Solomon Haileyesus

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Prepared by

Group members ID No

1. BRHANE G/MESKEL .....................................................................RET 0359/06

2. FILMON BERHE .RET 0389/06
3. KAHASI W/TEKLE...RET 0391/06
4 SOLOMON HAILEYESUS.........RET 1372/06
First of all I would like to express my deepest gratitude to the almighty God for his
supporting and protecting me during my stay at the internship.
Secondly I would like to express my best excellence to Adigrat University for giving me
this chance of internship program in improving my theoretical skills of knowledge with
practical skill of knowledge by supervising all my activities through by placing supervisor
and make me to report all the activities done weekly as well as monthly.
During my stay in Welwalo liquors factory (WLF) for four months many people had
contributed their knowledge and ideas in improving my practical skill and up grading my
theoretical knowledge. And I would like to take this opportunity to thank them for their
generous help. The most interesting contributor is my adviser called Ato Fkre for his good
explanations of distillation and the raw materials. Ato Dawit who helped us around
laboratory room
I would also like to say thank you for the company administrators and all workers for
supporting me how can I proceed all activities of the company.
Table of content

Preface page

Chapter one; General history of wolowalo liquor factory

1.1 Introduction
1.2 Back ground of the project
1.3 Vision of the project
1.4 Mission of the project
1.5 Objective of the project
1.5.1. General objective
1.5.2 specific objective
1.6 Raw material and inputs to the wolowalo liquor factory
1.6.1 Direct raw materials
1.7 Main products of the wolowalo liquor factory
1.8 Main customers of the wolowalo liquor factory
1.9 Technology and machinery of the wolowalo liquor factory
1.10 Machinery and equipment for the production of liquor
1.11 The Main challenges at wolowalo liquor factory
1.12 The measures that have be taken to solve the challenges
Chapter Two; Over all at wolowalo liquor factory structure
2.1 Management structure of the wolowalo liquor factory
2.2 Process flow diagram and description of the wolowalo liquor factory
2.3 Material and energy balance on selected equipments
2.4 Over all plant efficiency analysis
2.5 Environmental impact analysis
Unit 3-Over all benefit that gained from the internship

3.1 In terms of improving practical skill

3.2 In terms of upgrading theoretical knowledge
3.3 3.3 In terms of improving interpersonal communication skills
3.4 In terms of improving team playing skills
3.4 In terms of improving leadership skill
3.5 6 In terms of understanding about work ethics
3.6 In terms of entrepreneurship skills
Unit 4-Project work on the hosting company
Project title
Introduction and back ground
Statement of the problem
General and specific objective
Significance of the project

Literature review
Materials and methodology
Energy and material balance
Sizing of the equipment
Environmental impact analysis
Conclusion and recommendation
Abbreviations and Acronyms

APF - Addis pharmaceutical factory

B-Lactam - Beta lactam

BOD - Biological oxygen demand

COD - Chemical oxygen demand

Conc. - Concentration

FAC - Free available chlorine

HVAC - Heating ventilation and conditioning

HP - High pressure

LP - Low pressure

LVPs - Levoplus (Technology that enables a new way)

MED - Maintenance and engineering department

MSc - Master of Science

Pe - Polyethylene

PHARMID - Pharmastical and medical supplies import and wholesale enterprise

PLC - Programmable logic controller

PVC - Polyvinyl chloride

PVDC - Polyvinylidence chloride

Qty - Quantity

RDD - Research and development department

SRT - Solid retention time

TOC - Total organic carbon

TOD - Total oxygen demand

TSS - Toxic shock syndrome

USD - University of San Diego

UV - Ultraviolet

UWWT - Urban wastewater treatment

WWT - wastewater treatment

List of figures

Figure 1: work flow of the company ............................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.

Figure 2: Clarifier part of water treatment ..................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

Figure 3: operation of demi water ................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.

Figure 4: General flow sheet of water treatment ........................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

Figure 5: Internal part of boiler ..................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

Figure 6: Flow of water in boiler ................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

Figure 7: Heat transfer on boiler .................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

Figure 8: Process flow sheet of compressor air ............................. Error! Bookmark not defined.

Figure 9: manufacture of capsule lines .......................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

Figure 10: syrup lines .................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

Figure 11: vial lines ....................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

Figure 12: tablet manufacturing lines ............................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.

Figure 13: process flow diagram of oral liquid syrup bottles ........ Error! Bookmark not defined.

Figure 14: flow sheet of ointment .................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
Figure 15: flow sheet of waste water treatment ............................. Error! Bookmark not defined.

Figure 16: Activated sludge system of treatment .......................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

Figure 17: Wastewater treatment based on a trickling filter systemError! Bookmark not defined.

Figure 18: Schematic of a typical wastewater treatment plant ...... Error! Bookmark not defined.

List of tables

Table 1: Raw material and input to the company. ......................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

Table 2: APF product in different lines with their quantity........... Error! Bookmark not defined.

Table 3: the main technology and machinery of APF ................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

Table 4: Cation and anion exchanger data ..................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

Table 5: Mixed bed of regeneration data ....................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

Table 6: Waste-water treatment unit operations and processes ..... Error! Bookmark not defined.

Table 7: characteristics of wastewater by degree of treatment (mg/L) after treatmentError! Bookmark not

Table 8: Characteristics of wastewater before treatment ............... Error! Bookmark not defined.

Chapter one; General history of wolwalo liquor factory

An alcoholic beverage is a drink containing ethanol. The role of such beverages as thirst
quenchers is obvious and they play an important role in enhancing the enjoyment and
quality of life. They can be a social lubricant, can facilitate relaxation, can provide
pharmacological pleasure, and can increase the pleasure of eating. Thus, while alcohol has
always been misused by a minority of drinkers, it has proved to be beneficial to most.
Ethanol known as ethyl alcohol or grain alcohol is a flammable, colorless, mildly toxic
chemical compound with a distinctive perfume like odor, and the ethanol is found in
alcoholic beverages. Ethanol (CH3C2OH), the active ingredient in alcoholic beverages, is
almost always produced by fermentation- the metabolism of carbohydrates by certain
species of yeasts in the absence of oxygen. The process of culturing yeast under alcohol-
producing conditions is referred to as brewing.

Liquor are alcoholic beverages that can be prepared by the dilution of pure alcohol (96%
alcohol by volume) by adding some flavouring agents (essences),sweeteners (sugar) and
mixing with the treated water.
Depending on the type of beverage the concentration of these liquors can range between 3%
& 30% by volume. The main ingredient, ethanol, can be obtained from a variety of
agricultural products such as grain molasses, fruits grapes etc.As our country is rich enough
in molasses which can be found easily & relatively with cheaper price alcohol is extracted
from molasses.

