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Objective. The aim was to overview the etiology, prevalence and possible outcomes of dental
Material and methods. An electronic search of Medline (Pub Med), Cochrane, SSCI (Social
Citation Index), SCI (Science Citation Index) databases from 1995 to the present, using the fol-
lowing search words: tooth injuries, tooth trauma, traumatized teeth, dental trauma, dentoalveolar
trauma, oral trauma, epidemiology, etiology, prevalence, prevention, pulp necrosis, inflammatory
resorption, ankylosis, cervical resorption, was performed.
Results. During last decade traumatic dental injuries were recognized as public dental health
problem worldwide. Prevalence of traumatic dental injuries varies between countries. According to the
existing data they are more prevalent in permanent than in primary dentition. All treatment procedures
in case of dental trauma are directed to minimize undesired consequences despite that treatment of
traumatic dental injuries in the young patient is often complicated and can continue during the rest of
his/her life. The changing lifestyle and requirements of modern society lead to an emergence of new
patterns of dental trauma. A regular update of knowledge in dental traumatology is required.
Key words: dental trauma, etiology, prevalence, pulp necrosis, resorption, ankylosis.
Existing data on prevalence of traumatic dental in age group of 0-6 years it comprises about 17% (7).
injuries varies between countries. The differences of Traumatic dental injuries are more prevalent in per-
design of performed studies could be one of the ex- manent (58.6%) than in primary dentition where they
planations of such variety of the results. Most of the constitute 36.8% (8, 9). Dental injuries mainly involve
studies are cross-sectional except few longitudinal front teeth of the upper jaw. The most frequent causes
(1-6). Registration of traumatic dental injuries in of these injuries are falls, sport activities, bicycling,
cross-sectional studies has certain degree of subjec- traffic accidents. Predisposing factors of dental trauma
tivity due to the fact that partly information about could be related to the persons anatomic features: in-
the previous traumatic accident is partly taken from creased overjet, inadequate lip coverage of the upper
interview of child or his/her parents. Possibly not all anterior teeth etc. (10, 11).
traumatic injuries are reported. Local environmental, Home and school are places where traumatic
behavioral and cultural diversities of countries could dental injuries usually occur. It has been shown that
have an influence on the results as well. the place of injury was related to gender, i.e. the
Oral traumas are not frequent and make up to most frequent location of injury for boys was school
5% of all injured parts of the body of all ages while followed by home, while for girls this was vice versa
Treatment of dental trauma is not an ordinary sit-
Institute of Odontology Faculty of Medicine Vilnius university,
Lithuania uation in daily dental practice. Outcome of the treat-
ment is highly related to the knowledge and skills of
Vaida Zaleckiene* D.D.S., assist. prof.
Vytaute Peciuliene1 D.D.S, PhD., prof. the dentist as well as to the emergency aid at the place
Vilma Brukiene* D.D.S, PhD., assoc. prof. of the injury. So, not only the dentist, but also parents,
Saulius Drukteinis* D.D.S., PhD., assoc. prof.
teachers and coaches must have basic knowledge in
Address correspondence to Prof. Vytaute Peciuliene, Institute of emergency management of dental trauma. A person
Odontology, Faculty of Medicine, Vilnius university Zalgirio str. with injured tooth becomes a challenge for the dentist
115, LT-08217, Lithuania.
E-mail address: vytaute.peciuliene@mf.vu.lt due to the rarity of the situation and uncertainty of the
Stomatologija, Baltic Dental and Maxillofacial Journal, 2014, Vol. 16, No. 1 7
V. Zaleckiene et al. REVIEW
treatment prognosis. It is not a routine procedure for studies and comprises six categories: no traumatic
the majority of the practicing dentists and it demands dental injury, treated traumatic dental injury, enamel
precise diagnosis, adequate emergency management fracture, enamel-dentin fracture, pulp injury and
and correct treatment with follow-ups. All treatment missing tooth due to the traumatic dental injury (16).
procedures in case of dental trauma are directed to
minimize undesired consequences which might lead E T I O L O G Y O F D E N TA L T R AU M A .
