Subject Strand:
science plants
Activity 3 Activity 4
video about the student book
plants. projector
Supporting activities based on grouping considerations (See ADEC document)
Opening: Time:__10 minutes_____
(consider prior learning, motivation, overview and the presentation of the learning outcome)
First I will check their prior knowledge by asking them what do you know about plants?
I will start the lesson by giving the students the opportunity to observe plants outdoor, so we will
go to the school garden because there is a lot of different kinds of plant with colorful colors.
I will show them the plants and tell them that we have different shapes and colors of plants and
each plant have parts to help the plant to live. While I'm showing them examples i will ask them
open and closed ended questions to give them the opportunity to think for example, how do you
think the plant live? From where does the plant get the food? Are all the plants look the same?
Also I will describe a plant and hey have to find it.
Describe the activities and what the students will be doing. Consider differentiated activities.
Activity 3 Activity 4
I will play a video that describe the plant parts we will answer the book questions together and
and needs to live. I will give them a homework to do.
Closing/ Conclusion: Time: ____3 minutes____
Consider a review of what the students did during the practice activities and ensure that all
students are assessed for learning.
I will draw a plant on the white board then I will give them 2 minute s to think of the parts in
groups. Then I will choose a student from each group to tell me a part.