1.2. Background of the project

Ato Issayas tesfsay has been working in alcohol distillation sector for many years and he has
great experience. During the alcohol distillation the application of project management the
progress against time, cost against tender or budget, quality against specification can be
confusing be confusing all parties involving the distillation process. Therefore, the main
task of this project is to indicate and expand the company to higher financial capital.
Ato Issayas Tesfsay beverage is one of the modern alcohol and liquor factory and is legally
engaged in working with various bodies for the past years as a liquor factory. At its infant
stage the company is interested to expand to gain the existing benefits by lifting up its
capital by more than 50%because of the existing market increase in demanding better work
volume. Therefore, ato Issayas tesfay has a great business experience on the activities of
manufacturing industry. According to this he plays his own role on economic development
in terms of government tax, job opportunities as well as market stability in terms of impact
substitution. And here, he is well experienced in business entities. For his business activates
he used different alcohol products to distillation and installation of his commodities which
are transported from different places and this invest money as well as time. Because of this,
producing at Adi-grat is essential by now and it also helps the economy in terms of saving
unnecessary transportation cost as well helps for extra investment in adi-grat.
Ato issayas tesfay has alcohol and liquor investment license and working currently. The
company can have contribution to the government policy by investing its capital, to increase
the GDp of the country. Further they invests its capital, creates job opportunity for
52permanent and 18 conditional workers to the society and generated income to the
government in the form taxes.
The entire alcohol product processed industry has experienced tremendous pressures and
changes over the past years. Small to mid-sized family, now must manage increasing price
volatility and downward price pressure, invest in expansion production and information
technologies, and find ways to participate in the value created beyond the import gate if they
want survive.
The driving force behind the issayas tesfay alcohol product business strategy is linking
independent alcohol products to end consumers. This is critical as it is clear that most
producer groups do not fully understand the business and marketing competencies necessary
to market product to consumers.
To make this vision a reality, Issayas tesfay alcohol product needs to develop specific
business relationships and processes that connect the producer to the consumer.
Four fundamental business functions must occur to bridge the gap between independent
alcohol products producers desire to capture larger share of the processor/retail alcohol
product marketers interest in partnering with independent alcohol product producers:
*Independent alcohol product process must become more knowledgeable about the
entire alcohol product value chain to deliver product to the consumer.
* Independent alcohol product producers must demonstrate proof that specific
concepts have value to downstream customers.
* Independent alcohol producers must demonstrate proof that specific concepts have
value to downstream customers.
* Alcohol product suppliers must demonstrate the ability to be responsive to unique
and rapidly changing beef consumption and delivery needs.
1.3. Vision, mission and objective of the project
1.3.1 Vision
Issayas Tesfay modern alcohol and liquor factory vision is to a leading custom alcohol plant
producing high quality, consistent, and safe alcohol product that meet or exceed the rapidly
changing needs of consumers and providing safe, effective affordable liquor in sufficient
quantities to satisfy the current and future prescription needs of the society there by take
care of imperative demands.
1.3.2. Mission of the project
In addition to the alcohol product factory the mission of Issayas Tesfay modern alcohol
liquor factory is to provide customize slaughter services and assist in the integration of the
alcohol products and raw materials supply chain from producer to consumer and to satisfy
the needs of potential customers by providing quality and effective at affordable price.

1.3.3. Objective of the PROJECT

General objective
To manufacture finished quality Beverages from UN purified ethanol (katikala)
Specific objectives
Minimize production time
A main goal of production planning is to ensure that production processes are completed in
as little time as possible, freeing up resources for additional production. These techniques
can also pinpoint which production activities experience slack times, creating the possibility
for additional capacity utilization.
Minimize Costs
Supply Chain scheduling (SCS) is another component of production planning systems. SCS
seeks to reduce stock out and back-order costs by synchronizing raw material delivery with
material outflow. This in turn relies heavily on interaction with suppliers and transparency
throughout the supply chain.
Use Resources Efficiently
Capacity Requirements planning is a method decreasing raw material inventory on hand,
and ensuring that each production department has exactly the right materials at the right
time. While the principles of supply of Cain scheduling mentioned above ensure that there
are always enough raw materials for never too much raw materials processes, capacity
requirements planning ensures that is never too much raw materials inventory on hand, and
reduces costs associated with the misallocation of resources.
Customer satisfaction
The over-riding focus of production planning system is on increasing customer satisfaction.
By creating a lean, cost efficient production system, your organization will be able to
minimize defects, reduces, and quicken throughput, making more reliable products a lower
prices available more quickly to your customers.
1.4. Raw materials and inputs to the wolwalo liquor factory
Direct raw materials
The basic raw materials for production alcohol are
Technical alcohol or katikala
Essence, aluminum screw caps and plastic bottles
. Katikala (UN purified ethanol)
It consists of the fermentable portion of sugars.
It is mixture of sucrose, glucose, fructose, and other carbohydrate.
It is assumed to contain 95% UN purified ethanol with specific gravity of 1.4.
The main raw materials used to produce ethyl alcohol are Katikala and water.
It used to control the growth of and activity of other microorganisms such as
bacteria, not to compute the yeast by these microorganisms.
The nature of water to be used for the production sprite is very important. Its composition is
very much dependent on the condition of soil whether it is taken from springs or well water
for the production.
It is used for the cleaning of overall processing units.
It play a great for the dilution purpose (during distillation with alcohol sprit, during liquor
It boils and widely used for steam production
It is used for washing purpose in production area
We use water for:
Areki 1000liter
Super mint -120liter
An important point in producing sprit is the choice of flavoring materials this is the
distinguishing point of any sprit. Flavoring should be power full and plain, it must express
the character of the sprit clearly.
It is extracted component directly from aromatic vegetable, fruits, spices, and means
of distillation.
There are different types of essence for different type of liquors. Example as gin essence is
used for preparation of dry gin liquor; anitole essence is used for ouzo liquor.
We use flavor for:
Gin -500ml
Areki (liquor)-480ml
Super mint -350ml
It should be first class refined product
This will be added and mixed during the liquor preparation in the syrup form in order to
facilitate the agitation process.
It is used as a sweetener for the liquor.
We use sugar for:
Areki 4kg
Super mint -20kg
There are several types of colorings. Some of them are brown cornmeal, yellow lemon,
green & so on. The quality of these colorings should be checked before use. They should
free of calcium& iron salts.
Colorings should dissolve in high grade sprits. If wrong choice of coloring is done, this will
be cause turbidity in sprits
Colorings are sensitive to frost & its solubility will decrease at lower temperature. The
finished colored sprits should not be stored under frosty condition.
Input consumption to prepare one liter of sprit given ethanol alcohol of 96% by volume
We use color for:
Super mint -14g
1.5. The Main Product wolwalo liquor factory
The types of products produced by WLF Company are alcoholic beverages (liquers or
sprites) or areki (local name)
These alcoholic beverages are making from ethanol alcohol by adding different ingredients.
These are the main products of the company. There are 5 kinds of alcoholic beverages
produced in the company which are differing based on their alcohol content and their
flavour. From the four kinds of the product the most which the costumer and consumer
needed are the only three products. These are Gin, Zebib, supermint and ouzo products. .
1.6. Main Customers of wolwalo liquor factory
The main customer of the alcoholic beverages produced in WLF is local markets like
general distributers and shops. And it covers around the eastern and western zone of Tigrai
1.7. Technology and machinery of wolwalo liquor factory
The technology in WLF is batch distillation. Because the distillation is a process in which
two liquids with different boiling points are heated, vaporized and then cooled to obtain a
new product with a with a concentration higher in one of the two liquids. During batch
distillation no new liquids are added to the heating vessel, so over time the product
concentration will change as the mixture is boiled and the final product is removed.
1.7.1 Machinery & equipment for production of alcohol
The existing list of machinery and equipment for production alcohol is give in the table


1 Filtering machine 2
2 Homogenize/mixer 2
3 Filling machine 2
4 Conveyor 2
5 Copping machine 2
6 Leveling 2
7 Pumping/Transferring pump 2
8 Geared moter 2
9 Rinsing machine 1
10 Alcohol distillation machine 1

Table 1.1. Machinery and equipment.

