ACCG305-Auditing and Assurance Services Case Study Assignment
ACCG305-Auditing and Assurance Services Case Study Assignment
ACCG305-Auditing and Assurance Services Case Study Assignment
As it was mentioned in the appendix that the companys revenue is anticipated to increase 3% in the
year 2011, therefore, I have increased the revenue (turnover) by 3%. Moreover, with that increased
revenue, other calculations have been performed such has PBI, total assets and Equity along with their
written percentages.
As far as the analytical review and analysis is concerned, as I have calculated the ratios, We can see that
the current ratio in the year 2010 was 1.38 which was increased to 2.22 in the year 2011. Current ratio
highlights that the company has sufficient funds to meet its short term obligations and in this case, even
in 2010 the company maintained a very good ratio higher than 1 which is almost doubled in the year
2011 which shows a very positive trend as far as meeting the companys short term goals are concerned.
Secondly the quick ratio which excludes the inventory also shows exactly a ratio of 1 in the year 2010
which was increased to 1.65 in 2011 this happened because in 2011 there is a lot of cash injection and
As far as the Accounts receivable turnover is concerned, the company had the turnover of 3.3 times in
2010 which decreased with a very negligible point in 2011 and now has a receivable turnover of 3.27
times which means that every year the company is able to receive from its customers three times which
means a good AR turnover. The company debt to equity ratio doesnt show a good image in both the
years, In 2010 the Debt to equity ratio was 3.24 where as in 2011 it was slightly increased to 3.47 which
means that the company has three times more debt than its equity and the company is operating more
The companys Net income ratio shows that in 2010 the companys net income margin was 3% which
was grown to 6% in the year 2011 which shows that the company is really striving hard to maximize its
profits in order to decrease its debts. Lastly the companys Return on Equity shows 18% in the year 2010
which was increased to 37% in the year 2011,this is because the companys profits has also increased in
Overall the company projects a stable position in terms of its short and long term obligations but the
company really needs to minimize its Debt in the year future so as to avoid the increasing borrowing
B. Common Size balance Sheet-2010 & 2011 (Taken Total Assets as the base)
Cloud 9
common- size Balance sheet
% As of
As of 2010 As of 2011 % As of 2010 2011
Current Assets
Non-current Liabilities
As we can see from the common size Balance sheet of the year 2010-2011, that we can see that there is
so much cash taken out in the year 2011 which is required to be taken seriously as to where the cash
has been invested or taken out from the business. Other current assets shows fine position but we can
see that the company has almost doubled its prepayments and other assets in the year 2011. The
company has also invested in Property, plant and equipment so it needs to be identified whether the
cash has been taken for the purchase of Non-current assets or not. The Payables has also been
increased in the year 2011 and payables show that they are 42% of the total assets which means 42% of
the total assets has been purchased using any form of payable such as loan or any other kind of debt.
Other things remain almost same but the cash taken out from the business in 2011 needs to be taken
C. Memorandum
To : Suzie Pickering
Date: 4-April-2017
This Memo has been written to inform you the changes happened in the year 2011 from 2010, The
1. The Total revenue Change: firstly I would like to talk about the changing in the overall revenue
of the company, the whole sale revenue has been decreased in the year 2011 from 33,987,595
to 27,255,417 which means that almost 19.8% the revenue has been decreased,this needs to be
2. Advertising and Promotion Expense: Moreover Advertising, sales and promotion expense has
3. Insurance Expense: In the same manner insurance expense has been increased to 20,65,096 in
4. Current and Quick Ratio: As far as the current and quick ratio is concerned, we can see that the
current ratio in the year 2010 was 1.38 which was increased to 2.22 in the year 2011 even in
2010 the company maintained a very good ratio higher than 1 which is almost doubled in the
year 2011 which shows a very positive trend as far as meeting the companys short term goals
are concerned. Secondly the quick ratio which excludes the inventory also shows exactly a ratio
5. Account receivable Turnover: The account receivable turnover shows the company had the
turnover of 3.3 times in 2010 which decreased with a very negligible point in 2011 and in 2011
has a receivable turnover of 3.27 times which means that every year the company is able to
receive from its customers three times which means a good Accounts receivable turnover.
6. Solvency and Profitability: As far as the solvency is concerned. The company is more inclined
towards debt financing due to which it has increased its short and long term payables that
needs to consider in the near future avoiding more debt over the company. Nevertheless, the
company is able to generate good Return on equity and profitability in both the years.
7. Inventory: The company is maintaining quite a lof of inventory in its warehouse which is
somehow adding an additional cost to the company, in both the years the companys inventory
balance is quite much that needs to be sold out soon to avoid the inventory costs.
8. PPE: The company has invested more in PPE in the year 2011 which can be seen from the
9. Increase in Payables: As I already mentioned that the company has increased its payables in the
year 2011 because of additional debt in the company, also the payables has been increased
because of an increase in Hedge payable, I/C Payable and other Accrued Expenses.
10. Special disclosures: It is important to understand that misrepresentation can happen in the
financial statements of the company as I have already mentioned that the cash ejection in the
year 2011 needs to be monitored closely in order to find out the exact reason for it.