not only to the loss of the tooth, but also to the loss of PREDISPOSING FACTORS
the alveolar bone and in such way impede realization
of possible treatment plan. It is important to realize Traumatic dental injuries can result from either
that treatment of traumatic dental injury in the young direct or indirect impact. The extent of the damage is
patient is often unpredictable, complicated, expen- related to such factors as energy of impact, resilience
sive and can continue during the rest of his/her life. and shape of the impacting object, direction of the
Due to the fact that peak of the traumatic injuries in impact and the reaction of the tooth surrounding
permanent dentition is between 10-12 years of age, tissues.
consequences of dental traumas may have lifelong Studies show that dependency of type and causes
impact on persons quality of life. For this reason of the traumatic dental injuries to permanent and
treatment planning often involves specialists from primary dentition exists. This phenomenon might be
different disciplines of dentistry. related to the features of the underlying bone structure
The aim of this article is to present a review of which in primary dentition is less mineralized than
the etiology, prevalence and possible outcomes of in permanent. Therefore trauma in primary dentition
dental trauma. more often results in displacement of the tooth. In
primary dentition there was a greater range of trauma
SEARCH METHODOLOGY associated with falls and collisions due to the increase
An electronic search of Medline (Pub Med), Table 1. Classification of traumatic dental injuries (15, 16)
Cochrane, SSCI (Social Citation Index), SCI (Sci-
Type of injury (code according WHO)
ence Citation Index) databases from 1995 to the
present, using the following search words: tooth Injuries to the hard dental tissues and the pulp
injuries, tooth trauma, traumatized teeth, den- Enamel infraction (N 502.50)
tal trauma, dentoalveolar trauma, oral trauma, Enamel fracture (N 502.50)
Enamel- dentin fracture (N 502.51)
epidemiology, etiology, prevalence, prevention,
Complicated crown fracture (N 502.52)
inflammatory resorption, ankylosis, cervical re- Uncomplicated crown- root fracture (N 502.54)
sorption and review, was performed. The search Complicated crown-root fracture (N 502.54)
yielded 331 titles and abstracts on chosen words. Root fracture (N 502.53)
Reading of these articles resulted in the inclusion Injuries to the periodontal tissues
of 85 publications.
Concussion (N 503.20)
Subluxation (N 503.20)
CLASSIFICATION OF TRAUMATIC Extrusive luxation (N 503.20)
DENTAL INJURIES Lateral luxation (N 503.20)
Intrusive luxation N 503.21
Classification of traumatic dental injuries Avulsion (N 503.22)
comprises trauma to the hard dental tissues and Injuries to supporting bone
the pulp, to the periodontal tissues, to the sup- Comminution of the maxillary alveolar socket (N 502.40)
porting bone and to gingiva and oral mucosa Comminution of the mandibular alveolar socket (N 502.60)
(Table 1). It reflects the Application of interna- Fracture of the maxillary alveolar socket (N 502.40)
tional classification of diseases to dentistry and Fracture of the mandibular alveolar socket (N 502.60)
stomatology by World Health Organization Fracture of the maxillary alveolar process (N 502.40)
(WHO) (15, 16). Fracture of the mandibular alveolar process (N 502.60)
It comprises seven types of tooth fractures, Fracture of the maxillae (N 502.42)
six types of luxations, eight types of damage to Fracture of the mandible (N 502.61)
supporting bone and three to oral mucosa or Injuries to gingiva or oral mucosa
gingiva (16). Laceration of gingiva or oral mucosa (S 01.50)
Classification used in clinical practice dif- Contusion of gingiva or oral mucosa (S 00.50)
fers from classification used in epidemiological Abrasion of gingiva or oral mucosa (S 00.50)
8 Stomatologija, Baltic Dental and Maxillofacial Journal, 2014, Vol. 16, No. 1
REVIEW V. Zaleckiene et al.
of independent movements in age group between 0-6 Some traumatic dental injuries are of iatrogenic
years, while accidents during playing, sport injuries nature and occur during the intubation procedure
increased in age group between 7-15 years and vio- during general anaesthesia. This type of traumas
lence resulted in dental injuries most frequently in constitutes from 0.04% to 12% of all cases (28). In
age group 21-25 years (17, 18;). UK this complication during anaesthesia is reported
It was revealed that falls were the main common to constitute approximately one-third of all claims
cause of traumatic dental injuries (from 31.7 to 64.2%) (29). Dental traumas related to iatrogenic reasons
followed by sport activities (up to 40.2%), bicycling are mainly fractures of crowns and roots and luxation
accidents (up to 19.5 %), traffic accidents (up to 7.8%), injuries including avulsions.
