Tuning Time Series Queries in Finance: Case Studies and Recommendations
Tuning Time Series Queries in Finance: Case Studies and Recommendations
Tuning Time Series Queries in Finance: Case Studies and Recommendations
Financial databases are different from regular ones: they involve more money. Furthermore,
Database speed and reliability can make the difference between prosperity and ruin.
Data must be accessible from many points on the globe with subsecond response.
In a previous tutorial article [10], I presented several case studies having to do with reliability, interop-
erability, data coherency, and tuning. In this complementary paper, I discuss examples of challenges that
follow from the time series nature of financial data. I also suggest a way to attack this problem.
1 Cultural Context
As a frequent consultant to Wall Street, I am exposed to a technical atmosphere that is unrecognizable to most
researchers and system programmers: time is short, tempers are shorter, and bonuses influence truth.
Traders routinely yell obscenities into their phones. Some break those same phones by banging the handset
against its base in fury.1
Technical people often bear the brunt of this wrath and usually must do so with good humor since their
yearly bonuses depend largely on what the traders say about them.
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Bulletin of the IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee on Data Engineering
This behavior goes home with some. The director of technology of a major investment bank was once handcuffed to a fence by the
police so he would stop harassing the umpire during his sons little league game.
In such an environment, planning horizons rarely exceed six months and technical purchase decisions often
depend on what some trader used at his or (rarely) her last job. The result is a babel of systems that are held
together by the sweat of highly paid programmers and administrators.
Like the traders, these technical workers change jobs frequently (once every two years or so) and so feel a
need to tell a good story about the latest technology in the press. One group leader told me in 1994 that he used
C++ in his group, partly because he knew it would attract people who wanted to put knowledge of that language
on their resume for their next job. Replace C++ by Java Beans and you will find a similar story as of 1999.
Fortunately for the industry, the technical people are quite smart. So, while they follow fads, the fads usually
answer a real need. Sybase enjoyed a huge success on Wall Street in the late 1980s, for example, because the
system had light weight threads and triggers. I still use the word fad however because technology selection
is not done in a vacuum on Wall Street. Everyone knows what everybody else is doing. The more popular a
technology becomes, the more people want to use it because it will give them job mobility. Conversely, vastly
superior technology may have a hard time capturing interest until, well, it catches on. I will discuss a needed
superior technology towards the end of this article.
Compute the value of my portfolio of bonds based on future payments and projected interest rates.
Find correlations or other statistics among different stock prices over time or between option premiums
and stock prices in order to help make better trading decisions.
Find all events that are likely to precede a rise in the price of a security, regardless of precise timing con-
Determine the data available at time X to trader T when he made the decision to buy Y for his own account.
3 Present Value
Contrary to what one reads in the popular press, bonds are far more important than stocks for most investment
banks. Companies, municipalities, and nations issue debt and the markets buy them. Each debt note has an asso-
ciated payment stream occurring at regular intervals, e.g. each half-year. These debt notes are then swapped for
cash (Ill borrow money and give some bonds Im holding as collateral), tranched (sliced into payment streams
of different risks), and otherwise manipulated. The basic computational issue is to value these payment streams.
But how should one value ten yearly one million dollar payments? The basic principle is to normalize all
payments to their present value. The present value of a payment of x dollars in i years assuming an interest rate
of r is y = (x=((1 + r )i )) dollars. (This definition is justified by the fact that putting y dollars in the bank at
interest r would yield the same amount of money at the maturity of the bond as taking each of the payments and
putting them in the bank at interest r .)
So, the basic problem is to compute expressions of the form (1 + r )i for many different values of i. Since the
value of r is never known precisely, many different r s are tried in order to calculate the statistics of the value of
a bond.
Notice that each such calculation involves computing the log of 1 + r , then multiplying by i and then taking
the inverse log of the result. Since many expressions have the same value of r but differ on i, wed like to avoid
doing the log more than once for a given r .
Relational systems on Wall Street typically store each payment in the form: (amount, date, interest). The
present value of each row is then computed independently of all others either through a trigger or an object-
relational extension. This strategy misses the significant log optimization described above and the resulting per-
formance is punishingly slow. For this reason, many applications take the data out of the relational database and
perform this calculation in some other way.
Avoiding this exodous from the database requires the object-relational system to share computational work
even among external functions. That is an undecidable task in general since the external functions are written
in a Turing-complete language. Another possibility is to call external functions on bigger entities (e.g. arrays
of payments and dates) so the function itself can do the necessary computational sharing.2 We will explore this
second possibility later.