1.8 The main challenges at wolwalo liquor factory
1. The lack of service means website about that plant
2. The lack knowledge from the workers of that factory related to material and energy
balance of the individual and the whole process, because they are chemists.
3. The shortage of transport.
4. Lack of technology in that factory means it is not computer aid the process.
5. Limitation of reference as well as guide about the production as well as the whole
1.9. The measures of overcome the challanges
by Using website
Using the some transporters. And traveling by foot for that factory approximated
Always look the process from the raw material entering to final product disposal
and cheek product.
By cope rated with the worker in which part is not clear for us.
Asking and desiccation with internships of the factory students.
CHAPTER TWO: Over all wolwalo liquor factor structure
2.1. Management Structure of the wolwalo liquor factory
The factory is organized at different levels of perform it goal. Each level has back ward and
forward integration with close vertical and horizontal communications to accomplish its
planned activities accordingly. The detail organizational structure of welwalo liquor factory
private limited company.
They create and administer the advertising of a product usually from conception to
They also develop campaigns to promote the product to distributors and customers. Thus,
the product becomes more attractive to purchase, either by customers directly or by
disstributors who will sell the product for consumer.
They concerned with knowing and understanding the requirements of customers, so that
Production can provide the market led products that are required.
This also requires an excellent communication system to be in place.
For businesses to be competitive, production and marketing department need to work in an
integrated way.

Board of



Audit Department

Production Admin Addis

and Finance Marketing and Ababa
technical service Branch
Figure 2.1 Organizational structure of WLF

2.2.Process flow diagram and description of the wolwalo liquor factory

2.2.1. Process flow of the wolwalo liquor factory

Raw material storage Feed preparation Reaction

Product separation

Production area Product storage Product purification

Product preparation

Washing machine

Product Cabling Product labeling

Product filling

Fig 2.2 Block diagram of WLF

2.2.2.Product description and application
Alcohol products are pure alcohols and aluminum screw caps and plastic made of molasses
and essence together with water optimally adding testing testing chemicals. The process of
manufacturing is called the4 distillation process, which at present is used in many factories
and alcohol products of various types can be produced. The most common ones are
whiskey, Gin, Liqueur Cordial, Vermouth, Rum and Vodka, Aluminum screw caps and
plastic bottles.
The production and Alcohol product of different commodities in distillation material
products involves processes like molasses, technical alcohol and pure alcohol. The major
operation in commodities storage and treatment unit include water amount and some
chemicals as raw materials. After proper water treatment, the alcohol products are
automatically conveyed in to distillation material in the distillation sector. And the
production process does not have any adverse impact on the environment.
In any part of chemical industry, the raw materials enter as a feed and after the chemical or
physical reaction is completed it gives products. Therefore, it must know the amount the
entering and leaving of the process. Then the amount of the process in any factory will be
known by material balance and energy balance.
Material balance is apply based on the law of conservation of mass which states that any
matter can be neither created nor destroyed, but can be converted from one form to another
The material balance equation will be:
Input = enters through the system boundaries.
Generation = produced with in the system.
Output = leaves through the system boundaries.
Consumption = consumed with in system.
Accumulation = build up within the system.
The following rule is used to simplify the material balance equation:.
If the balanced substance is nonreactive species; generation = 0 and consumption =0.
For steady state process accumulation will zero.
Therefore, the material balance equation will be;
The material balance has used for:
To calculate the unknown quantity.
To know the performance of factory.
Helps to minimize utility production cost.
Material balance is classified in to two types those are:
Material balance with chemical reaction.
Material balance without chemical reaction.
But all the material balance in the factory is without chemical reaction
on the distillation column

Input output
Pure alcohol=2,994kg
Technical alcohol =3,000 liter per hour

Bottom product (stillage)

From the literature survey the amount of wastage or (stillage) raised from distillation
column is 0.2% of the Technical alcohol per hour.
Input = out put
3,000 liter= x bottom product (wastage) + x distillate product, but the bottom product is
0.2% of Technical alcohol

X bottom product= 0.2%*3,000 liter= 6 liter per hour would be removed

But for one day the amount of waste removed is = (6 liter/hr)*(24 hr) =144 LITERS/DAY
Therefore the amount of distillate product= 3,000-6= 2,994 liter per hour
But for one day = (2,994 liter/hr*24 hr) = 71,856 LITER/DAY this is entering to the
dilution column
2.3.2 Energy balance
According to the first law of thermodynamics, energy can neither be created nor destroyed
but can be change from one to another form , form the first law of thermodynamics for an
open system at steady state has this form.
Energy balance on the distillation column
Accumulation= input -output + generation - consumption
Than according to the first law of thermodynamic listed about generation and
consumption becomes zero. So the equation becomes accumulation = in put-out put.
Accumulation also becomes zero due to steady state rule. Therefore the above equation is
reduced to input =output.
+ + =
Where Q= Heat, =
WS= 0(no moving part)
= ( )
= ( )
So, the equation will be reduced to

On the distillation column

Q=MCpT M= mass of technical alcohol
Cp= specific heat of technical alcohol
T= T2-T1, T1= 25 C0, T2= 80 C
Items M Cp T Q= MCpT
technical alcohol 1034.48 3.25 55 199137.93
2.4. Over all plant efficiency analysis
It is obvious that most alcohol and liquor factory institutions are more profitable, because
alcohols and liquors are the needs of many persons. Wolwalo liquor factory is also
satisfactory, because of the following reasons;
The workers of the company are too clever.
It dominates and owns too much consumers.
The water the company used for any application is their own from ground water not
from the towns supply.
2.5. Environmental impact analysis
2.5.1EIA and its importance:
Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is one of the proven tools of facilitation to achieve
the goal of environmentally and socially sound and sustainable development. The
incorporation of ELA in developmental projects in PNA was initiated in the late nineties.
However, with the enforcement of the Environmental Strategy plan (ESP) and the rules of
the Environmental Quality Authority (EQA) of Palestine in 1998, the integration of EIA in
many development projects in Palestine has now become compulsory. The importance of
conducting an EIA for any project is:
To determine whether the proposed investment may result in environmental or social
To identify these the impacts; the negative as well as the positive.
To propose the suitable mitigation and monitoring measures to protect the environmental
and give details for administrating and monitoring the potential environmental impacts and
their mitigation measures.
To propose applicable safeguard documentation to address potential impacts;
To evaluate the existing the institutional capacity of the company staff to manage the
recommendations for implementing the proposed measures

To provide recommendation to build capacity and strengthen environmental management

and awareness;
To develop procedures to identify and address potential environmental and social
safeguard issues of the company. The environmental materials annexed at the end this
study provide

Means to be considered during the main phases of the company project;design,

implementation, operation, control and monitoring. The proposed factory might have some
negative but small impacts on the environmental that can be easily mitigated. Therefore, the
project is classified as environmental category B, in accordance with World Bank
operational policy 4.01. So as a result, this Environmental Impact Assessment study was
prepared for the company with aim to provide a review.
2..2. Environmental Impacts and the proposed Mitigation Measures;
In spite of the fact that the proposed project is considered a totally developmental one with
many positive impacts, especially at socio-economic level, and looked forward to be
sustainable, this project will for sure generate some negative impacts on the environmental
and the people involved in the production, handling, transportation and marketing etc.
This environmental impact assessment is conducted, not only because it is required by law,
but also to measure the exact impact/s of the activity on the environmental and to propose
what suitable mitigation measure/s that can be undertaken to decrease these impacts to the
- Positive: the facility will save work for approx. 30 families in the first phase, this is
very important for a nation under occupation suffering unexpected harsh shows that
that such irresponsible and irrational invasions led to great damage and wrecking of
the infra-as well as ultra-Palestinian structures.
- Negative Impacts; as an axiom, no whatever economic activity is without negative impact,
especially on the environmental.

