Quality Principles and Concepts
Quality Principles and Concepts
Quality Principles and Concepts
Principles and
Vishwatosh Tripathi
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Version Change Log Author Date
1.0 First Draft Vishwatosh 31-Oct-2013
Vocabulary of Quality
Understand the terms used to explain and implement quality in an IT organization.
The Different Views of Quality
The Two Quality Gaps
Quality Attributes for an Information System
Quality Concepts and Practices
PDCA Cycle (Plan-Do-Check-Act)
Cost of Quality
Six Sigma Quality
Baselining and Benchmarking
Earned Value
Quality Control and Quality Assurance
Quality Control
Understanding and Using the Just-In-Time (JIT) Technique
Quality Assurance
Differentiating Between Quality Control and Quality Assurance
Quality Pioneers Approach to Quality
Dr. W. Edward Deming
Philip Crosby
Dr. Joseph Juran
Total Quality Management
Vocabulary of Quality
From the producer's viewpoint, a defect is a product requirement that has not been met, or a
product attribute possessed by a product or a function performed by a product that is not in the
statement of requirements that define the product.
From the customer's viewpoint, a defect is anything that causes customer dissatisfaction,
whether in the statement of requirements or not.
Policy - Managerial desires and intents concerning either processes (intended objectives) or
products (desired attributes).
Procedure - The step-by-step method followed to ensure that standards are met.
The work effort that produces a product. This includes efforts of people and equipment
guided by policies, standards, and procedures.
A statement of purpose and an essential set of practices (activities) that address that
purpose. A process or set of processes used by an organization or project to plan,
manage, execute, monitor, control, and improve its software related activities.
Productivity - The ratio of the output of a process to the input, usually measured in the same
units. It is frequently useful to compare the value added to a product by a process, to the
value of the input resources required (using fair market values for both input and output).
Standard - A requirement of a product or process. For example: 100 percent of the
functionality must be tested.
Definition of Quality
Doing it right the first time meeting customer
requirements (Fn. and non Fn.), according to
agreed upon standards and within the
agreed time frame.
Big Q
Together the below three constitute the
Big Q
Product Quality
Process Quality
Customer Satisfaction
Smallq is concerned only about the
product quality limited to product defect
Quality Attributes of an
Information System
Attributes Definition
Correctness Extent to which a program satisfies its
specifications and fulfills the users mission
Reliability Extent to which a program can be expected to
perform its intended function with required
Efficiency The amount of computing resources and code
required by a program to perform a function.
Integrity Extent to which access to software or data by
unauthorized persons can be controlled.
Usability Effort required learning, operating, preparing
input, and interpreting output of a program.
Quality Attributes of an
Information System
Attributes Definition
Maintainability Effort required locating and fixing an error in an
operational program.
Testability Effort required testing a program to ensure that it
performs its intended function.
Flexibility Effort required modifying an operational
Reusability Extent to which a program can be used in other
applications related to the packaging and
scope of the
functions that programs perform.
Interoperability Effort required to couple one system with
Kaoru Ishikawa has
Demings Wheel
Cost of Quality
The cost of quality (COQ) is the money
spent beyond what it would cost to build a
product right the first time. If every worker
could produce defect-free products the first
time, the COQ would be zero. Since this
situation does not occur, there are costs
associated with getting a defect-free
product produced.
Cost of Quality
Cost of Quality has two main components
Cost of Conformance
The total cost of ensuring that a product is good
quality. It is an organizations investment into quality of
its products.
It includes QA costs, i.e. training, standards and
processes and QC costs, i.e. reviews, audits,
inspections and testing
Cost of Non-conformance
Costs incurred by an organization once the product
or services fail in achieving their goals
For example cost of fixing production issues, possible
loss of business etc.
Cost of Quality
Money required preventing errors and to do the job right the first time
is considered prevention cost. This category includes money spent on
establishing methods and procedures, training workers and planning
for quality. Prevention money is all spent before the product is
actually built.
Appraisal costs cover money spent to review completed products
against requirements. Appraisal includes the cost of inspections,
testing and reviews. This money is spent after the product or
subcomponents are built but before it is shipped to the user.
Failure costs are all costs associated with defective products. Some
failure costs involve repairing products to make them meet
requirements. Others are costs generated by failures, such as the
cost of operating faulty products, damage incurred by using them
and the costs incurred because the product is not available. The user
or customer of the organization may also experience failure costs.
Cost of Quality
Studies show that the COQ in IT is approximately 50% of the total
cost of building a product. Of the 50% COQ, 40% is failure, 7% is
appraisal, and 3% is prevention. Other studies have shown that $1
spent on appraisal costs will reduce failure costs threefold; and
each dollar spent on prevention costs will reduce failure costs
tenfold. Obviously, the right appraisal and prevention methods
must be used to get these benefits.
Best Practices
A Best Practice is one of the most
effective practices for performing a
specific process. Best Practices are
normally identified by benchmarking, or
by an independent assessment. Best
Practices are also identified through
winners of quality competitions such as
the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality
Award, Deming Prize, etc.
Earned Value
It is important that quality professionals be able to
demonstrate that their work provides value to their
organization. Return-on-investment (ROI) that
demonstrates the dollars returned for the dollars
invested is one of the more popular means to
demonstrate value returned. However, ROI is not
designed to measure subjective values such as
customer loyalty. There is no generally accepted
best way to measure the value earned from
quality initiatives. It is recommended that quality
professionals use the method(s) recommended by
their accounting function for calculating earned
Quality Control - QC
Quality Control measures both products and processes for
conformance to quality requirements (including both the specific
requirements prescribed by the product specification, and the
more general requirements prescribed by *Quality Assurance*);
identifies acceptable limits for significant *Quality Attributes*;
identifies whether products and processes fall within those limits
(conform to requirements) or fall outside them (exhibit defects);
and reports accordingly. Correction of product failures generally
lies outside the ambit of Quality Control; correction of process
failures may or may not be included.
Quality Assurance - QA
A planned and systematic set of activities to ensure that variances in
processes are clearly identified, assessed and improving defined processes for
fulfilling the requirements of customers and product or service makers.
"Work done to ensure that Quality is built into work products, rather than
Defects." This is by (a) identifying what "quality" means in context; (b)
specifying methods by which its presence can be ensured; and (c) specifying
ways in which it can be measured to ensure conformance.
Process Driven Approach: It is Concerned with Product:
a process to monitor and It measures and controls
improve existing quality
processes. the quality of the software
Quality Assurance ensures
as it is being developed.
that the processes designed Quality Control ensures
for the product development that the final product is
and services are effective error free and satisfactory.
enough to meet the
objectives. Quality Control focuses on
Quality Assurance focuses on finding defects in the
defect prevention. product
Thank You