physical violence (up to 6.6%) (19-22). From this Piercing of tongue and lips is quite a new cat-
group of causes traffic accidents constitute a special egory of traumatic dental injuries and may lead to
group of trauma due to predominant multiple injuries fracturing of teeth and restorations, pulp damage,
including supporting tissues. Moreover, new types cracked tooth syndrome (30). The prevalence of
of facial trauma occur from airbag explosion in cars chipped teeth among individuals with tongue piercing
during traffic accidents (23, 24). Bicycling accidents constitutes 19.2% (31).
are common cause of dental trauma in schoolchildren It is evident that prevalence of dental injuries
group. According to the results of the studies if the differs among studies done in the different countries.
obligatory wear of bicycle helmets reduced incidence The impact of socioeconomic status is discussed and
of facial trauma by 65%, incidence of dental trauma two controversial opinions exist. One of them states
incidence by this measure was not reduced (25). Al- that children with low socioeconomic background are
though sport activities is one of the main causes of more likely to have traumatic dental injuries, while
dental trauma they are classified according to its risk another says that children from high socioeconomic
categories: high-risk (American football, hockey, ice background have higher risk for dental trauma due
hockey, lacrosse, martial sports, rugby and skating) to their greater access to leisure activities (32, 33).
and medium-risk sports (basketball, team handball, It is important to remember that some individual
diving, squash, gymnastics, parachuting and water anatomical features might serve as predisposing factors to
polo) (26). higher incidence of dental trauma. Noori & Al-Obaidi ob-
The tendency of increase in the severity of vio- served that children with class II division 1 malocclusion
lence among individuals concerning traumatic dental were more often reported (70%) to have traumatic dental
injuries is an alarming factor (19-22). It is important injuries than children with other types of occlusion (13).
to emphasize that dentists could be the first ones to The most commonly reported factors are large overjet
detect children who had suffered physical abuse. The (>3.0 mm), incompetent lips and absence of mouth-
results from the study performed in United States guards while playing sports (12, 21, 34-36). Children with
showed that almost nearly 30% of dentists had a sus- an overjet with size greater than 3.0 mm were 5.4 times
picion of child abuse, but only 9-14% claimed that more likely to present with a dental injury than children
have reported it (27). with an overjet size equal or lower than 3.0 mm (36).
Soriano et al. showed
Table 2. Prevalence of traumatic injuries that schoolchildren
with inadequate lip
Author Year of Region Sam- Age Percent-
publica- ple size age
coverage presented
tion a fourfold higher risk
Sgan-Cohen et al. (34) 2008 Jerusalem 453 5th;6th grade 33.8%. of traumatic dental
injuries (35). Gupta
Fakhruddin et al. (14) 2008 Canada 2422 12;14 year 11.4 %,
et al. confirmed this
Eyuboglu et al. (20) 2009 Turkey 653 1 - 15 years 4.9 % finding and showed
David et al. (41) 2009 South India 838 12-year old 6% that children with
Diaz et al. (18) 2010 Chile 7-12 year old 66.6 % inadequate lip cov-
Bendo (12) 2010 Brazil 1612 11-14 years 17.1 % erage were 3.4 times
Livny (45) 2010 Palestine 804 6th grade 17.7 % more likely to suf-
Navabazam & Farahani (39) 2010 Iran 1440 9-14 years old 27.56 % fer from a traumatic
dental injury than
Taiwo et al. (21) 2011 Nigeria 719 12-year old 15.2%
children with ad-
Kumar (44) 2011 India 963 12-15 years old 14.4 %
equate lip coverage
Kelly O. George (46) 2012 Brazil 891 15-19 years old 24.7 % (36).
