobic box to prevent oxidation of Fe(II) Samples of Fe(II) standards were oxidized on the column
during sample preparation. All soil layers were extracted and showed signals in the front part of the chromatogram
separately after the wet weight of the soil slices was similar to Fe(III) peaks. Occasionally additional broad peaks
determined. Parallel porewater was obtained by centrifuga- were observed between the Fe(III) and Fe(II) peaks that were
tion of the soil slices under a nitrogen atmosphere. The likely to be the oxidized product of Fe(II). Multi-metal
supernatant was placed into HPLC vials and acidified with standards containing Fe(III), Cu(II), Ni(II), Co(II), Fe(II), and
HCl (0.5 M end concentration) to stabilize the Fe(II) during Mn(II) showed the known elution order and retention times;
the analysis. Porosity and density profiles of the soil were however, no peak for Fe(II) was observed. This problem was
determined in triplicates with parallel soil cores. solved by the following procedure to prepare new columns
Growth Experiment with Iron- and Manganese-Reduc- for analyses: Samples (50 L) of a 1% ascorbic acid with 200
ing Bacteria. Geobacter metallireducens strain GS15 obtained M Fe(II) were injected about 50 times in 5-10 min intervals
from the German culture collection (DSM) was grown in until a single peak was observed for Fe(II) standards.
mineral medium containing 30 mM iron(III) citrate and 3 Continuous injections and elution of Fe(II) standards resulted
mM acetate. For the growth experiment, 24 bottles (50 mL) in an initial Fe(III) peak that decreased as the Fe(II) peak
containing medium were inoculated equally and incubated increased, and finally an exclusive Fe(II) peak was observed
at 30 C. Three culture bottles were used for each time point. (Figure 2). The suitability of the system was tested with
Samples of 2 mL aliquots were removed for the determination injections of pure Fe(II) and Fe(III) standards to ensure that
of acetate. Growth in the culture bottles was stopped by the neither oxidation of Fe(II) nor reduction of Fe(III) occurred
addition of hydrochloric acid to a final concentration of 0.5 during analyses (Figure 3). After calibration with concentra-
M, and Fe(III) and Fe(II) were determined after 24 h of tions between 5 and 500 M single Fe(III) and Fe(II) standards,
extraction as described above. the system was prepared for unknown sample analyses.
An enrichment culture was started with acetate and Thereafter the column was routinely tested with pure Fe(III)
manganese oxide from rice paddy soil as inoculum. After and Fe(II) standards.
manganese oxide was dissolved, the culture was transferred The retention times of the metals varied with the pH of
repeatedly into a new medium and Mn(II) production was the tartrate buffer. At pH 3.1, Fe(II) and Mn(II) eluted at 7
followed. The same extraction procedure was used for and 8.5 min, respectively. A decrease of the eluent to pH 3.0
Mn(II) determinations as for Fe(III) and Fe(II) described resulted in retention times of 14 min for Fe(II) and 20 min
above. Acetate was quantified by ion exchange chroma- for Mn(II). In addition to pH values, the concentration of
tography using a refraction index detector (25). the mobile phase also affected the retention times; with higher
tartaric acid concentrations resulting in decreased retention
times. Injections of pure, diluted HCl (50-500 mM) were
Results tested for interfering signals of eluting protons causing a
Chromatographic System for Detection of Fe(II), Fe(III), pH-dependent PAR absorbance at retention times close to
and Mn(II). The separation of transition metals was the Fe(III) peak. HCl concentrations above 200 mM caused
performed on a polymer-coated silica-based column. This a small absorbance drop within the dead volume.
column combined the advantage of a high column capacity A typical chromatogram for Fe(III), Cu(II), Zn(II), Ni(II),
(as pure silica columns, e.g., Nucleosil 5 SA) with the stability Co(II), Fe(II), and Mn(II) achieved at a flow rate of 0.8 mL
in aqueous buffers (as pellicular polymer-based ion ex- min-1 100 mM tartrate buffer at pH 3.0 is shown in Figure
changers with low capacity, e.g., IonPak CS5). This high 3. The peak areas were constant at different pH values of the
capacity column enabled the use of a highly buffered eluent eluent as long as the ammonia buffer concentration in the
(100 mM tartrate buffer) allowing injections of acidic samples PAR reagent was high enough to provide a constant pH value
(0.5 M HCl) without any effects on peak symmetry or retention in the postcolumn reactor. Changes of the eluent/PAR ratios
times. from 4:1 to 3:2 resulted in pH variations between 9.9 and

FIGURE 3. (A) Chromatogram of a six-metal standard containing
250 M each of Fe(III), Cu(II), Zn(II), Co(II), Fe(II), and Mn(II). (B)
Chromatogram of pure Fe(III) and Fe(II) standards. After the tuning
procedure of new columns, no oxidation of Fe(II) was observed nor
the reduction of Fe(III).