1. Get the closing price of a set of 10 stocks for a 10-year period and group into weekly, monthly and yearly
aggregates. For each aggregate period determine the low, high and average closing price value.
2. Find the 21-day and 5-day moving average price for a specified list of 1000 stocks during a 6-month period.
(Use split adjusted prices).
3. Find the pair-wise coefficients of correlation in a set of 10 securities for a 2 year period. Sort the securities
by the coefficient of correlation, indicating the pair of securities corresponding to that row.
Here are some features that relational systems require to answer such queries:
1. the special treatment of the semantics of time (e.g. the discovery of weekly boundaries and the ability to
aggregate over such boundaries)
2. the ability to treat events in a time-ordered sequence (e.g. to perform moving averages)
4 Irregular Time Series and Frequency Counting
Hurricanes, oil spills, earthquakes, and other natural and manmade disasters can influence the stock market in
many ways. These events are not regular (one hopes) and so moving averages and complex signal processing
techniques are inapplicable. On the other hand, the fusion of disaster events with price data may make the fol-
lowing queries meaningful and useful:
(Specific) Which disaster event type affects the price of insurance company X?
We have used the example of disasters, but similar queries apply to large purchases prior to merger announce-
ments and other suspected insider activity.3 One way to conceptualize such problems is to discover patterns in
timed event sequences[7]. Relational systems would model this by attaching a time attribute to events, but the
discovery of sequence of events would require one or more joins. Most real-life systems would take some data
from the database and do the real work outside.
5 Bitemporality
It is often necessary to know what someone knew at a certain date. For example, did trader Jeff believe that a
merger was to take place between companies X and Y as of time Z when he bought stock in X? This might be
grounds for legal concern. What was the best public guess as to the third quarter profits of company X at time
Z? This might explain why trader Carol took such a large position in the company at that time.
Such queries are called bitemporal[4, 11, 12] because they involve two times: the time of the event in question
(the merger or the third quarter profits in our examples) and the time of the query (time Z in both cases). The point
is that our knowledge of the event in question may be better now, but what we are interested in is what was known
at some time in the past based on the transactions that had committed up to that point.
Whereas most queries having to do with compliance or personnel review occur rarely enough to be irrelevant
for performance tuning, the same does not hold for other queries involving time. For example, consider a portfolio
accounting application with queries like this:
As of last June, what was the anticipated revenue stream of this portfolio over the next ten years.
Since a portfolio consists of many securities, this involves combining the streams from many different secu-
rities after determining which securities were in the database last June.
As Snodgrass and Jensen show in their book[12], such queries can be implemented in relational databases,
but may require pages of code and may in fact be very slow. Indeed, the bank officer who described the portfolio
accounting application put the problem this way: The functionality excites the users but makes the [standard
relational] server glow a dull cherry red...
At least two solutions are possible to speed up such actions:
Implement the bitemporal model inside the database system. The risk is that this may create overly spe-
cialized implementations.
Treat the data as ordered and see where that leads. Please read on.
Of course, such event sequence queries appear elsewhere, e.g. in web data mining, A typical problem there is to infer the probability
that a person will buy an item given that he has visited some sequence of pages. Sequence plays a role but not necessarily wall clock
6 Recommendations
My recommendations follow from a simple observation: Sequences are more powerful than sets.
Membership, intersection, union, and difference can be easily applied to sequences. On the other hand, order,
nth best, moving averages, and other statistics require a tortured and inefficient encoding on sets, but are linear
time on sequences.
Now let us consider two ways in which sequences might extend the relational model:
Tables might be maintained in a specific order, as arrables (array tables). Selections, joins, and projections
can all carry their multiset-theoretic meaning to arrables (SQL is a multiset language when all is said and
done), but new operations can be defined that exploit order. These new operations may include nth best
operations, moving averages on certain columns, correlations between columns and so on.
Ordering tables into arrables has certain disadvantages however. For example, an arrable cannot be stored
using hashing. Ordering does not however preclude a secondary hash index. The extra overhead for or-
dering is therefore one more access in most cases[9]. This extra access may be significant in disk-resident
Another approach to order is to break a relational commandment. In a normal SQL statement group by
statement, e.g.
each group corresponds to one id and there are one or more scalar aggregates associated with that group
(here, the average price in the group). Suppose instead that that the following were possible:
The net result here would be to cause a vector of prices and dates to be associated with each stock. Now that
we have vectors, we can apply vector style operations that may be offered by a system or that an application
program may write. For example, we may sort the prices in each group by date and then construct moving
averages. Regrettably, allowing vector elements in rows violates first normal form. Maybe this is ok.