Stomatologija, Baltic Dental and Maxillofacial Journal, 2014, Vol. 16, No. 1 9
V. Zaleckiene et al. REVIEW
Repeated trauma episodes are interesting phe- one fourth of all school children and almost one third
nomenon. Some people are not affected by dental of adults have suffered a trauma to the permanent
trauma through whole lifetime while some of them dentition (14, 21, 37, 43-46).
experience them repeatedly and even on the same Prevalence of dental trauma varies between dif-
tooth (37). ferent countries, age groups, genders, socioeconomic
environments etc. (Table 2). The prevalence of trau-
DISTRIBUTION BY AGE AND GENDER matic dental injuries among schoolchildren aged 12-
15 years varies between 14.4-33.8% (21, 44, 45). Even
Studies have shown that males experienced in the studies from the same country differences are
traumatic dental injuries at least twice as often as evident. A study by Kumar A. et al. in India showed
females. The male:female ratio varies from 1.5:1.0 that the prevalence of dental traumas was 14.4 % while
to 2.5:1.0 (13, 17, 18, 38, 39). Such ratio could be at- in another district of South India it constituted 6%
tributed to a greater participation of boys in contact and was rather low compared to other studies among
sports, fights and car accidents (20, 38, 40, 41). Also 12-year-old schoolchildren (41, 44). Differences ob-
it could be related to the fact that girls are generally served in prevalence of trauma could be related to the
more mature in their behaviors than boys, who tend discrepancies of the performed sampling procedures.
to be more energetic and active (39). However, some The prevalence of dental trauma among 5th and
of the studies have shown a reduction in the gender 6th grade schoolchildren in eastern Jerusalem was
ratio which might be due to increased sports activities reported to be 33.8% (34). While in Canada, in a sam-
among girls (11). Altun et al. observed some associa- ple of 2422 schoolchildren, aged 12 and 14, traumatic
tion between gender and type of injury. Boys more dental injuries were less prevalent (11.4%) (14). In a
often suffered from dental hard tissue and pulp injury study of Chilian children and adolescents the group
than girls (40). According to the results of the studies of 7 to 12 year olds had the highest frequency of trau-
for a long time gender had been determined as one of matic dental injuries, i.e. 66.6% (18). Bendo CB et al.
the predisposing factors of dental injuries, while now showed the prevalence of traumatic dental injuries of
traumatic dental injuries are more likely to be related 17.1% out of 1612 schoolchildren aged 11 to 14 years
to the activities and the environment (42). attending public and private schools (12). A slightly
Another well-known risk variable of traumatic higher percentage of dental traumas was reported in
dental injuries is age. Results of various studies another study from Brazilian population, where the
showed the existence of the target groups. According prevalence of traumatic injuries among adolescents
to Lam et al. up to 92% of traumatic dental injuries aged 15 to 19 years old constituted 24.7% (46).
occur before the age of 34 year (17). Distinct age It should be noticed that there is an increase
groups are determined and majority of injuries oc- observed in the prevalence of dental traumas over
cur in the 0 to 4, 5 to 9 and 10 to 14 years age groups the last decade which could be attributed to a greater
(17). Discrepancies can be seen in the group of 6-14 participation in sporting activities (17).
year-olds in the rate of traumatic dental injuries Upper central incisors are the teeth most often
within smaller subgroups. Altun et al. observed that damaged during traumatic injury in primary and per-
injury rates were highest among children age 6 and manent dentitions. The type of traumatic dental injury
ages 8-10 (40). Eyuboglu et al. showed the highest differs in different types of dentition, but variations
frequency of traumatic dental injuries at the age 8-10 have been also observed between and within coun-
(20). While Diaz et al. observed that the highest rate tries. The maxillary incisors (66.7%) were the most
of dental injuries in permanent dentition occurred affected teeth, followed by lateral incisors (17.4%).
in groups of 7-9- and 10-12- year-olds (18). A study Enamel fracture is the most frequent type of trauma
by Navabazam and Farahani identified the 9-10 age (63.7-80%) followed by enamel-dentin fracture (15.9-
range as the period of life when majority of the dental 17.2%) (14, 21, 44).
trauma occur (39). In a study by Faus-Damia et al. A Palestinian study conducted by Livny reported
the highest prevalence of traumatized children was 17.7% prevalence of traumatic dental injuries. Enamel
at the age of 12.2 years old (22). fractures and injuries involving dentine accounted for
41% and 42.5% of all dental injuries, respectively (45).