10.5. The absorbance of the Fe(III)- and Fe(II)-PAR complex

was constant within that pH range, whereas the Mn(II)-PAR
complex decreased below pH 10. Therefore eluent-PAR
mixing ratios of 2:1 were selected for sensitive Mn(II)
detection. For Fe(III) and Fe(II) detection, an eluent-PAR
mixing ratio of 4:1 was most suitable because lower flow
rates of PAR reagent resulted in less dilution of eluting metal
peaks and therefore in a better separation and higher
Reaction times of 20 s for the formation of the metal- FIGURE 4. Linearity and stability of pure standards of (A) Fe(III), (B)
PAR complex were sufficient for maximum absorbance. With Fe(II), and (C) Mn(II) for various experiments. (O, b) Standards freshly
a postcolumn reactor of almost 1 mL total volume and a dissolved and diluted in water before injection. (4, 2) Standards
total flow rate of 1 mL/min, the reaction time was ap- freshly dissolved and diluted in 50 mM hydrochloric acid. (0, 9)
proximately 60 s and therefore long enough for reproducible Standards dissolved and diluted in water and stored at room
analyses. temperature for 10 days. (3, 1) Standards dissolved and diluted in
Reproducibility, Linearity, and Detection Limits. 50 mM hydrochloric acid and stored at room temperature for 10
Iron(III) ammonium sulfate was dissolved in 0.25 M HCl and days. ()) Standards dissolved in water and stock solution stored
used as the Fe(III) standard. The stock solution was either at room temperature for 10 days and diluted before injection. (Box
diluted (5-500 M) and analyzed directly or stored at room with plus sign inside) Standards dissolved and diluted in water,
temperature or -20 C for later analyses. The linear frozen at -20 C for 10 days, and thawed before injection.
regressions did not vary with the different age and temper-
atures for storage (Figure 4A). directly or stored at room temperature or -20 C and analyzed
As Fe(II) standards, Mohrs salt (iron(II) ammonium after 2 days. The linear regression was very similar at the
sulfate) was dissolved to a concentration of 2 mM in water various conditions (Figure 4C).
or in 0.25 M HCl. The stock solution was either diluted and The detection limit was determined by the standard
analyzed directly or stored at room temperature or at -20 deviation (n > 10) of the lowest calibration concentration (5
C before dilution (5-500 M). The calibration curves were SD). With an injection volume of 10 L, the detection
very similar independent of the sample storage for up to 10 limits were 1.9 M for Fe(III), 0.9 M for Fe(II), and 2.5 M
days at room temperature or -20 C (Figure 4B). for Mn(II). The detection limit for Fe(III) included the
Manganese(II) chloride (1 mM) was dissolved in water or addition of 0.8 M that was detected for Fe(III) in blank
in 50 mM HCl and either diluted (5-500 M) and analyzed samples. No Fe(II) signals were detected in blanks. Since

TABLE 1. Analytical Results of Fe(III), Fe(II), and Mn(II)
Standards from Multiple Injections (n > 10)
reproducibility at relative detection
metal ion various concn (M) SD (%) limit (M)
Fe(III) 500 ( 10 2
200 ( 0.8 0.4
10 ( 0.4 4 1.9
Fe(II) 500 ( 5 1
200 ( 0.4 0.2
10 ( 0.2 2 0.9
Mn(II) 500 ( 2.5 0.5 2.5
a Injection volume of standards 10 L.

FIGURE 6. Growth experiment of the iron-reducing bacterium

Geobacter metallireducens on acetate as electron donor. (A)
Reduction of Fe(III) (O) to Fe(II) (2) determined by the chromato-
graphic method. Acetate (9) consumption was measured by ion
exchange chromatography. (B) For comparison, Fe(II) and Fe(III)
FIGURE 5. Depth profile of Fe(III) and Fe(II) concentrations in rice were also determined using ferrozine. Fe(II) was quantified directly
paddy soil. (Left) Fe(III) and Fe(II) concentrations after acidic (2) and the total iron (1) after reducing the sample with
extraction. Fe(II) concentrations were determined by ferrozine (9) hydroxylamine hydrochloride in hydrochloric acid. Fe(III) concen-
and by ion chromatography (flattened circle). Fe(III) concentrations trations (O) were calculated by the difference of total iron and
were determined by ion chromatography (2). (Right) Porewater Fe(II). Assays were performed in triplicates; error bars are (1
concentrations of Fe(II) determined by ion chromatography (]). standard error.