An estimated 30% of plastic waste in the Palestinian Authority is being recycled and reused
for the month, is dumped at landfills, dumpsites or ends up in the streets.
2.6.3. Pollution prevention plan:
The company recognizes that increased industrial activity and urbanization often generate
increased levels pollution to air, water, and land that may threaten people and the
environmental at the local, regional, and global level; therefore it intends to integrate the
suitable technologies and practices to decrease such levels to the minimum. The company,
thru its all work phases will do its bests to comply with the performance standard 3 that
deals with the pollution prevention and Abatement.;
Generally, the project has production plan and everything can be applied by using this plan.
According to this there is a plan to keep the environmental from waste materials. The
project has not negative effect on the environment because the project takes the organic
materials from the diary and from the farmers who are found around mekelle. But for every
activity which has negative consequences can behave control
Mechanism. According to the actual waste treatment the projects environmental impact
will be prepared independently and it can be evaluated by the agency of environmental
Chapter three; Over all benefit that gained from intern ship
Description about the overall benefits gained from the internship
I have got a lot of benefits from my internship duration time. Among those benefits some of
these I have gained are listed below.
3.1 Benefits in terms of Improving Practical Skills
From the internship program we have gained a lot of advantages in applying our class room
(theoretical) knowledge into practical skill. Hence, we have developed an experience to do
anything in our field of study.
When we say internship the main objective is to improving practical skills; before we have
theoretical knowledge about, Fermentation, Utilities, Distillery, Bottling & blending, about
the raw materials to liquor production.
We hope we have gain practical skills about all of the above, since we have been
participated in all sections of the factory.
3.2Benefits in terms of upgrading theoretical knowledge
Much more success in my life by learning about the chemical engineering courses when I
match application of those course with that of the practical world i.e. what I have learnt at
class gained of the practical site. In short internships memorize the important conceptual
theoretical parte that have learned. Among the important ones that the internship upgrades
my theoretical parts includes:
Applications and steps of production process
Placement indusial device with its appropriate handling
Selection of economic materials & safety during working process
Preparation &use of alcohol and liquor process
3.3 Benefits in terms of improving communication skills
Communication is a process of exchanging on conveying information & message in an
attempt to create shared understanding.
From the definition I have put above particularly from underlined phrase internship helps to
understand what seems to be my communication skill(style) with different groups of people
both(engineers &the other workers) who works at section together.
Thus it helps to me in the following ways;
1. to have high level of self-awareness to creating good and long lasting impression on
2. to understanding how to perceive
3. To avoid being chameleon by changing with every personality I meet
4. To make others comfortable by selecting behavior that suits my personality while
listening their communication of work place during working time.
5. I help to communicate with a purpose i.e. when their purpose communication such
important things are obtained like:
-obtain information, direction, understand others, problems can be solved, share interests,
see how another person feels, show supports etc.
6) It helps to ensure mutual understanding
7) It helps to diagnose my previous communication styles
8) To avoid misunderstandings, abstractions cultural and gender bias at work place
9) To have a good supportive message communication i.e. communication concerns with
respect others like:
Offering to help out on project
Listening what they want to say about
Doing nice things for our coworkers
Showing respect for others views and telling
10) to understand and appreciate diversity and multicultural work environment
11) to understand corporate mission, vision, and business plan and
12) Involvement of the concerned business units facilitates creation of effective
communication etc.
3.5 Benefits in terms of improving team playing skills
I have understood and would like what skill and team are?
Skill is the ability to apply knowledge and teams are a group of people work together. There
for team skills are the ability to apply group knowledge in a common and shared manner.
As engineering work is a team work, when engineers need to be able to communicate at the
section through thoughts, ideas, and plans themselves and to other specialists
Their teams discussion reflects on my perception that through team communication the
following ideas can be performed
Problems can be solved
All aspects of design, manufacturing and support have to be coordinated
I have understand also that developed team are used to complete their projects successfully,
increase the quality of their work, increase their productivity, lowers of their
implementation skills and eliminate costly and timely re-designs. In addition to the above
items I have also learnt about being team playing skills to be fulfilling the following
essential things in our future career.
Have self-interest about team work
Company needs tasks to have a team play
Politeness and take orientation
Friendliness avoids sexist about team attempts
Generally I have gained and improved my attitude towards being a play team skill attributes.
Hence it creates on my mind that team is a way of facial expression during the working life
to have smiling, happiness, friendliness warmth liking and affiliation at work place
3.4 Benefits in terms of improving team playing skills
I have understood and would like what skill and team are?
Skill is the ability to apply knowledge and teams are a group of people work together. There
for team skills are the ability to apply group knowledge in a common and shared manner.
As engineering work is a team work, when engineers need to be able to communicate at the
section through thoughts, ideas, and plans themselves and to other specialists
Their teams discussion reflects on my perception that through team communication the
following ideas can be performed
Problems can be solved
All aspects of design, manufacturing and support have to be coordinated
I have understand also that developed team are used to complete their projects successfully,
increase the quality of their work, increase their productivity, lowers of their
implementation skills and eliminate costly and timely re-designs. In addition to the above
items I have also learnt about being team playing skills to be fulfilling the following
essential things in our future career.
Have self-interest about team work
Company needs tasks to have a team play
Politeness and take orientation
3.5Benefits in terms of improving leader ship skills
As I being a trainer the tasks assigned to us are not much leader ship. I am at the bottom or
near the bottom of the organizational ladder being a trainer especially at the time when I
enter to the company until I adopt all activities that performs at site. But I have learnt that
the way how the project managers lead the respective teams, for men leads its coworkers
and the like at work place.
In addition the above skills I have also learnt the following traits us being a leader ship
How to set a good example though ones own description and hard work
The approach team members in considerable friendly and humble manner
How encourage teams in return in good performance
Be strict and demanding when necessary
How to asking and giving response for persons politely
How to encourage workers
How to cooperate for peoples
3.6. Benefits in terms of understanding work ethics
Any people should have ethics not only in the work place but also in the social life. Because
of it indicates that a good personality. In my understanding work ethics is a set of values on
hard work and diligence it also be live in normal benefits of work and its ability to enhance.
However, in this company some people loss their ethics, it may be due to personal case or
the company leader ship system. Generally, work ethical employee is a key to productivity.
This is to near for a factory to be productive, all of the employees have to be disciplined and
ethical in their working environment.
Generally work ethics have broad definition, including:
Punctual (on time)
Accountable and responsible
Respecting other worker
Keep the property of the company
Finding the development of company
Many employers indicated that a strong work ethics ranks at the top of the least along with
proficiency in chosen professions. Instruction to develop during work ethics. Arrive the
work position on time.

