How To Do A General IT Contr

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A Sunera How To:

Information Technology
General Controls Review
June 3, 2015
Sharon Gallo, Manager, CISA -
More than 7 years of work experience providing audit and advisory services to
large multinational and smaller Fortune 1000 clients in various industries.
Expertise: Information Technology General Controls (ITGC) testing and
remediation, SSAE 16 reports, application control testing, entity level testing,
vendor assessments, and Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC) projects.
Prior to Sunera, she was a Senior within Ernst & Youngs Information Technology
Risk & Assurance practice.

Cliff Stephens, Director -

Expertise: Data analytics and CCM initiatives, implementing analytics tools, and
leading teams on process improvement advisory, ITGC testing and remediation,
application controls, and internal audit engagements.
Prior to joining Sunera, he was a Senior Manager at Home Depot and was
responsible for creating and leading the Internal Audit Data Analytics team.
Built data analytics capabilities by implementing ACL Analytics Exchange,
Tableau, SQL Server/Reporting Services, and Teratraining.

What is Sunera?
Overview of standard ITGCs
Audit Frameworks
How to perform an ITGC standard review
Practice Exercises
Access to Programs and Data
Program Development and Change Management
Computer Operations
What is Sunera?
Sunera is a business and technology risk management consulting firm
dedicated to reducing technology risk, designing cost-saving solutions, and
protecting our clients customers and reputations.

With a decade-long track record of delivering successful projects, we have

the experience and expertise to solve even the most complex technical

Core Services
Data Privacy | Internal Audit | Information Security
IT Audit | Enterprise Risk Management | Data Analytics
Technology Training | SOX Compliance | PCI

National Reach
Los Angeles
New York
San Francisco
Information Technology
General Controls (ITGCs)
Why are ITGCs important?
Information Technology General Controls (ITGCs) can be defined as internal
controls that assure the secure, stable, and reliable performance of computer
hardware, software and IT personnel connected to financial systems.

ITGCs affect the ability to rely on application controls and IT dependent manual

Without effective ITGCs, reliance cannot be placed on any application controls or IT

dependent manual controls unless additional procedures are performed (e.g.,
benchmarking). Even these additional procedures limit the ability to rely upon more
than one application control at a time.

ITGCs are an integral part of many different operational and regulatory (federal and
state) audits, including:
o IT operational reviews
o HIPAA assessments
o SSAE16 assessments
o PCI reviews/audits
o SOX assessments

ITGC Areas of Focus
The following areas are typically addressed as part of ITGC:
Access to Programs and Data
o Controls that prevent inappropriate and unauthorized use of the system across all layers of systems,
operating system, database and application.
- Security Policy, Password, Unique IDs, Authorized Administrators, Users Access Provisioning,
Users Access Reviews, Physical Security, Firewall, Monitoring (i.e. invalid logins, audit trails)
Program Changes
o Controls may involve required authorization of change requests, review of the changes, approvals,
documentation, testing and assessment of changes on other IT components and implementation protocols.
- Change Management Process for Regular and Emergency Changes (i.e. infrastructure and
software changes for all layers: O/S, database, application)
Program Development
o Controls over development methodology, including system design and implementation, that outline specific
phases, documentation requirements, change management, approvals and checkpoints to control the
development or maintenance of the project.
o Controls over the effective acquisition, implementation and maintenance of system software, database
management, telecommunications software, security software, and utilities.
- Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC)
Computer Operations
o Controls over the effective job configuration and scheduling, data center operations, data backup and data
recovery procedures.
- Backups, Restorations, Job Scheduling

ITGC Approach Across all Layers
ITGCs should be applied across all layers of
the identified in-scope systems, including:

Application System
o Typically the system used by front-end users
to perform specific tasks (i.e., PeopleSoft).
o Collects and stores data supporting the
application. Typically restricted to back-end
Operating System
o Supports the entire organization and serves as
a back-bone to all systems (i.e., Windows).
o A group of two or more computer systems
linked together that allows the exchange of