Data are means of triplicates; error bars are (1 standard error.
Growth Experiments with Metal-Reducing Bacteria. The
the signal was linear from injection volumes from 10 to 100 reduction of Fe(III) was studied in a pure culture experiment
L, a decrease of the detection limit by a factor of 10 could with the iron-reducing bacterium G. metallireducens strain
be reached without additional precaution. The reproduc- GS-15 isolated from a freshwater sediment by Lovley and
ibility was determined at concentrations of 10, 200, and 500 Phillips (26). G. metallireducens was grown with 30 mM
M and varied between 0.2 and 4% relative standard deviation iron(III) citrate and 3 mM acetate in anoxic mineral medium
(Table 1). and sampled at various times for iron determinations. The
Soil extractions with standard additions were performed disappearance of Fe(III) paralleled acetate utilization and
to test for oxidation of Fe(II) and reduction of Fe(III) during ceased when acetate was depleted (Figure 6A). Appearance
extraction and analysis. Recovery of Fe(II) was between 90 of Fe(II) occurred concomitant with Fe(III) reduction. The
and 110%, independent of the organic content (1.8 and 9%) results for Fe(III) and Fe(II) were similar with both methods
of the two soils and the method of iron determination (Figure 6B).
(ferrozine and chromatographic). For hydrochloric acid- An enrichment culture obtained from rice paddy soil was
extractable Fe(III), the recovery of ammonium iron(III) sulfate grown with manganese oxide as the electron acceptor and
and ferrihydrite additions were higher than 90%. with acetate as the carbon and energy source. During growth,
Depth Profile of Fe(III) and Fe(II) in Waterlogged Soil. concomitant acetate consumption and Mn(II) production
Depth profiles of Fe(III) and Fe(II) concentration in a rice were observed (Figure 7).
paddy soil core are shown in Figure 5. Fe(II) concentrations
determined after acidic extraction were lowest at the soil Discussion
surface and increased continuously with increasing depth The ion chromatographic method allowed an automatic and
up to 10 mm. Below 10 mm depth, the Fe(II) concentrations simultaneous quantification of both iron species Fe(III) and
were stable. Both iron determination methods showed Fe(II). The elution of metals depends on the formation of
identical Fe(II) depth profiles. Porewater concentrations of anionic metal tartrate complexes from free metal cations
Fe(II) were about a factor 1000 smaller than Fe(II) concen- and tartrate:
trations after acidic extractions. Dissolved Fe(II) in the
porewater showed small variations with the depth and slightly pH
higher concentrations on the surface. Concentrations of metaln+ + n[C4H4O6]2- 98 [metal(n)[C4H4O6]n]n-
hydrochloric acid-extractable Fe(III) decreased from the soil anionic complex
surface to a depth of 7 mm and remained at a concentration
of 10 mol cm-3 below that depth. The equilibrium constant of this reaction is pH-dependent.

new columns on the surface of the separation material
(approximately 600 m2 column-1) was probably due to the
production procedure using tetrahydrofuran that forms
peroxides. Injections of ascorbic acid and flushing of the
column with anoxic buffer established conditions for the
detection of pure Fe(II) and Fe(III) standards. Re-installed
columns also showed a slight oxidation of Fe(II) that could
be eliminated by flushing with anoxic eluent for a few hours.
Oxidation of Fe(II) was the main problem of various reports
for ion chromatographic detection of iron. Moses et al. (23)
describe an artifact peak in the chromatogram that only
occurred if the sample contained Fe(II). This artifact peak
interfered with the Fe(III) peak and made analyses of small
Fe(III) concentrations impossible. Our observation with new
columns showing oxidizing character is in agreement with
Moses et al. (23). We also detected Fe(III) and an additional
broad peak between Fe(III) and Fe(II) in samples containing
FIGURE 7. Time course of Mn(II) production in an enrichment culture
exclusively Fe(II) analyzed on a new column. The broad
grown in anoxic mineral medium containing manganese oxide.
peak was the product of Fe(II) oxidation on the column during
Acetate (9) was consumed while Mn(II) (]) was produced.
