Wellness Policy

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Empire Public School Districts Wellness Policy

Empire Public Schools (hereto referred to as the District) is committed to the optimal development of every
student. The District believes that for students to have the opportunity to achieve personal, academic,
developmental, and social success, we need to create positive, safe, and health-promoting learning
environments at every level, in every setting, throughout the school year.

This policy outlines the Districts approach to ensuring environments and opportunities for all students to
practice healthy eating and physical activity behaviors throughout the school day while minimizing
commercial distractions. Specifically, this policy establishes goals and procedures to ensure that:

Students in the District have access to healthy foods throughout the school dayboth through
reimbursable school meals and other foods available throughout the school campusin accordance
with Federal and state nutrition standards;
Students receive quality nutrition education that helps them develop lifelong healthy eating behaviors;
Students have opportunities to be physically active before, during, and after school;
Schools engage in nutrition and physical activity promotion and other activities that promote student
School staff are encouraged and supported to practice healthy nutrition and physical activity behaviors
in and out of school;
The community is engaged in supporting the work of the District in creating continuity between school
and other settings for students and staff to practice lifelong healthy habits; and
The District establishes and maintains an infrastructure for management, oversight, implementation,
communication about, and monitoring of the policy and its established goals and objectives.

This policy applies to all students, staff, and schools in the District.

I. School Wellness Committee

Committee Role and Membership

The District will convene a representative district wellness committee (hereto referred to as the DWC or
work within an existing school health committee) that meets at least four times per year to establish goals
for and oversee school health and safety policies and programs, including development, implementation,
and periodic review and update of this district-level wellness policy.

The DWC membership will represent all school levels (elementary and secondary schools) and include (to
the extent possible), but not be limited to: parents and caregivers; students; representatives of the school
nutrition program (ex., school nutrition director); physical education teachers; health education teachers;
school health professionals (ex., health education teachers, school health services staff [i.e., nurses,
physicians, dentists, health educators, and other allied health personnel who provide school health
services], and mental health and social services staff [i.e., school counselors, psychologists, social workers,
or psychiatrists]; school administrators (ex., superintendent, principal, vice principal), school board
members; health professionals (ex., dietitians, doctors, nurses, dentists); and the general public. To the
extent possible, the DWC will include representatives from each school building and reflect the diversity of
the community.
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The Superintendent or designee(s) will convene the DWC and facilitate development of and updates to the
wellness policy, and will ensure each schools compliance with the policy. The Wellness Policy
Coordinator for each school will be the principal who will ensure compliance with the policy.

II. Wellness Policy Implementation, Monitoring, Accountability, and

Community Engagement

Annual Notification of the Policy

The District will actively inform families and the public each year of basic information about this policy
including its content, any updates to the policy and implementation status. The District will make this
information available via the district website and/or district-wide communications. The District will
provide as much information as possible about the school nutrition environment. This will include a
summary of the Districts Wellness Policy. Annually, the District will also publicize how the public can
get involved with the School Wellness Committee.

This wellness policy and the progress reports can be found at: www.empireschools.org

Triennial Progress Assessments

At least once every three years, the District will evaluate compliance with the wellness policy to assess the
implementation of the policy and include:

The extent to which schools under the jurisdiction of the District are in compliance with the wellness
The extent to which the Districts wellness policy compares to the Alliance for a Healthier
Generations model wellness policy; and
A description of the progress made in attaining the goals of the Districts wellness policy.

The position/person responsible for managing the triennial assessment and contact information is Vicki
Davison, Superintendent of Empire Public Schools, vdavison@empireschools.org, (580) 252-5392. The
DWC, in collaboration with individual schools, will monitor schools compliance with this wellness policy.
The District will actively notify households/families of the availability of the triennial progress report.

Annual Progress Reports

The District will compile and publish an annual report to share basic information about the wellness policy
and report on the progress of the schools within the district in meeting wellness goals. The District will
actively notify households/families of the availability of the annual report.

Revisions and Updating the Policy

The DWC will update or modify the wellness policy based on the results of the annual progress reports and
triennial assessments, and/or as District priorities change; community needs change; wellness goals are
met; new health science, information, and technology emerges; and new Federal or state guidance or
standards are issued. The wellness policy will be assessed and updated as indicated at least every three
years, following the triennial assessment.
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Community Involvement, Outreach, and Communications

The District is committed to being responsive to community input, which begins with awareness of the
wellness policy. The District will actively communicate ways in which representatives of DWC and others
can participate in the development, implementation, and periodic review and update of the wellness policy
through a variety of means appropriate for that district. The District will also inform parents of the
improvements that have been made to school meals and compliance with school meal standards,
availability of child nutrition programs and how to apply, and a description of and compliance with Smart
Snacks in School nutrition standards. The District will actively notify the public about the content of or
any updates to the wellness policy annually. The District will also use these mechanisms to inform the
community about the availability of the annual and triennial reports.