3.7 Benefits in terms of entrepreneurship skill

Internship plays a great role for improving my entrepreneurship skills in multidirectional
Among these ways some of that I have gained benefits includes:
Increases my attitude to be creative and innovative through practical knowledge
How organize and control resources to ensure the profit for my business
The way how to manage and own my business
How to identify new products (services) opportunities
Allows too willing to take calculated risks is risk eliminates
Desire for immediate feed back
Be skilled at organizing are professional
To be desire for responsibility
I have also learnt the way how to be entrepreneur competency. Thus to be an entrepreneur
competent it is essential to have the following
How to take the initiative
Exploiting change
Dealing with uncertainties
Seeking opportunities
Above all I have learnt that for being an entrepreneur and its rewards. Thus the
rewards for being an entrepreneur are:
Create ones own destiny
Make a difference
Reap an impressive profits
Should have self-actualization personal fulfillments
Filling of freedom and independence
Providing jobs and benefits to others
Creating economic values
Generally I have gained the following important items to be successful entrepreneur.
Have low fear of failure
Have self confidence
Use of feedback
Well use of resources
Have clear goal setting
Internal lows control
Long term involvement
To be compromise
Be flexible in own demand
Time management
Do not emotional
Problem solve

Chapter four; project work on the wolwalo liquor factory

4.1. Project title
Assessing the advantage of using biomass as fuel over furnace oil to produce steam in
ethanol distillation
4.2. Introduction and Back Ground
Biomass is a renewable resource that has a steady and abundant supply, especially those
biomass resources that are by-products of agricultural activity.
Biomass is available in many areas throughout the world and can be cultivated or produced
domestically-locally or regionally. In contrast, furnace oil is located in limited areas
throughout the world and it is a depleting resource. The use of biomass for energy reduces
dependency on the consumption oil; hence, contributing to energy security and climate
change mitigation.
Use of biomass as a fuel is considered to be carbon neutral because plants and trees remove
carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere and store it while they grow. Burning biomass in
homes, industrial processes, energy generation, or for transport activities returns this
sequestered CO2 to the atmosphere. At the same time, new plant or tree growth keeps the
atmospheres carbon cycle in balance by recapturing CO2. In contrast to biomass, furnace
oil and is not regarded as carbon neutral because it release CO2 which has been stored for
millions of years, and do not have any storage or sequestration capacity.
The benefits of biomass use as a source of fuel, besides energy security & independence of
the industries, include several environmental benefits, mainly in terms of GHG reduction. It
would reduce the equivalent furnace oil import bill of the government & there by improve
the balance of payment position. As the debate on food versus fuel intensifies, biomass can
provide added income to farmers without compromising the production of main food and
even non-food crops. Biomass is a renewable resource that causes problems when not used.
Biomass mostly consists of agricultural farm residues (e.g. paddy straw, sugar cane trash
etc), agro-industrial residues (e.g. paddy husk, coffee husk etc), forests & social forests
There are a variety of biomass residues available around the world. The most important of
these are crop residues but there are significant quantities of forestry residues and livestock
residues as well, which can also be used for energy production.
Wood in the form of saw dust is the best option because the amount of sawdust available is
much higher today as a result of the homebuilding and other construction is increased.
4.3. Objective
4.3.1 General objective
The main objective of this project is to assess the advantage of using biomass as fuel over
furnace oil to produce steam in ethanol distillation

4.3.2. Specific objective

to identify the use of biomass
To describe environmentally sound technologies for converting biomass into energy.

4.4. Problem statement

The growing increase of the international oil price alerted the Ethiopia government to
consider shifting to use biomass as fuel. Using biomass as fuel is option for those countries
that import petroleum products.
Wolwalo liquors factory on average spends 2.6 million birr annually on importing furnace
oil. Making use of biomass as fuel in the production of steam is the most important issue,
it reduces dependency on the consumption of fossil fuel; hence, contributing to energy
security and climate change mitigation, mainly in terms of GHG reduction. Not only this
but also due to the global intense pressure towards green environmental technology, both
academic and industrial researchers are putting more efforts to promote the use of
4.5. Scope of the Project
4.6. Literature review
The term "biomass" refers to organic matter that has stored energy through the process of
photosynthesis. It exists in one form as plants and may be transferred through the food chain
to animals' bodies and their wastes, all of which can be converted for everyday human use
through processes such as combustion, which releases the carbon dioxide stored in the plant
material. Biomass, the oldest form of renewable energy, has been used for thousands of
years. However, with the emergence of fossil fuels, its relative share of use has declined
over past years. Biomass is a renewable resource that has a steady and abundant supply,
especially those biomass resources that are by-products of agricultural activity. Globally,
140 billion metric tons of biomass is generated every year from agriculture. This volume of
biomass can be converted to an enormous amount of energy and raw materials. Currently
some 13% of the worlds primary energy supply is from biomass, though there are strong
regional differences. Developed countries source around 3% of their energy from biomass
while, in Africa it ranges between 70-90%. Total biomass consumption at the beginning of
the twenty-first century was 55 exa-Joules or 55EJ out of total global energy consumption
of around 400EJ. Estimates of the total quantities of biomass available vary widely but
could represent up to 100EJ of energy. Biomass energy accounts for around 14% of total
primary energy consumption. Until the industrial revolution, humankind relied almost
exclusively on biomass for their energy needs. Most of the biomass is burnt to provide heat
for cooking or warmth. Some is used for small industrial applications (For instance,
Charcoal is used in steelmaking in some countries Biomass is the traditional fuel in
Ethiopia, used for cooking, and even today, most households, in rural Ethiopia, use it as
cooking fuel.
Biomass mostly consists of agricultural farm residues (e.g. paddy straw, sugar cane trash
etc), agro-industrial residues (e.g. paddy husk, coffee husk etc), forests & social forests
The use of biomass for energy reduces dependency on the consumption of fossil fuel;
hence, contributing to energy security and climate change mitigation.
With adverse environmental effects on the environment such as climate change coming to
the forefront, people everywhere are rediscovering the advantages of biomass.
Potential benefits of biomass:
Reducing carbon emissions if managed (produced, transported, used) in a sustainable
Enhancing energy security by diversifying energy sources & utilizing local resources
Reduced problem of biomass waste management
Possible additional revenues for the agricultural and forestry sectors

Use of biomass as a fuel is considered to be carbon neutral because plants and trees remove
carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere and store it while they grow. Burning biomass in
homes, industrial processes, energy generation, or for transport activities returns this
sequestered CO2 to the atmosphere. At the same time, new plant or tree growth keeps the
atmospheres carbon cycle in balance by recapturing CO2.
This net-zero or carbon neutral cycle can be repeated indefinitely, as long as biomass is re-
grown in the next management cycle.

Fig 4.1 carbon neutral

In contrast to biomass, fossil fuels such as gas, oil and coal are not regarded as carbon
neutral because they release CO2 which has been stored for millions of years, and do not
have any storage or sequestration capacity.
As the debate on food versus fuel intensifies, biomass can provide added income to farmers
without compromising the production of main food and even non-food crops.

4.7. Methodology
There are a number of ways for converting biomass into energy.
Direct firing-; is to burn the biomass in a furnace, exploiting the heat generated to
produce steam in a boiler. Direct firing, is the most widespread means of deriving
heat from biomass today. It is also generally rather inefficient, though new
technologies will be able to improve efficiency significantly.
A simple, direct-fired biomass power plant can either produce heat alone or it can operate as
a combined heat and power unit, producing both electricity and heat. This is common in the
textile, food processing, chemical and paper industries where the electricity is used in the
processing plant. Simplicity is the key feature of direct firing type of application.

Biomass gasification-; is more advanced approach. This employs a partial

combustion process to convert biomass into a combustible gas. The gas has a lower energy
content than natural gas. Nevertheless, it can be used in the same way as natural gas. In
particular it can provide fuel for gas turbines and fuel cells.
Biomass gasification is still in the development stage but it promises high efficiency and
may offer the best option for future biomass-based generation.