elution. Oxidation of Fe(II) during elution was also recog-
nized by others (27, 28). In these studies, the detection of
At one given pH value (e.g., pH 3.0) the equilibrium of the
total dissolved iron was of interest and not the speciation of
complex formation is much more on the complex side for
iron. Therefore, the authors added ascorbic acid to the
Fe(III)-tartrate complex than for Fe(II)-tartrate complex
samples to reduce Fe(III) and to establish more stable elution
(27). This is the reason for the fast elution of Fe(III) from the
column since only the metal cation interacts with the cation
column but not the anionic metal complex. The average Sample preparation was critical to ensure the detection
abundance of free Fe(II) cations at that pH is much higher of Fe(III) and Fe(II) in the original ratio of the environmental
than that of free Fe(III) cations; therefore, the interaction of sample. In rainwater analyses for transition metals, the iron
Fe(II) cations with the column is more frequent, and the was partly lost by sample filtration (29). Due to the solubility
elution of Fe(II) is much slower than that of Fe(III). This product of iron oxides, any particulate iron is often considered
causes the atypical elution order for selected cation exchange as Fe(III) and dissolved iron as Fe(II). However in the
chromatography with trivalent cations before divalent cat- presence of organic compounds, Fe(III) can occur dissolved
ions. (30). Conversely, Fe(II) can precipitate in the presence of
Increasing the pH value of the eluent (e.g., pH 3.1) carbonate, phosphate, or reduced sulfur species. Sample
decreases the average abundance of free metal cations and filtration or centrifugation as performed for porewater
therefore decreases the retention time. The pH of the tartrate analyses might yield incorrect data for both Fe(III) and
buffer is adjusted with lithium hydroxide, and the concen- Fe(II). Porewater Fe(II) concentrations are typically orders
tration of Li(I) cations in the eluent increases logarithmically of magnitudes lower than those after extraction (Figure 5),
with increasing pH values. At higher Li(I) cation concentra- and neither indicate iron-reducing nor iron-oxidizing activity.
tions, the interactions of metal cations with the cation column Therefore we chose acidic sample extraction of solid phase
are hindered and the elution is faster. The pH-dependent for Fe(III), Fe(II), and Mn(II) analyses similar to reports using
equilibrium constant of the metal complex formation and various other methods [e.g., spectrophotometric detection,
the pH-dependent Li(I) concentration are both responsible polarographic detection, atomic absorption, Mossbauer
for the dramatic changes in retention times with small pH spectroscopy (31, 32)]. Due to the sensitivity of most cation
shifts of tartrate buffer. Retention times of 7 and 8.5 min exchange columns, acidic sample extraction has been avoided
were observed for Fe(II) and Mn(II) with 100 mM tartrate for chromatographic metal determinations in the past. The
buffer, pH 3.1, as eluent. The retention times increased to polymer-coated silica-based cation exchange column used
14 and 20 min for Fe(II) and Mn(II) with tartrate buffer at pH here enabled hydrochloric acid extraction for effective
3.0. With tartrate buffer at pH 3.1, enough cationic character solubilization of particulate Fe(II) as siderite, viviantite, and
of Fe(III) to result in an elution just after the dead volume sulfide. In addition, some iron oxides were also dissolved
area and short retention times for Fe(II) and Mn(II) were under these conditions, allowing an estimate of the bacterial
obtained. reducible Fe(III) pool of the sample. The sample dilution
In the environmental samples (n > 6000) analyzed, 90% with hydrochloric acid stabilized dissolved Fe(II) and pre-
of all Fe(III) and Fe(II) concentrations ranged between 25 vented the precipitation of Fe(III) in the sample before
and 250 mol (cm of soil)-3. Extractions of these samples injection.
resulted in concentrations (50-500 M) that were within the We routinely checked the extraction and analyses method
statistically validated calibration range. Samples from various with single species standards to ensure that neither oxidation
origins were diluted when necessary. Higher injection of Fe(II) nor reduction of Fe(III) occurred during the
volumes for lower detection limits (1-2 M) were not procedure. Standard additions to soils of various organic
necessary for our application. However a 10-fold increase contents at the extraction start showed Fe(III) recoveries
of the detection limit could be easily achieved by increasing higher than 90%. The content of humics had no effect on
the injection volume from 10 to 100 L, which showed no recovery of Fe(III) and Fe(II) although a reduction of Fe(III)
effect on the peak symmetry. has been reported in the presence of humics under acidic
Oxidation/reduction of Fe(II)/Fe(III) during the analyses conditions (21, 33). With aging of the column, we observed
was recognized as a potential problem and was prevented a capacity loss resulting in a decrease of metal separations
by the acidic pH of the samples, eluent, and flushing solution but never a reducing character of the column as Steinmann
of the autosampler. In addition, anoxic conditions of the and Shotyk (21) described. They observed a broad peak as
eluent and PAR reagent were obtained using a degasser and a possible reduction product of Fe(III) due to the accumula-
nitrogen headspace of the solvents. The oxidation power of tion of humics on the aging column (21).