III. Nutrition

Child Nutrition Program

Empire Public Schools will operate a school lunch program that will include lunch, and may include
breakfast, through participation in the Child Nutrition Programs. The Superintendent, in conjunction with
the Cafeteria Manager and with the approval of the Board of Education, will establish and post meal prices.

As required for participation in the Child Nutrition Programs, the Board prescribes that:

School Lunch and breakfast is to be made available to all students.

Free and reduced price lunches and breakfasts are to be made available for students who meet the
federal guidelines.
In the operation of the Child Nutrition Programs, no child will be discriminated against because of
race, sex, color, national origin, age, or disability. Discrimination complaints under these
programs should be filed with the State Department of Education child Nutrition Programs, 2500
North Lincoln Blvd., Oklahoma City, OK 73108-4599

School Meals

Our school district is committed to serving healthy meals to children, with plenty of fruits, vegetables,
whole grains, and fat-free and low-fat milk; moderate in sodium, low in saturated fat, and zero grams trans
fat per serving (nutrition label or manufacturers specification); and to meet the nutrition needs of school
children within their calorie requirements. The school meal programs aim to improve the diet and health of
school children, help mitigate childhood obesity, model healthy eating to support the development of
lifelong healthy eating patterns, and support healthy choices while accommodating cultural food
preferences and special dietary needs.

All schools within the District participate in USDA child nutrition programs, including the National School
Lunch Program (NSLP), the School Breakfast Program (SBP). All schools within the District are
committed to offering school meals through the NSLP and SBP programs, and other applicable Federal
child nutrition programs, that:

Are accessible to all students;

Are appealing and attractive to children;
Are served in clean and pleasant settings;
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Meet or exceed current nutrition requirements established by local, state, and Federal statutes and
regulations. (The District offers reimbursable school meals that meet USDA nutrition standards.)
Promote healthy food and beverage choices using at least ten of the following Smarter Lunchroom
Whole fruit options are displayed in attractive bowls or baskets (instead of chaffing dishes or hotel
Sliced or cut fruit is available daily
Daily fruit options are displayed in a location in the line of sight and reach of students
All available vegetable options have been given creative or descriptive names
Daily vegetable options are bundled into all grab and go meals available to students
All staff members, especially those serving, have been trained to politely prompt students to select
and consume the daily vegetable options with their meal
White milk is placed in front of other beverages in all coolers
Alternative entre options (e.g., salad bar, yogurt parfaits, etc.) are highlighted on posters or signs
within all service and dining areas
Student surveys and taste testing opportunities are used to inform menu development, dining space
decor, and promotional ideas
Daily announcements are used to promote and market menu options

Staff Qualifications and Professional Development

All school nutrition program directors, managers, and staff will meet or exceed hiring and annual
continuing education/training requirements in the USDA professional standards for child nutrition
professionals. These school nutrition personnel will refer to USDAs Professional Standards for School
Nutrition Standards website to search for training that meets their learning needs.


To promote hydration, free, safe, unflavored drinking water will be available to all students throughout the
school day. The District will make drinking water available where school meals are served during

Competitive Foods and Beverages

The District is committed to ensuring that all foods and beverages available to students on the school
campus* during the school day* support healthy eating. The foods and beverages sold and served outside
of the school meal programs will meet the USDA Smart Snacks in School nutrition standards, at a
minimum. To support healthy food choices and improve student health and well-being, all foods and
beverages outside the reimbursable school meal programs that are sold to students on the school campus
during the school day will meet or exceed the USDA Smart Snacks nutrition standards. These standards
will apply in all locations and through all services where foods and beverages are sold, which may include,
but are not limited to, a la carte options in cafeterias, vending machines, school stores, and snack or food

Celebrations and Rewards

All foods offered on the school campus will meet or exceed the USDA Smart Snacks in School nutrition
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Foods and beverages that meet or exceed the USDA Smart Snacks in Schools nutrition standards may be
sold through fundraisers on the school campus during the school day.

Nutrition Promotion

Nutrition promotion and education positively influence lifelong eating behaviors by using evidence-based
techniques and nutrition messages, and by creating food environments that encourage healthy nutrition
choices and encourage participation in school meal programs. Students and staff will receive consistent
nutrition messages throughout schools, classrooms, gymnasiums, and cafeterias. The District will promote
healthy food and beverage choices for all students throughout the school campus, as well as encourage
participation in school meal programs.

Nutrition Education

The District aims to teach, model, encourage, and support healthy eating by students.