Key Terms
SOX Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002. U.S. federal legislation that establishes new or
enhanced requirements for financial reporting for all U.S. public company boards,
management, and public accounting firms.
PCAOB Public Company Accounting Oversight Board. A private-sector, non-profit
corporation created by the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, to oversee the auditors of public
COBIT Control Objectives for Information and Related Technology. A comprehensive
framework for management of the governance of risk and control of IT, comprising 5
domains, 37 IT processes and 210 control objectives. COBIT includes controls that address
all aspects of IT governance, but only those significant to financial reporting have been used
to develop this document.
COSO Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission. A
private-sector initiative, formed in 1985 to identify the factors that cause fraudulent financial
reporting and to make recommendations to reduce its incidence. COSO has established a
common definition of internal controls, standards, and criteria against which companies and
organizations can assess their control systems.
ISACA Information Systems Audit and Control Association. International professional
organization for information governance, control, security and audit professionals. Its
auditing and control standards are followed by practitioners worldwide.

The most common framework used to evaluate ITGCs is the COBIT framework
Established to provide a generic Established by ISACA to be used for the
framework for evaluating internal controls. IT component of documenting and testing
SECs suggested Internal Controls internal controls.
Framework for Sarbanes Oxley.
Addresses application controls and Comprehensive framework for managing
general IT controls at a high level. risk and control for IT.
Does not dictate requirements for control More detailed and IT specific.
objectives and related controls activity.
Not a comprehensive Internal Controls

How COBIT is used for evaluating ITGCs:

Since ITGCs affect the entire organization, COBIT is mapped to COSO.
15 COBIT IT processes are identified as being relevant for the IT component of internal controls.
However, companies may add or remove other COBIT processes based on the specific situation.

COBIT 4.1 Mapped to COSO
The Control Objectives for Information and related
Technology (COBIT) defines an IT governance
framework. COBIT
Control Environment The control environment
sets the tone of an organization, influencing the
control consciousness of its people.
Risk Assessment Every entity faces a variety of
risks from external and internal sources that must
be identified and analyzed at both the entity and
the activity level.
Control Activities These policies and
procedures help ensure management directives
are carried out (e.g., preventive, detective, and
mitigating controls).
Information and Communication Pertinent
information must be identified, captured, and
communicated in a manner and timeframe that
supports all other control components.
Monitoring The monitoring process assesses
the quality of the systems performance over time
by reviewing the output generated by control
activities and conducting special evaluations.

ITGC Framework
COBIT 5 Overview
The focus of COBIT 5 is on processes, that are
split into governance and management areas.
These two areas contain a total of 5 domains:

Governance of Enterprise IT
o Evaluate, Direct and Monitor (EDM) Provides
direction to information security and monitoring the
Management of Enterprise IT
o Align, Plan and Organize (APO) Provides direction
to solution delivery (BAI) and service delivery (DSS),
o Build, Acquire and Implement (BAI) Provides the
solutions and passes them to be turned into services,
o Deliver, Service and Support (DSS) Receives the
solutions and makes them usable for end users, and
o Monitor, Evaluate and Assess (MEA) Monitors all
processes to ensure that the direction provided is Across these 5 domains, COBIT has
followed. identified 37 IT processes that are
generally used by an organization as well
as specific practices.

Mapping PCAOB AS 5 to COBIT 5
Processes to Identify Relevant ITGC controls
COBIT 5 processes mapped
to PCAOB Auditing Standard
No. 5
Identifies ITGCs that have a
direct impact on the audit of
the effectiveness of internal
controls over financial
reporting (SOX section 404)
which can be used as a
baseline for non-public

How to Perform an ITGC
Standard Review
Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3

Our Approach for ITGC Testing

Phase I Activities - IT Risk Assessment and Scoping
IT Risk Assessment
o Review and evaluate existing IT risk assessment documentation, if any.
o Perform discovery sessions with key IT process/system owners to evaluate the current IT
o Evaluate any scheduled or pending IT projects that may impact the control environment.
o Identify any relevant prior year audit feedback.
o Perform IT risk assessment and map risks to ITGC framework (i.e., COBIT 5 objectives).
Application Scoping
o Identify the population of IT systems that are material (in-scope) for your particular audit
through the IT risk assessment activities and documentation reviews.
o Create/update an in-scope systems matrix that contains all in-scope systems attributes
(software version, OS layers, database layers, authentication mechanism, etc.).
ITGC Control Catalog
o Identify relevant ITGC controls according to the IT environment and relevant to your type of
o Asses the control frequency and level of risk.
o Design test procedures.

Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3

ITGC Catalog Overview

An ITGC Catalog gives an organization and the auditors an overview of key controls.
The catalog typically lists the Control Number, Control Objective, Frequency, Risks,
and Control Description, and may also include prior noted deficiencies and whether or
not the control is manual/automated and preventive/detective.

COBIT 5 Key / Preventative

COBIT 5 Process Expected Control Control
Process COBIT 5 Practice Details Risk Non- / Detective Frequency
Details Description Category Controls
Name Key

Ensure that all users Management

Protect enterprise
have information access periodically reviews
information to maintain
rights in accordance Unauthorized access user access rights to
the level of information
with their business to resources, critical systems
security risk acceptable
DSS 05 requirements and programs or data including
to the enterprise in Access to
Manage coordinate with may result in fraud, administrator, super Semi-
accordance with the Programs Key Detective
Security business units that theft, loss of data or user and other annual
security policy. Establish and Data
Services manage their own unauthorized privileged account
and maintain information
access rights within transactions in access at all levels
security roles and access
business processes. financial systems. of the system
privileges and perform
(application, database
security monitoring.
and operating system).

Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3

Our Approach for ITGC Testing

Phase II Activities Gather Audit Evidence
Document Request List (DRL)
o Identify evidence required for your audit and prepare a DRL.
o Send the DRL to functional area managers to request evidence (such as IT
Managers and Human Resource Manager).
o Observe IT generate computer-generated reports, where possible. Capture
input parameters.
o Obtain evidence and ensure that source data is accurate, complete and directly
generated from the system, where possible.
Population and Sample Selection
o Define your population.
o Select samples that are representative of the population, according to the
controls risk and frequency.
o Reference AICPA AU Section 350 Audit Sampling guide.

Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3

Document Request List

A DRL is a list prepared by the auditor for items that will be required from the
process and/or data owner prior to the commencement of fieldwork. This
documentation is what is necessary for the testing of ITGC controls. The DRL may
include items such as policies/procedures, system documentation, user access
lists, audit logs and configurations.

Request Type Control Ref# Key Control Activity System Requested Items

For each AD production domain, please run the following script:

Script 4 will extract the domain Password Policy, Screensaver
Policy, and Audit Policy.

1. Download and save "Script 4" from the link listed to the right
(i.e. cell F17) to the desktop of the production server where the
Population A standard password policy Windows Active domain controller is installed.
has been defined and critical Directory
2. Extract the Windows Server - Domain Policies Script" to the
applications and supporting desktop.
DSS 05.02b
platforms are configured 3. Double click the Windows Server - Domain Policies Script
according to the corporate file.
standard. 4. Wait for the DOS command prompt windows to close.
5. Provide a copy of the output files (i.e. WinDomainPolicies.vbs)

Population Dynamics - App Screenshot of password configuration settings for the

corresponding system or configuration to show that the server
relies on Active Directory for authentication (typically shown by
Population HighJump - App
LDAP, web server or windows authentication settings).

Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3

Sample Selection
Samples are selected based on:
Frequency of Control: Determined by the assumed population of control
occurrences per year and risk level.
Population Size Sample Size
(typical) (typical)
Annual 1 1

Quarterly 4 2

Monthly 12 2 to 5

Weekly 52 5 to 10
Daily 250 20 to 40
Multiple Times per Day 250+ 25 to 45

Inherent Risk: The measure of auditor's assessment that the control will
not operate as intended (control failure).
o High
o Medium
o Low

Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3

Sample Selection (continued)

