Magnets and Pain Projectfin
Magnets and Pain Projectfin
Magnets and Pain Projectfin
an envelopecontaininga devicewasrandomlyselected
from the box containingboth active and inactive devices.This device was applied to the pain area
for 45 minutes andthen removed.The patient then evaluatedhis or her pain againa[ the region or
triggerpoint. This secondpain rating is the scoreanalyzedhere.
Active Magnets Placebos
10 0 lo I 4 4
10 4 C r0 7t ?
8 7 7-,^ l0 5 g
10 0. /'o 10 8 ^l
10 4 C 9 8 I
10 2 3 l0 6 4"
10 5 g- 9 8 t
10 5 s 10 l0
9 3 C 10 10 o
10 2 F 7 6 I
9 2 L 10 r0 o
r0 2 P 8 8 C)
10 3, 4 l0 10 O
10 5 s 10 r0 0
10 6 4, 10 1 0 CI
8 4 4 10 l0 c)
10' 3 +' 9 9 (a',
10 0 /o 10 9
8 2 6 10 l0 o
10 0 lo 10 r0 o
10 4 G l0 I I
9 4 s
10 5 5" ,r*,\ A/ ^{
-7, (orla tlo'lo' to.'/c,
10 9 I 6,?,?,?,1,
r0 10 o
10 10 C) lo, [0, / 0 t /0, /01/ato /(0
r0 /ot /d'
t0 C] 4, 5, crc,1, E'' 7t8'?' % ?''lo'
10 10 o I o ,lotl 0tl otlfu | O
8 7 I
2X ot ot6' C' o' t'*' | - l' (' 9' 3'
5 ' . , 5 1 5 , 5e, , l , V , ? , y O tl O t l 0 , l O
fi I' Ft
6' 6' 6' (" 6' 1'1'? r
Math 1030 Project2 (Work ln groups of two to four.)
^ pr* rt* ;t il: :: o-,2a4f,L o.- %u
P&//,Lo- alttr'" ry" @ pe.r* ,aa6: fL ,*4 aze-t>t.a<z
aqz+ a,,.2
t'AiA/rk&/ e-- q,6,- &*a.
Calculatethe "pain relief," i.e. the change between the initial pain and that reported after the
treatment Explain how you calculatedthe difference andwhat the numbersmean. Comparethe
mean,range,anddistribution(usingboth histogramsandbox plots) of the changefor the active
magnetgrcup and the placebogroup. Tell why you think the outcomesappearto be sirnilar or
- 4l
Placebo: Active Magnet: mean = 5 'o( |
range= lO
Pte'rtold ce,bD
v Pk Y@.
tr{\ o
o l4/e $ g
3 0123456789r0
Lt a
-T/t Cha?* "b gtufi" u{.if aA} //na?ft6a"-d aun'o r.+v Za* ulA fid<.
hfu Ud""-/ U{n"@.
Write a or two paragraphreflecting how thesestatisticseither support,refute, or are irrelevant to
the claim that magnetscan help relieve sometlpes of pain. Discussthe limits for which the data
canbe usedand why you think this is, or is not, a good study.