An intermediate option for exploiting biomass is to mix it with coal and burn it in a
coal fired power station. In the short term this may offer the cheapest and most
efficient means of exploiting biomass.
Finally there are number of specialized methods of turning biomass wastes into energy.
These include digesters, which can convert dairy farm waste into a useful fuel gas, and
power stations that utilize chicken farm litter, which they burn to generate heat.
In terms of conversion technologies, following technologies are commonly used:
1. Pile Combustion
2. Stoker Combustion
3. Suspension Combustion
4. Fluidized Bed Combustion
4.7.1 Pile Combustion
The simplest form of direct firing involves a pile burner. This type of burner has a furnace,
Which contains a fixed grate inside a combustion chamber. Wood is fed (piled) onto the
grate where it is burned in air, which passes up through the grate (called under-fire air). The
grate of a pile burner is within what is known as the primary combustion chamber where
The bulk of the combustion process takes place.
Combustion at this stage is normally incomplete - there may be significant quantities of both
Unburned carbon and combustible carbon monoxide remaining so further air (called over
fire air) is introduced into a secondary combustion chamber above the first - where
combustion is completed.
The boiler for raising steam is positioned above this second combustion chamber so that it
Can absorb the heat generated during combustion. The heat warms, and eventually boils
water in the boiler tubes, providing steam to drive a steam turbine. From the steam turbine
the steam is condensed and then returned to the boiler so that it can be cycled through the
system again.
Saw dust fuel is normally introduced from above the grate which feeds fuel from under the
grate. The pile burner is capable of handling wet and dirty fuels but it is extremely
inefficient. Boiler efficiencies are typically50%-60%.
There is no means to remove the ash from a pile burner except by shutting down the
furnace. Thus the power plant cannot be operated continuously. Pile burners are also
considered difficult to control and they are slow to respond to changes in energy input.
This means that energy output cannot easily be changed in response to changes in demand.
4.7.2. Stoker Combustion
The pile burner represents the traditional method of burning wood. However, its basic
operation can be improved by introducing a moving grate or stoker. This allows continuous
removal of ash so that the plant can be operated continuously. Fuel can also be spread more
thinly on the grate, encouraging more efficient combustion.
The first US stoker grate for wood combustion was introduced by the Detroit Stoker Co. in
The 1940s. In this type of furnace, combustion air still enters below the grate of a stoker
burner. This flow of air into the combustion chamber helps cool the grate. The air flow and
Consequent grate temperature determines the maximum operating temperature of the
combustor. This, in turn, determines the maximum moisture content allowable in the wood
fuel if combustion is to proceed spontaneously.
There are refinements of the basic stoker grate such as inclined grates and water-cooled
grates, both of which can help improve overall performance and make the operation less
sensitive to fuel moisture. Nevertheless stoker combustors are still relatively inefficient,
Boiler efficiencies of 65%-75% and overall efficiencies of 20%-25%.
4.7.3. Suspension Combustion
Most modern coal-fired power stations burn pulverized coal, which is blown into the
combustion chamber of a power plant through a specially designed burner. The burner
mixes air with the powdered coal, which then burns in a flame in the body of the
combustion chamber. This is suspension combustion and in this type of plant there is no
Finely sawdust can be burned in a similar way. Suspension firing requires a special furnace.
The size and moisture content of the biomass (wood) must also be carefully controlled.
Moisture content should be below 15% and the biomass particle size has to be less than
15mm. Suspension firing results in boiler efficiency of up to 80% and allows a smaller sized
furnace for a given heat output.
However it also requires extensive biomass drying and processing facilities to ensure that
the fuel is of the right consistency. It also demands special furnace burners. A small number
of plants designed to burn biomass in this way have been built. The technology is also of
great interest as the basis for the co-firing of wood or other biomass with coal in pulverized
coal plants.
4.7.4. Fluidized Bed Combustion
Aside from suspension firing of wood, the most efficient method of directly burning
biomass is in a fluidized bed combustor (FBC). This is also the most versatile since the
system can cope with a wide range of fuels and a range of moisture contents.
The basis for a FBC system is a bed of an inert mineral such as sand or limestone through
Which air is blown from below the air is pumped through the bed in sufficient volume and
at a high enough pressure to entrain the small particles of the bed material so that they be
have much like a fluid.
The combustion chamber of a fluidized bed plant is shaped so that above a certain height the
air velocity drops below that necessary to entrain the particles. This helps retain the bulk of
the entrained bed material towards the bottom of the chamber. Once the bed becomes hot,
combustible material introduced into it will burn, generating heat as in a more conventional
furnace. The proportion of combustible material such as biomass within the bed is normally
only around 5%.
There are different designs of FBC system which involve variations around this principle.
The most common for biomass combustion is the circulating fluidized bed which
incorporates a cyclone filter to separate solid material from the hot flue gases which leave
the exhaust of the furnace. The solids from the filter are re-circulated into the bed.
The fluidized bed has two distinct advantages for biomass combustion: First, it is the ability
to burn a variety of different fuels without affecting performance. Second is the ability to
introduce chemical reactants into the fluidized bed to remove possible pollutants. In FBC
plants burning coal, for example, limestone can be added to capture sulphur and prevent its
release to the atmosphere as sulphur dioxide. Biomass tends to contain less sulphur than
coal so this strategy may not be necessary in a biomass plant.
A fluidized bed boiler can burn wood with up to 55% moisture.
Of the four different types of combustion technologies discussed above, the FBC technology
is best suited for a range of small and medium scale operation for to generate heat.
With technological advancements the FBC boilers give efficiency of as high as 80-82% and
can be used for a wide variety of fuels. And because of the advantages listed below FBC
boiler is the best option to use.