PREVALENCE OF DENTAL TRAUMA In a bigger Iranian study the prevalence of trau-
matic dental injuries only in maxillary permanent
Data from many countries showed that one third teeth was revealed to be 27.56% (39).
of all preschool children have suffered traumatic Different types of luxation injuries are more
dental injuries involving the primary dentition and common in primary teeth: subluxation (38.6%), lat-
10 Stomatologija, Baltic Dental and Maxillofacial Journal, 2014, Vol. 16, No. 1
REVIEW V. Zaleckiene et al.
eral luxation (22.5%), avulsion (16.6%) while enamel ment, and quality of treatment. Consideration has
dentin fractures predominate in permanent dentition to be given to the fact that complications of dental
(32%) (17, 18, 20). trauma can occur several months or even years after
The majority of dental injuries in permanent the injury (53, 54).
and primary dentitions involve the anterior teeth of Traumatic dental injuries to the hard dental tis-
upper jaw, especially the maxillary central and lateral sues and the pulp such as uncomplicated or compli-
incisors, regardless of the type of the study. Traumatic cated crown or root fractures could be accompanied
dental injuries usually affect a single tooth, but certain by pulp necrosis. The consequences of traumatic
trauma events, such as sports, violence and traffic ac- dental injuries to the surrounding tissues of the tooth,
cidents result in multiple tooth injuries. in case of avulsion or intrusion injuries, can be even
more serious, e. g. various types and degrees of root
TREATMENT OF TRAUMATIC DENTAL resorption could be expected.
INJURIES Traumatic dental injuries like infraction, enamel
fracture, uncomplicated or complicated crown frac-
The results of surveys performed in USA showed ture represent different possible pathways for bacteria
that almost every third child with primary teeth and to enter pulp space and to become a cause of pulp
every fourth adult showed evidence of traumatic inflammation and necrosis as a consequence (55-58).
dental injuries (37). Low rates of treatment of dental Pulp necrosis as complication following uncompli-
trauma are observed worldwide, however. This phe- cated crown fractures is rare and range between 2%
nomenon could be related that uncomplicated injuries and 5% (59). The rate of pulp survival in more severe
to the enamel-dentin are not perceived as a situation traumatic injury like complicated crown fractures var-
which needs immediate treatment. Treatment of den- ies from 63% to 94% (60). If these injuries are treated
tal trauma especially luxation injuries is expensive, in an appropriate way, a long-term maintenance of
time-consuming and involves different specialists and pulp vitality (75.8%) can be expected (60). The chosen
time-consuming, needs long follow-up. The average treatment method and the time period between the
number of treatment visits in case of dental trauma trauma and treatment initiation have a significant
ranges from 1.9 to 9.1 per 1 year (47, 48). influence. Two main methods used in this case are
Results of Glendor study showed that in Sweden pulp capping and pulpotomy. Pulp capping was less
a total cost of treatment of dental injuries in the 019 successful in maintaining pulp vitality and pulp ne-
years old patients made up US $ 3.34.4 million per crosis has been found in 45.5% of cases, while partial
one million individuals per year (49). In Denmark the pulpotomy resulted in considerably higher success
annual cost of treatment of dental injuries irrespective rate, i.e. pulp necrosis has developed only in 13.6% of
of age per year ranged from US $ 2 to 5 million per treatment cases (60). Pulp survival was also reported
one million inhabitants (50). from 60% to 80% in cases of root fractures (61-64).
Traumatic dental injuries might alter facial ap- Pulp necrosis is related to the extent of the
pearance of children (51). Cortes with co-authors damage to the neurovascular supply of the pulp. The
showed that children with untreated fractured teeth severity of it depends on the type of the luxation in-
reported 20 times more a negative impact on their jury, development stage of the root apex and quality
daily life than children without traumatic dental of emergency treatment. Injury to the neurovascular
injuries (51). Children with dentofacial deviations supply could range from minor degree such as stretch-
experienced teasing, embarrassment and lack of social ing, compression of the nerves and blood vessels to a
acceptance (52). complete disruption of them. Pulp necrosis is frequent
in luxated teeth with mature apex and quite rare in
OUTCOME OF TRAUMATIC DENTAL immature teeth (65-67). Two types of pulp necrosis
INJURIES are related to traumatic injuries: an ischemic sterile
necrosis is caused by disruption of the blood supply
The most favorable outcome of traumatic dental at the apical foramen and infection-related liquefac-
injuries is healing of the pulp and surrounding tissues. tive necrosis (65, 66, 68). The reported prevalence of
However, traumatic dental injuries are often accompa- pulp necrosis in luxated teeth varies from 17 to 100%
nied by complications of different types and severities in accordance with severity of trauma type (66, 69).