These two ways of incorporating order are separable. If introduced together, then the stock arrable might be
ordered by date and then the query becomes:
Prices will then be ordered by date within each date, provided the grouping preserves the sort order of the trade
arrable. Even better, we can construct the 5 day moving average in one shot, given a function that computes the
moving average of a sequence, say movavg and takes a time parameter:
Several systems treat sequences as first class objects including Fame[1], SAS[8], S-Plus[6], and KDB[2].
KDB supports a language called KSQL which is a semantic extension to SQL supporting order and time4 in a
few ways:5
Special functions are offered to exploit this order, e.g. first, last, nth, and moving aggregate statistics. For
example, if the trade table is ordered in descending order by price, then the following produces the 17th
highest price of each stock
Other functions can be added that apply to scalars, vectors or entire tables by the user, just as in conventional
object-relational systems. For example, suppose we want to compute the dot product of prices per stock
offset by 10 days. The dot product function is first defined (in this case, in the language K) and then used
dotprod:{[x;y] +/(x*y)}
select dotprod[(10 drop price), (-10 drop price)]
from trade
group by stock
Date is a data type and the system is aware of operations on that type. In this example, the trade table is
grouped by date and month.
Looking back on the time series queries we face in finance, let us see what order does for us:
Computing the present value and similar operations are natural on sequences. If the external functions
to compute these functions are vector-aware, then optimizations, such as performing the logarithm once
instead of many times, can easily be incorporated.
Correlations, moving averages, grouping by time periods such as weeks and months, and special purpose
interpolations require an awareness of date as a special data type and the ability to add arbitrary functions
in an object-relational style. Event data mining requires a subset of this functionality.
Bitemporality remains a challenge, but less of one. Because bitemporal queries involve unchanging histor-
ical data, one can afford to store redundant data, e.g. the entire set of portfolio entries each time a portfolio
changes. So, the query that makes a current server glow a cherry red, can perhaps become red hot.
7 Conclusion
Time as used in finance presents a performance challenge to conventional databases. After reviewing the main
query variants, this paper recommends a simple but radical change: embrace order.
KSQL also shortens some SQL statements, e.g. group by becomes by and some joins are implicit. I have rendered the examples
without those shortcuts here.
SRQL shares many of these ideas and adds a few other twists[5]
8 Acknowledgments
Many thanks to Marc Donner for introducing me to financial databases and to Arthur Whitney for profound sci-
entific insight.
[1] Information about Fame can be found at www.fame.com.
[2] KDB and KSQL can be downloaded on a trial basis from www.kx.com.
[3] K. Jacob and D. Shasha FinTime, a financial time series benchmark
[4] Christian S. Jensen and Richard T. Snodgrass Semantics of Time-Varying Information Information Systems,
21(4) pp. 311-352 (1996)
[5] Raghu Ramakrishnan, Donko Donjerkovic, Arvind Ranganathan, Keven S. Beyer, and Muralidhar Krish-
naprasad, SRQL: sorted relational query language SSDBM 98
[6] B.D. Ripley and W.N. Venables, Modern Applied Statistics with S-Plus Springer Verlag (1994)
http://www.stats.ox.ac.uk/ ripley/ has a lot of useful functions.
[7] John F. Roddick and Myra Spiliopoulou. A bibliography of temporal, spatial and spatio-temporal data min-
ing research. SIGKDD Newsletter, 1999.
[8] Information about SAS (the statistical package) can be found at www.sas.com
[9] Dennis Shasha Database Tuning a principled approach, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1992.
[10] Dennis Shasha Lessons from Wall Street: case studies in database tuning, configuration, and replication
Proc. 1997 ACM Sigmod Conf., pp. 498-501. Slides are available from the research link of Shashas web
[11] Richard T. Snodgrass (editor), Ilsoo Ahn, Gad Ariav, Don Batory, James Clifford, Curtis E. Dyreson, Ramez
Elmasri, Fabio Grandi, Christian S. Jensen, Wolfgang Kifer, Nick Kline, Krishna Kulkarni, T. Y. Cliff Leung,
Nikos Lorentzos, John F. Roddick, Arie Segev, Michael D. Soo and Suryanarayana M. Sripada, The TSQL2
Temporal Query Language, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1995.
[12] Richard T. Snodgrass and Christian S. Jensen Developing Time-Oriented Database Applications Morgan-
Kaufman, 1999.