High Efficiency: FBC boilers can burn fuel with a combustion efficiency of over
95% irrespective of ash content.
Reduction in Boiler Size: High heat transfer rate over a small heat transfer area
immersed in the bed results in overall size reduction for the boiler.
Fuel Flexibility: FBC boilers can be operated efficiently with a variety of fuels.
Even fuels like flotation slimes, washer rejects, agro waste can be burnt efficiently.
These can be fed either independently or in combination with coal into the same
Ability to Burn Low Grade Fuel: FBC boilers would give the rated output even with
an inferior quality fuel.
Ability to Burn Fines: saw dust containing fines below 6 mm can be burnt
efficiently in FBC boiler, which is very difficult to achieve in conventional firing
Pollution Control: SO2 formation can be greatly minimized by addition of
limestone or dolomite for high sulphur fuels Low combustion temperature
eliminates NOx formation.
Low Corrosion and Erosion: The corrosion and erosion effects are less due to lower
combustion temperature, softness of ash and low particle velocity (around 1 m/sec).
Easier Ash Removal No Clinker Formation: Since the temperature of the furnace
is in the range of 750 900 C in FBC boilers, even coal of low ash fusion
temperature can be burnt without clinker formation. Ash removal is easier as the ash
flows like liquid from the combustion chamber. Hence less manpower is required
for ash handling.
Less Excess Air Higher CO2 in Flue Gas: The CO2 in the flue gases will be of the
order of 14 15% at full load. Hence, the FBC boiler can operate at low excess air
only 20 - 25%.
Simple Operation, Quick Start-Up: High turbulence of the bed facilitates quick start
up and shut down. Full automation of startup and operation using reliable
equipment is possible.
Fast Response to Load Fluctuations: Inherent high thermal storage characteristics
can easily absorb fluctuation in fuel feed rates. Response to changing load is
comparable to that of oil fired boilers.
No Slagging in the Furnace No Soot Blowing: In FBC boilers, volatilization of
alkali components in ash does not take place and the ash is non sticky. This means
that there is no slagging or soot blowing.
Provisions of Automatic Coal and Ash Handling System: Automatic systems for
coal and ash handling can be incorporated, making the plant easy to operate
comparable to oil or gas fired installations.
Provision of Automatic Ignition System: Control systems using micro-processors
and automatic ignition equipment give excellent control with minimum supervision.
High Reliability: The absence of moving parts in the combustion zone results in a
high degree of reliability and low maintenance costs.
Reduced Maintenance: Routine overhauls are infrequent and high efficiency is
maintained for long periods.
Quick Responses to Changing Demand: FBC can respond to changing heat
demands more easily than stoker fired systems.
4.7.5. Mechanism of Fluidized Bed Combustion
When an evenly distributed air or gas is passed upward through a finely divided bed of solid
particles such as sand supported on a fine mesh, the particles remain undisturbed at low
velocities. As the air velocity is gradually increased, a stage is reached when the individual
particles are suspended in the air stream and the bed is called fluidized.
With further increase in air velocity, there is bubble formation, vigorous turbulence, rapid
mixing and formation of dense defined bed surface.
The bed of solid particles exhibits the properties of a boiling liquid and assumes the
appearance of a fluid bubbling fluidized bed.
At higher velocities, bubbles disappear, and particles are blown out of the bed. Therefore,
some amounts of particles have to be re-circulated to maintain a stable system and is called
as circulating fluidized bed".
Fluidization depends largely on the particle size and the air velocity. The mean solids
velocity increases at a slower rate than does the gas velocity. The difference between the
mean solid velocity and mean gas velocity is called as slip velocity. Maximum slip velocity
between the solids and the gas is desirable for good heat transfer and intimate contact. If
sand particles in fluidized state are heated to the ignition temperatures of saw dust and saw
dust is injected continuously into the bed, the fuel will burn rapidly and the bed attains a
uniform temperature.
The fluidized bed combustion (FBC) takes place at about 840C to 950C. Since this
temperature is much below the ash fusion temperature, melting of ash and associated
Problems are avoided. The lower combustion temperature is achieved because of high
coefficient of heat transfer due to rapid mixing in the fluidized bed and effective extraction
of heat from the bed through in-bed heat transfer tubes and walls of the bed. The gas
velocityis maintained between minimum fluidization velocity and particle entrainment
velocity. This ensures a stable operation of the bed and avoids particle entrainment in the
gas stream.
Residence time is many times higher than conventional grate firing. Thus an FBC system
releases heat more efficiently at lower temperatures. Since limestone can also be used as
particle bed (in case the fuel with sulphur content is used) control of SOx and NOx
emissions in the combustion chamber is achieved without any additional control equipment.
This is one of the major advantages over conventional boilers.
4.8. Environmental Benefits of Biomass
The benefits of biomass use as a source of fuel, besides energy security & independence of
the industries, include several environmental benefits, mainly in terms of GHG reduction.
Biomass energy generation is considered to be CO2 neutral, since only the amount of
carbon fixed during the growth of a crop/tree, is emitted during its combustion.
Biomass is traditionally used as cooking fuel in households in many countries, especially in
rural areas, which is the cause of indoor air pollution and health impacts, such as asthma,
bronchitis, respiratory infections etc. on women & children, leading to morbidity &
mortality. Governments in various countries provide clean fuels such as LPG & kerosene, at
subsidized prices, to reduce & disengage firewood/ biomass as a cooking fuel.
Hence power generation through biomass, is a good alternative, not only in the use of
surplus agro & woody residues but also because, it brings in efficiency.
The surplus biomass is burnt in the fields, by farmers, to get rid of it and at the same time to
retain some nutrients in the fields. This open burning in the fields, have environmental &
health impacts which can be alleviated due to efficient utilization and burning process in the
FBC boilers.
4.9. Social Benefits of Biomass
Biomass energy generation undoubtedly leads to several social benefits as below:
Biomass power plants monetize the heat value of biomass, which brings in additional
income to various players in the biomass supply chain (farmers, traders, agro processing
It creates additional employment in collection and transportation of biomass, as well as
additional employment in energy generation.
It brings additional economic and income generation activity into rural areas especially for
women there by contributing to local & regional development.
It would diversify the rural economy, which generally rely entirely on food crops, by
introducing energy plantations. This is all the more important, since most energy plantations
are grown on so called wasteland which have, no/minimal access to irrigation. This is a
significant aspect in water stressed areas.
It brings additional skills to rural areas and can raise the income levels of farmers which in
turn improves the standard of living. The creation of employment opportunities in rural
areas would reduce the government spending on employment generation and at the same
time would bring in additional tax revenues to the government. : Biomass Fired FBC Boiler
It would reduce the equivalent fossil fuel import bill of the government & there by improve
the balance of payment position.
Generally, Biomass is a renewable resource that causes problems when not used.
4.10. Sources of Biomass as fuel
There are a variety of biomass residues available around the world. The most important of
these are crop residues but there are significant quantities of forestry residues and livestock
residues as well, which can also be used for energy production.
Most of the world's crops generate biomass residues that can be used for energy production.
Wheat, barley and oats all produce copious amounts of straw, which have
traditionally been burned.
Rice produces both straw in the fields and rice husks at the processing plant which
can be conveniently and easily converted into energy.
When Maize is harvested significant quantities of biomass remain in the field. Much
of this needs to be returned to the soil but when the harvested maize is stripped from
its cob the latter remains, more biomass which can easily be converted into energy
Sugar cane bagasse is another valuable source of fuel and one that can be exploited
easily and is generated during the processing of the cane. Sugar cane harvesting
leaves harvest 'trash' in the fields while processing produces fibrous bagasse.
The 'trash' which is left in the fields represents about 55% of the total, and this is
often burned.
With efficient collection methods, this could provide a further rich source of energy,
provided minimum required amount is returned to the soil to maintain fertility.
Sugar processing plants have traditionally burned this fuel, generally inefficiently, to
generate process heat which is all used on-site. Modern combined heat plants can
produce more energy than is required by the plant itself.
Harvesting and processing of coconuts produces quantities of shell and fibre that can
be utilized.
Peanuts leave shells, which is a great source of biomass energy.