like: pulp necrosis, apical periodontitis, discoloration It is evident that an isolated crown fracture by itself
of tooth crown, fistulas, external inflammatory root carries a low risk of pulp necrosis if appropriate treat-
resorption. The outcome of dental trauma depends ment is provided (54, 70). If not, fracture line may act
on the type of injury, time prior emergency treat- as a pathway for bacteria to enter the pulp (56-58). Also
Stomatologija, Baltic Dental and Maxillofacial Journal, 2014, Vol. 16, No. 1 11
V. Zaleckiene et al. REVIEW
it is important to admit that teeth with vital pulps are Three types of external root resorption, such as
more resistant to bacterial invasion into the dentinal surface resorption, replacement resorption/ankylosis
tubules than teeth with non-vital pulps. This can prob- and inflammatory resorption are related to the out-
ably be explained by the defense mechanisms of the come of luxation injuries (76). Inflammatory resorp-
healthy pulp which protects the tissue against bacterial tion is associated with the damage of periodontium
invasion (71, 72). However, if the neurovascular supply at the time of trauma, necrosis of the pulp, presence
to the pulp is compromised or completely disrupted, of bacteria within the root canal and dentinal tu-
the defense mechanisms may be less efficient (65). bules. This type of resorption can be controlled or
A subluxation injury is characterized by damage to prevented by efficient root canal treatment (77-79).
the periodontal ligament with bleeding and abnormal Replacement resorption/ankylosis appears in teeth
mobility of the tooth but no displacement (73). How- where periodontal ligament has been dried due to
ever, if these two mild types of injury, i.e. crown fracture the long extraoral period or inapropriate treatment
and subluxation, occur simultaneously, the defense handling (80, 81). When ankylosis occurs in a grow-
mechanisms of the pulp will become less efficient (57, ing patient, infraposition of the tooth is highly likely
74). A simultaneous luxation injury has been reported leading to disturbance in alveolar and facial growth.
to increase the prevalence of pulp necrosis in teeth with Previous studies have reported that the prevalence
crown fractures (53, 54, 75). This is due to the fact that of the root resorption varied between 57% and 80%
any type of displacement of the teeth results in dam- in avulsed and replanted teeth and between 3866%
age to the periodontal ligament and disruption of the after intrusive trauma (82-85).
neurovascular supply at the apex of the tooth occurs. Proper endodontic treatment is highly effective in
Lateral luxation, avulsion and intrusion are in the management of inflammatory resorption related to in-
group of traumatic injuries commonly associated with fection in the main root canal. Endodontic treatment
more serious complications like external or replacement plays no role in handling teeth where replacement
root resorption. This is due to the severe damage to the resorption is evident. Another important fact is that
surrounding tissues (periodontal ligament, neurovas- both aforementioned types of root resorptions could
cular bundle) as well as to unmineralized (precement) start in the same tooth at the same time. Therefore
and hard tissues of the tooth (cement, dentin). Lateral endodontic treatment is extremely important in order
luxation results not only in damage to the periodontal to prevent root resorption process related to infection
tissues, but also in fracture of the labial bone plate. Avul- and maintain tooth for a longer period of time what
sion of permanent teeth is seen in 0.53% of all dental is very important in young patients.
injuries (76). Avulsion of the tooth is accompanied by
severe damage to the periodontal ligament. The cells of CONCLUSIONS
the periodontal ligament are predominantly damaged
by inadequate storage of the avulsed teeth. Following Traumatic dental injuries are recognized public
replantation of avulsed teeth inflammatory root resorp- dental health problem worldwide. A tendency of an
tion could occur (77). The unique nature of the intrusion increase in prevalence of dental traumas due to the
injury distinguishes it from other luxations. In this type higher interest in sport activities can be observed.
of trauma the periodontal membrane and root surface Moreover, the changing lifestyle and requirements
are severely disrupted. There is a high risk evident likeli- of modern society lead to an emergence of new pat-
hood of external root resorption and long-term survival terns of dental trauma. To this end, a regular update
is doubtful. of knowledge in dental traumatology is required.
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Received: 30 04 2013
Accepted for publishing: 21 03 2014
14 Stomatologija, Baltic Dental and Maxillofacial Journal, 2014, Vol. 16, No. 1