Statistical Sample Selection Ensures that each member of the population has an
equal chance of being selected.
Random Each item chosen from a population by a method involving an unpredictable
component. The sample is such that selected so that every possible sample has an equal chance
of being selected from the population.
Computer Software (such as ACL) is used to automate or simplify the audit process

Non-Statistical Sample Section The auditor may employ some bias when selecting
the sample.
Haphazard The auditor selects a sample from a population without following a structured
technique, however avoiding any conscious bias or predictability.
Judgmental The auditor intentionally places a bias on the sample (e.g., all sampling units over a
certain value, all for a specific type of exception, all negatives, all new users, etc.) selected from a

Note: Population - the entire set of data from which a sample is selected and about which the IT
Auditor wishes to draw conclusions.

Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3

Our Approach for ITGC Testing

Phase III Activities Perform testing procedures
o Prepare detailed test procedures for the key ITGCs.
o Perform the tests of design and evaluate the operating effectiveness of each
o Document test results and highlight any exceptions.
o Confirm exceptions with stakeholders.
o Provide IT Management and stakeholders feedback for future remediation of
identified exceptions.
Remediation Testing
o Perform remediation testing.
o Communicate results to all stakeholders.

Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3

Testing Methods
Methods for testing ITGCs:

Testing Method Definition

The auditor inquires (in writing or verbally) of the responsible
Inquiry individual as to what procedures are in place to address the control
being tested. This is typically the first step in each test.
The auditor inspects the evidence provided to ensure that it is
The auditor inquires with one individual and corroborates the inquiry
Corroborative Inquiry
separately with another individual.
The auditor tests that automated controls within an IT application are
operating as expected. Examples of these kinds of controls may be:
- That a predefined exception will be identified appropriately by the
system (this exception may be associated with completeness and/or
System Query accuracy of input, processing and output of the application)
- That logical access configuration within the application are set in a
way that establishes segregation of duties and otherwise provides
for the authorization of transactions.

Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3

Test of Design vs. Test of Effectiveness

Test of Design - Determines whether the controls, if operating properly, can
effectively prevent or detect errors or fraud that could result in material
misstatements in the financial statements.
Procedures the auditor performs to test and evaluate design effectiveness
include inquiry, observation, and inspection of relevant documentation. The
procedures the auditor performs to test and evaluate design effectiveness might
also provide evidence that can be used to test the effectiveness of the control.
Was the control designed appropriately?

Test of Effectiveness Involves evaluating whether internal control is

operating as designed.
Procedures the auditor performs to test and evaluate test of operating
effectiveness include inquiry, observation, and inspection of relevant
documentation. Was the control consistently performed? Was the control
performed by a person who had the necessary authority and qualifications to
perform the control effectively?

Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3

Testing Methods (continued)

Methods for testing ITGCs:

Testing Method Definition

The auditor observes the responsible individual

performing a procedure.

The auditor independently performs the steps as

Re-Performance previously performed by a client or as detailed in a
The auditor combines inquiry, inspection and re-
Knowledge performance techniques to test the individuals
Assessment knowledge of a subject or competency to perform a

Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3

The Language Auditors Speak

Audit Term Test Step Test Results
Inquired with the IT Operations Manager, Joe Smith, on
Inquire of the IT Operations Manager
January 18, 2015, and noted that PeopleSoft and Active
to gain an understanding of how user
Inquiry Directory user IDs are administered by the IT Department. It is
IDs are assigned to new users within
noted that new users are assigned a unique ID based on the
each critical application.
standard protocol of first initial and last name.

Obtained and inspected the Backup and Restore Policy from

the companys intranet on May 11, 2015, and noted that page 1
of the policy details the procedures for restoration testing as
Obtain and inspect the Backup and
Restore Policy to determine if the
Inspection policy clearly defines procedures in
A structured test of the restore process will be performed to
place for restoring and testing
verify the quality and reliability of all backup tapes. All test
backups for critical systems.
details including the scope of the test, procedures and results
will be documented in the ticketing system to maintain a record
of the testing history.

Note: Inquiry alone is never sufficient to provide a level of certainty that a

control is operating effectively. It should always be used in conjunction with
one or more of the other procedures. As a result, the inquiry step will only
have a conclusion if an exception was noted during the inquiry.

Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3

The Language Auditors Speak


Audit Term Test Step Test Results

Corroborated the inquiry of the IT Operations Manager, Joe
Smith, with the Database Administrator, Angelina Jolie, on
Corroborate the inquiry of the IT
January 19, 2015, and noted that user IDs are administered
Corroboration Operations Manager with the
by the IT Department. It was noted that new users are
Database Administrator.
assigned a unique ID based on the standard protocol of first
initial and last name.
Perform a system query to obtain the
security configuration for Windows IA observed the Windows Active Directory administrator, Jim
Active Directory and inspect that the Carey, perform a system query to obtain the security
configuration is properly configured to configuration on February 10, 2015. IA inspected the
System Query require a password with a minimum of password configurations and noted that the system was
8 characters that is complex (1 upper properly configured to require a password with a minimum of
case, 1 lower case and a special 8 characters that is complex (1 upper case, 1 lower case and
symbol) and that is set to expire after a special symbol) and that is set to expire after 90 days.
90 days.

Note: Corroboration is useful only if the other party does not have prior
knowledge of the question being asked.

Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3

The Language Auditors Speak

Audit Term Test Step Test Results
Observe the Support Services Supervisor
create a work order in the ticketing IA observed as the Support Services Supervisor, Donald
system. Perform a system query to obtain Trump, performed work order #8937 in the Remedy ticketing
Observation the audit history log from the system to system on January 12, 2015 and noted that all modifications
determine if the work order created by the made by Donald to work order #8937 were captured by
Supervisor is appropriately tracked in the Remedy ticketing system.
Execute a system query to obtain a list of
The Inventory Manager, John Smith, executed a system
inventory items acquired during the 2015
query to obtain a list of items acquired during the 2015 fiscal
fiscal year. Judgmentally select a sample
year on January 20, 2015. IA Judgmentally selected a
Re-Performance of 15 items. Re-perform the calculation of
sample of 15 items and re-performed the calculation of the
the average cost of the items to determine
average cost of parts on January 21, 2015 and noted the
that the average cost of parts is properly
calculated by the PeopleSoft system.

Observation - During observation, evidence must be retained that support the control
being observed. Observation is a weaker form of assurance than the other procedures
and should be performed in conjunction with other procedures where possible.
Re-Performance - Not typically performed as part of ITGC testing.

Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3

Documenting the Test Procedures

The procedures performed and associated results found during testing must be documented. Test
procedures should be clearly documented and understandable to allow any 3rd party to re-perform
the testing of the control.

Control Description: DSS 05.04a Unique identities are required for system access. Group
or shared logins are disabled. Users are uniquely authenticated to the system to support the
validity of transactions and system administrators do not use generic standard system
accounts (e.g., root, sa) to login to critical systems. Vendor supplied default and generic
passwords are removed or changed.

Test Procedures:
1. Inquire of IT Management to gain understanding of how users are uniquely authenticated to systems
and whether vendor supplied default and generic passwords are removed or changed.
2. Obtain a complete list of user IDs from the manager of each key application and platform and inspect
the entire population of user IDs to determine that unique IDs are used.
3. For system components that utilize vendor supplied default and generic accounts, obtain evidence to
verify that default accounts and passwords have been changed.

Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3

Documenting the Test Results

All test results should end with a conclusion (except inquiry).
Exception noted.
No exception noted.

Control Description: DSS 04.07a Procedures are in place to ensure that systems are
backed up according to the backup operating procedures.
Test Results:
1. Inquired with the Disaster Recovery Manager, Lucy Lu, on March 1, 2015, and noted that for
Windows AD servers, daily differential backups are performed Monday through Thursday, and a full
backup is performed on Friday. It is noted that the weekly rotational backup tapes are stored at the
companys co-located site (Iron Mountain) for a period of 5 weeks. The only IT staff members with
keys to the safe are the IT Operations Manager, Janice Houston, and the Manager of Business
Systems & Development, Roger Wallace.
2. Obtained and inspected the Backup and Restore policy from the Disaster Recovery Manager, Lucy
Lu, on March 2, 2015, and noted the following:
o Differential Backups are performed for all Windows AD Servers on a daily basis. No
exception noted.
o Weekly rotational backup tapes are stored in the backup tape drive at the companys co-
located site (Iron Mountain) for a period of 5 weeks. No exception noted.
3. Inspected the Backup and Restore policy on March 2, 2015, and noted that the CTO, Bill Johnson,
reviewed and updated the policy on January 20, 2015. No exception noted.

Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3

Test Workpapers

Practice Exercise #1
Access to Programs and Data
Practice Exercise #1
Access to Programs and Data

Control Description:
Only authorized individuals have Administrator access to PeopleSoft on the
application level.

For the control description above, answer the following questions:

1. What pieces of evidence should be obtained?
2. How do you determine the sample size?
3. What testing steps are necessary to test this control?

Practice Exercise #1
Access to Programs and Data
Control Description : Only authorized individuals have Administrator access to
Peoplesoft on the application level.

Sample Size: The sample size for a system access control is the entire population of user
Testing Steps:
1. Inquire with IT to gain an understanding of how the security is configured in the
PeopleSoft application.
2. Observe IT generate a system query to obtain the list of PeopleSoft users.
3. Compare the list of administrators to the IT organization chart or active employee listing
to determine if user access is in line with job responsibilities.
4. Inquire with IT Management to determine if the individuals with administrator access are
Supporting Evidence:
1. User Access List.
2. If available, a copy of the IT organization chart and/or HR reports (active employees,
new hires, terminations from beginning of audit period to present).
o If available, system documentation.

Practice Exercise #1
Access to Programs and Data
Documenting the Test Results:
1. Internal Audit (IA) inquired with the IT Application Implementation and Support Manager, Janet
Jackson, on March 2, 2015, and noted that only users with the Super User role had
administrator access within the PeopleSoft application.
2. IA observed Janet Jackson execute a system query to generate the list of the PeopleSoft
users on March 2, 2015. IA filtered the user list in Microsoft Excel by the Super User role.
3. IA obtained the job titles for the users with administrator access from the Director of Human
Resources, Johnny Depp, on March 3, 2015, to determine if the users access were in line
with job responsibilities, and noted the results in the table below. Further, no developers had
been granted administrator level access. No exception noted.
4. Inquired with Janet Jackson, on March 4, 2015 and corroborated the inquiry with Ellie
Goldberg, Director of IT Applications and noted that all users with administrator access were
appropriate. No exception noted.

Practice Exercise #2
Program Development & Change
Practice Exercise #2
Program Development & Change Management

Control Description:
Requests for normal changes to application systems, data structures, or any
other information systems software or devices running in the production
environment, are documented in a change management request form and
authorized by the designated approver, where applicable, either through a work
order or change request form.

For the control description above answer the following questions:

1. What pieces of evidence should be obtained?
2. How do you determine the sample size?
3. What testing steps are necessary to test this control?

Practice Exercise #2
Program Development & Change Management
Control Description : Requests for normal changes to application systems, data
structures, or any other information systems software or devices running in the
production environment, are documented in a change management request form
and authorized by the designated approver, where applicable, either through a work
order or change request form.
Sample Size: The sample size for a program development/change control is based on the entire
population of changes, frequency and level of risk.
Testing Steps:
1. Inquire with IT to gain an understanding of the Change Management process and how
changes are approved. Obtain the formal Change Management policy/procedure, if
2. Observe IT execute a system query to obtain a listing of changes promoted to the production
environment at all layers.
3. Select a sample of changes and obtain supporting documentation.
4. Inspect the forms for appropriate approval.
Supporting Evidence:
1. Change Management policy/procedure, if available.
2. Change Approval Matrix.
3. Computer-generated listing of OS, application, database changes.
4. Sample support documentation (i.e., work order, change request form, approvals).