ood in form of: wood chips, bark, craps, slices, sawdust, dust

Biomass varieties

Agro and farm Biomass Agro-Industrial Biomass Forest Residues

& plantations
Babul Stems Coffee Husk Fire Wood
Chilly stalks Bagasse Forest residues
Coconut husk De oiled bran Julie Flora
Coconut Pith Ground nut husk Other woody
biomass chips
Corn cobs Ground nut shells
Cotton Stalk Rice Husk
Maize Stems Saw dust
Mango residues
Mustard Stalk
Palm leaf
Rai Stems
Sugar Cane Trash
Tamarind husk
Til stems
Casrina branches & fruit
However agricultural waste has several problems:
It is seasonal and is not available until the food crop or cotton crop is harvested. At
harvest, there is an abundance of waste, but this must be gathered, dried and stored
until the next crop is harvested.
In different seasons, wastes from different crops become available and there is no
consistency of the fuel or feedstock.
Reliability of supply is uncertain. A farmer may decide from year-to-year what to grow and
the waste from the new crop may not be suitable for the biomass application.
By considering the seasonal nature of the harvest, which necessitates the plants to either
have a large storage facility or alternative sources of fuel and Many of the agro residues
need to be collected manually, baled and transported to plants. Since this is a highly labor
intensive activity and biomass is available in distributed quantities, some small and some
large, the fuel contractors would only be interested to supply biomass that is available in
large quantities at a single location. Thus biomass available in smaller lots would be
ignored. And it is a well-known fact that, biomass availability is highly influenced by crop
patterns of a region, climate, weather and seasons, added to these factors is the diffused
availability of biomass, which makes the collection and transport logistics a difficult and
costly task.
Saw dust is a byproduct of cutting, grinding, drilling, sanding or otherwise pulverizing
wood with a saw other tool; it is composed of fine particles of wood.
Wood in the form of saw dust is the best option because the amount of sawdust availability
is much higher today as a result of the homebuilding and other construction is increased.
4.11. Discussion
Since biomass comes primarily from plants and vegetation that naturally re-grows and may
come from everyday agricultural or industrial processes, biomass is a renewable resource.
However, Fossil fuels are not renewable, they can't be made again. Once they are gone,
theyre gone.
Fossil fuels require thousands of years to generate, whereas biomass can be easily generated
annual making it a renewable and sustainable product.
Biomass from plants and vegetation are considered low-carbon or carbon-neutral. During
their growing cycle, plants use photosynthesis to absorb and convert sunlight and carbon
dioxide from the atmosphere into nutrients and energy. When these plants are burned, for
example, in a power plant, carbon dioxide is released back into the atmosphere. The carbon
dioxide is again absorbed during the next crop's growth cycle. This repetitive cycle of
absorption-release-absorption results in a carbon-neutral effect on the atmosphere.
In contrast to biomass, fossil fuels such as gas, oil and coal are not regarded as carbon
neutral because they release CO2 which has been stored for millions of years, and do not
have any storage or sequestration capacity. This produce high levels of pollution.
Biomass is available in many areas throughout the world and can be cultivated or produced
domestically-locally or regionally.
In contrast, reserves of oil and natural gas are located in limited areas throughout the world
and are a depleting resource. Furthermore, the majority of known and accessible reserves
are located in foreign countries, and supplies are controlled by foreign entities. In addition,
finding and developing new reserves are relatively costly and risky.
Biomass creates additional employment in collection, transportation of biomass and it
brings additional economic and income generation activity into rural areas. Whereas,
furnace oil doesnt bring any employment opportunities because its imported product.
4.12. RESULT
biomass enhance energy security by diversifying energy sources & utilizing local
It brings independence of the industries by reducing dependency on the
consumption of fossil fuel
It brings several environmental benefits, mainly in terms of GHG reduction.
It would reduce the equivalent fossil fuel import bill of the government & there by
improve the balance of payment position.
It brings additional economic and income generation activity into rural areas
It Reduce problem of biomass waste management
It would diversify the rural economy, which generally rely entirely on food crops, by
introducing energy plantations it creates possible additional revenues for the agricultural and
forestry sectors


The heating value of any fuel is the energy released per unit mass or per unit volume of the
fuel when the fuel is completely burned. The term calorific value is synonymous to the
heating value. Typical units for expressing calorific or heating value are MJ/kg in SI units or
Btu/lb in English units. The heating value of a fuel depends on the assumption made on the
condition of water molecules in the final combustion products.
The higher heating value (HHV) refers to a condition in which the water is condensed out of
the combustion products. Because of this condensation all of the heating value of the fuel
including sensible heat and latent heat are accounted for.
The lower heating value (LHV), on the other hand refers to the condition in which water in
the final combustion products remains as vapor (or steam); i.e. the steam is not condensed
into liquid water and thus the latent heat is not accounted for.
The term net heating value (NHV) refers to LHV. The term gross heating value (GHV)
refers to HHV.
The high heating value can be estimated from the composition of the fuel (Gaur and Reed
HHV=0.35Xc+1.18XH+0.10XS-0.02XN-0.10XO-0.02XASH (Eq. 1)
Where,X is the mass fractions (percent mass dry basis) for Carbon (C), Hydrogen (H),
Sulfur (S), Nitrogen (N), Oxygen (O), and ash content (ash). The unit of HHV in Equation 1
is in MJ/kg dry mass. Equation 2 shows that the elements Carbon, Hydrogen, Sulfur
increase the heating value whereas the elements Nitrogen, Oxygen, and ash suppress the
heating value.

1. Net heating value of biomass

An estimate of the LHV or net heating value (NHV) is obtained from the measured HHV by
subtracting the heat of vaporization of water in the products.

LHV=HHV(1-M)-2.447M (Eq. 2)

Where,LHV is the gross (or lower) heating value MJ/kg, M is the wet basis moisture content
(mass fraction decimal). The constant 2.447 is the latent heat of vaporization of water in
MJ/kg at 25oC. For a moist fuel, the heating value decreases because a portion of the
combustion heat is used up to evaporate moisture in the biomass and this evaporated
moisture has not been condensed to return the heat back to the system.

2. Estimation of HHV of saw dust

Composition of elements

M (%) Ash (%) C (%) H (%) O (%) N (%) S (%)

0.35 o.65 51.6 6.26 41.4 0.00 0.00

Equation 1 is used to calculate high heating value


Substituting from compositions listed in the table above for saw dust

HHV= 0.35(51.64 )+ 1.18(6.26 ) +0.10(0.00 ) -0.02(0.00 )- 0.10( 41.45 ) -0.02(0.65 )

=21.3 MJ/kg

3. Estimation of LHV of saw dust

Equation 2 is used to calculate low heating value

LHV= HHV(1-M)-2.447M
Substituting for HHV and moisture content,
LHV= (21.3 MJ/kg)(1-0.35)-2.447(0.35)

= 12.99 MJ/kg

HHV of furnace oil = 45.69 MJ/kg LHV of furnace oil=37.86 MJ/kg

V=30 L/hr

m=density x V


=29.1kg/hr of furnace oil

Energy supplied by combustion of fuel = mass of fuel consumed X heating value

=37.86MJ/hrX 29.1kg/h

= 1101.7 MJ/hrby furnace oil

1101.7 MJ/hr =12.99 MJ/hr X M


Thus 29.1kg/hr of furnace oil can be substituted by84kg/hr to generate 1101.7 MJ/hr of

4.14. Conclusion and Recommendation

4.14.1. Conclusion
The project is to be located in Adi-grat town where there are developed infrastructure
facilities, the demand for the private investors are growing vertically due to booming of the
manufacturing sector and establishment of considerable number of governmental policy
based manufacturing works, the results of the financial and economically. It will have a
number of socio-Economic contributions to the country by way of create 70 job
opportunities and revenue contribution to the government in come. The project is therefore,
both technically and financially viable, which need to be promoted
Biomass is a renewable resource that has a steady and abundant supply. However, Furnace
fuels are not renewable, they can't be made again.
Biomass is available in many areas throughout the world and can be cultivated or produced
domestically-locally or regionally. Biomass is traditionally used as cooking fuel in Ethiopia,
especially in rural areas, which is the cause of indoor air pollution and health impacts.
There are a variety of biomass residues available around the world. Biomass mostly consists
of agricultural farm residues (e.g. paddy straw, sugar cane trash etc.), agro-industrial
residues (e.g. paddy husk, coffee husk etc.), forests & social forests residues.
By considering the seasonal nature of the harvest, Many of the agro residues need to be
collected manually, baled and transported Since this is a highly labor intensive. Saw dust is
the best option because the amount of sawdust availability is much higher today as a result
of the homebuilding and other construction is increased.
There are a number of ways for converting biomass into energy however, efficient
utilization and burning process is obtained by using the FBC boilers.
The benefits of biomass use as a source of fuel, besides energy security & independence of
the industries, include several environmental benefits, mainly in terms of GHG reduction.
Biomass from plants and vegetation are considered low-carbon or carbon-neutral.
It creates additional employment in collection and transportation of biomass, as well as
additional employment in energy generation.
As a chemical engineer i recommend Continuous distillation often gives a higher
productivity, offers ease of control and is less labor intensive than batch distillation thus I
recommend replacing batch distillation by continuous distillation.

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