Essential Healthy Eating Topics in Health Education

The District will include in the health education curriculum the following essential topics on healthy eating:

The relationship between healthy eating and personal health and disease prevention
Reading and using USDA's food labels
Eating a variety of foods every day
Balancing food intake and physical activity
Eating more fruits, vegetables, and whole grain products
Choosing foods that are low in fat, saturated fat, and cholesterol and do not contain trans fat
Choosing foods and beverages with little added sugars
Eating more calcium-rich foods
Preparing healthy meals and snacks
Risks of unhealthy weight control practices
Accepting body size differences
Food safety
Importance of water consumption
Importance of eating breakfast
Making healthy choices when eating at restaurants
Eating disorders
Reducing sodium intake
Social influences on healthy eating, including media, family, peers, and culture
How to find valid information or services related to nutrition and dietary behavior
How to develop a plan and track progress toward achieving a personal goal to eat healthfully
Resisting peer pressure related to unhealthy dietary behavior
Influencing, supporting, or advocating for others healthy dietary behavior

Food and Beverage Marketing in Schools

The District is committed to providing a school environment that ensures opportunities for all students to
practice healthy eating and physical activity behaviors throughout the school day while minimizing
commercial distractions. The District strives to teach students how to make informed choices about
nutrition, health, and physical activity. Any foods and beverages marketed or promoted to students on the
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school campus during the school day will meet or exceed the USDA Smart Snacks in School nutrition

IV. Physical Activity

Children and adolescents should participate in physical activity every day. A substantial percentage of
students physical activity can be provided through a comprehensive, school-based physical activity
program (CSPAP) that includes these components: physical education, recess, classroom-based physical
activity, during and after school. The district is committed to providing these opportunities. Physical
activity during the school day (including but not limited to recess, physical activity breaks, or physical
education) will not be withheld as punishment for any reason. To the extent practicable, the District will
ensure that its grounds and facilities are safe and that equipment is available to students to be active.

Physical Education

The District will provide students with physical education, using an age-appropriate, sequential physical
education curriculum consistent with national and state standards for physical education. The physical
education curriculum will promote the benefits of a physically active lifestyle and will help students
develop skills to engage in lifelong healthy habits.

All students will be provided equal opportunity to participate in physical education classes. The District
will make appropriate accommodations to allow for equitable participation for all students and will adapt
physical education classes and equipment as necessary.

All District elementary students in each grade will receive physical education for at least 60 minutes per
week throughout the school year.

The District physical education program will promote student physical fitness through individualized
fitness and activity assessments.

Essential Physical Activity Topics in Health Education

Health education will be required in all grades through Health classes, Science classes, and a variety of
other methods.

Recess (Elementary)

All elementary schools will offer at least 20 minutes of recess on all or most days during the school year.

Outdoor recess will be offered when weather is feasible for outdoor play.

Physical Activity Breaks (Elementary and Secondary)

The District recognizes that students are more attentive and ready to learn if provided with periodic breaks
when they can be physically active or stretch. Thus, students will be offered periodic opportunities to be
active or to stretch throughout the day on all or most days during a typical school week.
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Before and After School Activities

The District offers opportunities for students to participate in physical activity either before and/or after the
school day (or both) through a variety of methods. The District will encourage students to be physically
active before and after school by: club memberships, band, and varsity athletics.

V. Other Activities that Promote Student Wellness

The District will integrate wellness activities across the entire school setting, not just in the cafeteria, other
food and beverage venues, and physical activity facilities. The District will coordinate and integrate other
initiatives related to physical activity, physical education, nutrition, and other wellness components so all
efforts are complementary, not duplicative, and work towards the same set of goals and objectives
promoting student well-being, optimal development, and strong educational outcomes.

Schools in the District are encouraged to coordinate content across curricular areas that promote student

Community Partnerships

The District will continue relationships with community partners in support of this wellness policys

Community Health Promotion and Engagement

The District will promote to parents/caregivers, families, and the general community the benefits of and
approaches for healthy eating and physical activity throughout the school year.

Staff Wellness and Health Promotion

Schools in the District will implement strategies to support staff in actively promoting and modeling
healthy eating and physical activity behaviors.

Professional Learning

When feasible, the District will offer annual professional learning opportunities and resources for staff to
increase knowledge and skills about promoting healthy behaviors in the classroom and school.
Professional learning will help District staff understand the connections between academics and health and
the ways in which health and wellness are integrated into ongoing district reform or academic improvement

Health Education

The District will follow the Oklahoma Academic Standards for Health/Safety Education.

Reference: 70 O.S. 1-107

7 CFR, Parts 210 and 220
7 CFR, Part 245.5

This Policy required by Public Law 108-265, Section 204 and Public Law 111-296.

Adopted: November 27, 2017

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