Indonesian Legal System
Indonesian Legal System
Indonesian Legal System
Name : Jamaludin
Major : International relations
ID : 01201200080
In this short essay will be explain about Indonesian legal system, generally
implemented in Indonesia. These are several system that occur in Indonesia in essence:
continental legal system, Anglo-Saxon legal system, customary legal system and canonical
legal system. Knowing Indonesian legal system society can as a Legal society capable of
outlining the Legal System in Indonesia in general and identifying differences between the
Legal Systems in Indonesia.
The Law System is a unified whole of arrangements consisting of parts or elements that are
interconnected and closely related. In a good legal system there can be no contradictions or
overlaps between the parts. If such opposition or contradiction occurs, the system itself solves
it until it does not go away1.
In the Indonesian Positive Legal System there are subsystems of Civil Law, Criminal Law
Subsystems, Subsystems of constitutional law and Law Subsystems in the current and various
universes, which vary from each other.
body. What's more, the guidelines that are utilized as direction of the official power which is
made by him in view of his power and the propensities that live in a general public which is
not in opposition to the law is additionally perceived as a wellspring of law.
In the Continental European Law System the law is grouped into two fundamental parts in
particular open law and private law3.
Open Law incorporates:
A. Sacred law
B. Law of State Administration
C. Criminal Law
Private Law Includes:
A. Common Law (Civil Law)
B. Exchange Law
However, in the current legal advancement the limits between Public Law and Private
Law are progressively obscured. This implies numerous regions of life which is really a man's
advantages yet it ends up indicating an open intrigue that requires the mediation of the
administration through the tenets of open law.
coordinated to the tenets of law on property rights, the law of the general population, the law
of agreement, and the law of the activity illegal