Initially, we observed metal contamination during analy- rapid oxidation of Fe(II) through chemical and microbial
ses using a chromatographic system that was fully inert except mediated processes (7, 9). The depth profile of Fe(III) and
for the injection needle of the autosampler. Blank samples Fe(II) in rice paddy soil adds to the small database that
frequently showed Fe(III), Zn(II), Ni(II), and Fe(II) peaks in supports the general importance of iron reduction in
concentrations ranging up to 100 M. The metal contami- sedimentary carbon oxidation (4, 37-39).
nation increased with higher HCl concentrations (50-500 The growth experiment with the iron-reducing bacterium
mM) of the sample. Substitution of the stainless steel needle G. metallireducens shows a second application of the
by a PEEK needle drastically reduced the contamination with described chromatrographic method (Figure 6). Reduction
metals. Even blanks of high HCl concentration did not of Fe(III) to Fe(II) with concomitant oxidation of acetate
contain any metal peaks, although the injection peak during bacterial growth confirms the experiment of Lovley
increased due to the proton effect on the eluent-PAR mixture. and Phillips (26), who isolated and described G. metallire-
In environmental samples, Zn(II) and Ni(II) were occasionally ducens. The authors determined Fe(III) and Fe(II) with a
detected. These metals were not pursued or quantified. A photometric analyses (ferrozine) and determined acetate by
mixture of six metals, however, was used routinely to check gas chromatography. Independent of the methods used,
for the separation capacity of the column. both experiments showed similar results.
The chromatographic analysis of Fe(III), Fe(II), and The chromatographic method also allowed a simple
Mn(II) was highly reproducible and linear over a wide Mn(II) determination. Mn(II) production was followed with
concentration range (Figure 4). With automatic sample an enrichment culture growing on acetate as the sole electron
injections, the described method can become a powerful donor and manganese oxide as the sole electron acceptor
tool for iron speciation and Mn(II) detection in environmental (Figure 7). Within 13 days, about 7.4 mM Mn(II) was
samples. For comparison, most spectrophotometric meth- produced while 2 mM acetate was consumed. This is in
ods (17, 34, 35) are specific for Fe(II). Fe(III) concentrations agreement with a complete oxidation of acetate to carbon
are typically calculated from total iron concentrations dioxide and the reduction of stoichiometric amounts of
determined after a reduction step, and the Fe(II) concentra- Mn(IV) to Mn(II). Since the culture was growing in anoxic
tions are determined directly after the extraction. As reducing mineral medium that did not contain compounds able to
agents, compounds such as ascorbic acid, hydroxylamin, or chemically reduce manganese oxide [e.g., sulfide, ferrous
sulfite are used. Similar to spectrophotometric methods, iron (40), reduced organics(41)], we assume that the bacteria
chemiluminescence methods (17, 18) are also specific for dissimilatory reduce Mn(IV) for energy conservation (42).
Fe(II). Spectrophotometric and chemiluminescence meth- The described chromatographic method combined sev-
ods both show very low detection limits for Fe(II) in the eral advantages over traditional methods used for Fe(III),
range of 0.01-1 nM. A possible disadvantage of those Fe (II), and Mn(II) determinations. Those are the simulta-
methods however is the interference with other cations neous detection of the metals with high reproducibility and
[Zn(II), Cu(II), Cu(I), Ni(II), and Mn(II)] and organic com- low detection limits. The method also allows an automa-
pounds (19, 20, 36). Matrix interferences of environmental tization of the analyses and excludes matrix interference in
samples (e.g., humics or other metal cations) during the environmental samples.
chromatographic analysis described here were excluded by
the combination of separation and subsequent detection of Acknowledgments
the metals. Due to the high abundance of iron in soil and We thank Udo Jackel for helpful discussions and Sabine Koch
sediment samples, the detection limits of this chromato- for technical assistance. This work was supported by the
graphic method were at least 50-500 times lower than the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.
typical iron concentrations in the environmental samples
after extraction (n > 6000).
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