Practice Exercise #2
Program Development & Change Management

Documenting the Test Results:

1. IA inquired with the Application Manager, Kim Kardashian, on July 1, 2015, and
noted that change forms require approval by a documented list of authorized
approvers contained within the Change Management Policy. IA obtained the
Change Management Policy from Kim and noted that it was reviewed January 4,
2. Observed Kim execute a system query to generate a list of the changes migrated
to the PeopleSoft production (OS, application and databases) between January 1,
2015, and July 1, 2015.
3. IA noted a total of 25 changes and selected a sample of 7 changes (based on a
weekly frequency and medium to high risk level) and obtained the supporting
documentation for each sample.
4. IA inspected the supporting documentation for each change sampled; compared
against the authorized approver list within the change management policy to
verify that each change had evidence of approval by an authorized individual. No
exception noted.

Practice Exercise #3
Computer Operations
Practice Exercise #3
Computer Operations

Control Description: Automated data retention tools have been implemented

to manage the backup and retention data plan and schedule. Backup logs are
reviewed daily and documented in the Backup Log check sheet.

For the control description above, answer the following questions:

1. What pieces of evidence should be obtained?
2. How do you determine the sample size?
3. What testing steps are necessary to test this control?

Practice Exercise #3
Computer Operations
Control Description: Automated data retention tools have been implemented to manage
the backup and retention data plan and schedule. Backup logs are reviewed daily and
documented in the Backup Log check sheet.

Sample Size: The sample size for computer operations control is based on the
entire population of changes, frequency and level of risk.
Testing Steps:
1. Obtain backup schedule (for in-scope applications) from the automated tool from
the backup administrator.
2. Randomly select a sample of days.
3. From sample, obtain history file and determine that jobs were run according to
4. Obtain backup log check sheet and determine that jobs were run according to
backup schedule.
5. If jobs were not run according to policy, determine that they were investigated and
Supporting Evidence:
1. Computer Operations policy/procedure, if available.
2. Backup schedule from backup tool for in-scope servers.
3. History files for backup jobs.
4. Backup log check sheet.

Practice Exercise #3
Computer Operations

Documenting the Test Results:

1. IA inquired with IT Operations Manager, TJ Mix, on November 3, 2015, and noted
that backups are performed on a daily basis and backup logs are reviewed daily
and documented in the Backup Log check sheet. IA corroborated this inquiry with
IT Operations Supervisor, DJ Mix A Lot and confirmed TJs statement. IA also
obtained the Computer Operations Policy which also stated the same process
and backup schedule.
2. IA randomly selected a sample of 30 days across the year (based on a daily
frequency and medium risk level).
3. IA obtained the history file for the selected samples to determine if the jobs ran
according to policy and noted that backup did not run on February 2, 2015
however it ran successfully the next day. No exception noted.
4. IA also obtained the backup log check sheet to determine if the logs were
reviewed daily and documented in the Backup Log check sheet. The jobs were
reviewed on the selected dates, except on February 2, 2015 (as noted in
procedure 3), however the job ran successfully the next day. No exception
5. Refer to test results #3 and 4. No exception noted.

Pop Quiz!
1. Which of the following would not be in scope in a general computer control
a. Change Management
b. Operating System Security
c. The Financial Statement Close Process
d. Physical Security
2. Access to systems and data should be assigned on a need-to-know basis True
or False?
3. Inquiry alone is a suitable way to test a control True or False?
4. The appropriate sample size required to test a general computer control is
a. 1
b. 30
c. The entire population
d. None of the above
5. The programmer who developed a new piece of code is the most appropriate
individual to migrate that new code into the production environment True or

Pop Quiz! (Answers)
1. Which of the following would not be in scope in a general computer control
a. Change Management
b. Operating System Security
c. The Financial Statement Close Process
d. Physical Security
2. Access to systems and data should be assigned on a need-to-know basis
True or False?
3. Inquiry alone is a suitable way to test a control True or False?
4. The appropriate sample size required to test a general computer control is
a. 1
b. 30
c. The entire population
d. None of the above
5. The programmer who developed a new piece of code is the most appropriate
individual to migrate that new code into the production environment True or



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pFad v3 Proxy

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