DLL - Math 6 4th Q WK 5
DLL - Math 6 4th Q WK 5
DLL - Math 6 4th Q WK 5
A. Reviewing previous lesson or Review: Matching the Drill: Give the cubic unit measure Review: Give three exercises in Review: Give three exercises in
presenting the new lesson drawing/cut-out picture/object in finding the volume of the solving the surface area of a solving the surface area of a
with the name of space figure. following : cube and a rectangular prism. cylinder.
Drill : Mental Computation in 1. A piece of soap is 9 cm
Finding Areas of plane figures. by 4 cm by 3 cm Ask : What is the formula in
2. An ice cream cone 2cm finding the area of a circle ?
in radius and height of 6
B. Establishing a purpose for the Working with the group Working with the group Working with the group Working with the group
lesson Activity: Role playing Activity: Dialogue Activity: Role playing Activity: Role playing
C. Presenting examples/Instances of Working with the group Group Activity : Group Activity : Group Activity
the new lesson Activity: Role playing Each group Ask : What is the smallest cubic Ask : Find rectangular boxes Let each group discuss the
in the class is required to bring unit of measure ? the next ? etc. inside the room then complete following questions :
rectangular boxes for planting this table : 1.Why is water important ?
seedlings for their EPP class. The group with the most correct Figure length width height 2.How can we conserve water ?
However, only group 3 brought answers wins. 3. What is the shape of our
their box. The teacher showed it reservoir ?
to the class. Ask if it is filled w/ The group with most accurate
soil, how much soil does it measurements wins.
contain ?
Discuss the problem.
D. Discussing new concepts and Activity 1: Use of compatible Use Power Point Present problem opener Analysis and discussion of
practicing new skills # 1 numbers for the topic Presentation of Conversion Refer to Mathematics 6 for activity 1 ( Textbook pp. 229. )
(Textbook p.219 ) Everyday Use p. 226.
E. Discussing new concepts and Analysis and discussion of Analysis and discussion of Analysis and discussion of Analysis and discussion of
practicing new skills # 2 activity 1 (Textbook p. 220 ) activity 1 (Textbook pp.222-223 ) activity 1 ( Textbook pp. 226- activity 2 ( Workbook 6 p. 156 ).
F. Developing mastery Activity 2: Identify the cubes Activity 2: Give the equivalent Activity 2: Solve for the volume Activity 2: Solve for the volume
(leads to Formative Assessment among the following : unit of the following : of the following : of the following :
3) ( Refer to Mathematics 6 for (Refer to Mathematics 6 for (Refer to Mathematics 6 for (Refer to Mathematics 6 for
Everyday Use p. 221 Everyday Use p.224 Everyday Use p. 227. Everyday Use p. 230
G. Finding practical application of Practice exercises Practice exercises Practice exercises Practice exercises
concepts and skills in daily living Solve the following exercises Solve the following exercises Solve the following exercises Solve the following exercises
( Refer to worksheets) ( Refer to Workbook 6 pp. ( Refer to Workbook 6 pp. ( Refer to Workbook 6 p. 156.
170 171. 154 155.
H. Making generalizations and What is the unit of measure used How do you convert cubic unit of How do you solve the volume of How do you solve the volume of
abstractions about the lesson in measuring the volume of measure of measure to its larger a rectangular prism ? a rectangular prism ?
solids ? or smaller equivalence ?
How do we write cubic units ? What is the formula used ? What is the formula used ?
I. Evaluating learning Give the cubic unit measure in Have them answer Exercises on Have them answer Exercises on Have them answer Exercises on
finding the volume of the pp. 224- 225 , Mathematics for p. 228 , Mathematics for p. 230 , Mathematics for
following : Everyday Use 6. Everyday Use 6. Everyday Use 6.
1.A box 44 cm by 9 cm by 6cm
2.A cone w/ h dm & r of 4 dm
3.A cabinet 1.2 m by 0.9 m by
4.A ball w/ radius of 10 cm
5.Acylinder tank 25 dm long and
8 dm.
J. Additional activities for application Solve the following: Solve the following: Copy and answer problems on Copy and answer problems on Copy and answer problems on
or remediation (Refer to chart) (Refer to chart) the chart. the chart. the chart.